Author Topic: THYFERRA  (Read 67724 times)

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #15 on: September 14, 2012, 05:17:06 PM »
"Sir, they have engaged our shuttle screen, fighters are reporting heavy casualties... but... it appears he has left himself with no protection of his own."
"Brash Commodore, too brash. All craft commence full bombardment of that Star Destroyer. Let us show the people of Thyferra exactly why we have come to their system."

With that the brutal assault on the Imperials flagship began.

Launched stuff

Attack Summary:
NSBCs Cybean and Nefrane vs ISD II Avenger
60HQLs = 528
UCR = 4/3 = full damage = 528 damage

2 T-Wing Squads vs ISD II Avenger
48LCs = 48
48Torps = 144
UCR = 5/3 = full damage = 192 damage

4 Republic Z-95 Squads vs ISD II Avenger
96LCs = 96
96CMs = 192
UCR = 5/3 = full damage = 288 damage

30 L/SHUs vs ISD II Avenger
180LBs = 540
UCR = 4/3 = full damage = 540 damage

1 Veteran Y-Wing Squad vs ISD II Avenger
24HLs = 48
24DLICs = 48
24APTs = 96
UCR = 5/3 = full damage = 192 damage

4 Elite Z-95 Squads vs ISD II Avenger
96HLs = 192
96PTs = 288
UCR = 6/3 = full damage = 480 damage

16 LAAT/c Gunships vs ISD II Avenger
32TPCs = 160
32CMs = 64
32PTs = 96
32ICs = 96
UCR = 4/3 = full damage = 416 total damage

RHD Destiny Ascension vs ISD II Avenger
15HTLBs = 248
30HQLs = 264
UCR = 4/3 = full damage = 512 damage

Total Damage to ISD II Avenger: 3,148 damage. (Suggested status: all ions hit for shield damage, Shields: 0/1980, Armor: 812/1980)

Ramano's Heavy Dreadnaught (RHD) Destiny Ascension *Flagship*
Location: B-1
Cost: 1500 KCs (Unique)
Production Time: 15 Days (Unique)
Length: 700 meters
Hyperdrive: x0.75 (Fast Hyperdrive)
Shields: 1540 (Mon Calamari Shields)
Armor: 770
Hull: 770
Systems: 700 (Boosted Systems)
Speed: Fast (2)
Maneuver: (2)
15 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries (248)
30 Heavy Quad Laser Cannons (264)
2 Tractor Beam Projectors (200m)
Onboard Units:
(3 Starfighter Squadrons)
1 Veteran Y-Wing Squadron *launched*
1 Elite X-Wing Squadron *launched*
0/1 Elite Z-95 Squadron *dead*
(Ground units and Aux may not be modified)
80 Republic Assault Troopers (LOST Division) *hanger*
20 Republic Vanguard Troopers (LOST Division) *hanger, 1 launched*
16/20 LAAT/c Gunships *launched*
20 AT-TEs *hanger*
Notes: Ramano belonged to a splinter squadron in the Rebel Alliance that used Old Republic technology that was funded and improved up by the Rebel Alliance to perform high-impact surgical strikes as part of a rapid response force commanded only by Ramano, who the Rebel High Command preferred to "unleash" rather than "control". Assigned 1000 Republic Heavy Troopers, Ramano created the Low Orbit Shock Trooper (LOST) Division, which enables these troopers to deploy without dropship support from the A-Ring and immediately into the Atmsophere, where they can land anywhere on a planet to strike. The Dreadnaught also features externally rack mounted LAAT/c Gunships, modified for space travel, as Auxiliary support. Used to transport AT-TE walkers during the Clone Wars, these
LAAT/c Gunships do just that, enabling Ramano's team to insert even some powerful GAVs into any battlefield. Due to advanced technology the ship carries a 350KC maintenance cost every action day or is immediately scrapped for no gain. May never be rebuilt.

Venator Star Destroyer (VNSD) Idenna
Location: A-1
Cost: 1400 KCs
Production Time: 14 Days
Length: 1140 meters
Hyperdrive: x1
Shields: 1254
Armor: 1254
Hull: 704
Systems: 640
Speed: Slow (1)
Maneuver: (2)
10 Dual Heavy Turbolaser Cannons (220)
50 Heavy Laser Cannons (110)
Onboard Units:
(8 Starfighter Squadrons)
1/4 Republic Z-95 Squadrons *launched*
4 Elite Z-95 Squadrons *launched*
(30 Auxiliary Craft)
6/30 L/SHUs *launched*
(500 Infantry Squads)
500 Republic Fleet Marine Squads *launched*
Notes: Capable of entering the atmosphere and making planetary landings.

NeutronStar Battle Cruiser (NSBC) Nefrane
Location: B-1
Cost: 500 KCs
Production Time: 5 Days
Length: 600 meters
Hyperdrive: x2
Shields: 660
Armor: 660
Hull: 660
Systems: 300
Speed: Fast (2)
Maneuver: (2)
30 Heavy Quad Laser Cannons (264)
2 Tractor Beam Projectors (200m)
Onboard Units:
(1 Starfighter Squadron)
0/1 T-Wing Squadron *dead*
(500 Infantry Squads)
500/500 Republic Fleet Marines *hanger*
(50 GAVs)
50/50 Speeder Bikes *hanger*
Notes: This ship can enter the atmosphere and make planetary landings.

NeutronStar Battle Cruiser (NSBC) Cybean
Location: B-1 *Tractor Locked*
Cost: 500 KCs
Production Time: 5 Days
Length: 600 meters
Hyperdrive: x2
Shields: 660
Armor: 660
Hull: 660
Systems: 300
Speed: Fast (2)
Maneuver: (2)
30 Heavy Quad Laser Cannons (264)
2 Tractor Beam Projectors (200m)
Onboard Units:
(1 Starfighter Squadron)
0/1 T-Wing Squadron *dead*
(500 Infantry Squads)
21/500 Republic Fleet Marines *launched*
(50 GAVs)
50/50 Speeder Bikes *launched*
Notes: This ship can enter the atmosphere and make planetary landings.

Fighter Group 1: C-1 Engaged
4/4 Elite Z-95 Squads     Shields: 288/288, Armor: 144/144, UCR: 6
1/1 Veteran Y-Wing Squad     Shields: 384/384, Armor: 384/384, UCR: 5
1/4 Republic Z-95 Squads     Shields: 68/144, Armor: 144/144, UCR: 5

Fighter Group 2: B-1 CSP
1/1 Elite X-Wing Squad     Shields: 312/312, Armor: 234/234, UCR: 6

Aux Group 1: C-1 Engaged
6/30 L/SHUs     Shields: 20/20, Armor: 20/20, Systems: 20/20, UCR: 4 *1@ Shields: 0/20, Armor: 10/20*
16/20 LAAT/c Gunships     Shields: 54/54, Armor: 36/36, Systems: 36/36, UCR: 4

Ground Group 1: GA-2 Sitting there
521/1000 Republic Fleet Marine Squads     HP: 6/6, UCR: 5
50/50 Speeder Bikes     HP: 10/10, UCR: 10
« Last Edit: September 14, 2012, 05:32:29 PM by Ramano »

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #16 on: September 15, 2012, 01:49:10 PM »
Flagship of the 1st Imperial Expeditionary Force
Ultor Imperium | Avenger of the Empire
Commanding Officer: LORD GENERAL Lucidius Hale

"Lord General, we've sustained heavy damage. It appears the nefarious Ramano has called our bluff," reported the tactical officer, "...and he's gone all in. Our odds are 1-to-1. Another hit like that and we won't be making it out of this system. What are your orders?"

"That's the thing with these Rebels. They're like a pack of wolves - always hungry - if you give them some fresh meat they won't turn it down," Hale continued thinking for a moment. Around him alarms were flashing and the entire bridge was bustling. Most of the crew onboard the Avenger was expecting a chance to get back at the Rebels for what they had done, even if it cost their own life. Hale walked over to the shipwide comm panel and addressed his crew:

< Attention men, this is Lord General Hale. My tactical officer informs me that we have 1-to-1 odds fighting these Rebels, but what my tactical officer doesn't know is that this ship is the AVENGER, and avenging the Empire is our business, a business where the odds will forever be against us. We've been on the run ever since the Battle of Endor, and so today is the day we stay and fight. Hale out. >

"All stations listen up," said Hale to the bridge crew, "if Ramano wants to take this ship down, we're going to make it costly for him. We're pulling back to Deep Space, but before we do I want a full starfighter screen deployed immediately; and recall enough shuttles to combat space patrol to block any further engagements. We'll have to break tractor lock on the CYBEAN, but that's fine. Let's target the NEFRANE instead with maximum firepower. Oh and one more thing. It's time those StarGalleons earn their keep. I want them on the surface ASAP! Send in our landing barges as well! If Ramano wants this system, he'll have to do more than outwit us in space to keep it."

As Hale's orders went through ship. The crew was bustling everywhere. It was a terrible feeling knowing one's shields were down, because any heavy hit could cause a hull breach or make a particular station inaccessible, but such were the prices to pay in naval warfare. The launching bay exploded with starfighters and landing barges and after a short while was completely empty. The angry guns on the Avenger, Espada, and Sturmgewehr, as well as a handful of Lambda Shuttles that stayed behind launched a massive attack against NSBC NEFRANE and unleashed a firestorm sufficient enough to knock it out.

Action Summary
1. Held position and counter-attacked. Launched all available craft.
2. ISD-II Avenger moved to Deep Space Zone 1 with 6 Squads SF and 20 AUX on CSP.
3. Landing Barges and SGAFs move to B-1.

Combat Summary
1. ISD-II Avenger fires 50 TLBs + 50 HTLCs + 10 IBs @ NSBC Nefrane: 1320 x UCR [3/4] = 990 Damage
2. SGAFs Espada & Sturmgewehr fire 20 TLCs + 20 CMs @ NSBC Nefrane: 200 x UCR [4/4] = 200 Damage
3. 8 LSHUs fire 48 LBs @ LAAT Gunships: 144 x UCR [4/4] = 144 Damage
Total Damage to NSBC Nefrane = 1334 (SHIP DISABLED)

<> ISD-II Avenger
Onboard Hero: Imperial Officer [Commodore & LORD GENERAL] Lucidius Hale
Location: DSZ-1 | Status: Holding | UCR: 3 | Shields: 0000/1980 | Armor: 0812/1980 | Hull: 1760/1760 | Systems: 990/990

>> TIE Advanced Squadron Black 1
   Location: DSZ-1 | Status: CSP | UCR: 7 | Shields: 216/216 | Armor: 216/216

>> TIE Advanced Squadron Black 2
   Location: DSZ-1 | Status: CSP | UCR: 7 | Shields: 216/216 | Armor: 216/216

>> TIE Advanced Squadron Black 3
   Location: DSZ-1 | Status: CSP | UCR: 7 | Shields: 216/216 | Armor: 216/216

>> TIE Advanced Squadron Black 4
   Location: DSZ-1 | Status: CSP | UCR: 7 | Shields: 216/216 | Armor: 216/216

>> TIE Advanced Squadron Black 5
   Location: DSZ-1 | Status: CSP | UCR: 7 | Shields: 216/216 | Armor: 216/216

>> TIE Advanced Squadron Black 6
   Location: DSZ-1 | Status: CSP | UCR: 7 | Shields: 216/216 | Armor: 216/216

>> Lambda Shuttle Tornado Group
   Location: B-1 | Status: Attacking | UCR: 4 | Shields: 20/20 | Armor: 20/20 (each)
   Casualties: 32 Destroyed, 1 Damaged w/ 12 Shields, 20 Armor
   Remaining: 4/36

>> Imperial Landing Barge Typhoon Group
   Location: B-1 | Status: En Route | UCR: 1 | Shields: 100/100 | Armor: 100/100 (each)
   Infantry: 1500/1500 Imperial Fleet Trooper Squads | Vehicles: 30/30 AT-STs, 60/60 SBs
   Casualties: None
   Remaining: 15/15 Landing Barges

>> Viper Probe Droid Viper Group
   Location: Hangar | Status: --- | UCR: 10 | Armor: 20/20 (each)

>> Elite Lambda Shuttle Aletheia
   Location: Hangar | Status: --- | UCR: 16 | Shields: 100/100 | Armor: 100/100

<> SGAF Espada
Commanding Officer: Commander Kyle Kraken
Location: B-1 | Status: En Route | UCR: 4 | Shields: 300/300 | Armor: 300/300 | Hull: 150/150 | Systems: 150/150
Onboard Units: 240/240 Stormtrooper Squads

>> Lambda Shuttle Spatha-I Group
   Location: DSZ-1 | Status: CSP | UCR: 4 | Shields: 20/20 | Armor: 20/20 (each)
   Casualties: None
   Remaining: 12/12
<> SGAF Sturmgewehr
Commanding Officer: Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg
Location: B-1 | Status: En Route | UCR: 4 | Shields: 300/300 | Armor: 300/300 | Hull: 150/150 | Systems: 150/150
Onboard Units: 240/240 Stormtrooper Squads

>> Lambda Shuttle Spatha-II Group
   Location: Split | Status: Split | UCR: 4 | Shields: 20/20 | Armor: 20/20 (each)
   Casualties: None
   Remaining: 4/12 in B-1 Attacking, 8/12 in DSZ-1 on CSP

OOC Note: Ramano... this post is just a little early (by 10 minutes). The wifey and I have a friend's wedding today that we'll be heading out for soon so this was the latest I could get a follow-up post in. The game-adjusted "official" time of this post is 13:59.

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #17 on: September 15, 2012, 05:08:40 PM »
OOC Note: So I have been through the rules time and time again, about 5 times now and there is nothing in it about self-destructing a ship. With your entire troop compliment dying in space, im interested in what gets done about this situation? So... I... uhh... can I claim the "if its not in the rules, you cant do it" defense on capturing your now disabled and undefended ISD II, thats at my planet giving me basically forever to deal with the corpse as you stated earlier about the 2 PBC corpses floating here?

"Sir, tactical reports the Nefrane just took a major hit. Systems are failing, shields gone, they are out of the fight. They've also launched a large amount of landing craft to the surface."

Ramano stood from his chair staring out of the viewport.

"I need numbers Xo."
"Looks like 2 large landing ships, 15 barges. Our intel reports put that somewhere in the line of 2000 infantry squads, unknown vehicle compliments."
"Interesting tactic, take our prize and loose the planet. This imperial simply continues to underestimate me. It is high time he paid for that. Pull all the support craft back to deal with those landing craft. Helm, take us in danger close. All ships, target their bridge tower. Now is the time to show the people of Thyferra exactly why we came here, and to show the Empire we are not simply a roving band of pirates. FOR FREEDOM!"

He walked over to the com grabbing it from the petty officers hand as the crew cheered.

Com: "May Valhalla welcome you, Commodore."


Attack Summary:
NSBCs Nefrane, Cybean vs ISD II Avenger
60HQLs = 528
UCR = 4/3 = full damage = 528 damage

RHD Destiny Ascension vs ISD II Avenger
15HTLBs = 248
30HQLs = 264
UCR = 4/3 = full damage = 512 damage

VNSD Idenna vs 15 Landing Barges B-1
10DHTLs = 220
50HLs = 110
UCR = 3/1 = full damage = 330 damage

4 Elite Z-95 Squads vs 15 Landing Barges B-1
96HLs = 192
96PTs = 288
UCR = 6/1 = full damage = 480 damage

16 LAAT/c Gunships vs 15 Landing Barges B-1
32TPCs = 160
32CMs = 64
32PTs = 96
32ICs = 96
UCR = 4/1 = full damage = 416 total damage

Total Damage ISD II Avenger: 1,040 damage. (Suggested Status: Disabled)
Total Damage 15 Landing Barges: 1,226 damage. (Suggested Status: 6 destroyed, 26 damage to another)

Ramano's Heavy Dreadnaught (RHD) Destiny Ascension *Flagship*
Location: DZ-1
Cost: 1500 KCs (Unique)
Production Time: 15 Days (Unique)
Length: 700 meters
Hyperdrive: x0.75 (Fast Hyperdrive)
Shields: 1540 (Mon Calamari Shields)
Armor: 770
Hull: 770
Systems: 700 (Boosted Systems)
Speed: Fast (2)
Maneuver: (2)
15 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries (248)
30 Heavy Quad Laser Cannons (264)
2 Tractor Beam Projectors (200m)
Onboard Units:
(3 Starfighter Squadrons)
1 Veteran Y-Wing Squadron *launched*
1 Elite X-Wing Squadron *launched*
0/1 Elite Z-95 Squadron *dead*
(Ground units and Aux may not be modified)
80 Republic Assault Troopers (LOST Division) *hanger*
20 Republic Vanguard Troopers (LOST Division) *hanger, 1 launched*
16/20 LAAT/c Gunships *launched*
20 AT-TEs *hanger*
Notes: Ramano belonged to a splinter squadron in the Rebel Alliance that used Old Republic technology that was funded and improved up by the Rebel Alliance to perform high-impact surgical strikes as part of a rapid response force commanded only by Ramano, who the Rebel High Command preferred to "unleash" rather than "control". Assigned 1000 Republic Heavy Troopers, Ramano created the Low Orbit Shock Trooper (LOST) Division, which enables these troopers to deploy without dropship support from the A-Ring and immediately into the Atmsophere, where they can land anywhere on a planet to strike. The Dreadnaught also features externally rack mounted LAAT/c Gunships, modified for space travel, as Auxiliary support. Used to transport AT-TE walkers during the Clone Wars, these
LAAT/c Gunships do just that, enabling Ramano's team to insert even some powerful GAVs into any battlefield. Due to advanced technology the ship carries a 350KC maintenance cost every action day or is immediately scrapped for no gain. May never be rebuilt.

Venator Star Destroyer (VNSD) Idenna
Location: A-1
Cost: 1400 KCs
Production Time: 14 Days
Length: 1140 meters
Hyperdrive: x1
Shields: 1254
Armor: 1254
Hull: 704
Systems: 640
Speed: Slow (1)
Maneuver: (2)
10 Dual Heavy Turbolaser Cannons (220)
50 Heavy Laser Cannons (110)
Onboard Units:
(8 Starfighter Squadrons)
1/4 Republic Z-95 Squadrons *launched*
4 Elite Z-95 Squadrons *launched*
(30 Auxiliary Craft)
6/30 L/SHUs *launched*
(500 Infantry Squads)
500 Republic Fleet Marine Squads *launched*
Notes: Capable of entering the atmosphere and making planetary landings.

NeutronStar Battle Cruiser (NSBC) Nefrane
Location: C-1 *disabled*
Cost: 500 KCs
Production Time: 5 Days
Length: 600 meters
Hyperdrive: x2
Shields: 0/660
Armor: 0/660
Hull: 546/660
Systems: 300
Speed: Fast (2)
Maneuver: (2)
30 Heavy Quad Laser Cannons (264)
2 Tractor Beam Projectors (200m)
Onboard Units:
(1 Starfighter Squadron)
0/1 T-Wing Squadron *dead*
(500 Infantry Squads)
500/500 Republic Fleet Marines *hanger*
(50 GAVs)
50/50 Speeder Bikes *hanger*
Notes: This ship can enter the atmosphere and make planetary landings.

NeutronStar Battle Cruiser (NSBC) Cybean
Location: DZ-1
Cost: 500 KCs
Production Time: 5 Days
Length: 600 meters
Hyperdrive: x2
Shields: 660
Armor: 660
Hull: 660
Systems: 300
Speed: Fast (2)
Maneuver: (2)
30 Heavy Quad Laser Cannons (264)
2 Tractor Beam Projectors (200m)
Onboard Units:
(1 Starfighter Squadron)
0/1 T-Wing Squadron *dead*
(500 Infantry Squads)
21/500 Republic Fleet Marines *launched*
(50 GAVs)
50/50 Speeder Bikes *launched*
Notes: This ship can enter the atmosphere and make planetary landings.

Fighter Group 1: DZ-1 CSP
1/1 Elite X-Wing Squad     Shields: 312/312, Armor: 234/234, UCR: 6
1/1 Veteran Y-Wing Squad     Shields: 384/384, Armor: 384/384, UCR: 5
1/4 Republic Z-95 Squads     Shields: 68/144, Armor: 144/144, UCR: 5

Fighter Group 2: B-1 Engaged
4/4 Elite Z-95 Squads     Shields: 288/288, Armor: 144/144, UCR: 6

Aux Group 1: DZ-1 CSP
6/30 L/SHUs     Shields: 20/20, Armor: 20/20, Systems: 20/20, UCR: 4 *1@ Shields: 0/20, Armor: 10/20*

Aux Group 2: B-1 Engaged
16/20 LAAT/c Gunships     Shields: 54/54, Armor: 36/36, Systems: 36/36, UCR: 4

Ground Group 1: GA-2 Sitting there
521/1000 Republic Fleet Marine Squads     HP: 6/6, UCR: 5
50/50 Speeder Bikes     HP: 10/10, UCR: 10

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #18 on: September 16, 2012, 02:48:54 PM »
Flagship of the 1st Imperial Expeditionary Force
Ultor Imperium | Avenger of the Empire
Commanding Officer: LORD GENERAL Lucidius Hale

   As the ship rocked with every turbolaser blast, damage control reports came in from various stations around the ship detailing the casualties and collateral that were effected.

   "It looks like we won't be making it out of this system anyhow," said Hale, slightly dissapointed in himself. He had underestimated the raw firepower and speed advantage of his enemy, a mistake he wouldn't make again. Now wasn't the time to be doing a tactical review though - now was the time for damage control and leadership: getting some good out of bad situation.

   "Lord General, we're loosing power. We only have energy for one more round of attacks... might I suggest we hit the Destiny with everything we've got? That may remind them even in death the AVENGER still stings," reported the tactical officer. "The NEFRANE is disabled, so we could disable the CYBEAN as well. Without sufficient tractor beams across their entire fleet, they won't be able to get anything out. Thyferra would be a morgue of lifeless ships, and perhaps in time we could salvage the situation further."

   "How long would it take for reinforcements to arrive?" asked Hale.

   "In as little as two weeks, my lord," answered Elena, "however, we could use our HOLONET to communicate with the Galactic Empire and call for immediate assistance..."

   "The Galactic Empire... that mob of power hungry warlords? I suppose they are still Imperials first. We shall see if they are interested in saving an Imperial ship. Send the communication!" ordered Hale. "All other stations, listen up. If the situation gets any worse, we're going to abandon ship. With troops en route to the surface we'll be able to rendezvous with them and make the most of the planet until assistance arrives. Ramano may won this battle, but we'll see if we can't win this war."

   "Battle orders, my lord?" asked the tactical officer.

   "Hit the Destiny with everything! They were foolish to run us down into Deep Space. Now we will show them what happens when one gets greedy..."

   "With pleasure, my lord..." replied the tactical officer.

   After the orders rang out. Hale used the ship's built-in HOLONET to send an instantaneous message across the entire Imperial Grid. Any ship, building, or station with HOLONET now knew of the AVENGER's dire situation. Although the AVENGER wasn't looking good, two bold support ships, a dozen landing barges, and a full wing of TIE Advanced starfighters meant that although Ramano might have taken out biggest piece on the board - he still had several big threats to deal with...all of which were going to try their best to avenge the AVENGER...

Action Summary
1. Held position and counter-attacked.
2. Sent out HOLONET distress signal across Imperial Grid.
3. Landing Barges and SGAFs move to A-1.

Combat Summary
1. ISD-II Avenger fires 50 TLBs + 50 HTLCs + 10 IBs @ RHD Destiny Ascension: 1320 x UCR [3/4] = 990 Damage
2. 3 TIE/Adv Squads engage Enemy CSP with 24 ALCs @ Each SF Squad: 72 x UCR [7/6, 7/6, 7/5] = 72 Damage (to each Squad, CSP ENGAGED)
3. 3 TIE/Adv Squads fire 72 ALCs @ RHD Destiny Ascension: 216 x UCR [7/4] = 216 Damage
4. 26 LSHUs fire 156 LBs @ DREAD Destiny Ascension: 468 x UCR [4/4] = 468 Damage
5. 6 LSHUs fire 36 LBS @ CSP LSHUs: 108 x UCR [4/4] = 108 Damage (2 Destroyed, 1 Damaged; CSP ENGAGED)
6. SGAFs Espada & Sturmgewehr fire 20 TLCs + 20 CMs @ LAAT/c Gunships: 200 x UCR [4/4] = 200 Damage (2 Destroyed, 1 Damaged)

Total Damage to RHD DESTINY ASCENSION = 1674 (Shields Down, 636 Armor Remaining) *Warning*

<> ISD-II Avenger
Onboard Hero: Imperial Officer [Commodore & LORD GENERAL] Lucidius Hale
Location: DSZ-1 | Status: Holding | UCR: 3 | Shields: 0000/1980 | Armor: 0812/1980 | Hull: 1760/1760 | Systems: 990/990

>> TIE Advanced Squadron Black 1
   Location: DSZ-1 | Status: CSP | UCR: 7 | Shields: 216/216 | Armor: 216/216

>> TIE Advanced Squadron Black 2
   Location: DSZ-1 | Status: CSP | UCR: 7 | Shields: 216/216 | Armor: 216/216

>> TIE Advanced Squadron Black 3
   Location: DSZ-1 | Status: Attacking | UCR: 7 | Shields: 216/216 | Armor: 216/216

>> TIE Advanced Squadron Black 4
   Location: DSZ-1 | Status: Attacking | UCR: 7 | Shields: 216/216 | Armor: 216/216

>> TIE Advanced Squadron Black 5
   Location: DSZ-1 | Status: Attacking | UCR: 7 | Shields: 216/216 | Armor: 216/216

>> TIE Advanced Squadron Black 6
   Location: DSZ-1 | Status: Attacking | UCR: 7 | Shields: 216/216 | Armor: 216/216

>> Lambda Shuttle Tornado Group
   Location: DSZ-1 | Status: Attacking | UCR: 4 | Shields: 20/20 | Armor: 20/20 (each)
   Casualties: 32 Destroyed, 1 Damaged w/ 12 Shields, 20 Armor
   Remaining: 4/36

>> Imperial Landing Barge Typhoon Group
   Location: A-1 | Status: En Route | UCR: 1 | Shields: 100/100 | Armor: 100/100 (each)
   Infantry: 900/1500 Imperial Fleet Trooper Squads | Vehicles: 30/30 AT-STs, 60/60 SBs
   Casualties: 6, 1 Damaged
   Remaining: 9/15 Landing Barges

>> Viper Probe Droid Viper Group
   Location: Hangar | Status: --- | UCR: 10 | Armor: 20/20 (each)

>> Elite Lambda Shuttle Aletheia
   Location: Hangar | Status: --- | UCR: 16 | Shields: 100/100 | Armor: 100/100

<> SGAF Espada
Commanding Officer: Commander Kyle Kraken
Location: A-1 | Status: En Route | UCR: 4 | Shields: 300/300 | Armor: 300/300 | Hull: 150/150 | Systems: 150/150
Onboard Units: 240/240 Stormtrooper Squads

>> Lambda Shuttle Spatha-I Group
   Location: DSZ-1 | Status: CSP | UCR: 4 | Shields: 20/20 | Armor: 20/20 (each)
   Casualties: None | Remaining: 12/12
<> SGAF Sturmgewehr
Commanding Officer: Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg
Location: A-1 | Status: En Route | UCR: 4 | Shields: 300/300 | Armor: 300/300 | Hull: 150/150 | Systems: 150/150
Onboard Units: 240/240 Stormtrooper Squads

>> Lambda Shuttle Spatha-II Group
   Location: DSZ-1 | Status: Attacking | UCR: 4 | Shields: 20/20 | Armor: 20/20 (each)
   Casualties: None| Remaining: 12/12


Offline Ramano

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« Reply #19 on: September 16, 2012, 05:16:18 PM »
Jason watched with pride as the massive ISD II went dark and listed lightly to its port side. Even as the ship rocked from the last volley of its dying turbolasers the crew on all the ships cheered. The flagship of the Empire, the pride of the imperial fleet was now dead in space, its troops scrambling to establish a foothold on the planet, a foothold they would never see.

"Sir, I have to ask, we've taken down the Avenger, now what do we do with it?"

Jason turned to his Xo, a puzzled look of shock on his face. All his calculations had been spent in how to take down the hulking beast, but in that time he had failed to consider how to move it after it was disabled. Quickly however, the grin returned to his face.

"Send a message to Endor and inform them to get the Mon Republica crewed and ready. Transfer command of the battle to the Idenna, inform them they are to finish the battle here and relegate themselves to planetary defense temporarily. We however, go to get a bigger ship."
"Aye aye sir."

Suddenly the Destiny Ascension disappeared into hyperspace leaving the rest of the fleet to finish clean up of the system.

RHD Destiny Ascension enters HS
Stuff moves
Continued the attack

Attack Summary:
16 LAAT/c Gunships vs 9 Landing Barges A-1
32TPCs = 160
32CMs = 64
32PTs = 96
32ICs = 96
UCR = 4/1 = full damage = 416 total damage

4 Elite Z-95 Squads vs 9 Landing Barges A-1
96HLs = 192
96PTs = 288
UCR = 6/1 = full damage = 480 damage

VNSD Idenna vs 9 Landing Barges A-1
10DHTLs = 220
50HLs = 110
UCR = 3/1 = full damage = 330 damage

NSBC Cybean vs 9 Landing Barges A-1
30HQLs = 264
UCR = 4/1 = full damage = 264 damage

Elite X-Wing Squadron vs 6 T/A Squads DZ-1
48HLs = 96
24APTs = 96
UCR = 6/7 = 0.9 * 192 = 173 damage

Veteran Y-Wing Squadron vs 6 T/A Squads DZ-1
24HLs = 48
24DLICs = 48
24APTs = 96
UCR = 5/7 = 0.7 * 192 = 135 damage

Republic Z-95 Squadron vs 6 T/A Squads DZ-1
24LCs = 24
24CMs = 48
UCR = 5/7 = 0.7 * 72 = 51 damage

6 L/SHUs vs 6 T/A Squads DZ-1
36LBs = 108
UCR = 4/7 = 0.6 * 108 = 65 damage

Total Damage to 9 Landing Barges A-1: 1,490 damage (Suggested Status: 7 dead 90 damage to another)
Total Damage to 6 T/A Squads DZ-1: 424 damage (Suggested Status: 1 hurt)

Ramano's Heavy Dreadnaught (RHD) Destiny Ascension *Flagship*
Location: HS
Cost: 1500 KCs (Unique)
Production Time: 15 Days (Unique)
Length: 700 meters
Hyperdrive: x0.75 (Fast Hyperdrive)
Shields: 0/1540 (Mon Calamari Shields)
Armor: 636/770
Hull: 770
Systems: 700 (Boosted Systems)
Speed: Fast (2)
Maneuver: (2)
15 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries (248)
30 Heavy Quad Laser Cannons (264)
2 Tractor Beam Projectors (200m)
Onboard Units:
(3 Starfighter Squadrons)
1 Veteran Y-Wing Squadron *launched*
1 Elite X-Wing Squadron *launched*
0/1 Elite Z-95 Squadron *dead*
(Ground units and Aux may not be modified)
80 Republic Assault Troopers (LOST Division) *hanger*
20 Republic Vanguard Troopers (LOST Division) *hanger, 1 launched*
16/20 LAAT/c Gunships *launched*
20 AT-TEs *hanger*
Notes: Ramano belonged to a splinter squadron in the Rebel Alliance that used Old Republic technology that was funded and improved up by the Rebel Alliance to perform high-impact surgical strikes as part of a rapid response force commanded only by Ramano, who the Rebel High Command preferred to "unleash" rather than "control". Assigned 1000 Republic Heavy Troopers, Ramano created the Low Orbit Shock Trooper (LOST) Division, which enables these troopers to deploy without dropship support from the A-Ring and immediately into the Atmsophere, where they can land anywhere on a planet to strike. The Dreadnaught also features externally rack mounted LAAT/c Gunships, modified for space travel, as Auxiliary support. Used to transport AT-TE walkers during the Clone Wars, these
LAAT/c Gunships do just that, enabling Ramano's team to insert even some powerful GAVs into any battlefield. Due to advanced technology the ship carries a 350KC maintenance cost every action day or is immediately scrapped for no gain. May never be rebuilt.

Venator Star Destroyer (VNSD) Idenna
Location: A-1
Cost: 1400 KCs
Production Time: 14 Days
Length: 1140 meters
Hyperdrive: x1
Shields: 1254
Armor: 1254
Hull: 704
Systems: 640
Speed: Slow (1)
Maneuver: (2)
10 Dual Heavy Turbolaser Cannons (220)
50 Heavy Laser Cannons (110)
Onboard Units:
(8 Starfighter Squadrons)
1/4 Republic Z-95 Squadrons *launched*
4 Elite Z-95 Squadrons *launched*
(30 Auxiliary Craft)
6/30 L/SHUs *launched*
(500 Infantry Squads)
500 Republic Fleet Marine Squads *launched*
Notes: Capable of entering the atmosphere and making planetary landings.

NeutronStar Battle Cruiser (NSBC) Nefrane
Location: C-1 *disabled*
Cost: 500 KCs
Production Time: 5 Days
Length: 600 meters
Hyperdrive: x2
Shields: 0/660
Armor: 0/660
Hull: 546/660
Systems: 300
Speed: Fast (2)
Maneuver: (2)
30 Heavy Quad Laser Cannons (264)
2 Tractor Beam Projectors (200m)
Onboard Units:
(1 Starfighter Squadron)
0/1 T-Wing Squadron *dead*
(500 Infantry Squads)
500/500 Republic Fleet Marines *hanger*
(50 GAVs)
50/50 Speeder Bikes *hanger*
Notes: This ship can enter the atmosphere and make planetary landings.

NeutronStar Battle Cruiser (NSBC) Cybean
Location: B-1
Cost: 500 KCs
Production Time: 5 Days
Length: 600 meters
Hyperdrive: x2
Shields: 660
Armor: 660
Hull: 660
Systems: 300
Speed: Fast (2)
Maneuver: (2)
30 Heavy Quad Laser Cannons (264)
2 Tractor Beam Projectors (200m)
Onboard Units:
(1 Starfighter Squadron)
0/1 T-Wing Squadron *dead*
(500 Infantry Squads)
21/500 Republic Fleet Marines *launched*
(50 GAVs)
50/50 Speeder Bikes *launched*
Notes: This ship can enter the atmosphere and make planetary landings.

Fighter Group 1: DZ-1 Engaged
1/1 Elite X-Wing Squad     Shields: 240/312, Armor: 234/234, UCR: 6
1/1 Veteran Y-Wing Squad     Shields: 314/384, Armor: 384/384, UCR: 5
1/4 Republic Z-95 Squads     Shields: 0/144, Armor: 140/144, UCR: 5

Fighter Group 2: A-1 Engaged
4/4 Elite Z-95 Squads     Shields: 288/288, Armor: 144/144, UCR: 6

Aux Group 1: DZ-1 CSP
3/30 L/SHUs     Shields: 20/20, Armor: 20/20, Systems: 20/20, UCR: 4

Aux Group 2: B-1 Engaged
14/20 LAAT/c Gunships     Shields: 54/54, Armor: 36/36, Systems: 36/36, UCR: 4

Ground Group 1: GA-2 Sitting there
521/1000 Republic Fleet Marine Squads     HP: 6/6, UCR: 5
50/50 Speeder Bikes     HP: 10/10, UCR: 10
« Last Edit: September 16, 2012, 05:18:07 PM by Ramano »

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #20 on: September 17, 2012, 03:18:03 PM »
Flagship of the 1st Imperial Expeditionary Force
Ultor Imperium | Avenger of the Empire
Commanding Officer: LORD GENERAL Lucidius Hale

   "All hands, abandon ship! I repeat, this is the captain... all hands abandon ship!"

   With the order to abandon ship given, the crew immediately began executing their contingency protocols: essential and classified computer networks were purged, equipment and weapons for planetary survival were stowed aboard escape pods, and all other essentials were either jettisoned or purged to prevent any would be capturer from attaining the resources of the AVENGER. Even the probe droids were launched. It was a shameful act for an Imperial officer to abandon ship, but the battle had evolved in such a way that if different units could be brought into the fight, the Imperial Remnant would actually have a chance at taking the system.

   Hale rushed into his command office to begin his purging and to get his emergency "go bag". Elena ran in and immediately the two embraced and kissed. "What's going to happen?" asked Elena.

   Hale went back to packing his equipment. "I'm going planetside. We still have a fight worth fighting. Our fighters are relatively untouched, we still have two dozen shuttles, the ESPADA and STURMGEWEHR are entering the atmosphere as we speak, and I've called for full scale reinforcements from Bastion and Rothana. We should have deliverance in a week's time. Hopefully we'll be able to secure the ground and hold out for reinforcements. Perhaps in time once the system is secured, emergency repairs can begin on the AVENGER and we can get it to Kuat or the nearest friendly outpost..."

   "No Lucidius, I meant between us. Is this the end?" asked Elena, hopeful for a future between the two of them.

   Hale lowered his head, unsure. "Elena... take my shuttle and run. Just get out of here. They're are enough credits and supplies in that shuttle to last you 100 days if you need it. In fact, go to Nar Shaddaa and look for one of my agents that went missing a year ago. Her name is Jana Sable - she was the Emperor's Shadow - it's possible her Force link to the Emperor has made her unstable, so be careful. She has access to a dozen safehouses around the galaxy, so if you can get to her you can lay low for a while until all of this blows over."

   "Lucidius... I..."

   "Go," replied Hale, as the two embraced again. After a couple minutes, the two split and went on their various paths. Elena took the ALETHEIA and entered hyperspace for Nar Shaddaa. Hale sent a final HOLONET message before getting into his command escape pod and jettisoned with a planetside trajectory. The countless other escape pods jettisoned as well and eventually crossed paths with the ESPADA and STURMGEWEHR, which were entering the atmosphere with landing barges. Meanwhile, BLACK WING began a vicious counter-attack against the Rebel starfighters that assaulted them earlier, while the shuttles moved out of deep space to bring the fight elsewhere. The battle was still very much at hand.

Action Summary
1. Abandoned ISD-II Avenger. Vacant Command Points [23] used to assume command over various units in the Remnant: 10 CPs for (2) Escort Carriers at Rothana + 6 CPs for (2) Escort Frigates at Bastion (pending).
2. Ship's Crew (160 Fleet Troopers) + Lord General Hale will arrive planetside tomorrow.
3. Sent out final HOLONET distress signal across Imperial Grid with command orders.
4. Landing Barges and SGAFs attack, then move to Atmosphere 1.
5. E/LSHU Aletheia enters hyperspace for Nar Shaddaa.
6. LSHUS and TIE/Adv Squadrons attack then move to C-1.

Combat Summary
1. 6 TIE/Adv Squads engage Elite X-Wing Squadron with 144 ALCs @ Each SF Squad: 432 x UCR [7/6] = 432 Damage (Damaged)
2. 32 LSHUs engage Veteran Y-Wing Squadron with 192 LBs: 576 x UCR [4/5] = 461 Damage (Damaged)
3. SGAFs Espada & Sturmgewehr fire 20 TLCs + 20 CMs @ LAAT/c Gunships: 200 x UCR [4/4] = 200 Damage (2 Destroyed, 1 Damaged)

<> ISD-II Avenger
Onboard Hero: NONE
Location: DSZ-1 | Status: DERELICT | UCR: 3 | Shields: 0000/1980 | Armor: 0000/1980 | Hull: 1532/1760 | Systems: 000/990

>> TIE Advanced Squadron Black 1
   Location: C-1 | Status: Attacking | UCR: 7 | Shields: 216/216 | Armor: 216/216

>> TIE Advanced Squadron Black 2
   Location: C-1 | Status: Attacking | UCR: 7 | Shields: 216/216 | Armor: 216/216

>> TIE Advanced Squadron Black 3
   Location: C-1 | Status: Attacking | UCR: 7 | Shields: 216/216 | Armor: 216/216

>> TIE Advanced Squadron Black 4
   Location: C-1 | Status: Attacking | UCR: 7 | Shields: 216/216 | Armor: 216/216

>> TIE Advanced Squadron Black 5
   Location: C-1 | Status: Attacking | UCR: 7 | Shields: 216/216 | Armor: 216/216

>> TIE Advanced Squadron Black 6
   Location: C-1 | Status: Attacking | UCR: 7 | Shields: 216/216 | Armor: 216/216

>> Lambda Shuttle Tornado Group
   Location: C-1 | Status: Attacking | UCR: 4 | Shields: 20/20 | Armor: 20/20 (each)
   Casualties: 32 Destroyed, 1 Damaged w/ 12 Shields, 20 Armor
   Remaining: 4/36

>> Imperial Landing Barge Typhoon Group
   Location: A-1 | Status: En Route | UCR: 1 | Shields: 100/100 | Armor: 100/100 (each)
   Infantry: 200/1500 Imperial Fleet Trooper Squads | Vehicles: 12/30 AT-STs, 0/60 SBs
   Casualties: 13, 1 Damaged
   Remaining: 2/15 Landing Barges

>> Viper Probe Droid Viper Group
   Location: Hyperspace | Status: --- | UCR: 10 | Armor: 20/20 (each)

>> Elite Lambda Shuttle Aletheia
   Location: Hyperspace | Status: --- | UCR: 16 | Shields: 100/100 | Armor: 100/100

<> SGAF Espada
Commanding Officer: Commander Kyle Kraken
Location: ATMO-1 | Status: En Route | UCR: 4 | Shields: 300/300 | Armor: 300/300 | Hull: 150/150 | Systems: 150/150
Onboard Units: 240/240 Stormtrooper Squads

>> Lambda Shuttle Spatha-I Group
   Location: C-1 | Status: CSP | UCR: 4 | Shields: 20/20 | Armor: 20/20 (each)
   Casualties: None | Remaining: 12/12
<> SGAF Sturmgewehr
Commanding Officer: Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg
Location: ATMO-1 | Status: En Route | UCR: 4 | Shields: 300/300 | Armor: 300/300 | Hull: 150/150 | Systems: 150/150
Onboard Units: 240/240 Stormtrooper Squads

>> Lambda Shuttle Spatha-II Group
   Location: C-1 | Status: Attacking | UCR: 4 | Shields: 20/20 | Armor: 20/20 (each)
   Casualties: None| Remaining: 12/12

« Last Edit: September 17, 2012, 03:25:21 PM by GCW Hale »

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #21 on: September 18, 2012, 02:57:06 PM »
[Real-time of post 15:19:00.]

Escape pods are picked up by the two SGAFs, which re-enter low-orbit and commence a full withdrawal from Thyferra, leaving the ground untouched. Meanwhile, returning to Deep Space, the dozens of Lambda Shuttles and six TIE Advanced squadrons forming Black Wing descend upon the fallen ISD-II Avenger and commence a scuttling attack-run on the massive ship to prevent future capture. The order is given for the fighters and auxiliaries to remain in the system to guard the ISD-II and continue to attack it until destroyed, and upon final destruction, a full retreat will be sounded.

"Until next time..."

Combat Summary: Total Damage to ISD-II Avenger [1008 Damage]. Current Hull: 812/1600 (Commodore Hull Bonus no longer applicable -10% Hull retroactively applied).

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #22 on: September 18, 2012, 09:59:24 PM »
Even with the downing of the Avenger, the imperials kept up the fight, with a renewed vengeance. The imperial fighter group swarmed around all the remaining fleet vessels.

"Sir, they are hitting our fighter screens. The landing barges have been dealt with, but those two SGAFs are going to make the ground."

Admiral Halsey cursed under his breath. The Lord Admiral would be displeased with the loss of the ISD, but he would be furious if the imperial troops were able to grab a foothold on the ground.

"All craft, proceed to 186 mark 2, destroy the Avenger. Perhaps with the ship lost they will think twice about remaining in the system."

Immediately everything broke away from the 2 SGAFs entering the atmosphere and screaming into position around the derelict hull of the Avenger. Suddenly laser blasts poured from the fleet, each shot tearing away at the burning hull of the ISD II. With in moments, the massive blue explosion signified the destabilization of the drive core, turning the once proud flagship of the empire into a debris field that would forever mark the space above Thyferra.

Witnessing the total destruction of their flagship the remaining imperial forces turned and fled the system. Admiral Halsey was happy to see the battle end, but he was sure this would not be the last he would see of this imperial.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2012, 08:00:34 AM by Ramano »

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #23 on: September 19, 2012, 03:36:42 PM »
The Imperious Units of the 1st Imperial Expeditionary Force enter hyperspace to lick their wounds.

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #24 on: September 21, 2012, 07:57:47 AM »
Quickly the MC-90 Mon Republica exited HS, launched some landing barges, locked tractors on various objects and enters HS back for Endor.

MC-90 and 17 landing barges lock tractors on:
PBCs Xucphra One and Two, and NSBC Nefrane
Enters HS for Endor.

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #25 on: September 21, 2012, 09:04:24 PM »
GM Notice

Ramano, the total length of the PBCs and NSBC comes out to be 2800 meters. You brought a total of 2700m worth of tractor coverage, and while you have enough UCR to cover the ships, you are short by 100 meters. Please immediately build another GR75 Medium Transport to obtain the sufficient coverage (which I will magically and retroactively apply) or I will void the NSBC's tractor lock or a ship of your choice.

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #26 on: September 22, 2012, 09:26:27 AM »
Whoops, I thought the PBC was only 1000m. Adjusted as per your ruling with another GR-75 built, edited to endor thread.

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #27 on: September 23, 2012, 10:26:01 AM »
Ramano walked through the entry hall of the pristine presidential palace, all the while lower enlisted-men running reports to him of the various dealings of the planet. With various nods and salutes the reports were accepted and the men sent about their way. The clean up reports and restocking lists from the recent pair of battles were long, but easily dealt with, the much needed funds being provided by Thyferra giving a backbone to the effort. His thoughts were interrupted by the entourage behind him.

"Lord Admiral, President Daruqabi of Thyferra."
"Mr. President, so glad we could finally meet."
"You may skip the pleasantries Lord Admiral, what is it you want."
"If it were not for the pleasantries Mr. President, we would not be speaking at all."
"Much to my preference. Lord Admiral, you must understand, however you have shown your prowess in battle, you are still an unwanted presence in our system. As you have been told before, your presence invites further action upon our people by the empire, especially after the destruction of their flagship."
"And as you have also seen, even the flagship of the empire is no match for my fleet and my men. I am sure they will think twice about sending in another battle group any time soon. At any rate, im here to over see the transition of your military, nothing more. As I stated when we first arrived, I do not wish your government or its people to change, only to protect your sovereignty from the empire or even the republic should you so wish it."
"So in more lay-mans terms, you are an intergalactic mafia, here for your protection payment?"
"Or perhaps we could simply remove you in favor of a president who is... shall we say more cooperative."
"If it is a puppet government you wish, I will gladly step down and you may run the planet to your pleasure, you've already shown we cant win, so do as you will Lord Admiral. However, I can not, and will not sit here and pretend to harbor any respect for you or your band of mercenaries. You are a mafia Lord Admiral, nothing more. Here are the reports for our defense budgets you requested. Now if you'll excuse me, I must address the families of our fallen soldiers your protection was paid for with."

Ramano merely shrugged as the President turned heading out of the entry hall. He looked over the report quickly before handing it off the a private running past.  The day was busy and there was still too much to be done to be concerned with the remarks of a politician. He pulled a com from his belt flipping it open.

"Admiral Halsey, I trust the fleet is ready."
"Restocked, repaired, and awaiting orders sir. How goes the situation on the ground."
"Typical warm reception as always Admiral. The president is unhappy but... cooperative. For now keep the fleet in orbit, continue monitoring republic intel channels, im quite interested to see what has happened and why they seem to have disappeared from the galaxy.
"Aye aye sir."

#3 Milestone met
« Last Edit: September 23, 2012, 10:28:34 AM by Ramano »

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« Reply #28 on: September 26, 2012, 10:32:16 AM »
Jason stood quietly in his quarters aboard the Destiny Ascension. He would have preferred to have been planet-side but at the behest of multiple members of his command staff the situation on the ground was deemed too hazardous to remain. Feelings were still running high from the many fatherless children and widows, an unfortunate casualty of any battle.

He looked around the room casually, marveled by the efficiency of it. It was small, almost too small as it was most assuredly decided a warship was not built for comfort, and much space on the ship was sacrificed for advanced shielding arrays, system backup redundancies, and increased power generation. Only around 7 feet long and 4 feet wide, all of the furniture either folded up from the floor or out from a wall. Currently the Grand Admiral stood in the center of an empty room that more closely resembled an empty jail cell then a sleeping quarters. The beep at the door suddenly interrupted his thoughts.


The lieutenant quickly snapped to attention, holding a small datapad in his left hand.

"As you were lieutenant."
"Sir, we analyzed the hyperspace signature of the Avenger like you asked and it seems the track originated out of the Rothana system."

Jason took the datapad from the Lt. looking it over quickly.

"So the imperial have a base on Rothana. Excellent work Lieutenant, have a scout dispatched immediately. Perhaps it is time to make a counter-statement."
"I thought thats why we destroyed the Avenger instead of capturing it sir?"
"That was merely punishment for the Nefrane. This however, this is for the deaths of a trillion souls over countless generations of tyranny and oppression. Now we make the statement once and for all to the empire that ALL sentient life has the right to self determinate."
"Roger that sir, we will get a recon dispatched immediately."

The lieutenant crisply saluted and exited the room heading to communications as Ramano simply turned back to the wall, staring blankly at it once again lost in thought. A short while later a single Recon Y-Wing was dispatched from Endor enroute to Rothana.

Offline Dementat

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« Reply #29 on: September 28, 2012, 01:39:09 AM »
A single probe droid emerges from hyperspace in DS-3 of Thyferra and begins an active scan of the system.

Exited in DS-3.
ACTIVE scanning.

Viper Probe Droid 2
Location: DS-3    Heading: C-3
Armor: 20/20
« Last Edit: September 30, 2012, 02:49:50 AM by Dementat »
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