Author Topic: OOC Chat  (Read 792929 times)

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #1170 on: September 30, 2012, 12:27:22 PM »
BTW, did anyone ever figure out what happened to Hop, Gall, and Erasmar? Its getting kind of lonely out here all by myself with only imperials to keep me company.  They dont tend to live long enough to have a good conversation with. And its a shame too, cause I was looking forward to some nice SLs between the Lord of Arrogance and the Society that holds men to be inferior beings. I always envisioned it as a strong alliance between 2 factions that hate but respect each other.

Perhaps if nothing else and these people are completely and uncontactably MIA, maybe Syren could take over the Hapans if nothing else to add another angle to the universe. I know its built for just us, but you gotta admit, our same tired old SLs are starting to get stale, and we could use a fresh story into the mix. If your that concerned with combat, just make a quick alliance with me, and if someone ever happens to attack you, just send me a holo-com and transfer your PDF command to me, ill come running with my fleet and you can have a shiney metal asteroid belt around your world from an ISD too. =) Either way all you'd have to do is a 2 times a month 30 second economy post, and SL which is all your interested in anyway, and it would give me someone to talk shit too. =p You know you wanna see the SL between Ramano and the Hapan Matriarch, and who better to play the part then the most arrogant women I know. That would be sarcastic platinum right there.

Edit: Also Med, I have no choice but to defer to your argument as I cant find any reference to Bimmissari outside of my book and a few fan sites that were awful. So short of coming to your house and physically showing you, which I cant afford to do, I have no way to prove myself. And I cant remember the name of, nor find my copy of the novel either. So I got really nothing to tell you other then you win the argument due to lack of evidence on my part. -shrugs- Not worth starting a big issue over anyway, it was just an idea for something to do as the game is starting to get real stale real quick. I grow far to old for teenage shouting matches over fictional material any more.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2012, 12:56:34 PM by Ramano »

Offline Medivh

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« Reply #1171 on: September 30, 2012, 12:58:17 PM »
Edit: Also Med, I have no choice but to defer to your argument as I cant find any reference to Bimmissari outside of my book and a few fan sites that were awful. So short of coming to your house and physically showing you, which I cant afford to do, I have no way to prove myself. And I cant remember the name of, nor find my copy of the novel either. So I got really nothing to tell you other then you win the argument due to lack of evidence on my part. -shrugs- Not worth starting a big issue over anyway, it was just an idea for something to do as the game is starting to get real stale real quick. I grow far to old for teenage shouting matches over fictional material any more.

I didn't realize I was arguing with you - I meant it as a question, not as an accusation.

The Lusankya (I forget how it was spelled) features prominently in either the Rogue Squadron series or the X-Wing series - I forget which one, but it is the set where the Wedge Antilles rebuilds Rogue Squadron, Corran Horn is introduced as a character, and the Republic successfully takes Coruscant from the Emperor's paramour, Ysanne Isard.
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Offline Ramano

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« Reply #1172 on: September 30, 2012, 01:09:12 PM »
Oh no, I know of the ship, im just saying I have no reference to it in my book. I was trying to use it as an example that there is a lot more to star wars now then there was in 97. And due to the copywrite expiration on it, basically anything carrying a starwars logo can be considered canon. Just pointing out that I may have come to a point in time where im out of date.

And I wasnt saying we were arguing, I was saying "I give up" before it turns into one.

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #1173 on: October 01, 2012, 08:12:38 PM »

Changes are in red.

ComScan Sensors
There are different types of scanning options available to players. A player must post which scan he is using. It takes 24 hours to complete all scans (information is gathered in the post following the start of the scanning). All capital ships and auxiliaries can perform scans. Only specifically noted starfighters can do it as well. Ground facilities equipped with ComScan suites can scan as well (see their specs for details).
ACTIVE ~ A capital ship, auxiliary craft, or facility (with ComScan) is actively transmitting sensor sweeps to verify locations and details of in-system units. Active Scanning reveals the location of the unit performing the scanning. If a ship is scanning from Deep Space, only units up the A-Ring can be detected. Atmospheric and electromagnetic "background noise" is too great for sensors to overcome from Deep Space.
PASSIVE ~ Passive scanning is available to all units and detects energy signatures and classifications of units. If a ship moves at all, exits hyperspace in the C or B-Ring, raises shields, or fires its weapons, this energy can be detected passively by a receiving unit without that unit revealing its location and classification. Ships that perform the listed actions must post their location.
ATMOSPHERE ~ Scanning the Atmosphere either Passively or Actively can only be done if a ship is in the C-Ring or closer.
GROUND ~ Scanning the ground is done Actively, and can only be done once a ship is in the B-Ring or closer.
DEEP SPACE ~ Ships in Deep Space Zones are invisible to Passive Scanning, and can only be detected by Active Scanning from other ships in the same Deep Space Zone or bordering C-Ring grid spaces. Exiting hyperspace in a Deep Space Zone is undetectable to other capital ships in the C-ring or further (so ships in the same DSZ can detect you). Units performing an Active Scan from Deep Space must reveal their location, but all other information about that unit cannot be assumed by the player/system getting scanned (thus, players will know they are getting scanned but not know from what, only from where).

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #1174 on: October 01, 2012, 08:27:37 PM »
Umm... ok, but why? I thought the rules on this were already clear cut, easy to understand, and worked quite well. Why for do we change this?

Edit: Actually, now that I put more thought into it while plotting both of your demise when you show up at Thyferra, while thinking more about it, what would be the point to that. Its 2 extra sentences that dont do anything. Ok, so I dont know exactly what kind of craft is scanning, how did that change anything? My CRV could still make it to the DSZ, being in firing range (as i count visual range) it would still be destroyed? So why add them to begin with?

Wouldnt it just be easier to say probe droids/recon y-wings are undetectable? Seems like it accomplishes better what your looking for with this, and doesnt involve having to add/remove anything from the rules.

Edit Edit: Man, im getting flashbacks from Mon Calamari back in Galactic Rhelms. Now, lets see who has any kind of memory here. And a test for Syren. >=)
« Last Edit: October 01, 2012, 10:37:08 PM by Ramano »

Offline Syren

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« Reply #1175 on: October 01, 2012, 11:50:11 PM »
Test? I wasn't in GR. I was in SiS but never joined the ranks of any of the larger galaxy faction sims. I had a social life and my friends gave me enough shit about my involvement with the SWSF as it was. Hell, they still crack on me. More so now that I killed their characters.

As far as GCW and I are concerned, I believe you made a point of telling me my storylines were boring and no one read them. The beauty of working with Medivh is that we bounce ideas off each other, we respect the characters and the places we want the story to take them. What we don't do is harp about rules and nit-pick each others posts, sucking every last ounce of creative joy that comes from expressing our collective vision and ultimately, telling a vivid and complex story. I enjoy that very much and have grown tired playing within rule based factions long ago as evident by our move to the Freestyle. I don't begrudge anyone else who thrives on that kind of structure, in fact, I quite enjoy reading the storylines of those involved. It's just not my bag, baby.
So do me a favor and choke to death on a dick.  ;)


Offline Ramano

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« Reply #1176 on: October 02, 2012, 08:26:29 AM »
No, I said your freestyle shit was boring and no one read it. Come to a real sim and then you wont be boring anymore. Also, please do me a favor and dont confuse what I do with your night life. How is IT guy btw? =p

And please, do tell me 1 time I nit-picked a person's SL that wasnt a battle post?

And as far as the test, ok, now im convinced you are not Sariah. Had wondered about it for a while, but if you were, you'd have known what I was talking about when I said Mon Calamari in GRU, and would have found the reference quite hilerious.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2012, 08:30:06 AM by Ramano »

Offline Syren

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« Reply #1177 on: October 02, 2012, 11:38:49 AM »
Oh, just my freestyle shit? That makes it all better then...said no one ever! No, I am not Sariah or whatever. I was SyReN then as I am Syren now. IT guy is fantastic, thanks for asking.

The nit-picking is always about battle stuff which goes back and forth in an irritatingly public way when such things should really be handled through PM and corrected in the post. But nooo, you like a spectacle to bemoan whatever tragedy has befallen your town or how the rules prevent you from being a galactic tyrant. Garnering interest and recruiting outside storyline assistance requires a tact you simply do not possess.

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #1178 on: October 02, 2012, 12:04:24 PM »
But nooo, you like a spectacle to bemoan whatever tragedy has befallen your town or how the rules prevent you from being a galactic tyrant.

Says the person who has to take an entire paragraph to say, "nah, I dont want to play." Way to over dramatize everything as you say I do so often. We call that hypocrisy, or as I like to call it, republicanism.

And you say I possess no tact, which you are correct on. But have you ever considered its not that I do not possess any, but simply dont feel it worth it to sugar coat myself in order to be accepted by a broken and backwards society? Other people's acceptance of me is not relevant to my survival. However, I did have an idea I thought you might be interested in, so I asked, way to be a Ramano with the answer. =p

Edit: And for the record, no one nit-picks better then Dem, and he's like your secret boyfriend, lol.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2012, 12:11:16 PM by Ramano »

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #1179 on: October 02, 2012, 02:33:51 PM »
To answer your question Ram, the rule change was made because there is some ambiguity between Active/Passive scanning and its relation to units in Deep Space. For instance, in order to detect a unit in Deep Space you need to be in the C-Ring and perform an active scan, but does this not mean the unit in Deep Space couldn't be detected passively? It may sound confusing, but it was something brought to my attention, and so if I can spare adding one little sentence to the rules to make things clearer, then I will.

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #1180 on: October 02, 2012, 02:35:34 PM »
Oh no its fine, I dont disagree with it, just seems like it would be easier just to make probes and recons undetectable.

Offline Dementat

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« Reply #1181 on: October 02, 2012, 03:21:49 PM »
Iist finished Dark Nest series. What should I read next?
(\/)ighty RE

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #1182 on: October 02, 2012, 04:54:08 PM »
My post killing your fleet, bwuahahahaha!

Offline Dementat

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« Reply #1183 on: October 02, 2012, 08:16:45 PM »
Thanks for the help. I just picked up the first two books of Legacy of the Force, since they were the next books in line.
(\/)ighty RE

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #1184 on: October 02, 2012, 08:35:53 PM »
Sorry, I couldnt resist a little trash talk on the eve of such an epic battle. (I assume its the eve and all your ships have an x1 hyperdrive anyway) But seriously, you couldnt go pick on Hop? Hes not even here, thats easy kills! And what is it about Thyferra thats so damn popular all of a sudden, its like 5 days away from any of your planets and right outside my door. Even at a 2x hyperdrive its only like a 30hr trip for me. In the words of Agent guy on the Matrix: Why Mr Anderson? Why? Why do you persist?!

And as far as the books, the only novel I ever read was Rebel Dawn, and I found it rather boring. Im good for stats, and pre-new republic knowledge. After that, my stuff is arguable at best. However I am currently researching the Vong, although you must bare with me, my learning equipment on this is limited to the Wookiepedia, as I have nothing else to go on, my book doesnt cover them. Truth be told, until... oh wow I forgot his name. The LotF GM before Med... Until his cheat ass uber faction he tried to use on everyone came out, I'd never heard of the Vong.