Author Topic: OOC Chat  (Read 791996 times)

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #1155 on: September 28, 2012, 01:00:41 PM »
So question: PASSIVE ~ Passive scanning is available to all units and detects energy signatures and classifications of units. If a ship moves at all, exits hyperspace in the C or B-Ring, raises shields, or fires its weapons, this energy can be detected passively by a receiving unit without that unit revealing its location and classification. Ships that perform the listed actions must post their location.

So does this mean if none of my PDF or fleet ships are doing anything at Thyferra I dont have to post anything for his passive scan?

Just playin, i'll post scans. But yeah, for future reference in case someone decides to get pissy with people, or other people decide to come back and play that dont have the honor system us 3 are playing with, maybe the passive scan rules should be re-worded so it doesnt have such a loophole.

Offline Dementat

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« Reply #1156 on: September 28, 2012, 02:12:39 PM »
Your question could have been avoided if you had read my post. I even put it in caps, ACTIVE scan. Oh, speaking of reading, your PDF is over capacity. The rules clearly state a limit of 23 CP / 7 Ship max. Your ships can never exceed 7 in number.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2012, 02:16:08 PM by Dementat »
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Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #1157 on: September 28, 2012, 02:17:33 PM »
To answer your question regarding a PASSIVE scan, if your ships "are just sitting there" then they can be detected PASSIVELY so long as their shields are online or if they move... that being said, the ship performing the passive scan - if in Deep Space - will not be detected by you as well... so it's kinda like two blind folded people listening for each other's moves.

In Thyferra's case at hand, Dem's probe droid as well as all your forces must reveal their location since its an active scan scenario.

Also... PDF Fleets are under the same restrictions as Player Fleets (23 CP/7-ship limit). You might be recalling an older version of the rules when there was a 10-ship limit but that got changed a long time ago.

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #1158 on: September 28, 2012, 03:42:46 PM »
Oh, im sorry, I didnt realize we changed it from the 10 ship PDF limit. I will adjust accordingly. Just take it from 10 CORVs to 7, and ill fix the locations shortly.

Edit: Oh and I see where the misunderstanding came in, I thought you had to be in the C-Ring to do an active scan, either way, not a big deal, ill fix it. =)

Edit Edit: All better =)
« Last Edit: September 28, 2012, 03:47:16 PM by Ramano »

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #1159 on: September 29, 2012, 12:01:12 AM »
Ok, was looking through stuff and came upon another anomaly.

Cost: 17 KCs
Production Time: 1 Day
Length: 20 meters
Hyperdrive: x1
Shields: 100
Armor: 100
Systems: 100
Speed: Very Fast (3)
Maneuver: (3)
Elite UCR Bonus: +10
6 Heavy Laser Cannons (12)
6 Concussion Missile Launchers (12)
1. STEALTH (Invisible to both PASSIVE and ACTIVE ComScan).
Notes: These Lambda-class shuttles are designated as special operations transports or low-profile special escort vessels, and come with custom paint jobs depending on their owner's preferences. They feature an impressive sensor jamming suite capable of deflecting any passive or active ComScan sweeps. Does not count against a player's Command Point Capacity and also can be stowed aboard any ship due to multi-purpose airlock tubes (for ships that don't have onboard unit capacity). Each Hero gets (1) of these shuttles for FREE at the start of the game.

Now, it says these can be stowed aboard any ship, which is cool except for the fact it doesnt say how many, nor how many may be possessed in a fleet. By the current rules, which yes I know if someone tried it the rules would be immediately fixed, but for the sake of time savings, lets address it now? But with its description, I dont see whats stopping a person from pumping out say 100 of these and just attaching them to a fleet? No CP capacity, can be carried on any ship regardless of aux compliment size, and no listed limit on how many can be carried.

And im not trying to be a dick and say "haha look what I found". Just doing my job in finding loopholes and imbalance and pointing it out before they cause issues.

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #1160 on: September 29, 2012, 08:32:31 AM »
I'll edit that to "each Hero gets (1) AND may only have (1) at any given time"

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #1161 on: September 29, 2012, 11:33:11 AM »
That works.

Or perhaps we could just say every hero always has one and they are an SL only ship. Thus dont have to be built, cant be destroyed, cant be used for combat, basically creating a controlled loophole to make sure there is no unnecessary character death. Unless thats what your going for, in which case, just disregard.

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #1162 on: September 29, 2012, 05:46:40 PM »
What's this... Ramano actually READING the rules?? GHASTLY!!!

Your probe is ACTIVE scanning as you so elequently put it. According to the rules for active scanning I automatically know where its at. So it should most certainly be detected and destroyed.

From your original Thyferra post
A single probe droid emerges from hyperspace in DS-3 of Abregado Rae and begins an active scan of the system.

Exited in DS-3.
ACTIVE scanning.

Your OOC post pertaining to it
Your question could have been avoided if you had read my post. I even put it in caps, ACTIVE scan. Oh, speaking of reading, your PDF is over capacity. The rules clearly state a limit of 23 CP / 7 Ship max. Your ships can never exceed 7 in number.

ACTIVE ~ A capital ship, auxiliary craft, or facility (with ComScan) is actively transmitting sensor sweeps to verify locations and details of in-system units. Active Scanning reveals the location of the unit performing the scanning.

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #1163 on: September 29, 2012, 05:57:29 PM »
I do that a lot actually, lol. However what I read and what it means tends to usually be 2 wholly different things like I speak some different language or something lmao.

Edit: Wait, I figured it out! You guys are all British arnt you!

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #1164 on: September 29, 2012, 08:48:17 PM »
Population: 19.7 Billion
Major Cities: 1, many small settlements
Known Features: Heavy Commerce (+300 KCs/Action Day); Military Tradition (Infantry cost -1 KC less and half time to build.); Heavy Manufacturing (Ground vehicles cost -20% KCs less and half time to build.); Heavy Industry (Ground Facilities cost -20% KCs less and half time to build.); Heavy Fortifications (Space Facilities cost -20% KCs less and half time to build.); Imperial Amnesty (Imperial Players can travel to and build facilities on this world at their leisure).
Space Defenses: Super Star Destroyer, Imperial Shipyard x4, Golan-class Space Defense Platform x4
Ground Defenses: Imperial Sector Palace x4, Alpha-class Command Operations Center, Imperial Academy, Imperial Factory x2, KDY-10x PDTL, Orbital Relay Shield Generator
Notes: Cannot be conquered or taken over via Diplomacy.

Does that mean it can not be invaded either? And how does he get 2 SSDs?! At this point in the story I dont even think they had that many left. Yeah, cause they lose the Executor at Endor, the Razors Kiss at Bimmissari, leaving only the Intimidator at Coruscant left.

Edit: Nvm, I withdraw my argument against the 2nd SSD, the 2nd Battle of Bimmissari is in 7ABY, we are only like what 5ABY? Either way, can the planet still be invaded?

Edit Edit: While im thinking about it, you know the 2nd Battle of Bimmissari could be an interesting flashpoint to run later on in the game. It was one of the largest battles in SW history with the empire having an SSD and a fleet of SDs and the Rebels running a pair of Bulwarks and a Dauntless. If you needed stats for either of those 2 I can get em for you, keep in mind they are all 3 on par with an SSD.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2012, 09:08:59 PM by Ramano »

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #1165 on: September 29, 2012, 10:22:18 PM »
If you got an idea for a Flashpoint send me the PM with details. Remember that GCW: Twilight of the Empire, is a microcosm of the larger Galactic Civil War going on as well as functioning as an alternate reality of sorts... I'd say technically we're in the 1~2 years After Endor in terms of canon timeline but in terms of tech, political dynamics, and gameplay everything is "post-Endor, pre-Battle of Coruscant", since Episode III is going to be after that event.

But anyway send me the stats and whatnot. If anything they'll slide into the Episode III specs when all tech is up for grabs by everybody.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2012, 10:31:58 PM by GCW Hale »

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #1166 on: September 29, 2012, 10:50:16 PM »
I believe this would be shortly before Coruscant, and was much bigger in scale. It basically was the largest imperial battle group ever assembled vs everything the rebellion could pull together from every planet in the galaxy that wasnt part of the empire. I dont have any exact numbers on anything, it just says the imperials had amassed a fleet larger even than that at endor, and the rebellion matched them ship for ship, and the Razors Kiss lead the imperials with 2 unnamed Bulwarks and the Dauntless Calamari's Pride leading the rebels. Like I said, it was just an idea, im more interested in seeing this thing you have planned. Its the only reason Dem still has a fleet, lol.

Edit: And uhh... when you say any... do you mean anything already there, or any as in... bwuahahahaha it sucks I have the SW bible and you guys are stuck with the wookiepedia? And mark your words carefully, I have stats for an Epsilon Coalition class Super Star Dreadnaught. And this thing makes the Eclipse look like a corvette.

Edit Edit: Oh, and the Suncrusher... cant forget the suncrusher, lol.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2012, 10:57:29 PM by Ramano »

Offline Medivh

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« Reply #1167 on: September 29, 2012, 10:58:52 PM »
I never heard of this battle. Also isn't in Wookieepedia, which seems odd.  Where is it referenced? book? source?

Does that mean it can not be invaded either? And how does he get 2 SSDs?! At this point in the story I dont even think they had that many left. Yeah, cause they lose the Executor at Endor, the Razors Kiss at Bimmissari, leaving only the Intimidator at Coruscant left.

Edit: Nvm, I withdraw my argument against the 2nd SSD, the 2nd Battle of Bimmissari is in 7ABY, we are only like what 5ABY? Either way, can the planet still be invaded?

Edit Edit: While im thinking about it, you know the 2nd Battle of Bimmissari could be an interesting flashpoint to run later on in the game. It was one of the largest battles in SW history with the empire having an SSD and a fleet of SDs and the Rebels running a pair of Bulwarks and a Dauntless. If you needed stats for either of those 2 I can get em for you, keep in mind they are all 3 on par with an SSD.
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Offline Dementat

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« Reply #1168 on: September 30, 2012, 01:23:06 AM »
You forgot Lusankya, which was built simultaneously with Executor, although it was buried and did not resurface until much later.
(\/)ighty RE

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #1169 on: September 30, 2012, 07:58:39 AM »
Exactly, which is why you wouldnt have it to use right now.

Also, the book I have is "The Comprehensive StarWars Encyclopedia." I got it at the opening on the StarWars Smithsonian exhibit in 97. By rights my book is getting rather old, and it has always clashed with the wookiepedia. However, I do agree its rather strange the wook doesnt have any mention of a major battle in 7ABY, nor does it mention either of the battles of Bimmissari. The closest thing I could find was the Battle of Mon Calamari. But I have that in my book too so, I dont get it.

Although I know the wiki has to be missing info on it as I can remember one of the novels talking about the battle of bimm too, not off hand which one, ill have to go look it up, but I distinctly remember it. It was one of the few novels I owned.

And perhaps, although I wouldnt bet on it, but just perhaps my book has outdated itself with Lucas loosing his protection on SW all them years back. I dont honestly know, but this is why I always told people not to use the wookiepedia as its full of what ever any fan boy cares to put on it.

And for the record I can show you as much inaccurate information on wiki as I can with a Fox News search, lol.

Edit: Also, I have no listing for a ship ever being named the Lusankya, my book only refers to the Empire having 3 Executor class SSDs. But you do have to keep in mind, most of those behemoth ships are fan fiction, and were never part of any canon starwars. All its says about it is "The Empire held many designs for the Super Star Dreadnaught class ships, but few were fully constructed." Then it lists the Intimidator, the Executor, and the Razor's Kiss. Then you had the Eclipse, and the biggest thing I can find (not in my book by the way, its fan fiction) is the Epsilon corporations Epsilon Coalition class Super Star Dreadnaught which was 26,700m long and carried almost as much conventional firepower as the Death Star and was created during the 2nd Galactic Civil War in 137ABY.

This is why I said perhaps you should define some parameters around the words "any technology". For example, if your planning on that chapter taking place AFTER the GCW, I would limit tech to say 32ABY, or this could get absurd in a hurry, when there are as many SSD class ships as there are letter combinations in the alphabet.

Edit Edit: However, I officially request the vong faction for the vong invasion for the 3rd chapter. It just seems fitting, im basically the universal antagonist for just about any SW sim, and it would give that much more meaning for you guys to all team up against me.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2012, 11:48:05 AM by Ramano »