Author Topic: CC: Circle of Freedom  (Read 127443 times)

Offline Medivh

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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #90 on: March 24, 2015, 01:53:12 PM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital
Surface: Ambaril

Gil Leeds was in his senate office chamber when he received the call.

"Senator Leeds speaking"

"Senator, I have a proposition for you.  How would you like to be speaker of the senate chamber?"

The caller insisted on remaining anonymous, but a trace found it came from Contruum, his home world.  An odd supporter?  Maybe, but the things the person was saying were making sense.  At the end of the call, he had one key question.

"I'm a nobody - how am I going to get support when there are so many high profile individuals running for the position?"
"That's easy senator - because you are going to get the support of those high profile individuals.  In the next day, you will meet with several members of the Corellian Sector delegation, as well as Korda, Vena, Donovia and Phindar. The midrim and expanded regions are your base support.  Once you say yes, Artemis Soldys will back you, because you are the best alternative.  Then Senator Ingrat will as well, because he will either side with you, or lose entirely.  You will be declared speaker in short order, because you will be seen as the unifier.  Think about it, senator.  You can shape the Republic.  Contruum will never be in a better position."

The caller hung up and Senator Leeds leaned back in his chair, thinking over what he had been told.

"Senator, I have another call for you - this one from the senator from Korda"

Leeds glanced up.

"patch it through"

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
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Offline Medivh

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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #91 on: April 01, 2015, 12:29:20 PM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital
Surface: Ambaril

Artemis Soldys remained in his delegate box as colleagues from the Corellian Sector and nearby regions of the galaxy took to the senate floor to declare their nominations.  Nominations for a young senator named Gil Leeds of Contruum.  It was no secret he was going to support Senator Leeds, but he also knew if that support were less vocal, there would be less objection from the opposing side of the aisle.

There was polite clapping through the chamber as the necessary quorum announced Leeds, and as Leeds accepted with a humble nod.  Senator Ingrat could be seen hovering nearby, whispering with some of his closer allies.  Soldys was watching him cautiously.  Ingrat had all but declared his acceptance of his own nomination, with huge amounts of support.  Now he moved toward the center of the floor, glancing around the chamber as it quieted.

"Ladies and Gentlemen of the Senate.  I have an announcement to make.  You all know that I have garnered the necessary support to be nominated.  Indeed, those senators behind me were significantly more than necessary for the nomination.  However, I have heard the call of the senate - I have heard the call for unity.  So I stand before you today to say I will not be accepting the nomination.  Instead, "

At this, he put his hand on Leed's shoulder, acting as though they were old friends.

"Instead, I too am nominating Senator Leeds of COntruum, and encourage all of my supporters to support him.  Senator Leeds as the new speaker will unite the senate, and make the Republic strong.  Thank you."

There was a mix of polite claps from some, groans and eye rolls from others, and enthusiastic claps from Ingrat's most ardent followers.  Unlike Artemis, he had made a move to become Leed's ally and right hand, hoping to maintain the prestige he obtained under Speaker Apteen.  Artemis had rolled his eyes as well.  But he was grateful, even hopeful.  With Ingrat not opposing, Leed's had almost a guarantee of winning the election.  Artemis stood and stepped out of Corellia's box, back into the hallway, returning to his own office.


Artemis nearly jumped as the man came up behind him.

"Master Agnant - I thought you were not allowed in the building"  Artemis glanced around the office, as if to be sure no one else was there to see him.

"Not withstanding the recent policy changes, the jedi do have ways of traveling unseen.  This was urgent"

"Urgent enough to risk getting arrested"

"Yes.  There has been a great disturbance in the Force"

Artemis let out a sigh, moving to the chair behind his desk and sitting down.  "That seems to be a recurring theme"

"I have lost contact with a half dozen jedi, including two jedi masters.  THey have not reported, and I no longer feel their presence.  They were located on border worlds with the Empire, along the trade routes, where they had been stationed prior to Bastion."

The implication of jedi disappearing, especially after the attack on Donovan Atrii, were unsettling to say the least.  The jedi had been targeted as criminals, but until recently, it was a matter of civil rights.  Now, it looks like things were taking a turn for the worst.  With the jedi scattered and lacking in the support of the Republic, they were vulnerable to attacks.  But even then, jedi were known to be able to take care of themselves.  It would take a very strong entity to eliminate jedi, especially without it being public knowledge.

"I'm going to try every way I can to repeal the FURA, but even with the new speaker, I'm not certain I'll be able to accomplish that any time soon."

"I understand - but we might need an additional favor.  Right now, the jedi are spread out. Purposely, to avoid drawing attention.  I need to find a safe place for them to convene, so we can ascertain the threat. The real threat.  I am asking if we can send the jedi - almost all of the jedi - to Corellia.  I know they will be with friends there, and it is the only way to regroup outside of the Republic's spotlight."

Artemis was aware of the dangers of granting such a request.  If they were discovered, Corellia would be seen in direct violation of Republic law, which could lead to sanctions or worse.

"I need to speak with the Corellian governor before I can say yes.  Where can I reach you?"

"I will get in touch with you in a week.  If you don't hear from me by then ..." Master Agnant trailed of, shaking his head.

"If you don't hear from me by then, see that you reach out to whichever jedi you can"

"I will"

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
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Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #92 on: April 12, 2015, 10:34:17 PM »
"No, no don't let her smile fool
Don't let her eyes confuse.
Red lips always lie.
'Cause red lips
Has a filthy price.
That's a murder
In her paradise."


Chandaar: Republic Capital

Surface: Serinus

The royal cruiser touches down on the platfor atop The Menagerie. Dahlia heads for the ramp controls but Janessa hesitates. She turns, flashing a smile.

"Relax, there isn't any press."

"Are you sure?" Janessa says. "The last time you were bombarded."

"I made a request. For you. No press. I know you want to slip back into things slowly, given all that's happened. I get that. You should take your time. Chill out. Get settled."

"You did that…for me? Why?"

"I like you, Janessa. Smart, beautiful, ruthless, fashionable and, dare I say, cool. Don't let life's little tragedies get in the way of kicking ass. The Corporate Sector may be a man's world at times but you deserve to rule over it."

Janessa is touched yet somewhat alarmed. The Winton royal speaks and moves with a purpose unknown to her and so she treads carefully.

"Thank you."

Dahlia nods and heads down the ramp. Janessa follows and finds not a throng of screaming press but a lone, striking woman in a tight, black dress printed with white flowers. The woman kisses Dahlia on each cheek before training her gaze on Janessa.

"Miss Kain, it's a pleasure," she says, extending a hand. "I am Escara Wu."


"Please, follow me. We have arranged for a discreet transport back to your residence. By the way, love the outfit."

Dahlia winks, "See."

Janessa turns and stares out over the cityscape, feeling surprisingly out of place. The Republic she left was militant and brutal. It had always been teaming with scandal, as any political center does, but Apteen's rule turned Ambaril cold. It was a place of paranoia and fear. Could the Senate steer them clear of becoming the worst versions of them or is implosion inevitable? She gathers her resolve, takes a breath, turns on her heels and follows them into The Menagerie.


With the lovely liaison safely on her way home, Dahlia returns to her suite. Georgie enters behind her with the trunks and arranges them in neat stacks. He strums the top of the trunk containing the black box. She rolls her eyes, dismisses him and pads around the suite. She pours herself a glass of sparkling water and taps on some music. There are things to consider when executing her itinerary. The shoots would drag on as they always do with models that can barely function without being praised constantly and sent flowers. She would put in the time, hit her marks and be fabulous. She needs to garner a reputation to be easy to work with in order to gain a larger scope of access. Photographers will clamor for the pretty face who does exactly what she's told and isn't a total bitch about it. She runs through the role in her mind, plotting out alterations to her normal personality that would keep things flowing smoothly.

Someone squeals behind her.

Quinn bounds across the room and practically strangles her in a hug.

"You have no idea how good it is to see you!"

"You…too. How are you?"

"So bored," Quinn says. "That whole curfew thing practically turned everyone into a recluse. How are we supposed to build a brand if we can't be seen?"

"Seriously. That's, like, our primary function."

"I'm so glad we're on the same page with that. So, tell me everything. What's new in the Sector?"

She shrugs, falling back onto her bed.

"Pretty standard fare, I'm afraid. You know, school, parties, whatever."


"Not exactly a desirable pool. Sure, there are cute guys everywhere but they are either extremely dull or have their head's so far up their asses it's hardly worth the effort. Besides, it's not like I even have a say in the matter. All the parents match up their kids for the best and most profitable union. Take my friend, Trichelle. She is with this total hunk Kier but his dad is a former pro-athlete who sells speeders. You think her mother is going to let that last past a few well-placed yearbook pictures?"

Quinn makes a face, "That's, like, terrifying."

"Isn't it?" Dahlia says, glancing at herself in the mirror. "Do you know who you are wearing tomorrow?"

"D'jour, I think."

"Nice, I'll be in Nalaa Grey."

"That's your favorite."


"Hey," Quinn says, picking up an embossed envelope from the desk. "Someone left you a card."

Dahlia opens it and scans the message written inside.


"A warm welcome back from the designer."

"That's so sweet!"

"Right? It's getting late, we should wind down. Early morning tomorrow."

Quinn heads toward the bathroom but stops at the door, flipping her platinum blonde hair over her shoulder.

"I'm so glad you're here."

The door closes.

Dahlia glances down at the card, smile fading. She moves to one of the black shelves staggered up the wall and lights a candle. As the flame rises, she dips the tip of the card until it catches fire. She watches it burn down to her fingers before letting it drop in the empty waste basket. The card becomes ash and smolders out. That wasn't the message written inside. It was a singular sentence that put things in a much greater perspective.

Subject: Quinn Cavanaugh

Dahlia's eyes wander to the bathroom door.

"Me too."


Offline Medivh

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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #93 on: April 22, 2015, 12:58:39 PM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital
Surface: Ambaril

Artemis had been extremely busy over the past few days, thanks in part to the renewed war effort against the Empire.  Speaker Leeds had, with resounding support from the senate, authorized expenditures, ship building, and recruitment efforts to replace all Republic casualties that had occurred since the Empire had renewed the war, now nearly two years ago - including all the losses from the disastrous assault on Bastion.  The war machine was in full function, with about a third of the ship contracts going to Corellia, about a third to Mon Calimari, and the rest dispersed among smaller ship builders in the galaxy.  Corellian Engineering Corp, especially with its strong subsidiary, the remnant assets of the Trade Federation, was set to turn a respectable (but not obscene) profit. And being inside the Republic, they had advantages that their  rivals in the Corporate Sector did not have.  Access. Cheaper goods.  Stronger ethics.

Diplomacy was required as well, and Artemis, despite his continued efforts to reverse the FURA, made efforts to avoid the topic while dealing with his senate colleagues, especially those whose views were anachronistic to his own.

Then he had the other task - relaying messages from the beseiged jedi to Corellia and back.  Such backdoor deals were not foreign to Artemis, but he preferred to confront out in the open.  He believed he stood for justice in representing Corellia, and had difficulty harmonizing that with efforts to thwart the law of the government he had fought so hard to become a part of.

Still, he had managed to make the connections - Corellia had agreed to take on the jedi, starting with those on Chandaar, and then proceeding to take them in from other worlds where they were dispersed.  Artemis was waiting to hear from Master Agnant with a compilation of those who would be coming, and aliases they would be going by.  This evacuation of sorts was to be kept secret.

But Master Agnant was late - not just by an hour or two, although that in itself was not the jedi's usual behavior.  It had been two days with no word, and Artemis had begun sending out staffers to see if they could track him down.  He had left no address, making the search that much more difficult.

Artemis was sitting in his own apartment, just outside the government sector of the city, when he received a knock on the door.

HEading to the entrance, he found standing there two jedi, neither of whom could be much older than their upper teens, if at that.

"Senator Soldys - something terrible has happened.  Master Agnant.  We believe he is dead"

Artemis glanced outside the door, ushering the two young jedi inside and closing the door behind him, before turning to face them.

"Dead? Are you sure?"

They shook their heads.

"Not sure - but it matches a pattern.  The residence he was staying at - there was an explosion there, about three days ago"

Artemis remembered hearing reports - something about a gas leak in the sewer in some outskirts of town.

"He might have hidden somewhere else"

"Other jedi who are missing - from other worlds - the locations they were staying at. Also destroyed. No trace.  Someone's not just killing the jedi, they are destroying the evidence of how it was done. No bodies, no nothing."

Artemis wasn't sure if the two jedi in front of him were frazzled because of their youth, or if what they were saying was actually true.  But if it was true that the jedi-killer was on Chandaar, then that meant they and dozens of others, mostly the youngest of the jedi, who hadn't been sent on assignment, were in danger.

"Do you know where the rest of the jedi on Chandaar are?"

They shook their heads.

"We know some - but not all.  We have no way of finding out if they are ok, or if something is happening to them."

"Very well.  Here's what I want you to do.  gather as many of them as you can find in the next day, and bring them to me.  I will book passage for them off of Chandaar.  If you come into contact with whatever the threat is ... don't engage.  send a comm signal to me immediately. And get out of there.  Whoever this danger is, it's strong enough to destroy seasoned jedi."

They nodded, looking more scared than when they had entered, but understanding their tasks.  When they left, Artemis thought for several minutes.  He moved to his comm unit and sent a quick message to Corellia - telling them about the possible death of Master Agnant, but making no mention at all about his plans to evacuate the jedi from Chandaar.  He had a feeling that the attack here was a result of something leaking out, and the less that was sent over the comm, the better.

Then he sent another message, to an individual that by most counts, was a rival. Janessa Kain.

"Ms. Kain, this is Senator Artemis Soldys. Of Corellia.  I think we should meet to discuss ... a mutual aquaintance."

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Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #94 on: April 22, 2015, 08:49:59 PM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital

Surface: Ambaril

Janessa Kain sits in her office, scrolling through memos and correspondence that had piled up in her absence. They were all similar in tone, especially from the companies in the Sector who had lost significant market shares to the CEC after the Republic shifted production. The urgency and desperation leaks through the screen. People are starting to panic as they know, in the CSA, a loss of ground gives someone else ample opportunity to seize a way in. She sighs, wondering what she would do with Iver Aguilar's words ringing in her head. She had to find a way to undermine Corellia and show that the Corporate Sector was better. Price and proximity aside, the Sector was less trustworthy in their policies. The Republic views them as greedy opportunists which is true but flouted their own morals as their motive.

Until recently, they had done that in spades. The FURA and the subsequent devolution of the high ground put them more in line with one another. The policies of the former Speaker had steered them into a large swath of gray area. How upstanding can you claim to be if you segregate and terrorize your own people?

She clicks off and leans back into her chair. That is enough for today. She would resume the chase tomorrow. Janessa has dinner plans with Kinsa but is unsure if Kaytt would join them. The Counselor had her hands full putting the screws to the RSB and their vindictive and seemingly bigoted actions. Good for her. Janessa's own experiences with the RSB are far from pleasant but she was on trial for murder. A murder she did commit. That was less about her and more about her crime. She was guilty and even though she cannot remember executing the act, the blood of Agent Erbon is still on her hands.

She heads home to shower and change, reflecting on her last conversation with Director Drakos after he dropped a battered Garron Prescott at her feet and ordered her to take him back to the Sector. He was a formidable man, arrogant and ruthless. Yet his grip on the city is waning as Speaker Leeds focuses on more pressing, external matters.

Janessa fastens in glittering earrings, dabs on lipstick and steps back to admire herself. Smoldering yet intellectual, she exudes a predatory vibe. It used to keep people at a safe distance. Now her reputation takes care of that by itself. She brushes a piece of lint from the smoky black dress and grabs her purse then the com inside bleeps. She answers it as she fumbles with the door.

"Kinsa, I'm coming, seriously, ten minutes."

"Ms. Kain, this is Senator Artemis Soldys of Corellia."

She stiffens, "My apologies, Senator. You were not who I was expecting."

"I think we should meet to discuss…a mutual acquaintance."

The vagueness of this statement chills her. Technically, Soldys is an adversary when it comes to the Corporate Sector. He had weaseled his way in and those efforts were rewarded with contracts the Sector believes should belong to them. A meeting may give her a chance to uncover something she could use, figure out his play. Since they matriculate in the Senate Hall, they know many of the same people. Her interest is definitely piqued.


"Half an hour. My office."

"I'll be there."

She texts her apologies to Kinsa as she heads downstairs to the waiting execuspeeder. The ride over is uneventful and she exits into the bustle of downtown. She crosses onto the steps and moves through the cavernous foyer of the Senate Hall, using her badge to gain admittance through security. The lift opens on the Senator's floor. Her heels echo on the polished floors in a deserted corridor. She knocks and waits but the door opens more quickly than she anticipated. His eyes wander over her, briefly. She smiles.

"I was on my way elsewhere when you called."

"Thank you for meeting me," he says, stepping aside. "Please come in. I hope I didn't drag you away from anything too important."

"Dinner plans, it's nothing."

He motions to a chair in front of his desk which she descends into with a calculated ease. He returns to his desk and folds his hands together.

"You were rather…cryptic. Who would you like to discuss?"


Offline Medivh

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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #95 on: April 23, 2015, 04:32:12 PM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital
Surface: Ambaril

During that half hour, Artemis Soldys was rethinking the intelligence of reaching out to Janessa Kain.  In truth, the person he would have ideally spoken to was Circe Prescott, who had found herself in a similar situation, with similar contacts. But Circe was gone - killed by an as yet unfound killer.  Kyatt Corinthos was also a possibility, but she had her own mud to wander through.

And at the moment, what Artemis needed was not an ally.  Janessa was anything but that, to be sure.  What he needed was a contact in the Corporate Sector who could reach out to the vulnerable jedi sitting on Gellar property.  He was pacing back and forth in his office when he hears the door chime, and moves promptly to open it.  True, no one is in the office this late at night - and besides, Janessa Kain did have to pass some security to reach here, but earlier events had Artemis acting overly cautious.

He paused briefly when he saw her, dressed up the way she was.

"I was on my way elsewhere when you called."

He simply nods.  Janessa Kain had a reputation of social activity - plus, she was in town on business for the CSA. No doubt she had a busy schedule while she was here.

"Thank you for meeting me," he says, stepping aside. "Please come in. I hope I didn't drag you away from anything too important."

"Dinner plans, it's nothing."

Artemis motions to the chair in front of his desk and returns to his own desk, folding his hands together.

"You were rather…cryptic. Who would you like to discuss?"

He leans back in his chair, wondering how best to approach the topic.  Kain had her own agenda, and her own views on the jedi - and Artemis guessed, unlike Circe, they were not entirely favorably.  He decided to start slow.

"You know that I was working with Circe Prescott to try to overturn the Force User Registration Act.  She believed, as I do, that it was unfairly discriminatory against the jedi."

"We're here to talk about Circe?" Janessa's voice is a mix of curiosity, surprise, and annoyance.

"No.  No, but it's important. The FURA, and subsequent actions by the Republic put the jedi in a very vulnerable position. Spread out.  No allies, no protection"

"I thought the jedi could fend for themselves"

"So did I.  But I've received word from them - from the jedi.  They are disappearing.  Being killed off, one by one.  Several jedi, stationed at trade routes leading from the Core to the Corporate Sector have disappeared, their residences obliterated in suspicious explosions.  Several days ago, the head of the jedi order was killed, in an act that was, again, meant to look like an explosion, just a few clicks from here.  They are being murdered, massacred.  And I believe that the same people who were behind what happened to you - the same people who pulled off the FURA - are the same people who are using it now to destroy the jedi."

Artemis knew the jedi had not been particularly helpful when Janessa was on trial for murder.  He hoped her compassion - whatever compassion there may be in that calculating representative from the Sector - would lead her to help.

"I am trying to warn them - warn the others, before it is too late.  You know that Rutherford Gellar has a jedi staying in his residence.  Her name is Nevylinn.  I believe, with most of the jedi council murdered, she is now among the higher ranking members of the jedi.  But her isolation in the Corporate Sector. I fear that whatever it is that is going after the jedi, will go after her as well.

I need you to warn her.  Warn the jedi Nevylinn what has happened here.  I have no way of getting in touch with her, no connection, but she needs to be warned.  Before it is too late"

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Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #96 on: April 24, 2015, 10:38:06 AM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital

Surface: Ambaril: Office Senator Soldys

Janessa came here with an ulterior motive. She planned on learning something that would help in prying contracts away from Corellia. A Jedi sympathizer certainly would make for an interesting talking point but it's not like he hadn't made his position known publicly. Artemis always opposed the FURA. He and Circe had been its staunchest critics. And Circe had been killed because of it. She can see the pain in his eyes, knowing that he lost her too. An ally, a friend.

As he explains that the Jedi were being systematically killed, it stirs up a mixture of emotions. The Jedi had been less than helpful to her in the past. They had not come to Circe's defense which makes his plea all the more interesting. As much as that stung, he links the Jedi's murders to the heinous violations that happened to her and to Circe. Before the trial, before she murdered an RSB agent, Janessa would have shrugged this all off as paranoia and some kind of political play. But something tells her it is more than that. She had let her guard down only once in front of Celeste Masterton who seemed to know how much she suffered because of what she had done. Guilty or not, she had taken a life and that fundamentally changed her more than she cared to admit.

Nevylinn is the Jedi who assisted in rescuing Dane and Gemma. She was then assigned to the Corporate Sector to protect them. If someone is hunting down the Jedi then she is in considerable danger. That danger would travel to the Corporate Sector for Nevylinn, placing the children and Garron is danger too. Having been welcomed into the Gellar home and given her business relationship with Rutherford Gellar, she could not willingly allow harm to befall them. She shutters, blinking away tears that burn in her eyes and responds in a way that surprises even her.

"Whoever did this to me, to Circe, to the Jedi, must be stopped."

She holds Artemis' stare.

"I will help you but there must be no public connection between us. It will give others leverage neither can afford. You have work to do here, to continue the fight Circe was taken from. I have my duties, my responsibilities to the Sector…but Nevylinn watches over those children. And they have suffered enough. Garron Prescott will know where to find her. He can warn her of what is coming."


Offline Medivh

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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #97 on: April 28, 2015, 03:04:34 PM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital
Surface: Ambaril: Office Senator Soldys

"I will help you but there must be no public connection between us. It will give others leverage neither can afford. You have work to do here, to continue the fight Circe was taken from. I have my duties, my responsibilities to the Sector…but Nevylinn watches over those children. And they have suffered enough. Garron Prescott will know where to find her. He can warn her of what is coming."

Artemis nodded, "you contact Mr. Prescott. I assume you contacting him won't look suspicious, based on your affiliations with the Gellar family.  As for us - It will be as if we never met."

Artemis knew that it could decimate Janessa's career if it was found she was helping a corporate rival in anything - and while Corellia was less ruthless, that didn't mean there wouldn't be a strain if he was found to be helping anyone in the CSA.

THis was the best way, or at least he hoped.  The best way to protect the jedi who hadn't already been hurt or killed.

"If I learn any more about the danger, I will convey the message to you, in as quiet a way as possible."

It had been a brief meeting, but that's all Artemis had wanted. In fact, anything too long would, he felt, have only been more dangerous. Artemis stood again, moving to the door.

"And Miss Kain ... thank you."

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
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Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #98 on: May 04, 2015, 02:12:00 PM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital

Surface: Ambaril

Janessa Kain nods to Artemis as she leaves his office, transforming her face into a stern mask while exiting the building. Brevity worked in their favor and she was already concocting a story behind their exchange should the need arise. Soldys may be a rival to the Sector but she is the liaison and, as such, expected to negotiate more favorable terms for those she represents. Splitting Republic contracts if the demand was overwhelming is a legitimate if not preposterous proposal. The Senator had declined, of course, and she was on her way.

No harm in inquiring.

She lets a faux-outraged Kinsa know they are back on for dinner and heads down the steps to the idling execuspeeder. Once inside, she instructs the driver to take her to Nocturne, a swanky new restaurant and club that was converted from a former bordello. Kinsa's status as a socialite gained her immediate reservations and, with Kaytt consumed with a fairly significant trial, she demanded Janessa be her date. Arriving places sans boyfriend is the social stand du jour. It is considered cool to surround yourself with friends rather than be arm candy to some moron hunk you couldn't care less about. It allows press to focus more on the individual and less on questions about a relationship status. Janessa thinks this is a brilliant marketing tactic and glances down at her com.

There is a sudden suspicion in the air. Artemis' message had been ominous. A slew of Jedi murders are not something to take lightly. The leader of the Jedi Order struck down makes everything seem somehow more fragile, expendable. She decides against calling Garron in the transport and reconsiders not asking the Senator the grave question that had crossed her mind – how wide does the scope of danger extend?

While on D'ian, Garron had told her, dreamy on painkillers for his injuries, that they were all targets. Anyone in proximity to The Four was fair game and quite often collateral damage. He mumbled something about a legacy before drifting off. Someone had used her as a pawn before, possibly the same someone who is taking down known warriors. She could be under surveillance. Worse, she imagines how long she may have been prior to being made to murder Agent Erbon. They could know everything about her. Admittedly, it is a sobering thought - someone with enough collective knowledge to be able to move people around like the board of a game.

Arriving at Nocturne is apparently a flashy affair tonight and she joins Kinsa as they link arms and strut toward door. She leans into her and says.

"I take it you handled your work thing?"

"Consider it a thing of the past."

The interior is aubergine with ornate black trim. Lighting is tasteful and unassuming, making everyone look soft and appealing. Kinsa smiles at onlookers and admirers as they are shown to a table. If they hadn't been friends for years, Janessa might wonder if her rep as a murderess added a darker element to Kinsa's public persona. Clearly it didn't faze her too much given their high-profile excursions. Champagne is placed in front of them and they order a variety of shared plates to try. As usual, Kinsa has two too many and becomes boisterous and full of adventure. Janessa watched her second and third glasses of champage go flat a half-hour ago. Plates are cleared and Kinsa escapes the table and secures another glass of champagne. Janessa joins her at the bar as she chats up a few people she knows. She nurses a glass of wine and casually watches the crowd. The young and hip really do love to preen, everyone mobbing for attention and Holo time. She remains coolly detached and lets Kinsa do her thing. This is not a life she wants and prefers the brass of her title and abilities to the hollow status decided by a finicky public.

Kinsa finally returns and requests her presence in the ladies room. Perfect. Janessa locks them inside once it is discovered to be empty. Kinsa is drunk and occupies a stall while Janessa places a call. Kinsa is talking to herself through the door and thankfully, Garron answers.

"Miss me already?"

"Stop pretending I wasn't the best you ever had and listen to me."

"Sounds serious," Garron says in a lower tone.

"It is actually."

"Who are you talking to?"

She places a hand over the speaker, "None of your business."

"I bet I know….you like him…"

She groans, moving across the bathroom to plush, grey couch in front of a black framed mirror leaning against the wall.
"I heard that."

"Don't get cute," Janessa quips before sighing. "Your little friend of the Force may be in trouble."

"The Jedi Nevylinn?"

"That's the one."

"I don't understand."

She keeps her voice at a reasonable level as Kinsa hums along to the song being pumped in from inlayed ceiling speakers.

"Someone is killing the Jedi, the crime scenes blown to bits to cover it up. Even the Master on Chandaar was slain. This may or may not be linked to what happened to your sister and me. Are you following the sinister path I'm on right now?"

She can feel him wince through the connection at the mention of her name.

"How do you know this?"

"A reputable source."

"I think we may have different definitions for that word."

She scoffs.

"Not in this case. There's more; a pattern."

"What kind of pattern?"

"Moving outward from the Core."

"Heading where?"

"Where do you think?"

There is a drawn out pause as his mind reaches the same conclusion.

"Nevylinn. The Sector."

"Warn her, Garron. Something isn't right here. There is a lot in the recent timeline that feels like building. And if others are taking notice, it might be a good time to act."

"Understood," he says. "I'll find her now. Thank you, you did a good thing."

"I try."

"No, you don't. And that's the point."

She clicks off as Kinsa finishes washing her hands and lazily rounds the corner.

"Tell me you hit that in the Sector?"

Janessa stands, dropping the com back into her purse. She primps her hair in the mirror and struts back to Kinsa, raising a hand for a high-five.

"Every chance I got."


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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #99 on: May 08, 2015, 02:53:26 PM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital
Surface: Ambaril

Already, the Republic was regaining its position in the war.  After the Bastion assault, The Republic was hard-pressed to hold its positions along the Hydian Way, the established defenses suffering losses from imperial raids, all waiting for a more direct imperial attack. Bandomeer was getting hit the worst, and it was believed it would have fallen in short order.  The reinforcements changed that.  Even before the Republic had acquisitioned the new ships, they were already being built. Corellia, anticipating the need had produced hundreds of Corvettes and larger cruisers - including the federation acquired technology, Revenge Class Corvettes, small ships with respectable fire power that could do wonders to augment any fleet - as well as much larger vessels originally designed for the now defunct Confederation.

The ships upon request had been sent to Chandaar, worlds with training academies, and other internal worlds far from the front lines.  The vessels were filled with more seasoned personnel who had been relegated to planetary defense, and the senior classes from the training academies and then shipped off to various locations on the front, while green soldiers  and those with only minimal academy training were put into those less-targeted defenses.  Massive training efforts were made, so even those positions would be able to combat a fight, should imperials breach into Republic territory, and the academies themselves had literally millions of fresh faces.

That quick ramp-up put dozens of new ships on the front-line.  Even with fairly inexperienced crews, well-trained captains and commanders allowed their numbers to be effective, and the imperial threat was pushed back, away from Bandomeer, Ruuria, Telos, Toprawa, Junction, and Taris.  The orders were simple - recover and refortify the Republic border with the Empire, and then stay put.  The fleets were still too green, and the attack on Bastion still too fresh in everyone's memory that no aggressive campaign was arranged. Not yet anyways.

The war committee was discussing attack plans on Dathomir, the imperial holding closest to the border, and possibly Ithor - but that was about it.  Still, morale was growing as the REpublic saw it had not yet been defeated.

Leeds had not yet appointed a chair to the war committee (to Senator Ingrat's chagrine), and Artemis, as the Corellian representative, and a war hero ended up providing much of the direction and leadership.  But he was busy in other ways.

Two days had passed since Artemis learned of Master Agnant's death and his meeting with Janessa Kain.  Nearly a dozen jedi, ages 15 to 27 had been located and hidden aboard transports headed toward Corellia.  Another dozen were now booked under pseudonyms onto another freighter heading off-world.  Artemis had overseen, making sure they made it aboard their ships safely, watching as the youngest of them disappeared into the crowd of people leaving for the core.  He didn't speak to any of them - and had told them not to approach him in the port.  He was there claiming to oversee the delivery of Corellian supplies to Republic capital, various arms and weaponry that were going to be redeployed to ships heading to the front in the next few days.

As the transport doors closed, he heard its engines whine as the power activated and he turned, moving toward one of the arriving shuttles bringing in the supplies.  It was only about a minute later that he heard a loud boom, and he could feel searing heat of an explosion.  Ducking instinctively, he turned to watch the remnants of the transport fall from the sky, pieces of molten metal and fire having gone every which way, multiple other shuttle craft also damaged or destroyed as a result.

A dozen young jedi murdered, along with a transport full of civilians.

ALready alarms were sounding, as space-port emergency personnel and security were rushing to the scene.  His own bodyguards were grabbing at him, urging him to leave, lest he be the target, but as he turned, he saw something - or thought he saw something.  A figure, off to one side, near the shadows of two smaller ships close together, cloaked in black. A female with what looked like gray skin - and a smile on her face.  Artemis watched, suspicious, the being turning to face him, and then turning abruptly, disappearing into the shadows.

"Follow that woman!  Go, now!"

His own security looked at each other, but orders were orders, and they disappeared after the woman.  It was perhaps a half hour later when they returned, exhausted.

"We lost her, sir.  It's almost like she vanished out of thin air"

Port security meanwhile approached Artemis and had questioned him, and Artemis had relayed his suspicions of the figure to the authorities.

"Not much of a description to go with, senator - a humanoid woman with gray skin?  We'll see if we find anything."

Artemis, for his part, doubted anything would be found.  Not unless the culprit wanted to be found.

He closed his eyes and mourned for those who had been killed - those targeted. And those who got on the wrong transport at the wrong time.

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Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #100 on: May 10, 2015, 02:26:38 PM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital

Surface: Ambaril: Nocturne

Janessa leaves the restroom with Kinsa in tow, weaving through the line that had formed while they were inside. Back out in the bar, Janessa plots a quick escape. The place had become overwhelmingly crowded and Kinsa needed to be evacuated before she caused a scene. She places a call to the driver to let him know they were ready to leave when the last person she expects to see tonight steps out of the crowd.


"Hi, Janessa!"

"What…are you doing here?"

"I imagine the same thing you are – dinner. It's the meal that comes after lunch. I didn't know you would be here."

"Well," Janessa says. "I kind of got roped into it."

Kinsa wobbles over, smiling, eyes half closed.

"You are Dahlia Winton."

"That's me," Dahlia says, flipping her hair.

"I'm Kinsa. 'Nessa told me you knew each other. That's so wild!"

"Hello, Kinsa. I'm actually here with your sister."

"Quinn? Oh, that little bitch. Quinn! Quinn!"

Janessa grabs her arm to silence her. People around them are staring.

Dahlia cocks her head, "What's wrong with her?"

"Champagne goes right to your head. Remember that since models tend to be plied with it."

"Right, well, at least I enjoyed the evening and didn't gab away with my boyfriend when this is supposed  to be a girls night."

"Boyfriend? I didn't know you had a…"

"I don't."

"She does," Kinsa slurs, giggling."It's that Prescott hunk."


 Dahlia makes a face.

"No, Dahlia, he's not…Kinsa, shut up."

Kinsa waves her arms around, "Yapping away about crime scenes and Jedi and Masters and shit. Soooo deep."

Dahlia bristles.

"Jedi Masters?"

Janessa smiles tightly, pulling Kinsa's arm.

"Clearly, she's incapacitated. We really must be going. It was lovely to see you, Dahlia. Say goodbye to Quinn for us."

"Yes," Dahlia says, watching Janessa pull Kinsa toward the door. "Have a good night."

Curious, she returns to the table to find Quinn scanning through a bejeweled datapad. She sits and takes a sip of fruit infused water as the din of the crowd reaches a nearly intolerable level. She leans toward her, unclasping her purse beneath the table.



"Do you know any Jedi?"

Quinn looks lost, "A what?"

"Aw, sweetie," Dahlia says, jamming the syringe forcefully into her thigh. "Stay blind."

Quinn gasps and cries out but it is drown in the roar. Her eyes meet Dahlia's stoic, emerald stare with disbelief but she swoons and drops over in the booth. Dahlia slips the syringe back in her purse and leans back, surveying the crowd. Everyone clamors for attention, each speaking louder than the next in order to be heard, that it all transpired without so much as a cursory glance.


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #101 on: May 11, 2015, 04:44:27 PM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital

Surface: Ambaril: Serinus

Quinn Cavanaugh's eyes flutter open, the blur coming into the focus of her room in The Menagerie. She feels strange, sluggish, and disoriented. She tries to piece together the events leading up to the present but a colorful fog prevents it. Groaning, she turns over and pulls herself upright. Her thigh is killing her and she's extremely thirsty.

"You're awake."

She turns, startled. Dahlia sinks onto the side of the bed with a glass of water, her face awash with concern. She gulps down the water and gasps.


"You don't remember? You passed out. You barely ate a thing all day and Nocturne was so hot and loud that you had, like, sensory overload or something. It was crazy."

She rubs her leg, "I'm so sore."

"That's because you slammed into the side of the table on the way out. Don't worry; I tried to make our exit as discreet as possible. It was not easy, let me tell you, but thankfully Escara was there for the save. She's super pissed about the anorexic bit. We're supposed to be thin not dead."

"I am thin."

"Yes, sweetie. You certainly are."

Dahlia reinforces this version of events as she pushes the reconstruction into Quinn's mind. The colorful fog begins to take shape; getting ready, being seated, laughing over gossip, a tray of half-eaten appetizers, feeling dizzy, tired, and Dahlia face leaning over her as she called her name.

"Wow," Quinn says, feeling better as she finishes the glass. "I need to get it together."

"Seriously," Dahlia says. "I was, like, so worried."

"I'm fine."

"Nice try but you're going to have to do better than that."

She leans down and offers a plate of fruit, nuts and cheeses. Quinn makes a noise. Dahlia holds a piece up to her mouth.

"Maybe later?"

"Don't make me ask Georgie to hold you down. Work with me here."

Quinn takes a bite then another. And another. Soon she has finished the plate and Dahlia helps her back down.

"Rest for a while. I'll be back to check on you later."

As Quinn drifts off, Dahlia returns to her suite. In truth she doesn't know what Ibellum will do. She imagines she is not supposed to care. The lack of a press release for this plan has her mildly miffed but there is something else occupying her thoughts.

Just what were Janessa Kain and Garron Prescott discussing?

Kinsa's clues, disjointed as they may have been, have piqued her interest. Her distaste for Garron's meddling aside, she really hopes Janessa doesn't cross into liability territory. Liabilities go boom. Kind of like Circe and her Jedi friend. Anyway, who has the time? Dahlia had to be back in D'ian in a few days to finish out the semester. She would be allowed more flexibility during the summer break.

For now, she would play her part as the good friend.

The following morning, Quinn is feeling much more like herself. They have breakfast together before Dahlia says her goodbyes. Georgie already has her trunks packed into the cruiser. She makes Quinn promise to take care of herself and boards her transport in the late afternoon. She glances back at the Menagerie with a sly smile.

Til next time.


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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #102 on: July 21, 2015, 04:06:14 PM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital
Surface: Ambaril

The most recent victory Republic victory at Garqi had significantly boosted the morale of soldiers and senators alike.  It had been a costly battle - losing several large cruisers to take down a vulnerable bust still effective target, an imperial star destroyer.  But the imperial costs were so much more.  Had the Republic waited, they would have faced increased defensive position - when they arrived at Gari, multiple defensive platforms were under construction.  Now that construction was being turned to Republic uses, Garqi becoming a forward command for assaults into much deeper imperial territory.  The Republic was now within striking distance of nearly all the imperial north, including Bastion.  An assault on that world was still far off.  The debacle at Bastion was still only recent past, and the Republic would not be so daring again.  But just the positioning meant the war was being won.

Then reports came in from Bastion itself.  Apparently, Emperor Schrag had executed most of his senior military command in his fury for their failures.

The war counsel was meeting today in a senate committee room, with attitudes far different from where they were a year ago.

Speaker Leeds was sitting silently next to Artemis Soldys as a military liaison was discussing updates.

"The efforts we've taken over the past few months, putting new ships into commission, and reassigning military personnel to the from, with newer recruits training in defensive positions proved to be very successful.  We were able to mobilize a very strong fleet, which contributed to our success at Garqi.  We have secured the Hydian Way as well, and it has been weeks since an imperial raid on any of our worlds there or further in to republic territory.

Ithor and Dathomir have been secured as well, with no imperial raids since they've fallen under Republic control.  Since we took Garqi, they've also stopped sending scouts there.  We have seen some ship movement, larger numbers at Agamar, Phadea, Generis, and Ord Canfre.  Those numbers, even combined, do not amount to a fleet large enough to hit us in most locations, and appear to be in response to our own scouts appearing there.  imperial scouts have visited Garqi since the victory. Mostly basic scans, attempts to measure the force we have there. We haven't been involved in any skirmishes there, but we've made sure to leave an impressive showing, if for no other reason than to discourage a counter-attack. 

I encourage authorization for Garqi to be developed further.  Finish the defensive platforms the imperials started there, build multiple starfighter platforms, and add to the fleet there, replacing the losses from the attack.
Second, I want to strategically place gravity well nets.  The main border is still protected, but I'd like a line of them to prevent the imperial fleet from hitting our supply line without us knowing.  I am recommending nets be placed along either side of the Braxant Way, and in Garqi's deep space"

One of the committee members spoke up.

"Won't those nets affect us as well?"

"We can deactivate them if we need a quick response - but they will prevent any surprise attacks while we contemplate our next moves"

"Which is what?"
"We need to plan a direct assault on Bastion.  Take the world and clear the Empire from the north. We take Bastion, and we won't need to worry about our northern border anymore"
"What would it take to take Bastion?  The last attempt set the war effort back nearly a year"

"Indeed.  We need patience.  We also need more intelligence.  Nothwithstanding the battle at Garqi, the Empire still has a formidable naval force - we need to know where it is, how it travels, and make sure we can face against it. The more worlds we take, the less sources of income the Empire has, so even small victories will help in our overall goal.  We have also run out of our more experienced soldiers and will need to start putting newbies into ships headed to the front.  Mixing them in will give them a chance to get some skills without jeopardizing the efforts."

"Senator Soldys, how is production going?"

"We are working efficiently and effectively.  We have new dreadnaughts to replace those destroyed almost ready to be manned and sent to the front. Smaller craft as well to limit piracy in vulnerable southern worlds.  We are building ships faster than they can be manned."

"Excellent.  I put to a vote the authorization of the plan expressed by Commander Joholsky"

Before a vote could be called though, an aid came rushing in to the room.

"Speaker  Leeds ... I have a message"

The speaker seemed irritated at the aide, frowning down from his seat

"This is a meeting of a war counsel.  You interrupted because of a message from whom?"

"It's ... well, it's from the Empire sir.  They are asking for a ceasefire.  They are asking for peace"

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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #103 on: July 30, 2015, 01:24:17 PM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital
Surface: Ambaril

News of the imperial message did not stay contained for long.  Word that the Empire was asking for a ceasefire in the war spread quickly from the war committee to the rest of the senate, and then to the media.  Speculations abounded.  Was the Empire collapsing? Was Emperor Schrag dying?  What would it be like to have PEACE?  Could the Empire be trusted?

The talking heads could not stop analyzing and reanalyzing the war and the peace.

Meanwhile, in the senate, the decision whether to accept an imperial envoy was being heatedly debated.

Senator Soldys was skeptical of being able to trust the imperials, but thought it would be wise to at least hear them out; Senator Ingrat, seeing the Empire as new territory to expand influence and trade, was whole heartedly in favor of negotiating peace; Senator Brim La of Mon Calimari was admantly opposed to even meeting with the Empire.

The three of them, and their allies, made speech after speech after speech trying to push their point of view.

Now, they were standing in Speaker Leed's office, and the tension was palpable.

"Mr. Speaker, inviting the Empire to visit the Republic - it's too risky. We don;t want them seeing weaknesses in our defenses, that we've committed as much as we have to the front line, but that are backup is weak. We've been at war with the Empire for more than two generations, winning, losing, whatnot. Never before have they sued for peace, and I don't trust them now"

Artemis nodded his head, "I do agree with Senator Brim La's skepticism.  We certainly don't want a star destroyer sitting in orbit.  On the other hand, there must be a way, a place that we can meet. Hear what exactly they want.  Find out if it's worth pursuing.  A way that doesn't commit us to anything, but might give us an understanding of where they are coming from."

"For once, I agree with Senator Soldys.  We need to meet with the Empire. Before they change their mind.  The war machine is profitable for some, but war will grow tiresome. There are far better uses of our resources"

Soldys hated agreeing with Senator Ingrat. Especially because Ingrat was generally a proponent of military expansion and research.  His motivation here was no doubt utterly selfish, self-serving. And suspicious.  Peace might be good for Ingrat's world, but not for several years.  What was he going to get out of it in the short run?

Leeds for himself leaned back in his chair and nodded his head.

"I agree we need to meet with the Empire. We need to know more about what they want before we can determine what to give.  We will arrange to meet them in Garqi's deep space. They will be permitted only a shuttle - not capital ships, no support craft.  Unless the Emperor goes himself, I will send an envoy and a diplomatic team.  They, and their security detail, will be present. The empire can send a diplomatic team as well, who will be limited in weaponry.  We will then receive the report from the diplomatic team, and make a determination is worth pursuing.

In the meantime, we will maintain our production, recruitment, and strengthening projects, in case this so-called peace effort falls south.  I will receive reports from Garqi every day leading up to and including the talks.  I want you - all three of you - to tone down talks one way or another until we know what's going on.  If we are lucky, we might just have a path that works for us.

just please, don't push too hard and don't hold your breath"

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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #104 on: August 19, 2015, 02:42:19 PM »

Senators and Ingrat had gone to Garqi to oversee that security measures were appropriately in place.  WHen the Empire sent their diplomats here, they would find the world, not too long ago in their possession, heavily fortified, with massive construction efforts on orbital platforms and an entire fleet devoted to its defense. Everything to say that the Republic was ready for a fight if it came back at them.

A Golan III platform, massive and significantly oversized for a planet of Garqi's stature, was nearing completion. One deck had been modified slightly to serve as quarters for the diplomats and their staff, from both the Empire and the Republic.  Constant security checks in and around the level to make sure nothing could be sabotaged, and imperials would not have access to communications or any other systems on board.

Soldys and Ingrat were also both part of the greeting party, thanks in part to their roles on the War Committee.  Along with them were several members from the ministry of state and the republic counselor's office.  Artemis was familiar with them through his work with Circe Prescott, and they had developed a working rapport developing terms to negotiate with the Empire.  Notably absent from the talks was Senator Brim La, who continued to be outspoken in his opposition to any imperial deal.

Everything was made as pristine and impressive as possible, anticipation of the meeting. The first time the parties were meeting without guns blazing.

The republic representatives were sitting in the conference room, hashing out final details of protocol, when the chime signaled the arrival of the imperial envoy.  With quiet anticipation, the senators, counselors, et al moved out of the room, making their way to the hangar where the imperial shuttle would be cleared to land.


As the imperial shuttle exited hyperspace, a squad of X-Wing fighters quickly moved in formation around it. Pursuant to agreed terms, no other imperial ships appeared, and recon x-wings were fluttering in the distance of space, looking out for any hidden imperial vessels, scanning or otherwise.  The shuttle itself was scanned repeatedly as it moved toward the station.

The Lambda-class imperial shuttle followed the appointed route, was given clearance to land, and made its way smoothly to the platform inside the docking bay, The wings folding up over its head.  Four x-wings landed beside the shuttle, the remainder of the squad breaking formation and moving in to patrol outside the station.  Internal security measures, were hidden away, but could be activated at a moment's notice.

No one trusted the empire here.  Not yet.

With a hiss, the ramp of the shuttle began to come down.  Two dozen republic security guards stood ready, waiting for any sign of ambush, or deceit.

In perfect marching formation, two lines of imperial storm troopers - elite honor guards, with white and gold stripes on their uniform - marched out of the ship, lining up on either side of the ramp.  A quick glance showed that their holsters were empty, and none were holding the customary blaster rifles.

Then came down several uniformed dignitaries - various stars and stripes and bars in the gray-brown imperial military getup.  They lined up next to the stormtroopers.

Then came down one more individual.  A man notably younger than the others in uniform - but his rank indicated he was higher positioned.  Unlike the rest of the imperials, he had a smile on his face, and rather than coming to attention in line, he took several steps forward, reaching out a hand.

"My name is Barrett Trevaithan, Special Advisor to the Emperor and Envoy for the Galactic Empire."

Secretary Brad Neis of the Speaker's cabinet was the head of the delegation, shaking Trevaithan's hand. Trevaithan, with a casual grace, turned and introduced the various officials in uniform behind him, then turned back to Secretary Neis.

"I look forward to our conversations here.  I have been hoping for peace for a long time"

"The empire instigated the war. We could have had peace long ago"

Trevaithan nodded. "It's hard for the Empire to let of the image of the republic as anything but rebels.  I wish we had learned sooner.  But Emperor Schrag agrees that the best interests of the Empire would involve peace. It's time for us to repair. To mend.  I hope these talks will be the start of that"

"I hope so too"

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