Author Topic: CC: Corporate Greed  (Read 145532 times)

Offline Syren

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CC: Corporate Greed
« on: December 27, 2012, 09:36:49 PM »
Corporate Greed

Corporate Sector

Etti IV: Surface: Mondder

Vex Sienna watches in a bemused horror as the Direx Board effectively turns on each other. The screaming matches are generally tiresome posturing over alleged infringement on production copyright or the bitter accusations over market shares. This is something much different. The entire Direx Board, including Vex, had met with and answered the questions of the Espos regarding the kidnapping of the Gellar-Masterton children. The affair had been quite routine in an attempt to establish motive an opportunity. It was all very procedural and straightforward. While he certainly had opportunity, given his location during the time at which the kidnapping occurred, he also had an airtight alibi provided by Kylie Miranda's sworn statement. This absolved him of motive as well since one does not move a relationship forward by arranging the abduction of their paramour's employers children. It also did not serve Imperial interests, as Vex had so eloquently pointed out. Such a tactic would jeopardize a business relationship too lucrative to lose in these uncertain times. The Empire wished to expand and to do so they would need supplies provided by many of the Corporate Sector's finest company's. They may be ruthless at times but they are hardly stupid.

Once these inquiries were complete, those who were brought in for further questioning now lashed out at Iver Aguilar, hurling accusations that they had been set up to appear guilty before the Espos. There were several companies who stood to lose shares if the Trade Federation were granted Republic permits and these members were now the focus of the investigation. Iver Aguilar was in full compliance with the department's requests but it now put him in a perilous situation, amplified by the fact  that the Direx Board Prex, D'Ken Dawning, was one of the primary suspects. One of the prevailing theories is that Dawning had first championed the idea of Gellar's negotiations with the Federation but, displeased with the progress, had staged the kidnapping in hopes blame would be cast upon the Federation and the Republic would refuse them outright. But Federation involvement was ruled out by Gellar himself. It made sense. If they were to appear reformed before the Republic Senate, abducting the Sector Ambassador's children would hardly plead that case. There were even rumors that Gellar was close to a deal that would maintain Sector interests while allowing the Federation to compete fairly within the Republic markets. The fact that the Federation was being considered at all has not gone over well with anyone. Gellar's reputation, which would normally be called into question given his failure to stop the Federation, is now overshadowed by the possibility someone on the Direx Board may have further hindered the negotiations. If it was found true, the Corporate Sector could lose considerable credibility in the eyes of the Republic.

That is why Iver Aguilar has made a call for action. Leniency would be shown if the guilty party confessed and delivered the children safety back to D'ian. There were much larger issues to consider than the loss of shares or the disagreement over the tactics within the negotiations. The Sector's reputation may be at stake.

Since no one has confessed, they rage and the board descends into chaos.


D'ian: Surface: Gellar Estate

Kylie Miranda tends to the house as she normally would, retaining some of the routines before the kidnapping. Others had to be amended given the absence of the children and the increased Espos presence within the Concordia Township. After giving her statement, she and Vex had agreed to remain apart out of respect for Celeste. No one thought she would trust an Imperial agent but Kylie did not expect her to make an attempt on his life. That kind of power is not something she wished to witness again and so she cares for the lady of the house the best she can.

Lady Celeste Masterton slides effortlessly between brave yet anguished mother and unhinged emotional wreckage. She spends many hours a day locked in her office, pouring over datacards filled with old documents about the prophecy and notes from Henrick's research. She had locked these things away so long ago, determined never to look upon them again. A small part of her knew that one day she would be forced to confront these awful truths about a past from which there seems to be no escape. In her heart, she knows the Direx Board is innocent yet she allows them to continue suspecting otherwise. Their bickering keeps them occupied while the Jedi assist her husband and the Federation Ambassador in finding the children. She cannot consider any other alternative at this point. They must be found and returned safely. She does, however, muse upon the motives. Celeste is no fool. She knows they were taken because of who they are. This has nothing to do with Rutherford's business or even the Federation negotiations. It has everything to do with The Four and the legacy Dahlia, Dane and Gemma represent. She knew this day would come. There is no amount of preparation she could have done, no home safe or loving enough to keep out those truths.

This is sealed by the images of the woman's face as she dragged Dahlia away.

A face Gemma had told her the enemy would have.

Valerie's face.

How this could even be possible is a concept she can barely fathom. For anyone to create something in Valerie's image is simply cruel and tasteless. The only person capable of such treachery was killed by Mara Tacofer. The last of Alexander Winton's scheming was gone...or so they believed. The Corellian reporter's story told of henchmen working within the Imperial machine to serve Winton's goals. The rogue agent, named Marius Guile, was stopped by Kimber Patten. And the brainwashed girl, the missing North Coruscant student, Tenley Price, slain by Melanie. Could there have been others? Even after all this time? Could someone truly have lay in wait for just the right moment - when everyone is comfortable and all seems right with the worlds, then they strike? It's fitting, in a sick, sad way. She considers it may even be punishment for their inaction with Melanie and Valerie. Rutherford never revealed himself. Celeste never rescued her daughter. Neither saved them from a fate so meticulously orchestrated by another. Perhaps this a final testament to their previous failures.

In the case of Alexander Winton, there was always another shoe waiting to drop.

« Last Edit: August 10, 2014, 07:03:35 PM by Syren »

Offline Syren

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Corporate Greed
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2013, 02:03:17 PM »
Corporate Sector

D'ian System: Gellar Estate

Kylie Miranda arranges a bouquet of flowers on the island in the kitchen. She frowns, dissatisfied and rearranges them. Vex had sent them with a lovely note that said he was thinking about her. The joy this brings is tempered by the reality of the situation. The children are still missing and Lady Masterton is in a desperate situation. Earlier this morning while she was straightening up the room, Kylie found a half empty bottle of Capra wedged between the headboard and mattress. She knows Lord Gellar's company manufactures this powerful painkiller and that it can be highly addictive if not administered properly. She also knows that Celeste Masterton was not prescribed Capra as she is privy to all the prescriptions the family is taking ranging from vitamins to antibiotics.

Kylie fears that Lady Masterton may be taking the Capra in order to cope with the anxiety and loss of the children. She understands the impulse but believed someone of Celeste's stature and profession would know better. Her first instinct would be to approach Lord Gellar but seeing as he has been on Chandaar for several months, this isn't really an option. She replaces the bottle but decides to keep a closer tab on Celeste's behaviors which, up to this point, had been wildly unpredictable.

Lost in thought, she barely hears her com-link ringing on the countertop. Kylie shakes off the thoughts and reaches for the device.


"Kylie, it's Garron."

"Hi! How is everything?"

"We have a lead. The Jedi probes have picked up the signal from the limo. We are preparing to leave shortly to investigate."

"That's wonderful news!" Kylie says, beaming. "Lady Masterton will be so thrilled with the news."

"Speaking of the Lady, how is she?"


"Has she been...acting strangely?"

"I'm not sure I understand what you mean."

Garron pauses briefly, "Has she been behaving out of character?"

Self-medicating is not uncommon from what she has read.

"Outside of what a mother whose children were kidnapped would normally be acting? I don't believe so. Why?"

"Lord Gellar is suffering greatly, his emotional state deteriorating, and the Jedi believe his emotions are being influenced by the Sith."

Kylie gasps, horrified.

"The Sith? that possible?"

"We don't know but if Gellar is being targeted, there is a chance that Masterton is as well."

Kylie's eyes automatically raise up, mind spinning toward the bottle she found. What if this method of coping isn't something Celeste thought of on her own? What if something or someone is pushing her to these actions?

"What would you like me to do?"

"Keep a close watch, Kylie. We don't yet know what we're dealing with. I'll call you when we know more."

Kylie clicks off, trying to keep her breath from coming out in pants. She moves quickly up the stairs and down the long corridor toward the master bedroom. She retrieves the pills, finding that more of them had been taken. Kylie enters the bathroom and flushes the remainder, slipping the bottle into her pocket. She then starts a search for others. If there are people influencing the situation, playing upon the fragile emotional state of the parents, they could be pushing them toward a sinister resolution. As the aide to the Lady of the house, Kylie Miranda would ensure this would not happen.


Offline Syren

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Corporate Greed
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2013, 02:22:54 PM »
Corporate Sector

D'ian Sytem: Valor Prep

In the dance studio, Alka Dawning draws her arm up and away from the barre as she bourrée's to the middle of the floor. This was much more exciting when Gemma was here. They had been dancing since they were children and it had always been something both looked forward to. Something only they shared. Now she needed the silence to escape the unrest rippling through the student body and to quiet her own mind from the allegations leveled against her father. For some reason, the Espos believe he had something to do with the kidnapping. Her father's distaste for Rutherford Gellar aside, he had always been fond of Gemma. She brought out the best in everyone she knew which is why her absence is so difficult for Alka. Not that she would admit it. To do so would be to show weakness and there are others who needed protection more than she does. Preston has not taken the loss of his friends very well at all and this sensitivity has left him open to scrutiny from other students. Surprisingly, Roman has been a great source of comfort. It strikes her as odd since Roman used to tease Preston when they were younger. Now he hovers near him nearly every moment they are on campus. Alka thinks it's sweet but knows that others will question it. Any behavior outside of what is expected in their world will be called out and often ridiculed. This is both ridiculous and offensive. She reaches high and performs several pirouette's before easing onto one knee and gracefully bowing forward.

After practice, Alka wanders the halls until being drawn out to the quad by the sound of many voices. A group has gathered around a makeshift stage. Students of almost every age group are present. She moves closer, spotting Kier Kincaid holding a microphone to address the crowd. Behind him, Muriel Monroe, Tobias Harkan and Trichelle Corinthos stand with stern expressions on their faces. Kier is calling for a cease and desist of student action against the school administration. As Dahlia's friends, they do not believe the school was involved nor were they negligent or culpable in the kidnapping of the Gellar-Masterton children. He calls upon the students to let the authorities do their job in finding them and they all attempt to move on in spite of their very personal feelings about the missing.

Alka is impressed. For a jock the speech is impassioned and articulate, things she was unaware Kier Kincaid was capable of. Clearly he had help in creating it, most likely from Trichelle's father's chief counsel who represents the Corinthos empire. The speech goes over fairly well, given the circumstances. The cheers are numerous but the meaning may be double-sided. With Dahlia gone, the student body is without someone to look to for guidance and direction. The social order has been overturned yet again. She doesn't remember how Dahlia managed to somehow become the coolest girl in the entire school, only that it felt obvious therefore it was never questioned. Kier doesn't seem clever or conniving enough to make an attempt to usurp Dahlia's power but Trichelle, who the power was taken from, does. No doubt she will make a play to reclaim her position that is, if Kier, Tobias and Muriel go along with it. That doesn't seem likely but the responsibility may now fall on all of them to lead the students through this crisis.


Offline Syren

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Corporate Greed
« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2013, 08:17:34 PM »
Corporate Sector

D'ian System: Surface: Gellar Estate

Lady Celeste Masterton pulls back the many decorative throw pillows on the bed and reaches between the headboard and mattress. Finding nothing, she returns to the master bathroom mildly annoyed and scans the medicine cabinets. Nothing. There is an urgency that grows within her as the effects of the previous dose begin to wear off. The painful reality of her situation and failure return with so many glaring emotions she no longer wishes to feel. She moves quickly to her office and pulls open the drawers.

The news that the Jedi had found the limo's signal was merely a short-lived relief. Doubt and fear quickly closed in, driving her back to the Capra that brought such peace. This behavior is not a healthy one. Even she recognizes that. Years ago, when Monica turned to the bottle to drown out Alexander's incessant scheming, Celeste had frowned upon it. Now she understands and tells herself she has everything under control. The pills only help to dull the pain and keep together the facade she must maintain in their very public lives.

Celeste has issued no statement and given no interview, a move which she hoped would simply transition their attention elsewhere. This was not the case and the media has grown more curious as the Espos begin to eliminate suspects within the Direx Board. The lack of evidence was mounting yet the motive lies in many. They want the photage of the grieving mother next to the anguished headlines with the children's faces in little ominous boxes. She would give them no such pleasure. And on the occasion she must be out and about, the doses of Capra keep the poise required in public.

The drawers of her desk reveal no medication. Anger swells and Celeste slams them closed and storms downstairs to find Kylie Miranda finishing up in the kitchen. The wild look on Lady Masterton's face would normally have startled the young au pair had she not been expecting it.

"Is there something I can help you with, m'lady?"

"Yes," Celeste says lowly. "I need my medicine."

"Medicine? I am not aware of any medications you are currently on. Are you not feeling well, Lady Masterton? Shall I call doctor Daaé?"

"No. You know what I am talking about. My medicine. Where have you hidden it?"

Kylie keeps the island between them.

"I'm afraid I don't. Perhaps you can enlighten me."

Celeste's eyes narrow considerably, "Don't patronize me, miss Miranda. I want those pills and I want them now."

"I know you live in anguish and pain..."

"You know nothing of my pain!!" Celeste screams, lunging forward.

Kylie reels back against the counter, gasping.

"Lady Masterton, please..I am only trying to help."

Celeste snatches a glass from the island and hurls it at Kylie. It misses, barely and shatters against the far wall. Kylie cries out and runs toward the dining room. Celeste chases after her, enraged by the seeming betrayal. She runs right into the arms of Vex Sienna, who had been listening in the shadows. She shouts, struggling as doctor Daaé emerges through the foyer to witness Lady Masterton completely unhinged. The table and chairs begin to shake, pictures and ornaments flying across the room. Lights flicker and dim and there is a distinct hum of energy in the room. The doctor needs no further proof and sweeps in to produce a syringe filled with a powerful sedative and they all watch as Celeste goes limp in Vex's arms.
After she had uncovered the pills and spoken with Garron about Rutherford Gellar's compromised emotional state, Kylie had called for reinforcements. She notified Vex and asked him to come to D'ian. Then she called doctor Daaé and explained what she knew. He was skeptical of an outside influence through the Force and she begged him to see for himself. The display did not disappoint. Something was indeed wrong with Celeste Masterton. Kylie insisted that discretion is key and that until the situation was resolved, Lady Masterton was a danger to herself and to others. The doctor and his aides whisk Celeste away under the cover of darkness.

Kylie crumbles into the arms of Vex Sienna.

"You are safe now."

"Am I? Oh, Vex. I hope I've done the right thing."

"She is not herself right now. Let them help her."

She pulls back, staring up into his face.

"And if they can't? What if Lord Gellar and Lady Masterton are lost forever?"

He holds her close, unsure of how to answer. All he knows is that the dark side can be elusive and unpredictable, driving people to unspeakable acts. There was a saying that had always stuck with him through the years.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.


Offline Syren

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Corporate Greed
« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2013, 07:20:56 PM »
Corporate Sector

Etti IV: Surface: Mondder

ExO Iver Aguilar stands before the 54 present members of the Direx Board and waits until the murmurs have quieted down. With the Espos clearing those suspected in connection with the kidnapping, the Direxs have been in far better spirits which Iver will now unfortunately have to crush. He addresses them in a low, even tone, one that commands attention and would convey the dire nature of the message.

“Members of the board, a travesty has been committed in our name. Reports from Chandaar, confirmed by our liaison Janessa Kain, cite that the Federation Ambassador has undermined the Sector and secured trading permits within Republic borders.”

This sends a palpable ripple through the room.

“Allegations have been made that this board had staged the kidnapping of the Gellar-Masterton children as a stall tactic against Federation progress and that Rutherford Gellar had been sent to Chandaar specifically to undermine the negotiation.”

“That’s outrageous!” D’Ken Dawning shouts, rising angrily from his chair. While their original goal may have been to circumvent the Federation obtaining permits in the first place, it became clear that would not be a possibility and they were forced to changed tactics. “We were all cleared of those charges!”

Finnius Dyre nods, “And assured by Gellar himself that Sector interests would be maintained during these negotiations.”

“Clearly that is not the case!” Balthazar Nash bellows. “What evidence did the Federation present that would indicate our involvement?”

Other outbursts followed, shouting similar questions.

Unrest begins to grow.

Iver Aguilar levels his gaze.

“Obviously, the Trade Federation has fallen back into its treacherous ways. Miss Kain stated that visual evidence was presented to the Senate which showed the children were abducted in the hoverlimo provided to our executive board members.”

“But that information was released to the press! Surely the Republic media knew this as well. Their driver was murdered and found outside the academy on D’ian. That is hardly damning evidence.”

“True but there is also alleged photage of a larger transport carrier with Corporate Sector markings that fled the system with the Gellar’s limo.”

“Heresy!” D’Ken Dawning shouts. “They agreed to negotiations only to set us up! Tell me the Senate did not fall for what could have very easily been doctored photage?”

“Permits were issued by a unanimous vote following the presentation.”

Outrage explodes across the board members.
Vex Sienna, who had only returned to Etti IV when the emergency meeting was called, signals he wished to speak. Aguilar allows it.

“Forgive my interference but how did the Federation Ambassador come upon this alleged photage?”

“The Ambassador claimed it was taken from media outlets here in the Sector.”

“Has this been confirmed?”

“It has.”

“Then I imagine that is why the Espos questioned everyone. They fell for it as well. Convincing, certainly but not conclusive. Has the carrier been identified?”

Iver shakes his head.

“The Espos are working on it as we speak but there are far more damaging repercussions here. Not only is the Republic wishing to outfit their borders with the old Federation gravity well nets, the Ambassador is requesting the Senate limit or temporarily revoke our trading privileges while offering to supply our merchandise for slashed prices.”

As one could expect, this last bit goes over like a million tons of durasteel.
“How dare they even suggest it!”

“They must be stopped immediately!”

“I have tasked Miss Kain with appealing to their sensibilities, given the Federations history of galactic deception. While their granted permits are entirely out of our hands at this point in time, I am confident we will prevail in clearing our name. We will work diligently to uncover where this mysterious carrier came from and if the Federation played a part in orchestrating the kidnapping as means to sabotage the negotiations. Meeting adjourned.”

As the group disbands, some in shock while others are infuriated beyond belief, Vex Sienna finds his way to Iver Aguilar.

“If I may have a word, your Leadership.”

He nods, ushering him away from the meeting chamber.

“How can I help you representative Sienna?”

“Where is Rutherford Gellar?”

Iver arches a brow, intrigued.

“For an Imperial liaison, you seen to have a keen interest in this.”

Vex flashes a grin.

“The success of the Direx Board and the companies it represents as well as the products it produces is of great value to the Empire. If you are being undermined or sabotaged, we wish for it to be resolved swiftly and will provide any assistance you require.”

“Noted,” Iver says. “I was told that Gellar received a lead regarding the children and left Chandaar to follow up with his personal valet and a Republic Counselor. The oddity of it all is that there were implications that the Federation Ambassador was willing to assist in this endeavor.”

“Did he say where?”

“Not to my knowledge. Why do you ask?”

“If you believe the Federation is deliberately attempting to destroy your relationship with the Republic then it’s entirely possible they diverted Gellar in order to make this announcement.”

“You sound fairly confident.”

“Well,” Vex shrugs, “The Empire knows a thing or two about misdirection. Tread carefully, your Leadership or the Federation may destroy all that you have worked so hard to achieve. If you can prove they are to blame then you can bet those permits will be revoked permanently and their reputation obliterated. For now, however, it is your reputation at stake. Without evidence, the Republic will rule against you. How confident are you in your liaison?”

Iver smiles for the first time all day.

“Janessa Kain can be quite convincing.”


Offline Syren

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Corporate Greed
« Reply #5 on: January 25, 2013, 05:50:43 PM »
Corporate Sector

D’ian System: Surface

A thousand kilometer’s away from the Concordia Township lies a dense swath of forest surrounding Lake Viiperi. Expansive vacation retreats peak out from between the tree along the vast shores. Named after one of the first explorers of D’ian, it had become the premiere destination to relax or recover. In Lady Celeste Masterton’s case, it was the latter.

Doctor Dalton Daaé, the Gellar-Masterton’s concierge physician had whisked Celeste away to their lakeside manor so he could help treat her outside of the prying eyes and pressure of the media. She has been sedated for nearly twenty-four standard hours during which time he had kept her hydrated and nourished to assist with the detox. Her initial test results indicated a dangerously high level of the painkiller Capra, exactly as Miss Miranda had stated. Given her size and the dosage, Celeste was nearing overdose. Neither he nor Miss Miranda know how long she had been taking these pills or how she was able to obtain them without a prescription. He certainly did not prescribe them and, to the best of their knowledge, Lord Gellar could not provide them through ChemiX without authorization. The bottle they were found in was unlabeled making him wonder if she had obtained them from a friend or colleague. Being a psychiatrist, Celeste can write prescriptions but not for herself. The mystery deepened when Miss Miranda suggested Lady Masterton was being negatively influenced through the Force. This is not something he is particularly well-versed in aside from knowing that Celeste and her children were sensitive to it. Of the four, Dahlia was by far the most affected with a midi-chlorian level higher than he had ever seen followed by Gemma then Celeste then Dane.

This information was not publicly released. Given the family history, he is not surprised.

Dalton monitors Celeste closely, taking her vitals every hour to spot any changes or irregularities. She seems peaceful now, slumbering in the giant bedroom with the shades drawn. He hopes that once he has the drugs out of her system they can begin to address the nature of her addiction and how best to keep her healthy.


The following morning, Kylie Miranda comes to visit. With Vex on Etti IV for business, she felt it would be best to check in and see how Lady Masterton is doing. She feels somewhat guilty for staging the scene in such a dramatic fashion but things were getting a bit out of control. Kylie certainly does not want harm to come to Celeste, especially now that she has received word about the Federation Ambassador’s move before the Republic Senate. Vex said the Direx Board reaction to these events were less than civilized. Kylie can’t even imagine nor does she want Celeste to lose it over the fact that she was mistrustful of that Ambassador the whole time. Doctor Daaé greets her warmly and brings her upstairs where Celeste has eaten breakfast and is now reading in bed. She glances up and smiles, a reaction Kylie was not expecting.

“Please come in. Sit.”

Kylie crosses the room and sits on the bedside, “How are you feeling?”

“Better, thank you. I…don’t remember much unfortunately. I can’t recall how I even got here. It’s all a blur.”

“Perhaps that is best for now.”

Celeste frowns, “Was I horrible?”

“You were out of sorts, m’lady. Doctor Daaé is taking great care of you now and no one is the wiser.”

“That’s a relief,” she says, touching the side of her head. “In fact, I haven’t felt this kind of clarity in days. Everything became so clouded, oppressive. There seemed to be no escaping it.”

Kylie nods, “We believe you and Lord Gellar are being targeted.”


“Through the Force. When Garron called to let us know the Jedi had found a signal and were leaving to investigate, he also asked about your behavior and emotional state. It seems Lord Gellar was also acting strangely and the Jedi were convinced it was the work of the Sith. Somehow, they were influencing your emotions.”

Celeste’s blue eyes widen, “Do you believe it has something to do with the children?”

“I don’t know. It may. All I know is that you were not behaving like yourself. You almost killed Vex in the sitting room and I have never seen you abuse any substance before. I was very concerned.”

“Yes, the Imperial. I vaguely remember that. I used…my powers.”

“Something I have not seen you do either.”

“I didn’t think I had it in me. All I felt was hopelessness and despair, like nothing would ever be right or happy again. I felt like we had lost the children forever and that I was alone. Has there been any further word from Rutherford or Garron?”

She shakes her head.

“Not yet, m’lady. I’m certain they will let us know the moment they can.”

“And the Imperial? He’s still with us?”

Kylie smiles, “Yes, he’s alive and terribly frightened of you.”

“I may have overreacted,” Celeste says, taking her hand. “But it’s because I worry about you. No doubt he is charming and so very handsome but he is still an agent of the Empire.”

“He has done a great deal to try and help us. He rushed after the limo without so much as a thought about his own safety. And I think it’s because he did know Melanie and their friends that he acted so quickly. He knows that most of the things that happened to them were out of their control, things he and others could not prevent. Trying to save them may have been a reacting to not being able to save the others.”

Celeste regards her seriously, folding her hands in her lap.

“Do you know what happened to his high school sweetheart, Kylie?”


“It was in that dreadful story the Corellian reporter wrote but I only knew what I had read in the tabloids, what we had been led to believe happened. Her name was Tenley Price, a popular cheerleader from North Coruscant High. She attended the sixteenth birthday party for Melanie and her friends where she was abducted by Alexia Winton and placed into an experimental Imperial program while her friends and family were left with no solace or hope. Tenley was not seen again for years, which is why Vex moved on briefly with Karen. Everyone assumed she was dead. It wasn’t until Melanie went to Tatooine to rescue the reporter that she turned up again. She had been brainwashed by the Empire, turned into an assassin who claimed responsibility for murdering Nikoli Venko, the girls chief of security in high school and who would have murdered the reporter had Melanie not stopped her.”

Kylie’s mouth falls open.

Celeste continues, “This is the faction he swears allegiance to, an Empire that would turn his girlfriend into a killer.”

“How could he have known that?”

“It’s likely he didn’t. Not at the time. But the story, documentary and subsequent cineplex feature were released galaxy-wide. I’m certain he discovered the truth when we did and yet he continues his service to the Empire.”

“Are you telling me to stay away from him?”

Celeste shrugs.
“All I am saying is that the Force is not the only thing that can influence a person.”


Offline Syren

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Corporate Greed
« Reply #6 on: February 04, 2013, 04:23:51 PM »
Corporate Sector


Surface: Lake Viiperi: Gellar Manor

Once her system is flushed, Celeste confronts her worst fears in the cold glare of sobriety. She admits to Doctor Daaé what she could not admit to herself for so long and he listens as both her physician and trusted friend.

As much as it frightened her to lose her children, there is no escaping who they are and what legacy flows within their veins. What she fears most is that the children, regardless of their cherished upbringing, will inevitably suffer the same fates as those who came before them. She and Rutherford had fought hard to raise them all in an environment where they felt safe and loved. They communicated and maintained an active supportive presence in their lives.

These are luxuries not afforded to the original Four.

Celeste’s professional opinion in regards to Melanie and her doomed friends was that through Alexander Winton’s manipulations, The Four came of age in a world of dangerous lies. There was no certainty or safety. There were no finely drawn boundaries. No clear understanding of love and support. They were left to their own devices, lost in a sea of privilege and excess. It’s no wonder they became who they were and for many years she carried a great deal of guilt about her part in perpetuating it.

Dahlia, Gemma and Dane were going to be different. This time, she and Rutherford had complete control of the environment in which they would raise their children. It was the do-over neither deserved but were none the less granted. Celeste could not have been more grateful. Despite everything they had done, this scenario, the danger, had always lurked in the back of her mind. Even after all this time, after all the joy and triumphs of their offspring, she still feels like a failure, as if everything they had done was never going to be enough to protect them from who they are.

By some divine grace, Celeste, Rutherford and Dahlia had escaped Alexander’s plan. They had not befallen the fates of so many others. They were allowed to live, to start anew, and to grow outside of the roles they were cast in by a director so merciless it humbles. Gemma and Dane were the unexpected bonuses of survival. They were united as a family and she prayed every night it would remain that way. The delusion became distorted and heavy as the children grew, each one more like the one before as the days passed - Dane’s brash nature, Gemma’s compassion, Dahlia’s astounding obsession with personal appearance. It all seemed to be slipping through their fingers. They were powerless to stop it and Rutherford seemed content to allow it. Strange, considering he had been the one who remained convinced Alexander’s associates lurked throughout the galaxy ready to pounce on any opportunity. She doesn’t know what changed but as the years passed; he became less suspicious, less convinced of the ever-present threat to their safety. That is why they had been weaned off the vaccine but still, there were certain questions unanswered.

In her research, Celeste had come across stories with elements of the Persephonea Prophecy. She had studied the similarities and differences in many different cultures across the galaxy. This had been, in part, to alleviate her own fears about the children’s fates, but also to untangle and understand the lies she and Rutherford had allowed themselves to believe. Like so many prophecies, there are figures and actions central to its fulfillment. Legend, prophecy, religion; they all share certain archetypes in the hero’s and antihero’s of the lore. She believes the archetypes were known by Alexander Winton and subsequently assigned to The Four. While there are many throughout the texts and cultures, the four in question are the sinner, savior, leverage and sacrifice. The sinner is corrupt or morally compromised in some way leading to acts that live in infamy. The savior is a tragic figure who, through precognition or insight, discovers the plot and must fight against it despite the risks to their own life. The leverage archetype varies depending on the culture but generally upholds a beloved and cherish individual whose safety or lack thereof is used to further the sinner’s actions. The sacrifice is the one who places themselves in the path of destruction to save the leverage. This is done so with varying degrees of success and while the savior’s ultimate fate is optional, the sacrifice must always perish.

Celeste had relayed to Rutherford her belief that Karen was the sinner, Melanie the savior, Kimber the leverage and Valerie the sacrifice. That is how the events played out but just when these roles were assigned is anyone’s guess. There is no way Alexander or anyone could have known from the beginning that Karen would fall to the dark side, Melanie would become a Jedi, Kimber would be hunted, or that Valerie would die by the hand of Phage. For all they knew at the time, Alexia could very well have been the sinner and perhaps she was until plans changed. There was also no way to know there would be another set of four to replace the originals.

Gemma had spoken of a forth although, at the time, no one knew what that meant. No one knew until they went to Chandaar. The trip had been an unmitigated disaster. That is where it all began, a catalyst of connections. Too many lines seemed to intersect for it to be simple coincidence. Mara called out Dahlia as a Winton and knew Valerie and Karen. Gemma had been dreaming of Riley for as long as anyone could remember. Dane’s blood work showed an anomaly, possibly the same one taken from Valerie and used to create Phage. Circe released Kent’s story and had been with Melanie and Kimber during those final terrible months. Her brother, Garron, works for Rutherford and had done so long before Circe was introduced to Melanie. Their au pair, Kylie, is in a relationship with Vex, an Imperial who went to school with The Four.
Everywhere they turn, they are confronted by the past.

Would they be able to collectively thwart it from repeating itself or were they bystanders and collateral damage in a path of destined destruction?


Surface: Concordia Township: Gellar Estate

Kylie had returned with a sense of foreboding, one that could not be dispelled with a house to prepare for the rescue of the children. That is what she tells herself even though she has heard nothing from Garron or Lord Gellar. She needs to believe the Jedi will help them find the children safe so they can be brought home where they belong. It may be wishful thinking or even a touch of naïve idealism but she has to maintain hope.

It keeps her mind off of other things.

Vex called on the way back to Concordia. It seems the Direx Board is scrambling with top companies restructuring their pricing to remain competitive. The Trade Federation had thrown a massive wrench into operations within the Corporate Sector and outrage was spreading. People do crazy things when profit margins are threatened. There is even word that the ChemiX board of director’s is deliberating on whether or not to oust Rutherford Gellar from his position. From what she understands of the company, such an action would be both difficult and extremely expensive. He did build it from the ground up, after all, and had ensured there would be a considerable golden parachute in the event the director’s decided to rise against him. The other companies, once solidly aligned or associated with ChemiX, are working to gain some distance in light of the Federation’s allegations before the Republic Senate.

The worst part of it all is that blame has shifted in regards to the kidnapping. Once thought to be an in house scheme of the greedy Direx Board, it now appears that the one who purchased the carrier who fled with the Gellar hoverlimo is none other than Circe Prescott, decorated Republic Counselor and sister to Lord Gellar’s valet. Her face was splashed across the morning news reports and, with her ties to both the Republic and Corporate Sector, the Direx Board is claiming conspiracy. Rumors have swirled that Rutherford Gellar used Garron Prescott’s influence with Circe to frame the Federation without authorization or approval. They claim these independent actions now jeopardize the standing of the Corporate Sector.

Fingers are pointed. Blame is thrown.

Rutherford, Garron and Circe are made into scapegoats to save the reputation of both the Direx Board and Corporate Sector Authority.

Kylie orders extra security around the Gellar Estate and asks Doctor Daaé to keep Celeste at the manor house until this is sorted out. She does not believe Lord Gellar would ask Garron to do something like this. All she knows about Circe is that she barely escaped from Corellia before the Imperial assault over Centerpoint Station and since then had been a highly regarded Counselor for the Republic since its reemergence into a dominant galactic power.

She considers contacting Garron again but refrains on Vex’s suggestion that the Espos may be curious enough to trace incoming or outgoing calls from the Gellar Estate. He asked that she not contact him from that line either. She worries that her com-link is compromised and that their relationship may be used to further the allegations. Bringing the Empire into this and getting him in trouble is not something she wants. Despite his objections, she asks that they stay away from each other for a while. She does not delve into the information Celeste imparted to her. He is disappointed but understanding and offers his support if she needs it.

Kylie wipes a tear off her cheek, standing in the middle of a giant empty kitchen, frightened, uncertain, and pours a glass of wine.


Offline Syren

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« Reply #7 on: February 17, 2013, 06:03:57 PM »
Corporate Sector


Surface: Concordia Township

In the drawing room of the Corinthos Estate, Lady Corinthos is having one of her famous afternoon socials. An impressive spread lines the long rectangular table with many of the latest culinary creations on display. As usual, staunch cocktails are served by brilliantly polished droids. In attendance are Lady Dawning, Lady Dyre, Lady Nash and Lady Aguilar.

Trichelle loathes these functions as they tend to devolve from harmless banter into slanderous drunken gossip. The upside is that she could always use something uncovered in their conversations. This afternoon, Alka Dawning is also in attendance and sits despondently across from her at the table. They are all dressed to the nines and while Alka pulls off both the poise and the look marvelously, Trichelle is almost insulted she would have to entertain someone two years her junior. None of the other Lady’s has a daughter and men are not permitted at these luncheons.

Trichelle rolls her eyes, sipping from a flute of sparkling fruit juice.

Alka smirks and nibbles on one of the fine cheeses.

The Lady’s are on their third cocktail and have barely touched the food when the light banter turns sharply toward the glaring scandal in their own backyard. The Gellar-Masterton’s have been thrust beneath the harsh spotlight with media outlets going wild with speculation. The Corporate Sector, while trying to distance itself from Gellar, still need Republic contracts, making it all so very messy. Celeste Masterton is nowhere to be seen. Lady Dawning speculates she fled despite the fact that when she had called the Gellar Estate, their adorable au pair had stated Lady Masterton was on holiday. They laugh at that, someone taking a holiday during all this. The biggest question is whether Celeste knew about Rutherford’s plan to use his valet’s Republic contacts to influence policy or was she blindsided by the betrayal? The ladies discuss where the children really are and why a decorated Republic counselor would even go along with such a scheme. Consensus is that Celeste is hiding out in embarrassment and that Rutherford is guilty as sin, the plan backfiring in their faces.

Lady Aguilar disagrees, having known Rutherford and Celeste for many years. Despite Rutherford’s calculating exterior, he loves those children too much to use them as bargaining chips against the Federation. And, given his history with them and what happened to Valerie, it seems unlikely he would play those games. Besides, if the Direx Board was first being made to wrongly look like the culprit and conspirators, why couldn’t the same be true for Rutherford Gellar and his associates? The Lady’s are taken aback, gasping and wanting to know who would do such a thing. There is no clear answer but the Direx Board is not helping by withdrawing their support. Lady Nash believes they are doing the right thing by keeping their distance as they do not want their other contracts threatened by Gellar’s misdeeds. A petite disagreement ensues while Trichelle and Alka excuse themselves from the fray.

There is much to process and absorb.

“I don’t think Gellar did this. He’s being set up.”

Trichelle shrugs, “I guess we’ll see, won’t we?”

“You don’t sound very confident.”

“Well, you’re young. In a few years you will be able to see all the angles a little more clearly.”

Alka scoffs, “What angles?”

“If this can be proven,” Trichelle sneers. “There will be consequences across the board that will harm some and benefit others.”

“Such as?”

“Company profits threatened, sector reputation on the line and of course, upheaval at Valor Prep.”

“Which I’m betting serves your interests just fine.”

“Don’t be so naïve, Alka. Our parents will sort out their business while we handle ours. We calmed unrest of the student body and the logical next step is a return to the natural order of things.”

“The natural order? One where you shriek demands and terrorize the underclassmen with that meathead jock Kincaid by your side? You have got to be kidding me.”

Trichelle is nothing short of smug.

“Such things are inevitable. Don’t fight it, sweetie.”

Alka is not impressed.

“Whoever is doing this to the Gellar’s is going to regret it. And so will you.”

“Cute. Is that a threat?”

“Merely an astute observation.”

Trichelle moves closer and leans forward.

“Allow me to make another observation, one that involves your waifish bestie Preston Dyre and his white knight Roman Nash. Rumors are a terrible side-effect of our ever-competitive social environment and I would hate for such a thing to push Preston to do something rash or ruin Roman’s athletic career. You know how the Chiss feel about deviations from the norm and I hear their punishments for doing so can be quite barbaric. These are your friends we are talking about.”

She pulls back, staring down into Alka’s tense face.

“And if you care about them, I’d make the necessary adjustments.”


Offline Syren

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« Reply #8 on: March 10, 2013, 03:15:49 PM »
Corporate Sector

D’ian System

As Celeste Masterton recuperates in the Viiperi Lake manor house, Kylie Miranda tries to keep herself busy with the Gellar Estate. There is much to do despite the emptiness and lack of family presence. An army of service droids keep the place spotless and she receives and responds to all inquiries and invitations. Her official story is that Rutherford is on assignment off world and that Celeste has taken a personal holiday. She feels it best to remain vague and noncommittal although, judging by the stories streaming out of the Republic capital; she knows her statements are a load of shit.

Things have become progressively worse as the scandal spread to encompass the Sector liaison and her lawyer. Without the primary suspects present and accounted for, the media targets Janessa Kain and Kaytt Corinthos instead. It’s amazing how fickle the public tends to be, always hungry for another victim to exploit or perpetrator to damn. The most recent reports imply Janessa Kain has been arrested in connection with the death of Republic Inspector Pike Erbon. The more brash HoloNet commentators are calling it murder but the RSB has yet to officially confirm that.

Kylie keeps on a brave face and graciously humors the Espos who regularly check in on her at the Gellar Estate. She has not had any contact with Rutherford Gellar or Garron Prescott in weeks so she has nothing to report. She avoids the locals like the plague, sending the droids into town for supplies as needed. The inhabitants of the Concordia Township can be viciously judgmental and she simply cannot handle the ‘that’s her’ looks even though she really has nothing to do with it. She is guilty by association which is why she had instructed Doctor Daaé to minimize Celeste’s exposure to the media during her recovery. No one wants a relapse and an earful of the hateful barbs traded between conservative commentators was sure to send Lady Masterton running for the pill bottle.

She wanders the house, running her fingers along the finely polished banister of the grand staircase as she heads for the door. There is little that arrived with the post today but included is a large envelope with her name on it. Kylie sets the rest of the letters on the island in the kitchen and pulls open the envelope. She is not prepared for what is inside.

There are several pictures, six in total, of her and Vex Sienna together at various locations. Their date on Etti IV, staring at each other over the table. Vex walking Kylie back to the Gellar Estate. Vex, blaster in hand, Kylie trailing behind, as they leave his hotel room after hearing the children had been abducted. A kiss they shared after dinner in Concordia. Included with the printed photage is a white sheet of paper with a single sentence typed on it.

Does the Emperor know you consort with sworn enemies of the Empire?

Kylie gasps, letting the paper fall from her hands. It’s not really a question. It’s a threat. She has never dealt with the Empire so she knows it’s not her specifically the message speaks of but she does reflect on the things Celeste told her. Vex shares a connection to the past, to Coruscant, and to The Four. With the exception of Karen Winton, the other three were, at different times, all considered enemies of the Galactic Empire.

Melanie was a Jedi. Valerie ruled Corellia. Kimber was a fugitive.

Now, Kylie works for the Gellar-Masterton’s. Vex’s position within the Direx Board and his Imperial business assignment would put him in contact with Rutherford Gellar but his relationship with her may cloud his intentions. She knows that it has. He has come to sympathize with the Gellar-Masterton’s and that, from an Imperial standpoint, would compromise things. It would make them question his abilities and usefulness. She realizes this information isn’t really intended for her, it’s intended for Vex. Its presence, she suspects, is to scare her into doing something stupid like running straight to him.

Although she is terrified, she would not give whoever sent this the satisfaction. The question looming in her mind as large as a brightly lit marquee:

Was this simply a warning flare for them or does the Empire already know?


Offline Syren

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« Reply #9 on: March 23, 2013, 06:41:45 PM »
Corporate Sector

Etti IV: Surface: Mondder

The biochemist’s neck simply comes apart in the jagged grasp of the Voss-Ra disciple. Human flesh is so fragile. The blood filled gurgle preceding the end of life is such a satisfying sound. The disciple grins, further distorting his mutilated face. He drops the biochemist’s body and pulls the badge from his white lab coat.

The name Ni Trin is printed below the red and black ChemiX logo.

After taking in the biochemist’s image, the disciple uses his considerable dark magic’s to transform his appearance to mirror it. He clips the badge to the coat and abandons the body beneath piles of garbage behind the ChemiX corporate tower.

The disciple enters the building with confidence, breezing past security after scanning his badge. People acknowledge him as he moves through the hall. He nods politely, mocking their custom of forced civility. He enters the lab but his supposed colleagues barely look up from their experiments. Everyone is working hard. With the scandal exploding, the board of directors is putting pressure on the lab to conjure up a new product that would eclipse the indiscretions of the founder. This is the perfect opportunity to approach the director of the development program, Irulan Reeves.

She possesses desirable qualities in a human female but to him, the real creature beneath the facade, her position of authority disgusts him. Women do not hold such status with the Voss-Ra. She regards him coldly as he tells her that he needs to run additional tests on the Gellar samples. She points him in the right direction then waves him off dismissively.

He procures what he was instructed to retrieve, placing the vial labeled Dane Gellar in a cooling sleeve which he slips into the pocket of the lab coat. His exit from the building is just as smooth, having planned and researched all angles over the last few months. All he needed was an opportunity.

Outside, he strides across the corporate plaza and signals for the transport. An hour later, he walks up the ramp of the shuttle where the clone is waiting for him. Out of the public eye, the disciple allows the façade to crumble, shifting back into the monstrous creature wearing the tattered brown robes. She extends a hand in which he places the cooling sleeve containing the vial. There is no gratitude, only a simple nod, as she inspects it carefully.

The face that was once Valerie Gellar’s and repurposed to be Mara Tacofer’s seems to brighten as if confirming something. She turns on her heels, securing the vial in the shuttle’s cooler before sliding into the pilot’s chair. The shuttle rumbles as it lifts off and pulls away from the CSA capital, following the jammed lanes of traffic until they have broken into the upper atmosphere and can veer away on its own.

As the disciple meditates in the main cabin, the clone eases back on the controls and they make the jump to lightspeed.


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« Reply #10 on: April 07, 2013, 10:46:40 PM »
?Can I read between the lines?
Decipher all the signs.
Hieroglyphics in your eyes.
Hidden meanings deep inside.?

-Dillon Francis

Corporate Sector

D?ian System: Surface: Viiperi Lake
Celeste Masterton walks through a meadow as a cool breeze tugs at the long reeds jutting out of the green and yellow grasses. She runs a hand along the blades, smiling as the bright sun above catches her long golden curls. Just ahead, a set of giant durasteel gates are propped open and she passes through them and enters the Greyson Estate. The lights are dimmed but she knows the way, wandering through the massive residence. She does not know exactly what she is looking for but is drawn toward the study. The portrait of the Winton family hangs above the mantle of the grand fire place but instead of a glowing hearth, a woman stands before a large opening staring down at a darkened staircase. Celeste?s voice is barely a whisper of disbelief.


Queen Monica Greyson-Winton turns. She is the exotic beauty that drew them all too her in the first place. Her shimmering green eyes and dark hair pulled tightly into woven braids that are kept in place by an ornate crown. She wears a traditional Naboo dress, patterned and textured in bright colors with a heavily powdered face with a red dab christening her lower lip.

?Hello, old friend.?

?I thought I would never see you again.?

?Do not fear,? she says. ?You escaped with my child and were never found. That is all I could have ever hoped for.?

Celeste lowers her head.

?Forgive me if I wished everything had ended up differently.?

?Except it hasn?t ended.?

Celeste raises her eyes.

Monica nods.

?Deep in your heart you know this to be true. There was something Alexander was fond of saying ? vicious cycles ? a phrase that seems more appropriate than ever. History doesn?t evolve, it revolves. It revolves around the four names that are forever seared into the minds of all who live and hangs like an eternal shadow over the graves of everyone that has perished. Now, everything that was foreseen in the Persephonea is coming full circle.?

?The Jedi believe our children will undo what has been done. They are to unite the worlds in peace.?

?Even they cannot see that clearly. There are always variables, things we cannot prepare for. When I was alive, I ignored the warning signs until it was too late. Then I just played right into his hands. We all did. Alexander knew we would turn on him, that Henrick would be the last of us to do so. He knew it would come to this, that it would end here, in this place. My family home.?

Celeste?s lips trembles, ?What happened to you after I left with Master Corrin and Dahlia??

?He confronted us both, claiming we had betrayed him. Henrick had done a fine job of covering up my delivery and there was enough adrenaline coursing through my veins to keep me from doubling over. He admitted to everything we had feared about the prophecy and revealed that our children were merely instruments through which he would ascend to power and rule the galaxy. It was never about them. It was about him, living forever. He said he was close to having proof, that he had Rutherford Gellar?s cowardice to thank for that. Then he caressed my cheek, withdrew his blade and murdered me.?

?And Henrick??

Monica extends a hand which Celeste takes. Together, they pass through the fire place and descend the staircase into the ante chamber below. Symbols are seemingly burned into the stone walls. On the floor of the first room they enter are two circles, one within the other. She barely makes out the names as they pass. Monica leads Celeste between two pillars and into another chamber which contains nothing save for a sarcophagus propped against the far wall.

?Alexander sealed his best friend, your husband, in this tomb. The long, slow death inside was to serve as punishment for ever questioning his judgment. We were all supposed to die for his sins but there are some, like you, who survived. And as I am sure you are aware, survivors can very easily become targets.?

Celeste swallows hard, ?Our survival completes his failure.?

?There are agents of Alexander Winton still out there. His legacy survived the same way you did ? with cleverly laid plans. Everything unfolded slowly with a brightly lit stage set for the central cast while others worked diligently behind the scenes to keep everything moving right along.?


Monica nods, her features accentuated by the torches mounted to the walls.

?They have been there all along, undiscovered allies that would like nothing more than to see the new four succeed where the original four did not. You must be mindful, Celeste and trust your instincts. The vaccine was able to shield them for a time but they are destined to be in the public spotlight. Some will see their value but others will see only threats. You need to be prepared for that.?

There is a deep rumble from within the chamber.


Celeste gasps, eyes fluttering open. She is clutching sheets that are tangled tightly around her body. It looks like she had been struggling. Light floods into the expansive bedroom as she throws the sheets aside and bounds into the hall.

Doctor Daa? is startled by her presence, rising from his chair.

?Lady Masterton??

?Gather your things. We?re going home.?


Offline Syren

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« Reply #11 on: April 09, 2013, 03:16:11 PM »
Corporate Sector

D?ian System: Surface: Concordia Township

As the limo races away from Viiperi Lake, piloted by a very reluctant Doctor Dalton Daae, Celeste settles into the seat and knows this is the right thing to do. She would stay in hiding no longer. As magical calm washes over her on the ride home and she can feel Gemma reaching out to her. They were safe. Rutherford and the Jedi had found them.

When the limo stops in front of the Gellar Estate, Celeste pushes open the door and steps out. There are no reporters waiting for her, only the security detail assigned to defend the property. They nod silently as she passes.

Kylie Miranda is startled to find her home so suddenly. She confers with the doctor while Celeste heads upstairs to settle in. The treatment had gone well and Lady Masterton had been clean for over a month. She appears to have stabilized, considerably more in the last week, but Dalton would continue to monitor her progress. She nods, thanking him for his help before padding upstairs carefully. She finds Celeste putting clothing away in a dresser.

?I?m very glad to see you are well.?

Celeste smiles, ?The children are safe.?

?How do you know??

?I felt Gemma through the Force reaching out to me. Then Monica visited me. In my dreams.?

?The Queen? Dahlia?s mother? What did she say??

?To prepare.?

Kylie swallows hard, feeling as though there is no coincidence in Lady Masterton returning to the Estate.

?She?s right.?

Celeste stops and turns, ?What do you mean??

?A lot has transpired while you were away.?

Kylie doesn?t know where to start but once she gets going, it all comes tumbling out. The accusations and trial of Janessa Kain and Circe Prescott are still the leading story as it continuously casts a shadow over the Corporate Sector?s reputation. Ambassador Mara Tacofer has been recalled to The Wheel after delivering a rather damning speech to the Republic Senate and securing lucrative contracts for the Trade Federation. In D?ian, Kylie has received three threatening letters sent to the Gellar Estate, implying her relationship with Vex Sienna would compromise Imperial dealings within the Direx Board. The last of these letters went further to suggest Vex may be involved in the Gellar conspiracy undermining Republic relations. After all, he is officially an agent of the Galactic Empire making the Republic a natural enemy. The latest from Etti IV is even worse. A prominent biochemist from ChemiX was found murdered behind the corporate offices and samples stolen from the labs.
Celeste?s eyes are now very wide.

?What samples??

Kylie pauses.

?Kylie? What samples??

And the beautiful au pair frowns deeply, unaware the gravity in her answer.



Offline Syren

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« Reply #12 on: April 14, 2013, 02:02:58 PM »
Corporate Sector

D?ian System: Surface: Gellar Estate

The beeping stops as it kicks over to voicemail and her husband?s voice fills her ear. Rutherford has not been answering his com-link all afternoon and Celeste was beginning to think her celebratory fervor may have been a bit premature. Kylie?s information skews things dramatically yet confirms everything Monica said.

?We?re being targeted,? Celeste explains, eerily calm. ?We are but loose ends in Alexander Winton?s plot, threads that escaped him in life that will now be tied up long after he perished. The most disturbing part is that both Rutherford and I knew it would follow us into the future. We took all the precautions with the vaccine and our insular little world that after a time the fear subsided. We convinced ourselves the threat was gone, that no one was after us or the children. We told ourselves we were free to live again. We were wrong.?

?You think this is all happening because of Dahlia?s father??

?Everything that led us here is because of him.?

?When the children are returned, we can run. We can flee this place.?

Celeste shakes her head.

?There is no escaping a bloodline, no place you can hide from destiny. When they were young, Karen and Melanie could not have cared less about the Force. The Jedi, the Sith, both were merely things they learned about in school. Facts they had to remember to pass a test at the end of a chapter. But as fate would have it, Karen became a Sith and Melanie a Jedi. Some would say it was inevitable. Their roles were cast long before they were born.?

?And what do you say??

?I say there are those who wish for history to repeat itself and it?s high time we did something about it.?


Etti IV: Surface: Monnder

The phrase ?civil unrest? was never one Vex Sienna found very accurate. Unrest is seldom civil, especially when profit is as stake. The Direx Board has become a free-for-all with Iver Aguilar practically reduced to a hapless figurehead. The only thing they do agree on is that they are getting royally screwed but the ?who? and ?why? are the subject of much debate. Some are absolutely convinced it?s the Trade Federation while others are swayed by the compelling evidence suggesting Rutherford Gellar has somehow damned them all. No one appreciates having the wool pulled over their eyes by someone they once respected, perhaps even trusted. Tensions are understandably high.

The scope of the scandal has gone beyond just the Sector and it?s dealings but ensnared two lovely and very public women with alleged questionable loyalties. The Sector liaison, Janessa Kain, could have gone either way. She?s quite the cunning opportunist from what he?s heard but a murderer? Now that?s cold. The Republic Counselor, Circe Prescott, is the real kicker - sister of Gellar?s confidante and a well-respected Republic figure who had ties to the Jedi Melanie Masterton and just happened to be the one who released the most detailed account of The Four. The upcoming trial on Chandaar is a hot topic, right behind crushing the Federation and restoring their contracts within Republic borders. Some are even worried they will find deeper connections to the CSA, further marring their reputation. Korb Security has come up in the headlines and is a company some have done business with in the past. Most notably, D?Ken Dawning, according to his sources. There are whispers that the Republic lawyers may try and spin allegations that the Sector had a hand in pressuring Korb Security to target the Counselor once the Republic reestablished itself a decade ago.

Unless there is proof, Vex does not see the point. He keeps a low profile in the board meetings which is aided considerably by their infighting and blame throwing. He capitalizes on this uncertainty to score fairly sizeable contracts at discounted rates. They want to keep the Empire, a profitable client, extremely happy. For the most part they leave him out of things. After all, both the board and the Espos have decided he isn?t involved. He has no reason to be, really but it does amuse him when the Republic once against becomes bloated with democracy and begins to find paranoid conspiracy everywhere they look. The delusional idealism is ridiculous. Everyone given a voice becomes just a distorted roar and soon you must choose which to listen to and which to ignore.

At least the Empire is upfront about it.

The Corporate Sector operates somewhere in the middle of these extreme?s. There are auspices of both within the raging sea of capitalism that drives the corporate machine. Mostly, they follow the rule of currency ? he who has the currency makes the rules. It?s straightforward yet surprisingly not viewed as harshly as the methods of the Galactic Empire but still too abrasive for the New Republic.

Newer anyway.

Vex maintains a fa?ade of tranquility. He is the savvy negotiator of product to his faction. Beneath the surface lingers doubt and fear. The Empire?s silence does little to expand their influence or win over supporters. Things have been a little too quiet from Byss. This fear is amplified by a message he received a few weeks ago.

You consort with traitors to the Empire.

Kylie Miranda shouldn?t even be on the Empire?s scans but her connection to the Gellar-Masterton?s makes her an accessory. It?s obvious why they hated Melanie. They hated everyone but Melanie was special. She was a Jedi and opposed all they stood for even when it put her in direct opposition to her best friend. This hate would extend to her surviving family if there was even a possibility of another rising up to become the next crusader of light. Gellar is not so obvious. At least it?s not entirely public knowledge.

Almost eleven years ago, after Karen Winton finished demanding he secure her an unmarked transport for some undisclosed conquest, they got to talking. They shared a private school past and, for a brief moment, a bed. Casual gossip was her way of disarming people and he needed the distraction. They talked about their old friends from NCH that survived the destruction of Coruscant. Some had it easier than others. He mentioned that he had heard Kimber Patten worked as a diplomat for the Empire and pulled some pretty hardcore shit with the Hapan Consortium and that Valerie Gellar perished after uniting the Corellian Sector as its Governess. Karen laughed after finishing her drink and said it was a funny story. Kimber took the job after the Empire promised to help Corellia in the Phage Crisis and thought they reneged on their end of the deal. In reality, they approached Valerie with assistance but it came with conditions of fielding talks between the factions once Phage was destroyed. Valerie told the Empire to go fuck themselves and wound up taking Phage down herself and keeping Corellia out of Imperial hands. Kimber was on the run before Karen could tell her.

Vex shutters off the memories.

He retrieves the note from the desk in his downtown apartment, glancing up through the windows to stare at the point of the Gellar Corporate Tower. As far as he knows, the Empire has been pleased by his progress. He has secured every contract he was assigned to go after and was able to build professional relationships with three of the four primary moguls. Gellar was the exception but his exploits are broadcast all over the Holo so his inability to sit down for a chat with Vex should be understood. Still, he recalls the words of his colleague Burke Pallus who warned him to stay on assignment. Do not deviate. This was after Emperor Schrag murdered the Moff Council.

Vex doesn?t believe he has done anything to warrant the Emperor's ire and he hasn?t heard from Pallus in months. His minimized contact with Kylie as of late has given him more time to focus on the Imperial network within the Sector. He was on good terms with almost everyone here. Now he knows why they used to send beautiful socialites. The better you look, the more people that pay attention. You just have to know the right things to say once you have it.

He dresses for another business dinner, this time with Balthazar Nash and his blaster-toting cronies. One can never have enough weaponry. His only wish is to be with Kylie again without making her a target. Would the Federation be exposed as the culprits in the CSA setup or will Gellar's world come crashing down around him? Time will tell.


Offline Syren

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Corporate Greed
« Reply #13 on: April 23, 2013, 09:10:41 PM »
Corporate Sector

D?ian System: Surface: Concordia Township

The speed at which things can change in the life of a teenager is astounding.

Trichelle Corinthos once again rules Valor Prep. Socially speaking, of course. Neglectful parents and an uninterested older sister have jaded her young mind. Wealth, time and boredom can drive a person to untold lengths. It was easy, really. All she had to do was use the fallout from losing Dahlia as means to gain sympathy then twist the media photage to look a lot like the tabloid fodder unloading rumors about the Gellar-Masterton?s on the daily. They say the family is cursed. A host of stunning images from the past are used as startling evidence to predict a certain future if these kids are left unchecked. In a place like Concordia, paranoia is not difficult to incite. If Dahlia, Dane and Gemma were here, Trichelle rationalizes, the student body may not be safe. After all, classmates of Melanie Masterton and Valerie Gellar met grisly ends on Coruscant. 

Muriel Monroe is horrified by the seemingly unexpected character assassination. Dahlia had never done anything to Trichelle. Well, not directly anyway. She did inadvertently capture the attention of a certain Chin-Bret captain she happens to like and Muriel supposes, in their world that may cause ill will. When she attempts to speak out, she is threatened with social exile. Now that she had gained attention, Muriel did not want to lose it. She didn?t want to betray Dahlia?s friendship either. Conflicted by social unrest, isolated by a mother still on location, Muriel turns to Tobias. Together they float away in the tiny white pills he gives her, away from what terrible things that may have happened to her kidnapped best friend.

Kier Kincaid responds negatively at first but the news reports and his parents echo the sentiment that the Gellar-Masterton?s could be dangerous. This excites him as he thinks about Dahlia alone in his room, eyes closed, one hand beneath the covers. He does, however, become suspicious of Trichelle?s motives when he overhears her berate Alka Dawning, who does her bidding to spare her friends from public wrath.

Blissfully unaware of the larger danger from their peers, Preston and Roman grow closer.


Offline Syren

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Corporate Greed
« Reply #14 on: April 28, 2013, 06:06:55 PM »

There is a stark loneliness in the solo voyage.

Kaytt Corinthos finds herself wandering through the sleek elegance of the royal cruiser. It is far more equipped than she anticipated but it?s not like she had been on many ships belonging to princesses. Kaytt?s family may be loaded but this is ridiculous. She decides to take advantage of it all anyway. She might as well since there is no one to entertain but herself. After a long shower, she changes into a designer dress that seems to fit her well. There are closets full of Raga?Ana haute couture which sends her mind spinning back to those days. The ad campaign seeped into the Corporate Sector just like it did everywhere else. They were the gorgeous girls in gowns with serene expressions that served as a striking contrast to the horrors that faced them nightly on the HoloNet. The socialites were portrayed in a way that made them almost characters of themselves, as if they were never real, simply an allegorical tale to warn them of the very real dangers of being rich and pretty.

Kaytt was young back then, almost the same age as The Four. If they had lived they would all be nearly thirty-three. This is a fact she bets they would have hated. Growing older means sacrificing some beauty for wisdom. To look as good, one needs to work twice as hard. On the flip side, to die young allows one to remain beautiful forever.

Immortalized through their legacy.

Karen Winton, both victim and villain, as fate would have it. Melanie Masterton was bemoaned as the tortured patron saint. Kimber Patten, a beloved if not epically perplexed idealist. And Valerie Gellar was the tragic hero or the clever whore, depending on who you asked.

Kaytt wonders what kind of legacy she would leave behind. Which events and actions will the future judge her against? Would she be remembered as a brilliant legal mind or another sucker who was swept up into the explosive drama?

These musings prompt her to consider what she knows about Celeste Masterton. Although their families Estate?s neighbor one another in Concordia, Kaytt had never really interacted with the Gellar-Masterton?s. She knows that Celeste is his second wife and Rutherford her second husband. Both former spouses are deceased. Neither death is described as entirely natural, the details vague and generalized. Almost eleven years ago, Kaytt would have been just entering law school, having graduated with honors from university in Monnder. While the last three of The Four were imploding along with Centerpoint Station, Kaytt Corinthos had her sights set on the big bright future. Their lives were ending as hers was just beginning.

She shivers as she slides into one of the chairs of the minimalist cockpit, swiveling toward the box sitting near the consol. Circe told her its contents would be of emotional significance to Celeste Masterton. She wonders if it would be bring back fond memories.


Corporate Sector

D?ian System: Surface

When she finally arrives, Kaytt guides the cruiser down on her father?s landing pad near the Corinthos Estate. She had cleared things with the appropriate channels and by now her parents would know she was coming. The Concordia Township is where she had been born and raised. Her years at Valor Prep were marked with all the clich??s. She spent those years dreaming about getting the hell out of there. The small town life and charming suspicion that came along with it did nothing but irritate her. It was always one scandal or another. If they got bored enough, they would just stage one. Or rehash the past with renewed vigor. Kaytt found the whole thing dreadfully exhausting so she threw herself into her studies and eventual career. Unfortunately, this caused some inevitable friction and distance with her family. Corporate law was challenging enough but it was meeting Janessa that turned her on to the world of political defensives. It is why she left Etti IV and the Corporate Sector behind for the thriving Republic expansion. Needless to say, not everyone was thrilled with that decision.

The Corinthos family goes as far back as the founding of the Sector itself. They had always been one of the driving forces, a profound vision of capitalism. You cannot achieve power without first supplying it. It?s something her great, great, great, etc grandfather used to say. Seventy-six percent of all current flowing through the towns and cities is provided by Corinthos Energy. This is up from last year when they assimilated yet another company in a takeover so hostile the Espos in homicide almost had to file a report. Two other company?s stand in her family?s way of complete market domination. A part of her left the Sector because she knew she would one day have to defend CE against how they managed to get it.

The Corinthos Estate is quiet, the grounds slowly coming back to life in the early spring air. There are buds on the trees that would be brilliant blooming flowers in just a few weeks. She enters the residence from the back, hoping to mostly avoid the staff and slips upstairs unnoticed. Kaytt wanders the long corridors decorated in their family history. It was like living in a museum and they encouraged to keep just as quiet. A boy no older than ten or eleven passes her in the hall. He regards her curiously for only a moment before disappearing around a corner. It could be a servant or a younger sibling. One never knows with this family. She rounds the next corner, heading toward her old room.

It is just as she left it which she finds unnerving since it?s not likely her parents even entered this room in her absence. Kaytt sighs, setting down her garment bag and falls onto her bed. Somehow, it seems smaller now.

?What are you doing here??

Kaytt sits upright, scoffing reflexively.

?I used to live here.?

Trichelle lingers in the doorway, loosely gripping the frame. She must be about fourteen, maybe fifteen by now and looks quite a bit like she used to at that age. Dark hair, deeply exotic features, a pout that seldom became a smile.

?That?s not an answer.?

Kaytt shrugs, not in the mood for sullen teenage antics.

?That?s because it wasn?t an interesting question. Look, I?m not here to upset your delicate balance. I?m not even really here to visit.?

?Oh yeah? Then why?d you grace us with your presence??

?I just?needed to stop by. See the place. It?s been a while.?

Trichelle?s eyes narrow into slits.

?Not nearly long enough.?
