Author Topic: CC: Circle of Freedom  (Read 127437 times)

Offline Medivh

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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #75 on: September 11, 2014, 10:45:09 AM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital
Surface: Ambaril

Shale Apteen lay in his bed, eyes closed, arguably asleep, but certainly not peacefully.  breath was labored, sweat poured down his body, head turning side to side in pained moans.  He awoke with a start, sitting up and staring at the darkness, trying to catch his breath, to get his bearings.  He felt consumed with fear.

It didn't used to be this way. Everything was clear, he knew right from wrong.  And then it all changed. Suddenly. No, no that suddenly.  The pressing fear had seeped in, slowly but surely. Fear. Anxiety. Suspicion.  His thoughts had went from clear to cloudy, and now everything seemed dark and foreboding.  What was the cause of this shift in him? Why couldn't he escape the darkness?

He heard a voice in the back of his thoughts, as if answering the question. the jedi ... circe prescott .. garron prescott ... yes, that was it. They were the cause of his fear. Fear for himself, for the Republic.  Apteen took a deep breath.  He knew what he had to do.

It was early morning, the sun peaking its head out, casting fading shadows between the highrise buildings of Ambaril.  Apteen was sitting at his desk in his office, when he hears the chime at the door.

"Come in"

Circe Prescott enters.  But not alone. No, it wouldn't be safe to be alone with HER not after what SHE did.  She was escorted by two heavily armed guards.  Circe did not appear amused.

"Mr. Speaker, I've been summoned?"  Her tone was almost sarcastic.  Apteen was not amused.

"Yes Ms. Prescott.  As I'm sure you know, there have been multiple allegations against you recently"
"I've read the papers, Mr. Speaker.  I know the rumors"
"Not just rumors.  Some have been substantiated"
"Such as?"
"Conspiring with the jedi"

"It is not a crime to be friends with the jedi"
"Not yet ... it is however criminal to interfere with the functions of government."
"Nothing I've done -"[/color]

"I'm not done Ms. Prescott.  You have harbored jedi in your home, and have let illegal protests outside this building"

"I have been fighting to protect the rights of individuals, rights that are protected under the Republic's charter"

"You have been disobeying the will of the people"
"You mean I've been disobeying you"

"I am just a servant of the people.  I am doing what is necessary to protect the Republic. You, however, are doing the exact opposite"
"I disagree"

"Your disagreement is noted, for the record.  But your actions - whether willful, intentional, accidental, or outside of your control entirely, are no longer tolerable.  Based on the founded accusations against you, I am relieving you of your position within the Republic Counselor Corp."

There was silence as Circe's eyes grew wide.  Was she going to attack him?  Was she going to act out, as her co-conspirators planned?  Apteen glanced at the guards nearby. They were close enough. They could stop her.

"You are firing me?"

"Firing you, for cause. Effective immediately.  Your credentials have been revoked, and you are not to take any belongings with you. You can appeal the firing to the board of inquiry, but they've already told me they affirm my decision.

Furthermore, you are hereby banned from the government sector of Ambaril province, pending further investigation by RSB for your actions. Further negative action on your part will be perceived as disobedience, and you will be charged accordingly.  You will now be escorted out of the building.  Goodbye, Circe."

She was too stunned to say anything further, and the officers led her out quickly.

Apteen watched the door for several minutes, his hand absent mindedly reaching out to the gift that the Federation ambassador had given him.  he felt a moment of calm.  Circe Prescott would be neutralized, and by the end of the day, her brother, now being investigated by RSB, would have his traveling privileges revoked.  Neither would cause him any more trouble on Chandaar.

Now, to finish dealing with the jedi ...
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May the Force be with you

Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #76 on: September 14, 2014, 01:57:37 PM »
"All the strange things
They come and go
As early warnings."

-Peter Gabriel

Chandaar: Republic Capital

Surface: Serinus: The Menagerie

Georgie skillfully packs the princess' belongings into trunks as Dahlia dabs another layer of gloss on her lips. Quinn leans against the far wall.

"I really wish you didn't have to go."

"Me too," Dahlia says. "But I have school. My parents are insistent on a solid education and a wide variety of extracurricular activities."

"I'll be so bored. You are the most interesting person I've met."

"I know but I'll be back soon enough. Until then, we'll talk all the time. You have my com, call me when you feel lonely."

Quinn nods, crossing her arms.

"Do you think your friend will be okay?"

"Who, Garron? He's a big boy. And he's not my friend. He's like, my dad's employee or something. I'm sure credits will be thrown around and he'll be home before we know it."

"What if he's not?"

"Like if he's in serious trouble? Well, his sister is causing some major drama so it is entirely likely he'll be detained or worse. Those RSB agents are so self-righteous, always looking out for the greater good."

"You don't seem worried."

"I'm not. Not really. Why?"

"He's kind of cute," Quinn says, shrugging.

"Ew he's, like, thirty!"

They both giggle and hug when Georgie grunts that they are ready to go. Escara has already cleared her to leave and said they would be in touch. Dahlia kisses each one of Quinn's cheeks and wanders through the corridor back to the landing pad on which her pink and silver royal cruiser sits. Georgie powers the transport up and within minutes they are streaking through the pale Republic sky.

Quinn watches her go, completely unaware of the web she's just wandered into.


Surface: Downtown Ambaril

The RSB agents do not leave her side as they approach the apartment door. Circe has kept a brave face throughout even though inside she is dying. She turns to the agent on her left.

"Surely you realize how ludicrous this is?"

He does not even flinch.

"Gather your things. Your residence lies within the government sector therefore you are not permitted to stay."

"I am to be evicted as well?"

"Such is your punishment for instigating an uprising."

Circe arches a brow.

"So I'm a Separatist now? I wasn't aware that defending basic civil rights constituted a break from the ruling establishment, especially one that I helped make what it is today."

"The Speaker will not allow your threats to the Republic."

"In the land of the blind," she mutters, tapping in the door code. "Apteen is king."

He grabs her roughly by the arm, throwing her against the wall. She cries out but his hand is against her throat. The second agent has his blaster drawn and trained on her face.

"Hold your tongue."

"You would murder me for exercising my own rights of free speech? If that is so then the Republic is already doomed."

He raises a fist to silence her when the second agent is hurled against the wall. The first is stunned, unsure what to make of the situation when Donovan Atrii appears in the open doorway with a saber ignited.

"Let her go."

The agent tightens his grip on Circe's throat.

The saber hums loudly as it is raised.

"I said let her go."

The agent releases her, taking a step back.

"You will regret this, Jedi."

"Not nearly as much as you will once you realize the darkness in your motives."

Donovan's eyes are wide and intense as the agent is thrown back against the wall, knocking him out. He falls beside the other. Circe coughs, fighting back tears. These actions will cost him and he knows it but he could not allow them to hurt someone who had given so much of herself to help them. His code does not permit an offensive attack but neither agent is seriously injured in his defense of the Counselor.

She turns and their eyes connect.

"We don't have much time."

"Where can we go?"

Donovan deactivates the saber.

"I know a place."


Surface: Epernay Lounge

Kaytt Corinthos is enjoying after work drinks with Kinsa Cavenaugh. The day had been particularly grueling but she had won both cases so it was somewhat of a celebration. Kinsa is regaling her with tales of her latest conquest, a smoldering actor with the brain span of a thermos, when her com vibrates in her purse.

It's a text message from her sister, Trichelle.

Garron Prescott taken from a RFW after party by the RSB.

Her fingers furiously slam into the keys, wondering how she knows this information.

Dahlia called. She's on her way back to the CSA.

Kaytt tosses the device back in her purse and looks to Kinsa.

"I've got to go."


Surface: Ambaril: Central Precinct

Garron is taken to an interrogation room and left to sit for nearly forty-five minutes before the door opens again and a tall, brooding man enters. He is a few years older than Garron but immediately recognizable.

"Good evening, Mister Prescott. I am Director Laird Drakos of the Republic Security Bureau."

"I know who you are."

"Then we can dispense with the pleasantries."

"There were pleasantries?" Garron laughs. "Your agents stormed a fashion week after party to demand a conversation with you. A little dramatic, don't you think?"

"Not particularly, given the circumstances."

"And what circumstances are those?"

Laird glares down at him.

"Involvement with the Jedi threat."

"The Jedi are a threat now? Wow, you guys are so far out on a limb I doubt you can even see the tree anymore."

"You would be wise to choose your words carefully."

"And if I don't? Will you gas me like you did those protesters? Drag me into the street and beat me like petty thugs? Or will you just shift the narrative like you are doing with my sister, placing suspicion and blame on someone who is trying to help?"

"Says the potential co-conspirator."

Garron rises from the chair.

"What the fuck does that mean?"

Laird's lips are pulled into a sneer when the door opens again and Kaytt Corinthos breezes in, waving an arm in the air.

"Say nothing else," she demands, eyes narrowing at the Director.

"Counselor," he says without even trying to conceal his distain. "How nice to see you again."

"I'll bet. My client isn't being charged with anything which means we're walking out that door right now."

"Your client? Now there's a surprise. I wasn't aware you had made each other's acquaintance."

"Yes you were. You've been watching my every move since I arrived."

"Admittedly, we had our suspicions and how true they turned out to be. A rendezvous with Janessa Kain…"

"She's the Sector liaison."

"…then a late-night meeting with your sister and her Jedi companion."

"It's called a friend, Drakos. You should look into it."

"Garron, shut up," Kaytt snaps, pointing at the Director. "We're through here."

"Not just yet."

"Something you'd like to add?"

Laird withdraws a set of files from his pocket and tosses them on the table.

Garron and Kaytt stare it is blankly, waiting for an explanation.

"These are the documents detailing your clients Republic travel privileges being revoked, effective immediately."

Garron's mouth falls open as he looks to Kaytt who is equally stunned.

"So, how do I put this?" Laird says, leaning on the table with both arms. "Get your shit and get out."

« Last Edit: September 14, 2014, 02:03:51 PM by Syren »

Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #77 on: September 22, 2014, 02:02:29 PM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital

Surface: Ambaril

"You've revoked his travel privileges?" Kaytt says in a low and menacing tone. "On what grounds?"

Director Drakos does little to hide his sneer.

"Conspiracy with the anti-Republic movement spearheaded by your sister, Circe Prescott."

"Anti-Republic?" Garron gasps, genuinely appalled. "What kind of game are you running here?"

Kaytt raises a hand to silence him, glaring at Drakos.

"The Republic is supposed to value and protect the rights of their citizens. Miss Prescott's right to free speech and peaceful protest does not violate the law. If anything, your agents have escalated the situation into violent confrontations."

"Careful, Counselor. That is a serious charge."

"No more serious than your allegations that Circe Prescott is anti-Republic. She has done nothing wrong and neither has my client. I can get his travel privileges reinstated by any judge who can see you are grasping at straws."

"By all means," Laird says, motioning toward the door. "You are welcome to try. But should you find yourselves out of luck, don't say I didn't warn you. Good day."

Garron is on the verge of strangling someone on the way out of the precinct. Kaytt clutches his arm as she leads him back to the transport idling out front. Her com bleeps as they are walking down the steps.

"Lord Gellar," she says, glancing at Garron. "Yes, yes, I am with him now. The Republic has gone straight to hell and revoked his travel privileges because they believe Circe conspires with the Jedi. No, the Jedi have done nothing to warrant such a backlash save for miscalculations in a clash against the Empire. They are being made out to be the villains here and no one can give me a good reason why. Yes, I'm already on it but if it cannot be undone I will send him back with Janessa as she is scheduled to meet with the Direx Board next week. Something tells me this irrationality has spread further than I can contain alone. We'll be in touch. It's my pleasure. Goodbye, Lord Gellar."

She clicks off and sighs.

"Are you alright?"

Garron fumes from his seat.

"That man has lost his mind."

"Admittedly, Director Drakos is far more aggressive than the last time we spoke. Lord Gellar wishes for your safe return but understands you must aide your sister in any way you can, especially since she is being unfairly targeted."

They arrive at the offices of Solem, Lancing, Wray and Corinthos and head inside. Avery and Brennen fall into step beside them and the group convenes in Kaytt's office.

"Find me a judge that will throw out this mess," she says, handing the file to Brennen.

"There may be a problem."

"That's not a word I'm fond of, Shaw. What is it?"

He glances quickly at Garron then back to Kaytt.

"An APB has been issued for Circe Prescott."

"What?" Garron shouts. "Why?"

Avery interjects calmly.

"The best we can tell, she was summoned to the Senate Hall and relieved of her official duties. She was also barred from entering the government district of Ambaril."

"But she lives in the government district."

"We know," Avery says. "Which is why she was escorted back to her residence with two RSB agents."

"What happened?"

Brennen continues, "Allegedly an altercation took place. Both agents were found at her residence unconscious claiming they were attacked by the Jedi staying with Miss Prescott."

"Donovan Atrii," Kaytt says softly.

"Son of a bitch. Do we know how it went down?"

Avery shakes her head, "Not at this time."

"That building has surveillance throughout. Where is the photage?"

"We already checked," Brennen says. "It was confiscated by the RSB as evidence."

Garron paces the office, "The Jedi don't just attack people. That violates their code."

"How do you know?"

"The Jedi Master who facilitated Celeste Masterton's escape to the Corporate Sector gave us the rundown. They are peaceful by nature and very meticulous in any conflict should one arise. Atrii would not have attacked the RSB unless it was in self-defense."

"Or in Circe's defense."

"They have become more violent," Avery says. "Especially against those who has come to the aide of the Jedi in the wake of the Registration Act. None have been more vocal than your sister."

"And Artemis Soldys."

"The Corellian Senator?" Brennen says.

Garron nods.

"He has also challenged the Speaker's policies and been supportive of Circe's cause. His input could shed light on some of these questions."

"I'll put in a call to his office," Kaytt says, keying on the desk consol.

Brennen turns toward the door, "I'll work on getting your travel privileges reinstated."

Avery nods.

"I'm going to dig a bit deeper in the Speaker's past. He was much more moderate and practical until recently. There has got to be a reason for this sudden and dramatic change."

She follows Brennen out the door.

Garron continues to pace.

"We need to figure this out. More importantly, we need to find Circe. If we can get our hands on some proof the Speaker and his cronies are suppressing evidence or discriminating against Jedi supporters we might have a leg to stand on."

"If Drakos has his way, you won't be around long enough to investigate."

"Then we must move quickly and utilize our greatest resource."

"Which would be?"

"The media," Garron says. "They have been controlling the narrative up to this point. If we find something, anything, we need to get it out there. And I know just the person who won't be afraid of the backlash."

Kaytt frowns, on hold with Soldys' office.


"Selene Silvestri."


Surface: Ambaril Outskirts

Donovan Atrii leads Circe Prescott away from the center of the city. They avoid main streets and heavily patrolled areas. He is discreetly covered from sight in the brown Jedi robes which are easily mistaken for those of a vagrant or transient panhandler. Circe, however, is clad in a royal blue blouse, black pencil skirt and black heels. She stands out in these back ally's and lesser known routes. He tries to move quickly, weaving through the sparsely populated back streets.

"Donovan, where are we going?"

"Somewhere safe."

She clutches her purse in one hand and his hand in the other. She was able to unload the contents of her safe before they fled her apartment. She has money, travel documents and identification papers which could prove more problematic than not if they cross the wrong person. Circe is caught somewhere between terrified and outraged. The entire situation is extremely prejudice and violates every oath she took when swearing her allegiance to the Republic and all it stood for.

Clearly, it stands for these things no longer.

A little over a decade ago, she left her posh life in the Corporate Sector to help members of the Rebellion fight against the tyranny of the Empire. So much of her adolescence involved the casual greed of the CSA and she wanted more. She wanted to help. She empathized with the smaller start-up's who got swallowed by the corporate giants on Etti IV. It was kill or be killed. Circe knew there had to be a better way. Her life changed the day she met Seneca Cirque, the man who recruited her to the cause. She followed him and his agents as they aided the Jedi in trying to survive the conquests of then-Emperor Dementat. She was introduced to Melanie Masterton on Arbra. Jedi Masterton was assigned a small task force including her, Seneca Cirque and Trace Denton and later, Rydan Stratford, Kimber Patten and Kent Carlson.

Circe owes her life to the Jedi. Had Melanie not sent her away, she would have perished with the others aboard the Centerpoint Station. Defending them publicly came naturally to her even though they declined to do so for her during the trial. Donovan had explained their position and she understood. Unfortunately, that need for privacy has worked against them. The Speaker's turn and the RSB's increased militarization has made it worse. Now she is on the run again and there is a moment of déjà vu.

She tugs on his arm and he stops, turning to face her.

"I won't run from this," Circe says. "I can't."

"If you don't, they will imprison you or worse."

"So let them. They have imprisoned me before."

Donovan pulls back his hood.

"This is not the same thing. They believe we are traitors to the Republic and are using you to solidify this sentiment in the public's mind."

"All the more reason to fight back. I won't let them do this to us."

"Your nobility is deeply appreciated by the Jedi, Counselor. You cannot fathom the gratitude for your kindness and bravery…"

"What good are those if it oppresses others? Surely you want to clear your names."

Donovan treads carefully between what his heart wants and his mind knows.

"Not if it risks losing you."

Blaster fire cuts through the ally and sends them reeling for cover. His saber is out and ignited as Circe presses her back to the wall.

"How did they find us?"

"We'll table that discussion for after we escape. Do you have a weapon?"

She opens her purse and withdraws a small blaster.

"A rebel never leaves home without one."

There are shouts from down the ally, agents assembling into position and fanning out into the surrounding streets. They need to move now. The buildings would be searched so they stood little chance of hiding. He could not lead the RSB to the Jedi safe house so they would have to abandon their current route.

"We have to go underground. The tunnels."

She scans the ally for a covering and spots one across the intersection.


He raises the saber, "Get ready."

She nods.

Donovan steps out and a hail of blaster fire comes at them. He deflects easily, watching them hiss off the saber as he crosses to the other side. Circe follows, laying down a volley of cover fire until she is clear. He joins her at the covering which he lifts with the Force. She quickly climbs down the latter and he follows, pulling the covering down tightly behind them. Donovan brings his hand together into a fist and watches as the screws bend and warp, preventing the covering from being opened from the outside.

He leaps down and lands beside her, extending a hand.

Circe takes it and together they flee into the darkness.


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #78 on: September 28, 2014, 06:21:31 PM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital

Ambaril: Sub-surface

They walk for what seems like miles. Circe's heels echo in the low tunnels that run beneath the bustling streets of Ambaril and she continues despite the pain radiating up her legs. Donovan leads the way but can sense her discomfort.

"Do you want to take a break?"

"No," she says. "We must keep moving."

"Perhaps more appropriate attire would have been beneficial."

She smiles at his simple naiveté.

"Fleeing the RSB wasn't exactly how I saw the afternoon unfolding. And this isn't inappropriate given what I do. As a Jedi, I don't expect you to grasp the fine line women must walk in an arena dominated by men. Our intellect isn't enough to play the games they play. We must be presentable at all times, finding balance between appearing feminine enough to appease engrained expectations without being overtly sexual where as to not be taken seriously. It wasn't like this when we were hiding from the Empire, before the establishment on Chandaar. Appearance meant very little when weighed against survival. Times have changed and with it, certain adjustments must be made. Such is the way of the civilized world."

"Do you find it unfair to be judged so superficially?"

"Of course. I want to be judged by what I do not what I wear or how I look. Unfortunately, despite our efforts to alter this perception that is not the way things work."

Donovan slows his pace.

"The Jedi find little use in societal expectations. We draw from a deeper well."

"One that is seldom understood," Circe counters. "Which is why you find yourselves in your current predicament. Secrecy has not served you well although I am by no means judging your decisions to stray from the political fodder. We all do what we think is best but the Speaker is using what little the public knows of your activities and purpose to paint a rather sinister picture."

"With you as our poster child."

"An It-Girl for all the wrong reasons. In some circles, that would be considered a huge coup but fame and glory were never why I left the Sector to join the fight. I was being smothered by the perpetual quest for profit and pressure that comes right along with it. You know what I mean. You left the Sector too."

"My parents wanted me to be someone I simply could not be so instead of going through the motions, I walked away from it all."

"Given where you are now, was it worth it?"

Donovan stops and turns around.

"Was it for you?"

They hold each other's gaze, a pause expanding in the darkness surrounding them.


"For me as well. The Jedi saved me from myself and allowed those I care for to remain discreetly out of harms way. I have no doubt we will find a way out of this together. Present company included."

Circe crosses her arms.

"You were unwilling defend me during my trial so why defend me now? Surely you must consider I may be harming your cause more than helping it."

"We don't believe that…"


"I don't believe it," he says. "You have given our struggle a voice and people have listened. If it had fallen on deaf ears, the Speaker would not be so quick to discredit you. Hindsight being what it is, I'm not entirely convinced we made the right choice in not publicly defending you. Had we been more vocal and placed things in a certain perspective, the public may not have turned so easily."

"If the Jedi were intent only to observe and intuit, how could they not have seen this coming?"

"We always shared a respectful symbiosis with the New Republic under Shale Apteen's Senate. He understood our purpose and valued our opinions. The change in him was sudden, unforeseen. We are not clairvoyants, Counselor."

"Actually," she says with flushed cheeks. "It's just Circe now. I was relieved of those duties."

"You serve the Republic's best interests."

"They do not see it that way but I'll be damned if I let them subvert the fundamental principles on which it stands. The people need to be warned. They deserve to have a voice and make an informed decision. This democracy is doomed if we are stripped of that choice. Apteen is taking us in the wrong direction. Ridding the Republic of the Jedi sets the stage for something terrible. Can't you feel it?"

"I do."

Circe's eyes are wide in the glow of the saber.

"Then we must warn them. There is a rally at seven near Inverness Park South. I will take the stage and tell them the truth."

"That is much too dangerous," Donovan protests. "If they know where you are they will apprehend you or worse."

"More dangerous than allowing this course of action to continue? We're on the precipice here. This transcends the political motives that make this government go 'round, leaving us vulnerable as the infighting dismantles us from within. The Republic has become swollen and unfocused which is exactly what caused its collapse the last time. No one saw the enemy growing right on the doorstep. It's not just about you or me. It's about the public and the ideals we swore to protect and uphold. So, yes, it's dangerous but standing up for what's right often is. This is the right thing to do and you know it."

She moves past him, determined.


"You have operated in the shadows for too long. Get off the bench, Jedi. The time is now."



Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #79 on: October 05, 2014, 04:40:42 PM »

Surface: Ambaril: Inverness Park South

The organizers of the Civil Rights movement gather in a massive amphitheater that backs against two major boulevards off the park. Traffic is rerouted as a crowd gathers. Unrest swells in the city over issues ranging from the Registration Act to the border war with the Empire.

The people are divided and outrage spreads like wildfire.

Senator Artemis Soldys watches this from one of the several densely foliated hills in the park, careful to keep a discreet distance. He is deeply troubled by the reports involving the missing Circe Prescott and her Jedi companion. The coverage is heavily skewed in favor of the Speaker's viewpoints with rare exceptions that question these actions. People are quick to believe the Jedi had instigated the attack on the RSB agents despite the agency withholding the security photage from Counselor Prescott's building. They had been more than willing to produce it when it suited their needs in the case of Circe's connection to the Jedi and Garron Prescott's alleged involvement. Artemis finds it highly suspicious that now, when they could prove their case publicly, they instead chose to withhold while citing the active investigation. Director Laird Drakos remains eerily mum on the subject while his agents roam the streets in search of the duo. Nothing about the situation seems right and he observes the protest hoping to catch a glimpse of his friend.

Donovan ensures Circe reaches the protest unharmed although he struggles over her insinuations the Jedi had done nothing to fight the attack on their order. The Jedi are non-confrontational which she says is the problem. She may have a point but High Master Ven Agnant may take issue with her call to action. Still, her tenacity and sense of purpose drives him to follow her despite the danger surrounding them. Over a thousand people gather in the park. The organizers are glad she is okay and thrilled she wishes to speak. When they announce her, the crowd goes wild. She has become somewhat of a polarizing figure, a symbol of both sides of the same argument.

She takes the stage with Donovan a silent sentry beside her.

"People of the Republic," Circe begins, leveling her gaze at the crowd. "I come before you with a dire warning that the government you knew no longer functions in the best interest of the constituents it purports to serve. Hours ago, I was brought before Speaker Apteen and relieved of my position simply for opposing his own. I was then banished from the government district of Ambaril where my residence resides and taken back under armed guard to be evicted. When I spoke out against these actions, I was attacked and threatened but the RSB would have you believe this was instigated by the Jedi. That is just one of their many lies. The Jedi in question came to my rescue and had he not intervened, I cannot say with any certainty that I would be standing before you now. We fled for our lives and when the RSB caught up with us, they did not ask for our version of events or our peaceful surrender. They opened fire on us without as much as a warning and we were forced to defend ourselves. These actions are in direct violation of the Republic criminal justice system used to protect those accused against abuse of investigatory and prosecution powers."

She pauses, allowing this to settle over the stunned audience.

Artemis is floored by this revelation. Rumors of RSB aggression have been swiftly stomped out with little to no visual proof. So there was a reason they kept the photage from the Holo. It would have shown them in a negative light and hurt their cause. How many others had they confiscated or suppressed?

Circe continues.

"I believe we are heading down a very dark path and if we do not work together to stop these blatant violations of our rights as citizens of the Republic, we become no better than the Empire we fought so strongly to free ourselves from. We deserve better than to be silenced and marginalized by paranoia and fear. They would have you believe I am being manipulated by the Jedi as I was once manipulated by the Sith. They are exploiting a past tragedy to further a present agenda. It is an outright travesty. My loyalty eclipses faction or political affiliation. It lies with the people I swore to serve. You are being misled. Do not let them lie to you under the pretense of protection. This method of fear is merely a tool to control what you think. Use your own judgment. Believe what you know is right. The Jedi is not the enemy of the Republic nor am I. Stop this madness before we pass a point of no return…"

A flat, circular device is hurled from the crowd and attaches to the bottom of the podium. Donovan feels the shift in the crowd and watches their reactions as they reel and clamor away.

 He has microseconds to respond.


He lunges at Circe, arms around her waist as the podium and platform behind it ignites into first a bright white flash then a curling fireball that sends a shockwave radiating outward. The platform explodes into flaming fragments of metal and wood which engulf everyone on it. The first several rows of protesters are flash-burned and dismembered with charred limbs sailing out into the screaming crowds. People disperse in all directions but are flanked by a surging RSB in riot gear. They clash, citizen against law enforcement and the first shots begin to ring out. Tear gas is launched and soon there is gasping and flailing as the haze of destruction escalates rapidly.

Artemis backs away, horrified by what he is witnessing. His aides grab at him and pull him away. They are lost in the sea of fleeing bodies and reach the transport. As they speed away, Artemis turns, watching the column of smoke rise into the sky above where the podium and stage used to be. The glowing flames reflect in his eyes and he knows that in silencing Circe's voice, the Republic had only served to open the eyes and mouths of scores more.


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #80 on: October 31, 2014, 11:52:11 AM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital

Surface: Ambaril

A small but heavily armed RSB squad led by Director Laird Drakos storms the offices of Solem, Lancing, Wray and Corinthos. They bypass the reception desk and horrified onlookers and barge into Kaytt's office where she and Garron Prescott are talking. She rises from her desk, furious at the intrusion.

"What is the meaning of this?"

"We are here on the authority of the Speaker. Mister Prescott is to be immediately evacuated from the Republic."

She shakes her head.

"My associate is looking to have that order thrown out as it has little merit. My client is in no way involved in this insipid vendetta you have against his sister."

"If you are speaking of the former Counselor Prescott then you are behind in your facts."

Kaytt and Garron exchange glances.

"What are you talking about?"

"The separatists held a rally this evening at South Inverness Park which was disrupted when an explosive device was detonated on the stage. It seems not everyone shares her views on the matter."

Garron's eyes go wide, "Circe was there?"

"Oh, she was there. On stage. Spewing her lies against the Republic with her Jedi handler right beside her."

Kaytt's mouth falls open, "Maker Almighty."

"Where is she, Drakos?"

"The explosion engulfed the podium, stage and surrounding area. Given her proximity to the blast…"

"You son of a bitch!" Garron snarls. "You did this!"

"Careful, Mister Prescott. That is a serious accusation."

"The Speaker wanted her out of the way. I didn't know he wanted her dead."

Drakos narrows his gaze.

"The Speaker wished no harm to Miss Prescott. However, we cannot say the same for those who opposed her ideals."


Garron throws a punch with the full force of his weight behind it.

It connects with the side of Drakos' head sending him careening to the left. The other agents swarm, batons out and swinging. Garron is beaten as Kaytt is thrown against the wall and held. She screams for them to stop and when they finally do, Garron is groaning on the floor. Drakos wipes blood from his lip and nods to his agents.

"Take him to the transport."

The agents haul Garron up and out, half dragging, half-carrying him through the building. Laird Drakos turns to Kaytt who is glaring hatefully back at him.

"You can't intimidate me."

"I wouldn’t dream of it, Counselor but choose wisely your next move. The Republic will not be threatened by motions or inquisitive associates. Order must be maintained."

"At what expense?" she counters. "Your methods jeopardize everything the Republic stands for."

"Not if you obey."

Drakos turns and leaves and the remainder of the agents follow. Kaytt stumbles to her desk, trying to keep it together. She knows she has witnessed too much for them not to be watching her going forward. She tries Avery and Brennan's com's but neither answers. The cold grip of fear sends shivers down her body.

Kaytt grabs the recording device from the center of her desk, one that had been active throughout the entire ordeal. She had asked Garron to start from the beginning and go on record. Drakos and his men burst in during his statement. She clicks off and slips the device in her purse. Garron was right.

The public needs to know.


A Republic transport idles on a well-lit platform near the Senate Hall. It is surrounded by RSB agents and Janessa Kain stands beside the open ramp. She generally visits the Corporate Sector once a quarter to report in person to the Direx Board and field any inquiries. The RSB had once again shown up at her doorstep,. this time demanding she pack and leave tonight. The one stipulation is that she would have a passenger. Reluctantly, she obliged and waits on the platform.

Soon a smaller skiff appears and agents drag someone toward the transport.

The person is dropped in front of the ramp and only then does Janessa see his face clearly.


She rushes forward and kneels beside him.

A shadow falls over them. She raises her eyes up to find Director Drakos.

"What did you do to him?"

"Far less than could have been done for assaulting a law enforcement agent. You will take him with you to the Corporate Sector. Although you are free to return as scheduled, Mister Prescott is not. His travel privileges within Republic space have been revoked."

"Revoked?" Janessa says, standing. "I don't understand."

The agents drag Garron up the ramp and into the transport.

"And I am not obligated to explain it to you."

"Does this have something to do with the Counselor?"

"Circe Prescott is dead," Drakos says evenly. "You have your directive, Miss Kain. Now go."

She flinches, backing away from him. So many questions fill the space surrounding them but Janessa, for all her fiery passion, knows when to fold. Her protests and anger would get her nowhere. She nods, turning on heels to walk up the ramp and assume the controls. She eases the transport off the platform, up and away from the capital skyline. The coordinates are set and she clears Republic central command. Janessa takes a breath and pulls back on the controls. The ship flares into hyperspace for the Corporate Sector.



Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #81 on: November 02, 2014, 01:25:16 PM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital

Surface: Ambaril

Republic Security Bureau Director Laird Drakos walks through the rubble in South Inverness Park. Agents from his department and others work with the medical office and rescue teams to sort through the chaos. Half the park has been cordoned off by the RSB and divided into sections where items are collected and tagged. The bodies, whole or in part, are taken into a massive white tent that has been erected to keep the prying eyes of the media away.

Drakos holds up a recorder and plays back one of the vids submitted by an attendee. His office had fielded many but this was the clearest, the most viable. Despite the distance from the stage, the recorder is steady as Circe Prescott speaks. The Jedi Atrii shouts and lunges as a brilliant flash turns the screen white. As it comes back into focus, flames and ash fill the scene as people scramble and flee. He lowers the device and stares out to where the stage once was. It is now a smoldering and blackened mess. Fragments of the framework are scattered outward in a short but distinct radius. Foldable chairs have been fused into some of the larger chunks of the stage, some with the participants still in it. He counts twelve people on the stage at the time of the explosion, including Prescott and Atrii. Just before detonation, Atrii saw something which caused him to lunge for Prescott. Drakos had spent the entirety of the morning scouring photage that could get him a better angle on the device itself. Anyone that close would have died in the initial blast. Of the witnesses they interviewed, no one saw anything that would lead them to a potential suspect. Several heard Atrii yell the word "bomb" as his voice was picked up on the microphone attached to the podium. He replays the photage over and over as he walks into the tent.

He signals to one of his agents nearby.

"How many from the twelve on stage are accounted for?"

"Eight, sir."

"Any hits on their DNA?"

The agent turns over a tablet with a list of names. Donovan Atrii and Circe Prescott are not among them.

"There are four more."

"We are still searching, sir. It is possible they were incinerated."

"No," Drakos says. "There would be something left. Keep looking."

"Yes, sir."

His com-link bleeps from his belt.

It is the Speaker asking for an update on the investigation. The horrific nature of the incident has the city frightened, especially since no one has stepped forward to claim responsibility. In his experience, the sender of such a message would be using it to further their cause by now. Militant groups and separatist factions have all used variations of the same tactic in similar yet less gruesome and grandiose circumstances.

He replays the photage once more as he exits the tent and scans the area again. The crucial details elude him but he assures Speaker Apteen that they are working diligently to piece together a comprehensive narrative before releasing anything to the public.

Apteen is confident in his capabilities but wants those bodies found.


In the Five Points neighborhood, Kaytt Corinthos crosses her arms against the fitted gray trench coat and veers away from the throng of locals into a side ally. She is reasonably sure she has not been followed, having taken the most indirect and elusive way she could think of to arrive here. Kaytt stops at an old blast door on a wheeled hinge and pushes it open. She slips inside and closes it quickly behind her. The warehouse is empty but clean. It had been recently purchased as part of the district redevelopment surely to become another specialty gallery or niche market dive bar.

She gasps reflexively as someone steps out from behind an expose column.

"For a lawyer, I thought you'd have a knack for this. All the sneaking around."

She smirks.

"For a reporter, I thought you'd have a bit more pronunciation in your arrival. You do love a grand entrance."

Selene Silvestri is stunning even outside the studio. She adjusts her signature glasses and sighs.

"Perhaps but this isn't exactly the venue for such things now is it?"

"I suppose not."

"I agreed to meet you because of who you are Counselor Corinthos. You are rather infamous around here after getting a murderer the prosecution had dead-to-rights off without as much as a slap on her slender wrist."

"The tortured teen royalty in the third act went a long way in that regard."

Selene shrugs.

"Still, an impressive feat. One that solidified your status as a senior partner at your firm and bolstered your image and social status. I can appreciate that which brings me to my point. You sounded like you had a whopper of a scoop and I'm just dying to hear it."

"I need your help," Kaytt says. "The RSB has gone off the rails."

"Tell me something I don't know. The reports of their brutality span the whole of the Republic but no one has the proof to back up the claims. Everything is conjecture, Counselor. I can't go to air with that just like you can't go to trial. I need something concrete."

Kaytt withdraws the recording device.

Selene's eyes widen, "Tell me that's what I think it is."

"It's a start."

"I'm listening."

"I came to you because you push boundaries. You are not afraid to ask the tough questions of the Republic's elite. And the Republic is in danger, Miss Silvestri. More so now than ever. Shortly after the trial and with the passage of the Force User Registration Act, my former client Circe Prescott began working with the civil liberties leaders within the city to combat what they saw as a heinous violation of citizen rights. Communities turned against each other as those who are different became suspect under the new laws. Paranoia and fear have taken hold of this city. The Senator's who opposed the law and sided with Counselor Prescott were marginalized in the Senate and maligned in the press. Present company excluded, of course. You never bought into the hype."

Selene nods, "There is always another side to a story."

"I'm telling you the other side of this one. These civil rights crusaders were slandered as anti-Republic in their rhetoric as the Jedi were made out to be secretive, mind-controlling monsters. The RSB quelled protests with unprecedented violence and used intimidation and threats to suppress any backlash. Even Speaker Apteen, once so sympathetic to the Jedi and a champion of civil rights, turned so sharply. People credit this change with the actions committed at the hands of Janessa Kain and Circe Prescott but it goes deeper than that. Counselor Prescott was able to see through an atrocity committed by an individual but Apteen wanted to blame them all. That is where Garron Prescott enters the story, escorting the aforementioned royal."

"Dahlia Winton," Selena says. "Now there's a fascinating subject."

"She's a Winton so I understand the allure but her superficial exploits pale in comparison to what Garron found himself wrapped up in. The RSB had him under surveillance since he arrived, without merit I might add. He met with Janessa Kain who, from what I can tell, alluded to the fact that the Republic losses against the Empire were in some way a staging ground to further destabilize the Jedi's reputation."

"Are you telling me the Speaker authorized loss of life as part of a smear campaign?"

"Conjecture, Miss Silvestri but Janessa Kain is a powerful woman with many connections. Something had her spooked. Garron then scheduled a meeting with me where he put me on retainer."

"For what?"

Kaytt pauses. This is normally the line in which client privilege would halt the conversation but Garron had given his consent to include Selene.

"It bears mentioning that Garron wanted to bring this to you. I am facilitating the wishes of my client. He was concerned Circe was in danger. She and the Corellian Senator, Artemis Soldys, had publicly denounced the new laws and he feared Apteen was targeting her personally."

"How so?"

"The anonymous call to the Republic News Network tip line stating that Circe Prescott was still under the influence of the Force. He believed that since Apteen could not go after her directly without compromising his position, he would serve to undermine her motives and damage her reputation. Before he could investigate further, he was pulled from a fashion week party in Serinus and taken to see Director Drakos. It was there he was told he was suspected of involvement with the "Jedi threat" and his Republic travel privileges had been revoked for conspiracy with the anti-Republic movement. The following day, Circe Prescott was called before the Speaker and fired, for cause."

"There were reports she attacked the RSB detail."

"Yet the photage was confiscated from her building and has not been released."

"You think it would implicate them?"

"The RSB is far too proud to sit on damning evidence against the Jedi. If it would prove their point it would have hit the Holo almost immediately. Their statement following the incident made Circe and the Jedi Atrii out to be fugitives. And no judge would simply revoke someone's travel privileges without at least a hearing. That kind of clout comes all the way from the top."

"The Speaker."

Kaytt nods.

"I dispatched two of my associates to dig into things but before anything surfaced, Director Drakos stormed into my office demanding Garron Prescott be evacuated immediately. He used the confusion to drop the news about the explosion in Inverness Park South, one he claimed took the lives of Circe Prescott and Donovan Atrii. As you can imagine, Garron was livid and struck the Director but he was beaten and dragged from my office. The terrifying clarity of the situation comes into focus in the exchange between Drakos and I."

She clicks on the recorder.

"You can't intimidate me."

"I wouldn’t dream of it, Counselor but choose wisely your next move. The Republic will not be threatened by motions or inquisitive associates. Order must be maintained."

"At what expense?" Your methods jeopardize everything the Republic stands for."

"Not if you obey."

Kaytt clicks off and meets Selene's gaze.


"Something is very wrong here," she says, handing over the device. "This isn't enough to blow the lid off the story entirely but it gives you a direction."

"My interest is most definitively piqued."

"There are connections here we aren't seeing. I will help in any way I can."

"You must be careful," Selene replies as she slips the device into her purse. "If this goes as deep as you think it does then they will find ways to pressure you. Keep your confidantes few and close."

"Of course."

"Where is Garron Prescott now?"

"I imagine on his way back to the Corporate Sector. Drakos does tell his agents to bring him to the transport."

"So, both Prescott's out of the way. One dead and the other shipped back to the CSA. That certainly is convenient for them to control the media narrative. To the best of my knowledge, the entire RSB is mum on the explosion. Very few details are known which either means they have nothing or they need more time to put together a story. This gives us room to explore other angles. Have you heard from your associates?"

She shakes her head, "Not yet."

"Find them, see what, if anything, they have discovered. We'll be in touch."

"Then you believe me?" Kaytt calls after her. "You believe there is something deeper going on here?"

Selene winks, "Let's find out."


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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #82 on: November 10, 2014, 01:24:24 PM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital

Surface: Ambaril

Brennen Shaw waits for Judge Carris to exit his chambers before approaching. He had been a large influence in his own career which is why he sought him out first and foremost.

"Judge Carris."

The elder judge turns and smiles.

"Shaw, so good to see you."

"Likewise, your honor. May I have a moment?"

"Walk with me," Carris says, making his way down the hall.

Brennen hands over the datapad containing the order.

"A client of ours has been unfairly ordered to leave the Republic and his travel privileges revoked."

"Without a hearing?"

"Yes," Brennen says. "The RSB has overstepped their bounds."

Carris stops and reads through the documents. He frowns then sighs, handing the datacard back to Brennen.

"There is nothing I can do."

"What do you mean?"

"It is an Executive Order from the Speaker, bypassing the traditional method of a hearing. The lower courts cannot overturn such a ruling."

"They can if the Speaker has no legal grounds for the order."

"The charges of anti-Republic conspiracy hold a lot of weight around here, especially with the fact that Garron Prescott is a biological relation to Circe Prescott. Her activities and vocal opposition to this body of leadership has caused a great deal of controversy. Combine that with the sentiment about the Jedi and the recent Registration Act, you have the makings of a separatist movement with Prescott at the helm. If Garron was deemed a public danger, the Speaker has the authority to revoke his privileges with the RSB's full backing. I'm sorry, Shaw. My hands are tied."

Brennen shakes his head.

"I didn't think the Speaker had that kind of sweeping authority."

"The powers of the Speaker over the bodies of government expand in times of war. In this case, the recent clashes against the Imperial threat."

"Apteen used that as a qualifier. He gave the order."

"With good reason," Carris says. "The Empire does pose a threat as we saw in the unfortunate outcome. No one is going to dispute that. Circe Prescott's actions in conjunction with the Jedi border on treason. Had she not been killed in the explosion, she most certainly would have been arrested. The RSB was able to link Garron Prescott with his sister and the Jedi, making him part of the same threat. Therefore, the order for his evacuation would hold. I'm sorry I could not be not be more help."

Brennen nods, "I appreciate you taking the time."

Carris excuses himself. Brennen is more than displeased. He has no personal investment in Garron Prescott but the entire scenario played out a little too conveniently to be coincidence. The Force User Registration Act, Republic losses at Bastion, Circe Prescott's protest, the Jedi's expulsion, Garron Prescott's timely arrival onto to the scene…

The timeline is suspicious.

Circe had been more than just unfairly judged. In court, certain evidence can be inadmissible if deemed unfairly prejudicial. The same cannot be said for the court of public opinion. Her past victimization was used to crucify her motives in the present. As citing evidence goes, it's pretty convincing unless that it was part of a larger plan all along.

Could the two be linked?


In the central public library, Avery Olomos finds a public computer terminal and begins to search. She had visited the Senate Chambers looking for Senator's who sided with Artemis Soldys but found none in their offices. Avery left messages with a handful of them including Soldys himself to contact her at their earliest convenience. She decided on another, more obvious route to start. A list of Speaker Shale Apteen's speeches appear on the screen. She sorts by date and starts with one a year ago. He is calm, collected and empathetic in his delivery and it reminds her of why they used to adore him. He humanized the system, giving the democratic process an air of dignity.

She continues with a speech six months ago. This one is almost identical to the last but with a slightly harder edge. It could be the subject matter but Avery is looking for a progression and it does not take long to find it. She plays one from three months ago. Apteen is far more aggressive. A month ago, he is downright ruthless. Gone is the tone of justice or sympathy. His eyes dart around the room and he fidgets with something on the podium. Even his face has changed. He appears gaunter with dark circles beneath his eyes and a scowl where a neutral expression used to lie. The transformation is stark and shocking.

But how did he get here?

Just before the passage of the F.U.R.A., he seemed to take on a more skeptical tone. This tone grew more ominous as the months passed. His policies seem to mirror this darker tone with the RSB regulating policy with an almost military precision. Something must have changed over the past year that would cause him to change course entirely. Avery makes notes of the dates to discuss with the Senator's. She exits and powers down the console, walking briskly across the library out into the low winter sun.


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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #83 on: December 29, 2014, 04:31:05 PM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital

Surface: Ambaril

Civil unrest has reached critical mass.

The holding cells in the city precincts are overrun with citizens in blank white masks claiming to speak for the public. They say they are the voice of the people, those that are oppressed by the tyranny of the Republic's unjust laws. Director Laird Drakos is nearing the end of his rapidly fraying rope. Those he interrogates all say the same thing. The RSB has crossed a line. But It is a line they had drawn and forced them to cross. Actions have consequences. There are rules to the act of protest. This group, calling themselves The Concealed, has violated them. In the past, they maintained small yet well-attended protests against taxes, income inequality and bigotry. Now their efforts have only escalated the crisis. Comprised of activists, slicers and an ever-growing section of the general public, The Concealed has taken on the broad cause of social justice.

Their recent actions have come to contradict their initial outcry against violence. They often bait the RSB, drawing them into physical confrontations while someone films and edits the photage to appear as though the show of force was unprovoked. They use handmade devices that have injured many agents and others civilians who happened to be nearby. They have sliced their way into secure databases, releasing sensitive information on ongoing investigations and wiping clean the records of those they feel have been targeted under the Registration Act. The RSB has labeled them a Separatist group. The Concealed in turn labeled the RSB a terrorist organization. Barbs are openly traded in the street and plays out marvelously on the Holo as commentators on both sides of the issue snarl and hiss at who is to blame.

The murder of Circe Prescott and Jedi Donovan Atrii served as the fan to their flames. It is an explosion that engulfed the Republic capital and transformed it into a far more dangerous place. Any routine stop is a potential ambush. The RSB Agents who risk their lives to keep the peace are now targeted, allowing the more unsavory elements they would normally be pursuing room to flourish and prosper.

Speaker Shale Apteen has all but disbanded his personal cabinet, convinced each one conspired against him. He keeps only a handful of trusted Senator's and the Director as confidantes. Apteen believes this unrest is a direct Jedi retaliation and rants to Drakos about the poisonous nature of their existence. The Director has been summoned to his offices at all hours of the night where he finds the Speaker fuming silently as a map of the galaxy swirled through the darkness. Each time he left, Drakos would feel less remorse, more anger at the situation. The dark energy of the present one of the Mara clones had gifted the Speaker was also influencing the RSB Director. The Senator's who routinely visited the office are also affected by this darkness. The seeds of betrayal and personal paranoia grow within each, leading them down a path that has steered the Republic to its current state.

Making matters worse, Drakos' forensics team had failed to find the remains of Prescott or Atrii. The two others who were unaccounted for were not found either. Given the wide vicinity the remaining eight on the stage were scattered, it is unlike they will. Drakos has no choice but to pull the team and send in the clean-up crew. City-works had restored Inverness Park South into something more resembling what it was before the explosion. That site was then turned into a memorial and frequent location for shows of support for The Concealed.

The investigation had turned cold weeks ago with leads withering as the protesters ramped up their outrage. No one had claimed responsibility and The Concealed has gone so far as to say they believe the Speaker's office was in some way responsible for the blast. They went on to imply the explosion was means to an end, a way of further restrict their lives and strip them of individual rights. Trying to counter that on live Holo with Selene Silvestri had gone over about as well as one would expect. Callers and commentators came out in full force to support or renounce the RSB under his leadership. The usual suspects showed up to recite their tired old diatribes of how the system is meant to stifle the working class, keeping them securely under the thumb of the wealthy and well-connected. Some even claimed the RSB was in the pocket of a few powerhouse lobbyists that are loyal to the Speaker and this is all retribution for the public standing up to it.

Speaker Apteen is forced to clamp down on a spiraling situation and ordered a city-wide curfew as the RSB patrolled the streets enforcing it. The Concealed had found ways around that was well and blatantly appeared in several public places around Ambaril inviting confrontation.

Counselor Kaytt Corinthos stares down into the courtyard many stories below her corner office. A group of masked individuals march across the plaza chanting and shouting as the RSB storms toward them in full riot gear. Something is thrown and the two sides clash. Screams echo against the buildings as a tear slides down her cheek.

This is the New Republic.


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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #84 on: January 19, 2015, 09:08:51 PM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital

Surface: Ambaril

Senator Artemis Soldys walks back to his apartment just before curfew. The RSB agents escorting him leave him at the foyer but remain to patrol the area. Since the curfew has gone into effect, the violence within the city has decreased but it has done little to quell the public unrest. Several Senator's have become targets although Soldys is not among them. Still, the RSB has assigned protective details to make sure it stays that way. He is not concerned for his own safety, as he had been on the side of the people all along but his alarm is more for the Republic as a whole. They had accomplished little in the past few months and he fears their inaction will allow the Separatist movement to gain traction. More Senator's have defected from Speaker Apteen in an attempt to stabilize their society. It had not gone over well with Apteen who continues to grow more suspicious and aggressive.

The Concealed have managed to turn public opinion against those who mean to protect them and the RSB's reputation hangs by a thread. He calls for peace, a way forward in this escalating mess but it falls on deaf ears. He wonders if they will be able to overcome this schism.

Inside his apartment, he moves through the darkened hall and reaches for the light. Nothing happens. He taps the switch again but the lights do not come on. Groaning, he walks across the living room to the lamp on the nightstand. It switches on and reveals a figure standing in the corner. He gasps, taking a step back.

"Do not be afraid, Senator."

"Easier said than done," Artemis replies. "You are trespassing."

"It could not be helped, I'm afraid. This was the only way to speak with you without drawing unwanted attention."

"Forgive me if that sounds like a threat."

"I assure you it is not."

"Who are you?"

"A friend," the figure says. "One who needs your help."

"Show yourself."

The figure steps out of the shadows and into the light.

Artemis' eyes widen, "Jedi Atrii…"

"This must be a shock to see me alive but it pales to the frightening direction our Republic is heading."

"I don't understand….how? The explosion….you…were killed. I saw it."

"That is exactly what the RSB was led to believe. The Director is corrupted as is Speaker Apteen."


"The dark energy of the Sith has both in their grip. They and several others who surround the Speaker are being misled."

"Are you saying they are being controlled by the Force?"

"Not as directly as before," Donovan says. "This is different. The darkness plays with the mind, pulling otherwise rational people into fear and paranoia. You have seen it for yourself. There are no grounds for the Speaker's actions yet he behaves with an almost fanatical conviction. These are not conclusions he came to on his own. He must be stopped."

"We've tried, time and time again in the Senate. Our voices will not be heard."

"You need to think more robustly. It goes beyond the Speaker with a goal to undermine everything we stand for. The Jedi has been scattered and few remain on Chandaar. Our presence will only incite more violence. The RSB believes we started this and a large section of the population agrees. We can no longer operate in the public eye."

"You never did."

"We had the faith of the government and public behind us then and now we see how our secrecy hindered our ability to defend ourselves against these allegations. But we cannot change the past. We must focus on the future, one that is in serious danger of collapse. The explosion was just a catalyst."

"For what?"

"Something much more sinister."

"How can you be sure?"

That is when another figure steps out from behind him.

"Because we saw who planted the bomb."

Artemis can barely believe it, a mixture of emotions flooding him.


They embrace tightly.

"I'm sorry, dear friend. We had to stay hidden. The Speaker wants us dead and we need him to believe we are. We survived the blast because of Donovan's quick thinking."

"And a kinetic Force shield."

"But if you know who did this, you could clear your names."

"The RSB is already too far gone," Circe says. "The agents are just following orders but with Director Drakos compromised it gives us little leverage. We would be detained immediately and tried as Separatists. The Speaker will show no mercy."

"Who was it?"

Donovan holds up a device with a hologram spinning slowly above it. Artemis is confused.

"She looks…familiar."

"Her name is Quinn Cavanaugh."

"Sister of…"

"The socialite Kinsa Cavanaugh. Daughter of the Cavanaugh hospitality magnate."

"I don't understand. You are saying this girl blew up the rally?"

Donovan and Circe exchange glances then nod.

"She emerged out of the crowd, tossed the device and ran. We know she wasn't harmed because she is safely at The Menagerie in Serinus. We verified."

"Why haven't you tipped anyone off?"

"For one," Donovan says. "We don't know who we can trust except for you."

"You didn't see her, Artemis. She didn't do this on her own."

"What do you mean?"

"I saw the same look on Janessa's face when they played the photage during our trial. The blank stare, the mindless, stilted movement. The same look I had when they showed the photage of me wandering the corridor of the Bolerathon Tower on Hesperidium. She wasn't in control. Quinn may have been the vessel but she wasn't the culprit."

"Then who? Who would make her do this?"

Circe crosses her arms.

"We don't know."

"But we do have our suspicions."

"Which are?"

"Shortly before the rally, Quinn was involved in Republic Fashion Week…with Dahlia Winton."

Artemis frowns, "You don't think…"

"We can't say with any certainty she is involved. Dahlia left Chandaar with her security detail after my brother was detained at the party in Serinus. Quinn remained at the Menagerie and the rally took place that afternoon. We don't know how but within those few hours, someone got to her."

"Have you checked with The Menagerie? That place is locked down pretty tight. Surely they have security photage."

"Unfortunately, that would mean going through Escara Wu. She is notoriously protective of her models. Short of a subpoena, we can't get that vid. And even if we did it would implicate Quinn. We don't want another innocent victim being dragged through that. What we need is someone with connections who might be able to get at it without going through the proper channels."

"Even if I could find a credible slicer that could somehow tie the girl's activities to the RSB Director or Speaker Apteen, we are bordering dangerously close to treason."

Donovan sighs, "As opposed to a Republic implosion?"

"We need to make this right," Circe says. "But Donovan and I are not safe here. If they find out we're alive, we won't be for long."

Artemis nods, pacing the living room.

"I agree. I believe Counselor Corinthos was working on building a case against the RSB. She might be the place to start. But you two need to get out of Chandaar. Tonight."

« Last Edit: February 02, 2015, 02:39:03 PM by Syren »

Offline Medivh

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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #85 on: February 22, 2015, 03:06:30 PM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital
Surface: Ambaril

Shale Apteen sat at his desk, absent mindedly touching the gift from the Federation ambassador.  He couldn't understand the protests, or the Concealed and why there was such a backlash against the policies he was putting forward.  He was just protecting the people, the people that chose him, from the threat.  Force users,and those consorting with them.

Was it possible that so many had fallen under their sway? Or maybe the people were just misled.

A voice in the back of his mind was telling him that he had to change tactics - he had to speak directly to the people.  Explain why everything he was doing was necessary to protect them.

There was another voice too - telling him that the gift had to be kept safe.  Safe and hidden, so no one could find it.  Apteen's eyes lifted, glancing left and right - was someone trying to steal it? Take it from him?  No, he was alone in his office.  But it wasn't safe, and he needed to keep it safe.  He needed to hide it.   Rising from his seat, and taking the gift in his arms, oh so carefully, he returned it to its box, without deactivating it as he usually did.  He picked up the box and he moved around to the side of desk.  There, he pushed aside the throw that extended out from beneath his desk, out several feet in each direction.  The wood paneling of the floor left no mark of distinction, but Apteen counted quietly to himself, running one hand along the wood lines, the other holding the box.  At a particular count, he turned his finger inward, digging a nail into the crevice and prying upward. A single board came loose, revealing a small safe underneath, opened with a combination and a key. He pulled the key from his pocket and plugged it into the lock, then turned the dial on the combination lock. once this way, once that way, and back again.  With a click, the safe opened, revealing a handful of small but valuable objects - either of actual or sentimental value.  Gingerly, Shale Apteen placed the box into the safe, closed, it locked it, and hit the safe with the board again.

He smiled - no one would find it there.  The key he placed back in his pocket as the throw rug was again straightened to its place.

Now, time for the press conference.  For the galaxy to see he was not a villain or a tyrant. 

To make them know who the real enemy was.

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
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Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #86 on: February 23, 2015, 11:02:03 AM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital

Surface: Ambaril

The offices of Solem, Lancing, Wray and Corinthos are quiet. Everyone had gone for the day. Kaytt Corinthos remains in her office, skimming over a brief that would help in their case against the RSB. The Speaker's office maintains their use of force is justified and that the violent protests put the agent's lives in danger. Director Drakos directs blame at The Concealed and their attempts to scatter and undermine their goal of public safety.

Kaytt is not convinced.

Several of the plaintiff's were not actively involved in the protests and had been in the wrong place at the wrong time. According to their statements, there had been no attempt to discern between bystander and protester and all had been either beaten or gassed. Two were hospitalized, one with a radial fracture resulting in the loss of movement to the left side of his face. The other was a woman who is partially blind due to proximity to a highly concentrated tear gas canister which the RSB stated had "malfunctioned." Both victims were said to have been breaking curfew and should not have been in public in the first place. For those who work evening or graveyard shifts, the curfew is impossible to follow. Not only has it put a strain on the working class citizen struggling to support themselves or a family, it has also introduced a pervasive level of fear against the agency founded to protect them. Mistrust is rampant from all sides with each pointing fingers at the other. The Concealed has done a remarkable job of feeding the fire while claiming their actions give voice to those who have been marginalized and exploited by government overreach and bureau corruption.

She had even received a visit from Senator Soldys who threw his name in the hat to help her stop the violence. Kaytt is typically wary of politicians and their myriad of motives but Artemis' stellar public record and association with the slain Counselor Prescott lend him a credibility denied to most Senator's. She found his position genuine and accepted his offer to assist.

Kaytt is so wrapped up in thought she doesn't realize there is someone standing in the doorway to her office.

"Hello? Central command to Counselor Corinthos?"

"Sorry, long day."

Kinsa Cavanaugh laughs, "Tell me about it."

"Really? What did you do, get your nails done?"

"Not just that," Kinsa says. "I also filmed an ad for the new D'jour perfume."

"My, what a complex and interesting life you lead."

"Don't hate. We have reservations."

"Right," Kaytt says, powering down her consol and grabbing her purse. She closes her office door and falls into step beside Kinsa.

"I just got off the com with Janessa. Apparently, she's staying in the Sector for a while. Not that I blame her. After that whole mess with the RSB I would need a vacation too."

"She's not on holiday," Kaytt reminds her. "She works with the CSA, remember?"

"I know that but she was staying at the Gellar Estate on D'ian. Sounds pretty posh to me. You know she is hooking up with Garron Prescott, right?"

"Get out! She is not."

"Straight from the mouth of the babe. We're talking full on, broken ribs, clothes ripped, floor of the shuttle sex."

"I'm impressed."

"Me too," Kinsa says. "That man is brutally hot."

Kaytt rolls her eyes up.

"That's not what I meant. The Director's agents beat him senseless in my office."

Kinsa gasps, holding onto her arm.

"I forgot you are traumatized. I really need to be more sensitive about these kinds of things."

"Let's just stick to dinner and gossip."

Despite the wide disparity of value systems, Kinsa has always been a good friend to Kaytt. Throughout all the trials, relationships and corporate climbing, she has been there for her. Kaytt finds her flip naiveté refreshing. Their laughter trails off when something crashes elsewhere in the office. They both stop walking.

"I thought you said everyone was gone."

Kaytt moves away from her, "I did say that."

"Please don't tell me you are going to investigate the strange noise. This never works out in the Holoplex."

"That's only for teens and twentysomethings. As thirtysomething, we have a much lower mortality rate."

"I am not comforted by that."

Kaytt walks down the corridor that bisects the main office, peering around the corner. There is an overturned chair sticking out of one of the paralegals cubicles. She shakes her head, turning back.

"It was only a chair that fell."

"Chair's don't just, like, fall. They are designed to stay upright. That's their job."

She sighs and walks back around the corner with Kinsa reluctantly following. She reaches the chair and lifts it up, sliding it against the desk inside the cubicle. They share a laugh, continuing on down the hall and around the next corner.

"Maybe we have a ghost at the firm."

"Or an intruder."

"Don't be ridiculous…"

Her office door is open.

Kaytt stops cold and Kinsa bumps into her.

"What's wrong?"

"I closed that."

"Now who's being ridiculous?"

A figure steps out of her office; tall, broad shoulders and wearing a blank, white mask. They stare at each other for what seems like several minutes of disbelief when the figure begins charging down the corridor toward them. Kaytt grabs Kinsa's arm and they flee the opposite direction. They cut back across the office into the lift bank. Kinsa taps the button repeatedly.
"Come on, come on."

The figure rounds the corner and spots them, advancing steadily.

Kaytt gasps, pulling her back and into the stairwell. They descend as quickly as they can, hindered by Kinsa's ridiculously high heels and restrictive skirt. They are about three flights down when the figure enters the stairwell with them. Kaytt pulls the door open on the next floor and enters, striding toward the transparasteel doors of a jeweler's office while Kinsa calls for the lift. The doors are predictably locked and Kaytt whirls around.


"Isn't that one of those hacktivists? I thought they were on your side."

"They are. At least, they are supposed to be."

"Then why are they creeping around your office? Maybe we should just go ask him."

"Are you insane? Does that look like the kind of person who is keen on mediation?"

"Now that you mention it, no."

A ding derails the conversation as one of the lift doors hiss open at the same time as the stairwell door. Kaytt shoves Kinsa inside and lunges after her, slapping at the lobby button on the control panel. The figure advances toward them and says with a thick and distorted voice.

"It's what you don't know that matters most."

The lift doors close in front of him.

Kaytt and Kinsa exchange glances as the lift descends to the lobby floor. They exit quickly and enter Kinsa's waiting hoverlimo. As she primps in a compact mirror, Kaytt stares through the window at the passing scenery. The encounter was more than just a little jarring. Were they trying to scare her? She doesn't understand the motive. They fight for the same cause but differ in methods. She is bound by the law but The Concealed does not trust the system to bring about justice. She shutters, contemplating the meaning of the phrase.

What doesn't she know?


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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #87 on: February 24, 2015, 10:15:28 PM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital
Surface: Ambaril

The crowd was massive.

Apteen had announced a public press conference, to take place on the steps outside of the senate building, where he would address the recent changes made in the Republic Security Bureau's policies, the protests, and the Force User Registration Act.  Many had heard that Apteen had been heavily involved in the changes, but most of the public never got to see the speaker or hear from him directly.

That made this press conference that much bigger of a circus.

Dozens of photographers and journalists had formed a semi-circle at the edge of the rope line that had been set up.  Behind them, throngs of civilians crowded, pressed in.  Chants of protests and counter-protests filled the air as supporters and detractors of the speaker's policies made their presence known.  Above the sea of people, placards waved back and forth in tune with the various shouting.

Security forces had been dispatched as well - RSB agents were stationed at all corners of the stairway, and on nearby buildings, not to mention scattered in among the crowd as well.

At the scheduled time, Shale Apteen stepped out of the senate building, flanked by some of his most ardent senate supporters.  He paused briefly, looking over the crowd, the hum of protest, the flash of lights.  THose who had not seen the speaker in a long time noted he looked, worn down - older than his age, and seemingly burdened by an unseen force.

His face was solemn as he approached the podium and began to speak.

"Citizens of the Republic.  There is no doubt that this is a trying time for our people.  In the last few months, the Republic has suffered a major military defeat at the hands of the Empire.  And within our very borders, we have seen a far more existential threat.

As many of you know, months ago, the Senate passed the Force User Registration Act.  For some, this became a symbol of inequality, discrimination, and a shift toward a fear-based government.  Let me say today - the FURA is nothing of the sort.  It is a law passed to protect the people.  All of the people.  We have learned that the Force can allow individuals to control the minds and actions of others.  It can lead to dangerous results.  Even murder.  The only way we can stop this, work to prevent that behavior, is to know who might have those capabilities, and to allow the public to know and be able to respond accordingly.

Force users are not second-class citizens.  They may function in our society the same as others, as long as they comply with the registration requirements.  The acts taken by my office and the senate regarding the jedi were, as well, in furtherance of protecting the Republic.  And let me assure everyone - no one who has committed no crime will be prosecuted.  You have nothing to fear as long as you abide by our laws.  I am confident that soon, we will - "

But at that moment the speaker was halted, no new words came out of his mouth.  A loud 'bang' had been heard, coming from somewhere in the crowd.

Shale Apteen's eyes went wide, his mouth open in a surprised 'O' shape.

And from his tunic, red was beginning to spurt out.

It all happened in an instant that seemed to last forever.  As if in slow motion, Apteen had one hand grab the podium, another lifting protectively over his chest, then collapsing to the ground.

Three RSB agents surrounded Apteen, while swarms of soldiers now moved in, attempting to regain order from the chaos as protesters and journalists were looking for cover.  A squad was wading through the crowd, toward the source of the shot.

There was the weapon, right next to a previously unseen manhole cover, leading into the Republic's sewers.  A manhunt already started.

Shale Apteen's blood spilled on the steps of the senate building, where he was pronounced dead minutes later.

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
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Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #88 on: March 01, 2015, 05:09:44 PM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital

Surface: Ambaril

There is a sharp focus on Selene Silvestri's face as she narrows her dark eyes into the cam.

"The Assassination of Speaker Apteen today has divided the public even further with an emotionally rousing albeit controversial speech. As calls for his killer to be brought to justice echo in the streets, there are others who believe his discriminatory policies regarding Force Sensitive citizens may have pushed some to the brink. Will Apteen's legacy of exclusionary government continue after his death or will the cries for change usher in a new era of the Republic?"


Counselor Kaytt Corinthos taps off the projector in her office. She had watched the replay enough. The sudden brutality of it all stirs a sadness in her. She may be a lawyer but she is not heartless. Not entirely. She prefers due process to vigilantism despite the tailspin the murder has sent the RSB into. Director Drakos and his agents are greeted with a fresh wave of outrage. Naturally, they try to contain the situation but recent events have made it all the more sensational. The unsolved murder of a high profile Counselor and her Jedi companion followed closely by the assassination of the Speaker is just another blaster shot in the beleaguered RSB's reputation. They appear incompetent and disorganized, facts not overlooked by The Concealed who have begun to capitalize on the ensuing horror. If the RSB cannot protect Prescott, Atrii or Apteen, what kind of safety can the average citizen expect?

Avery Olomos delivers a brief to her office, lingering by the door.


She turns, "Is this justice?"

Kaytt consider it before shaking her head.

"No. At least with Apteen alive we could have appealed to his sense of reason and hopefully changed his mind. Killing him only emboldens those who supported him and his policies. Whoever takes his place will have a significant choice to make. My fear is that the interim figurehead will respond by clamping down even harder on the public in an attempt to quell the uprising."

"You believe it will backfire."

"I believe it threatens the very essence of what the Republic stands for. We do not oppress our people so that we can control them. That is not our way."

"What if it is now?"

"Then we are in greater danger than we realize."

Avery nods, leaving the office. Kaytt sighs and reaches for her com.


"Senator, this is Counselor Corinthos."

She hears shouting, commotion in the background.

"This may not be the best time…"

"I understand you are extremely busy given all that has transpired but you came to me with an offer to help. While I cannot go after Apteen, I can proceed against the RSB and Director Drakos. What you can do is help the Senate make the right decision. You have an opportunity to undo what has been done."

"Garnering the supportive majority may prove difficult."

"But not impossible," Kaytt says. "Please, Senator. The Republic needs you now."


Offline Medivh

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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #89 on: March 19, 2015, 02:28:45 PM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital
Surface: Ambaril

As if things weren't bad enough. Murder in broad daylight, assassinations.  And not just against one side of the ongoing debate regarding the freedoms the republic supposedly held so dear.  Prescott and Apteen had been opposite sides of the coin.  Was one a retaliatory strike because of the other?  Were they both part of some sinister plot, to strengthen support, and if so, for which side?  Conspiracy theories abounded, and there was little evidence of anything.

RSB agents had scoured the sewers, but the trail, if there was one, had washed away with the running water.  No one found the attacker. A review of footage of the press conference was found, one even of the crowd.  But even with video enhancement, nothing was conclusory.  The gunman had been wearing a mask.  Not the white mask of the Concealed, but a gray one.  No distinguishing feature could be seen.  The footage saw him wade through the crowd, lift the weapon, fire once, and seemingly fall downward into a hole.  The crowd around him, upon the blaster being fired, had all ducked, too frantic to notice or stop him.  When they had been questioned, all pled innocence.

How do you have a manhunt for someone you won't recognize?

As blame went back and forth, RSB Director Drakos did the only thing he thought reasonable - he imposed a curfew.  The government district was strictly off limits to non-law enforcement personnel from sundown to sunrise.  Members of the senate were permitted to travel only if they had proper credentials, and only upon being escorted by security officers.

Martial law - according to Drakos, it would be imposed until he was given other orders by the senate, something which wouldn't happen until a new speaker was chosen.


In the senate itself, things didn't seem much calmer.  The debate had started for who would be speaker, a leadership role chosen by those in the senate.  Names had been floated around, including two senators made most visible recent, Senator Ingrat and Senator Soldys.  Soldys, for his part, had not made any statement as to whether he would run.  Whenever he was given the floor, he spoke of exactly two things - first, a path to ending the internal strife in the republic, and second, pushing to make sure the military did not suffer from the internal strife.  It seemed crazy to him that people had to be reminded, the Republic was at war, the Empire, though they hadn't made a significant push, was harassing the republic border, disrupting trade, running raids against a dozen worlds.  Ever since the disaster at Bastion, the Republic offensive had been curbed, and now the fleet, itself with reduced man power and low morale, was having difficulty doing anything but keep the Empire in a holding pattern.

Artemis also noticed, in his analysis, that the Empire was not pushing forward the way they could. That meant they either were being overly cautious, or were purposely not attacking. After all, why fight, when the enemy can do the infighting for you?  This, of course, he didn't say out loud.

After a particularly brutal session where he managed to get authorization for an additional six mon-calimari cruisers to be built, he was heading back to his office, when a half-dozen senators approached him.

"Senator, may we speak with you please?"

Artemis stopped and looked at them. All friendly faces.  He knew what that meant.

"I can't be speaker"

"Artemis, you can"

"No, I can't.  I'm here to help Corellia.  Most of the senate still sees me as an outsider and would never vote for me. And even if they did, every decision I made would be called into question"

"We need someone strong like you"

"THere has to be someone else"

"Artemis, if you don't run, Ingrat is likely to win"

That did give him pause.  Ingrat had been difficult even as a senator. As speaker?

"It cannot be me.  I can help with the campaigning, but it cannot be me.  Find someone else"

"When we do, you'll back him?"

"If he can heal the senate, I'll back anyone you want"


SWSF: Legacy of the Force
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