Author Topic: CC: Corporate Greed  (Read 135613 times)

Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #120 on: July 11, 2016, 12:22:39 PM »
Corporate Sector

Etti IV: Surface: Mondder

Garron Prescott enters the lobby of the Gellar Tower in the late afternoon.

After sending the kids off to school, he consulted with Doctor Daaé and scheduled a visit to ensure nothing more serious was behind her fall. Celeste swore she was fine but felt weak and he could not get her words out of his head.

"I felt something…"

While she may not be a practicing Force user outside of meditation, he knew she was deeply connected to it. She felt a great many things which made her an excellent psychologist and counselor to those in need. Many years ago, when the children were still very young, Celeste shared some of her history that led to her presence in the Corporate Sector. Rutherford had briefed him but her story layered in the emotional terror inflicted by Alexander Winton and his obsession with the Persephonea Prophecy. Usually very composed, Celeste broke down over her guilt about failing Melanie and fleeing Naboo with Dahlia; a decision that left both her dearest friend and husband at the mercy of Winton.

It was the Queen that arranged for their escape with the Jedi and a complicit Rutherford Gellar. Henrick Masterton's vaccine kept them all hidden until the destruction of the Centerpoint Station where the Emperor and the remainder of The Four perished.

Although she healed, Garron knew she could never forgive herself for abandoning Melanie. Rutherford's love and the children they raised gave her new purpose and perspective. Circe provided an absolution in sharing that Melanie never blamed her parents for their predicament, that it all unfolded as it had to in order for good to prevail.

Yet as the years passed, the uneasy and ominous feeling returned.

The things he has seen and done solidify a theory that the remnants of the past still linger and now threaten to close in all around them.

Irulan Reeves meets him by the lifts, polished and polite.

"Good afternoon, Irulan. Always a pleasure."

"The pleasure is mine," she says. "Have you heard from Rutherford?"

"No, I was here to see him. Is he in?"

She angles him down the empty corridor toward Gellar's office.

"He was absent from our meeting this morning and his com is off."

"That's unusual, isn't it?"

"Stranger still, his office was a disaster this morning. It's as if he tore through it and left in a hurry."

"No one has seen him?"

She shakes her head.

"And the cams?"

"I've conferred with the security team and the last sighting of him is heading back to his office yesterday evening around eight. He never left."

Garron taps in his code and they enter the office together.

"How did you find the office?"

As she describes the scene, a sense of dread washes over him with a singular detail hanging in the forefront of his mind.

The balcony door was left open.

"Was anyone seen approaching?"

"I'm afraid not," Irulan says. "The floor was completely empty by then."

They exchange an extended, worried glance. Kylie's disappearance and Celeste's condition only lend credence to Garron's alarm. Something is definitely not right.

"You don't think…"

"We need context, not speculation. Did he have any appointments on his schedule?"

She glances down at her datapad, tapping the screen with a frown.

"No, he had nothing after five and that was with me."

"What did you discuss?"

"Scheduling trials of a cognitive degeneration treatment after consistent testing and conclusive results over the past six years. If trials proved successful, it could change the way we treat early-onset dementia. He was very excited about it. We both were."

His mind is spinning. It's not like Rutherford doesn't have a plethora of corporate enemies jealous of his companies position. Others have gone to great and terrible lengths to take back market shares.

"Do you know where he went after your meeting?"

"He didn't say. I left his office, checked the labs then went home for the day."

"But he did leave his office afterwards?"

"Yes," she says. "The cams show him down in the labs alone for a little over an hour then returning to his office. The cams are activated by motion and recorded nothing in that corridor until I arrived this morning."

"That seems highly suspicious."

"Extremely, but I had only just returned from security when they notified me you were here so I hadn't really had time to consider the broader implications."

Garron rounds the desk and keys up the consol. He has the codes to enter, a fail-safe access both he and Irulan were given. The home screen is blank and no programs or messages are open. He enters the com function and checks the incoming calls. The log is empty. He then checks the outgoing calls. It is also empty. There is no way a founder, CEO and Direx Board member like Rutherford Gellar has a clear call history. Unless, of course, it was cleared intentionally.

Was he also taken from this office intentionally?

"You said a drawer was open. Which one?"

She motions to it.

Garron pulls it open to find nothing.

There is only one item stored in this drawer. 

"Do you know what he keeps in here?"

Her eyes widen, voice barely a whisper.

"His blaster."

The state she found the office in could indicate a struggle but there are no scorch marks to suggest it had escalated into a blaster fight. Unless...those blasts found their target and only their target.

"I need you to think carefully, Irulan. Did he say anything to you that sounded out of place, even something you dismissed as banal or meaningless at the time?"

"Our conversation solely revolved around the trials."

"None of this makes sense."

"Should we notify the Espos?"

"We have nothing conclusive to report and it's been less than the standard time frame for a missing person. Can you send me his schedule? I will retrace his steps tonight and regroup with you in the morning."

She nods, tapping away at the datapad before meeting his gaze once again.

"I'm worried, Garron. This isn't like him."

"I know."


D'ian: Suface: Gellar Estate

The following morning the children wake with a sense of excitement. Prom is finally upon them. With Lady Masterton resting in her bedroom, they rely on the droids for breakfast. The Holo plays from the kitchen projector in the island, the events of the week preempted by breaking news out of the Republic.

Selene Silvestri's face appears.

"Live out of the Republic capital of Chandaar; over a dozen civilians and security forces have been killed in an attack in downtown Ambaril. The perpetrator appears to be one of the Jedi, scarcely seen around the Republic after the passage of the Force User Registration Act. We now go to photage from the scene but discretion is advised as the images are disturbing."

It cuts to a figure in robes, bodies strewn around her as she twirls a blue saber. The cam is shaky at first but steadies as it narrows on the attacker. It is a woman with blue eyes and a face they have all seen standing in their living room last year.

Dane tilts his head, "Hey, isn't that your, like, mentor?"

With teary eyes, Gemma has a hand clamped over her mouth to suppress the stunned and horrified sobs. She backs away from the table, shaking her head.

Behind them, Dahlia smiles slyly.

"Tough breaks, darling. Guess you'll have to find a new hero."

Gemma whirls around.

"Shut up, Dahlia!"

"Hey, don't get pissy with me because your role model lost her shit."

"That can't be true."

"Denial does not look good on you. We're watching her butcher a bunch of people on live Holo. It doesn't get truer than that."

"I can't believe this…I just can't…"

Gemma flees the room in tears.

Dahlia glances at Dane.

"Too soon?"

He smirks, "You really are bucking for bitch of the year, aren't you?"

"Oh come on," Dahlia says. "You were totally thinking it too."

"Yeah but I'm not going to throw it in her face."

"She can stand to be brought down a notch or two. Besides, idealizing anyone can be dangerous. No one is ever going to live up to her altruistic expectations."

Dane nods, eyes wandering back to the photage.

"That's pretty messed up. She did rescue us though."

Dahlia glares, flashing back to the torture she endured after her siblings were freed.

"How nice for you and Gemma."

"Bitter much?"

"Bitterness makes you ugly. I'm just pointing out the flaws in believing anyone is infallible. Everyone has a breaking point, even someone like Nevylinn."

"I thought the Jedi were calm and boring. This is kind of badass."

"Don't be a such a boy. Massacring a grip of people is totes not cool. The Jedi are not perfect and with all the pressure and scrutiny after being ousted, there are clearly some who harbor ill will."

"Aren't they supposed to be, you know, above that?"

"Even the most grounded individuals have a line."

"You sound like you are enjoying this."

Dahlia shrugs, placing a glass in the sink and heading toward the foyer.

"No time to care, hair appointment."

Dane turns back to the photage, another wave of security personnel sent tumbling away. One of the agents is flung at the reporter, knocking them down but the cam, still shooting, is zoomed in on Nevylinn's face which is tightened in an expression of pure rage. She shifts her blue eyes toward the cam before bringing the saber down.

It cuts to static.


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #121 on: July 18, 2016, 12:07:08 PM »
"I've got the strangest feeling
This isn't our first time around"


Corporate Sector

D'ian: Surface

Gellar Estate

Gemma paces in her bedroom, conflicted and confused.

She doesn't understand how this could happen or why. She thought she and Nevylinn were connected, that she would feel something through the Force, but she feels nothing. None of her calls are answered on Corellia, not even Riley. She is angry at Dahlia for being so flippant but it shouldn't surprise her by now. She reaches out to the only person who she knows will understand.

"I know. I saw. Are you okay?"

"No," Gemma croaks. "This can't be happening."

"It must be a setup."

"But how? We all saw her face on the Holo. They already distrust the Jedi as it is and this will only make it worse. How could she do something like that?"

Demaris is calmer than expected.

"Who says she did?"

"What do you mean?"

"When I was on Corellia last summer, Riley told me there were clones of his aunt Mara. He said they were used to abduct him, you and Dahlia."

"What does Mara have to do with any of this?"

"What if there are clones of Nevylinn too?"

Something uncurls within Gemma, triggering a memory of the battle at the Patten Ranch. What was it that the Sith woman said when Nevylinn saved her? Gemma gasps.

"It's not her clone. It's her sister."

"Her sister?"

"Yes, when we were attacked a Sith woman almost killed me. Nevylinn stopped her and she called her sister."

"I thought you said she was blasted into a million pieces."

"She was…but she was also working with the Mara clones. One was captured but there were others."

"If they are working together then it's possible they found a way to replicate her too."

"It is a setup," Gemma breathes, relieved but still horrified. "That registration act only goes so far. This would ensure the Jedi are vilified as means to eliminate them entirely. We can't let them get away with this."

"We won't but right now, we have to perform."

"Prom? You can't be serious-"

"Pull it together, Gemma. The reason we are able to maintain our cover is through a public façade, remember? It gives us access and we are going to need it in order to help them."

"When did you become such a strategist?"

"I picked up a thing or two from the CorSec Director. If we start losing it now, it will all be over."

Gemma wipes the tears from her cheeks and centers herself.

"You are right. We can't fall apart and risk doing something stupid."

"Exactly," Demaris says. "I'll see you tonight."


Valor Prep

The auditorium has been transformed for the event.

The committee went with the theme of "Greed Is In" so there are varying shades of green, gray and black. Outside, storm clouds gather as green spotlights sway in front of the entrance as the hoverlimo's begin to arrive. The affluence of their existence has never been on finer display as the couples enter and head onto the dance floor. One of the hottest DJ's out of Mondder has been hired to score the event.

Gemma remains silent on the ride over, willing herself not to look over at Dahlia. Preston is silently seething beside her as Roman's date, a gorgeous Chiss named Alia, fondles his arm. Quentin is amused by all the tension and makes small talk with Dane and Alka, the only two seemingly in good spirits.

Their arrival is met with much fanfare as the local fashion Holo bloggers and entertainment reporters came out to catch a glimpse of Princess Dahlia.

Quentin is impressed, "This is all for you?"

"Popularity does have its perks."

"Not all," Gemma says evenly, catching fans holding signs with her name on them behind the security line.

Dahlia's eyes narrow into slits.

Dane smirks, "Now who's down a few pegs?"

The transport slows to a stop.

Quentin exits the limo first and extends a hand, allowing Dahlia's graceful appearance to be captured beautifully. People shout her name and she smiles flawlessly, giving them exactly what they want.

Gemma rolls her eyes as the others pile out into the sea of flashes. However, taking Demaris' advice, she turns up the charm when the shouts turn from Dahlia to Gemma. One may be a model but the other is a pop star with a considerable following. She smiles and waves, pausing just enough for everyone to soak it up before striding inside with her friends.


Gellar Estate

As the rain begins to fall, Lady Celeste Masterton brings a cup of tea to her lips. It does little to soothe her anxiety. After she took photage of the children before they left for the Prom, she made her way back upstairs. She feels weak, drained somehow and although the doctor found nothing physically wrong with her she has been unable to shake the feeling.

In the flashes before she fainted, she saw Rutherford's face.

His eyes were wide and he was screaming but the image swirled into blackness. Attempts to call him have gone unanswered but she knows Garron left for Mondder earlier this morning.

Hopefully, she will hear something soon.

She keys up and scrolls through the pictures she took. Her children look so lovely, so grown up. At times she cannot believe they are nearly adults with their own hopes and dreams. It warms her heart knowing that they are cared for and have the support to be anything they want to be.

The datapad on the bedside table vibrates.

Lady Masterton taps off the consol and reaches for it. There is a message from Rutherford.

I'm here.

Frowning, she hits reply.


A few seconds later.

The woods.


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #122 on: July 25, 2016, 04:24:18 PM »
Corporate Sector

Etti IV

Garron follows Rutherford's trail throughout Mondder which leads him back to the Gellar Tower. Every appointment and location check out, adding to the mystery of his employer's disappearance. He is about to head up when Irulan calls with disturbing news.

The Espos have identified pieces of a body found.

It is Rutherford Gellar.



At Valor Prep, Prom is in full swing. Bodies writhe to the music beneath the swirling lights. Everyone enjoys the thrill of the moment, being together on one of the most significant nights of their lives. Gemma appears onstage in a surprise performance for the enthralled crowd. She brings down the house, bows then returns to her friends. After the applause dies down, the royal court is announced.


Lady Celeste Masterton pulls on a hooded cloak and steps out into the pouring rain, moving toward the dark woods. Two floating white orbs glow around her, lighting the way. She was confused by Rutherford's message but is drawn by the lingering feeling that something is wrong. He told her to meet him and so she does. She traverses the large trees and wet brush before breaking into a small clearing. A figure emerges from the other side, obstructed by the deluge and darkness.


The figure draws closer.
Celeste narrows her eyes, the feeling intensifying, but it is not her husband's presence she feels. It is something, someone, else – muddled and full of a dense rage. She stops. The figure does not, closing the distance between them until the light from the orbs washes over his face.

She breathes in, "Ambassador Sienna?"

He smiles but the expression is devoid of all warmth.

"You called me here? But I received a message from…"

Her voice trails off as he holds up her husband's personal datapad.

Something clicks and she pulls the cloak tighter around her suddenly feeling very exposed.

"Where is Rutherford?"

"He's gone, Lady Masterton. Much like Kylie Miranda."


"They were liabilities; you can understand that given your past. You understand what it means to sacrifice for the greater good. After all, you were one of the moral obstacles removed from The Four in order for plans to proceed."

"You know nothing of what I've suffered and lost or at what cost."

"I know more than you think."

"I was right about you," Celeste says with a voice laced in venom. "I knew you would become a danger to my family. It was only a matter of time."

"Kylie said the same thing…too late, of course. So did your husband. It's astounding the kind of clarity that comes in those final moments."

The reality of their deaths is muted by her anger.

"What do you want?"

"The New Four have great potential, a way to bring about the chilling conclusion to a story started long before the Queen became a conduit."

"The prophecy? When will the Empire ever learn that this only leads to destruction and death? It shattered my family and ended the lives of thousands. And for what? The ramblings of a delusional megalomaniac? Alexander Winton is dead!"

"Be that as it may," Vex says. "His work lives on…in them."

"Stay away from them."

"You are not in a position to make demands."

"I beseech you!" Celeste screams. "Do not destroy their lives for your personal gain! This isn't a game, Ambassador Sienna. We are talking about four innocents who have a real chance to break free of shadows their family cast over them."

"You only have yourself to blame for that."

"I've come to terms with my guilt; I've made peace with it. I vowed to keep them safe from exactly this kind of insipid manipulation."

He advances, snatching her by the throat to bring her slowly closer to his face.
"And once again, Lady Masterton, you have failed."

She gasps, reaching out through the Force to bring both orbs down at his feet. They explode and he releases her enough for Celeste to shove him backwards before turning to flee. She runs blindly through the rain, reentering the woods back toward the Gellar Estate. Fighting through the brush, all she can think of is her children. Their faces push her forward but she stumbles in a winding stream now overflowing with water. Celeste begins to drift but she grabs onto a rock for support and claws her way up onto the bank. The house is just beyond the ridge and she throws herself forward, willing her aching legs to get her to safety.

As she nears the top of the hill, Vex grabs the end of her cloak and pulls her forcefully back. She tumbles through the mud and branches to land at the edge of the water. Sputtering for breath, Celeste tires to push herself up but Vex steps on her back, sinking her deeper into the soft earth.

"I am afraid you are the last of the loose ends."

"Please," Celeste pants. "Please don't take my children."

He kneels down close enough for her to hear him.

"We already have them."

With a handful of her blonde curls, he forces her head into the water.


"Our Prom Queen, Dahlia Winton!"

A crown is placed upon her head and flowers in her arms. Dahlia beams, waving and smiling as she moves to the front of the stage. The King, Kier Kincaid nods to her while trying to avoid Trichelle's furious glare behind them. Gemma and Demaris share a knowing glance while unenthusiastically clapping their hands together.

Dahlia revels in the attention and thinks to herself – this is only the beginning.


A muddied, tattered white cloak lies beside a raging creek as a body floats downstream.

There is a crack of thunder then blackness.


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #123 on: July 31, 2016, 06:57:02 PM »
"Lord, here comes the flood
We will say goodbye to flesh and blood
If again the seas are silent
in any still alive
It'll be those who gave their island to survive
Drink up, dreamers, you're running dry."

-Peter Gabriel

Corporate Sector

D'ian: Surface

In the early morning hours, sun barely up and casting an orange glow after the storm, a hoverlimo slips down the drive toward the Gellar Estate.

They sit in the back, spread out and smiling. Dane is more than just a little drunk, Dahlia's crown is off-center and Gemma is wrapped in a shawl. It had been a magical night and despite their differences, they glance around at one another in an amused union. They stumble inside the foyer, giggling and trying to stay composed. They half expect their parents to be in the kitchen making breakfast as they do nearly every Sunday morning but the kitchen is empty. The massive house is eerily silent.
Dane leans over the sink pounding a glass of water.

Dahlia is still a bit stoned and nibbles on a few things in the pantry.

Gemma stares through the window and sees lights through the trees as two figures climb up the ridge into the grasses at the edge of their property. As they near, she notices they are in uniform.


"Oh, fuck," Dane says as he turns around. "Seriously?"

"Relax," Dahlia says, moving beside her. "I'll handle it."

The men are moving steadily and round the mansion out of sight. A few moments later the chimes sound at the door. Dahlia adjusts her crown, giving herself a cursory inspection in the hall mirror and opens the door. Gemma comes up behind her followed by a reluctant Dane.

"Good morning," she says. "How can we help you?"

The men exchange glances but it doesn't alter their grim expressions.

"We are looking for Garron Prescott."

"I'm afraid he's out at the moment."

"We thought he would be back by now."

"So, you've spoken with him?"

"Yes," the first says. "He said he would be here to…assist."

"Assist in what?"

The second agents face grows grimmer still.

"We have some terrible news."

Gemma cries out behind them, backing up against the wall. Their thoughts were easy to lift, a grievous presumption on her part. That is when a speeder stops on the drive and Garron runs toward the house. Dahlia's eyes travel from him back to the agents.

"What the hell is going on?"

"There is no easy way to say this," the first says. "Your parents have passed. Confirmation came in from the central precinct last night on Mondder that positively identified Rutherford Gellar and this morning, a call was received in Concordia of a body found downstream that we believe is Celeste Masterton. I am very sorry for your losses."

Garron reaches the house and bounds up the steps to find them staring in disbelief.

"Is this…true?"

His throat is raw but he manages to speak.


Gemma screams and drops to her knees in tears. Garron moves past a stunned Dahlia to comfort her.

She meets their gazes.
"Thank you, agents. We're going to need some time."

"Of course, but we will need to ask a few-"

She slams the door in their faces.

Dane is trembling with rage. He shouts obscenities and punches a hole through the wall before withdrawing his bloody hand and storming upstairs. Dahlia staggers toward the banister, gripping it for support as she eases herself down onto a step. Gemma is sobbing uncontrollably as Garron cradles her with a shaking head.

Dahlia watches this and finds herself conflicted, torn between devastation and release – she lost the only parents she ever knew but is granted the freedom from their judgment and expectations. As much as Adubell taught her to hate them for all of their lies, the emotional gravity is unbearable. She pulls her knees against her chin, lowers her head and cries.


In the days that follow, Garron Prescott oversees the operations of the Gellar Estate as best he can.

Dahlia has already completed her senior coursework and is granted leave until graduation. Dane and Gemma were given extensions into the summer for completion of their junior year.

The Corporate Sector is up in arms about the deaths of Gellar and Masterton and the Holo has a field day with the implications as the Espos investigate possible causes.  Irulan Reeves is named interim CEO of ChemiX by the board and Dane inherits the company as a whole. Despondent and angry, he signs off on Reeves' oversight and allows her and the board to continue moving the company forward. One thing is certain; ChemiX must remain in the Gellar name and he tasks a bereft Irulan to keep innovating. He has enough sense of know he is no shape to run a company but his internship and experience with ChemiX will prepare him when the time is right.

The funeral is massive and well-attended but they stray from the three grief-stricken teenagers dressed in black standing off to the side as Garron reads a eulogy on their behalf. As the mourners leave the cemetery, Gemma watches in horror as Dane kneels between the two elaborate headstones just as she had seen it so many months before. She didn't know it would be them.

The calls and messages from Riley go unreturned.

A grand bouquet is waiting for Dahlia back at the estate with a heartfelt condolence from Barrett.
In the end, Kylie's disappearance has turned into a cold case but Garron knows deep down she is as dead as Rutherford and Celeste. Their deaths are ruled accidental although he feels otherwise. He is certain Vex Sienna is involved but cannot prove a thing. The Espos have no evidence and no leads.

There wasn't a note to indicate suicide in Rutherford's case and a thorough search of the office turned up a spilled bottle of liquor near a lowered section of the railing. The prevailing theory is that he was working late, as he often did, became impaired and fell over.

Celeste's case is similarly strange and the reason she was out in the storm in the first place is beyond reason to those who knew her. There were no signs of trauma to the body aside from what was done in the stream and the ultimate cause of death was drowning.

Along with the emotional fallout of loss comes the process and paperwork.

As Irulan is the second in command of Rutherford's business affairs, Garron is the second in command of the personal and financial. In conjunction with their corporate legal team, Garron oversees the execution of the wills of both Rutherford and Celeste. There is a vast fortune amassed between them ranging from personal assets, property, investments, and the company. Trusts and titles are significantly important in the elitist world.

Dane officially becomes Lord Gellar, Baron of the Gellar Estate with a third of the financial assets along with various investments and controlling shares in ChemiX.

Gemma becomes Lady Masterton, a Baroness with a third of the financial assets along with various investments, priceless artwork and a sizable jewelry collection. 

Dahlia, while not a biological heir, retains the title of Princess from her birth mother with a third of the financial assets and full ownership of the Bolerathon Tower on Hesperidium.

Garron takes no pleasure in this and watches with a heavy heart across the finely polished board room table as they sit stoically listening to the lawyers drone on. He wants the best for them but knows it will take time to regroup after suffering such a devastating loss. All he can do is be there for them. With Kylie gone, he is out of his emotional depth as she was always better at knowing exactly what to say and do to ease their worries.

His relationship with Rutherford spirals back to him; from colleague, confidante and advisor to the guardian and protector of his children. How time changes things in the most unexpected ways. Although he cares for each of them, their faces so broken and innocent, the sinister feeling beneath the surface never leaves him.


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #124 on: August 01, 2016, 02:51:07 PM »
Corporate Sector

D'ian: Surface

A hoverlimo pulls up in front of the Gellar Estate.

One does not need the Force to feel the somber tone that has settled over everything. She stares up at the mansion before taking a breath and stepping out onto the stone drive, ascending the steps to the front door. Per the instructions, she enters the residence. The silence is almost oppressive and the only sound is her heels as she walks through the foyer and down the corridor to the office.

Garron is standing by the window, a glass of whiskey in his left hand. He turns when she enters and his face softens but it doesn't hide the pain in his eyes.


She crosses the room and embraces him tightly.

"I came as soon as I heard," she says, stepping back to look up at him. "I am so sorry, Garron. The Republic sends their deepest condolences through this dark time. How are the children holding up?"

"They are tough, tougher than I expected but considering all they have been through I am not surprised."

"Of course. How are you doing?"

"Terrible," he says, attempting a smile. "I knew there would come a day when we would lose them but I never thought it would be so soon and so close together. Dahlia is eighteen so she's technically an adult but I have been granted legal guardianship of Gemma and Dane until they come of age."

"I think you make an excellent parental figure."

"You have more confidence in me than I do. I always chose business first and never really thought about a family of my own."

"We have that in common."

"Then the unexpected happens and changes things for everyone, shaping my role in their lives in a way I never fathomed."

Her hand slides down his arm and into his hand.

"Our adaptability is a source of considerable strength and I have no doubt you will grow into this role as you have with the others throughout your relationship to their family."

He turns to her, face falling.

"How am I supposed to be a pillar of stability if I am just as broken? I was closer to Rutherford and Celeste than I was to my own family. They meant everything to me, made me who I am today, and now that they are gone I feel…empty. Alone."

"You are not alone," Janessa says sternly.

"If Kylie were here I might feel differently but I am truly am. They look to me for guidance but I am filled with suspicion and rage."

"The Espos still have nothing?"

"You know as well as I do that she's dead. If she wasn't, we would have heard something by now but there has been no ransom, no threats. And for them to follow so closely behind makes me more certain that something else is at play here. It's as if they were being eliminated to create a void of confusion and it is that void I fear will be used to prey upon the children in their grief."

"Eliminated by whom?"

"This is going to sound crazy."

She smirks, "We're past that. Lay it on me."

"I think Vex Sienna is involved."

"The Imperial liaison?"

He nods.

"Kylie told me she believed he was withholding something important from her, something potentially involving his superiors. She went to Mondder to confront him about it then disappeared. Sienna claims he never saw her but I think she may have either stumbled into information she wasn't supposed to know or became a liability because of his relationship with her."

"What makes you think that?"

"I don't believe it was a coincidence that he was sent to the Corporate Sector where he would have direct access to Rutherford through the Direx Board. Sienna was a captain in the Imperial Navy under Emperor Dementat prior to his promotion and transfer. While respectable, it didn't necessarily qualify him as an Ambassador in such a high level position in a completely different field. The liaison, as you know firsthand, is more of a diplomatic role. It requires more tact and finesse than is typically seen in a naval officer."

"So, why do you think he was chosen?"

"He has history with these families which gave him unique leverage. I did my research. Sienna grew up on Coruscant and went to school with The Four. He was a class above them and his girlfriend went missing his junior year. As she ran in the same circles, there were apparently rumors her proximity made her a target. This was neither the first nor the last instance of collateral damage."

"What happened to her?"

"She was found murdered in a seedy motel on Tatooine years later. No one knows where she was in the interim. Although he graduated and attended university on Carida, Sienna returned to the Core after the destruction of Coruscant and allegedly began a relationship with Karen Winton. Clearly, this did not last as she was later linked with the Emperor but his ties to them would make him a potentially valuable asset if strategically placed."

"Like in direct association with Rutherford Gellar who happened to be raising a Gellar, Masterton and Winton here in the Corporate Sector."


"How do you know the Empire would even be interested in them given that, historically, the then-Emperor's relationship with a Winton brought them to the brink of extinction? I don't know much about Emperor Schrag but I do know he has spent years bringing them back into the game. With the most recent treaty with the Republic, I am not certain he would risk the uncertainty they represent. Meddling with The Four did not exactly work out for them in the past from the things I've read."

"Unless he felt they could be manipulated in their favor."

Janessa pours herself a glass.

"That's a stretch."

"Is it? These families may be divisive to some but there is no discounting their popularity and appeal. A well-crafted image is important to achieving certain goals. Even someone as shrewd as Emperor Schrag knows that. The inroads he's made within the Republic are not a result of strategy alone."

She recalls the gala at the museum, so many months ago, and the young Imperial protégé accompanied by the gorgeous model.


"She's part of it," Garron says. "But they also secured themselves stake in ChemiX as terms of Rutherford's release after the attack on The Wheel. Sienna has been in close proximity to Dane on several occasions, including a celebratory dinner he threw for his girlfriend after a performance. Combine that with his relationship with Kylie and some might say he is trying to ingratiate himself into our lives."

"To what end?"

"I don't know but I'm betting it's not out of genuine admiration. He was sent here with a purpose and I need to know what that is."

"I'm dying to hear how you plan on discovering this without getting yourself killed."

"That's where you come in."

Janessa arches a brow, "Really?"

Garron's expression is one of sheer sinister determination which turns her on more than she cares to admit.

"I need you to get close to Sienna through the Direx Board. He'll be feeling lonely and perhaps vulnerable. As you have to report to them on behalf of the Republic, there will be amble opportunity to cross his path."

"Hold up," Janessa says with a hand raised in front of him. "You believe Sienna had something to do with Kylie's disappearance and the deaths of the Gellar-Masterton's but you want me to traipse around in front of him like bait?"

"Pretty much, yeah."

"Surely you realize I could be seriously injured."

"Is this morally ambiguous task too much for you?"

"Of course not but I do want you to grasp the scope of what you are asking me to do."

"I need to know, Janessa."

She glances away, mind spinning into dark places. This is her forte as she has seduced and enticed sensitive information out of many powerful men, using it to her advantage within both the Republic and the Corporate Sector. Still, if this goes as deep as he believes it does, there is a very real danger.

"I know you do which if why I'll do it."

"Excellent. A toast?"

She raises her glass.

"To the truth."


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #125 on: August 08, 2016, 01:03:59 PM »
Corporate Sector

D'ian: Surface: Gellar Estate

Gemma stands by the stream winding its way across the Gellar property. She is emotionally destroyed but turns those feelings inward for reflection just as Nevylinn had taught her. Despite what the Holo says about the Jedi on Chandaar, she knows it isn't true. Riley confirmed it when she finally gathered the stability to return his call. He was incredibly empathetic and supportive. His words mean more to her than he will ever know.

Riley told her Nevylinn was not on Chandaar and she shared her thoughts about what may really be going on. They agreed to stay in close contact. He is worried and she is touched.

The stream seems so peaceful now but she cannot shake the images of her mother drowning in it. Everyone reacts to grief differently and even though Dane presents a tough exterior, she knows he is just as devastated. His new duties as Baron and heir to ChemiX require a level head and he has traveled to Etti IV to move the company forward. Surprisingly, Dahlia has been sullen and withdrawn, shying away from social activity in favor of solitude in her room. The only person she let near the house is Muriel who has been a welcome relief from the misery.

Security around the estate is tightened. Thankfully, the no-press policy on D'ian allows them space to grieve in peace.

"Why do this to yourself?"

She doesn't turn, "I need to understand."

"I'm working on getting you all answers," Garron says. "I know how important that is for closure."

"You say that like the answers will erase the pain when you know it will only lead to further questions. This wasn't an accident, no matter what the Espos says."

"I agree which is why I want to find out what really happened."

"Why didn't you go with Dane?"

"He wanted me to stay with you."

"I'm not made of glass, Garron."

"Perhaps not," he says. "But it is okay to break. You don't have to carry this alone. We are all suffering and I think we can help each other through it."

"I have a confession to make."


She turns around.

"I saw this too. Not the specifics, just the funeral – Dane kneeling between the gravestones. When I saw it happen in reality it all came flooding back."

His face remains neutral.

"This was the same vision that led you to believe Georgie was one of the creatures and he hasn't been seen since. Was that also true?"


"You confronted him, didn't you?"

"He was revealed for what he was and defeated."

Garron tries not to be angry even though he had asked her not to risk it. There are other factors he must consider given his conversation with Janessa and their plan.

"Was Dahlia aware?"

"He claimed she was too self-involved to be suspicious."

"Do you believe that?"

"What are you asking me?"

"Do you think Georgie and, by extension Dahlia, was involved in something that led to Kylie's disappearance and your parents' death?"

It is blunt but he owes her that.

She takes it in stride.

"Would I put it past her? No but you were there when we found out. She was blindsided too. Dahlia's proclivities are speculative at best but the timeline is a little too suspicious. Georgie's cover is blown then Kylie goes missing and my parents suddenly meet unfortunate ends within a day of each other. That is not a coincidence."

"No, it isn't."

"You have a theory?"

"I'm working on something," he says, treading carefully. She may be bright and capable but she is still fragile and reeling. He is not about to fill her head with doubt when he doesn't have anything conclusive. "I will let you know how it pans out."

She nods, turning back to the stream.


Etti IV: Surface: Mondder

Dane stands before the ChemiX executive board of directors. He wears an expensively tailored suit and a hardened expression he cribbed from his father. It takes everything he has to keep it together. He had prepared notes which Dahlia helped with. She stressed the importance of a strong and assertive position.

"Thank you for meeting with me today. Although uncertainty is at the forefront of our minds, the vultures will not be circling. We must move forward stronger and more determined than ever to keep my father's vision alive. While my plans involve completing my education, I fully intend to work closely with you to ensure my internship grows into a successful and mutually beneficial business partnership so that I may be ready to take on the challenges when the time comes. Until then, there is no one more qualified and dedicated to the cause than Irulan Reeves. She was my father's most trusted advisor and I am asking that the board place their trust in her as well to lead us through this tragedy and into the future."

The applause is unexpected but encouraging as Irulan stands and shakes Dane's hand. He knows they were worried about the company's future given the ruthless nature of the Corporate Sector. The loss of such a powerful figure in Rutherford Gellar sent shockwaves through the corporate world. Rumors swirled about the potential for a buyout which were quickly extinguished by the ChemiX legal and public relations teams. Dane made it clear to the board that he had no intentions to sell and that their hard work would not go unrewarded.

Deferring leadership to Irulan Reeves proved to be a wise and extremely mature decision that showed ChemiX was serious about forging ahead. With everything Irulan assured him was in the pipeline, the company was in no shortage of innovation which would keep them at the head of the markets. This calmed anxious investors and swayed the board in his favor. They praised his fortitude amidst such a tragedy and gave their approval to name Irulan the CEO of ChemiX. Dane would be granted a provisionary title of executive advisor upon completion of his internship at the end of the summer. He would stay on in that capacity until he graduated from Valor Prep the following year with plans to attend university on Mondder. His work with the company in tandem to his education would set him with the experience to take the reins if and when he decided to do so.

Dane hasn't really decided on anything past getting through the meeting with the board. He is dying inside and cannot yet bring himself to enter his father's office. Everything about the official report sounds ridiculous and implausible yet there is no other obvious explanation.

Downstairs, he poses for photage with Irulan but allows her and the publicists to handle the onslaught of questions hurled at them. He slips away and glances up at the towering monolith that is the Gellar Tower. Everything seems surreal and he barely notices the presence beside him.

"Hello, Dane."

He shields the sunlight from his eyes with one hand.

"Oh, hey Ambassador Sienna."

"You know, this isn't a formal meeting. You can call me Vex. Tough morning?"

"Sorry, right. You don't know the half of it. I'm honestly surprised I wasn't torn to shreds or laughed out of the room by the board."

"They respect you," Vex says. "You've handled yourself well given the circumstances. I wanted to offer my condolences both personally and on behalf of the Empire. Your father was a great man."

"Thank you. I really appreciate that. You've been a great friend to us both."

Vex smiles.

"I'm here if you need to talk or escape the circus for a while."

"What I need is a decent breakfast. I'm starving!"

"I know just the place."


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #126 on: August 22, 2016, 03:42:01 PM »
"Where are you now?
Another dream
The monster's running wild inside of me
I'm faded
I'm faded
So lost, I'm faded."

-Alan Walker

Corporate Sector

D'ian: Surface

Graduation comes and goes with all the standard fanfare.

While she puts on a good show, Dahlia is just not feeling it. She goes through the motions and smiles on cue surrounded by her closest friends. Most of their parents even show up for support and with all the photage and begrudging congratulations, she is reminded of what she lost. Dahlia never expected to take it this hard.

They were liars and conspirators. Their lies led to the deaths of her real parents. Now they are all dead. In some ways, it seems like a long-overdue karmic swing but in others she lost the only parents she's ever known. Why did they have to be so damn caring and supportive? It would have been easier to hate them and even easier to lose them if they had been monsters. But they weren't. At least, not monsters to her. It must have been easier for Karen and her friends since their parents were never around. Dahlia had Rutherford and Celeste around for every moment, every milestone in her life. She is almost embarrassed by how much it stings. She is tougher than this and her teaching tells her to cut herself off from feeling anything so that you have nothing to lose, nothing anyone can hold over you as leverage. It sounds so much better as a principle but in practice it's excruciating.

Dane left for his internship on Mondder and Garron is busy hovering over Gemma and her album release and summer tour schedule which leaves Dahlia to her own devices. It's just as well. She's not really in the mood for their awkward interactions anyway so she agrees to the graduation after-party at the Corinthos Estate. From the patio she can see the Gellar mansion framed in the distance as the sun burns the sky a brilliant orange.

It is in this daze she knows their lives will never be the same.

She wears a short, light-gray dress and heels. It's simple for the smoldering weather but she exudes a frosty vibe that repels. No one really talks to her because they don't know what to say – another tragedy for the redhead. Escara Wu already reached out to gush about how this adversity can work for her brand. Some may call it insensitive but girlfriend is always thinking ahead.

Muriel emerges from the house with heart-shaped sunglasses and a lit joint.

"Someone said there was a party-pooper up here."

Dahlia turns, plucking the joint from between Muriel'a fingers and taking a long, slow hit. She watches the thick cloud of smoke curl out of her mouth. 

"That should cheer me right up."

"I know there isn't anything I can say or do but they would have been proud today. We graduated! That's a big deal. You pulled off the perfect senior year with the grades, the titles, the social life and the fame. I don't want anything to take away from everything you've accomplished. Take the time to grieve but at the very least give yourself space to feel good about this. You deserve that."

Dahlia reaches out to touch the side of her face.

"Thank you, darling. I'll be okay, promise. Hey, I have an idea. Why don't you and I take a little holiday on Hesperidium? You've got some time before you run off with Tobias."

Muriel twirls across the patio.

"Now that sounds like a plan but first…a dance."

Hand-in-hand, they descend to the living room where their friends are moving along to the music. Trichelle raises a champagne flute, hanging off of Kier. Quentin and Ples wave them over. The music builds and Tobias grooves in as Muriel wraps her arms around his neck. Dahlia grins and swivels her hips as the beat drops and everyone moves in union. The culmination of their friendships crystallizes in this moment and they sing loudly, together.

"So lost, I'm faded!"


Etti IV: Mondder: Motuyassa

Janessa Kain follows the host through the crowded dining room. All eyes are on her. How could they not be? She is stunning in a floor-length purple gown with her jet black hair worn over one shoulder. There was a moment of hesitation at Garron's request but deception comes easily to her. Her beguiling demeanor has won over many, lulling them into false senses of security. She aims for a similar approach now although the outcome is still questionable at best. She wonders if Garron can handle the truth and just what he will do.

Vex Sienna stands when she approaches.

"Good evening, Miss Kain. You look incredible."

"I appreciate the compliment, Mister Sienna," she says, taking a seat. "Thank you for meeting me."

He returns to his and signals to the server.

Vex knows of her by proximity but mostly reputation both here and in the Republic. Her powers of persuasion are almost as famous as her murder trial. The acquittal may have exonerated her but left a lingering legacy of being a femme fatale. She seems to have handled it well.

Conversely, his life is in emotional shambles. The blackouts, the murders, and every time he comes to in his apartment he knows he has done something unspeakable. Drinking helps dull the roar of his conscience as it screams for him to end it. But he can't. In his most private moments, the depression over being used as a pawn by the very institution he pledged his life to is nearly overwhelming. The contact and invitation is a welcome distraction from his internal anguish but still a mystery.

"Honestly, I was a bit surprised you asked although I took the liberty of getting us one of their finest."

"I like a man with initiative. Why the surprise?"

"We've been in the same circles for years. You seemed like you made every effort to avoid me."

"We had different interests then."

"What changed?"

"I thought it was time to we got to know one another now that we share a common interest in the Republic. The truce would dictate an introduction as liaisons but I decided to bypass the formality with something a bit more appropriate."

"The hottest new restaurant in Mondder?"

"We need to keep apprised of such things for our clients and casual conversation. They rely on us to show them a good time while we secure our standing and address concerns. It might as well be in the best environments."

"So true," Vex says, narrowing his gaze. "But why now? The truce has been in place for months."

His tone and body language indicate he is skeptical of her motives as he should be. She had been purposefully aloof with him in the past, more so to keep any accusations from Kylie being hurled her way. Everyone knows you can't play a player but Janessa is working another angle entirely. She does not want to get the upper hand but neutralize him under the pretense that they are equals fielding the same pressures from their respective factions. Camaraderie could go a long way in establishing trust and it is that trust which she means to exploit for answers.

"It was the earliest I could get away from Chandaar. Surely you realize what kind of qualms and questions were raised by the change in Imperial relations. The CSA is suspicious as you well know and certain egos needed to be soothed. Don't tell me you weren’t bombarded with questions after the announcement was made."

"More than I care to remember unfortunately. Let me guess, they wanted to know how their market shares would be affected by the influx of our supply?"

"Among other things," she replies coyly. "Nothing that can't be resolved with some tactful negotiation."

"Something I hear you are quite skilled at."

"I hear it is a reputation we share."

 He laughs for what seems like the first time in ages.

"You'd be surprised by how far a good whiskey will take you."

She smiles as the sommelier arrives with the wine.

"Or a good vintage."


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #127 on: August 29, 2016, 06:19:31 PM »
"We are the left behinds."

-Paris Blohm & Taylr Renee

Corporate Sector

D'ian: Surface

Demaris Atrii arrives at the Gellar Estate midday.

School is out and everyone is gearing up for some kind of festivity or trip. Demaris wants to enjoy it but knows there is work to be done. The news out of Chandaar regarding the Registration Act is troubling but it is minimized on the larger networks with reports of Imperial assistance in shoring up the Republic borders. Everything about their alliance is perplexing but Dahlia's beau, Barrett Trevaithan is making headlines with his prowess and eagerness to show value in their partnership. These reports only serve to cover up the more nefarious actions taken beneath the veneer of the Republic's might.

Garron Prescott answers the door.

"Play-date with Gemma?"

"We're on break," she laughs. "And it's always good to have a strong support network in times of crisis. I read that somewhere."

He closes the door as she moves through the foyer.

"Sage advice."

"How are you doing?"

"Coping," he says, com bleeping from his belt. "I've got to take this, excuse me. Gem's up in her room."

Demaris runs a finger along the banister as she ascends to the second floor. Gemma's door is open and she is scanning through images on a datapad, glancing up when she enters.

"This place is pretty quiet."

"It's a blessing and a curse – lots of space and lots of space to think."

"Where is everyone?"

"Dahlia scampered off to Hesperidium with Muriel and Dane is in serious denial mode on Mondder working with ChemiX."

"Denial? That doesn't sound good."

"He was destroyed at the funeral but has been stoic since. I don’t know if it's the sense of duty or he's just in shock. Alka said he's been pretty distant which I suppose is understandable. He's thrown himself into learning about the company like it's his mission."

She nods, "What do the corporate masters say?"

"The new CEO is all about showing him the ropes and, from what I read, the board is keen on developing him early. Regardless, I don't think he's processing what happened and it worries me."

"And Dahlia?"

Gemma sighs.

"That's the thing about people. They always surprise you. I thought Dahlia would write everything off as a minor annoyance but it hit her just as hard. I could feel it. Those emotions were real."

"So she's capable of feeling, that doesn't mean she's not an evil mastermind."

"Being a vapid model doesn't a mastermind make."

Demaris scoffs, "You do realize that is almost exactly what they said about her sister?"

Gemma knows it's true. She never truly believed Georgie when he told them Dahlia was oblivious. How could she be? Her concern grows from just worrying about Dane coming off the rails to include Dahlia spiraling into darkness.

"Point taken but more important right now is the Jedi. Something that looks like Master Nevylinn is slashing their way through the capital and they can't even come out of hiding to defend themselves."

"They have painted any Force Sensitive into an unpredictable menace," Demaris says. "I want to help them but everything is such a mess."

"My tour will take me through Chandaar later this summer so I will find out what I can."

"You don't think they will make you register the moment you show up?"

"Why would they?"

"You're a Masterton and Melanie was a Jedi hero. They must assume you share sensitivity. I'm surprised no one has contacted Galaxiss Records about it now that they have confirmed your appearance."

"I'm only on-world for a show."

Demaris slides up onto the bed.

"Still, you should be prepared if and when it comes up. You need to have a position."

Gemma taps the datapad full of stills from the Chandaar attacks off. She is disturbed and angry but channels it into her singing. It is her therapy and it has helped considerably in conjunction with meditation and practice. She has so many questions but knows she must carry on. Her parents would want her to.

"Biology shouldn't matter when it comes to artistic expression. The actions of a few cannot ever speak for the whole. Prejudice has no place in our worlds."


Garron steps into the kitchen.

"I'm here. Are you using the secure com?"

"No," Janessa says dryly. "I'm using a public com-station. You act like I've never done this before."

"This is different than seducing a politician for secrets to use as leverage in a deal."

"Is it? I find the methods work in so many scenarios."

"I'm serious, Janessa. We have to be careful. If the Empire knows we are sniffing around it could pose a real danger. I don't trust them."

"They have their uses, I suppose but in this instance I believe you are right."

"You have something?"

"Perhaps…Vex Sienna is known for his cool charisma, notoriously unflappable but over dinner he seemed to be uneasy, distracted. There were definitely ripples beneath the surface. I carefully prodded as we ordered a second then a third bottle of wine, shifting into more personal topics. He spoke fondly but distantly of Rutherford Gellar almost as though he was speaking of someone who knew him and not himself."

"What do you mean?""

"He sounded removed from Rutherford when I know for a fact they met many times. The Empire's stake in ChemiX required oversight although I do not know to what extent. We veered onto the subject of romance and how people in our positions seldom stay still long enough to settle down. He mentioned a girl but skirted the details save for one."

"Which was?"

"He said "I should have said goodbye." Who knows, it could have been the wine but the phrasing implies he knew she would leave him. It stuck out as odd."

"Do you think he had something to do with Kylie's disappearance?"

"If he didn't, he knew about it and feels guilty. That's the impression I got with the context I have. However, it's not an admission of anything. He could have just been drunk and lonely."

"It's a good start. You got home safely?"

"I ditched my boring flat when the lease was up as I find a suite at the Admiral much more appropriate for my visits. I'll let you know when I have more but I want you to understand this may involve crossing certain lines to get what we want."

"I do."

"What if I find out he's not involved?"

"He could still have valuable information."

"And if he is?"

Garron glances up at his reflection in the kitchen window.

"Then I'll fucking kill him."


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #128 on: September 12, 2016, 03:04:35 PM »
Corporate Sector

Gemma considers what Demaris said about the Republic.

Would they really force the test on her once she arrived? She doesn't want to believe their paranoia had reached such levels but the progression and enforcement of the Registration Act indicate otherwise. They are scared and she understands that. People will always fear what they do not understand.

Her tour will take her to Corellia before Chandaar and there is only one way she can think of to help her friends. With her trunks packed, Gemma and Garron head to Etti IV in the Masterton shuttle. Garron is skeptical of her plan despite its practicality and worries about leaving Janessa when he accompanies Gemma on tour. He fortifies himself with the knowledge that she is a capable woman who has never been the damsel in distress. This situation may change that but he must allow her time to work her magic over Vex Sienna if they ever hope to uncover his connection.

As soon as she steps out of the hoverlimo on Mondder, Gemma's name is called out in surprise and adoration. Grown adults on lunch from their corporate jobs are reduced to fanboys and fangirls. She wears a simple white dress with a baby blue sash and heels to match. Her golden curls bounce effortlessly as she ascends the stairs to the Gellar Tower lobby. Gemma smiles and waves to those who have stopped to stare and take photage. Soon the press would be closing in so Garron orders the security detail to take point and be ready.

Irulan Reeves waits for them outside the lift, touching Garron's arm as both a greeting and a sign of camaraderie. They are both grieving, hurt by the loss of their mentors and friends but know they must keep it together. However, the smile tugging on the corner of Irulan's lips signals that she too is affected by Gemma's presence.

"It's an honor to have you visit us," Irulan says.

"The pleasure is mine. It's been far too long since I've been here. Is Dane available? I hope he isn't working too hard."

"Of course, this way. He's been such an asset this summer, jumping right in. He has a very deep understanding of what we do. Everyone is very pleased."

"No doubt," Gemma says. "I just wanted to see him before I left on my tour."

"I heard. That's so wonderful. The new album is getting fantastic early reviews. We are all very excited to hear it when it debuts at the end of the week."

She withdraws a small datacard from her purse and extends it to Irulan.

"Why wait?"

Irulan tries and fails to contain the excitement spreading across her face.

"That's…my goodness…thank you."

They stop outside of what appears to be Dane official office.

"I'll just be a few minutes."

Clutching the datacard, Irulan continues on down the corridor with Garron. Gemma touches the door controls. It opens in front of her and she steps inside. The first thing she notices is how large it is. All this for an intern? Well, when that intern is Rutherford Gellar's son. The other thing is how remarkably stark and organized it is, so unlike his room at home.

Dane is standing over his desk in an impeccably tailored charcoal grey suit, glancing up with that devious Gellar smile.

"I wasn't sure you'd ever come back here."

"Hi, Dane. How are you?"

"I'm fine," he says, tapping the desk consol off. "You don't have to worry."

"But I do worry, Dane. You're my brother and what happened was…awful and sudden…"

Even fraternal twins are bound by one of the strongest bonds yet Dane and Gemma could not be more different. Although they had always been protective of one another, their bond has dwindled in the past couple of years. They had grown apart but Gemma wants him to know she is here for him.

"Being here helps. It makes me feel close to him."

She moves toward the desk. It is a surprisingly concise synopsis of his feelings that hedges dangerously close to a line both the Gellar's and Masterton's have crossed before.

"I'm glad to hear that. Even so, I don't want you to replace feeling with ambition."

"That sounds like something mom would say."

"It is something she said; to herself, to our father. They both allowed other things to cloud their feelings before and they regretted it. That's why we had the childhood we did. They finally realized that it's those in your life that make it worth living."

"Let me guess, you talked to Alka?"

"Don't shut her out," Gemma says. "Don't shut me out either."

"I'm not, I'm just…busy right now. I would have been anyway even if…even if…you know…"

"You can say it. You have to say it."

He stares at her intensely, jaw tightened.

"Our parents are gone. They died and no one can diminish that. They saved us and we couldn't save them so I understand what you are feeling. If I could have somehow known or had a dream or a vision, maybe we could have done something."

"Why didn't you?" he says finally.

"Why didn't I what?"

"Have a dream or a vision. How could you not have known?"

Gemma swallows, "It doesn't work like that."

"Then what is the point if you can't even use this magical gift to protect the ones you love?"

The outburst is followed by a very long silence. Gemma wipes a tear from her cheek and looks away, through the windows to the hazy towers beyond. Blame is a part of grief but it doesn't sting any less. She centers herself with the knowledge that he does not really believe she could have prevented their parent's deaths. He's projecting, lashing out and he comes to the same realization.

"Gem, I'm sorry, I don't want to talk about it."

She nods, "Then will you at least do me a favor?"


"I need the Force vaccine."

He rounds the desk to face her.


"There are people who need it."

"Your Jedi friends?"


"If the Holo reports are true then they have a lot more to worry about."

"People are dying, Dane. They are being setup and the vaccine will give them the freedom to clear their name."

"Don't be so naïve. It is possible for a Jedi to turn. What makes you think they aren't just as dangerous?"

"I'm not saying there aren't exceptions but this isn't just about the Jedi. Anyone with Force sensitivity will be labeled a killer, me included, if we don't find out who is behind this. Is that what you want?"


"So, you will help me?"

Dane sits on the corner of his desk, reaching for the path of least resistance.

"Well, it's not like Irulan doesn't know our medical history. She's privy to your situation so if I were to, say, request a contingent of the vaccine for your protection on tour I don't think she would object."

She kisses him on the cheek, "Thank you."

When she turns, he grabs her wrist to stop her.

"I'm not doing it for them. I'm doing this for you."

"I know but why not trust them? They have risked much for the both of us."

Dane's face is suddenly very serious.

"That doesn't buy them immunity from suspicion. I think they want to use you for their own purposes and that you can be so blinded by Melanie's shining example that you don't even see it as a method of control."

"I didn't know you had thought much about it."

"I question their motives."

"This isn't about their motives."

"Greater good, right?"

"It's not that simple."

"Apparently, nothing ever is. I'll have the vaccine discreetly delivered to your shuttle. I just want you to really ask yourself if the things they do are in your best interest or in theirs."


In the shuttle, veering up and away from Mondder, Gemma leans back in her seat and sighs. Dane's contribution along with the considerable cache from the Gellar Estate should provide enough protection for the Jedi to investigate undetected. She couldn't tell her brother they are also being hunted, that many had already been killed. His heart has hardened toward them but he isn't entirely wrong. She has also considered their motives – what they want, what she wants for herself – but right now, that want is replaced by a need to do what she feels is right.


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #129 on: January 16, 2017, 01:51:53 PM »
Corporate Sector

Etti IV: Surface: Mondder

The com bleeps loudly in the darkness.

She reaches out and pulls it from the nightstand.


"An emergency meeting of the Direx Board is scheduled in an hour," the aide says.

"Is something wrong?"

"Surely you've seen the Holo reports. They want to speak with you about Republic relations."

"Right. I'll be there."

The aide clicks off and she replaces the com. She turns over to find him staring at her with a drowsy smile.

"No rest for the wicked," Janessa says slyly. "That means both of us."

Vex Sienna sits upright, sheet sliding off his bare chest when his com begins to bleep. He laughs and answers it, receiving the same message. As liaison to both Republic and Empire, their presences would be crucial in any discussions. No doubt they are concerned with how the recent revelations would impact their dealings. He sighs, tossing the com aside.

"That girl is a problem."

"Only if you view it that way. There are always opportunities to turn scandal into success if played the right way."

"You would know."

If she were anyone else, Janessa might be offended. Her tryst with Vex Sienna, thrilling as it may be, is not as productive as she would like. Garron had tasked her with uncovering his role in Kylie Miranda's disappearance but the Imperial has remained surprisingly tight-lipped about this particular segment of his past. It is almost as if he is afraid to confide pieces of himself in her. For the most part she understands as his duty and loyalty lies with the Empire. Their once-opposing positions now collide with the truce as they seek mutually beneficial arrangements which also work in favor of the Corporate Sector. This requires a careful balance but she knows he is hiding things from her, things she is cautious to approach.

They dress in relative silence.

Once the news broke, Janessa had tried to reach Garron multiple times. Now his com is off and she begins to worry. That man does not have a great history with leaving the Republic unscathed. The manhunt and reward aside, no reports of either he or Gemma have surfaced. She wonders where they are and if they are safe.

An hour later, they arrive separately. The board room is filled with nervous murmurs from all corners. Iver Aguilar stands before the members and calls on Janessa.

"Ambassador Kain, in light of recent events, what news from the Republic do you have to share with us?"

Janessa rises to address them.

"At this time, there has been no indication that the allegations brought against Gemma Masterton and Garron Prescott would adversely impact our business relationship. It is my understanding that evidence of Force ability isn't an issue here."

"So long as it doesn't interfere," D'Ken Dawning says.

"You feel this incident somehow affects your operations?"

"If she is as dangerous as they claim, harboring her could bring sanctions against us."

"I would argue against those measures. It does not serve any long-term objectives for either party."

"Be that as it may," Dawning continues. "Our complacency in this matter could imply a sympathy which in turn may lead to less favorable future negotiations."

Irulan Reeves, having replaced Rutherford Gellar as a member, objects.

"Our function is not law enforcement and they have no jurisdiction here."

"No offense, Miss Reeves but you are hardly what I would call impartial on this matter."

"I do take offense," Irulan fires back. "We are not here to decide the fates of others based on another faction's civil unrest. The Masterton family connection to the Force is well-documented and they have lived amongst us for years without issue. We cannot simply turn on a respectable and extremely profitable member of our society because the Republic takes a moral issue."

Finnius Dyre nods, "It's true, outside security their priorities as of late have bordered on the ridiculous and petty."

"Agreed," Balthazar Nash says gruffly. "Anyone with this power could be useful."

D'Ken groans, "I don't think you are grasping the full picture. Powerful, yes, but the Jedi are notorious for their piousness. Do you really think our goals align with their teachings?"

"Why it would matter?"

"It matters if we are penalized by a passive association."

"I am confident the Republic will be able to differentiate."

"And if they are not?" Aguilar inquires. "That would be a legitimate concern. Perhaps we should ask the party most recently and closely associated with them. Ambassador Sienna?"

Vex has his orders.

Masterton has been labeled a potential asset and while the Empire may publicly decry any actions taken against the Republic, it is in their best interest to allow that relationship to sour.

"We would also argue against any reactions made in haste. Our accord has been mutually rewarding and we fully intend to stay that course."

Aguilar and Dawning seem satisfied with allies in both factions and moves on to other topics but Janessa appraises him skeptically. She doesn't believe that the Empire would not profit from scaling back contracts from the Sector and supply them internally as part of their expanding partnership. She also knows Sienna isn't stupid enough to try it, at least openly. Nash's comment about power isn't surprising given his industry and she hopes he does not pitch that to his contacts within Espos leadership.

Irulan approaches her after the meeting.

"You made quite the point in there."

"What can I say? Dawning pisses me off."

"I think that's his primary purpose."

She nods, lowering her voice.

"Have you heard from Garron Prescott? I know you've worked together in the past."

"No, we haven't spoken since he departed at the start of the summer."

"I thought he may have made contact given the delicate political aspects of the situation. Also, Dane wanted to know. He is concerned."

"Rightfully so it would appear."

"I pray they are alright," Irulan says, waving at another member. "Please let me know if you hear anything."

"I will."

Alone with her thoughts, Janessa wanders the corridors. She would need to make contact with her sources in order to understand the true scope. The response from Drakos' department would be obvious but it must be tempered with sentiments from the political sphere. If Garron and Gemma were caught, they would have little bargaining power from this end. They would be held accountable to Republic law unless Counselor Corinthos proved otherwise. She withdraws the com from her purse and aims to find out.

Down the hall, Vex watches her move away.

He had waited for her, intentionally delaying himself in conversation with other members. When she emerged, she didn't see him and headed in the opposite direction. He moseyed after her, curious at first wondering what was racing through that beautiful mind of hers. After she connected the com and referenced the name Kaytt; his interest piques. Sure, she had to check sources, get a pulse on the sentiment but her movements become quickened and sharp. More so than in usual chats with old friends. She had previously worked with Gellar and his passing seemed to affect her more than she would readily admit. He didn't think they were that close nor did she relay any personal history with the family yet he is left to ponder if her concern veers outside the professional.

Like him, her interests are usually self-serving. Now he's not so sure.


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #130 on: January 23, 2017, 12:08:47 PM »
Didn't even really wanna go
But if you get me out, you get a show
There's so many bodies on the floor
So baby we should go and add some more
Are you down, d-d-down, d-d-down, d-d-down, down, down?
-Marian Hill

Corporate Sector


Gemma uses her family codes to gain access to the exclusive planet.

There isn't a conversation or questions. No riot act being read. No scolding for being a bad, bad girl. Money will buy you that much here. Gemma guides the shuttle down through the atmosphere and down across the gorgeous landscapes outside Concordia. The late summer foliage is stunning, colors on the verge of changing within weeks. She feels changed as well. It takes everything she has to keep it together as the shuttle touches down on the landing pad beside the Gellar Estate. She stares at it through the viewport with a deep sadness but wills herself upright and back through the cabin. Her lip trembles as she touches the ramp controls, dark dried streaks of Garron's blood brightening as the light floods in.

Even though she knows no one is watching, Gemma keeps her head held high and strides across the path to the front doors. She punches in her code and pushes her way inside, falling back against the door to close it. She grips the handle tightly behind her, filled with a frightening emptiness. Look at your life. Look at your choices. Parents dead. Siblings scattered. Reputation ruined. Skills bested. Saber destroyed. Protector missing.

What a mess you've made, darling.

All around her, questions without answers swirl into an emotional vortex of crushing pain and doubt. Perhaps she had gone about everything the wrong way-

There is movement, a familiar presence.


Dane is standing at the top of the stairs, looking somewhat malevolent in a deep navy suit and polished loafers. His expression is a tenuous mixture of bewilderment and relief.



He descends the stairs slowly.

"You really stepped in it, didn't you? How I spent my summer vacation, by Gemma Masterton, terrorist and Jedi mastermind."

"Stop," she says, looking away. "Please."

"Come on, after all the shit you give me I deserve one good one. Wait, are you okay? What happened to your face?"

"It's just a scratch."

Dane stops when he reaches the foyer.

"Where's Garron?"

Gemma forces herself to look at him but she cannot control the tears.

"I…don't know."

"How can you not know? Gem, what the hell happened to you?"

She collapses to the floor, sobbing loudly.

"Dane, I messed up. I'm in so much trouble."

He goes to her, kneeling and holding her close. Dane lets her get it all out. He had seen the reports, watched the crazy ass photage, been briefed on the Direx Board meeting and wild concern over her actions in the Republic. It's bad. There is no other way to really look at it. For all his exposure to the ChemiX brand, he has been taught and shown how easily ground can be lost. She's been compromised in the worst way and he knows the consequences of this were far from over.

"Tell me what happened."

She suddenly recalls the last thing he said he her before leaving for the summer tour. It was a sweet concern but now his words resonate. Collecting herself, she skims the surface while keeping all the incriminating details carefully concealed. She needn’t compromise him as well and shifts the central focus to the Inquisitor as it relates to Garron's whereabouts.

"So, you think this guy has him?"

"He must," Gemma says, wiping tears from her cheeks. "The only possibility is that he pulled Garron off the shuttle before I closed the ramp and took off. Oh, Dane what if something awful happened to him?"

"He's tough, he can hold on until we find him."

"And how are we supposed to do that? The microsecond I show up in the Republic they will arrest me. Did you hear what they called me? A terrorist!"

Dane makes a face, "Well, you did hitch a ride with that creepy Concealed."

"They aren't terrorists, Dane. They are activists fighting against the injustice of the Republic system. Anyone with Force sensitivity is put on a list and monitored by the RSB. Those that resist are imprisoned or worse. It's wrong."

"I don’t disagree but where were the Jedi during all of this? They just let it all blow up in your face?"

"It's not that simple."

"So you've said. Repeatedly. It just seems like they are letting you take all the risk so they don't have to get their hands dirty."

Gemma is about to protest, even if he's got a point, when the chimes disrupt them. Dane stands and helps her up before pulling the door open.

Alka Dawning leans seductively against the frame in a stunning red dress.

"Hey, stud…."

Her voice trails off when she spots Gemma, eyes widening.

"Oh my Maker, you're home safe!"

She pushes past Dane and throws her arms around Gemma.

"We were so worried!"

She embraces her tightly, "It's so good to see you."

"I thought we were going to dinner," Dane says.

"Your sister manages to escape the Republic machine and all you can think about right now is food?"

"Uh, yeah!"

Alka pulls her com from the expensive clutch, "We need reinforcements."

Within the hour Demaris, Preston and Roman arrive at the Gellar Estate. Everyone is thrilled and relieved to see her after hearing everything on the Holo. People were definitely talking but her friends defended her honor which touches Gemma deeply. Dane has the service droids whip them up some dinner and they gather around one side of the massive table to catch up on the summer's gossip.

"Dane and I hung around Mondder," Preston says. "You know, brushing up on company politics."

Dane nods, "It was cool. Made the days go by faster."

Preston and Dane had never really been close, despite Roman's strange fondness for him. However, the summer changed things when Dane came to appreciate Preston's cheeky banter and confidence with the ladies. He is one of the most loyal people Dane knows and he is glad his sister and girlfriend have someone like him around. He went to bat for Gemma the second the news broke, even at the risk of his own reputation. Dane was more cautious and avoided comment as the interests of the business took precedence.

"Alka blew everyone's mind at the dance company per usual and gave the prima ballerinas night terrors as they will soon be eclipsed by her magnificence."

"So not true."

"You are much too modest, dear."

"Alright," Alka sighs. "They were impressed. They say I have a real shot at a lead after graduation. For someone so young, it's unheard of."

"That's my girl," Dane says with a smile.

"Demaris spent most of the summer making out with Ples until she broke up with him three days ago."

"You did? What happened?"

Demaris rolls her eyes up, "He's starting university and I wanted him to have the full experience without all the high school girlfriend baggage."

"D'ian isn't that far from Etti IV," Alka says. "It's not like you couldn't have made it work."

"I've got to focus on my own stuff," she says, glancing at Gemma.

"Aaaaand Roman spent the summer on Csilla with Alia."

The Chiss smirks, "It's customary. She is my intended."

"She's super mean," Alka says.

"She is not."

"Dude," Dane says. "Kinda mean."

"Alia didn't grow up around other humans. She was raised not to trust anyone. My life isn't exactly typical, you know. I got a lot of shit because of it too."

"Poor you," Preston says.

Roman glares at him across the table.

Alka turns to Gemma, "So, you…are a Jedi?"

It's not like her friends didn't know she was different. They grew up hearing all about her heroic sister and her scandalous friends. However, they weren't aware Gemma was formally trained or in the habit of kicking serious ass. Alka was hurt at first by the fact that she hadn't opened up to them but Preston pointed out that some things are more difficult to talk about. He would know. Roman secretly wonders what kinds of powers she has while Demaris watches her response closely.

"Yes, I am. I'm sorry I didn't tell you. It's something I had to keep to myself so that I could try and figure out what was happening in the Republic. Unfortunately, it didn't work out that way. I understand if you are upset."

"We were," Alka says.

Preston laughs, "But we got over it."

"Your speech was inspiring, to say to the least. I hope that made them think."

"They hurt you?" Roman says, frowning sharply.

She touches her cheek, the not-so-subtle bacta strip there and along her shoulder had been the bantha in the room all evening.

"Someone did. My cover is blown, Garron is missing and I don't know what's going to happen when we start school next week."

Dane leans back in the chair.

"Personally, I think this makes you cooler. You were a little too perfect."

Gemma laughs for the first time since she was with Riley. It feels good but different, somehow hollow. This helps, having them here. Alka leans forward and places a hand over Gemma's.

"We won't let anything happen to you here."

"That's right."

"Your bravery commands respect."

"Yeah," Preston says, doing the same. "We got your back."

Roman places his hand over Preston's, Demaris' over his and finally, begrudgingly, Dane completes their gesture. For all his posturing and teasing, Gemma is suffering. He knows enough to know she hasn't told him everything but it's enough for his brotherly instincts to kick in.

"Don't worry, Gem. We'll work this out."


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #131 on: January 30, 2017, 02:43:25 PM »
"You know we could put them all to shame
Now isn't the time to play it safe
Isn't this the reason why you came?
So, baby, don't you let it go to waste
Are you down, d-d-down, d-d-down, d-d-down, down, down?"
-Marian Hill

Corporate Sector

D'ian: Surface: Gellar Estate

Dr. Dalton Daaé is summoned to treat Gemma's wounds.

He regards them thoughtfully, a fatherly concern blossoming at the sadness in her eyes. The doctor has known them since they were children and the loss of Rutherford and Celeste had been difficult for him. Not as difficult as he imagines it has been for them. His obligation now is their health and so he remains focused on that.

"Dare I ask?"

"It was a saber," she says softly. "I was lucky."

"Extremely. Thankfully, these are superficial and will heal without scarring if you continue the bacta treatments. However, I do not wish further harm to come to you."

She touches his hand.

"I appreciate that but it's not exactly realistic."

"You sound resigned to it."

"Hardly, I just know it is an inevitability. Such is the way of things for my family."

"It doesn't have to be," the doctor says.

"Tell that to my parents."

The biting comment borders on bitter but he knows she is hurting. As the responding physician after they found Celeste's body, he had his own theories. She had significant bruising which was determined by the medical examiner from Mondder to be a result of her fall and damage sustained in the turbulent stream. The mark on the back of her neck seemed too conveniently placed. It was overruled by the M.E. and dismissed by the Espos but he continues to wonder. He could never tell Gemma or Dane that but she does make a fine point. Danger surrounds their family. He may not be able to protect them from it but he will be there when they call.

"Please let me know if you need anything."

After she sees him out, Gemma wanders slowly back upstairs. Dane left to see what he could find out about Garron but withheld any specifics. She doesn't blame him for that. They play a careful game of plausible deniability, for better or worse.

It wouldn't always but it works for now.

Demaris is waiting for her in the room, knelt down in meditation. They had spoken briefly about her invitation for the Force sensitive's to rendezvous at Viiperi Lake, one she still hasn't had any confirmation on. She hopes Taarek and the others made it out.

She opens her eyes and smiles.

"I have news."

"What happened?"

"I know you were reluctant to reach out to anyone and I think that's smart. Best to keep a low profile until we can sort this out. We don't want the Espos overreacting. So, I sent a message to Riley for you."

"He's knows I'm safe?"
"Yes and, if he's as clever as I think he is, he knows Garron is not. Perhaps Della or the Director can reach out to Senator Soldys for some guidance. We shouldn't give up hope."

"Based on how things are going, that's tough."

"I know it seems that way now," Demaris says. "But I'm here to help you through it."

"Are you wondering why I didn't out you as a Jedi too?"

She shrugs, "Not really, I know you."

"Good. It's something everyone must do on their own terms. I was forced out which, as you know, is an extremely dangerous act in today's climate. This was done intentionally to discredit me. Now no one will believe anything I say."

"That's not true. Your message is being rebroadcast everywhere."

"They think I'm a liar."

"Hey, I'm supposed to be the broody one. They know why you had to lie and this is the call to action. You can't know how many lives you may have changed because you owned it. You could have just as easily denied everything, blamed it on photage slicing and sabotage. You didn't. That says a lot."

Gemma stares past her through the windows out into the forest.

"What is says is that I'm weak. I was outed then beaten by another Sith, one the Empire has dispatched to enforce the Registration Act. He destroyed my saber and now I'm defenseless."

"Also not true," Demaris counters. "You don't need weapons to be strong."

Gemma turns and kneels beside her, eyes wide and serious.

"You don't understand. This isn't like the monsters; this was true, unadulterated darkness. I would have died if I hadn't reacted so severely which makes me question why the Jedi are seemingly always bested by the Sith. We are so constrained with our powers, always defending without gaining any ground. I mean, look at us Demaris. We're two of very small ranks. The Jedi is being slaughtered at a frequency exceeded only by Order 66. We're fighting a losing battle."

Demaris does not like where this is going.

"Is it worth winning if you forfeit your soul?"

"We can keep each other from falling."

"What are you even saying right now?"

"We need a different tact."

"Is that what you are going to tell the recruits that arrive here seeking safety and guidance? Maybe you will be able to stop yourself from crossing a line but the others may not have that kind of control. I get it, you're pissed. The Inquisitor could have killed you just as the Sith woman on Corellia nearly killed you. That anger is real. I'm not saying you should suppress it, that's not good. But you can't let that drive you solely. You want to be a better fighter? Be one. You can do this without exploring such ambivalence within the Force."

"Something has to change."

"Things have changed."

"With them," Gemma says. "The Jedi. We're floundering."

"For the moment but we'll adjust. Come on, sit with me."

Demaris takes her hands and together they kneel.

"Now, take a breath and close your eyes."

Gemma does so but struggles to gather inner strength. Her mind roams; recalling her own concerns, discussions she had with Garron, and the things Dane said before. There has to be something more than just fighting to stay alive.


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #132 on: February 13, 2017, 01:31:28 PM »
Corporate Sector

Etti IV: Surface: Mondder

Dane Gellar waits in a café near the Republic Embassy. The conversation with Gemma had bothered him greatly and he felt the need to take action. Even though his work with ChemiX has ended for the summer and he will begin his senior year at Valor Prep on D'ian, the impromptu trip served an important purpose.

Janessa Kain emerges and he intercepts her before she reaches her transport.

"Ambassador Kain."

She pauses and allows a small smile to creep across her lips.
"Well this is a surprise. What can I do for you, Lord Gellar?"

"A private audience to discuss business matters relevant to our relationship with the Republic."

"Of course," she says, motioning to the skiff.

He nods and enters, waiting as she joins him. Nearly eighteen, Dane is the spitting image of his father – brooding and incredibly handsome. His dark features lend to an aura of mystery, as if he is always conspiring. This expression mirrors one his father held but was most closely associated with the publicity stills for then-Corellian Governess Valerie Gellar. It is a powerful and commanding look that has inspired many over generations.

"Can we speak freely?"

She taps the controls which seals the partition then turns to him.

"By all means."

"Garron trusts you so I will as well. Gemma is back in the Sector."

Janessa is floored, tensing up.

"Is she alright? What about Garron?"

Dane recounts what he was told about Gemma's injuries and Garron's supposed abduction by what appeared to be an Inquisitor. Her face is impossible to read but there is a quiet horror in her tone.

"The Empire sanctioned an Inquisitor to hunt down Force Sensitive's on Chandaar?"

"Not officially, obviously. I guess that would really fuck up their rebranding with the truce. The point is; this guy has Garron. We don't know where or why he was taken. Gemma only escaped because she fought him off. Clearly, none of this was covered on the Holo."

"All reports state neither has been found."

"That's the problem," Dane says. "When we start school next week, everyone will know Gemma is here. Word will reach Mondder and people probably freak out. I heard your Direx meeting raised concerns and the Espos will most likely have questions. Regardless of what anyone says, Garron's absence won't go unnoticed. They will want to know why he didn't return when she did."

Janessa leans back, musing on this.

"If she goes public with the Inquisitor story, it could significantly damage Republic affairs. They could retaliate with sanctions as Direx Dawning feared."

"I don't think you need to worry about that."

"You don't think anyone will believe her?"

"It wouldn't have the same impact as it would if the public didn't know she was secretly a Jedi the whole time. Her reputation is trashed so anything she says right now may look like deflection and spite. Gemma knows that. The press can't come running to D'ian so that buys us some space and time. Without any meat to their story, everything will spin out into speculation which I'm guessing won't be good. I need your help."

"What makes you think I owe you a favor?"

"If shit hits the thrusters your job is going to get a hell of a lot harder. ChemiX has played a large part in your success with the Republic. I wouldn't want that to change."

Her smile widens, "You learn quickly."

"I need you to shield Gemma while working to find out what happened to Garron."

"And you think I can just ask around the Republic Senate?"

"We both know you have the means and the contacts to root out a lead. Garron could be in real trouble, Janessa not to mention the Empire's pulling a fast one on the Republic."

"You say that like the Republic isn't complicit."

"Are they?"

She shrugs, "That I don't know."

"Maybe Ambassador Sienna would know."

Her reply is sharp.

"I do not think that is an avenue you should pursue. Leave the careful conniving to me."

"So you'll help?"

Janessa considers her loyalties, personally and professionally. If the Republic has knowledge of this it would mean Speaker Leeds is more compromised than the fringe group's claim. Evidence of a conspiracy would validate The Concealed, turning them from a suspected terrorist organization into a legitimate Separatist faction. It could splinter the Republic and give way to further Imperial influence in policy. So far they have done a bang-up job justifying their actions in the name of public safety. Their borders were almost entirely secured with assistance from Imperial fleets. She doubts Sienna would have any knowledge of this as it isn't in his purview and even if he did, he wouldn't be stupid enough to disclose it to her. She hopes the Republic wouldn't have the brass to request an extradition for Gemma Masterton but it is something she would put on Counselor Corinthos' scope. She fears what will happen if Garron is in Imperial custody, far from the oversight looming across the truce. For all they know he could be dead and both Dane and Gemma would be left without an authority figure to manage their exposure, something she bets the Empire already knows.

"You've made some interesting points I wish to explore further. I cannot promise anything but I will lend my assistance in this request."

"I appreciate that."

"Where can I drop you?"

"The spaceport," Dane says. "I've got to get back."

After directing the driver and flying in relative silence, they finally arrive of their destination.

"Thank you."

"Dane, wait."

He turns as he steps out onto the platform.


"Be careful who you trust," Janessa says. "You and your sisters represent opportunity and not everyone has the kind of respect I do for your family."

Dane smirks, "Warning received."

"My advice is to use the opportunity in your favor before others use it against you."

The door hisses closed in front of him and the skiff pulls away from the platform. There is one lead she needs to root out before she leaves The Sector. Dane stares up as it merges into a central lane of traffic. Trust is a funny thing. He doesn't really trust anyone, especially not his sisters but he's found the well-placed lie motivates others to rally around the cause.


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #133 on: February 20, 2017, 03:52:19 PM »
Corporate Sector

Etti IV: Surface: Mondder

Before she departs for Chandaar, Janessa Kain swings by Vex's residence. He'd been distant and moody since the Direx Board meeting but her schedule kept her too busy to give it much thought. She did need to clarify things with him and the pending trip gives her an easy out.

Vex buzzes her up and waits in the living room holding a rocks glass. Her motives have been suspect and he wonders what side she is really on. Janessa enters and moves through the foyer, looking spectacular in a black pantsuit and heels.

"I just came to say goodbye. I don't know how long I'll be in the Republic."

He takes a swig and smiles.

"Going to rescue your boyfriend?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Garron Prescott," Vex says. "You two are close, right?"

"That may be a stretch but he was Rutherford Gellar's closest advisor and council. We interacted on many occasions."

"You have the gift of spin."

"As do you. It's a primary part of our positions. Are you going to tell me what this is all about or should we keep posturing? I could go for hours."

"Don't I know it."

Janessa rolls her eyes up and sighs.

"What's the problem, Sienna?"

"It's just funny how Prescott is reported missing and you go running."

"Let me be clear with you. The Direx Board requested a follow up with the Republic given the nature of the incident involving Gemma Masterton and Garron Prescott. This has serious implications as I'm sure you well know. The Republic is chomping at the bit for anyone involved with the Force and a prominent figure from the Corporate Sector wanted for questioning in conjuncture with alleged terrorist activities requires a bit of finesse, don't you think?"

"I don't think that's the whole reason. I think you want to go there to find them."

"Finding them isn't my job. Protecting our interests is."

"And what about your interests? I dug around a little, asked some contacts on Chandaar and it turns out that you were the one who brought Prescott back to The Sector the last time he was in trouble with the Republic."


"So you may have ulterior motives that run deeper than Republic relations and I think your connection to the Gellar family makes you less than an impartial participant in the proceedings. I think you have a deeper and more personal relationship with Garron Prescott so excuse me if your little trip makes me question your intentions."

She laughs, closing the space between then.

"You think I can find Prescott even though the RSB can't?"

"I think your lover is missing and you need make sure that angle stays covered."

She slaps him.

"You jealous fuck. I don't know what you think is going on here between us but it doesn't entitle you to dictate my actions or motives. Speaking of disappearing lovers, there's a fascinating tale out there about your high school flame, Tenley Price. That's right, I read up on you too. Interesting stuff; considering your connections to the families in question. You accuse me when you went to school with The Four and slept with Karen Winton. Some may wonder what you are even doing here. I mean, why you? An Imperial Naval Captain hand-selected to become Ambassador to the Corporate Sector where the Gellar-Masterton's happen to reside? That doesn't sound any alarms. With all the mystery and speculation, a part of me is waiting for a ninja Kylie Miranda to appear out of nowhere ready to take me down."

"Don't count on it."

"How can you be sure?"

"She's never coming back," he bites out sharply. Vex inhales and turns away, appearing to struggle and shiver. The definitive statement is all she needs, confirming their suspicions that he at least knows of Kylie's fate.

"I think you should leave."

"Fine, but think carefully about your own motives before you start questioning mine."

Shaking, he drops to his knees, "Go…now!"

Janessa backs away.


"Go!!!" he screams, grabbing the sides of his head. He thrashes for a moment then goes eerily still, turning toward her with a look in his eyes colder and more vacant than she's ever seen. Janessa runs. She is through the foyer when he grabs her, throwing her against the door. His voice is completely different and lacks any emotion as he slides up against her with lips close to her ear. 

"Too late."

"I know you killed her, you son of bitch."

"Just one more in the collateral damage pile. Ready to join them?"


He smiles.

She slams her head against his nose, taking advantage of the momentary surprise to spin and kick his left knee with her heel then catch him with a right hook. Vex staggers into the wall, allowing just enough time to get the door open and slip out into the hall. Janessa has never run as fast in her life, throwing herself against the stairwell door and descending to the lobby level. She doesn't stop until she's inside her shuttle, hunched over the controls while trying to keep it together.

As the shuttle ascends into the darkened sky, a trembling Janessa glances up at her reflection in one of the panels. He attacked her. She pushed too far and he attacked her. But there was something about the moments before that terrified her more. He changed, became something else….someone else. As relieved as she is that she escaped, she knows she is headed to Chandaar where his allies await.


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #134 on: February 27, 2017, 12:13:36 PM »
Corporate Sector


The central hall doors of Valor Prep hiss open.

Gemma and Dane stride onto the scene flanked by Alka, Preston, Roman, and Demaris. Cue the heavy beats and slow motion slide as they saunter past their peers. Everyone stops or turns to stare. The whispers become rumors become the new legends.

Senior Year, baby.

Gemma was extremely apprehensive about returning to school after what happened on Chandaar. She knew they would all talk. People would have opinions; make judgments, like they always did. D'ian sustained itself on gossip and they hated that Celeste Masterton thought herself above it. Now her exploits would be high society fodder. Dane convinced her to forgo the faux-soul-searching and own it. They would use this to rule. He'd be damned if he let anyone use these things against them. Emboldened, Dane goes on the offensive but it is only a matter of time before the consequences inevitably arrive.

The Valor Prep Administration has concerns. Student safety is a priority. The new dean is skeptical Gemma's abilities would contribute positively to the exclusive academy. She is labeled a potential liability and put on notice. Her attendance, behaviors, and performance would be evaluated more closely. As a result, the student body is sharply divided by her presence. They shun, harass, fear, praise, and support her – depending on who you ask. Thankfully the crew rallies around her, led by a dominant Dane and acid-tongued Alka. This move makes all six of them both extremely popular and incredibly dangerous; just as he planned.

Unfortunately, it doesn't prevent Galaxiss Records from suspending her contract. They claim a violation and site the image clause. They wanted a sweet pop star not a killer Jedi. Rebranding is discussed in the future should she wish to pursue it. They propose she take some time to let the dust settle before emerging darker and edgier. After all, they tell her, everyone loves a bad girl.

The Espos do come to the Gellar Estate the following day. They don't seem to care as much about her connection to the Force as they do about damage to the corporations. They want to know everything. Garron usually handles all legal matters but without him, Gemma declines to elaborate without official inquiry. Her statement, brilliantly crafted by Preston, reads:

The Republic's views on certain matters do not reflect my own and this disagreement led to an incident after which I departed.

It's just vague enough and purposefully doesn't reference her broadcast message they are fully aware of. She shuts down further lines of questioning, including those about Garron Prescott. Dane assured her he was having it looked into. The Espos are not entirely satisfied but complete their due diligence on the matter for now. This would not hold them off forever, especially if unrest grows within the Republic and they choose to use Gemma and Garron as catalysts. Dane has faith that Janessa will find something that will shift blame and bring Garron home.   


A lone shuttle touches down on the landing pad beside the Gellar-Masterton's Viperii Lake House. Taarek Cirque powers down and glances back at the Force Sensitive's that made it off Chandaar with him – all twelve of them.

He hopes Gemma Masterton has a plan.
