Author Topic: CC: Circle of Freedom  (Read 125771 times)

Offline Medivh

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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #150 on: March 22, 2021, 11:58:58 AM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital

Surface: Ambaril

"Mr. Speaker.  I believe I can help you out of your predicament."

Leeds scoffed at the Imperial Ambassador.

"Your an imperial"

"I am an outsider - right now, your capital is at war with itself.  If you or RSB runs an investigation, no one will trust the results.  But I have no dog in this fight.  I don't care if RSB is implicated or not;  I don't care if Senator Soldys is causing you trouble, or not.  And your citizens know it."

"That's ridiculous!    What am I supposed to say?  That the imperials can run an investigation better than the Republic Security Bureau?  That we can't police ourselves?"

Barrett shook his head
"Of course not.  Say it exactly like it is - You want the truth, the complete, unadulterated, unbiased truth.  And you have an alliance with someone who will give you that.  It's true, not everyone will like us getting involved - hatred of the Empire runs deep, considering the history - but enough will accept it that it will calm things down.  You will be able to get back to the business of governing."

Leeds frowned at the imperial ambassador, turning and pacing slightly as he glanced out the window at the bustle of the streets down below.  There was a protest going on right now, and even from this high up, he could hear the hum of chanting.

He hated relying on the Empire; but that feeling of despair was heavy on him.  He felt he had no choice.

"What resources would you need?"
"I can provide the men for investigation.  I will need access to RSB's databases, and all related security footage"
"And what of Soldys?  We can't just let him remain on the loose"

Barrett nodded his head.

"I believe we can have the apprehension of the senator separated from our investigation.  Do you know where he went?"
"Our border agents believe they observed him heading toward the Corellian Sector"
"A reasonable assumption.  He has his strongest support in his home territory, and you won't get anything out of him while he's there."
"Corellia has been a thorn in our side since they joined the Republic"

Trevaithan smiled to himself, taking a step forward and placing a hand down on the Speaker's desk.

"Maybe it's time to make them stand behind their membership.  They have to follow the rules too.  Send a delegation to Corellia, making a formal request that they hand over Soldys - for questioning.  Don't use RSB - send a Republic diplomat with diplomatic security to make the request.

Then make sure the entire exchange is video-taped."

Leeds glanced back at the imperial ambassador.
"That kind of tension -"
"Will show the senate exactly Corellia's intentions.  Either they follow the rules, or they don't but they don't get to be an exception to the rule.  What is Corellia going to do, deny the Republic entry onto the surface?  What would that say!"

Leeds nodded his head, and Barrett pressed his point.
"You need to be ready for resistance though.  If Corellia does deny your request, they will back up their move by securing facilities in the Corellian Sector, to avoid Republic intrusion.  That would include -"


Trevaithan nodded "Republic scientists have been there for the past few years, but it would not surprise me if Corellia tries kicking them out.  I recommend you send additional security forces to ensure your scientists are able to continue their work, undisturbed"

Leeds shook his head
"The Republic fleet doesn't have any spare ships, especially if we start losing those under Corellian control"
"The Empire can help with that"
"If necessary"

"Of course. If necessary"

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
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Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #151 on: March 31, 2021, 09:58:55 PM »
“Look in my eyes
See what lies behind the mirror you
Look in my eyes
See a light that shines a different hue
In a modern life that don’t suit, my stripes.”


Chandaar: Republic Capital

Surface: Ambaril

It is ultra-suck all around. 

Kinsa is trapped in the brewing conflict, unsure about what is happening to her, and devastated over the loss of Kaytt. The escalating unrest, spilling out into the streets night after night, has shut down the production of her latest project. She would normally shrug it off and hit the party scene but she just does not have it in her. Not anymore. Janessa has been conspicuously aloof and the last time she saw her, she was cavorting around with some young blonde guy. Where does she even find these hunky himbos? Then there is her frustratingly stoic sister. Quinn seems unphased by all the horror and provides little in the way of solace. Kinsa feels lost, empty. There is no one left, nowhere to go. No one except for the stranger, Selene, and The Concealed.

She knows it is dangerous, that association with them could cost her everything, but not even the fame and respect she has earned can lessen the call to action. She has to do something, anything, to find out what is happening to her and why. Maybe she can even do some good along the way. The stranger reaches out through a series of contacts just as he promised he would - Selene would see her. 

They meet on the fringes of the city, between uneven levels of what used to be high-efficiency residences, stacked pieces of what came before that Republic gentrification had not yet touched. Club, crumbling ruins; she feels like the deteriorating choice in locales fairly accurately summarizes her current state. If Selene sees the unintentional symbolism, she keeps it to herself.

They walk in silence for a few moments until Selene turns.

“I am sorry,” she says. “About Kaytt.”

Yeah, Selene is sorry. Everyone is sorry. She clamps down on the urge to lash out, swallowing the increasingly consuming confusion and grief. She does not know who she is anymore – figuratively and literally. She delivers the lines and acts out the part but does not know who stages the scenes or where the memories go. What has she done in those moments of vacant space? She has, like, a not-good feeling about it. Her voice is thin, almost brittle, as she finally responds.

“Thank you. Now all my friends are either dead or mind-controlled bitches which, I have to say, is not where I saw this going. You were right about Janessa. Kaytt believed as you did and I walked right into her trap. She drugged me and took the evidence you gave us. Deleted it, actually. She left it there to what, give us hope? I don't know. I feel like a fool. Now the RSB will never be held to account for covering up that Inquisitor thing lurking in our streets.”

Selene reveals a sly smile, admiring her willingness to help their cause even with nothing tangible in it for her. Trauma can be a powerful motivator, as she damn well knows, and she speculates on how the socialite celebrity could best use that grief to heal…and help them overturn a corrupt regime.

“Maybe not. The RSB has done quite a bit of work for us. That photage was graphic but damning.”

Kinsa flinches, recalling the raid and blatant disregard for the loss of life. The retribution had apparently been swift.

“And what of the reports about Director Drakos? Slain in their mask as a warning? I would say that is pretty graphic too.”

“The Concealed deals in justice, not murder. They believe in transparency, that information belongs to the people, not just those in power. We have been gaslit for years and now we are being framed to cause further division. It is a clever plan intent on destabilization and that bastard, Speaker Leeds, has lost all control of the system he was entrusted to judiciously oversee. Trust has been obliterated and only chaos remains. We are in a dangerous position, Kinsa. Remember, our society, our way of life is at stake here.”

“What can I do?”

Selene does not mince words, “You said we were right about Janessa. Kaytt knew she had been compromised again. This can be used to our advantage.”

“Uh, how?”

“We need to know where she really was, what her plans are. If we can follow that trail back to Prescott and the Inquisitor then we may have something we can legitimately use against the Republic. They will hemorrhage support from systems if they discover the Empire is providing fuel for the Force user bonfire they started with the introduction of the F.U.R.A.. You said it yourself. It would destroy the truce. So let it. We can restart and rebuild the society we actually deserve.”

Kinsa huffs a laugh, waving a hand through the air. 

“Everyone says that before it all goes to shit in the end anyway. So, let me get this straight – you want me to spy on someone you and The Concealed believe to be a dangerous and unpredictable threat operating under the dark influence of a Force user that may or may not be furthering a discriminatory political agenda?”

“Well, yes. You make it sound surprising but, given your access, it makes sense.”

“That is like, the exact opposite of what Kaytt advised.”

“Kaytt is dead, Kinsa. How many others will follow if they are not stopped?”

It lands hard and she is half-tempted to tell her about the blackouts, spill everything for the sake of needing to tell someone. But she doesn’t. She stares into the distance, the striking Ambaril skyline in the distance. The ploy is shameless, obvious, even to someone as dense as Kinsa can be but she is beyond caring at this point. She studies Selene closely, eyes wandering along the hardened expression filled with a passion she wished she felt. About anything. She is still in shock, that much is clear. So many emotions pull at her that she feels all of them. And none of them. First Circe, now Kaytt. If Janessa is a part of this, willing or not, she could make a difference here. Avenge her friends and save the day. How silly it all sounds, even in her head. Then it strikes her, a now-familiar wave of dread. If Janessa is being controlled through the Force, she may be blacked out as well. Losing time. Coming to in strange places. Cutting into the middle of a scene without context or cues. Carrying out orders without realizing it. How can she really be sure she is not being controlled as well? The answer is a simple one. Hilarious, even. She can’t.

Only one way to find out.

“Fuck it,” Kinsa says, turning back to glare at Ambaril’s glow. “I’m in.”


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #152 on: July 29, 2021, 06:41:35 PM »
“Every time that you fuck with me I wanna let you go
But I can’t ‘cause I don’t really know how to let you know.”

-Two Feet

Chandaar: Republic Capital

Surface: Ambaril
Kinsa Cavanaugh does exactly as instructed.

Playing on the very real loss of Kaytt Corinthos, she gravitates closer to Janessa Kain, seemingly clinging to the one friend she has left. It is not a stretch, really, given the confusion and desperation swirling around their current situation. She needs a grounding force and tries to find that in their shared history. Janessa, for her part, allows this albeit with the cool distance she has come to be known for. Kinsa watches closely for any signs that her friend is not in control but finds nothing more than an even greater detachment and casual cruelty than she once possessed. Janessa performs her duties with an almost automated ease, commanding the rapt attention of clients and officials alike.

The CSA delegation is wrapping up their visit and Kinsa can sense things are not going well. It is not a state Janessa is used to operating in and she grows privately agitated despite the affections of the blonde kid under her thrall. She has always had that effect on people, which makes her uniquely suited for her role but it is now tinged with suspicion and clouded by doubt. Kinsa thought she knew what drove Janessa to behave the way she does but now there is a more sinister layer to her methodology. She is a puzzle to solve, a mystery to unravel, while not unraveling herself. There is something off about her, something Kinsa cannot quite place, but how can she trust her own judgment when she does not know if she can even trust herself?

“Kier is sweet but he is playing out of his depth,” Janessa laments over a drink at a local watering hole for Republic power-players.

Kier? So, the blonde kid has a name. And a basic one at that. They are tucked into a corner booth, high-backed and plush, conspiring over the floating candle flickering in the center of the circular table. Both are exquisitely styled and instantly recognizable with consistent glances from the patrons. It could just be her imagination but now everything bends toward the conspiratorial and it is wigging her out. Is she a Republic celebrity secretly working for The Concealed while an active agent for an even more secret unknown entity? As an actor, she prides herself on having layers but this is just insane. Or the role of a lifetime. It's all about perspective.

Kinsa draws a thumb down the stem of her wine glass, “Oh, how so?”

“He is trying to be withholding with Palace Arms wares when he is so generous with his own if you know what I mean.”

“I have a picture in my head that is pretty clear.”

“It’s preposterous! They are essentially asking that I influence policy to secure their business. As if I alone can quell public unrest.”

“Can’t you? You are frighteningly convincing when you want to be.”

She sighs, pushing strands of black hair over her shoulder.

“If only. The RSB really fucked us on this. Their shady dealings and hostilities toward protestors is, optically speaking, not ideal. The Kaytt situation does not help either.”

Situation?” Kinsa says tersely, downing the rest of the glass. “Our friend was murdered by the Director of our government's security bureau and it was broadcast all over the Holo.”

“With a Palace Arms manufactured weapon, no less! You can see the dilemma.”

She draws on all the skills she has as an actor not to scream. Janessa is not thinking like a friend. This is a problem that requires a solution even at the expense of her personal life. Kinsa conjures a supportive smile.

“Right. What are the alternatives?”

“They pull the account which could lea
ve us scrambling at a time when we may need heightened defenses,” Janessa says grimly. “Palace Arms is not the only supplier who has taken a turn toward this corporate social responsibility bullshit and I, for one, am over it. This is business but they are making it political. More so than it needs to be, in my opinion. The Republic could be exposed without the means to outfit our agents when the Imperial truce and future is predicated on security. This fracture runs much farther than across my own client base. The Republic could be in real trouble if they do not get their shit together.”

She shakes her head and sighs, shifting to a softer tone.

“I’m sorry, we are supposed to be leaning on each other right now. I should not bore you with the details of my work but this is how I cope. It helps, you know, to stay busy.”

“I get it. I would typically do the same except our shooting locations are continually compromised by protests. I think we are, like, part of the problem or something.”

“Still, I should try to be more present. I am certain you do not need to hear about yet another conquest although, Maker have mercy, the boy can smash.”

Kinsa laughs, finding her way in, “Good to know he has skills but what about Garron Prescott?”

A faint ripple passes through Janessa, causing a small pull on her upper lip. Otherwise, she does not skip a beat. The small signal is enough to alarm her but she wants to see where this goes. Janessa’s demeanor grows colder.

“What about him?”

“Well, he joined you on your sabbatical, didn’t he? Prolonged male company is not usually your jam so surely it means something. People like Kier or whatever his name is come and go but maybe…Garron is something more?”

“Garron Prescott is a friend whose company I happen to enjoy. We had a marvelous time but let’s not read into it. Besides, settling down is so…pedestrian.”

“I did not mean to upset you.”

“I'm not upset, I'm annoyed. You know me better than that.”

Does she though? Kinsa eases her expression into one of curious warmth, aided by the flush of the wine hitting her all at once. She intentionally kept her glass out of Janessa’s reach and never left it unattended, given what happened the last time. If she is going to get answers for herself and The Concealed, she would need to prod more tactfully.

“Of course, I do. But if your friends can’t tease you about it once and a while, who can? I am just grateful for the company. It’s scary out there right now.”

Janessa places a hand over Kinsa’s, applying a bit of pressure.

“I would buckle up if I were you. It’s about to get much, much scarier.”

“What do you mean?” Kinsa gasps, voice-catching. “What are you going to do?”

The candle glow casts a shadow across her thin smile, “Exactly what needs to be done.”

« Last Edit: July 30, 2021, 01:58:43 PM by Syren »

Offline Medivh

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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #153 on: October 14, 2021, 03:06:36 PM »
In the Distant Future ...
There was the usual hum and noise as the students filed into class, taking their seats, waiting for the professor to step inside.  A few minutes later, he walked in and the students quieted.  The professor was a tall man, about 6'1", with a thin build, but a powerful stride.  Though near 60 years old, he still carried a commanding presence and voice that had been keeping students engaged for most of his career.
"Well class, how many of you were able to finish the reading for today?"
A fair number of hands shot up, and the professor scanned the room.  The literature required for today's reading was not just long, it was complex, but also interesting.  Only one student voiced a complaint.
"Professor, it was six different books!  That's far more than any normal reading assignment"
The professor smiled.  That was just the kind of complaint he was hoping for, the kind that would help jump start today's discussion.
"Yes, it's true.  I assigned you all six books.  But you say different.  Are they different from each other?  Would anyone like to counter that?"
A few hands shot up, and the professor called on another student.
"The books were written into six volumes, it's true.  But they aren't really different."
"Well, they are all part of the same story"

"precisely!  The six volumes of The Crimson Covenant are all part of the same story.  But what else can you tell me about them?  Why did I make you read all six at once?"

Another hand, another student

"Because the books aren't written linearly.  They aren't meant to be read one after the other -in fact if you tried reading one book and then the next, the story would be out of order, you'd be missing whole plot points that you might not see again until you read the whole thing.  The stories are meant to be read in tandem, going back and forth between each of the six volumes"

"Good.  And why do you suppose they were written into six volumes, instead of one?  Why not just write the story straight out?"

"Because each book represents a different point of view.  Each book has it's own protagonist, takes place in it's own location"

The professor interjected.
"But does it?  Let's take a closer look at the six books and see if that's correct"

The professor pressed a button and the projector came to life, showing a table on the wall behind him.

"So, we have six volumes:
The Crimson Covenant,
Correllian Birthright,
Corporate Greed,
Imperial March,
Circle of Freedom,
and Refuge.

You say each has a protagonist and a place that is central to it.  What are they?"

"Well, Corellian Birthright is about Riley Patten, and Corellia
Corporate Greed is about Dane Gellar, and the Corporate Sector
Circle of Freedom is about Gemma Masterton, and Chandaar, the capital of the Republic
Refuge is about Mara.  She starts on the Wheel, but she's really the nomad of the story"
"Is she the only nomad?  we'll come back to that.  Finish your list.  Who are the other protagonists?"
"Well, Dahlia Winton is the other main one.  Her story is Imperial March"
"Is it really?  So whose story is the Crimson Covenant Book?"
"I believe that would be Adubell, the one trying to bring about the covenant in the first place"

Another student decided to shout out rather than wait to be called on.
"But Adubell isn't a protagonist.  She's the antagonist.  To everyone!  Why would she get her own book!"

Another chirped in
"I thought the Imperial March book was about Barrett Trevaithan, and that Crimson Covenant was Dahlia's book"

"Or maybe"  the professor spoke up, regaining command of his class "maybe the books are not about people or places, but about themes, ideas.  You've all read the history behind these books.  There was a story long before this story that brought our characters to where they are.  I think you are all right, and also, all wrong.  At the beginning of each of the six books, there are clearly defined distinctions between each story.  Circle of Freedom might be the clearest example of that - the Republic, a democracy that had been battered and destroyed and reborn, seeking freedom.  But as time past, the title of the book became almost ironic, didn't it?  The senate, the republic, became a place where freedoms were curtailed.

And the characters, who each started in their own perfectly designated spaces, their own separate volumes could not stay separated forever.  As their lives became intertwined, their roles changed, the way they interacted changed.  That's why we find Gemma on Corellia, Dahlia, the darling of both the republic and the empire, Mara, the nomad.  Mara spends the most time in her own story, Refuge, a fitting place considering she was seeking to protect those she cared about.  But even she bleeds into the other stories and other books as her connections to them grow.

That is why the six books are both separate and intertwined.  They symbolize how even the apparent distinctions and boundaries can meld into each other.  The same is true of locations.  If a location changed its allegiance, who controlled it, it would be fitting for it to be change which book it was written in.  An example of that is Centerpoint Station, or the remains of Centerpoint, at least.

You'll recall after the corellian senator, Artemis Soldys fled the republic, a fugitive, Barrett Trevaithan and Republic Speaker Leeds met to discuss what to do.  And how important it was to secure what they deemed to be republic assets ..."

Present Day ...
CORELLIAN SECTOR: Centerpoint Station

The research on the hulking mass of scrap metal that was Centerpoint was exhausting, and mostly fruitless.  In the past - before Corellia had been admitted into the Republic - the area had been essentially a memorial, a reminder of those that had died to protect Corellia from, well, everyone.

But when the the sector joined the Republic, the Republic took control of this hulking artifact, and under the supervision of several ambitious senators, they were seeking to exploit it, despite the hallowed reverence Corellia had for the area.

It was also dangerous.  The station had functioned using powerful gravitational forces that no one quite understood, and after it's destruction, those gravitational forces were out of whack.  The epicenter of the station had collapsed in on itself, and researchers who wanted to get close had to wear special protective gear, often trekking on through semi-demolished cooridors open to the vacuum of space, and if they hit a pocket of inverse gravity, they might find themselves thrust outward into the nothingness - or into a jagged piece of scrap metal.

The researchers had put in place a whole array of tethers, connecting to the more stable parts of the station, and to the handful of ships that had been built to withstand the gravitational forces, their transports and command stations.  The republic had invested heavily to find the secret to Centerpoint's power, and still, in the years since, no one had found it.  The Corellians, for their part, had (begrudingly) moved aside, allowing the researchers to work, keeping their vigil at a distance as the burial ground for their friends was desecrated.  Outside of Centerpoint, a fair distance away, a circle of small corellian vessels made a perimeter, just as it had for years ...

But today that changed.

Quite out of the blue, a dozen medium-republic cruisers appeared out of hyperspace, taking up strategic positions  to block the most direct route to the station, the path that had the least gravimetric anomalies.

The Corellian commander on scene radioed in.

"Republic vessels - what is the meaning of this intrusion?"
"We have reports that the fugitive, Artemis Soldys, has reentered the Corellian Sector, and we are here to ensure the Centerpoint Weapon is secure"
The corellian commander was exasperated
"Senator Soldys has always considered Centerpoint to be a sacred place, a burial ground.  He's not here"
"The fugitive cannot be trusted, and this weapon must be secured.  We trust you will be fully cooperative"
The republic ships were twice the size of the corellian ones.  It wasn't a question. It was a command.

The corellian commander slowly nodded, ordering his ships to pull back further.
"We will stay out of your way, Commander."

The Corellian commander cut comms and lowered his head.  Outside, republic starfighters were forming a slow patrol around the station, as several auxiliary transports began making their way toward the hulking wreckage.

"Notify the Governor's office.  We have a problem"

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
May the Force be with you

Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #154 on: November 13, 2021, 10:49:59 PM »
“In the shape of things to come
Too much poison come undone
‘Cause there’s nothing else to do
Every me and every you
Every me and every you
Every me.”


Chandaar: Republic Capital
Surface: Ambaril
Kinsa weaves her way along slippery slopes.

She discreetly feeds Selene and The Concealed the pieces of Janessa’s schedule of events she can procure so that they could independently verify her claims. This was not an easy task but there is always a swell of pride when she can pull it off. Passing messages to The Stranger, receiving mysterious replies from The Reporter. A series of teases and reveals. She is actually good at this game and hoped her suspicions would be swiftly confirmed yet every move feels irritatingly innocuous. Even the fling with Kier, something between consenting adults with no reporting relationship or formal ties, is par for Janessa’s course. Surely, she is not the only one who sees it. Perhaps the behavioral ticks get lost in the public performance, faintly visible only to those who know her best.

Selene did manage to dig up something in that there is a whole lot of nothing in terms of the sabbatical. 

There are records of her “staying” on Zeltros, a “stop” on Dourmaa, and a few other resort destinations but no photage of anything from during that time. Anywhere. While she is not the kind of celebrity Kinsa is, Janessa Kain was tried and acquitted in one of the most visible and compelling murder cases of the last decade. Her picture was everywhere for a time – the one who claimed possession by the Force. It was not a subtle point and the divisiveness of that decision echoes in almost everything that has happened in the Republic since. Kaytt was damn good but that only served to deepen the mystique – the one who got away with it. Circe paid the karmic price, in the public’s eye, by meeting a grisly fate in the very beginning of the anti-Republic movement. Janessa skated by nearly untouched with her career intact and reputation even more riveting. Despite all of that and the extremely eventful intervening years, there was not so much as a sighting on a gossip channel throughout her alleged time away.

Janessa has never been what one would call low-profile, regardless of who she was with. It is difficult to imagine she would miss out on perfectly good public relations to spare the feelings of Garron Prescott let alone anyone else. She knows what Selene showed her, the proposed Inquisitor that is not supposed to exist making off with Prescott as Gemma Masterton’s shuttle blasted out of the Ambaril spaceport. That alone calls into question the timeline of events. Their disappearances only overlapped when she went looking for him. It is a shame the photage of this event was destroyed before Kaytt could use it. She could always call Dane Gellar, see what Garron is up to and if anything is off with him. But that would be weird. Dane may have spent time with Quinn one summer but that is not enough of a connection to leverage for information out of the blue.

Instead, she attends a costume party. Something thrown annually by a big-shot Holo-producer. A cavalcade of veritable talent beneath dim colored lighting breeds nothing but bad behavior. Behind an angelic mask, hair piled high into perfect ringlets with tiny wings affixed to a cream-colored slip dress, chunky heels, and embroidered thigh-highs, Kinsa grooves her way through her contemporaries. The devil appears suddenly, a symbolism not lost on her. They dance slowly, closely, masks brushing one another as the devil leans toward her ear.

“Did you learn anything interesting?” Selene asks.

Kinsa grinds against her to the beat, “She said things were about to get much scarier but predictably did not go into much detail. I’m pretty sure she is going to do something seriously bad.”

“We do not disagree, given that she was likely sent back with specific directives. She has gone to great lengths to keep the story focused solely on Republic affairs.”

“It is impacting business. The CSA delegation is mad or something. They want to bail on their contracts because the RSB commits violence against its citizens using their weapons.”

“Since when does the CSA care about such things? They are not interested in morals when profits are involved.”

Kinsa pulls her close as they spin around between two beams of red light.

“It feels like a test. Like they want to see what she will do.”

“And you believe she will do something extreme?”

“That is what it sounded like to me. You need to watch her carefully. I do not want anyone else to get hurt.”

Selene runs a gloved finger down the front of Kinsa’s mask, “You have done well. We will make arrangements and be in touch.”

Then she is gone.


She does not miss a beat, swaying back into the crowd in desperate needs of a drink-


-then she is standing in her bathroom, toothbrush in one hand, wearing a pair of oversized pajamas with dancing Ewoks on them. Her favorite pair. It is late morning from the looks of it. When did she get home? She does not even remember leaving the party. That is when she hears the sirens. She spits into the sink, sets the toothbrush down, and wanders to her patio doors. Though she has to squint in the morning light, Kinsa can make out the pillar of dark smoke coming from the government sector of Ambaril. The sirens grow louder as they converge on the location, a cacophony of sound that reminds her of wails of panic. She is gripping the railing so hard her knuckles have turned white.

Kinsa backs into the flat in horror, not wanting to turn on the local Holo but unable to stop herself. The breaking headline does not alleviate the dread spreading across her chest. She does not know what she was expecting…but it was not this.

Reports of an explosion at the President’s offices, potentially multiple causalities.



Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #155 on: December 01, 2021, 09:16:30 PM »
“I serve my head up on a plate
It’s only comfort, calling late
‘Cause there’s nothing else to do
Every me and every you.”


Chandaar: Republic Capital
Surface: Ambaril


Janessa Kain savors it.

Something about that moment when a will caves in is just so delicious. It is almost like an addiction, much to the chagrin of many of the Republic elites who frown upon her exploits like they do not all have their own proclivities. Some far darker and much worse than bedding a man or two. She is just not a fan of hiding hers. This one, at least. After all, everyone has their secrets. They are a currency all their own. She would not be shamed by her peers or the public and would trade on whatever she damn well pleased.

Sliding out of bed, she pads toward the windows as a morning glow frames the intricate cityscape in slices of pinks between the outline of interwoven towers. Someone stirs behind her, letting out a long but satisfying groan. Janessa, sliding a hand slowly down her body, throws a look over her shoulder at a nude Kier rousing from slumber. He smiles when he catches sight of her and rises up on one elbow.

“Where are you going?”

“We have a meeting.”

“With who?”

Whom. I thought you went to the most prestigious school in the CSA.”

He drops his head back and laughs, “So mean but I like that about you. There is a flaw in your scheduling logic, Ambassador. We are leaving this afternoon, remember? Not sure we have time for detours, not when we could be doing, you know, other things.”

“This will not take long and our meeting is with President Inganarre so I suggest you dress appropriately.”

Kier gulps, bolting upright, “The President? That’s…uh…kind of heavy. W-w-why would we do that?”

She pushes her dark hair back and sighs.

“You and the delegation made some valid points. I want you to know you have been heard and arranged for a more formal discussion around our business partnership and what that means in the context of an evolving political environment. I want you to feel confident in your decision and this should provide the clarity you seek. Besides, don’t you want to see how it all ends?”

 He tilts his head, “How…what ends?”

Janessa smiles but it is devoid of any warmth as she heads toward the refresher. She runs a finger across his lips and pushes him roughly onto his back, pausing in the doorway.




Surface: Republic Presidential Offices

Emergency lights dance off the tendrils of smoke curling upward toward the towers above.

A pair of RSB agents arrive on the scene shortly after the first-responders. They have their hands full and so they hang back until being cleared to proceed. Search droids whiz by, scanning for signs of life. Ollo, the first agent, grimly assesses the scene. Bloody hell. The devastation looks total but there are still so many questions, none of them likely to have positive answers. He pulls a passing responder aside for an update. It is still officially search-and-rescue but anyone they have come across so far, whole or in part, is already dead. Body count rising by the minute. The center of the building is cratered, causing widespread infrastructure damage that appears to have brought the remainder of the building down with it. The second agent, Vrent, already has a holographic schematic up in her palm and points to the most plausible source.

Inganarre’s office.


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #156 on: December 30, 2021, 07:05:55 PM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital
Surface: Ambaril
The news hits the Holo hard.

Not much anyone could do about that given the location and implications. Agent Ollo sifts through the initial reports trying to make sense of the information in front of him. It is far grimmer than he anticipated and he has seen a lot in his twenty-seven years serving in the RSB. Things had taken a turn in recent years yet still managed a sharper dive after Director Drakos’ murder. The acting Director, staunchly loyal to Speaker Leeds, wanted definitive answers and thought they found them in the somewhat conveniently placed calling card of The Concealed. Drakos abused his power and his death was retaliation for that. Ollo was not convinced considering his dealings with the separatist and alleged terrorist group never once hedged close to such atrocities. The acting Director was having none of it and sent the RSB into every corner of Chandaar looking to wipe them off the face of the planet. They were out for blood. He already knows what the acting Director will say, that this is yet another attempt of The Concealed to destabilize them. Retribution for the Speaker’s ‘Republic First’ legislative agenda. But Inganarre was sympathetic to their plight which makes taking him out rather counterproductive, especially if they ever hoped to stop the rising nationalism movement under Leeds.

Ollo rubs calloused hands over his tired eyes.

Here is what they know: After an exhaustive search, no survivors were discovered. All twelve individuals who reported to the office that morning, including President Inganarre himself, are presumed dead. Forensics is in the process of that gory confirmation now. The source of the destruction was an explosive device detonated from within the President’s office that had enough force to blow the place sky high but cause minimal damage to the surrounding structures. The team is analyzing residue to uncover the specifics but anecdotally, it appears this was orchestrated and executed specifically to eliminate the President and his closest aides and cabinet. While perpetrators and motives varied, he has seen enough to know the simplest answer is often correct. Everything about this feels like a hit and the acting Director is practically foaming at the mouth to blame someone. He wants to solve this case too but not at the expense of putting the first person that comes to mind in the public and RSB crosshairs. They need to take this step-by-step, despite the mountain of pressure behind them.

Agent Vrent joins him in the makeshift command center outside the bombing site. The government sector of Ambaril is under lockdown and they have cordoned off several block radii so they could work unobstructed. Vrent looks just as weary as he does but keeps her composure as she slips a datacard into the holoprojector in front of him.

“You found something?”

She nods, “In the logs they used to confirm employees in the building. No one can go in or out without the event being entered. Everything from the logs to the cam feeds is recorded and stored elsewhere as part of their disaster recovery strategy. I asked that they pull the visitor and delivery logs as well so we could cross-reference them.”

“They had a guest?”

“A group, actually. I confirmed it with President Inganarre’s personal schedule, also backed up to the offsite servers. Janessa Kain, ambassador of the Corporate Sector, brought a small delegation to meet with Inganarre this morning.”

“She brought the CSA delegation to meet with him personally? Why?”

Vrent pulls up the small list of attendees; Kain, Lissen, Porto, Nysellia, Kincaid.

“The meeting was tagged as business relations with notes from his assistant that indicated the representative from Palace Arms expressed concerns over the RSB’s use of their products potentially harming the brand. Kain appears to have scheduled the meeting as means to facilitate a dialog that would secure their business moving forward.”

“Palace Arms. That name sounds familiar.”

“It should,” Vrent continues. “It was previously owned and operated by a Chiss named Baltazar Nash who was, according to reports and publications out of the CSA, ousted and sanctioned by the Direx Board for organizing an attack on the Imperial resort moon of Hesperidium that resulted in the deaths of several thousand people, two of which were children of Direx Board members.”

Ollo groans, “Ruthless but fairly standard practice for them, is it not?”

“At face value, yes, but I took a closer look and found something…interesting. Among the other victims of the attack on Hesperidium were Princess Dahlia Winton and Baroness Gemma Masterton, the latter having been exposed as a Jedi and her clearance to any Republic world permanently revoked by Speaker Leeds himself.”

“I remember and, as unfortunate as it is for both of them to meet such a fate, what does it have to do with the CSA meeting with Inganarre?”

“Palace Arms was acquired shortly after the incident by Gellar Industries which is led by CEO Irulan Reeves as well as the majority shareholder and brother of the victims, Dane Gellar.”

Ollo’s briefly entertains the theory, “You believe he sent the delegation here to threaten the Republic with their business dealings? Out of what, revenge?”

“Unclear at this point but it may be worth exploring further.”

“It may but the Republic did not kill his sisters so it would be a stretch to say Gellar went from jamming up our weapon supply chain to taking down a prominent government figure. It also does not explain how a bomb wound up in Inganarre’s office. The delegation would have been scanned prior to entry and that area is blast shielded. It is one of the only places that still stands.”

“They were cleared but there is something else. The reason why I asked that they pull all logs to put together a timeline of events. A delivery addressed to Inganarre, that arrived twenty-four minutes before the start of that meeting.”

Ollo rises from his chair, “From where?”

“Anasaii Antiquities.”

“It went through the main security as well?”

“No,” she says evenly. “Deliveries go through the service entrance for scanning and processing.”

He grabs his coat and heads toward his patrol speeder, “Nice work, Vrent. I’m going to track down that order and I need you to pull those cam feeds. I want to know how the package and the delegation converged in that office.”

“They are working on it, sir.”

“Then make them work faster.”


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #157 on: January 17, 2022, 03:38:37 PM »
“Sit back,
Matter of fact,
Teasing, toying, turning, chatting
Charming, hissing, playing the crowd.”

-OK Go

Chandaar: Republic Capital
Surface: Ambaril
Barrett Trevaithan stares down over the government sector of the capital city.

The fires have been put out but the swirling glow of the emergency lights reflecting off the now deserted streets provide an ominous reminder. As the Imperial ambassador, his digs were not modest by any means, and thus provided the perfect vantage point to view a plot twist they did not entirely orchestrate. The current setup of violence and blame up to this point came to be thanks to the accomplishments of a submissive Quentin, frighteningly hollow Quinn, and newly acquired Kinsa. It worked exactly as designed and no one believes anything anyone in power says or does.

The long con Schrag began so long ago now bears the fruit of their patient persistence.

After all, it is not the first time. The Republic grew stagnant and vulnerable, allowing Palpatine to seize upon and transform it. However, this time the spiral and collapse had happened without the Jedi parading around pretending to be peacekeepers. That variable was removed relatively early on whereas to drop the illusion this was anything other than what it is – the inevitable conclusion any Republic comes to.

Although not officially confirmed, the Republic at large fears the fate of the President. He was one of the most prominent to challenge Leeds, opening up paths for doubt in their assertions about The Concealed, the RSB, and Force users despite the ongoing narrative about them. It gave people like Counselor Corinthos the opportunity to use the courts to successfully chip away at their laws. Legislation constantly tied up in litigation is difficult to implement or enforce and serves to create the exact kind of confusion and chaos that is ripe for exploitation. Their reactions and displays of authority only further divided the Senate where those that want to uphold the core principles of their democracy run up against cries of preserving security even at the cost of their own liberties. Everyone who speaks out against it is labeled a Separatist or, more recently, a terrorist and traitor. Barrett has to admit the theatrics are a bit fun to watch only for the fact that this cycle has happened to them before and they still cannot get out of their own way. Leeds is surrounded by sycophants bent on maintaining their own power or those desperate to strip it from him. The years of exposure to the Sith artifact Dahlia covertly yet casually placed in his office has him consumed by suspicion and despair, and now he is starting to reap what he sowed with that instability.

Barrett replayed that last speech over and over again. The lost faith in Leeds is palpable. Cutting off all the mics was an especially tyrannical touch and those against him predictably came with torches. Calls for investigations into literally everything he has touched. It is a mess and he was only too happy to step in with an assist, framed as a neutral party lending a hand. Leeds had done exactly as he suggested with attention now diverted between politics playing out on Chandaar and the potential to escalate or resolve a conflict with an unpredictable Republic member system.

Still, the attack on the President so directly was not something he expected. It works to their advantage, certainly, but it was not something he or the “Emperor” authorized. Was this the work of the illusive Voss-Ra or do they have another interloper/ally? It really does depend on the perspective. Insinuations run rampant on the more conservative Holo channels where pundits theorize and posit on even the smallest shreds of information. His interest is further piqued when there is an unsubstantiated claim about President Inganarre’s schedule and the attendees of a meeting that coincides with the timing of the incident. It adds another layer to the already complex situation unfolding so many floors below him.

Since the government sector of Ambaril is locked down, he orders dinner to his room and contemplates the best way to structure the Imperial investigations and practical applications the corresponding access may have. People will freak out that the Empire is the one ascertaining the truth behind the allegations against Leeds but he is used to such skepticism. Citizens can often be incited to act against their own self-interest with two things; the right outfit and the right messaging. Another tidbit of wisdom from Dahlia’s influence. He misses her, much more than he expected to.

They had spent so much time together on Byss, training and aligning on their shared destiny, now that they have snatched it back from the clutches of those that would leverage it for themselves. Well, almost. There are still some in the mix with murky motives but they are both at an advantage, a position their predecessors likely never actually held. He would fear for her safety, leaving her all alone on Byss with a surprise new relative, but if she possesses even a fraction of the power Schrag was terrified of and went to great lengths to control, Dahlia will be able to hold her own. What he cannot abide is her being sidelined for so long. Barrett needs her by his side as they win the hearts and minds of an extremely wary galaxy. Barrett may have the skills but she shines in ways he simply cannot. She effortlessly paints herself as a compelling character everyone envies but ultimately roots for. A stunning feat they will need in order to pull this off. He muses on a mental plan for Quentin and company.

They have served the Empire well and it is something he is grateful for. In his mind, Quentin has something to make up for and very nearly has. But it is time to put their embedded assets on something that would generate the right kind of press in these dark times and partisan divisions. The public loves survival stories and one that comes with the potential to further separate the Republic and their loyal systems is simply too good to pass up.

The resurrection of Princess Dahlia Winton.

« Last Edit: January 17, 2022, 05:32:50 PM by Syren »

Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #158 on: March 19, 2022, 10:45:05 PM »
“A cut without blood, left me free
Like yesterday’s stales, fresh from the bakery
And all of the time, it was on my mind

Things could be better
Than you could imagine.”

-The Cribbs

Chandaar: Republic Capital

Surface: Ambaril
It is pure chaos out there but Agent Ollo keeps his focus tight.
The court of public opinion continues to divide with a deafening silence out of the Speakers office. Agent Vrent’s theory is entertaining, he would give her that, but there is little in the way of evidence at this point that the case has anything to do with them. He would dismiss it outright if it was not for a more personal connection for him, one of his earliest assignments back on Coruscant before he was with the Republic. Ollo was then just a young cadet coming out of the Imperial Academy and assigned to the murders of Caprial Bronson and Carli Cole, both popular NCH students with ties to those same four names. The brutality and insanity surrounding those cases drove him to briefly leave law enforcement, and the Imperial capital entirely. If he had not, Ollo would have died along with the billions of others when the Dark Queen of Hapes destroyed it in what feels like a lifetime ago. He found the Republic and his passion for the law again. For a long time, it fulfilled him completely, even at the expense of his personal life, but the recent turn of events has shaken him deeply.
The discord, riots, and what appears to be brutal murder of a high-profile Republic official give him the same vibes, as the younger agents on the force are so fond of saying. Vrent just gave those vibes a context he hoped never to consider again. He eases up on the speeder and stops in front of Anasaii Antiquities.
It has a typical setup; a showy gallery attached to a nondescript warehouse. From the looks of things, their client-base are elite collectors but Ollo never had time, or credits, to spend on such luxuries. The gallery manager approaches swiftly, looking frazzled, and more than a little concerned by his disheveled appearance. He had just come from the scene of a bombing but he had not stopped to consider what that may mean for presentation. With one flash of his badge, it seems to clarify something about him for her.
“And how can we help you today, Agent Ollo?”

To avoid any lip about client confidentiality, he keys up the warrant in a small holoprojector in his palm that he requested before he left the site. It was approved and signed by the time he arrived, indicating the gravity of the case. The authorization provides him access to anything related to that order and the gallery manager complies with an exasperated hiss. She waits while he reviews the data but nothing appears out of the ordinary. President Inganarre is a client with a purchase history, some of which have been delivered to his offices as she so diligently points out. This order in particular involved a rustic and ancient-looking box with a lid containing symbols Ollo does not recognize and finds hideous. To each their own, he thinks, as the gallery manager clears her throat.
“If you do not mind, I really must be getting back.”

“You seem inordinately annoyed for such a minor request.”

“You would be correct but I apologize for the rudeness. We cannot locate one of our drivers and nobody can reach him so it has left us scrambling this afternoon. We pride ourselves on our timeliness here at Anasaii.”
A tingle winds slowly up Ollo’s back, “I have no doubt. Was this driver the same one who delivered Inganarre’s item?”

This question stirs something in her and she steps to the console to pull up the record, face falling when she finds it.

“It was, yes. The last on his route this morning but he never returned to the warehouse.”

“I am going to need his information. Now.”


Surface: Five Points

Agent Vrent meets Ollo at the residence tower, looking rather worn in comparison to those that surround it. The warehouse district is having something of a revival and has transformed into the next destination to gentrify and redevelop. It has a way to go, certainly, but one day it would be as trendy as Serinus. The Holo is having a field day with those present in the building but the schedules of elected officials are a matter of public record so they could not block that release. It would take the teams some time to sort through the fallout with those slick political machines already working on the right kind of spin. It leaves a bit of time to follow some much-needed leads.
She did manage to get that photage but it was not nearly as compelling as she hoped it would be. Janessa Kain arrives with the Corporate Sector delegation shortly before their meeting, passes through security without issue, and is shown to the President’s office. The whole thing is seamless on that end. Conversely, she tracks the package as it arrives and is handed off to an aide that places it in Inganarre’s office a few moments before the President and the delegation all convene for their meeting. Less than five minutes later, the explosion takes out everything. All relatively straightforward and reinforces that the package is the likely source except for one thing: assistance from the inside.

“They never scanned the package.”

Ollo frowns as she winds back the photage, “What do you mean? They put it through the scanner right there.”

“The tech never turns it on,” she says, pointing to the small screen to the left of the security agent as it slides beneath the scanner on the conveyor belt. “So, it only appears that way.”
“Clever. Do any of those security agents leave their post?”

“That is the strangest thing – there are no other deviations of their duties. Whether only the tech or the whole detail was involved, they remain stationed and subsequently died in the blast.”

Ollo grimaces, glancing over to the residence tower, “That may indicate a motive rooted in a cause worth dying for which makes this significantly more dangerous.”

“You sound like you know a thing or two about it.”

“Unfortunately,” he says, unclasping his blaster holster. “I do.”


They step out of the rickety lift onto the suspect's floor where the corridors are about as lit as one would expect from something bordering on a slum. Berg Eniss’s person-of-interest status was upgraded when he failed to return after the delivery so here they are. Ollo leads the way, approaching the door slowly. He stands on one side and activates the door chime. Vrent, a hand on blaster, leans on the other.
The waiting is the worst part.
Ollo pounds on the door next but it does nothing to summon mister Eniss. He touches the door controls and it hisses open without much fuss. An unlocked door on a suspect’s residence is seldom a good sign. Vrent draws her blaster and calls around the corner.
“Mister Ennis, this is the Republic Security Bureau. We have a warrant to search your residence.”

Ollo sighs, “Canto Bight odds on us finding this guy alive?”

“Do not be such a pessimist. Now I’m extremely curious.”

She lives for this stuff and he remembers when it gave him the same charge. However, the potential assassination of the Republic President has him more than curious. He nods, taking a breath before rounding the corner into the residence. Vrent follows, keeping a close watch on their tail. The place is musty with beams of light from the small, south-facing windows illuminating dust in the air. Aside from the general clutter, there is nothing that would suggest the place had been turned over or that he left in a hurry. They find Berg Eniss in the living room, slumped in a stained recliner chair, clutching a bottle of ale.

Dead or unconscious? Always a fun game in their line of work. Could go either way.
“Check him.”

She does, shaking her head, “Goner.”

“Told you.”

“Damn. Surely, he had stories to tell.”

No pulse, but he is cool, not cold, meaning he expired only a short time ago. The bottle, she notes, is still half full.
“We’ll need toxicology for that.”


“Possibly, but it would take care of the loose ends. The security detail and the delivery driver, if involved the way they appear to be, are all dead. Closed-loop on a dirty deed.”
Ollo huffs, “No one is ever as careful as they think they are. There will be other threads.”

“But where to begin?”

“The usual,” he says. “Known associates of the victims, chemical components of the explosives, possible enemies of the President. These are bound to lead somewhere. This was clearly a calculated effort, no small feat to pull off given the target.”
Her com bleeps, leaving Ollo to sort through the contents of the residence. Not much in the way of personal possessions but nothing that jumps out as immediately suspicious. Eniss appears to be a standard working-class fellow, not unlike himself actually, but his involvement in this leads him to believe there had to be something much greater in play. He would not have been killed if he was not in some way complicit. How much he knew and when is less important than the why. Vrent clicks off and turns back to him.

“We have audio.”

“From where?”

“President’s office. He apparently recorded all interactions to combat any alleged impropriety.”

“With consent?”

“Republic laws are one-party consent but we will soon hear for ourselves. They are sending it over now.”

Vrent holds out the device when the file arrives. The conversation cuts in after introductions or small talk and sounds like they follow a request. Nearly four minutes have passed between the timestamp on the photage of when they physically entered the office to when the recording begins. Inganarre is known for his ability to disarm and delight through his stories so this tracks. Janessa Kain’s voice can be heard next; clear, sharp, intense.
“Of course, mister President. There is nothing to hide in what we have to say here today. The Corporate Sector has voiced grave concerns, concerns I wish to address directly to ensure a continued and prosperous partnership between us. We may seem very different at this moment but we are more alike than you think. We will go to unfathomable lengths to get what we want and what we want is for there to be a very clear understanding of who is in control here. Trust me when we tell you, it is not you.”
“Goodness, Ambassador Kain,” Inganarre says in an amiable yet elevated tone. “If you are not careful, ambition will be the death of you.”
After a tense pause, Janessa speaks with a chilling certainty.
“There is no death, there is the Force.”
The statement hangs there for the briefest of moments followed by an earsplitting crash, and the recording cuts out.


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #159 on: May 05, 2022, 11:00:24 PM »
“Patterns of them in my life
Each and every day I abide.”

-Pleasure Prince

Chandaar: Republic Capital
Surface: Ambaril

RSB patrol speeders streak across an ever-darkening sky.

Ollo and Vrent return to the scene of the bombing, still awash in lights and activity. The initial stages of the operation are complete and the movements now are calculated and precise. Droids comb through debris while specialized agents reason out the series of events. They are bound by their duty but Ollo knows what will happen when they present their findings. The individual who delivered the package is dead, agents within the President’s office are seemingly on the take, and now a damning audio file that links the attack to the Republic’s favorite target. The wording, he muses, is so specific. Too specific. Everything inside him is telling him this is far too convenient yet does not stop Vrent from updating their status report. Covering this up would only further tarnish the agency’s reputation and continue to erode trust.

They do what they must, what they feel is right.

Not everyone wants to abuse their power the ways that Drakos did.

Although he had seen much in his storied career, Ollo is not a man of much faith. Perhaps he is only smarting over the fact that this will provide exactly the kind of ammunition Speaker Leeds will need to take this even further than it has already gone. A sobering realization. They spend the next hour pulling everything they have on Janessa Kain. The throughline on her involvement in this is nothing short of astounding. The files read like a daytime-Holodrama, something that is almost always a red flag. Real-life is often not as compelling with motives straying closer to the petty and common. Despite that, Vrent seems impressed.

“Respect. She lived her truth.”

“An uphill battle after that trial. Let’s talk this through. Kain was acquitted on charges of murdering fellow RSB agent Erbon by a lawyer, Corinthos, recently gunned down in an RSB raid and tied to a public figure, Prescott, taken out by – wait for it - a bomb with extremist undertones. I can feel the opposition to her verdict all those years ago gearing up for a big “we told you so.” This is too neat.”

“Not according to the forensic evidence, by the looks of it. We need to know where she was leading up to this.”

Ollo grunts, “She was controlled by a Force user then and it looks an awful lot like she is now. This target, however, was much, much bigger than Erbon.”

“Big leap between police and President,” she says, glancing down at the datapad beside her. “Toxicology is back. Concentrations of manax root poison in the ale, lethal levels in Eniss’ system.”

“A common tool of assassins yet not specialized enough to point it back to anywhere or anyone. We are missing something.”

She slides through several images of Kain but stops on one in particular – four women together at what looks like a premiere. He perks up watching her face as she works through the reasons why it struck her before. This is the kind of stuff, the small breakthroughs, and breadcrumbs that led them toward the truth, that made the personal sacrifices worth it.

“The lawyer, public figure, and, now, ambassador. All dead. All except one.”


Moving languorously through the lobby of her building, Kinsa sighs wearily and tries to keep it together. She is terrified yet trying desperately not to be. A real test of her acting chops that was mostly working. What she needs is to see Selene, but the Stranger is not taking her calls. Probably best, all things considered, but she is coming very close to spiraling.

“Miss Cavanaugh?”

She stirs, turning, but does not remove her sunglasses or respond. There is no way security would have let just anyone in the building, ruling out a deranged fan or trashy reporter.

“I am agent Ollo, this is agent Vrent. We are with the RSB.”

“How lovely,” Kinsa says and continues toward the lift. “Is there something I can help you with?”

“May we speak to you in private? Perhaps in your flat?”

Not without a warrant, bitch. Kaytt taught her better than that. She slows to a stop and steps into a small alcove.

“Here is fine.”

“Very well. I'm sorry, were you coming from somewhere?"

She opts for a casual half-truth, “Pretty sure my friend is dead. I needed some air.”

“Janessa Kain, correct? I know this is an incredibly difficult time but that is actually what we came to speak to you about.”

“About Janessa?”

“Yes,” Ollo says. “When was the last time you saw her?”

“A few nights ago. We had drinks.”


“The Legis Lounge. You know, that spot all the politicians like to hang? Stiff drinks but kind of a downer. Everyone always gives you the side-eye.”

“Did she mention anything? Anything about her schedule?”

Her words have not left her mind since that night: Exactly what needs to be done.

Kinsa pushes her hair over her shoulder and shrugs, “She never really spoke about work. I do not really understand it anyway though so that is not surprising.”

“And where were you last night, if you don't mind us asking?”

Grinding up on a member of The Concealed then, well, who knows?

“Hovee Wenstyn’s costume party. You know, producer Wenstyn. It was wild.”

Vrent’s tight smirk fits the tone, “I’ll bet.”

Ollo clears his throat, “With Ambassador Kain?”

“No, some other friends in the industry. It’s a whole thing. Does it matter?”

“It could. We are trying to put together where she was leading up to her meeting with President Inganarre.”


“Any details, regardless of how small or seemingly insignificant, could help us determine what happened. We are following up with everyone who knew those that attended the meeting. You were the most intriguing on the list.”

“Uh, what does that even mean?”

“This is not the first time something terrible has happened to someone close to you, is it miss Cavanaugh?”

Kinsa gasps, “What?”

“Do you not see a pattern?"

“If you are trying to exploit my personal trauma and pain, agent Ollo, I will not allow it.”

“You could be in danger too. If you help us, we could-”

“No,” she says warningly. “You do not get a pass for being insensitive because you are agents of the law. If I am not mistaken, it was at the hands of some of those very same agents that one of those closest to me lost their life. So, forgive me if I am not in the mood to discuss it.”

“Miss Cavanaugh, please, we are trying to-”

“Goodnight, agents.”

Kinsa calls the lift. It arrives within seconds, mercifully, and she steps inside. She does not turn around until they close behind her then slumps against the wall. Clamping a hand over her mouth, she stifles a scream. She does not know where she was the whole night. Only part of it. That would only arouse more suspicion and she does not have answers for them. She is also not about to give anything up on Janessa, regardless of her purported involvement. Too many holes in that story too. She knows they are probably scouring the city cams running facial recognition hoping something will pop.

The thing is, she cannot be certain it won’t. 


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #160 on: June 04, 2022, 12:43:11 AM »
“Let them cut the ties that swept in defeat
One day I’ll be calm and I’ll learn to concede
Catching my horizons
A ringing bell to mark my repeating visions
You were none the wiser
A hint of panic can do wonders for distance.”

-Yumi Zouma

Chandaar: Republic Capital
Surface: Ambaril

By morning, it is everywhere.

The last words of Janessa Kain blasted across the Holo which crystallizes around a salient talking point Speaker Leeds wastes no time in leveraging. The Jedi have infringed upon their values from within – again. They twist this into vindication for their ruthless path, literally and legislatively. They have been right all along with Kain being used as a Jedi weapon now as she was then. Detractors in the Senate decry the convenience while supporters push for retribution for any who would support them: starting with Corellia. An investigation is already underway, leading to even greater outrage at the timing and lack of transparency.

From his room, high above the fray, Barrett Trevaithan smiles.

Agent Ollo finds a different sentiment when he joins Agent Vrent at the bombing site.

“How could they do this to us?” she sputters, pacing the length of the command tent. “Our investigation is not even complete! The ethical implications are staggering let alone what this means for any kind of…justice. For anyone. As if the public does not already mistrust the RSB enough.”

“It does make you wonder.”

“You are not surprised?”

“Unfortunately not,” he says, careful to keep his tone low. “I am sorry that you are.”

“Then why did you not stop me from calling it in? I would not have provided a summary of our findings up to this point if I knew they were going to release that information to the public. They call it a leak but that is bullshit, right? It has to be. We have to gather and assess all evidence before a determination can be made.”

“Protocols do not serve them now.”

“Yeah, well, your cynicism used to be fun. This is…insane. How is anyone supposed to draw a reasonable conclusion if they do not have the whole story? We do not even have it yet and you did not answer my question. Why? Why not stop me if you knew this would happen?”

Ollo crosses his arms, “They would have questioned it if you deviated. Drakos’ murder fueled suspicion from within and now they are looking for any sign that one of our own led his to demise.”

“They cannot possibly think an RSB agent did that to him.”

“They grasp at straws and the staging was suspect. The Concealed would not be so obvious or sloppy, but an angry subordinate just might. Drakos had many enemies both inside and outside the RSB. You followed the procedure like you were taught. Like I was taught. But upholding the law has become much more difficult when those laws are in direct conflict with the Republic’s mission.”

This raises Vrent’s brows. Their partnership up to this point had been a mentorship she did not think she wanted or needed. An ornery yet effective veteran and an ambitious, young agent. It worked well for them but he always kept a distance that she believed was a part of that seasoned exterior. Vrent is not blind to what has been happening – she simply hoped their efforts could correct the Republic’s course, one case at a time. Restoring glory to the agency through law and order. How obtuse that all seems now. If he was disappointed by her hope, he never held it against her. She sighs deeply, forcing herself into a calmer state.

“I cannot tell if you are talking like a separatist or just being pragmatic.”

Ollo smirks, “I am not going to tell you what to think. Now you know. Not everyone is fighting the good fight.”

“But we are.”

“Yes, we are.”

She moves around the table and places her hand firmly on the surface to keep herself steady.

“I had a feeling about this case and you only reinforced it. Kain drops a phrase connected to the Jedi in front of someone who is known to record their interactions and blows this all up only for anyone tied to the chain of events to be neatly disposed of? We had a lead but you pushed too hard with Cavanaugh.”

“Clearly we do not have time for subtleties.”

“Kinsa was caught off guard until your comment about her personal life put her on the defensive. Her presence at the Legis Lounge and the Wenstyn party are easily verified. We pulled cams from one and there is no shortage of photage on the entertainment sections of the capital Holo.”

“You found something?”

“Two things, actually, but after what happened this morning you can understand my reluctance to share.”

“We are partners, Vrent, and you know it was not me who leaked Kain’s audio to the media.”

“I know,” she says, keying up the small projector in the center of the table. She scans through a few cursory shots from the Legis Lounge, Janessa and Kinsa at the door, looking surprisingly somber for happy hour. The next is party shots with elaborate costumes, most of which are poorly lit, and patrons who don a variety of masks. Vrent finds the one she is looking for. It is shot of Wenstyn himself, the sleazeball, mugging for the cam but over his left shoulder, in the glint of the party lights, is Kinsa Cavanaugh, dolled up to look like an angel. She is not alone. There is another person close her to, another female by the looks of it, with a contrasting costume leaning close to her ear. “Anything stand out to you?”

“Dancing with the devil? A little on-the-nose, if you ask me.”

 “Aside from that. Their posture, the way this person has a hand on Cavanaugh. It is intimate. Could be a friend, could be more. Someone a distraught Cavanaugh may have confided in. She is running low on confidantes with Prescott, Corinthos, and now Kain dead. In situations like this, everyone needs someone to vent to. We have seen it over and over again with suspects and their associates. Identify the devil and we may know more.”

“What if it was one of these friends she was with?”

Vrent finds another of Kinsa with a group of fellow actors that show up with her throughout the night.

“See a devil among them?”

“No. Nicely done and worth exploring – what else?”

Vrent chews on her lower lip before getting to work.

“I was up late last night pulling cam feeds from around the city, seeing if there was a hit for either Cavanaugh or Kain.”


“There is something on both. Nothing that would immediately contradict what Cavanaugh told us about the last time she saw Kain…but if you look closer, there is a link.”

She pulls up two images, side-by-side, of each woman walking downtown. Cavanaugh is still in costume, her neck adorned in a chunky necklace with a flat, round pendant at the center that hangs just below her collar bone. Vrent then shifts over to Janessa, time-stamped nearly twenty minutes later…wearing the same necklace. Kinsa is visibly not wearing it when they cut back to her entering her building.

Ollo’s heart begins beating faster, “Did you trace their movements between those times?”

“Of course. They are close, within a few blocks, but no cam catches them cross paths.”

His voice is hoarse even speaking the words, “Show me Kain the morning of the meeting.”

Vrent is already there, freezing the photage as she and the delegation pass through security.

Janessa is wearing the necklace.

“Holy shit.”

The link casts Cavanaugh's evasiveness in a new light and reframes how they look at the events leading up to the bombing. Something does not add up. There was no way they could have perfectly coordinated the delivery and detonation with the meeting, despite being on the President’s schedule. Any number of variables could have delayed them even if the package was placed in his office once it cleared that sham of a security check. It means the bomb may not have been timed.

It may have been triggered.

« Last Edit: June 04, 2022, 05:40:59 PM by Syren »

Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #161 on: September 16, 2022, 04:41:14 PM »
“Do it once, just to answer the question
Know how it feels to be like them
But when the poison has left the system
You’ll have your reasons to try again.”

-The Sadies

Chandaar: Republic Capital
Surface: Ambaril: UCA

The historic university library is labyrinthine in its design.

Not only does that make it easy to get lost (as many freshmen do each term) but there are more than a few places to steal away and study/snog without anyone being able to find you. Quentin Swire knows one such place and comes here often when he is not in class or on assignment. A spot he feels completely disconnected from everything and everyone. Today it is to cram for a test that he is only somewhat confident he can pass. He quite enjoys the thrill of learning in contrast to his life as an operative. If the Empire is paying for this prestigious education as part of his cover, he may as well take advantage of it. An hour or so in and he is feeling pretty good about the subject. He may not ace it but the odds of passing have risen considerably. Quentin sighs, stretching languorously back in the antiquated and altogether uncomfortable chair as a blur of motion catches his eye. It is a figure wearing a hoody pulled low that falls into the chair across from him.

“Hey! Beat it, buddy. This is my study spot.”

The figure raises its head, revealing a smirking Barrett Trevaithan, “We are not buddies, Q.”

Quentin conceals the rising alarm with a cock of his head, “Resorted to stalking, have we? How on-brand of you.”

“We always know where you are, Agent Swire. Glad to see those tuition credits are not going to waste.”

“What do you want?”

“No time for pleasantries?”

“Maintaining this charade takes work,” Quentin says evenly, waving a hand over the materials spread in front of him. “To pose as a student I actually have to be a student.”

Barrett keeps the hood low but widens his smile, “And a surly one at that so I will keep it brief. We need the scope of the Inganarre investigation restricted to only approved angles and suspects. They are starting to spiral and the conclusion must be the one we have scripted.”

“And you had to tell me in person? What happened, get lonely?”

“More to keep you on your toes. You grow too comfortable in your life as a college coed. Can it be done or not?”

“Take it easy, it is being handled. We have placed “evidence” that the RSB agents assigned to the case will be led to find. The fabricated but convincing trove will push the Republic over the brink they have been teetering on for years. It makes the connections you requested.”

In truth, Swire is a good agent but his rage over the play he made for Dahlia has never quite subsided to a comfortable level. He knows he needs to get over it and has implied as much but the sting of betrayal lingers. Barrett enjoys keeping him under his thumb, despite the rowdy friendship they once shared. Withholding information from him brings Barrett considerable joy. Quentin does not know anything that has transpired on Byss – Dahlia’s survival, Schrag’s death, or the Inquisitor’s identity. He knows what they want him to know but it raises an ironic parallel about the situation they find themselves in with the Voss-Ra. They could be operating just as blindly within the context of the prophecy. He despises the potential subterfuge about as much as he does any waning support for the Republic but, like all things, he must exercise patience to claim victory.

“Excellent, we want to avoid any institutional editorializing. Maker knows we have enough of that from the fringes of the Holo. I trust you will take care of those agents once this information makes its way public.”

Quentin nods, “No loose ends.”

“Much appreciated,” Barrett says, rising from behind the table. “I will see you around.”


“Now you want to chat?”

There is only a slight trepidation to go there but it does not stop him, “Did we…?”

“Do this? No. But that is beside the point. We will leverage it to serve our goals.”

“Then who did?”

“We are…making inquiries.”

“Is that not a little, uh, problematic? Even if it helps us that is a big swing.”

“We are on top of it.”

Are you? Your answer does not seem all that definitive.”

“Do you have a theory or just looking to push my buttons?” he counters, responding to the challenge by squaring his shoulders.

“Kain could not have done this alone,” he posits smugly.

“Astute as always but there are many moving parts for something of that scale which is not surprising.”

“True which means there had to be help on the ground, something local and well connected. That rules out the CSA delegation from Gellar Industries considering, you know, they were visitors and all died.”

“Unless their sacrifice was part of the plan.”

“We have met Dane Gellar. He did not strike me as the type to throw away life so carelessly. The cost of human capital is still a cost.”

“A sunk one now,” Barrett says lowly, recalling Dahlia’s concerns. “Inganarre had plenty of enemies but few that would want to aid the Empire so willingly or freely. Where were your charges during all this? Have their presences been accounted for?”

Quentin keeps a stiff upper lip, “I wondered that too but surely you realize that I do not control their actions, B. I only serve as handler and point person for the mission specs I receive. I do not keep their schedules or monitor their comings or goings. Well, Quinn’s comings perhaps. You would know better than I would what shots are being called and where they are being sent…unless you don’t.”

The jaw beneath the hood tightens but Barrett remains silent.

He capitalizes on the moment as it is something he had long wondered about. The nature and motives behind the project driving Kinsa and Quinn as Imperial assets are more than just a little mysterious. He watched his girlfriend and her sister become many others, each complete persona operating with tactical efficiency and lethality to execute their objectives. The silence speaks volumes and confirms what he suspected. Barrett is not the one in control here and he knows it.

“Personal proximity combined with access and ability make involvement likely but they are only activated through programmed directives and threat responses. Sleepers with plausible deniability. You have seen firsthand what they are capable of but neither of us knows how far they can or did go.”

“Point being?” Barrett snaps, incensed at the insinuation.

“That if you are not the one pulling their strings then maybe it is time you ask yourself who is and what they really want.”


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #162 on: January 25, 2023, 09:42:35 PM »
“And when your dreams are on a train to trainwreck town
Then I ask you now, “What’s a girl to do?”

-Bat for Lashes

Chandaar: Republic Capital
Surface: Ambaril
Kinsa Cavanaugh is not typically a woman someone keeps waiting.

However, her lawyer is late. She had to rely on agency resources since there is no Kaytt. Gone are both a fantastic friendship and the resplendent representation that came with it. Until relatively recently, she never really needed it but she sure as shit needs it now. Kinsa sighs, pacing in what she fancies a smart outfit; tactful neutrals, nothing too fancy, a downplayed aesthetic for a cosmopolitan woman. There is a reason for this mania. The RSB ominously/officially summoned her and she thought it best not to go in alone, especially when there are pieces she cannot put together for them.

Or herself. 

Counselor Kezlan Roan, a tall and snappily dressed Bothan-hybrid, finally appears through the doors of the obscenely lit RSB headquarters lobby. His polished hooves are pronounced and amplified through the space, drawing in the attention he seems to embrace. The it-boy of entertainment lawyers, or so they claimed when she asked about legal options. Best in the biz, etc., etc. Definitely someone she wants in her corner. Roan, on the other hand, glances her over and sighs. This one is high maintenance all the way but she is officially his client so he dives right in.

“Miss Cavanaugh. What is it then? Drunk and-or disorderly? Reckless endangerment? Groped by a high-ranking Republic official?”

What? No. Well, yes, like once or whatever but that is not what this is about.”

“Color me vaguely intrigued and please continue.”

“Soooo, that is kinda the thing. I am not…really sure what they want. I mean, I have an idea of the subject. Janessa Kain, of course. My friend and well, former Republic liaison to the Corporate Sector. Former in general, actually. Okay, yeah, it is the same one who people are saying blew up the President and stuff but I swear I knew nothing about that!”

“Oh, this is going to be real fun.”

“Ugh,” she huffs, crossing her arms. “You sound like a public defender!”

“Hardly. The agency has me on retainer for a reason. Now: breathe, take it from the top, and we will sort this out.”

In a quiet corner, she frantically runs him through a, uh, strategically edited version of the past few months: murder, mayhem, and now an alleged terrorist bombing they somehow think Janessa clued her in on over their last round of drinks. There may have been an insinuation, one she provided to The Concealed because she thought she could stop it. Turns out she was likely a bit late and now it has all gone to bloody hell. She reaches for tears that are never too far away these days.

“What a bunch of assholes. Two of my friends just died and the RSB will not even let me grieve.”

“Right,” Roan says, running a finger through the stubbled cleft in his chin, “That is…a lot.”

Obviously. I want them to leave me alone! Is that so much to ask?”

“No, but we need to get to the root of what they think you know. The quicker we can dispel any theories they have, the quicker we can get them off your back. You do not have to say anything you are not comfortable with so let me lead there if they start trying to paint you into one of their little corners. The RSB has a reputation for that. Anything else you want to tell me before we go in?”

Kinsa flicks away a tear and flips her hair, “Not really, no.”

“That does not sound entirely promising but let us see how it goes.”

They check in with reception and are escorted to a private room in which they wait for nearly half an hour. She surveys the surroundings and frowns.

“Who decorated this place? It’s so drab.”

“Style is not really a strong suit with the bureau. Neither is integrity these days if we are being candid.”

“Quite the quip, Counselor. You are not nearly as dour as I was expecting.”

“Call me Kez.”

Kinsa raises a shoulder and flashes a smile, feeling herself tilt toward flirty even though the thought of Selene’s body against her still races through her mind. Her friends are all super dead so why is she suddenly getting hot and bothered? The horror acts as some sort of morbid aphrodisiac which is not an unpleasant distraction. But the reality is; Janessa drugged her, presumably destroying evidence that the Empire is playing it fast and loose with the tenants of the truce, there are giant blank spots in her memory, Kaytt is gone, and now the President is dead with Janessa primed as the seemingly perfect perpetrator. A lot? This is more than a lot. This is literally insane.

The door hisses open and the pair of agents stroll in.

“Thank you for coming so promptly,” Ollo growls with a twinge of forced pleasantry.

Kinsa scoffs, “Well, we have been here for a while. Waiting. For you.”

“Our apologies,” Vrent interjects evenly, attempting to dispel the tension with a tight smile. “Something to drink?”

She knows better than that and keeps her hands to herself, “No, thank you.”

Roan throws her a look and she eases down into the chair through the sheer force of his gaze. He turns to the agents across from them.

“My client would appreciate some transparency around the nature of your inquiry.”

“Of course. Miss Cavanaugh, we spoke briefly the other day about the last time you saw Janessa Kain.”

“Yes, and I told you. Surely you confirmed this.”

Vrent’s expression tightens further, “We are not certain that was the whole story. The cams at Legis Lounge did confirm that interaction but you failed to mention you encountered one another after that. The evening of the Wenstyn party.”

Translation; the night before the bombing. 

“Except we didn’t,” Kinsa counters quickly, trying to keep the edge out of her tone. 


Janessa Kain wanders home after a long day to meet up with an anxious Kier at her flat. The boy has talents, that is for sure, but the role does not fit him. He is trying way too hard but she can appreciate the effort. In all the best ways. As she passes an ally, she hears a whisper. Faint but firm. A phrase that feels ancient yet familiar. She stiffens, slows her step, and veers sharply into the haze beyond. An obstructed figure moves beyond, lying in wait.

Kinsa emerges from between two tendrils of steam, an angelic outfit beneath an expressionless face.


Ollo and Vrent exchange worrisome glances then turn their attention back to her.

“Think carefully, miss Cavanaugh. Did you see Janessa Kain the night of the Wenstyn party?”

Roan leans forward, “Are you accusing my client of something?”

“It is simply a question we need to be answered.”

“She answered it. Unless you have something that would indicate otherwise, I suggest we move on.”

Ollo keys up the small holoprojector where a series of stills from the Wenstyn party float between them. Kinsa marvels at the perfection of her costume, noting how cute she looks.

“This is you on the night in question. Correct?”


Another still of her on the streets of Ambaril alone.

“And this?”


The last is of her entering the lobby of her building, a tipsy half-smile as she approaches the lift.


“Still yes.”

“Do you notice the difference between the last two stills?” Vrent asks carefully, toggling between them.

Roan spots it immediately but Kinsa lags, confused by where they are going with this. The agents focus on her neckline which she thinks is kind of sketchy until she notices what is and is not in each shot. Still, she says nothing.

“Perhaps you can compare to this.”

Vrent brings up a still of Janessa Kain nearly half an hour later, elsewhere in the city, wearing what appears to be the same necklace. A necklace she is no longer wearing in the still from her lobby. The next still is of Janessa Kain the following morning beyond the security checkpoint in the official offices with Inganarre smiling as he greets their group. She is also wearing the necklace.

Her lips part as realization sets in but she keeps the gasp from escaping and looks to Roan for help.

As the hologram fades and the lights come back up, he takes a moment before he begins.

“Friends with complimentary stylistic choices is hardly noteworthy. We understand how that may appear but I would ask how you know it is, in fact, the same necklace and not one that looks similar?”

“More than similar. Identical.”

“Not something you can prove conclusively with security photage and you know that. Fashion is, after all, inspired by trends. Chunky necklaces are in right now. Even a casual glance at the adverts right outside this building will tell you that. For the sake of argument, and my personal curiosity, what is it you believe happened here?”

Ollo does not flinch, “Miss Cavanaugh left it somewhere the Ambassador could easily retrieve.”

Implying premeditation of some kind. Acting in concert together like a bunch of fashionable hooligans. Kinsa has a terrible, sinking feeling. The black spot in her memory that immediately followed the party widens to become an event horizon and significant liability. Oh, no. What did she do?

“We are not here to speculate, agent Ollo. What does this even have to do with Janessa Kain or the bombing?”

“We think the bomb may have been triggered.”

The accusation lands exactly as expected. Kinsa blinks rapidly but Roan is having none of it.

“Are you contending that my client gave her friend an accessory with a trigger in it that she then used to assassinate the President of the Republic?”


Kinsa’s fingers slide to the back of her necklace, undoing the clasp with one of her nails, “This will be perfect for your meeting.”

“You think?”

“Of course. Nothing like the right statement piece.”


“That is…a theory, yes.”

“For one,” Roan says pointedly, “Public speculation aside, I do not recall seeing any formal charges leveled at the late Ambassador Kain. And that really is all it is at this point – speculation. Second, you have not produced anything that would tie my client to a crime. There is no photage of the alleged exchange or evidence of alleged motive. You do not even know if there was a trigger. That bomb could have detonated any number of ways. What we have here is circumstantial at best and unfounded conspiracy at worst. You are trying to find someone to punish for these heinous crimes, we understand that, but you cannot further victimize my client to satisfy your lack of progress in this case.”

Vrent objects, “No one is trying to victimize any-”

He rises quickly and Kinsa, taking this cue, does the same.

“But that is exactly what this line of questioning is doing. You have nothing to charge or hold my client with and I will not allow you to further subject her to undue scrutiny. I say undue because, as your own office has suggested, this has alleged ties to the Jedi which make my client a long way off the mark.”

“Quit grandstanding, counselor. This is not a courtroom. May I remind you that Janessa Kain was influenced by a Force user and made to murder a colleague of ours?”

“She was also acquitted of those charges, if I may remind you.”

“Who is to say both Kain and Cavanaugh are not under the same dark influence?”

Ollo’s tone sends a chill up Roan’s spine, That feels like a reach, even for the RSB.”

“Does it? I do not think so.”

“I do. Produce something you can hold my client with or we walk.”

Vrent has a feeling as well and wants to pursue the person dressed as a devil at the party but knows the lawyer will rip that to shreds. It could be nothing, sure, but Vrent considers the profile of someone like Kinsa Cavanaugh. Beautiful and famous with access to a vast network of powerful people. Would it make sense to use someone with that level of fame as a mechanism through which to trade information or supplies? They have seen trafficking of all kinds in their line of work. This would be an interesting twist. One no one would expect. The pretty often get a pass but Counselor Roan is right. It does sound like a conspiracy. It is also just crazy enough to be true. Nothing about this adds up and if Kain was under the influence of a force user all this time it is not a stretch to posit others in strategically placed roles may be as well. Playing the long game. As far as plans go, it is better than most they have busted.

Ollo goes a different route.

“There is another way to dispel any concerns. Simply show us the necklace.”


“The necklace. If you produce it then we will not pursue this further. We must rule it out, given the severity of the situation. We are certain Counsel can see reason in that.”

Roan leans close to her, “If you want them off your back, I suggest you do it.”

“Of course,” Kinsa says with a pinched grin. “I can bring it by in the next few days.”

“We would feel more comfortable resolving this matter now.”

Roan nods, “We would be amenable to that, right miss Cavanaugh? Best to clear this right up.”


She does not have it, of course, and this would all come crashing down within the hour. Her fabulous little life wrecked because she thought she could do something for the greater good. Kaytt was absolutely right but there was no way she was going to leave her here alone. A fatal mistake for both of them, it seems. The girls. Circe, Kaytt, Janessa. Gone, gone, gone. Kinsa is now the one in this alone so she has to pull it together and think. The smile stays on as she gathers her things and follows Roan through the door. The ride back to her residence tower is frustratingly short. Her resolve holds even though she is not sure what fib she would conjure up when she could inevitably not produce the item.

The doordroid calls after her as they pass and informs them that her sister just arrived.

Wonderful, now there is an even larger audience to witness her downfall.

Outside the flat, Quinn dramatically whirls around and clicks off her commlink, “Holy shit, Kinsa, where have you been? You have not responded to any of my messages.”

“Kinda busy, Quinn. Can this wait?”

The agents come to a stop beside Kinsa and Counselor Roan when a hush falls over the group. It is one thing to see her image in an ad or on the Holo but Quinn Cavanaugh is something to behold in reality. Almost too perfect to be real which is not the worst problem someone in her industry could have. A beauty that is as disarming as it is unsettling. Quinn’s head tilts ever-so-slightly to the left as she twirls a long strand of frosted, silvery hair around her pinky finger.


Unsurprisingly, her outfit is also stunning as if she walked straight from runway to doorstep; pointed heels, white pantsuit with severe shoulder accents, and deep-V above which rests her sister's saving grace.

“My necklace.”

Quinn touches it absently, “Oh, this? You let me borrow it for the launch party, duh. It was a whole thing but now we have drinks with some very cool people that kept asking for you. Producers, maybe? Who can ever tell these days anyway? What you are wearing is fine, I guess, but maybe throw on a colorful accent piece just for, you know, fun or something. Nothing too serious.”

“Wait,” she says, finally noticing everyone else. “Who are they?”

The agents look deflated, caught between frustration and relief. Vrent still believes her theory has merit but they would not be able to prove it here. If Cavanaugh is not Kain’s accomplice or the link to a larger network they would need to pivot back to the original trail; following the credits. Anasaii Antiquities is likely just the beginning but first, they need to excuse themselves from this mild embarrassment. Ollo attempts a grumbled apology with Vrent nodding politely.

“We were just leaving.”

As the agents depart, Kezlan Roan lingers for a moment. He has watched this scene play out before. Tropes, like stereotypes, exist for a reason. It would be too ironic if the RSB were on to something yet Kinsa is looking a little too relieved.

“Thanks, Kez.”

“My pleasure,” he says, bidding them goodnight although his curiosity and suspicion have been aroused. “Miss Cavanaugh. Miss Cavanaugh.”

Quinn is confused, “Uh, what was that all about?”

“Long story,” she says and follows her inside.


“What kind of statement?” Janessa asks flatly, pulling her dark hair aside as Kinsa fastens it at the top of her spine. 

They face each other without the warmth of recognition. They may as well be strangers. Blank stares while speaking in even tones barely above a whisper. Kinsa brushes a finger along Janessa’s cheek, leaning close.
“That the third act has officially begun.”


Offline Medivh

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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #163 on: March 21, 2023, 09:37:19 AM »
CORELLIAN SECTOR: Centerpoint Station

How long had it been?  How many months of republic scientists exploiting the graveyard memorial of Centerpoint, trying to discover its underlying secrets, to no avail?  It had been the very first act of the Republic when Corellia joined, now some years ago.

And still nothing.
It was hazardous work too, combing through the wreckage, where gravity existed in warped ways, pushing and pulling.  the scientists, as a rule, had to do their work, combing through the wreckage, in specially designed suits, able to combat the strange gravitational forces, tethered to a track that had been built along the cooridors.

Even when the Republic came in to 'secure' the facility, it was the researchers and scientists who remained on the station doing the work; only a handful of Republic guards ever boarded the research platform that was built on the outskirts of the wreckage, and fewer still on the station itself.  There was much in the way of superstition.  The belief that it was not mere science that made these ruined halls dangerous.  Ghosts, spirits.  Some malevalent force at work, angry at the efforts made by those scientists.

And the danger had, seemingly, increased recently.  Gravitational readings from the station had shown a spike in energy forces, though it's source was still unidentified.  More mishaps had occurred on the station, with seemingly stable cooridors collapsing suddenly, several researchers lost.

It was with extra caution that a team of scientists, 6 in total, were making their way down one of the remaining broad cooridors, heading from a secure lab near the remnants of the docking bay into the station's interior sphere.  Each was in a fully pressurized suit, reinforced, and tethered to the wall.  Their movements were slow.  The station's power had long been disabled, but a string of lights had been set up overhead, giving them sufficient vision to move ahead.  each also had their own flashlight and camera, mounted on their work helmets.

"Alright team, this is command.  That most recent gravitation spike came from the central sphere region.  We are going to see if we can get closer for some better readings. Let's move nice and slow.  Don't want to wake the ghosts"

The voice came over their radios, and a few of them chuckled - uneasily.  The idea of ghosts, as ridiculous as it sounded, seemed to have just a little too much hint of truth.  Afterall, rumor had it some of the galaxy's most powerful had died on this station.

They made their way deeper, heavy boots thudding on the metal surface, the only sound echoing in the abandoned hall.  The overhead lights flickered briefly, then went out.

"Alright team, looks like we have a power problem. Switch on your personals."

The team activated their on-helmet flashlights, the spotlights only a fraction of what the overhead lights had provided, giving the hallway a far more eerie look.

The commander was watching the cameras over the radio, when he blinked, leaning forward.

"Team, hold up a second.  Are you seeing ..."

The camera had caught sight of something, just beyond the reach of the flashlights, what looked like a figure, blocking the path ahead.  Of course, that was impossible.  There was no one else in this part of the station.  At least, no one alive.

the researchers turned their gaze forward, trying to cast their light ahead.  It was hard to see, but they still saw the same thing - a cloaked, dark figure, blocking the path.

It was the researcher most up front, and without any idea how better to proceed, he figured a greeting was as good as anything.

The commander meanwhile, glanced away, turning to a team member beside him.
"Can you notify security?  it looks like there is someone else aboard the station"

He looked back at the cameras, watching what his team on the station saw.

The figure's arm went up, facing toward the researchers.

"Naughty naughty - you shouldn't be here."

It was a feminine voice, cold and cruel.  Her hands reached out, fingers clenched - and suddenly the cameras went out.

The commander rose from his seat, suddenly panicking about what should have been a routine day.
"team?  Pull back - I've got security moving to your position, but don't advance any further.  Pull back to the lab"

His response was static, and then that same voice.

"silly mortal.  the thing you are looking for - it belongs to me."


Several hours later, a security team reached the cooridor, armed and on the lookout.
The bodies of all six researchers lay on the ground, their suits slashed through the center with some type of heated blade.  There was no sign of the perpetrator, but the team was looking around, one officer grabbing a cylindrical object from the floor near one of the bodies.

"I think I've found something"

Carefully holding the cylinder vertically, he pressed an activation button near the center, a beam of green light jutting out of the metal cylinder.

"Sir - I think they were killed by ... a lightsaber"

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
May the Force be with you

Offline Medivh

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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #164 on: April 19, 2023, 10:06:40 AM »
CORELLIAN SECTOR: Centerpoint Station

Sentiment was not usually a part of Adubell's personality.  She was cold, inhuman, ambitious, and utterly selfish.  That inner person was reflected by her outer shell, the perfected version of herself, a tinted gray skin, impervious to weapons.

But as she stalked through the abandoned, ruin halls of this ancient station, her hand rose to trail along the durasteel wall, and her thoughts drifted back to when she would frequent this place.

She had already studied, already trained in the dark side, already knew of the Voss-Ra and their work with Alexander Winton.  But it was Winton himself that had really set the course of her life.  He was no fool and no tool, and her attraction to him had been as surprising to her as it was sudden.  She had been sent by the Voss-Ra to spy and even manipulate him, but she found that he was ready for her trickery.  And in that, he had earned her respect.  Even when it was apparent that Winton was using the Voss-Ra as much as they were using him, she remained by his side, and eventually to his bed.

He was the only paramour that Adubell had ever considered an actual partner.  The only one strong enough to be worthy of her; the only one who commanded the respect he deserved.  The rest of the galaxy was a pale comparison to what Winton had represented.  Not just power, but the intelligence to use it.

Adubell had been mortal then, she recalled as the hallway curved down, noting the shift in the gravitational pull.  Ordered by Alexander to depart Centerpoint to preserve intelligence.  When she had departed in the heat of that last battle, even when she saw the station implode, she was certain she would see his reincarnated version in a few days or months, summoning her back to him.  When he hadn't, she visited the old factories, the places where his body would be rebuilt, only to find each and every one destroyed.

It was then she realized he would never return, that Alexander Winton had failed.  He had so many redundancies, and yet each had been found, each had a connection to him that made them traceable.
But she would carry on his legacy. And do it in a way that no one could predict.  She had rebuilt sanctuaries, scattered in remote, unknown parts of the galaxy, in places no one knew.  No records of where she had built these facilities.  It would take an eternity to find them all, even if someone knew where or how to look.  

Alexander Winton had failed, but she, Adubell, would not.  She would carry on the legacy.  The immortality of the GURI Project; The strength of the Persephonea Prophesy and the Force; The power of the etheralis, combined.  She was the culmination of the eons.  She would rule the galaxy for eternity, spreading her darkness until all obeyed her rule.

Adubell reached the crumpled remains of a double-blast door, her sentimental walk down memory lane now done, she channeled the anger within her and pushed out with a scream.  The last of the door burst outward, the hallway depressurizing as it opened into the large sphere that made up the massive center of the station.
Sphere, of course, was a loose term - the structure had turned in on itself, and the sphere was now more a mass of metal, loosely forming an arch around her.  On one side, the star destroyer that had rammed into the station still stood, a ruined wreck, open space visible beyond it.

A human would die in such an environment - even one with a pressurized suit would succumb, unable to withstand the unexplainable gravitational forces.

But Adubell was not human. She was immortal.  She floated out into the center of the open space, landing her feet on the bow of the star destroyer as she stared out at the mass.

It was here.  She could feel it now, the power of the station, unexplained for so many centuries.  It was not the normal force, easily detectable by most force users.  It was something both more powerful and more hidden.  Hidden to all. except her.

The etheralis.

She had a part in her possession, and with it, she could sense a sister piece close at hand.  It was the etheralis that gave Centerpoint the power to literally move, create, and destroy worlds.

And soon she would have that piece as well.

From her belt, she withdrew her lightsaber - she had discarded one where she left the republic scientists.

Igniting it, it's red blade reflected off of the discarded metal.  Adubell twisted the weapon upside down, the red blade facing downward between her feet. She held it up, looking at the bottom of the hilt, where she had attached a shiny round, crystaline object.  She deactivated the blade, and moved one gray hand over the piece, feeling its power thrumbing through her, her other hand reaching out.

Adubell closed her eyes, letting her anger mingle with the power of that primordial stone.

"Come to me ..."

Soon she would have them all.
She was the daughter of darkness; and soon she would be the queen.


SWSF: Legacy of the Force
May the Force be with you