Author Topic: OOC Chat  (Read 793850 times)

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #1290 on: October 19, 2012, 10:00:17 AM »
For the record, if we are not allowing modification, a correct ruling on that should have been:

RHD is located in B-8 with the 2 NSBCs, 20 LAAT/c attack is legal.
MC-80 is located in either DS-1 or C-16, with 20 ATR in either C-1 or B-8 and attack is invalid.

Please everyone adjust your locations and damage accordingly. And Ramano, shut the fuck up and quit being a spaz. And Dem, from now on if you see a problem with someones post, you need to say something. You do not have authority to ignore a post, or even a portion of it.

That is how a ruling is done with keeping the player in questions best interests at hand. Im not questioning your authority on this, but if your going to do the job, can you at least do it right and try to at least keep the appearance of not being biased towards your faction. A simple mistake is easily correctable without having to throw out entire portions of people's posts. It wouldnt be anything for Dem to go back and mod his post accordingly now, its been done, in this game, before.

So perhaps you should go re-mod your ruling placing my stuff where it should be, and not where I put it to begin with. You know, simple mistakes and all.

And know, Ill eat your fucking ruling. But for the record, this is not fun. This is unjustified rule manipulation and bias, nothing more. In any universe ive ever played in, including flashpoint, I have never had a post thrown out without a chance to be modified correctly, or even part of one. This sets a dangerous precedent that turns this from the friendly game its supposed to be to a spiteful pissing match seeing who can nitpick posts apart better.

Edit: And also, wasnt this why we decided we would allow mistakes to be fixed back in june when we designed the game? So we didnt end up with shit like this happening right now? It doesnt matter if you can nitpick a post well or not, cause the person will be allowed a chance to fix his mistakes. So we are just throwing this whole policy out now because Dem's fleet is on the line?

Edit Edit: And for the record, you just confirmed what my last line just said with your edit... how is that not biased? Its ok until its Dem's fleet?
« Last Edit: October 19, 2012, 10:14:46 AM by Ramano »

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #1291 on: October 19, 2012, 10:57:28 AM »
Also, could I get you to go fix your ruling placing my stuff in the correct locations. As per YOUR ruling, my locations should be

B-8: NSBC Nefrane/Cybean
DS-1: MC-80 Mon Remonda, m/RHD Destiny Ascension
C-1: 20 LAAT/c, 20 ATRs
B-1: What ever fighters I have left after this bullshit where he was supposed to hit my aux...

You currently ruled my aux in B-1, which if his stuff was in B-1, and my aux were in B-1, why couldnt they attack? Unless you are really telling me your ruling them in B-1 but not letting them attack, in which case I swear to god I quit. Id like to think it was just a mistake, you know, like all humans make. Guess its just a good thing your not gunna be crucified for yours...

And for the record, I had him beaten, even with your crap ruling about the PDF, I still had him beaten. Even before Hop got there his ass was beaten. I think you might want to go pay some homage to the GM who just saved your ass Dem. And you might want to take this moment to bug out while you have a chance, cause I promise NOTHING on that planet survives my wrath from this! I WILL SCOUR THE GALAXY AND STRIKE YOUR NAME FROM EVERY PLANET AND SHIP, PERSON AND DROID. NO ONE, ANYWHERE, Will ever know you existed. Your people will burn, your cities will crumble, I will wipe your very existence from space-time itself! None under your banner shall be spared my RETRIBUTION!
« Last Edit: October 19, 2012, 11:10:31 AM by Ramano »

Offline Syren

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« Reply #1292 on: October 19, 2012, 10:58:12 AM »
Ooo, it's gettin all heated up in here. Will tits help?




Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #1293 on: October 19, 2012, 11:03:10 AM »
Fair enough Ramano, I'll correct my ruling:


RHD is located in B-8 with the 2 NSBCs, 20 LAAT/c attack is legal.
MC-80 is located in either DS-1 or C-16, with 20 ATR in either C-1 or B-8 and attack is invalid.

Please everyone adjust your locations and damage accordingly. And Ramano, shut the fuck up and quit being a spaz. And Dem, from now on if you see a problem with someones post, you need to say something. You do not have authority to ignore a post, or even a portion of it.

Although I would change that last line to:

"And Dem, request a ruling before posting." Because we can always backlog posts instead of worrying about the 1-post/day limit.

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #1294 on: October 19, 2012, 11:35:22 AM »
I always thought a post took place at its time stamp, not its last edit, in the first place. So I dont understand why that would even need clarification. Mistakes will be made, and we agreed people would have a chance to correct them, thus preventing breakdowns like this in the first place. People make mistakes, and usually we are happy to go and fix them, without argument, as I have done since day one. But sitting here crucifying people, throwing out posts, even parts of them and just taking a "sucks to be you" attitude about it, that is what causes problems. I tend to go over the deep end when im told a simple, easily correctable stat error, that wont even modify the initial post, is grounds for just tossing shit out and leaving not just me, but my partner in this basically at a loss, and then the GM telling me "tough love" make a mistake in the ruling. I apologize but damn! You seem to take peoples feelings too much into account when making a ruling, and its not about the persons feelings, its about their intentions with the post in question, and the rules that matter. If there are hurt feelings there are hurt feelings. Unfortunately though, you will hurt WAY more feelings by making a bad ruling trying to keep everyone happy then you will just telling one person "This is what the rules say, either fix it or void it." Had someone sent me a message any time between 5:30 when I posted that and 11:20 when I went to sleep, Id have happily fixed my post and never said another word about it. This would have never happened.

And your a bit more articulate then I am, and as I said from day one, if you can word something better that I said, by all means do so. lol

Edit: Also, can we get the ruling moved to its own thread, and i'll delete my bullshit off the battle thread and we can clean that up a bit.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2012, 11:38:24 AM by Ramano »

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #1295 on: October 19, 2012, 12:47:36 PM »
Oh yeah, I got distracted and never asked the question I was going to.

On the Hero rules, it says I am allowed 2 hero's. Now being common knowledge that this does not allow you 2 fleets, its basically there for stat purposes and ground combat only. Now with that in mind, could my 2nd Hero be a sort of... split personality of my original character? (-runs to check if syren has a copywrite on schitzo characters-) Like I would still treat it and pay for it as a 2nd Hero, but it would just be an extension of my original character.

Somewhere along the lines of my guy became so angered by this battle that his personality split into 2 different people that work both in tandum and against each other at the same time. Then I pay for it and level it up as a new Hero using all assorted rules.

And as a secondary question now that I think about it, does a 2nd Hero gain abilities just like the first? Like if anyone here had a 2nd Hero they paid for, and that hero gains the ability to add another ship to the fleet, does it get it. Just as an example, Hale, you have your 2 SGAF from your Hero, now say you got a 2nd Hero who gained the ability, would you get a 3rd and potentially 4th SGAF for your fleet?

Edit: Or for that matter any of the abilities. Say I had 2 Republic Officers, would that double my flagship bonus as well?

Edit Edit: And because this question wasnt complicated enough, say its said it does add 2 flagship bonus's, how are the bonus's figured. Would it be 10% bonus, then an additional 10% bonus of that, or would it just be a 20% bonus?
« Last Edit: October 19, 2012, 12:54:43 PM by Ramano »

Offline Syren

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« Reply #1296 on: October 19, 2012, 02:00:09 PM »
Nope, no copyright. I've got the gender equality and LGBT covered as well as drug abuse and family issues. Alexia Winton was severely mentally unstable, yes but that was due to Force possession not because of a disorder.

Actually, I quite like that idea, highlighting a characters mental illness as means to deepen your storyline. Done well, it could add an original depth to the character.

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #1297 on: October 19, 2012, 03:49:25 PM »
Two Heroes will afford you the bonuses of both, like Dementat has right now with his Sith Lord and Imperial Leader.

The only difference is players will only get 1 Fleet.

There may come a time in GCW when we can expand the game and let players roll with 2 Fleets (1 per Hero), but that time is not now.

If you have two Heroes in the same Fleet, you have to pick which Flagship bonus you want.

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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« Reply #1298 on: October 19, 2012, 04:27:42 PM »
So.. game on at Eriadu then?

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #1299 on: October 19, 2012, 04:59:14 PM »
Two Heroes will afford you the bonuses of both, like Dementat has right now with his Sith Lord and Imperial Leader.

The only difference is players will only get 1 Fleet.

There may come a time in GCW when we can expand the game and let players roll with 2 Fleets (1 per Hero), but that time is not now.

If you have two Heroes in the same Fleet, you have to pick which Flagship bonus you want.

You just contradicted yourself?

Two heros will afford you the bonuses of both. If you have 2 hero's in the same fleet you have to pick which flagship bonus you want.

So which is it?

Edit: Nor did you answer my question as to, if I have hero's affording extra ships, do I continue to get them. IE: Could I get up to 4 NSBCs accompanying my fleet or you 4 SGAF? And you didnt answer me if I could have 2 hero's operating out of the same person.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2012, 05:02:33 PM by Ramano »

Offline Dementat

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« Reply #1300 on: October 19, 2012, 06:46:40 PM »
All that over a couple of Lambda Shuttles. I didn't ask for you to make a correction because I am fucking sick and tired of doing so. I mean seriously, have you made a single post that wasn't fucked up in some way? I thought you were supposed to be some sort of fucking genius? And we wonder why people don't want to come back, and why we can't get new players.

That is all I have to say.
(\/)ighty RE

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #1301 on: October 19, 2012, 07:31:18 PM »
Well, I could point out all the mistakes that have been made in yours, but we just over look them because its menial. Like perhaps you should check your locations currently on your stuff, and figure out how I got shuttles attacking my fighters in B-1 from B-3 where you have them listed? Stuff that nonsense dude, you aint perfect neither. And being a genius has nothing to do with getting excited and over-looking minor details. Im sorry you tried to cheat and now feel the need to tell me im the problem.

And for the record, have you made a single post that didnt involve you "misinterpreting" the rules to mean something else? -sniffs- Yeah, perhaps you should wipe your own ass before complaining about other people's shit. Oh, and if you go through and look at the battles, every battle you've had verses another player, has come with a rule change due to "your interpretations" of it.

Just pointing that out.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2012, 07:34:29 PM by Ramano »

Offline Dementat

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« Reply #1302 on: October 19, 2012, 08:32:54 PM »
Fire and Movement
During combat, starships can fire all weapons and then move OR move and then fire all weapons.

And yet again I have to hold your hand and walk you through this. Explanation was in the summary.
(\/)ighty RE

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #1303 on: October 19, 2012, 08:45:23 PM »
Yes but aux craft also work like a starfighter in such that once they *engage* a target, thats their turn. Again, you interpret the rules into something they are not... Unless there is another reason that slips past me on why we differentiate between engaged shuttles and those just flying around?

Edit: Do you see what im saying here. For every mistake that I make, you "interpret" a rule different from everyone else in the game. So, how are you such a saint while im such a devil when in the big picture, we both are doing the same WRONG things... over and over and over. And for the record, I dont sit around saying your everything thats wrong with the game either.

Yes, I will do a better job to pay closer attention to what im doing, but how about you back off the bullshit on expecting people to be perfect.

Unless of course your telling me I have to sit here and be a silent beat dog when I am ruled against, but your allowed to act like me when it happens back? Now Silence! That is enough of both of our bullshit! Its time to be handing out beat downs, and your distracting me from mine.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2012, 08:53:04 PM by Ramano »

Offline Dementat

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« Reply #1304 on: October 19, 2012, 09:00:16 PM »
Were you referring to this?

Combat Space Patrol
1. Starfighters and Auxiliary Craft can take up CSP to protect a single Grid Sector anywhere in the Space Grid. In order to "occupy" a Starfighter Squadron, it must be engaged by either another Starfighter Squadron, a Capital Ship, or be dealt enough damage for it to be destroyed. In order to "occupy" Auxiliary Craft on CSP, they must be engaged by another AUX craft or dealt enough damage to be destroyed.
2. Combat Space Patrols prevent any units of the same type from attacking Capital Ships in the same Grid Space. Starfighters block other Starfighters, Aux block other Aux. Starfighters cannot block Aux, nor can Aux block Starfighters.

They were not engaged one-to-one by other auxiliary, nor dealt enough damage to be destroyed. I did, however, return fire, meaning they are no longer on CSP and your auxiliary can now attack a capital ship... if they catch up. I don't believe I read that wrong.
(\/)ighty RE