Author Topic: VE: Alive  (Read 178309 times)

Offline Syren

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Re: Alive
« Reply #105 on: October 26, 2011, 08:13:55 PM »

Surface: Lake Country: Greyson Estate

Karen levitates the sarcophagus lid back into place, sealing Henrick Masterton in his tomb. She kisses the tips of two fingers and presses them against the carved surface.

"I am sorry you never got to tell Melanie goodbye," she whispers.

Clearing her throat, she turns back to Mara.

"How's your hand?"


She nods, "Good. We should get to work."

They ascend the spiral staircase and exit into the expansive great room. Karen moves to the left pillar and pulls the release. The fireplace slides across the opening as if the chamber below never existed. Thoughts linger with her as she ponders where Celeste could be hidden. The worst part is that she cannot simply tell Melanie what they had found. Not Kimber either. Everyone's personal com-links had long since been deactivated. This glaring truth stabs at her as she and Mara walk back through the massive estate, passing more pictures of the past. A lineage of lies line these walls but she cannot help but stop before two particularly stunning portraits, painted of each of her parents when they were still in their teens.

Alexander Winton   

Monica Greyson

Karen wonders if they knew then what was in the store them, what dizzying direction their lives would take. She finally tears her eyes away and follows Mara back to the shuttle. There can be no questions like that. Not anymore. It does not matter what others did in the past.

Only what they must do now in the present.


Offline Medivh

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Re: Alive
« Reply #106 on: October 31, 2011, 08:11:44 PM »

Surface: Lake Country: Greyson Estate

They head back to the shuttle and Mara glanced back at the facility.  Mara turned to Karen who was heading up the ramp.

"Karen ..."

Karen turns to face her

"We have to destroy it."

Karen tilted her head slightly, as if she didn't quite understand.  A moment later, it dawned on her, eyes widening.

"I can't"

"Alexander Winton knew about this place, made it into a tomb.  It was on Medivh's list.  If we don't destroy this home, entirely, there is a good chance our opportunity to destroy your father will slip past us.  We don't have a choice."

Karen seems stunned - this place had such memories.  THe only memories Karen had of a functional, happy family. Or at least, a semblance of that.

Mara though is all business, moving back into the shuttle and pulling out a number of the explosives.  She stopped in front of Karen, who was still standing there.  With a free hand, she clenched Karen's shoulder.

"I'm sorry, Karen"

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Offline Syren

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Re: Alive
« Reply #107 on: November 01, 2011, 08:55:26 PM »

Surface: Lake Country: Greyson Estate

It kills Karen inside but she knows Mara is right. Everything her father touched must burn to the ground. And so she helps her unload the explosives from the shuttle and secure them where they would do the most structural damage. She works quietly, mourning the loss of a life she never really had. She remembers the jealousy she felt for Melanie and the warmth and love her parents showered over her. Karen wanted that family. She wanted parents who cared and an unshakeable bond with her sister. Instead she wound up with an intoxicated and emotionally distant mother, the workaholic father, and a vengeful, dangerous sister. All she had were her friends. Those friends became her family. Now she does not even have them anymore.
All she has is herself, Dementat, Mara and the mission.

Perhaps one day she would properly grieve for Valerie and mend the broken friendships with Melanie and Kimber. Perhaps she would put those pieces of herself back together with a husband and an Empire of followers to worship her every move. The revelations of the present have muddled this picture and all she can see are ripples in a pond that grow into tidal waves racing toward a darkened sandy shore.

Karen considers removing the paintings of her parents but realizes she must let it all go in order to move on. She follows Mara back to the shuttle and boards without so much as a word. Mara glances sideways as she sits stoically beside her and hands her the remote. It is only fair she be the one to do it. If only everyone were so lucky as to detonate their pasts to begin anew. She takes it and waits until they begin to pull away. Her heart is screaming with anguish but she clutches the remote and squeezes with such purpose it astounds her. Explosions rip through the estate, shattering pillars and walls behind which her fondest memories were kept. Fire reaches into the sky like claws grasping in futility as the shuttle races toward Harte Secur. She does not look back. Not even once.

Let the healing begin.


Offline Medivh

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Re: Alive
« Reply #108 on: November 03, 2011, 09:08:59 AM »

Surface: Harte Secur

Harte Secur was one of the larger cities on Naboo.  Like Theed, it's beautiful architecture stood out among the natural beauty of the nearby Great Grass Plains.  During the long ago occupation of Naboo by the Trade Federation, Harte Secur had been the location of a major droid force, a temporarily successful insurrection by local resistance forces, and a massive crackdown to follow.

Though the scars of battle here had mostly gone away, a local droid transmitter that had been installed during the occupation, now stood as one of several memorials on the planet to the fight for Naboo freedom.

It was to this transmitter that the shuttle headed now.  Located just outside the city's official borders, and resting on a high cliff, the deactivated transmitter served as a silent sentinel.  It also was one that in a time of battle would be easier to defend.

That was not the case now - as they drew closer, they could see that around the transmitter, a plaza had been built over the last quarter century, using the same architectural style as the city below.  Long slabs of marble made up the floor of the wide open plaza, and plaques were imprinted in parts of the wall, memorializing those who died fighting for Naboo.  A large bronze scene of then Queen Amidala bowing down before Boss Nass, with a plaque, indicating this was the first step in reconciling the two native peoples in the joint battle.  The transmitter itself, long since deactivated, shot up behind the bronze statues, and the whole memorial oversaw the city as well as the Grassy Plains battlefield.

Mara circled around the memorial twice before making her way to an adjacent landing platform.  For the first time in their quest, they would be around people.  Around them, children and adults were coming to visit the memorial and learn about the past.  Few paid attention to the shuttle as it landed, one of many.

"Sensors aren't picking anything up. Mine or the ship's.  But I have a feeling.  I think your father's facility is located UNDER the memorial"

They glanced out the viewport, watching as dozens of school classes of children passed by.

"We are going to need to find a way to evacuate the memorial.  And we are going to have to hide who we are.  Both our faces are probably recognizable at this point.  The last thing we want is some Naboo news outlet posting a celebrity sighting of us.  So I say, step one, is change outfits. Step two, locate the target, and step three, figure out how to destroy it without killing all of these innocent people"

Mara stood from her seat and headed to the refresher in the back.


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Offline Syren

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Re: Alive
« Reply #109 on: November 15, 2011, 07:30:50 PM »

Surface: Harte Secur

Being famous has its advantages. At least it used to. The Four were once showered with attention and given everything they ever asked for. The best tables, the hottest clubs, the latest fashions, the fawning and the photage - it came with the territory. Life on a platter and all because they were pretty.

Gone are the days of celebrity shenanigans.

This is where it works against her.

Mara is right. Both of them have faces most would recognize. If she didn't look so much like Valerie, she might have half a chance but since the faces of The Four were widely broadcast to the far reaches of the known galaxy, attention would be drawn.

What to wear in a situation like this?

The other targets had been remote and public interaction was virtually nonexistent. It's funny, really, that the things she does out of the spotlight matter the most. Karen stares at herself in the mirror, dressed in neutral colors that would not call out in the crowd. Her features, those high cheek bones, that crimson hair, would be difficult to disguise. She looks terrible in hats and massive oval sunglasses would hardly conceal her presence.
There is another way.

Karen meets Mara near the ramp, speaking up before Mara can call her out.

"This is what we're going to do. The Force, if channeled appropriately, can alter the perception of others. We can make them see what we want them to see. I know what the security team on Naboo looks like. The public files have a picture of their Captain. If you can concentrate with me, I can make us appear like one of them, moving through the crowd, undetected."

She takes a breath.

"According to the memorial layout, the security center is near the transmitter. Once we arrive, we can clear the room and announce a closure for cleaning and maintenance. We wait until the plaza is empty then try to find a way to get below."

Karen waits for Mara to bring up her secondary senses. A moment later, Karen can feel her through the Force, glowing brightly.

"Watch me now."

She closes her eyes briefly, focusing on the image in her head and projecting it outward. When she opens them, Mara would see a tall, dark skinned man with a prominent jaw line and striking features. The crimson uniform varies slightly from the standard guard, indicating rank. The man smiles, voice deep and booming.

"See? The glamour is one of the oldest tricks in the book yet the hardest to maintain over periods of time. If we focus together, it should be enough to get us there. Let's go."


Offline Medivh

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Re: Alive
« Reply #110 on: November 16, 2011, 01:20:30 PM »

Surface: Harte Secur

Mara had been skilled in espionage.  In the few minutes in the refresher, she made a remarkable transportation.  No longer the spitting image of Valerie Gellar - unless, of course, someone were to look really, really closely.  Different shading of makeup had darkened her complexion, hair color had streaks of highlights that gave the illusion of a more dirty blonde look. Hair also was pulled in a tight bun, giving her a severe, teacher like look.

Clothing also had changed from her standard jumpsuit to an outfit that looked like a custodial uniform.  The new look gave her the appearance of one of hundreds of collegiate students working an internship that included helping to maintain the memorial with some of the less than desireable work (Naboo had a reputation of involving young people in civic responsibility).

She stepped out of the refresher, a new woman, waiting for Karen.

Needless to say, she was unimpressed with Karen's change when she came out.  She was about to speak when Karen stopped her

"This is what we're going to do. The Force, if channeled appropriately, can alter the perception of others. We can make them see what we want them to see. I know what the security team on Naboo looks like. The public files have a picture of their Captain. If you can concentrate with me, I can make us appear like one of them, moving through the crowd, undetected."

That seems to be a large task for Mara, still fairly novice in the Force.

"According to the memorial layout, the security center is near the transmitter. Once we arrive, we can clear the room and announce a closure for cleaning and maintenance. We wait until the plaza is empty then try to find a way to get below."

Mara doesn't like the plan, but she recognized that Karen would be harder to disguise than herself.  Plus, the plan did provide an opening for them.  If it worked.

Mara nodded her head, and closed her eyes.  She reached into her internal systems, triggering that switch the brought about her Force abilities.  The "accident" that it was.  She felt the world around her grow more clear, and could feel Karen's presence, a flury of emotions, much like herself - if what she had could truly be called emotions.  She blinked and opened her eyes, looking over to Karen.

"Watch me now."

Karen closes her eyes and Mara watches with some astonishment as she disappears.  In her place, the image of a man in a crisp military uniform, smiling.

"See? The glamour is one of the oldest tricks in the book yet the hardest to maintain over periods of time. If we focus together, it should be enough to get us there. Let's go."

The voice too was different.  To anyone else, she would appear like the head of security for this location.  Mara, however, could detect something else.  Her systems tingled, and though she wasn't sure if it was the Force or her own sensory equipment, she could still sense Karen underneath the disguise.

Mara could tell it was a strain to hold this disguise - and harder for both of them to be blanketed by it.  She decided that her own disguise should be much more conventional, so that she could focus her own Force powers to help strengthen Karen's disguise.

Grabbing a small box from the cartons of cargo, she stared at Karen as she carefully opened up the carton.  Her eyes were fluttering, as if she was processing information quickly.  Grabbing from the box, her hands deftly moved in, grabbing out small pieces of insignia, and pinning them on her shirt.  Last but not least, she pulled out a small patch with letters written on it, and pinned that on as well.

By the time she had finished, her outfit had been transformed again from a simple custodial type uniform to a Naboo security uniform of a very low ranked officer.  That with the already severe bun fit the description as best as she could.

"How do I look?"

The man-Karen in front of her smiled and nodded

"Not bad"

The two of them stepped out together, Mara standing to the right and slightly behind Karen, typical flanking of a superior officer by an inferior officer.  Karen's gait at first was off, but after a few seconds, she had adjusted her posture, walking comfortably in the role of the Captain.

They moved through the crowd at a brisk pace, the visitors glancing at them, and some children wide-eyed at the officers, but as soon as they had passed, most of the crowd lost interest.

In this way, they managed to go, mostly unnoticed until they reached the security center.

As soon as they entered, those inside, who had been casually watching monitors, stood quickly at attention.  Karen was in her element taking charge of others clearly less intelligent than her.

"at ease, men.  I'm here because we need to temporarily evacuate the memorial."

"What for, sir?"

"It is not my habit of giving a reason if I don't want to, is it, lieutenant?"

"Um .. no sir, but... but what are we going to tell all of the civilians?"

"Tell them it's for cleaning and maintenance.  Then set up a perimeter and make sure no one comes in.  Go, now, all of you"

Apparently, all of them were too scared of facing disciplinary action to be suspicious about the whole ordeal.  The room emptied out, and Mara immediately moved over to the surveillance TVs, watching as the crowd, quite annoyed, were herded out of the memorial.  When she turned back to Karen, the mirage was gone and Karen was taking a deep breathe, recovering from her taxing disguise.

"Alright, now, getting below ...."

Mara looked down at their feet.  The room was carpeted with a simple, dark, flat rug, good for hiding dirt and insulating the floor - for function over luxury.  Typical of a security office.  She looked around the entire security station, until her eyes stopped on a small plaque, nestled in the corner next to a stack of paperwork.  Moving closer, she read the words and pursed her lips.

'This building is dedicated by the Winton Family in honor of those noble souls who have died to protect the people of Naboo'

"Your father set these things in motion long before Phage was eliminated.  Long before he was killed on Hapes.  He was an ambitious man from Naboo.  Wealthy and well connected.  Whatever preparations he made, some of them could have been done years ago.  When you were still in high school.  But he doesn't act without a purpose"

Bending down, she pulled from her boot a large knife.  Carefully, she pressed it into the carpet, dragging it back to slice.  The carpet was older, and was well worn into the ground, carpet paste making the cutting difficult as the tip of the blade kept getting caught.  Once a small slice was made though, Mara rotated the blade to make a sideways cut.  A third cut, and she was able to rip back the strip of carpet.

Underneath, a thin layer of cement sealed the floor in place.  But, a thin trace of outline showed that the ground was not solid beneath.  the cement had a small bump, almost like a ridge that made a rectangular shape.

"Karen, grab your lightsaber - I think our entrance is down here"

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Offline Syren

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Re: Alive
« Reply #111 on: November 20, 2011, 01:09:05 PM »

Surface: Harte Secur

Once the security team leaves the office, Karen exhales and sags against a chair. The effort to maintain such a facade was exhausting. Mara's help was invaluable to keep it convincing. She takes a moment to regain her senses, drawing energy from within.

Mara is searching the office, pauses, and then turns to her.

"Your father set these things in motion long before Phage was eliminated. Long before he was killed on Hapes. He was an ambitious man from Naboo. Wealthy and well connected. Whatever preparations he made, some of them could have been done years ago. When you were still in high school. But he doesn't act without a purpose."

Karen moves closer, gazing past her to read the plaque. A sickening knot twists in her stomach. How long had their lives been staged? The days of North Coruscant or before? When exactly did her father give up on his family? Did he ever really love them or were they always just pawns in his game?

"No, apparently he never has."

Mara is ripping up the carpet but Karen is mentally spiraling. She has to force herself to focus on the present, to let go of the questions about the past. The past cannot be changed. The present and potential future, however, can be. This must be her primary objective, a mantra she keeps chanting silently to herself.

"Karen, grab your lightsaber - I think our entrance is down here."

Karen unclips the saber from her belt and strides forward. Mara moves away as she ignites, flips and plunges the saber into the center of the bump. The material around the rectangular space disintegrates against the white hot blade but there is something solid below - a carefully concealed hatch. The metal hisses as she twists the saber. Within moments, the hatch is destroyed and they are now staring down into darkness. From the sound of the hatch remnants hitting the ground below, the space is not that deep. Still, she does not jump headlong into it either.

There is no telling what waits for them down there.

Karen reaches out, feeling for any signs of life below. Finding none, she nods to Mara and drops into the hole, using the Force to steady her rapid descent. With her saber out, she steps forward. She appears to be on some kind of platform made of heavy grating. There is a faint clicking sound somewhere in the distance. She moves forward, using the saber to light the way as her eyes adjust. Mara drops down behind her. The platform narrows to become a walkway but the blackness around them makes it impossible to tell how large a space they are actually in. Something about it feels massive, cavernous and she takes great caution moving across it. She strains her hearing as she tries to locate the direction of the clicking. She turns, voice barely a whisper.

“What are your sensors picking up?”

« Last Edit: November 20, 2011, 01:13:16 PM by Syren »

Offline Medivh

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Re: Alive
« Reply #112 on: November 21, 2011, 03:35:37 PM »

Surface: Harte Secur

Karen takes care of the cement quickly with her saber, and the hatch beneath did not last much longer.  There is a clang as the remnant metal falls into the darkness below.

With a nod to Mara, Karen slips down into the abyss.  A soft clang tells Mara that Karen had landed her feet on metal, and Mara followed suit, jumping down into the darkness and landing on the metal grating.  It is dark, a dim pink light cast by Karen's lightsaber is the only thing allowing them to see.  The few feet around them indicated a narrow catwalk and blackness on all sides.
Mara notices the clicking sound as well as Karen speaks.

?What are your sensors picking up??

Mara was not sure if it was simply the awesome sense of emptiness around them, or that Karen was suddenly a wiser warrior than the past had shown, but she appreciated that Karen was speaking in the dullest of whispers.

Mara glanced around, letting her own eyes adjust as well.  Even with enhanced mechanical vision, she was not seeing much more than Karen could see.  The catwalk path seemed to go on forever into the darkness, and darkness was all around them.  Even infrared sensors were detecting nothing, other than Karen herself.

Of course, that in itself was strange.  A cavern this large would likely harbor indigent primitive life that would pick up on sensors.  Unless ...

"There's something masking my scanners - I cannot see very far.  I think this cavern is actually smaller than it may seem.  It's time to risk a little more light"

Mare pulled from her belt a flashlight, pointing it downward as she clicked it on, then began flashing it around.  Ahead, about fifty meters, the catwalk curved and disappeared around something black that obstructed the view.  The clicking sound was echoing from that direction.  Moving the high-powered beam closer, they could see the beam was obstructed by something - something black, metallic, but with a crystal like reflection coming from it.  Turning to their right, Mara flashed the beam and found, about five meters to the side of the catwalk, the light hit against a metal wall that curved up, over and around the entire catwalk.  And the wall itself was covered in what appeared to be a thin layer of condensed ice.

"We're inside a tube - a large tube - and it looks like the walls are refrigerated to mask any heat signatures.  That's part of why it feels so drafty and cool in here.  Those walls are also pretty thick.  I cannot get a sense of what is on the other side"

"I guess only one way to find out"

Karen began steadily moving forward, using the light from her saber and Mara's flashlight to keep from tripping.  As they reached and turned the corner, Mara swept her light across, to find a heavy set of doors, with a small scanning device.  Karen was ready to slice past this obstacle when Mara held up a hand, and pointed over the doorway.

A small disc was pointing out and there was a light shimmer from the door itself, barely visible in the darkness.

"Remember when we were on Ord Radama, and Medivh's sanctum was protected by a shield in front of the door - so that nothing could get in?  I think that set up is here too.  Your lightsaber will just spark.  And possibly trigger an alarm.  We need another way to get inside"

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Offline Syren

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Re: Alive
« Reply #113 on: November 27, 2011, 08:49:34 PM »

Surface: Harte Secur

Karen considers Mara's words, knowing she is right.

When they were on Ord Radama, they had used Mara's connection to the situation to gain them access. Something tells her it wouldn't work this time. They need someone closer. Without a real way to call for Medivh, she is left with only one possibility.

Karen smiles as her eyes grow into darkened pools of blackness. It takes everything she has but Mara would see her transform into the startling form of her father. Tall with pointed features and the fiery hair that he had passed on to his daughters. She turns, stepping in front of the sensor so that it would detect a presence. Almost immediately, the security measures come online and an automated voice programmed to be both menacing and mechanical speaks to them.

"Intruder, identify yourself."

Easing back the shoulders, Karen focuses on the nuances of her father's voice. He always carried an inflection of condescension. It was another part of his legacy he left with her and she takes great pleasure in using it against him.

"Alexander Winton."

Bright red beams criss-cross Alexander's form, scanning him, as Mara stands outside their range. The lights turn from red to green as the shield generation powers down and the massive door hisses open.

Inside, a circular platform rises and widens into rows of what looks like massive bacta tanks. Alexander's visage flickers then disappears as Karen collapses to her knees. She has never purposefully channeled that amount of power through the Force and the burnout would be visible to Mara. But it got them in and that's all that matters.

Mara inspects the area as Karen recovers. The tanks are filled with a clear bubbling liquid. Some are empty. Others contain human skeletal structures made of metal casings and densely bound wires. There is flesh growing over parts of the bodies. Droid frames with human legs, part of a chest, half a face. Nothing is recognizable save for one. Mara's memory makes the match but she looks to Karen first before speaking. Karen stands, focusing on her breath. The recovery is moderate but manageable. She steps around the tanks, taking them in before she joins Mara in front of the body. The expression on Karen's face begins as surprise but hardens swiftly into anger. Her voice has an edge to it.

"It's my mother."


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Re: Alive
« Reply #114 on: December 01, 2011, 03:06:23 PM »

Sub-Surface: Harte Secur

Mara looks over the tanks, as Karen recovers.  more of the bio-cyber creations, but these were still somehow different.  Not produced enmasse like the ones on Kamino.  Special care was taken on each of these, each individualized creation.  She remembered, as if in a dream, her own creation, a single tank of similar design, as such perfect care was taken to make her as human as possible. Part of the experiment was not just mimicking life, but creating it.

And here, rows of tanks, all baring the same care.  Developing even slower than she had, and here long before even her computer circuits were brought together.

Her thoughts were interrupted by Karen, who is finally catching her breathe, a voice of anger.

"It's my mother."

Mara turns to face Karen who is glaring at the tanks, the soft light from the tanks reflecting off her face.  Mara turned back to the tanks.

"They are not quite as advanced as my model, but they are being taken care of so meticulously.  These tanks, these creations.  They've been here for a long time. A very long time."

Mara moved from one row of tanks to another.  Seven models in all.  The one most recognizable was Karen's mother.  But then what were the other six?

Mara glanced down to the bottom of the tanks, to find a name plate on each, next to the status bars.  All six names together sparked a revelation.  Karen's mother, Alexander Winton himself, Karen, Alexia, and the two adult Mastertons.  It was Alexander's closest friends and family.

"There's something more to it.  Your father does not usually act out of sentimentality, but this facility - the amount of resources he has devoted to recreating this ... Karen, I think, when your father built this facility.  I think he was lonely."

Mara turned to look at her, then back at the tanks.

"He didn't want it to be alone. He wanted his family to be with him. Or at least, his version of his family, his version of his friends.  Why else would he recreate them? Recreate you?"

She stopped in front of one set of models, a skeletal frame with empty metallic sockets, and red hair, floating softly in the liquid.  Karen's model.

"Why else would he want to recreate a daughter who he would ultimately betray"

Then moving past that, she stood in front of the most important model of all - Alexander Winton himself.  On a hunch, Mara moved behind the first tanks, squeezing down the row until she came to the end.  The models in front were actually the least developed. Further and further back, each model was increasingly completed.  The second to last tank had there, floating, an almost complete but otherwise lifeless Alexander Winton.  And behind that, in the very last tank.

"Karen - this one is empty."

The tank had no Alexander in in, and no liquid in it.  The monitor on the bottom flashed a date, not too long ago.  The date of Winton's execution on Hapes.

"This is where he came from.  This is where his new life started. Here.  With his family"

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Offline Syren

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Re: Alive
« Reply #115 on: December 01, 2011, 08:26:36 PM »

Surface: Harte Secur

Through the realization, Mara's words become distorted and Karen's outrage gives way to trauma and hurt. She did not believe it could get any more painful but alas, here she is, wounded again by the workings of a complex and horrendously selfish man. Karen tries to mask the feelings now coursing through her body, skin white hot with shock and anger. They register on her face first as a grimace then morph into the trademark Winton sneer. They survey the tanks and stop before one that looks as though it was meant to be her. A version of her anyway. The revulsion she feels is indescribable, a sting in her eyes and throat almost unbearable.

"Why else would he want to recreate a daughter who he would ultimately betray?"

Karen finally has collected herself enough to speak.

"Because he only wants us when he can control us. He was never satisfied with who we were in life. My mother, my sister, myself - we all challenged his plans in some way. Even the Masterton's, their best friends in all the worlds, probably questioned his motives when it became clear we were going to suffer for the sake of the prophecy."

She scoffs, shaking her head.

"My father, a man constantly surrounded by people, was alone. Yet he was never alone. He cut himself off a long time ago, kept secrets from those he claimed to hold dear. He conspired against us for his own gain and now we come to find out, he may have wanted us around the whole time? I don't believe it. I can't. These creations, these monstrous incarnations are not even a fraction of what he had. He had a family and friends who loved him and he risked it all to live forever."

She falls silent, afraid she might lose complete control. She does not want to harm Mara. None of this is her fault and in some ways, it makes Karen feel better knowing she has Mara to share this with despite its horrific nature and astounding implications. They inspect the tanks further, checking for anything they may have missed when Mara calls out.

"Karen - this one is empty."

She takes this in, pondering.

"Who' it?"

Mara's voice is even, as always.

"This is where he came from. This is where his new life started. Here. With his family."

"He had his chance and he let us go."

Karen's eyes are cold and hard as they fix on Mara's serene face.

"Fuck him if he thinks he gets it all back. We burn it to the ground."

They make quick work of setting the explosives. On the way out, they rig extra charges along the walkway and hatch. Karen angrily attaches a charge to the plaque indicating her families ties to the memorial. This wasn't done for the people of Naboo. This was done for show, another elaborate facade to cover his sinister agenda. That's what her family had really been to him. From the outside, it may have been envious. They put on a good show.

The trophy wife floating along in an alcoholic haze to dull the roar of a hideous reality.

One tragically jaded daughter, confused and manipulated into believing she was some kind of Sith savior only to be consumed and destroyed by her own rage.

Then there was Karen, the flippant socialite who walked right past all the warning signs on her way to purchase a pair of designer heels.

She feels so stupid now, in the wake of so many revelations.

Mara arms the explosives as they stride out of the security office and through the empty memorial, slipping out undetected to reach the shuttle. The Naboo security forces would no doubt still be guarding the gates and she hopes out of the range of destruction. At the controls, Mara is focused and calm. Karen wishes she had such fortitude, to be removed from the emotional tides pulling her in every direction. The shuttle hovers and turns before it streaks away from the memorial, up into a perfectly blue sky.

The security forces would hear rumbling beneath them in rapid succession, getting louder and louder until their office explodes outward. A wave of fire and ash would blanket the scene. Infrastructure compromised, the memorial itself would begin to collapse, pulling everything down with it.

Karen allows herself a small, satisfied smile at knowing she and Mara took away any chance Alexander has of rejoining a family he made so desperately clear he never wanted.

With all but two of the targets destroyed, his time is rapidly running out.

Mara eases back on the controls and the shuttle flares into hyperspace headed back to the Core.


Offline Medivh

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Re: Alive
« Reply #116 on: December 04, 2011, 05:50:34 PM »
Coruscant Asteroid Field

Mara is feeling sympathetic toward Karen.  What seemed logical to her, piecing out a mystery had probably been a stab wound to the heart for her.

Winton might be lonely, but he didn't want his family. He wanted a replacement copy, a version of them that fit his own designs. A distortion.  Worse that simple abandonment. 

It is once again quiet in the cockpit and the journey is long through hyperspace.

"I'm going to rest, recharge"

Mara sets the autopilot to signal when they are close and makes her way to the back.  This was the roughest part of the journey. The two of them were going back to where it all began. For her, quite literally, the place of her creation. For Karen, it was where this quest had originated.

How much time had passed since Mara had returned there, and triggered the course of events that led her to return?  It felt like hours, a rush from one place to another. In fact though, it had been weeks.  While she was out with Karen, a war had begun between the Empire and the Corellians, between Karen's beloved Dementat and Mara's hated Saga Judec.  And what was the point of it all?  What was Judec trying to get to, or what was Winton's plan to end the war?  Still too much mystery lay before them.

What would happen once they destroyed all of the facilities?  When Phage and Alexander Winton, two nightmares, were gone for good?  Would there be more answers, or only more questions?

Mara had all of this going through her head as she settled into a small corner of the cargo area, and plugged in to recharge.  Her body felt worn out, her systems had been on overdrive, and she still was flawed.  Her hand, functioned well enough, but the newly-installed placement there was nothing pretty.

She closed her eyes and slowly shut down her systems.

It had been weeks or months since she last had one of these dreams, not since she had learned what was their cause.  But now, in this state of rest for the first time in a long time, the dreams came back full force, a reminder in themselves of how little control she had over her new power.

There it was, Phage giving Valerie the final killing blow, Mara opening fire on him, and him, with his deep red glowing eyes facing her.



Mara watched from the sidelines as Karen and Melanie fought, sabers  buzzing against each other, the air around them tense with electric energy, the force ready to be sprung.  Then, in horror, she watched as they held out their sabers, charged each other, and ran into the other's saber.

Both fell.  Dementat appears between them, leans in and kisses Karen's dying lips, turns to Melanie and slices off her head with his own red blade.

Then Medivh, standing there in human form, looking at her sadly

"I told you not to get to close to Karen Winton"


There she was again, in a fight with not one, but two Phages, fighting them off and feeling desperate.  Then she heard laughter, loud, evil laughter, and between the two Phages, Alexander Winton appeared, diabolical despite human form.

"I've been waiting for you, Infiltrator-01"

His hand out, she feels herself being pulled into the air, trying to catch the breathe she doesn't need.  Using the Force, Winton forces her limbs apart, and she feels herself being pulled, tighter, tighter, until she is literally ripped in two, a heap of metal and flesh falling to the ground.

"Not as strong as I thought you'd be. Pity"

and everything went black.


Mara awoke to the buzz from the cockpit, her body recharged, though mentally, she felt like she had undergone an ordeal.  It had been many hours since she lay down to rest.

Making her way to the cockpit, she eased back on the controls, bringing the ship out of hyperspace to the outskirts of the Coruscant Asteroid Field.

Ahead of them, deep in the darkness, Phage's platform floated ominously.  Small dots circled it, fighters on patrol.  It was clearly more active than it had been when she was last here.

But there was something far worse - on the other side of the asteroid field, they could see hundreds of capital ships hovering, waiting silently.

"it looks like your father has been busy"

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
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Offline Syren

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Re: Alive
« Reply #117 on: December 05, 2011, 08:35:59 PM »

As Mara excuses herself, Karen bites her lower lip to keep from asking her to stay. She knows Mara needs to recharge after all they have been through, all they have done. They must be focused and ready for the next phase of the mission.

The symbolism of Phage's base in the Coruscant asteroid field is not lost on Karen. It is the place, after so many years of menace and horror, that she was finally able to take down Alexia once and for all. In that moment, the darkness that had warped her mind and driven her mad consumed Karen. She had never felt such clarity, such drive and power. The darkness coursed through her like a plague and she was ready to murder everyone who stood in the way of the Empire forged in Karen and Dementat's names. This included Melanie and Kimber. She would have sacrificed everything, everyone of her old life to claim the spoils of the promising new one laid out in her fevered little mind.

Alexia had no one to provide balance, to temper these feelings with reality. In fact, their father had fueled the flames and drove her headlong into the bloodbath that became Karen's social life. Dementat had been there for Karen but, cut off from her friends on Byss, it was not enough. The darkness threatened to claim her soul forever...

...until Mara.

Her presence had been confusing at first. Just another angle to play. Someone to manipulate for her own personal gain. Karen was convinced she would use Mara to find the targets of her misplaced anger and eliminate them. But then something strange happened. The darkness receded, gradually at first but then in great waves of lights. The more time they spent together, the less angry she felt. When they encountered Medivh on Ord Radama and began to grasp the scope of the prophecy's design and intention, the darkness challenged Karen's newfound perspective to a battle in her own mindscape. A battle which she ultimately won. She freed herself from the shackles of a predetermined destiny with Mara by her side. Karen is not sure if Mara knows how deeply she has affected her or has any idea of how fondly she's grown of her company. It is in her nature of gush, to confess but she understands Mara is also grappling with her own personal struggles. Emotions, powers, and a place in these worlds. Still, she is grateful for the support.

Who knows how many more would be dead had Mara not come to Byss in search of answers.

Karen retires to her cabin and falls into a deep slumber. She did not realize how tired she actually was, how emotionally draining this whole ordeal would be. The dreams come softly into focus.

The Four, a seemingly younger and happier version of them, kneels in the sands of Imperial Beach on Hesperidium. A glowing sun sinks into a distant horizon and darkens the warm ocean waters. The laughter and smiling faces fills Karen with a joy she thought was lost. They silently watch the sunset and as it slips below, out of sight, shadows falls over the shore. Behind them, the boys are calling, waving them in. Melanie and Kimber stand and wander toward the Bolerathon Tower. Valerie lingers with Karen on the beach. A salty breeze kicks up, swirling around them. Karen starts away but Valerie remains planted. She turns, calling out.

"Valerie, let's go. We don't want to keep them waiting."

"I'm not Valerie."

"Don't be ridiculous."

"I am many things but ridiculous is not among them. Valerie is dead, Karen. You know this to be true. She died so that Kimber could live. You must die if you wish the same for Melanie. Only death can save a life."

Karen's brow furrows into concern, stepping forward. She notices now that Valerie's face is slightly different, changed in some way. The skin is lighter, devoid of the natural olive complexion. Her expression is grave and eyes fixed on her. The ocean behind them churns as waves begin to smash against the shoreline. The wind intensifies and grows colder, harsh.
"I don't want anyone to die."

"That was never your choice to make. Not until now. The others, they suffered and died as a symbol to what was coming. Their blood ensured our survival, if only temporarily."

"The prophecy..."

The girl who looks like Valerie smiles.

"The prophecy is a lie. You know that now. It was always a tool to control us, to keep us scared and disoriented. While it may state only one of us can live, you have the power to change that. You can set them free. You and I, the darker half of The Four, must be the sacrifices for the light."

The ocean seems to split in two, rising up into the sky as two massive walls of water. Valerie is already at the mouth of the path left between them. She turns back and gazes coolly at Karen before walking away. She gains distance more quickly than Karen can grasp and before she can stop herself, she is sprinting after her. She catches up when the shore is far behind them, a distant glimmer of the past. The walls of water pulse on either side as Valerie extends a hand.

Karen stares into her face, an understanding passing between them, and reaches out. They clasp hands and close their eyes as the walls close in.

Karen wakes suddenly, choking as if the water had been real. She can taste the salt in her mouth. After a few moments her breathing returns to normal and she pads into the refresher for a long shower. The images remain as she ponders their meaning. Could she really save Melanie by sacrificing herself? Valerie's death may have postponed the immediate threat to Kimber but not for long. It is then she realizes the new threat to Kimber and Melanie is Karen. They must believe the prophecy as a whole, painting Valerie as the martyr and Karen the enemy. This troubles her greatly but there are more pressing matters to face.

In an understated gray jumpsuit and black tunic, Karen lets her hair spill around her shoulders. She slips into black knee-high boots and dabs her lips with color. The saber is clipped to her belt, hidden from plain sight as she moves through the shuttle and back to the controls.

Mara joins her moments later as the proximity alarm sounds. She eases the shuttle out of hyperspace and suddenly they are back at Coruscant. Memories of her entire fabulous little life flash before her emerald eyes. The shimmering ex-capital now a wasteland. Echoes of the millions of souls lost when the Dark Queen's explosives nuked the northern hemisphere pass through her followed by those who met a grisly end as the fire and ash circled the southern half. She can't help but shutter.

Mara is focused ahead and Karen retrains her gaze to match. The platform looms in the distance with what she can only assume are fighters whizzing around it. Then she sees what Mara sees. The capital ships hovering like sharp sentinels in the darkness of space.

"It looks like your father has been busy."

"Perhaps he knows."

Mara glances at her.

Karen crosses her arms, "The previous targets were remote and not likely to cause a media splash. Naboo is different. The memorial would make headlines. While he certainly can't trace it to us, it may have rattled him enough to take precautions. I don't think he knows where we are. Probably on some frivolous vacation, drowning in my seemingly predictable self-indulgence. One thing is for certain, this poses a problem."

She considers the situation, sighing.

"I could have backup here shortly with a call to Commander Price or Captain Sienna but even then, that would risk exposing our plan and I highly doubt it provides enough fire power to take all of them down. You know this place, right? What do you suggest?"


Offline Medivh

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Re: Alive
« Reply #118 on: December 06, 2011, 05:40:37 PM »
Coruscant, Asteroid Field

"The previous targets were remote and not likely to cause a media splash. Naboo is different. The memorial would make headlines. While he certainly can't trace it to us, it may have rattled him enough to take precautions. I don't think he knows where we are. Probably on some frivolous vacation, drowning in my seemingly predictable self-indulgence. One thing is for certain, this poses a problem."

She considers the situation, sighing.

"I could have backup here shortly with a call to Commander Price or Captain Sienna but even then, that would risk exposing our plan and I highly doubt it provides enough fire power to take all of them down. You know this place, right? What do you suggest?"

Mara stared out the viewport, watching the scene in the distance. After several minutes, she shook her head.

"Whether or not your father knows about the attack on Naboo, that is not a defensive fleet.  It's positioned too far away from the platform.  On the other side of the asteroid field entirely.  The fighters are on combat patrol over the station itself, not the ships. They don't expect anyone to be coming here, or they would have a tighter defense."

Mara lifted her hand, pointing out and circling her hand in the pattern of the fighters.

"That fleet was there long before our assault on Naboo.  My guess?  Some type of attack fleet.  It's positioned so it can enter hyperspace quickly, without collecting its fighters.  And, it's in formation.  Maybe some type of ambush?"

Mara glanced down, clicking a few buttons as the monitors flashed a host of algorythms.

"Many look like Trade-Federation type ships, or the type of ships that Phage used.  But there are also a few of Corellian design.  I'll bet its meant for Judec's attack against the imperial fleet"

Mara shut off the scanner, leaning back in her chair and staring out, thinking.

"What happened at Naboo will spook your father, if he is as smart as his reputation indicates.  I would say wait for the fleet to leave, but he might already have greater defenses for this facility by then.  I think we have to see if we can sneak in under their noses, and hope no one notices us."

Karen gives Mara a crazed look. And Mara smiles.  For the first time, it looks like Mara is taking the more risky maneuver.

"I would buckle up tight"

Mara pressed forward on the thrusters, hard, the ship groaning as it picked up speed quickly, heading toward the asteroid field.  And then just as quickly, Mara shut down the thrusters.  Then other systems. Weapons, sensors, hyperdrive, shields letting the ship hurdle into the asteroid field completely on momentum, completely powered down.

"If we're lucky, we'll look like nothing more than space debris"

"And if we're unlucky?"

"Then the asteroids in the field will probably take us out before the droids do"

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
May the Force be with you

Offline Syren

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Re: Alive
« Reply #119 on: December 26, 2011, 08:01:19 PM »
Coruscant Asteroid Field

As the shuttle begins to spin, hoping to be lost in the masses of swirling rock, Karen clings tightly to her seat. It is sheer luck they are not wiped out as they near the platform. From here, she can catch glimpses of the capital ships. They do not seem as close from this vantage point. With any luck, they would reach the platform undetected but that poses an even greater challenge.

The last time Karen had been here, the station was practically deserted save for Alexia and her two hostages. The secondary plan of their father's had yet to be activated thus no one to assume control. Alexia planned on murdering her that fateful day in front of the former Governor of Contruum, Indew Strye and Imperial doctor Felicia Kensington. The hostages had been symbols. Karen had, in her own way, betrayed Contruum for Imperial gain. She had broken the promise she made to Governor Strye after Agent Scott St. Claire sent her into Contruum to negotiate a contract for the borium used to make their impressive ships. The doctor, Maker rest her soul, was her only friend after Valerie was killed, Kimber fled for Hapes and Melanie remained in hiding. The battle between the sisters had been fierce and ended with Alexia's death, Karen's possession and finally, the Governor's execution by Karen's dark hand. Felicia was rescued and taken back to Byss where she was later murdered aboard the ISD-Corporeal Quandary and staged in the Winton Penthouse on Hesperidium.

It seems like a lifetime ago and in a sense, it was.

Karen knows more now than she ever has and with that knowledge, she plans to use it against her traitorous father and the weapons he hopes to unleash on the galaxy at large. The tragedy, flickering briefly across her mind, is that her fiancé Dementat knows nothing of this. All he knows is of the Corellian threat High Commander Judec poses to their Empire. She tells herself this is enough to keep him busy, to keep him safe but often times she wonders what he would do if he knew Alexander Winton lives.

The spiraling shuttle grows closer to the station.

Karen turns, body straining against the restraints.

"I trust you have a plan to get in there."
