Author Topic: CC: Corporate Greed  (Read 135616 times)

Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #75 on: January 05, 2015, 04:06:24 PM »
Corporate Sector

D'ian: Surface: Gellar Estate

The Gellar mansion has been transformed into a winter wonderland. As the snow continues to fall outside, the interior is decorated and set to accommodate the guests arriving for the New Year celebration. Lord Gellar and Lady Masterton are dressed to the nine's and greet them as they enter the grand foyer. Garron is more mobile despite his injuries and takes to overseeing the serving droids as cocktails are served.

Upstairs, Kylie helps Gemma slip into white, elbow length gloves. She wears a pale blue dress with her blond curls piled high. Kylie fastens a thin, glittering necklace and smiles at her in the mirror.

"You look marvelous, Lady Gemma. The guests will fawn over you all evening."

"Forgive me if that doesn't sound appealing."

"You will have to get used to this kind of attention if you pursue the contract with Galaxiss Records. You saw how the public responded when you appeared with Sur Maaj at his concert. They love you."

"They love my voice," Gemma says. "There is a difference."

"And how does Nevylinn feel about your inevitable rise to stardom? Surely this clashes with the humble Jedi lifestyle."

Even though Gemma is wary that Kylie knows her secret, it is a relief to have someone to discuss it with. Once an au pair to the children when they were young, she has become more of a lady's maid and administrator of the estate. She ensures its smooth operation with Garron conferring on security.

"Honestly, she's not thrilled. It does have a certain appeal even if it is in the public eye. The most important thing is the access it grants. The recording contract will allow me to travel where assistance is needed."

"How can you fight for justice if you are performing on stage?"

"The stage is merely the cover for my presence."

"I still believe you should include your mother. She deserves to know."

Gemma stands as Kylie ensures she is perfectly presentable.
"There may come a day when that's possible but for now, this is the way Nevylinn thinks it should be."

"What do you think?"

"I think we should not keep our guests waiting."


Dahlia dabs on lipstick as Dane hammers away at a controller to a racing game on the projector. He had allowed Kylie to get him into his dinner jacket then escaped to Dahlia's room. Dahlia had sent Kylie to help Gemma after she zipped up the back of her beaded Viu Viu gown, one of the several outfits she got to keep after Republic Fashion Week. She opts for a simple elegance at the request of Lady Masterton. After her appearance was deemed "severe" at the last event, Celeste kindly reminded Dahlia that one must dress according to the company present. She hates these rituals and rules but knows she must abide to maintain the appearance of the typical teenage daughter. She turns away from the vanity.

"We've have to go."

"One more race."

"Dane, this is serious. You know how important these things are to our mother."

He makes a face, "It's stupid."

"And mandatory."

"You like doing this stuff," Dane protests. "Getting all dressed up and showing off is so pointless."

"It's not. We're all being groomed as potential mates. Good for the family, good for the company; you know how it goes."

"You don't think that's kind of…sick?"

Dahlia smirks.

"Oh, it's totally sick but its tradition so suck it up. If you want to inherit ChemiX and the board's approval, you need to perform accordingly. Besides, Alka is here."

"So?" he says a little too defensively.

"So, you like her and despite my personal feelings on your taste in girls she comes from a respectable and wealthy family."

"Please, like the Dawning's would ever let her go out with a Gellar. Her dad hates our dad."

Dahlia sighs like he should know better.

"Then your courtship would stick it to him while following all the rules. This is just a game, Dane and you have to play in order to win. You like playing games."

"I'm not good at those kinds of games."

"I am," Dahlia says. "Let me help you navigate through this superficial and tawdry world we live in."

Dane rolls his eyes up, "Whatever."

She straightens out his jacket and adjusts the black bow tie he swears is strangling him. They meet Kylie and Gemma out in the corridor near the top of the stairs. They head down collectively.

Kylie descends the stairs behind the children, catching Garron's eye as he stands near the dining room door. She is debating how she would go about granting his request. It's more like blackmail, really. To hold Gemma's secret over her head is unspeakably cruel of him. Still, she is unsure if she could pull off such a deception against Vex. He always told her the most admirable thing about her was her inability to lie. Her efforts to obtain information out of him in the past had been disastrous. He saw right through her as he would if she suddenly appeared on his doorstop after months of ignoring him.
She pauses outside the door as Garron announces the children.

They enter a room full of power players from throughout the Sector. Everyone turns to greet the Gellar-Masterton-Winton brood. Three of The New Four in their very midst causes quite the stir. There are murmurs as dinner is announced and they head into the dining room.

Placement at the massive table is crucial. Since Lady Masterton is the hostess, all take their cues from her. They sit after she sits and the direction of the conversation is as she sees fit. She raises a small toast before the meal begins and each speaks to the person on their left first.

Dane leans toward Dahlia.

"I'm going to stab out my eyes with the salad fork."

She smiles and whispers.

"I think the melon scoop in the kitchen would be more effective."

"Too obvious. The fork would be a showstopper."

"Think of the mess," Dahlia says. "You would ruin the tablecloth and quite possibly my outfit. I'm not dressed to handle blood splatter."

"But it would go so well with your hair."

"I know."

The table now turns to the person on the right.

Dahlia tilts her head but maintains a smile.

"I love that dress, Gem."

"Thank you. Yours is gorgeous."

"Of course it is," Dahlia says. "How goes the music business?"

"I've been writing a lot, trying out some new songs with the help of the band at school. I think some could be promising."

"You should put out an LP. Something to whet their appetites between the Sur Maaj single and your album. The honchos at the studio will back you completely if it means building early publicity."

"You think so?"


"I wish I was better at some of the instrumentals so I could practice alone."

Dahlia takes a sip of water.

"Oh, I'm sure you have many hidden talents."

Gemma frowns, "What does that mean?"

Her emerald eyes catch the glint of the candles.

"Exactly what you think it does, darling."

Lady Masterton turns to face the table as the first course of served followed by the second and main. As everyone enjoys the culinary masterpiece created by the Executive Chef at Tables Bistro, conversation turns to the Republic and its implications in the Sector. D'Ken Dawning and Finnius Dyre have conflicting opinions while Iver Aguilar expresses hope that Speaker Shale Apteen will resolve the conflict in short order. Janessa Kain isn't so certain. Rutherford finds Aguilar's optimism amusing but Lady Masterton reins the conversation into lighter, more pleasant topics. She does not want such a polarizing subject debated in front of the children. LeVanya Monroe is among the guests after completing principle photage of her latest Holeplex feature. The men are captivated by her as she attempts to evade gossip about other celebrities. Muriel looks pained but Dahlia gives her a supportive nod. Irulan Reeves and her husband inquire about real estate on D'ian as the market has become far more competitive than it once was. Exclusivity has its price but the available estate are almost always in short supply. Some the wealthiest on Monnder have summer homes on Viiperi Lake but few also have estates in Concordia or elsewhere on Di'an. Zoning and permits for new estates are seldom granted as everything is historically preserved or protected by some ancient law. The CSA is just as protective of its land as it is of its currency. Land on D'ian is about as powerful as the profits of a company on Monnder. It's a sign of status and grants certain bragging rights to flaunt at parties such of this.

After dinner, the adults retire to the parlor for cordials and cigars while they wait for the countdown. The children slink off to entertain themselves. Dane and Preston queue up the racing game in the living room while Gemma and Alka play cards at a table. Muriel and Dahlia gossip about boys and send messages to Trichelle, Kier and Demaris who are all trapped at other similar parties. As the year winds down, they reflect on all that has happened and speculate on what is to come.

The clock strikes midnight and the adults cheer from the other room.

Preston kisses Gemma and Dahlia kisses Muriel leaving an awkward Dane to kiss an aloof Alka. The whole thing is so silly that they all laugh it off. As the evening wears on and guests begin to leave, Dahlia wanders back upstairs to consider her options. She had risen from spoiled schoolgirl to secretive Sith all while luring in the largest management group in the Republic. And they say teenagers have no direction or motivation.

This princess has plans.


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #76 on: January 13, 2015, 10:46:01 PM »
Corporate Sector

Etti IV: Surface: Mondder

Kylie Miranda accompanies Lady Celeste Masterton to the CSA Capital for a psychologist conference in Mondder. Celeste welcomes the chance to compare notes on the latest treatment methods coming out of the community. Others are anxious to hear her thoughts on how she dealt with the trauma her children experienced and it's affect on their family. While code forbids Celeste from treating her own children or anyone with whom she has a deep personal connection, she did have to mitigate the changes within her household. Love, support and a return to a more safe and familiar routine had helped the children recover. She has doubts that they would escape the experience completely emotionally unscathed but she believes their efforts did help.

After they are settled in at the historic Criterion Hotel, Kylie weighs her options. The hotel is not that far from Vex Sienna's apartment. She could not risk a public entanglement so inviting him to lunch is out of the question. Showing up at his office would be even worse since she would have to sign in and clear security. Too many bells and whistles. His apartment seems like the most appropriate venue to reappear and chooses her wardrobe carefully.

Emboldened by Garron's faith in her wiles, she dons a simple, fitted black dress, heels and a charcoal gray overcoat. She applies light makeup, nothing garish or obscene, just enough to accentuate her natural beauty. Her dark blonde hair is curled at the ends and she steps back to review herself in the mirror. It does the trick while not attempting something so obvious. Vex knows her well enough that a full scale makeover would sound the alarms before the conversation even began. She squares her shoulders, grabs her purse and heads out the door.

Lady Masterton would be occupied for most of the day, leaving her plenty of time to pop by for a visit. The weather is brisk, normal for that time of year, with an overcast sky that threatens rain. Kylie glances up at the Vex's apartment tower, feeling somewhat dreadful about the whole thing. It's a long shot and she knows it. Garron is grieving and grasping for answers is his way of coping. As Lord Gellar's confidante, he is not accustomed to being left out of the loop. There isn't much he isn't privy to and this mystery is driving him mad. Kylie wants to help but the plan is risky at best.

She nods to the doorman and uses the pin to access the building and lifts. Act like you belong, she tells herself. You've been here before. She taps the button for his floor and gathers her wits. Soon she is standing in front of his door. Her heart is heavy, pulled in many directions. Garron was right. This is a man she loved, one she still loves. To use those emotions against him seems counterproductive. She had practiced all the things she would say to him if she saw him again but now her mind is blank. She has rung the door chime twice and no answer. He doesn't appear to be home. It's just as well. As she turns to leave, she hears her name.


Spotted; conflicted girl with an ulterior motive.

Vex Sienna is clad in an impeccably tailored suit, closing the distance between them slowly. He cannot believe she is here.

"Hello, Vex."

"Dare I ask the obvious?"

She shakes her head, moving away from him.

"This was a terrible idea. I should go…"

Garron's scheming echoes in her head: "Coy is key. Make him come to you. And don't worry, he will."

"No, wait!"

She pauses by the stairwell door, back turned.

"Please don't go."

When she finally makes eye contact, she ensures it counts. She turns and faces him, arms folded, trying her best to look both demure and desirable. He walks toward her with both arms out as if in surrender.

"It's not that I'm not thrilled to see you. I am. I'm just surprised…but pleasantly."

"I debated coming here," she says softly.

"I'm glad you did. We don't have to talk in the hall like strangers. Would you like to come in?"

She looks down, allowing the silence to fill the space then nods.

"For a moment."

Vex unlocks the door and steps aside as she brushes past. He takes her coat and hangs it in the foyer. She moves toward the wall of windows overlooking downtown. Everything is varying shades of gray. She knows the feeling well.

"You don't get back to Mondder often," Vex says, breaking the ice. "Special occasion?"

"There is a conference Lady Masterton is attending."

"I thought Prescott usually accompanied her to the capital."

"I'm much better company."

He smiles, "No argument there. Drink?"

"I'd love one."

She lets him play the suave host but she can tell he is nervous. This boosts her confidence and she positions herself close but just out of reach. He hands her a glass and raises his.

"Would a toast seem trite?"

"They usually are."

He swallows hard, the liquor burning his throat so he shifts into something more neutral.

"How have you been?"

"Well, thank you. The holidays were eventful as always but I am glad they are behind us. And you?"

"The usual, busy, but you didn't come here to discuss my business life."

Except she did.

Kylie is trying very hard to keep the glass in her hand from shaking.

"I missed you."

"As did I but you returned none of my messages. It broke my heart."

"I'm not entirely convinced you have one."

The comment finds its mark and he cringes visibly.

"Admittedly, I deserved that. I cannot apologize enough for my behavior, my hesitation, but I assure it was never because…"

"Because what?"

Vex raises his eyes to meet her moderately convincing steely gaze.

"It wasn't because I didn't love you."

"Yet you couldn't be with me; a situation convenient for only one of us. Why even attempt to court me if there was never an intention to follow through? To me, that's just spending wasted time."

"That hurts. I don't consider our time together wasted."

"Then tell me why."

Vex sets the glass down on the bar.

"I will if you tell me why you are really here."

She blinks, caught in the crossfire of implications. This was not a good plan at all. He is much too clever, has much more experience in this sort of thing.

"I told you."

"I don't believe you," he says, moving closer. "You stayed away from me this long. Surely your trip to the capital would not have been enough to undo your resolve – unless you want something."

"I'm fairly certain I asked for answers."

"The truth will hurt you."

"It already has."

"You aren't usually this bold."

Her heart is racing.

"Sorry to say the same cannot be said for you being withholding."

Vex takes the glass from her hand and sets it next to his. He stays unnervingly close to her. She is staring up into his face. There are no words for the tension, the desire that passes between them. His lips touch hers but before she gives into the temptation, she pulls back and pushes him away.

"This was a mistake. I should never have come here."

He grabs her hand and spins her around.

"I disagree."

She pulls away, grabs her coat and heads for the door. He calls after her.

"They threatened you."

Kylie stops, "Who?"

"The Empire. They knew we were together and implied you could be collateral damage should I somehow fail to achieve their goals. They want me focused, free of attachment. So to convince them of this, I made you hate me and let you go. And as difficult as that was, it was easier than risking you."

She turns around, near tears.

"Why didn't you just tell me?"

"You would have tried to be noble, to convince me that I should leave such a heinous organization who would manipulate those in its employ to do its bidding."

"Then why don't you?"

"Because every organization has an agenda. You just trade one for another. You tell yourself the next will be better, won't cost as much of your soul but it does. Empire, Republic, Consortium, Sector; they are all the same. They can and do risk everything to get what they want even if they frame it differently in the press. They call it survival but the methods get murky the deeper you go. The line constantly moves and ethics are altered to suit the endgame."

She frowns, looking away. Even though she likes to fancy the moral high ground, D'ian just blurs the indiscretions of Etti IV. It makes them tolerable because they aren't always on display. The price everyone pays for wealth and power can be drown in tradition and ceremony. The elite love to dress it all up, pretend it's not happening by throwing a party. It does not change the fact that millions of lives hang in the balance of a CEO's vision or erase the statistics that the income gap has steadily widened. The have-not's significantly outweigh the have's in numbers only but lack the organization or cunning in order to overthrow them.

"I may not agree with everything they do but to escape would be worse for both of us. Questions would be raised, agents dispatched to investigate and that is not the kind of attention anyone wants around here."

"So you resign yourself to being alone in order to serve them best? You may think me naïve but that is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard."

"They have done much worse."

Kylie seizes the opportunity.

"Like go so far as to unravel the Republic from within itself?"

"They battle for territory as any ruling power does…wait, what are you asking me?"

She does not waver.

"The Sith who took the children and used the Force to manipulate Circe and Janessa had to have direction from somewhere. Once the ruse was discovered, the Republic sent its fleets to engage the Empire at Bastion where they took considerable losses. Some suggest they had inside information. The Jedi is then blamed for the casualties and ousted from their sanctuary, out into a world where the Force User Registration Act hinders their every move. The protests were lively but needed a push to send the public over the edge into full blown revolt-"

Vex's mouth falls open.

"You think I had something to do with the explosion that killed the Jedi and Counselor?"

"Not you. Them. With the Republic fighting itself, the Empire has both motive and opportunity to expand."

"That's pretty astute…for a nanny."

She glares at him, "That isn't an answer."

"The question was insulting. Even if the Empire somehow conspired through all of this, what makes you think they would clue me in? I'm the liaison to the Corporate Sector. I liaise."

"You were an agent."

"Past tense," Vex says, waving an arm across the air. "My days of rabble rousing on a command ship are long over. I'm a suit now; an expertly styled, handsomely paid flunky. Let me guess, Prescott has his panties in a bunch?"

"He's devastated."

"And he sent you in? Not a great ploy."

"He's grasping," Kylie sighs. "You can't tell me you didn't want answers when Tenley disappeared."

His face tightens.

"That's low."

"But true. Something terrible happened and all you had were unanswered questions. Garron is in the same awful place. I wanted to help."

"What do you want me to say, Kylie? That they did it? The Empire blew up his sister in order to gain a political advantage? Hell, it may even be true. I don't know."

"You don't know or you don't care?"

"Pick one."

She inhales sharply.

"You aren't as cruel as you like to think you are. I didn't come here to hurt you."

"No, you came here to get answers I don't have. I am impressed you had to gall to bait me into the conversation in the first place. The emotional manipulation tact is a new twist, not quite sure it fits though. Guess I didn't expect you to stoop to my level in order to get what you want but I suppose if the great Garron Prescott asks then all your sensibilities go right out the window."

Kylie's lip curls in disgust.

"Your jealousy is unwarranted and unbecoming."

"Perhaps but it works for me. Now get your shit and get out."

Her eyes widen and even though she tries to steady it, her lip still trembles. Kylie storms down the corridor, waiting until she is safely in the lift before the tears fall.

Vex leans over the bar; gripping the edges so tight his knuckles go white. He shouts and hurls the two glasses against the far wall. They shatter loudly. He taps open the patio doors to let in a blast of cold air. The roar of the cityscape drowns out the screams in his head. That isn't how he saw their reunion ending but he couldn't let her stay. His head was telling him to just let her go, that she would be safer that way, but his heart – his heart.

It is something he seldom listened to but somehow, in the frigid wind, his love for her dismantles all of his better judgment. He doesn't want to be alone. Not when she holds the promise of a better life, one that is filled with her secret smiles and bookish charm. He walks out onto the patio and stares out at the turbulent gray sky.

Could the judgmental au pair really be with the ethically questionable Imperial?

There is a fine line between fated and fatal.


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #77 on: February 16, 2015, 03:35:50 PM »
"Traveling down this road.
Watching the signs as I go.
Think I'll follow my heart
It's a very good place to start."

Corporate Sector

D'ian: Surface

The Gellar Estate is full of activity.

With midterms rapidly approaching, the children are in a studying frenzy. Gemma prefers quiet while Dane learns best with music on in the background. Dahlia is more socially studious and invites Trichelle, Muriel and Demaris over to compare notes so no one misses anything. Lady Masterton is simply thrilled with their academic focus and dotes with appropriate praise and fancy snack breaks. Lord Gellar is still on Mondder hashing out a new business deal while Janessa Kain interfaces with the Republic remotely from the ChemiX Tower. Things have not improved on Chandaar which is beginning to affect trade. There have been several small attacks, blamed mostly on The Concealed, at the spaceports around the capital. Millions of credits have been lost from various corporations including some in the Sector. Janessa has to mitigate these incidents with the Direx Board. It is no small task but she relishes the challenge so long as she does not have to return to the Republic too soon.

Garron Prescott has almost fully recovered from his injuries and returns to typical security duties around the Estate. Lord Gellar does not require his presence during these intense meetings. He is instead instructed to preside over the house and family since he refused to take personal time to grieve. Being around them helps as he feels he serves a purpose. Only at night, in the dark, do the shadows of emotion threaten to consume him. He replays the last conversation he had with Circe over and over again in his head. There are flashes of her face as she told him not to worry. His failure to save her slowly eats away at his soul. Janessa is a welcome distraction. She demands passionate sex without strings. Relationships, she says, are both annoying and useless. Garron doesn't need strings. He needs her legs wrapped around his waist in order to keep him out of the void.

He fucks her to forget. She preys on his anguish.

Kylie Miranda frets over the recent encounter with the Imperial. She had returned to Garron and explained what had happened. Her transparent super sleuth routine had devolved into another spat about their status. She had left his apartment in tears, more upset at herself than at the situation. She does not believe he is involved with Circe's death and Garron doesn't really believe that either. He was lashing out but it forced Kylie to face something she had been suppressing for months.

After finalizing the dinner menu and setting the droids to work, she fiddles with her com. She inhales and dials his channel. Love means so many dangerous things. Keeping an open heart risks it getting broken. Pursuing him could complicate the lives of those around them. The Empire's threat hangs like a sword above their potential happiness. But to deny what she feels is excruciating. His name pumps through her veins. Seeing him again only clarified a position she had the moment she laid eyes on him in the store in Concordia.

There is a click, the channel open.


"Vex," she says, voice trembling. "I need to see you."


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #78 on: March 08, 2015, 11:20:51 PM »
Corporate Sector

D'ian: Surface: Atrii Estate

Demaris Atrii kneels on the floor of her bedroom with eyes closed. She is deep in meditation as she listens to the words of the Jedi Master standing on the other side of the room. Nevylinn brings her down into a quiet, reflective state. She had been in and out of the Atrii Estate for weeks completely unseen. Alarmingly enough, no one had been to check on the girl in the wake of her brother's death. The elder Atrii's, anguished over the loss of their only son, have vanished into that grief.

This leaves Nevylinn ample opportunity to assist in minimizing Demaris' growing Force signature. While the training is not entirely formal, the Jedi Master has shown her how to acknowledge and confront her own powers. Demaris had been initially frightened that her emotions could have such a negative outward effect but slowly Nevylinn taught her how to use these as a source of strength in such a trying time.

Gemma is wrapped up in her own life and checks in periodically for lessons at the Viiperi Lake Manor House. Nevylinn wishes she would not be so superficial but concedes it is a necessary evil to build the cover Gemma would need in order to infiltrate area's Dahlia now has access to. Things have gone gravely wrong in the Republic with the latest tragedy manifesting in the assassination of Speaker Apteen. Everything turned south quickly after Dahlia's visit, a fact that has not escaped an increasingly wary Nevylinn. Gemma has been unable to discover any part her adoptive sister may have played in these events as the Winton royal conceals her every intention beneath a veneer of glamour. For all intents and purposes, Dahlia Winton is a glittering beacon of teenage virtue despite all suggestions to the contrary. This leads Nevylinn to believe she was taught more than just how to harness her powers during her capture. She deeply fears that Adubell had appealed to Dahlia's considerable familial vanity in order for her to operate in the open.

Play to your audience, as a young Melanie Masterton once told her at the Jedi Academy. It is a skill Nevylinn has never been able to master. Melanie's point was simple, especially as circumstances change. It is a lesson in adaptability she had found less useful than others they were taught. Melanie grew up in Galactic City and was made to pretend to be an Imperial teen with a perfect life. She was also burdened with the weight of the prophecy and what that meant for her and her friends. It is not unlike the situation Gemma, Dane and Dahlia find themselves in. Only this time, several previously hidden cards are on the table. No one quite knows what hand to play, not yet, but the events over the last few years tell her the game has begun.

With Demaris, she must take great care. The Jedi promised Donovan they would not recruit his sister, that she would have a chance at a normal life. His death and the scattering of the Jedi Order place her in great danger. Her instability, if left unchecked, would attract unwanted attention – the most dire of which from Dahlia Winton. So long as Dahlia only believe Demaris a harmless schoolmate and ally, she would remain safe. There would be no advantage to gain. Nevylinn knows, as does Gemma, that Dahlia would capitalize on another Force Sensitive in such close proximity. They cannot allow that to happen which is why Nevylinn has successfully taught Demaris how to hide her power from the outside world.

Through her devastation, Demaris has learned to quiet her mind. The roar of her brother's death and parent's abandonment hurts less with the strength from within. She practices deep breathing and releases herself from negative feelings. Nevylinn takes pride in guiding her even though the process will be slow. She was not trained as a child and these techniques take a great deal of skill. For now, they work on the basics while Nevylinn keeps a watchful eye over the children and an ear out for the Republic.


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #79 on: March 16, 2015, 08:12:56 PM »
Corporate Sector

D'ian: Surface: Gellar Estate

Gemma Masterton is woken from sleep by the sound of her com. She rubs her eyes, slides out of bed and pads over to the desk It an incoming transmission on the secure channel she shares with only one person. She taps the consol and Riley's face appears.

"Riley," she says, still groggy. "Are you alright?"

"I'm sorry, did I wake you?"

She glances at the white chronometer on her nightstand.

"It's three in the morning..."

"It couldn't wait."

"What couldn't?"

"I think the Jedi might be in trouble."

She is suddenly more alert, "What do you mean?"

"Like, I think something happened to some of them. Something bad."

"Bad like how?"

"Bad like dead. Did you feel anything?"

In truth, she had felt a tremor in the Force earlier that day, something she couldn't place but knew was somehow wrong. She had said nothing about it but now that Riley attaches a theory to the feeling, she grows concerned.

"I felt…something. Riley, how do you know this?"

His truth was something more curious. Riley often spied on the group when they sent him to bed. Overhearing their grown up conversations made him feel like part of the team. They trusted him with information but not to use it. Without betraying the fact that the Jedi and Counselor were still alive, he felt he had to warn Gemma seeing as there was also a Jedi who protected her. From the way the adults were speaking, he thought that someone may be coming after the Jedi.

"I just do. Please, Gemma, can you just check with Nevylinn?"

"Of course," she says, still confused by his certainty. "I will let her know in the morning."

"Thanks. I just want to make sure you are safe."

She smiles, "You are very sweet. Goodnight, Riley."

"Goodnight, Gemma."

She clicks off and leans back in the desk chair. As peculiar as the conversation was, it did make a strange sort of sense. The Jedi were thrust out of their sanctuary and essentially went their separate ways. She recalls enough history to know it would not be the first time wariness of their presence had escalated into bloodshed.


The following morning Gemma requests a meeting with Nevylinn. Once school is over, they meet beyond the woods near the Gellar Estate. She appears from behind a tree and continues walking. Gemma falls into step beside her.

"How is Demaris doing?"

"She is remarkably strong," Nevylinn says. "Although her grief is heavy, I have taught her skills that will shield her from immediate harm."

"Will you train her as you have trained me?"

"Unclear. I am not certain that is what she wants. She is still fragile and I find the lack of parental oversight appalling."

"Unfortunately, it's par for the course around here. Most parents treat their children like bargaining chips in order to advance their legacy or gain financial leverage."

"Your parents do not."

Gemma giggles.

"We are extremely fortunate. Our parents just want us to be happy."

"I am pleased to hear it. No child should be used for their parents gain."


"You asked to see me to check in on Demaris?"

"You know better than that."

"I do," Nevylinn says. "Tell me what troubles you."

"Master, have you had contact with your Jedi colleagues?"


"And they are okay?"

"They are adapting to the challenges. Unlike others, I had a clear directive in coming to the Corporate Sector. Some are struggling to find their way."

"Are there any you have not been able to reach?"

"Actually there is," she says, slowing her pace. "Master Yin-Go. Why do you ask, Gemma?"

"I felt something yesterday…a tremor."

"As did I."

Gemma stops, "I think something terrible has happened."

Nevylinn turns to face her.

"I know something has."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I have no reason to alarm you when nothing has been confirmed. Losing contact with an associate is not uncommon in the current worlds we live in. There are many things, good and bad, that we feel through the Force. You must be mindful to sort through them, knowing which to reflect upon and which to act."

"Will you look into it?"

"Absolutely, I have placed an inquiry with another associate. Do not worry, young Masterton."

"But I do worry…about you. You are my teacher and my friend. I do not want anything to happen to you."

"What do you think will happen?"

Gemma confesses a dread that has lingered her entire life.

"That something, someone will come for us; the clones, the monsters or worse."

Nevylinn places a hand on her shoulder and another under her chin.

"That is why I have trained you. So that you will be ready if that day ever comes. You are powerful, intuitive and compassionate. These skills will serve you well. Now, let us enjoy this afternoon."

"Yes, Master."

Gemma follows her deeper into the woods as the sky burns a brilliant orange above them.


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #80 on: March 23, 2015, 12:46:39 PM »
Corporate Sector

D'ian: Surface: Concordia Township

Vex rolls to the side of the bed with a grunt, leaving Kylie panting on her back. Their reunion was nothing short of spectacular. Admittedly, he was surprised she had contacted him after their last exchange but was certainly pleased. Even with the Imperial threat looming like a shadow, he could not stop thinking about her.

He had checked into a small bed and breakfast near the edge of town, careful to keep a low profile. The thought of being with her again nearly drove him mad. Kylie curls up in the sheets, pushing back the dark blonde hair away from her face.

"You don't disappoint."

"That's a guarantee," he says with a sly smile.

"I wish we could stay like this forever."

"Who says we can't?"

"We have responsibilities and loyalties. Unfortunately, they lie on opposite sides."

He props himself up on an arm.

"The Corporate Sector is on whatever side is most profitable. You know what they say; the devil pays."

She laughs, "So, by your logic we play for the same team?"

"No, there are many sides. I just happen to be on one of them. While I sometimes envy your view from the high ground, it's not so cut and dry. The Empire wants what any powerful faction wants – more power. I said it before and I'll say it again, it's all the same. You despise the Empire for the same ruthlessness and tyranny that exists on your own doorstep. The Gellar's didn't get where they are by playing nicely."

"I never said they did."

"You pretend they are above it all because you care for them. That is not a judgment. No one wants to believe the truth about those they pledge loyalty to."

Kylie frowns, "Where does that leave us?"

He runs a finger across her lips and up over her cheek.

"In love."


Later that afternoon, Kylie returns to the Gellar Estate. Lady Masterton is helping Dane with a soliloquy he has to memorize for class. She smiles as she heads up the stairs just as Garron is coming down. He stops her with a disapproving look.

"I hope you know what you are doing."

"If I must tolerate your exploits with Janessa, you can at least extend me the same courtesy with Vex."

"Janessa doesn't have a history with this family. Vex does."

"That was a lifetime ago and he took great care to avoid them."

"Not all of them."

"Meaning what exactly?"

"He may or may not have been in love with Karen and Melanie killed his high school girlfriend. You don't think that has any effect on his motives?"

She sighs.

"Perhaps but you do not have to relish it quite so much. The Empire wanted a partnership with Lord Gellar, a partnership they forged without any influence from Vex."

"Still, it is a dangerous game to be playing."

Kylie moves past him up the stairs.

"We all play dangerous games."


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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #81 on: April 20, 2015, 01:40:22 PM »
Corporate Sector

D'ian: Surface: Gellar Estate

Dane Gellar runs through the equation again, growing frustrated with his inability to solve it. Mathematics was never his strong suit and he usually looked to Gemma for help. Lately, his sister has been more unavailable, lost in her own world of song writing and socializing. He groans, sinking his head into his hands.

"Tough day?"

He jerks up and swivels around in the desk chair, finding Valerie standing in the middle of his bedroom. She is wearing a short, deep purple dress and heels. Her dark hair is slicked back and tucked behind her ears. He sighs and moves to the door to tap it closed, not wanting anyone to hear him essentially talking to himself.

"You really do have a way of scaring people."

"So I've been told," Valerie says, shrugging. "That's the breaks."

"So, what? In the afterlife you get to pick your outfits?"

She glances down.

"I appear to you in a variety of styles I had when I was alive. Compliments of the Maker, I guess. He works in mysterious ways."

"Does he? And here I thought you were just bored."

"I'm not around merely to yank your chain."

"Gross, dude."

She rolls her eyes up and crosses her arms.

"Don't pretend like my council hasn't helped you. You would never have made it around Corellia if I wasn't pointing you in the right direction."

"That didn't get me in any less trouble with my parents. They were pissed I took off and left Gemma. All I got was a tour through your escapades and a few nights living in that ridiculously large apartment above a museum. They cared more about Riley anyway so it's not like it matters."

"It does matter," she says. "And don't feel bad. Everyone cared more about Kimber too. She was worth fighting for."

Dane smirks, "Was she worth dying for?"

"Yes. If I had the chance to do it all over again, I would have changed nothing. I united Corellia as a Sector to defeat Phage and spared Kimber the horror of his rage and conquest. Riley is not the enemy, Dane. Neither is Gemma."

"What about Dahlia?"

A faint smile pulls at Valerie's lips.

"We'll see. The fact remains that you will all need each other in order to survive what is coming."

"We aren't like you and your friends were. The Four. People say that we are but it's not true. We don’t run around shopping and partying. Our lives have gone in different directions."

"For now, perhaps. The density of teenage angst isn't going to do you any favors. You can push them away, even believe they mean nothing to you, but in the end it will always be about you four."

Dane moves closer to her, narrowing his gaze.

"I know why you cared for Kimber, she was your sister. Half-sister, at least. But Karen and Melanie? I have a hard time believing you cared much for them."

"Karen? Well, we had our differences. The fact that everything seemed to work out for her was annoying but she was loyal. To the end. Melanie was a touch too self-righteous for my tastes but there came a time where the playing field was level. I helped her through something and it bonded us."

"Something I'll bet served your interest more than hers."

Valerie laughs.

"True enough but I saw beneath that soft veneer to the fear beyond. And it scared me too. She knew things we did not, took that burden on herself so that we would not have to. Whether that was the right thing to do at the time is anyone's guess. I'm not sure what would have happened if she confided in us that our lives were being manipulated by so many variables just outside our periphery. Would it have all spiraled toward the same conclusion? Speculation isn't as satisfying as it should be."

"So…Gemma knows things we don't?"

"Of course she does. So does Dahlia. Same goes for Riley. You need to get in the game because it's about the get interesting."

"What do you mean?"

"Pay attention. The worlds are changing and not necessarily for the better. Small shifts lead to larger slides and it's a long way down to the bottom. They all know how to defend themselves. Do you?"

"What, like, fight?"

"Fight, defend, repel, protect – your athletic abilities aren't enough."

"I don't have the Force or whatever."

"Neither does Riley but that didn't stop him from manning up to train. He's an excellent marksman and Gemma and Dahlia have full control over abilities they both pretend not to have. What do you have, Dane? A whole lot of nothing. Charm and swagger only take you so far. When the shit hits the fan and someone inevitably comes for you, and they will come, what will you do?"

Dane backs away from her.

"I don't know."

"Wrong answer."

"What do you want me to say? We have a Jedi around here somewhere."

Valerie's brow arches up sharply.

"You really think she can protect you?"

He swallows hard.

"Something tells me…no?"

"The Jedi are in short supply, growing shorter by the day actually, but that's not entirely the point. Either you let someone else nudge you all in the directions they want you to go, as they did with us, or you take control of your own fates. I'm not saying you shouldn't take your place in the Sector as is your birthright. By all means, rise to power but might I suggest having a few tricks up your sleeve for the journey. There will be obstacles and enemies and those closest to you are always the ones who pay the price. Your little friends, Roman, Preston…Alka."

Her name, spoken aloud, sounds sinister on Valerie's lips. His jaw tightens.

"Would you risk them by sitting idly by?"

"No. I won't let anything happen to them."

"That's funny," Valerie says, turning toward the light streaming through the window. "Karen said the same thing."

Her visage begins to fade.

"And look what happened to us."


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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #82 on: April 21, 2015, 02:02:49 PM »
Corporate Sector
D'ian: Surface: Gellar Estate

Pitch blackness.  A dark so pure, it was serene.  Nevylinn could see herself walking, calmly, slowly. She saw herself stop walking, and the view changed, that she could see what the Nevylinn in the dream saw.
And what she saw was another version of herself, this time, running.  Not away from anything, but toward it, toward others dressed like her, other jedi.  She followed herself, drawing closer, watching as her other-self drew a lightsaber from her side and ignited it. Only it wasn't her blade - Nevylinn carried a lightsaber with a blue blade. The blade the other self held was blood-red, the mark of a sith.

Nevylinn watched in horror as the other her began to slash her weapon through the crowd of jedi.  Some of them responded, igniting their own sabers and attempting defense, but none of their weapons harmed the attacker.  Nevylinn now not only saw - she could feel, feel the heat as the jedi swung their blades. So close. She felt burns as they contacted, but then the jedi weapons fell, useless to the ground, and she watched herself slaughter the jedi. She saw their faces, recognized her comrades, and watched as she murdered her closest friends, one by one.

She was shaking, watching herself commit murder. No. This can't be real. This is a nightmare. Only it didn't feel like a nightmare. It felt real, if not immediately happening.  She looked down at the bloodied faces of those killed.  These were the missing jedi, the ones who had not been seen or heard from.
She saw members of the jedi council, and last of all, she saw the face of Ven Agnant.

Then she looked up at herself, a smug, too-confident version of herself, now drenched in blood.

"How could you?"

"They were weak"

It was the voice that gave way the truth - it was not herself she was looking at.  Not really.  But it was one who looked just like her.


"You're dead."

"Didn't you see? I can't be killed, little sister" Little, meaning born five minutes afterward.

"I saw you dead"

"All a lie meant to fool the weak.  Like you."

"So Dahlia didn't kill you?"

"Dahlia murdered me, just like she told everyone.  And now, I'm destroying the jedi.  Your friends, your colleagues. And soon - soon I will come for you."

Adubell's face began to change - no longer identical to Nevylinn, it grew pale, then ashen-gray in color.

"I will destroy you and everything you stand for, little sister.  And there is nothing you can do to stop me. Only one like me can destroy me. I am immortal, and you are weak.  And when it is done, the galaxy will belong to the sith"

Adubell's image disappeared and Nevylinn could see far off in the distance a glow - or to be precise, not one glow but three - it appeared to be a lightsaber, but had three blades - one, the largest, a deep crimson. The second, slim but long, was pink. Finally a shorter, third blade was black.

Behind the blades, a sphere, massive but too far off to see the details, though it looked a mix of earth and metal. Adubell's heinous, odious voice echoing in the darkness.

"Soon will come the Daughter of Darkness"

Nevylinn woke with a start, her body covered in sweat.

« Last Edit: April 21, 2015, 04:14:00 PM by Medivh »
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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #83 on: April 24, 2015, 08:40:17 PM »
Corporate Sector

D'ian: Surface

Below the main floor of the Gellar estate lays a library, a vault and a gym. Garron Prescott stretches out and begins his routine. He had had to start slow given his injuries. The RSB had done a hell of a job knocking him around. The bruising from where he was beaten with their nightsticks has still not completely vanished. Easing back into his daily workouts was excruciating in the beginning. Dr. Daaé had warned against doing too much too soon. Broken ribs heal slowly.

Garron tapes up his hands, slides on the gloves and takes a few punches at the bag. It had been therapeutic yet painful. He needed an outward way to express his rage without compromising his work. His focus had to be clear. The house must continue to run smoothly and while Kylie handles every minutiae of the operation, he oversees the security. The security detail had been thoroughly vetted post-abduction and only the most highly trained and trustworthy were stationed around the Gellar Estate. He doesn't like Georgie. The guy gives him the creeps. But he'd checked out with a solid yet stoic background in security. Lady Masterton clearly trusted him enough to allow him to accompany Dahlia back to Chandaar. Not like he had much choice in the matter. With his travel privileges revoked, he was grounded from keeping the Winton royal out of trouble off world.

He jabs at the bag, two quick and controlled blows. The contact releases a charge and the anger seeps out of him. Janessa had gone, both having mutually used one another for their own selfish needs. She doesn't mind. Neither does he; not really. She's an absolutely insane fuck but she's not the one he wants.

She isn't Mara.

That's a road he'll never get to explore, never a chance to see what could have been. She had always been shrouded in mystery, so guarded when it came to personal details of her life. But the time they spent together on The Wheel was meaningful. There was something there and he knows Mara felt it too.

He gut-punches the bag then comes up quick for a right hook.

The pain has dulled to discomfort as the vibrations from the hit ripples down his chest. He goes in for a quick volley, short but perfectly positioned punches that would taken any man to the ground. He catches movement from the corner of his eyes and spins to find Dane standing by the free weights.

"Dane," he says. "What's going on?"

"I thought you might be down here."

He seems awkward, strangely timid for him. Dane runs his hands along the levels of weights, tapping them with his palm.

"Well, you were right."

He sighs like it's paining him just to have this conversation.

"I need your help with something."

"With what exactly?"

He motions to the bag then around the room.

Garron isn't following.

"You can work out any time you want but I thought your coach regulated that sort of stuff between practices."

"He does," Dane says. "It's not that. I need to know how to fight."


"Yeah, like, training. To fight."

Garron leans against the bag.

"Is something going on I should know about? Something at school or…?"

"No, nothing like that. I mean, I'm not getting picked on or anything."

"Clearly not."

Dane is tall, almost one point eight meters with broad shoulders and the square Gellar jaw line. He's not exactly burly but naturally toned and athletic. Certainly not what you would call a slouch and with an impressive lineup of supporters including all-star Kier Kincaid, Dane isn't one to be intimidated easily.

"So, why the sudden urge to train?"

He isn't about to tell him the real reason. What's he going to say? The long-dead Valerie Gellar appears now and again to sass and warn him about impending danger? That would sound a whole other series of alarms and Dane would find himself on a couch in one of his mother's colleague's offices quicker than you could snap your fingers. He aims for the more obvious.
"Who we are, you know, means something. To other people. Not all of it good. They came for us before and we could do nothing. I don't want to be that helpless again."

"You shouldn't blame yourself for not being able to free yourself from your captors. Those were extremely dangerous people with powers beyond what we have seen before. Even the Jedi had difficulty engaging them."

"I don't…I mean, not anymore. I know it wasn't our fault. But that doesn't mean we can't be ready in case something like that ever happens again. I need to be able to defend myself or my family. I'm not asking for straight up combat training but I do need to know how to handle myself."

Garron nods.

"That's fair. Have you run this by either of your parents?"

Oh, like Gemma and Dahlia asked permission to study up on the ways of the Force.

"Not exactly. I was thinking this could be something between us."

"Secrets risk harming those we keep them from."

Tell that to his sisters, his parents, anyone with a few choice surnames.

"Every family has secrets," Dane says. "Especially mine. This is more like an agreement between gentlemen. And I'm actually asking for your help so that should count for something."

It did.

Garron is proud of Dane for coming to him with this. He knows the feeling well, personally, and it cuts deep. He could not protect his sister but at least he had the skill set to do so if he knew the former Speaker's thugs would come to that. He understands the place where he is coming from and is not surprised. The Gellar's history was divided between corporate clashes and brutal physical melees.

Dane has come to realize his importance to a scheme he doesn't fully understand. There is a reason Valerie warns him, the same reason Melanie warned Gemma.

In the end, it will always be about you four.

That resonated with him, hitting at something beneath the surface. He does not want to be the only one unprepared for things to come.

"Alright," Garron says. "Hit me."

Dane blinks, "What?"

"Hit me."

"I'm not…like, how…what?"

Garron darts forward, grabbing one of his arms that rise up in defense then turns, spinning Dane up and over his back. He lands with a thud on the mat. Garron sweeps down, a knee against his throat. Not too hard but enough to make the point.
"Never hesitate. If it goes down, those microseconds can be the difference between life and death."

"What the hell, man? What are you like some kind of ninja lawyer?"

"I have become many things over the years. Everyone should have a range of skills, even some that may surprise a few, maybe even an enemy. You wanted to learn. Are you going to whine about it or are you going to let me teach you?"

There is fire in his dark eyes, pushing Garron's knee aside and rolling away and into a crouch. Dane slowly rises to his feet, both hands out with balled fists.

"Good. Now hit me."


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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #84 on: May 06, 2015, 10:19:59 PM »
Corporate Sector

D'ian: Surface

Late one evening, after dinner, Garron Prescott appears in the kitchen as Kylie Miranda oversees the cleanup droids. She turns and spots him, frowning.

"Must you always lurk in the shadows?"

"I need you to come with me. Now."

Her features crease with concern.

"Is something wrong?"

"Kylie, please. The children are upstairs and Lady Masterton is settled in. We won't be gone long."

She nods, moving out of the kitchen and through the hall into the foyer. She pulls on a shawl and follows him through the door. He revs the speeder and sets off away from the Gellar Estate. They ride in silence as the headlights slice through the complete darkness of the surrounding forests. The Concordia Township is left in the distance and clouds that gather above them threaten rain. When he stops in front of the Viiperi Lake House, she glances over at him.

"What are we doing here?"

"The right thing," he says, making his way toward the steps. He taps in his security code and enters the cavernous residence. The motion lights are activated by their presence and Garron weaves through the multi-level villa until he finds the patio doors open and a figure kneeling in meditation.

"I know why you have come."

"Do you?"


Kylie joins him and steps out onto the patio.

"What's going on?"

"Someone is murdering the Jedi and covering their tracks by staging the crime scenes to look like accidents."

Kylie's eyes widen then flicker to Nevylinn.

"Jedi Nevylinn, is this true?"

She nods.

"It is true. I have seen it."

A current of confirmation courses through Garron, his jaw set.

"You know what this means."

"You're concerns for the children are not misplaced. Their very existence places them in danger and I swore to protect them as you both have. They are not as helpless as those that came before them."

"I know Gemma is a Jedi."

"All the more reason to trust her judgment as well as her abilities."

"She's still a child."

"Young, yes, but also wise."

"If they come for you, and they are coming, they will come for her as well."

Kylie holds up a hand to interject.

"Come for her? How do you even know this?"

"A source in the Republic capital."

"A source?" Kylie retorts skeptically. "You mean Janessa? Tell me you aren't taking her word at face value."

"She told me to warn her."

"She's an opportunist."

Garron takes a smug satisfaction in his delivery.

"So is the Imperial."

She inhales sharply but redirects to Nevylinn.

"You believe this information is viable?"

"My dreams confirm it. How she knew to warn me is irrelevant for the moment. The point is that Miss Kain was once a conduit just as Counselor Prescott was."

"Conduit for what?"

"Not for what, for whom."

"A person?"


Nevylinn rises and turns to face them.

"The woman who orchestrated the children's kidnapping."

"The Sith? I thought Dahlia killed her and escaped."

"She did," Nevylinn says. "I saw the body myself. Still, she lives. Reborn. And she has slaughtered my kind with a contemptuous ease. She wants to destroy everything we stand for, for the galaxy to belong to the Sith."

"Can we stop her?"

Nevylinn shakes her head.

"We are not like her."

"How do you know what she's like?"

"Because she is my sister."


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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #85 on: May 11, 2015, 05:05:22 PM »
Corporate Sector

D'ian: Surface: Viiperi Lake

Nevylinn shares her history with Garron and Kylie on the patio of the Gellar Villa as a steady rain patters against the roof. Twins, orphans; one taking a dark turn while the other found light in the Jedi Order under Master Adin Corrin. The darker twin disappeared, returned a Sith with intentions to undermine the peace her sibling had found. Adubell worked with the clones of Mara Tacofer, formerly Mara Anna Gellar, to infiltrate the Republic and then abduct Gemma, Dane and Dahlia from D'ian. The rescue mission, as Garron knows, saw the loss of Corrin and sent them all careening into a new version of the future.

While Adubell was murdered, as Dahlia claims, in her escape attempt, she has found a way to be reborn. Nevylinn describes that it is nowhere near what she resembled before. She conveys the ashen skin and monstrous appearance, someone completely consumed by the dark side of the Force.

There is only one other that shared a similar fate.

Then there is the glaring fact that someone who was once dead, whose body was in Republic custody and observed by the Jedi, is now alive. Garron vividly recalls Mara's admission of what she was and how she came to be. The clone of Valerie Gellar. In some ways, Valerie lives on in Mara and the others. Perhaps not in actuality, created without memories or attachments that the original possessed. They were more like Valerie-shell's yet he never thought of her as such. Mara also implied that Alexander Winton lived on after his death and now, apparently so does Adubell. Revisions to the process? A way to transfer complete consciousness into a new body? A frightening method through which to gain immortality?

Some of this is new for Kylie, life suddenly skewed by the new layer of perspective. The people, the framework, the accelerating plot points marked by horror after horror is enough to make Garron's head spin.

Nevylinn shifts her gaze, addressing both.

"Does the phrase 'Daughter of Darkness' mean anything to either of you?"

Kylie flinches, having only heard the abridged version. She knows enough that these titles meant nothing good.

Garron nods gravely.

"The prophecy."

"Yes," Nevylinn says. "Persephonea. It foretells the role of The Four in galactic events. In it, a daughter of light and daughter of darkness are mentioned."

"Melanie was the light. Karen the dark."

"That is correct. What I saw – my sister – she told me the daughter of darkness is coming."

"That's impossible," Kylie says. "Karen has been dead for well over a decade."

"I know."

"Then who, Dahlia? How is that even possible?"

"I trained Gemma on Naboo. It is reasonable to imagine Adubell trained Dahlia on Korriban."

"True," Garron says. "However, if Adubell was once dead and now lives would it be reasonable to also imagine others might be as well? Or do you really think Dahlia is the one coming for you?"

Nevylinn's face is neutral.

"We do not know what role Dahlia plays. There has always been concern, as I'm sure you understand given her family history."

"She is on the Republic capital," Kylie muses aloud.

"But she wasn't on any of the other worlds when the Jedi were murdered. She was here, in the Sector. What if Adubell has taken up the mantle as daughter of darkness?"

"I'm interested to hear your theory."

"Surely you see the similarities. You, the Jedi, daughter of light. Adubell, the Sith, daughter of darkness. She could just as easily be referencing herself."

"It is a possibility."

Kylie sighs, "Well, you can't stay here. Not if she's coming for you."

"If I go, Gemma would be left unprotected."

"Only if Adubell knows she is a Jedi. Those she has killed are on record, part of the Order. Gemma is not."

"Only Master Agnant knew."

"If what Janessa says is true then Agnant is dead."

"It is. I felt it, deeply."

"Then Gemma won't be the target. Preservation is not cowardice."

Nevylinn's mind flickers first to Gemma then to Demaris. She would be leaving both but Garron does make a point. She would be little good to anyone if she was dead. She nods, accepting she would have to flee in order to regroup.

Garron excuses himself and returns a few minutes later with a black bag he had stashed in the speeder.

"It's an emergency kit, complete with a secure com. The rest you can figure out. If you need us, we'll be here."

Nevylinn holds his stare.

"You do not have to do this."

"Like you said, we all swore to protect them. We need to figure out what the play is and stop it."

The Jedi takes the bag, collects her things and departs in her shuttle. A flash of lightning briefly illuminates the craft as it rises above the lake. Garron watches her go with mixed emotions. He isn't keen on the withholding Gemma's status from Lord Gellar and Lady Masterton but in this case it extended the scope of deniability. With Agnant dead, only Nevylinn, Kylie and Garron know about Gemma. That secret will at least keep her out of immediate harm and buy them time.

Garron locks up the villa and takes a somewhat shell-shocked Kylie back to the Gellar Estate in Concordia where they agree that with this much at stake, keeping secrets between them would not serve the ultimate goal. They reenter the house and assume their traditional duties as if everything was normal. Separately, their minds are wandering. Kylie wants nothing more than for this family to be left alone.

Garron knows they never will be.


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #86 on: May 26, 2015, 12:31:01 PM »
"Hide what you have to hide
And tell what you have to tell
You'll see your problems multiplied
If you continually decide
To faithfully pursue
The policy of truth."

-Depeche Mode

Corporate Sector

D'ian: Surface

Open on the Gellar Estate framed by a deep blue sky tinged with uneven gray clouds.

The end of the school year is signified with a round of grueling finals which sends the children into different states of panic. There are cram sessions and meltdowns which Lady Masterton expertly guides them through. She helps with flash cards and mini-quizzes to ensure each of her children are prepared. In the end, everyone gets through it and the summer holiday officially begins.

Dane continues to train with Garron, learning how to hold his own. They practice every evening and with each lesson, Dane grows stronger and more confident in his abilities. Garron cautions him against using force as a first line of defense. There are so many other ways to diffuse a situation. Garron is a scholar and a lawyer who just happens to have tactical combat training. As Rutherford Gellar's right hand, one can never be too careful. He stresses the importance of being well-rounded, a fact that resonates with Dane as he prepares for the second year of interning at ChemiX.

Gemma has written a collection of songs over the course of the year which was recorded at Galaxiss Records for production and release this summer. They promise big things for her with buzz beginning to build. The song, Lights, was selected as the first single. Despite the coming wave of stardom, Gemma is unsettled by Nevylinn's abrupt departure. Kylie broke the news gently and explained why the Jedi had to leave. There is more alarm than relief in learning many of the other Jedi have been killed. Kylie assures her that her status as a Jedi is secured but that provides little comfort. She also wonders about Demaris. How much had Nevylinn taught her? Would it be enough to keep her hidden from those who wish to bring them harm? These are not questions Kylie has answers to but she insists they move forward as if nothing has changed.

Dahlia is all about summer vacation. While there are many social events scheduled out of societal obligation, she is most excited about her trip. As a present for pulling the grades while balancing a burgeoning career, Lady Masterton had surprised Dahlia with the key to the Winton Penthouse in the Bolerathon Tower on Hesperidium. It is part of her birthright, Celeste told her, and a place to feel connected to her family. Despite her feelings toward Celeste and Rutherford, Dahlia is genuinely touched and hates herself for it. This is one of those rare, mother-daughter bonding moments except she's not her mother. She's Melanie's mother and a villain who played a willing role in the events that led to her family's demise. But the gushing and gratitude are played up marvelously and Celeste believes it. Dahlia invites Muriel, Trichelle, Demaris, Kier and Ples to join her. Karen and her friends summered on the Hessy and Dahlia thinks certain traditions should be kept alive. Granted, they are much further away from the resort world and a security detail contingency was worked into the deal. Lady Masterton would not hear another word about it. Dahlia could deal with them in her own way. The primary focus was the location and venue. Many things had happened in the Bolerathon Tower and she is certain there would be many more to come.


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #87 on: June 23, 2015, 01:52:49 PM »
Corporate Sector

Etti IV: Surface: Mondder

The Cybot Arena is packed to the rafters.

Sur Maaj is closing out his tour with this final show. The crowd loves it and as the set draws to a close, the roar grows louder. The stage goes dark then a series of twinkling lights shimmer across the canvas behind the band. Her voice is distinct in the opening chords to his most popular song to date. A beam of white light hits the curtains as Gemma Masterton, now marketed in the industry as Gem, joins Sur Maaj on stage for Castle Walls.

The applause of a half million people is awe-inspiring.

Sur Maaj addresses the crowd to give it up for Gem's debut single, Lights. Gemma sings her heart out and although it is stylistically much different than Sur Maaj, the audience eats it up. Garron Prescott watches from the side of the stage, feeling a sense of pride as she comes into her own. He bears witness to the public falling for another Masterton.

He knows she is every bit the Jedi her sister was. Gemma has taken a considerable risk in this celebrity venture. The life of a pop star is by no means private. He knows Nevylinn objected. Gemma had told him as much when they broke the news to her that her Master had fled the Sector. Kylie had done most of the talking but he did chime in with the knowledge that he knew her secret. And that he would keep it for now. Gemma told them she needed access, a public maneuverability in places the Jedi were unwelcome. Nevylinn had agreed but still cautioned against the methods through which she achieved this. Melanie was a model and while people wanted to be her, most of the time she was inaccessible, out of reach. Gemma's fans would not only want to be her but they would want to be with her as well. Melanie's face was contained to a digital billboard but Gemma would be live in concert and at appearances. The security aspect of her ascension is not something Garron believes she thought through.

The song ends and the cheers become intolerably loud. Gemma beams a smile and curtsies with Sur Maaj rejoining her for a final encore. Garron marvels at the reaction. Between Dahlia on Chandaar and Gemma in the Sector, the legacy continues.

A new era.


Across the city in Prospect Park, Vex Sienna is on a walk with Kylie Miranda. They had had lunch downtown, a continuing trend of going public with the relationship. No one even so much as blinked. Kylie suspected and much as even Vex is beginning to question why he had been so uptight about it. Since the negotiation with ChemiX for Ibellum, the Empire had largely left Vex alone. He worked the politics in the Direx Board, always keeping their business agenda on track, and schmoozed the big wigs to maintain an easy partnership. Their supplies continue to flow even as word of an engagement at Garqi made its way into conversations over cocktails.

Kylie holds his arm as they wander along a crowded path. The summer had finally turned up the heat and suddenly everyone was outdoors again. Activities of all kinds take place on the stretches of grass while small boats float around one of the lakes. He takes it all in, thinking about how lucky he is, how fortunate he had come off the bridge of a Star Destroyer so he could pal around with captains of industry. Kylie spots an ice cream stand and saunters away to get them a treat. He watches her walk away with a smile.

Vex feels a presence behind him and a voice he recognizes.

"Enjoying the beautiful day?"


"She's quite lovely…for a civilian. What is it she does again? Nanny for teenage children?"

He sighs.

"She's the administrator of the Gellar Estate. Something you already know so why don't you just get to the point and tell me why you are here."

Burke Pallus groans, "So rigid. I'm surprised she hasn't loosened you up more. Tight little ass like that and I wouldn't have a care in the world."

"What do you want?"

"You haven't really been focused on the big picture."

"I've done all that has been asked of me."

"Not all. You let that Jedi on D'ian just slip away. Where did she go? Nobody knows. We don't even know why she was here or what her business with Rutherford Gellar was. Rumor has it that Jedi are disappearing. The Sith Advisors can feel these lives being extinguished but they don't know why. We thought maybe the Jedi on D'ian knew."

"Maybe she does. Guess that means you'll have to find her."

"Now if you had been paying attention, I wouldn't have had to make this trip for nothing. I would have known the Jedi had gone. Instead, I had to come here. At least lecturing you in person makes it all worthwhile."

Kylie is almost to the stand, the line taking a mercifully long time with indecisive children in front of her.

"I'm glad I could serve as your entertainment."

"There is one more thing," Burke says. "We know Dane Gellar is interning at ChemiX. They like to groom their heir apparent early here. The boy is bright and is poised to take the company when his father…retires. Given our business relationship with the company, we want to ensure Imperial interests will be maintained in any future transitions in leadership. You understand."

"You want to use Dane as you use his father. How completely predictable."

"We need the company and its research in our pockets and at our disposal. Your proximity gives you a unique advantage in ensuring this outcome. So, I need you to focus less on your romantic future and more on gaining Dane Gellar's trust."

Vex laughs, shaking his head.

"You don't control me."

Burke sneers, jamming something into his thigh. The pain is sharp, intense. He glances down to see him remove a small syringe and replace it in his jacket.

"Yes we do."

He pats him on the chest and disappears back into the crowd. Vex is woozy, fighting to keep his balance. The world tilts into oblong shapes and his hearing is distorted. He staggers left and collapses on a bench. He is breathing heavily and near losing consciousness. After a minute, everything clears. His breath and heart rate return to normal. Vex scans the crowd but doesn't see Pallus anywhere.

And then Kylie is standing over him holding two cones heaping with ice cream. Her face is backlit by the sun as she smiles and hands him one before joining him on the bench. Vex returns to the smile and brings the ice cream to his lips but a low panic begins to rise from the pit of his stomach.

What did they do to me?


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #88 on: July 13, 2015, 12:20:37 PM »
Corporate Sector

Etti IV: Mondder

When Alka Dawning takes the stage, the audience is captivated by her spell. Her movements are fluid, flawless as the ingénue blossoms before their eyes. The production of Vession opened in a limited run for the summer. Alka had been hand selected from the Olivette Company for the lead which has garnered much attention far and wide.

Dane Gellar had left the ChemiX office with his father to attend. Rutherford was called away by Irulan Reeves, something about a situation in the lab, and sent him on his way. Dane adjusts the fitted suit stretched perfectly over his broad shoulders and took his seat. Watching Alka dance stirs something in him, something the men of the Corporate Sector seldom acknowledge. He grips the arm rests until the very end and only then is he propelled down the stairs to the staging area. Word is sent to Alka that she has a visitor and he is granted access. She exits her dressing room in a simple black dress with her dark hair pulled back. He approaches her steadily, trying to play it cool.

"That was…you were…wonderful."

Alka smiles slyly.

"I was surprised to hear you were attending."

"Trying new things is…good. Besides, I wanted to see you."

"Did you?"

The question is a dare, a game they had been playing since they were children. Now, as adolescents in the throes of the teenage wasteland, the stakes are higher than ever.

"Yeah. I mean, yes. Yes I did. We don't get much of a social life as interns so this was a welcome change. Did I mention how great you were?"

"You did," she says. "Thank you."

Her eyes graze past him.

"What's he doing here?"


"The Imperial liaison."

Dane turns to follow her gaze, spotting Vex Sienna talking to the production manager.

"Mister Sienna?"

"You know him?"

"Yeah, we met."

Vex shakes the production manager hand and walks over. He is impeccably dressed in a tuxedo that looks like it was made specifically for him.

"Dane Gellar, nice to see you again."

"You too."

"And Miss Dawning," he says, taking and kissing her hand. "A sublime performance."

"You are too kind," she replies.

"You two know each other?"

"We go to school together. We're, uh, friends."

"You know, kind of like you went to school with Valerie Gellar," Alka says evenly.

Vex nods, "That’s right. Except we weren't friends. We just traveled in the same circles."

"Lucky you made it out then. From what I read, most of the others did not."

"Alka," Dane says.

"No, she's right. If I hadn't enlisted in the Imperial Navy, I'm not quite sure where I'd be. Or even if I would be. You have a sharp memory, Miss Dawning."

She shrugs, "An appreciation for sordid history."

Kylie Miranda emerges from the crowd backstage, startled to see Dane and Alka staring at her.

"Oh, hello Dane. Alka. Lady Masterton said you may be here tonight. Is Lord Gellar with you?"

"Something came up."

"Right, business."

Dane glances between Kylie and Vex, at his hand in hers.

"Are you two, like, together?"

Alka smirks, "Busted."

"It's not a secret," Kylie says. "I just don't gossip about my personal life with my charges."

"So, my mom and dad know? And they are okay with it?"

Kylie bites her lower lip. There are certain levels of awareness. While she had made it previously clear she had stopped seeing Vex Sienna months ago, Lady Masterton knows they have been in contact. The extent of that contact she left intentionally vague. Celeste is a smart woman. Rutherford must deal with Vex in a professional capacity and although she appreciates his parental-like concern, her personal life is just that.

Vex laughs, "Why wouldn't they be?"

"They are a little sensitive about the Empire. Nothing personal."

"I'm not offended. Everyone is a little sensitive about the Empire. Comes with the territory. Thankfully, my job isn't to crack skulls and enforce policy. I get dressed up, take clients out to lunch and buy things. It's all quite harmless."

"Sounds swanky."

"It can be. The expense account is nice. Speaking of, who's hungry?"

Dane smiles, "Always."

"Actually," Alka says. "Performing does work up an appetite. I'm in."

"Great. My transport is just outside the theater."

Kylie takes his arm and they walk back down the hall. Dane extends his arm in a wildly optimistic gesture. She accepts and they follow. The evening air is still warm but it is always warmer in Mondder. The city traps the heat, driving some people on the brink completely mad. There is so much pressure to succeed in The Sector. Rutherford calls it "corporate crazy" and has seen his fair share of meltdowns. The hoverlimo is idling at the bottom of the steps. People call out to Alka, singing her praises. Vex helps Kylie and Alka in then nods to Dane. The ride is smooth, mostly silent. Everyone is enjoying the afterglow of the performance.

They arrive at Lure, one of the more recent landmark and themed restaurants that have opened around Mondder. Dubbed a gastro-brothel, it has a throwback vibe that celebrates what the building used to be. Vex is instantly shown to a table. One of the many luxuries of knowing everyone around the city. They are seated by the window which overlooks a small promenade scattered with people milling around, in groups or pairs, on this mid-summer's night.

Flutes of champagne are set in front of Vex and Kylie, glasses of sparkling cider in front of Dane and Alka. The host turns to face Alka.

"Compliments of the director on a stunning performance, Miss Dawning."

They each hold up a glass to toast.
"How did they…"

Vex leans back into the booth.

"I knew the theater crowd would be here tonight. This place is exactly their speed. Might as well revel in the celebration. It's your night. Enjoy."

Before they order, Alka and Kylie excuse themselves. Alka draws bouts of applause as she passes tables. Kylie cheer her on. Dane turns back to Vex.

"So, you knew my…." Dane trails off, floundering on how she was actually related to him. It's so complicated. Half-uncle? Who knows? "You knew Valerie Gellar."

"I did."

"What was she like?"

"We didn't spend that much time together. I knew Karen Winton better."

"Wasn't she, like, crazy?"

"That was the other one."

"Oh, right. But you, like, got with her. Karen, I mean."



Vex can sense he is fishing for a story, something to connect him to his family through something other than business. His relationship with the group was peripheral at best since he made all attempts to avoid them, especially Valerie Gellar.
"Honestly, I didn't see much of Valerie in high school. There were mostly glances, places we both happened to be. I only ever really interacted with her the summer I spent on Hesperidium with Karen."


"And she was pretty brutal. Girl knew how to party though."

Dane snickers, "Brutal, huh?"

"Completely cold but I guess that's understandable given…"

"Given what?"

Vex swallows, the memories flooding back. He had not really thought about it in a very long time. All the bloodshed on Coruscant. The string of murders surrounding The Four. Alexia did a number on them. That summer was beyond anything he had ever experienced, fresh off his first year at the Imperial Naval Academy.  All their friends had been killed right before graduation then Coruscant was destroyed shortly before Melanie got arrested and the epic parties thrown by people who had lost everyone they had ever known raged for days. It was sheer madness. Valerie spiraled out of control. Kimber barely left the Bolerathon Tower. And a maniacally frisky Karen plotted to break Melanie out of jail. His involvement could have affected his Academy enrollment and he protested. She thought that was a "bitch move" and sent him packing. He had passed Valerie on the way out and she said, without even glancing up, "Thanks for playing and have a nice day."

This is not the story he wants to tell.

"Nothing. Brutal."

Dane looks disappointed.

Vex's body stiffens, eyes dilating briefly.

"How's the internship?"

"It's going well. They want us to experience all aspects of the business so they started us in the mailroom last year, running errands and stuff. Now we do a lot of admin work and shadow some of the executives. Next summer we'll be in the labs."

"Smart. They want to make sure you are prepared."

"I need to be prepared," Dane says. "If I want the company one day."

"Is that what you want for your future?"

"More than anything."

"The Gellar's have done great things and have many allies as well as enemies. The real trick is to know the difference."

Dane cocks his head to the side, narrowing his gaze across the table.

"And what are you?"


"To put it simply, I am a revenue stream. A profit margin. Client relations are an important part of any business. Without clients you have no business. The reputation you have with existing clients gets you new clients. You have to play the game if you want to win."

"You sound like Dahlia."

"Do I?"

"She loves playing games. All the pretense on D'ian, the social order of things. She loves it."

Kylie and Alka appear at the edge of the dining room, making their way back toward the table.

Vex wraps it up with something to chew on.

"That makes sense. She is a Winton. That name carries weight behind it, good and bad. Its legacy can carry her far but, much like the Gellar's and Masterton's, new ground must be broken. You have to reinvent yourself. Keep the legacy going. I can help with that."

Dane considers this.

"Good to know."


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #89 on: September 14, 2015, 04:23:45 PM »
Corporate Sector

The summer had been a whirlwind of activity for the Gellar-Masterton family. Rutherford was suddenly consumed with Direx Board affairs once the Empire had called for peace. The board is trying to stay ahead of the curve, deliberating on how the potential outcomes would affect their bottom lines. Vex Sienna had been tasked with mitigating wild speculation from the various members but kept it vague. He isn't certain how the talks would resolve but he had a pretty good idea. The Republic would accuse the Empire of baiting them with the prospect of peace and the Empire would cite the Republic's inability to evolve. The war of words would be heated and full of intrigue.

Oh, to be a fly on that wall.

The seemingly continuous meetings and functions gave Dane a chance to see how the board worked. Since he is named as his father's successor, knowing how the Direx Board operated would give him insight if he served on it in the future. Rutherford included him on such outings and it gave Vex more opportunity to spend with the Gellar heir while his father was distracted or pulled away in meetings. Dane may have been skeptical about the Empire's motives but he thought Vex was pretty cool. Every meeting brought him more favor and in exchange he would share a story from his past. They bond over a shared love of athletics and Vex's glory days playing Chin-Bret in the arena. Dane marvels at the tales of someone who experienced The Four from the sidelines. Vex was rarely directly involved in anything they did but watched it unfold around him. All the things other kids said about them, the mystery, allure and fear that sprinkled the stories they told. Some thought they were inspiring, others believed them cursed. Dane's favorite story is of the time a select few students of North Coruscant High were invited to attend a Grand Moff gala in which Valerie got drunk and performed a highly provocative dance up on one of the Emperor's advisors while an amused Vex and a horrified Melanie watched on. Needless to say, Valerie was escorted out in a spectacle that involved screaming obscene expletives as Kimber adorably apologized to dignitaries.

All Dane can think is: what a badass.

True to the Gellar name, Valerie did want she wanted, the worlds be damned! It's a wonder she pulled her shit together enough to save the Corellian Sector.

A zillion lightyears away, the Imperial agents Max and Xam pull his strings, tapping into memories and experiences that would endear the boy to Vex. The Empire must have advantage with Dane where they did not with Rutherford.
Gemma, on the other hand, is all the rage.

Over the course of the summer she has gone from upcoming musical darling to a fully fledged pop star. Her EP sold millions of copies with a rising profile that now hinders her ability to casually appear in public. Garron assembled a specialized team to form her security detail. There was talk of pulling her out of Valor Prep to accommodate a tour schedule but Celeste put her foot down. The contract with Galaxiss Records had built in stipulations; something that Celeste ensured was both regulated and enforced. There is no way her daughter was going to skip out on obtaining a first-rate education for the sake of celebrity. In some ways, she feels like her children are growing up too fast. One minute they are normal teenagers going on about their days and the next there are modeling contracts and internships and tour dates. Celeste has always known her children were never ordinary but felt as though the transition crept up more quickly than she would have liked. Alas, they cannot be her babies forever. It was time to trust them and hope that all that she and Rutherford had instilled in them would lead to good choices.

As a mother she would always worry.

Dahlia's exploits on Hesperidium drew attention in the Sector but the fare was far less salacious than the Holo expected. There were no drunken antics or misbehaving teens which Celeste took great pride in. It seems all they did was go to the beach, talk on their com-links, get dressed up, eat at fancy restaurants and dance. It could be worse, a lot worse and so she counted her blessings. Soon Dahlia and her friends would return home for the start of fall semester. Truth be told, Celeste will feel much better having everyone back under one roof.

Celeste loves this time of year.

It is a time of reflection and change.

Change being the operative word.
