Author Topic: CC: Corporate Greed  (Read 135609 times)

Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #135 on: March 07, 2017, 01:05:44 PM »
Corporate Sector


Gemma and Demaris fly out to meet Taarek at Viperii Lake on the weekend, bringing along supplies.

"Does Dane know about this?"

"Not exactly."

"He's going to find out," she says. "We should tell him."

"We will, soon."

"He's been a real trooper, Gem. I honestly didn't expect him to roll with all this. He's always so moody."

Gemma laughs, "That's because he doesn't know the whole story. He wasn't exactly keen on me bringing the vaccine to the Jedi. He thinks they are using me."

"And what do you think?"

"I don't know what to believe, Dem. I feel so empty, helpless, and the Jedi haven't exactly been reassuring. I haven't even spoken to Master Nevylinn in months. I think she's still pissed I went on tour. Bet she's laughing now."

Demaris sighs, "I don't think she or the Jedi would gloat about your misfortune. Last I heard, Nevylinn and Mara were exploring a lead."

"What kind of lead?"

"Veritass didn't specify."

"He never does. We aren't kids anymore. It wouldn't kill them to share some information since we are practically operating on our own."

"Riley seems to trust him."

"Riley," Gemma says dreamily. "I love that boy."

"You know, I caught that scoop about him leaving your hotel in Coronet. There was definite buzz. What's the story?"

Gemma blushes. 

"What? It's just us girls."

"We spent the night together."

"I knew it!" Demaris gushes. "Wow, how was it?"


"You know what the Jedi say about love."

"It's not love they are against. It's the attachment. Attachments can be used against you and opens the doorway to the dark side of the Force."

"You disagree?"

"Attachments are what keep us grounded. You can't go through life not caring about others. I'm not ashamed of it and you shouldn't be either."

"I'm not," Demaris says. "However, I do see their point. He's a great guy and nuts about you. I'm glad you have each other."

"Me too. Unfortunately, Garron isn't stupid and tried to have "the talk." It was really awkward but now I kind of miss it. He was always there for us."

Demaris touches her arm, "Hey, we'll get him back. Right now, we have to make sure we keep any potential's safe."

Gemma nods.

"I know."

Finally, they reach their destination. The Lake House is surrounded by dense forest and vibrant vegetation now turning brilliant shades of yellow and orange. She sets the shuttle down next to the other that has clearly seen better days. They descend the ramp to the platform below where Taarek is waiting for them. He smiles at Gemma but his face falls when his eyes glance over Demaris. The recovery is swift and he clears his throat.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Taarek, this is Demaris Atrii. Demaris, this is Taarek Cirque."

"A pleasure."

"All mine," he says. "Are you an associate?"

"And friend. I'm a Jedi as well."

It feels good saying it out loud. Gemma and Demaris exchange a knowing look, a smile of solidarity. He nods and turns to Gemma.

"Thanks for coming. It's good to see you."

"Of course," she says. "We brought supplies. I wasn't sure how many-"

"Twelve. Only twelve."

She gasps, "But there was…"

"So many more? I know."

"What happened?"

"After you left, we mobilized to depart but they came. He came. We fought but there was chaos. Many were killed, others taken. I got out as many as I could. The RSB is closing in on several pockets of The Concealed throughout Ambaril. Antaro escaped with another handful of Force Sensitive's but he's gone dark. I don't know where they are."

"I'm sorry," Gemma says.

"So am I. Is your protector with you?"

"The Inquisitor was waiting for us in my shuttle. Garron never made it off Chandaar. I think they have him."

"You fought the Inquisitor?"

Flashes of his mask and the hum of the green blade haunt her. She swallows.


"You are brave and fortunate, Lady Masterton but if he has your protector the Empire may already know we are here."

"Garron would never give us up."

"The rumors of their methods of interrogation are not for the faint of heart. I don't want to place them or you in any more danger. We should go."

"At least stay another night. My family has properties throughout the galaxy. I'm sure we can find somewhere safe."

"Your kindness is much appreciated. They are scared and need reassurance, more so than I can provide I'm afraid. Some of them lost everything. They were separated from family and friends, all because of their connection to the Force. What's happening in the Republic is a travesty beyond words."

"We agree." Demaris says. "Let us help you. We can show them how to find strength."

Gemma retrieves a bottle from her purse, "This vaccine will dampen their Force signatures until they learn to do it on their own. They would become untraceable."

He grins, "That's a good start."

Together, they enter the massive residence where the others are milling about. Everyone stops and turns when they appear but the look of terror on some of the faces is difficult to ignore. There are four human males, three human females, a female Twi'lek, a male Aragazdan, a male Iridonian, a female Miraluka, and a male Nagai. They seem relieved when Taarek introduces Gemma. She can feel their eyes looking to her for wisdom and guidance, even though doubt surrounding her purpose lingers. She must push this aside. Surveying the room, Gemma knows what she has to do. She feels it deep within her soul. She would fight for them and for everyone who is punished simply for being who they are.


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #136 on: April 02, 2017, 05:45:13 PM »
Corporate Sector

D'ian: Surface: Viperii Lake

Over the course of a few weeks, things begin to shift. Taarek finally makes contact with Antaro and escorts the humans to a safe house in the Outer Rim and the Aragazdan to another in the territories. The Twi'lek, Iridonian, Miraluka and Nagai remain at the lake house. Taarek felt it best to split everyone up, keeping their numbers scattered. Gemma and Demaris visit when they can but remain over break until Taarek returns. The remaining four visitors are curious but cagey. It is understandable given the separation and trauma they faced to get here. They each have a fascinating tale about how they came to end up on the Republic capital.

Sirona, the Twi'lek helps Gemma in the kitchen while Demaris leads Ozendus the Iridonian and Lysette the Miraluka in a meditation exercise. Shendo, the Nagai, stays on the fringe and watches. He has been relatively hostile since he arrived, speaking little to anyone. He paces and wanders the grounds with a hand always close to his Tehk'la blade. Gemma knows enough of their culture to know that he, like the Iridonian, don't often play well with others. Nagai seldom do anything unless there is personal gain. Taarek saved him and there is honor in that which is why, she suspects, he remains on D'ian. Sirona joins the others in meditation while Gemma approaches Shendo.

"You don't like it here?"

He doesn't turn, "It doesn't matter."

"It does to me."

"And who are you, Gemma Masterton? A baroness and part of the CSA elite? You know nothing of our struggle."

"Freedom is important to you," she says. "Right now, you don't feel free. You had a life on Chandaar and that was taken from you for reasons beyond your control. I understand how frustrating that must be."

"I don't think you do."

"I understand because much of my life has been influenced by things out of my control. It sucks. I'm angry about it just as I'm sure you are."

He finally looks at her and laughs, a dark piece of hair falling across his right eye.

"I thought anger wasn't a Jedi thing."

"We don't deny it exists or that everyone feels it. It's how we use it that matters most. Use this opportunity."

"How deep," he snorts, withdrawing his blade and coming at her in one fluid movement. She is pinned to the wall with the blade at her throat. Flashes from her fight with the Inquisitor bombard her senses but she keeps them at bay. "I'm all about opportunities. Bringing you to the RSB would buy me that freedom back, no?"

"Perhaps," she says as evenly as she can manage. "But you know it wouldn't end there. You're still on their list. They would throw you into a box so fast your head would spin. No escape. No freedom."

"Maybe that’s a chance I can take."

Demaris, feeling the spike in Gemma's Force signature, breaks from the meditation and rushes in. The others follow with Lysette keeping close.

Sirona cries out, "Shen, what are you doing?"

"Stop this," Ozendus says with a slight glint in his eye. 

Shendo glares.

"Like you trust them either, Iridonian. I'm surprised you haven't ripped their throats out for sport."

"Some of us aren't built that way. Some of us want to be better."

"We can help you," Demaris says. "If you let us."

"We don't need your help!"

Sirona shakes her head, "The Inquisitor would have killed us if we stayed on Chandaar. You saw what happened to the others."

"We could have fought him, defeated him."

"Not without training. The reason you were targeted is because of the power you possess – your connection to The Force. Don't you think you owe it to yourself to at least explore that?"

"Not everyone is on a spiritual quest of self-discovery. You are just as bad as Masterton; a privileged humanoid with privileged problems. Do you really expect anyone to take you seriously? To learn from you?"


Gemma sweeps his hands away from her throat then pushes out into the center of his chest with the Force. It sends him skidding back against the far wall with enough concussion to knock the wind out of him. His knees buckle and he sinks toward the floor. She crosses the room slowly. Shendo attempts to raise the blade again but Gemma Force-holds his arm to the tiled floor. He struggles futilely then relents to look up at her.

"No one is keeping you here, Shendo. You aren't a hostage. You are our guest. Taarek helped you escape and now we are trying to help you realize what you can become. We may not know much about the Inquisitor but we do know that the Jedi were being hunted down and killed long before they came for you on Chandaar. That means even potential Jedi are a threat to whatever is out there. You want to fight this? Then help us fight this. I'm not going to pretend I have all the answers. All we can do is share our knowledge and training but what you do with that is up to you. You can take your chances looking over your shoulder for the rest of your life or work with us to keep yourself and the others safe. You decide which will garner more freedom."

She releases his arm. He pulls it back, sliding the blade back in its sheath before standing and storming from the room.

Demaris smiles and turns to the others.

"Class dismissed."


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #137 on: May 15, 2017, 11:36:53 AM »
Corporate Sector

D'ian: Surface: Concordia Township

Dane Gellar relishes his life.

He has wealth, power, titles, and a gorgeous girlfriend. Things with the company could not be going better and school doesn't suck. Still, he's surrounded by suspicion and maneuvers appropriately. Irulan warned him this would be the case in his position. He ignores Dahlia and keeps Gemma at a careful distance. They both have their own motives and he's fine with that so long as it doesn't compromise what he has. Dane sees them as opposing sides to a spectrum – obvious and typical for their namesakes. He figures they are both up to something but he's got more important things to do.

He nuzzles Alka's neck and she giggles, tangled together in the sheets, when the blue light on his desk consol begins to blink. Dane kisses her and slides out from under the covers. Nude, he pads over to the desk and keys up the message. A small, blue-tinted image of Janessa Kain appears above the projector.

"Greetings, Lord Gellar. The forecast projections seem out of reach but with a new set of eyes all has become clear. Give me a bit of time to work through the details and we'll be in touch. To ensure your interests, I need your full support. Remember what I said."

End of message.

Alka crawls to the edge of the bed, head tilted to the left.

"What does that mean?"

He doesn't turn.

"That everything is more complicated than we thought."


Surface: Viperii Lake

Gemma isn't all that welcome on campus after school so she utilizes the time to spend at the lake house. She trains them as Nevylinn trained her. Still, she wonders what the rigorous practice and constant meditation got them in the end other than near-extinction. When she begins to relax the verbiage, Demaris takes note. She pushes back a bit about veering from some of the rudimentary traits. Demaris thinks it's dangerous. They must teach the refugees the tenants exactly as they had been taught before. Gemma doesn't believe the line in the sand drawn by the Jedi is where it should be. Demaris cautions that the refugees won't know the difference – she's not even sure they do.

Taarek returns – the training is reciprocal. The ways of the Force are returned with combat and weapons skills from a variety of sources. The Nagai actually shows them a technique when Taarek requests it. It serves as a powerful, close-combat lesson. He still won't look at Gemma and regards Demaris wearily. The only person he seems to respond favorably to is Taarek. Ozendus struggles to overcome his blood lust. When he fights, he teeters on a careful ledge. His challenge is using the Force to subdue his rage. Sirona is a weapons expert having been owned by an arms dealer at a point in time. Lysette is quiet but potentially powerful in her telepathy which she uses to diffuse potentially contentious misunderstandings between them.

One thing is certain; they need lightsabers. It is a crucial step in their journey. Without the master's around, Gemma and the others would have to forge their own. Parts are not the problem. It's the key piece they are missing. There are few places the kyber crystals can be found. They would need to travel in order to acquire them. It would be difficult to explain such a potentially drawn out absence so they plan an excursion on break at the end of term. Taarek plots out the most conspicuous routes of the two known locations – Ilum and Jedha.

There are reasons to avoid both.

Ilum had been corrupted by the Empire, destroying parts of the planet. There isn't a guarantee they would even find any crystals there as it was rumored they drained it all dry. The moon of Jedha is a dangerous place and the Holy City decimated. The mines had long since been abandoned so their contents remained uncertain.

Taarek stands over a star map with the two locations blinking.

"Ladies choice."

Gemma and Demaris exchange glances.

"Ilum could be highly unstable."

"Agreed," Gemma says. "We start with Jedha."


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #138 on: May 31, 2017, 04:11:35 PM »

Six Months Ago

Roman Nash stands in the living room of his parent's palatial estate in Csaplar that overlooks the dark towers covered in frost. He shivers. Even dressed in his families finest, he is still freezing. He has acclimated to temperate climate of the Corporate Sector, a fact that has drawn ridicule and scorn from the other families. But this was not a social call. He had been called back by his mother to further ties between the families, ensuring their legacy forever. Roman is promised to another; someone of great importance to the Chiss and to Csilla itself.

Alia Elise Csapla enters behind him, her heels echoing on the cold tile floors as she crosses them. The dress is stunning, crimson against her deep blue skin. Her hair, shades lighter than the dress, is slicked back.

"You're trembling."

"Is it that obvious?"

She shrugs, stopping beside him.

"It is expected," she says. "After all that time on D'ian with so many seasons. Which one is your favorite?"

"Spring. I had never seen flowers bloom before. Now I look forward to it every year."

"You like it there?"

"It's more home than here," he says evenly. "Not that I mind returning, of course."

She smiles, "You don't have to pretend with me."

"My father's business requires my presence."

"Perhaps but you could always stay behind and finish school here. You could reconnect with the Chiss, brush up on our ways and prove you are still one of them despite what others say."

He turns, appalled.

"Do you believe them? Do you think I am not a Chiss?"

"I think you hide behind your father's duties. It's easier than having to choose a position, isn't it?"

"There isn't a position to choose. Our livelihood depends on their markets and we've done well in expanding our client scope. Others have stagnated with their antiquated, xenophobic ways."

"If you say so."

She steps in front of him, pressing her lips against his. He responds, at first, but then backs away. She is curious but not offended and a strange look of certainly settles over her face.

"You love him don't you? The boy."

Preston; his forbidden heartthrob, condemned within their culture in so many ways. His face, his touch, haunts him. If he never saw him again he would be devastated. She had met Preston, along with the rest of the crew, when she visited last year as his prom date. Roman had been careful to keep a comfortable distance but clearly it wasn't enough. And in that moment he chooses honesty over everything else.


She nods then takes his arm and they walk back through the house to the foyer. There is a transport waiting for them outside to take them into the center of Csaplar for dinner and a performance. He is silent on the ride over, knowing that he had revealed a part of himself that could be used to exploit weakness. While the Nurodo (his given name) and Csaplar families were not openly warring, they were rivals in some respects. Thus why his mother, Rinoa, took the care to cultivate an arrangement with a Csapla daughter – to join their families and unite them.

Alia is his age; beautiful and clever. She is all of the things one wants in a mate. Her surname, like his, means something. There is value, currency, in them. He knows his expected role but hoped being raised away from it all would change things. His father was more concerned with his business, Palace Arms, but his mother never stopped guiding his future along from the home front. He accepted it until his feelings for Preston became very real and he was confronted with who he really is. Being a Chiss outside of Csilla is one thing, jarring and inhospitable yet somehow strangely exotic to others. Being a gay Chiss outside of Csilla would serve as double the insult to all the families. House Nurodo could lose everything and be exiled. Still, he felt comfortable telling Alia. It felt natural and she appeared not to be surprised or even care.

The meal is delightful and they engage in some casual conversation in their native tongue. Others watch from around the room and he is suddenly very aware how on display they both are. This is for show, to prove something. Roman does not want her to suffer and so he plays the part, towering and confident. If anything, the Csapla family would not be marred by his proclivities.

The performance turns out to be the gallery showing of a local artist. The Chiss could be creative but the pieces in this exhibit lean toward the technical design with sculpture. Roman and Alia wander from piece to piece, tilting their heads and nodding reflectively.

"Bored yet?" she murmurs.


"Let's ditch this place, do something more fun."

"What did you have in mind?"

"How do you cut loose in the Corporate Sector?"

"Parties, friends, booze, music."

"So humanoid," she teases, glancing around for an exit route. Spotting one, she eases him toward the next piece that is closer to a side door. Everyone else is engrossed in the sculpture, conversing in whispers about its meaning and impact. They back away slowly and slip through the door. There is nothing but an empty corridor behind it but Alia bursts into laughter. It is uncommon behavior for a Chiss but he's used to it, having been raised around the widely unstable emotions of his human peers.

"Let's go grab a drink then."


"Anywhere," she says, narrowing her yellow eyes seductively.

He grins and takes her hand again as they begin to walk down the hall. A figure appears at the opposite end, moving toward them at a brisk pace. Alia stops first and tenses. Roman looks to her, confused until he sees a dagger clutched firmly in the strangers hand. They turns and move in the other direction when another figure appears out of door neither of them saw, also holding a weapon. The one on front of them speaks first, his Cheunh crisp and biting.

[You are a traitor, Roman Nurodo. A traitor to your family and all of Csilla.]

Roman moves Alia behind him protectively, trying to shield her in both directions.

"Who are you? Who sent you?"

The one behind them answers.

[The legacy of the Nurodo ends with Balt'nashir'.]

His father – "Balthazar" to the uninitiated speaker. So they want the Nurodo heir gone. Roman is prepared to fight, balling his fists as both assailants come within striking distance. But he doesn't have to. Alia takes one of them down while his head is turned. She slams him back against the wall without using her hands to reach the other, dodging his attacks and countering with the efficiency of a skilled assassin. She ends him quickly, using his own dagger. The corridor is silent once more. He recoils across the wall, released by an invisible force, stunned.

"What the…."

"Relax, you're safe."

"Not the point," he says. "Guess I'm not the only one keeping secrets."

She kisses his cheek as she passes.

"You have no idea."

"No, clearly I don't. Where did you learn to fight like that? The military?"

She rolls her eyes up, "Nothing that predictable."

"Then how?"

"I have many skills frowned upon by the Chiss, they think I could be dangerous and you know what? They're right."

She continues back toward the door and he follows, reluctantly, yet full of curiosity and wonder.

Alia grips his hand as they burst through to a room full of startled sophisticates.

"We were attacked!" she says loudly, pointing back into the corridor where the bodies lay. "Thankfully, Roman saved us."

A crowd begins to gather as she leans into him and by the following morning, Roman Nash is a hero.


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #139 on: June 12, 2017, 03:57:35 PM »
Corporate Sector



Weekend party at the Gellar Estate.

No parents, no Garron, no Kylie, no problem. Three of the four of them are dead, and the other remains a mystery. As one of the most popular seniors, Dane Gellar invites his crew and other classmates to attend. He holds a bottle of ale with Alka on his arm. This is the perfect life…on the surface. Beneath that cool exterior, Dane suffers, but the hereditary Gellar cool-factor takes the public face of his pain. He keeps himself occupied and distracted from the questions surrounding the death of his parents. The outcry was still present on Etti IV but it had died down on D'ian. The populous of the Concordia Township give him space all while gossiping about his family amongst themselves. It is their way. He knows it because he lives it and brushes off their judgments with a cursory wave of his long and well-muscled arm.

The party is in full tilt when Roman arrives with someone they do not expect. His intended is in toe this evening, a long ways from the Chiss Ascendency. Alka springs into action to cover for Dane's inherent shock.

"Hi, Alia!"

Alia takes a cue from Roman's panicked expression and smiles tightly.

"Hello, Alka. It's so nice to see you again."

"Is it? I was afraid you didn't like us."

Dane edges closer to her, sharing a rather confusing stare with Roman.

"I don't really know you," Alia says evenly. "Not in the way Roman does."

"True enough," Alka replies, still being charming if not moderately condescending. "This is a bit unexpected, isn't it? They don't usually let you stray from Csilla often."

"On occasion."

"Anything we should be aware of? The two of you aren't eloping, I hope."

Alka glances between Dane and Alka and Roman.

"They don't know? I thought humanoids shared trivial information freely?"

"What?" Dane says.

Alka keeps her eyes from bulging out and motions toward the hall.

"Who needs a drink?"

"Yes, now," Roman says.

They wander to the parlor where other seniors are playing some kind of game involving a tower on a table. Dane moves behind the bar, sensing they might need something stronger than an ale. He pours whiskey, up, the way his father liked it. Cool on the tongue but burns all the way down.

"Gemma around?"

Dane shrugs, "She and Demaris are off in their own world these days. They barely even come to parties anymore. It's our senior year! We should be enjoying it."

"Maybe she is," Alka chides him.

"Well, now that her singing career tanked I suppose hiding out is the smart move. People always forget with enough time."

"Sometimes that's the problem," Alia says lowly.

"Do you know where she might be? It's important."

Alka draws him to the side as Dane waves to new arrivals.

"Try the Viiperi Lake House."

"Thank you."

"Look, I'm not going to pry because I know you hate that but you need to get Alia out of here before-"

"What's she doing here?"

Preston stands with his arms crossed, glaring at Alia.

"Hello, Preston. It's nice to see you again."

"Al, you can drop it. They know you're not serious."

She shrugs, expression returning to its stoic mask.

"My apologies, I thought pretense was important here."

"I think you are mistaking pretense with manners."

"They are interchangeable within human culture. Besides, I'm not here to rain on your parade, such as it is."

"Just stopped by for a visit?"

"Not exactly."

"Preston, I can explain. Later."

"Yeah, Pres. Why do you even care?"

Everyone is awash in uncomfortable gazes. Dane looks to each of them; Alka nervously biting her lip, Alia rolling her eyes up, Roman's sigh, Preston's eyes burning with something…familiar. He'd seen the look in his father's eyes when he looked at his mother. It was love. Dane's mouth falls open.

"Wait, you two…like, what? Is this what you've all been whispering about? All the sneaking around and alone time which, now that I think about it, was odd but whatever and I cannot believe you guys would keep this from me! What kind of friend do you think I am?"

"Dane, I meant to tell you."

"Oh shit, so it is true? You and Pres? With Alia here and she knows?"

Preston smirks; relieved it is finally out in the open. Dane falls dramatically back against the bar, hand to his forehead.
"Whoa. This is, like, Dahlia-level drama."

Everyone except Alia laughs.

"Are you pissed?"

"Dude, no…well, maybe, for not telling me sooner. You are my best friend, Ro. That's a hell of a thing to keep from me but, I get it. We'll keep it on the low. P, you sly dog you."

They hug it out.

Alka tears up as Preston clings to her.

They are having a moment.

Alia is entirely perplexed by how fluid the emotions spill from their mouths. They are petty, angry, but somehow still forgiving and compassionate? The complexities of human behavior escape her.

"Are we done?" she asks, waving her hand in their general direction. "With this?"

Preston turns, "You really do know how to kill a mood, don't you?"

"We don't really have a lot of time."

"For what?" Alka says.

"We need to find someone named Gemma."

"Okay, why?"

"What's the rush?"

Roman steps back from Dane and addresses the group.

"The Chiss don't exactly know Alia is here."


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #140 on: July 11, 2017, 09:11:41 PM »
Corporate Sector

D'ian: Surface: Viperii Lake

Roman and Alia arrive as the group is loading the last of the gear into Taarek's shuttle.

Gemma spots them sweeps down the ramp.

"Roman? What are you doing here?"

"Hey, Gem," he says uneasily, glancing at the others. He knows Demaris but the rest are unfamiliar. "Alka told me I could find you here."

"Is everything alright?"

"Not exactly…it's Alia."

Alia shrugs, rolls her eyes.

Roman quickly summarizes their encounter on Csilla and the assassination attempt before launching into some of her back story.

"She's like you," he says. "Force sensitive but highly capable from what I've seen."

Gemma's eyes flicker to Alia, "You've had training?"

"Not in the ways you think," Alia says coolly. "But, yes. I can hold my own."

"The thing is, the Chiss don't quite know what to make of it. Sensitivity to the Force is uncommon in our species although not unheard of. If she wasn't an heiress in one of the most powerful families, I don't know what they would have done. But she came to me, asking for help. Our society doesn't understand and believes her a danger. They don't know she's here."

"Oh my," Gemma says. "That's…rough. I'm sorry to hear that, Alia."

"Please, Gem. I know you can help her."


"Show her your ways. Teach her how to control it so that she doesn't pose a risk in their eyes."

She hesitates, glancing back at the others. Gemma likes Roman. He's a sweet guy and not at all like his parents. The Nash family is so standoffish and she knows its part of their customs, to reject outsiders and their ways. Being in The Sector is a necessarily evil for them to expand their markets and explore these very lucrative options. Alia hasn't exactly made any friends around here. She's only been around a few times and treated them all like they are beneath her. Now Roman is asking them to help her, a thought that makes her queasy. But with their numbers dwindling, and no word from Master Nevylinn, she knows what she has to do.
"Alright," Gemma says. "Is that what you want, Alia?"

It appears to take great effort to acknowledge this through clenched teeth.


"Then put your bags in the shuttle, we're heading out."

"Where?" Roman asks.

Gemma touches his arm, "It is best if you do not know, for now."

He nods, waving at Demaris.

She smiles back but makes a face once Alia passes up the ramp.

"How's Dane?"

"He's good. You know Dane."

"I worry about him."

"We'll watch over him, I promise."

"You are a good friend, Roman. You always have been."

They had grown up together. There was even a time she had a crush on him, BR, Before Riley. His romance with Preston touched something in her, it humanized him in a way she never thought possible. She knows it is forbidden in their culture but to risk it for love endeared him to her.

"What can I say? You all taught me the importance of caring about people for reasons other than influence and power."

"We're so grateful you do. Take care of the others. We'll be back before the spring term starts."

She kisses him on the cheek and turns back to the others.
It was time to go.

Roman watches them disappear into the shuttle and the ramp ascend. The shuttle hovers high above the lake house and veers up over the frosted tree line into the muddled gray sky.

He shoves his hands in his pockets and returns to his speeder. It is freezing but he always feels more comfortable in winter. As he races back through the forests toward the plains, he hopes he did the right thing. Alia did him a solid on Csilla, crafting a narrative around his "heroics" after the attempt on their lives. The public ate it up and restored honor to his name. Now he is returning the favor in getting Alia the help she needs.

He wonders how much Dane really knows about all of this and who the strangers were accompanying Gemma and Demaris. Alka seemed more informed than the others but the secrecy in which she relayed the information tells him this is probably more important and dangerous than any of them realize.

He prays they know what they are doing.


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #141 on: July 17, 2017, 04:44:01 PM »
Corporate Sector

D’ian: Surface

Dane returns to the Gellar Estate. He wasn’t at work, he had been at Alka’s. Everyone’s parents have taken a holiday, most without their children. It left them all to their own devices and the epic party Alka threw required significant recovery time. He enters wearily, moving around the main floor. The quiet in the cavernous mansion is deafening. Something feels…different. He checks the upstairs bedrooms but there is no sign of Gemma. He wonders where she is.

Chugging a glass of water, he keys up and replays the last transmission from Janessa Kain. She’s a bit of tramp but seems genuine enough. She had warned him not to trust anyone and he extended that warning to include her. Her motives have always been unclear. She works for the Republic but has strong ties to The Sector. Those lines seem to have blurred. The Republic is a bloated mess from what he can tell but the transcripts of her hearing before the Senate seemed to have put to rest any notion of Force involvement from The Corporate Sector. He isn’t sure that’s enough to clear Gemma and, as far as he knows, the travel ban against her still holds. They are frightened of her or, at the very least, of what she represents. Their obsession with Force Sensitive’s borders on a vendetta which makes them look petty in his eyes.

He’s long since gotten over the fact that he’s doesn’t have the powers of his sisters. What he does have - his name, titles, and holdings - satiate that jealously. His dubious conversations with Valerie’s ghost led him to believe his blood is important. It has the ability to create…and to destroy. Still, he muses on what his sisters would go on to do with these powers. He's see what Gemma can do but Dahlia...?

The kitchen console bleeps loudly, jarring him from these thoughts.

Speak of the devil.

“Hi, Dane.”

Her face and shoulders appears in a hologram floating above the device.

“Dahlia,” he says, setting the glass down. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”

“Oh, don’t get all elitist just because you are Lord of the estate now. Can’t a sister just call to say hello?”

“You could…except you aren’t my sister. And you always have a fucking angle.”

“Way harsh, Dane.”

“But none the less true. How’s university?”

“Productive,” she says, her face a serene mask in the hologram. “I’m acing all my classes. What about you? Things going well at the old Alma matter?”

“I’m doing alright, so far. Senior year isn’t exactly difficult so it’s more about the social aspects.”

“I could not be prouder.”

“Don’t get excited, I’ve usurped all that legacy you left behind.”

“Well, I know that’s not true. How's the crew?”

"Good, same. Roman's gay."


"Am I the only one who didn't know this?"

"Clearly," she says, rolling her eyes up. "You can be so clueless, Dane. Where's Gemma?"

He shrugs, “Who knows? She’s not exactly miss popular around here after what happened on Chandaar.”

“I saw,” Dahlia says. “How awful.”

“It’s not like you stepped in to help the situation.”

“And what exactly could I have done?”

“Stopped staring at yourself in the mirror long enough to make a statement. Tell them she isn’t some kind of monster capable of mass destruction.”

“Isn’t she though? You saw that photage. I didn’t know she had it in her.”

“I guess I was just as shocked. It kind of makes her a badass.”

“I wouldn’t go that far.”

“Dahlia, what do you want? Really?”

She sighs, “It’s Garron.”

Dane tenses, “What about him?”

“You haven’t seen him?”

“No, why?”

“I thought he carted Gemma back to The Sector after the scandal but apparently no one knows where he is.”


“Well, what did Gemma say?”

“She didn’t say anything,” he says flatly.

“Liar. That had to be your first question after she showed up there without him.”

“She doesn’t know, they got separated.”

“That’s nice and vague. Surely she knows more than that.”

“Why don’t you just ask one of your many minions on Chandaar? Or better yet, call Gemma. I’m surprised Garron hasn’t turned up to judge your life decisions by now. You know how he likes to condescend.”

“I’m a pinnacle of virtue!”

“In print, I’m sure. I swear, Dahlia. I don’t know where he is.”

“Aren’t you, like, the least bit concerned?”

“Of course, but I’m not his keeper. We’re good here. D’ian is one of the safest places in The Sector.”

“That’s what you think. It’s not like him, Dane. I’m…concerned.”

Dane leans against the counter, “So do something about it.”

“What do you mean?”

“You have connections,” he says, raising a hand. “Use them.”

He cuts the com, plunging the kitchen back into silence. He was actually hoping she knew where he was. It’s true, he lied. Gemma told him about the Inquisitor attack but he’s definitely not going to discuss that with Dahlia. If the Empire is running game on Chandaar, it’s best she finds out about it on her own. She wouldn’t believe him anyway – unless she already knows. It’s not out of the realm of possibilities given her romance with the Imperial liaison in the Republic. She could just be feeling things out, seeing what he knows. He would never give her the satisfaction.

Dane would like to dig further into Garron's disappearance but was advised against it. He needs to allow Janessa time to maneuver through the convoluted thickness of the Republic in order to suss out Imperial motive. If the Inquisitor has him then they must want to know something. They wouldn't be so brazen just to kill him outright - it would raise so many questions. They could cover for him on D'ian with the gag order on the press but people will begin talking in Mondder if he isn't seen with either him or Gemma. Having Dahlia look into it wouldn't hurt. Her bitch ass could be motivated in the right circumstances. He hopes this is one of them.


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #142 on: December 20, 2017, 02:28:46 PM »
Corporate Sector

Etti IV

Surface: Concordia Township: Valor Prep

Dane Gellar shifts uncomfortably in his seat and sighs. Winter break concluded without much fanfare. There were some epic holiday parties and even more epic banging with Alka but all the excitement did little to erase the fact that his family had been obliterated. It was the first holiday without his parents and although his friends were extremely sensitive to that, the pressing sting is difficult to shake. To make matters worse, he had not heard from Dahlia or Gemma. Their absence somehow makes the pain worse despite his brave front.

His eyes move across the classroom to the empty seat beside him – the one Gemma is supposed to occupy. The only other empty seat is a row over in the front where Demaris once sat. Their professor marked them absent and moved on but Dane has a bad feeling about it. Roman told him they left with Alia and some others he didn’t recognize to whereabouts unknown. Gemma had been typically secretive, as if she still believes they aren't both in this together. What impacts one impacts the other. They are all they have left and Dane is miffed he wasn't looped in on the plan. If they are in trouble, he wishes Gemma would reach out. Dane has the vast resources of ChemiX at his disposal but aside from the Force vaccine, Gemma had asked for nothing. Perhaps he should not have been so judgmental when giving it to her. He can't help it. Dane doesn't trust the Jedi and he sure as hell doesn't believe they have Gemma or Demaris' best interests in mind. He'd read the stories, all the legends of the Jedi Knights and their crusade for galactic peace. Now look at them: pushed to the brink of extinction and for what?

They not only allowed themselves to be expelled from Chandaar but the Imperial truce had to be the nail in their self-righteous coffin. There is no way they would find themselves back in Republic good graces with Emperor Schrag's influence looming over everything. The ideals begin to merge in ways many systems find appalling if not completely horrific. There is a bright spot, one that seems to humanize the whole thing. The high profile relationship Dahlia is in with Barrett Trevaithan dominates the entertainment portion of the Holo-cycle. Her face is splashed everywhere and the comparisons between Dahlia and her slain sister are not lost on anyone. The only difference is – Dahlia appears downright normal. Sure, she is vain but also studious and surprisingly smart.

Dane only knows what he read and watched about Karen Winton but she presented shallower and overtly dangerous. The Holo is filled with her exploits and how she turned from vapid model into a powerful Sith at the side of the young Emperor Dementat. They were as feared as they were beloved but neither got to build the future they promised the galaxy. Conversely, Dahlia doesn't have that air of terror which followed the original Four and makes her an extremely likeable and sympathetic character in the eyes of the public. And Barrett is keenly aware and apparently a brilliant strategist. He seems almost boring. Their cavorting borders on the banal with philanthropic events and other seemingly virtuous activities.

Dane knows better than that. He knows Dahlia better than that. She's got an ace tucked neatly away in a designer gown ready to play when the time is just right. She may be many things but above all else, Dahlia is a schemer. This is just public relations and everyone is eating it up. He wonders how much she had to do with the death of Gemma's social status. Even though she denies it, he can't help but think she had some hand in it. Worse still, Garron hasn't reappeared. Given what he knows of his relationship with the RSB, Dane isn't confident their old friend and protector made it out of the Chandaar alive. No word from Janessa and no reports from Dahlia. Where are you, G? Best case scenario is that he is in hiding and Dane can only hope he finds his way back home.


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #143 on: March 30, 2018, 01:11:03 PM »
Corporate Sector


Surface: Concordia Township

A frantic call from Roman disrupts what was supposed to be a romantic afternoon with Alka. Dane has never heard Roman so distraught so he feels he must be there for him. Alka is alarmed but supportive and they wait in an anxious silence until he arrives. The Chiss are notoriously stoic in their emotions but Roman, having been raised in the Corporate Sector surrounded by affluent and irrational humans, has less of a boundary. Whatever defenses keep his emotions in check have crumbled and Roman is near tears.

Alka rushes to his side, “Ro, what’s wrong?”

“It’s my parents,” he says, trembling. “They confronted me about Alia. Apparently, there is pressure from Csilla and the families are concerned. That’s understandable but given her ties to me and our last appearance there together, everyone thinks I had something to do with her disappearance.”

“But,” Dane says, “You kind of did.”

Alka shoots him a look that is easily translated as not being helpful.

“They don’t know that and we thought it would be viewed as one of her whims, an act of rebellion for their reaction to her illicit behavior with the Phalanx agent. But she’s the sole Csapla heiress and their discovery of her powers makes her a danger in their eyes. I’d hoped that through training with Gemma she could control it and make them see it as an asset in their arsenal for the upper hand. I thought they’d be back by now…”

“We haven’t heard from Gemma or Demaris,” Alka says solemnly. “Do you think something happened to them?”

Dane sighs, “If so, it wasn’t made public. I have a pulse on the Holo looking for anything related to them or Garron. Nothing has turned up.”

“There’s more,” Roman says, swallowing hard. “They threatened Preston.”

Alka gasps, “What? How would they even know?”

“A rumor from one of the other families here on D’ian. You know how it is but it doesn’t matter. They know he’s important to me, more so than he should be in their eyes.”

Dane is suddenly very serious, “What did they say?”

“Either I produce Alia or Preston might become collateral damage.”

“They wouldn’t,” Alka bites. “He’s a Dyre and there is no way they would move to strike against another Direx Board members son. Not without risking swift retaliation not to mention the potential loss of market share and profits in the fallout.”

Roman shakes his head, “I wouldn’t underestimate them. The retribution on Csilla would far outweigh anything that happens here. They cannot afford to lose ground with the Chiss ruling families, not after everything they sacrificed by coming here.”

“There has to be something we can do,” Alka says.

Dane paces in front of them.

“If Gemma brings Alia back then maybe we can spare everyone this mess.”

“They never told me where they were going,” Roman says. “They just flew off from your lake house.”

Alka stands and grabs her purse, “If they left behind anything that might tell us where they went, that’s where we’ll start.”


Viperii Lake

They arrive to find nothing but rubble and ash. The entire Gellar lake house is destroyed. Dane steps out of the speeder, completely aghast. His heart pounds in his chest. The fact that Gemma and Demaris had not returned before the end of the break as promised now takes an entirely more sinister turn.

“I was here only weeks ago,” Roman says. “It…it wasn’t like this…”

Dane has no words, he simply walks through the scorched debris in a daze.

“We have to look for them,” Alka whispers.

“I saw them leave.”

“But you don’t know if they returned before or after this happened.”

As morbid as it is, the trio scours the rubble for any signs someone was inside when the lake house was destroyed. Dane cannot believe he is searching for the possible corpses of his sister and her fugitive band of Jedi. He had lost enough. First his parents, now his sister? It is too much. He cannot be left alone in these worlds with only Dahlia as familial consolation. The thought is too grim. They would have to call it into the Espos. With vacation season approaching, the wealthy would travel from all over The Sector to spend the summer here. Someone would come across the ruins and it would be too suspicious if the owner had not reported it. Dane wonders what kind of spin he could put on it to keep them off Gemma’s scent. That is if she’s not buried beneath it.
Thankfully, they find no traces of remains throughout.

Roman leans against a slab of supporting wall, “Maybe they don’t know about this, where ever they are.”

“That doesn’t mean they aren’t in danger,” Dane says. “Someone is hunting them. The Jedi.”

Alka turns, “Hunting them? Why?”

“You know galactic opinion has shifted on their motives and usefulness. They were expelled from the Republic. Even now, some lunatic Jedi is supposedly cutting down the RSB all over Chandaar. It isn’t helping their cause, that’s for sure. Gemma needed the Force vaccine and I gave it to her. There is only one reason to need that…to disappear.”

“And if whatever is hunting them found out there were here?”

“Boom,” Dane says.

Alka scoffs, “Not funny, babe. We still don’t know where they are and it doesn’t help us get Alia back either. Have you tried her com?”

“Of course,” he says. “It’s been off for a while now. So is Demaris’. Look, we’ll find Alia but I need to loop in Janessa on this development.”

“Janessa Kain? The Republic liaison?” Roman says. “What does she have to do with any of this?”

“She’s an ally trying to find Garron but there is something else. My parents, Garron, Gemma; with them out of the way I’m exposed.”

“To what exactly?”

“Not to what, to whom.”

Alka and Roman stare at him blankly.

Dane frowns, “The Empire.”


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #144 on: August 05, 2018, 09:13:21 PM »
"All I needed was to hear the truth
I'm lying naked and my brain has lost its screws
I hid away inside a lonely room
Never as lonely as when I'm alone with you.”


Corporate Sector

D'ian: Surface: Gellar Estate

The downside.

He didn’t see it coming because he’s having such a good time. Now he knows the kind of charge Dahlia and Gemma got from all the attention. With one safely out of the way and the other maker knows where, it’s his turn. Finally. Everyone loves Dane Gellar. He’s the man, the superstar of Valor Prep, and no one is going to stop him. Except…maybe they are.

The administration is up his ass wanting to know where his sister is. And he tells them, honestly, that he has no idea where Gemma is. Therein lies the problem. The part he never considered is that with his parent’s dead, Garron became their legal guardian. It was part of Rutherford and Celeste’s last will and testament. Now, with Garron gone and a few months until they both turn eighteen, the issue of guardianship has now become a thing. Legally, Gemma has to go to school. Demaris is already of age so while her parents may be having a fit (doubtful), there is nothing the government can do about it. Dane and Gemma are a different story.

As it turns out, the emancipation angle only works if you have parents to emancipate from.

Dane needs guardianship and quickly. Luckily, someone already applied for the role but unfortunately for him that someone is the Imperial liaison to the CSA, Ambassador Vex Sienna.

Irulan Reeves had called him from the ChemiX headquarters concerned, saying that Sienna had broached the subject of he and Gemma’s temporary custodial guardianship. She felt that in Garron’s absence, they should be able to choose someone they trusted, not allow it to become an open forum for control of Rutherford Gellar’s prized progeny. In a normal court system, it’s unlikely Sienna’s request would be taken seriously. In the Corporate Sector motions, laws, and plans are executed with far fewer grounds.

“Fuck,” Dane says, exhaling a giant stream of smoke.

Perched around his bedroom are his inner circle: Alka, Roman, and Preston.

Preston speaks first.

“It’s a problem, for sure but they’re not going to kill you unlike some people I know.”

“Don’t do that,” Roman says, gripping his hand. “Don’t say that like I don’t care. You know I do. If something were to happen to you….”

“Then find your wayward intended and drag her blue bitch ass back here before I’m toast!”

Alka touches Dane’s shoulder, passing the joint to Roman.

“What are you going to do?”

“I can contest it, I guess. But I told you. Didn’t I tell you guys?”

They all nod. Alka rolls her eyes up.

“Yeah, yeah, the big bad Empire’s out to get you. We know. What about Dahlia? She’s, like, twenty now, right? Why can’t she do it?”

Dane chokes on his ale, “I’m going to pretend you aren’t suggesting I hand power over a Gellar to a Winton.”

“Oh, come on. That’s nonsense of the past.”

Roman shrugs, “Isn’t Dahlia better than Vex Sienna?”

“Eh,” Dane says, making a face while balancing his hands. “On a scale of what-to-what?”

Preston smiles, “Which do you think has a more favorable ulterior motive?”

“Ooo, good point.”

The estate com ring slices through their banter. Dane absently reaches out and taps the console, allowing a beautiful face and torso to materialize in the center of the room. There are catches of static, as if she is in motion.


“Dane, I’m sorry it took so long to return your call. Things have been…interesting in the Republic capital.”

Her eyes drop and refocus, moving to each within the holographic field of vision.

“Who are they?”

“My tribe,” he says. “Have you found Garron?”

“I’m afraid not. There are simply no leads. Even some of the underground sources haven’t seen him so I don’t believe he’s been smuggled out. I don’t suppose you’ve had any luck?”

He shakes his head, “No dice but there has been a development.”


Dane tells her about the destruction of the lake house where Gemma and company had been hiding out. He leaves out the finer, Jedi details for now. Best they focus on the here and now. They didn’t find anything in the rubble, mercifully, but Gemma's been out of pocket too. No communication which leads him to his larger point.

“Guess who applied to be our legal guardian?”


“Vex Sienna.”

Janessa stops moving. Her face reveals a subtle fear, something that permeates the room quickly. Everyone is suddenly on edge. Her voice is crisp and certain.
“You cannot let that happen, Dane.”

“Obviously! I’m working on it…”

“I’m serious. Sienna cannot be granted those powers, even conditionally.”

Dane stubs out the joint and gets up off his desk.

“You’ve warned me about him before and I get it. The Empire is after ChemiX or, at least, the research and potential behind it. But Sienna is just a flunky, right? He’s questionable, sure, but what’s his deal?”

Janessa hesitates, swallowing visibly hard.

“I deserve to know what I’m up against.”

She decides, one she hopes will fortify him for what may come.

“Before Garron took Gemma to Chandaar, he asked that I…ingratiate myself with Vex Sienna. There were suspicions, of course, stemming from his past and connections to the original Four. I didn’t think anything of it at first but the more I started to dig, the greater the suspicion grew. I got my answer before I left. He almost killed me and all but admitted to killing your au pair, Kylie Miranda. He tried again in Ambaril, detonating my shuttle but clearly, he was not successful."

Dane is rigid, staring at the hologram intensely.

“There’s more.”

She’s breathing heavier, glancing to the right before blowing out a stream of air through her darkly stained lips.

“He also insinuated he had a role in your parents’ demise, if not outright but then in orchestration. Dane, you are in greater danger than you realize. You cannot trust him. If he is granted guardianship of you and Gemma, I don’t know what he’ll do. There are two sides to him- “

She stops, the image jerking suddenly as her eyes flash upward as she gasps.

The hologram disappears.

Alka moves to the controls, “Ambassador Kain? Ambassador, are you there?”

Dane is flattened by the admission, stunned by the information and furious that both she and Garron kept these suspicions from them. If what she’s saying is true, Sienna was brought here for more than just maintaining lucrative business relations with the CSA. Could he have been a plant this whole time – edging closer and closer to his family, first through his romantic relationship with Kylie than his business relationship with his father? His mind is spiraling and he reaches out for something to steady him.

Alka is there, easing him to his knees.

Roman and Preston move from the bed and join them, at a loss for words as the layers of the situation fold back to reveal a greater truth. Roman and Alka make eye contact then glance over at the console. Neither wants to admit right now but it hangs there, unspoken, between them.

Before Janessa’s audio cut out, there were the faintest beginnings of a scream.


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #145 on: September 07, 2018, 07:39:15 PM »
Corporate Sector

D’ian: Surface: Nash Estate

The door chimes sound, echoing loudly across the polished stone interior.

It goes unanswered for several minutes until Roman finally opens it to reveal Alia. She sighs as he pulls her into an embrace, anxiety finally melting away. For once she has done as he asked and this small mercy may have been enough to spare Preston from the Nash’s wrath.

Once inside the threshold, his parents, Balthazar and Rinoa, appear beyond the wide, circular foyer.

“Look who it is!” Roman exclaims.

The expression his parents wear is undetectable if even a bit annoyed. They were the ones who demanded her safe return and now that she is here, they barely seem interested. His father, predictably, speaks first.

“Yes, hello Alia. Where have you been hiding?”

Alia stiffens, avoiding the question altogether.

“I didn’t mean to worry you.”

“Didn’t you though? I hear you have done many things to warrant cause for alarm.”

“Balthazar,” Rinoa says. “Leave her be. All that matters now is that she is safe. We will send word to Csilla at once.”

“They will be thrilled, no doubt.”

Alia, knowing when to play the part, finds Roman’s hand. He squeezes it tightly. Their shared look says volumes but Balthazar’s red eyes narrow into slits.

“School is nearly finished. Alia will remain here as our guest until graduation and then we shall all return to Csilla. Together.”

Roman swallows hard but nods, “Of course, father.”


Surface: Gellar Estate

Gemma enters her door code and steps inside. The mansion is eerily quiet when she realizes Dane must not be home from school yet. It always felt large, growing up in such affluence, but it has taken on a more sinister quality with the death of their parents and Garron’s disappearance.

After a shower and a change of clothes, she runs a hand along the railing while descending the stairs. She must have done this a million times but something is different. She is different. Gemma is not the same girl who left this place. Her newly constructed saber rests at her hip, clipped to a belt over which hangs the simple, white tunic. It was her mother’s, one she loved to wear around the house, humming to herself while deep in thought. Her blonde curls spill over her shoulders and down her back and she catches a glimpse of herself in a piece of reflective art near the bottom of the stairs. The bruises from the fight have healed, thankfully, so there will be less questions to answer.

The way Dane made it sound, her absence had caused quite a stir. Their guardianship is something she never even considered but makes sense, given the tragic circumstances. Garron had always been their rock and these duties were entrusted to him by their parents. The hole he leaves is nearly as jarring as theirs.

Across the foyer, the door flies open and Dane struts inside. He catches her movement on the stairs, pauses and turns, slowly lowering his sunglasses with one finger.

“What. In. The. Actual. Fuck.”

She smiles, “Hi, Dane.”

“Tell me you brought that blue bitch back with you?”

“I did. Alia's actually not so bad if you can manage not to strangle her."

“Praise the Maker. I thought I’d never hear the end of it. And you; leaving me here to deal with all of this shit.”

Gemma joins him on the ground floor, “You look like you’ve managed.”

He hugs her tightly, “Barely.”

She closes her eyes, holding him for a moment. When the moment passes he steps back. He looks different, even though it hasn’t been that long. His features are more defined and the perpetual smirk inherited from their father rests on his lips. He slips the sunglasses up on his head and walks toward the kitchen.

“This calls for a drink.”

“Dane, we have to talk.”

“And talk we will. First, drinky.”

“So,” she says, reluctantly following him. “This is what you’ve been doing? Slowly descending into alcoholism?”


“How very D’ian of you.”

He hands her a glass of brown liquid two fingers deep. She glances down at it hesitantly but then the smell hits her, igniting a firestorm of fond memories.

“Dad’s stash?”

“From his study,” Dane says, holding up the glass. “Figure he won’t be needing it.”

She laughs in spite of everything, tapping her glass against his. It burns at first but then finishes with a smoky sweetness.
They move further into the kitchen. She posts up on her favorite stool while he rummages through the fridge.

“Where were you anyway?”

“It’s probably best if we don’t.”

He pokes his head back, “Secret Jedi shit? Whatever, Gem.”

“Don’t be like that. It’s just not safe.”

He’s never been keen on the Jedi but at least she returned intact, from what he can see. There was a time where he legitimately worried she’d be killed by whatever is hunting them and he’d really be alone. Not that he’s going to admit it.

“You’re telling me. I had to search the rubble of our lake house hoping I wouldn’t find your body.”

“I’m sorry, that must have been awful.”

“Whoever you pissed off means business, Gemma. They wouldn’t have gone to all the trouble if they didn’t.”

“I know,” she says distantly, sipping from the glass. “We’ve got more pressing matters.”

“Right, the guardianship. Can you believe Sienna? What an asshole.”

“I’m surprised they even considered his request.”

“Enough for me to worry but don't fear, he can’t have it. Not anymore.”

“Is this where your little plan comes in?”

Dane closes the fridge and turns around, “The lesser of two evils.”

“Which is?”


Gemma nearly chokes, “I’m sorry, what did you say?”

“Before you get all huffy, hear me out. It’s only for a couple of months and Dahlia would follow in logical order from Garron. She’s the next oldest and perfectly capable of showing up just to stick it to the Empire.”

“Not if she’s working for the Empire.”

“Just cuz she’s dating that meathead? I don’t think so. They’d crimp her style for sure.”

Gemma shakes her head, “You can’t possibly think this is our best option?”

“It’s our only option, Gemma. We need her and you need to get working on your public relations angle for the headmaster who, by the way, is extremely pissed.”

“Relax,” she says. “I pulled the assignments and projects from the Valor Prep database and worked it out on the way back here. I just need to finish off a few things but I’ll deliver it all just in time to satisfy the requirements.”

“Why didn’t you just test out like Demaris?”

She shrugs, “I’m an overachiever.”

“So, you’ll stay for graduation?”

“And all the festivities in between.”

“Good,” Dane says. “We’ve got a lot to do.”


Surface: Dawning Estate

Alka stretches in the studio, bowing over her left leg perched up on the barre. Ever since the conversation in Dane’s room, she’s felt a lingering sense of dread. No one mentioned it afterward but she can’t be the only one. Janessa’s warning was clear enough but the abrupt end of the hologram has been plaguing her.

She pulls off her ballet shoes and heads upstairs to her room, opening a com channel. She reaches out to the Republic government offices on Chandaar, wading through prompts until she is finally connected.

“You’ve reached the office of Janessa Kain, Republic liaison to the Corporate Sector Authority-“

Alka cuts the com.

Why is this bugging her so much?

She moves to her personal console, keying up the Holo and punching in her name. It does not take long to retrieve a story from a day ago. A reporter named Selene Silvestri broadcast a piece that asks one very pointed question:

Where is Janessa Kain?


« Last Edit: September 09, 2018, 11:27:48 PM by Syren »

Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #146 on: September 11, 2018, 11:14:20 PM »
Corporate Sector

D’ian: Surface: Concordia Township: Gellar Estate

The crew gathers to celebrate Gemma’s safe return.

Alka arrives first and she and Gemma are quickly locked in a gush-fest. Dane groans, pouring himself another drink, praying for Roman and Preston to arrive. He gets that she is being coy about all the Jedi shit. It’s not like he’s given her much reason to be forthcoming about it. She has this whole other life, one that was buried in the life of the pop star, now fallen. For someone so virtuous, Gemma sure does lean toward duplicity.

Mercifully, Preston steps out onto the patio.


He hugs Gemma and Alka on the way by and takes a glass from Dane.

“Roman here yet?”

“No, but I suspect he’ll be here soon. Let me guess, you two in a tiff?”

“He hasn’t called me since she showed back up.”


“Right? I mean, I know his parents are hardcore but come on. I thought they’d be ecstatic but instead, they have them locked up in their frigid castle.”

Alia appears to slide out from behind him, startling them both.

“Better than this sweltering cesspit.”

“We’re outside.”

“It’s almost your summer. I don’t like that. And if you knew his parents like I know his parents, you'd be singing a different tune."

Gemma, Alka, and Roman join them.

“Let’s try to reflect on what we talked about.”

Alia inhales but stands down, “Fine. I guess I’ll have a drink then.”

Everyone stares at Dane.

“Oh, so what? I’m the fucking bartender now?”

He shakes his head but pours her a glass.

“Listen,” Alka says, “I’m glad you’re all here. Gem, we’re so happy you’re back but there’s something you all should know.”

Preston waves an arm around the room, “Um, is this something we can speak about in mixed company?”

Gemma lightly touches Alia’s arm, hoping it will keep her from lunging across the room at him.

“Go ahead, Alka.”

Preston mumbles, “Why does she get to be part of the group?”

“Babe,” Dane says, looking worried. “What is it?”

She nods back toward the house and they follow her inside. Alka taps on the living room console and keys up the report before turning back toward the group.

“Janessa Kain is missing.”

Selene Silvestri’s face fills the room, her intense dark eyes almost glaring out from behind the angular glasses.

“…failed to meet Republic counselor, Kaytt Corinthos for dinner. Two days later, she had not been heard from nor had she reported in to her office in central Ambaril and was officially reported missing. The RSB have issued an APB and information is to be directed to…”

“Well shit,” Dane says, sliding down onto the arm of the couch. First Garron and now Janessa? People are dropping off the scopes with a quickness and that’s not cool at all. “You think it has something to do with me?”

“Janessa is reported missing two days after warning you? That’s not a coincidence, Dane. It can’t be, not with everything going on. So, yes, I think it has something to do with you.”

Gemma glances between them, “What’s going on? And what does the Imperial liaison have to do with anything?”

“She was kind of, you know, trying to find out what happened to Garron.”

“You sent her digging into that? Dane, that could get her killed.”

“I didn’t send her anywhere, she was already curious. Besides, she’s a professional. I’m sure she can handle herself.”

“Not from something like…that.”

“Like what?”

Now everyone is confused.

Of the bunch, only Dane and Alia know anything about an Inquisitor. This is not the time or place. It’s only going to terrify them. She’s already gone too far out on the verbal ledge, piquing their interest. She should have kept it to herself but the reaction is absolutely valid. If they found out Janessa was sniffing around even so much as a hint of the Inquisitor, she’d be an even larger target than she already is.
“Don’t worry about it.”

“A little late for that, Gem.”

Roman reflexively moves closer to Preston, “Is this the same something that blew up your lake house?”

Alia and Gemma exchange an uneasy glance.

“I’m going to take that as a yes,” Preston says. “Wait, are we, like, in danger?”

“Probably,” Alia murmurs with a slight smile.

“Not helping. Seriously though…are we?"

“Worrying about hypothetical's isn’t productive. Let’s tackle one challenge at a time, okay?”

Dane says something obscene about tackling someone and the tense spell is broken. They begin to file back out onto the patio, into the warm night breeze. Graduation is coming and summer with it. They have their whole lives ahead of them. Worlds upon worlds of possibilities. Everyone can feel it but not everyone chooses to lean into the impending curve. Alka and Gemma remain behind with a silent gaze that can only be shared between two friends who have known each other forever. There is something to this. Nothing is a coincidence lately. They both know it. Something sinister is seeping deeper into their lives, and neither is sure anyone is going to be able to stop it. 



Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #147 on: September 14, 2018, 12:05:28 PM »
Corporate Sector

D’ian: Concordia Township

The meeting with the headmaster goes about as well as can be expected. Gemma is chastised for departing so suddenly, especially after such a promising academic career throughout. Her grades had suffered as a result, a poor reflection on her and the institution of Valor Prep. There is a disappointment in his voice, stemming more from a selfish protection of the school’s reputation than Gemma’s personal situation. Image is everything here. Such things are to be expected on D’ian and she had fortified herself against it in the days leading up to the meeting. The laws are explained about requiring minors in education and the repercussions of failing that requirement.

Gemma apologizes without giving context, citing the extreme personal difficulties attributed to her parents’ deaths and public shaming in the Republic that had lasting impacts here in the Corporate Sector. Although she knows they know about the Jedi rumors, having seen the same photage that was splashed all over the Holo during her concert, she gives them very little detail in that regard. Frankly, it is none of their business, and she keeps the conversation focused on her education followed by a proactive plan to counter. They are not entirely unsympathetic and, given the circumstances, allow her the opportunity to proceed – a win for everyone.

She turns in all missing assignments and begins finals with Dane and the rest of her class over the course of the next week. Although it is intense, Gemma manages to pull it out, passing all classes. It isn’t the stellar victory she’d hoped for in terms of a grade point average but it is enough to complete the requirements for graduation. Even though she’d missed a significant portion of the semester, she still placed higher than Dane, who has spent more time partying than studying.

Everyone is relieved when it is all over, turning now to the events beyond their studies. Prom and graduation consume all topics of conversation from outfits, dates, and parties to plans for the future. While she is happy for everyone, Gemma remains uncertain because her future is uncertain. She has obligations outside their traditional scope of expectations. With the Inquisitor on the loose, no doubt having escaped the cave on Jedha, she’s not even sure she has a future. She certainly does not want to place her brother or friends in danger. Garron has been missing for a long time and now Janessa has disappeared. She feels the walls closing in but it does not deter her from the tasks at hand, caught between duty and wanting the life of a typical teenager. It is a familiar struggle for her, one she is glad to be facing right now on her homeworld. 

Gemma meets Dane in the front of the school next to the idling hoverlimo. He moves aside to let her in first then joins her inside.

“I can’t believe you did better than me.”

“Is that you or the whiskey talking?”

“Very funny, Gem. I’m smart too, you know.”

She folds her hands in her lap and aims for just short of patronizing.

“No one said you weren’t but if you applied that intellect to something productive you could really change things here. Being Lord of the Gellar name is more than just owning the party scene. Our parents knew that. They balanced their social obligations with professional ambition and both were highly successful in their respective fields. I want the same thing for you.”

He makes a face, “And what about you? Jedi isn’t exactly a promising career path.”

“We’re not talking about me.”

“We never do! I hate that you shut me out. I feel like I don’t even know you sometimes.”

Gemma slides over next to him, looping her arm through his.

“I’m not trying to be distant, I’m trying to keep you safe. The less you know about what goes on with the Jedi the more protected you’ll be. You know how dangerous it is for us right now. I don’t want you drawn into that, especially because I know you don’t agree.”

“It’s just,” Dane says, voice wavering. “You’re all I fucking have, okay? It’s just us.”

She leans her head on his shoulder.

Dane slips on sunglasses and stares through the deeply tinted window at the passing landscape as they move into the estates. Emotional outbursts are not his thing but she understands completely. Funny how he always teased and seem to pity her when they were younger. Now he feels closer to her than anyone. It is nice to know he feels just as deeply despite concealing it behind that brisk persona. He's not wrong. The same thoughts have crossed her mind and it has taken great effort to stave off the fact that they are essentially alone. That part has been the hardest and it is the support of others that have kept her from careening off the ledge. She hopes Alka and the others have done the same for him, even when she can't be here to steady him. 

He clears his throat and shifts into a more neutral tone.

“Kylie is gone. Mom and dad are gone. Garron is gone. All the people we knew as a family has been taken from us. If something happened to you I don’t….”

“I know,” she says softly. “The fact that you care means the world to me. I know our paths may seem divided by choices and motives but we each have to do what we feel is right. Even if my path takes me elsewhere, I’m not abandoning you. I just want you to ask yourself what you really want and then go for it. Don’t compare it to where I’m at or what Dahlia may be doing. You have so much to give, Dane and I don’t want you to give up on that because terrible things happened.”

“We’re not victims. I’ll never play that card.”

“No, we’re not. We’re fighters. We’re Gellar’s and Masterton’s. That’s what we do.”

“Yeah, well, our familial track record isn’t the greatest in terms of endgames.”

She tilts his head to face her.

“We’re not them, you hear me? No matter what comparisons the media or others draw, we make our own destiny.”

Dane nods, “Damn straight.”

The hoverlimo stops in front of the Gellar Estate. He exits first then extends a hand.
“Lady Masterton.”

She laughs, taking it.

“Lord Gellar.”

They swing their joined hands together as they walk up the steps to the door, entering the estate giggling and joking with each other. It all comes to a screeching halt, however, when they are met with the third member of their dysfunctional little family.

She poses, formidable, at the other end of the foyer, giant round sunglasses on even though she’s inside, a demon in heels holding the remnants of a martini.

“Hello, bitches. Miss me?”

Gemma and Dane exchange glances and sigh. They knew it was coming, she was coming, but the reality of them all being in the same place at the same time again simply cannot be understated.

“Dahlia.” "Dahlia."



Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #148 on: September 20, 2018, 06:00:34 PM »
Corporate Sector

Etti IV: Mondder: Surface

It’s always hot in Mondder but, this close to summer, it is nearly unbearable. D’ian is more temperate and seasonal with the transitions lengthy and appealing. Dane is here more often than any of them, attending meetings or conferring with Irulan Reeves on ChemiX matters. Gemma usually avoids it when she can but there is no escaping it this time. She and Dane must appear, along with Dahlia, before the Direx Board.

There are throngs of press waiting for them outside the spaceport, each one angling for a comment from the famous trio. Everyone wants to know what the guardianship ruling would mean for Dane and the company; a good question but not one he’ll be addressing here. Dane keeps them away from Gemma as questions hurled in their direction range from her decimated singing career to the photage displaying her Jedi powers. Dahlia, on the other hand, basks in the glow. She poses readily, lips pursed below a pair of gigantic, black designer sunglasses.

Espos agents materialize as an armed escort and whisk them away. The company hoverlimo is flanked by their transports. Gemma eyes the heavy artillery mounted to them, unsettled.

“I didn’t realize this would be such a big deal.”

Dahlia’s head snaps in her direction, “Don’t be naïve. Two of the most valuable assets in the CSA up for grabs? It’s absolutely sensational.”

Dane scoffs, “Well, you don’t have to act like you’re enjoying it so much.”

“Can you just, for once, roll with it? I’m doing you a solid here.”

Gemma nods, “Which we greatly appreciate. Right, Dane?”


“See? A little gratitude goes a long way.”

They pass the ChemiX corporate tower and Dahlia’s eyes rise slowly up the black, reflective surface. There is no way she’s going to be able to bust her way into the secured labs, even if she pulls out all the Sith stops. She had considered asking they visit so she can pay respects to Rutherford Gellar then infiltrating the mind of Irulan Reeves so that she would procure and bring her the sample but it would seem too sentimental. Gemma may think it was sweet but Dane would be super paranoid. She’s not going to risk it. Besides, she has other plans. Who needs a lab when a live sample sleeps down the hall in the Gellar Estate?


She shakes herself out of it, “Hmm?”

“You okay? You kind of zoned out there.”

“Oh, yeah. Sorry. It’s just the first time I’ve been back since…you know.”

“Hey, it’s okay. This is hard for all of us.”

Dane wears an expression of steely suspicion. Why does Gemma have to be so forgiving? That trusting nature doesn’t do her any favors. It already ruined her rep and he’s not about to let her get sucked into Dahlia’s shit. Even though he asked, Dahlia agreed way too easily. Normally she would have gone a few verbal rounds with him before acquiescing but not so this time. But, better her than Sienna.

They arrive to yet more hoards of people; reporters, fans, spectators, and protesters. All kept at bay by the security force allowing an unobstructed path into the Direx Board building. Dane wears a crisp black suit with the ChemiX insignia emblazed on his arm, something he found appropriate for the event. Gemma, in contrast, is clad in gauzy, white robes cinched at the waist by a pale blue bow at the small of her back. Of course, Dahlia went all in; a textured, deep green top with a plunging neckline and accented shoulders paired with a studded tight black skirt and towering black heels. They agree to give Dahlia the satisfaction, at least this once.

Dahlia poses tall with Dane on the left and Gemma on the right, framed perfectly by the Mondder skyline. They hold for just the right amount of time before ascending the steps to disappear inside. The Espos fan out in every direction, ensuring both space and security. Across the bridge, just outside the chamber doors, they spot Ambassador Vex Sienna.

Gemma breathes in.

“Don’t worry,” Dane says. “He doesn’t have a prayer.”

“How can you be so sure?”

“We’ll bury him.”

“We want to show his claim is unfounded not ruin his life, Dane.”

“Look, before you get all preachy, just know that he’s responsible for the death of our parents.”

This stuns Gemma and brings Dahlia’s attention right back into the mix.


“How could you know that?”

Dane sighs, keeping his voice low.

“Janessa told me, right before she went missing. Garron put her on it. He killed Kylie and nearly killed Janessa too which is bad enough but he also had a hand in our parents’ deaths. I don’t know to what extent but he’s involved. He’s always been involved.”

“That’s an insane accusation, especially for someone who used to think of him so fondly.”

“He was nice to me when we were younger. I didn’t know he was running game the whole time. It makes sense though, that bastard. He’s been playing us from day one.”

“Are you going to bring this up in the hearing?”

“We don’t have any proof,” Dane says. “And with Janessa missing so goes our corroborating story. I just don’t want you two to get all weepy if we have to get down and dirty in there. Whatever it takes to wrestle any control away from him, we have to take it. The Empire is clearly out to get us.”

“The Empire’s been after us as soon as they knew we existed.”

Gemma turns to Dahlia, “And you aren’t working for them?”

“Why would I work for the Empire? My contract is with the Vectra Management Group.”

“You can do both,” Gemma retorts. Karen did.”

“So did Melanie, inadvertently or not. You know what they say about people in glass houses.”

“Yeah,” Dane says. “Make sure that stone is big enough to take the whole place down. All that matters is that we present a united front and, despite her adoptive status, Dahlia’s claim supersedes Sienna’s. The board may be ruthless but they are not unreasonable. Aguilar was fond of our parents. I doubt he’d throw us to the rancor’s if there is a more practical option right in front of him. Now pull it together and let’s go.”

Gemma is floored by the revelations but somehow not as surprised as she thought she’d be. There was suspicion surrounding Sienna even before Kylie disappeared. Dahlia already knows this but keeps it close to the chest, her expression revealing nothing. She’s gotta hand it to Janessa Kain. The bitch would do anything to serve her interests, even if it meant risking her life on Garron’s very founded mistrust. She recalls the news story on the Holo. No trace, they said. Guess ‘ol Janessa found what she was looking for.

Dahlia squares her shoulders and follows Gemma and Dane toward the Direx Board chambers.


« Last Edit: September 20, 2018, 10:29:57 PM by Syren »

Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Reply #149 on: September 29, 2018, 10:01:15 PM »
You’re sayin’ those words like you hate me now (wo-oah)
Our house is burning when you’re raisin’ Hell (wo-oah)
Here in the ashes, your soul cries out (a-a-ah)
But don’t be afraid of these thunderclouds

-Labrinth & Sia

Corporate Sector

Etti IV: Surface: Mondder

To say the Direx Board is intimidating scarcely does them justice.

The trio rises into the center of their corporate power play circle-jerk. A host of muted faces with intensely distrustful expressions gaze down on them like insects to be crushed. On a separate podium, Vex rises as well. He turns and nods before lifting his eyes to the board. Dane’s fists clench tightly, the lights glinting off Gemma’s wide blue eyes, as Dahlia grips the side of the podium and raises her head to acknowledge them.

Iver Aguilar stands and addresses the board.

“We are here today to resolve the matter of the Gellar-Masterton guardianship. Ambassador Vex Sienna has petitioned to be granted legal custodian on the merits of his personal and professional relationship with the late Rutherford Gellar.”

Dane’s features harden. Personal relationship? What a crock of shit. He didn’t know their father at all, only that his family and friends were fair game in a play for a stake in his company. Gemma touches his arm in a show of support and to keep him from yelling in outrage.

“However, a challenge has been made by Princess Dahlia Winton who asserts her claim is higher. Our intention is to determine what is in the best interest of the Dane Gellar and Gemma Masterton so we will hear from both parties. Ambassador Sienna, you have the floor.”

Vex smiles tightly, “Thank you, ExO Aguilar. My request is simple, but my respect for the Gellar-Masterton family is deep. Rutherford Gellar trusted me and I have maintained that trust after his passing. All I wish is to be considered for the honor of guiding Dane and Gemma through this very difficult time.”

Aguilar’s eyes flicker to Dahlia.

“Your Highness?”

“My father’s trust was sacred and not easy to gain yet Ambassador Sienna flouts this accomplishment like a casual whim. He is neither qualified nor deserving of this duty.”

“I object to that statement.”

“So noted,” Dahlia quips icily. “And promptly disregarded. Adoptive or not, this is my family. Not yours. If anyone is going to care for them in any legal capacity, it’s going to be me. Moreover, it is the wishes of those involved and I firmly believe, after everything we have endured, that their voices should be given equal weight in this matter.”

“Is this true?” Aguilar asks. “Is this what you both want?”

Gemma steps forward, “I do.”
Now Dane, “I do.”

Her ruthlessness appeals to them. She knew that it would. There are murmurs throughout the board, no doubt some who do not wish to anger the Empire and just as many who resent them for the Republic truce. In all honesty, it could go either way. No one here has particularly fond memories of the kind of damage those with the names Winton, Masterton, and Gellar could do in the galaxy at large. The guardianship is only for a few months but despite how politicized this has become, it requires little deliberation.

Aguilar leans forward, “Then it is deemed in the best interest of the Gellar-Masterton’s for guardianship align with those wishes. We grant Princess Dahlia Winton full legal guardianship over Dane Gellar and Gemma Masterton.”

Vex turns and catches her eye, nodding once more, before his podium descends into the darkness below. He bows out gracefully because he understands the nature of the plan. The Empire has them either way although, given her exchange with Emperor Schrag, Barrett’s covert awareness, and Sienna’s complicity in the death of their parents, Dahlia isn’t feeling especially Imperial at the moment.

She glances back at Dane and Gemma and smiles.

They both seem pleased.

Why shouldn’t they be? She spared them from whatever trickery Sienna had up his sleeve. Too bad, big boy. You’ve got a price to pay, Dahlia muses to herself darkly, and that due date is just about here. She slips back on her sunglasses as they descend to their reception area, stepping off the podium after Dane and Gemma. They emerge victorious before the screaming crowds, everyone with their own judgment or opinion. Let them have it. The optics of this gesture are not lost on her and continues to build her credibility as a whole and rounded person.

Keep that head held high. One heel in front of the other. Everything all in good time.

The Emperor may think he knows her but he has no idea.

But he will.
