Author Topic: CC: Corporate Greed  (Read 135214 times)

Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #150 on: October 06, 2018, 08:29:46 PM »
Corporate Sector

Etti IV: Surface: Mondder

The trio diverts to the ChemiX tower after all, at the request of Irulan Reeves.

It is strange being back here again. Dahlia steps off the lifts, following Dane through the restricted access points and into the main corporate offices. Irulan greets them warmly, thankful the verdict turned out in their favor. She had been skeptical of Sienna’s claim but knew they would prevail in the end. Dahlia eyes the badge clipped to her belt that would no doubt grant access to anywhere in the building, including the most secure labs. There would be countermeasures like fingerprint or retinal scanning. Rutherford Gellar was not one to take chances, on anything apparently. He may not have stood up to Alexander Winton but he certainly wasn’t going to risk any of his product. There is too much money to be made in pharmaceuticals and with their research and development budget combined with their considerable arsenal, he made sure it all stayed in the right hands. She can’t fault him for that but wonders what would have happened if Rutherford had shrugged off Alexander’s threats and pulled Valerie from the fray. Would any of them even exist? Tough to say but it makes for amusing speculation.

Surprisingly, being at ChemiX fills her with sadness, an emotion that Adubell tried very hard to rid her of. She almost succeeded if it wasn’t for her filthy, conniving ways. She knows a con job when she sees it and Adubell wanted her to play right into her hands. Sorry, bitch. This girl has her own plans.

Irulan walks them to their father’s old office, telling Dane they are anxious to begin working with him more closely after graduation. They would give him the summer, of course, to relax after everything he’s been through but afterwards there was university and accelerated business opportunities to explore. Gemma remains remarkably quiet, staying close to Dane but hanging on Irulan’s every word. She’s always been fond of her and Irulan, mentored under Rutherford, is a strong and capable leader. She’s kept the company thriving through the transition but understands that grooming Dane is part of what her previous superior wanted. Most would have just taken it all and run with it but Irulan has an integrity the CSA sorely lacks.

As Dane and Irulan chat, Dahlia runs a hand along her father’s old desk then steps out onto the balcony. The humid breeze is much cooler up here, almost as if it is different air entirely. She tries to imagine what the end for Rutherford Gellar looked like. She would make Vex tell her. Every excruciating detail; was he surprised? Did he struggle? How did it feel gaining someone’s trust only to betray them so spectacularly? It’s not like she’s not capable of the same evil. Hell, it courses through her veins. She’s a bloody Winton, for Maker’s sake. Winton's love a good drama. 

After they bid Irulan farewell, Dane and Gemma return to D’ian to prepare for Prom and all the madness that accompanies it. Dahlia, on the other hand, remains behind to do some shopping and catch up with old friends. So typical, they say, and it’s true. At least it has to look that way.

She’s got a much darker agenda but every agenda needs a fabulous cover story.

And Dahlia is never one to disappoint.



Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #151 on: October 24, 2018, 04:47:45 PM »
Corporate Sector

Etti IV: Mondder: Surface

Dahlia makes ample use of free time.

She has lunch with Trichelle Corinthos who, not surprisingly, dumped Kier Kincaid mid-way through the semester. They have managed to put all that Valor Prep bad blood behind them somehow. High school drama has no place now that they rule separate university campus'.

She sighs dramatically across the café table.

“It’s just, he’s kind of a dick.”

“So true,” Dahlia says. “I mean, he’s cute and all but not exactly suitor material.”

“That’s what I said. Kier was pissed I could be so shallow.”

“It’s not shallow to consider your future.”

Trichelle nods, “My thoughts exactly. Screw him. Besides, there are a few finance majors who come from CSA legacy families that would be so much better. What about you? How’s Barrett?”

“He’s great. You know, hashing out those kinks in strategy is no small feat but the Republic is safer for his guidance. It took them a while to come around, considering he’s so young, but his skill is unrivaled.”

“And he’s gorgeous! Well done, Dahlia.”

“Thanks,” she beams, although the trip to Byss had thrown a wrench in their gears in regards to trust.

She supposes he’s right though. They aren’t going to tell her everything. The least she can do is petition for more information than she’s previously been given. Procuring the Gellar sample would go a long way in establishing value but Dahlia isn’t exactly keen on helping bring the Emperor’s plans of everlasting life to fruition. She always thought Schrag was above all that shit but powerful men always want more power.

“Have you heard from Muriel?”

This question draws her back into reality, “Hmmm, what?”

“Muriel. It’s been forever. I mean I see Alka when I’m back on D’ian, have a few classes with Ples, and Maker only knows what Demaris’ crazy ass is up to but Muriel has, like, vanished. I’m sure it’s all the doing of that dreadful Tobias. He’s the worst influence.”

Actually, he's a dead influence. Just like Muriel.

“No, I haven’t heard from her but she did make it clear she’d be off the grid when she left Hesperidium.”

“I know,” Trichelle says. “But I miss her. She was always so much fun! I heard from her last summer when she was with you but after that, nothing. I guess you are right. She was determined to leave this all behind her.”

“You know Muriel, always a free spirit.”

“What about Quentin?”

“What about him?”

She was aiming for noncommittal but worries she just came off as shrill.

Trichelle makes a face, “Well, you two seem to be out and about together quite a bit along with that model, Quinn. How’s he doing?”

“He’s kind of a pill but reasonably amusing. Quinn is lovely although I don’t know what she sees in him. Whatever, I just do my thing.”

“So, you’re happy then?”

Dahlia leans back to consider this, “Actually, yes. You?”

“Very. I’ve managed to parlay my status into something marketable here as I’m sure you have on Chandaar. Speaking of, have you seen my sister?”

“Kaytt? No way. I’m trying to stay out of trouble these days. It's a shame about Janessa though. I know they were friends."

“Terrible, right? She asks about you sometimes.”

“Does she?"

That meddling lawyer better keep those inquiries to herself if she knows what's good for her.

“Yes,” Trichelle says, tilting her head. “It’s like, she still believes all those things people said about you and your family. Like you’re dangerous or something.”

“Do you think I’m dangerous?”

She shrugs, “Aren’t we all, in our own ways?”

For someone as dense as she once was, Trichelle actually has a solid point. They finished lunch and hit up the finest stores in The Sector. The press tails them loosely, snapping candid shots of the seeming excess of their lives. It would make for good fluff between stories of hostile takeovers and corporate mergers. Someone’s gotta do it so it may as well be them.

Dahlia returns to The Viranus, a boutique hotel in the center of Mondder. She couldn’t really bring herself to stay at the Gellar residence in the ChemiX tower although Irulan had suggested it. She smiles at the reception staff on her way in, promising to meet Trichelle later for a party at her sorority. Many people and the security cams see her return but they do not see her leave.


Vex Sienna strolls back into his building with a sense of inward defeat. It’s not like he expected to win the petition for guardianship but to be dismissed so openly by the board when they sided with the princess stung more than he’d like to admit. He doesn’t know if she’s just playing a part or really feels that strongly toward him. They are on the same side, from what he gathers. His orders were to await her return and proceed as planned, ensuring the Gellar-Masterton children would end up in Imperial control. There is a lot of money to be made in ChemiX, not to mention the practical and lethal applications of their medical arsenal. Vex only wants the cure.

His life has not been his own since Burke Pallus injected him with the ICS he negotiated with ChemiX to create on behalf of the Empire. Ibellum is the serum, but Pallus teased a cure called Corvais. It would counteract the effects of the serum, freeing him from their control. If Agent Pallus wasn’t going to give it to him, he would find a way to get it from Irulan.

The Holo reports on Janessa Kain’s disappearance trouble him. He knows he had made an attempt on her life and that the Empire wants her out of the picture. She knows too much. His attempt and that of the bomb on her shuttle both failed. Now, it seems, someone has succeeded. He darkly wonders if it was him; if he had been controlled to return to Chandaar and finish the job himself. After checking his shuttle logs, he knows that is not true. It’s a damn shame too. Janessa was a great lay although only a hollow replacement for his guilt over murdering the woman he loved: Kylie Miranda. The Empire has him on so many things that he knows, deep down, there is no escape.

His mind flickers to the message he received from Melanie Masterton.

Carefully consider the master you serve.

Too late, it seems.

Vex unlocks the door to his apartment and steps inside, instantly hit with a warm breeze. He doesn’t remember leaving a window open. Tensing, he eases through the foyer and out into the living room. The patio door is open with someone standing with their back facing him. It is a woman; crimson hair that spills down over a glittering green dress. It is a dress he knows well but hasn’t seen in over a decade. The memories of all those years ago flood back to him and, for a moment, he loses himself in it.


The woman straightens, turning to touch her chin to an exposed shoulder.

“Hi, Vex. Miss me?”

His face falls then hardens.

Karen is long dead and in her place an abomination stands before him, one with the face of an angel.



Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #152 on: October 25, 2018, 08:16:22 PM »
Corporate Sector

Etti IV: Surface: Mondder

“What are you doing here? How did you even get in here?”

Dahlia giggles with a casual shrug.

“I have my ways. Beautiful evening, isn’t it?”

He makes himself a drink, pouring the dark liquor over two cubes of ice he managed to toss into the glass with trembling hands.

“You got what you wanted as I was told you would. We cannot be seen together.”

Dahlia moves slowly but with intent, stepping back inside.

“Oh, we won’t. Don’t you worry about that, Ambassador. In fact, you won’t ever be seen again.”

Somehow, he always knew it would come to this. Everything he had ever been told about The Four suddenly flashes before him, momentarily blurring the room into a colorful haze. There was something she said to him once, out on a patio much larger and grander than this one with a glittering ocean in shades of brilliant blue so far below them. He wanted to be closer to them, to her, and she was more candid than that particular Winton ever was. It laid bare the consequences of his suggested proximity to her. To them.

“It will cost you,” Karen said with a wry smile. “Maybe not today or tomorrow but, in the end, whatever darkness surrounds us will come for you too.”

That darkness takes shape in the pools of blackness unspooling within Dahlia’s eyes.

Vex slugs the contents of the glass.

“You’ve been a bad, bad boy and it’s time for punishment.”

He laughs in spite of what is clearly becoming a dire situation.

“You can’t threaten me. They forced my hand and now I’m part of this sick plan.”

‘Well, you were. Past tense, darling. You’ve outlived your usefulness.”

“Figures it would be you coming here to make a mockery of what they’ve done.”

They’ve done? Oh, I think we’re a little past the point of throwing blame. I know it was you.”

“You don’t know anything, Dahlia! They are using you just like they are using me. Just like they used Karen and Alexia for their own means.”

She does not seem moved by the outburst.

“So, you don’t deny it then? You’re part in their deaths.”

“I’m afraid,” he says, pouring himself another drink; three fingers worth. “You’re going to have to be a bit more specific.”

Dahlia purses her lips, as it if is almost too difficult to name them.

“Our parents. Kylie.”


“Janessa too?”

“I don’t know what happened to Janessa.”

“You said you didn’t know what happened to Kylie either. You even played the victim well, if I recall. So devastated. Claiming to love her. And our parents? Well, you were right there too, a steady rock in our time of grief. I’m angry, sure, but I’d be hurt if I wasn’t so impressed. That’s some cold shit.”

He stares her down, swallowing the second glass. It goes down easier than the first.

“You want the truth?”

“I already know how,” she says evenly. “I just need to know why.”

“They made me. It made me…kill them all.”



The name registers but only vaguely and he seizes on the pause to drive home the point.

“The same serum that courses through Quinn Cavanaugh’s veins. The serum you put there."

Her expression falters.

“Looks like I’m not the only bad one around here.”

“Yeah, well, clearly I’m better at it.”

“Sure, you are, the Sarlacc in designer clothes. That never-ending lust for fame and attention. You are just as if not more duplicitous than I am only you have a choice. The Cavanaugh girl and I did not. I didn’t want this. Don’t forget I knew your families. I cared about Karen and she pushed me away, saved my life actually. You think I would dishonor their memory by taking from you what was taken from them?”

Dahlia stalks forward, waving a hand through the air. Vex is thrown back against the wall. His drink slips from his hand on impact, shattering on the floor. She steps through it in dangerously high heels. Her smile widens with the crunch beneath.

“I don’t believe you.”

“I don’t care,” he sputters, feeling the constriction in his chest.

“I think you do. I also think you came to the Sector with a purpose. They leveraged all that emotional baggage and then set you up. You were just a flunky, Vex.”

“Perhaps but the Empire we both serve wanted them dead. That should anger you.”

“The anger is there, darling. Can’t you feel it?”

Pressure against his chest intensifies, cracking three ribs. He cries out but finds his voice lost in a faint gurgle. She waves a finger on one hand then uses the other to call her sequined clutch purse to it. Dahlia unfastens the clasp and withdraws her saber.

Vex gasps.

He wonders why the serum doesn’t kick in, why it’s not activated from afar. It would give him a least some chance against her. Not much but it would be something. It dawns over him slowly; they knew she was coming for him and there isn’t a damn thing they are going to do about it. The panic is now very real.

“Dahlia, please.”

“Begging doesn’t look good on you, Ambassador. They were loose ends but so are you.”

"There's a cure."

"For what?"

"Ibellum. I..I don't think the Empire really has it...but Irulan Reeves does. It won't save me but you can save Quinn."

"Touching," she says. "Did you find yourself this sentimental when you were murdering my Au pair and adoptive parents?"

"Dahlia, wait - listen to me!"

She moves more quickly than he can track, a crimson and emerald blur and she’s suddenly beside him – that terrible and beautiful face staring into his. In the seemingly singular movement, the small pink blade of the saber ignites as it is slammed into the side of his neck. Vex’s eyes bulge with the heat and pain and she leans close to his ear.

“They may be burning in hell for their own sins,” she seethes. “But I’m sure Rutherford and Celeste saved you a fucking seat.”

She pushes deeper, into the wall behind him, then drags the saber all the way across his throat. His head slides clean off as the steam from the cauterized wound curls past her dark eyes. She releases his body and it slumps forward onto the floor. His bewildered eyes stare vacantly at the rest of him. Dahlia heaves against the wall, choking up. She slides to her knees and unburdens herself of all the emotions surrounding the loss and vindication this action serves.

Pull yourself together, bitch.

She inhales, standing to deactivate the saber and exchange it in the purse for a secured Imperial com-link.

“It’s done.”

Dahlia steps over Vex’s body, heading for the door. Soon the cleanup team would arrive and scrub the scene. Everything about his murder and the cover story surrounding his resignation and return to Byss had been planned before she even stepped foot in this apartment. She’d been briefed as soon as she hit the ground. Emperor Schrag had allowed this cathartic exercise in exchange for the Gellar legacy gene. She needed closure not only for herself but for Dane and Gemma. They deserve that much.

Schrag held up his end of the bargain. Now it was time to uphold hers.


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #153 on: November 02, 2018, 07:41:46 PM »
Corporate Sector

Etti IV: Surface: Mondder

Party at the Delta’s.

Dahlia and Trichelle arrive arm-in-arm, much to the surprise and awe of her sisters. What was once a rivalry becomes something of a weapon. No doubt the Delta’s had heard that Trichelle went to school with the infamous princess Winton. There is a difference between hearing the tales and boosting the appeal of a party in the flesh. Suddenly, the house becomes the only place to be.

“This is wild, right?”

It's a party, not a political rally, but whatev.

“So wild.”

Kier is there but steers clear of them. He knows better. Ples arrives and the three of them catch up over cocktails. It’s like old times again and for a moment, Dahlia misses it, but only for a moment. It wasn’t necessarily a simpler time but certainly a less complicated one by comparison. Trichelle breaks away to scold one of her sisters and Ples smiles.

“I hear my father did you a solid with the guardianship.”

“It’s the best thing for everyone.”

He leans those broad shoulders against the door frame.

“We’ll see. What did you get up to today?”

Flash of Vex Sienna’s expression, frozen, as his head slid off his neck.

“Nothing much.”

“Heard from Demaris? I thought she was gallivanting around with your sister.”

Dahlia shrugs, “Gemma’s back on D’ian and pretty tight-lipped these days. Who knows what trouble those two are getting into.”

“The things they said about her, all that Force stuff. I’m worried about her.”

“She’s a big girl, Ples.”

“I know but still.”

She turns to face him, “Everyone has to choose a side eventually.”

“Have you chosen yours?”

Dahlia plays coy, echoing his words.

“We’ll see.”

Trichelle returns, there is sorority drama, and Dahlia is reminded why she doesn’t do shit like this. It’s not that she doesn’t love good drama but the stakes are so inconsequential it astounds. She catches Kier ducking out and takes the cue. She’s got to be on her way back to D’ian anyway under the guise of guardianship duties. This lets her off easy with her friends. She hugs Ples, air kisses Trichelle and vanishes back into the night. Crossing the grassy commons, heading toward the landing pad bridge, she finds Kier loitering near a cluster of trees. She sighs, slowing her pace.

“You know, lurking isn’t really an enviable quality.”

He chortles, joining her on the path.

“And you live for that, right? Inspiring envy in others?”

“What good is life if someone else doesn’t want the one you have?”

“I see university has made you wise.”

“I see it’s made you creepy. What’s the deal?”

Kier stares into the distant skyline, “She dumped me.”

“So I heard. Bummer but I’m sure you’ll survive. You didn’t want to make a night of it with one of the Delta’s? I’m sure there are a few who wouldn’t mind lowering their standards.”

“Hilarious,” he says. “Congrats on the guardianship thing. You guys have been all over the Holo.”

“How did I look?”


“But, like, in a cute way.”

“If you say so. What’s the word on Muriel and Tobias? Bro hasn’t reached out in months.”

She sighs dramatically, “What am I, the central communications hub? Contrary to what seems to be the popular belief, it’s not my duty to maintain your friendships with each other.”

“It was just a question, Dahlia.”

“Look, sometimes people just evolve beyond their pasts. Not everyone stays friends forever or whatever the similar sentiment was in our holo-annual. You’re in university now, expand those horizons a bit. Let go of that jock persona and be something...more.”

He frowns, “What if we’re not all meant for something more?”

“Psych101 rears its ugly head,” she mutters. “Kier, listen to me. The whole pouty existential thing isn’t working for you. You can’t let your life be defined by a breakup with Trichelle.”

“Trichelle wasn’t the one I really wanted.”

“I’m going to stop you right there,” she says, holding up a hand. “Being crowned the king and queen of our Valor Prep senior prom does not a match make.”

“Come on, you never wondered?”



“Okay, maybe. A little. And only out of spite for Trichelle. It’s different now.”

“I’m not so different.”

“Well, I am.”

The statement hangs there in front of her like a cold truth. She is not the same person she was when she traded D’ian for Chandaar. For starters, she’s murdered two people. She is a model and student who secretly works for the Empire and has romantic yet questionable feelings for the Imperial boy-wonder while harboring a powerful Sith darkness beyond that of either of her sisters. She is also part of a plan that could bring about the same endless turn of events their prior generation suffered. That is if she delivers the legacy gene as promised. Conniving or not, Emperor Schrag did make certain allowances. She must do her part in order to further her own murky goals – made murkier by a triangulation of feelings tied to both Barrett and Quentin.

He nods, taking the hint, and trying not to be hurt by it.

Male egos are so fragile.

“Good for you then, I guess. You sound like you have a plan.”

“Don’t I always?”

Dahlia leaves him by the bridge, and in a way, she is leaving behind everything about her old life. The infatuations, the drama. There are bigger bantha’s to fry. In the royal cruiser, she fires up the engines and takes a last look back at the sorority house lit with so many colors and shadows. Kier is nowhere in sight. She shakes her head and grips the controls, easing the silvery ship upward and across the sky. So long, bitches.

This girl has got a mission.



Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #154 on: November 21, 2018, 04:12:41 PM »
Corporate Sector

D’ian: Surface: Concordia Township: Gellar Estate

When she returns, they are sitting in the kitchen talking. It is the conspiring whispers of siblings. There is talk of summer and university and all those plans one makes as graduation looms. Even they know it won’t be that easy. There is so much at stake for both of them – for all three them of really. It is a turning point, for sure.

They glance up as she strides in and the excitement dies down. Dane fingers a bottle of ale and makes a face.

“Find everything you were looking for?”

Dahlia smirks, “I’ve satiated that lust – for now.”

“Well,” Gemma says. “From the clip on the Holo it looks like you went all out. I’m sure those stores never knew what hit them. How’s Trichelle?”

“Oh, you know Trich. Still spoiled and shallow.”

Dane knocks back the rest of the ale, “Glad you both still have so much in common.”

She rolls her eyes up and makes herself a drink. It’s warm and a floral breeze swirls softly through the house, bringing in all the fragrant blooms of the rolling hills. Concordia Township is awash in colorful growth as summer draws near. Dahlia smiles to herself, caught in a memory.

“You know, we should totally head out to our Viperii Lake house. It’s gorgeous this time of year.”

Dane and Gemma exchange a quick and panicked glance.


“We, uh, can’t do that.”

“Why the hell not?”

“It…well, kind of…exploded.”

Dahlia’s eyes wander to Gemma who looks both pained and guilty. Dane’s attempt to downplay such an alarming statement is admirable but a complete failure.

Kind of exploded?”

“No, it exploded. For reals. The point is that it’s gone and not on the summer agenda. Can I get you another drink?”

“Things don't just fucking explode, Dane. What happened?”

Gemma pipes up, “There was a….”

“…leak. A thermo-something leak and then boom! Can you believe it?”

Dahlia gestures wildly in the air, “Not really! Are you seriously telling me our childhood summer house was blown to bits?”

“By a leak!” Gemma says.

“How did you even know about this?”

“Dane told me when I got back. We thought you’d be upset, knowing how much you loved the lake house. I’m so sorry, Dahlia.”

Dahlia is thrown by the sincerity in the comment, “Surely the Espos investigated.”

“Yes,” Dane says with more confidence. “That’s what happened. Don’t worry, it was insured so we can just build a new one. Can we not make, like, a huge deal about it?”

She sighs, wishing to pursue it further but knowing she may not have another opportunity to speak to them before the prom and graduation fun begins this weekend.

“Fine but I have to tell you something as well.”

They both fall silent, expecting the worst. Instead, she gives them closure.

“You were right, Dane. Vex Sienna was responsible for the death of our parents and Kylie Miranda. I spoke to Barrett about it and he had his people investigate. It turns out Sienna was obsessed with The Four and needed Kylie, Rutherford, and Celeste out of the way in order to have unobstructed access to us. I’m sorry, I didn’t know, but it was him. Sienna was responsible for everything.”

Gemma swallows hard, “What will happen to him?”

“The Empire relieved him of his duties and took him back to Byss where I assume, he’ll be dealt with. A new Imperial liaison will be assigned.”

Dane slides off the stool, his eyes suddenly very bleary. He stops beside her, placing a hand on her arm.

“Thank you.”

She covers his hand with her own and nods. Dane disappears upstairs, leaving Gemma to gaze at her uneasily across the island.

“Do they know anything about Garron or Janessa?”

Dahlia shakes her head, “I’m afraid not but they are looking.”

“Why would Barrett Trevaithan do that?”

“Because I asked him to.”

“And why would you?”

“Like it or not, we’re the only family we have. I guess I didn’t want you both graduating and still believing there was something you could have done.”

Gemma slips off the stool and begins to round the island, sliding her fingers along the polished surface.

“Then why all the theatrics? You avoid us for months only to what? Swoop in and rescue us from Sienna’s evil clutches? You always have an agenda, Dahlia.”

The smirk returns, “From you. Saw the highlight reel from your last show. Compelling stuff…for a Jedi.”

Gemma’s eyes widen but she manages to maintain an even tone.

“Photage is so easily edited.”

“Except it wasn’t, was it Gemma? You always make it seem like you’re the one doing the right thing, the noble thing when in reality you are just as conniving as the rest of us. You can’t possibly be suspicious of my motives when yours have never been clear.”

“What is your problem?”

“You. You are my problem and I’d be lying if I said there wasn’t some residual resentment against your family and their uptight self-righteous ways.”

Gemma groans, “And why is that?”

“You really want to know?”

“Yes, I really want to know.”

Dahlia finishes her drink and slides it aside, moving toward Gemma to speak very slowly and with an annunciation bordering on menacing.

“Because your sister murdered my sister in cold blood.”

Gemma’s face goes slack, lips parting just enough for the disbelief to escape through a sigh.

Dahlia’s expression remains rigid and serious, enough for Gemma to know that at the very least she believes it.

“How…how could you possibly know something like that? They died on Centerpoint and the only person who escaped that was just a baby.”

Dahlia levels with her, “When I was kidnapped, my captor showed me the vid. I don’t know how it was recovered or recorded but Karen stood down and Melanie killed her anyway.”

“She wouldn’t.”

“She did.”

“Like I said,” Gemma says with a trembling voice. “Photage can be edited.”

Dahlia nods, patting her lightly as she passes, moving out into the foyer.  

“That’s right. You keep telling yourself that.”



Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #155 on: November 26, 2018, 02:57:52 PM »
Corporate Sector

D’ian: Surface

While Gemma and Dane ready themselves for graduation, Dahlia makes a trip out to Viperii Lake. She doesn’t believe for a microsecond that a leak caused the explosion. The twins were much to cagey for it to be as simple as that. When she arrives at where their summer house once stood, all she finds is a cleared slab. The rubble and ash had all been taken away.

The view looks different now, free of any obstruction. Dahlia wanders through the trees to the edge of lake. It is serene and beautiful as it always has been. She has fond memories from her childhood here which clash dangerously with the rage Adubell instilled in her as a captive. Perhaps it was a bit much, delivering such a blow to Gemma. However, she did also just murder Vex Sienna to vindicate both she and Dane so, in the grand scheme of things, Gemma got off easy. She needed to know, the sneaky little bitch, that her holier-than-thou antics isn’t fooling everyone. Melanie, from what she can tell, was probably more sanctimonious than Gemma but that righteousness streak must be genetic. Something about all that earnestness really bugs her.

Dahlia exhales, long and slow, and gathers her thoughts. There is a lot to sort through. Feelings for Barrett, feeling for Quentin. The aggravation and mistrust she feels for Emperor Schrag. A friendship with Quinn that, put into context by Sienna, is really twisted. All those Sith skills concealed beneath a studious persona. So, she’s got secrets too. Does that make her a hypocrite? Probably…but a much cuter one.

She wanders back, stepping up onto the slab. What the hell happened here? She supposed she could request the Espos’ report but what would that even prove? Nothing, especially if Dane and Gemma are keeping that information locked down. She kneels, pressing two fingers against the cool duracrete.

There is a flash, day turning to night and the forest surrounding her burns brightly. She raises her head as embers and ash drift past her. There is a figure standing over her, tall and clad in a burnt orange and black armor. A wide hood covers a distorted, metal mask beneath which the eyes glow an electric green. From the right arm, a saber extends to illuminate her face in its emerald glow.

She gasps, pulling her fingers away quickly.

The sky is once again blue and there is a sweet song from the bird in the trees above. Dahlia stands but has to steady herself, glancing down at the Carteris chromometer on her wrist. Several minutes had passed but she is not sure where she went or what she saw. She recalls the figure with the glowing eyes – but why did she see it? And who was that?

Dahlia shutters and returns to her speeder.

No time to unpack that now, she has a ceremony to attend.


Valor Prep

The pavilion is crowded considering how small the graduating class is but Dahlia manages to score a seat near the front. She would be unmistakable anywhere – the crimson hair, towering heels, and giant oval sunglasses. There are the requisite speeches, even a song which, surprisingly, Gemma does not sing, and then the tedious alphabetical nightmare that is walking the stage. Alka seems to float, Preston smirks and rolls his eyes, Dane struts his stuff to much applause and hollering, and Roman seems annoyed. It is Gemma that receives the most tepid response, barely a whisper from the crowd as her name is called. Dahlia cheers for her, a compulsory action that shocks even her. She may have just dropped the hammer of truth on her but she’ll be damned if sis is going to go out without some applause.

It is then she realizes their entire community must be afraid of Gemma after what they saw on the Holo. The sweet Masterton girl wielding a lightsaber in a full-scale melee. That must have offended Concordia Township’s delicate sensibilities. Even time doesn’t heal things here. The idle rich never forget. Well, fuck ‘em. They think Dahlia is the AntiMaker anyway simply because she was born a Winton. Now they are just as suspicious of the Masterton’s. People don’t like it when others have power they do not, especially the inhabitants of D’ian. No amount of currency will buy you that kind of leverage – and they know it.

She flees the scene before the rest of the parents descend on their children for photage. Back at the Gellar Estate, she preps for the inevitable onslaught of partying. There is only a day between graduation and prom so she had cautioned a slower roll tonight, not that any of them are going to listen to her. For her part, Dahlia has finished all her assignments remotely to conclude her term at university. So, now that her friends are returning to D’ian from near and afar for summer break she can schedule in some relaxation before heading to her Hesperidium hideaway.

In her room, she scrawls out images of the mask from the lake house. None of them look quite right but Gemma bursts in before she can figure out why.

“You didn’t have to do that.”

She spins around, crossing one leg dramatically over the other.

“Do what?”

“Cheer like that. I’m perfectly fine accepting my diploma without anyone else’s validation.”

Dahlia scoffs, “So, you're mad you got attention? Wow, you really are a trip.”

“Are you off the rails? You can’t simultaneously hate and support me.”

“Um, I believe my exact word was resent, not hate, and I can do anything I damn well please, Gemma so do yourself a favor and get out of my face.”

“I’m not in your face I’m…”

Her voice dies off as her eyes land on the sketch of the mask still displayed on the screen of her console. Dahlia’s eyes follow then she cocks her head.


“What is that?”

“The mask? Why? You’ve seen it before?”

Gemma says nothing.

Dahlia rises out of the chair, shifting to a warning tone.

Gemma. You have, haven’t you? Where?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Bullshit,” she says, placing a hand on her hip.

Gemma sighs, “You think you know everything, Dahlia. You don’t, regardless of what you captor said.”

“How dare you minimize what I went through. I was tortured!”

“All I’m saying is that they could have lied – about a lot of things. People have been playing on the Masterton-Winton thing for years. You wanted a reason to turn on me and they gave you one. What did they tell you about Dane? I’m sure it was just as horrible.”

For starters, he possesses the legacy gene.

However, she knows this tidbit of news won’t get the information she wants to know and she is losing patience.

“Tell me where you saw the mask.”

“What mask?” she says, all innocent-like.

“You’re a terrible liar.”

“Yeah, well, maybe you’re too good at it.”

Gemma storms out of the room, leaving Dahlia fuming. Fine, play your games, Gemma. The reaction said more than enough but she needs specifics, like how it is connected to her. If Gemma knows who or what this is, she knows she’s on the right track. There was almost a sheer terror that flickered across her face at the sight of it. She must know something. Dane will be drinking heavily this weekend so, if she’s not going to be any help, maybe her loose-lipped brother might.



Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #156 on: December 01, 2018, 02:36:56 PM »
Corporate Sector

D’ian: Surface: Gellar Estate

Dahlia returns from a late brunch with Trichelle at the Corinthos Estate to find Dane and Gemma in the throes of pre-prom anxiety. Dane pads around barefoot in only a pair of starched, black dress pants holding what she hopes is his first glass of whiskey. He is on the com with Preston who is having a fit over the fact that Roman’s parents are forcing him to bring Alia. The pitch in his voice rises to an intolerable level as he explains the Nash’s plan to drag Roman back to Csilla to make good on that arranged marriage to Alia while sealing their alliance with the Csapla family. Seriously, gay space drama is so heavy.

Gemma, on the other hand, sulks about in an annoyed funk.

“What’s up your ass?”

She sighs as if it is extremely difficult to admit it, “I don’t know what to wear.”

“Come on,” she says, pulling her outside and across the estate to the landing pad where Dahlia’s royal cruiser is docked. Inside, they enter the dressing chamber where she taps open a series of doors to reveal an impressive array of clothing – fit for a princess. “I’m sure we can find you something.”

Dahlia pulls several contenders, deciding to prod a bit.

“So, where have you been hiding?”

“What do you mean?”

“Oh please,” she groans. “You disappear from Chandaar for months then show up here as if everything is just fine.”

“You summoned us, remember? About the whole guardianship thing.”

“True, but from where?”

“None of your business,” Gemma says, crossing her arms. “You’re just full of contradictions, Dahlia. You resent me but cheer me on. You grill me about details then want to help. You can’t have it both ways.”

Dahlia takes the two dresses she likes best and hangs each on separate valet rod.

“Says who? You? I don’t think so. Look, we clearly have different priorities but it wouldn’t kill you to loosen up a bit.”

Gemma glares, “Maybe I could if I didn’t fully believe that you have your own agenda here. Don’t think I forgot about that whole mess with your bodyguard Georgie. He was a monster and you knew it the whole time.”

“Aw, it’s sweet that you think so. Can you prove it?”

“I know what I saw.”

“You know what you think you saw.”

“Don’t try and gaslight me,” she bites out. “You aren’t that good.”

“You have no idea.”

“Your arrogance is unfathomable but it will cost you in the end."

“More than your ignorance? I doubt it.”

“I’m not ignorant. I know what you are!”

They are in the midst of a full-blown confrontation, one that has been a long time coming. Dahlia stops fidgeting with the dresses and turns toward her, emerald eyes flaring wide.

“And what am I, Gemma?”

She delivers the line flawlessly, almost with relief.

“You’re a Sith. I think you have the same abilities as your sisters that your captor exploited and they turned you because the easy way has always been your way. You’d never be able to resist all that power because, for a Winton, showmanship trumps substance.”

The flicker of rage beneath Gemma’s pristine surface gives Dahlia and electrifying charge.

“What are you going to do about it?”

Gemma pauses and she seizes the opening,

“That’s right, nothing. You know why? Because that’s the thing about the Jedi – always with the lagging. You may think you’ve chosen the side of the righteous, the one that fights for all that is good in these worlds but, in reality, it’s the side of the naïve and the weak as history has shown time and time again. You’re a smart girl and deep down I think you know it. So, if you are finished grandstanding, we can get back to business.”

“Fine but I don’t trust you, Dahlia.”

She steps back and smiles, motioning behind her.

“I don’t trust you either, Gemma but fashion transcends such things. Now, what do you think?”

Gemma’s eyes wander to the options; the first is a short, sequined dress in a muted cream color and the second, a white, textured wrap gown with a sheer shimmering shawl. She sighs as the weight of their exchange temporarily melts away.

“Option number two. It’s just…beautiful. Thank you."

“My pleas,” she says, handing over the gown. “Now scoot, you’ve got precious time before your friends arrive.”

She watches her go, somehow satisfied with herself in this new role. For a brief moment, they were honest with one another – their true feelings out in the open, exposed. Both accused and neither denied. It is cathartic and dangerous, a release that had been building for years. She knows that they are on opposing sides. If she’d listen to Adubell, Gemma would be dead already, but something prevented her taking that step with her. Dahlia has killed but could she bring herself to kill Gemma? Or Dane for that matter? Even after everything she knows - Rutherford’s lies, Celeste’s complicity, and Melanie’s ruthlessness – she harbors sentiment toward them. Adubell railed into her about the dangers of Sith having attachments. There are only allies and enemies, nothing in between. Dahlia doesn’t think in such limited terms. The Winton’s were never ones to conform and Dahlia is not going to start now.


Later that afternoon, Dane, Alka, Gemma, Preston, Roman, and Alia gather along the stairs for the obligatory photage Dahlia has been harassed into taking. They are reveling at the moment when the door chime slices through the chatter. Since no one seems to move, Dahlia reluctantly answers it only to reveal an expertly coifed Riley Patten standing on the other side.

“Well,” she says. “Aren’t you full of surprises?”

“Am I too late?”

“Actually, you’re just in time.”

He steps inside, shocking everyone including a squealing Gemma who rushes into his arms.

“How are you here?”

“Ask me again sometime.”

She beams, “But…how did you even know?”

Riley nods over to Dane who fires back with finger blasters, “Got your message but I had some help.”

Dahlia waves her hands around, “Alright, alright, now that everyone is happy, with the exception of Preston of course, can we please get back to the task at hand?”

Preston and Alia exchange a glacial stare.

Finally, she corals them into a line to get the necessary photage. She captures each of the couples separately for good measure, doing one with Roman and Alia for his parents and one with Roman and Preston for them. Sometimes, she cannot even believe herself. Gemma and Riley gaze at each other longingly which gives Dahlia a pang – but for whom?

As they file out and into the hover limo, Dane, Gemma, and Riley linger behind on the circular stoop with Dahlia.

There is something here, a powerful significance that cannot truly be explained.

Call it a fate or legacy, they all feel it, and that is why they remain.

Dahlia glances between them, “So, here we are. The Four.”

Almost instinctively, they join hands. The connection is like a pulsing current.

Alia’s bitching breaks the spell and they descend the stairs to join their friends. Dahlia watches as the hoverlimo slides away and out of sight, unsure of what just happened or why. The legacy gene, the vision with the masked figure, all four of them together – it presents as a marker for something greater, something beyond anything any of them can even imagine.



Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #157 on: December 08, 2018, 03:44:07 PM »
“Blinded by faith and devotion
Shade the fire inside our hearts
Ties that we've made have been broken by the
Lies that pull us apart
Time that we take will be stolen from a
Dream that was almost ours.”

-Bob Moses

Corporate Sector

D’ian: Surface: Concordia Township

Prom night.

Beneath the swirling colorful lights of the Concordia Clubhouse, the teens dance and sway to the music. There is magic in this moment. They are on the precipice of an uncertain future but feeling invincible. Youth is permitted these delusions. Riley holds Gemma close against him, moving together slowly. How he’d missed this. Just being near her is intoxicating, enough to dull the inevitable roar that his abrupt departure from Corellia will cause. It's not like he asked for permission, figuring it better to beg forgiveness instead. He’d been cooped up on that ship for what feels like forever with no word from aunt Mara or Master Nevylinn. What could possibly be keeping them? Riley’s restlessness cannot be contained and when he received the message from Gemma with a question, he could not refuse her. It was time and together they are happy.

So, here we are. The Four.

Those words haunt them, something uttered like a casual omen. The strange encounter with Dahlia back at the estate lingers at the periphery of Gemma’s thoughts. A sobering realization chills her; now they know who the other really is. It’s not like they hadn’t suspected for years, dancing around the subject as only two people with those names in denial could. What can she really do about it? Dahlia isn’t entirely wrong, as much as it pains her to acknowledge it. The Jedi are floundering and for what? The ancient religion, once held in such high esteem, is practically in a death rattle. Scores of Jedi have been killed and the rest are exiled, on the run, or hiding in plain sight. There is a stab of guilt at feeling so wonderful when so many others are suffering. Her thoughts flicker back to Taarek, Demaris, and their team, praying they are okay. There are many forces conspiring against them and so she holds Riley tighter, never wanting to let go.

Dane is drunk but somehow Alka manages to keep him grounded. This is not an easy feat but she always did have a neutralizing effect on him, much to everyone’s surprise and delight. Lit, he pulls the others into the middle of the floor. Light glances off Alia and Roman’s glowing red eyes as Preston dances between them. Laughing, Gemma drags Riley into the mix where they all throw up their hands and surrender to the music. This is what they’ve been building toward and the sweet release dispels, even if only for the briefest of moments, any animosity or suspicion between them. Alia spins Gemma around as Dane throws an arm around Riley’s shoulder with the other around Alka’s waist, and Roman pulls Preston into a tender kiss. They have not a care in the worlds.

To tonight, and the rest of their lives.

They return to the Gellar Estate with Dahlia nowhere in sight. She knows better than to crash their party. Dane and Riley grab the drinks while Alka, Gemma, and Alia dance in a circular pattern around the foyer. Their movements are mirrored, almost like a ritual. Roman absconds with Preston upstairs to one of the guest bedrooms, his desire stronger than any threat his parents could level.

It had been a tense afternoon at the Nash Estate after Balthazar outlined his plans for Roman after prom. He was to return to Csilla with Alia where they will marry and not another word. Alia aimed for a tactful levity but Roman outright refused. He would not marry Alia, he told his father, because he was in love with Preston Dyre. The reaction was met with a barely subdued rage, or as much as a true Chiss can emote such a thing. The disgust between both parties was palpable. Balthazar left them quietly alone and, on the way over to meet his friends, Alia questioned if he knew what he had done. The admission was more dangerous than he realized, one that could carry consequences beyond just the two of them. They had already made threats. Call it Gemma’s influence but she didn’t want anything to happen to him. He didn’t care. For once in his life, Roman was sure of something. He wasn’t going to let his father take that away from him.

Not ever again.

Roman pulls off Preston’s jacket and unbuttons his shirt. Preston runs his hands down across Roman’s deep blue chest as they fall back onto the bed. Roman needs him close, “Run away with me.”

He laughs, “Yeah, sure. We’ll leave in the morning.”

“I’m serious,” Roman says. “Run away and marry me.”

“Like elope? Impulsive…but romantic. You know I don’t care about Alia but won’t your parents be, like, super pissed?”

“You love me, don’t you?”

Preston touches his jaw, “More than anything.”

“I’d give up everything to be with you. I’m sorry it took me this long to get here but I’m here and I’m in love with you. Run away with me.”

Preston kisses him again, “I’d run anywhere with you.”

Downstairs, things are getting turned up. Gemma is grinding up on Riley as Dane and Alka sloppily make out against the wall leaving Alia to dance seductively alone in the center of the room. She can feel something coming but she keeps moving, keeps drinking, in hopes that the feeling will pass. The rest of the evening kind of spirals with everyone finding their way to bedrooms upstairs. The estate is dark and still for hours until a shadow falls across a beam of moonlight in the hall.

Dahlia slips into Dane’s room, finding he and Alka tangled in sheets but unconscious. All those cocktails allow them to sleep soundly, dead to the worlds, and it is just as well. The Winton royal has a price to pay. She withdraws a hydrosyringe and, using the Force to guide her, slides it into the crook of Dane’s exposed left arm. Blood, a deep crimson, begins to swirl within the vial. Once full, she pulls it free and disappears as quickly as she came. Dahlia descends the stairs silently, using her power to float up over the floor and out into the warm night air. She crosses the patio and gardens before easing into the tall grass. Dahlia hovers toward a figure emerging from the woods, holding a small, black container. The case is opened, tendrils of frozen gas spinning into the air around it. She stops before him and places the vial inside. It snaps closed with a hiss.

“Our sincerest gratitude, Princess Dahlia.”

“Congrats on the promo, Ambassador. Enjoy your night.”

Burke Pallus turns sharply and vanishes back into the woods.

Above, returning from the bathroom, a sleepy Riley catches sight of Dahlia floating back across the patio and into the house. Or at least it looks like she’s floating. He’s still tipsy and extremely tired, rejoining Gemma in bed. He thinks of waking her but she looks so beautiful, so peaceful. Riley does not want to disturb that and curls up against her to fall asleep.

Morning comes much too quickly.

Members of the crew begin to appear slowly and with great effort. No one escaped last night unscathed but there aren’t any complaints. Dane retrieves a glass of water for a rather ill-feeling Alka, passing Roman and Preston coming down the stairs.

“Good morning lovers.”

Preston hits him lightly in the arm, “I was supposed to be home hours ago.”

“Worth it?” Dane asks, rubbing the surprising soreness.

He squeezes Roman’s hand, “Definitely.”

At the door, he kisses him goodbye.

“See you soon.”

“Count on it,” he says.

Preston, with his head in the clouds, trots down the stairs and across the drive to his speeder. He throws a glance back at a shirtless Roman, leaning against the impossibly high door with a smile that lets him know this is real. He breathes in with a heavy heart and a singular thought: that boy is going to marry me. He starts the speeder but there is a strange clinking sound, a spark beneath him. There is no time to think, to wonder, to do anything.

The speeder explodes.


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #158 on: December 11, 2018, 09:58:10 PM »
Corporate Sector

D’ian: Surface: Gellar Estate

It is the screaming that rouses Gemma and Riley out of their blissful slumber.

Everyone converges in the foyer where Alka is losing her shit by the door while Dane and Alia stand outside in front of the flaming wreckage that was Preston’s speeder. There are parts strewn about, mechanical and biological, across the expansive drive. Gemma passes a stunned Alia to pull at Dane’s arm.

“Dane? Dane! What happened?!”

Dane just keeps shaking his head, “I dunno, I dunno, I dunno….”

She turns to Alia, “Where’s Roman?”

Alia’s usually serene features are tight and angry, “He left…to confront his parents on Mondder.”

“His parents?”

“They did this.”

“How do you know?”

She had felt it all night but Roman seemed unconvinced, assured of his decision, and she did nothing. Alia felt the tremors through the Force, warning her, and she drank them away. The reflection of the flames vanishes into her bright scarlet eyes.

“He told them he was in love with Preston, that he wouldn’t marry me, and they retaliated."

“They already threatened to kill him,” Dane mutters through the waves of Alka’s screaming. "If he didn't bring Alia back."

Gemma and Riley exchanges worried glances.

Dahlia is trying to deal with Alka when the lights of the Espos speeders appear over the hill as they race toward them. Someone must have called. The emergency crews descend on the estate, extinguishing the fire and rounding up the teens back inside. The Gellar Estate is officially a crime scene.

The Espos take statements, seemingly wary of another incident involving the Gellar-Masterton’s. Even as traumatized as some of them are, they are smart enough to keep the fact that Roman was present and left out of their stories. It would look bad and they know he didn’t do it. He couldn’t do it. They were in love. It would be pointless for the Espos to waste their time investigating that avenue when they all know what happened.

Balthazar Nash exacted his revenge. Even though Roman brought Alia back to The Sector as promised, it was not enough to make up for what they saw as Roman’s abomination. Roman’s confession cost Preston his life and now his friends are both bereft over the loss and anxious about what his heartbroken lover would do.

The speeder and what’s left of Preston is cleared but, given the initial evidence, none are individuals of interest at this time. It presents as a speeder malfunction with tragic consequences but the Espos won’t rule anything out, not when it comes to them. They notify Preston’s parents and depart from the Estate. Everyone’s nerves are shot with Dane hitting the bottle pretty hard. Gemma tries to comfort him but he’s hurt and despondent. Dahlia suggests they go after Roman to make sure he doesn’t do anything stupid but that idea is shot down with a barrage of nasty glares. No one is in any shape to go anywhere. They know they can't stop him from whatever comes next.

Later, with Alka finally resting and Alia withdrawn, a Holo report out of the Core draws them out of their grief. 

It is breaking story…about Coruscant.

It has reformed, the storms and particles fusing together into a solid mass once again. Smaller than its predecessor with gravity restored, atmosphere stable, and, unbeknownst to them, a perfectly placed Sith artifact at its center, drawing energy and growing stronger.

But how? They had only heard stories of the city-planet that was, destroyed by the Dark Queen of Hapes. The legends had grown over the years into frightening tales whispered at sleepovers or in the context of punishment – be good or the Dark Queen will emerge from The Cluster and destroy you too. They had all shared this tale as children only for the waste of her vengeance to mysteriously return.

As the Holo commentators speculate they glance at each other suspiciously, wondering if what they felt when they all connected in some way signified something greater and more powerful than any of them could understand. Dahlia recalls Quentin’s words to her last year, how he claimed to have found her staring up into the sky, beneath where Coruscant once was, pulsing with a dark energy unlike that he had ever seen.

Had she set this in motion?

Did their connection, one that through their predecessors left countless lives in their wake, complete Coruscant’s rebirth?

Etti IV: Mondder

He arrives in the dead of night, hellbent on confrontation.

Atop the Palace Arms corporate tower, Roman Nash burst into the family suite and shouts his father’s name. Balthazar appears, meeting his son in the living room.

“You did this.”

He does not deny it, “Gather your things, we return to Csilla in the morning.”

His mother, Rinoa, emerges from the bedroom, “Roman? What is going on?”

“Did you tell her, father? Or were you complicit in this as well, mother?”

“Complicit in what?”

“Tell her. Tell her! Tell her how you killed Preston by rigging his speeder to explode to punish me for loving him!”

“Your union to Alia will secure our family’s legacy, Roman. Surely you can look past this human grief and see the importance of this action. The Dyre boy was not your destiny.”

“Balthazar, you didn’t?” Rinoa says.

“Silence! What’s done is done. Roman and Alia will return with us to Csilla where they will wed and house Nurodo will rightfully be part of the ruling class of the Chiss.”

Unfamiliar with this much emotion, intense and unyielding, Roman comes to one, final conclusion.

“I imagine it will be difficult to have a wedding…without a groom.”

Balthazar stares at him intensely, almost daring him to defy him again.

“Or a legacy without a son.”

Roman walks calmly through the open patio doors, climbs up onto the railing, and jumps.


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #159 on: December 17, 2018, 10:54:43 PM »
"This world can hurt you
It cuts you deep and leaves a scar
Things fall apart
But nothing breaks like a heart."

-Mark Ronson

Corporate Sector

D’ian: Surface

Word from Mondder.

A distraught Finnius Dyre goes before the Direx Board with his accusations alleging conspiracy, murder, and treason against Balthazar Nash to benefit the Chiss Ascendancy. Statements made by Dane Gellar and Alka Dawning further damn him, claiming Nash had made threats against the son of Dyre previously, a claim said to have come from Roman Nash himself. Reports from the Espos investigation are inconclusive, leaving reasonable suspicion that Preston’s speeder could have been tampered with. The final nail inadvertently comes from Roman’s intended, Alia Elise Csapla. Although she kept relatively tight-lipped during questioning, Gellar and Dawning confirmed that the only reason for her presence in the Sector was an arranged marriage, one that would significantly benefit the Nurodo family and be thoroughly jeopardized by an off-script romance with Dyre.

Iver Aguilar gives the order and the Espos storm Nash Estate on D’ian to find that Balthazar and Rinoa have gone. Flight records from the spaceport confirm their departure mere hours before. Back at the Palace Arms tower in Mondder they find a bloody handprint on the patio railing belonging to Roman Nash. They don't know, as Dane and Alka pulled him back, that he cut his hands trying to get to Preston. At least two witnesses have come forward to say that they saw something or someone go over on the night in question. It presents like Balthazar had both motive and opportunity to kill Preston Dyre and may have even killed his own son over his refusal to conform to their societal norms.

The Holo explodes with the news, casting shadows across several other companies closely tied to Palace Arms, and throwing the Direx Board into complete turmoil. Irulan Reeves is not worried, at least for ChemiX. However, she knows how difficult this must be for Dane and calls to send her condolences. She advises he take some time away before diving back in in the Fall.

Everything hits them hard on D’ian.

On hearing about Roman, Alka falls to pieces again. Dane just sits on the patio, staring out into the gardens. He graduated, attended prom, lost two of his best friends, and now watches as the Direx Board implodes over suspicions of treason – all within 72 hours. Gemma’s heart breaks for those lost, for those left behind, and the senselessness of it all. This didn’t have to happen but a part of her wonders how much the terror and mayhem tie back to the four of them. The Four. This is the first time they’d all been in the same place since they were children. She felt it just like the others did when their hands came together. The charge of something deeper. She could see it on their faces, even if they said nothing. Riley does his best to tend to everyone’s needs, comforting Gemma, but feeling somewhat lost in the personal tragedy of the others.

Alia cannot stand to be around them a moment longer and walks out of the Gellar Estate.

Dahlia watches her go then turns to them, “Hopefully that’s the last we’ll see of her.”

“That’s not exactly productive,” Riley says.

“Tough crowd. Listen, I’m leaving for Hesperidium in a few days. Everyone is welcome to join, of course. In fact, you probably should. The situation with the Direx Board is going to be brutal so I say let them hash it out. Your respective interests are represented and the tropical climate would do you all some good.”

Gemma breaks from Riley’s arms and storms by her, “Our friends just died and all you can think of is the beach?”

“It’s only a suggestion, Gemma. Calm down.”

“Ill-timed and inappropriate as always.”

Dahlia calls after her, “Is there any other kind?”

Up in her room, Gemma breaks down momentarily but pulls it together long enough to fumble open a secure com-channel to Demaris Atrii.

“Gemma, I’m so happy you called. The news about Coruscant…it’s just…isn't it remarkable?”

“There’s more.”

She tells her about Preston, Roman, Dahlia, their connection, the Inquisitor’s mask. It is a lot to process and she is understandably upset. They were her friends too. Demaris is far more worried about Gemma. Her exchange with Dahlia was risky, borderline irresponsible. If Winton really is a true Sith, they could all be targets. She tactfully but wisely reminds Gemma about what happened after Melanie’s prom and graduation – The Event at 500 Republica. Most of her friends were killed and, with The Four now together, the others could stand in Dahlia’s way of ultimate power.

“No one wants a repeat of the catalyst body count.”

“Understood but she’s connected somehow – to the Inquisitor and possibly Coruscant too. I have to follow up on it.”


“Dahlia invited us to Hesperidium. Maybe later I can convince Riley to join me there. Besides, the whole timing of the Coruscant thing cannot be a coincidence.”

Demaris perks up, a definite smile in her voice, “Riley’s there?”

“Yeah, he surprised me for prom.”

“That’s sweet.”

“Unfortunately, the gesture has been superseded by tragedy. Oh Demaris, it’s such a mess.”

“I’m so sorry, Gemma. How is Alia taking it?”

“She hasn’t said much. In fact, I think she left.”

“Left? Where did she go?"

“Maybe she needed some air. You know how she feels about displays of human emotion and right now everyone is kind of a wreck.”

“Alia is unstable, Gemma.”

“She’s just upset but can’t show it. There is something to be said for giving people space.”

Demaris’ voice becomes grave, “Alia is impulsive and has both the power of the Force and a weapon. Someone should find her before she makes a bad situation worse.”

“You think she would really do something rash? Right, right, I heard it as soon as I said it. I’ll go after her. Hang tight and send my love to the team.”

“Will do. The Lurian’s have taken great care of us.”

“Good, so long as you are safe. Talk soon.”

“Be careful, Gemma. Dahlia may be family but the Sith are dangerous."

“I will.”

She clicks off, slips the com into her purse, and heads back downstairs where the situation hasn’t changed.

Riley is waiting for her at the bottom of the stairs.

“Everything okay?”

“Maybe not,” she says. “We should probably go look for Alia and make sure she’s okay.”

“I’ll go with you.”

Her hand becomes intertwined with his, “I was hoping you’d say that.”


Alia walks through the woods, blindly following a feeling, a tug that has been calling out to her. She tried. She actually tried to care about someone and he wound up throwing himself off a tower. Typical. Everything the Chiss do is always laced with a familial drama that is almost always sinister.

Every action made in haste has a consequence and she’s just glad Balthazar got his in the end. Her family is going to bury his. She supposes she could return to Gemma and work through it all in their exceedingly humanoid way but that is the furthest thing from her mind. She wants to destroy, to make others hurt the way these unfamiliar emotions make her feel. She wants to burn it all down the same way the Nash's did when they lit up Preston with the flames of their revenge.

Alia finds herself on the brink as she steps into a clearing to discover that she is not alone.

The hooded figure does not move as she approaches.

“Hello, Alia. I’ve been waiting for you.”

“Like I care."

“Your suspicion is to be expected, of course, given the circumstances. I am not one for attachments, to anyone really, but there is so much hatred radiating off you that I could have found you anywhere in the galaxy. So yes, I have been waiting for you and now it is time you explored your true power.”

Alia squares her shoulders, reaching for the saber clipped to her belt.

“Who the hell are you?”

The figure removes the hood, revealing the scarred face of a grey-skinned woman.

“My name is Adubell but you may call me...Master."


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #160 on: December 24, 2018, 07:03:23 PM »
Corporate Sector

D’ian: Surface: Gellar Estate

Gemma takes the lead as she and Riley wander through the woods, following Alia’s Force signature like a beacon through the darkness. They catch up on events since they last saw each other. Between the two of them, Gemma’s harrowing experiences fighting off the Inquisitor while trying to find safety for the Jedi significantly eclipses Riley’s relatively mundane existence on Corellia.

He finished his senior year beneath the safe watch of Director Veritaas and would begin an accelerated course at the CorSec Academy proper come Fall. Weekends and holidays were spent on the ship with Master Atrii, moving casually through the fringe of the system, as Riley assisted in providing the Younglings and other fugitive Jedi real-world training experience. Even without any Force abilities, he felt useful and the mindfulness exercises they taught him came in real handy when he thought he’d go out of his mind with boredom.

It’s not like it’s all bad. There was fun to be had with his only pal, Cassidy, but the other cadets all treated him like a liability, someone with whom should be approached with extreme caution. It doesn’t help with the rumors even after all these years: his famous mother exploded along with the rest of Centerpoint Station and his once-Governess half-aunt was strangled by a psychotic, sentient droid not far from where they all train. Now he’s been linked with Jedi sympathizers in a Republic that hates and fears them, made more complicated by the fact that he’s both aiding and abetting many within the system on the direction and knowledge of Director Elon Veritaas, Senator Artemis Soldys, and Ambassador Della Avers. It’s not like he can claim his life is uncomplicated but everything about it, from the Patten name to all the secrecy, renders him isolated and feeling restless.

Hence, the detour. He left Donovan a message, one he hopefully understood. Riley is a nearly eighteen-year-old boy. He needed to shake things up, live a little. He’s not saying goodbye to his obligations or abandoning his friends. Riley just wanted a bit of distance from them…and an opportunity to be closer to Gemma.

“Do you hear that?”

It is a soft whirring, almost like something mechanical starting up.


He pulls his blaster as they are both bathed in the pale blue glow of Gemma’s saber. They break through into a clearing across which they watch Alia disappear into a shuttle. There is another figure who pauses at the bottom of the ramp, turning slowly as if sensing them. Even from that distance, there is no mistaking the sinister glint of a smile on the grey-skinned woman before she quickly ascends into the shuttle as well. Moments later, it begins to rise but instead of heading up across the darkened silhouettes of the tree line it swivels around and fires on them.

Everything slows down.

Riley dives for cover through the thick, orange beams of the turbolasers as they blast and splinter the foliage around them. Gemma deflects two blasts with her saber and sends the third back toward the shuttle which dissipates in the shields. Another round from the laser cannon streaks between them to destroy the trunks of a pair of trees. Gemma is thrown by the concussive blast as the shuttle roars over them and then up across the midnight sky.

The trees give out and fall forward. Riley is already moving, scooping Gemma up around the waist and pulling them both into a roll as the trees smash down violently behind them. Breathless, Riley laughs in spite of the situation.

“Who the heck was that?”

“I don’t know,” Gemma says, deactivating the saber and brushing off the crushed foliage. “But I’ll bet no one good. Thanks for the save, by the way.”

“Anytime. Should we tell the others?”

“Interesting question – that depends.”

“On what?”

“If you’re up for some adventure.”

He smiles, helping her to her feet.

“With you? Always.”

Gemma confesses to Riley that Dahlia all but admitted she was a Sith who may know more than she lets on about a great many things. The rub is that she confirmed her own identity as a Jedi so the exposed nature of their relationship puts a riskier spin on their predicament. Still, the hallmarks are all there as they begin the walk back.

“Two of our friends die on the same night Coruscant reforms and a mysterious figure appears to abscond with a compromised Alia? That has Winton written all over it.”

“That’s a little judgy, no?”

“I would normally agree if Dahlia had not just told me that my sister killed hers.”

Riley slows, skepticism creeping into his features.

“How could she even know something like that? I mean, I was there and I don’t remember shit.”

“Well, in all fairness, you were an infant. A newborn actually, so you get a pass.”

“True but it makes me kind of uncomfortable knowing that she’s got the scoop on what is essentially my origin story. Do you believe her?”

Gemma sighs, “She claims to have seen photage.”

“That’s not a no.”

“She believes it. That makes the information dangerous enough.”

Riley squeezes her hand, “So how does that lead to adventure for us?”

“We accept Dahlia’s invite to Hesperidium.”

“Even with the conspicuous timing of your bad blood? You’re a brave girl, Gemma Masterton.”

She grins as they return to the mansion, stashing the weapons before rejoining the others. The blaring Holo reports coupled with the drumming of Dane’s leg against the ottoman is like a maddening chorus. Trichelle Corinthos has been brought in to tend to Alka so Dahlia leaves them out on the patio and sashays inside the house.

“Soooo, how did the search go?”

Riley shrugs, “Well, we were shot at and failed to retrieved Alia so offhand, I’d say not so great.”

This rouses Dane out of his stupor, “Shot at? Seriously?”

“Yeah, man. Laser cannons and everything.”

“Holy shit, you guys were shot at? By whom?” Ples Aguilar says, coming in from the kitchen.

Everyone stares at Dahlia who gestures wildly, What? I’m upset too. I needed friends.”

“I see,” Gemma says. “We can discuss it later.”

Ples frowns, “Now my interest is piqued.”

“It was nothing, just Alia leaving with some grey-skinned woman in a shuttle and thought they’d use us as target practice.”

Dahlia goes completely still and as Gemma watches her closely, there is the faintest glimmer of fear in her emerald eyes. Suspicion confirmed, princess. Thank you for that.

“And we thought we’d take you up on the invitation to join you on Hesperidium.”


“Isn’t it though?”

“I’m going too,” Dane says, clicking the projector off and plunging the room into silence. “I need to get the hell out of here for a while.”

Alka, accompanied by Trichelle, moves unsteadily into the room, “Agreed. Count me in as well.”

“I think a little space would do us all some good,” Ples says. “The Espos were furious when they found out you lied to them about Roman. Thankfully, my father put an end to that. He figures everyone has suffered enough and we know who the real villain is here.”

Gemma and Dahlia’s gaze connect briefly.

“Balthazar Nash won’t get away with this.”

They contemplate the statement for several moments before Trichelle announces that she and Ples would meet them there. Rounding out the group would be Barrett, Quentin, and Quinn. Mixed company doesn't even begin to cover it. Thankfully, they don’t all have to bunk together. Gemma was left codes to the Masterton Penthouse along with the deed to the Bolerathon Tower. She wonders if Dahlia knows she owns her little seaside safe haven. If she did, she would know that Gemma doesn’t have to be invited.

With everyone eager to leave, they pack up and depart for the Core in separate ships.

Gemma slides into a seat next to Riley in his shuttle. He smiles at her, running through the checks and plotting the best course for their journey. She knows Alia is lost to them now. Demaris was right. Whoever the grey-skinned woman is, she is not on their side and capitalized on Alia’s pain at just the right time. Only the Sith do such things for their own advantage and, judging by Dahlia’s reaction, this would not lead to a good place.

As the sky becomes littered with billions of stars and D’ian grows smaller behind them, Gemma can’t help but wonder if they’ve just witnessed the creation of a villain all their own.



Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #161 on: September 17, 2019, 09:19:47 PM »
“Alleviate the prisms of mine
Appreciate the wisdom we find
Everyone believes we're behind
We're deviatin', it's deviating.”

Corporate Sector

D’ian: Surface: Gellar Estate

Dane lowers the weapon and crosses the foyer. There is so much he wants to say but so many emotions course through him that all he can do is crack a smile. His legs feel weak and everything they have experienced is suddenly given a silver lining. He thought he’d lost nearly everything. Now, finally, something is returned. He stumbles forward, holstering the blaster, before throwing his arms around his confidante and protector. 

“Where the hell have you been?”

Garron Prescott tenses, confusion spreading across his face as a black cloak is thrown over his memories. They are blotted out, concealed from view and he can only mutter. 

“I…don’t know.”

Dane pulls back, nearly as tall as Garron with shoulders just as broad, and frowns, “You don’t know? Gemma said you were taken by the Inquisitor. We thought you were dead, man.”

“Gemma…the Jedi.”

“Well, yeah. Things got crazy on Hesperidium but don’t worry, Gemma and Riley got out. Dahlia is another story but we can talk about that later. Are you okay? You look kind of stunned. Don’t you remember this place? Your home?”

“Yes, my home….”

Dane unclips the commlink from his belt, “I’m calling Doctor Daaé just to be sure.”

“No, I’m fine…just confused. I’m not quite sure how I got here.”

“That's what I'm afraid of. She said you were attacked and taken. They must have done something to you. The doctor will know what to do.”

Across the room, paused in the archway to the foyer, Alka’s eyes narrow tightly. She’d been around Rutherford Gellar’s valet long enough to know something is very wrong. He had always been so casual and confident, a striking contrast to the uptight Kylie Miranda. Together they formed a perfect balance around the children that shattered as they slowly began to understand what being who they are truly meant. 

While Dane helps Garron get settled in his room, Alka moves through the kitchen to the console. She keys up flight records coming into D’ian. The exclusive nature of their world meant a restrictive grip on travel. No one in Concordia Township was keen on interlopers. She scans for records within the last few days and sees few but recognizable entries – powerful families returning from their summer holidays, board members escaping the insanity of Etti IV, but nothing that would indicate how Garron Prescott got back here. This furthers her suspicion but those thoughts are derailed by the door chime. She crosses the foyer to find Doctor Dalton Daaé holding his black bag. She steps aside as he enters. 

“I’m so glad to know you are both safe. The incident on Hesperidium was…tragic. No word on Princess Dahlia?”

“She was in the tower when it exploded,” Alka says with a distant finality. 

He nods as Dane flags him over to examine Garron in the privacy of his room. Alka has mixed feelings about Dahlia’s demise. She knows the Winton was dangerous as evidenced by the outcome but she knows Dane is torn up. They always had a contentious relationship that alternated between snide amusement and utter annoyance but there was love there. They were a family. One more piece is taken from him. Dane grabs an ale from the fridge and hops up onto the counter. 

“You looked freaked,” he says. “What’s up?”

“I hate to ruin the mood but there aren’t any records of Garron’s return, at least from what I can see at the spaceport. Something tells me it wasn’t accidental you returned to find him.”

“What are you saying? Someone dumped him here intentionally?”


“Like who?”

“The same someone who blew up your families house on Viperii Lake. The same someone who capitalized on Alia’s pain and left D’ian with her. I don’t know, Dane, but I don’t like it.”

“What’s not to like? Garron’s back! This is good news, babe, and we could use a win.”

She frowns, “You don’t think that’s strange? Why now? The media knew they released you on Hesperidium. Everyone knew you were on the way back to D’ian. After what we saw on the resort moon, I’m less inclined to believe in coincidences.”

He hops off the counter and pulls her into his arms, “I don’t disagree. That was some fucked up shit. You were right but I need this right now.”

“I know you do,” she says, leaning her head against his shoulder. 

Doctor Daaé emerges to join them for a quick report on Garron. There are no physical injuries that can be observed but the memory loss and defensive response to stimuli indicate post-traumatic stress. Daaé concludes he had been through an ordeal and explains that the mind can repress these events to keep itself safe. 

“The best thing you can do is give him time. Give yourselves time as well. I’ll be in touch.”

 The doctor departs the Gellar Estate and Alka pulls away, “I should be going too. I still have to face my father, remember? And you need to bolster your courage for the inevitable inquest by the Direx Board. They are going to want to know what happened.”

“Until the Imperial's sort out their story we don't know which version of the lie to tell but I hear you. I’ll be ready.”

She kisses him deeply then steps back, lingering at the door. 

“If he was held captive, maybe he knows what happened to Janessa. Or did you forget she risked her life and reputation for you to find Garron?”

He swallows, “I didn’t forget.”

“Good,” she whispers and slips through the door. 

Dane falls back against the wall, the weight of everything draining him of energy. He is suddenly exhausted but cannot discount Alka’s warning. She was right about Dahlia but if they’d left sooner, he’s not certain Gemma and Riley would have escaped the fate of the others at the hands of the Inquisitor. The same terrifying figure who took his lifelong protector. His eyes wander toward the door of Garron’s bedroom with a now-familiar sense of dread pulling at the corners of his relief and happiness. 

Where had he been and, more importantly, what does he know?”


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #162 on: November 19, 2019, 04:09:02 PM »
“Every time I put the past behind
Somebody comes to press rewind.”
-Manila Killa

Corporate Sector

Etti IV: Surface: Mondder

It’s the worst day ever.

She wants to celebrate but there’s really no point. Not with everything going on right now. There is an inquiry and they are stuck without answers. No script from which to draw a compelling narrative that doesn’t inadvertently cast blame on anyone it shouldn’t. What’s a spoiled orphaned baron to do? For starters, Dane curses the Empire. They had royally screwed them. Barrett gave his word that he would provide direction once he had spoken to the Emperor but, of course, they had instead been left to twist in the wind. Thankfully, he has Alka by his side. She was still reeling from the confrontation with her father who was simultaneously outraged and grateful for her return.

Their eyes meet. They have to sell this.

The Direxs were already riled up by the allegations against Balthazar Nash. It was something the Espos investigated over the summer, concluding there was enough evidence to charge Nash for the murder of Preston Dyre. Not that it mattered. Nash was already gone. The damage to his reputation was done and Finnius Dyre rallied other Direxs to call a vote of no confidence in his position as Viceprex and sanction Palace Arms. It did not make up for Preston’s senseless death but, to the Corporate Sector, reputation was invaluable capital. Balthazar Nash's reputation had been compromised and, as a result, Palace Arms was left flailing.

It also wasn’t enough to stop death from coming for their children yet again.

This time for the only son of the ExO Iver Aguilar and youngest daughter of Auditor-General Vreeken Corinthos. As Prex of the Direx Board, D’Ken Dawning was none too pleased that his daughter was wrapped up in all of this but thankful she was not among the victims. Of course, the Gellar-Masterton’s were all over this latest mess. He had always felt that Rutherford’s long shadow of scandal would grow to darken Dane and Gemma as well. It begs the question of when exactly someone becomes their truest self. Is it the cruel hand of fate, a series of choices that inexorably lead to finality, or do those around them shape them in such a way that they become carefully curated monsters?

Dane collects his fragmented thoughts as best he can. He should have had his trusty muscle and legal mind beside them but that was much too risky. He left Garron back on D’ian with good reason. Alka’s speculation had gotten under his skin but the threat of their impending statement kept him from spiraling on that just yet. She slides her hand into his as they enter the complex, catching the new Imperial advisor, Ambassador Burke Pallus, disappear into the chamber.

No doubt he would be monitoring their performance from the front row to see if they would sell out the Empire at the first opportunity. However, Dane had, for all intents and purposes, lost loved ones as well. Dahlia may be gone but Gemma is safe and sound. The former’s Force meltdown and the latter’s survival cannot be part of the story. That much they know. He could use his own sorrow to mitigate some of the emotional impacts but the Direx Board is more about respect and capital than empathy. Dane knows that even off the cuff, any story will sound hollow if it lacks gravitas. People love a flair of drama, especially when it contains all the trappings of confirmation bias. 

They enter the inner chamber and join the other Direxs around the vast circular board table. Irulan Reeves is already waiting for them as a show of support. She smiles as they take their seats. He’d mulled over a reasonable explanation for their activities on Hesperidium but it’s kind of bullshit. Nothing that happened in the confines of the Bolerathon Tower would assuage their fears. If anything, it would only serve to deepen their cynicism. Alka argued that without context they were left to cover details that had not yet been vetted by those with leverage. The power-cell failure is too easy to disprove given the available building data. If they go on record and the Empire files a report counter to their statement it would be bad – for them and for business. As furious as he is, Dane agrees. He needs something that will resonate. The ExO takes his position presiding over the congregating members and calls the meeting to order. A hush falls over the chamber with Aguilar’s face both ashen and stern beneath the lights as he speaks. 

“The first order of business involves our Republic liaison, Janessa Kain, who has returned from sabbatical and will resume her duties immediately.”

Murmurs ripple through the chamber. His tone implies this absence was somehow prearranged but Alka distinctly remembers the beginnings of her scream as the transmission cut out. Dane is stunned and when his eyes drift to Burke Pallus he notices the Ambassador seems to be as well. It gives him an idea to explain Garron’s prolonged absence.

“Next, and most critically, we turn our attention to the tragedy on Hesperidium and the impacts on Republic business relations with the Corporate Sector. Months ago, this board found itself demanding answers from one of its own. With four more CSA lives lost and countless credits at stake, it now demands answers from another.”

Maligned reputations and guilt by association are reviled among them. Profits must never suffer, even at the expense of one of their own. Or several, in this case. Their pockets were lined with the blood of their children. The cost of power. Aguilar knows confidence in his leadership rests on the ability to see past his personal grief and make decisions that are best for the voting organizations. Stocks had begun to waver and confidence must be restored.

“Dane Gellar of ChemiX, we are anxious to hear your thoughts on these matters.”

Alka grips his leg beneath the table before he rises but now Dane knows exactly where he is going to take this. Empire be damned. They either get behind it or go to hell.

“I will do my best to recount the events so that it may restore faith and bring a measure of peace. As you are aware, Ples Aguilar, Trichelle Corinthos, Alka Dawning, and Riley Patten were invited to join my sisters and me on the Imperial resort moon of Hesperidium. What you saw on the Holo is how we spent our holiday but as the summer drew to a close, we prepared to go our separate ways.”

He pauses, glancing around the room at the faces glaring shrewdly back at him with rapt attention tinged with suspicion. The Holo portrayed them as young people in a beautiful place and it is the innocuousness of it all that he is driving at. It is not something they did but something that happened to them. Alka is impressed so far, legs crossed and hands folded demurely across her lap. She looks the part she was bred for; beautiful but stoic despite the circumstances. Dane comes across positively commanding but she wonders where he is heading.

“On the morning of the incident, Riley Patten departed for Corellia and the guests of Princess Dahlia, Quentin Swire and Quinn Cavanaugh, for Chandaar. As Ples, Gemma and Princess Dahlia slept, I prepared to take Alka and Trichelle to shop on Iobatese Island when the tower was attacked.”

There is almost an electric snap in the room as the information pulses around the circle. Alka’s ears are flushed and ringing while a faint grimace spreads across Ambassador Pallus’ steely features. Aguilar squares his shoulders and demands answers. 

Attacked? By whom?”

Dane leans forward to place both hands on the table in front of him.

“It was the Chiss.”

The reaction is strong and immediate. Finnius Dyre is practically foaming at the mouth but D’Ken Dawning appears ambivalent. Corinthos closes his eyes and rubs the bridge of his nose as if this was to be expected. Murmurs throughout the chamber grow louder, prompting Iver Aguilar to silence them.

“Please continue.”

He describes an unmarked shuttle, a blue figure with an explosive device, and a glimpse of a Chiss Ascendency sigil emblazoned on the uniform before the tower’s destruction. The resulting explosion caused his shuttle to crash. They barely made it out of the ocean. Lowering his eyes, Dane tells them that his sisters and Ples Aguilar were still in the tower and that they did all they could to save Trichelle.

Aguilar is cold yet inquisitive, “Why would Nash go after you?”

“It wasn’t just me he was after. It was all of us. Everyone who he felt wronged him. This is revenge, pure and simple. Retaliation for our statements against him in the investigation into the murder of Preston Dyre. As he is responsible for Dyre's death, so too is Balthazar Nash responsible for the deaths of Ples Aguilar, Trichelle Corinthos, Gemma Masterton, and Dahlia Winton.”

There are shouts from several Direxs, some in agreement while others cry out in protest. Either way, the statement is damning but Dawning is still skeptical. Amused but skeptical. This is an interesting turn as it is both curious and convenient that Balthazar Nash is not in a position to dispute these allegations. He wonders if the Empire will produce evidence to support it. Aguilar reclaims order over the meeting and directs his attention back to the matter at hand.

“Miss Dawning, do you corroborate this account of events?”

Alka rises slowly beside him, knowing they are too far into this lie now to falter, “I do.”

“Then why not bring this to us the moment you arrived?”

“We were in shock over the loss,” Alka says, voice faltering for a calculated beat. “The ISB cleared us to return but, from what we understand, the investigation is ongoing. We would not be privy to such information as it officially falls under Imperial jurisdiction.”

Dane refrains from smirking at her sly move to back the Empire into a corner. They left them with no choice and now the Empire must back the play. Aguilar turns toward the Imperial liaison.

“Ambassador Pallus, would you care to clarify?"

Poised and prepared for the worst, he stands to address the room.

“The investigation is ongoing but I can confirm an unregistered shuttle did appear in Hesperidium orbit shortly before the incident. Given the context provided by all parties as well as the shuttle’s hypothesized trajectory afterward into the Deep Core and presumably the Unknown Regions, we believe that to be a reasonable conclusion.”

Iver Aguilar draws a sharp and decisive breath, “I see. Thank you, Ambassador Pallus. Does the board have a response to these statements?

“Motion to strip Palace Arms of all voting rights,” Finnius Dyre spits out, practically seething with rage.

“Seconded,” Corinthos echoes darkly.

“Then we vote,” Aguilar says. “May the Direxs let their will be known.”

The motion passes on a voting member majority of 26 to 11.

Aguilar thanks the group for their time and attention before adjourning the meeting and disappearing into the shadows of the chamber. No celebration would ease his grief. Decisive action to preserve their profitability protects a legacy Ples will no longer inherit. Alka takes Dane’s arm as they watch the Direxs disband. D’Ken Dawning is not entirely sold and appears beside his daughter.

“Come, Alka. We have much to discuss.”

Ambassador Burke Pallus apprises them favorably. Perhaps Gellar is more capable than they realized but, by the looks of things, Dawning has some work to do. He knows the Emperor will be pleased. Irulan stands once she and Dane are alone.

“That was very brave,” she says. “You spoke your truth for those who no longer have a voice. I am so sorry about Gemma and Dahlia but I do hope the outcome brings you some small comfort.”

He sighs and begins to walk away, “Me too.”

Irulan calls after him. 

“Oh, and Dane? Happy birthday.”

« Last Edit: November 20, 2019, 06:30:48 PM by Syren »

Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #163 on: January 24, 2020, 06:09:48 PM »
“It’s right in front of me
No longer a mystery.
I see now.
Feelings surrounding me
And I’ve been slowly finding out.”

-Win & Woo & Kaleena Zanders

Corporate Sector 

D’ian: Surface: Gellar Estate

Dane has more than enough time and space to think. About everything. 
The silence and emptiness of the massive estate allow him to process things in ways he had not been previously afforded. The deaths, one literal and the other fabricated, of Dahlia and Gemma weigh heavily on Dane. He drinks and he rages but it does little to stem the helplessness he feels while a suspiciously traumatized Garron lurks about in an unsettling daze. 

Alka joined the freshman class at the Oviette Academy in Mondder where she is able to dance out the internal turmoil. She says the creative outlet is therapeutic and helps put things in order. He only wishes he had something like that, a healthy and productive hobby, but instead finds himself pouring over the development proposals Irulan sent over from ChemiX in Rutherford’s study. His study now, he supposes. The projects seem promising but trials are often lengthy and uncertain with a high rate of failure. ChemiX needs something more. Sure, their profits from existing pharmaceutical sales continue to consistently impress but diversification is something he knows his father wanted to explore. Rutherford confided in him on occasion and had spoken about finding the right opportunity. However, those strategic maneuvers were often muddled by that pesky D’Ken Dawning. 

Mercifully, Alka had managed to thwart her father’s attempts to dig further into their story despite the fact that it was widely accepted by the Direx Board. Nash’s reputation within the CSA had been effectively destroyed by their lies, not that the bastard didn’t deserve it for what he did to Preston. Roman’s collateral sacrifice and the anguish his son’s death brought him doesn’t seem quite enough for how he had made those that cared about both of them to suffer. D’Ken pried but Alka remained steely and vague yet ever-so-close to the truth. They had little time to escape, everything was a blur and she was dealing with a very unstable Trichelle Corinthos when Dane’s shuttle went down. He seemed to accept that but Dane doesn’t buy it. D’Ken would never trust a Gellar but had nearly lost his daughter. Things might have taken on a different perspective after their statement before the Direx Board sank in. Whatever the case, it only buys them time. It doesn’t solve the problem. 

Strangely enough, an invitation arrived for a gala at the Imperial Embassy on Etti IV addressed to both Dane Gellar and Alka Dawning. Either it was a reward for not narc-ing on them or an elaborate trap. Either way, he is curious. From a business strategy perspective, it would be a networking coup. So many of the most powerful and wealthy in one place yet he can’t help but feel like they are keeping their enemies closer. The Empire always has an angle. 

Garron is another story entirely. He gives him space as well, trying not to crowd him with questions or force him to remember things he is not ready to. The doctor was pretty insistent on that. Their reunion is tenuous at first as Garron remained uneasy and distant. Dane is just glad to have his friend and protector back. They engage in small routines – breakfast, an ale over a Holo-vised Chin-Bret match, a walk around the grounds – that begin to make things feel a little more normal. As normal as either can feel given the circumstances. The gravity of those missing is almost oppressive, remembering back to a time when the Gellar Estate was alive with rambunctious children and the bustle of daily activity. It all seems like such a very long time ago. 

One night in the kitchen, several weeks after the Direx Board meeting, he tells Garron about their encounter with the supernatural on Hesperidium. He tries to replicate Gemma’s intensity as she recited those crazy-ass words but he is sure he is mispronouncing them. They laugh about it when another voice, disembodied and monotone, utters a single word. It is brief but prominent, a word in an unfamiliar language. Dane is not sure where it came from or if he even heard it so he continues on but Garron's demeanor changes so suddenly that he trails off mid-sentence. 

“…hey, you okay?”

Garron sets his ale down gently on the island then calmly walks back toward his room, disappearing briefly before returning with a blaster. Dane stiffens, pulling the bottle away from his mouth. 

“Dude, what the hell?”

He trains it at Dane with an expression as empty as it was when he found him standing in the living room when they returned. 

“Garron? Garron!!”

The first blast takes the top off the bottle which Dane releases as he throws himself backward. The lower half shatters with a spray of glass and foam. He dives for the floor as another few rounds whiz by, hitting the tiles hard. Garron stalks silently around the island undeterred and Dane lunges for one of the sleek stools. He comes into a crouch, pulling the stool toward him, before turning to hurl it at Garron. It lands squarely, causing him to stumble back enough for Dane to tackle him. The blaster spirals across the kitchen floor away from them. He flips Dane over with strength and ease that surprises him, sliding his hands around the boy’s neck. They are fairly evenly matched in size but Garron is operating with more tactical training than the spoiled baron. Dane gasps, clawing at his friend as he attempts to choke the life out of him. The expression of sheer stoic determination is both horrifying and puzzling. 

There is no time for theory, only survival. Colorful spots explode across his vision but he manages to angle his leg up enough to create space between them. When he has the leverage, Dane kicks out with everything he has, wrenching Garron backward. His hands slip from Dane's neck long enough for him to breathe and land another kick to the center of his chest, sending him crashing into the other stools. Garron crawls back against the base of the island, surveying the scene in confusion. 

"What...did I do?"

Coughing, Dane rolls over and slides up onto his knees, “You attacked me.”

His eyes travel from Dane to the overturned stool to the blaster lying across the kitchen then simply breaks down. 

“I…don’t know what happened…to me…”

He crawls to him. It is heartbreaking to see the person who had grounded him his entire life spiral out of control. Dane replays the entire event and comes back to the other voice. The one he wasn’t sure he heard. Nothing else was on at the time; no open com or Holo playing in the background. Garron’s behavior only changed after the word was spoken, marking it as some kind of trigger. The potential development leads him to consider the source – and meaning. He must find out where that voice came from. 

“I will help you remember but your absence still must be explained. There will be questions. We could tell them you were on a personal leave but others were already asking questions.”

“What others?”

He rubs his throat, feeling the hot sting of where Garron's hands had been only moments before. 

“Janessa, for one. She, uh, wasn’t where you were, was she?”

Garron looks helpless and confused, shaking his head slowly.

“I don’t know.”

“It’s okay,” Dane says, placing a hand carefully on his shoulder. “It’s going to be okay.”

Even he doesn’t believe that and hasn’t for a long time. Nothing has been simple or lacking elements of increasing disturbing danger for some time. The one thing he does know is that Janessa Kain did not go on a “sabbatical," regardless of what ExO Aguilar says. It was more than that even if he didn’t want to admit it then. Dane heard the panic in her voice in that last conversation, the sudden rise in tone that was cut off so abruptly. Something happened to her as well. To both of them. And something tells him it is likely not a coincidence. He is clever enough to know that but frustration at the lack of clarity and ability to act only adds fuel to his directionless rage. Now Garron and Janessa are back and he wants to believe, more than anything, that this is a good thing. 

Now he is not so sure. 



Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #164 on: April 16, 2020, 03:43:27 PM »
“Oh, deeper, oh, deeper than all that you can find there.”


Corporate Sector

Etti IV: Surface: Imperial Embassy 

As anticipated, the party is posh and light on non-humanoids. Their ethnocentricity lingers despite no such exclusion within the CSA. They are open to all, so long as they can generate revenue streams. The scene is a smattering of power players. Some with more than unsavory reputations. All speculation, of course. Alka radiates beside him although she did not want to attend this torturous exercise. It is not like he does but both of their names were on the invitation. Something told him it was more like a command. Across the room, Burke Pallus serves as their begrudging host.  

They must play their roles to sell the lie. 

Things had gotten very interesting back at the Gellar Estate. Haunted by the incident with Garron, Dane scoured the kitchen looking for the source of the voice that triggered him. Up high, down low. His eyes were either too bleary to spot anything or the device was well hidden. The latter implies intention which creates an internal checklist of everything they had talked about. If it can emit sound, it has likely been receiving it as well. His suspicions turned out to be well placed because when he nicked a handheld digital sweeper from ChemiX he discovered multiple devices throughout the house – tactfully placed. He destroyed every single one, incinerating them in the outdoor fire pit. There are questions he can barely bring himself to ask – how long had they been there and, more importantly, who would put them there in the first place? There are more than enough variables to motivate him into action. 

He wonders if Garron had been brainwashed. There was mention of Imperial experimentation in the chronicles of their predecessors. The target may have been Gemma but there would be considerable value in turning someone with access and trust. Even the thought of it fills him with fury. Everything feels like it is spiraling out of control and so he does what he always does – attends a party. 

It is the Gellar way. 

Dane sways slowly with Alka in his arms. The thought of him on his own with a broken Garron back on D’ian terrifies her. More than a little. Between Alka, Gemma, and their friends – they could usually temper Dane’s worse impulses. Now he is alone, drifting and drinking himself into Maker only knows what. Her father would say she is much safer in Mondder, ensconced in the Oviette Academy to spin endlessly across a brilliantly lit stage. Alka does not necessarily disagree, given all she has worked for and everything they just went through, but Dane is never far from her thoughts. She holds him close and finally, for a moment, relaxes. That is until she catches sight of Janessa Kain – dark hair pulled back, eyes a frightfully deep hue and lips stained purple to compliment the subtle tones of her gown. Alka’s arm tightens around Dane’s neck. 

“Choking, babe, and not in the, like, fun way.” 

“Janessa is here.” 

Really,” he nuzzles her ear. “We should go over and say hello.” 

“Are you serious right now?” 

“Do you think she was on some kind of planned excursion?”

“Of course not but I am not sure what scares me more – where she wasn’t or where she really was.” 

“That’s what we are going to find out.”

“Oh, you are just going to ask her?”

“Yeah but like, all smooth and stuff.”

They glide across the floor, Alka’s arm outstretched as she twirls into his arms with perfect form right in Janessa’s path. Dane smiles. She seems fine, maybe calmer than usual but the last few times they interacted she was distracted by Garron’s disappearance. 

“Good evening, miss Kain. I heard you were back.”

“Lord Gellar, Lady Dawning. Forgive my surprise but I did not think you would have accepted an invitation to such an event. Your social tolerance for the Empire is notoriously low.”

“We are remarkably adaptable,” Alka quips coolly. 

Dane shrugs, “Socially, perhaps but this is business.”

“It always is.” 

“So it seems. How was the sabbatical?”

She considers this thoughtfully, “Refreshing, as they are designed to be.”

He takes a calculated risk, “That’s what Garron said.”

“Well, he would know. There is something to be said for good company. Shame he isn’t here tonight.” 

“I was hoping you would have reached out considering, you know, I sent you to find him.”

The expression on her face does not change but remains an exquisitely painted mask of neutrality. Whatever tell he was hoping for does not materialize in her features. 

“I am sure I do not know what you are talking about.”

Ambassador Pallus appears beside them, trying valiantly to adjust his sneer into a passable smile. Warmth seems like an unattainable feat even for such a handsome fellow. Thankfully, no one here minds formality and the Empire is known to be direct, despite efforts to soften their image as of late. 

“You three look deep in thought.”

“Do not be so conspiratorial, Ambassador,” Janessa says, taking his arm. “We are merely catching up.” 

Dane and Alka stand there with tight smiles that conceal the fact that both of them are internally screaming. Her behavior does not make sense. She was desperate to find Garron, convinced harm had befallen him. She warned him about Vex Sienna but now, here she is, reappearing mysteriously on the arm of the new Imperial liaison. Sienna has never been heard from again. Normally, he would chalk it up to her ever-present angle but the timing and inconsistencies tell him this is something else. 

“It has been some time now. Thank you for inviting us, Ambassador.”

“We are honored to have you both. Your performance before the Direx board was impressive.”

Performance?” Alka bites out. “We nearly died on Hesperidium.”

“Quite right, Lady Dawning. What I meant was that you both handled them expertly and nearly brought this nonsense with Nash to a close.”

Dane arches a brow, “Nearly? I distinctly remember the vote settling the matter.”

“With the board, yes. Not with the company. Palace Arms is floundering.”

“Are you insinuating I make a bid for it?"

“In the spirit of diversification while driving the nail in Balthazar Nash’s proverbial coffin.”

Janessa’s eyes narrow on his face, “Honestly, Ambassador. They murdered several thousand people in their vendetta, including their friends and Dane’s sisters.”

“All the more incentive,” Burke says without so much as a pause. “They are scrambling. Even with interim leadership, there is considerable exposure. ChemiX’s resources and patents could fortify them.”

“A hostile takeover? That would require convincing Irulan and the board.”

“With a price on Nash’s head, I have no doubt the shareholders from both organizations will recognize a better offer when they see one.”

“You seem awfully invested,” Janessa says. 

Alka joins in, “Yes, what’s in it for you?”

“The satisfaction of seeing justice served. Think about it.”

“Shall we engage your other guests?”

“If we must,” he says, nodding to Dane as he slips back in with the revelers around him. Alka grips the lapel of his jacket as his mind spins. She frowns. 

“You are not actually considering it, are you?”

Dane knows his father wanted to diversify and despite any moral aspects he could justify away, positioning themselves across multiple profitable industries could provide the means to expand further. Fuck Nash. For that matter, fuck Pallus too. He can play his games but Palace Arms would give him control of both Imperial and Republic armaments. At the very least, he must consider it. He pulls the com-link from his jacket pocket, keying up Irulan’s channel. 

“Yes, I am.” 
