Author Topic: CC: Circle of Freedom  (Read 127111 times)

Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #120 on: February 06, 2017, 12:48:28 PM »
"Can you see me right now
I'm comin' closer
Think I figured you out
Not like the others
You don't blend with the crowd
I've blown your cover
Now I'm takin' you down
Takin' you down."


Chandaar: Republic Capital

Surface: Ambaril

The Winton Naboo royal cruiser touches down on the platform near the university grounds. The other student shuttles look downright pedestrian in comparison. Dahlia pauses by the full length mirror in the corridor, assessing the situation. She wears a pleated black skirt, white button-up, chunky black heels, and a fresh-faced approach with minimal make-up. Her crimson hair is tousled and falls over her shoulders which she thinks makes her look easy-going. She is totally nailing the demure undergrad look so she grabs her designer messenger bag and heads down the ramp.

To her surprise, there is a landing party and not one comprised of the typical media. It is a small contingent of RSB agents fronted by an imposing man with a face that screams douche-central. He approaches and speaks first.

"Princess Dahlia, welcome to Chandaar."

"Uh, thanks but I've been here before."

"Yes but times have changed. My name is Laird Drakos, Director of the Republic Security Bureau."

She extends a hand, "It's nice to meet you."

He does not, watching her hand fall back to her side. Dahlia plays it cool, flipping her hair.

"So, like, what's the story?"

His expression is a mask of disdain and arrogance. The rage is pouring off him in waves, so much so that she must steady herself against the barrage.

"The story is that having a Winton roam our streets does not bring me comfort while your sister, a known Force User with suspected terrorist ties, and her protector are currently being sought for questioning. Their whereabouts are unknown."

"Wow, that's…something."

"It is, isn't it? You wouldn't happen to have had contact with either Gemma Masterton or Garron Prescott? We would very much like to speak with them."

She shrugs, "Not since school ended. I've been on Hesperidium for the summer."

"So we've all seen. The point is-"

"Okay, I'm going to stop you right there," Dahlia says, raising a hand. "I understand you're the law in these parts. Cool. I respect that. However, I was accepted into the business program at U of A because of my stellar academic record as well as the fact that I have a contract with Vectra based out of Ambaril. I came here to learn and further my career. If this is going to be a problem for you then you can take it up with my lawyer."

"Let me guess; Kaytt Corinthos?"

"Our fam has a retainer."

"How wonderful for you," Drakos sneers. "Changes in our laws now require all off-world visitors to submit to testing under the Force User Registration Act."

Thankfully, she keeps up on the news. They had implemented the expansion but the courts put a stay on the motion, temporarily suspending it's enforcement as legal action was taken against it's merit after an outcry from several liberal Republic worlds.

"No it doesn't. Not yet anyway."

She tilts her head and smiles.

"If and when it does, I'll be more than happy to swing by the student health center. Until then, maybe you should focus less on my life and more on your job. Good day, Director Drakos."

She hefts the messenger bag and strides past him. He does not follow but she can feel his glare boring into her as she walks away. The fact that neither Masterton nor Prescott have been located reflects poorly on him. Pressure is mounting for him to produce answers in order quell unrest. Drakos must watch her carefully as he knows the Winton's are just as if not more dangerous as the Masterton's.


In a private suite in Tevv Hall, Dahlia takes to unpacking. Her belongings have been transported from her cruiser and she meticulously decorates the room to reflect her tastes. She already registered for courses and secured a student ID. She made a small show of it as others looked on. Look at her, just a normal girl seeking higher education. As she had taken many advances courses and placement tests at Valor Prep, she is exempt from a majority of undergraduate prerequisites. With a full course load she could graduate in two and a half years instead of the average four and a half to five. She admires her reflection in the round sunburst mirror she struggled to hang without using the Force. See, intelligence and education really does pay.

Her suite is one of four in this hall that has its own bathroom. It's a luxury usually reserved for seniors but getting her on-campus required concessions. Her presence would raise the university's profile but she must exercise caution.

On D'ian, everyone was wealthy. There was a bond between them that kept the rest of the worlds out. It certainly helped that the media was prohibited so their exploits were largely unreported. On Chandaar, this is not the case. She must coexist with different classes and fake it convincingly enough where as to appear well-adjusted beneath the spotlight of their scrutiny. Her career and status would keep her elevated in some respects but campus life requires a careful balance. How does one remain likable yet unapproachable? Fear is a powerful motivator and reputation alone would keep some at bay. But in these heightened times, everyone would be watching. She can't rule the university with a durasteel fist. She has to win them over with the tact of a politician.

Dahlia had spent the past several years trying to get others to see past her last name. When they hear Winton all the see are giant neon signs that read – danger! Yet she's done nothing publicly to confirm that. With a terrifying acute attunement to the Force and a highly capable combat skill set; Dahlia is a fabulous paradox.

There is a knock on the door.

She prances across the living space to the controls. Her first visitor. Could it be her RA for an introduction? A gaggle of popular co-eds coming to welcome her to the hall? Nope, it's much, much worse.

Quentin Swire leans against the frame with his arms crossed and a smug expression on his face.

"Miss me?"

"Words simply cannot express how much I didn't."

He moves inside and allows the door to close behind him. Quentin takes it in, nothing the colorful décor and well-placed accents. Only she could turn a dorm room into a lavish den of self-absorption.

"Sweet room, think the RSB bugged it?"

"Already checked," she quips, smirking. "Thanks for the concern."

"No need for the hostility, baby. We share a terrible secret."

"Ew, shut up. You drugged me and shit happened. I'm not going to point out how fortunate you are to have made it out alive yourself. Besides, nothing happened between us so let's stop pretending we had a moment or whatever."

"Bitch is riled," Quentin says. "You might want to dial it down a bit if you hope to make any friends."

"Yeah well, you try getting both greeted and interrogated by the RSB Director and see how chipper you are."

"Sounds fun. What did he say?"

"Oh, you know - we don't trust you, where's your suddenly badass sister? The usual."

"Heavy," Quentin sighs. "And where is your sister?"

"I don't know! What is it with you guys? Don't tell me the Empire is interested in her as well."

"She's a wild card so, maybe. Don't be hurt. You're still our primary."

"I'm touched."

"You should be considering the risk. That's why they sent me here. I'll be just down the hall if you need me."

Dahlia seethes, "You can't be serious. I don't need a babysitter."

"No but you do need a reality check when it comes to your social life. We don't want a summer encore every time one of your college pals pisses you off. I'm here to make sure you stay the course and out of trouble."

"You? You are supposed to keep me out of trouble? Unbelievable."

There is another knock at the door. Quentin answers it.

Quinn Cavanaugh is standing in the hall, looking confused.

"Hey, hot stuff. Where'd you go?"

"I got lost."

He pulls her inside where they begin to make out fiercely. Dahlia has both hands up, glancing between them.


"Oh," Quentin says, breaking. "You two know each other, right?"

"Hi, Dahlia!"

"Hi, Quinn."

Quentin and Quinn?

Even thinking it makes her want to hurl. He's been here for a month and already he's shagging her only friend? Wonderful. Quinn throws her arms around his shoulders as they continue to suck face.

"I hate to break up…whatever this is...but if you'll excuse me. I've got dinner plans with Barrett."

Quentin and Quinn wander back toward the door.

"Yes, we know. We'll see you at eight."


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #121 on: March 13, 2017, 03:41:41 PM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital

Surface: Ambaril

Janessa Kain exits the shuttle and stares out into the city with a sense of dread. She has never feared returning home, even after the murder trial, but this is different. The long flight had given her plenty of time to think. She had investigated Vex Sienna at Garron's request and now she fears she may know too much. Her escape was not intended. She knows she was not meant to live. Where she found answers, there were also many more questions.

Janessa forgoes the security detail and makes a hasty departure from the spaceport. The RSB doesn't trust her, not after what happened with Inspector Erbon. Who does she trust when the Republic she so firmly believed in is crumbling down around her?

She feels very exposed, vulnerable to forces beyond her control.

Janessa goes straight to Kaytt Corinthos. It's late but she's home, roused from a deep sleep. She steps aside to let Janessa in.

"I didn't know where else to go."

"What do you mean?" Kaytt says, still somewhat groggy. "What's wrong?"

"Something happened in The Sector. Vex…attacked me."

This wakes her up instantly.

"He did what? Janessa, what did he do?"

She recounts the events after Kylie Miranda's disappearance and Garron's suspicion of Vex's involvement. She was tasked with uncovering what he knew and although she found out very little at first, there were other questions about his role as Imperial liaison. She tells Kaytt about her meeting with Dane, Gemma's status, and Garron's abduction. Finally, she shakily recalls her last encounter with Vex.

"He became something else…something I've never seen before. The behavior change, the aggression; none of it tracks with our previous interactions. It's like someone flipped a switch and he turned on me. He admitted to Kylie's murder and implied there had been others."


"I don't know…I barely escaped," she says, bordering on tears.

Kaytt embraces her as she gets it out. Janessa hadn't wept the entire trip but now the magnitude of the experience causes her to break down. After the worst has passed, Kaytt leans back.

"I'm going to say something upsetting but hear me out. Both Rutherford Gellar and Celeste Masterton died within days of each other and under mysterious circumstances. If Vex Sienna was capable of killing Kylie Miranda, isn't it possible he may have also killed Rutherford and Celeste?"

Janessa nods weakly, "I don't want to believe it but after what I saw, I don't know what he's capable of."

Kaytt's legal mind follows a burgeoning theory.

"You told me the Empire has stake in Gellar's company, ChemiX. Do you know what products they sold to them?"

"Client information is confidential."

"To the public, yes but not necessarily to the executives. If we could get our hands on that list, we may be able to find out what they are up to. Knowing the Empire, they would want more than your typical array of pharmaceuticals. Otherwise they wouldn't have invested. There must be something they want or believe that ChemiX can provide."

"Something they used on Vex?"

"Possibly," Kaytt says. "If his behavior changed as significantly as you say, there may be a reason for it. There have been rumors of Imperial mind-control experiments for as long as I can remember."

Her mind spins back to the conversation with Vex.

"Tenley Price."


"His girlfriend in high school, back on Coruscant. You saw the documentary Bound by Blood. Tenley disappeared at a party and wasn't seen for years. When she resurfaced, she was some kind of assassin who was killed by a Jedi."

"Melanie Masterton. Gemma's older sister."

"Yes, and according to the documentary Tenley's behaviors were completely uncharacteristic. Masterton knew her before and said she was sweet and unassuming. This change had implications of torture and brainwashing, all unsubstantiated of course. Vex bristled at the mention of her and the shift was palpable."

"Perhaps they perfected their technique. What's worse is that Dane and Gemma are still in The Sector with him."

"I do not think he will harm them. They are too important."

"The Empire has designs on them?"

"Dane, yes. That is pretty obvious with his position in ChemiX. Gemma was a mystery until now. Her powers could make her a valuable liability."

"Drakos wants her extradited."

"I thought he might. Predictable little shit."

"It won't happen," Kaytt says. "I made sure of it. The motion was denied. The photage was damning but she didn't utilize her powers here. Unfortunately, the revelation was enough to have her added to the Force Registry with a classification as extremely dangerous. Gemma will be apprehended and taken for questioning should she return to the Republic."

"What about Garron? As far as we know, he's still on Chandaar. He's being detained illegally."

"That's a powerful accusation to make. I would need something more than Gemma's word in order to prompt a formal investigation. There is only one place to find it and you are not going to like it."


"The Concealed."

"Maker Almighty," Janessa gasps. "Kaytt, that's insane. The RSB is all over them."

"We can't trust the RSB to be impartial, not with the influence of Imperial interests. I think the reason Force Sensitive's are being vilified and targeted is because they may sense and object to everything that is happening here. The buildup of security surrounding our borders may ease tension publicly but the reliance on Imperial forces puts us in a very precarious position."

"You think they would use their leverage to convert the Republic back into an Empire?"

"Democracy has been dying a slow death around here. With the increase in militarization, I'm not sure anyone will be able to tell the difference soon."

"We've got to get Garron back but I know it will take some reinforcements from the political sphere. That's why I came. The Sector needs reassurances as well. I'm hoping to do both but I don't think I can go to my flat. I'm not sure it's safe. Vex has allies here and by now they know I escaped and where I went."

"Stay here," Kaytt says. "We can figure out logistics in the morning."

Janessa nods and curls up on the couch. She drifts to sleep quickly, exhausted and confused. Kaytt drapes a blanket over her then moves to the windows. Even at this hour, the city bustles - dark towers and the steady wind of traffic lanes weaving through them. She turns to look down at Janessa, wondering if she may have stumbled onto something far more dangerous than anyone realizes.


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #122 on: March 20, 2017, 04:33:50 PM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital

Surface: Ambaril

Dahlia Winton makes it all look so easy.

With midterms behind her, academic life is shaping up to be more worthwhile than she thought. She's always had a knack for learning even when it seems she skews only toward the superficial. Campus life works much the same as it did in high school only with a larger pool from which to manipulate and control. Dahlia is social and opinionated but keeps her classmates at a careful distance. She's been a bit wary of establishing a meaningful connection after Muriel. Sure, Quinn is easy. She's too dumb to really grasp the intricacies of a relationship and that suits Dahlia just fine. Quentin keeps Quinn occupied enough when he's not lurking around like a complete creep.

Barrett is another story entirely. Sparks flew when they saw each other again. Despite his stunted socializing skills, there is something about him she cannot deny. Their reunion was not everything she hoped it would be with the Q's swarming around them. Still, they make time for each other between their hectic schedules. She moves at a slower pace but she can feel Barrett's desire grow. She hasn't exactly been honest with him about what happened on Hesperidium over the summer. There really isn't a good time to bring up the fact that she murdered her best friend and covered it up. Only Quentin knows the truth and that pisses her off. Strangely, Barrett seems to enjoy his company so his presence is tolerated with more of a concentrated effort on her part. The quad-some has garnered quite the reputation as the new It-kids of the Republic. Photage of them is splashed all over the city. Barrett's position combined with Dahlia and Quinn's modeling acumen gives the nervous populous a welcome distraction. Quentin is just along for the ride but there is no doubt their status has raised his own, a fact Dahlia doesn't let him forget.

After her studies, Dahlia spends evenings in her campus suite practicing. She hones her skills most times on a traditional fighting dummy, usually with Adubell's face in mind. This gives her the drive to push harder. On occasion she will spar with Quentin as his mastery of hand-to-hand keeps her sharp. She spends the hour before bed meditating each night, drawing in the dark energies that now permeate the city.

Dahlia needs the calm now that she knows Gemma is back in the Corporate Sector.

People ask if she knew and honestly she didn't. She had no idea where Gemma was after disappearing with The Concealed. Her abilities and duplicity has been widely discussed and not always favorably. Unfortunately, Gemma's rebel rally cry for transparency and authenticity has made her somewhat of a folk hero among the separatists and other unwashed masses. It really is too bad the blonde avenger has been effectively banned from the Republic. They would apprehend her on the spot if she shows her face here again. It takes care of a once-potentially significant problem and allows her the freedom to operate. However, there has been no mention of Garron streaming from The Sector. Dahlia thought for sure he would be all up in arms about their civil liberties being trampled. Dane hasn't even returned her calls, like he can't even bother to pick up the com and confirm a few things. The last time she spoke to Trichelle, she heard Dane, Gemma and their crew were ruling Valor Prep. Trichelle seemed proud they taught them so well as if she had anything to do with their legacy. She also told her that not everyone in D'ian is entirely comfortable with Gemma's presence. Apparently, she has a polarizing appeal that excites some and worries others. The swirls of gossip should keep her busy.

Dahlia resumes practice, slamming her elbows and fists into the dummy with deadly accuracy. She tries to remember the things Quentin told her about the blackout in the Bolerathon Tower – the scary serenity, frightening displays of power – but she can't. Everything after Muriel's death is a blur. She knows the history with her family and the Force. One sister held back, and the other was consumed.

Dahlia doesn't want either.

There is a rap on the door. Sighing, she steps away from the dummy and crosses the room. Shocker, it's Quentin.

"You really need a life."

"Not now," he says, briskly walking past her.

She groans, "Sure, come on it. Dick."

"We've got a problem."


He glances her over, "You look hot all sweaty."

"Three seconds or you lose your favorite toy," she says, pointing to his crotch.

"The problem, right. I don't have details but it's got the higher ups riled."

"The suspense is literally killing me."

Quentin smirks, "Don't be so smug. It's about a person on Chandaar. You know her."

"Oh, this should be good. Who?"

"Janessa Kain."

Dahlia is confused, "What about her?"

"She's supposed to be dead."


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #123 on: April 10, 2017, 01:00:52 PM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital
Surface: Ambaril

Counselor Kaytt Corinthos awakens to find Janessa is already gone. There is a note saying that she needed to report to her office but would return. Janessa doesn't want to drag her into this but Kaytt fears her movements would be tracked so she grabs her com.


In the spaceport, Janessa Kain pulls a hood lower over her face as she moves through the crowds. Everything feels different somehow, like her entire life has been turned upside down. She would gather her things before heading over to the office. Despite everything that happened, she has a job to do. She would convince the Republic that Gemma Masterton is not a threat and maintain crucial trade agreements. Then she would find out what happened to Garron. As she nears the shuttle, her com bleeps. Janessa fishes it out of her purse.


The din of the port muffles her voice.

"Janessa, where are you?"

She feels like she has to shout.

"The spaceport. I left in such a rush last night that I forgot all the work I brought with me."

"Listen," Kaytt says. "It's not safe."

"Not what? I can barely hear you over this ruckus…I'm almost to my transport, hang on…"

That's when the shuttle explodes.

Janessa is thrown clear of the blast, tumbling across the ramp until she slams into the railing. Her com skids over the edge, twirling into the abyss below. A high pitched hum consumes everything along with the thick plumes of smoke billowing up into the surrounding structure. There are swirls of light and color before she blacks out.


The first thing she hears is a steady beep.

Groaning, Janessa opens her eyes to find herself in a hospital room. There is a figure standing by the window but when it turns, it is the last person she expects.

"I must say," Director Drakos says. "You've looked better."

"What are you doing here?" she croaks.

"A prominent figure such as yourself was nearly killed. I thought you'd be relieved we were investigating."

"You don't care what happens to me."

"Oh, but I do. Especially if you have information brought back from the Corporate Sector."

Her head is fuzzy and her mouth is dry.

"What…are you talking about?"

He towers over the bed, "Why would anyone want to blow you up?"

"Isn't that your job to figure it out?"

"It would help tremendously if you cut the usual political bullshit and leveled with me. Most people are targeted because of things they have done or what they know. In your case, I'm guessing it's the latter. You deal in information. I suspect you know something you aren't supposed to otherwise someone wouldn't have gone to all the trouble."

"I thought you were a bureaucrat not a detective."

"We have detectives; one of our finest was Agent Pike Erbon. You remember him, don't you? You were acquainted right before you stabbed him to death."

She glances away.

"I wasn't-"

"In control? Yes, we know. You were under a dark influence as is the case with most of the weak-minded."

"I was acquitted."

Drakos sneers, "Another fine win for the judicial system."

"What does this have to do with anything happening now?"

"Glad you asked," he snaps. "We know Gemma Masterton is back in The Sector. Since you seem to be ever-drawn to the happenings of the Force Users, it wouldn't surprise me if this attempt on your life was made to cover something up. Perhaps even the whereabouts of Garron Prescott."

"That's ridiculous!"

"Is it? The Jedi have been cutting down our citizens and security forces in droves yet you still defend them? When will you learn they are nothing but trouble? Are you really willing to risk your life keeping their secrets? You almost died today, Miss Kain. Think about that."

Janessa glares icily at him.

"I'm in awe at your short-sightedness. The Jedi aren't the problem."

"I disagree."

"And that is why you will always fail."

He moves toward her and bellows.

"Tell me where Prescott is!"

"Director!" Kaytt Corinthos cries from the doorway. "That's quite enough. Unless my client is being charged with something then I suggest you leave her in peace."

Drakos rears back, face contorted in rage but he glances down at Janessa one last time before striding briskly past Kaytt out of the room. Once he is gone, Janessa places her hands over her face.

"I'm so stupid…I'm sorry…"

"Don't be," Kaytt says, moving to the bedside. "This place is your home and you don't recognize what it's become."

"But I do – I know who did this. The Empire won't stop until I'm dead."

"You're in the rancor pit now which is why you need powerful allies working for you on two fronts – both in light and shadow."

"I should have just told him," Janessa says. "I should have filed formal charges so it would be on record."

"The RSB is in the pocket of the Speaker and Leeds is too close to the Empire for that to go anywhere good. You need it to go public, yes, but in a way that will spin out of their control."


"Not now. You can't stay here. We can't trust the RSB detail to protect you. I've made arrangements and requested a meeting."

"With whom?"

"Someone who can help."


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #124 on: April 17, 2017, 03:21:24 PM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital
Surface: Five Points

The warehouse is dank and deserted; a perfect place to meet discreetly.

After Janessa was released into Kaytt's care, she took her back to the apartment to clean up. Aside from a few cuts and bruises, Janessa was thankfully otherwise uninjured. She feels like shit but manages to pull it together. Her fabulous little world, one she carefully cultivated through sex and manipulation, was coming apart at the seams. This is the second attempt on her life in the span of a week – an indicator that those behind it are serious about silencing her.

Kaytt guides them into Five Points in the most obscure way possible, certain to lose anyone who has any designs on following them. She knows the RSB would not drop this and they need guidance. Selene Silvestri's attempts at sourcing dirt on the Empire came up empty. They had covered their tracks well. She had listened to the recordings given to her by Antaro. They were compelling but inconclusive. There are no witnesses or evidence to support the theory of an Inquisitor. At least, none still alive which is why Kaytt turns to a different ally.

Inside the warehouse, Janessa warily follows Kaytt out into shadowed room pierced with beams of light from above. They stop in a large circle of light.

Senator Artemis Soldys steps out of the shadows.


"Thank you for meeting with us," Kaytt says. "I know you've got your hands full in the Senate."

"Every day feels like we are losing more of our democracy for the sake of security. The more we rely on the Empire's fleets, the greater their influence grows within our government. Unfortunately, the public is blinded by a manufactured enemy that was once a sacred part of the Republic while the ever-tenacious Barrett Trevaithan makes inroads with Senators and military brass alike."

"It's quite the racket they have going."

"While the people let freedom slip through their fingers. It's good to know there are others fighting the good fight. But you, Miss Kain, come as a surprise. After our last conversation, you struck me as more of an opportunist."

"I was but...something happened."

"So the Counselor tells me," Artemis says. "I am glad you survived both attempts but it begs the question; what do you know that makes you such a target?"

Kaytt and Janessa exchange glances.

Janessa nods.

Kaytt turns her gaze to the Senator.

"Vex Sienna has been compromised. We believe he is being controlled in some way which led to his attack on Janessa. He admitted to murdering the Gellar-Masterton's aide and implied there were others. I believe he may have also orchestrated Celeste Masterton and Rutherford Gellar's deaths as means to leave the children vulnerable. He had both motive and opportunity and only went after Janessa when she began to scratch the surface of his façade."

He takes this in.

"Did you know he may have been culpable in these actions?"

"Garron Prescott suspected as much."

"And you were sent to find out? That is a risky gamble given the result and your current situation."

"We found the answers we were looking for."

"But opened a proverbial Pandora's Box of further, if Prescott is being kept prisoner here and Sienna's true purpose in The Sector?"

"Thus why we need your help," Kaytt explains. "Janessa is in a unique position with information that could potentially sway things."

Artemis muses on this and sighs.

"Perhaps. The Empire knows Gemma Masterton is a threat, one large enough to compromise their work with The Republic. Her namesake is synonymous with virtue despite the deception of her abilities. She is also too high profile a target. They are perfectly content with her being ostracized on the Holo and banished from Republic territories. The Republic's vendetta against Force Users has done their dirty work for them if they can keep her far away from the machinations happening on Chandaar."

"What about me me?"

"You represent the lynchpin in what could sever all ties to the Corporate Sector and keep Masterton and her meddling away from The Republic forever."

Janessa looks horrified, "They wouldn't."

"Oh, yes. They would. They are going to pin it all on you – the temptress, the co-conspirator, the murderer. Tactfully linked to Masterton and Prescott, who are now linked to The Concealed, you will be the perfect Separatist scapegoat. The Senate will charge that you used your position as liaison to harbor suspects and facilitate treason. And the Empire will back them up on this."

"Bullshit," Janessa seethes lowly.

"Your reputation is highly effective yet morally questionable at best. You've been under the influence of a Force User before, made to do an unspeakable act. They will use this against you to damage the credibility of anything you bring before them. Sienna may be compromised but they must know you make an unreliable witness."

"Then why try to kill her?" Kaytt quips coldly. "Their plans must not be as airtight as they think if they consider her a liability."
"Loose ends can still make trouble. The press has been focused on two things: border security and the Force User threat. If you try to change that narrative it may spur more sympathy for The Concealed. They went from a shady slicer group to the voice and vigilante of the marginalized and aware. Masterton's freedom cry unsettled many people on many worlds. They know she is right. The Republic is in danger but fear is preventing the ruling majority from seeing it."

"Then what do you suggest I do? I'm not just going to wait around to be taken out!"

"You need to get the target off you back and quickly. Report to the Senate like it is business as usual. They will be thrown when you do not take a predictable route but you will have to think carefully about responding to the shuttle blast. Use what you already have as your own leverage."

"You just said no one would believe me. It's not enough."

"It is if you curry favor with someone you know the Empire wants kept close: Dane Gellar."

"Dane asked me to clear Gemma's name."

"Not possible right now if you want to survive this."

"I understand this won't endear him to you but you've persuaded far more formidable opponents in the past."

"Make him see the only way to clear Gemma is to work another angle."

"An alliance with the Empire?"

"No," Artemis says. "With Dahlia Winton."


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #125 on: May 22, 2017, 11:32:51 AM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital

Surface: Ambaril

Janessa Kain appears before the Republic Senate.

She does so alone, poised and reassured. The heart-to-heart with Senator Soldys terrified her but she left emboldened to beat the system. She is not entirely a changed woman and still capable of manipulation when it suits her. Janessa hopes her message to Dane was well-received, buying them time to figure out their next move. So long as Gemma stays away there shouldn't be an issue although she knows that is less than what Dane wanted. The Senate calls on her and she eases the controls for the platform to take her out toward the center. The din dies down but there are still whispers about her. She knows very well her reputation amongst them and while she is good what she does, there is apprehension and mistrust. After all, she is a killer regardless of the circumstances. Speaker Leeds gazes out at her and releases a series of questions related to the Sector as well as the Force threat from their citizen Gemma Masterton.

Janessa is ready and handles them expertly.

She dispels any rumors regarding Force involvement in Sector business with the Republic. Talk turns more personal to her recent brush with death. Kaytt got a copy of the official report prior to the hearing and it appears Director Drakos covered up the bombing no doubt in some vain hope Janessa would give up Prescott. She doesn't call the bluff but instead confirms it – the shuttle explosion was a result of a mechanical failure. Nothing more. She concludes with a hope that all parties can move forward without prejudice and thanks the Senate for their time.

If they were hoping for something more, Leeds in particular, he doesn't show it. He nods and excuses her. She suspects they would have crucified her, as Soldys suggested, if she had made waves. Although it kills her to inadvertently protect that monster Sienna, she knows there is much more at stake here.

They must find Garron Prescott and she going to use Dahlia Winton to do it.


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #126 on: July 05, 2017, 05:55:09 PM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital

Surface: Ambaril

The semester flew by and Dahlia was now well-acquainted with university life and it’s many complexities. She had become a fixture around campus but always careful not to get too close to anyone in particular. She mostly hangs with Quentin and Quinn but often times alone. She talks to her friends back in The Sector who are all busy doing their own things. She avoids the topic of Muriel altogether despite that she is referenced frequently. Dahlia plays it off like Muriel and Tobias wanted to live freely outside the confines of their sheltered little world. She has come to terms with what she did and the secrets she and Quentin keep. Overall, her life has taken on a routine quality but not without the occasional flair. She attends openings, appears at clubs, and fulfils her contractual obligations to VMG for fashion shows and the seasonal shoots.

Now that she is on break, she spends more time with Barrett. They had grown closer over the past several months. Being exposed to her world and that of the swirling life on Chandaar, he came out of his shell a bit. His grasp on idle banter has improved considerably and he is even mostly able to keep up with her cultural references. They are hot and heavy but she has yet to cross that line. It’s not that she’s waiting exactly but there is plenty of time for that sort of thing.

While she waits for Barrett in the massive Senate building, Janessa Kain appears down the corridor. She calls her name and the liaison turns, a broad smile spreading across her face. What the princess doesn’t know is that the encounter had been staged, having lifted the Imperial ambassadors schedule from a previous sexual conquest. Janessa knows exactly what she is doing.

“I didn’t know you would be here today,” Janessa says. “How are you?”

“Very well, thank you. And you?”

“Could be better but there is always a balance in maintaining civil relationships between larger factions.”

Dahlia frowns, “Things not going well with the Sector?”

“It’s steady but I’ve found myself in…a rather peculiar situation.”

For her part, Dahlia already knows. Quentin had disclosed that Janessa discovered their Imperial plant in the Corporate Sector. Two attempts had been made on her life, much to Dahlia’s dismay. She admires Janessa for being such a brazen individual, sexually unafraid and powerful in a field dominated by bullish men. Another hit had been scheduled prior to her Senate hearing but Dahlia requested a delay pending further investigation. Mercifully, Janessa did not so much as mention her findings and concluded the hearing without interference. Dahlia sited this as proof she could be trusted but Quentin’s superiors were not so certain. They needed assurances.

“Oh? Anything I can help with?”

Janessa draws her toward the windows, glancing out into the cityscape beyond.

“I like you, Dahlia. Your resilience to everything you have suffered is to be commended. Not many could withstand what you have and parlay that kind of tragedy into success. It’s clever and that is something I need now.”

“I think you are already pretty clever."

“Not nearly enough, it seems. I have information I would like certain parties to understand is confidential."

"I'm not sure how I can help with that."

"Your boyfriend, Barrett Trevaithan, may be in a position to use this information. You are in a position to help him understand that."

Dahlia smiles, considering it.

It is a risky move to bring this to her. Janessa has no way of knowing exactly how much Dahlia knows or has a hand in Imperial business. But Janessa is careful to keep from sounding desperate despite the circumstance. She knows things that the Empire wants kept under wraps. Killing her would be the easiest route for them, stage it to look like an accident, and use their resources within the RSB to make it all vanish beneath the headlines. Dahlia doesn't want that to happen, especially if Janessa could be a further resource for them with her vast connections to the Republic. Her title as liaison to the Corporate Sector could be valuable and the fact that she did not level charges against anyone in her hearing does lend credence to this request. She would see what she could do. For now, she would play innocent.

"I don't know what that means but sure, I'll tell him for you."

"That would lovely, Dahlia. Thank you."

"Of course," she says, glancing at her more seriously. "Are you sure you are alright?"

"Admittedly, no. There is something else."

"Like what?"

Janessa sighs, "I can't find Garron. No one knows where he is."

"What do you mean?"

"He never made it back to The Sector."

Dahlia tries to conceal her alarm, "That's impossible. He returned with Gemma."

"No," Janessa says. "He didn't. Dane confirmed it on a call with ChemiX. I'm beginning to worry."

"Yeah…that's very unlike him. Garron is kind of a stickler for the rules."

"Hence the concern."

Janessa is leading her in a very specific direction. The Winton's are cunning but also curious. She is hoping Dahlia will run with this. She does not have to hope for long.

"I can ask around, see if anyone has heard anything."

"I know your brother and sister would appreciate it. Thank you again, Dahlia. We'll be in touch?"

"Yes," Dahlia says distantly, turning toward the windows as Janessa moves back down the corridor. A dark and unexpected feeling unspools itself inside her stomach. She would broach it with Barrett later but there is always Quentin. Maybe he knows something. This is so out of character for Garron to disappear on them. He hovered over Dane and Gemma like a hawk, more so now than ever. He couldn't have simply wandered off and left them to their own devices although that could prove interesting in its own right.

If Garron isn't in The Sector, where is he?


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #127 on: September 10, 2017, 08:13:57 PM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital

Surface: Ambaril

It was a welcome break from the tediousness of university.

Dahlia spends most of her time with Barrett when she’s not working at The Menagerie or partying with Quinn. Curious after her conversation with Janessa, she had broached the subject with Barrett over dinner one night. He seemed perplexed by her insinuations so she moved on to other topics.

The last available option is not something she wants to do but knows she must.

Dahlia weaves through the dorm corridor, passing drunken co-eds stumbling around and groping each other, before arriving at his door. She knocks and waits but the sense of dread is confirmed almost immediately. Quentin answers wearing only sweatpants, postured in such a way to blatantly reveal the outline of his package. She averts her eyes.

“We need to talk.”

He raises his eyebrows as she moves past him, “What if I’m not in the mood to talk?”

“Then I telekinetically snap your spine so everything below the waist is reduced purely to the ornamental.”

“Fair enough,” he says, tapping the door closed. “Let me guess, this isn’t a social call?”

“Is it ever with you? I need you in a strictly official capacity so suck it up and pay attention. Can you do that for me?”

Quentin sneers, “Don’t treat me like I’m one of your minions. I don’t answer to you.”

“Not yet,” she muses with a devious smile, crossing the room to pluck a bottle of whiskey off the desk. “In due time, darling.”

“What do you want?”

She feels it best to get right to the point. Directness is the only language he speaks.

“Garron Prescott never made it back to the Corporate Sector.”

“I thought he was escorting your recently disgraced sister?”

“He was but only she returned.”

He shrugs, “Bummer big time, babe. Why should I care?”

“Because I think the Empire has him.”

“Has him…where?”

“Here, on Chandaar. The RSB would be all over it in the Holo if they apprehended him. It would be a big win in that Director’s little crusade and in light of their recent failures to protect the citizens of Ambaril from the threat of the Jedi menace. It has to be an Imperial job.”

“Wait a fucking microsecond,” Quentin says. “The CSA holds him in the highest regards so maybe they are hiding him to shield him from any Republic extradition orders.”

“Why hide him and not Gemma?”

“She’s in school and with a profile that high after getting publicly smeared all over the galaxy, there is no way they could stash her without people salivating after it. You know how the Holo is when it comes to the holy “Four.” Your names are like glitterstim to them.”

Dahlia glances at herself in a rounded mirror on the wall, flipping her hair.

“Someone has to be.”

“The depths of your delusion know no bounds.”

“And the perils of your density could build a compelling psychological study. It wasn’t them. It had to be the Empire. Think, Quentin. What do you know?”

He takes the bottle from her and pours them both glasses.

“What makes you think they tell me shit like that.”

“Because we both know you are keeping tabs on me for them. They would supply you with anything that could be used as a measure of control over this situation…not that is matters much.”

He takes a swig from one glass and hands her the other. She waves it beneath her nose like she used to watch her fath-Rutherford Gellar do. He would swirl it around in the glass, bring it to his nose and inhale before finally tasting it. It always looked so satisfying, like all the questions would melt away as the liquid burned down your throat. She wishes it were that simple.

“There wasn't any mention by name or even if it was a person,” he says after a while, breaking her moment. “Only that a potential asset had been obtained.”

“What kind of asset?”

“Classified, sweetie, and well above my pay grade.”

Dahlia leans precariously against the desk, “Can you find out?”

“You mean, like go to my superiors and say that the princess wants to know if you’ve captured her upstart and Force User collaborator former bodyguard? Sure, Dahlia. Cuz that’s how we work.”

Her eyes roll so far back into her head only the whites remain.

“Surely you can manage to be more tactful than that.”

“How did you know Prescott never returned? I’m betting your sister didn’t reach out for a sob sesh on the com.”

“No, but I called Dane. He’s more reliable-ish.”

“And the Winton believed a Gellar? Everything really is cyclical.”

“You don’t even know what that means,” she snaps. “Besides, Janessa Kain confirmed it. I was caught off guard by her inquiry because apparently, no one tells me anything.”

“They tell me what I need to know but speaking of hot, slutty liaisons, I wouldn’t mind tapping that if you could, you know, arrange something.”

In all honesty, Janessa Kain was still targeted for assassination despite several failed attempts. The woman has spunk, they would give her that. Now, the jury is out on the next steps. She spared them bad publicity but she still could comprise one of their agents. The Empire doesn't like anyone running around with their secrets in their heads, even ones as beautiful as Janessa’s. Dahlia’s recommendation had been considered. Janessa works directly with the Direx Board and there is a large fortune and plenty of opportunity in that mine. Prevailing theory is that they leverage Janessa although there are some misgivings about her cooperation. She hasn’t come out and said anything explicitly negative about the Empire although her associations, like that pesky Corinthos lawyer, indicate she leans left of the truce.

“I am not your pimp, Quentin. We’re allies, remember? Or do you want another demonstration?”

His mind returns to the party back on D’ian, his body crushed against the wall by her sheer will. It flickers to the Bolerathon Tower on Hesperidium as he witnessed her teaming with a dark power he had only read about in legend.


“Good,” she says, lightly slapping the side of his face. “Now be a good boy and dig.”

Dahlia finishes the drink, slams the glass back on the desk and leaves.



Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #128 on: January 29, 2018, 08:05:32 PM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital

Surface: Ambaril

Princess Dahlia Winton seems to float in the arms of Barrett Trevaithan. She convinced him, quite cunningly, to attend a formal charity ball held annually at the performing arts complex. There is always some cause to rally behind and this year focuses squarely on the arts in education. He had been reluctant given his aversion to such events but in the end, she won. Besides, he needed a break from all the politically laced tactical banter. The Republic, while thawing, was still rather tenuous in their trust of the Imperial truce despite their borders being more fortified for it. There had been no attacks, no undercutting or scheming the politicians shrieked about when the truce was first introduced. In fact, their alliance has proved most beneficial from a military standpoint.

That is not to say there aren’t glaring social issues not least of which involves the subject of Force Users and the slew of assassinations seemingly by the Jedi. The attacks have ebbed in recent weeks although the public outcry has not. There are still a fair number of Senators who believe this amounts to nothing more than a witch-hunt and rumors fly through the Holonet feeds with insinuations that the Empire has a hand in the bloodshed. Without proof, it weakens their arguments as time passes and they are faced with the sobering possibility that the Jedi really have turned on them.

Barrett holds her close, dressed in tails with hair slicked back. Dahlia is radiant in a tight black gown with a plunging neckline. Her crimson hair is piled high and twisted into a top bun of braids upon which a glittering tiara rests.

“You look good in a crown.”

She leans close to his ear, “I’ll look better in a bigger one.”

“My, what aspirations you have,” he says with a sly grin.

“You have no idea.”

“I think I have a pretty good idea by now.”

“It’s nice that you think so.”

Barrett arches a brow, “Someone once told me secrets don’t make friends.”

“Perhaps not,” she says. “But they are good for so many other things.”

He kisses her softly and as they break, another presence catches the periphery.

“Oh, Dahlia it is you!”

She turns to find LeVanya Monroe standing before her in a purple gown and shimmering beige shawl. It is not surprising she is here, given the charity event and her role as a Holo actress. Dahlia should have expected it but seeing her here, in the flesh, unnerves her. She stifles the expression of surprise and smiles.

“LeVanya! How lovely to see you. Have you met Barrett Trevaithan?”

“I haven’t yet had the pleasure,” she says sweetly. “How do you do?”

He takes her hand, much like they practiced, and kisses it.

“The pleasure is all mine.”

“Such a charmer,” LeVanya teases, glancing at Dahlia. “It's lucky I ran into you - I was wondering, have you heard from Muriel?”

The name causes her blood to freeze and everything behind them swirls into a blur of slow and colorful shapes. Her training prepared her for this and so she shrugs and shakes her head.

“I’m sorry, no. I haven’t heard from Muriel for quite some time.”

“Oh, I’m so worried. It’s been ages and I thought by now she would have at least told me she was okay.”

Flash of Muriel lying face down on the polished floors of the Bolerathon Tower with a humming saber jutting out of her back.

“You know Muriel,” Dahlia says evenly. “Such a free spirit. I imagine she’s galivanting all over the galaxy these days.”

LeVanya frowns, “I suppose so. It’s just that…no one has seen or heard from her in months. Not even anyone on D’ian.”

“I’m sure she’ll reach out eventually.”

Flash of Dahlia towering over her body, dirty blonde hair covering half her face, eyes wide, mouth frozen open in a scream.

“You really think so?”

And she lies through her perfectly white teeth.

“I absolutely do.”

“Well, it was so good to see you and wonderful to meet you Barrett.”

Dahlia watches her disappear into the twirling bodies with a sense of sickening dread. The cover story may have been airtight but while Muriel was flighty and made no qualms about voicing her disdain for the Corporate Sector, she was also quite social. No one hearing anything from her on any of her channels would raise some alarms. She swallows hard.

“You okay?”

“I’m…suddenly not feeling well. Do you mind if we leave?”

Barrett laughs, “I thought you’d never ask.”


Back in her dorm suite, Dahlia transforms back into a student. She wears a posh yet simple ensemble and wipes the makeup from around her eyes. In the mirror, she doesn’t even recognize herself – after everything she’s been through; the capture, the torture, the training – she thought she’d killed off those lingering feelings of doubt. Yet here they are, cropping up in the most unexpected places.

“Not so easy, is it? Being a killer takes more than you think it does.”

Karen’s voice.

She waves it off, praying another sibling heart-to-heart with her sister’s Force ghost isn’t waiting for her in the living area. It isn’t. The room is silent and empty. Much like she feels right now. Dahlia fights back tears and steps out into the hall, finding her way down to the last place she expects to ever go.

Quentin Swire is typically shirtless but covers himself after he moves aside to let her in.

“Look, Winton. I checked, I swear. No one knows where you pal Garron is or, at least no one will tell me anything. I don’t know shit so before you get all hostile and Force rage-y I need you to-“

“Shut up, Q.”

He falls silent, staring at her for a moment.

“Dare I ask what’s wrong?”

“LeVanya Monroe was at the charity ball.”

“The actress?”

“Muriel’s mother.”

He nods like he gets it. Like he gets anything. Ever.

“Ah, is someone feeling the pangs of regret? You did murder her daughter, after all. Nothing you can do about that now.”

“I know,” she says, easing down onto a questionable-looking couch. “I just didn’t think….you know….”

Quentin glares, “What?”

She bolts for the door.

“Ugh, nevermind. This was a total mistake. I should never have come here.”

He grabs her arm, stopping her in mid-stride.

“Then why did you?”

“I don’t know, I thought for some delusional reason you might be able to understand.”

“Understand what? That you feel bad? I do, Dahlia. I really do. But working an agenda means having to do some pretty unscrupulous things.”

Dahlia sneers, “Look at you with your expanded vocabulary. It’s almost as if you didn’t go to a public school.”

“You can hate on me all you want but ask yourself this – why haven’t you told Barrett?”

Dahlia pulls her arm free, sighs, and looks away.

“I don’t know…”

“You do know.”

She finally meets his dark gaze, “Maybe I feel more comfortable with you knowing this side of me.”

“He’s going to find out eventually.”

“Eventually being the operative word.”

“I don’t get it,” Quentin says. “What’s the hold-up?”

“I guess I want him thinking of me in a certain way, okay? Can you, like, comprehend that?”

“Like what? Petty? Shallow? Gorgeous? He knows all of those things.”

“Dangerous,” she whispers. “Isn’t that what you told me?”

“Indeed. You are a force to be reckoned with.”

“One the Empire is more than willing to exploit to their full advantage.”

“Can you blame them?” Quentin says. “You are a valuable asset.”

“That’s all I am to them? An asset? How typical.”

“To them maybe but not to me.”


“You heard me.”

“Please don’t even pretend to remotely care about me.”

“And if I did?”

“I wouldn’t believe you. You always have a line.”

He shrugs, “For most, that’s true. Not for you though.”

“Are we being honest with each other now? There’s a concept I wasn’t sure you were even familiar with.”

“If you would stop insulting me long enough to do so. We shared something, Dahlia. I’ve never seen anything like it before. Never felt…something like it before. But I made you hate me because that’s what I do. I make everyone hate me so that no one cares if I come or go. It keeps things simple because of the mission. My psychology professor says it’s a defense mechanism but whatever. It’s easier for me to hate you back than admit what I really feel.”

Dahlia’s eyes tighten around the corners, heart pounding in her chest.

“Don’t you dare, player. That may work on idiots like Quinn but not this girl.”

“Then why are you still here?”

They are standing closer than she realized before but she doesn’t move away. He closes the miniscule distance between them and grips the side of her face, leaning down to kiss her. She kisses him back because the current coursing through her is indescribable. They stagger back until hitting the door. He kisses her hungrily, moving away from her lips to her neck.

“You want someone who wants you and all the darkness that comes with it.”

She grabs his hair from the back, wrenching his head so he is staring down into her face. Her eyes are large pools of blackness and he can see, for a brief moment, his own terrified expression reflected back at him.

“You don’t know true darkness, Q.”

She Force-pushes him roughly across the room with just enough impact against the far wall to render him unconscious. Quentin groans and slides to the floor, slumping over onto his side. Dahlia wipes her mouth and leaves him lying there because she is not prepared to consider that Quentin may very well be right.


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #129 on: August 03, 2018, 05:21:00 PM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital

Princess Dahlia is pissed. Despite her amorous feelings for Barrett, she cannot squash her attraction to Quentin. The kiss, unwarranted as it may have been, riled something in her. She has wondered if what he said is true. Would Barrett feel the same way he does toward her if he knew the kind of darkness lurking within her? Just beneath the surface. Quentin has seen it and while he is in awe of the sheer magnitude of her power, it does not change the way he sees her. And that is really what she wants; to be seen, to be accepted for who she is. Thankfully Q has stayed out of her way lately. Probably best for now.

Almost everything about Dahlia Winton is a lie, a well-constructed persona she’s carefully curated to make the public believe certain things about her. The best part about it is: it worked. The trepidation and fear that consumed Karen’s public identity are washed away by the benevolence that Dahlia presents them as an alternative version of what a Winton is. The truth though, is that Dahlia is just as powerful and dangerous as both her sisters but where they valued that fear and the leverage it provided them, Dahlia sees greater value in proving them all wrong. She can be smart and beautiful and wealthy and fabulous without all the hoopla that followed Karen and Alexia around like a curse.

The curse of the prophecy.

Dahlia isn’t trapped in some kind of spectacularly extravagant hourglass with the sands of time running out. She’s afforded the space and freedom to really flourish as an individual and a part of her doesn’t want to give that up. However, Dahlia is not stupid. She knows in order to get what she wants, and she wants everything, she’s going to have to step up as a real force to be reckoned with. Granted, she could give in to those baser instincts, lose all control, and take the throne by force. She’s not quite that impulsive either. There needs to be a measure of her madness and it will start with finding answers.

Over dinner with Barrett, some posh new spot in the center of Ambaril’s happening arts district, Dahlia moves in for the kill.

“I want to see the Emperor.”

Barrett stops cutting the exquisitely prepared cut on his plate and meets her gaze.
“Am I going to regret asking why?”

“Probably,” she says evenly. “But you can ask anyway.”

“Okay, why?”

“I think he knows where Garron is.”

“This again,” Barrett sighs. “What makes you think Emperor Schrag knows anything about your former family protector?”

“No one else seems to. The process of elimination.”

He leans back in the chair, “Oh, this ought to be good. Lay it on me.”

“Garron accompanies Gemma to Chandaar but only she returns to D’ian. The RSB doesn’t have him and no one’s heard from him since.”

“What makes you think the RSB isn’t lying about it?”

“Please,” she scoffs. “Director Drakos would be shouting from the rooftops if he could nail Garron for something. He’s not exactly what you’d call subtle.”

“So, you think just because the RSB doesn’t have him, the Empire does?”

“There are rumors swirling that there is something or someone hunting down the remaining Jedi.”

“And you believe it’s Imperial-related?”

“They have both motive and opportunity. Why not get rid of the remaining Jedi? They’ve done it before, in the past, to make way for the rise of the Galactic Empire.”

Barrett regards her curiously, “That’s quite the theory you have.”

“Yeah, well, the Empire isn’t exactly inventive when it comes to their schemes. What’s old is new again, so to speak.”

“That’s not what’s happening here. The Empire and the Republic are bound to a truce and are working together for galactic security.”

“It always starts out that way – safety. Threaten people’s way of life, have a hand in it even, and then swoop in with a seemingly unexpected twist: we’ll help! Right. Like we haven’t heard that one before.”

“Why would we want Garron Prescott?”

“There is a major Imperial investment in ChemiX and, with our parents gone, Garron is the last of the obstacles in the way to eliminating Gemma and controlling Dane.”

“Wouldn’t that benefit you as well?”

“It might,” she snaps. “But I don’t like being kept in the dark. I’m not some delicate flower that can’t hang. I’ve been through some shit.”

Barrett reaches across the table to touch her arm, “No one said you haven’t. You’ve come out on the other side a stronger person. I don’t want you to think we have ever doubted you or your abilities.”

“It feels that way sometimes,” she admits.

“If you want me to ask Schrag, I will.”

“No,” she says. “I want an audience with him.”

“Charging in there with accusations is not going to yield the results you think you want.”

Dahlia leans across the table and keeps her voice low.

“If he has someone running around hacking up Jedi, wouldn’t you want to know? I mean, it would play a factor into how we operate here on the ground. It would also mean he’s keeping things from you too, his most trusted advisor.”

Barrett makes a face.

“See? Not cool to be kept in the dark.”

“No, I suppose not.”

“I want answers, Barrett, and I want them now.”

He slips the com from the pocket of his suit jacket, “I’ll arrange it.”


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #130 on: December 28, 2018, 05:12:41 PM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital

Ambaril: Surface

Dark days in the Republic, framed by the question: What happened to Janessa Kain?

Her investigation into the disappearance of Garron Prescott, on behalf of Dane Gellar, led to another, deeper mystery. There are no traces of either without any explanation as to why. The RSB seem unwilling to investigate, dragging their feet while claiming lack of evidence. Prescott is not a Republic citizen; therefore, their hands are tied. However, Kain is but the perceived problematic nature of her CSA dealings and the acquittal on the murder charge do not provide the necessary incentive for them to act swiftly. The case seems straightforward enough with reasonable suspicion of foul play.

Janessa was supposed to meet Kinsa Kavanaugh for dinner but never showed. This was not like her and so Kinsa continuously called her com until it was suddenly shut off. Alarmed, she stopped by her apartment but found nothing. Kinsa then reached out to Kaytt Corinthos with her concerns when, after two days, Janessa had not been seen or heard from. Her office confirmed that she had not reported in and several meetings had been missed along with a scheduled trip back to the Corporate Sector. Kaytt feared that Sienna and the Empire had returned to finish the job despite the fact that Janessa had protected them before the Senate.

Still, she remained a loose end, like Garron, and had been seemingly tied off. Kaytt contacted the offices of ExO Aguilar but discovered the Direx Board had become embroiled in a treason scandal involving a Chiss-operated corporation and voting member. It is also through Janessa’s contacts that Kaytt discovered that the Imperial liaison, Vex Sienna, had been dismissed and sent back to Byss. She reached out to Senator Soldys with her findings, postulating that Janessa’s investigation made her a target yet again and the timing of Sienna’s dismissal was suspect.

While he agreed, they were both tangled in an endless web of bureaucracy. Neither have made significant progress with the Republic’s stance on Force users. Speaker Leeds and a majority of the Senate seem unmoved and have adopted a Republic-first mentality that hinges primarily on their continued security and expansion. The Empire only served to reinforce this agenda and the rash of violent clashes between a rogue Force user and the RSB strengthen their position.

Counselor Corinthos represents many families separated by the Force User Registration Act and those unlawfully detained simply for being different. She is summarily overruled even with several Senator’s, including Artemis Soldys, aiding in her defense. The F.U.R.A. has given way to an even darker avenue, expanding the powers of the Speaker to unilaterally implement what is essentially martial law. The RSB sweep the streets, turning peaceful protests into riot zones. Curfews are issued with little justification and many others disappear or fail to appear before the courts. Republic resident visa applications are now pending a result of a midi-chlorian count and individual risk assessment. Anyone found to be “outside the parameters” was denied. The parameters seem to be a continually evolving criteria which move ever closer to the ethnocentric tyranny of the Galactic Empire. Various alien races become suspect in favor of the majority humanoid ruling class. She argues that this goes against everything the Republic stands for but Speaker Leeds has sown seeds of fear deep within the Senate and public.

They now feel as if anyone who isn’t like them is somehow taking something from them but exactly what is left muddled in political double-speak. First, it was the Jedi infringing on their security which became non-humanoids taking jobs and attempting to influence a rebellious undercurrent within their society. Even her contacts in The Concealed cannot help. Some have been captured, labeled terrorists, and imprisoned while others managed to flee. Selene Silvestri and other reporters who have spoken out against these actions are painted as anti-Republic, smeared across the Holo by crackpots on the payroll of Speaker Leeds. There is no denying that they are safer than they have ever been, but at what price? Kaytt has never seen things this bad before nor did she believe it would even rise to this level of intolerance again. 

The long and terrifying shadows of the Empire are cast over everyone, swallowing those who resist into their darkness.


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #131 on: October 30, 2019, 10:05:50 PM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital

Surface: Ambaril

Counselor Kaytt Corinthos stares out into the bustling cityscape with a sense of despair. 

Trichelle is dead and their parents have responded with nothing but apathy. She has never felt rage like that before but soon it gave way to the monumental pain beneath. There is almost guilt over what she said to Dane Gellar on Hesperidum. Almost. She realizes they have suffered and Trichelle served as yet another casualty in their saga. Their suffering always causes others to suffer as well – at least until it comes to a tragic but merciful end. The blood on their hands can never be rinsed away. 

Her personal life isn’t the only thing in the shitter. Her cases have dwindled as individuals either fail to appear before the courts or are overcome with too much fear to file. The grainy orange glow below is not a reflection of the Republic she once knew. A Republic worth fighting for. All their ideals as they dodged a near-miss of an Imperial victory and rise after the Battle of Centerpoint have crumbled in the wake of the truce. What began as a startling and welcome bid for galactic peace now has many systems close to open rebellion. The ethnocentric paranoia has reached a fever pitch under the frenzied glare of Speaker Gil Leeds.  

That was the real kicker, returning from Hesperidium with her sister’s ashes to find that nothing has changed. Opposition in the Senate has been overruled at every turn. Can’t argue with numbers though. Crime has plummeted though it is allegedly the result of RSB cover-ups or back ally deals with those willing to do their dirty work. The bureau has taken a more militaristic bent which many have come to believe is the influence of Emperor Schrag through his chiseled mouthpiece Barrett Trevaithan. This tactic has put many worlds in a tough spot with only a few, Corellia being one of them, speaking out against it. Many humanoid and non-humanoid sentients find their actions discriminatory which was all predicated on the rejection of Force-sensitive’s. That’s where it started – the expulsion of the Jedi. She and others continue to fight but they are labeled Separatists, a title that is just one more stain on her reputation and career. Kaytt believes the F.U.R.A. fed power to the underlying bigotry many held secretly in their hearts all along. The legislation gave their hatred a voice and any outcry became a target. 

Things are going nowhere fast. 

She moves away from the window and eases down slowly onto the couch, finishing off the last of a bottle of wine. Trichelle's purple and gold urn lies next to a blaster on the table. Despite her historic win in the Prescott and Kain case, Kaytt has failed so many people since then. A tear slides down her cheek as she picks the blaster up and presses the end of the barrel against her right temple. 

The com bleeps. 

She sighs, finger is still curled around the trigger. 

Kaytt sets down the blaster and answers it. It’s Kinsa demanding she meet her for dinner. She eyes the blaster again but knows standing her friend up with a tawdry suicide would be poor form, especially in the circles Kinsa Cavanaugh runs in. She loathes everything right now but opting out would let them win. If there is even anything to win anymore. 

Distraught, she reluctantly agrees. 

Across the city, the glitterati is out in full force. A little martial law wasn’t going to keep the elite down. They are the ones that stood to benefit the most from these turn of events. She’s a traitor to her own cause by even being here but the petty irony pales to her frustration and grief. Circadian is the hottest new restaurant and the host droid swiftly guides her to the booth Kinsa is pretending to be low key at. 

“You made it!”

“Barely,” Kaytt says, tossing her purse to the side. “You are looking well.”

“I am. The movie wraps in a week and I don’t want to brag but I think it’s the best work I’ve done.”

The loss of Circe and Janessa took their toll in different ways for the former quartet of gal-pals. While Kaytt threw herself into her increasingly depressing work, Kinsa leveraged her socialite status to become something of an indie holofilm darling. The most surprising part is that she’s insanely good as if emoting as a character was easier than doing it in real life. Everyone has their coping mechanisms. 

“Where’d you go?”

Kaytt shakes her head and forces a smile, “I’m here. Just…thinking. That’s wonderful to hear, Kin. I’m happy for you.”

“You can talk to me, you know. About Trichelle.”

“I know but I’d rather talk about anything else.”

“Like what?”

“Name it.”

“Mmm,” Kinsa hums, brushing a strand of warm caramel-colored hair from her eyes. “I have a surprise for you.”

“Oh, yeah? What’s that?”

It is then she catches sight of Janessa Kain striding up to the booth, “Hey, bitches. Sorry, I’m late. It’s a mess out there.”

She falls in next to Kinsa and flashes a smile at Kaytt. This was not the direction she saw the evening heading. Kinsa doesn’t know how deep Janessa’s involvement with the Empire, Republic, and Corporate Sector go. She had been attacked and nearly killed by Vex Sienna who was, in turn, discharged suspiciously. The bomb on her shuttle almost finished the job but before they could get to the bottom of things, she vanished before the summer. This makes no sense. Janessa is acting as if no time had passed at all and it doesn’t seem to bother Kinsa one bit. 

“Wait a minute,” Kaytt snaps, cutting them both off. “Where the hell have you been?”

Janessa sighs wearily as the server droid delivers the glasses of champagne Kinsa ordered earlier for the surprise. 

“I needed some space. What’s the big deal?”

“Space? We thought you were dead, Janessa. After everything that happened the least you could have done is given us a heads up. I’m not sure if you noticed on your self-imposed sojourn but this place has gone straight to hell and all you have to say is that you needed space? It’s bullshit.” 

“Easy counsel,” Kinsa says, frowning. “I thought it would cheer you up.” 

 Janessa sets her glass back down on the table, “I know you are grieving right now and I’m sorry.”

“Are you? Or did you blaze your way back here just to prove a point like you always do?”


“My apologies,” she mutters, sliding out of the booth. “You just threw me. I didn’t expect to see you and I’m clearly dealing with a lot right now.”

Kinsa looks distressed, “You’re leaving?”

“No, I just need a little space.

Janessa’s face tightens at the comment but right now, Kaytt doesn’t care. She walks away from the table feeling flushed and confused. In the restroom, she unrolls a drying cloth and wets it with cool water to place against the back of her neck. Janessa Kain may be many things but she’s never been cruel to them. Lovers, sure, but not their little group which had grown tighter after the bombing that killed Circe. Taking off when there are enemies that want you dead may look like a smart play from the outside but Kaytt doesn’t buy it. She exhales slowly until the wave of anxiety finally crests. Making her way back to the table, she studies Janessa’s movements as she is lost in a moment with Kinsa. Everything looks just as it did but maybe a little too much. Maybe she's grown too cynical or maybe it's something else. 

Where did she go and, more importantly, why did she return? 



Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #132 on: February 05, 2020, 09:38:03 PM »
“And he’ll brace for battle in the night
He’ll fight because he knows he cannot hide.”
-Alec Benjamin 

Chandaar: Republic Capital 

Surface: Ambaril: Serinus, The Menagerie 

Quinn pouts and stares blankly out at the crowd veiled in darkness as she confidently struts down the runway. She passes through beams of red and white lights, triggering faint flashes in the background the face of their fallen princess and fellow model – Dahlia Winton. The show has been dedicated to her. Dahlia was supposed to be one of the headliners but, well, boom. Rumor has it, Escara Wu had a breakdown yet managed to bravely pull it together for the sake of the holy labels – Viu Viu, D’jour, Nurha’chi, and, of course, Nalaa Grey – who had dedicated all these pieces to Dahlia. 

Yeah, it’s a bit much. 

Quentin, slouched in the front row wearing black, rectangular sunglasses and a tailored Nurha'chi suit, wills himself to care. They had been through some shit then the Empire just turned them around and dumped them back on Chandaar like nothing happened. He finds the landing a bit unsteady, not like anyone would be able to tell. This surly, brooding exterior was part of his image and he plays the part well – casual student, hot boyfriend, tortured soul. It was all in the mission…until it wasn’t. 

His eyes refocus as the lights come back up. Kinsa Cavanaugh sits on the other side of the runway, beaming with pride at her sister’s performance in the show. Beside her, Kaytt Corinthos glares at him with arms crossed, no doubt realizing that both he and Quinn had been with Trichelle before she died. Yikes. He averts her gaze, drifting further to the right to…Janessa Kain? Well, well, well. Quentin had been tasked with finding her and here she is. Casual, hanging out. She was actually supposed to die quite a while ago so this reappearance thickens the already convoluted plot. Dahlia was convinced the Empire had both her and Garron Prescott. They may actually have, not that he would know. The Empire provides little aside from the occasional relevant details but something tells him they were all supposed to be collateral damage in the attack on the Bolerathon Tower. It makes his survival and presence here suspect but not without one sobering realization. 

Dahlia really wasn’t there to keep him in line – it's Quinn.

She’s the sleeper contingency in all of this and he went right along with it. The exact specifications of the nanotech coursing through her or how she is activated and controlled were never clarified. Was it adaptive or did they have someone on the switch ready to send her into full beast mode? Quentin had been distracted by his feelings for Dahlia and the implications of her power play with the Emperor that he unwittingly put himself in a situation that would be difficult if not impossible to get out of. 

Now that Dahlia is gone, there is no way the Empire would let him leave Quinn. There is the obvious question of return on their investment – for both of them. Checks and balances. Their place in all of this hangs like a massive, imposing threat. Quinn has a multitude of practical purposes. He has it on good authority she was the one who planted the bomb that killed a Jedi and a contrarian Republic Counselor. His purpose, however, just became much less clear and lends to the theory he was not supposed to make it off the resort moon. Quentin considered amending the report to include Muriel Monroe and Tobias Harkan as victims of the incident but that piece of leverage over Dahlia was simply too good to give up. Now it doesn’t matter. He hasn’t heard anything from Barrett either which is not exactly comforting. 

Models converge and there is some movement toward obligation. They are suddenly at an afterparty in Zorion, a lounge near The Menagerie. Gorgeous creates from all walks of life loiter and sigh. Quinn is hanging on his arm, sipping on what may or may not be her forth glass of sparkling wine. He knows the drill. The models get wasted, some get lucky, and then they return to their gilded cages. 

Kinsa appears in the crowd and she has brought along the dour Kaytt and mysterious Janessa. Wonderful. He steels himself against the inevitable as they make their way over. Kinsa hugs Quinn tightly and they gush about one of the pieces but Quentin is staring at Kaytt who is staring right back at him. She looks like she wants to have words and he can't blame her. He’s looking for his own someone to blame, may as well be hers. Janessa interrupts, barely a passing glance over him as she kisses Kinsa and Kaytt goodbye. Business, she says. 

He watches her slide back through the crowd, another web woven outside his purview. Kinsa turns to him, leaning forward. 

“Hey, Q. Having fun?”

“Always. Heard the new holofilm is incredible. Can’t wait to see it.”

“Well, you could have if you came to the premiere.”

“Yeah, sorry about that. We were in the middle of almost dying.”

She gasps, “Oh, I’m so sorry. That was rude of me. I didn't mean to-"

“It was so awful,” Quinn says, tilting her head slightly to the left. “I think.”

Kaytt seizes the opening. 

“You think? My sister and a little over four-thousand other beings lost their lives in that tower. I’d say that qualifies as awful.”

“It does,” Quentin says evenly. “We’re obviously still shaken up.”

“You both seem to have recovered quickly enough.”

Quinn looks confused. 

“Kaytt,” Kinsa warns. “That’s not fair."

“No, what would be fair is to tell me what really happened so I could have some sort of confirmation and closure.”

“Exactly what Dane Gellar and the ISB report says happened.”

“Convenient. Do you think I did not do my research? The Empire’s history with the Gellar’s is pretty inconsistent. They would not lift a finger to save Valerie all those years ago and here you are sticking your neck out for Dane. Why? Oh, that’s right. They are shareholders in Gellar’s company, ChemiX. The report says the Chiss are responsible and even I will admit there is compelling evidence speaking to motive – a motive that still implicates Dane Gellar. Now, you are going to stand here and tell me that is exactly what happened?” 

Quinn’s fingers tighten around his arm. 

Quentin nods, “From a different vantage point but yes. I am sorry about your sister. I don’t know what else you expect me to say.”

Kaytt moves closer, bringing her dark-stained lips to his ear. 

“Either you are extremely stupid or full of shit. My credits are on the former.”

She turns and pushes her way through the crowd, leaving Kinsa looking horrified. 

“I’m sorry, she’s just…”


“Upset, Quinn. Congrats on the show, darling. See ya, Q.”

He smirks and watches her chase after Kaytt. The counselor's comment lingers, crystalizing in his own growing suspicion. Later, he returns to the dorms to wander the halls drunk and lost in his own thoughts. There are few students out and staggering about at this hour and he finds himself drawn back to Dahlia’s door. He had packed up her things and sent them to D’ian. It was the least he could do after Dane and Alka performed above expectations. Barrett went com-silent and those Corporate Sector kids really sold it. Agent Pallus told him that much then he was ordered to legitimize it through their act. Mourning Dahlia wasn’t something he had to fake but it is altogether unfamiliar. The beauty of coming up through the Carida Academy was that he didn’t have to care about anything or anyone. It was easier with the stiff Imperial upper lip. Putting away pieces of her life here was more difficult than he anticipated. He hated her but had grown to love her more. 

She chose and it wasn’t him. 
What choice will he make now?



Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #133 on: April 22, 2020, 04:42:50 PM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital 

Surface: Ambaril
Counselor Kaytt Corinthos mulls over the possibilities. Over and over again. She works this like she would work any case, pouring through the evidence, and pulling together a plausible narrative. Beyond a reasonable doubt. Except that is all she has; doubt. Everything is circumstantial despite every fiber in her body telling her the Empire has played this to their terrifying advantage. The ideals that made the Republic great, at least conceptually, have been replaced by the very things they vowed to protect them from. Her alternating defaults – grief and rage – offer little respite from the cresting waves of despair she feels curling over everything she thought she knew. 

She stares out over the darkening cityscape with disgust when the holoprojector pad lights draw her eyes away. Kaytt moves to the console table, reviewing the incoming message alert along with its sender. Although it the last person she expected, her mood is just dark enough to entertain it. She taps on the display and a small hologram of Dane Gellar appears in the center of the pad. He is dressed formally, handsome in a roguish way, with a grim expression on his face. 

“Counselor Corinthos, thank you for taking my call.”

“The sheer audacity compels my interest, Lord Gellar although I simply cannot imagine what you could have to say to me after our last encounter. Not more excuses, I hope.”

He gives the stiff upper lip, something Gellar’s are famous for.

“Is this secure?”

“As secure as it is going to get.”

“You will find credits have been wired to your account that will more than cover your retainer.”


“To establish privilege.”

She is curious about his motives and incensed by his delusion into assuming she would represent him after everything that has happened. Still, she is a professional and would at the very least hear him out. 

"I am listening."

“I have just returned from a party thrown at the Imperial Embassy on Mondder. Janessa Kain was also in attendance, on the arm of the new Imperial Ambassador no less, and she was behaving…strangely.” 

“What does that have to do with me?” 

“Hence, the privilege part. You and Janessa are friends. Janessa and I had an informal arrangement that I am opting to divulge. Garron Prescott also returned without explanation on D’ian around the same time Janessa reappeared in the Republic capital. Garron claims not to know where he has been but Janessa seemed to imply they were together when I inquired at the party. After she expressed concern for his whereabouts, I asked her to investigate which I am sure you already know.”

“I may have been privy to that information but my understanding was that the search proved unproductive.”

“The last time she and I spoke, something happened.” 


“I don’t know. The com cut out but shortly after speculation about her disappearance began circulating the Holo. We both knew she was looking for Garron and she never contacted either of us, even as they were allegedly together.”

Kaytt sighs, “That could have been a move to protect them both.”

“Or she found exactly what she was looking for.” 

She weighs the implications crafted around his words. There is a lot of subtexts, many avenues to pick apart, and explore. Kaytt is not sure how much she wants to share with the boy who piloted the shuttle that killed her sister. Instead, she probes further. 

“You said Janessa was behaving strangely. Has Garron?”

Dane glances down and nods. 


He tells her about the memory loss, the lack of familiarity with their home, and the triggering event that led to him discovering the devices. Kaytt recalls what Janessa told her about Vex Sienna, how he changed, seemingly activated by something beyond his control. She makes a decision, not out of trust but mutual benefit. He may know more than he realizes. 

“Did he try to hurt you?”


“Janessa was once attacked in much the same way.”

“By whom?”

“Vex Sienna.”

“No word on him either,” Dane mutters with a twinge of bitterness. “Figures.”

“You do not seem surprised.”

“That is because I am not. He murdered my parents.”

Kaytt’s mouth falls open, “How…do you know that?”

“Dahlia told me. She had Barrett Trevaithan investigate and it turns out he was obsessed with us. The Four. He lived through it so I guess that much tracks. I did not want to believe he wanted something more from us but Garron always knew it was true. We were assured his exile was punishment for those crimes." 

“You have a theory?”

“Garron and Janessa are being controlled. Programmed or something. The word that activated Garron was not in a language I recognize. Maybe Janessa has a trigger as well. I may have been a kid but I do remember that trial. Janessa has been controlled before.”

“Very true and confirmation of this potential reoccurrence could have devastating consequences in the Republic. I am going to tell you something but I need to know something from you first.”

He squares his shoulders as if preparing for the inevitable, "Right." 

“I need to know if something more happened on Hesperidium.” 

“Your suspicions are correct, there is more to the story but what happened to Trichelle happened exactly as I said it did. The tower was attacked and I tried to get her out but it exploded and…we crashed. We did everything we could. I swear it, Kaytt.” 

“I want the whole story." 

“One day you will get it but right now those details risk the lives of others I cannot afford to lose." 

“That is not good enough.”

“It is going to have to be. Neither Garron nor Janessa were on some kind of holiday. Whatever happened to them makes them both liabilities. I have Garron contained in the Gellar Estate but Janessa is running around conducting business.”

“On whose directives?”

“Who do you think?”

“The Empire. Of course. They have tried to take her out on several occasions – Sienna, a shuttle bomb – perhaps they thought a better way to control her was to seek out old tricks. Garron would have been a bonus given his proximity and access. They backed you up, you know. Trevaithan's flunky, Quentin Swire. He backed your version of events which leads me to believe they have exposure in the truth coming out."

“Do not trust him, any of them. Where were they taken and why
? That is what I want to know. That is what we need to find out.”


“I need your help and you are licensed to practice in both the Republic and Corporate Sector. I am bound to need legal maneuvering and you have experience in this particular area. But if you think I am wildly off base then we can forget this conversation even happened.”

Despite her anger, she knows he is on to something. Her mind has been spinning down that same abyss. As much as she will never get over Trichelle’s loss, as much as she wants to pin everything on Dane Gellar to cope with that loss, Kaytt is sure the Empire is behind it all. The Speaker, the Senate, the F.U.R.A., the truce, everything about their way of life has been distorted through clandestine Imperial schemes. Now, their friends may be unwitting operatives in the long game. There is certainly enough anecdotal evidence to support the theory, a theory she is desperate to explore further. 

“No,” she says softly. “Count me in.”


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #134 on: June 03, 2020, 04:25:51 PM »
“It's the world that we leave
Here for what we want but do we know what we need.”


Chandaar: Republic Capital

Surface: Ambaril

The rooftop wrap party is in full swing.

Celebrities, media personalities, and their respective hangers-on vie for attention in all the most obvious ways. Kinsa Cavanaugh worked hard to earn the respect and accolades of this new holofilm which is why Kaytt Corinthos decided to accept the invitation, at least on the surface. The counselor hangs back, leaning against a duracrete wall nursing a bottle of ale. A few years ago, this would have been her scene but everything soured when the Republic’s morals took a nosedive.

The increased presence of RSB skiffs and transports are almost commonplace now among the winding traffic lanes through the city. She watches them with contempt, a symbol of their perversion under the rule of Speaker Gil Leeds. Those in attendance have their privilege to protect them from the protests, often violent, that continues on the streets far below them. What they fail to realize is that those protests are fighting for the freedoms they are enjoying at the moment. The fear of the Jedi became fear of general Force power became a fear of anyone with Force sensitivity. They are punished for crimes they may never even commit which, of course, only turns them into the very thing they fear.

Kaytt glances down at her chronometer, tosses away the ale, and slips away. She heads to the restroom but finds the inevitable line instead. Sighing, she enters the stairwell and descends to the floor below which is primarily filled with offices that have been long empty for the day. Kinsa will think she got bored and left which is not untrue but not necessarily the whole truth either. At the end of the corridor, she turns on frighteningly high heels and enters the office on the left. Kaytt locks the door behind her and maintains a steady pace to a corner conference room where Senator Artemis Soldys is waiting.

He turns from the windows.

“That is quite the getup for cloak-and-dagger."

She shrugs, “The party was a perfect cover. I appreciate you taking the time even with the risk that it brings.”

“A risk worth taking if it is as urgent to the Republic as you claim.”

“It is,” she says. “I believe Janessa Kain has been…compromised.”

A flicker of skepticism creases Artemis’ features, “I thought she was your friend.”

“This goes deeper than friendship. You are aware of her past and the crime she committed under the influence of a Force user.”

“A crime you spared her punishment from if I recall.”

“She was not in control then and I do not believe she is in control now. The last time the three of us met, she was preparing to cover for what she believed were Imperial attempts on her life. She disappeared shortly after her testimony before the Senate.”

He nods, “Yes, I was present in the session. I hear she has returned from a sabbatical and the reports of her disappearance were greatly exaggerated.”

“So we have been led to believe.”

“I am intrigued, counselor. Please continue.”

“Her reappearance coincided with another, that of Garron Prescott in the Corporate Sector. While her vague account has been suspiciously corroborated, Prescott has no memory of where he was. Janessa behaves as though it was all planned and implied to Dane Gellar that he was with her throughout.”

“I take it you do not believe that,” Artemis says. “And I am interested to know how Dane Gellar fits into all this."

“Gellar retained my services in the event he runs into trouble finding out what happened to them. I am here to warn you that the Republic liaison can no longer be trusted. She runs in your circles, has influence and power over decisions that impact a great many things."

“That is a loaded allegation, one I hope you can support.”

“The evidence, as it stands now, is strictly behavioral but make a compelling argument I think will inspire you to reconsider what you think you know. I have seen a change in Janessa as Dane has in Garron, only to a much larger degree.”

“What do you mean?”

She tells him about the trigger word that caused Garron to violently attack Dane and the devices found around the Gellar Estate. This behavior mirrors those Janessa described in the former Imperial liaison, Vex Sienna before his exile. Janessa knew about him and likely shared this information with Garron who, at the time, was investigating the disappearance of the Gellar-Masterton aide, Kylie Miranda. Sienna was later confirmed to be her killer. There is no doubt in her mind that Garron would have killed Dane if he had not fought him off.

“Of course, I am grateful the young baron was unharmed but there are inconsistencies here. The behavioral patterns are similar but I do not remember her saying she heard a trigger word that activated this shift in Sienna. Perhaps these incidents are not as related as you think they are.”

“There is more,” Kaytt says, swallowing hard. “Dane confirmed that Sienna killed both Rutherford Gellar and Celeste Masterton. Apparently, Sienna was obsessed with them.”

Stunned by this dark turn, Artemis shakes his head.

“That is truly horrifying but how did Gellar obtain this information?”

“Princess Dahlia had the Imperial ambassador, Barrett Trevaithan, investigate on their behalf. Once confirmed he was responsible for the murders, Sienna was apparently recalled to Byss and replaced by Burke Pallus which happens to be the person escorting Janessa when Dane engaged her on Etti IV. Seeing a pattern emerge?”

He sighs, trying to piece together the unfolding narrative.

“Two individuals privy to potential Imperial secrets both disappear and reappear exhibiting suspicious behaviors, one of which is confirmed to be violent, and all circumstantially linked back to both Imperial ambassadors.”

“It does imply they are concealing something larger than an ambassador that went rogue. There was a motive behind those murders and likely the same behind the disappearances.”

“You think they are being controlled by a Force user?”

“I think they are intentionally well-positioned, more so than Sienna was. As for how, the trigger word would suggest some kind of conditioning but even the mere implication would serve to fuel the Republic’s anti-Force agenda. What position has Ambassador Trevaithan taken in the Senate?”

He considers this, “Now that you mention it, Trevaithan has not been back to Chandaar since the incident at Hesperidium. He has, however, attended sessions virtually. Surprisingly, he actually expressed concern for such a singular focus. He asserted that if the Republic could find a way to peacefully coexist with the Empire than why not the Jedi, or any Force-sensitive.”

“That’s a strange tactic.”

“Actually, I found it refreshing. The Empire has been the least of my concerns as of late.”

“Classic misdirect,” Kaytt quips snidely. “With pieces being strategically moved into place. Janessa and Garron both have proximity and access that Sienna did not. With Princess Dahlia and Gemma Masterton dead, Riley Patten and Dane Gellar are all that remains of The Four. Patten may be in the wind but Dane is accessible. If someone were trying to take them all out, he is the most visible target.”

“What are you saying? That the Empire is deliberately targeting and eliminating The Four? Why? To what end?”

Kaytt crosses her arms.

“They stopped them before. Only one way to make sure it does not happen again. Eliminate The Four, position themselves as the voice of reason, take advantage of the Republic caught up in its own ideals, and then make a move. After all, if not for the Battle of Centerpoint, this would be the Empire, not the Republic."

“That is a big leap, counselor."

“Is it? The logic is tactically sound. It would also not be the first time. But we are still missing something. A catalyst to ignite calls for change that would shift the terms of the truce in their favor.”

Artemis’ face falls.

“What? What is it?”

“Do you remember hearing about the medical director that was abducted from CorSec a couple of years ago?”

She nods, “I thought it had become a cold case. No leads, no body…no…way. She mysteriously returned as well?"

“I had not thought much about it what with everything going on here but, yes, the doctor also turned up with seemingly no memory that she had even been gone."

There is only one question that would tie everything together.

And Kaytt asks it.


It does not take them long. Given the information they have, Janessa, Garron, and Tivoli all reappeared within the same timeframe.

"Correlation does not necessarily equal causation but it is suspect. What do you think?"

Artemis’s mind is on something else entirely. His efforts and their suffering had built something stable, sustainable, and exceptionally positive despite the current state of the capital. Together, they rose to become greater than the parts of their past. Everything they have worked so hard to achieve is now threatened by the shadows of doubt.

“Corellia may be the catalyst. Our relationship with the Republic has always been tenuous but the stark, ideological divide on Force users has escalated it to adversarial. Leeds used to be such a reasonable man. Now he is bitter, paranoid, and driven by something darker…”

“Right,” Kaytt says. “Then we have our work cut out for us. There are compromised Republic, Corellian, and Corporate Sector assets and if Garron became violent then it is entirely possible that Janessa and Tivoli may be as well. We do not know what their directives are or what they are capable of."

“I can work the Speaker and his supporters through the Senate but it is too dangerous for Dane to go after Janessa on his own, especially if he has Garron to contend with.”

“I can assist in that regard but you do realize what the implications are?”

Senator Soldys turns to glance through the windows at a cityscape pulsing with tension, anger, and division.

“The Empire may be sabotaging the truce from the inside.”


« Last Edit: June 03, 2020, 04:54:15 PM by Syren »