Author Topic: VE: Alive  (Read 179292 times)

Offline Syren

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Re: Alive
« Reply #75 on: July 06, 2011, 02:46:21 PM »

Surface: Bolerathon Tower

Karen is reeling, wracked with guilt over yet another casualty. Just once she would like to return home without finding a dead body. She is bombarded with images from her last visit. So much blood. Mara's words snap her out of it and she grabs the saber, eyes darkening as she moves forward into the living room. Upon closer inspection, Felicia's neck is slashed open which triggers a memory of her quest on the mindscape. At the dinner table, the doctor's neck was covered in blood. Now she realizes this was a premonition which is why she felt compelled to contact her when she awoke. Mara's voice jars her back into the present.

"Price's team is on the way."

Karen reaches out with the Force, feeling through the expansive residence, "He's not here."


"Agent Guile. He's not here."

Mara glances at her curiously, "How can you be sure?"

"You must learn to hone your senses beyond that of your programming. Reach out with your mind and you will feel I am the only other living thing here. In time, darling, this skill will make you the most formibable woman in the galaxy. Even more terrifying than I, if you can believe it."

Karen's speech is light but firm, her body reacting to the trauma in the darkly humorous way she is most comfortable.

"He is more clever than most. He has eluded Imperial detection for years by hiding in plain sight and wouldn't necessarily stick around for the reaction shot. This act is not random, it's symbolic. When he infiltrated my ground team, he killed doctor Ariq Osiris, agent Mod Navris and agent Violet Wyndam. Doctor Kensington was wounded but managed to survive. He made a second attempt on her life weeks later but I was able to stop him. For him, this would just be finishing up something he started."

She grips the saber, turning to face Mara.

"Agent Guile is operating on the assumption that everyone in connection with the prophecy must be eliminated in order for it to be fulfilled. The message signifies he believes he is helping me along. He doesn't know we have spoken to Medivh and realize what my father has planned. We are going to allow him to continue thinking that to maintain the element of surprise."

Karen stares down at the doctor sadly, reaching down to close her eyes.

"I'm sorry, Felicia. We will avenge them all."

The doorway is suddenly flooded with Imperial agents who swarm into the residence. Two of them hover protectively around Karen and Mara while the others search the rooms. They return to the living room, giving the residence an all clear. They await instructions.

"The doctor is to have a proper funeral as she died protecting our Empire. Have Commander Price make arrangements."

They nod as a small medical team enters the residence. They gingerly move Felicia, placing her into a body bag then onto a floating stretcher that is quickly pushed out of the room. The scrub team waits for her signal. She informs them that an investigation will not be necessary. The responsible party is known and will suffer greatly for this personal afront to their team. Karen directs Mara back out into the hall while they clean. They wander away from the residence until they arrive at another door marked with a cursive M.

"There are only two penthouses on this floor. Mine and Melanie's. The Four exchanged keys and access codes in case something happened. This qualifies as a something. We can wait in here."

Karen taps in the code and steps inside. Melanie's residence is like a museum with white furniture and a massive shell chandalier that snakes from the foyer into the living room. The hanging pieces reflect light and cast a warm glow over them. She motions to the white shag rug taking up a good majority of the living room floor and asks Mara to sit and relax. There would be time to grieve for Felicia but she knows Mara must be somewhat disoriented with the discovery of her new abilities and connection. This is something Karen must first explain before helping her get comfortable with it. For a long time, Karen personally struggled with her connection to the Force. She saw what it did to Alexia and was terrified she would fall victim to the same. Thanks to Mara and Medivh, she was pulled back from the brink of insanity. She would repay the favor by helping Mara learn.

"The Force is an energy field created by all living things, that surrounds and penetrates living beings and binds the galaxy together. You, Mara, live. As difficult as that is for me to wrap my mind around, it is true. You are unlike anything else in the universe. You are unique and special but must learn to use this gift in tandem with your sensors and programming. If seamlessly executed, you will be unstoppable."

Karen kneels before Mara.

"Close your eyes and tell me what you feel around you."


Offline Medivh

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Re: Alive
« Reply #76 on: July 07, 2011, 09:15:24 AM »

Surface: Bolerathon Tower

Mara is not used to the hovering protection of others. She was a lone agent, and being surrounded by imperial bodyguards was discomforting to her, despite understanding their necessary function.  Karen has snappeed back into reality and is giving orders with authority to her men.  Then she leads Mara away from the crime scene, the hallway to another door on the opposite side of the tower.  Whereas the Winton 'W' was bold, the cursive M  had a more subtle look to it.  Two diametrically opposed forces, facing each other, opposites of each other, symbolized by two letters - W M.  Mara wondered if Karen noticed the symbolism, either now or while she was growing up.  Her father certainly did.

But come to think of it, that was all just part of the lie.  The subtle symbols of two houses, together but opposed to each other wasn't what the prophesy or the entire war were about.  No doubt the lightside and the darkside of the Force, and their surrogates - the Empire and the Republic - still had epic fights, struggling for dominance.  But this battle, this current war was something else altogether.  The Dark Side - Karen, Dementat- and the lightside - Masterton - had a joint enemy whose shadow made even Karen's and Dementat's Empire seem refreshingly good.  Everything was shades of gray.

"There are only two penthouses on this floor. Mine and Melanie's. The Four exchanged keys and access codes in case something happened. This qualifies as a something. We can wait in here."

The room reflects the image of Melanie that Karen had depicted.  Karen leads Mara over to a rug thatfilled up the center of the living room, telling Mara to sit and relax.  Sitting Mara could do easily enough. But relaxation was a bit more complicated - how does a machine relax?  She silently lowered down the threat level programming that had been triggered by the site in Karen's apartment.  She ran a sweep of background programs that didn't need to be running at the moment, and shut those down.  The cyber-biotic interfaces, connecting her musculature, skin, and other biological components with her mechanical systems were then tweaked to reduce electronic flow.  Muscles began to loosen and Mara nodded her head to Karen.  Check.

"The Force is an energy field created by all living things, that surrounds and penetrates living beings and binds the galaxy together. You, Mara, live. As difficult as that is for me to wrap my mind around, it is true. You are unlike anything else in the universe. You are unique and special but must learn to use this gift in tandem with your sensors and programming. If seamlessly executed, you will be unstoppable."

Mara had heard the Force speech before, understood its implications, but never thought they applied to her.  Until recently, the idea of her being a living thing was little more than a dream.  Of course, come to think of it, dreams were her first real step to living.  But now, she was taking more control, focusing on a component of her that didn't run on subroutines.  Or maybe it did - maybe she was a machine of the Force, like Star Forge, or other famous relics of the past.  She resisted the urge to start running research on other machines that used the Force, focusing instead on Karen.

"Close your eyes and tell me what you feel around you."

She hesitated before closing her eyes.  She could see blinking sensor lights, diagnostics of herself, indicating how well her structure was being maintained, how well systems worked, etc.  Not what she was looking for.  She shut down those automatic diagnostics, leaving her staring at blackness.  Much like her recent dreams.

At first there was nothing, quite disappointingly.  Then Mara felt her vision expanding, the very blackness that she was watching growing more and more vast.  Then what looked like bleeps. A few minutes later, she could see vast networks of electrical lines, forming familiar patterns

"I can see the electrical systems of Bolerathon Tower, like pulses of energy."

Her own systems could have probably done that, though not as efficiently.  She urged her subconscious subroutines to seek out more.

Focus shifted across to the apartment full of imperial agents.

"I can see the Imperial troops, cleaning up your apartment.  24 individuals, all over 5'10, according to imperial regulations.  I can see their heartbeats, beating - hearts beating approximately 110 times per minute, indicating higher than at rest, due to higher adrenaline, plus the tasks at hand"

Overly clinical analysis, but the droid nature in her made certain things standout more.  images grew a bit clearer, and she could see the imperials much like an infrared camera would, with brighter colors and darker colors according to heat or some other factor.  She turned her attention around, back to their current apartment.  That "infrared" vision in her head became brighter, and she could see Karen, shimmering in a glow.

Then she felt it - she didn't just SEE Karen, she FELT Karen, a presence, and she could tell the emotions that Karen was feeling too.

"I can see you - I can FEEL you.  Your trying to be calm, to help me. But you are very, very angry.  You look like you are radiating energy, like electrical systems, and neon bulbs with high wattage."

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
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Offline Syren

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Re: Alive
« Reply #77 on: July 07, 2011, 09:36:49 PM »

Surface: Bolerathon Tower: Masterton Penthouse

Karen kneels before Mara, watching her focus on their surroundings. There are tremors as Mara dives deeper into her connection. Karen can feel these tremors as the air around them seems to ripple.

"I can see the Imperial troops, cleaning up your apartment. 24 individuals, all over 5'10, according to imperial regulations. I can see their heartbeats, beating - hearts beating approximately 110 times per minute, indicating higher than at rest, due to higher adrenaline, plus the tasks at hand."

She nods, if only to herself.

"Can you feel their fear? I can almost taste it. They are frightened and have every reason to be. They do not know what is coming. Focus here, in this room, where it is just you and I. Tell me what you feel."

"I can see you - I can FEEL you. Your trying to be calm, to help me. But you are very, very angry. You look like you are radiating energy, like electrical systems, and neon bulbs with high wattage."

Karen closes her eyes.

"I am angry, hurt and outraged but in control. Learning trumps vengeance for now. In my experience, organics tend to appear and feel warmer while nonorganic things run cool. I can see and feel you too but unlike any other. You appear to me as two currents, one bright orange and yellow and the other blue and green. I can sense both parts of you, the whole you..."

"You can see everything just as plainly as you would with your own eyes if you concentrate hard enough. Everything is just as tangible. Things can be moved, altered or destroyed on a whim. It extends your senses or, in your case, programs, sensors and mechanics beyond their reasonable capabilities. Your superhuman strength will be amplified and more accessible at a greater distance. If you can be maintain an awareness of the subtleties around you every move, every strike, every counter, will seem effortless and instinctive."

"Now, reach out through the Force and touch me."

She can feel Mara's focus grow more narrow as she concentrates on the objective. Karen remembers the first time Kimber and Valerie asked Melanie and Karen to prove they had any special abilities at all. Karen levitated a candelabra and nearly passed out from exertion. Melanie refused but later told her that Kimber's heart was pure.

Then, she feels it. Physically. There is light pressure on her right arm. A prod of progress. Smiling, she reaches out in return, intending to poke Mara in the side but is overcome with powerful flashes.
Images of Valerie - laughing, beckoning, writhing with a devious grin - sear through her mind.

Karen gasps loudly, dropping forward. Mara opens her eyes widely, confused.

"It's okay, it's alright. That I felt you but I also felt her."

Karen regains balance and shivers.

Questions arise in the wake of the flashes.

"The Force is accessed through midi-chlorians within the cells of living things. The biological side of you was taken from someone else. Valerie Gellar was not Force sensitive. We were all tested. So that would mean your midi-chlorian count was raised somehow by integrating it into the genetic material used to create you."

She continues to muse aloud, struggling to grasp such a broad concept.

"And how it is I am able to feel you so easily now? You were a virtual blind spot in the Force before. It's like, something was activated in you. I could feel it very clearly on the shuttle, like someone turning you all the way on. Do you know how this happened? Was it your memories that triggered the connection?"


Offline Medivh

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Re: Alive
« Reply #78 on: July 08, 2011, 09:47:37 AM »

Surface: Bolerathon Tower: Masterton Penthouse

"I can see you - I can FEEL you. Your trying to be calm, to help me. But you are very, very angry. You look like you are radiating energy, like electrical systems, and neon bulbs with high wattage."

Mara is excited by the connection, the ability to 'poke' Karen without moving any closer to her.  Like a computer network, where you can reach across the galaxy without actually moving.  But this network was - bigger, more complex.  And it included everything, not just machines.  At the light touch, she can feel the texture of Karen's skin, can picture the components of each cell.

She feels a momentarytouch in return, a non-physical, light pressure against her arm, before it disappears, Karen gasping, and Mara opens her eyes

"Is something wrong?"

"It's okay, it's alright. That I felt you but I also felt her."

Mara knows who she is talking about - Valerie Gellar.  They had both had images about the woman/martyr, and both were tied to her in their own way.  Mara wondered if by touching Karen, she would start having similar flashes.  But then again, Valerie's connection to Mara was unique - Valerie was a PART of who Mara was.

"The Force is accessed through midi-chlorians within the cells of living things. The biological side of you was taken from someone else. Valerie Gellar was not Force sensitive. We were all tested. So that would mean your midi-chlorian count was raised somehow by integrating it into the genetic material used to create you."

"And how it is I am able to feel you so easily now? You were a virtual blind spot in the Force before. It's like, something was activated in you. I could feel it very clearly on the shuttle, like someone turning you all the way on. Do you know how this happened? Was it your memories that triggered the connection?"

Mara thought back to her experiences of the past few weeks.

"I don't think it was supposed to be triggered - The dreams started after I suffered a near fatal injury, at the hands of Saga Judec.  Huge explosion, huge fall, running for my life.  I was very, very weak, and had to shut down most of my systems to conserve energy.  Even when I conducted repairs, the dreams stayed, because the trigger had already been sprung.  I was programmed, or so I had been told, to be able to fight a Force user, and my subroutines and biological makeup are designed to keep my presence hidden.  And they were, except during those dreams.  Now though - I guess realizing that what Medivh said applied to me, keeps the trigger turned all the way on - keeps the midichlorians which were artificially added to my DNA sequencing - active."

An electrical trigger could cause biological reactions, and her systems may have been designed to 'activate' or 'deactivate' midichlorians in her biological components.

"Let me try something"

Mara closed her eyes again, immediately seeing the glow that the Force had cast around Karen and the room, just as she had seen before.  But rather than focusing more on Karen, to see her as tangibly as she said was possible, she looked in to herself, running a search of her systems.  Because now, she knew what she was looking for.

One particular set of electrical signals was meshed in with her general mental synaptic systems.  But now she was realizing, it wasn't connecting to most of her other systems. In fact, at first appearance, that set of signals seemed to just lead nowhere, a looped circuit.  Mara closed in, analyzing it.  A very simplistic signal, it turns out. A straight energy pulse, with a cut off at the bottom and a potentially unlimited energy pulse going up.  It was a signal she didn't even know she had.

Running a history check, she began going through that signal's history.  The signal spiked on various occasions, all of which coincided with her dreams.  The signal was completely dormant prior to her injury on Corellia.  And now? The signal was running on a steady rate, higher than before.  This sustained higher rate had started with her last dream spike, indicating that it was in fact awareness of her potential ability that triggered the signal.

Now though was the real test.  with new access to the signal that triggered her midichlorian activity, could she manipulate that signal?  Moving to the source of the signal, she slowly began reducing the power output.  As she drew closer to zero output for the signal, the images of Karen and the room began to fade and blur, until they had disappeared into the black landscape behind her diagnostics.  She no longer felt Karen. And in all likelihood, that meant Karen could no longer feel her.

Her eyes opened and she looked over at Karen

"I can turn it off - I can turn on or off my connection with the Force. At will."

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
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Offline Syren

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Re: Alive
« Reply #79 on: July 14, 2011, 08:33:35 PM »

Surface: Bolerathon Tower

Karen listens intently as Mara explains the process through which her connection came about. The woman is, undoubtedly, amazing. She's a work of art, expertly crafted into a perfect package of lethality and beauty.

"Let me try something."

As Mara focuses inward, Karen's mind drifts back to the doctor, to her friends, to the things they have learned. She could feel him. Dementat. On Byss. He is thinking about her. She smiles.

Mara speaks.

"I can turn it off. I can turn on and off my connection to the Force."

Karen arches a brow, "That will come in handy when you do not wish to be sensed by others. You continue to astound me, Mara."

The door chime sounds. She opens it with the flick of her wrist.

Commander Price enters and bows on one knee.

"Your Highness, I am so sorry for your loss."

Karen nods, signaling for him to stand.

He presents her with the bagged heels and comlink.

"When we returned to the Quandary, these were found in a storage dock. Also, a puddle of blood that came back as a positive match for doctor Kensington. Her lab was trashed, there were signs of a struggle and the location of the items suggests she was chased. We believe she was murdered on the ship and brought here. A formal investigation is underway."

Normally, she would be furious they did not inform her of this sooner but she is far too emotionally damaged to nit-pick.

"Thank you, commander. Get me the photage from the Quandary along with the Bolerathon security vids. Also, miss Gellar and I will need a pair of secure comlinks and the equipment from my executive level on the ship. Can you do this for me?"

"Of course, your Highness. What of the funeral?"

Karen's jaw is set, eyes burning.

"We bury the doctor at sunset."

Price nods and leaves the room.

She turns back to Mara, her voice softer than it normally is.

"No more training for today. We can work on combat in the morning. You understand the fundamentals and are granted a luxury most Force users are not afforded. Reflect on what you've learned, practice these skills as you repair any lingering damage. I am sorry the High Commander hurt you. He will not get the chance to do so again."

Karen motions around the room.

"You can have this place to yourself. The equipment you need should be delivered shortly. You do not have to accompany me to the funeral. It's just something I have to do. The doctor should not have died. Her involvement in any of this was my fault. I owe her a proper send off."

She leaves Mara and returns to the Winton penthouse. A large security force has the floor on lockdown. The scrub team is gone. A nearly identical new couch replaces the other. The message on the wall wiped clean. Sometimes she wishes it were that easy to forget. You can't undo what is done. There is no hiding who you are with a makeover.

Karen pads languorously around the spacious residence, a mixture of emotions swelling through her. She soaks in a bath, pulling her knees to her chin and sobs. The release is something she must do in private. She had shown Mara a vulnerable side of herself few people know. She misses her friends and is still extremely wounded by Medivh's revelations and what it may mean for all of them. Her mind drifts from Dementat to her father then back to Mara, contemplating what she symbolizes.

If the prototype works, how close is her father to building his army? And where are they?

She has a feeling they would soon find out.


With a brilliant orange sun sinking into the ocean, a small group gathers on the white sands of Imperial Beach. There is a grey coffin bearing the Imperial insignia beside a large, neatly dug hole.

Karen approaches in a flowing black dress, barefoot, wearing giant circular sunglasses. Her crimson hair is intensified in the last of the sun's rays as strands blow across her somber face. She stops at the edge of the group, glancing briefly at Commander Price and Captain Voltaire who, on her orders, are dressed formally. Collecting herself, she addresses the small crowd.

"Felicia Kensington was more than a doctor. She was a friend, a companion - part of our team and our Empire. No crime against us shall go unpunished and her killer will be brought to justice. The Empire will prevail and those who have lost their lives in the wake of our victories shall be avenged."

The coffin is lowered into the ground.

Commander Price scoops in a shovel full of sand.

The others offer assistance silently.

"May she rest in peace," Karen whispers.

She waits until the hole is completely filled, dismissing the agents and thanking both the Captain and Commander. Turning, her eyes travel up the length of the Bolerathon Tower looming above them all as the last sliver of the sun slips below the horizon.


Back in the Winton Penthouse, she opens a bottle of wine and wanders through the darkened living room. The main consol bleeps. Sighing, she moves closer and taps on the projector.

A small image of Admiral Saevia's face and shoulders appear.

"Good evening, your Highness."

The way she says this is like being stabbed with an icicle.

Karen groans and takes a swig from the bottle. She doesn't even bother to remove her sunglasses.

"What do you want?"

"I have a message."

"Next time send it through the Commander. It's something about your face. What was that? Oh yes, right, I can't stand it."

Saevia glowers in the hologram but remains completely composed.

"The Emperor is recalling the fleets to Byss. That includes the Corporeal Quandary."

Karen raises a hand and opens it slowly, energy crackling off her fingertips.   

"Last time I checked, I don't take orders from you."

The Admiral swallows.

"It is a request from the Emperor."

Karen smiles slyly.

"That's better. See, it's all about the phrasing. Is the capital in danger?"

"This is strictly precautionary."

The woman is as transparent as she is spiteful.

Karen tilts her head sharply.

"No, it's not but please inform the Emperor I shall send the Quandary along shortly."

She cuts the connection before the Admiral can respond. Saevia has never liked her and the feeling is mutual. She judged her for the superficial where as Dementat saw past that to the person she really was. Karen could sense Saevia's feelings for him the instant they met. It was both shameless and desperate. Needless to say, she was more than just a little disappointed when he chose Karen but hey, it's destiny, bitch.

Get over it.

So, why recall the fleets? Something is amiss. That much is certain. She wants desperately to call Dementat but realizes she would have to explain herself.

What would she say?

Hi, babe! Oh, me? I'm fabulous because, as it turns out, that whole prophecy thing was a total crock of shit and now my undead Force-wielding psychopath replica droid of a father is getting ready to unleash worlds of hurt on our legacy with an evil hoard of Force-sensitive Phage-a-like's which Mara and I plan to hunt down and destroy so, like, don't worry about it.

How's your day going?

Karen shakes her head.

No way.

That conversation is ripe with loaded questions and dire implications.

In her own way, she is protecting him. Dementat has worked so hard to repair the damage the Republic had done. They were on their way to a glorious galactic comeback and she is bent on making that happen. She just has a slightly different approach to the whole thing, one that is as surprising as it is tragic.

Their love is a force more powerful than the darkness of Alexander Winton.

And soon, she would set them free.


Offline Medivh

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Re: Alive
« Reply #80 on: July 15, 2011, 10:08:21 AM »

Surface: Bolerathon Tower: Masterton Penthouse

Mara is left to herself while Karen goes to attend the funeral of Dr. Kensington.  There was a pain in Karen's voice, subtle to be sure, but Mara could detect it - even without the Force.  Funny - the relationship that Karen seemed to have with Kensington, as far as Mara had seen in that brief interaction on the star destroye, had not been one of closeness.  More of a mutual, conspiratorial type of relationship.  They were "in this thing together" and so worked together.  Was it more than that?  Or maybe Karen's current feelings were ones of guilt - maybe she felt responsible for Felicia Kensington's death?

Mara wondered if with her newfound abilities, if she could learn more, could glean a bit more about how Karen felt.  But as Karen was walking out, she decided against the attempt.  There were boundaries of privacy, and Mara knew better than to pry too much, despite her programmed desire to seek out information.  Infiltrator indeed.

Alone now, she contemplated the changes in her life, from being an operative of Phage to having a totally different course, ultimately seeking to destroy those who created Phage.  Maybe she was a traitor.  But a traitor to them - to Phage, and to Alexander winton - didn't seem to be a bad thing. In fact, it made Mara feel pretty good.
But she needed to make sure she was prepared.  Understanding the gift she had been given, this connection to the Force, a connection to all living things, made her feel like she was one with them, a part of those living things.  Now, she had to hone that connection and make it work for her.

First, feel the connection - slipping into her subroutines, she triggered that 'Force signal' back up, raising its power output to a level just above where she had discovered it just a few minutes ago.  She could immediately feel its impact now, a sudden greater awareness to what was around her.  She closed her eyes and began to concentrate, seeing how that connection could be worked.

Memory files deep in her personal archives included, among other things, files about Jedi and Sith training.  She had never before needed to access them, nor even understood their purpose for being included. Now, she realized, it was so that she and other models to come after her, could effectively fight against force wielders like Karen and Melanie.

Pulling up those trainings, she found some basic routines.  Feeling connections.  Moving small objects.  Exercise, with enhanced abilities.  Manipulation of others.  She found three general areas of abilities: control, sense, and alter.

Control was about that basic connection to the Force, and was used for things like meditation and rejuvenation.  Control, as it turned out, was something Mara already had - her programming provided the discipline to connect with the Force, at will.

Sense was a 6th sense ability - precognition, seeing things one woudn't be able to see otherwise, feeling what others think and feel.  This combined with control was the skill that Karen was training her in a few minutes ago.

Alter was the active use of the Force - to actively manipulate the Force: to push and pull oneself or others, to heal or to damage, and most of the 'really cool' Force powers.

Mara began studying these files, of powers used by the lightside and darkside, began studying how they were taught, and what was needed to implement these abilities.  Learn before doing.  If anyone had approached her, they would see her eyes closed, flickering as she processed information.

Some training would require doing, to be sure.  But Mara's natural discipline would - hopefully - allow her to learn in days what it took others years to learn.  Or she might find this ability was so organic it might take her a very, very long time to learn.

while Felicia Kensington was being laid to rest on the beach, Mara began to practice - looking at small trinkets around the apartment, she tried lifting them up.

She felt a surge of power, felt the Force flowing through her.  Putting out her hand, as if to direct that power, she pointed it at a vase a few feet away.

The vase began to shake, slowly, ever so slowly lifting up - and then, it simply smashed into pieces, collapsing in a pile of dust.

Mara stared at it, frustrated.  Apparently, access to the Force was not the only step.  Too much energy focused on one thing might, well, not work.  She had to learn to finesse - to use only some of this connection on a particular task.  No doubt there were things that required more energy - some of those Force shields, or a lightning attack. But picking up a knick-nack was more subtle.

She turned to another piece on another small table, trying agan.  The object, metallic, managed to lift up about a full foot before it crunched together, much like aluminum foil.

Several more objects found themselves destroyed before Mara finally was able to lift something several feet in the air, and bring it close to her.  She started flinging small objects all across the room, some, lifting them up and letting the Force carry them all the way across, some, she just "threw" with the Force, letting natural motion take it the rest of the way - and then trying to catch it before it hit the ground.  Varying levels of success, but as a machine, once she succeeded, she could recall what was needed to be done the first time, making future successes much more likely. She took a while to succeed, but a computer learns fast - and with each success, her confidence grew.

She moved on to larger objects - tables, chairs, couches.  She remembered a famous jedi addage  - 'size doesn't matter when connected with the Force'

Of course, when Jedi Masters said that, it wasn't true. it was to make a point - with the Force, anything was possible, but that didn't mean the bigger things didn't require more effort.  Mara adjusted her control as she tried lifting the plush couch in the room, feeling its heaviness from several feet away.  Feeling how the Force flowed over and under it and how, like a string, she could use the Force to pick it up.

Higher and higher objects went until they touched the apartment ceiling.  Mara tried picking several things up at once, slowly putting more strength into her newfound abilities, until the room looked quite comical as every piece of furniture was floating near the ceiling.  Mara began upping the input of power, higher and higher, to see how the level of midichlorians affected her efforts


She hadn't meant to spike another dream, but apparently, that was a level of control she had a long way before obtaining.

This was distinctly not a past she was seeing.  There was a a battle going on, between Karen and Melanie Masterton.  Karen was fighting defensively, trying to reason with Melanie who, with a solemn face kept on the attack.  Then it changed, and suddenly, Karen, eyes blackened,was fighting back, the two Force fighters locked in a struggle that could only lead to death.

The image panned out, and she could see a large space station, surrounded by a Corellian and Imperial fleet, also heavy fighting between them.

Finally, she saw a young man, wearing a Corellian Defense training outfit, standing next to an older man, whom she recognized as the Former CorSec Director (the one who apparently realized who she was), as they were setting charges to go off near some type of computer system.

Then she heard a loud shot, like a blaster fire, and the image went black.


Thud. Thud. Thud. Crash

Mara blinked, her eyes open.  Around her, furniture and decorations were in disarray, having fallen to the floor. Several more items had crashed.

Control.  Mara had to learn how to control those visions, or her abilities with the Force would be useless.

With a firm resolve, she began to try again, this time,trying to clean up the mess she made.

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
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Offline Syren

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Re: Alive
« Reply #81 on: July 19, 2011, 12:53:02 AM »

Stretched out in the massive bed, Karen slumbers deeply and deliciously. She dreams in bright colors and romantic ideals. They are dreams of the way it could be. In the crimson haze, she and Dementat rule the galaxy together. They are happy and everything is perfect. Melanie, Kimber and Mara round out the group and for a lasting moment, it is exactly as it was.


Such a thing was not meant to last.

Her emerald green eyes flash open, a gentle sea breeze drifting softly through the room to cool her skin. Rising, she pads into the living room where the vids she requested seem to glare at her from the coffee table. She knows what she will find but must see them anyway.

Marius Guile makes the show worthwhile, not hiding from anyone.


The audio serves as confirmation.

"The second coming."

The murder is spectacularly brutal.

"One more casualty in their parade of victims. One step closer to victory."

Her eyes darken briefly.

That's what he thinks.

Marius even has the audacity to wave as he drags Felicia's lifeless body into the Winton Penthouse.

He could have erased this photage. He could have slipped seamlessly away.

The reason he doesn't is made very clear.

This is the formal announcement.

Sickened, she stops the vid. Pieces of the past shift into place. It is then she realizes Guile has always been there, watching silently in the background. On Alexander's orders, he nudged them along while her father kicked back and pretended like it was all so horrible. The apologies, broken promises, lies, as the capital kids pleaded for help that never came and Agent Venko was helpless to defend them from a force larger than any of them could understand. Their parents left for the Outer Rim one summer and never came back. It never stung when there were so many shiny things around her. Now she sees this was a planned exodus as the masterminds exited stage right but left behind a vicious babysitter and a void of confusion.

Brushes with death, the hoverlimo crash, an alarming increase in the vanishing murdered North Coruscant co-ed's - executed by Agent Guile?

How much of what happened before they let Alexia loose was his doing?

He must suffer until the very end.

Karen Winton would make sure of that.

After a shaky breakfast, she returns to the Masterton Penthouse. The place is noticeably different but tidy. Several pieces of furniture are scuffed or broken altogether. She smiles.

"Practicing, are you? Excellent. It's always a bit rough in the beginning-"

Her voice drops off.

She is flooded with a rush of panic, head filled with screams. There is distress, chaos, explosions and life blotted out of existence. Emotion ripples through her very being.

She gasps.

Mara is staring widely at her.

"Did you feel that? Something is wrong..."

Karen grabs her com.

"Price, get word to Saevia. Have all our fleets check in with her."

"Of course, your Highness."

She pauses, recovering slightly.

"Load my package onto the recon-modified shuttle and send it to the surface. You are to return to Byss immediately."


He is worried and she is touched but there is more at stake.

"Do as I command. You are on the Emperor's watch now. His orders are to be obeyed without question. Is that clear?"

"As you wish, your Highness."

She clicks off, turning back to Mara. A level of trust that never seemed possible when they first met powerfully permeates the room. They have come a long way in a short time. This discovery process has brought them together but they have kilometers to go before they sleep....

"Dementat is recalling the fleets. The Admiral said it was strictly precautionary but I don't buy it and you won't either when you hear what Marius Guile had to say as he hunted down the good doctor."

Karen's gaze is sharply focused.

"Does the term 'second coming' mean anything to you?"


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Re: Alive
« Reply #82 on: July 21, 2011, 08:48:54 AM »

Mara feels drained and exhausted in a way she never has before.  Batteries within droids are quite capable of lasting for decades before reqiring a full recharge, but activating the Force within her, especially at those peak levels, pulled a lot of those reserved resources.  Practicing for hours had taken its toll and Mara was reminded that while that explosion on Coronet had triggered her new abilities, they also had wounded her.  And her repairs had been rushed.  Sure, she could move furniture around, but when it came to a full fledged battle, how would she be able to match against another if her power source drained?

She was resting on one of the couches, not caring much for the comfort, but it allowed her body to be prepped without risk of falling while she recharged.  Her body was put on low power mode, the Force ability turned all the way off for now, and she closed her eyes, leaving her in that darkness that allowed her systems and batteries to recharge.

She therefore did not feel Karen's presence as she approached, but droid hearing is better than most, and even in her powered down state, she heard the door open and she looked over to Karen as she entered.

The future empress glanced around the room appraisingly before turning her attention to Mara.

"Practicing, are you? Excellent. It's always a bit rough in the beginning-"

Karen suddenly looks as if her speech was cut off, her eyes going wide, looking as if she was gripped by a sudden attack.

Mara, still powering up, looks at her anxiously.

"Did you feel that? Something is wrong..."

Mara's Force ability was turned off, so of course she had not.  Would she have even if the power was on?  She was still recharging, and she didn't want to overwork her systems.  Not to see if she could sense what Karen did.  she watches in silence as Karen grabs her com.

Authority asserted, orders made before she turns her attention back to Mara, who was running a quick diagnostic as her motor functions returned to her.

"Dementat is recalling the fleets. The Admiral said it was strictly precautionary but I don't buy it and you won't either when you hear what Marius Guile had to say as he hunted down the good doctor. Does the term 'second coming' mean anything to you?"

Mara gave Karen an inquisitive look. second coming?  the words sounded almost religious.

"Is it from the prophesy?  I don't think I recall those words being used before.  Although when I was built, a main part of my mission was to help Phage in his second attack on Corellia.  That was Phage's 'second coming' but it seems like that wouldn't matter now."

"If Phage is back ..."
Mara momentarily shuddered at the thought "than that would be his 'third coming' as it were.  Alexander Winton, though, is only on his second life.  It could be his second coming. Maybe if I see the videos ..."

Mara was trying to be helpful, but she was grasping at straws.  Her systems were now fully online and she closed her eyes, seamlessly tapping into the tower's video systems and screening back. It didn't take long - as she had predicted, Marius Guile had been here only hours before they had arrived.  It crossed her mind that maybe he knew they were coming?  With her eyes closed, she watched the security video, her face frowning as she watched Marius Guile drag in the body and position it. That wasn't the video that Karen had referred to.  It was the one of the murder.

Again, Mara began running through surveillance tapes, but not ones from the tower.  Karen had ordered the vid inputed into the system so she could watch.  And Mara had learned  - well no, Mara had been programmed - to understand that anything connected into a system cannot truly be secured from anything else in the system. Once your in, it's only a matter of time before you have what want.

There it was - in a downloaded file location, the video Karen had requested.  The murder was more gruesome than the aftermath.

"The second coming. It's going to be epic. Too bad you won't be around to see it."

Mara's eyes fluttered open and she looked to Karen.

"I thought watching the videos myself would be enlightening.  Your network security here is horrible.  Anyone seems to be able to gain access, and can watch anything on the system"

Karen probably isn't too happy with Mara's rummaging, but Mara hasa more important revelation.

"We need to change our form of transportation.  Guile's timing is too perfect.  He knew not only where we were going, but knew when we would arrive.  That means two things. One, he has someone working on the inside. At least one of the crew of the Corporeal Quandary is aiding him. Helping him get on and off the ship, helping him track its movements. Giving him access codes.  Two, he has hacked into your personal shuttle.  He was able to know where we were, and know our navigational destinations.  He may even have been able to use the security cameras to see and hear our conversations.  He can probably see and hear the conversation we are having now.

We need you to order your fleet to go - and then we need to change ships, something non-imperial, if we can find it on planet.  Some ship that Marius Guile couldn't get his hands on.  Once we do that, we can start figuring out how to stop this 'second coming'"

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Offline Syren

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Re: Alive
« Reply #83 on: July 22, 2011, 09:24:31 PM »

Surface: Bolerathon Tower

Karen is slightly insulted by Mara's cursory scan of the building systems but remembers this was, in part, designed by her father. He must have made it easy to spy on them, to ensure the right reactions were being had by all the right people.
The things he must know about them are mortifying.

Mara goes on to make a larger point.

"We need to change our form of transportation. Guile's timing is too perfect. He knew not only where we were going, but knew when we would arrive. That means two things. One, he has someone working on the inside. At least one of the crew of the Corporeal Quandary is aiding him. Helping him get on and off the ship, helping him track its movements. Giving him access codes. Two, he has hacked into your personal shuttle. He was able to know where we were, and know our navigational destinations. He may even have been able to use the security cameras to see and hear our conversations. He can probably see and hear the conversation we are having now."

Someone on the inside. A traitor in their midst. The notion causes anger to unspool within her. Which one of them would betray her? Those who have not witnessed her wrath have seen what becomes of those who get in the way.

Mara presses on.

"You need you to order your fleet to go - and then we need to change ships, something non-imperial, if we can find it on planet. Some ship that Marius Guile couldn't get his hands on. Once we do that, we can start figuring out how to stop this 'second coming.'"

Karen nods, "Agreed. Our package should arrive shortly and then the Quandary will return to Byss as instructed. I can have Commander Price take the shuttle we were scheduled to use back with him. As for future transport, leave that to me."

She pulls the comlink out of her purse, dropping it on the floor and crushing it beneath her heel. 

"You and I no longer need these. Not with the power we share. I need to go out for a while. If you need me, you can always call out to me."

Back in her penthouse, she considers Mara's words. The second coming could not be Phage. That time had passed. They were entering a new era, one where copies of copies could wield power bestowed upon the few and the gifted. The second coming belongs solely to her father. He would return stronger than ever to take back what he gave.

They will never allow it.

Standing in a short, beaded garçonne dress, the stylists work their magic. Hair, skin, makeup, heels - they handle everything. Karen smirks at herself in the mirror and heads out into the public eye for another dazzling performance.


West Iobatese Beach

The fleets always roll through the Hessy on their way back to the capital. It's a tradition among the Imperial Naval Academy and one she and her friends had come to look forward to. The men, the uniform's and the shameless flirting. It once filled her with excitement but now it's all business. She could feel his presence when he landed. They shared something briefly, years ago before she met Dementat. They had helped each other heal. Now she must seek him out for a favor.

Club Hex is still the place to be. Throngs of gorgeous creatures loiter in close proximity, hoping and praying to be graced with a chance to enter. As she approaches, she can feel the climate change. Celebrities, politician's and trust funders were a frequent occurrence but the future Empress?

That's another thing entirely.

The Imperial press go rabid at the sight of her. She revels in the spotlight one more time. She waves and signs autographs as a barrage of flashes surround her. With so many watching and so much at stake, she must convince them everything is fine. This would serve a dual purpose - Her father and his minions will see she cannot be shaken while detracting from the forces that conspire around Dementat.

Karen Winton is the perfect ruse.

Inside the club, low ambient electronic pulses through the crowds that step out of the way without a word. She raises her arms and shakes her hips as she dances toward the spiral staircase leading to the exclusive upstairs lounge known as the V-Spot. Crimson ropes are moved aside as the bouncers bow in welcome of her arrival.

Predictably, the V-Spot is sparsely populated and much quieter than the club raging downstairs. Actors and models mingle with the young and powerful Imperial up-and-comers.

Captain Vex Sienna stands with a stick-figure on each arm as she appears through the hanger's-on. Conversation evaporates and he cannot conceal the sheer shock from creasing his tan, chiseled face.

Eyes glowing, she stares him down.

"I'm thirsty."

He clears his throat, "Let me get you a drink. Namanatini, right?"

She uses her hand like a blaster and points at him.


The others take the cue then nod, smile and depart quickly, leaving them standing in the middle of the room alone.

" So, Kar...I mean, your Highness. It's so nice to see you again."

"Karen will suffice from you. It is my name after all."

"How are you?"

"Fabulous. You?"

"Livin the dream."

"That's the lamest thing you've ever said. Join me?"

He hands her the drink and follows to one of the black ottoman's strategically placed around the lounge. She sits and crosses her legs, taking a long, slow and suggestive sip of the namanatini.

"Good stuff."

"I'm glad you approve."

"You seem surprised to see me."

Vex laughs, clutching the long neck of his ale bottle.

"I suppose I am. After all, you are with the Emperor now. That's what we used to call 'trading up.'"

She smiles deviously, "True but I also need your help."

"What could I possibly do for you?"

"Don't sell yourself short. I  need you to get me a discreet, non-Imperial transport capable of hyperspace travel. Back at North Coruscant, you always had the best rides both on and off world. You must have a contact somewhere."

"I know a guy."

"A guy on Hesperidium?"

"He summers here like we all do."

"Fantastic. Make it happen."

He hesitates, nervous about what the Emperor would do to him if he thought he was moving on his fiancé. She can sense his troubled thoughts and moves to appease him.

"Relax, Vex. I've been with only three people in my spectacularly short life. You were my lover before Dementat was and we agreed it would never be more than it was. You were heading back to the Academy and distraught about Tenley. I was spiraling after losing a good chunk of my social network. This isn't about sex."

"Then what's it about?"

"Our Empire, that's what. We would both do anything to protect it. You can help me do that."

Vex makes a face, "With a sick transport?"

"Not sick, not flashy. I need something that will not draw attention to itself. Something that will blend in any system should it happen to be there."

"The fleets are being recalled and now you are asking for my help. What's really going on here, Karen?"

Karen tilts her head.

"Curiosity does not become you, Captain. Will you do this for me or shall I resort to the trickery and manipulations of the past? The stories I could tell."

His eyes widen slightly. He knows better than to trifle with someone like her. She and her friends once controlled their prep school and now she was poised to control the Empire.

"Give me twelve hours."

Karen rises slowly, smiling, "You know where I'll be."

Vex Sienna watches her leave with mixed feelings. They had helped each other during a particularly dark time in their lives. But that's all it was. She was one of the only women he knew that could respect such boundaries. Now they serve the same Emperor and, for better or worse, her goal of maintaining and expanding falls in line with his own. Helping the future Empress could open doors for him. He pulls out his comlink while finishing off the ale.

It was going to be a long night.


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Re: Alive
« Reply #84 on: July 25, 2011, 06:26:20 PM »


The following morning, Commander Landon Price sets the shuttle down on Winton's private platform. He powers down and head to the ramp to find Darth Kyja waiting for him at the bottom. She stands with her arms crossed, never a good sign, in a spectacular dress. Behind her, the platform cams are nothing but crushed pieces scattered across the ground. Exposed wires spark from the empty sockets.

"Your Highness. Is everything alright?"

"You tell me."

"I'm not sure I follow..."

Her eyes grow dark as she spreads her arms, mentally hoisting him into the air. He gasps, unable to move. She throws him against the far wall and holds him firmly in place. She approaches him slowly, gazing up while the air crackles with energy around them.

"I'm going to ask you a question I already know the answer to. So, think carefully before you respond."


"Kensington's murderer knew she would be on that ship while everyone else was on the surface of Byss. In order to carry out this task, they would need access codes and the crews training schedule. Someone on my team provided these things so I have to ask, with your proximity to the information, was it you?"

Price shakes his head, "Your Highness, I would never! The doctor was a valuable asset to our team and I would never intentionally put anyone at risk."

She arches a brow.

"Not even if you secretly harbor some resentment toward me for what happened to your sister? People have made greater threats against me with less motive."

"I don't resent you. I never have. What happened to Tenley was terrible but it wasn't your fault. You didn't take her away. Although we have never spoken about it specifically, I have worked very hard to make sure you knew that."

Karen sighs, easing him back to the ground. She knows he isn't the spy, she could feel it but had to be sure he is as committed to her as he appears. Price is as loyal as they come and that would work in her favor for his next assignment.

"I am grateful to hear it, Commander. Unfortunately, this means one of your colleague's is not on our side. This person or persons do not have the Empire's best interests in mind if they are trying to undermine it from within."

"I agree completely."

"There is much at stake here, Landon. More than you know. I need you to help me find out who has betrayed me and by extension, our Emperor. We cannot allow them to take us all down to spite me."

He nods, straightening his uniform.

"I will find them, your Highness. I swear it."

Karen smiles, "You serve me well but there are those in our midst who do not share our Imperial vision. While everyone is entitled to an opinion, I just can't have that opinion clashing with certain objectives. You understand."

"Completely, your Highness."

"Excellent. Now, unload the package but return with the shuttle. Anything from the Quandary could be compromised. You are to take my ship back to Byss as the Emperor commanded and wait for instruction while you discreetly conduct your investigation. I will contact you with means of secure communication. Do not attempt to use your Imperial issue comlink or anything from onboard. Am I clear on this?"

He nods, unloading the package swiftly before departing.


An hour later, the Corporeal Quandary moves silently away from Hesperidium en route for the Imperial capital.


Bolerathon Tower

Karen returns to the Winton Penthouse and packs several suitcases. She has them and the package, disguised as luggage, sent ahead to the hotel before returning to collect Mara from the Masterton Penthouse.

"We're outta here. Girl's spa weekend."

Mara is confused and probably upset by the sudden superficial change of plans but Karen speaks within her mind.

"You are right. It's not secure here. Commander Price has left the Hessy and we can plot our attacks under the guise of a mini-getaway. From here on out we must perform to expectations. When we leave, it will be on the pretense of a vacation. With any luck this illusion will convince my father we've given up our curiosity."

They are flown out to Keoki Island in a hoverlimo where they check into the secluded and renowned Vylea Spa and hotel. In their two bedroom suite, she asks Mara to sweep for any recording devices. Finding none, she moves to the consol and sends word to Vex Sienna on their change of venue. He would deliver their transport here.

Turning back to Mara, Karen unlocks the cases to expose a vast and impressive spread of explosives and weaponry.

"Our ride should arrive in a few hours. For now, I say we plot strategy. You said we should first tackle the facilities on the lesser known worlds and I agree. We should figure out which weapons would work best for each target and outline our course for the quickest and most effective strikes."


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Re: Alive
« Reply #85 on: July 27, 2011, 01:56:44 PM »

Bolerathon Tower

Mara watched as Karen promptly smashed the comm links, telling her that they can communicate through the Force.  Then she promptly left.  Mara stared after for a moment before turning to the broken commlink pieces on the ground.

Yes, they could not use those commlinks.  But Mara was not about to just rely on the Force to communicate.  Both because she was still new to its subtlties, and because she wanted to remain 'under the radar' as much as possible about her abilities.

Picking up the smashed pieces, she began setting to work on her new project.


Mara is fiddling with two small objects when karen reenters the room

"We're outta here. Girl's spa weekend."

Almost immediately after the outloud words, Mara - who had reactivated her Force ability on a low level - heard Karen's voice in her mind.

"You are right. It's not secure here. Commander Price has left the Hessy and we can plot our attacks under the guise of a mini-getaway. From here on out we must perform to expectations. When we leave, it will be on the pretense of a vacation. With any luck this illusion will convince my father we've given up our curiosity."

Karen's mode of communication is similar to how Medivh had communicated with her back on Ord Radama.  Only, less concrete.  It was disconcerting.  Mara however says nothing while they sit in the Bolerathon Tower, knowing the dangers of speaking openly, simply nodding her head, scooping up the objects she had been working with and holding them tightly in her hands as she followed Karen out to the hoverlimo and then to the spa.

Mara detects nothing that would indicate they were being watched or recorded.

Then Karen shows her the 'package'

Imperial quality explosives and weaponry. thermal detonators, and other baradium-based explosives, Deuterium fueled explosives, various sidearms, both heavy and light.  Mara bent down, lifting one of the thermal detonators to inspect it with her free hand while Karen spoke

"Our ride should arrive in a few hours. For now, I say we plot strategy. You said we should first tackle the facilities on the lesser known worlds and I agree. We should figure out which weapons would work best for each target and outline our course for the quickest and most effective strikes."

Mara put down the thermal detonator, nodding.

"Good. But first, I have something to give you"

Mara opened up her other hand and offered Karen what she was holding.  It was a pair of diamond stud earings.

"I don't believe it is wise to rely solely on the Force for communication.  There are ways that can be disrupted.  I created a secure comm unit for you to use, and I concealed the electronics inside these earings that were located in the Masteron apartment.  It should be able to pick up anything you say, and it will give you a direct, secure connection to my internal communications systems.  It activates or deactivatesautomatically by verbal cues, saying 'communicator on' or 'communicator off'"

She handed the pair to Karen

"I tried making them fashionable enough that you wouldn't mind wearing them"

From Mara, that was probably one of the most warm-hearted things she had ever done.  Mara, however, was not about to linger, and she made her way to the other side of the package to look over more of the weaponry.

"Kamino and Geonosis are close to each other and in the outer rim. Kamino is extremly isolated, and after the Clone Wars, their main cities were destroyed by the Galactic Empire - to prevent the production of additional clones to fight against Emperor Palpatine.  Destroying facilities there should be relatively easy, by targeting the outer structure.  Precise hits may allow us to just blast the factory into the ocean.  Geonosis will be trickier.  The Geonosian warriors don't like outsiders and are probably keeping watch for anyone.  The old foundaries there may be functioning with their help, or maybe entirely without their knowing. Either way,  it will be defended.  We will need to trigger a huge number of explosions to destroy those droid foundaries, and that is not likely to make the nest of Geonosians happy.  Also, we'll have to rig the explosives inside, because the mountains will be a strong shield against external explosions."

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Offline Syren

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Re: Alive
« Reply #86 on: August 01, 2011, 12:58:10 PM »

Surface: Keoki Island

"I tried making them fashionable enough that you wouldn't mind wearing them."

Karen is touched by the thoughtful gift. She is easily swayed by the material.

Fashionable and functional.

"They are lovely, thank you."

She moves to the mirror to put them on, admiring them warmly.

Mara is as resourceful as she is deadly but seems uncomfortable with the sentimental moment. She immediately moves to the cases and glances over the weaponry. Karen can't really blame her. She wasn't programmed to bond with gal-pals over glasses of champagne and gossip about boys. Mara was once Infiltrator-01, a dangerous hand of Phage that took out most of the Trade Federation's senior management staff along with one Agent Scott St. Claire.

Mara speaks.

"Kamino and Geonosis are close to each other and in the outer rim. Kamino is extremly isolated, and after the Clone Wars, their main cities were destroyed by the Galactic Empire - to prevent the production of additional clones to fight against Emperor Palpatine. Destroying facilities there should be relatively easy, by targeting the outer structure. Precise hits may allow us to just blast the factory into the ocean. Geonosis will be trickier. The Geonosian warriors don't like outsiders and are probably keeping watch for anyone. The old foundaries there may be functioning with their help, or maybe entirely without their knowing. Either way, it will be defended. We will need to trigger a huge number of explosions to destroy those droid foundaries, and that is not likely to make the nest of Geonosians happy. Also, we'll have to rig the explosives inside, because the mountains will be a strong shield against external explosions."

Karen recalls what she knows about Kamino. The clone thing she learned in school. The inhabitants were extremely tall and impossibly thin. They would have made perfect models if they weren't so, you know, alien. If it's that isolated, it would be a good place to start. A test run for the effectiveness of the explosives. Geonosis, however, gives her pause. The species were essentially hideous bugs and Karen hates bugs. She groans inwardly and wonders how sensitive they were to mental manipulations of the Force. Non-humanoid beings are tricky like that, always a toss-up.

"Kamino first."

The room consol lights up.

"There's our ride. I'll be back in a moment."

She taps the com.

"Meet me in the bar in ten."

"Karen, I..."

"Just do it, Vex."

She cuts the conversation short, glancing at Mara.

"He's an old friend from high school. The only reason he survived is because he graduated a year ahead of us. His girlfriend and her best friend weren't so lucky."

Karen exits the room swiftly, trailing down the hall. She crosses the lobby and enters the bar to find Vex Sienna casually parked on a stool. Smiling, she moves toward him and leans against the bar.

"So, where's the goods?"

"All business with you, eh? It's sitting inconspicuously on the main platforms as you requested. No one will know it belongs to you until you decide to leave in it."

"Thanks, Vex. We'll be in touch."

He grabs her arm as she tries to leave.

"Something is coming, isn't it?"

Karen stares into his face, the concern creasing his features, then past him out into the roaring blue sea.


"I don't get any follow up?"

"You'll have your orders soon enough."

"And what about you?"

"My destiny lies on a different path from yours."

"From his?"

Their eyes meet, "The Emperor and I share the same goals with vastly different approaches. You will return to Byss and do as he commands. He and Admiral Saevia will need your expertise."

Vex frowns, "Will I see you again?"

"Perhaps," she whispers, slipping away. "But don't count on it."


Back in the suite, Karen holds up the remote lock for the shuttle. She is somewhat distraught over the questions Vex posed and even more so over her lovers new and dangerous enemy. She cannot get Marius Guile's words out of her head nor can she shake the feeling that her father will be ruthlessly gunning for Dementat. Alexander's droid army must never see the light of day.

"We can leave as soon as you are ready."


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Re: Alive
« Reply #87 on: August 04, 2011, 04:26:31 PM »

Surface: Keoki Island

"He's an old friend from high school. The only reason he survived is because he graduated a year ahead of us. His girlfriend and her best friend weren't so lucky."

Mara simply nods her head, watching as Karen steps out of the chamber to meet with her 'old friend'  a male.  She was curious what kind of friendship they had in the past, that Karen could trust him now.  And whether her fiance, Emperor Dementat, knew about that relationship.  Mara knew better than to pry.

As Karen departs, she continues looking over the weaponry, lifting up one blaster after another, testing their weight, their grip.  Several holster-belts were placed on the side of the equipment, and Mara grabbed them, lifting off her shirt and strapping two holsters across her torso, the straps running between her breasts and stomach.  For most people, the tough holster belts would probably be irritating against the skin, but Mara had learned that concealed weaponry was often the most effective. Two blasters placed in the holsters.  Shirt brought back down, hiding the equipment.  A utility belt placed around her waist, armed with several thermal detonators (all currently disarmed, of course), and another series of holsters that would house more weaponry.

Even as a droid, choosing the correct weapons, and placing them in the most useful places can take some time.  She was in the midst of holstering the last of the weapons when Karen is making her way back in.  A look on her face indicates her meeting with her 'friend' was not pleasant, but Karen seems to indicate everything is according to plan, brushing aside whatever anxiety she might have.

"We can leave as soon as you are ready."

Mara nodded, finishing holstering the weapon.


Well armed now, Mara moved over to the weaponry and sealed the cases shut.  Then, with Karen's assistance, and that of a hoverlift, they began moving the large container out to the shuttle that Karen designates.  There is a heavy weight in the air.  Until now, they had been researchers, seeking information.  Now though, they had a new task, one that would require them facing against each of their darkest fears.  Karen's father. Mara's father.  Not totally distinguishable.  The weight was palpatable, and they were silent as they moved the equipment into the shuttle, as they took their seats, and left Hesperidium behind. Mara had turned the force "off" for now, so she also could not even hear or see that behind-the-scenes buzzing.

It was not until they were in hyperspace that Mara finally broke the silence.  Something had been bothering her, a matter that until now had been secondary to everything else.

The Empire wanted Corellia.

That much had been made clear when Emperor Dementat and his admiral had visited Corellia many months ago.  They had all but threatened Governor Tacofer and High Commander Judec that they will eventually take over the Confederation.  it was a matter of time.

That possibility seemed more remote now than ever, with the Empire reeling from recent border attacks, protecting its capital, and the Corellian Confederation growing stronger with each passing day, as they had more ships, more troops, more droids.  If they were right, Alexander Winton planned on using the Corellian Confederation to destroy the Empire.  But Karen and Mara were now on a mission to prevent that to happen, destroying the droid army and essentially crippling the Corellian Confederation's source of backup troops.  Which meant, if they succeeded, the Empire would be right on their heals again.  If Judec and his fleet failed, what would stop the Empire from taking Corellia?  From making Corellia another subservient world of the Empire?

That was not what Mara wanted, not what she had been fighting for.  She fought to keep Corellia free - from Phage, from Saga Judec.  And yes, from the Empire too.  Karen, of course, wanted what was best for the Empire, wanted it to expand and grow.  She wanted the Empire to control the galaxy.  Just because they had a common enemy, just because they had begun to trust one another, didn't mean they wanted the same things in the end.

So now, before they started on that journey to destroy the only real threat to the Empire, Mara had to make sure that Corellia was safe. And so, she broke the silence

"Karen, I need you to make a promise to me.  I need you to promise that once we've destroyed your father's army, and stopped the Corellian Confederation .... I need you to promise that the Empire will let Corellia remain free."

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
May the Force be with you

Offline Syren

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Re: Alive
« Reply #88 on: August 04, 2011, 07:42:05 PM »

Karen watches with twinges of indescribable emotion as they depart from the resort moon that holds so many memories for her. She wonders if it would be the last time or if either she or Mara would survive the seemingly insurmountable task ahead of them. She wonders if she would ever get to walk down that isle to meet Dementat in holy matrimony or if that, like so many other things, was merely a silly ideal she deluded herself into believing she would ever be a part of. Nothing about them is normal. It never was. Could it ever be? Could there be a happy ending for people like them? She muses, darkly, and concludes that there are no people like them.

Once the make the jump into hyperspace, Mara turns to her.

"Karen, I need you to make a promise to me. I need you to promise that once we've destroyed your father's army, and stopped the Corellian Confederation .... I need you to promise that the Empire will let Corellia remain free."

She had almost forgotten about that. Corellia would make a significant statement for their rising Empire but now, in this moment, she feels differently. So much has happened. So many things have changed. If she has learned anything from the past, it's that the future cannot be written in stone. They are all capable of breaking the molds set for them. They have the power to undo all that has been done before them.

"Should we succeed in our mission, I have no doubt the Emperor will be most grateful. His gift to me and mine to you would be to allow Corellia its sovereignty so long as we remain civil with one another. The galaxy is vast and Dementat is as skilled a tactician as he is a lover. He knows better than to turn on those who are there when we need them the most. Corellia will crush the Confederation and be as it was meant to be. It is what Valerie fought and died for. I say we honor that above all else."

Karen fixes her gaze on Mara.

"That is my promise to you, my friend."


Offline Medivh

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Re: Alive
« Reply #89 on: August 08, 2011, 04:43:05 PM »

"Should we succeed in our mission, I have no doubt the Emperor will be most grateful. His gift to me and mine to you would be to allow Corellia its sovereignty so long as we remain civil with one another. The galaxy is vast and Dementat is as skilled a tactician as he is a lover. He knows better than to turn on those who are there when we need them the most. Corellia will crush the Confederation and be as it was meant to be. It is what Valerie fought and died for. I say we honor that above all else."

Karen fixes her gaze on Mara.

"That is my promise to you, my friend."

Mara does not speak.  There is a deep understanding, a connection within their silence.  The moment passes, but the respect, the trust remains as Mara moves on to the next subject, the task at hand.

Kamino.  It was about as far away as one could get without leaving the galaxy. Kamino, Geonosis, Tatooine - it was said that "if there was a bright center of the universe" worlds like these were as far from it as possible.  The trip in hyperspace would be long.  It would give them time to strategize.

"Once we exit hyperspace at Kamino, we will want to avoid being seen.  the management of Kamino has shifted many times since it played a role in the galaxy atlarge.  Under Palpatine, the Kaminoans were enslaved, and their factories destroyed.  That their facilities have been converted from building clones to building droids indicates a major shift in priorities.  I suggest we exit hyperspace far from the major cities and fly low over the water on our approach.  We should avoid entering the cities if at all possible, but we need to make sure the facilities are destroyed.  We also need to make sure that any communications transmitters are destroyed.  We don't want to tip anyone off.

We also could try a different tactic - flood the facility and make it look like an accident.  that might give us more time to hit our other targets.

We have some time to think about it - Kamino is a long distance away.  I suggest we spend our time preparing.  And in my case, practicing.  I know how to use a weapon, but I am still new to the Force."

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
May the Force be with you