Author Topic: CC: Corporate Greed  (Read 135218 times)

Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #45 on: December 18, 2013, 02:47:50 PM »
Corporate Sector

D'ian: Surface: Gellar Estate

Schedule and routine had once again part of the children's lives. Celeste works with Garron and Kylie to ensure the past is put behind them with a return to the stable, loving environment they were taken from. This is met with varying degrees of resistance but with two tweens and a teen, this is not exactly uncommon. While they maintain appearances for the sake of their parents, all three children are hiding something.

Dahlia continues her dark explorations with the help of her Voss-Ra minions. The last lesson from the Sith holocron had struck a chord with the mention of a name: Persephone. During her time with Adubell, she had discussed at length the prophecy sent through her biological mother as a vision that outlined the future of The Four. It was called The Prophecy Persephonea. There is a sick excitement in knowing she grows closer to the truth.

Gemma meditates and practices late at night locked in her bedroom. She feels guilty in keeping a part of herself a secret. Kylie is the only one who knows and for her part, the au pair and family friend has kept that secret. She never asked her questions even after she saw her with the lightsaber. Gemma keeps the weapon hidden carefully in her closet, surprised her mother had not discovered it was missing from the box brought to her by Kaytt Corinthos. She longs to find solace in Nevylinn but knows that is not possible right now, especially with all that is unfolding on Chandaar. The Jedi would have more than enough to worry about. Living in the Corporate Sector, Gemma would not be obligated to reveal herself and register as a Force user but now, more than ever, do Nevylinn's instructions to keep these abilities hidden mean more. Instead, Gemma turns to her singing as a creative coping mechanism, bringing her to new levels.

Dane is pleased with the heightened notoriety his kidnapping brings at school. People treat them all with a mixture of awe and fear. He can deal with that but was somewhat thrown by the close relationship his best friend Roman developed with Gemma's friend Preston in their absence. Dane always thought Preston was weird and girly. Roman explained that after they were taken, things got bad at school. There were riots and the students blamed the administration and eventually, their friends for what happened to them. Alka, Preston, Roman, and Muriel took a lot of heat and if it were not for the intervention of Kier and Trichelle, it could have been a lot worse. Their friends were now part of a larger and more popular sphere. Kier protected Roman and Roman protected Preston. Trichelle did the same for Alka and Muriel. The complicated social structure had saved them a lot of suffering. Dane sees this as an advantage and seamlessly transitions back into the mix. Gemma doesn't seem to mind having new friends but Dahlia's got some kind of problem with it all.

Girls. They are so lame sometimes.

He feels his trip to Corellia was worthwhile but perhaps cut a bit short by the arrival of Riley. That kid bugs him. Just because he's a Patten doesn't mean he's like, more special than they are. They are all special. Maybe not special like Gemma or scary like Dahlia but special enough. The Gellar name means a lot. It carries prestige. He doesn't know exactly what that means but he's sure it's pretty cool. He creeps downstairs a little after midnight and locks himself in his father's study. The large paintings look ominous and seem to watch him as he moves across the room. He stops in front of the portrait of Blair Gellar and stares up into her flawless, beautiful face. Her expression is curious and slightly angry and he wonders if this was done on purpose.

"She's quite a babe or at least she was until she was splattered all over the streets of Mondder."

Dane whirls around.

Valerie steps out of the shadows wearing a long, black gown and a smirk.

"Calm down, kiddo. It's just me."

"You scared me. Again."

"I tend to do that."

"Well, stop. It's annoying."

"Noted and ignored," Valerie says smugly, rolling her eyes. "So, I see you made it back safely and transitioned into your cushy little life. How's that going?"

"It's going. My parents are thrilled and school is much easier now that we've got serious social standing."

"Right. The popular kids co-oped your clique while you were away but I'm betting that serves their interests more than yours. They think you are a liability."

"They didn't say anything."

"They wouldn't, manners and all. Despite their youth, they were raised well and hold some semblance of social decorum. On Coruscant, the classmates at my school were spoiled and stupid. They lacked the generations of tradition and training that is pounded into children here practically from birth. D'ian is a special place with its titles and entails. You, Baron Gellar, are the heir to Lord Gellar's estate and assets. Your sister would factor in there somewhere but, even as a Baroness, doesn't hold your standing in this society. She is meant to be married to someone of a higher title, elevating her own status which is, in turn, good for the family. Despite Dahlia's title as Princess which does outrank all of you, she's a female and not a biological heir. These antiquated traditions are the cornerstone of the Corporate elite and prepares them for the societal hierarchy that awaits them on Etti IV. The have's and the have-not's. It sets the tone of how life will be and it is passed down to the next generation."

Dane makes a face.

"Why are you telling me this?"

"That is what Blair was meant for. Her mother – my grandmother – was an Atrii. You do know that name, don't you?"

"Of course. Everyone does. Demaris Atrii is a year older than me."

"Well, Abra Atrii was courted and paired with Rutherford Gellar which is how this whole dysfunctional family began. Blair was not a fan of this system and openly rejected the idea of having a partner picked out for her. She wanted more than just the limited pool of uptight would-be suitors of Valor Prep which is why she insisted on joining your father on one of his business trips to Corellia. It is there she met Major Kyri Patten and fell madly in love. Despite the considerable age difference and potential scandal, she initiated a rather torrid affair with the married Major. He was her first, her only. She did it to spite her parents and threw caution to the wind."

"Then she got pregnant, right? With you?"

Valerie nods, "That's right."

"Accidents happen."

"Except it wasn't. Blair knew exactly what she was doing and intended to get pregnant in hopes she could escape a life of tradition in the Sector. Unfortunately for her, Major Patten had also knocked up his wife, Lilandra. This put the Major in a rather unseemly situation. He loved Blair but he was obligated to his wife and the reputation both personal and professional he had built for them on Corellia."

"What did he do?"

"Kyri begged Blair to terminate the pregnancy but she was furious and determined. Us Gellar's can be rather vindictive. If he wasn't going to leave his wife for her, she would ruin his life and so she told Rutherford the Major had taken advantage of her. A child born out of wedlock with, of all people, a CorSec agent with little social value or standing was an epic scandal waiting to happen. As angry as Rutherford was, going public to destroy the Major would have put the Gellar family name at risk. You know how things work on Etti IV. Clients would flee a company whose founder and CEO was thrust into a negative public light. Reputations are everything here. That's around the time Alexander Winton appeared to offer assistance to a frantic Major Patten."

"Dahlia's real father?"

"Yes, the bastard incarnate. No one knew anything about his plans then. He simply arrived and offered a solution that would allow Kyri to keep his child with Blair and his family with Lilandra intact. It all boiled down to science."

"Science?" Dane says, confused. "I don't understand."

"We'll get to that. Alexander came to the Sector and approached Rutherford with knowledge of the affair and pregnancy. He threatened to go public and severely damage Rutherford's reputation at a critical juncture of his career. He was up for membership on the Direx Board, a position he had coveted for years. ChemiX was finally large and lucrative enough to be a real contender amongst the other corporate powerhouses. The scandal would have jeopardized that and cost them millions. Winton provided an alternative – keep the pregnancy hidden and turn the child over after it was born. Rutherford would be rid of the problem and free of potential backlash. He would be able to move forward with his family and his career. Rutherford brought this to Abra who denounced his cowardice. She suddenly fell ill and was hospitalized for some time leaving Rutherford to make the decision alone. Feeling he had no choice, Rutherford agreed. Blair was kept out of school under the auspices of caring for her sick mother and once I was born, Alexander came to collect. Rutherford secretly allocated funds for my care and Alexander provided assurances that I would be well taken care of."

"Then he took you to Corellia?"

"And placed with an Imperial agent named Evin Delongprey. Of course, that is not the alias assigned to him. He became Jerico Gellar with a full history and documents input into the Corellian database by Kyri Patten. Jerico was a "widower" left with an infant daughter who became a CorSec agent to provide for his "family.""

"What about Blair?"

"Oh, Blair. Her plan backfired so spectacularly. She was left with nothing and expected to return to her life of tradition and privilege as if nothing had happened. She was to be matched with Iver Aguilar's eldest son, Brahm after she graduated from Valor Prep. But Abra's condition worsened and she died."

Dane frowns.

"Sucks for her."

Valerie arches a brow.

"That's not even the worse part. While Rutherford was off celebrating his admission onto the Direx Board and future success of ChemiX, Blair fell into despair. She had been betrayed by her lover, her child stolen and lost her mother. She was desperate to get me back and planned on running away to find me. Alexander Winton would have none of that."

"How did he know?"

"How did he know any of the things he knew? He just did and intercepted Blair before she could leave. She was distraught, vulnerable and what he told her was the breaking point. Abra had protested the decision to give me up and knew that her family, the Atrii's, had considerable resources to help prevent it. They are the wealthiest family in all the CSA. So Alexander poisoned Abra before she could ask for their help. With her incapacitated, the deal was made through blackmailing Rutherford. Alexander told Blair he knew what she intended to do and threatened to kill me if she attempted it. Out of options and overwhelmed with grief, guilt and horror, Blair flew to Etti IV and climbed to the top of the Gellar Tower where she leapt to her death. It was a dramatic gesture that drove home the point of all that Rutherford had done and lost because of it."

Dane's mouth hangs open.

"Does my father know all this?"

"Some he knew and the rest he may have figured out later on but by then it was far too late. He had lost his wife, his daughter and knew his granddaughter was being raised by another beside her half-sister on Corellia. He feared Alexander would harm me if he attempted to retrieve me or renege on their deal which is why I never knew him while I was alive. Death brings such a sweet clarity though it lacks the simple pleasures."

"Point being?"

"There are many lessons to be learned from that. You must decide which is the most valuable to you."

"You said it had something to do with science."

"That is does. A question you may want to ask is why Alexander Winton wanted me alive."

Dane remembers the things he has read, what he saw on Corellia in the museum beneath the Gellar residence.

"Your genetic material was used to create that droid monster thing that terrorized Corellia and wound up killing you."

Valerie touches her nose.

"Bingo. The blood that flowed through my veins also runs through yours."

"What the heck does that mean?"

Valerie smiles and steps back into the shadows.

"It means you don't need the Force to be special. All you need are the right genes."


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #46 on: December 31, 2013, 06:09:37 PM »
Corporate Sector

Etti IV: Surface: Mondder

A stark blue winter sky illuminates the Sector capital. Vex Sienna is reading over the most recent reports from Byss. Orders have been fulfilled, supplies received and business relationships mutually beneficial. He has done quite well for himself here despite a slight misstep with Rutherford Gellar. His com-link bleeps and he absently answers it, believing it to be Kylie since she is supposed to be arriving shortly for a lunch date.


"It's Pallus."

"Hey, Burke. Long time. I did hear about your victory at the Besh Gorgon system. Nice work, old friend. You've made the CSA a much better working environment."

"Good to know but the Federation needed to be dealt with. We are still grappling with their insipid gravity well nets around Republic space. It's proving…challenging in attempting to make any headway with expansion."

Vex smiles, "I have no doubt you will find a way in."

"For our sake, I hope so. The Emperor is keen on results not attempts or excuses."

"Our sake? I've delivered all that has been asked including the financial stake in several key companies here."

Pallus pauses.

"True enough but rumor has it there are opportunities to be made with Rutherford Gellar."

"He's a tough one to crack. I deal mostly with his Executive Director, Irulan Reeves. She's rather amenable to our needs although not much has been asked of her just yet. Lately, I've just been fulfilling the orders placed while maintaining a presence on the Direx Board."

"Ever since Gellar was released from our custody there have been whispers."

"What kind of whispers?"

"That he plays a more critical role than originally planned."

Vex is curious, "Such as?"

"Unclear," Pallus replies. "I only hear things in passing on various assignments but I thought you should be aware in case anything comes up. Never hurts to be prepared."

"What are you not telling me?"

"It hasn't been substantiated. It's just speculation."

"Yet you felt it necessary to call."

Pallus chuffs, "Did anyone ever tell you you're an asshole?"

"Only every other day. So, what's the latest?"

"One of your reports referenced a break-in several months back at the ChemiX lab. Word is that something of extreme rarity and value was stolen."

Vex stretches out on the couch.

"Miss Reeves confirmed an unauthorized entry but there was no mention of anything being taken. Rival companies do much crazier things than that out here to gain a competitive edge."

"I'm just telling you what I heard."

"And I appreciate that."

"You should. Between Gellar's release, the kidnapping case, and the Winton revelation – people are definitely talking. You are closer to it than anyone and I wouldn't be surprised if you were asked to investigate further."

"I'm on the edge of my seat."

Pallus snickers, "The Winton thing has to be a trip. You banged her sister."

"Yeah," Vex says. "A couple of times. A hundred years ago."

"Still, you have to wonder."

"About what exactly?"

"Why you were selected for the CSA assignment."

Vex sighs, "Because I asked for something else. Patrolling the borders of Byss wasn't exactly a thrill ride."

"They could have stationed you anywhere but they sent you to the Corporate Sector where, as it turns out, your ties run deeper than just a private school past with that slutty Gellar chick and the hot blonde Jedi Masterton."

"That's reaching a bit, don't you think?"

"Now that the Gellar-Masterton's adoptive daughter turns out to be a Winton? No."

"You think the Emperor knew the whole time?"

"I'm not saying that but now that everyone does, it might make things more complicated."


"How about a little history repeating?"

"Dahlia is fourteen. How much damage can she do?"

"Based on Alexia and Karen's collective track records? Quite a bit. And it's not just her, Sienna. Winton, Masterton, Gellar…are you following?"

"Wow," Vex says. "I never thought you were one for conspiracy theories or paranoid gossip. Besides, that's only three."

"That we know of."

"You need to get out more."

"You need to pay attention. There is interest in these kids. Not all of it is going to be good."

The door chime sounds.

"I'll keep that in mind."

"See that you do."

Vex clicks off, stands and wanders over to the door. Kylie is waiting on the other side looking radiant. She throws her arms around his shoulders and grins.

"Well, hello gorgeous."

"Shut up and kiss me."

He pulls her inside as their lips connect. It's passionate yet sweet. He breaks away slowly and stares into her face.

"I'm famished."

"I'll bet," she says coyly. "But it will have to wait until after lunch."

"So cruel."

"Oh, relax. I have a radical idea."

"I'm comfortable with radical. I like radical. Radical is good."

Kylie smiles and slides her hands down the front of his chest.

"I was thinking. Now that things have settled down here and life has returned to normal in D'ian, perhaps we can take our relationship public."

Vex blinks.

"Public like how? A formal announcement in front of the Direx Board?"

"We've been together for over a year."

"That's true."

"And most of it we've spent shrouded in secrecy to protect the people we love."

"Also true."

"So, what are we hiding from?"

"We're not hiding, per se. We're just…low-key."

"In this instance I'm not really seeing a distinction. You aren't, like, ashamed of me, are you?"

"Of course not," Vex says, holding her close. "You are insanely attractive with morals and standards that are simply adorable."

"Then what's stopping us from having a real relationship?"

"Two things I can think of."

"Name them."

"For one, your boss hates me."

"Lord Gellar is just protective," Kylie sighs. "He would be wary of any suitor I had. He's not so frightening once you get to know him."

"That's what you said about Lady Masterton but I'm pretty sure she Force-choked me unconscious in a fit of rage right before you had her committed."

"She was just upset! And I didn't have her committed. I simply requested she be removed from the estate under the care of her physician."

"Uh huh."

"Okay, so that's one thing. What's the other?"

"My boss."

Kylie groans.

"You were relocated to the Sector for business but that doesn't mean you can't have a personal life."

Vex nods, "No, it doesn't but the Empire is particular about certain things."

"Not so long ago you were rethinking being a part of those things."

"I have my doubts and after the conversation I just had with Pallus, it's becoming more apparent that things are slightly more complex."

"Off-topic but what conversation?"

"Burke called. There are rumors that something was stolen from the ChemiX lab. Care to comment on that?"

"I don't know anything about it. Maybe you should ask Garron."

"That guy needs to loosen up."

"I'll be sure to pass along the message. Back to the point, you don't want to be an official couple, do you? You'd rather us sneak around in the shadows forever."

"That's not true!"

She throws her hands up and moves toward the door. He moves with her and she stops, briefly.

"Then what is it? What's the real reason?"

"I don't think me being here is a coincidence. This assignment, I mean. True I have history with Gellar's granddaughter and Masterton's daughter but there may be more to it than that."

"How much more?"

"Winton more."

Kylie gasps, "Seriously?"

"This isn't about Karen. It's about…Dahlia. And possibly Gemma and Dane."

"What are you talking about?"

"Burke said there was interest in the kids. Their last names alone are enough to cause a stir. He doesn't know much more than that but some think Rutherford Gellar may have a more….significant…purpose…"

Kylie storms toward the door.

"I told you if you were going through me to get to them I would never stand for it! I knew the conditions of Lord Gellar's release had stipulations. The Empire attaches asterisk's to everything! There is always an ulterior motive with them."


"No," she says sharply. "Lady Masterton was right. Your loyalty lies with them. I'm not going to put the people I love at risk because the Empire wants to play games. You know what they lost, what they almost lost again."

"I don't want them to lose anything!"

"And what if the Empire doesn't give you a choice?"

Vex's face falls. There is nothing he can say. 

Kylie nods, anger causing her eyes to widen.

"That's what I thought."


She pauses in the open doorway, turning.

"If you suspect something is afoul then find out for sure before you wind up losing more than you cared to wager."

And then she is gone.

Vex listens to the sound of her heels echoing down the hall and the hiss of the door as it closes. He would be furious if a part of him didn't know she was right. There is a lot about this situation he questions and Burke's call only served to further that speculation. What does the Empire really want from Gellar and what role does Vex play in helping them get it?


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #47 on: January 16, 2014, 09:38:16 PM »
Corporate Sector

Etti IV: Surface: Mondder

Rutherford Gellar goes over the latest progress from the labs with Irulan. She has some promising news with testing on a new anxiety medication that doubles as a mild anti-depressant, effectively treating both. Earlier trials had shown some minor side-effects in sluggish behaviors and confusion but the recent clinical studies show vast improvement. This medication in particular was designed specifically to coincide with grief and loss, as it plays such a significant role in the lives of everyone. Anxiety and depression often follow loss and this is meant to be a stabilizing force. Like some in this category, it can become addictive if not regulated or prescribed properly. Rutherford instructs her to proceed and she nods, leaving him at the lifts.

It has been an interesting week. The clinical trials aside, there are rumors swirling within the Direx Board that the Federation has been granted sanctuary on Corellia. Nothing has been substantiated or confirmed and the location of The Wheel itself is still somewhat of a mystery. Still, the notion of Federation survival in any form is met with hostility and outrage amongst the board members. Corellia is quite self-sufficient and some speculate that their admission into the Republic would eventually cut into their own profits as they offered more goods and services. They had petitioned for many years without acceptance which is why the Sector had never really considered them a player in market shares but acquiring any remaining Federation holdings may give them some powerful leverage. Rutherford isn't terribly worried since he supplies medicine and not ships or weapons.

He returns to his office distracted and doesn't notice the other figure in the room right away.

"Lord Gellar."

He turns sharply, reflexively reaching for his concealed blaster but softens when he sees the source.

"Jedi Nevylinn," he says, sighing. "You startled me."

"My apologies. I must say I am pleased to see you upright and functioning. How have you been?"

"All things considered, very well. My injuries healed, at least the physical ones."

She nods, "From time spent on the Emperor's command ship."

"Not by choice. The Wheel was attacked."

"We heard. I've been to the Gellar Estate on D'ian. I am also glad to see Mister Prescott is well."

"Garron is tough."

"As are you. You seem much better now. Less…conflicted."

Rutherford taps his com and asks his secretary to hold his calls before turning his gaze back to her.

"I have to be. Not that I mind but how did you get in here?"

"I have my ways. I was not seen, if that is what you mean."

"Good. I suppose you have also heard the Empire has a financial stake in ChemiX as was a condition of my release. Sly bastards. Thankfully, their liaison is easy enough to handle. I must ask, however, what brings you to our part of the galaxy?"

Nevylinn plays his game on his turf.


He smiles, "I never figured the Jedi for coy."

"We generally aren't but this will require a delicate approach. The Republic wants me to maintain a presence and their interests with the Direx Board. As an important client, we did not think anyone would object."

"We have a liaison in the Republic."

"Janessa Kain represents your interests on Chandaar. I am here to see how our interests are being represented on Mondder."

Rutherford considers this.

"You are an interesting choice for the Speaker, no offense intended. The Direx Board will be amenable, of course, but the Imperial stake and general suspicion may put you in an uncomfortable situation. There could be backlash. I hope you are prepared for that."

"I am."

He rounds the desk and makes his way to the wet bar.

"I don't suppose you would care for a drink?"

"No, thank you."

"You said you were at the estate," he says, pouring a dark liquid over ice. "I trust the reception was warm."

"Lady Masterton and company were perfectly hospitable. She insisted I stay last night and venture to Mondder today which, after the long flight, was most appreciated."

"My wife is a wonderful hostess. Did you see the children?"

"Only briefly. They seem to be adapting well."

He shrugs, "Kids are resilient. They have also been seeing the school counselor who comes highly recommended. She is helping them adjust back to their routine."

"How have you been adjusting?"

He pauses with the glass half-way to his lips.

"Fairly convincingly. Why are you really here?"

"I think you know."

Rutherford finishes the drink.



Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #48 on: January 19, 2014, 02:30:03 PM »
Corporate Sector

Etti IV: Surface: Mondder: Gellar Tower

"The lost Winton royal," Nevylinn says. "Not that anyone knew she was lost since very few knew she existed in the first place."

"We had our reasons for keeping such a secret."

"Yes, we know. The Winton name carries with it both prestige and horror. No doubt there were many questions when Dahlia revealed herself publicly. We reviewed your press conference photage and felt you handled it rather well considering."

Rutherford pours himself another.

"Considering what?"

"How this changes things. For everyone. The public now knows of the existence of three direct descendants of the original Four. That leaves one unaccounted for."

"The Ambassador has him carefully hidden."

"But for how long? The boy is tenacious, noble, much the same way his mother was. It is only a matter of time before someone starts digging too deeply or he reveals himself. Either way, the emergence of a new Four has some very unsettled."

"The Jedi always has its worries," Rutherford says. "I thought worry led to fear."

"And fear to hate. Yes, Lord Gellar. We are aware of the chain-reactions within our own but you cannot tell me these same worries have not crossed your mind. The doubt radiates off you now."

He paces the length of the room in silence before responding.

"Back then, I was a different person. I was bitter and despondent over the loss of my family, the things I had done. When the Queen contacted me, I wanted nothing more than revenge. Agreeing to help her served that purpose and I did so knowing it meant the Queen would perish for her actions. I wanted to take from Winton what was taken from me - my wife, my daughter. I never expected what came next when a terrified Celeste arrived with the infant Dahlia. It was a chance to start over."

Nevylinn watches him carefully.

"Yet you had reservations."

"About Dahlia? Yes. Not about Celeste. Harboring the child of Winton could be dangerous, knowing what became of both Alexia and Karen. There is a power and darkness in their bloodline that I was uncertain could be contained or tempered. Celeste assured me that Karen and Alexia were manipulated into their actions by Alexander. Victims of environment and circumstance. We were to give Dahlia something new; a real chance. While I remained vaguely skeptical, I began to believe her as we fell in love and had two children of our own. The vaccine kept them all hidden and as the years passed, I began to see what she saw. It was a new and beautiful life for both of us."

"Do you still feel that way?"

"I did until we came to Chandaar. Crossing paths with Mara Tacofer and her nephew was no coincidence. It was a wake-up call that the idyllic little life we had built was fabricated out of our delusions. There is something more at work here and the Jedi knows that."

"I never said we didn't."

"Master Corrin promised to return to us and I never saw him again until we went after the children almost eleven years later. I mourn his passing but forgive me if that leaves me with little faith in the Jedi's word. You don't even know who was behind the children's kidnapping, this dark Jedi Dahlia spoke of."

Nevylinn swallows.

"But we do."

Rutherford stops, turning toward her.

"You do?"

She finds the words flow more freely now, released from her tightened throat by the gravity of the moment.

A truth around the truth.

"She was not a dark Jedi. She was a Sith and she used the Gellar clones to abduct all four children but we believe her focus was Dahlia which is why Riley, Gemma and Dane were more accessible during the rescue. We are not sure of her motives or how she knew about Dahlia or Riley. All we know is there was a significant period of time between the rescue and when Dahlia appeared in that courtroom. We want to know what really happened and I think you do too."

Rutherford is too distracted by the introduction of more sinister workings that he does not follow up with a query regarding the identity of the Sith. He sets the glass down on his desk and leans against it.

"We haven’t pressed the issue with her. Celeste said we could risk traumatizing her again if we don't allow space for her to process and tell us in her own way. The school therapist agreed. We just try to be supportive, to help them adjust."

"It is what good parents do."

"Not good enough evidently," he replies distantly then meets her gaze. "You think the Sith did something to her? More than the torture she described?"

Nevylinn treads carefully.

"You said it yourself; there is power and darkness in that bloodline. We want to ensure this was not exploited."

"It goes beyond that. Beyond her. Beyond them."


"Our worst fears have always been rooted in Winton's influence circling back around through his followers to harm those in the present as it did in the past. I will never let that happen."

Nevylinn touches his arm.

"Neither will we."


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #49 on: February 09, 2014, 01:44:04 PM »
Corporate Sector

Etti IV: Surface: Mondder

Nevylinn's introduction to the Direx Board was somewhat anticlimactic given the events that immediately followed. Iver Aguilar received her warmly enough, offering assurances that the Republic's interests were central to their operations. She could sense he was skeptical of her presence but masked these feelings beneath his polished corporate façade. Nevylinn took this in stride and maintained a distance from Rutherford Gellar to protect his position within the Board. The other primary shareholders in the Republic markets introduced themselves politely before she was announced to the whole of the Board. There were murmurs and whispers yet her eyes were drawn to the suspicious glare of the Imperial liaison, Vex Sienna. Clearly, he doubted her motives. Little did he know the Direx Board was the least of her worries.

That is around the time when Aguilar's aide approached the massive circular table with disturbing news which was then projected into the center of the room. The announcement that the CEC had acquired the Trade Federation holdings and namesake goes over about how one would expect from tightly wound businessmen and women. The table explodes with accusations and the rage within the room is almost too much to bear. Nevylinn has to steady herself against the barrage of fury. It is not directed at her by any means but it is palpable and disturbing. She takes her leave before it gets really ugly, knowing where they would inevitably go with the discussion. Corellia is now part of the Republic and with the Federation assets in CEC control, they would be able to offer a wider range of goods in house as opposed to paying the often times exorbitant fees associated with the CSA. This would surely cause strife for Janessa Kain, the liaison on Chandaar.

Nevylinn returns to the private apartment leased by the Republic. There are several to host their liaisons and delegates. She does not need anything flashy and chooses a more conservative unit. She is thankful she is not a part of the traditional business community. In these quiet moments, Nevylinn kneels on the floor to meditate. The rush of calm and clarity is welcome after the corporate fray she had just escaped. Her com-unit bleeps from the kitchen counter. She opens her eyes and stands, walking over to the device. The display shows the caller is her young protégé.

"Hello Gemma, is everything alright?"

"Yes," she says. "But I have something to tell you."


"There is another Force sensitive here. It's one of our classmates. I felt her when we were attending a fundraiser with our parents. Her family is…very important. Maybe the most  important in the Sector."

Nevylinn considers this.

"Did you reveal yourself?"

"No but I'm not the only one who noticed. I am certain Dahlia felt her to."

"Was she discovered?"

"I got to her first. We reintegrated with our friends. No one was the wiser."

"That's very good, Gemma."

"Master, she needs our help."

"Did she tell you that?"

"Not exactly," Gemma replies softly. "I could just tell. She's frightened. When I found her she was meditating, fully connected to the Force. She has some working knowledge of it but I don't know from where."

"What's her name?"

"Demaris Atrii."

Nevylinn suspected as much. Her older brother, Donovan, is the youngest member of the Jedi Council. Demaris was tested when she was young and discovered to have a significantly elevated midi-chlorian level but Donovan requested she be left alone. Demaris is a beautiful, strange and clever girl, one who held great potential but Donovan's commitment to the Jedi had left his parents confused and hostile. They felt the Jedi had stolen their son when, in actuality, they had reformed him from the spoiled and aimless trust fund kid he had become. Donovan knew the sacrifice required of a Jedi and wanted his sister to have at least had a chance to decide for her what she wanted to do, not have it decided for her. Master Corrin agreed and Demaris was not brought to Chandaar for training.

The silence draws on.

"Do you know her?"

"I know of her," Nevylinn says. "Where is she now?"

"At her house, I imagine. What should I do?"

"Be there for her, if she needs you."

"How can I do that if I can't tell her the truth?"

"Friendship doesn't require use of the Force."

"What about Dahlia?"

"You must keep her shielded from Dahlia at all costs. I will notify the council of these developments and report back with any instructions. Good work, Gemma. I'll be in touch soon."

She clicks off sets the com down, staring through the window to the cityscape beyond. This is more delicate than Gemma knows. Discovering Demaris' potential is one thing but having Dahlia's interest piqued is quite another. Without any real knowledge of what Dahlia can do, it puts Demaris Atrii in a very precarious situation. Potential rivals or perceived threats to the Sith are often eliminated. Dahlia cannot simply get rid of Gemma. It would be too suspicious. So Gemma must protect Demaris until the Jedi decide what to do. Best case scenario, Gemma runs interference and Dahlia forgets about it entirely. It's not as if the girl does not have enough distraction in her life. From what Gemma has told her about Valor Prep, there is plenty to keep Dahlia preoccupied while Nevylinn attempts to figure out what she knows.

Oh, Adubell. What have you done?"


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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #50 on: March 03, 2014, 01:53:19 PM »
Corporate Sector

D'ian: Surface

The sprawling Nash mansion was a gothic marvel and kept nearly freezing at all times. Secretive and armed to the teeth, the Chiss family is somewhat of a paradox to their species. Originating from House Nuruodo, they traveled from Naporar twenty-three years ago to explore and expand their business opportunities within the ruthless Corporate Sector. The Nurodo family was generally the point of contact with outsiders and Iver Aguilar seized upon a rare opportunity with an invitation a join them outside the Ascendancy. It was seen as a crucial partnership and thus Palace Arms established operations on Etti IV.

Balthazar Nash was born Balt'nashir'nuruodo but simplified this as part of his integration into the CSA society. His wife, Rinoa did the same and it was mutually agreed that their offspring would be given a contemporary name to suit their new environment. Roman was born and raised into two worlds, the world he lived in the world they left behind. Balthazar's choice to live among humanoids was not well-received at first, threatening to ruin the entire Nuruodo family name. However, since the Ruling Families had been reduced from nine to four and Palace Arms generated millions in revenue between their various clients, concessions were made that allowed for them to remain. Rinoa taught Roman in the ways of the Chiss and instilled their heritage in him. Having plutonic humanoid companions was a necessary evil and not of great concern as Roman grew from infant to child. However, adolescence brought with it the prospect of romance and notions of a humanoid partnership were quickly squashed. A female Chiss mate was chosen on their homeworld and would join with Roman when the time came.
Roman Nash had grown up knowing he was different in more ways than one. His deep blue skin and glowing red eyes immediately set him apart from his mostly humanoid classmates. He was endlessly fascinating to other children who viewed him as either a novelty or an unknown threat. Dane Gellar was the first person to approach him without a look of worry or fear. They became fast friends as children and grew to become competent athletes, the youngest on the Valor Prep Varsity Chin-Bret team. While they played little, they learned a lot from the older players who would eventually graduate and move on. Gemma Masterton had always been kind to him even at her own expense as others made fun of her for befriending the strange blue boy. Alka Dawning seemed wary of his family but got along just fine with him. And then there was Preston Dyre. They had not spoken much prior to the Gellar-Masterton kidnapping but that tragedy bonded Roman, Alka and Preston together. Alka was a capable linguist and could fend for herself where as Preston was shy and soft-spoken which is why Roman had to step in to protect him from the older students who irrationally blamed them for what happened. The student riots would have been much worse had Kier Kincaid and Trichelle Corinthos not intervened. Both had taken the younger students under their proverbial wing along with absorbing Muriel Monroe and Tobias Harkan. When Dane, Gemma and Dahlia returned, the age-disparate group became a much sought-after enigma within the student body.

Roman once had a schoolboy crush on Gemma as her voice could bring anyone into an almost trance-like state. As they grew and his relationships with the others changed there were other feelings he could not describe. He knew he would not be allowed to formally date Gemma. She was a humanoid and certainly not a Chiss. These feelings were different, dangerous for his kind. Preston represented something that was forbidden within the Chiss and Roman works hard to suppress his attraction, especially in spite of his friendship with Dane. Moreover, if these were discovered, there is no telling what his parents would do. They were progressive when they needed to be but still held firm to the traditions of the Chiss.

He often had to visit his friends at their respective estates. Not many were permitted on the Nash Estate grounds. Also, the temperatures comfortable to them were nearly hypothermic to his friends. Roman joins Alka and Preston at the Gellar Estate for a picnic Gemma decides to throw in the early thaw. Dane is surprisingly willing to go along with this, most likely to impress the ever aloof Alka. The group gathers on a large patchwork blanket in the clearing behind the mansion but not beyond the dense woods that separate the Gellar and Corinthos estates. The silver and pink Naboo royal cruiser glimmers in the sunlight on the landing platform behind them.

Gemma wears a wide pastel hat to keep the sun off her face as she sets plates from the basket prepared by Kylie Miranda. Espos guards line the property, standing like silent sentries on the periphery. No one wants a repeat performance of the kidnapping therefore a tighter watch on the children is required. The agent closest to them is the Voss-Ra disciple posing as the Espos to do Dahlia's bidding. He keeps a careful eye on the Masterton girl and Gellar boy as the Elders consider them Anointed Ones and potential threats to their exalted Abomination. The children talk and laugh amongst themselves as they sip flavored soda water and nibble on finger sandwiches. Alka ignores Dane which drives him mad and causes Preston and Roman to snicker between stolen glances.

From the kitchen window, Garron Prescott stares out in a cautious wonder as he reflects on Kylie's cryptic words. Their expressive faces and animated gestures belie the innocence of it all but a shadow of doubt has been cast upon them.

What are the children hiding?


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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #51 on: March 18, 2014, 12:44:54 PM »
Corporate Sector

Etti IV: Surface: Mondder

Irulan Reeves makes her rounds in the labs as Velco, the anti-anxiety/anti-depressant goes into full production. Early reception from the pharmaceutical community had been positive since it was mild and showed little sign of habit forming in the trials. It is the contrast to Capra, the powerful painkiller that has mass potential for abuse if not prescribed properly. Capra is only supposed to be administered in cases of severe pain, usually following surgery or in patients with debilitating illness. Some physicians seem to have been too liberal in their administration of Capra and there are rumors it has become a designer drug for bored housewives and affluent teenagers. While it hasn't hurt sales, it does pose questions about the over-medication of the population.

Irulan is a woman who touts personal responsibility. They create medications to combat illness and pain but they must be administered properly with strict care. People who ignore these warning face consequences and she has little patience for those who throw caution to the wind. Her com bleeps as she signs off on the first Velco shipments. It is her assistant, letting her know the Imperial liaison is here. Irulan sighs and says she will be up momentarily. She is always wary of Imperial involvement in anything but certain conditions had to be agreed to before they would release Rutherford Gellar. She did what she thought she must to ensure his survival and that of the company.

Vex Sienna is standing in the executive lobby and smiles when she approaches.

"Mister Sienna," she says, shaking his hand. "It is a pleasure to see you again although somewhat unexpected. How may we help you today?"

"The Empire would like to place an order."

"Surely you realize you are not required to appear in person to do so."

Vex's face tightens.

"It is a special order, one that may require some…experimentation to achieve the desired results."

"Experimentation? I'm not sure I follow."

He hands her a data card, "Here is the research we have completed so far. There are notations from our medical professionals but we defer to your judgment on how best to reach the outcome."

Irulan withdraws her pad and inserts the card. She quickly scans through the data, her eyes widening.

"Please, step into my office."

"Of course."

Once inside, she turns to him.

"Am I to understand you would like us to develop a drug that suppresses pain? We already have. Take your pick. Any generic painkiller will do."

"Dulling the pain receptors in the brain is only half the challenge. We need this drug to also suppress fear and promote extreme calm while not impairing motor functions or cognition."

Irulan narrows her eyes.

"For what purpose?"

"Classified," Vex replies evenly. "Can it be done?"

"I must confer with our scientists and, of course, Rutherford Gellar before we can proceed."

"It's a lucrative contract and I suspect Gellar will see that."

Irulan squares her shoulders, defaulting to a more amenable tone.

"The Empire is a valued client and we will do all we can to ensure you remain satisfied with our work. Once we've had a chance to review the material in full, we'll be in touch."

Vex nods.

"Good day, miss Reeves."

Irulan waits until he has left the office to grab her com. Experimentation. Classified. These are not terms that sit well. She may be a business woman and prone to shrewd acts that are often perceived as ruthless but she is not unethical. She gets Gellar's assistant and leaves a message for him to contact her immediately. To satisfy her own curiosity, she calls a few scientists from the lab she knows will be discreet to ascertain the viability of the request. Deep down, she knew the Empire's involvement with ChemiX would come with a price.

Now she wonders how high it will be.


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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #52 on: March 27, 2014, 09:43:20 PM »
Corporate Sector

Etti IV: Mondder: Surface: Gellar Tower

Irulan Reeves consults with Rutherford Gellar regarding the Imperial request. He is not surprised they would want them to develop something with potentially sinister applications. Instead, he wants to know how much they are willing to pay for it.

"Sienna made it sound worthwhile," Irulan says. "You aren't worried it could be used against us?"

He shakes his head.

"The Empire wouldn't be so stupid. With the Republic threat growing and the salvation of the Federation through the Corellian Engineering Corporation, they cannot afford to lose any ground with us. They are not a self-sustaining entity. My rescue and subsequent release came with the unspoken stipulation that should they need anything in the future, however nefarious, we would respond favorably. And so we shall."

"With Velco going into mass production, the team will be eager for a new challenge. Something so specific will take time. The requisite trials alone will not produce the desired results, especially if they require no trace of side effects."

"Begin the research now. I'll send an update to Sienna informing him of our cooperation. This should buy us time."

Irulan knows him well enough to know he is insinuating something further.

"To do what?"

"Figure out what it is they really want from us. Months ago, while I was searching for my children, a sample of my son's genetic material was stolen from our labs."

"I cannot apologize enough…"

"There is no apology necessary, Reeves. I saw the photage myself. Tran had clearance to the lab and whoever he was working for made sure he wouldn't be around long enough for us to ask him about it. I am not suggesting it was Imperial-inspired but it's a working theory. The sample is out there. Plain and simple."

Irulan swallows hard.

"You still believe the legacy gene was the target?"

He nods, "It's the only explanation as to why Gemma and Dahlia's samples were left untouched. An entire lineage is in that storage….not just ours either."

"There is no way anyone could know-"

"Of course not. Not even Celeste knows. But she does know Dane's sample was stolen. Thankfully, the return of the children has allowed that horrifying sliver of information to slip her mind. History has shown us what the gene is capable of. PHAGE was an abomination, an affront to nature, to science."

"The Viceroy seemed to think it was a prudent investment."

Gellar laughs, a cool distance creeping into his tone.

"Medivh, Winton; they were fools to tamper with things so far beyond their control. Nothing in this life turns out the way you think it should. That's the beautiful tragedy of it all. If you put something in a maze, you should be prepared in the event it finds its way out. Henrick Masterton was bent on finding a cure for Alexia Winton that instead provided a shield for others to escape Alexander's grasp. The clone of Valerie Gellar grew to love a boy, her nephew in the most basic biological sense, and protect him above all else. I continue to harbor a potentially dangerous and destructive force under my own roof, the last of the Winton legacy. And my son with his genetic code ripe to get the ball rolling all over again. The cyclical irony is killing me."

"Given the circumstances, I think you have done well."

"Have I? Some days it's difficult to tell. With our families, it feels like you are always on the verge of drowning in the dark waters of the unknown. There always seems to be someone beneath the surface waiting to reach out and pull you under. Gemma has dreamed of monsters for as long as I can remember and one day those monsters finally caught up with her."

A frown creases Irulan's delicate features. They had been more than just colleagues over the years, they were confidants. He has been her mentor, a father figure that helped shape her career. The tumultuous journey of ChemiX is something they rode out together. She is a wealthy, powerful woman due in part to his influence. It is lonely at the top. Heavy is the head, he warned her but it is a life she chose. She had watched him lose his first family and fall into a hole so deep she was unsure he would ever emerge. When he did, he gained another and she had never seen him happier. More recently, things had begun to crumble around him and she is concerned as he teeters closer to the brink.

"What are you afraid will happen?"

Rutherford stares past her, through the floor-to-ceiling windows that offer a panoramic view of Mondder. The black and gray towers angle and reach for the sky, monoliths in a sea of duracrete and transparasteel.

"That the monsters represent something larger and it is only a matter of time before they find us too."


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #53 on: April 22, 2014, 06:18:04 PM »
Corporate Sector

D'ian: Surface: Gellar Estate

It has been an interesting few weeks from Garron Prescott's perspective.

Given the things he had overheard from the exchange between Kylie Miranda, the Jedi Nevylinn and Gemma Masterton, he had taken to a position of careful observation as of late. Typically, he would be accompanying Rutherford Gellar on Etti IV but a new project had come up that needed urgent attention. Lord Gellar had not been home in almost a month. Lady Masterton, on the other hand, was delightfully occupied with clients. It seems spring brings forth problems that had lay dormant throughout the winter. The children have been his focus since their parents attention is diverted by business matters.

Princess Dahlia has been spending a considerable amount of time at the Monroe Estate. She says she and Muriel have upcoming projects followed by finals in late spring but she has never been quite so attentive to school work in the past. It's not like she would tell him the truth if he asked and they do not seem to be getting into trouble so he does not protest.

Dane has been abnormally subdued. Quiet and polite are two words that are seldom used when referencing the young Baron but the past few weeks have seen a real turnaround in his behaviors. He is diligent and respectful even if his eyes say differently. The point is he is making an effort to not be such a little shit and Garron appreciates that. With the Chin-Bret season long over, he and Roman practice with their athletic mentor, Kier Kincaid. His pointers and training have helped Dane keep a real focus on the field. At least he has an outlet for all that energy.

And then there is Gemma. With a face like that, it is difficult to stay angry even if he knows she has been lying ever since the Jedi brought her back to the Sector. They all have in their own ways. Garron just happens to have been privy to Gemma's proclivities. True, he was eavesdropping but as guardian pro tem he needs to be kept in the loop. The fact that Kylie has yet to level with him drives him crazy. They had always been on the same page with the children and it helps having a united front. Now it seems she is cahoots with the Jedi who Gemma sneaks off with when she thinks no one is looking. He knows Lord Gellar has granted the Jedi access to their Viiperi Lake house but that is to be held in the strictest of confidences. Sector, Republic, Empire - no one wants to send mixed messages. Still, the blonde Baroness and her trickery is sure to blow up eventually.

That is why Garron waits until they children are safely off at school to confront Kylie. She is in the kitchen going over the dinner menu for the week with the head service droid when he asks to have a word. The droid is excused and she turns her attention to him.

"When were you going to tell me?"

"Tell you what?"

"That Gemma is a Jedi."

She laughs. He does not.

Kylie clears her throat, "I'm sorry. I didn't know you were serious."

"You know I am."

"Oh, don't be so melodramatic Garron. It's unbecoming. Have you heard from Lord Gellar?"

"Don't change the subject."

She raises her hands in mock-surrender.

"Yikes, hostile much?"

"Says you," he sighs. "You've been a real pill ever since you dumped that Imperial dandy when suddenly you begin acting shady. What gives?"

Kylie shrugs, "I'm processing it."

"But you haven't. You still love him. It's written all over your face."

She opens her mouth to counter but he shakes his head.

"We've known each other a long time, Kylie and I'd like to think we are completely honest with one another. Except you haven't been."

"I don't know what you are talking about."

"You should," Garron says. "I heard you pleading with Gemma to choose a different path, one that isn't a long and horrifying trail of blood and tears. The Jedi did more than keep her hidden on Naboo, didn't she? As a Force sensitive, she helped Gemma realize her potential."

Kylie holds his gaze with narrowed eyes.

"If you already have all the answers, why do you feel the need to interrogate me?"

"Because I was hoping you would have volunteered the information by now."

"Garron, this is not a secret I want to keep. Believe me."

"Is that so?"

Kylie rolls her eyes up.

"You turn into such a brat when you aren't in the know."

"That’s because it's my job to protect us and I can't do that if I don't have all the information."

"Noted, sorry, but the Jedi did have a compelling point. Gemma's skills could protect us too. Not just from the garden variety Sector scumbag but from whoever is out there gunning for the children. You know as well as I do that the past rarely stays there, especially when it comes to these families. Someone is out to get them and it wouldn't hurt to have another fighter in our corner."

"I don't disagree."

"You don't?" she gasps, punching him lightly in the arm. "Preface with that."

Garron smirks, "What fun would that be?"

"Fine but I cannot tell you how relived I am that you know."

"Are Lord and Lady aware?"

"No and they should remain in the dark for now. Jedi Nevylinn said something about keeping these abilities out of the spotlight and I would have to agree. Given the climate in the Republic and any negative sentiments here in the Sector, it would probably be best to minimize her exposure. They have enough to contend with as it is."

"What about the other children?"

Kylie's face becomes more serious.

"I don't trust the other children."

"What makes you say that?"

"Dane is up to something. You can tell. And I love Dahlia but she is a Winton. As much as I like to tell myself they are not a stereotype, each of The Four definitely leans a certain way. Gellar's tend to be devious and Winton's somewhat narcissistic and destructive."

"What about the Masterton's?"

"Practical yet self-righteous."

Garron makes a face, "You sound like a tabloid."

"As salacious as they can sometimes be, there are bits of truth. Don't tell me you haven't seen it too. They are reaching an age where they are questioning their places in the worlds. I don't know about you but this is a frightening variable for me."

"We have to help them make the right choices."

"How can we do that with so many outside influences? The past, the Force, politics, celebrity, business – it's all so up in the air."

"That's why we have to be there for them like we always have been."

"You don't think that sounds the least bit naïve?"

Garron sighs.

"Not when we know what to look for."


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #54 on: April 28, 2014, 01:25:12 PM »
Corporate Sector

Etti IV: Surface: Mondder

Vex Sienna stands in the open balcony doorway and stares out over the bustling cityscape. The monochromatic palette is very Imperial and perhaps why he feels so at home here. He rotates a nearly empty glass of whiskey around in his hand, watching the dark amber liquid swirl between the chunks of ice as he waits for the call. He doesn't have to wait long. Apparently, the powers that be have Burke Pallus checking up on him now as he inquires about the progress of the project.

"ChemiX was amenable to our terms."

"No objections? Color me impressed."

"I doubt we would have asked if there had been qualms about Rutherford Gellar's moral ambiguity."

"Perhaps not," Burke says. "But he's a different man now. He has a family, round two if memory serves."

"Family changes things."

"It can but the Emperor will be pleased to hear Gellar did not protest. Was there a timeline given?"

"We are scheduled to meet at the end of the week but Irulan Reeves did stress there would need to be extensive testing to ensure the desired results could be achieved without any adverse affects."

"She's very thorough."

"Which is why she's one of the highest paid women in the Sector, I imagine."

Burke pauses then changes direction.

"How is the Direx Board?"

"Explosive as always," Vex says, finishing off the drink. "Some companies are beginning to feel the effect of the Federation-CEC merger which has led to some of the most colorful conversation I've ever witnessed. Have you seen an Executive Director give himself a stroke from screaming? It's a sight to behold."

"Business as usual then?"

"For the most part."

"And the Jedi?"

"She's around here somewhere. This kind of environment isn't exactly their speed."

"You've lost her position?"

Vex sets the glass down, "I wasn't aware we cared to keep it."

"She's a Jedi."

"There are no hang-up's here about such things. Everyone is a player if they can be profited from. She's just checking in for the Republic which happens to be a large client much like the Empire."

"Have you had much contact with her?"

"No," Vex says. "There was just the initial surprise at seeing a Jedi here to begin with. They are not ones to drop by for a visit."

Burke grumbles.

"That doesn't strike you as the least bit suspicious?"

"Not really, given their reputation downturn in recent months. Is there a reason we should be concerned?"

"It's not just that the Jedi has chosen to be more publicly proactive, it's that particular Jedi showing up in the Corporate Sector."

"What does that mean?"

"That is not for us to know."

"Right," he sighs. "You just enjoy being cryptic. Is there anything else?"

"The girl."

"What girl?"

"Miss Miranda, is it?"

Vex's skin turns to stone but he maintains an even tone.


"How…is she?"

"I wouldn't know. That's long over."

"Good," Burke says. "The Emperor does not want you getting distracted."

"I agree completely and will let you know as soon as I hear about the project."

Once the line goes dead, Vex exhales loudly and pours himself another glass. His motives here have only grown more mysterious with the passing months. All of the objectives he was assigned have been completed and he has done nothing to warrant their suspicions but he knows better than to assume with the Empire. Their reactions when he reported the Jedi's arrival were tell-tale enough but even now there is no clear explanation. Obviously, she means something to them.

But what?

He walks through the living room and picks up a picture on one of the black shelves. He had shot the picture down, standing over Kylie draped across a blanket in a park. She is so beautiful and radiant that he cannot help but smile. Still, he knows better. She wanted a commitment, one he was more than ready to give her but the Empire is always watching. They would use any leverage as means of control and he is not about to lose a second girlfriend to their machinations.

Almost twelve years ago, as he was getting ready for his first real assignment aboard the Saavia's Revenge, Vex received a message. It was sent to the com-link he used in high school but he kept around because that particular model had been so unique and popular at the time. He doesn't know why he turned it on but when he did, there it was.


I know we have never been close but we both suffered great losses of the people we love. They say we are all searching for something and two days ago I found Tenley Price. She was abducted by Alexia Winton under the orders of the Imperial Director and turned into an assassin who I unfortunately had to end. Closure is an important part of the grieving process and I know we had always wondered. I thought it was important you know the truth, regardless of what path you have chosen. Consider carefully the master you serve.


He had been so blindly angry that he almost failed to report in. How much did Dementat know? What about Karen? There were so many questions back then that fell to the wayside in the wake of the Centerpoint Battle. After that those things became trivial. Dementat and Kyja were dead. He had grieved and let go of Tenley years before that but Melanie was right about one thing: he had always wondered. Not just about her.

About everything.

Schrag became Emperor and Vex went through the motions, hoping that with a new regime the lies of the past could be reconstructed into something worth a damn. His career stalled until he was assigned to the Corporate Sector. He has had his own doubts and suspicions, ones he shared with Kylie but a scheme with that kind of scope leaves little room for escape. He does not want what happened to Tenley to happen to Kylie and so he pushed her away. He made her hate him so she could be safe.

Even in his head it sounds foolish.

They are both tied to the four families and if history has taught them anything it's that the collateral damage is always higher with proximity.


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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #55 on: May 05, 2014, 05:25:30 PM »
Corporate Sector

D'ian: Surface: Gellar Estate

Dahlia faces an intense internal struggle. She is not even sure how the holocron knew about the incident with Muriel, especially since she has not breathed a word of it to anyone. Without compromising the delicate situation, Dahlia brought in Trichelle and Demaris, two girls who are also in the latch-key category of adolescence. Parental oversight in either girl's upbringing has been minimal at best and they are the best resource to coping with that. Dahlia mentioned that Muriel was having a difficult time with her mother always on location while subtly Force prodding their empathy responses which in turn caused both to act quickly, swooping in like supportive friends should. It's not that they wouldn't have done the same without the mental interference but Dahlia doesn't have time for that. She needs to scale it back and reconsider her focus.

As much as she hated to admit it, Alexia was right about one thing. Karen's attachment to her friends got her in a lot of trouble. They may have started off on the same page, parties and boys, but as they grew those loyalties and perspectives changed. Often times those came into conflict with one another. Karen was clearly far more powerful than Melanie but she believed in the core foundation of their friendship which allowed the latter to get the jump on the former. She likes to think she isn't that stupid but the holocron believes she is. Still, the façade of a typical teenage girl requires some of these typically trite rites of passage.

In the midst of her pondering the fortuitous turn she knew would arrive comes knocking. Security had cleared the woman's credentials and Kylie grants her access to the estate while Dahlia is called down from her room.

"Good afternoon, Miss Winton. My name is Escara Wu, one of the marketing director's from the Vectra Management Group out of a Chandaar."

Dahlia's face brightens, "VMG? You guys represent some of the premiere talent in the fashion world."

Escara smiles.

"I'm glad you are familiar with our clients since we hope to make you our newest addition."

"I'm sorry, what's happening?"

"Allow me to explain. We would have been in contact sooner but we wanted to be sensitive to your recent ordeal, give you time to heal before you considered your next move. Several of our top clients and models plan to retire once they turn twenty-eight and go on to other philanthropic ventures. While many of our up-and-coming clients will secure those spots, it does leave a very exclusive window of opportunity to find the next generation of fresh faces."

"Anyone I would know?"

"Are you familiar with Kinsa Cavanaugh?"

"The Republic socialite?" Dahlia says. "Who isn't?"

"We represent her younger sister, Quinn. She was recently signed with us – a beautiful girl with a hospitality fortune at her disposal. You, however, represent a legacy. The Winton legacy. Karen's features, namely the crimson hair and green eyes became synonymous with the industry throughout the galaxy. She was signed to a specific fashion house out of the former Coruscant."


"Exactly," Escara says. "I understand you have an eye for Nalaa Grey couture. Classy, very chic but why limit yourself? With VMG, you could be the face of any brand you want."

"I wouldn't have to, like, drop out of school or anything…"

"No, no," Escara laughs. "We firmly believe in securing a fine education. You can do both, especially since you are still a minor. This would mean mostly photage and appearances, nothing that would infringe too heavily on your curriculum. After you graduate, you would be free to choose a more aggressive path in runway which would take you all over the galaxy."

"How exciting! But for now I would be back and forth between here and Chandaar, right?"

"Primarily, yes. We are headquartered out of the Republic capital."

Dahlia hopes her smile isn't too devious.


"I'll leave you some things to look over and of course, we will need parental consent to the terms of the contract. When you turn eighteen you will be presented with a contract of your own, the terms of which can be heavily negotiated depending on how well you are received between now and then."

"I'm a Winton," Dahlia says. "The public doesn't stand a chance."

Escara is overjoyed, "I am thrilled you see it that way too. We'll be in touch."

After she is gone, Kylie takes the datacards for Celeste to review later. She gives Dahlia a questioning look.

"I know what my mother is going to say but what about you?"

"I only want the best for you but that is a lucrative yet very competitive road. It would mean sacrificing parts of your personal life."

"What personal life? I'm just a student."

Kylie's eyes narrow slightly, "I don't think you are just anything."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

She recovers, shifting into a more neutral tone.

"I simply couldn't describe you in a singular way and I wouldn't limit yourself in terms of your potential."

"I want to do this."

"Want to do what?" Garron says, striding into the room.

"Model for VMG."

"The Vectra group?" He whistles. "That's the big time."

"Oh, don't tell me you are actually advocating for this."

Garron shrugs, "There are worse things she could do."

"Thank you."

"Don't get all smug just yet. Your parents still need to approve."

"I can handle them," Dahlia mumbles.


"Nothing," she says. "We'll just let them decide for themselves."

Dahlia excuses herself from the room to consider things further. Kylie turns to Garron.


"Karen did it."

"Karen's dead."

Garron makes a face, "Modeling didn't kill her."

"How do you know?"

"I'm guessing the force of the implosion aboard the Centerpoint had very little to do with her outfit. No designer is that good."

Kylie sighs, checking the evening schedule.

"Semantics. I'm glad you think this is a joke, one Lord and Lady will not find the least bit humorous."

"It's only been a few months since her Winton identify was confirmed. Typically, any property, assets or accounts would thereby transfer into Dahlia's name. Karen Winton had a substantial amount of wealth she amassed outside her parent's fortune."

"There are still assets and cash floating out there in the Winton name after all this time?"

"Some, yes. I am still investigating. The title alone yields some assets from Naboo and a few holdings on Salis D'aar. Anything from Coruscant was wiped away after the explosion. The Bolerathon Tower on Hesperidium is solely owned by Lady Masterton but within it lays the Winton penthouse which, I assume, would become Dahlia's as well. The trickier aspects that remain concern any assets out of Byss."

Kylie gasps, "Byss? That is not a place we want her going."

"That's not a place any of us want to go. I'm still in the discovery process since she is an heir previously unnamed in any documentation. As far as the governments were concerned, the Winton's were no more. I have a call out to Kaytt Corinthos to help me sort this out."

"She's a defense lawyer."

Garron smirks, "She handled herself pretty well in trusts and estates when she still practiced in the Sector right out of law school."

"Lucky for you then."

"You don't like her? I'm shocked. You are usually so keen on people outside your sphere."

Kylie groans.

"I'm not fond of the Corinthos family in general. The Sector elite always have an agenda."

"As opposed to us who have been helping raise three of The Four."

"They aren't The Four."

Garron stares at her incredulously.

"They are now."

« Last Edit: May 05, 2014, 05:28:56 PM by Syren »

Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #56 on: May 12, 2014, 12:49:33 PM »
"Thinking what you're gonna say
Cause everything's a game
Always trying to calculate
Trying to look smart but not too smart
To threaten anything they say"

-Banks "Brain"

Corporate Sector

D'ian: Surface: Concordia Township

It was easier than she thought it would be.

Celeste returns home after a particularly draining day to find Dahlia waiting in the sitting room. She explains what Miss Wu proposed but before Celeste could even begin to object or speculate, Dahlia had pushed her own will upon her. The push was seamless and light, taking away the protests and questions. Celeste visibly relaxes and smiles, telling Dahlia she would support her so long as she kept her grades up and promised to pursue a degree at a university in the Sector or otherwise. Dahlia contacts Escara Wu and asks to send over the paperwork for Celeste to review. The agency is most thrilled to have a Winton on their roster and Dahlia is keen on garnering the kind of attention that would grant privilege and access.

As the school year at Valor Prep draws to a close, Gemma is featured in the show choir spring sing which highlights the year's best performances. She takes center stage throughout most and audiences pack the seats to listen in amazement. She is approached by a junior marketing agent from Galaxiss Records because one of their recording artists is interested in Gemma laying down the chorus to an upcoming single. They had been searching for someone with a powerful voice that still held an emotional frailty and several people had heard Gemma sing as the Valor Prep show choir had come through Etti IV. It is an opportunity she is excited about pursuing but would consult with Master Nevylinn first.

With Rutherford still in the capital working on the Imperial project, Dane almost forgets he is slated to do an internship at ChemiX over the summer. Most of the boys do so in preparation for their rightful places as the heads of industry. Roman's parents are giving him the rundown of Palace Arms before taking him back to Naporar to ensure he is versed in the Chiss ways. This saddens Preston who will be joining his father at Cybot Galactica for the summer internship program. The same goes for Ples Aguilar on the Direx Board and Kier Kincaid with an intensive Chin-Bret program to make him the top choice of one of the key athletics universities. Tobias Harkan could care less and gears up for a busy summer of slanging the finest product in the Sector.

Alka Dawning has been asked to attend a very exclusive invitational at the Olivette Dance Company where a lasting impression may lead to acceptance. She is the exception to the general female rule. Most girls in the Sector spend their summers shopping and lunching and preparing themselves to be debuted to Sector society when they turn seventeen. Alka has her sights set a little higher than that and wishes to make a name for herself outside of what her father does on the Direx Board.

Trichelle Corinthos, on the other hand, is looking forward to the long and lazy summer days. Demaris should feel excited about it but she worries more about Muriel who has suffered greatly from the absence of her mother. She decides to be pillar of support, seeing that Dahlia will be increasingly busy with her modeling and Trichelle is too self-absorbed to have a lasting interest in anything. Ples had wondered aloud if this group is good for them and maybe he's right but there is a part of her that cares too deeply to simply walk away. They had forged their own path at Valor Prep and for the most part the student body stays out of their way. She can never tell if they stare at them in envy or fear but the autonomy from the typical social norms is kind of nice.

What she doesn't know is that fifteen years ago, the students of North Coruscant High looked at The Four and their friends the exact same way.


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #57 on: May 29, 2014, 03:40:51 PM »
Corporate Sector

Etti IV: Surface: Mondder

The Galaxiss Records studio is as posh as they come. Gemma Masterton is escorted by two Gellar security agents after having lunch with her father. She is nervous but very excited. The production assistants are very accommodating given Gemma's age and provided assurances that she would be well looked after throughout the recording process. The artist, an incredibly successful R&B superstar named Sur-Maaj, rises from an oversized club chair when Gemma enters. He is a large, hulking figure spectacularly dressed in black with shiny silver sunglasses.

"Miss Masterton," he says with a huge smile. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you."

She grins, star struck.

"You too. I love your music."

"Thank you. I must say I'm a fan as well. My niece attended one of your show choir concerts here in the capital last year. She enjoyed it so much they traveled to D'ian to see the showcase at your school and sent me a copy of the performance. I was very impressed with your range and the power of your vocals. I told my producer we must have you on this next track."

"I'm so flattered," Gemma says.

"I'm not the only one who thinks so. My producers would like a word with you once we've wrapped. But we can worry about that later. How about we head into the studio for some warm up's?"

She nods and follows him in with the agents posted by the door.

The producers are no fool's. They know exactly who she is and what the Masterton name means. To have someone so talented from such a high profile family in their midst is what the industry insiders call pure currency.

Gemma sings harmony to Sur-Maaj through the intro then the entire chorus. It is repeated between each of the four verses and twice consecutively at the end. Sur-Maaj is known for writing all his own material that is both clever yet socially conscious which is why Gemma had been so thrilled to be asked to participate in the process. The kids at Valor Prep all listen to his music and he is one of the biggest stars throughout the Sector and beyond. This means her voice will have a wide audience. After they have what they need, Sur-Maaj and Gemma do some free styling just for fun. They laugh and joke until the producers enter the studio to let Sur-Maaj know he is needed elsewhere for a promotional event. He thanks her again and wishes her the best. As Gemma is gathering her things, the producer stops her.

"That was wonderful, Gemma. Really great. Now, let's talk about your future."


Across the city in the Gellar Corporate Tower, Dane drops off a set of files to the marketing department before heading back down to the records room. The internships are an integral part of a Sector boys life as they get to know the in's and out's of the coroporate process. Even though he is the son of Rutherford Gellar, Dane is treated the same as any intern. They are given mostly grunt work the first summer or so and then work their way up to more exclusive tasks as they near the end of high school so that when they head off the university they have a working knowledge of the world they will eventually dive into. Internships during summer breaks at university involve working closely with the executives, directors and CEO's. It's kind of a breeding ground to find the best talent and can often escalate into vicious competitions. It is where dreams are crushed as they step over one another in a race to the top.

Dane is looking forward to it and knows he could outshine most of his classmates who are mostly dull copies of their parents. He has the kind of charm that bends the wills of lesser mortals. The ladies in the office love when he comes around and he makes sure to play it up. He has taken the cues from Dahlia to heart and embraced his role.

With another set of files to deliver, Dane heads up to the executive floor where his father's office is. He exits the lifts, winks at the secretary behind the curved desk and drops off the files at the end of the hall. Back in the lift, he is joined by another gentleman wearing a suit. The man glances down at him once then again.

"Say, you're Dane Gellar, aren’t you?"

"Last time I checked."

"Nice," he man says. "A hardass, definitely a Gellar. I just came from a meeting with your father. Great guy."

"I know."

"Are you interning here this summer?"

"Most guys my age do the intern thing around Mondder. Something about a rite of passage."

"Having fun so far?"

"Fun might be pushing it but the experience is great."

The man smirks as the lift hits the lobby level and the doors hiss open.

"Well, good luck. You have a bright future. Maybe I'll see you around."

"I don't even know your name."

He turns.

"I'm Vex Sienna."


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #58 on: June 26, 2014, 08:46:01 PM »
Corporate Sector

Etti IV: Surface: Mondder

Hats off to the ChemiX team.

The control experiment is a success which Irulan Reeves notes in the confidential files. Labeled as ICS (Imperial Control Serum), codenamed Ibellum, the compound utilizes ChemiX's patented nanotechnology to neutralize fear and exercise control over the subject. Traditional medication only dulls certain senses and lowers inhibitions but they are a far cry from eliminating the natural responses to peril or threats of harm or death.

Rumors of Imperial experimentation with implants had widely uncertain results.

Rutherford Gellar had read the stories of Kent Carlson detailing his experience where the Jedi Melanie Masterton saved his life on Tatooine from a vibro-blade wielding psychopath who had been sent to assassinate him. This would-be assassin turned out to a student who was kidnapped and presumed dead on Coruscant years prior. The exchange between the Jedi and the student, Tenley Price, revealed that Alexia Winton had abducted her and turned her over to the Empire where she was brainwashed and used as a weapon. Price admitted to murdering The Four's first Chief of Secutiry, Nikoli Venko and her involvement in several attempts made on their lives. Whatever they did to her, it was not fool-proof as she acted outside the protocols when faced with Melanie, a girl attached to a past the Empire tried to erase. Implants and behavior modification programs only go so far but the mind is a powerful thing. 

Only nanotechnology is able to essentially override those natural responses to keep the subject calm and in control while conducting their assignment. Free of the constraints which make them human, they are able to carrying out tasks in highly dangerous situations even at great risk to their personal safety. This is what Vex Sienna ordered for the Empire and they are willing to pay a phenomenal sum in order to acquire it. The ironic twist is that Tenley Price was romantically involved with Vex Sienna in high school and he wonders if his orders conflict with his personal feelings on her ultimate fate.

Vex Sienna may be smooth but Rutherford has always questioned his motives when it comes to his family. Despite Kylie's claims that Vex had not really be a part of the lives of Valerie and her friends, his proximity in the past and present assignment in the Sector raise many red flags in his mind. Did the Empire choose him because of these associations or are they testing his limits to see how deep his loyalty goes? From what he has read, The Four had a knack for causing seemingly loyal members of certain factions to lose focus and sympathize with their circumstances, often at the expense of their own lives. Vex had survived the Centerpoint Battle and the regime change under Emperor Schrag's leadership. Schrag had been a Grand Admiral under the former Emperor Dementat and saw little value in the sentimentality of The Four and their dazzling array of melodrama. When Rutherford had been a guest aboard Schrag's command ship, he felt the Emperor was feeling him out, testing his mettle against the fact that he was essentially a prisoner. He had to choose his words carefully in order to be returned to his family and in doing so; he owed the Emperor a debt for saving him after the attack on The Wheel. He could have just as easily let him die, claiming he was unaware Gellar was even on the station. Schrag is smarter than that. Why let him perish if he could profit in some way?

Ibellum is not just ethically questionable, it's beyond the realm of medical science and its true purpose to protect and heal. But Rutherford knows better than to cross a lucrative client, especially one who has reason to suspect his children may one day pose a threat. Delivering a valuable product will even the score and gives him space to protect his family from it ever being used against them. Every good serum has an anti-serum, one that will neutralize its effects and render the nanotech harmless while flushing it out of the subject's system. The anti-serum, codenamed Corvais, was developed along-side Ibellum and left out of the official production progress reports submitted to Vex Sienna. Irulan Reeves is the only other person aside from Rutherford Gellar that knows it even exists. Irulan developed it herself outside the knowledge of the laboratory staff which created Ibellum as a contingency against any potential Imperial leverage. The subject was injected with Corvais after completing the Ibellum testing with optimal results. It is stored with its counterpart in a secure and undisclosed lab within the Gellar Corporate Tower.

When the day is finally done, Rutherford meets his son in the lobby and takes him to dinner. He had secured reservations at one the newest and most buzzed about restaurants in the capital, Work & Class. They are seated immediately and Rutherford orders a cocktail. Dane stares around the dining room at the other executives chattering about the next hostile takeover.

"Are you enjoying yourself so far? I hear you have made quite the impression."

"I guess," he says evenly. "I wish there were more interesting things to do than run errands for middle-management."

The hints of teenage edge and angst creep into his expression.

"In due time, son. You have to put in the work to be rewarded."

"I plan on it."

"Good to know. I want you to be well versed in all aspects of what we do if you are to take over for me one day."

He nods, "Play the game."

"It's not a game. Not in a traditional sense anyway."

"Isn't it though? You move the pieces around to make certain things happen which brings in cash to invest back into other pieces to move. Its mostly strategy with good public relations to spin what you don't want people to really know."

Rutherford finishes his drink and smiles, signaling for another.

"Something like that. How are you getting on with the associates? Met anyone interesting?"

Dane shrugs, spinning ice around in his glass with the straw.

"I met the Imperial the other day."

Rutherford tenses.

"What Imperial?"

"Sienna or whatever. He said you guys had a meeting."

"We did. What else did he say?"

"That you are a good guy and he would see me around."

"I don't want you talking to him."

"Why? He's a client and clients must be kept happy."

"That's…exactly what I say most of the time but this is different."


"Because the Empire is dangerous."

Dane stares at him quizzically.

"The Empire doesn't have beef with the Gellar's."

"That's not the point."

"They have beef with the Winton's, Masterton's and Patten's."

Rutherford inhales, trying to gauge his direction but this is thwarted by the waiter. They order and sit in silence for a few moments before he decides to pursue the topic.

"What makes you say that?"

"It's true," Dane says a little too casually. "Karen Winton was nearly Empress of the Empire. Melanie Masterton was a Jedi protecting Kimber Patten who was hunted across most of the galaxy as a fugitive who betrayed them. That's some legit beef. People get crazy, hold grudges."

"How do you know all this?"

"You send me to the most expensive school in the Sector, dad. I can read."

"I wasn't aware you had looked into it."

"Yeah, right before we were taken."

It's the first time he's mentioned it since he returned. Celeste had warned him that each would process the trauma in their own way, some more open about it than others. Gemma had been the most informative, telling them that Riley had kept them company while they waited for Rutherford and the Jedi to find them. Dahlia had been tortured so that was clearly off-limits for discussion unless it was on her terms and she was secretive enough as it is. Dane became harder, prone to outbursts and talking back until a conversation with Dahlia set him straight. He hopes his son would feel comfortable enough to open up to him.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"I dunno, not really. We just sat in a cell. Well, I sat while Gemma and that Riley kid went on and on about stuff. Like, we get it, your mom was hot. He's super annoying but Gemma likes him."

"She does?"

"Oh yeah. Big time."

"Well, she's allowed to have a crush. Kind of like the one you have on Alka Dawning."

"Do not!"

His cheeks are flushed and he looks away.

Rutherford grins.

"Fair enough. Even if the Empire doesn't take issue with us, there are the others to consider. That's the bigger picture here. Sienna is a client and a valuable one at that but he's loyal to people who act on threats against them, real or imagined."

Dane grows more serious.

"You think…they would try to hurt them?"

"I would hope not," Rutherford says, keeping his voice more hushed. "But like you said, they took issue with their families and that kind of anger dies slowly. Your mother and I have spent our lives trying to protect you and your sisters."


"Cruelty has its place but not here. She may not be your blood but she is family. You have always known her as such."

"True," Dane says, leveling his gaze. "But anyone who knew her sister is dead so what does that tell you?"

Rutherford raises a glass.

"Tread lightly."


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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #59 on: July 11, 2014, 03:18:24 PM »
Corporate Sector

D'ian: Surface: Viiperi Lake

Nevylinn's time in the Corporate Sector had been mostly uneventful.  Her best days were in training Gemma, but Gemma had her other obligations - familial and social - and had not been around for some time.  Even Nevylinn's work representing the REpublic and the jedi had been fairly minimal, and her tasks had been mostly keeping an eye on the young Gellar-Mastertons.

She was meditating when she felt the ripple through the force, channeled by the republic defeat in Bastion Deep Space.

Though it worried her then, it was the after effects that really concerned her.  News of protests and rumors of legislative sanctions coming out of Chandaar.  Nevylinn was watching the news coverage of a particularly heated protest outside the senate building when her comm link chimed.

"Nevylinn - I was wondering if I could spend the weekend with you.  To practice, hone my skills"

Nevylinn smiled at the child's words, feeling the young jedi's concern for her well being.
"I'm fine, Gemma.  the jedi have suffered worse public relations disasters than this one.  Besides, I cannot have you coming over here with Dahlia around the house. It would arouse too much suspicion"

"you have nothing to worry about - Dahlia's gone to Chandaar on some sort of modeling gig"

Nevylinn's smile disappeared and she sat upright.

"What did you say?"
"I said Dahlia went to Chandaar"

"When, Gemma - when did she go?"
"Yesterday morning."

"Gemma, why didn't you contact me sooner?"

"I don't ... I don't understand. What's wrong"

"The timing, Gemma. It's the timing.  Do you remember what happened the last time your sister was on Chadaar"

The trial. the testimony. the acquittal.  And the Force User Registration Act.

"Do you think she's going to try and do something ... you think Dahlia is going to push for anti-jedi laws?"

"I don't know.  But I know her going to Chandaar now is bad.  I have to contact the rest of the jedi"

"Wait!  will I be able to see you soon?"

"I hope so, Gemma.  I'll contact you soon."

The comm went dead.

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