Author Topic: OOC Chat  (Read 793707 times)

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #1305 on: October 19, 2012, 09:23:13 PM »
No one has said you've ever read anything wrong. But what you understand from what your reading, and what the rest of us understand from reading the same things are beginning to reach almost alien perspectives. Aux craft here are basically cap ships that attack and group together like fighters. Last I check, cause ive tried it, fighters cant engage a target then move away from it. So if aux work the same way, why would they not be considered *engaged*

Again, its a menial issue as it doesnt matter if they are in B-1 or B-3, either way they are still in range of what I attacked them with, but im just saying, dont be a dick and I wont be a whiney bitch. And not giving a person time to correct a simple mistake in their post is most certainly a dick move, and I dont think anyone else here would disagree with that. I mean seriously, thats asking an awful lot to do shit like that to me and expect me not to get upset about it. Just because I have a past label as a trouble maker doesnt give you the right to be a dick either.

Like I said, had you just, in the 6hrs my post was up before you could post, let me know I made a mistake, I could have fixed it and prevented this entire ugly incident. So for every bit of this that is my fault, and equal portion is your fault, so if im a problem around here, that would make you one too. How about we not be problems and kick some ass huh?

Edit: And we gotta knock off the shit, we keep burying my question about the Hero's before Hale can answer it!
« Last Edit: October 19, 2012, 09:33:01 PM by Ramano »

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #1306 on: October 19, 2012, 10:42:38 PM »
So, should I claim that your mistake means your post should be voided because its over an hour early while we are working on some pretty exact time constraints, and im just tired of dealing with fuck ups? Or maybe claim that your everything thats wrong with the game and the world and that no one wants to play cause of you?

Now of course you understand im speaking sarcastically but I thought it important to point out that the king of perfection here isnt quite so perfect either.
? Reply #14 on: Yesterday at 11:50:35 pm ?
? Reply #17 on: Today at 10:23:04 pm ?

And no I dont want you to go back and fix it, I dont care, just making a point for posterity that everyone makes mistakes, and no one should be crucified for it.

And personally, I dont give a shit about posting times, I say we have this shit out right now. Hop can just dodge debris and pick off the ground troops when he gets there. But me and you sir, it seems we got some beef that needs to be sorted out, at the end of some turbolaser batteries.

Offline Dementat

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« Reply #1307 on: October 19, 2012, 10:47:57 PM »
My mistake. I'm a different time zone. Guess I was overly focused on beating the double-team that I had the courtesy not to do at Thyferra when I had the chance.
(\/)ighty RE

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #1308 on: October 19, 2012, 11:02:34 PM »
You got Thyferra yes, but let us not forget my original plan to hit you at Eriadu, when you had a little help from a pair of Escort Carriers not under your control running an impenetrable CSP screen for you. I mean seriously, you do something and its ok, then when I do it back, now its time to make an issue out of it. Im going to start calling you Mitt, lmao!

And your not going to beat the double team, thats the point of it. Do you honestly think id put my RHD in harms way if I wasnt absolutely sure someones fleet was coming with it? Lets face it, your the top dog right now, and the problem with that is, everyone else in the game is conspiring against you. Thats why I been happy running a close 2nd place, cause it keeps the focus on you and not me, lol. When your on top of the mountain, everyone below you can only look up in jealousy and envy.

Also, lets be realistic, eventually someone was going to get double teamed, how else are you planning on taking out a stronghold planet? I mean, your running 46CP out here and can still barely keep up with my fleet, all you can do is fire and run desperately to stay away from that MC-80. If with all that you can only match odds with me, how are you planning on taking it on at one of my planets? Run the numbers all you want, thats not happening without both of you, you know it and I know it. So, knowing that, I chose to make a first strike when it was most convenient. Didnt end up being as convenient as it should have been, but none the less, the concept still holds.

And truthfully, the only reason I even have help coming is because I grossly under-estimated my own fleet. But I felt it was time for a lead change, as it was in my best interest with the current game set up, and the only person with a built fleet that would have to fear me, I would basically give my faction too to keep him playing, so Hop obviously has nothing to fear from me.

Edit: And technically, you havnt even been double teamed yet. Its still just me and you out here, which had I not been forced to reveal that due to attempted mission time frame change, you would still be thinking Hop was enroute to Rothana. And again, thats a non-issue, I offered to toss out the posting time limits and me and you could have it out and finish our match before he even gets there. So quite frankly, although yes, you sit with the knowledge you've lost this planet either way you look at it, I have however offered you the same courtesy back. So please do me the favor of not impinging me honor.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2012, 11:14:39 PM by Ramano »

Offline Dementat

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« Reply #1309 on: October 19, 2012, 11:07:15 PM »
I actually didn't ask Hale to send ships to Eriadu. Turns out he was gonna do diplomacy and I got there first. Oh I know double-teams are gonna happen, but a little one-on-one now and then is healthy. We would have exchanged blows, taken losses, and someone would have withdrawn to fight another day. As for your Dreadnaught, I have no intention of destroying that hulking liability.

Oh, and as for Hop, he can take that hour I misposted off his hyperspace travel, which by my math, puts him at Eriadu some time on the 21st?
(\/)ighty RE

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #1310 on: October 19, 2012, 11:25:38 PM »
12:04, as without the hour it was 1:04, but im not looking for you to change it, its unimportant. A little mistake that effects nothing. I was just using it to point out that when people get excited, details get over-looked. I start making assumptions, you start losing track of time, shit happens. Im just trying to say, I made a mistake, I didnt murder someone like you just made it appear. And you know what you did was a bullshit move, cant say I wouldnt have thought to do the same thing, but ultimately I would keep in mind im not trying to be an asshole either.

I mean, yeah, we could take this to that level because well, we are both intelligent individuals, both veteran simmers, and we should both know well enough of what we are doing. But, as we just saw, thats not fun. That just makes people angry, sends me into crying rant fests, sends everyone else into accusation mode, and every hates eachother. We dont have enough players here to hate eachother like that. I dont want you to be mad at me, and I dont want to be mad at you, so you can kind of understand my shock to such a move being used, even in this situation.

And I know you didnt ask Hale to come to Eriadu, you didnt even know I had plans to come after you. Hell I just showed the outright fear I had of you with the PDF moves I made to Thyferra, if you had any indication I was planning an attack Id say you were in control of the force IRL. But the thing it did show is the possibility exists, and you know my motto: Do unto others as they would do unto you. Just do it first.

But as I said, the offer remains, we can make this an honor match and throw out posting limits, me vs you all night long. Hop will just have to occupy himself with the ground when he gets there, lol.

Edit: However Ive been running the numbers, and your current tactic is unsustainable. By the time you've dealt with the rest of my fleet, you wont have enough left to get near my MC-80, which, if your in weapons range, I am also in weapons range, cause your going the wrong direction to use this tactic on that ship... And I appreciate you not going after my RHD. Yeah its got a 350 a month price tag, but I got a frigate thats more powerful then one of your VicStars. It would be like you getting to run an ISD and an Acclimator in the same fleet. And why even with a 46CP combined fleet you can still only match me. I told you to design a flagship, it was worth it. =)
« Last Edit: October 19, 2012, 11:36:54 PM by Ramano »

Offline Dementat

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« Reply #1311 on: October 19, 2012, 11:36:57 PM »
Oh, I understand and probably would have handled it differently against someone who didn't have a history of exploiting loopholes ;-)

As for this battle, I know my fleet is no match for yours. Every squadron of rebel fighters is the equivalent of a capital ship, so that makes a whole lot of capital ships on your side of the equation. I will lose the battle, and never touch the MC80.

My tactics, however, still elude you.

You have poked the bear!
(\/)ighty RE

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #1312 on: October 19, 2012, 11:45:59 PM »
Your tactics have my head spinning harder then when im drunk. Its like watching me play chess against one of those super-pro players who knows what your going to do before you do it. Then move a pawn for no reason what so ever and watch them sit there for 30 minutes trying to figure out why you did it. Same concept. You got 600 damage per post just sitting in your hangers, knowing your going to loose it, yet still wont launch it?

Again, knowing full well you've lost everything that remains at this planet, you fight like your not going to have another MC-80/Dread combo dropping right on your head? Why havnt you just suicide slammed me yet?

Your tactics make no sense!!! Why, why are you making me chase you?! Why Mr. Anderson, why, why do you persist!

Edit: For the record though, the difference in this battle is the fact your using all stock units. This battle would have been a completely different story had you been running 12 Squads of T/As and 80 fucking Gamma's.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2012, 11:49:02 PM by Ramano »

Offline Dementat

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« Reply #1313 on: October 21, 2012, 12:41:05 AM »
So I was gonna stick it out but couldn't get some questions answered in time. The difference would have been significant, so I had to bug out. Call me what you wish.
(\/)ighty RE

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #1314 on: October 21, 2012, 01:57:53 AM »
No, I was actually expecting you to do that as soon as you took down my fighter screen, lol. But I do have a question, are PDF ships allowed to just take off after a battle like that? Your basically fleeting them to use them for tractor power like you did, and 3 VSDs is way more then 23CP. More want to know for future reference then to decide anything at this battle, but yeah, some clarification on that would be appreciated.

Edit: And remember, if you have a question or something and time sensitive posts are on the line, just make a place holder post. We're all supposed to be being civilized and friendly here, its allowed.

Edit Edit: And Dem, I have a question for you... your already half way to the death star anyway, why dont you just sit at home and dump all your money into it and you've won the game in 2 action days... ?
« Last Edit: October 21, 2012, 03:19:20 AM by Ramano »

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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« Reply #1315 on: October 21, 2012, 09:14:16 AM »
I didnt realize he's that close! I think I'll just wait til the next chapter to get invested timewise if that's the case. Pointless to participate so far behind.

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #1316 on: October 21, 2012, 09:37:49 AM »
I have to agree, Dem is close enough he can basically win the game at will. So do we just want to call this match up as Dem's win and move on to chapter 3? Lets face it, short of Me, Hop, and Hale all teaming up together, which even with my SLing abilities I couldnt justify, no one is in any position to assault Coruscant before Dem can finish the Death Star. So, with all this being brought to light, I say congratulations Dem, my simming abilities are no match for your Meta-Game Management.

I guess unless someone has any objection, I will go start working on my Vong stats then. >=)

And yes, I want, need, and must have the Vong. I called dibs a month ago, and lets face it, none of you can RP genocidal maniacs like I can.

Edit: Also, for winning this round, I think the imps (or just Dem, however) should get a starting bonus. Only fair.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2012, 09:41:14 AM by Ramano »

Offline Dementat

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« Reply #1317 on: October 21, 2012, 10:12:56 AM »
I don't have any intent on building the Death Star and winning the game so early. Besides, look how long it takes to construct? Why would we call it now when you still have time to find and destroy the R&D Facility?

Does nobody enjoy a little nostalgia anymore? As you can see by my use of the free tech, I am very nostalgic. Hell, I want this game to go long enough for me to use some Dreadnaughts and things, lol.

And Hop, I would have allowed a placeholder if I didn't have one more post turn before you arrived. You entered HS from Mon Calamari at 12:51pm (Edit: I think, as you have another post that says 1:04pm and edited the 12:51pm post several times). My next post could have been made at 10:23pm but I was hoping to get that clarification first. I wasn't trying to be a dick.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2012, 10:14:28 AM by Dementat »
(\/)ighty RE

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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« Reply #1318 on: October 21, 2012, 10:33:45 AM »
Ok fair enough on the posts.

I'm nostalgic too, but going up against 4 VSD-IIs, you cant be using much else than good SF and MC80s. I'm not going to arm a fleet that cant win for nostalgia. You use TIE F, but you also use VSD-IIs which are brutally effective against most everything including fighters, AND they carry 87 shuttles

I really wished a lot of the rebel ships weren't so useless. But unfortunately all of them are. You can use them, but they are more expensive and less effective. RAF is a great example. 6 CP, less than 500 damage at 4 UCR, and 1 squad. 1 aux i think. A pair of those takes more CP than a VSDII, which is vastly superior in ground, space, and aux/sf. The CGUN is more expensive and takes more CP than an X-Wing squad which is much more effective. The NEB is decent and useful, but the MC60 is CP hog and only good for ground, no sf basically. Dreadnaughts are low UCR and slow, carry next to nothing for fighters and CP expensive, etc etc. You pick a nostalgic fleet and do the math yourself against a pair of VSDIIs and tell me who wins or forces a retreat every time? The Imp ships have better firepower so low UCR craft get bombed out and disabled in 1 turn if they aren't huge mon cal ships. Meanwhile the 2 squads your fleet carries get eaten alive by a swarm of shuttles and a dozen TIE F squads remain on CAP untouched :)

I wish there there was more incentive to use these ships. I wanted a a pair of RAFs with NEB support as my main fleet until i started simming through battles to see how they performed, and they'd get destroyed quickly or disabled and at their cost, its not effective. Speaking disabled, Imperials also have fuck tons of tractors so they can bail out as you did with disabled ships in tow.

There's some thinking to be done in this regard. I'm not really sure what can be done but yeah. For now, you'll see Mon Cals with a few smaller support ships in CP and lots of fightres, because without the fighters there is zero chance of survival.

I don't have any intent on building the Death Star and winning the game so early. Besides, look how long it takes to construct? Why would we call it now when you still have time to find and destroy the R&D Facility?

Does nobody enjoy a little nostalgia anymore? As you can see by my use of the free tech, I am very nostalgic. Hell, I want this game to go long enough for me to use some Dreadnaughts and things, lol.

And Hop, I would have allowed a placeholder if I didn't have one more post turn before you arrived. You entered HS from Mon Calamari at 12:51pm (Edit: I think, as you have another post that says 1:04pm and edited the 12:51pm post several times). My next post could have been made at 10:23pm but I was hoping to get that clarification first. I wasn't trying to be a dick.

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #1319 on: October 21, 2012, 12:36:43 PM »
Well thats kind of the point Hop. Imps get the heavy ship power, rebs get the fighters. Your supposed to be using lots of shuttles and fighters, its where all of the rebel firepower comes from.

As far as ending the chapter, you need to hurry up and do it so I can fucking start using the Vong and eating the galaxy 1 planet at a time until you kill the Koros-Stronha, MWUAHAHAHAHA.