Author Topic: CC: Circle of Freedom  (Read 125767 times)

Offline Medivh

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CC: Circle of Freedom
« on: April 23, 2012, 09:28:57 AM »
Circle of Freedom

Chandaar, Capital World of the New Republic

It was a world with limited native population, a huge and varied immigrant group, vast resources, slowly being tapped by galactic corporations.  It was perfect to be the seat of government, representing thousands of worlds and millions of species.

The territory of the New Republic had shifted drastically over the years, as it competed with the Empire, the Trade Federation, Hapans, and a variety of other smaller entities.  Its height, brief as it was, when when the Republic commanded Coruscant, the jewel of the galaxy.  But the work of the corrupt and corrupted had left Coruscant in much the same state as Alderaan (possibly worse, thanks to sporadic ionic storms).

With the increasing encroachment of the Empire and the Corellians, and the stubbornness of Hapes, the Republic had come to occupy a niche area east of the Hapan Consortium, reaching the southern border of the Corporate Sector, and nearly surrounding Hutt territory, which stubbornly refused to yield to law and order.

Chandaar had been chosen as the new, new, new capital and construction had moved quickly to build a chamber to house representatives in one hall, plus quarters for those representatives in surrounding buildings.  The senate building was a smaller version of the famous galactic senate of Coruscant, housing about 1/4 the number of senators, and utilizing holograms to see the speaker, rather than floating hover pods.  The republic had moved away from the parliamentary system, establishing a presidency that was chosen independent of the factions that ruled in the senate, and a small presidential palace was built in an adjacent building.

Finally, the Republic Court stood in a third building, a group of 17 jurists, 1 from each of 17 districts that broke the republic up into more manageably spaces, each appointed for a life term.

The president did have a post within the senate, able to cast a vote, and wield his influence.  His station stood prominently in the center of one side of the room, opposite the the station of the Senate Leader, who was responsible for maintaining order within the body of converging and conflicting interests.

This was the Galactic Republic as it stood on the day that Centerpoint Station was destroyed.  For months already, there had been endless discussion and debate as to whether or not the Republic should enter the war to aid the Corellians against the Empire.  But no resolution had been decided, and so nothing had been done.  Instead, the Republic watched, passively but intently, to see how the war would end.

Three months later ...

A chime was rung, and a gavel struck down to call the session to order, the Senate Leader, Shale Apteen took the steps forward to speak.

"I call this session of the Republic Senate to Order.  Today, we meet to discuss a rather important matter.  As you know, three months ago, the war between the Corellian Confederation and the Imperial Remnants came to a close at the Battle of Centerpoint.  There was no clear winner, though the command structure of both powers was destroyed.

Since that time, we have had dozens of communications from formerly imperial worlds, seeking admission into the republic, and in turn, protection against the Empire and rogues seeking to take advantage of the chaos that had ensued.  Until recently, we were cautious to take on new worlds, for fear of being stretched too thin.  The Empire, though weak at this moment, is still strong enough to cause trouble.  In the past two weeks, we have decided to accept those worlds that are close enough to Republic borders to be defensible.  And we welcome those newcomers to our senate"

There was a moment of applause as holograms of the new representatives appeared in the center, standing and bowing before returning to their seats

"But today, we have a bigger question at hand, and we have other guests who wish to speak to us.  I turn over the floor to those guests"

Attention was turned to the floor at the bottom of the senate chamber, where a group of 8 individuals had appeared, walking into the very center, where there was a small panel, flipping a switch to activate the hologram so everyone could see.

"Greetings, honorable senators of the Galactic Republic.  I am Artemis Soldys of Corellia.  You have learned much of what we have gone through over the past years.  Our battles for freedom, and the prices we've paid.  Today, Corellia is returning to its place as a world of prosperity, and freedom.  And today, I am here to ask, on behalf of every planet in the Corellian Sector - today we ask to join the Republic, a contingent of of planets, seeking freedom and prepared to stand and fight for it.  Our worlds have agreed to disolve the Confederation, and revert back to the democracy that made us great.  With your permission, we will join you and stand with you in keeping freedom alive.  Thank you."

The hologram was deactivated and the contingent of Corellians stepped out of the room, the speaker again taking the mike.

"We have heard the proposal.  I will now open the floor to debate"


« Last Edit: August 10, 2014, 07:52:37 PM by Syren »
SWSF: Legacy of the Force
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Offline Medivh

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Re: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2012, 03:16:22 PM »
10 Years Later ...

Chandaar, Capital World of the New Republic
Senate Floor
A chime was rung, and a gavel struck down to call the session to order, the Senate Leader, holding the position of power now for near 11 years, Shale Apteen took the steps forward to speak.

"I call this session of the Republic Senate to Order.  Our first order of business today is to address the question of Corellian membership in the Republic.  As many of you know, this has been a long standing issue for us.  The Corellian delegation first came before us about ten years ago, three months after the famous Battle of Centerpoint, which left both the Corellians and the Galactic Empire crippled.  At that time, after spending several months in debate, the decision was tabled.  The Corellians, and other planets in the Corellian Sector returned to us four years later, and the decision again came to a vote.  At that time, each planet was granted provisional membership in the Republic.  A voice in the Senate, but no vote.  Stronger ties, but not fully bound by republic laws.  At the time, it was believed this would be satisfactory to parties on all sides of the question, at least until the relationship between Corellia and the Republic was more ... stable.  Six years later, the question is again before us.  The Corellians are asking for full membership in the Senate, a privilege that has been granted to over three dozen worlds in that time.  Representing Corellia before the Senate today, we have once again with us Ambassador Soldys, who helped reconstitute Corellia near ten years ago.  The chair recognizes Ambassador Artemis Soldys.

Artemis had been 19 when he helped destroy Centerpoint, still just a child really.  But ten years in government had certainly taught him much. Matured him. Aged him. He still bore a young look, but that youth was slowly starting to fade from his eyes.  He was not dressed in uniform today, acting as Ambassador rather than Senior Director of Corellian Security, a position he had held with honor for years.  His blue-hued hologram lit up, large and floating in the center of the chamber.

"Honorable Senators - for ten years, Corellia has asked to join you, and yet you have held us at arms length.  I will speak bluntly today.  The reason was mostly political maneuvering.  Some of you feared it would shift the balance of the Senate against you, or that Corellia would become too dominant.  It took months to come to indecision and faulty compromise.  But this cannot happen again.  Corellia, and its neighboring worlds must be admitted as full members of the Republic, with voting privileges in this body.  We pay taxes, and we contribute to the war effort against the Hutts and against the reemerged Empire.  It is Corellians who defend your northwestern borders.  Our sons and daughters who risk their lives.  Our ships and starfighters who stand vigilant.  You know this to be true.  Let us end the bickering and game playing.  I have submitted a petition on behalf of all Corellian Sector worlds to be admitted as full members and request your immediate consideration thereof"

There was some murmuring at the accusation, mostly because many recognized its truth.  But no one seemed ready to speak out.  For a minute or so.  The Speaker eyed around the large chamber before fixating on a representative from Iego, who had a light flashing indicating his desire to speak.

"The Chair recognizes the Representative from Iego"

"Thank you, Mr. Leader.  On behalf of the people of Iego, we give our support to this resolution and ask that it come to an immediate vote"

The Gand representative, a few seats away spoke up

"We Second the motion to bring this to a vote

But then the Representative from Metalorn spoke.

"Mr. Leader, Honorable delegates, we of Metalorn object to this motion.  There are facts to be determined, and we recommend a committee go to the Corellian Sector to test the veracity of the ambassador's statements"

Artemis shook his head

"Veracity?  You've had ten years to test the veracity of my statement.  It's time you"

"Ambassador Soldys, you are still young, and you would do well to learn to have others speak on your behalf. You are too brash. Be silent"

"I am here on behalf of Corellia, and I cannot be silent"

"ORDER!"  Shale Apteen banged a gavel, and the room became somewhat silent.  He glared at those that had spoken out of turn  before finally speaking.

"The question is before this body on the status of the following systems: Corellia, Froz, Nubia, Saccoria, Talfraglio, Jumus, New Plympto, and Duro.  I am using my initiative to put the matter to a vote in precisely 3 weeks time.  Any questions should be resolved by then.  I will leave it to the delegates from Iego and Metalorn to create a poly-partisan commission to resolve the questions of fact that will be relevant to the discussion.  I trust Ambassador Soldys will be as cooperative as possible on this matter"

The gavel was banged again, and Artemis' hologram faded out.  Artemis stormed out as the next matter was being discussed.

"The next matter of business - trading permits, requested by the Trade Federation.  As you know, the Trade Federation has consolidated territory north of the Republic, and they have requested to open trading within our borders.  The Corporate Sector Authority, however, may have a problem with that.  Neither has representatives here today, so I open the floor to discussion ..."

Senate Building

Artemis was shaking his head as he stepped out of the chamber to a smirking face.

"Well, I can see that went well"

Della was ten years older, but had retained the beauty that Artemis had first seen in her.  Her eyes were bright as his were angry.

"Stupid politicians"
"Careful, your talking to one"
"You aren't like that Della. You don't obviscate, and just push things off"
"Oh don't I?  You should see the kinds of things we do in the Governor's office"

Artemis sighed

"There's going to be a commission"
She just shrugged

"Well then, we had best see what we can do about making them happy.  But come on. It will be hours before the session is done, and we have time to spare.  It's not every day we are far away from home on a remote world with almost nothing on it.  Let's go have some fun"

She held out her hand and Artemis, begrudingly took it.


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Offline Medivh

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Re: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2012, 09:02:34 PM »
Corellian Sector, Deep Space: Former Site of Centerpoint Station

A hundred ships hovered silently in the space, surrounding the void.  Ten years later, Centerpoint Station remained off limits to anyone and everything.  And with good reason.  The metallic scraps that remained didn't leave a station that any being could inhabit, and the very center of where the station had been continued emitting a gravitational signature that was treacherous for any ship to draw close to.  Like a black hole, but somehow more sinister.

Months after the battle, a survey team had gone back.  To make sure that what happened at Coruscant did not happen at Centerpoint.  This graveyard would not become a home for the unliving, nightmarish droids.  No more Phages would be welcomed here.

Corellian ships had since that time kept a constant vigil, a patrol of a dozen or so ships that lazily circled the battleground, occasionaly stopping the entrepreneur that would try stealing the precious metals that remained of the wreckages here.

On the first anniversary of the battle, Artemis Soldys had arranged for a memorial service.  Hundreds of Corellians - military and otherwise - came to pay their respects, close, but still at a safe enough distance.  Immediately after the ceremony, cleanup had begun, and while the constant patrol remained, several teams also came to clear out what was found.  Ship remnants, and bodies preserved by the vacuum of space.  Thousands of shuttles were sent on the lonely journey to return imperial dead to the remnants, under the white flag.  The ships had returned, empty.  Whatever vengence the Empire was planning, they accepted their dead with grace, and were not ready to fight back - they had their own problems.

By the second year, the graveyard/scrapyard was clear, the ceremony more commemorative.  All that remained were the bits of metal that had been the station itself, held in place by gravitational forces and little else.

Artemis kept the tradition alive - a memorial service once a year, Corellians coming to pay their respects.  It was a Corellian memorial day.

And here, he stood aboard the Dreadnaught, cringing.  Because though he wished he could commemorate this battle alone - he had lost too many here - he was playing baby sitter to a number of Republic politicians.  Who managed to pay their respects by whispering instead of shouting their concerns.

"Ambassador Soldys, a lovely ceremony - but isn't it a bit ... well, odd, to put so much pomp and circumstance into commemorating a tyrannical rule?"

Artemis counted to ten before turning, his lips tight as he spoke.

"It's a commemoration of soldiers who fought and died for Corellia."

"Of course, of course- I meant no disrespect"

Obviously, he did, but Artemis remained quiet.  The ceremony was ending, and he was about to take his 'guests' back to Corellia itself so they could 'discuss' the various concerns.

He turned to the viewport one more time, just as each ship let out a burst of fire - a stream of laser light extended off toward centerpoint's remains, fading into darkness well before reaching it.  One by one, the ships disappeared, until only the patrol remained.  Artemis turned to the comm, pressed it, and spoke briefly within.

"Your charge is well kept friends.  Keep watchful, and may the force be with you"
"And you, director"

The comm went dead and Artemis, ignoring the politicians, ordered the ship to enter hyperspace for home.

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
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Offline Medivh

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Re: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #3 on: September 27, 2012, 02:08:20 PM »
Corellian Orbit

"Most impressive, Ambassador Soldys. ? Your industrial strength has recooperated greatly"
"Ten years can wash away most wounds. ? We are doing what we have always been able to do."

The Republic Senator wrinkled his face at the response

"I would think you would recognize a compliment"
"I would recognize a compliment from someone who supported me. ? But you have consistently argued against Corellian admission into the Republic. ? Your reports look at our industrial strength, our ability to construct warships as a negative. ? that we will somehow, for some reason rise against the Republic."

"Quite the accusation"
"Am I wrong? Or have you changed your tune?"

The senator turned away for a moment before turning back to him.
"You are not wrong, Ambassador Soldys. ? I have deep concerns about Corellia."
"And personal interests as well no doubt - no, please, let's not argue THAT point. ? Here is the question. ? Is there anything you could see on this fact-finding trip of yours that would actually change your opinion on the matter?"

"A Corellia with no weapons, no ships of war would be-"
"unwanted by the Republic. ? The Republic needs our ships"
"Not so! ? The Empire remains week, and the yards at Mon Calimari are more than sufficient to hold our border"
"The border is not secure with mon calimari ships alone. ? You know Corellian vessels are on those lines already"
"But not needed"
"Yes needed! ? Have you not heard the reports? The Imperial fleet is expanding again. ? They could launch a full out campaign any day now"
"And Corellian ships can seek to carve out its own empire, yet again. ? All you need is republic funding and a republic vote, and your influence would be unmatched!"

"Unmatched by who? ? You have a coalition strong enough to vote down anything Corellia tries to move for that you don't like"

The senator shook his head

"You aren't going to get me to play that came. ? Not here. ? If you believe what you say, than you are too naive for the Republic Senate. ? Things are not so black and white."

"I know this - Corellia only makes the Republic stronger"

"And I know this, Ambassador. ? Corellia will never, never, never join the Republic so long as I have any say in the matter!"
"Even if it's in the best interest of the Republic?"
"Even if Corellia was the last hope of the Republic, I would stand against you!"

"I am truly sorry to hear that, Senator"

Artemis took a step back from the Republic Senator, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a recorder.

"I had hoped we could do this fairly. ? Without subterfuge. ? But you don't respect honor"

The Senator stared at Artemis with mixed horror and fury, almost looking like he was about to lunge at him. ? As if to dissuade him, a half dozen corellian security officers stepped into the room, just as Artemis turned and began walking away.

Finally, the senator regained his senses, shouting back at him

"You don't want me as an enemy, Artemis"
Artemis stopped, turned to face the Senator and shook his head.

"You will let the vote on Corellia happen. ? And if you, or any of your allies stand against us, say a single word against us, I'll play this recording in front of everyone. ? I know who my enemies are, Senator. ? They are the ones with guns pointed at my head. ? The ones with durasteel flying in front of me. ? You are not my enemy, senator. ? Your just the one who makes it harder to fight them."

He turned and walked away, the Senator staring after him for several minutes before walking back the other way.

Artemis frowned down at the recorder as he headed to his office, plugging it into the terminal and making several duplicate copies. ? One could not be too careful.

he sighed, staring down at it. ? he knew he had to do it but it didn't make him hate himself any less for stooping so low.
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Re: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #4 on: October 15, 2012, 07:08:51 PM »
Chandaar, Capital World of the New Republic
Senate Floor
A chime was rung, and a gavel struck down to call the session to order, and Shale Apteen, Senate Leader speaks.

"I call this session of the Republic Senate to Order.  Our first order of business today is, once again, to address the question of Corellian membership in the Republic.  Today, we have with us the members of the fact-finding committee, returned from their visit to the Corellian Sector.  I understand that they have a final recommendation for us.  I now present Senator Ingrat, head of the committee"

Senator Ingrat rose and made his way to the podium, his figure and voice amplified through the holo system.  He momentarily glanced down, where Artemis Soldys was sitting, watching intensely.  Ingrat's eyes glimmered with anger, at least in Artemis' eyes.  He didn't want to threaten him, but he did what he had to do, to make sure the Corellian Sector received their due membership.

Senator Ingrat raised his gaze and began to speak.

"Fellow senators of the Republic.  I am pleased to return to you from the Corellian Sector.  My committee's fact finding mission is complete, and today, I present those results and our recommendation to you.  While we have a much larger report, available now in the archives, I will present the key points of our results"

He paused and Artemis held his breath, before Ingrat continued.

"In the past ten years, the Corellian Sector has rebounded.  Industrially, they have grown and are prospering.  Corellia is once again a ship-building capital of the galaxy, and they are almost daily churning out new craft to bolster the Republic navy in key areas along the border with the Empire.

Their building is matched only by their training as well.  Corellia has always had a reputation of skillful captains, pilots, and ship-hands, and that reputation remains.  Their people are among the best in our fleet, and improve the quality overall of our fighting force.

But it is not just the military that is strong, that is transformed.  Corellia has grown out of the ashes of the tragic wars of a decade back.  They are not a home any longer to tyranny, and are a beacon of true democracy, a model for all of the Republic to emulate.

It is therefore, the recommendation of our committee that the worlds of the Corellian Sector be immediately voted in as full-fledged members of the Republic"

There was some clamoring, and matters of procedure, but in short order, the vote was done, Artemis letting out a sigh of relief.  His hard work had paid off.

He made his way to the podium now.

"Representatives of the Republic - and FELLOW senators.  It is an honor and a privilege to join your ranks.  We are now together as brothers and sisters in the common cause of democracy and -"

Suddenly, Senator Ingrat again rose

"I'd like to move an a matter of immediate importance"

Artemis turned to face Ingrat, as Shale Apteen rose to respond.

"Senator, we were in the midst of a speech.  Senator Soldys has the floor"

"I understand, Speaker, but this matter deals with an asset that has joined the Republic along with the Corellian Sector, and by right, I can call the matter to a vote"

Apteen frowned, glancing to a parliamentarian before turning back to Ingrat.  Artemis was beginning to worry, a feeling of dread filling his stomach at the word asset

"Very well, but I hope it is of importance"

"Oh, indeed it is, Speaker.  With the Corellians now a part of the Republic, the remnants of Centerpoint Station.  I believe it would be wasteful, even dangerous, to leave the station neglected any longer, and I move for an immediate vote to have the Republic salvage and research what they can of the station."

There was a second, and the vote was called.  There was only marginal hesitation from many senators, most feeling that this new republican asset should be better secured by the Republic itself.  Artemis stared at Ingrat, who looked back at him with a triumphant stare, almost a sneer on his face.

As the vote was concluded, Artemis lost his voice, unable to complete his speech.  Instead, he waited until the end of the session, running out to meet with an aide.

"I need to get back to Corellia, as soon as possible"

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
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Offline Medivh

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Re: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #5 on: December 11, 2012, 12:01:08 PM »
Chandaar, Capital World of the New Republic
Senate Floor

A chime was rung, and a gavel struck down to call the session to order, and Shale Apteen, Senate Leader speaks.

"I call this session of the Republic Senate to Order.  Our main matter of business today is to address reports we have been receiving from outlying worlds of the Republic.  As many of you have already heard from the representatives of Mimbaan and Ruuria - two worlds on opposite sides of Republic territory - piracy has been on the increase.  They have asked that I report for them, and the situation appears to be growing dire.  We have received similar reports from a dozen other worlds.  Neutral ships, attacking and receding, often before reinforcements could arrive, even from the opposite side of the planet.  These hit-and-run tactics are common among larger pirate groups, though we have not been able to identify this one, as of yet.  In their assaults, they have also manage to take captive a dozen medium, small, and PDF class ships.  In some later attacks, we have already seen a few of these vessels turned against us.  Needless to say, these assaults need to be stopped.

Therefore, with your approval, I am forming a committee of senators to appropriate the necessary resources to establish an anti-piracy fleet, specifically focusing on quick reaction times, tracking down the enemy, and catching them before they grow too unwieldy.  I call the vote

The senate passed the vote unanimously.  It was mostly courtesy anyhow.  The Senate Leader could form a committee at his leisure.  But by going through the senate, it would be able to bypass certain objections to diverting spending and other resources, which would make the process run much smoother.

The session proceeded on with some other local issues as Shale Apteen made his way off the floor, around the Senate corridor, and to the Office of the Corellian Senator.

"I am here to see Senator Soldys"

The office was smaller than most, a reflection of Corellia's senator being among the most junior in the Senate now.  Still, it was ample enough for a staff, and Apteen was admitted in promptly to their waiting area.  There, however, he encountered a roadblock.

Mod Reece, Chief of Staff for the Corellian Delegation appeared with a polite smile on his face.

"Mr. Speaker, I apologize, but Senator Soldys is on Corellia dealing with some local matters.  Would you like to speak with our stand-in-representative, Endar Cale?"

The speaker shook his head.  He had hoped Soldys would head the committee, thus tapping into the Corellian military machine.  Cale was capable, but young, and wouldn't be able to muscle the committee in the same way.  It was curious that Soldys was gone.  In fact, he had barely been seen in the Senate since Corellia had been admitted into the Republic as a full member.  Apteen remembered Artemis being quite angry about the vote that followed, about utilizing Centerpoint for scientific research.  Was that the 'local issue' that he was dealing with?

"That won't be necessary.  Would you please notify the Senator that I wish to speak to him immediately on the anti-piracy measures that we will be taking."

"I will see to it that he gets the message today.  Is there anything else I can do for you, Mr. Speaker?"

"No thank you.  That will be all"

An hour or so later, Apteen was sitting in a meeting of several committee leaders of the Senate.  Some, though they had voted for the committee, were a bit upset that it hadn't fallen to their jurisdiction.  Others just wanted their voices to be heard.

"Senators, the committee that I am putting together will of course keep each of yours in the loop - but I want it to be a focused effort, and you all have much on your plate already.  I will, however, accept any ideas you might have about addressing the problem"

"Mr. Speaker, if I may be so bold,"  Everyone in the room turned their attention to Senator Ted Post, of Iego.  The man, a tall but aging senator, still had a strong voice.

"The Trade Federation, many years ago, developed a technology that might be of assistance to us.  They took the abilities of interdictor cruisers and essentially took everything out of them - engines, weapons, hyperdrive, crew - and created a barebones platform with a gravity well cone.  They called them 'gravity well nets' and during the height of their resurgence, they literally encircled their entire spacial territory with them as a way of warding off unwanted visitors.  The shrunk down design makes them manageably cheap, even in larger numbers.  If we could utilize that technology, we might be able to regain the advantage against these hit-and-run attacks"

The room grew silent, for just a moment (remarkable enough for a group of politicians).  Then, of course, it broke out in shouting and cursing, and opinions being thrown back and forth.

Apteen sighed, then banged his gavel, finally regaining the room's attention.

"It is an interesting idea senator, but as I'm sure you, and everyone in this room are aware, there are many possible hurdles to that.  Among them, that we have not yet approved Federation commerce within Republic borders.  It might be hard to negotiate with them if we reject them.  Furthermore, we don't know if they still possess the technology you speak of - they lost much in their down sizing."

"Perhaps, assuming they still have the technology, their trade contracts might be an incentive for them to deal with us."

Apteen sat back in his chair, contemplating for several seconds.  He had no problem with commerce from the Trade Federation - most of the issues were from those invested in Corporate Sector dealings.  If only THAT negotiation would proceed faster, this wouldn't be an issue.

"I will broach the issues with the ambassador when I see her next.  It is worth consideration.  In the meantime, I will be putting together the special committee on anti-piracy within the next few days, and hopefully, we will have a strategy to deal with this issue very, very soon.  Meeting adjourned"

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
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Offline Medivh

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Re: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #6 on: December 17, 2012, 06:51:30 PM »
Chandaar, Capital World of the New Republic
Ambaril: Hotel Mermeia

Ambassador Tacofer had a look of distress as she stepped into the room to meet Senate Leader Shale Apteen.  Her voice though was even and calm

"Speaker Apteen ... this is an unexpected visit"

"I apologize for the intrusion.  I hope I was not interrupting anything too important?"

No, just a plan to save my nephew and Rutherford Gellar's three children from an unknown but terrifying evil bent on bringing to life the horrors of the past

"I was in the midst of ... negotiating"
"With the Corporate Sector representative?"
"Mr. Gellar had to step out a short while ago"

Apteen nodded his head solemnly

"Yes - quite the tragedy.  I saw him briefly being escorted by the jedi.  I was surprised they would be helping him, but when it comes to our children, I suppose any ally will do"

"His children?"  Mara had been so close in conversation with the jedi, she didn't realize the news had spread.  And so quickly.  Apparently, word of Riley's disappearance had not managed to reach the media attention - for better or ill

"Had you not heard?  All three of Gellar's children were taken.  I'm surprised you didn't know"  Apteen looked at Mara with a mix of curiosity and suspicion.  Afterall, there was at least one story going around that the Trade Federation might be responsible for the abduction.

Mara shook her head
"Rutherford Gellar keeps business and family as separate from each as possible"  There was truth to that.  He obviously cared about his family, but that didn't prevent him from sacrificing them in the past.

"Well, be that as it may ... it is actually not why I am here.  I have a different matter to discuss with you"

Mara had been so focused on the matter at hand, she had almost forgotten the fact that she was here as a negotiator and politician.  Almost.  But right now, while she and Rutherford and the jedi were waiting to see if they could find the children, she had best at least play the role that most politicians here expected her in.  She waved an arm at the nearest chair

"Please, Mr. Speaker, have a seat"

Apteen nodded sitting down with a sigh.

"I am sure you are aware of the recent piracy attacks against the Republic"
"I am"
"The attacks are very fast - jump in, strike everything quickly, and disappear before stronger forces can be mustered.  Sometimes just destruction, sometimes taking a target with them"

"An effective strategy"

"Indeed.  It's hard to defend against a foe that is so fast when they have so many targets.  Our fleets cannot be everywhere at once, and by the time they get paged, the pirates are gone.  That is where I was hoping the Trade Federation could come in.  Many years ago, when the Trade Federation held not just a string of outposts and trade routes, but entire sectors, they developed miniature platforms with gravity wells that could be placed strategically to prevent any unwanted invasion of the Federation territory."

Mara had not existed when those gravity well platforms were in use, at the height of Federation power, but she knew her history, especially federation history, well enough.

"Gravity well nets.  Called nets because they could 'catch' any unwanted invaders."

"Precisely.  Federation borders were the most secure in the galaxy.  Pirates couldn't get into the sector.  The Ssi-Ruuvi were held at bay, because there was no way to get past these nets unobserved.  They would catch those unaware, and slow down those who did come through"

"They were based on Hapan pulse mass mines - it's easier to create a small gravity well that can pull enemies out of space than it is to attach a massive ship, even if that created a stronger gravity well."

"I want them"

Mara blinked, sitting back in her chair, as the Speaker continued.

"I want to secure the Republic's borders with gravity well nets.  We have too many enemies from too many sides, able to hit and run with impunity.  With these nets, we can secure our borders, slow down attackers, and effectively respond"

"Mr. Speaker ... the Trade Federation hasn't used that technology in many years.  I'm not even sure any nets still exist"

"I doubt the Trade Federation would have lost the ability to create that technology"

"We've given up a lot to be able to survive"

"Your being coy, Ambassador"

"And you are being foolish, Mr. Speaker.  The Republic Senate will never agree to use the nets.  They would be a symbol of the Federation literally surrounding the Republic, isolating Republic space.  It would restrict freedom of travel for Republic citizens.  Not to mention, it would be saying the Republic needs Federation assistance, when the Federation isn't even allowed to trade with you yet!"

The Speaker nodded his head, a glint in his eyes as he leaned forward in his chair.

"What if I told you that I could guarantee Federation trading rights in the Republic.  You won't even need to deal with the Corporate Sector, strings free.  I'll take care of getting the votes.  Can you provide the technology?"

Mara was a bit taken aback by the politicking of the Speaker.  He would have to use a lot of political capital to make this happen.  And even then, it might not work.

"Is the threat so serious that you would work this deal?"

"my concern is for the pirates, yes.  But I have a feeling in the near future, the Empire is going to think about striking. I don't want them to see we can't handle a few pirates.  ANd I want them to realize we deal with the Trade Federation"

"You know that the Trade Federation negotiates with the Empire, right?  We are technically neutral in your epic, never ending war"

"I am aware.  But we are in a better position to make this worth your while.  Can you make it happen?"

Mara sighed

"I will need to speak with the Administrator.  But I'll see what I can do"
"Thank you"

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Offline Medivh

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Re: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #7 on: December 27, 2012, 12:23:53 PM »
The Wheel, Trade Federation HQ

Officer Iam Patynt stepped through the carpeted corridor of the station, noting the various artifacts in cases along the sides.  Relics of times past.  A classic B-1 Battle Droid stood frozen, beside a B-2 and a droideka, each behind transparasteel.  Further down, a classic IG-100 magnaguard, classic gray metal armor and ragged cloak.  It was no Phage, but its blank dormant stare was intimidating enough.  A few other relics also lined the halls - advanced federation medical and home care droids, and photographs of some of the Federation's greatest accomplishments.  An image of the Viceroy Medivh as he inaugurated the trading floor, the stock market facility that had enabled the Federation to weather the losses of the last decade-plus.  

Patynt looked at them all with mild interest.  The past really didn't matter much to him. It was the future that he was here for.

At the entrance to the administrator's office, stood not droids, but two human guards.  The Federation had effectively destroyed (or hidden - depending on the rumors) their battle droids after Phage.  They gave him cold looks but allowed him to pass.

Inside, the room was tastefully decorated.  The room was dominated by a large desk, behind which, a transparent wall that looked out upon the various trading lanes leading to the Wheel.  

Amir Faram sat behind the desk, older and wiser, and more skeptical.  Though the Trade Federation was neutral, and did already deal Empire, Faram made no secret of his disdain for some of the brutal tactics the Empire used.  War was one thing.  But rumor had it that Emperor Schrag had massacred dissenters.  A rumor that Patynt knew to be true.

Still, negoitations were important, and Officer Iam Patynt smiled as he stepped forward, offering a handshake.

"Administrator - an honor to meet you.  I must say this is my first visit to the Wheel, and I am truly impressed"

It was true.  Patynt had spent his time waiting by touring the facility, and it was remarkable how much business happened here, how well oiled a machine the Federation was after all these years.

Faram nodded, shaking the man's hand.

"Thank you, Officer Patynt.  Please, have a seat, and tell me what I can do for you"

Patynt took a seat in a wooden chair, with decorative cushions on the seat and back.  Comfortable - but not TOO comfortable.  He made sure to note the message sent by that.

"The Empire is looking to increase its business with the Trade Federation.  We believe you have some technologies that might prove useful to us"

"We of course are always open to increased trade, but is there anything in particular you are looking for?"

"Well, we believe that there might be technologies that you are not in the habit of producing anymore.  Ships, platforms, droids .."

Faram interrupted "We don't make droids anymore"

Patynt nodded.  droids, despite their display outside, were a sensitive issue for the Trade Federation.

"Of course, I apologize"

"And we won't help others make them"

Patynt was silent for a moment before nodding.

"But ships and platforms.  A variety of designs that have gone out of production.  If I may?"

He pulled out a datapad and began running through a list.

"The revenge-class corvette, the ping-class cruiser, the g-class platform"

Again Faram interrupted

"The g-class platform?  You mean the gravity-well net platform?"


Patynt noticed a strange expression on Faram's face, but continued.

"The Empire wishes to strengthen our borders, and we feel these technologies would greatly enhance our abilities"
"And to expand those borders, I imagine?"
"I make no comment on the future plans of the Empire"

Faram rose from his seat now, turning away from Patynt to stare out the window.  It was a good minute before he turned back to him.

"Does the Empire not have its own gravity well technology?"

"Not in the same efficient manner of the g-class.  My understanding is the platforms are small and effective - and have a self-destruct capability, making them virtually impossible to capture."
"The empire wants that - and will make it worth your while to produce such technologies.  We also want to increase orders of existing goods, weapons, shuttles, etc."

Faram nodded his head, looking away from Patynt again.

"I can arrange for the increase of current orders.  Allow me to look into the matter of bringing back some of our older models.  See what it might take to produce, a cost-benefit analysis"

"of course, administrator.  But if I may be so blunt, please remember to include in that analysis the benefit of working WITH the Empire, rather than in hindrance of it"

"The Federation is neutral.  The Empire is aware we are negotiating with the Republic"

"Yes - a matter which displeases the Emperor.  There may be a time when you will not be able to deal with both sides"

"Are you threatening me, Officer?"

Patynt rose from his seat, shaking his head.

"Of course not, Administrator.  Just stating the facts.  You are a smart man, and I trust that you will do what is best for the Federation.  I look forward to your reply soon"

Patynt stepped out of the room, curious as to Faram's reaction.  Was there something about the technology that bothered him?  Or was it possible that he wasn't the first to make the offer?

Patynt made his way out of the suite, down to one of the many cantinas in the Wheel, meeting a contact of his there.

"I need you to find out what is going on with the Republic negotiations.  What is the Republic asking from the Trade Federation, and what are they getting in return"

"The republic is negotiating on Chandaar, not here"
"The administrator must approve any decisions.  See what you can find out"

As the Imperial left the chamber, the Administrator frowned. Both the Republic and the Empire were asking to deal with Federation relics, at the same time.  Mara had spoken with him earlier about the prospects of a deal that would help expand their trade area.  The Empire was now asking for the same things.  Faram sat down at his desk, pondering.  If the Trade Federation played this right, they could end up many times richer, in a very strong bargaining position.

On the other hand, a wrong move could spell the end of the still fledgling organization.
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Re: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #8 on: January 23, 2013, 02:32:24 PM »
Chandaar, Capital World of the New Republic
Ambaril: Hotel Mermeia

"Ambassador?  I thought you had went away with the jedi"

"I had to delay the journey to complete an important negotiation.  Or rather, a series of negotiations, that will make the Trade Federation a predominant force here in the Republic."

"Negotiation? but I thought the Corporate representative-"

"Is not here.  He left to go find his children, or so he claims.  Our negotiations stalled, and the Republic made us a better offer anyhow. One that will not tie us to the Corporate Sector, and will ingratiate us with a vast majority of senators.  I have spent the last several days meeting with senators, making sure they would side with us.  Now, it is time for action.  With Shale Apteen's support, the vote will be completed by the end of the day today.  We just have to make sure that we deliver"

Ambaril: Senate Chamber
The senators watched as the ambassador from the Trade Federation made her way to the amplifier, clearing her throat before speaking.

"Honorable Speaker and representatives of the Republic.  Many of you are aware that the Trade Federation has been negotiating for several months now with the Corporate Sector Authority in hopes of arranging a grand bargain, allowing our factions to benefit each other and in turn, the Republic.  I had been hopeful that a deal could be reached. That we could work together with them.  But alas, I was deceived.

The Corporate Sector had no desire to work with us.  Rutherford Gellar was under orders from the Corporate Board to undermine the Trade Federation's position while biding time.  And when that failed to work, he left, on the pretense of saving his 'so called missing' children.  Many speculated it was the Direx board that arranged for the supposed kidnapping, but investigators - Corporate investigators, I might add - have now cleared the entire board.  That is because there was no crime committed.  No kidnapping at all.  It was all just part of an elaborate plan for Rutherford to be able to stall negotiations further.  In fact, the supposedly missing children have already been found, hardly the worse for the wear.  And their kidnappers?"

The ambassador trailed off as she keyed in the console, a large video appearing in the center of the chamber.  A corporate hover limo, driving through a field, and without stopping, into a moving cruiser.

"kidnapped in a hover limo - I hope that when I'm kidnapped, I should have such comfort"

There was some laughter echoing through the chamber, but most were curious.  Reports had come out that the kidnapper had hijacked the limo belonging to the Gellar household.  Now, as the story was laid beside the ambassador's claim, it sounded a bit odd.

"This is official photage from various media sources in the Corporate Sector.  Not only was the limo one that belonged to the Corporate Sector, so was the cruiser."

Mara pressed a few more keys and the video zoomed in on a blurry patch on the side of the ship's hull

"Take away the distortion put into the video, and we find the culprit"

The blurry spot was cleared, revealing none other than the Corporate Sector logo.  Collective gasps filled the chamber, mingled with a few cries - some of outrage, some accusing the Federation of lying.  But the ambassador continued.

"I found it hard to believe myself, at first.  I really thought my negotiations were succeeding.  All for naught.  The Corporate Sector's lies nearly cost the Federation not only in this matter, but in a variety of other contracts.  They were prepared to sabotage us, preventing us from giving the Republic our work and products - products the Republic has requested.

Thankfully, your speaker is a brave man.  And he approached me directly, making a request directly for what we can offer the Republic."

The video photage disappeared, and in its place, a hologram of an old platform, large solar panels around  a double-sided cone.

"Federation G-Class Platforms, known more commonly as gravity well nets.  These Federation devices are small and impervious to sabotage.  They will allow the Republic to block attacks from raiders, and strike back, defending its borders.  With enough of these, the Republic will have an almost impervious border, and your people and your economy will be safer.  I have spoke with Speaker Apteen, and with the Administrator of the Trade Federation.  With your permission, on behalf of the Trade Federation, I give you a gift, a token of good will and appreciation - a dozen of these gravity well nets, to be produced and shipped within the next few weeks."

There was applause, but the ambassador raised her hand.

"I would like to do more, to give you more, to trade with you more.  And so I come before you again with the request to allow the Trade Federation access to trade within Republic borders under a general permit.  With such an agreement, we can produce not only more of the gravity well nets, but  dozens of other products, for use in homes and in your fight for freedom and security."

"Move for a vote on the question"

It was a shout from a Federation supporter, one that the ambassador had expected, but it was followed by a chorus of seconds.  With the help of the Speaker's own whipping votes, and days of negotiation, a once almost impossible vote came to a quick victory.  There was clapping, and the ambassador bowed her head humbly.

"Thank you - it will be an honor to work with you, to strengthen your borders, to grow together.  I do however have one more request, though I understand if it cannot be honored"

She paused before raising her head again, looking to the senators.

"My efforts, and the efforts of my organization were nearly sabotaged and destroyed by the work of the Corporate Sector.  I know many of you are friends of theirs.  You have a close working relationship.  But their plotting and scheming and lying ... I am afraid it will hurt not only the Trade Federation, but the Republic as well.  It would therefore, be my suggestion that a message be sent - that the Corporate Sector's trading privileges be temporarily revoked, or limited, until the matter of their treachery can be resolved.  I know this would benefit the Trade Federation, and so you can take my words with that in mind.  But I ask you to be mindful of their lies.  I know you don't want their misleading words guiding your policies.

And while you may be concerned with the loss of their business, you should know the Trade Federation is prepared to offer, at significantly reduced prices, the products formerly only available from the Corporate Sector.  As a case in point, Fed-Pharm, a subsidiary of the Trade Federation, is prepared to produce all of the same products the Republic formerly would purchase from ChemiX, and to sell it to the Republic at half the price the Corporate Sector offered it for.

Please consider this as you deliberate, and thank you for your faith in the Trade Federation"

The ambassador stepped away from the floor and out of the chamber as the new debate - the fate of the Corporate Sector - began with heated words.  She smiled as she walked away from the building, waving briefly at the flashing cameras before stepping into her own vehicle, lifting a comm unit.

"It's done"
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Re: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #9 on: January 30, 2013, 01:32:09 PM »
(Color will be added later on)

The Wheel, Trade Federation HQ

The Administrator, Amir Faram was going through messages left for him.  And there were many.  From Republic Senators, to Federation shareholders, to random investors.  Everyone had an opinion, and every opinion was strong.

Faram had been a bit surprised when Mara had contacted him, indicating her belief they should take the Republic's deal, and even more surprised when she told him she planned on wrapping it into an accusation against the Corporate Sector.  Faram weas under the impression that Ambassador Tacofer was working with Rutherford Gellar of the CSA and that they would come up with a plan that was mutually beneficial.  Apparently, Amir Faram was wrong.

But despite his surprise, he agreed with Mara.  In the ten years she had served the Federation, she had always been a shrewd businesswoman and politician, her instincts had benefited the Trade Federation immeasureably. Faram personally went through the sealed archives to pull up the prints for the technologies involved in the deal and ordered several Federation construction facilities - some long dormant - to begin manufacturing.  Within a small circumference around the Wheel, PDF ships were increased to protect scaffold set ups used in the construction of the platforms.

Faram had watched Mara's speech as it was replayed over the holonet, listening to the commentary on how it would or would not affect the two corporate entities.  But he already knew.  Because that was part of his job, and because the stock market was located on the Wheel.

Within hours of the Senate vote, Federation stock has skyrocketed, as had the subsidiary pharmaceutical company, Fed-Pharm - a previously fledgling company that wasn't really competitive.

In contrast, Corporate stockholders were selling rapidly, fearing a senate vote restricting Corporate activity would weaken their assets further. ChemiX, the only company specifically named in Mara's appeal, and tied to Rutherford Gellar, was hemorrhaging shareholders, its stock reduced by half.  Faram heard through the holonet the board of ChemiX was thinking of ousting Gellar from the corporation and using some of its substantial financial reserves to make a major rebranding campaign.  Even if the vote ended in CSA’s favor, the appeal of cheaper drugs from the Federation brand  would have a significant negative effect on ChemiX and CSA’s bottom line.

All of this looked good, for Faram and for the Federation.  Plus, since the photage of the kidnapping had been provided by the public media, unaffiliated, it was unlikely any accusations of doctoring would come back to haunt the Federation later on.

There was, however, the small fact that this act seemed just a little TOO vindictive for Mara Tacofer, who was usually so calm and collected.  Faram, therefore, would wait and see what developed – and if Mara could continue to be the trusted asset she had been.

Chandaar: Republic Capital

Speaker Apteen nodded grimly as Janessa Kain made her way into his office for the second time in just a few short (or long days).  Apteen had listened to Kain, postponing the Senate’s vote on whether to suspend the Corporate Sector’s license until after an investigation into the allegations made by the Federation ambassador.

He had begun the investigation, looking into a host of different factors, including recent purchases of cruisers matching the one used in the kidnapping, and what he found was startling.

“Please come in”
Kain stepped in, dressed as well as she had the other day.  But she was less talkative today, sensing the tone as Apteen closed the door behind her.

“I took your advice – stopping the senate vote until we learned more.”
“I’m glad you did.  Did you find something?”
“Yes.  I’m afraid so.  You mentioned that with Rutherford Gellar was with Republic Counselor Circe Prescott, in the search for his children”

Kain nodded, a confused look on her face.

Apteen stepped forward, handing her a datapad.

“Circe Prescott has a long history with the Gellar family”

Kain glanced up

“True, but that doesn’t make her untrustworthy.  If anything, it goes to vouch for Rutherford Gellar”

Apteen shook his head

“In your hands is the receipt for purchase of a bulk cruiser, matching exactly the one used in the kidnapping.  It was purchased a week before the Gellar children were taken”

Janessa Kain glanced down, looking over the file.  It was a few seconds before realization hit her, and she gasped.

“As you can see, the purchase was made by Republic Counselor Circe Prescott.  The Espos didn’t find anything because they were only searching the Direx Board.  But Counselor Prescott is not on that board.  In fact, we would never have found this out if you hadn’t mentioned that she was with Gellar now.  I decided to track down purchases made by him and those associated with him in the weeks before the kidnapping.

It means one of two things – either Circe Prescott is working with Rutherford Gellar, and everything Ambassador Tacofer said is true.  Or, Circe Prescott is working to destroy Gellar, both in the Republic and the Corporate Sector.  Either way, I have arranged for Ms. Prescott’s credentials to be revoked immediately, and she will be detained as soon as she is located”

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Offline Syren

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Re: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #10 on: January 31, 2013, 05:34:26 PM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital

Surface: Ambaril

A distraught Janessa Kain paces the halls of the Senate building, trying to come to a logical reason behind the evidence presented to her. She may have further harmed relations between the Republic and CSA just by a simple admission, one she did not think would lead to such a startling revelation. There has got to be an explanation for this. Why would Counselor Prescott do something like this? To what end? Her response to Speaker Apteen had been swift and firm.

“This is highly suspicious, given the Counselor’s sterling reputation within the Republic. For or against Gellar, these actions are out of character for someone of her stature and I do not believe she would do this. Frankly, I am surprised you would be so quick to accept it as fact. Coupled with the allegations leveled against the Sector by the Federation, the entire scenario rings false and reeks of conspiracy. I trust you will investigate these matters fully before any action is taken.”

She had left feeling nearly unhinged. The situation was spiraling out of control. There was only one thing to do. Janessa grips her com and steps into a private alcove. The channel rings and ring and rings before kicking to voicemail. She inhales sharply, trying to keep her voice steady.

“Garron, its Janessa. We need to speak immediately. The Federation Ambassador has gone before the Senate to undermine the Corporate Sector and accused them of using the kidnapping as means to stall negotiations. Even more disturbing is that the Senate Speaker now has evidence that makes it appear as though the cruiser used to abduct the children off of D’ian was purchased by your sister.”

She pauses, grinding her teeth.

“I tried to minimize the fallout but Ambassador Tacofer has used Federation technology capable of defending Republic borders to leverage other products out from under the Sector and the Senate is buying every word. Gellar needs to make a move now to clear his name of conspiracy but the Counselor will be arrested on sight once in Republic territory. I will continue to do all I can to prevent any further consequence but it appears whatever impasse Gellar and Tacofer had reached is now over.”


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Re: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #11 on: March 19, 2013, 04:47:39 PM »
 Chandaar: Republic Capital

Speaker Shale Apteen was tired, there was no doubt of that. ? Somehow, a controversial, political fight between two special interests had spiraled out of control.
How did it come to that? ? Were people really willing to kill just for money? ? For a contract?
The answer, unfortunately, was yes, as history had proven time and time again.

He sat at his desk, staring at the files in front of him. ? A stack, growing every day. ? A large one on Circe Prescott, a slightly smaller one on Janessa Kain, and a series of much thinner files on Rutherford Gellar, Garron Prescott, Kaytt Corinthos, and even one on Mara Tacofer. ? After the Trade Federation’s pronouncement before the Senate, she had taken a back seat as the scandal unfolded, though reportedly still meeting with senators behind the scenes to further strengthen her support in the senate. ? Apteen had not seen her since that day.

He couldn’t say he regretted the deal that was made. ? Afterward, he had spoken with Federation Administrator Amir Faram, and the construction of the new –or rather, old – technology was already under way. ? It was important, an essential step in fighting the still ongoing piracy raids that, though they had taken a back seat politically to the scandal, were still costing a heavy toll on the Republic.

Now, another twist – or maybe, it wasn’t. ? He had received an official communication from the Administrator, indicating Mara Tacofer was being recalled to the Wheel, and a more permanent ambassador would be arriving to take her place. ? Apteen wondered whether it was because of the scandal. ? Either way, he had called to schedule a meeting with Tacofer before her departure. ? The call had been brief, polite, but curt. ? Apparently, the ambassador was not pleased with her recall.

There was a chime at the door.

“Come in”

The ambassador stepped into the room, smiling as the Speaker rose to greet her.

“I appreciate your invitation, Speaker Apteen”

“I’m glad you could come before your departure – I was hoping I could get some information from you”

The ambassador smirked.
“Ah, so not a social call. ? Oh well. ? I was hoping … unfortunately though, I cannot stay long. ? My transport is scheduled to leave fairly soon. ? I just wanted to give you a gift, and thank you for all your help”

“oh” Apteen shook his head. ? He had hoped they could have a conversation that might shed some light on her dealings with Rutherford Gellar, and the sudden change for the worse. ? He glanced down as the ambassador lifted a small box to show him.

“Well, thank you, ambassador”
“Please, call me Mara. I’m not the ambassador anymore”

Apteen had always been a man of formality, and changing, even under these circumstances, felt odd to him.

“Well, thank you … Miss Tacofer”

He took the box, gently lifting the lid.

Inside, a spherical object, similar to a training remote, but with many more holes, only much smaller.

“It’s an old three-dimensional holographic map of the galaxy. ? When you activate it, it floats in the air, and makes the entire room into a miniature version of the galaxy. ? Very old design, a good century or so before the Clone Wars. ? They ended up becoming a lot smaller, but I thought it might make a nice paper-weight.”

The Speaker lifted the sphere from its box, inspecting it briefly before placing it back inside

“Well, again, thank you, Miss Tacofer. ? It’s a lovely gift. ? I enjoyed working with you, and appreciate what you’ve done for the Republic.”

“And I appreciate what you have done, Mr. Speaker.”

They shook hands, and Ambassador Tacofer left the room, Apteen staring after her for several seconds. ? The whole exchange had been so brief, and nothing as he had planned. ? There was even a moment where the Speaker thought that the ambassador was flirting with him. ? And then the gift? It all seemed very unlike the Mara Tacofer he had met before, negotiator, persuasive, but always professional.

He turned his attention down to the box, opening it again and taking out the sphere. ? Turning it a few ways, he found the small button to activate it, pressing it.

Just as the ambassador had said, images sprang from the sphere which lifted from his hand, moving to the center of the room for optimal placement, planets, stars, and everything in between swirling slowly with the movement of the galaxy.

It was beautiful – not the most sophisticated, but it had a quality that came with being older, and less refined. ? Apteen found himself staring at the stars, contemplating, for several minutes before moving to the projector, grasping around it with his hand.

At his touch, the projector became limp, the lights fading.

It was a nice gift. ? Apteen moved back to his desk, placing the object on the corner of his desk, going back to the massive file in front of him, more puzzled than ever.

There was continuingly more evidence linking the murder to Janessa Kain, who was being held pending her first court appearance, a few days hence. ? And yet something was telling the Speaker that it was not all true, that the pieces were fitting too nicely together.

Lifting his comm unit, he hailed his secretary.

“Would you please have Counselor Kaytt Corinthos make a visit to my office as soon as possible? ? And please inform her this meeting is to be kept as low-profile as possible”

“Yes, Mr. Speaker”

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Offline Syren

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Re: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #12 on: March 28, 2013, 05:47:16 PM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital

Surface: Ambaril: Senate Hall

Kaytt Corinthos walks briskly up the grand steps into the expansive open air foyer. The building has such a regality to it that always fills her with a sense of purpose. The vibe of progress seems to be ever-present but she has precious little time. She uses her credentials to fly through security but, at the request of discretion, refrains from mentioning the summons from the Speaker. She proceeds through the series of corridors until she comes to the reception ante room outside the restricted areas. The receptionist smiles as she approaches.

“My name is Kaytt Corinthos. They are expecting me.”

The receptionist’s fingers dance across the keypad then glances back up, confirming this. She is taken through the set of double blast doors and shown to the office of the Speaker. Kaytt nods as the helpful aide scampers off and steps inside.

Shale Apteen rises from behind his desk, greeting her warmly.

“Speaker Apteen,” Kaytt says, crossing the room to shake his hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you in person. I was told you wished to see me.”


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Re: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #13 on: March 28, 2013, 07:04:02 PM »
 Chandaar: Republic Capital

Surface: Ambaril: Senate Hall

?Speaker Apteen,? Kaytt says, crossing the room to shake his hand. ?It?s a pleasure to meet you in person. I was told you wished to see me.?

The Speaker nodded his head, motioning for her to sit down, returning to his own seat and staring at her thoughtfully for a moment, then nodding his head.  Yes, this was the right course of action.  But he needed assurances from her.

?Counselor Corinthos, you know as well as anyone how the game is played.  You know that here ? on this planet, in this city, in this building, and across the republic and all the other governments out there, law and politics go hand in hand.  A politician can be ruined by a scandal, or even a rumor of a scandal.  And so can a lawyer?s.  I am glad you are here so promptly counselor, but I need to be as clear as possible, because if word gets out that I met with you, that I told you what I intend to tell you, or that I do what I intend to do for you, it would make me ineffective.  So before I begin, I want to make sure you understand ? if word gets out about this meeting, or its result, I will guarantee that you and your career are finished, and that you are permanently disbarred from practicing law.  Do you understand??

Kyatt was taken aback by the warning, both because of its sincerity and its forcefulness.  The Speaker had a reputation of being a man of upstanding character ? a rarity in the political field ? and being able to negotiate between the often extreme sides of most debates.  And here he was essentially threatening her in order to protect the institution of his administration.  And she wasn?t even sure what it was he was going to say.  Still, her past experience with him, both before and during his tenure as Speaker of the Senate, instilled in her sufficient trust to nod her head.

?I understand?

She realized in making that agreement, that she had resigned herself from possibly having a tool at her own disposal ? a meeting with the Speaker that might somehow create the political atmosphere to help her client overcome her legal troubles.  But it was his meeting, and his terms.

The Speaker, for his part, seemed relieved, letting out a breathe before speaking again.

?You obviously are up to date on the allegations against both Circe Prescott and Janessa Kain?

She nods

?The latest is that Circe Prescott has turned herself in ? not exactly the act of a guilty person, nor may I add-?

The Speaker held up his hand

?Please, Counselor. I understand the argument. I?ve heard it from you and I?ve heard it from Janessa Kain. It goes  Ms. Prescott has been an outstanding counselor, always loyal to the Republic, always a friend of the Gellars, etcetera, etcetera, and someone of that consistent good nature would never act counter to that.  You and I both know that?s not true though, that countless times, we see someone held up on a pedestal who has fallen to the lowest. Anakin Skywalker was a noble jedi and became a murderer of the jedi.  Palpatine was considered a brilliant, even humble leader ? until he showed his true colors, after hiding them for not months or years but decades.  That argument falls on deaf ears, because it?s been disproven before.?

?Are you comparing Ms. Prescott to Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine??

?I?m pointing out why repeating your old arguments won?t work?

?So you think Prescott and my client are guilty??

?No, Counselor, I don?t?

That was not the answer Kyatt had expected, and it is enough to shut the lawyer up, at least for a moment.
Shale Apteen takes advantage of that.

?I think there is something amiss here, something more than what we are seeing, and I think that Circe Prescott and through her Janessa Kain, have been caught in it. I don?t know if they were targeted initially or if they proved to be convenient scapegoats, but I do not believe they are guilty?

Kyatt does pipe in
?because the evidence is too conveniently placed?

?Because if they were hiding the information for this long, they would have been better at it.  Prescott is brilliant, and Kain ? well, she?s not stupid. It was no easy task finding the accounts, or a host of other pieces of evidence. It wasn?t convenient at all.  But if a plan was being put into place, Prescott would have changed something about the account?s behavior, a month ago, a few months ago, whatever it was, that would have made it far more impossible to discover the transactions that were occurring.?

?So what do you think happened??

?I don?t know ? and that is where I need you.  I want you to find out what?s going on?

Kyatt frowned

?You don?t trust your own agents, so you want me to do your dirty work??

?I do trust them ? I was responsible for hiring or promoting most of the upper-ranked. Including, I might add, Inspector Erbon.  I know that they are capable, thorough, and unbiased.?

?So what?s the problem??

?I want someone who is biased. Someone who will stop at nothing to prove her client innocent.  Including bending some rules, and taking a few chances.  My detectives are too straight ? they won?t mess with shades of gray.  They would rather guarantee a shut-tight case.  You, however, have other motivation?

?Suddenly I see your opinion of me is not as high as I had hoped?

?It is high, counselor.  A defense attorney is responsible for doing everything for her client, not for finding the truth.  I just hope in this case, one leads to the other.?

?What makes you think I?ll find anything?  I haven?t yet, and I don?t have the resources to look too far beyond the investigation materials itself?

?I will provide you with the funding you need.  I have a discretionary fund that will be available to you?

The attorney is silenced once again, leaning back in the chair, staring at the Speaker incredulously

?You would be risking an awful lot?

?Hence my warning at the start of this conversation?

?but why?  Why go to such efforts?  What does Circe Prescott and Janessa Kain mean to you?  Unless ??

Kyatt tilted her head, looking at the speaker as she silently finished the sentence with an accusing stare.

The speaker held up a hand, shaking his head.

?I think you might be too sunk in this world, Counselor.  I have never had any interest in, or interaction with either Ms. Prescott or Ms. Kain that was anything but professional.  My motivation is about protecting the Senate and other Republic institutions.  This scandal is big enough to destroy a great deal, and it must be contained.  I have the means, but as your reaction a moment ago clearly demonstrates, any step I take would be met with cynicism.  You, however, would just be doing your job?

?You are aware that Circe Prescott is not my client?

?If you accept my offer, than she is now?

?Conflict of interest, Mr. Speaker.  A defense attorney cannot represent two co-defendants, lest they turn on each other.  Not to mention I might not be allowed to share any information with you that I discover?

?I know the legal rules, Counselor.  I myself am a member in good standing of the bar.  I?m asking you to ignore those rules?

?You are asking a lot of me, Mr. Speaker.?

?I am aware of that, Counselor Corinthos?

?Do I have time to think about the offer??
?No, I?m afraid not.  I have pressure on me to have both Ms. Prescott and Ms. Kain arraigned and set for trial, and the investigation is already sufficient to convict both of them.  You must decide now, and you must move quickly.?

The speaker glanced away, at a clock on the wall

?I have to step out for a moment. I should be back within five minutes.  Please have a decision by then?

Without letting her respond, the Speaker rose abruptly and made his way out of the room, leaving her there to decide whick was more important to her ? her oath of legal ethics or her oath to protect her clients at all cost.


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Re: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #14 on: April 03, 2013, 09:28:05 PM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital

Surface: Ambaril: Senate Hall

Kaytt Corinthos is left somewhat speechless.

The conversation she just shared with Speaker Apteen was not exactly what she had expected. Now she understands his urgency and need for discretion. He is asking a considerable amount of her, knowing full well that these requests clash heavily with the oath she has taken to uphold Republic law. These principles are the foundation of their democracy yet she shares his suspicions.

The evidence discovered by the RSB was sloppy. Blatant accruals above pay-grade in an account, signatures on purchase orders and genetic evidence left on a murder victim? Even a half-way competent criminal would have covered their tracks better. It’s too clean. Too obvious. Throwing a bit of money behind the investigation would certainly help pave the way to a not guilty verdict because, at the moment, she’s barely got a leg to stand on. The RSB has both women dead to rights. Janessa’s conspiracy argument has no weight without proof. All she has is Gellar’s word (not recorded) that relations between the CSA and TF were copasetic prior to the kidnapping. She considers something Iver Aguilar said to her the other day when he called, something about Janessa’s insistence that the Federation’s permits were granted not only by the Ambassador’s accusations but by back door dealings involving the Speaker himself.

Shale Apteen reappears, sighing deeply. Clearly he has quite a bit on his plate.

“Have you made your decision?”

Kaytt stands, narrowing her dark eyes.

“I will investigate because it serves both our interests but there is something I must ask as part of our arrangement. My client has made overtures about a possible Federation role in all this and has suggested there was more to granting their permits than just allegations against Rutherford Gellar and the Corporate Sector.”

He allows the pause to fill the space and so she continues.

“It is public record that the past relationship between Gellar and the Federation was…complicated. Revenge on either side would not be entirely out of the question nor would one party undercutting the other to secure a victory for their faction. Did the Federation have leverage the Corporate Sector did not?”
