Author Topic: CC: Corporate Greed  (Read 135217 times)

Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #60 on: July 14, 2014, 02:22:48 PM »
Corporate Sector

D'ian: Surface: Gellar Estate

Lady Celeste Masterton sifts through files in her office, preparing for client sessions later in the day. Her mind drifts back to Dahlia and a series of events that seem to be repeating. There are variations from the past to the present but a pattern has been established. Dahlia's words had stung. Celeste has not been there for Melanie all those years ago. She had left her on Coruscant because she believed they were destined for greatness. And greatness comes at a price. That is what Alexander Winton had maintained. That is what she and the other parents chose to believe until it was much too late.

In this time of reflection, Celeste realizes they should not have been so quick to dismiss Lilandra Patten's claims as the ravings of a madwoman. She was, after all, the first to see the writing on the wall. All those things she, Henrick, Monica, and Kyri had been blind to see. Lilandra had tried to warn them, tried to tell them that Winton was evil and the things their children were really meant for were going to be paid with the blood of millions. She knew the truth and they locked her away for it. They kept her medicated so she could barely function let alone focus her accusations. Lilandra became trapped in her own mind as events moved ever closer to the dreadful truth. Celeste saw it with just enough time to escape but, like Rutherford, lost everything that mattered to her.

Things are much different now. Dahlia may know who she really is but that doesn't take away the years of nurturing and care she and Rutherford had given to all three of their children. She allows herself certain allusions because she knows she cannot control everything. There is no place safe enough to protect them all from who they are. And a part of her is okay with that. The other part, the part of her that is a mother, cannot help but cling to a hope they have armed them with the skills so that they can protect themselves. It is a luxury denied Melanie and her friends.

The com on her desk bleeps loudly, jarring her out of her thoughts. She shutters, collects herself and opens the line.


"Cel, good, you're home."

"Rutherford, darling. Is everything okay?"

"Have you seen the news reports this morning?"

She takes a sip of coffee.

"Not yet. I've been buried in client files. Why?"

"Turn it on. Channel 7 out of Etti IV."

Celeste's fingers dance across the desk console which powers up the screen in the corner of the room. As the picture comes into focus, her blue eyes widen. Pictures of Dahlia, Dane and Gemma are featured in boxes with their last names beneath in bold lettering. There is a forth box of the Ambassador's nephew with the name Patten below it. The headline reads:

The New Four - Patten child discovered alive.


Gemma quite likes having the house to herself. She had breakfast on the terrace with Kylie Miranda before taking a long bath. Even though Nevylinn said she was okay, Gemma is still concerned. The Jedi are being set-up. She just knows they are but cannot say how or why. It's something she feels. The wrongness, the injustice of it all affects her very deeply. Her heart breaks for them, for Nevylinn her Master, and for the people who are being unfairly targeted on Chandaar. People don't deserve to be treated that way.

There is also the question of Dahlia's motives.

Gemma is sickened by waves of dread if her sister really is conspiring against them all. She doesn't want to believe it but there it is.

"Not every path is clear."

Gemma turns to find Melanie standing in the open balcony doorway. She wanders toward her.

"Is Dahlia evil?"

"Difficult to say," Melanie says. "Everyone has the potential for both inside them. Even those with the best intentions often achieve their goals through questionable means."

"She's a Winton."

"A Winton with Masterton values and the Gellar attitude. You forget she was not manipulated the way her sisters were."

"No," Gemma says. "But she was tortured by that Sith woman who held us captive. No one knows what she did to her or what was said. She could have manipulated her worse than her real parents may have."

Melanie shrugs, glancing out into the sunlight.

"That is true. The Queen was compassionate but jaded and weak. And we all know Alexander was a twisted and malevolent sadist who exploited a prophecy for her own personal gain. Not exactly the best role models but neither were really around during our formative years. You, Dane and Dahlia have loving and supportive parents. Even when Rutherford was away for business, Celeste was always by your sides. It is the starkest of contrasts yet the unknown variable here is the Sith woman. We don't know what was said; only that Dahlia was tortured and was forced to murder her captor to escape. She has taken a life. That does something to a person."

"Nevylinn thinks she's going to Chandaar to cause more trouble for the Jedi."

Melanie turns.

"She may but it is the larger picture you must focus on. The implications down the line. For her. For you. For anyone who would be protected by the Jedi. Dahlia now has a legitimate way in and out of the Republic, a cover for her presence."

"She's following Karen's path."

"With the career, perhaps but Karen wasn't evil. Not really. Not in the ways we think of in terms of life or death. Karen was spoiled and selfish and she wanted fame and fortune but not at the expense of others. She was actually nobler than she let on when it came to us. It became more complex as we got older and circumstances changed. The lines blurred into so many shades of gray. It didn't matter how much white we tried to add back in, it was always gray. It had been tainted with darkness much more powerful than we ever thought…."

Melanie trails off, sighing.

"The danger lies in similarities to Alexia. It was she who was possessed by the dark side of the Force, a concept Karen constantly lived in fear of repeating and with good reason. Alexia wanted everything that Karen had and was willing to risk anything and everyone in order to get it. That kind of malicious drive knows no bounds. There are no limits to the treachery, deceit and chaos of someone consumed by the dark side. That is the risk Dahlia now faces, a duality within her much deeper than simply right or wrong, black and white, good and evil. That is the threat you have to monitor. I believed Karen was too far gone to save. I was wrong. She had been saved."

Gemma frowns, "By whom?"

"The woman known to you as Mara Tacofer, Riley's protector."


She nods.

"But she's so…mean."

Melanie smiles.

"Her journey has been long as she, like the others, is part of the prophecy. We all fill different roles, my dear sister. It is a game that moves as you play. Someone told me that once and it is something that should always be kept in mind."

The door of her room hisses open and Celeste rushes in. Gemma whirls around.


"Gem, darling. I didn't know if you heard."

"Heard what?"

"It's about that boy, Riley. They know he's a Patten. They know he's Kimber's son."

"Who knows?"

Celeste kneels in front of her, touching the side of her face.


"Oh no…" Gemma whispers as Celeste pulls her into an embrace. They hold each other tightly as Gemma looks over her shoulder. Melanie is gone but her words echo clearly in her mind.

A game that moves as you play.


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #61 on: August 10, 2014, 02:06:01 PM »
"My words can come out as a pistol
I'm no good at aiming
But I can aim it at you."


Corporate Sector

D'ian: Surface

Trichelle Corinthos and Demaris Atrii arrive at the Monroe Estate to find heavily armed guards posted at the door. They are allowed access to the mansion only after their names are verified off a list. Muriel is in her room, sitting on her bed staring through the windows out over the pool. Trichelle moves down the hall into the kitchen to get them something to drink and taps on the house sound system along the way. 102.7 The End, a local hits station out of Etti IV, cuts through the silence.

Demaris slides on the bed, "Those guards are pretty serious."

"Yeah," Muriel says softly. "Mom came home. Then she left again. I told her what happened and instead of staying to deal with it, she hired a private security firm because she doesn't want me to be alone."

"Muriel…that's terrible. I'm so sorry."

"She doesn't care. I'm just an inconvenience."

"You are not. Not to us. Is there anything we can do?"

Trichelle appears in the doorway with bottles of artisan water.

"You are looking at this entirely the wrong way. With her gone you can do whatever you want."

Demaris gasps, "What if what she wants is her mother around?"

"Get real," Trichelle says flippantly. "Are any of our parents around? I mean, really? We're just means to carry on their legacy."

"You say that like you don't live for that stuff."

"I may take a sick pleasure in the performance."

Muriel turns, "Doesn't that get exhausting?"

"Only if you let it. Look, I'm not saying our parents aren't flawed. In fact, they are totally fucked up. Do you really want to spend your days dwelling on something that is never going to change? I sure as hell don't. Why feel bad about it when we can use it to our advantage? It's just a different perspective, Mur."

A song ends and the DJ introduces the next.

"The brand new single off his upcoming album, Sur Maaj featuring Gem with Castle Walls."

The girls squeal and Trichelle lunges at the controls to turn it up. They knew it would be good but it is something else entirely. The song is amazing. Fluid, well-crafted and very catchy. Gemma's vocals compliment Sur Maaj's style nicely and she lets loose with a verse of her own near the end. As soon as it finishes, Trichelle retrieves the Com-Pad from her purse. It is a new and expensive hybrid of the comlink and datapad popular among the business elite and tech savvy teenagers. She launches the social media app Interface and posts about the song to her considerable followers. She also texts Dahlia to let her know the song has dropped.

"With a little help from our friends, the song will be anthem of the summer."

Demaris smiles, "That's awfully generous of you."

"Well, she's going to need an entourage when she's a famous singer. Might as well help with the ascension to reap the rewards later."


The door chimes sound, temporarily muting the music.

"That must be Alka and Gemma."

They walk back through the house and into the foyer. Alka, Gemma and Tobias are on the doorstep. One of the guards addresses Muriel.

"Miss Dawning and Miss Masterton are welcome but Mister Harkan is not permitted on the premises."

Muriel and Tobias exchange a longing glance.

Demaris takes Muriel, Alka and Gemma back into the house but Trichelle steps outside, yanking Tobias down the steps by the arm.

"You have a lot of nerve coming here."

"She's my girlfriend, Trich. I'm allowed to see her."

"There's been a revision in the script," Trichelle says icily. "You aren't in it."

"Why's that?"

She keeps her voice low as they move further from the house.

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe because she almost died from all those pills you gave her."

Tobias sneers, "I didn't make her take the whole bottle."

"No, but she wouldn't have had the bottle to take if you didn't give it to her. Her life is mess right now, Tobi. She doesn't need you making it worse."

"I'm making it worse? Yeah right. You are practically a harbinger of the apocalypse."

"Says the junkie low-life who gets his kicks by hooking his so-called girlfriend on painkillers."

"Better than a social vampire whore who feels powerful by manipulating the underclassmen. You think Gemma or Alka are going to put up with your shit forever?"

"I'll have graduated by then and they will have their own underclassmen minions to do their bidding."

"The cycle of violence continues."

"I do what I can."

"Ever the public servant. Since when do you care so much about Muriel?"

"Since her best friend was kidnapped and she was left at your mercy. You are the last person who should be seeing someone through a crisis."

Tobias laughs.

"Dahlia has been back for months and from what I hear, she's off in the Republic selling out."

"It's called making a name for yourself, something you should really look into since peddling crack to kids isn't exactly a viable career option."

"That's what you think."

Trichelle scoffs and turns on her heels.

"Grow up, Tobias. And stay away from Muriel."

He watches her storm past the guards and back into the house. She's such a fake bitch and he can't understand why Muriel or the others would even buy into her act. Trichelle has only ever cared when it benefits her in some way. She was intent on ousting Dahlia until the prospect of her fame made the Winton royal seem that much more attractive. Trichelle is really no different than Tobias. Popularity is her drug of choice and where the pills he sells may corrupt the mind, her insatiable lust for recognition will swallow her soul. She may think she's got it all figured out but that kind of obsession leaves a lot of loopholes. In the land of the blind, Corinthos is queen. Let her continue the delusion. Trichelle has her weapons, Tobias has his.

« Last Edit: August 17, 2014, 12:57:33 PM by Syren »

Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #62 on: September 15, 2014, 01:15:56 PM »
Corporate Sector

D'ian: Surface: Concordia Township

The fall brings everyone back together again.

The young men's summer internships ended last week and they venture back from Etti IV armed with a new perspective that should help shape their lives. Expectations have been set and, going forward, these will be increased with each summer that passes until they reach university. The object is to refine their social skills and forge powerful alliances while in prep school that will benefit them later on down the line. The young ladies have spent the summer honing their powers of persuasion and social graces. This will make them more attractive partners to be paired with a suitor that will benefit their respective families.

The Gellar Estate is prepared to be a full house again with Kylie Miranda organizing a small army of droids to meticulously arrange and decorate the sprawling mansion for the new season. She had spent the summer shuffling young ladies to and from certain events and assisting Lady Masterton with support in the home office. There have been two calls from Vex Sienna which she has left unreturned despite the pangs in her heart for his company. She resists the urge to reach out to him and often daydreams of what their life could be together were his loyalties not tied so directly to the Empire.

Dane Gellar is happy to return home, having found the stuffy banter between associates at ChemiX almost too much to bear. He knew he had to start at the bottom and work his way up through the internship program. He just figured he would meet at least a few interesting people. Instead, he found himself charming the pants off administrative assistants and keeping quiet while entry level geeks discussed scientific breakthroughs that went way beyond his scope of knowledge. Dane may not be well versed in science but he does have a natural inclination toward business. He would study up throughout the year so he could understand a bit more of what happens next summer.

Gemma has had a whirlwind of a summer. The release of the single has generated a considerable amount of buzz around her future plans. The song itself is at the top of the charts and played several times a day on the Sector music channels. She even surprised an audience in Etti IV with an appearance with Sur-Maaj two weeks ago which captured many a headline. On the weekends, she would head out to Viiperi Lake and train with Nevylinn, careful to avoid the families who summer in the surrounding villa's. She would commune with Melanie who brings her clarity and peace as Gemma is on the precipice of fame. Melanie warns this will be attractive and aims to seduce, to blind people to the realities that surround them and to be mindful. She is to use this cover to maneuver in places she would otherwise be forbidden. Given the climate in the Republic against the Jedi, they would shun her if they knew of her gifts but they would embrace her as a celebrity. There will come a time, Melanie had told her and Nevylinn, that the Republic will need them. Nevylinn is a known Jedi and would be targeted. Gemma swears to keep her Master safe, offering sanctuary here in the Sector until the dispute could be resolved. Nevylinn may be wary of Gemma's burgeoning career as a singer but realizes this is a necessary evil and aims to keep her path clear and skill sharp. They practice and meditate and the Jedi Master is impressed with how far Gemma has come.

Lady Masterton is anxious to have all her children under one roof again. She has missed them terribly this summer. Rutherford may be on Etti IV but his business has always been part of the deal. She could handle him being away for periods of time working on a project. She is not used to the children being separated and away. They are her foundation and she longs for the days when they would never want to leave her side. Such is the yearning of a mother but eventually the mother must let go. She knows they will grow and make their own choices but Celeste will always worry. She loves them very deeply and smothers them with affection when Dane and Gemma come home. She has received word that Dahlia is on her way back which is wonderful considering they start school the following Monday. What she did not expect is a call from Lady Corinthos who found out from Trichelle that Dahlia told her Garron had been apprehended by the Republic authorities and would not be returning with them.

Alarmed, Celeste calls Rutherford.


Etti IV: Surface: Mondder

Rutherford Gellar meets with Vex Sienna in his executive office atop the Gellar Corporate Tower. The anticipation of a large sale to the Empire had sent ChemiX stocks soaring to new levels and left the Direx Board whispering and wondering. Rutherford offers the Imperial a drink on the rocks which they cheers to this new business venture. The shipment of nano-agent Ibellum is loaded onto a secure and heavily armed Imperial shuttle for transport back to Byss. An incredibly large wire transfer of credits has been deposited in the ChemiX corporate account.

Vex sets the glass down on the wet bar and extends a hand.

"Great work, Gellar. The Emperor is very pleased. It was a pleasure doing business with you."

Rutherford nods, shaking his hand.

"The pleasure was mine. My best regards to the Emperor."

Vex Sienna departs the office briskly, leaving Rutherford to contemplate the weight of his actions. He had essentially just created a mind-controlling substance and sold it to the Empire for obvious nefarious purposes. Such is the push and pull of business. Ethics, much like morals within the Corporate Sector, are merely recommended guidelines. His company was doing better than ever and his family was safe and happy. This is all he could ever want. He brings his own glass to his lips to finish off the last of the drink, knowing that deep within the executive labs lays Corvais, the only known antivirus for Ibellum.

With the Empire, it is best to always have a contingency plan.

His com bleeps and derails his thoughts.

Celeste excitedly relays the information of Garron's detainment on Chandaar but is at a loss for details or follow up. He tells her not to worry, that he would take care of it. He makes sure Dahlia is safe and she tells him that their adoptive daughter is en route back to the Sector now which calms him considerably. Garron is a trusted friend and associate who could handle himself but with the news pouring out of the Republic as of late, Rutherford is not about to take any chances. He wants his friend home with them.

He clicks off with Celeste and places a call to the offices of Kaytt Corinthos.


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #63 on: September 22, 2014, 06:26:05 PM »

"And as I try to make my way
To the ordinary world
I will learn to survive."

-Duran Duran

Corporate Sector

D'ian: Surface: Concordia Township

Dahlia returns safely with Georgie by her side, somewhat shaken and disturbed by her latest dream. She performs appropriately for her audience. Lady Masterton is thrilled to have all three of her children home and ushers them inside for a family dinner. Lord Gellar surprises them and Kylie sets another place at the table. The only one missing is Garron and the lack of his presence is like a ghost that hangs over the table as they attempt to enjoy the moment.

The leaves in the sparse, rolling forests between the estates are beginning to turn gold and orange and they slide into a new season. Appointments are made for hair, nails and facials. No one wants to start a new semester looking tired. On Saturday, Dane partakes in a mud wrap as Gemma's nails are painted white and Dahlia's hair is tinted a dark crimson and trimmed into shimmering layers that cascade off her shoulders. Sunday, there is a picnic and subsequent water fight before Kylie rounds them up to check items off a list and arranges their uniforms for the morning. She bids them goodnight and retires to her own quarters, ready for the new year to begin and all the excitement it may bring.

Rutherford and Celeste are waiting downstairs as the kids file in and eat breakfast. Kylie speeds things up and wrangles book bags to the hoverlimo idling in the drive. Celeste kisses each child goodbye and makes a big show of sending them off. She hasn't done so in years but something feels different now as if nothing should be taken for granted. A full time security detail has been issued for the children at all times. Heavily armed speeders accompany the sleek hoverlimo as it heads to the east side of Concordia and rides through the large gates of Valor Prep.

They step out into a whole new world.

Rumors of their exploits throughout the summer have the entire student body staring and whispering. Dane feels the knot of jealousy toward his sisters but surpresses it as he slaps hands with Roman. Gemma hugs Alka and Preston intensely. Dahlia keeps her sunglasses on and smiles as Trichelle, Muriel, Kier, Ples, and Demaris welcome her back.

Tobias watches from within the shadows of the trees as the group turns and slowly walks across a deep green field toward the main hall. A dark smile spreads across his lips as he knows they could never get rid of him that easily.


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #64 on: September 29, 2014, 02:22:32 PM »
Corporate Sector

D'ian: Surface

The group of girls whisper and giggle as she passes. Two other boys point and stare, nodding and laughing. Demaris Atrii grips the strap of her messenger bag and presses onward. The seemingly continuous breaking news out of the Republic now focuses on a disgruntled Counselor and her older brother. The phrase "crazed Jedi" has been thrown around more than once. Everything is speculation since the RSB has been unwilling to release photage involved in the investigation. The rumor mill is busy, running on the fumes of an alleged altercation between Donovan Atrii and the armed agents escorting Counselor Circe Prescott. Demaris knows her brother isn't a violent individual. He had been a pacifist even when he was one of the Sector's most eligible bachelors. The Jedi had given him a focus he lacked here and she is very proud of him. Their parents are another story entirely as they attempted to conceal his admittance into the Jedi Order as some kind of existential sojourn and tell inquiring friends that he is currently traveling the galaxy exploring his options.

The news coverage shatters those lies and she would certainly hear about how this is besmirching the family name.

Donovan's face is shown side-by-side with that of Circe Prescott as the Holo commentators drone on about the dangers of Force ability and how some believe the Counselor is some kind of mind-controlled mouthpiece.

The students at Valor Prep are some of the cruelest and use any shred of information to tear down others. This gives them ample ammunition. She is called names and insulted throughout the day and she has reached a breaking point. Tears well up in her eyes and she runs from the hall, past the Chin-Bret field, and breaks down.

Ples Aguilar waves his teammates off and runs after her. He finds her leaning against a row of trees behind the main student hall.


She wipes her eyes and turns.

"Hey, Ples."

"You okay?"

She shakes her head and sighs, "Not at all."

"Anything I can do?"

"Change my identity?"

"Why would you want to do that?"

"It would be easier if I was just…nobody. The guilt by association around here is killing me. I feel like everyone sits around waiting for something to gossip about and right now it's my brother."

Ples scratches his head, "I thought they didn't know what happened."

"They don't. At least, they aren't saying. That doesn't stop everyone from running away with rumors about how scandalous and crazy the Jedi are. If something happens to him…I don't know what I would do."

"Hey, hey," he says, moving closer to her. "Don't talk that way. He's going to be okay."

"You don't know that. No one does. They are saying there was a blaster-fight in the streets. The RSB is looking for him. It's a total mess."

She leans forward and he wraps his arms around her. She cries into his chest and it feels good to let it out. Ples holds her tightly until Trichelle appears with Kier and Dahlia.

"What the hell happened?"

Demaris pulls back, "Nothing…just, you know, people."

"Did they say something to you?"


"About what?" Kier says, confused.

"Don't you watch the Holo? Duh, the Republic is, like, super cray right now. Her brother is wanted for questioning."

"Right," Dahlia says, hiding a smile. "The whole Counselor Prescott thing."

"Yeah, she's in major trouble too."

Dahlia's little black heart is filled with glee. The pesky Counselor is treading into some dangerous water. That's where being self-righteous gets you: nowhere.

Trichelle turns back to Demaris.

"Who? Who said these things to you?"

"It doesn't matter."

"It does," Trichelle says. "The only ones allowed to socially terrorize people are us."

Demaris mumbles off several names.

Trichella looks to Dahlia.

"We'll take care of it."

"They won't bother you again."

"See?" Ples says, touching her arm. "Everything is going to be fine."

Demaris nods, a smile creeping onto her lips.

"Thanks guys."


Later, Dahlia drops by the Monroe Estate. The place is locked down pretty tight with security. Thankfully, she is on the approved visitor list and is allowed inside. She finds Muriel doing homework in her room.

"Hey girl," she says. "Thought you could use a study break."


She falls onto her bed and leans on her hands.

"The agents outside are pretty hot. New unit?"

"New company," Muriel says, swiveling the chair around. "My mother doesn't want me being alone. Some might think that would mean spending more time at home but no, in her world that means hiring more bodies to fill the space. After my accident, she is very concerned."

Dahlia doesn't have the heart to correct her. An accident is something that wasn't supposed to happen almost did. In Muriel's case, she knew exactly what she was doing and that scares the shit out of her.

"Right, well, you know how parents are."

"Parents pay attention. My mother just throws money at the problem."

"How are you doing? I mean, really."

Muriel shrugs.

"I'm okay, I guess. I have to see a therapist but everyone is hesitant to prescribe me anything. They say I'm depressed."

"Are you?"

"No more than anyone in my situation."

"What about Tobias?"

"He's not allowed here. Not that I had much say in the matter. Everyone blames him for what happened but it wasn't his fault."

"He did give you the pills," Dahlia says.

"But he didn't make me take them."

"No, I suppose not yet he isn't what we would call a good influence."

"I thought you liked him."

"He's not a bad guy, per se but is he right for you? I'm not sure. His motives are questionable at best and he's acting like a real creeper at school."

"That's because Trichelle has made it her mission to ostracize him from the group."

"She's just worried about you, Mur. We all are."

"I'm fine, Dahlia. Or at least I will be."

Dahlia slides off the bed and kneels beside her, holding her hand.

"That's all we want. If you get those feelings again I want you to tell me. I'm here for you."

"You have your own life," Muriel says. "The modeling, all the new friends in the Republic. I get it."

"No, you don't. New friends and new circumstances can't replace what we have. You are my best friend. Always have been, always will be. I don't want you thinking you are alone in this. You aren't alone."

Muriel's blue eyes shimmer.

"I know. Do you want something to drink? We need a beverage before diving into some celebrity gossip."

Dahlia laughs, "Deal."

Muriel disappears into the hall and Dahlia stands. She wanders by the patio doors and gazes out over the pool. Flashes of the evening she found Muriel floating in it give her major pause. She shutters, trying to shake it off. All the morbid dreams she's been having seem to amplify the feelings surrounding Muriel's well-being. She knows from her lessons with Adubell that these attachments are liabilities but there is something about Muriel she simply cannot give up. There is caring and worry. Muriel represents all that is innocent and good in these worlds and although Dahlia's darker motives aim to dismantle them, she does not want her friend to suffer for it.

The dreams she has are of Karen's friends dying horrible deaths. She knows she will be forever connected to her sister's legacy but struggles to decipher why she sees the things she sees. What does it mean? Are the dreams strictly for posterity or is there a deeper significance?

They say people who don't learn from the past are doomed to repeat it. Dahlia has gleaned more insight than both her sister's combined. Does that means she's free to create a new future or is there horrific elements from the past that those who share a connection to them can never escape?

She runs a finger along the glass door in the shape of a circle.

"Vicious cycles."


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #65 on: October 31, 2014, 06:02:05 PM »
Corporate Sector

D'ian: Surface

Bombshell on the Holo. Like, literally.

The explosion on Chandaar dominates the news cycles. They are still trying to make sense of things but some estimate the death toll is well over a hundred. Scores more are wounded and may die from their injuries. Two of those who perished in the blast are the focal point of the story: Circe Prescott and Donovan Atrii. The phoage is played over and over and over again. Most of it is pulled from hand-held devices of the attendees, none of which were close enough to really capture anything of major detail. Anyone too close was incinerated. Multiple angles are shown from various submissions, all ending the same tragic way.


Naturally, the group swarms to the Atrii Estate and past the hoard of media camped at the gates hoping for a comment.

Trichelle slips out of Demaris' bedroom to find Ples pacing in the corridor.

"How is she?"

"The entire galaxy watched her brother explode on live Holo. How do you think she's doing?"

He shakes his head, not sure what to say.

She sighs.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap. Demaris is emotionally destroyed and what's worse, her parents fled to their vacation house to escape the media frenzy. Who leaves their daughter after losing a son?"

"The Atrii's," Ples says. "That's who."

Dahlia and Muriel appear at the top of the stairs with a tray of food.

"Will she eat?"

"I asked but she said she wasn't hungry."

"She needs to eat something," Muriel says.

Dahlia nods.

"We'll just leave it for her so she has something when she feels up to it."

Kier is leaning against the far wall, "It's not like we can force her."

"Of course not but we don't want her to waste away."

"I'll bring it," Ples says, taking the tray from Dahlia. "I want to see her."

Trichelle opens the door for him then closes it behind him.

She is curled up on her bed, knees up against her chin.

"He's gone."

"I know," he says softly, placing the tray on the nightstand. "I'm so sorry, Dem. The whole crew is here for you. We brought food. You have to eat."

"I'm not hungry."

"Just a few bites."

She sniffles, pulling herself upright with what seems like all her strength. Her eyes are bloodshot with makeup smeared down her cheeks in the rivers of tears. Ples offers her a plate with a lightly grilled sandwich on it. She takes a tentative bite, glancing up at him. He smiles.

"You know I'm here if you want to talk about it."

"What's to say? My worst fears have been realized and my parents are cowards."

The defining statement hangs in the air sharply, laced with anger.

"They are grieving too. Some people don't know how to deal."

"We aren't just some people, Ples. Aguilar, Atrii, Gellar, Corinthos…we're, like, some kind of illusion. A mirage. Everything we do is scrutinized and studied. The media was perfectly happy to write my brother off so long as he stayed silent beneath that Senate chamber. Once the Jedi were forced out, it became a huge deal all over again. Reporters calling all the time, wanting to know what we thought of "the situation." Like we could somehow weigh in and have it matter."

"It does matter."

Demaris pushes back her disheveled hair.

"My parents hoped…no prayed…Donovan was just off on some party binge. They couldn't deal with what they viewed as an existential sojourn. Their words, not mine. They never understood the peace the Jedi Order brought him or how he could trade his life of privilege for one of solitude and reflection. But I supported him. Being a Jedi made him happy. He had finally found something to put things in perspective for him. And now he's gone…"

Tears spill down again.

Ples moves forward, "its okay, you can let it out."

He is suddenly frozen in place as her sobs grow louder. His body tightens, pressure forcing him back.

"Wha…what's happening?"

Ples is thrown back to crash against the doors and crumple to the floor as she screams. The furniture shutters and rattles, lifting off the floor. On the other side of the door, Trichelle turns around.

"What was that?"

Dahlia raps lightly, "Demaris? Ples? Is everything alright?"

The rumbling grows deeper.

"Try the door," Kier says.

Trichelle taps the controls but nothing happens.

"It's not working."

Muriel backs away, hands clasped together.

"Something is wrong."

Kier bangs on the door, "Demaris! Ples! This isn't funny. Open the door."

There is a drop in pressure followed by a pulse that sends everyone to the floor where they lay unconscious. Outside, the media lined up by the gates feel their ears pop then gasp as their cam equipment shatters and sparks.


At the Gellar Estate, Celeste Masterton pauses from her patient notes and places a hand against her chest. Gemma drops to her knees in her bedroom, overcome with the agony of grief.


Out at the Viperii Lake House where Nevylinn is in a deep meditation, she opens her eyes.


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #66 on: November 03, 2014, 12:36:09 PM »

Janessa Kain watches the blue-white swirl through the viewport as she transmits a message to Rutherford Gellar updating him on the situation and their anticipated arrival. She does not go into too much detail since she is at a loss for them herself. Nothing makes much sense right now anyway. Janessa pulls the med-kit from a wall compartment and heads into the back. Garron is slumped against the wall, bruised and bleeding. She lays the kit on the floor and rummages through to find gauze, cleaning pads and bandages. She fetches some warm water and begins to wipe the blood from his face. He groans and hisses as she cleans and disinfects his wounds.

"I guess the RSB won't be inviting you to their annual holiday party."

He groans again.

"It was a joke, Gar. You're a mess."

"Mara is gone," he murmurs. "Circe is gone. They are all…gone."

Janessa sighs, "I heard. I'm sorry."

"This was my fault…"

"The ass beating? Sure. Attacking the authorities almost guarantees it. But the CEC Vice President and your sister? No, that's not on you. Try as you might, you cannot protect everyone."

"I should have."

"How? They were grown women, Garron. They made choices, choices that had nothing to do with you. You may be pretty hot but you aren't the center of every woman's world."

He grabs her wrist, staring intensely into her face.

"Pretty hot?"

"Get over yourself," she says, yanking free to dab antiseptic over a particularly nasty cut on his head. "You need time to rest and heal."

"Did you see Kaytt?"

"No, why? Drakos' men dragged you onto my shuttle and left."

"We were in her office…talking…I was going to go on record…go to the press."

"With what?"

"The RSB accused me of conspiracy in an anti-Republic movement. They claimed Circe was a Separatist who was being used by the Jedi to undermine the Republic when in reality; Speaker Apteen wanted them all out of the way. His actions and laws have set the stage for a complete collapse. Civil wars have begun for less."

"Apteen has grown callous but why would he tank his own government? That seems somewhat counterproductive for someone in a position of power."

"Not if you were promised even more power once the dust settles."

Janessa frowns, "A takeover?"

"More like an implosion. You told me the Jedi may not have really led those offensives against the Empire."

"People talk, Garron. You know how it goes; the Republic Senate, Direx Board, it's all the same. Gossip is rampant. Some speculated the information they received before heading into battle may have been compromised. There were whispers they had been purposefully sent in to fail, a public display of their negligence that would further prove them a danger to the public."

"Why didn't you say anything?"

Janessa laughs.

"These are rumors with no conclusive proof. Plus, I'm a murderer. No one would believe me anyway."

"I believe you."

"That's touching, really. But now you are just as much a pariah as I am. No doubt the RSB will use this incident to obliterate your credibility too."

Garron winces.

"Corinthos has her people on it. The truth will come out."

"Apteen is no fool and his reach is wider than it probably should be. If she's digging around, she's in danger too."

"He cannot get away with this."

His face crumbles and falls into his hands. His life has become fragments that are falling apart. The jaunt into the Republic with Dahlia had spiraled into a bloody disaster that left him exiled and his sister dead. Rage and revenge flare within him without a way to avenge what has been done. Things had accelerated over the last two years. Whatever plan had been put into motion is now in full swing. He grinds his teeth, on the verge of screaming but he instead focuses on Janessa's face. The downward spiral does something to a person, makes them claw and cling to those they probably should not. Garron grabs her roughly, pressing his lips against hers. She resists. At first. But she struggles with her own wavering self-control and a vulnerable man is that much more irresistible.

He stands, hoisting her up as they stagger across the galley. He rips her shirt open and she gasps, pulling off his belt. His mouth is on her breasts as he undoes the clasp of her skirt and slides it slowly down her smooth legs. He steps out of his pants and tosses his shirt aside. The dark desire is so palpable they can almost hear the hum. Her legs are curled around his waist as he slams against the far wall, thrusting and grunting as she moans and arches her back.

The wrong always feels so right.

Later, she watches him sleep in the pale light of the stateroom. His bare chest rises and falls, marked by the baton's the RSB used to beat him. She has broken her rule of sleeping with the same man twice but in this moment they needed one another. At least that is what she tells herself. His grief has clouded his judgment and all those convictions come crumbling down. These are the kinds of experiences she lives for as men more powerful than Garron forsake their wives, children and career in order to indulge in her carnal pleasures. This encounter doesn't hold the same charge. This was fueled by rage and desperation, something she can relate to.

Since her acquittal she has been regarded as the murderess liaison, someone with who most exercise extreme caution. Her frustration at the public for not being able to separate what she did from what was done to her mirrors his inability to exact justice on his sister's killer. Intercourse, in its own right, has therapeutic qualities. Janessa slips from beneath the covers and pads naked out of the room. He needs to rest and she needs to think.

She falls into the command chair and crosses her legs, running a hand over her chest and neck.

Soon they would be in the Sector where there would be more questions than answers.


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #67 on: November 04, 2014, 05:03:23 PM »
Corporate Sector

D'ian: Surface

Glittering lights come into focus along the tops of towers beyond what appears to be a rooftop. Service equipment for the building is housed in various enclosures, giving the multi-level area a maze-like feel. A teenage boy bursts through the stairwell door in panic.

"Karen? Karen!"

He runs along a narrow path then ascends a small set of stairs to the next level which opens up into a larger area. A girl stands across the roof near the edge, back turned with a coat that covers most of her neck but the crimson hair is unmistakable. He seems relieved and approaches.

"Karen, thank the Maker. I was so worried. I got your message-"

She turns around but the girl is not who he seeks. He halts, eyes widening with the realization that he has walked into a trap.


"That's right, Skyler. It's me. I don't think we've had a chance to be formally introduced, what with the cruel politics of high school and all. I'm Alexia Winton. The other sister."

"What are you doing here? Where's Karen?"

"I must commend your bravery," Alexia says, stepping closer to him. "Coming all the way to the top of 500 Republica to save your beloved."

"It was you…you sent the message."

"Right again. Karen received a similar missive from a cloned version of your com-channel. No doubt she's on her way right now to try and save you. Too bad it she won't get the chance."

Skyler balls his hands into fists. He is tall but slender, not really what one would call a formidable opponent. Especially for her. She begins to circle him with a devious smile on her face.

"You know, I never really could understand what Karen saw in you. You are very pretty for a boy but not exactly the physical specimen I expected her to be drawn to. I always thought she would fall for the moron hunk but no, her heart belongs to a scrawny geek. People are surprising that way, I guess. Not everything turns out the way you think it should."

"You murdered our friends," he says with a spiteful glare. "Didn't you?"

"Melanie seems to think so. All those crazy thoughts in that pretty blonde head. Visions of monsters coming for you all in the night. Too bad the ISB can't prove it, not that they would move to stop it consider I'm among their ranks. I imagine that comes as little consolation. Try not to dwell. D'Arcy and Billy died instantly. Reef and Lucas, not so much. Which way do you think I’ll go with you?"

He blinks and she extends a hand, gripping his throat through the Force. She lifts him up and brings him closer so that he is hovering right in front of her. He claws at the air as it would make a difference, managing to gasp out.

"I was on your side…I told Karen it couldn't be you doing these terrible things because…because you are family. That…means something."

"Not in this family."

As if on cue, Karen bursts through the same door seconds later, climbing to find them.

"Alexia, no!"

"Well, if it isn't the toast of the town. You mounted your rescue mission in a plaid mini-skirt and wedge heels? Always style over substance. So like you."

Karen glances down, scoffs then shakes her head.

"You're insane! I didn't want to believe it but I knew it was true."

"Believe it, bitch. You had it coming."

"What are you talking about? I haven't seen you in almost two years! The last time you were here, you told me you were going to work for the Empire so I didn't have to. You said we could be who we are. I thought that was so noble of you even though I wished you didn't have to."

"Things change."


Alexia loosens her grip on Skyler but keeps him suspended in the air.

"How about the fact that all the things I was promised always belonged to you? All the work I put in, the training I completed, was for nothing. I was never meant to rule the Empire. You are."

"Rule the Empire?" Karen says, disgusted. "Gag me with a shovel!"

"Oh, you may look the part but you aren't that stupid."

"And you aren’t that delusional! Come on, Alex. No one is trying to take anything from you. We don't even want the same things! We never have."

"That's where you're wrong, Kar. You think I wanted to be like this? To suffer the way I have? I wanted to be pretty and popular and adored the way you are. But I could never have that because they said I was different, that I was special. I was supposed to go on and do great things and be rewarded for my sacrifice with an Empire to end all others before it. I was going to be a legend but I'm just a pawn in your twisted little game."

"What game?"

"The one you started when I was shipped off to Carida while your face was plastered across the galaxy. It's you they all want. Your name they shout in the streets. I was just being mollified in the background while you rose to fame. But you know what? I got the message our mother sent. I know it was you who were destined for those great things. Not me. So I came back here to take it all away from you, piece by piece, starting with those you hold most dear."

Karen and Skyler's eyes meet, a knowing glance between lovers.

Alexia flicks her wrist and Skyler's body jerks like a ragdoll, disappearing up and over the edge. He vanishes in an instant, his scream fading as Karen's intensifies. She falls to her knees sobbing. Alexia walks casually over to her, staring down with pure hatred.

"Now you suffer too."


Dahlia hears her name faintly as she comes to. She opens her eyes, finding herself on the floor with Trichelle and Kier standing over her. Muriel is holding her head behind them looking dazed.

"What happened?"

"We don't know," Trichelle says. "We woke up on the floor too."

Kier helps Dahlia up, steadying her.

"You okay?"

"I feel woozy."

"Yeah, me too."

Her head is fuzzy as she tries to remember what led to their current situation. They are at the Atrii mansion to support Demaris. They brought her food. Then everything is dark, uncertain. She shutters, moving to the door. Inside, Ples is pulling himself up on the side of the bed.

"Are you alright?"

"I must have tripped…or something."

Demaris is curled up on her bed sleeping soundly. The tray of food they brought is sitting on the nightstand. A few bites have been eaten from the sandwich. Something seems off but Dahlia cannot place it. She scans the room. Nothing appears different on first glance so she shakes it off, still reeling from the vision she had seen. It was so real she could almost feel the breeze atop that tower on her skin.

"You tripped?" Kier jokes, play punching him in the arm. "Way to go."

"It was an accident, dude. What's your story?"

"I dunno. We passed out."

"At the same time?"

Trichelle shrugs.

"Seems like it. Maybe we're all collectively experiencing the grief of our friend."

They all stare at her.

"What? We're close. Things happen. Science. Or whatever."

Dahlia helps Muriel up.

"Okay, sure, Trich. The point is, Demaris is resting which is good. Let's leave her be for now and check on her in a bit."

She nods, "Right. We should probably study."

"For what?"

"History test tomorrow."

"Yeah," Muriel says. "It's a big one. The formation of the Corporate Sector Authority."

"Oh man," Kier says. "I totally forgot."

"Then it's a good thing I'm here to remind you."

They laugh and head down the spiral stairs to the living room. Dahlia brings up the rear, watching them descend in a playful state. She has a strange feeling about what had happened but has little to go on. Her visions leave her with a sense of dread as she has essentially just witnessed the murder of her elder sister's elite social circle. Was it a warning? There are similarities in her own clique with one major difference.

There is no Alexia.


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #68 on: November 10, 2014, 01:43:13 PM »
Corporate Sector


The shuttle touches down on the landing pad beside the royal cruiser. Lady Celeste Masterton and Doctor Dalton Daaé stand waiting as the ramp descends. Janessa Kain appears with Garron Prescott's arm slung over her shoulder as she helps him down. He is hunched over in pain and staggers. Doctor Daaé rushes to them with the hover-gurney and manages to get Garron flat on his back. Celeste takes Janessa's hands as they follow them into the Gellar Estate.

"I appreciate you bringing him here," Lady Masterton says. "We have been so worried."

"It's my pleasure but the RSB did not give me much of a choice. They demanded I return him to the Sector."

"Things sound so dreadful on Chandaar."

"You have no idea."

Inside, the doctor pushes the gurney into the dining room where Celeste follows. Janessa stands in the foyer while Kylie glares.

"What did you do to him?"

"Dial it down, Miss Miranda. As always your aim is at the wrong person."

"Is it?" Kylie quips. "Forgive me if I don’t consider you the most reliable source."

"Not like I care but you are free to believe what you wish. For what it's worth, I'm on your side."

"There are sides now?"

"Lines have most certainly been drawn or don't you watch the Holo?"

Kylie's lips are pulled into a tight smile.

"Looks like you've done a bang up job in the Republic. Heavy on the "bang.""

Janessa rolls her eyes deeply, groaning.

"I get it, you don't like me. But know this; the tide is shifting in the Republic quicker than I've ever seen it. Fear and outrage trump reason and sensibility. It is not me you should worry about, it's Shale Apteen."

"The Speaker?" Celeste says, joining them. "I thought he was a sympathetic man."

"He used to be. More recently, he's become someone of a fanatic. He sees danger everywhere. More specifically, in the Jedi and their allies. I have never seen the RSB move so swiftly against them. They were blamed for losses against the Empire then evicted from their sanctuary. Anyone with even the slightest inkling of Force sensitivity is shunned or worse. The public has turned on those that once served to protect them. After what happened to Circe and I, they believe anyone who defends them is under their control."

"Maker rest Circe's soul," Celeste says, holding her hands together. "I cannot even imagine what Garron is going through."

"He's destroyed. Emotionally and physically."

"How did this even happen?" Kylie asks with arms crossed.

"From what I understand, he went to Kaytt Corinthos for help. They were working on a defense since the Speaker considered Circe an anti-Republic threat. Rumors of her working under the Jedi's mind control went viral through the Holo without as much as a shred of proof. Given her previous actions, the public believed it at face value. Garron's arrival signified a greater threat to the Speaker since he has ties to the Sector. They labeled him a co-conspirator as soon as he visited her then revoked his travel privileges. Kaytt dispatched her associates to try and get the ridiculous order thrown out but not before the RSB Director came to her office gloating about Circe's demise. Naturally, Garron lost it and he was beaten by the agents. They came to my door and demanded I leave for the Sector immediately and take a passenger with me. That passenger turned out to be Garron. I called as soon as we were in the air…"

"I know," Celeste says. "Rutherford let us know right away. He should be here shortly. We are so grateful for your assistance, Janessa."

She smirks at Kylie.

Kylie frowns.

Doctor Daaé appears around the corner.

"How is he?"

"He has severe bruising, several deep lacerations and three broken ribs. Thankfully, none of these wounds are critical. He'll need care and rest."

"We'll see that he has everything he needs. Kylie, please help the good doctor get Garron settled into his room."

She levels a menacing glance at Janessa then nods and follows doctor Daaé. Celeste ushers Janessa through the living room and into the kitchen. She puts on a kettle and prepares some calming tea.

"You've been through quite an ordeal yourself."

"People tend to remember that you murdered an agent of law enforcement, even if it was under atypical circumstances."

"I imagine that has taken a great toll."

She shrugs, trying to keep it together. Janessa has been fighting for so long to save face in spite of emotional tide. As fierce as she is, trying to reconcile her own actions and the blood on her hands is an immense task. She could say nothing of this to Kaytt or Kinsa as her closest friends had their own agenda's and appearances to keep. She could not be seen as weak. Weakness leads to failure and that is something she could not tolerate. But something here, in the presence of Celeste Masterton, she feels the walls beginning to crumble.

"The Republic is falling apart…." Janessa gasps, tearing up. "As much as I viewed Circe's beliefs as blind idealism…she's right. They have turned down a dangerous path and if she couldn't stop them….what chance do we have?"

"So long as we fight for what is right, good will always prevail in the end. It always does."

"I'm not the most virtuous woman. There is much more than the murder that vilifies me in the eyes of the public."

Celeste smiles.

"I hid the child of Winton and raised her as my own because I was part of a plan that brought about the death of thousands. No one is blameless and all are worthy of redemption."

Janessa laughs through the tears.

"Sometimes I feel I may be the exception."

"You do not have to suffer in silence, Janessa. I can feel the pain radiating off of you. Don't hold it in."

She caves into the emotional gravity and Celeste pulls her into her arms. She holds her as she cries for the past mistakes and the present misfortune. The weight is lifted from her body, one that she had kept hidden as she pressed on. It does not excuse her actions despite the circumstances but it does add a much needed perspective.

There is noise from the foyer, the kids arriving home from school. Janessa steps back, wiping her face. Celeste squeezes her arm as they round the corner.

Gemma is immediately empathetic, "Is everything alright, Miss Kain?"

Janessa nods.

"Yeah, it's just been a long week. I brought Garron back."

"He's okay?" Dane says, suddenly very alert and protective.

"He's hurt but he'll be fine."

"Can we see him?"

"He's up in his room with doctor Daaé and Kylie. I'm sure he'd been happy to see you."

They leave their book bags on the counter and head upstairs, leaving Dahlia staring at Janessa.

"They didn’t hurt you, did they?"

"No, why?"

Dahlia arches a brow, "Just checking."

"I'm home," Rutherford's booming voice echoes from the foyer.

"Darling," Celeste says. "We're in here."

Rutherford kisses Celeste and nods to Janessa.

"We owe you a great deal for bringing Garron home to us. To say the news streaming out of the Republic is alarming is a considerable understatement. We should talk."

"And you will but first, let Janessa get settled. We have a room ready for you upstairs. We'll have dinner then you two can discuss business. Dahlia, will you make sure your brother and sister are ready in an hour? No doubt Kylie will be tending to Garron."

"Of course," Dahlia says, turning to leave the room. She heads upstairs, running her fingers along the smooth banister. At least she knows her orders were heeded. Circe is gone, Garron's inquisitive momentum blunted and Janessa unharmed.

Things are moving along nicely.


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #69 on: November 17, 2014, 01:52:25 PM »
Corporate Sector

D'ian: Surface: Gellar Estate

Kylie attempts to get Garron to drink some water but he is being stubborn. Their sibling bond and all the many facets of it are brought back into the forefront. They do not have to tell each other they were missed. They just know. Family always does. She knows she will never be able to replace Circe but someone has to look out for him not that he sees it that way.

"I'm fine, Kylie. Really."

"Three broken ribs say differently. I know you hate being taken care of but you're going to have to lower the walls for a while."

"Are you going to be nice to Janessa?"

Kylie laughs, faux offended. "I'm always nice."

"I could hear you in the other room."

"Okay, fine. She's not my favorite person. I don't know what you see in her-"

"I fucked her on the ride over."

Kylie shakes her head.

"Wow. You really have hit bottom."

"She helped me, Kylie. I needed to feel something other than pain."

"And, so, what? You found it in her vagina? Garron, you are better than that. Rise above. Also, you managed to get down with the broken ribs? Brute."

"Just try to be civil, okay? For me?"

"Fine," she says, angling the straw toward his mouth. "Now drink."

He takes a few sips and she sets the glass back on the nightstand.

There is a knock on the door and Rutherford Gellar enters dressed in his dinner jacket and slacks.

"May I come in?"

"Of course, Lord Gellar."

Kylie stands and excuses herself to gather the children for dinner. Rutherford taps the door closed and moves to the side of the bed.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'll heal."

"That's not what I meant."

"I know," Garron says, glancing away.

"I'm so sorry about Circe. When we heard, you were always in our thoughts. Celeste anguished over what to do. Dahlia told us you had been detained. I called Counselor Corinthos hoping she could get you out."

"She did but it was too late. Too late for Mara Tacofer as well."

"We saw the reports, terrible tragedy. At least Riley is safe."

"A silver lining she would have been proud of."

Rutherford eases down onto the bed.

"Listen, I'm not one to give rousing, emotional speeches. Such things are better left for professionals like Lady Masterton. I do, however, know what you are feeling right now. The pain is so deep that you feel as if it has punctured your soul. You drift and feel lost but that urge for vengeance cannot be ignored. You want to make those responsible pay."

"Wouldn’t you?"

"I did. After I handed Valerie over to Alexander Winton and lost Abra and Blair, I saw a revenge that painted the galaxy red with blood. I wanted nothing more than to make Winton suffer."

"What stopped you?"

Rutherford sighs.

"Truth be told, it was not an easy task but I had trusted people around me like you and Irulan who kept me from going over the edge. Then Celeste came into my life and for the first time I saw light at the end of that very dark tunnel. Karma got Winton and I was able to start over with Celeste, Dahlia and the twins. Let me be that person for you."

Garron's expression hardens, "The Republic must pay."

"And they will but not at the expense of your life. You mean too much to us – to me – to be lost to revenge. I can help you if you will allow it. So will Kaytt. If the Speaker or the RSB had a hand in Circe's death, we will expose them for the murderers they are."


Downstairs at dinner, the family and friends gather around the table. Celeste is happy to have everyone home safe and sound. She knows there will be emotional and physical wounds to tend to but she is up for the task. Rutherford nods to her as he takes his place at the head of the table. She places her hand over his.

Dahlia sits next to Janessa and compliments her outfit. She is pleased the liaison was not harmed but knows there is much more horror to come. Dane is surprisingly talkative and tells the table about his day at school. Kier is his athletic mentor and told him he sees great promise in his ability on the field. Gemma is somewhat distant and quiet, tempering her worry about Garron with what to do about Demaris. She had contacted Nevylinn out at the Lake House regarding the tremor in the Force caused by the girl's grief. Although she is forbidden from revealing her own ability to Demaris, she feels something must be done. Nevylinn agrees that an emotionally unstable Demaris places her in danger if others felt what they did.


After dinner, Janessa retires with Rutherford to his study where he pours a glass of amber liquor over ice for them both.

"Tell me how bad it is."

"The business side remains lucrative, at least for ChemiX. There is no shortage of demand for your merchandise. Some of the others aren't fairing quite as well which will make my report to the Direx Board more difficult. Not everyone adapts as well to the changing corporate climate but the Sector's reputation remains solid throughout."

"You sound surprised by that."

"I am given the past uncertainty in relationship between Sector and Republic. However, most have made reasonable accommodations to their needs. It is the shifting public climate that concerns me most."

Rutherford leans back in his chair, sipping from the glass.

"Do you honestly believe Speaker Apteen and the RSB were involved in Circe Prescott's death?"

"Yes," she says. "But not in an obvious way. They are too smart to have any direct link to the explosion and have taken to blaming other groups who opposed her ideals. Her reputation was called into question after she returned to Chandaar and sided with the Jedi. Some found it odd given her previous ordeal and assumed she was still under the influence of the Force."

"Could anyone prove she wasn't?"

She crosses her legs and shrugs.

"Proving such a thing is difficult. Even in my own defense, Corinthos was losing the jury on the intangible aspects of the Force. If Dahlia had not intervened to confirm it, Circe and I would have surely been convicted. Personally, I do not believe she was. I don't know much about the Jedi but I do know they are not prone to manipulations in order to prove a point. Their lack of public defense is what got them in this situation in the first place. No one understood what they do and the Speaker capitalized on that uncertainty which turned curiosity into suspicion. It was well played and widely covered in the media. Circe was making a significant dent in Apteen's arguments, especially in light of the Registration Act. People love rallying behind the oppressed. He wanted her silenced but I did not think he would actually kill her."

"Nor did I," Rutherford says grimly. "The current state of the Republic is troublesome and I wonder where this course of action will lead them."

Janessa polishes off her drink.

"Into hell."


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #70 on: November 30, 2014, 06:38:32 PM »
Corporate Sector

D'ian: Surface

As soon as there is an opportunity, Gemma visits the manor house at Viiperi Lake. Nevylinn meets her in the clearing beyond the woods surrounding the Gellar Estate and guides the skiff back to her sanctuary. These were long and lonely months that Nevylinn kept her distance but watched as the Jedi lost much to the Speaker and his laws. She has her orders and she is not to return to the Republic. If she did, she would only be swept up into the same spectacle and drama. At least in the Corporate Sector, they care more for profit than they do about her presence. She is deeply troubled by the loss of her fellow Jedi and their champion Counselor and grieves for both in private. She focuses on the things in which she can make a positive influence.

Gemma has come such a long way in her training and she is impressed someone so young can harness the Force with that degree of control. The rising songstress and celebrity situation notwithstanding, Nevylinn is very proud. However, this visit is not about training nor is it a time for reflection. Gemma has come for a purpose.

Once inside the manor house, Nevylinn tends to the fire while Gemma stares out over the frozen lake. She knows what troubles the young girl but waits for her to broach the subject first. She does not have to wait long.

"We must do something about Demaris."

Nevylinn glances up from the fire.

"To reveal yourself would put everyone you care for at risk."

"More of a risk than sending an unrestrained shockwave through the Force? Master, she is a danger to herself. She anguishes over the loss of her brother and if we felt that same pain here, there is no telling who else did too."

"You speak of the past."

Gemma crosses her arms.

"I have a good memory. Melanie explained how the Masterton's and Winton's wound up on Coruscant in the first place."

"They were brought to the former capital because Alexander Winton made a deal with the Empire."

"He made the deal after they arrived in order to buy time. The Queen and my mother sent out a pulse during childbirth that was felt by the Emperor. They were summoned because they posed a threat. I do not want that for Demaris."

Nevylinn motions for her to sit. Gemma joins her in front of the fire.

"Your compassion is part of what makes you so special. The Jedi Council has known about Demaris Atrii since she was born just as they knew about you. We intervene when it is prudent to do so but we do not make a practice of running people's lives. When Donovan came to us, he was a broken and lost boy. He chose the path but made us vow never to come for Demaris."

"Donovan is dead," Gemma says. "And Demaris is drowning."

"You are missing the point."

"No, you are not seeing the signs. I do not wish to be rude or defiant, Master but the Jedi is losing considerable ground as you sit silently by while they take it from you. You lost your own Master rescuing me. Circe Prescott died standing up for you. Donovan Atrii perished trying to keep her safe. If you do not move on Demaris' behalf then it is only a matter of time before Dahlia does. Or someone worse."

Nevylinn is stunned by her blunt honesty.

"Clearly you feel strongly about this."

"It's the right thing to do."

"Perhaps but Dahlia may already know."

"She doesn't."

"How can you be sure?"

"I overheard her talking to Muriel. The shockwave knocked them out. They were grasping for an explanation but coming up short. Apparently, Trichelle said that meant they were all connected in some way. From the tone of her voice, I don’t think Dahlia believes that."

Nevylinn considers this.

"Miss Corinthos may have a point."

"I don't understand…"

"I'm not saying what happened was a direct result of their connection but it does mirror the connection shared by Karen Winton and her circle of friends."

"I thought they were brought together because one of them was a spy."

"The younger Stratford boy was corrupted."

"You don't think…"

"No," Nevylinn says. "This group formed on its own."

"They all came together while Dahlia, Dane and I were being held captive. There was a cause to rally around. Our friends needed the protection of Dahlia's friends."

"Be that as it may, we do not believe you were taken as a way to forge a bond between them. They took the four of you but only needed one. There was purpose in that although the bond shared by these individuals may have unintended consequences. The resulting friendships have segregated you all in a way, inspiring a mixture of fear and envy in your peers."

"Divided we fall?"

"Not necessarily but it is something to keep in mind. There are patterns between the four families, symbols and warnings that should not be ignored. You have experienced Melanie's memories. These would not be shared with you unless they served a purpose."

Gemma swallows hard.

"The only purpose should involve not repeating the mistakes of the past. Sacrificing innocents to the greater good did not save The Four in the end. We start with Demaris. I do not have to reveal myself in order to help her. She knows her brother was a Jedi and it would not be out of the question for one of his friends to reach out to her in this time of need. She may reject it but it's your way in."

Nevylinn nods, conceding the point.

Gemma does not stop there.

"Then you have to get off the fence. What good is saving me, Dane or Riley if the Jedi are once again wiped out of the galaxy? You are the protectors of all that is right in the worlds. The Jedi's mission and purpose needs to be front and center not cloaked in shadow. People fear what they do not understand and the Republic has used your intense secrecy against you. I may not be able to go public with who I truly am but that does not mean the others cannot make what they stand for known."

Nevylinn rises, offering Gemma a hand.

"I admire your ardor, young Masterton but idealism must be tempered with the realities we face. Not every plan forward is so clear, especially with enemies on many different fronts. Rushing headlong toward such a singular goal would spell disaster for us all. Remember, Melanie's focus was narrow and her facts distorted. We must consider all angles before we proceed."

"Yes, Master."

"We must get you back before they begin to wonder. Given the condition Mister Prescott returned in, I have no doubt Lady Masterton will want to keep you close."

After Gemma is back safely within the Gellar Estate, Nevylinn flies through the winter foliage with a heavy heart. She knows Gemma is wise beyond her years but she is still young and has much to learn outside her life of privilege. The point remains; the Jedi have made many missteps over the years and lead to their current predicament. It does not lessen the sting to have someone so young correctly identify these flaws so easily. She had made many points, only one of which can be addressed now. Nevylinn changes course and heads toward the Atrii Estate.

« Last Edit: December 01, 2014, 09:23:47 PM by Syren »

Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #71 on: December 01, 2014, 09:22:28 PM »
Corporate Sector

Etti IV: Surface: Mondder

Rutherford Gellar returns to the capital with Janessa Kain where the Direx Board convenes for their quarterly review. Vex Sienna takes his seat as ExO Iver Aguilar calls order to the meeting. The murmuring dies down and Janessa stands to address the board members for the Republic. She relays in detail the progress or shortfalls of each of their interests but issues a grave warning that the climate has taken a dark and dramatic turn. This could mean a great many things, most of which are speculative at this point, but preparations for backlash must be made. She advises that each member with financial stake in the Republic lean toward a conservative estimate when forecasting profits over the following quarter.

The Republic unrest has been closely monitored in the Corporate Sector so the tone of this meeting is not entirely unexpected. Some prominent CEO's are displeased with their performance and lash out with questions Janessa is unable to answer. She does not control the markets but does her best to mitigate the changes within them. Failure to adapt to these changes resulted in losses as she had accurately predicted in her last address to the board. Some goods and services found more favorable terms with the CEC and contracts with CSA companies were not renewed. ChemiX and Cybot Galactica have made out the best in the closing quarter as the need for cutting edge pharmaceuticals and service droids has steadily increased. However, Palace Arms and Sector Engineering Corp have lost considerable shares to the CEC where ships and weapons are concerned. The outrage is palpable yet adjusting price to gain an upper hand means decreasing the percentage of profits. That never sits well with members of this board.

Vex Sienna is up next as the Imperial Advisor where the news is much better. He announces the extension and increase of contracts with Palace Arms and ChemiX. While most of the inner workings of the Empire are kept under wraps, he does acknowledge that the climate is stable and growing which draws cheers from the corporate titans.

Prex D'Ken Dawning takes the conversation in the different direction. The Jedi has become a hotly contested subject in the Republic and he seeks the opinion of the board on the matter. Opinions vary but because of where the Sector is in comparison to the rest of the known galaxy, they do not feel the same threat to their way of life as those in the Republic. Dawning does point out that there is a Jedi in the Sector and directly links her with Rutherford Gellar. Given that their children were abducted by a dark Jedi and he had been falsely accused of the crime, Dawning is curious as to the nature of her presence. This forces a response from Gellar.

Rutherford dismisses rumors that the Jedi had been dispatched to spy on their activities. She was sent to oversee Republic affairs but given the recent shift in their relationship it is unclear to them why she remains. Rutherford knows Nevylinn is here as a secondary line of defense for his children but that part of her assignment had not been made public. He sternly reminds the board that since the Jedi has been in the Sector that she has not interfered with their business in any way nor does she intend to.

Dawning ponders if the same mind tricks used on Janessa Kain and the recently-slain Counselor Prescott were not being slowly implemented here. This notion causes a panic and soon the meeting devolves into chaos.

Vex returns to his apartment after Aguilar had finally quelled the outrage and adjourned the meeting. He had to hand it to Dawning for using such a divisive tactic to undermine the order of the meeting and level suspicion at Rutherford Gellar. It is a dangerous time to be a Jedi, Vex thinks. Typically, the Sector cares little for their activities in favor of brutal policies meant to slaughter competition and boost profits. People that rich are already paranoid but this adds another layer of intrigue entirely. No doubt this subject would linger in their minds.

He pours himself a drink and runs a finger over the picture of Kylie Miranda. She had not returned any of his calls. Why should she? He pushed her away. It doesn't matter that it was for her protection. Still, the feelings for her burn more deeply than he thought possible. Kylie represents a life outside of all this, one he wishes he could live freely. But he knows the Empire would not let him go so easily which is why he had stopped entertaining the idea. Even in discussing his wavering loyalties with Kylie, she pointed out one very core truth – a part of him didn't want to leave. Where would he go? What would he do? The other part of him believes it doesn't matter so long as it is with her.

The com beside him bleeps.


"It's Pallus."

"It's been a while, my scandalous friend. Where's the love?"

"I've been busy. Things are coming together."

"Cryptic as always, I see. What can I do for you?"

There is an uncomfortable pause.

"The Sith advisers felt a disturbance in the Force."

Vex shakes the ice around in his glass.

"Don't they feel things like that all the time?"

"Yes but this was emanating out of the Corporate Sector."

"Oh. Well, there is that Jedi..."

Pallus makes a clicking noise, "The Jedi would not be so careless. They are trained to control their output. This is something…else."

"Like, what?"

"Unclear but something they had not felt before. Very powerful, raw and unrestrained. A new player perhaps."

"A person?"

"They believe so."

Vex stands and walks back to the wet bar, pouring another.

"I fail to see how this is relevant to our business here. The Direx Board was thrilled with our continued support and they are more than ready to accommodate our needs. I trust the Emperor is pleased with serum Gellar whipped up for him."

"Yes, very pleased. Begin trials soon. This is another matter entirely, one that requires discretion and, if necessary, force."

"Sounds ominous. Why are you telling me?"

"Because we need you to follow any leads they might have. If they are able to locate the source, you will bring this individual to Byss."

"What if they decline our invitation?"

"That's where the force part comes in."

Vex nearly chokes on the drink.

"You want me to kidnap a citizen of the Corporate Sector? Surely you realize that may endanger our negotiating position here."

"Not if you don't get caught. We'll be in touch."

The line goes dead and Vex sets the device on the bar. Never a dull moment in the Imperial agenda. First they want an impressive cache of weapons then controlling interest in certain key companies followed by a serum that renders a subject amenable to all sorts of unspeakable horror. Now they want to snatch an unsuspecting citizen who has the misfortune of setting off the alarms with Sith remnants who lurk about with nothing to do. Emperor Schrag has never been fond of their superstitious nonsense but keeps them around for some sinister purpose. Maybe they won't find anything at all. Maybe they are grasping at straws. Vex knocks back the remainder of the drink.

Maybe this is about to get very real.


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #72 on: December 08, 2014, 12:12:15 PM »
"Places, places, get in your places.
Throw on your dress
And put on your doll faces.
Everyone thinks that we're perfect.
Please don't let them look through the curtains."

-Melanie Martinez

Corporate Sector

D'ian: Surface

Demaris Atrii stares at herself in the mirror as she tries to figure out what to do with her hair. It is jet black with purple streaks, an expression of her individuality and resistance to the conformity that endures at Valor Prep. She has always been quirky, maybe a even weird but she embraced it. Call it alternative or whatever, Demaris is unique. The daughter of the wealthiest family in the Corporate Sector is no small task. The pressure is immense and she had always floated through unphased by the hype. Now she feels the stares and hears all the whispers. Her parents have abandoned her in the wake of her brother's death and as the media sensationalizes every last aspect of his life, Demaris is left to brave the storm. She thanks the Maker for her friends. They have been her rock but they cannot be there all the time. In these moments of silence and reflection, the shadows creep in.

The Holo feeds are jammed with madness. Protests erupting out of Chandaar have sections of the public storming the courthouses and Senate hall demanding justice. Circe and Donovan's faces have become symbols backlit against torches the outraged citizens grip tightly as they march on the castles. Whoever thought wiping out the Counselor and her Jedi companion would break the movement was dead wrong. The escalating violence is met with RSB forces. Cries of their brutality join the accusations leveled by prominent Holo fixtures like Selene Silvestri. She airs audio recordings of the RSB Director Laird Drakos assaulting Garron Prescott and threatening high-powered attorney, Kaytt Corinthos. This spurred more outrage and draws other into the galactic conversation.

A part of Demaris is glad this has forced the issue to a head. Perhaps change is on the horizon. The other part didn't want her brother to perish for it. She shutters and continues getting ready. There is a party tonight and she is willing to brave the 'that's her' looks in order to spend some time with her friends. She needs to get back out there, to hold her head high and face the world.

She admires the dark and embellished dress she chose and steps out of the bathroom. There is movement on the far side of the room. Demaris gasps.

"Do not be afraid."

The woman is dressed in traditional Jedi robes, young with a soft expression. It is a face she recognizes.

"I know you…"

"Yes, I am Nevylinn, a friend of your brother's."

She nods, feeling more relaxed. She doesn't even ask how she was able to evade the security detail and enter the mansion. Those kinds of things have always fascinated her about them.

"I heard there was a Jedi in the Sector. Why have you come?"

"I came to offer our sympathies on your loss. Donovan was a dear friend. We trained under the same Master and spent many years together working in the Republic."

"Not anymore, it seems. Your reputation has taken a hit."

"Policies have changed recently and we are not looked upon with the respect we once were. That does not mean our mission has also changed. We still maintain to keep the peace and protect the people."

"Even those that mean to harm you?"


"That's big of you," Demaris says, sliding on her bed. "You didn't come here just for condolences, did you?"

"Not entirely. You are an intelligent girl, Miss Atrii so I will not attempt to insult you by concealing my motives. When Donovan first came to us, it was because he needed guidance and direction. We provided a focused outlet for his power and a calming influence for his anxious soul. He was running from who he truly was. The one promise he held us to was that we could not come for you."

"Come for me how?"

Nevylinn folds her hands together.

"The same power that lay in him also lies in you."

She wants to deny it but knows better than that. Somehow, she had always known.

"You…felt me?"

"That's right. You cried out through the Force in anguish and sorrow. That is what brought me to you. I do not wish to dishonor the promise to your brother but such a display may have placed you in danger."


"Disturbances in the Force can be felt over great distances. Others may have also felt your cry, others who do not have the most honorable intentions. As a Jedi, we have learned to control our feelings where as not to draw unwanted attention. As you have seen from the events on Chandaar, this attention is not always positive. Out of respect for Donovan, I felt it was wisest to warn you and offer assistance if you desire it."

She slips off the bed, suddenly very confused.

"You want me to be a Jedi?"

"Formal training would only be provided at your request. Not all have the same call in life. However, being able to exert some measure of control over your abilities could go a long way in ensuring your protection. Not everyone with Force ability uses it for good."

"You mean, like the people who took Dahlia and her siblings?"


"I thought Dahlia killed that woman, the dark Jedi…"

"The woman was a Sith," Nevylinn says, carefully keeping her emotions in check. Revealing Adubell's connection to her at this point would risk alarming Demaris more than necessary. "And we do not know if there are others like her still out there."

"You think they would come for me too?"

"If they felt they could use you to their advantage. The Sith live to turn others who once believed in the good of the Force. They will deceive and manipulate anyone they can in order to further their own selfish goals. Where the Jedi serves the people, the Sith only serve themselves. I would be betraying your brother's honor if I let that happen."

Demaris places a hand on her chest and tries to keep the tears back.

"I'm so angry…so sad…I don't know what to do. I supported Donovan all the way even if our parents pretended it wasn't happening. I loved him so much and now he's gone. What do I do with that?"

"You are strong. I have felt it. You can use those feelings to help others but you must be careful of who you reveal them to."

Demaris' eyes meet Nevylinn's.

"I don't want to die."

"Then let me help you."


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #73 on: December 19, 2014, 11:21:16 PM »
Corporate Sector

D'ian: Surface

Alka Dawning furiously finishes a digital poster for the holiday formal. It is the third of seven she must complete before the week begins. Beyond the window, snow falls steadily and silently. The warmth of seasons past seems so far away. Her internship at the Olivette Dance Company the previous summer had secured her place as one of the elite. The instructors marveled at the raw talent in someone so young and sought to hone her skills. Since returning to Valor Prep, the semester slipped by between studies, rehearsals and a seemingly endless list of duties assigned by her social master. The silver lining is that her status within the exclusive academy is positively stratospheric in comparison with her peers. She had also won protection for her friends. The kids that matriculate at Valor Prep are some of the most ruthless. They are bred that way. Thankfully, not all of them are so jaded.

Preston rounds the corner and enters her room.

"Gem is on her way up. She's getting snacks."

"We have droids for that," Alka says, arranging letters on the screen. The posters must maintain the theme but appeal to the crowd in the area in which they were to be displayed. The whole thing is maddening.

"Are you almost finished?"


"I don't get it," Preston says. "Why do you do everything Trichelle asks of you? You aren't her slave."

She pauses and turns to face him. He is so innocent, absently browsing through her music collection. He doesn't know how dangerous it is for him to be who he is. Boys are supposed to be molded into callous venture capitalists by the time they leave VP. They don't spend their afternoons gossiping with girls and swooning over a particularly blue-hued member of their class. Sure, he has ambition but it's more artistic than aristocratic. He's never really been concerned with the high society even though he doesn't have a choice. Alka knows he is special and she would do anything to preserve it from being spoiled by the unforgiving masses.

Last year, Trichelle Corinthos threatened to out him unless Alka did her bidding. The tasks were menial at first but became more involved and time consuming. They also came with a degree of proximity denied most outside their circle. She had unfettered access to the inner workings of Valor Prep's reigning Queen. Alka knows Trichelle has major parental issues, hates her older sister Kaytt, never picked up a skirt she didn't look good in, keeps boyfriend Kier on a tight leash, distrusts Tobias to the point of shunning him, worries about Muriel and Demaris, and is more than just a little concerned with Dahlia's meteoric rise.

Two years ago, Dahlia Gellar could not care less about this stuff. She was just another pretty girl who happened to possess the kind of nonchalant magnetism most teens would kill for. After a kidnapping, torture and one hell of a plot reveal, she's suddenly the most buzzed about thing in the Sector. What a difference a name change makes. Sub Winton for Gellar and the Holo works itself into a tizzy. Not like Gellar wasn't enough on its own. Their legacy is also sordid and riveting but not like that of the Winton's. The VMG contact takes things to another level as the first of Dahlia's couture campaign drops. There is a billboard two kilometers high in the center of Mondder with her flawless face, crimson hair, and glimmering emerald eyes gazing out over the city. Trichelle may be hot stuff around Valor Prep but she's not a galactic obsession. That's gotta be a tough pill to swallow which is why she clings so tightly to things she can control all while shining Dahlia on. The support is somewhat genuine albeit laced with insecurity and fear.

Alka keeps these juicy tidbits for herself, waiting patiently until Trichelle crosses a line. She would find the great equalizer, one that would neutralize Preston's orientation and allow them the freedom to step out of their shadows.

It's only a matter of time.

"Necessary evil," Alka replies. "We need her. For now."

Gemma appears holding a tray of meticulously arranged snacks which she sets down on the desk.

"Who do we need?"

Preston glances over the offerings. 

"Trichelle, apparently."

"What does she have you doing now?"

"Posters for the holiday formal."


"Don't judge. It's for a good cause."

"No judgment," Gemma says, sitting next to Preston. "Can we please talk about something else?"

Preston shrugs.

"The holiday formal is all anyone can talk about."

"Surely there must be something else."

Alka turns.

"What's the deal with your dad and Jedi?"

Gemma has been trained well and barely registers the question.

"What do you mean?"

Alka swivels in the chair, "I overhead my dad talking about it. He sounded convinced Rutherford was in cahoots with some Jedi lady."

"That Jedi lady helped rescue us and brought us back to the Sector. He's grateful. There isn't anything sinister about that. Besides, she knew Melanie."

Preston picks off the tray.

"That's kind of creepy. Have you, like, hung out with her?"

"She checks in now and again."

"What's she like?"

"She's nice," Gemma says. "Why?"

"I dunno. My dad is all up in arms over it, calling other Direx Board members trying to convince them of this threat in their midst. His words, not mine. He thinks they are bad news."

"Bad news how?"

"Like, they are going to wipe our minds and make us do crazy things."

"Do you know how insane that sounds? The Jedi are peaceful. Only the Sith do stuff like that."

"How do you know?"

"We learned about it. Your father should read up. Being uninformed is how that whole mess in the Republic got started."

Gemma hates lying to her friends but she would rather lie and keep them safe. Not even her mother knows the full extent of her powers. Only Kylie does. That mistake could cost her, entrusting the help with such a secret. While Nevylinn watches over them and the ever present threat against their families, Gemma must keep watch over those she cares for while treading lightly around Dahlia. She must also balance school and a burgeoning music career. That's a full plate for a thirteen year old. Perhaps there would come a day where she could be honest about who she is, a time when no one wears a mask. For now she would continue to hide in plain sight - the girl with the stellar grades, blonde curls and a golden voice.

Alka frowns, "Aw, I thought you knew something scandalous."

"Sorry to disappoint."


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #74 on: December 29, 2014, 12:18:57 PM »
Corporate Sector

D'ian: Gellar Estate

As Garron lies in bed, he replays the last conversation he had with Circe before she left the Sector.

"If this is what you feel you have to do, I support you. That doesn't mean I won't worry. Just because you no longer play the role whoever did this wanted you to play doesn't mean you aren't still a target."

Circe turned to him, "I'll be careful."

He shutters. It seems like so long ago and the promise feels so empty, hollow. True, he had worried about her but not enough to follow her into the fray. They both had jobs to do and his was here. The children were safe, for the most part, and the idyllic bubble they exist in has been restored. But secrets abound. Lord Gellar makes deals with the Empire as part of his release. Lady Masterton believes certain things about her children that make it easier to accept everything that has happened. Gemma is a fully trained Jedi and Kylie is covering for her. Dane is just as surly as ever and Dahlia is an abyss of teenage angst and drama.

It is all so trite and typical.

Meanwhile, he is no closer to uncovering his sister's murderer. He had been in contact with Kaytt Corinthos who, in turn, conspired with Holo personality Selene Silvestri to shed light on the shady practices of the RSB leadership. Unfortunately, this revelation was lost among a sea of other complaints and cries of foul play. RSB brutality is a hot topic on the Holo with protests involving citizens marching with hands together as a symbol of being detained for little or no cause. This has led some sections of the public to question the motives behind the Force User Registration Act. Circe and Donovan's death had turned a quest into a crusade with the public now speculating the laws were designed as a precursor to oppressing the people's rights.

In some aspects, Circe's vision had been realized. The people woke up from their fears and have given Speaker Apteen cause for alarm. Yet this has put the Republic in far greater danger. The crumbling stability and infighting leaves ample opportunity to strike and with the government so consumed with keeping its head above water, they would be less likely to coordinate an organized defense.

The Jedi have not reappeared to calm the unrest either. In fact, with the exception of Nevylinn, no one knows where they went. He is wary of her ideals but understands and appreciates her presence for the sake of the children. He also knows she would not go out on a limb to investigate Circe's death further and he is forbidden from charging back into the Republic to get answers for himself. Circe told him she believed Speaker Apteen was under the influence of a Force User although she had no proof. If it wasn't for Dahlia's testimony, Kaytt would not have had proof to free Circe and Janessa. Perhaps he would ask Dahlia if she overheard anything about this but wonders if it drudging up her capture would do more harm than good. They aren't on the best terms these days. Mental coercion is difficult to prove as the intangible elements of the Force tend to clash with the rules of discovery and admissibility. Given the darker turn the Speaker had taken and the events that have followed, Garron is inclined to believe her. If Apteen has been corrupted through no fault of his own, it was done with a purpose. The Republic has grown so large; it's become convoluted and ineffective. It has a certain familiar signature to it. He taps the intercom and moments later Kylie appears.

"You rang?"

"I need a favor."

She crosses the room, "Of course."

"I need you to pay Vex Sienna a visit to find out if the Empire is purposefully destabilizing the Republic in order to make a move."

Kylie's mouth drops open.

"I can't do that…."

"You will if you don't want me to tell Lord Gellar and Lady Masterton that you hid from them Gemma's status as a Jedi."

"You wouldn't dare."

Garron's eyes narrow.

"Try me. Circe is already dead and the Republic grows ever closer to a Civil War. You would risk innocent lives to avoid having a conversation with a man you still love?"

"You son of a bitch," Kylie mutters. "Just what do you expect him to tell me? All the Empire's secret plans? Don't be ridiculous! He's an Imperial agent, Garron and despite his feelings for me he is loyal to them first and foremost. That's the problem."

"So you are still in love with him?"


"I beg to differ. Love is a powerful emotion, one you can use to your advantage. Do you want Kaytt or Janessa to get caught in the crossfire?"

"Well, not Kaytt…"


"What? I'm no good at this spy stuff!"

"You are a beautiful woman who has the heart of a powerful man. That will get you further than you might think. I need to know, Kylie. I need to know if Circe was murdered as part of an Imperial plot to overthrow the Republic. Circe believed the Speaker was compromised the same way she and Janessa were. If that is true then this can be undone before more people die. The spell can be broken."

"This isn't a fairy tale, Garron."

"Yet you believe in happy endings."

Kylie sighs. He knows her too well.

Garron smiles.

"Sienna has connections. All you need to do is convince him to use them."
