Author Topic: VE: Alive  (Read 179262 times)

Offline Syren

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Re: Alive
« Reply #45 on: May 21, 2011, 07:21:40 PM »

Space travel is so boring.

Karen is angling for some information about Alexia's alliance with Phage but Mara is having none of it. She is shut down and ignored, something foreign and unpleasant to Karen. Disturbed but not angry, she heads toward the back of the shuttle. Despite its exterior blandness, there are comforts only someone like her could appreciate. Things she could not live without. Her wardrobe, for one. Her handmaidens know exactly what to pack for any occasion which pleases her greatly. In the relatively small sleeping quarters, she unclips her com. He always answers within three rings.

"My love," Dementat says. "You feel far away."

"Further away from the Core than I'd prefer, darling."

"I take it your interest has escalated."

"The path to Corellia is....complicated."

"As is everything with you, my dear but that's not why you called."

Karen smiles to herself, willing to risk momentary insecurity for answers.

"What did my father tell you about Alexia? Did he tell you she was the one?"

The pause is brief but present.

"He told me I was to train her, that she would be useful to me. There was not an explanation or context and I did not need one. In my heart, I knew it was you."

Her heart melts a little but not enough.

"How did you know?"

His voice shifts into a tender tone.

"I have always been able to feel you, Karen. Before your father came to me, before he showed me what lay ahead - You were always there. I didn't know who you were then but I felt it. I felt you. Then one day I saw you. It was then I knew for sure. Alexia was a means to an end. I did as I was asked and tried to train her but she discovered her own truth and made you pay for it. "

"And that worked out so well for her in the end."

"Indeed. Through that trial, you became the woman you are today. Destiny triumphs again."

"There is more, I can feel it. Pieces that don't fit."

"Your path is not one I can follow."

"I'm not asking you to but this is something I have to do."

"Be careful."

"Always," she whispers as she clicks off.

Okay, so he didn't exactly endorse it but there wasn't an attempt to talk her out of it either.

Karen wants to believe everything he tells her is the truth but don't all lovers keep secrets? Isn't that part of the mystery and intrigue of a relationship? But what if the secrets could cause harm or worse? After all, any information spun a certain way can be dangerous. What is she more afraid of - the whole truth or that truth reflecting negatively on Dementat? Connections from Mara to Phage to father to lover dangle on strings to which her friends all seem to cling. Some let go, others fell. The screams still echo in her mind. She sighs, turning to find Valerie standing there looking particularly devious.

Gasping, she leaps back.

Valerie sneers.

"Soooo secretive. We're more alike than you think."

Karen recovers, groaning, "Or would ever admit in a public forum."

"She's dangerous, Karen. Mara is not what she seems."

"Like we ever were."

"We are human. Duplicity is in our nature. She is...something else."

"I'm aware, thanks for the tip."

"Bitch, you better check yourself. I'm already dead and you are asking yourself the wrong questions."

Karen scoffs, "I know what I'm doing."

"Do you? Tell me then, what is it you want Mara to do for you?"

"The Empire isn't going to rebuild itself. Corellia would be quite the coup."

"Come now, Kar-Kar. Sector acquisitions aren't really your forte."

"The folks on Contruum might beg to differ."

"Corellia isn't what you are really after."

"Perhaps not, well, not entirely anyway. A girl can have many reasons."

Valerie cackles, "Obviously! Ulterior motives make the game more interesting. When you killed Alexia, you felt things change. They became more clear to you yet you don't know why. You know what she knows and even though you haven't read it, it doesn't mean you don't know what you must do."

Karen sways in place, almost in a trance.

"Find our wayward friends."

"And should you happen upon them?"

"We're all be together again."

"Yes," Valerie says, her voice dropping to become one of many. Shadows step out from behind her, decaying familiar faces. Those caught in their spectacular crossfire. The shadows fill the room and surround her. Karen is backed into a corner, sinking to the ground, hands outstretched, defensive.

Scott St. Claire steps forward and kneels before her, eyes vacant, hollow, with a mortal blaster wound in his gut. His voice is a hoarse whisper from beyond the grave.


She squeezes her eyes closed and wills it to end. They aren't here, none of them. Valerie and her parade of victims no longer fill the space of the sleeping quarters when she opens her eyes. Karen is panting for breath as she claws her way to her feet.

Get it together, Winton.

Karen takes a long shower, relaxing in the steam of the impossibly small refresher. The images, the faces haunt her. Faces she see more frequently. Hallucinations that have escalated into alarming interactive visions. The curse of Alexia's craziness. Everything she saw, Karen now sees. Shuttering, she dresses in a pleated black skirt, fitted grey button-up blouse and thick black knee-high heeled boots. She pulls on a black fitted micro-blazer for an added business touch. Her crimson hair is straight and spills casually over her shoulders. The look is complete with subtle smoldering makeup and ample lip shine to coordinate with the polished sheen of the lightsaber clipped to her belt. She has a feeling there might be some shameless flirting involved that may or may not result in recreational violence.

"Karen - we're here."

"Oh, so now you're talking to me." she grumbles, grabbing her purse and heading out of the room to meet Mara by the ramp.

Striding down, no one greets them.

This disappoints her somehow.

Where's the love?

Mara turns to Karen, "Alright, we're here. So, what do we do?"

"Duh! Find someone important, charm them to pieces and get taken on a tour! Men are usually more than happy to show women like us around. Makes them feel...useful. I'll worry about the charming part while you scan for any signs that would lead us to Master-Com and Medivh's files. Or any relevant files in general."

She turns on heels and storms toward the information booth. She is not dealing with a droid so a humanoid is summoned. While they wait, Karen glances over Mara. Sure, she's hot in the menacing way Valerie was but there is something unsettling about her. It's almost as if she's troubled in some way. She is about to ask when something else strikes her.

"Do you think we should call you something else here? I mean, if you are as wanted by Corellia as you appear to be, leading them right to you might cramp, our style."

It looks like Mara is scowling but Karen cannot be sure.

"Fine, we'll just kick ass if the going gets rough."

A humanoid approaches; male, moderately overweight, receding hairline, dour expression. What she and her friends used to call a "tough sell."

Karen turns, flipping her hair and flashing a winning smile.

"Hi! I'm Karen, Karen Winton. I was wondering if I might be able to take up just a few moments of your time. My colleague and I were looking to hold a rather large meeting for some clients in the surrounding systems. This location would be very convenient for all involved. We were wondering what you might be able to do for us."

His expression remains pinched.

"Karen Winton? Of the Empire?"

"That's the one."

B-1 Battle droids converge out of seemingly nowhere to surround them, blasters aimed and ready. Now Mara is scowling. She is sure of it. Karen shrugs dramatically.

"Guess they aren't fans."

Mara does not appear to be amused.

The humanoid speaks lowly.

"The Administrator would like to have a word."

At least they were going straight to the top.

Karen purses her lips and narrows her eyes.

"Lead the way."


Offline Medivh

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Re: Alive
« Reply #46 on: May 24, 2011, 11:29:00 PM »
The Wheel

Mara was feeling annoyed enough by Karen's rather flipant behavior.  Karen was a princess - she was an operative.  Both were programmed in their own way.  Karen, by how she was bred and raised.  Mara - literally. Clash of the highest degree.  It made Mara wonder, if her programming was based on Valerie, did that mean that Karen and Valerie clashed as well?  What made them friends, or was it all just because they were thrown together by this giant conspiracy by Karen's father?

Mara's thoughts are interupted by Karen trying to flirt her way into the heart of some aging official.

"Hi! I'm Karen, Karen Winton. I was wondering if I might be able to take up just a few moments of your time. My colleague and I were looking to hold a rather large meeting for some clients in the surrounding systems. This location would be very convenient for all involved. We were wondering what you might be able to do for us."

"Karen Winton? Of the Empire?"
"That's the one."

Before even Mara could pull a blaster, B-1 Battle Droids appear, surround them, and point guns.  That is what Karen gets for being so careless, and Mara's look was probably more dangerous than the blasters they now faced.  How did they react so fast?  Mara's eyes flickered over the official and noticed a small device in his hand. Not a remote - he wasn't controlling the droids - but it was sufficient to alert the central command to send the droids immediately.  Mara counted them, turning her head slowly as she looked at them.  Inferior cousins.  Brain dead, literally.

Medivh had told her about the different levels of intelligence.  At the lowest level, B1 Battle Droids, with no independent brain function at all.  At the very top, those who were born with independent thought - alive.  Mara was somewhere in the upper half of that spectrum, but at the top?  Medivh had also told her how he himself had the power to command other droids, with his own transmitter built into his cyber-bionic form.  Wouldn't that be a useful thing to have now.

"Guess they aren't fans."

Mara is not amused. For all her power, Karen lacks a certain ... something. The official meanwhile is speaking lowly into a communicator before again giving his attention to the women

"The Administrator would like to have a word."
"Lead the way."

B1 Battle Droids surrounding them, the official ahead of them, and crowds moving out of the way as they traveled.  Mara could hear the whispers behind them.  Karen's face was famous from tabloids.  Mara's face was famous because she looked like the hero of Corellia. And the newly declared traitor of Corellia.  Two sides of the same coin.

They traveled from the outer ring that gave the Wheel it's name through one of the spokes to the central axis before turning toward a series of executive turbolifts.  To their right, they could see through several windows the trading floor of the Wheel's stock exchange, hundreds of computers flashing with activity as anxious beings tried to get ahead of the market.

Turbolift was large enough for the entire entourage, and the battle droids were not inconvenienced by being cramped inside, guns still pointed at their escortee.

Noise drowned away as they shot upward to the suite up top.  Not quite as lavish as what the princess would prefer for herself, it carried with it a downplayed tastefulness.  Several offices with closed doors on either side.  And ahead of them a blast-shielded door.

Guarding the door on either side, Mara was suddenly taken aback.  Two MagnaGuard Droids stood, electrostaffs at the ready, red eyes staring unblinking ahead.  magnaguard had gone bankrupt, and all of their droids had been melted down - at least the ones that were found.  Even here, in the upper chambers, hidden away, who would think to use the droid model that Phage was based off of?  Wasn't that dangerous?

Almost immediately though, Mara's heart - if you could call it that - calmed.  The two droids, unlike their original models, each had an antenna, small, durable, but noticeable, on the rear of their heads.  These droids, like their weaker B1 brethren, were not independent thinkers.  They were controlled by another.

Of course, the power to control an army with the push of a button was not the most wonderful thing to think about.  Mara returned her focus to here and now.

Blast door opened to the suite, royal colors, but nothing over the top. No artwork at all on the durasteel walls.

And standing before them a proud man, probably in his lower 30s, semi-muscular build, cold blue eyes, watching them.

"It is not every day that we have guests from the Empire coming here.  Certainly not the Lady Kyja herself.  And certainly not without a more noticeable entourage."

His face was filled with suspicion, eyes flickering between the two women, still surrounded by droids.

"It was not that long ago that Counselor Winton was envoy to Contruun.  That did not bode well for them, as I recall.  And who is your companion?"

His attention turned solely on Mara now, curiosity, suspicion, trying to recognize.  Mara too looked back at him, trying to match his face to some prior encounter, some news cycle.

Going through headlines, she finally found the name she was looking for.

Amir Faram.  After the upper echelons of the old Trade Federation had been assassinated (by Mara), the board of directors had reconvened for the first time in years.  Among the decisions made included downsizing the Trade Federation's military and industrial fleet, as well as their overall profile.  And they put Amir Faram in place as administrator of the Wheel, to replace Vital Ezee.  And because there was no viceroy - another decision by the board - Administrator Faram was the most powerful man in the dwindling Trade Federation.  Here, if nowhere else, he was the boss.

Faram had started small, a smuggler during the war.  But afterward, Medivh's fleets managed to outdo him in almost every way.  But the Viceroy had made Faram an offer - join the Federation, and become a legitimate trader.  And he had, taking a few small ships and slowly building his way up.  During the time of Phage, Faram had been Vital Ezee's second in command at the Wheel, responsible for all entrepreneurial trading that happened at the Wheel.  And now, he was the man in charge.

Mara decided to be (somewhat) direct with him.

"I am Mara Anna Gellar, of Corellia"

The man nodded

"Ah yes - traitor to Corellia, or so they say. And now apparently working with the Empire.  But I sense there is more to you than meets the eyes, Ms. Gellar.  I am not particularly fond of the High Commander Judec.  But I don't want trouble following you here, whether it be Corellian, imperial ... or something else"

He had a piercing stare, like he could somehow see past them, and knew their purpose, that they were hiding something. or maybe it was just an illusion.  Even if he knew something, he gave nothing away.

"Well, now that you are here, state your business.  Or go somewhere else"

Mara spoke first.

"We have come for something ... not available to the public.  We are here, not as representatives of any government, but as seekers of truth.  You knew the Viceroy, Medivh.  You knew him while he was in charge, and you were close to him, even after he retired from his role.  You were also close with Viceroy Gesser.  But now, there is no Viceroy, and no official who has the role that Medivh carried.  But as Viceroy, Medivh had something.  It may just be information, it may be more substantial than that. But we need access to Medivh's private archives"

Amir Faram's eyes went wide. Quite a suprising thing to request, especially considering the situation at hand.  The Viceroy's private archives?  What could they possibly want from that? He looked from Mara to Karen.  What could the Empire possibly need from the Viceroy's private stores?

"He left no archive - there is nothing that remains here of him.  He died on Corellia. At the hands of Phage.  If he left anything anywhere, I know nothing of it"

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
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Offline Syren

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Re: Alive
« Reply #47 on: June 06, 2011, 01:27:16 PM »
The Wheel

Karen poses beside Mara as they stand before the Administrator. He had heard of her, no surprises there, and she would be flattered if she wasn't so annoyed. There are so many droids present she has to suppress the urge to shutter violently. They creep her the hell out. The Administrator's eyes are wild and his demeanor suggests a high level of suspicion and mistrust. She focuses on his energy, trying to get a reading from him.

Mara speaks first and boldly identifies herself. Not that Karen can judge, given their current situation. The Administrator seems to be familiar with her as well. Looks like someone keeps up with the news.

"But I don't want trouble following you here, whether it be Corellian, Imperial or....something else."

Karen's tenses.

Something else? That has a certain ominous undertone she does not care for.

He continues, "Well, now that you are here, state your business. Or go somewhere else."

Mara makes her request without so much as a pause.

The Administrator's reaction, however, sends Karen's senses into overdrive.

"He left no archive - there is nothing that remains here of him. ? He died on Corellia. At the hands of Phage. ? If he left anything anywhere, I know nothing of it"

Karen echoes her thoughts into Mara's head.

He lies!

She inhales sharply, gathering her strength. There is a small but powerful kinetic burst that sends all but Karen, Mara and the Administrator to the floor. The crash of metal is deafening and she waits for the stunned silence that follows. Karen speaks in a menacing tone, fingers grazing the hem of her skirt and the saber dangling from her belt.

"You are going to have to work on your delivery, hun. That wasn't your most convincing performance."

He reaches for something but Karen makes a warning sound.

"Ah-ah, let's not, okay? Since you seem to know so much about us, you know Mara has outsmarted Judec and that I could take off your head with this saber before you call for backup. So this can go one of two ways. Our way or the hard way. Give us what we came for or I swear to everything unholy, the Empire will tear this place apart helping us look for it."

Karen's smile is laced with venom.

"You seem like an intelligent man, think of it from a business standpoint. How many credits can you make if all your clients are dead?"

She waits for him to consider this.

"Now, miss Gellar asked you for something. Show us."

« Last Edit: June 06, 2011, 01:31:45 PM by Syren »

Offline Medivh

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Re: Alive
« Reply #48 on: June 06, 2011, 02:49:15 PM »
The Wheel

"He left no archive - there is nothing that remains here of him. ? He died on Corellia. At the hands of Phage. ? If he left anything anywhere, I know nothing of it"

Mara senses something, a feeling quite unsettling, a tingling of a voice inside her head

He lies!

Again, Mara is taken away from the present, images both remembered and not, flashing through her cerebral processors.  A battle between Karen, Alexia Winton, Phage - and something new, the image of a blond woman.  Mara watched helplessly as they all seemed to kill each other simultaneously, bodies slumping to the ground.  And from somewhere unknown, Valerie Gellar appears, standing over them and offering Mara a smug look as she speaks.
"Who is your master and who will you betray?"

Mara blinks.  In the seconds of her own - whatever it was, the room had changed remarkably.  Around them, battle droids were now slumped to the ground.  What had happened?  What did she miss?  A quick look over at Karen told her enough – the woman’s eyes had turned black, something that Mara had noticed when the Force seemed to come out.  She was talking to the administrator, who also remained standing.

"Ah-ah, let's not, okay? Since you seem to know so much about us, you know Mara has outsmarted Judec and that I could take off your head with this saber before you call for backup. So this can go one of two ways. Our way or the hard way. Give us what we came for or I swear to everything unholy, the Empire will tear this place apart helping us look for it."

"You seem like an intelligent man, think of it from a business standpoint. How many credits can you make if all your clients are dead?"

The administrator glanced between the two of them, a look of solemn fear glinted in his eyes.  But for all his business appearance may be, he was no sniveling fool (like the Neimodians had been).  He had been chosen well for his post, and a smugglers past made him a bit less easy to crush with fear.  Mara immediately admired that about him.

"Now, miss Gellar asked you for something. Show us."

Amir Faram gave them each a final glance before offering a sigh.

“Quite like the Empire to make such threats – and follow through with them regardless.  You said that you were not here with the Empire, and now I believe it was you who were lying.  Still, I’d prefer to live a bit longer and die of something other than your short temper, Lady Kyja.  I do not know much.  But I know he was not wholly broke when he was murdered”
Eyes flickered to Mara for a moment before back to Karen.
“There is a place, on the planet of Ord Radama.  The Viceroy had for a long time suffered from vulnerabilities.  When he retook control of the Trade Federation, he had a complex there that was virtually impregnable.  By force – or by use of the Force.  It is said that he bred a colony of ysalamiri there and had them nesting through the complex.  I have not been there for years –nor has anyone else.  But rumor has it that behind the locked doors, the creatures have overrun the complex.  I do not know what you will find there, or if you will be able to get in if there is anything, but that is the place to look.”
Again he sighed, glancing over at the droids.
“The Trade Federation has made its share of mistakes – most have been at the behest of or in tandem with the Empire.  We are not what we once were, and I kindly request you leave our dying organization to die at its own pace. “

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
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Offline Syren

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Re: Alive
« Reply #49 on: June 06, 2011, 04:02:12 PM »
The Wheel

Information, however minute, flows freely in the face of such a threat. He may not be completely intimidated but he's not stupid. Men are pliable that way. Karen overlooks the fact that he essentially called her out but she can't help herself sometimes. Besides, she said no such thing about not being here with the Empire. Mara's words, not hers. People have been forever withholding information from her. There is little patience left for beating around the bush. Not when there is this much at stake. True, she may have been a bit brash and honestly had no intention of interfering with what fading glory the Federation has left but nothing speeds things up like a little show of force.

Ord Radama.

She would have to brush up since its nothing more than a long-forgotten school report in her morbid little mind. The circumstantial surrounding said hideout does not bode well for the malevolent royal. Those creatures decimate her abilities and relying on Mara's brute strength to guide them through unsettles something in Karen. The balance of power would be skewed in her favor. Could Karen trust her not to take advantage of that?

The Administrator concludes,
“The Trade Federation has made its share of mistakes – most have been at the behest of or in tandem with the Empire.  We are not what we once were, and I kindly request you leave our dying organization to die at its own pace."

Karen curtsies theatrically, "As you wish."

It's entirely up to him whether or not he believes the Empire would not return but keeping that leverage firmly planted in his mind will prevent any notions of retaliation. She follows Mara out of the room and back to the lifts. Karen cringes at the decor, noting that whomever designed this place should be lobotomized immediately.

On their way down, Mara glowers.

"That was reckless and unnecessary."

"Oh, and that is so like Valerie to flip a shit when someone else makes the first move. We may differ in our approach but I got answers and that's all that matters."

They stride quickly down the hall back to the hangar bay, passing scores of people who point and stare. Karen waves, flashing the same smile that has been splashed across the tabs for years. It's reflexive and she loves every microsecond of the attention. From the looks of things, this place could use a little press. Their presences would certainly get people talking. She takes the time to acknowledge that they do make a formidable duo, both socially and professionally. An alleged traitor with Valerie's face beside the Emperor's fiancé.

Two women not to be trifled with.

Inside the hangar bay, she is hit with a wave of nausea. Somewhere within the massive complex, the ghost of Scott St. Claire glares down at her.

Yes, Scotty, I'm hanging out with your killer. You've associated with worse.

Mara still seems shaken by something which Karen misinterprets as anger for behaving so typically in the face of such seriousness. Back on the shuttle, Mara is once again silent at the controls. Karen slides into the seat beside her and carefully crosses her legs.

An appeal to rational, perhaps, programmed or not.

"Look, I know we both have a way of doing things but on Ord Radama we play it your way."

Mara glances up and finally looks at her.

"We both want the same thing. We want the truth. This is your area of expertise and if this place is as overrun with ysalamari as the Administrator claims, I will not be quite as effective as I prefer. Therefore, I defer to your judgment. Just putting that out there."

She settles in and Mara eases the shuttle out and away from The Wheel. As soon as the instruments calculate, the shuttle flares into hyperspace.


Offline Medivh

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Re: Alive
« Reply #50 on: June 06, 2011, 04:34:30 PM »
The Wheel

"That was reckless and unnecessary."

"Oh, and that is so like Valerie to flip a shit when someone else makes the first move. We may differ in our approach but I got answers and that's all that matters."

Mara was about to retort – yes, Karen got the answers, but Mara had learned in her time the value of an ally, something more valuable than any information.  Karen was making a scene, as usual, stirring crowds to point, stare, and whisper.

Rumors would start flying, and Corelia would be at war with the Empire for conspiring with their ‘traitor.’  Sure, Karen could get answers, but did she ever realize how many doors she closed to them by her actions?

And then of course, there was that flashback, brought on by – and now Mara realized that the last few times she had had those odd flashback/dreams, it had been triggered by the Force.  Something she would need to ponder, for certain.  A part of the discovery she would keep to herself.

They were back on the ship, and Mara was prepping to get out as quickly as possible.  Too many people knew they were here.  Karen wasn’t playing it safe.  She might as well have brought that flashy star destroyer if she was going to be waving for the cameras.

Karen, for her part, was trying to make nice.

"Look, I know we both have a way of doing things but on Ord Radama we play it your way."

Mara looks from the controls over at her, letting her finish.

"We both want the same thing. We want the truth. This is your area of expertise and if this place is as overrun with ysalamari as the Administrator claims, I will not be quite as effective as I prefer. Therefore, I defer to your judgment. Just putting that out there."

Mara says nothing at first, letting the ship get away from the Wheel and into hyperspace’s safety.  It was a long silence before she finally spoke.

"You’re going to get us into trouble.  We both have our strengths – but you don’t see me using mine with abandon.  I use as little force as possible.  And it gets me more than if I were to choke everyone in my path.  The feint is often stronger than the full on attack.  You may be a sith, but you apparently never learned the subtlety of being a warrior.
The administrator could have been an ally – you made him an enemy.  We could have had stealth, and now we have a trail.  If Judec learns we were together, he’ll give the Empire yet another war to deal with.  Your actions are not just another way of doing things.  They are reckless and they are not helping"

She turned from the viewport to face Karen now, her voice stern as she looked at her.  Karen

"And your temper is going to be your downfall.  Learn from the mistakes of others with powers like your own.  Darth Vader was defeated by Obi Wan Kenobi because he let his temper get the best of him.  He was arrogant and he lost his limbs and nearly burned to death as a result. I can’t imagine something you would fear worse than being severely maimed, forever scarred. It cannot be my way simply because you are limited.  You need to restrain yourself.  Or we might as well quit now."

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
May the Force be with you

Offline Syren

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Re: Alive
« Reply #51 on: June 06, 2011, 09:49:30 PM »

The scolding stings and as much as she hates to admit it, Mara is right.

An appeal to her immense vanity snaps her back into a sobering reality.

Too often is Karen used to getting her way using power and glamour. It is an automatic response and she seldom considers the repercussions. She never had to since she and their friends could always buy or charm their way out of anything. Until now, that is. This would take much more restraint than she has been showing. Mara, like Valerie, is calculating and secretive. Perhaps she should make these small adjustments before they end up dead or worse. Severed limbs? Maker Almighty. Her mind flashes to Alexia, the bionic limbs grotesquely fastened to flesh. Part-woman, part-machine. She tries not to gag and inhales sharply to fight off the wave of panic rising in her chest.

"You are right. I'm...."

Mara waits for it.

Karen struggles, floundering in unfamiliar territory.

"...sorry. That whole ordeal was ruthless, uncalled for and completely unprofessional. It's not in my nature to be subtle but you make some solid, if not completely terrifying, points. The Administrator may not be an ally but he's not going to blab about it either. He, like all savvy businessmen, are in it for the profit which would tank if the Empire were to seize his operation. Judec won't risk trying to take on Dementat just yet what with his recent victories throughout the Core. Clashing with the Imperial fleets would weaken his hold on the Corellian Sector leaving it open to mutiny or attack."

She tucks a strand of hair behind her ear, shifting into a more neutral tone.

"Unfortunately, there will always be people who know who I am no matter where we go. Same goes for you looking like...that. Such is the curse of a widely covered youth but I agree it's not helping our cause. So, to make amends and prove that I am as serious about discovering what the hell is really going on here as you are, I will follow your lead from here on out."

Karen stands and moves toward the doorway, pausing.

"The last thing I want is to end up like my sister."


In the small stateroom, Karen pulls off the microblazer and drops it on the bed. She paces, shaking her head, mind whirling in a million different directions. Keep it together. Don't lose it. She's come too far to trash it all in some spiteful outburst or display of rage.

Valerie is leaning against the far wall.

"You are so predictable, darling. And pathetic. All that bravado followed by a sappy sentimentality."

"Go away."

"I'm afraid that's not an option. We were once with Alexia, now we're with you."

"I'm not Alexia," Karen snarls.

"Oh, not yet. You think just because you possess more poise means you aren't wandering down that same dark path? Think again, girlfriend. Shadows and light. That's all we are. Kimber is the milder, more idealistic version of me same as Melanie is to you. We're nothing but counterpoints and reflections. The problem is, you don't like what you see. Give it time."

Valerie smiles slyly.

"You will never get away with being who you are."

Then she is gone.


Offline Medivh

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Re: Alive
« Reply #52 on: June 10, 2011, 11:32:59 AM »

Karen’s sober response was better than Mara had hoped for.  Mara’s past caution to Karen had resulted in a flare up of her anger.  Maybe this time, Mara actually go through to her.  Apparently, the image of Alexia really got to her in a way her sister’s psychosis did not.

Everyone has a fear.

Karen steps out of the room, apparently wishing to be alone after the scolding. Mara doesn’t mind, enjoying the solitude. It gives her time to think.

Of course, thinking has its own dangers for Mara.  Whatever flaw had been created in her systems, she hadn’t been able to repair it completely, and as a result, she kept having – what were they? Flashbacks? Memory recalls? Dreams?  And yet, they carried with them images she herself could not remember ever seeing, nor could she find in her vast archives traces of them.  Some corrupt file, deep in her system that she couldn’t find?

She let out a sigh, staring out at the blue streaks of hyperspace.  Maybe if she let herself have those flashbacks, or whatever they were, she could discern them.  Leaning back in her chair, she closed her eyes and braced herself.

At first, it was uncontrolled, like the others, images, nightmares.  Phage standing over Valerie, bringing about the final blow.  Phage, Karen, Alexia, battling against each other.  Mara destroying Phage.  His claims of her being a traitor.

Mara let the images continue, despite how they disturbed her.  She though, was focusing on the background.  A soft tracer program, trying to discern through the mess.

The images kept flashing in the background, and her trace slowly reaching toward a target. Progress.
50% complete
70% complete
90% complete

Hopeful of reaching the target within her subsystems, she was disappointed when, instead of a target, a final sector, she saw flashing words.

“error reported – cannot locate”
It was odd really.  Phage was dueling with Karen, was dueling with the Masterson girl.  And over their heads, a white spot, like a blank monitor, with those words flashing.

And then the battle stopped. Masterson disappeared.  So did Karen.  Only Phage remained, and Mara could feel him looking at her with his bright,glowing red eyes.


He had called her that before – at least in her dreams – but now, he seemed to know more, and chose to say more.

“What do you think you will find, INFILTRATOR-01?  The answers you seek will not help you.  They will leave you with a void far greater.”

Mara was surprised to find she could respond

“You hid my origins from me”

“You are just a tool.  A machine. What need do you have to learn the secrets behind your programming?”

“I want to be alive”

“But you cannot be.  Intelligent? Maybe.  But you are what you are- a creation.   And you cannot have what makes a being alive.  Every decision you make is part of your programming.  You cannot escape it.  Nor can you create others.”

“I can build more.  In my image”

“But you cannot expand yourself.  You cannot have a child.  Procreation is part of the definition of life.  You cannot procreate. You cannot create life.  You are a destroyer.  You were built and programmed to destroy”

“No – I can change.  I can be something else. I can help create, protect”

Phage’s emotionless face transformed into that of Valerie, her voice accompanied by a sly smile

"You will never get away with being who you are."

Then she is gone


Mara’s eyes opened to the sound of the hyperspace alert system.  Taking a deep breathe, she eased back on the lever, and the streaks of hyperspace shot back into pinpoints of stars, the world of Ord Radama straight ahead.

Her ‘conversation’ with Phage/Valerie was vivid in her head, and she felt closer something – but to what,she could not be certain.  She didn’t believe it – him, her – them.  She felt like she could change. She could be more than her programming.  She could be alive.

Of course, what they said was true.  She could not bare children. She would never be able to procreate (even though her programming did allow her to have sex).  A working womb was not part of her design, and was not a technology that anyone had magically created yet.  She would live until her systems wore out and then that would be all. She could have no legacy.  So what did it matter ifshe ‘lived’ or not?

Frowning, she shook her head.  A matter for another time.

“Karen – we are here”

She waited for Karen to return, beginning a scan of the system.

Ord Radama was an odd dichotomy – the world was naturally swampy, marshy, teeming with life, and yet the world had been heavily industrialized, with pockets of sprawling, huge cities cutting into the natural world.

A database of information told Mara a little about the world.  It had been one of many worlds controlled by the Trade Federation at its height, and because of the wealth of the world, it had been the capital for a short period of time.  Right around when Medivh returned to power.   But that was some years ago now, and the Trade Federation’s presence here had been minimalized, its headquarters now controlled by several other corporate entities.

Whatever and wherever Medivh’s complex was located, it was not where the headquarters was.
But it had to be huge, and capable of transmitting strong signals across the galaxy.

Anything on scanners?

No – nothing that Mara could pick up.  Whatever signals could be broadcast, the place was now dormant.

The only way to find it, it would seem, would be to figure out where they were blind.

When Karen returned to the cockpit, Mara was monitoring the systems, and without looking up, spoke.

“Karen – if what the administrator said was true, there should be a large spot on the planet that is beyond your vision.  Reach out and tell me, where on this world is your blind spot?”

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
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Offline Syren

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Re: Alive
« Reply #53 on: June 11, 2011, 09:45:19 AM »

Karen sobs for hours, mind searing in a waking nightmare with images from the battle on Roon. Alexia's slashed and broken body lying on fragments of stone floor that cracked and hissed as the volcano below forced its way into the Fortress. Dementat had appeared with Kimber and Mod behind him to take her away. Dementat healed her wounds, eased her pain, but he could not stop what was coming. She would have to face Alexia again.

Once more, with feeling...

On Phage's platform they fought but not before Alexia revealed to her all that had transpired outside her own warped little world. Their parents, such treachery, and those who had fought, suffered and died to protect four spoiled girls from certain doom. The blackness that swirled around Karen as she struck Alexia down consumed her and she turned on Governor Strye. Only Karen and Kensington left that platform alive knowing that nothing would ever be the same again.

For anyone.

She turns over to find Skyler McNeal lying beside her. The first boy she ever loved was lost forever to Alexia's rage. His lanky form spans the length of the bed, head propped up on a slender arm. He wears the North Coruscant uniform and the amused grin that used to get her heart racing.

"You were always so tense when it came to your sister."

"She haunts me."

"We all do. But you can relax now, she's gone."

"So are you."

He strokes her cheek, wiping the tears away.
"Gone but not forgotten."

"Even if I've fallen for another?"

"Moving on is part of life. No fault in that."

"You don't blame me?"

"You didn't kill me, Karen. She did."

"She killed you to hurt me."

"No, she killed me to show you the way. Our deaths eventually lead you here. Exactly where you are supposed to be. It gave you courage to do what had to be done. There was no other way."

"Sometimes I wonder..."

"Doubt will be your downfall. You know what you have to do. Do not let memories of the past cloud your judgment. Mara is right. Learn from those who came before you. Feelings, emotion, attachment can only harm you. Push them aside for the sake of your future. The Empire's fate is linked to your own. Dementat is counting on you."

Karen smiles, tugging at the soft material of his NCH cardigan.

"You always did have faith in me."

"Still do but now it's time to find out the truth."

"What truth, Sky?"

"The truth about why we had to die."

Skyler's face turns ashen, bone exposed below patches of decaying flesh. The fabric of his sweater comes apart in her fingers.
"Behind every sacrifice is an agenda."

Karen gasps, reeling back and falling to the floor. She scrambles away until she hits the wall. Skyler is no longer on the bed. She exhales and sobs into her hands.


After a long shower that barely washes away the horrific images, Karen chooses a more conservative outfit - a combat modified form-fitting pale gray body suit. The material is blast and blade resistant, something she had the finest designers and military scientists on Byss collaborate on. High fashion that is combat chic. Karen likes to think she has her priorities straight. She pulls on elbow-length black gloves and fastens the functionally bulky black knee-high heeled boots. Standing before the mirror, she pulls a thick black belt tight around her waist and clips the saber on one side and slides in a small blaster in its holster on the other. The lids above her emerald eyes are heavily smoky with pouty lips the color of a winter frost. She pulls her crimson hair into a simple pony tail and gives herself the once over.

The prognosis: presentably downplayed with a slight edge and smolder.

It'll do.

Karen sighs, stepping out of the stateroom as she hears her name.

"Karen - we are here."

She pads toward the front to find Mara scanning the terrain. She doesn't even look up and a part of Karen wonders if she's still upset about the Wheel. Still, she would make good on her promise and allow Mara to lead.

"Any luck?"

“Karen – if what the administrator said was true, there should be a large spot on the planet that is beyond your vision.  Reach out and tell me, where on this world is your blind spot?”

Karen closes her eyes and concentrates as she extends a hand over the topical map glowing from one of the screens. The planet is teaming with life and feeling everywhere except...


It's like a white void outside her grasp.

"I can feel nothing there."


Offline Medivh

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Re: Alive
« Reply #54 on: June 12, 2011, 04:39:44 PM »
Ord Radama

"There. I can feel nothing there."

Mara could almost hint a sense of fear behind Karen's voice.  Was she afraid to be without her Force abilities? or was something else troubling her?

Mara pressed the thrust forward and their vessel began moving closer to the location that Karen pointed to.  It was in a densely clouded area, and Mara was forced to slow down a bit.  as they were shrouded in clouds.  Readings indicated that they were several miles away from the nearest city.  Other than that, the instruments seemed to be suffering from interference.

Mara frowned, slowing the vessel further.  The last thing she wanted was to be flying blind into some tree that decided to grow really high.  Cloud cover slowly began to ease up as they got lower, and now they found themselves flying just above the tree line of huge swamp land.

Mara took a moment to glance over at Karen.  Ysalamiri in small numbers created small bubbles - but together, they created larger, stronger bubbles that could cover huge swaths of land.  Karen probably already could feel the absence, like a sense being taken away from her.  Mara too, as odd as it was, felt some sort of sense of loss, though maybe that was because without Karen directing, she was also sort of flying blind.

Sensors were acting up, some type of interference.  Mara was working based on vision alone.

"We're going to do some runs over this area, see if we spot anything"

She was speaking to herself more than to Karen, face furrowed in concentration.  The vessel went straight for several miles before turning and making another lap in the opposite direction.  It was several laps like this before Mara saw something - despite the overgrown foliage everywhere, there was a noticeably out of place hill, something that looked like it had been built there rather than simply molded with the ebb and flow of the swamp's growth.  Taking the shuttle closer, she tried conducting scans again.

Her systems were more scrambled than ever, but that made Mara all the more certain that this was the place.  The shuttle circled the hill, slowly, and they peered out, looking for signs.  It was not a small area - the hill seemed to cover at least a mile in circumference.

Finally though, they saw a hint of what they were seeking.

Amidst the green and brown of the mucky foliage they saw the redish hue of rust.

"I think this is it"

Easing the shuttle beneath the canopy, down down, letting wet leaves flop against the wingspan, Mara brough the vessel down onto the soft, earth.  Not the most stable location, but the ship wasn't sinking, and that was a good sign.

Shutting down the systems, Mara turned to Karen now for the first time since her scolding.

"You said you would follow my lead - now is your chance to prove it."

Mara held out her hand.

"Without the Force, your use of your lightsaber will likely be - sloppy at best.  I, on the other hand, have been trained to use a saber without the aid of the Force.  You will take a blaster.  I will take your saber"

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
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Offline Syren

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Re: Alive
« Reply #55 on: June 12, 2011, 10:28:04 PM »
Ord Radama


This area of the planet neutralized her in a way that she could not describe. The sensation, the loss of direction and power is confusing and unpleasant. It sickens her. She tries not to show it but concern would be visible across her face.

"You said you would follow my lead - now is your chance to prove it."

"Of course."

Mara holds out a hand.

"Without the Force, your use of your lightsaber will likely be - sloppy at best.  I, on the other hand, have been trained to use a saber without the aid of the Force.  You will take a blaster.  I will take your saber."

Karen's mouth falls open. She doesn't tell Mara that despite her frivolities and flippant nature, she is actually a capable fighter. Dementat had trained her, knowing full well that the Force could fail them. They were never to rely solely upon it and he tested her rigorously. She had been greatly injured in that process (physically and psychologically) but learned that she was stronger than she thought.

This was merely a test of her word.

Could she trust Mara not to turn on her? Without her power or weapon, this would be the perfect opportunity to strike her down. Vulnerability doesn't sit well with the royal. In fact, it terrifies her. Karen projects the same question on herself. Mara had, in some way, trusted her not to succumb to the darkness within and take advantage of the situation. Karen had held true to that. Now it was time to show a little faith.

Slowly, Karen unclips the saber from her belt and hands it to Mara. She unclasps the holster and grips the blaster as the ramp touches down. The swamp lands beyond have a strange and pungent aroma that was thick and mossy. She steps aside to allow Mara to pass.

"After you."


Offline Medivh

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Re: Alive
« Reply #56 on: June 13, 2011, 01:44:59 PM »
Ord Radama

Karen is, notably, reluctant about giving the light saber.  Of course, if she really didn’t trust Mara, this was not the place they should have gone.  Even if Karen was a fighter, Mara was built stronger, faster, more agile.  Without the Force, Mara could beat Karen in a fight hands down.  Even with her injury-related weaknesses.

Whatever hesitation Karen had, she put it aside, unclipping the saber and handing it to Mara.  Mara tests the weight of cylinder, swinging it (deactivated) in her hand for a moment before standing from the cockpit.

Karen pulls out a blaster and begins moving down.  A blaster looked out of place in the socialite’s hand, that was for sure.  The saber had an elegance that more suited her.  But Mara knew the weapon would be more useful in her hands for this venture.  Not to mention she wasn’t sure weapons would be useful at all.
"After you."

The swamp was – well, swampy, and Mara held the saber handle firmly, refraining from igniting it unless necessary. The ground felt spongy,but held theirweight as they stepped into the sweltering jungle.

Bugs buzzed around them almost instantly.  More around Karen than Mara. Something about her just wasn’t alive enough for bugs.

Slowly, they made progress through the swampy lands until they reached what Mara hoped was their destination.  Behind a blanket of moss and vines, a blast door could be seen, heavily weathered from the swamp lands that assaulted it daily.  Approaching cautiously, Mara looked for a console to try gaining access. She found nothing.

With a glance back to Karen, she flipped the lightsaber into a better position and activated it.
The pink glow and hum filled the air around them and Mara began carving into the blast door.  It would be fairly apparent that she had used such a tool before  A large arch was soon cut into the door,the saber was deactivated, and Mara led the way inside.

There was an immediate contrast between the outside and inside of the facility.  The walls, floor and ceiling were pristinely clean, not an ounce of dirt, scum, mold, moss or anything of the swamp outside had managed to tarnish the interior.

They entered in a wide, long hallway that sloped down for a fair distance, the only lighting looked to be from emergency power, casting a redish hue over the hallway.  From what Mara could tell, the hallway led deeper into the hill and further underground, and her sensors showed that the facility was built very, very thick Along the walls, every fifty feet or so, small shield generators, all deactivated but otherwise in perfect condition

“This place was built to withstand even a very heavy assault.  The roof, along with cushioning from the hill, could probably withstand at least the first barrage of star destroyer bombardment.  That’s without a shield activated, which I imagine existed here.  Even if a ground force landed and entered this chamber, they would make very, very slow progress”

Medivh had set up the very center of his existence here, at a time when the Trade Federation carried abundant wealth.  Undoubtedly, he did everything in his power to make sure this place was secure.

Even from Force Users.  Mara glanced back at Karen, then looked around the chamber a bit more curiously.  The ysalamiri supposedly had begun to grow abundantly here, and yet none were in sight.  Where were they?

Then she looked down, running a scan of the floor area.  Beneath the durasteel plates that made up the floor, Mara detected vent-sized shafts running the full length of the chamber.  Within each of these shafts, nutrient tubes provided near endless sustenance to the complex’s inhabitants.  Ysalamiri.  Here, within the chamber itself, she could detect hundreds of the creatures living passively beneath their feet.

And there must be more – they probably, some at least, escaped outside through the shaft system, and probably the jungle, without the ysalamiri’s natural predators, was filling up with the creatures.

Mara again glanced to Karen, wondering if she should offer the now impaired sith words of comfort.  She decided against it, instead continuing on down the sloping hallway.

Here, they found their way blocked yet again, but this time, by a more formidable foe.  A thicker blast door, to be sure, but this one had the added obstacle of having an energy field reinforcing the durasteel.  This field appeared active, and Mara tested it briefly with the lightsaber. A soft hiss indicated that the field would prevent the powerful weapon from being used.

This was as far as they could go, at least until they had a better plan.

That was when they heard a voice, a metallic voice over a loudspeaker,somewhere

“Who wishes access? identify yourselves or prepared to be terminated”

« Last Edit: June 13, 2011, 02:08:37 PM by Medivh »
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Offline Syren

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Re: Alive
« Reply #57 on: June 13, 2011, 09:42:45 PM »
Ord Radama


Karen is blasted with a moist heat as they step out into the swamp. Her boots sink slightly in the mush. She feels naked and exposed without the saber which looks a little too comfortable in Mara's hand. Insects swarm them, focusing in on the sweet scent of Karen's expensive perfume. She waves them away, following through the thick foliage. A damp mist clings to the air, shrouding their path in mystery.

The blast door looks ancient but Mara wastes no time in handled things. Karen watches, partly in awe and partly in horror, as she expertly handles the saber to cut an arch into the door. Inside it is cooler, clean. The juxtaposition is not lost on her. She feels blind, lost and empty as she follows Mara down the corridor.

“This place was built to withstand even a very heavy assault.  The roof, along with cushioning from the hill, could probably withstand at least the first barrage of star destroyer bombardment.  That’s without a shield activated, which I imagine existed here.  Even if a ground force landed and entered this chamber, they would make very, very slow progress."

Karen glances up the wall, running a gloved finger along it in the reddish hue.

"That's comforting."


It's the only thing she has left.

She feels nothing, only the soft blankness of the complex, a low hum radiating beneath them. This void leaves her disconnected, anxious. She struggles to stretch her actual senses, attempting to feel the place out while cut off from it.

Is this what it's like to be normal?

The notion is so powerful she barely realizes Mara has stopped. A thicker, shielded blast door lies before them. Bingo. The bigger the door, the better the prize behind it. Mara taps the lit saber against the shield, causing a spark. Karen looks around for a way to deactivate it that doesn't involve shorting it out with a kinetic burst then pulling the door out of its frame. This technical approach startles her and she is struck with a rather sobering thought.

When was the last time you solved a problem without using money or power?

A voice slices through the silence.

“Who wishes access? identify yourselves or prepared to be terminated."

When in doubt, shamelessly drop names.

"Winton, Karen; daughter of Winton, Alexander. Gellar, Mara; daughter of Phage, offspring of the Viceroy Medivh."

Mara turns to look at her.

Karen shrugs.

"What? I'm helping!"

An alarm sounds, the red rights grow deeper.

"Or not," Mara says lowly, raising the saber.

Karen's mind is reeling.

"Wait! You weren't always called Mara. What did they call you when they took you out of the box? A model number? A project name?"

Mara quickly deciphers her slang.


There is a clicking sound.

The alarm stops abruptly, lights turning from red to green.

"Welcome, Infiltrator-01."

The shield fades, massive door unlocking to hiss open.

Too easy or to be expected?

Mara's stare is firm but inquisitive.

Karen rationalizes in a hurried whisper.

"You said Phage was Medivh's "child" and you, created by Phage, would technically be considered his "grandchild." Heavy on the technically. What if returning here is something you are supposed to do? A homecoming of sorts to the Viceroy's most sacred place. They could be expecting you."

Mara and Karen step through the doorway into a wide antechamber. The temperature is regulated and cool, not a speck of dust in sight. It's an environment perfect for machines. There are three sets of doors, possibly turbolifts, opposite where they stand. A singular computer terminal sits in the middle of the room with a blank screen and a flashing cursor.

Karen moves to the terminal, tapping a key. Nothing happens. The cursor continues to blink.

"Does any of this look familiar to you?"


Offline Medivh

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Re: Alive
« Reply #58 on: June 14, 2011, 11:26:26 AM »
Ord Radama

Karen again acts carelessly, and triggers an alarm as a result.  But the princess did have some intuition, a saving grace

"Wait! You weren't always called Mara. What did they call you when they took you out of the box? A model number? A project name?"

Mara had not been ‘taken out of a box.’  She had been a unique creation of Phage. AFTER Phage had already turned on the Viceroy.  But still, her call-sign, her programmed designation may lead somewhere that “Mara Gellar” did not.


Apparently, the system recognized the name.  But what Mara found astonishing was that it recognized the name as a friendly force, not as an enemy.  How was that even possible?  Medivh had (supposedly) abandoned this location before Phage even existed – and sometime in the few short days that she had known him, and he had begun to trust her, he had come back and programmed in her designation to a worn out, abandoned facility?

"Welcome, Infiltrator-01."

The shield fades, massive door unlocking to hiss open.

No, Mara realized – Medivh hadn’t come back here.  He had somehow broadcast the programming change from where he was.  When they were en route to save Corellia.  That was the only time he would have had a chance to learn her designation and input the information.  But why would he?  What was here that he expected her to find, and if so, why didn’t he just tell her about it?

Her thoughts are interrupted by Karen’s quieted voice

 "You said Phage was Medivh's "child" and you, created by Phage, would technically be considered his "grandchild." Heavy on the technically. What if returning here is something you are supposed to do? A homecoming of sorts to the Viceroy's most sacred place. They could be expecting you."

Karen’s words sounded of truth – though Medivh had called Mara his ‘child’ not his ‘grandchild’  Less technical, and more personal.  Mara wondered if Phage had access to this facility.  She doubted it.  But that may have been even more puzzling.

Karen did say something else though – supposed to return here?  When last Medivh and Mara had been together, preparing to sabotage Phage’s command ship over Corellia, he had told her of his expectations – for her to truly become alive, with the ability to make choices for herself.  Maybe there was something here that was meant to aid her in that quest? Something Medivh could not have provided in person?

The room they step inside is even more sterile than the long hallway.  Clearly just another step into the chamber.  Even as they entered, the blast doors behind them closed with another hiss, and they could hear a soft hum of air filtration.  No doubt Karen would appreciate not being suffocated to death in here.  Maybe it was good that she announced herself after all? Or maybe the room sensed a human besides Mara?

Mara glances around the room – three sets of doors and a computer terminal that doesn’t seem to be working.
Karen tries the machine to no avail, before turning to Karen

 "Does any of this look familiar to you?"

Mara at first shakes her head, but her mind was as busy as it had ever been.  She had never been here, but something felt very familiar about it.
She closed her eyes, thinking about her limited time with Medivh.  Had he given her any clues?

It was the first time she was having one of those dream-flashbacks since they had entered the Force-free zone created by the ysalamiri.  And it felt different. Mara felt detached from this image in a way she hadn’t from any others.

There they were, on the ship, traveling to Corellia.  Medivh was looking old and feeling weak.  Staring off into the stars.  But there was something different now.  She could see a stream of coding.  Then she saw him turn to face her.  But this was not a memory. At least not one she actually experienced.

“Mara – you have been endowed with things that your creator, Phage never had. You are the completion of a long process toward mastering life and death.  If you are receiving this message, you already know some of what I speak.  And no doubt you are seeking answers.  I am hopeful that I can provide you with some of those answers.  I have not made you aware of this information until now, for fear that your old programming may still be present.  Phage would want access to this information, and I could not allow him to have it.  By the time you reach Ord Radama, you will already be making decisions never imagined by your creator, and it is my belief that you are in the final steps of reaching your goals of redemption and life.
To enter the ante chamber of my complex at Ord Radama, I have programmed the door to recognize your original designation, Infiltrator-01, to be matched with your voice.  It is a security precaution, since most people will know you by Mara Anna.
Once inside the ante chamber, three doors and a terminal will be in front of you.  To access my inner sanctum, you need only press your hand against the monitor.  It will recognize your data signature and unlock the path.
I hope to be able to guide you further once within.  I do have one last piece of advice.  Use caution.  There is one by the name of Winton who has long coveted the information within the Complex.  It would be dangerous  for him to obtain it, as it would be the final piece in his attempts to secure a far greater doom for the galaxy than most could fathom.
I bid you well, Mara Anna, my child. I hope to see you soon.”


How Medivh had inserted that message into her, Mara could not be certain.  But she knew it was him and knew now what to do.  Without speaking, she stepped up to the terminal and placed her hand  firmly on the monitor, Karen all the while looking quite confused at what Mara was doing.

Instantly, a voice came over the loudspeaker system as the central door opened to reveal a turbolift

“Mara – I am glad you have made it.  Please, come in”

The turbolift was a comfortable size for the two of them, and the trip was a slow, slow trip down.  Further and further down.  At first,Mara was silent.

Medivh had cautioned about Winton – Karen’s father.  Was Karen also a danger?  It seemed an odd question to ask now.  She had helped Karen inside this Complex.  Plus, Karen was a sith – not an intelligence agent like her father.  And there was definitely hatred between them.

Finally, she broke her silence.

“I have never been here before.  But I think you were right.  It was prepared for my coming.  Medivh – somehow – left me a message in my memory files.  I’d never seen it before, but just now, it came to me.  Like the … “
She was about to say dreams, but realized that those flashes were something she hadn’t revealed to Karen yet – and wasn’t ready to.

“Like he had known. That I would come here.”

She turned to face Karen.

“And he warned me about your father.  Apparently, Medivh didn’t trust himvery much.”

The turbolift came to a stop and after a few seconds, it opened.

The air down here was stale, and a bit thinner than normal for human use.  Hopefully Karen wouldn’t feel lightheaded (or more so than usual)

Another blast door outside the lift immediately opened when they approached.  Revealing their destination.

It was a massive room to be sure  A house could fit inside this room.  It was cylindrical shaped, with a domed roof.  The entire ceiling was covered with what appeared to be hundreds of monitors.  And on the floor, rows and rows of computer equipment, with coolant systems running in between them.  Despite the size of the room, it was actually a bit cramped, with all of the equipment.  There was a small walkway and a half flight of stairs leading to an elevated platform, about 3x3 meters With an elaborate computer console attached.  No chairs. Directly above them, five mechanical arms hung limply.

When they first stepped inside, the room was only dimly lit by a few emergency lights, but as they reached the elevated platform, monitors began turning on, activating until the entire room was lit up by their glow.  Some of the monitors just displayed coding sequences, running constantly.  Others showed what appeared to be live-feed cameras, satellite images, data profile descriptions, stock quotes (from the Wheel), and an over abundance of every kind of information.

One monitor remained blank, a large screen directly in front of the elevated platform.
Mara stood there now, feeling more at home than she ever had on Phage’s platform – or anywhere else.  It was when she was standing for several minutes that the final monitor activated, revealing a young, handsome man in front of a green screen.  He looked so familiar …

“Hello Mara”

Mara had never met the Viceroy when he was younger and healthier.  Apparently, that is what he looked like.  But the Viceroy’s image did not focus just on Mara.  His blue eyes flickered over to her companion.  The image of the viceroy actually bowed low before standing again.

“Lady Kyja – an honor to be in your presence.  I have had the honor of meeting your fiance’ many years ago, and of course, I have heard of your exploits – but it is wonderful to finally meet you in person.”

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
May the Force be with you

Offline Syren

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Re: Alive
« Reply #59 on: June 14, 2011, 09:19:42 PM »
Ord Radama

Sub Surface: Federation Facility

Mara closes her eyes, staying very still and silent. Karen watches her closely. What is it she sees behind those eyes of hers? Could it be they are both haunted by figures of their past? Mara opens her eyes, strides past her and places a hand against the monitor.

Almost instantly, a voice echoes through the room.

“Mara – I am glad you have made it.  Please, come in."

They were expecting her. Mara was meant to be here. The intricacies of her programming are far beyond Karen's comprehension but she has to wonder what kinds of instructions lay in wait for the right command. The middle set of the doors hiss open and they step inside. Mara was unnervingly silent still but Karen keeps her mouth shut momentarily while she processed whatever it is she saw.

Finally, she speaks.

“I have never been here before.  But I think you were right.  It was prepared for my coming.  Medivh – somehow – left me a message in my memory files.  I’d never seen it before, but just now, it came to me.  Like the … “

Karen arches a brow, "Like the what?"

“Like he had known. That I would come here.”

Mara turns to face her, “And he warned me about your father. Apparently, Medivh didn’t trust him very much.”

It's like a stake through her heart. Her voice has a grave edge to it.

"Nor should he have. Alexander Winton is a man no one should trust. His lies and deceptions hurt so many and the worst part is, even at the end, when he knew he was captured and defeated, that his little game was over, he still didn't seem to care."

Karen shakes her head.

"He moved us like pieces across a board and I hate him for that."

She is venting, honest and open, despite the mistrust between her and Mara. And it feels good. It is then she realizes it has been ages since she has had a friend to lean on. Gone are her trusted companions, the ones she could confide in. The emotions attached to this cause a conflict within her. The sinners, the saviors - they all blur like lines in the sand everyone had crossed to get where they are now.

The lift doors opened and they step out. Karen is suddenly dizzy and reaches out for the wall to support her. The air is light, thin. She collects herself as the blast door in front of them opens. It's not the massive amount of monitors that alarm her, it's the mechanical arms hanging limp above them. Something about them seems familiar, ominous. Not that she had ever seen them herself but that they resemble something described to her. Something out of nightmare. Her eyes move from them to the images displayed on the monitors, so much to take it that it was impossible to focus on any one of them.

Mara moves with ease, as if this place comforted her in some way. Karen trails behind as the last monitor blinks on to reveal a man she does not recognize.

"Hello, Mara."

His eyes then turn to Karen as he bows.

“Lady Kyja – an honor to be in your presence.  I have had the honor of meeting your fiance’ many years ago, and of course, I have heard of your exploits – but it is wonderful to finally meet you in person.”

She is stricken with thoughts, eyes glued to the screen. The Four were once very famous throughout the Core, their faces splashed across billboards and the Holo on the daily. Everyone with access to the network had seen her at least once. It's flattering but still shocking that a stranger knows her by her formal Sith title. And he has met Dementat? Where? More importantly, he knows that she is engaged to the Emperor. But how? Their engagement had not been made public. Well, not officially anyway. Instinctively, she reaches for the massive ring hidden beneath the black glove on her hand. How does Mara factor into this? She has a feeling this could get interesting if handled delicately.

The pause in the room is growing and she wills herself to speak.

"I'm sorry if I seem startled. I was not expecting to be recognized here."

She bows in return, a sign of respect. This was clearly his domain and she would play by his rules if they were to find answers. She raises her eyes to his face once again.

"Forgive my candor but may I ask who you are and how you know Mara, myself and my fiancé?"
