Author Topic: CC: Corporate Greed  (Read 133694 times)

Offline Syren

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Corporate Greed
« Reply #15 on: May 02, 2013, 10:45:41 PM »
Corporate Sector

D?ian System: Surface: Concordia Township

The fight with her sister unsettled her. It was not what she intended but the conversation took several sharp turns. Trichelle clearly had some issues she needed to air out. There was bitterness and aggression, things that should have been directed at their parents.

If they could find them.

Kaytt showers and changes into something more conservative, something someone like Celeste Masterton would respond to. They are both working professionals, after all. Kaytt keeps the makeup light, natural and lets her shoulder length dark and naturally wavy hair stay free. The blazer and matching pencil skirt are a basic gray woven pattern with a white button-up blouse beneath. She slips into simple black heels and fishes a string of pearls from the jewelry box on the vanity. She turns in the mirror, inspecting herself.

I?d talk to me, she thinks. But would Celeste extend her trust enough to help her and her case? She might, if she could just get in the door. She carefully places the box in her briefcase and heads downstairs. She doesn?t encounter a single person on the way. Outside, she instructs the driver to take her to the Gellar Estate. He does this without protesting of its short distance or the fact that he may not know exactly who she is.

Kaytt forgot how beautiful it is on D?ian. Everything seems painted on, as if the seasons are executed with a stunning punctuality. The deep green hues of the rolling hills are made a patchwork in the late afternoon sun. The hoverlimo stops in front of the Gellar Estate abruptly, jarring her from thought. Stepping out, she notices the architectural similarities of the era they were built. The purpose of Concordia was to appear quietly wealthy, like all the material things and grand houses that date back centuries were part of the idyllic landscape. Despite appearances here, it was fight to the death on Etti IV. D?ian softened the image that one could lose everything in a bad deal or nasty takeover.
Oh, how the rich prefer their denial.

Kaytt walks up the steps and taps the door controls that would notify others inside. She waits nearly five minutes before a woman her age opens the door. She is much more conventionally beautiful, dare she say adorable. Light hair and button nose with slight, delicate features.

?Good afternoon. May I help you??

?Yes,? Kaytt says. ?I?m looking for Lady Celeste Masterton.?

She tilts her head,

?I see. Who may I say is calling??

?Kaytt Corinthos.?

The woman blinks as if she heard her wrong.

?The Republic lawyer defending Circe Prescott??

?That?s right.?

?What are you doing all the way out here??

Kaytt smiles, motioning behind her.

?Visiting family but really, I could use Lady Masterton?s help.?

She pulls the door open wider, ?Have you come with a message about the children??

?The children? Right. Yes. I have information about the children.?

?I?m Kylie Miranda,? the woman says, moving aside. ?Please, come in. I?ll announce you.?

Kaytt stands in the foyer formulating a plan that didn?t involve shattering the hopes of a grieving mother. The children angle was on the fly but she saw her way in and she took it. Circe had, in fact, told her what happened to the Gellar-Masterton children but Kaytt has a sneaking suspicion not all of it is something Celeste Masterton is going to want to hear.

Kylie returns.

?Right this way, she will see you now.?

They walk through most of the main floor and down several corridors until they emerge in a sun room off the back of the residence. Plants bloom in colored pots of varying sizes, enjoying the temperature the design of the room brings. Lady Celeste Masterton stands when they enter; wearing the trademark white their family had become famous for. She is breathtaking and not just for her age with a radiance to match.

?Kaytt Corinthos,? Celeste says warmly, taking her hands. ?It?s been ages since we last saw you. Eleven, almost twelve years. My, you?ve turned out to be both beautiful and successful.?

?Thank you,? Kaytt says, caught off guard by the hospitality. ?I wasn?t sure you would remember me.?

?We?re neighbors. How could we forget??

Celeste motions for her to sit down, sliding a tray with an antique teapot and ornate cups forward.


?Yes, please.?

Kylie lingers in the background, curious. Only moments before Celeste had called her into the sun room telling her to expect company. The Corinthos lawyer is not who she was anticipating but given her role on Chandaar, it does make a strange sort of sense. She only hopes good news comes from that front. There are so many who have become twisted up in that mess.

?I hear you are representing Circe Prescott on those dreadful charges. I don?t believe for a moment she would conspire in such a way. She and my daughter had a considerable bond, one she would not betray.?

The faith in the accused is astounding. Does she know something Kaytt does not?

?There are some, like myself, who share those opinions but the Republic Security Bureau has secured fairly damning evidence. Evidence that is proving difficult to dispute. These charges are not only leveled at Counselor Prescott but Janessa Kain as well with potential to damage your husband?s reputation and your family standing within the Corporate Sector. That is why I needed to come here. I need your help.?

?I knew you?d come.?

?You?did? How??

?I felt that someone would come looking for answers. And I will be more than happy to help you but first, you must tell me about my children, about Rutherford.?

Kaytt must phrase this carefully.

?I did speak to Counselor Prescott about these matters but, as I am sure you are aware, it falls under client privilege. However, I can say that your husband and children are safe for the moment.?

It?s not a lie. It?s confirmation without breaking confidence.

Celeste beams, ?I am so very pleased to hear that. You don?t know the joy you have brought me today. Thank you.?

?It?s my pleasure.?

?What can I help you with??

?I need to know about the Force. More specifically, it?s influence over others.?

?It depends on the individual and what context.?

?Can it be used to alter emotional states??

Celeste nods, ?With the proper training, absolutely. Suggestion is a powerful force in and of itself. This could happen when an individual is compromised in some way, vulnerable.?

?What about influence over actions? Could it be used to make someone do something and then forget about it entirely??

?There are variants in the telepathic aspects of Force, on both sides. Suggestion and influence are not the same as domination or control. Only some of the most powerful have been able to alter or override an individual?s being in its entirety. It is not an easy task, one that would be extremely exhausting to maintain over any extended period of time.?

Kaytt takes a sip of tea and considers this.

?What you are saying is that it is possible if not more likely to do so quickly and for smaller periods of time? Making someone do something simple, like pick up a utensil or, say, sign a document??

?If the Force wielder in question had the training then yes.?

?Could someone be made to take the life of another??

Celeste sets her cup on the table and sits back.

?That would be dependent upon if there was a pattern of previous violent behavior. Those are fairly accurate indicators of future violent acts. Abuse victims are prone to becoming abusers themselves, generally in the area of abuse. Sexual, physical, emotional ? they tend to gravitate toward what they know.?

?And if the person did not have a history of violent behavior but was emotionally compromised ? could they be driven by the Force to commit murder??

?It depends on the level of skill the Force wielder had. To make an individual forsake their own code of ethics, go against what they know to be inherently right, would take incredible power and concentration.?

?But it is possible??

?I suppose it could be. Everyone has weak moments and, if capitalized on properly, could be made to make decisions out of their typical character.?

Kaytt gestures with her hands.

?Hypothetically speaking, if this was the case, how would one prove such a thing? It?s not as though there would be trace evidence or a witness.?

This is met with a thoughtful pause before being shot to pieces.

?I?m not certain you could.?


Offline Syren

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Corporate Greed
« Reply #16 on: May 11, 2013, 02:50:36 PM »
Corporate Sector

D'ian System: Surface: Concordia Township

It is just as Kaytt feared.

There would be no way to defend her clients against the allegations leveled against them. Not unless she could convince a Jedi to testify. She doubts the prosecution would go along quietly either. A Jedi in the courtroom. Maker Almighty, the press would have a collective grand mal. She sighs, finishing her cup of tea when she notices Celeste tense up.

"Is everything alright, Lady Masterton?"

Celeste places a hand over her chest, shuttering. She exhales slowly and shakes her head.

"I'm fine, thank you. I felt something...a darkness."

She is not about to call attention to the fact that darkness is not tangible.

"Is that bad?"

"I don't know," Celeste says, glancing at Kylie. "Force sensitives can often feel ripples when something is powerful enough. Even if we cannot place exactly what it is. I apologize for getting off-topic. Have I answered your questions, Counselor Corinthos?"

"Yes but it is unfortunately not what I was hoping to hear."

"You believe Counselor Prescott and Miss Kain have were manipulated into doing these things through the Force?"

Kaytt pauses.

"Your feelings are conflicted and we are in good company. You may speak freely."

"I believe it may be possible, however ridiculous that may sound."

"You are a rational and intelligent woman," Celeste says with a sincerity that almost humbles. "There must be a reason for you to consider such a non-traditional theory. I understand client privilege but something brought you to me because you believe I can help. Please let me."

She is already bending the rules in her deal with Speaker Apteen and Circe had implied permission to discuss the happenings of Rutherford Gellar and his cohorts with Lady Masterton. It was one of the only ways their status would reach her since it was almost certain her communications were being monitored by the Espos. She also does not want to derail her needs with Dahlia's probably dire situation. It would defeat the purpose. She can, however, redirect to only the most relevant aspects.

Kaytt raises her eyes to meet Celeste's.

"Something happened to Rutherford after the children were taken. His emotional state began to deteriorate. From what I gather, it is not characteristic of him to fall to pieces in a crisis. But that is exactly what I am told happened. So much so that he was virtually rendered useless and became a great concern to both Circe and Garron Prescott. The Jedi believe he was being pulled into despair and helplessness through the Force."

Celeste sets the saucer down and nods.

"It makes sense considering I believe it happened to me as well."


"Lady Masterton-" Kylie interjects.

"It's alright," Celeste says. "Clearly there is more going on than we realize. When the children were taken, I was heartbroken, distraught but it became much worse."

Kaytt leans forward, "How much worse?"

"I began self-medicating but not because I really wanted to. There was a compulsion I could not explain, an overwhelming urge to remain numb. To do nothing. It got so bad that Kylie had to take action which I am thankful she did. I was told I was close to overdose. Our family medical practitioner treated me but could find no root cause. The trauma of losing the children was the obvious trigger but he could not explain the lack of self-control and reckless nature of my decisions. It was completely unlike me."

"You believe it was Force related?"

"Let us say it was not entirely ruled out."

"To do something like that would require considerable power and control, as you said. Who would want to do that to you?"

Celeste laughs dryly.

"The answer to that question is a story you already know."

"The one released by Counselor Prescott?"

"That is an interpretation of a sensationalist reporter who was told many things from many sources but the principle points and glaring errors are still made abundantly clear. The Jedi who diagnosed my husband, were they able to come to any conclusions?"

"One," Kaytt says, trying not to sound ominous. "Sith involvement. Admittedly, I do not know much about either side but the case was made more troubling by the loss of the Jedi Master accompanying them."

"Did Circe happened to mention who?"

"Corrin, I believe. I did not catch a first name."

Celeste's face falls, "I see."

"You knew him?"

"He saved me."

"From what?"

"The fate's of my first husband and my dearest friend."

Kaytt swallows hard, only now beginning to see the complexity of the Gellar-Masterton clan. If attempts were made through the Force to keep Rutherford and Celeste from looking for their children then there is a good possibility Circe and Janessa were influenced into conspiring to make it happen as well as protect the real culprit from being exposed. The sheer scope of such a plan was mind-blowing, especially since the accounts discovered in Prescott's name had been filtering funds for over a decade. This makes her wonder who the real enemy is here. The Direx Board, the Gellar-Masterton's, the Federation, the Corporate Sector; no one is entirely without guilt. Past or present. If she, like them, are only pieces being moved around a board, why haven't the Jedi risen up to counter this threat? Someone with that kind of power over others could cause a great deal of damage. By the looks of things, they already have. Two questions leap forward in her mind - who's the mastermind and what's the endgame?

"I am very sorry to hear that," Kaytt finally says. "And I have something for you."

Celeste perks up in surprise.

Kaytt unclasps her briefcase, withdrawing the box and setting it very gently on the table.

"The contents belonged to your daughter, Melanie. Circe said she had held onto them long enough and it was time to let them go. She asked that I bring it to you."

Celeste opens the box and stares down into it. Her face is a mixture of emotions. When she glances up at Kaytt, she is smiling.

"Thank you."

Kaytt nods as she stands, "It was my pleasure. Thank you for taking the time to share with me but I must be off to interview others who might also be able to shed some light on this case."

"Of course, I understand. Please let me know how things progress."

"I will."

Kylie motions for her to follow, and they wander in silence until she stops in the middle of the grand foyer.

"How safe are they really?"

"I'm sorry?"

"The children," Kylie says, pointedly. "Is everything as copacetic as you have suggested?"

"Have I given you reason to doubt my intentions?"

"You're a good liar, Counselor Corinthos. It's your job to convince people of things that aren't true. I respect the client privilege but I get the feeling you are using it as some kind of ploy to get what you want which, I imagine, is your clients out of prison."

"I want the truth, Miss Miranda."

"Even if it leads you to hell?"

Kaytt stiffens, "I don't believe in hell."

Kylie leans against the giant door frame as the lawyer passes by.

"If you search for something hard enough, you just might find it."


Offline Syren

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Corporate Greed
« Reply #17 on: May 19, 2013, 01:31:08 PM »
Corporate Sector

Etti IV: Surface: Mondder

The thriving capital of the CSA has always held a special place in the heart of Kaytt Corinthos. It served as her escape from the delusional decadence of D'ian once she graduated from Valor Prep and came to study at University. She felt free here, as if she was finally allowed to absorb any knowledge outside that of feuding families and salacious gossip. She had risen quickly, graduating at the top of her class before attending law school. During her time here, she was exposed to the many dangerous angles of a corporate driven society. Profit justified all means and defending those means was of great interest to her younger self.

She and a few classmates had been invited to intern within the Direx Board, watching and learning how they operated. When a potential issue arose, and they always did, that required litigation, Kaytt and her fellow coed's were asked to present a case in a mock-trial. One of her more defining moments came when she argued an insider trading case against some hot shot in the financial sector. This brought her cred at school but also high praise from the Corinthos family friend, Iver Aguilar. It was Aguilar's personal recommendation that scored Kaytt her first clerking job in Mondder. She owed him a great deal, despite his disappointment when she decided to leave the Sector for an expanding Republic market ripe with legal woes.

Her family owns considerable real estate within Mondder, the most prominent is the Corinthos Corporate Tower. It is a sleek, onyx spike, a looming monolith in the Mondder skyline. It is referred to, in some circles, as the raven tower. The brilliant blue CE logo adorns the top like a beacon within the colorful array of corporate insignia's. They are the call signs of the most powerful and a warning to start-up's looking to usurp market shares. She smiles tightly as they pass the tower on her way to the Espos central precinct.

At Espos Headquarters, she interviews several of the agents assigned to the Gellar-Masterton case. The first responder's recount the anguish of Lady Celeste Masterton after her children were abducted. Their reports are concise and surprisingly detailed as they went through the list of suspects. The primary focus at the beginning of the investigation was on the Direx Board itself. It seems Rutherford Gellar had many enemies after he was sent to Chandaar to wipe the Trade Federation off the Republic's mind. Instead, he wound up working with them. Compromise is not something that sits well with members of the board. Some even began to suggest he was willing to sacrifice the interests of the board for the future stability of his company, ChemiX pharmaceuticals. This spoke to the Espos as a clear motive and sought to flush out any conspirators within the Board who would use the Gellar-Masterton children as means to control Rutherford's direction in the negotiations. That theory was eventually ruled out when Speaker Apteen's department contacted the Espos Director on behalf of the CSA liaison, Janessa Kain. The Republic helped rule out each suspect and stumbled upon a lead the Espos would never think to check for - a suspect within the Republic who had connections to the Corporate Sector. The suspect was Circe Prescott who's brother, Garron, is under Rutherford Gellar's employ. Once the purchase orders for the carrier matching the photage presented by the Espos, Circe was named the primary suspect in the kidnapping. However, the Espos Director does not understand how Janessa Kain plays into the plan. Their records indicate she has operated above board with the Sector and maintained both lucrative opportunities and open communication between the two factions for many years. She does not fit their profile of a murderer nor can they understand why she would have risked her career involving herself with Circe Prescott, a woman she had little to no association with in the past. The Espos records indicate Janessa's involvement with Gellar was limited to board functions prior to receiving their delegation on Chandaar. From their perspective, they do not see motive. This a perspective Kaytt shares.

If someone doesn't have motive, what would cause them to act as if they did? Janessa was trying to help the Sector by contacting Gellar after the Federation Ambassador's speech before the Senate. It's her job to protect their interests in the Republic and had every reason to believe the Federation was behind it because it happened on the heels of the abduction. Any evidence the RSB found on Circe would be inconsequential to Janessa. It would not serve her cause to rid the investigation of Inspector Erbon.

So, there are two prevailing theories in Kaytt's mind. Either Janessa did have motive because she is involved in some way or these actions were orchestrated on behalf of someone else. Her slicer has not uncovered some mysterious link between Rutherford Gellar and Janessa Kain. That leads her back to her conversation with Celeste Masterton, a psychologist and Force sensitive. Could Circe have been influenced to provide the set-up and Janessa to cover it up? The former's role played out over almost ten years and by Masterton's theory would be virtually impossible to be controlled for that length of time consistently. Perhaps infiltrating Circe's mind only occurred when there was a task to complete, something that would not seem out of the ordinary. Circe told her she struggles with guilt over the years. These lapses in confidence would make her vulnerable, like a silent trigger. Janessa had been extremely intoxicated the night of the murder. Her senses were dulled and she would have been even less likely to observe sound judgement.

Then there is Celeste Masterton and Rutherford Gellar. Although Rutherford had left Chandaar to go after his missing children, he was so distraught that it rendered him useless to the rescue efforts. Celeste, the grieving mother, fell into a despair that no one would question, especially if they publicly knew her husband was racing after their children. In actuality, they were moved to do nothing. Both were in extremely compromised emotional states which would hypothetically leave them susceptible to outside influence. Clever as it might be, whoever may have done this was careful enough to keep it from being proven. Hell, she would have a hard enough time even convincing someone to entertain the thought let alone help her gather tangible evidence she could use in the courtroom.

Lastly, the puppet master. Who is lurking in the shadows playing Maker with the lives of the Gellar-Masterton's with potential to draw the most prominent factions in the galaxy into the fray? From what she's read, Alexander Winton was the mastermind behind the horror all those years ago. He's been dead for years...and strangely, had been for several years before that. The only reason Celeste wasn't found and killed was because she was in the Corporate Sector, protected by Rutherford Gellar and his vast resources including ChemiX's Force vaccine. That's not to say there wasn't intent along the way. Republic, Imperial, Corellian, Hapan, Mandalore; the victims were non discriminant of origin or faction who all shared one common connection: proximity to the four families.

Winton. Masterton. Gellar. Patten.

Kaytt takes a steady pause, realizing someone may be carrying out the plans that had meant for these people to suffer and die and we left unfinished. The Prescott's, Kain, Apteen, Drakos, Corinthos. They all fall into proximity now. Inspector Erbon is already dead. She needs to find out who is behind this before the hoards of victims begins to pile up yet again. She needs more clarify and she will get it from Iver Aguilar.


Offline Syren

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Corporate Greed
« Reply #18 on: June 03, 2013, 02:25:09 PM »
Corporate Sector

Etti IV: Surface: Mondder

Kaytt Corinthos steps inside the chambers of the Direx Board, making her way down an isle toward the massive circular table. The sheer size of the room has always impressed her. She suspects it was designed to intimidate which it does on many levels. The decisions made within these walls can change the course of the corporate worlds. There are not many members here today as the board is not in session. Iver Aguilar glances up and smiles when he sees her.

"Kaytt," he says warmly, standing. "It's been too long."

"That it has. How are you, Iver?"

"As well as can be expected given the circumstance. I dare ask what bring you to these parts."

"Business, I'm afraid. Is there somewhere we can speak privately?"

He nods, motioning for her to follow. They remain silent on the walk out, exiting the board chamber and heading out onto a private terrace. Vibrant green and purple plants spike and spill from an assortment of planters while a picturesque view of the Mondder skyline frames their view. She takes a moment before shifting her gaze to his face.

"The Espos seem content to pin this all on Circe Prescott and, while perplexed, they make no qualms about throwing Janessa under the proverbial speeder."

"I suppose, if it were that cut and dry, you wouldn't be here."

"True enough," Kaytt says. "And if I didn't already know better, I would ask if the board would sacrifice Rutherford Gellar for the sake of their own reputation. All the culprits lined up in a neat little row. The convenience alone is suspect as is the lack of inquiry or follow up on the part of the Republic or Corporate Sector. Something else is at play here and I think you know that too."

"I have...reservations on the matter."

"Care to share them with me?"

"Off the record?"

Kaytt smiles slyly.

"You know damn well there is no such thing. I'm not a reporter, Iver. I'm charged with clearing my clients and desperately lacking a clarity that might help me do that. The Republic has their theories as do the Espos. What does the board believe?"

Iver's weathered face tightens.

"They believe association with that family might be too great a risk. If history has taught us anything, it's that fate is a foe of the Gellar-Masterton's."

"Yet fortune is not which, I'm assuming, is why they chanced it until recently."

"Rutherford Gellar is brilliant and ruthless. The Force vaccine was something the market never expected. It took the medical field in a direction I do not think they anticipated to go. But it wasn't his victory to claim."

"What do you mean?"

"After Gellar lost his wife and daughter, he began to slip into despair. He became erratic and unpredictable and made for instability among the ranks of his company. Thankfully his second in command Irulan Reeves was able to maintain profitability, slim as it may have been, throughout Rutherford's episode. The company was losing ground in the development field. Nothing new had been produced in years that is, until the surprise introduction of the Force vaccine. The implications of the discovery overshadowed the timing but, upon closer reflection, it happened to coincide directly with the arrival of Celeste Masterton."

"Where does she factor in?"

"How familiar are you with her first husband, Doctor Henrick Masterton?"

Kaytt shrugs, "Not very. Only what I read in past bylines."

"He was one of the bright up-and-coming medical professionals out of Bakura. His research papers throughout his terms and into residency were deeply insightful and caught the attention of many. The CSA was even considering recruiting him out of university but it was his friendship with Alexander Winton that kept his life from taking a much different course. Winton was the son of RepulsorCorp's Chief Executive Officer and a Vice President himself. He offered Masterton the honor of serving as the Winton's primary care specialist with discretionary funds for private research, none of which was published. It wasn't until the families moved to the Core that Masterton's medical mind was again brought into the forefront. His work at the IMPC on Coruscant helped provide a new level of treatment and care. Once their daughter....their first daughter...entered form college at North Coruscant, Masterton and his wife left the Core and did not return."

"Where did they go?"

"Reports indicated they, along with the Winton's, seasonally shuttled back and forth between Bakura and Naboo but Henrick Masterton spent a vast majority of his time in Salis D'aar."

"Doing what?"

"I believe creating the prototype of the Force vaccine."

Kaytt stiffens, "Masterton is responsible for that? Why?"

"What do you know of Alexia and Karen Winton?"

She did fly here in the latter's cruiser which makes the conversation suddenly uncomfortable. She doesn't intend to conceal anything from him intentionally but the back story serves to fuel her theory that Circe and Janessa are pawns in someone else's game.

"The Corellian reporter's story and the blockbuster cineplex feature they made out of it."

"A story released by your client and chief suspect, Circe Prescott."

"Circumstantial," she says. "My client was present in Corellia prior to The Battle of Centerpoint. She was sent to enlist help and given the story in case the reporter didn't make it which, as it turns out, he didn't."

"Survivor's guilt can drive a person to uncharacteristic lengths."

"Unfortunately, that expert testimony cannot be used considering you are not a shrink. Nice try though and a possibility I've already considered. What do the Winton daughters have to do with Masterton's vaccine?"

Iver clears his throat, "While everyone is familiar with Karen, not as many knew the depths of Alexia's madness."

"And you somehow do?"

"I've also read a fair amount on the subject and believe Doctor Masterton was trying to help Alexia as a favor to his friend and employer, Alexander Winton. I do not believe he ever got the chance, seeing as Henrick Masterton disappeared shortly before Alexander Winton and his wife were allegedly killed in a speeder crash in Salis D'aar. There was no mention of Celeste Masterton. Hell, it was more than a year before we even knew she was with Rutherford Gellar in D'ian pregnant with a two year old redheaded daughter named Dahlia. Even then it was mostly whispers and gossip. Sightings were rare as she seldom left the Gellar Estate. There was no confirmation it was actually Celeste Masterton, not until much later, after Centerpoint. Rutherford went public with the Force vaccine and Celeste went public as the missing Masterton."

"And this unsettled the Direx Board?"

"Somewhat," Iver says. "Not enough to refrain from buying into ChemiX stock which, at that point, was on a sharp rise. Shareholders made fortunes from the trading and business with the Sector increased exponentially. The revolutionary nature of the vaccine bought us a certain clout which we then parlayed into becoming what was once the sole contractor of supplies for the fledgling New Republic. Over the years, the suspicion and fear waned in all but one."


"D'Ken Dawning remained convinced the curse of those families would endanger our future. Ironically enough, it was Dawning who recommended Gellar for the Chandaar delegation which set this whole thing in motion."

Perhaps he had assistance in arriving at that conclusion, placing the Gellar-Masterton's exactly where they needed to be.

"A self-fulfilling prophecy. Has he been checked out?"

"And cleared. You think he has a hand in this?"

"I think this reeks of unfinished business."

"You have a theory?"

"Don't I always? And don't worry, it's not one I can prove."

"Enlighten me."

Kaytt sighs, knowing it will probably sound ridiculous but she needs the stream of thoughts to come together out loud.

"The stories all suggest Alexander Winton was behind everything. He's the sole villain in all this. Staging his own deaths, working with the Empire, manipulating the other parents, and placing their own children in considerable danger would not have been an easy feat to accomplish. I assume his Imperial contacts provided him with some secondary assistance, some that may have survived on to carry out his last will and testament."

"Which is?"

"To punish them. My client often spoke of being a survivor. She went on to live and have a successful career, garnering fame from a story which was not her own. Gellar capitalized on the vaccine. Masterton escaped a fate that came for every other parent involved. They cheated death and somehow evaded whatever plan Winton had for them. A direct attack could be staged or covered up but it would be too obvious and lack any of the slow-building drama from the first go-around. The primaries were strung along and tormented, often using the supporting-cast as my client has referred to them. The intervening years may have been used entirely for the set-up, requiring patience and skills outside those of the general populous."

"Such as?"

"Knowledge and premeditated use of the Force."

Iver gasps, "You are going to create doubt in a jury by suggesting your clients have been manipulated through the Force? One of them is being accused of murder! Somehow, I do not see a jury of Republic peers jumping to that conclusion, despite the families in question."

"One client claims she has never even heard of the company she had been funneling resources to and making purchases in their name. The other was with me, drinking heavily, earlier on the evening the Inspector was murdered. I have someone tracing those blacked out steps. What I do not know is anything about this Korb Security."

"Some of the board members admitted to doing business with them in the past, nothing that would link the purchase of the carrier to anyone other than your client."

"What do you know about them?"

"Korb? They are an upscale, private securities firm. Not much other information is available."

"Can you find out?"

"I'll see what I can do."

"Thank you," Kaytt says. "Because until we know more, everyone connected to those events and anyone close to them may still be at risk."

Iver tilts his head, "Anyone?"

"Yes, why?"

"Our Imperial liaison was in the Centerpoint battle and I believe he had some association with the then-Emperor and the Winton royal. By your definition, would that  also make him a survivor?"

"It would."

"He had asked around after the Federation bombshell in front of the Republic Senate, wanted to know if they could help. I thought it odd he was so curious but the Empire does have a habit of needing to know all the details."

Now she is curious too.

"What's his name?"

"Vex," Iver says. "Vex Sienna."


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« Reply #19 on: June 17, 2013, 12:34:26 PM »
Corporate Sector

Etti IV: Surface: Mondder

Kaytt is devastated over the damning evidence against Janessa Kain. She is not just a client but a good friend over the years. They had shared much together through their professional trials and successes. The situation is compounded by Estes? conclusion that the documents in Circe Prescott?s name are not forgeries. She had ordered that carrier which, in turn, was used to abduct the Gellar-Masterton children just as Janessa had murdered Inspector Erbon.

A picture was now very clear.

The lingering question remains ? who is the mysterious figure in the photage? Despite Estes? best efforts to clarify the image, no angle captures the figures face. It is merely a dark shadow in a sea of color. There is no way to tell if it is male, female or even human. One thing is certain; this figure has a noticeable and direct effect on Janessa?s behavior. Had they also visited Circe? Or D'Ken? She moves with purpose in stark contrast to her previous stumbling. This lends credence to her theory and still no way to prove any of it. If she?s right, there may be others in danger.

She redirects her focus to the task at hand and pushes the door controls of the posh residence. It takes a few minutes but a strikingly handsome man about her age answers the door.

"Vex Sienna?"

"Maybe,? he says, smirking. "Who?s asking?"

"I?m Counselor Kaytt Corinthos, an attorney-"

He cuts her off.

"Yes, I know who you are. The CSA legal star turned Republic courtroom brawler. Your reputation precedes you. However did you get in this building?"

She shrugs, "I have my ways."

?I don?t doubt it. Surely you realize I represent the Galactic Empire which makes me wonder what a Republic lawyer could possibly want with me.?

Kaytt remains firm, ?I?d rather discuss it in private. May I come in??

Vex moves aside, more curious than worried. He had seen her on the Holo and certainly heard her name thrown around by members of the Direx Board. Apparently, she is incredibly well versed in defense but rumors began to surface that this case was proving more problematic than most and the trial was fraught with delays. The good old Republic judicial system hard at work. She glances around the apartment, impressed with his tastes. It?s sparse, expensive and expertly arranged.

?I guess the monochromatic theme really is an Imperial thing.?

He laughs, ?We like to keep things simple.?


?I presume you have a point.?

Kaytt turns.

?It?s difficult to explain but I believe you are in danger, mister Sienna.?

Now he is very interested considering they come from two very different sides. It is not often one warns the other.

?Sounds ominous if not entirely cryptic especially for someone who?s clients are on the hook for fairly serious crimes.?

?I believe it was a set-up.?

?Most defense attorney?s do. It is your job to get them off.?

?Typically yes but I believe this has roots that go beyond my clients.?

?I don?t follow??

?Follow me into the past for a moment,? Kaytt says, drawing a hand across the air. ?According to records, you were in the battle of Centerpoint aboard the then-Emperor Dementat?s command ship. You and a scant few other ships made it out alive.?

Vex moves to the wet bar and tosses a few cubes of ice into a rocks glass.

?Someone?s been doing their homework. Drink??

?Yes, thank you.?

?What does a service record over ten years old have to do with my present safety??

He hands her a half glass of aged whiskey. She accepts, waving it under her nose before taking a careful sip. It stings but the aftertaste is sweet.

?It?s not the service itself, per se, but the proximity you had to certain individuals.?

?This is about Karen, isn?t it??

Kaytt cocks her head to the side, ?Why would you say that??

?Because it always is. Or was. She had a way of dominating the new cycle.?

?I remember,? Kaytt says. ?But this isn?t about her specifically. She is part of a larger group of people.?

?The Four.?

?Exactly and some who knew them met rather grisly ends from what I?ve read.?

Vex swallows hard, remembering the byline and photage from when they found Tenley?s body cut in half in a shady hotel room on Tatooine. The implants found in her brain, the tech graphed into her skin. It was a sickening shock to be sure.

?You could say that.?

?Others, however, managed to escape all the horror. Those who got to live and tell the tale.?

?Like your client.?

She nods.

?And me.?

?Glad to see you are keeping up.?

?You think someone is coming to finish off the job after all this time? Why??

?It followed a pattern then and I believe it is following one now. My clients are being framed and there have been attempts made against others, people who had a certain associations. You fall into the same proximity, mister Sienna which is why I am here. Has there been any indication that someone may want to hurt you??

His mind immediately flashes on Kylie?s face and to the threats she received at the Gellar Estate. The warning was not subtle. They had resisted the urge to connect on several occasions, preferring to keep a distance for the sake of appearances. Any whispers about them had been swallowed up by the rumblings from the Direx Board and scandal erupting in the Republic. The calls he made to Burke Pallus have gone unreturned. In fact, there has been little to no communication from Byss in some time. He had been allowed to conduct their business uninterrupted and that fact alone is enough to unnerve him.

The only person who may have a score to settle, Dementat, is already dead. Emperor Schrag was made a Grand Admiral after Saevia?s death. He seized the throne after Dementat was killed aboard Centerpoint. He would have no interest in the remnants of The Four. They are all dead and have been for many years. Then who sent the mysterious letter? Someone who knows about the connections the lawyer speaks of but it?s not like he?s going to just open up to her.

?Not that I can think of offhand but I am an Imperial. There are enemies everywhere.?

?Obviously,? she says. ?But I am thinking more localized. Maybe even something odd or seemingly unrelated that may have been ongoing.?

Vex shakes his head.

She sighs, swirling the last of the drink in the glass before slamming it.

?It was worth a shot.?

As he walks her to the door, he has to smile in spite of it all.

?I?m impressed ? a Republic lawyer coming all the way here to warn me in person.?

?I serve my clients interests, mister Sienna but I feel this somehow encompasses more than that.?

He pauses at the door.

?You?ve got spunk, I?ll give you that. Question though ? If The Four were the primary targets and they, along with most of their cohorts have perished and those who escaped are now the primaries with a new set of cohorts, wouldn?t that make you a target??

?Perhaps,? Kaytt says evenly. ?But if I?m right, whoever is behind this will come after you before they come after me. I appreciate your time.?

As she moves down the hall, Vex Sienna stands silently staring.

The strangeness of her visit does not dismantle the truth behind it. Even after all he had done and accomplished, he was still attached to those people and events. It had marked him deeply, despite his small role. The events of his life had brought him to the Corporate Sector where he crossed paths with the Gellar?s and the Masterton?s yet again. It seems there are many who swirl around these families as if drawn to them by an invisible force. Vex had always believed fate was something you made.
Now he?s not so sure.


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Corporate Greed
« Reply #20 on: June 17, 2013, 01:48:08 PM »
Corporate Sector

D'ian System: Surface: Concordia Township

Kaytt returns to the Corinthos Estate and, without so much as speaking to her family, packs her things and steals away on the Winton Royal Cruiser. This had been a complete dead end. All she had was speculation and conjecture on top of the evidence provided by her slicer, Estes. She was now further away from setting her clients free than she had been when she arrived. Down but not defeated, Kaytt pulls on the controls and the cruiser flares into hyperspace for Chandaar.

Speaker Shale Apteen would be expecting a report.


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« Reply #21 on: June 27, 2013, 09:01:12 PM »
Corporate Sector

D'ian System: Surface: Gellar Estate

Lady Celeste Masterton has been thinking a great deal about her visit from the Republic lawyer. It is no coincidence that she came when she did. Her family had been on her mind almost constantly and the urge to self-medicate had to be resisted at all costs. She focused her attention elsewhere, to her clients, who she knew she could help. Most were concerned for her, having heard the rumors swirling around Rutherford and ChemiX. Celeste was gracious in her aversions to the topic, preferring to think more positively about the possible outcomes rather than dwelling on the uncertain.

She keeps the box Kaytt had delivered for Circe on her vanity table in her room. It is made out of simple material, a basic yet sturdy wood that was almost careful in its design to appear as nondescript as possible. There are only two items inside but both hold significant emotional and, quite possible, monetary value. The first item is the original lightsaber constructed by Melanie on Yavin IV during her training to become a Jedi. The understated elegance and careful craftsmanship were two defining traits of her firstborn daughter. She can tell much work and emotion had been poured into the weapon. Since Celeste is unskilled in its operation, she does not activate it.

The second item is a holocron, one she had seen before. It is the same holocron Queen Monica Greyson-Winton had given to Melanie during their sixteenth birthday party. It contained the Persephonea Prophecy, an unbearably daunting warning that she now sees as unfair to have handed over to Melanie alone. But they had been told there was no other way. Jedi Master Corrin had given explicit instructions. Melanie was the only one who could shoulder the responsibility of the prophecy. Karen was too vapid, Valerie too vengeful and Kimber to idealistic. It had to be Melanie. What this must have been like for her, Celeste will never know. It is a considerable part of her own self-loathing and guilt. Alexander Winton had lured and cornered them in the Outer Rim, using Henrick's work and Monica's life as the leverage through which to keep her firmly in place. Celeste is almost surprised by how much she still hates Alexander, by how many ugly emotions can be stirred with even the mention of his name. She is so very thankful she was able to escape with Dahlia and that he never knew of her existence to use her the way he did Alexia and Karen.

Still, the prophecy dredges up powerful images from the past. Images that are shattered when Kylie Miranda bursts into the room.

"Kylie?" she says, rising from the couch. "What's wrong?"

"The Empire is attacking The Wheel."

"That's...surprising, isn't it? I thought the Federation was more of a neutral faction that provided goods and services to anyone who could pay."

"It appears not."

"You look stricken, darling. What does that have to do with us?"

Kylie face tightens, "It's where they are."


"Rutherford, the children. It's where the Jedi took them."

Celeste's expression blanches, blinking rapidly.

"W..what? They are at The Wheel? How do you know this?"

"Garron sent an encrypted message through the house systems to let us know they are safe. He asked that I not say anything but assure you they had escaped and were laying low. You said you felt Gemma and I assumed you already knew."

"She didn't reach out with a location, only a feeling of safety and peace."

"I'm sorry," Kylie says, shaking her head. "I thought it would be fine until I turned on the Holo."

"You don't think.....?"

"I don't know. The correspondents have very little information. Apparently, the Federation was caught completely off guard."

"If the Empire has discovered who Dahlia really is, they may come for her."

"At such a high risk engagement? They are saying the full force of the Imperial fleets are present."

Celeste sighs, pacing the length of the room.

"She is a Winton, Kylie. The last of their dynasty with a Force potential that is practically limitless. Alexander wanted to control it in any way he could and if the Emperor is half the tactician the previous one was, he would know that it would be considerably more favorable if Dahlia was for him rather than against him. We need to get in contact with Rutherford or Garron now."

"I've already tried. Neither are answering their secondary com's."

Celeste pauses, inhaling sharply.

"Then we need someone with inside information on the Imperial activity."

"Who has that kind of information?"

"Your beau," she quips. "Vex Sienna."

Kylie gasps, trying to maintain composure.

"Surely you realize that contradicts nearly everything you have cautioned me against to stay away from him not to mention put his life in considerable danger?"

"An acceptable risk."

"To reveal who Dahlia is?"

"In order to clarify Imperial goals at The Wheel, we do not have to disclose anything of the sort."

"Then how would you like me to explain why we would even be interested?"

Celeste's smile is one of calculation.

"You have his heart, darling. Never underestimate that. He will tell you anything you wish to know."



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Corporate Greed
« Reply #22 on: June 27, 2013, 09:05:03 PM »
Corporate Sector

Etti IV: Surface: Mondder

And as the coverage blares through the Direx Board chamber, Iver Aguilar folds his hands together and smiles.


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CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #23 on: July 07, 2013, 02:51:46 PM »
Corporate Sector

Etti IV: Mondder

Vex Sienna is waiting at his door after buzzing in a rather breezy and cryptic Kylie Miranda. The lift doors at the end of the hall hiss open and she steps forward, moving quickly toward him in measured, powerful strides. Desire overcomes him, overruling the warnings in his mind about the reason behind her breaking their com silence and showing up at his apartment tower. He has been sustained by the mere possibility of this moment, seeing her again, that the tedium of sliding into different persona's to entertain his corporate allies barely seemed to wear on him at all. Then she is in front of him, so close, their gazes connected. He kisses her first and her body instantly jerks forward into him. The charge is nearly palpable. He hefts her up and backs through the doorway, allowing it to close as her legs curve around his waist. She kisses him hungrily and he uses a free hand to unzip the back of her dress. They fall onto the middle of the bed where he makes love to her with a conviction and she succumbs to her own carnal needs completely.

In the afterglow, tangled in the sheets, Vex props himself up on an elbow.

"I think I missed you."

She touches the side of his face, "You think?"

"My body is numb so, yeah. Pretty sure I missed you."

"Aren't you going to ask me why I'm here?"

"I was getting to that," Vex laughs. "Got distracted."

"Wonder how that happened."

"I guess its a moot point to ask if you were followed since everyone already knows your are here."

Kylie turns over, hair slightly disheveled.

"I'm not sure anyone even cares. If whoever sent that message was going to make a move, they would have by now."

"I would agree with that statement if you were the first beautiful woman to storm into my apartment in nearly a month."

She sits upright, "I'm sorry, what?"

"It didn't end nearly as well as this so you can relax. It was purely business."

"Who was she?"

"A lawyer, strangely enough. A Republic lawyer."

"Kaytt Corinthos?"

Vex laughs. "I'm impressed. You know her?"

"Her family Estate is not far from the Gellar's and she paid us a visit as well. With Lord Gellar's recent...activities I can understand why she would seek out Lady Masterton. What I don't get it why she would come to you?"

"She has this idea that I'm somehow in danger."

"Danger?" Kylie says, reflexively taking his hand. "From what?"

Vex grows somber as he stares up into her angelic face.

"You know my past, who I was and who I am now. Corinthos believes someone from that past may want a score settled with people who made it out from under certain associations alive. This includes the Gellar-Masterton's and, by extension, you."

"Lord Gellar, Garron...."

He nods, "His sister and the sector liaison, both currently jailed on Chandaar."

Kylie's lips part in realization.

"The lawyer thinks both are being manipulated by the Force, set-up to take the fall for these crimes. She asked Lady Masterton several questions regarding the usage and control of such powers."

"To further what goal?"

"I don't know," she says. "But if you are somehow involved, I don't like it."

"Babe, that's ridiculous. I don't even see how or why anyone would care. My role in the lives of the people she was talking about was so small, so insignificant that it's absurd to think of anyone who could still be upset over it."

"Your high school girlfriend was abducted from their sixteenth birthday party."

He winces, "Right, there's that."

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to sound insensitive."

"It's okay, Ky. It was a long time ago then I graduated and headed to Carida for Academy."

She makes a face.

He shrugs.

"Okay, so, yes, there was some sex with Karen Winton but that was way before she was with Dementat. And she dumped me! Not the other way around. She always did have a thing for the brainy types."

"You're selling yourself short."

"I'm glad you think so. Other than that, I worked on a few different capital ships before being assigned to the Emperor's command vessel."

"To keep an eye on you."

"I think that may have been just my ego but for the sake of this particular argument, possibly. Honestly though, I was just one of the commanders on the bridge.

"There isn't anything else you can think of that would convince Corinthos you would be a target?"

Something clicks. He was on leave and a call came up out of the blue along with a large and specific favor.

"I got her a shuttle once, something unmarked and inconspicuous. Deep cover quality."

"For what?"

Unbeknowst to either of them, the shuttle secured by then-Commander Vex Sienna in 6ABY was used by Karen Winton and Mara Anna Gellar to destroy the clone facilities held by Alexander Winton throughout the galaxy.

"Beats me but it couldn't have been that bad, right?"

"I don't think anyone would be after you if it was something altruistic."

"Good point but it's not like we can track it now. The shuttle was scrubbed clean of identifying markings. Even it's serial's and list of codes were fabricated by the ISB over a decade ago."

"So everything between you and the Empire is all good? No clouds on that horizon?"

He leans over and kisses her before pulling away slowly.

"Excellent segue."

"Oh, come on. It wasn't that obvious."

"What can I say? You are far too good natured to pull off the role of the spy."

She shrugs, "I guess that's not entirely a bad thing."

"If you want to ask me something, ask me."

"I want to know why the Empire attacked the Wheel."

Vex arches both brows, "Whoa, I feel like things just got serious."

"It's important," she says. "I'm not interested in the tactical plans of the battle. It's the motive behind it."

"You think I'd just volunteer that information, even if I knew it?"

"It was worth asking."

"That depends on who wants to know. Did you develop an interest in Imperial activity all of a sudden or is the lady of the house mixing medications again?

"It involves the children."

They stare at one another for some time, the moments drawn out in the heavy silence. It's almost as if an understanding between them has been reached. Neither wished to entirely betray their superiors yet the relationship required a certain amount of disclosure to avoid inadvertent adverse side effects, ones that could potentially jeopardize their lives.

"I'll make some vague inquires, see what I can find."

She kisses him, "Thank you."


Later that night, long after Kylie had left the capital, Vex Sienna stands out on the terrace overlooking Mondder's pulsing cityscape. The warm summer night feels more complex than it should. In truth it had been months since he had any directives issued from Byss. He filed weekly reports based on his interactions with associates and progress of orders or shipments. These would vary depending on what the Empire desired or needed from the Corporate Sector. It had taken him a while to overcoming not having a naval rank and consistent debriefings but it was a transition he welcomed. He needed to decompress and get some distance. At the time, the Imperial fleets had done nothing worthwhile. It was endless training and military exercises with no real or immediate plans for an expansion campaign. This opportunity trumped the stagnation of the fleets. He still has his contacts who, until recently, had had plenty of time to keep him posted on the happenings on and around Byss. He had reached out to one earlier in the day and now, hours later, the console on his desk finally bleeps.

Message from Burke Pallus.

Fed selling tech to Rep. Heavy Fed losses but Wheel made jump. Tracking now. Interesting sidednote; Rutherford Gellar was rescued from Wheel. Word is you will be contacted to play point in his return to max Imperial leverage. Be ready, my friend.

Vex steps away from the desk but cannot tear his eyes from the screen. It must have been some tech the Federation was selling to invoke that kind of rage. But there is still only one part of that message that sets off a chain reaction of questions reaching into very dark places. To stumble across Rutherford Gellar while engaging in an assault against the Wheel is questionable at best but begs a much larger inquiry - What was the Federation doing with him in the first place? Publicly, accusations had been traded between Sector and Federation regarding the missing children, something Kylie believed had enough to do with the attack to justify coming to him in person to find out. With his help, the Empire will look like hero's in the eyes of the Sector's Direx Board if it turns out the Federation is the one who was behind it all along and they helped prove it in recovering on of their more lucrative assets.

His hand is on his com-link but he stops himself.

Officially, this is not information he knows. Vex may trust Kylie's intentions but he certainly doesn't trust Lady Masterton's or Kaytt Corinthos' for that matter. He was not going to risk it all just yet. As much as he felt for the grieving mother and the more than likely traumatized children, Vex has a role to play. One that could help unravel whatever it is that transpires just behind the surface of things.

Moving to the impeccably stocked wet bar, Vex Sienna makes himself another drink and walks back out onto the terrace.

« Last Edit: July 08, 2013, 12:29:45 PM by Medivh »

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #24 on: July 31, 2013, 12:51:01 PM »
Corporate Sector

Etti IV: Mondder

Vex Sienna had indeed been contacted from imperial command, still wiping away the last vestiges of the Federation presence in the Besh Gorgon system, where the Wheel and its adjunct platforms had stood as a testament of the Federation's ability to survive for decades.

His task was a subtle one.  Notify the Direx board of Rutherford's location without letting it get public - and maintaining any imperial leverage without inciting corporate disapproval for him being held.

His meeting with Iver Augilar had proven the difficult balance.  Augilar, long known as an opponent if not outright enemy of Rutherford Gellar, saw this as an opportunity to destroy both the Trade Federation, and further ruin Gellar at the same time.

Sienna had to strongly reason with him that it would not be in the best interest of the Corporate Sector - and Augilar in particular.  It was abundantly clear that Rutherford's release wasn't worth the loss of contracts to the Republic.  Still, he was a leader of prime industrial fields, and with the Federation all but obliterated, ChemiX, still suffering from the events of the past few months, looked like it had finally reached its bottom, and was beginning to stabilize.  This would help them, and the Corporate Sector in the long run.  The Empire just wanted something in return.

he was spending his days negotiating with individual DireX board members, each trying to get their own best advantage out of the situation.  He would come home exhausted, debating whether the news about Rutherford should be relayed to Kylie Miranda, who had not made another appearance since their heated evening.

Of course he was conflicted about it - he wanted to let her know, but knew it could cost him his job, and his life, to divulge information to those not authorized to receive it.

Heading to the bar, he made himself a stiff drink, before grabbing the comm unit, and hesitantly, calling his paramour's residence.

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #25 on: August 04, 2013, 05:41:02 PM »
Corporate Sector

Etti IV: Mondder

Vex Sienna carefully considers phrasing as his lovers voice fills the com channel.

"Gellar Estate."

"Kylie, it's Vex."

"And on our main line," she laughs. "Bold."

"It's secure. I checked."

"That was thoughtful. It's nice to hear from you even if I do suspect it has little to do with me personally."

He sighs, "I wish you could know how much I would like for it to be nothing but you personally but I do have directives to follow."

"We all have a boss. Some more threatening than others."

"Considering the facts, I'd say we're playing on a fairly even field."

"I doubt that," she says. "I see the trial on Chandaar is heating up. Our favorite lawyer pulled a fast one on the prosecution by reassigning separate counsel before she could be thrown off the case. Still no insight into where you fit into all this. A part of me hopes Corinthos blows this wide open, exposing everyone for who and what they are."

"And the other part?"

"Fears it will cast those we know and love in an unflattering light."

There is a drawn out pause.


"So like an Imperial to internalize. Lord Gellar, Lady Masterton, Garron, the children."

"Oh. Right, right."

"This is not why you called."

"Not entirely no although I did want to hear your voice. Even if it is tinged with hostility and suspicion. I rang regarding your inquiry the other day. Now there are things I can confirm and others I cannot. You understand that."

"I don't expect you to risk yourself for the Gellar-Masterton's."

"For them, no. For you? Possibly. You'll make an honest man out of me if you are not careful."

"You are deflecting," Kylie counters. "I know that while you were not what some would call close to The Four there is a sense of guilt about them. And justifiably so. Survivors often question the meaning in everything around them, a sentiment I'm sure Lord Gellar, Lady Masterton and Counselor Prescott share to varying degrees. You swore to me you were not out to deliberately hurt them, that they had suffered and lost enough. Since it has been suggested revenge is being exacted against the survivors, anything that might spare them or you further anguish would be most helpful."

"Shameless," he says. "But clever."

"Also true. You pick up a thing or two working so closely alongside a psychologist."

Vex appreciates her newly leveraged confidence which has only grown stronger as she's had to grapple with myriad of complex angles and potential pitfalls. Adapting often requires a few personal adjustments. She was such a timid flower when they first met in the Concordia township market and now look at her. She is a protector of all that is good, unafraid of the big, bag Imperial agent. Still, she remains true to herself and her moral compass is a major turn on.

"I see that and it would not betray my duty to inform you that the Imperial assault on the Wheel was not instigated by a connection to your employers or the legacy they represent. The Federation sold the Republic something that may have given them an unfair advantage and that could not stand. Hence, they were destroyed."

"A straightforward motive."

"On the plus side..."

"There's a plus side?"

"Depending on what perspective you view the situation from, yes. The Federation, if I'm not mistaken, had publicly humiliated Rutherford Gellar, painting him and, by association, the Corporate Sector, as duplicitous asshats out for nothing but the bottom line. That Federation Ambassador managed to humanize her faction as if the previous atrocities committed in their name were merely events they were also a victim of. Now that's showmanship. The Republic Senate and their filthy, bleeding hearts. They love a good story of redemption, especially since they continuously emerge from their own inevitable flawed democracy with another go at it. Once more with feelings. The New, new, new Republic."

"I never said they were without fault or blame. Everyone is capable of getting ahead of themselves from time to time. The point is being able to pull yourself back from the brink before it's too late."

"Well, it's nice that you think so."

"Try not to patronize me, even if you don't believe it. We're all entitled to our allusions."

"The lies we tell ourselves in order to go on. Looks like the Federation told one too many. The lie of safety they sold to the Republic. All those contracts they undercut are now back up for negotiation and seeing as there is a serious lack of competition and quality, the Direx Board are wasting no time getting back in the game. Irulan Reeves, Rutherford's second in command at ChemiX, is leading the charge. Rebranding has it challenges after all. Even more so with Gellar's name still firmly affixed to it. They don't have the votes to oust him, from what I hear. He is still somewhat of a villain in the eyes of the Republic and within the board but the potential for exponential market share growth will take a considerable amount of heat off him."

"I'm not sure that constitutes good news if it came at the expense of so many Federation lives."

"Chin up, baby. No one said silver linings were free."

"So I've gathered. Thank you for telling me."

"My pleasure."

"Anything else I should know?"

Without a firm timeline for Rutherford Gellar's return to the Sector, Vex cannot risk any vigilante efforts.

"Not at the moment."



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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #26 on: August 06, 2013, 11:41:51 PM »
Corporate Sector

D'ian System: Surface: Concordia Township

Trichelle stares out over the calm waters of the expansive infinity pool behind the Corinthos mansion. The summer has been unusually wet but sweltering. Social gatherings happen regularly where those who have not traveled elsewhere in D'ian for the season mingle and posture for the corporate titans on holiday. She tries to remember the last time she saw her parents. It was a few days before Kaytt showed up unannounced. Her sister had always been the cherished one of the Corinthos clan, the one with ambition and charisma. Even after Kaytt traded in her Corporate ascension for the Republic glory, a move that would have brought shame on the family name had it been anyone else, she was still the golden child. Now she had a high profile case on Chandaar that was a motion away from caving in on her.

Somehow, she managed to snap her fingers and figure a way out of the corner.

A shadow falls over her and she glances up.

Muriel waves timidly, "No one answered the door. We figured we would find you here."


Tobias steps out from behind her.

"Hey, Trich. Dazed much? You did invite us over for a pool party. Right?"

"I did," she says, adjusting her sunglasses while leaning back into the chaise. "The others should be here soon."

In truth, they had grown closer in the months that passed. After school ended they didn't quite know what to do. The fallout over the kidnapping and ensuing revolt at Valor Prep had inexplicably bound them together across the social plane and numerical grade. Trichelle's leverage over Alka provided ample opportunity to groom her as part of the elite while her friends, Roman and Preston, enjoyed the freedom under Kier's protection. He acted as sort of an athletic mentor to Roman who was, in his own right, a burgeoning Chin-Bret captain. In a few years he would be eligible for Varsity at Valor Prep. Muriel and Tobias felt bad for Preston who, without his new found social network, would have been teased mercilessly by the upperclassmen. Speculation into his orientation and any rumors about Roman had been stamped out under Trichelle's orders. She had reclaimed her pole position at the top of Valor Prep and, despite her youth, had the clarity to use it for her own benefit as well as that of others. The student body had stabilized by the end of the previous term as the lingering affects of Dahlia's Force manipulations finally wore off. Of course, this is not something anyone had been aware of to begin with which made it all the more puzzling.

Alka sets a glass down on the table beside Trichelle who instructs her to sit and relax.

"There are rules for these kinds of parties and the point is to be highly visible while maintaining an aura of nonchalance. The boys go wild over it."


The only boy Alka Dawning thinks about is Dane Gellar who she fears has met a terrible fate. The Holo was not exactly helpful either as the story of the kidnapping was replaced by Corporate conspiracy which had recently been usurped by the Imperial attack on The Wheel which had essentially wiped the Trade Federation off the galactic map. Her fathers words, not hers. Preston and Roman wander across the pool deck followed by Kier Kincaid. Roman pulls off his shirt and dives into waters a few shades lighter than his skin. Preston sits on the edge of Alka's chaise lounge and watches. Kier slaps hands with Tobias and kisses Muriel on the cheek. They had not spoken of the night the three of them came to their own conclusions about who Dahlia really was and how Dane and Gemma factored into that. It was mutually agreed that the less they brought it up, the less others would worry. The Winton name seemed to strike fear into their parents which made them believe it was better left unsaid.

Others begin to arrive, filling in the open spaces in and around the pool. Music begins pulsing from invisible speakers as the laughter and screams of the teenagers fill the hot afternoon air. The relaxation is suddenly interrupted by one of the protocol droids who relays some clearly unsettling news to Trichelle. She stiffens on the chair then turns to Alka and asks her to come with her into the mansion.

Inside, it is much cooler, almost sterile. The interior of the house looks more like a museum than a living space. Trichelle walks silently through the estate until she darts into a study and flips on the projector. She scans through several channels before picking up the major Holo network out of Mondder. The reporter is covering the aftermath of the Imperial battle and what this means for the Republic. Are we headed for yet another skirmish for galactic control?

"Trichelle, what are we-"

She holds up a finger and Alka's voice trails off.

The reporter shifts to another story out of Corellia.

"There are conflicting sources telling us that Dane Gellar, reported missing almost three and a half months ago, requested and was granted landing access in Coronet City. No official confirmation from CorSec or other government agencies and it is unclear whether or not his two sisters, also reported missing, were with him. Questions abound. Is it him and just where has he been?"

Alka's mouth falls open, "Could this be true?"

"I don't know," Trichelle says. "But until we find out for certain, it is probably best not to get your hopes up. The media will sensationalize anything to get a reaction out of the public, especially one as hungry for gossip as the Corporate Sector."

"You use it just as much as they do."

"Not on the same level," she counters, tapping the projector off. "It's different."

"Is it?"

"You're a quick study, Alka but don't mistake my generosity for foolishness. Being in the know helps keep the situation from falling out of your favor. If Dane has resurfaced, we have to prepare for the possibility that Gemma and Dahlia aren't far behind."

"What has Dane or Gemma ever done to you?"

Trichelle's eyes flare.

"It's not what they did or didn't do. It's who they are. Gellar's, Masterton's. Those names carry a curse with them and the reward for association is death. Do you understand that or do we need to take a look at the body count list again? And while they may not be aware of their lineage, Dahlia most certainly is. She's evil, Alka and if she returns to the Sector, she will risk all our lives."


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #27 on: August 11, 2013, 08:25:03 PM »
Corporate Sector

Etti IV: Surface: Mondder

It had taken two solid and grueling weeks but Vex Sienna had successfully negotiated the terms of Rutherford Gellar's "release." Each member of the Direx Board wanted something. Some were more reasonable than others but through those talks everyone had come to an impasse. What Vex had really been negotiating for was the exclusive rights to certain products, extended contracts at better prices and a financial stake in Gellar's company, ChemiX. It is not a controlling interest, of course but as shareholders they do have certain...sway. His meetings with Irulan Reeves had been most pleasant and she had been amenable to their offer while maintaining the best interest of the company as a whole. She is, after all, the decision-maker in Rutherford's absence and she is self-aware enough to know that while she may be clever, she lacks Gellar's corporate cunning. His return, be it controversial or otherwise, is tantamount to ChemiX's ascension from the ashes of the Trade Federation. The company had been battered before both in reputation and in mistrust in their fearless founder. Every time they had managed to pull out of whatever dive to record shattering profits. Irulan is a businesswoman and her salvation comes with a little vested interest.

Vex notifies the Emperor of his accomplishments in the Corporate Sector and awaits instruction on how and when Rutherford Gellar would resurface. That had to be tightly controlled as well with the media. It would also undoubtedly upset certain people, people he carded about deeply but he knows what happens to those who stray too far over the Imperial line. The ruthless decimation of the Federation's primary holdings are enough to reinforce that. He doesn't care if Lady Masterton is furious. He does care that Kylie may feel blindsided and played, like he had been after the stake in ChemiX all along which is simply not the case. It was an addendum to his assignment to renegotiate for Gellar's safe passage but he is unclear who actually added it. The Emperor would not see military advantage in such business maneuvers. He makes a mental note to dig deeper into the source once the dust has settled. The upside is that Iver Aguilar is scheduled to make a formal announcement the following morning which means the information can and will be relayed to close family and friends to prepare for any media requests that follow. Aguilar was, by now, on his way to D'ian where the news would be relayed to a bewildered Kylie and an elated yet no doubt suspicious Lady Masterton.

He knows Celeste will never trust him. After all she's been through with agents of the Empire, he doesn't entirely blame her either. He wouldn't trust him either if their roles were reversed. What he does hope is that Kylie will be able to see past the politics and professional posturing. He did promise her he wasn't in it to make the Gellar-Masterton's suffer and he honestly isn't. But he can only speak for himself and not for what the Empire may truly want. Those lines are blurred beyond his range of sight but he knows to tread carefully. He's had his own suspicions about the Empire's motives in the Sector before, especially when it came to those families. Even if the intricacies of their fates are meaningless to Schrag, they may of great importance to others.


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #28 on: August 15, 2013, 10:40:31 PM »
Corporate Sector

D'ian: Surface: Gellar Estate

"You arrogant bastard."

Iver Aguilar remains steady, watching her very closely. Predictably, Celeste Masterton did not take the news well. It's not her husband's release that has ignited her flame, it's his captors. Well, posing as the hero. She is not buying any of it.

"You mean to tell me the Empire attacked the Wheel and stumbled upon Rutherford by some coincidence? That station is massive and he would not have been lurking around the common areas. Tell me you do not believe them, Iver."

"They are lucrative clients, Celeste and the secure release of our business associate was at the forefront of any negotiations."

"Lies," she hisses. "You and the board have conspired against him from the beginning. I often wonder if you sent him to Chandaar so that he would walk right into the Federation's crosshairs. Then I think you underestimated the risks. There are always unforeseen variables."

"He is being returned to you. For that alone you should be thankful."

"Returned," she says distantly. "Yes."

Returned empty handed. Garron had alerted Kylie to the fact that Rutherford and the Jedi were hiding out on the Wheel with that dreadful Administrator Mara. Where were the Jedi when the Imperial's breached the station and somehow found and supposedly rescued Rutherford? Garron has made no further contact with them. The Imperial Sienna revealed that the attack was not motivated by Rutherford's presence, that it had something to do with a dispute over goods sold to the Republic. Same old story. All that back and forth. It's meaningless when compared to the security of ones own family.

"I'm sorry about the children, truly I am. I want nothing more for their captors to be brought to justice. From the sounds of things in the Republic, it appears they have a public face to blame."

"It does not bring them back."

This is something he cannot argue. His dislike for Rutherford Gellar aside, he, like most of the Direx Board, has always been fond of Celeste Masterton. Her lightest touch usually instills calm and understanding. Now she seems bitter and driven. It's amazing she had never ventured into corporate policy. Creativity is often bred through tragedy and grief.

"No, it doesn't. But your husband is a start. I have assurances he will be back in the CSA by the weeks end."

"That's very comforting. Thank you for stopping by in person."

"It's my pleasure," he says. "The formal announcement will be made in the morning and there may be press inquiries. We wanted you to be prepared."

Celeste's eyes are filled with vibroblades.

"I suppose you would since the Federation is obliterated. You have Imperial credits burning holes in those pockets and the Republic has come crawling back. I promise to keep your fragile public image and potential profit margins in the forefront of my familial struggles."


"Get out."

Iver nods and quietly slinks out of the room, leaving her to fume on her own. There are mixed feelings about Rutherford's return. She is conflicted. They have not seen each other in months and after all that has happened, she feels very disconnected from him and their entire life. It all seems like a strange and pleasant dream. Their perfect little life in the posh if not melodramatic Concordia Township. Was their happiness real or merely an illusion she had continued to see? At the moment she can barely tell.

Would she ever cease paying for her sins or are they all destined to suffer without hope of atonement or absolution?


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #29 on: August 24, 2013, 01:20:56 AM »
Corporate Sector

D'ian System: Concordia Township

A lone shuttle appears in darkened sky and hovers silently before landing behind the Gellar Estate. Inside, Rutherford powers down and stares at his reflection in the view screen. There are mixed feelings about his return, relief awash in shame and dread. On one hand, he has his freedom. He is back on his own turf and free to use his vast resources in order to make some headway. On the other, he has returned without the children he set out to find. He doesn't even know what happened to Garron who, he hopes, is safe on the Wheel. His own time there is a haze of blackness. He remembers returning to the shuttle with Dane and Gemma, wounded and aching from leaving Dahlia's behind. Then there was nothing. He came to aboard the Imperial vessel. Reflexively, he touches his chest, still sore from the blaster wound he suffered.

Outside in the humid summer air, Rutherford makes his way around the mansion and up the front steps. He enters the access code and waits for the door to slide open. Celeste is standing in the foyer looking more beautiful than he remembers. Her eyes are wide, blank, as if she does not know what to feel or say. Rutherford closes the distance between them. Celeste slaps him, hard then bursts into tears and crumbles into his arms. They sink to the floor together. He holds her tightly, unable to find the right words to assuage her fears. 

Later, Rutherford helps her into bed and waits until the sobs taper off and she finally sleeps. He showers and changes before heading downstairs for a stiff drink. He pours it into a rocks glass in the kitchen, feeling strange about being home again. Somehow it doesn't seem the same. He knows exactly what is missing.

"You're back."

Startled, he turns to find Kylie Miranda.


"Without the children. Or Garron."

He is too drained to fight and although she is technically an employee, she has long since been a part of the family. He imagines she has been the one to pick up the pieces of Celeste in his absence, a task he knows could not have been easy or pretty.

"I'm afraid not. They are on the Wheel."

Kylie frowns, "The one that was attacked? By the Empire?"

"That's the one."

"Except they're not. One the Wheel, that is."

"What? How do you know that?"

"Gemma reached out to Lady Masterton through the Force. She and the Jedi are secure in another location. We don't know where. Speculation by the news outlets suggest Dane is on Corellia. We know the Imperial attack destroyed a considerable amount of Federation holdings but the Wheel made the jump into hyperspace. However, since the Empire claimed to have "rescued" you from it, we can only assume they boarded. We hope Garron is still on the station and the remaining Federation forces have dealt with the Imperial intruders."

"That's...very informative. Thank you, miss Miranda."

She levels her gaze.

"What about Dahlia?"

Rutherford's skin turns to ice, "Dahlia..."

"Yes, do you know where she is?"

He downs the rest of the glass and sets it in the sink, "I'm tired. Too tired for this conversation tonight."


She backs out of the kitchen but pauses in the doorway.

"You don't know what it was like here. Without you. Without the children. You may not want to answer my questions but in the morning, you will have to answer hers. Goodnight, Lord Gellar. I am glad to see you are home safely."

Rutherford watches her leave, the kitchen now plunged into silence. He leans over the counter, places his head in his hands, and weeps.
