Author Topic: CC: Circle of Freedom  (Read 127112 times)

Offline Medivh

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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #45 on: September 11, 2013, 02:58:02 PM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital
Surface: Ambaril: Halls of Justice, Court of General Jurisdiction in the Republic

Kyatt had almost hoped the prosecution would be short and sweet - one or two witnesses, presenting every piece of evidence, and then moving on.

that was not the case.  The prosecution had prepared a list of over 50 witnesses, each testifying to different aspects of the crimes committed.

Showing the jury document after document with Circe Prescott's passcodes and signatures, funneling money across the galaxy in illicit schemes.

And Kyatt was limited in the questions she could ask.

"Did you observe her do this transaction?"
"Did you see anyone who may have influenced Ms. Prescott's actions?"
"Were you aware of Ms. Prescott or Ms Kain's mental state?"

The judge was not sympathetic to her attempts to make this a mental interference case, and granted many prosecution objections.  It was frustrating, watching her clients be indicted, over and over and over, before the jury.

The prosecution also presented video - video showing Circe Prescott going into the buildings and ships at the places and times the transactions took place.  Video of her interacting with Janessa Kain, video of them celebrating in what the prosecution argued was beyond either of their means (Kyatt was able to get a successful objection to that, pointing out the argument had no basis, and should be saved for closing arguments - it didn't matter, the jury already heard it, and probably agreed with it).

Now, though, the prosecution's list of witnesses was dwindling, and Kyatt was beginning to focus on her own defense arguments.  Just as soon as this witness was called.

"Your honor, the government calls Hacker Estes to the stand"

Kyatt blinked briefly, still staring at her notes, uncertain of what she had just heard.  Face slack from surprise, she finally glanced up to watch the hacker proceeding from the back of the courtroom toward the stand.  She was still in shock when he was sworn in, and placed his name on the record.

"Now sir, what do you do for a living?"

The man cocked his head slightly, turned toward the jury and spoke.

"I'm a professional slicer"

"You say 'professional slicer' - are you licensed to slice?"

"No sir"

"Your work is illegal"

"I would say my work is unregistered.  I don't believe it to be illegal"

The prosecutor smiled, glancing at the jury in the way that indicated it was a joke.  They hadn't gotten to the serious stuff yet.

"Mr. Estes, you are testifying today as part of a deal right?"

"Yes sir"

"You've agreed to testify in this matter as to your investigation, and the government has dropped some of those 'unlicensed slicing' charges that were charged against you?"

"That's right sir"

The prosecutor's smile disappeared.  That was the irrelevant part - here comes the serious part.  It was a cue for the jury.  That he was testifying for his benefit?  Didn't matter.  What mattered was what he testified about NOW.

"Your going to tell the truth today, right?"

"Yes sir"

"And no deal would prevent you from testifying to the truth"

"No sir - I'm here to be an honest man and tell the truth"

"Good.  What was your involvement in this case?"

"I was asked to review photage"

"For whom?"

"For defense counsel"

Kyatt jumped to her feet.

"Objection - your honor, the witness's testimony falls under work product and is privileged information!"

The prosecutor, with a look Kyatt deemed as smug turned to the judge.

"Your honor, work product privilege only protects legal information obtained.  The witness's services in this case were illegal, and so unprotected"

"Your honor, may we approach?" Kyatt had just been called out as using illegal means in front of the jury, and she was not about to allow that without a fight.

The attorneys - 2 prosecutors, and 3 defense - approached the bench.

"Your honor, government counsel is trying to paint me as a dishonest attorney for the jury.  It unfairly taints the jury and biases my clients"
"Your honor, I was merely responding to defense counsel's objection.  Besides, it was her own conduct - "

The judge lifted a hand, stopping the prosecutor.

"As to the taint of the jury, I don't believe a lawyer calling another lawyer anything automatically taints, and this was in response to the objection - I won't start dealing with jury taint for something like this, which I deem harmless.  As to the testimony, I agree with the prosecutor, the evidence collected is NOT privileged.  I will say that the government will not proceed to make statements about defense counsel like the one that was made. If I hear it again, I may well grant the mistrial Miss Corinthos is requesting.  Let's proceed."

Kyatt lost the two objections, and the conciliation that she wouldn't be 'painted' as unscrupulous again did little to help her mood.

Over the course of the next three hours - yes, his testimony did take that long - Estes was declared (against Kyatt's objection) an expert on slicing and video tampering and recovery.  Video photage from the night Inspector Erbon was killed was shown to the jury, both in its tampered form, and then in its recovered form.  Estes walked the jury and the courtroom through the steps he took to make the recovery, getting the correct video display.

During the testimony, the video in the background showed Janessa Kain, in all her glory, from party to murder.  Every act, including the exchange with the unknown individual.  Including the gruesome murder.  And because it was part of testimony about how the video had been doctored, the prosecution got to play it several times.

"The prosecution has no further questions for this witness, your honor"

There was a silence after the prosecutor sat down, the murder so horrific, no one could speak for a good minute before Kyatt rose from her seat, walked toward Estes, and with a glare, spoke.

"You sold me out, Estes"

"Objection your honor" The prosecutor jumped out of his seat

Kyatt kept her gaze on him, as she answered.

"Your honor, it goes to credibility."

The judge paused before nodding his head.

"I will allow it"

Kyatt pursed her lips for a moment as Estes shrunk back a bit from her stare.  When he didn't answer, she spoke again.

"We've worked together in the past.  I thought I could trust you.  I was wrong"

Estes finally got his voice back.

"There wasn't anything I could have done, Kyatt"

"Miss Corinthos, Estes."

"I couldn't do anything. I had to testify"

"to protect yourself"

He nodded

"to prevent yourself from being charged with illegal slicing"

He nodded again

"yes or no"


"For testifying today, you got a deal, all your troubles gone away"

"No more prosecutions against me, that's correct"

"Now, this court labeled you as an expert on slicing"


"and video tampering"

"yes, and restoration"

"So you can tamper a video if you wanted to"



Kyatt still glared at Estes, but nodded acknowledgment of the ruling.

"You made the repair of this video yourself"


"Using your own skills"


"Restoring a video is not an exact science is it?"


"It doesn't always come out the same as it started"

"There are always possible variances"

"That's true here as well?"


"I had you track down the video in this case"


"Had you find out what was wrong with the video"


"Do you recognize everyone in the video?"

"I just recognize the woman looks like Ms. Kain"

"Are you sure?"

"No, ma'am"

"And the other woman, do you know who she is?"

"No, ma'am"

"It could be anyone"

"Could be"

"This video could be showing a lot of different things, couldn't it"

"I suppose"

"Because nothing is 100% with video restoration"


"And you knew who my clients were when you restored this video"

"Yes ma'am"

"you knew that having them in the video -"
"Sustained, watch it counsel"

Kyatt stopped took a breathe and finally stepped back.

"Estes, when did the prosecutors charge you with these crimes?"
"About a week ago"
"And you made a deal since then?"
"They made the deal"
"in return for your testimony?"
"Yes, ma'am"
"So your testimony is really about getting these charges - these brand new charges - dropped"

Estes paused, eyes flickering over to the prosecution table before back to Kyatt, then to the jury.

"Look, I'm a slicer.  It's what I'm good at.  And I got caught doing it.  But I still know what I'm doing.  This video - this is my hard work.  What it shows is real.  I'm proud of it.  I'm proud I was able to restore the video.  Someone with a lot of cash tried to make sure it stayed hidden, and I was able to fix it.  I'm sure of it, and I'm sure its correct."

he turned to face Kyatt. "I'm sorry, Kyatt.  I had to. Anything else would be a lie."

« Last Edit: September 11, 2013, 03:00:02 PM by Medivh »
SWSF: Legacy of the Force
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Offline Medivh

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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #46 on: October 02, 2013, 06:43:56 PM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital
Surface: Ambaril: Halls of Justice, Court of General Jurisdiction in the Republic

"Motion for Judgment of Acquittal"

It was the clearest statement of all that showed Kyatt the burden she had.  A denial of a motion for judgment of acquittal meant that the prosecution met its burden of proof, at least as far as the judge was concerned, and it was up to the defense case to explain why two people who looked guilty weren't.

And so she tried.

First, she called up a line of experts in psychology, each of whom testified at great length about how the two defendants had no memory or knowledge of the actions that they had done.

"It's something we sometimes see with those who have multiple personalities.  One personality doesn't remember what the other does"

"How is this case different?"
"The other personality never surfaces - there's just a blank spot"

With that as her baseline, Kyatt then called each of her clients to the stand.  Circe Prescott testified about the difficulty she suffered after Centerpoint, and her departure from the Counselors Corps.  Kyatt showed the video photage from the Winton/Masterton estate, the small amount of photage of the individual approaching the gate.

"Do you know that woman?"

Circe had stared at the image for a long time, shaking her head.

"I've never seen her"

A similar dialogue occurred with Janessa Kain discussing the night she had committed murder.  The now already revealed photage of her interacting with the shadowy figure.

"Do you remember her?"
"No - I have no idea who that is?"
"Do you remember killing the detective?"
At that, Kain broke down.  It was one thing to be accused, another to have seen herself commit a crime she had no memory of.

"No.  NO!!  I don't!  I see that video, and ... I don't believe it's me. I know it looks like me, but, I just don't believe it's me!"

Cross examination of both individuals was brutal, going into their characters, their pasts.  But both had mostly sterling reputations, at least professionally, until just a few months ago, and Kyatt hoped that the jury would find them credible.

Now for the real tricky part - Kyatt had to link what she had brought to the Force.  She had called two historians who specialized in the jedi and the sith, and managed to certify them as experts.  A day's worth of testimony discussing what the Force was, and how it was utilized by certain special individuals, and their opinion that both Circe and Janessa had been controlled by the Force.

it was good stuff.  If the jury believed it.  Finally, Kyatt wanted one last witness.

"The defense calls jedi Donavan Atrii to the stand"

There was a a hush as everyone looked to the back door, waiting for the witness, but no one entered.

"Is your witness here, Miss Corinthos?"
"He was subpoenaed, your honor. He is required to be"
"Do you have any other witnesses?"
"Your honor, I have subpoenaed a half dozen jedi."
"Are any of them here?"

Each one's name was called, and the halls of the courthouse were checked. None were present.

"Your honor, I believe the jedi have refused to head my subpoena.  I ask the court to compel the government"
The judge interrupted her

"Miss Corinthos, what does the government have to do with this?"

"The jedi are a part of the Republic government.  They are bound to provide all exculpatory evidence for the defense, including witnesses that have been requested"

"Miss Corinthos, how are the jedi government?  They are independent"
"They have an entrance inside the Senate building, and receive funding from the government for their activities"
"That's not sufficient.  The jedi are independent.  This is not the Old Republic.  They aren't emissaries of the Speaker.  Unless you have other witnesses, I will give you a half hour to try to find your witnesses, otherwise, we move to closing arguments."

The gavel was banged.  Kyatt had a half hour.  It didn't matter.  The jedi already told her.  They wouldn't come.  It was up to her now, up to her to tell the jury her story, and pray that they believed it.

Needless to say, the time went by too quickly.

"Well Miss Corinthos?"
"No sign of the witnesses your honor."
"Very well. Shall we proceed with closing arguments?  Defense Counsel, than the Prosecutor"

Kyatt rose from her seat, moving in front of the jury, looking at her with those skeptical eyes (or so she imagined).  And so she began.

"Imagine for a moment that your life is not your own.  That you are a slave to the whims of another.  It is not pleasant.  it's worse if you don't know who the other is.  Worse still if you don't even realize you are a slave.  Slaves must obey orders.
What happened here is just as, if not more insidious.  Two righteous individuals were enslaved, but not by chains, nor whips, nor weapons.  Their minds were taken from them.  And against their wills, against their very natures, they were made to do things they wouldn't do if they were conscious.

You heard testimony from multiple experts saying these two individuals didn't know what they did.  How could they?  It wasn't them doing it - it was someone using them as tools, as slaves.

We don't know who that dark person was, but she was in both their lives, and she did this to them.  Janessa Kain and Circe Prescott are not the criminals here.  they are the victims.

Yo heard testimony about what the force can do - about how it can have a strong, dominating, controlling effect on those who are vulnerable.  And Circe Prescott was vulnerable, and Janessa Kain was vulnerable.  They are the victims.

The jedi didn't want to be here today - they refused to be here, even though required by law.  Why do you think that is?  Because they didn't want to tell you the truth - that the Force has that power, and those who have that power can use it.  They can use it on any one of us.  They can make any one of us into a thief, into a killer.  And we wouldn't even know it.

It frightens me, the prospect that someone could do that.  it frightens me more to know I could be punished if I was turned into that kind of slave.  punished for actions against my will.

Don't send Circe and Janessa to jail.  They are victims.  They have suffered.  It wasn't them who committed these crimes - it was the Force user who manipulated them.  They are not guilty."

Kyatt took a seat and the prosecutor rose.

Again he smiled at the jury.

He lifted his hands up in the air, waving them at the jury.

"Abra-Cadabra! You are now under my spell.  Just like that!  Magic!"

There was some snickering in the jury, and Kyatt's hopes fell.  The prosecutor continued.

"It is quite a fantastic story you just heard from Miss Corinthos.  She doesn't deny that her clients committed these acts - in fact, she admitted they did.  Instead, she said they were under the control of the Force and Force users.  She denigrated the jedi for no reason.  Can you imagine, if this were true, no one could be guilty of a crime - clearly, anyone who does anything wrong is influenced by the Force.  No one is guilty.

But you know that that isn't true.  Some people, even those with a great reputation, can make mistakes, can break bad.  Can pretend to be one thing and truly be another.  And I submit to you that Circe Prescott and Janessa Kain, with years in the public eye, are among the best at that.  But there is no hocus-pocus here.  They did these crimes, and they are guilty.  And you should find them guilty.  Thank you"

The prosecutor sat.  The judge began to give the jury instructions.  What to do, how to view evidence, how to weigh credibility and witness testimony.

The jury was escorted to a back, locked room where they would deliberate.

Kyatt, Circe, and Janessa just sat waiting.

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
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Offline Medivh

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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #47 on: October 11, 2013, 10:38:32 AM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital
Surface: Ambaril: Halls of Justice, Court of General Jurisdiction in the Republic

A jury with a verdict ready in a matter of minutes often meant that they had made their decision before entering the room.  When a jury took a long time to come to a decision, it meant they were a more deliberative body, reviewing the evidence from trial, and debating with one another how to proceed.

For better or worse, this jury was the latter.  The tension of waiting was unbearable as the first hour passed, and then the tedium of waiting set in.  Janessa and Circe were sent back to the cellblock to await their fate, leaving Kyatt to worry on her own.  With her comm unit ready to let her know if the jury was done, she stepped out of the courtroom and out of the Republic Halls of Justice, making her way to the nearest bar. No matter the verdict, she definitely needed a drink.

It was as she was walking that she felt the presence behind her, and then the voice.

"You shouldn't have done that"

Kyatt could feel her blood start to boil as she turned to face him.  There stood, in his simple brown/beige jedi robes, Donavan Atrii.

"I shouldn't have done what?"
"You tried to subpoena the jedi"
"they were witnesses in my defense"
"Your closing argument attacked the jedi - not just the sith, but the JEDI"

Kyatt's eyes narrowed

"Oh, I attacked you, did I?  I'm the bad one?  Let's look at the evidence, shall we?  There are two people standing trial for conspiracy, fraud and murder.  The jedi know they are innocent, and have the information that would allow for their immediate acquittal.  And refused to show up so the jedi save face.  Yo want to see bad?  You want to see evil?  Evil is letting others suffer so you look good"

"It's more complicated than that"

"NO, Donivan.  It's not more complicated than that.  When you let innocent's suffer to save yourself, you aren't the good guys anymore"

"We are saving the galaxy"

"No, you're not.  You had a PR problem, and this was a way of throwing it under the rug.  If the jedi want to do good, they should do good.  But I'm not throwing my clients - my clients, who I am sworn to protect and zealously defend - under a bus for you.  As far as I'm concerned, the jedi are as bad, if not worse, for the republic, than your evil twins, the sith."

At that moment, Kyatt's comm buzzed, and while still glaring at Donivan, she lifted it.

"Corinthos here"

Her face paled slightly, and she nodded her head.

"I'll be right there"

She lowered the comm and began walking back the way she came, passing Donivan as she did.

"They've reached a verdict"


The courtroom had been packed on the first court date, and the first days of trial, but as with all things, attendance dwindled as the case dragged on.  Now though, with the jury verdict ready to be announced, the room was packed, tighter than ever before, and Kyatt even had trouble getting through the mass of reporters to the front where her seat was.

Janessa and Circe were brought back out of the cell-block, each looking stricken from fear.  Kyatt went up to each, squeezing their hands. before they each took their seats.

"all rise"

Everyone who had been sitting rose as the judge took the bench, the bailiff handing him a folded note.
Baited breathe as he opened it read the note, nodding, and closed it.

"Bring out the jury"

The bailiff disappeared through a doorway and a minute later, held it open as the jurors stepped out, moving to their seats.

"Has the jury reached a verdict?"

The foreman of the jury nodded.

"We have your honor"

"Very well.  With regard to the charge of conspiracy to commit-"


The judge looked up from his document toward the voice from the back of the courtroom.

"I will ask that the audience remain quiet while the verdict is read"

"But I can prove they are innocent."

There was murmuring going through the room and the judge leaned forward, trying to see through the crowd to see who was speaking.

"Who is that? Who are you speaking"

The crowd, as cramped as it was seemed to part as the teenager with the red hair moved forward.  She had a black eye, and a slew of bruises, and was limping, but there was something many seemed to find familiar about her.

"You?  You're the one who was speaking?"

She nodded

"Yes your honor.  I have evidence - proof of the innocence of these two women"

"And who are you"

The girl's face was solemn, but her voice was clear.

"I was adopted by the Gellar-Masterton family of the Corporate Sector.  My birth name is Dahlia Winton"

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
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Offline Medivh

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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #48 on: October 16, 2013, 03:00:02 PM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital
Surface: Ambaril: Halls of Justice, Court of General Jurisdiction in the Republic

Flash Flash Flash Flash

For a moment, all that could be heard was the sound of cameras clicking.  Everyone from the prosecutor to the judge to Kyatt Corinthos, to her two clients to the jury - everyone was stunned.  No one was quite sure what to do, and so the cameras kept flashing.

Finally, the judge, staring at the girl shouted.

"Bailiff, excuse the jury.  Counselors - approach the bench"

Kyatt and the prosecutor approached as the jury was again escorted out of the room, the judge putting on the husher - adding to the sound of the cameras - so no one could overhear the conversation.

The judge first turned to Kyatt.

"Miss Corinthos - what is this?"
"I have no idea your honor."
"This isn't some last minute stunt to get your clients acquitted?"
"No your honor. I had no idea - I still have no idea what she wants to say"

The prosecutor jumped in

"Your honor, this jury has already made up their minds.  They have a verdict.  I don't think it matters what this girl has to say. The defense rested"

Kyatt turned to the prosecutor with an annoyed grimace on her face.

"I thought you defend justice"

Turning back to the judge

"Your honor - if she has proof that my clients are innocent, it would be an injustice not to allow that testimony on a technicality.  If they are innocent, they shouldn't be going to jail.  Justice would dictate innocent people be set free.  If she can prove their innocence, especially before the verdict has been read, there is no good reason to prevent it."

The judge leaned back in his chair, looking from Kyatt to the prosecutor then back again.

"I am curious as to what she has to say.  Here is what I will do.  I'll hold the verdict in reserve.  If I find the girl's testimony to be relevant and exculpatory, the jury will be allowed to incorporate that and reevaluate their verdict.  If not, I won't waste any more time, and I'll read the verdict I already have entered.  Clear?"

Kyatt nodded her head, and she and the prosecutor returned to their respective tables as the judge turned off the husher.

"Miss Winton, if you would please approach and take the witness stand.  I will ask that the press and audience do their best to keep quiet.  Bailiff, call back in the jury."

Dahlia Winton approached the stand, slowly, deliberately, moving to the seat and raising her right hand, the bailiff speaks

"Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?"

Dahlia nodded
"I do"

"Please be seated"

Kyatt and her colleagues looked over at Dahlia, Kyatt tapping on the table for a minute before speaking.

"Please state your name for the record"
"Dahlia Winton"
"Your last name is Winton?"
"My birth name is Winton.  My father was Alexander Winton, Director if Imperial Intelligence under Emperor Dementat."
"Do you have an alias?"

Dahlia had a glint in her eye, but her smile was simple.
"I grew up as Dahlia Gellar-Masterton, the name of my adopted parents, Rutherford Gellar and Celeste Masterton"
"You've taken on the name Winton recently?"
"it's part of the reason I was kidnapped"

The cameras had stopped clicking.  Even the photographers were hushed in an effort to hear the story.

"Dahlia - do you know who kidnapped you?"

She nodded her head

"It was a dark jedi"

"You mean a sith?"

Again Dahlia nodded "She kidnapped me, my brother, and my sister"


"She called herself 'Adubell' "

"And why did she kidnap you?"

"She said it was for revenge - revenge against my parents - my adopted parents.  She wanted to ruin their lives."

"Objection, your honor"  the prosecutor rose from his seat, "this is hearsay testimony"

Kyatt again glared at the prosecutor before turning to the judge. "your honor, a little leeway - I haven't had time to prep this witness"

"A LITTLE leeway, Miss Corinthos"

"Thank you"

Kyatt turned back to Dahlia

"She told you all of this?"
"Yes.  She had a plan to kidnap me and my siblings.  And then to place the blame on someone else"
"Did she tell you who?"

Again Dahlia nodded.

"She told me it was to be someone close to the Gellar family, someone who she also sought vengence on.  It was Circe Prescott"

Kyatt appreciated the barely audible gasp from the audience, but kept her demeanor strict.  She was as amazed by the testimony as everyone else.

"How did she plan to blame Circe Prescott?"

"Objection - your honor, this testimony is hearsay - we don't even know if this other person exists."

The judge frowned and turned to Dahlia.

"Miss Winton, where is this woman - this dark jedi now?"

"She's dead"

"How did she die?"

"She was hurting me ... she was beating me, and attacking me with lightning from her fingertips."

Dahlia's face went solemn, her eyes watering slightly.

"She lifted me up in the air, as if I weighed nothing, and threw me against walls. She tried choking me.  She kept hurting me, and hurting me. Over and over and over"

Dahlia was shaking now, the tears coming down.

"And then she was taking me somewhere - on a ship.  And even on the ship, she would hurt me.  But she was so close.  Her weapon - I saw it, and when she came down to hit me, I ignited it.  And it went straight through her.  She died because I killed her."

Dahlia was crying now as she shuffled under her clothes.

"I killed her with her own weapon"

And out she pulled the cylinder, Adubell's lightsaber, one end of it caked in dry blood.  Dahlia tossed the weapon down on the table in front of her, then covered her face to hide her tears.

Hours later ...

The court had recessed, to allow Dahlia to collect herself, and more importantly, for court officers to verify the claim.  Dahlia told them where the ship had been landed, and there inside they found the sith woman's body, killed by a lightsaber.

In the interim, Kyatt had had a chance to speak to Dahlia about her testimony, and now was prepared with what she needed.

"Dahlia, how was the sith going to blame Circe Prescott for the kidnapping?"

"She made Circe do all the steps.  She told me that Circe Prescott had been 'under her influence' for nearly ten years, and she could make Circe do anything she wanted without Circe even knowing"

"When did Circe fall under the sith's influence?"
"Adubell told me it was soon after the Battle of Centerpoint Station.  Circe had been grief-stricken and was visiting the home of Melanie Masterton - and my sister, Karen Winton.  That's where Adubell found her, and used her powers on her for the first time.  After that, she would visit Circe every time she needed that kind of clearance to get something.  Circe never knew about any of it."

"And what about Janessa Kain?"

"Adubell told me she wanted to make sure no one solved the kidnapping too soon.  So when the detective was zeroing in on the culprit, Adubell went to Kain when she was vulnerable - and forced her to commit murder.  Kain knew nothing about it"

"Now Dahlia, how do we know that Circe and Janessa weren't just working with the sith? How do we know she used her abilities to control them?"

"Adubell told me as much - but I also saw it."
"When? Where?"

"When I was kidnapped.  Me and my siblings were in a cave, deep in a dark cave.  But Rutherford Gellar, Circe Prescott, and others came to rescue us.  They saved my siblings - but when my father was coming to me, I saw the change in him.  Saw his face go from brave to frightened.  He had been possessed.  Possessed by the Force.  And he ran - the last time I saw my father was him running away, leaving me"

"Do you blame him, Dahlia?"

"I did - I did at first.  But then I realized what happened.  She didn't just do it to them. She did it to me.  It was part of the torture.  I wouldn't remember what happened and wake up with blisters on my arms.  Then she would show me a video of me taking hot coals in my hands, blank stare ahead.  She did awful things to me. Made me do awful things to myself.  I can't blame my father.  He wasn't himself.

That's why I had to come here - after ... after I killed her, I came to Chandaar.  I had to stop the trial, I had to let the court know that it wasn't their fault"

Kyatt nodded her head.

"Thank you Dahlia.  I have no further questions"

The jury had disappeared for all of ten minutes before coming back out.

"How do you find?"

"On all counts, we find the defendants not guilty"

The judge nodded his head, turning to Circe and Janessa.

"You are free to go"


Ten minutes later, Dahlia stood outside the building, surrounded by cameras, Circe Prescott, now free, standing protectively nearby.

"I think it's dangerous - the power of the Force.  The kind of control they can wield on anyone.  They can read thoughts, control actions. Anyone is vulnerable.  From a teenager, to heads of state.  I'm afraid. Afraid I'll be taken again. Afraid I'll be used, beaten, or worse, again."

"Dahlia, you say you fear the sith-"

"Not just the sith.  I think anyone who has that kind of power over the force - I worry about how it might be used."

"Even the jedi?"

"I'm not going to stand here talking about the jedi right now.  All I know is I want to get far away from them.  I want to go home"


But Dahlia was done, and Circe helped part the crowd, along with a handful of republic security, escorting Dahlia to a medical facility to check her injuries before prepping for the trip back to the Corporate Sector.

A short distance away, Kyatt was packing up her notes when she was approached, again

"You shouldn't have done that"

Kyatt turned to face the jedi again

"you've said that before"
"what you did - what Dahlia did.  It will have consequences far beyond what you see"
"the teenager told the truth about the jedi, and you cowered away. At the moment, I'll be more sympathetic to her."
"It will come back to haunt you.  Haunt all of us.  Don't say I didn't warn you"

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Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #49 on: November 03, 2013, 01:20:01 PM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital

Surface: Ambaril

The Jedi Nevylinn returns from delivering Gemma Masterton to the Corporate Sector. She had done as she was asked. The Masterton girl is trained and in full control of her abilities. She had grown close to Gemma in their time together and had seen the capacity for good the girl held. There is a deep compassion in her heart. Her potential as a Jedi exceeds, in her humble opinion those which Melanie held. There are latent powers in Gemma that she never saw in Melanie. The healing white light and its ability to cleanse a place or person of the dark side is by far the most impressive. Gemma had essentially exorcized the demons lingering in the ruins of the Greyson Estate on Naboo.

Nevylinn's concerns lay not with faith in Gemma but in the photage of her sister Adubell and the council's request that Gemma conceal any involvement with the Jedi and her newfound abilities. She had obeyed because there must be a sound motive. The Jedi do not act without such yet there is lingering guilt she had not come forward with the identity of the Sith after she encountered Adubell on Korriban let alone after she had been shown the photage. Adubell is the only family she had and there is hesitation to betray her despite their very different lives.

She gains clearance to land and descends through the Senate Hall into the Jedi Chambers below. She is greeted by Jedi Atrii who walks with her.

"I am glad to see you have returned safely."

"Thank you, Donovan. What news is there from the council?"

He turns, "You haven't heard?"

"No," she says. "I chose to meditate throughout most of my journey. You seem tense, my friend. Tell me what troubles you."

"The Winton girl has returned."


"She escaped her captor and fled to Chandaar where she narrowly averted sentencing in the Prescott-Kain trial. Both have been found not guilty."

Nevylinn sighs, avoiding the major question of Dahlia's escape.

"That is good news."

"Not entirely," Donovan says. "Kaytt Corinthos attempted to subpoena our testimony in her defense of the counselor and liaison."

"Who's testimony?"

"The Jedi. She made waves with her accusations that her clients had committed the acts they were accused of under the influence of the Force and she wanted the Jedi to validate that theory."

"Did you?"

"No but our decision to abstain led to a far greater concern."

Nevylinn frowns, "What happened?"

"Both Counselor Corinthos and Dahlia Winton spoke out against Force users. Not just the Sith. Everyone who shares a connection is now suspect. These statements have ignited a public fear we believe may have dangerous repercussions for us."

"Understandably so," she says, shaking her head. "And where is Dahlia Winton now?"

"The Winton girl was personally escorted back to the Corporate Sector by Counselor Prescott and Janessa Kain. I'm sure you can imagine the headlines and publicity this is generating. The public sentiment is turning."

They reach the inner chambers where Nevylinn decides to inquire.

"What of Dahlia's captor?"

Donovan motions ahead of him as the doors open.

"I'll show you."

Inside, Jedi Atrii moves to a key pad and unlocks a compartment in the wall. He withdraws a small holo-projector which he hands to Nevylinn.

"During her testimony, the Winton girl recounted her torture and escape. She saw an opportunity and took it, slaying the woman with her own lightsaber."

"This was confirmed?"

"Yes," Donovan says. "They found the weapon and body in the shuttle just as the girl described. You can see for yourself."

Nevylinn taps on the projector as a series of images appear. First is the shuttle, the interior and then the weapon and body. She scrolls through what looks like RSB crime scene stills until she gets to the shots of the body. The position is noted, bent over and curled up. Then there is the photage of the face.

Nevylinn gasps.

Lying dead on the floor of a shuttle is her sister, Adubell.


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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #50 on: November 04, 2013, 01:46:57 PM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital

Surface: Ambaril: Senate Building

Senator Ingrat stood on the platform, his image magnified by the holo-projectors for all the chamber to see.

"It is clear from the events of this past year that the Force is a dangerous, dangerous thing.  Certainly, it can be a tool used for good. But there is no doubt the risks of abuse of that power far outweigh the benefits.  How do we know when someone has the ability?  How do we know that a meeting with a high-ranked official doesn't lead to tampering with that official's mind?  We don't.

Therefore, I today am bringing forth a bill to this senate, The Force-User Registration Act.  This bill will carry the following three provisions:
First, any and all individuals who are able to use the Force must register with a government database.
Second, individuals who enter any government building or any military complex must consent to a check to see if they are a Force user, or provide documentation of their current status.
Finally any individual who is registered as a Force user or who refuses to be screened for Force sensitivity may be refused admission to any government, military, or other building if there is a concern of abuse."

He paused, glancing around the room.  There was murmuring, and confirming his suspicions, the loudest outrage seemed to be coming from the Corellian delegation.  He prevented the smile that he was feeling as he continued.

"To address some of the concerns that have been discussed - the jedi, who have, despite being a non-government entity, taken residence in the sub-basement of this chamber.  They will be subject to these rules as well. The jedi already have a roster of their members, and therefore, we assume all of them will be registered as Force users.  The jedi will be able to enter their offices as they always have.  But now the public will know what they know - who they are, and what they are capable of.  It will keep us safe, and keep them safe."

Murmuring was growing, protests were shouted, but Shale Apteen, Speaker of the Senate rose to quiet them down.

"The rules of the senate guarantee the Senator the right to propose this bill, and set it for debate.  I understand sufficient members have already signed on that it will guarantee a floor vote.  I move for this bill to move to debate, and encourage a vibrant discussion.  Debate will be capped at three days, after which, it will be up for a vote.  I will oversee the debate myself"

His voice was all business, and apparently, despite some aids confusion, he had aided in the bill making it to the floor.
With an iron will, the speaker wielded his authority, with an efficiency that he did not often display, and though he let both sides speak, it was clear he favored the bill being passed, quite to the surprise of some of his closest allies.

It was after the day's session had closed that the representative from Corellia approached him.

"Mr. Speaker, I was a bit surprised by the way that the Force bill came forward"

Shale Apteen turned on him.

"Why, Mr. Representative?  it's a valid point.  Force users have the ability to sabotage us at the highest levels of government. I for one would like to avoid that."
"But a registry ... it seems excessive."

Apteen's eyes narrowed.
"if the delegation from Corellia finds a bill excessive, perhaps they should have their senator present to make that argument.  In Mr. Soldys' absence, the issues of running the Republic have continued, and this is one of them.  Tell the senator when he deigns to return to Chandaar, I'll discuss the new law with him.  Until then, I have an Empire to defeat and a government to run.  Please don't waste any more of my time"

Apteen turned and walked away before the representative could say anything else, but it did definitely leave concern.  A few minutes later, he was in the Corellian delegation suite, contacting Coronet.

"I need to speak with the Senator.  There has been ... a development"

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Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #51 on: December 08, 2013, 03:03:39 PM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital

Surface: Ambaril

The CSA shuttle carrying Janessa Kain and the security team lands without incident in the main space port in downtown. It had been an uneventful journey on the surface but gave Janessa time to reflect on all that had happened. Before Kaytt had gotten them moved from general rotation, they had suffered abuse at the hands of the other inmates. There were many people who resented their positions despite not having any real connection to how or why the others were incarcerated. That didn't stop them from taking it out on them. Janessa is not a fighter and had nearly been raped twice by the female inmates in the shower. People always made jokes about it because they had no idea that's how things work on the inside. She is no longer laughing. Her bravado is merely a defense mechanism to stave off the guilt and fear that threatened to swallow her whole.

Circe was right. She had murdered Inspector Erbon. The photage shown at the trial was graphic and other worldly. She had watched herself behave in a way she never thought possible. The calculated and brutal way in which she slew the RSB Inspector was not something she could have done on her own but the jury wasn't going to see it that way. Not at first. She thought she was going to be found guilty. Hell, she knows the jury already condemned them both. If Dahlia had not shown up to save the day, she is certain she and Circe would have been put to death. To know that she had been violated by the dark Jedi makes her skin crawl. Before all this, the Force was just something people referenced from the past. She knew the Jedi were still around somewhere but it had been quite some time since they or anyone using the Force had been at the forefront of public attention. After the Battle of Centerpoint and all the coverage that went with it, the Force users simply faded into the background. It's not like they were forgotten entirely but the public chose to focus on more tangible aspects of the worlds. The Republic came into its own and expanded rapidly, gathering world after world that had once been occupied by the Empire.

Janessa was barely twenty-one at the time of the Centerpoint Battle and had spent the ensuing years building her career as the liaison to the Corporate Sector. She loved her work and had sacrificed the traditional benchmarks of marriage and family for that work. She preferred the scandalous nature of sex and her many trysts with politicians, executives and even Garron Prescott served to satiate a need beyond what a woman is supposed to want. She was like a man except far more attractive.

The judge and jury had acquitted her and the Direx Board bestowed their forgiveness and rallied support but she wonders what her reputation would be like back in the Republic. She had, after all, killed a man. Would her contacts view her as the victim of a horrific scheme or as a murderess? It would factor heavily into her business relationships. Trust is an important part of these deals. Many who had once been aligned with her found themselves questioning that loyalty during the trial. The Direx Board's confidence is a start but would it be enough?

Janessa steps off the shuttle flanked by the security team. There is a transport waiting to take her back to her apartment. The team is stationed outside the building as well as her door. She is finally alone and she lets out a huge sigh. She takes a nap then showers and changes into a tight embellished blouse, pencil skirt and thick black heels. Staring at herself in the mirror, she hardly recognizes this person. She looks just as she always has – dark, narrow eyes, flawless skin and full lips – but she feels different. She slips on her glasses and a jacket then grabs her appointment datapad and heads out the door.

The team moves as she moves, close but not too close. They are tall, hulking men in suits that could blend in an out of the city bustle. In the transport, she requests to be taken to the offices of Solem, Lancing, Wray and Corinthos. The ride over is quiet and gives her time to think about the things Rutherford and Kylie said. Were they still in danger? Would they all be punished for their association with the Gellar-Masterton's? It seemed trite after all this time. The sins of The Four or their families were part of the past now. Why would anyone still care? Clearly, someone does as they had gone to great lengths to put the screws to Rutherford and his family.

The Severyn Corporate Tower lies just on the north side of Inverness Park with spectacular views into the grounds below. Janessa is cleared by the building security and takes the lifts up to the firm's floor. The office is bustling with legal aides and associates scrambling. She waves at Avery and catches site of Brennan escorting two frazzled looking citizens into a conference room. She stops by the reception desk and asks for Kaytt. The receptionist verifies while putting several calls on hold and waves her away.

Kaytt is finishing up on a com-call when she enters. Tapping off, she smiles. 

"I didn't know you were back in town. When did you get in?"

"A few hours ago," Janessa says. "This place is a madhouse. I take it business is good?"

Kaytt shakes her head.

"You have no idea. Ever since the trial ended and the Senate announced the Force user registration, this office has been flooded with calls. Apparently, everyone who committed a crime now asserts they were under the influence of the Force and cannot be held responsible for their actions. It's insane. Since I'm the one who scored the victory on that front, narrowly I might add, I'm the one everyone wants to represent them."

"Flattering but highly improbable, right? I mean, not everyone who did something bad was coerced."

"Exactly," Kaytt says. "But that's not how the narrative is playing out. The public is terrified and now believes their minds can be hijacked by the Jedi or anyone with Force ability and made to do these unspeakable things. It's become the scapegoat for any violent crime. RSB is overwhelmed and we cannot handle the sheer volume of cases being tossed our way. Speaker Apteen is not helping matters by inciting this kind of public panic."

"That seems a bit aggressive. I thought he was far more rational than that."

"So did I."

Janessa's face falls.

"I just wanted to thank you."

"You don't have to."

"Yes, I do. You fought for us and almost lost even though you knew there was something more going on."

"If you want to thank anyone, thank Dahlia Winton."

"We already did," Janessa says. "Profusely."

"How is she holding up?"

"Better than I would be given all she's been through. Counselor Prescott is still in the Sector with the Gellar-Masterton family."

Kaytt nods, "I heard she was on personal leave."

"Do you blame her?"

"No but I'm surprised you are back so quickly. I take it the Direx Board was eating their words by the time you arrived."

"They were quite complimentary, yes. I was given their full confidence to resume my duties representing them."

"I am glad to hear it. Are you okay?"

"I will be."

"What is it?"

They had been friends a long time and there was no sense in keeping anything from her. Janessa holds her gaze.

"Do you think we are still a threat to whoever did this?"

"Why do you ask?"

"I heard you told Vex Sienna that anyone with connections to the Gellar-Masterton's or The Four may be targets."

"It was a possibility I was exploring."

"Well, according to Garron Prescott, that now includes you."

Kaytt ignores the bleeping of her desk com.

"How so?"

"I went to dinner with Garron, Circe and a woman named Kylie Miranda."

Kaytt makes a face, "Yes, I remember her. She wasn't exactly hospitable to me during my visit."

"She's protective of the family."

"And I was protecting my clients."

"I'm not calling your intentions into question here, Kaytt. I just want to know if your theory still stands. Kylie mentioned that you implied these events may have a shared, deeper connection to the family…to The Four."

Kaytt shifts her weight and moves around her desk.

"I think the individuals targeted were not random and they do share a common thread. Circe Prescott was part of the Jedi Masterton's team who barely escaped an Imperial assault on Arbra then fled to Corellia. She was the sole survivor of that team when she was sent by the Jedi herself to appeal to the Republic for help."

"Help which they did not provide."

"True but survivors guilt made her vulnerable to influence as the photage showed when she was approached by the dark Jedi on Hesperidium. You work with the Corporate Sector and have a business relationship with Rutherford Gellar. That proximity and your intoxicated state made you an obvious target when the Inspector got too close to the truth. Given Dahlia's testimony, it is clear that the dark Jedi wanted the Gellar-Masterton's to suffer and it did not matter who got hurt in the process. Celeste Masterton, Garron Prescott, Kylie Miranda and even Vex Sienna were also possible targets given their associations both past and present."

"And now you, with Dahlia's help, freed Circe and I from charges that were supposed to put us both out of commission permanently."

"Making me a target as well."

"Yes," Janessa says. "I say this out of concern for you. You've done so much to help and I would hate for that to put you in any danger. Before I left the Sector, Rutherford Gellar provided me with an Espos security detail as a precaution. He suggested you request one from the Republic as well."

Kaytt smiles slyly.

"I'm touched but on what grounds? I would have to site a reason for the request and I can't go on a hunch."

"Dahlia's testimony is reason enough. They wanted to hurt her parents, make them suffer and they would use people close to them to do it. Circe and I were already victims. You would just be taking preventative measures to ensure it doesn't happen again. Garron said he doesn't believe this is over and we don't know if the dark Jedi was acting alone."

Kaytt swallows hard. It is a question she had asked herself many times after the trial concluded but she had been so caught up in the aftermath that she had yet to fully come to any conclusions that made sense. The Republic was focused on the registration of Force users with the public in the throes of paranoia and accusation. Dahlia never mentioned any others involved. It was just the dark Jedi who orchestrated their kidnapping and held them prisoner. That may be what they saw because that is what they were all meant to believe.

"You are right. I'm sorry for doubting you. I'll request one from the RSB if they can spare the manpower right now."

"Thank you. I'll let you get back to it. I've got clients to sway."

"That's right. With the Federation out of the game, the market is wide open."

"I'm counting on it."

"Good luck," Kaytt says.

"You too."

Janessa leaves the tower with the security team in place around her. She would head to the Senate building and make her presence known. They would need a show of confidence and assurances that it was business as usual.


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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #52 on: December 09, 2013, 01:11:18 PM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital

Surface: Ambaril: Senate Building

The trial was sensational enough, but no one could have imagined the momentum it  generated toward the Force-User Registration Act.  All across Chandaar, and in the nearer Republic worlds, talk of the act and its implications filled discussions in public forums, town halls, speeches, scholarly discussions.  And while there were those opposed to it, it seemed as if a clear and vocal majority favored it.

At the same time, a companion bill was also making its way through the Senate, garnering almost as much press and attention:  The Force User Criminal Behavior Act.  It made it a Class-1 felony to use the Force in the commission of a crime, or to manipulate another to commit a crime.  It made it a Class-2 felony to use the Force to manipulate any individual against their will, or to use the Force if not registered as a Force user (subject to the passage of the Force User Registration Act).  Finally, it added a provision that though Force manipulation could be an affirmative defense in a criminal trial, the defense had the entire burden of proving an individual was manipulated by the Force to commit the crime for which they were charged.  This last provision was to prevent what was happening all across the Republic - the claim that individuals were innocent because they were manipulated to commit the crime by Force users.

In this atmosphere, growingly hostile to the jedi, and suspicious of many, Senator Artemis Soldys returned to Chandaar, immediately arranging to meet with Speaker shale Apteen.

The change hit him almost the minute he stepped into the Speaker's office.  The Speaker's handshake was stiff, his eyes cold, his lips pursed in a serious expression.  Previously, the two had been colleagues and friends.  Now it seemed no more.

"Glad to see you back at your post, Senator Soldys.  What is it you want?"
"I want to talk to you about the Registration bill"

The speaker shook his head
"Of course you do."

Artemis continued.

"Your setting up a system of suspicion, paranoia.  it will breed hate"
"It will breed caution, not to mention openness."
"It will hurt the jedi who have been -"

This time, the Speaker cut him off
"Who have been residing in our basement and providing nothing in return.  They are secretive, and follow their own agenda with their own motives.  When was the last time the jedi stood up for the Republic?"

Artemis sighed.
"They defended us at Corellia"

Apteen let out a huffed laugh.  "One jedi protected her friend from their ex-friend who was also a force user, at a time and place where the Republic was not involved.  Your best example is ten years stale, and still has holes in it"
"No Mr. Speaker - with all due respect, that fight is a symbol of what the jedi protect us from.  The sith.  Were it not for the Jedi, the sith would be ruling the galaxy with an iron-clad fist.  We need them for protection from THAT threat"

"This law will protect us from that threat, and the jedi, who do nothing except care for their own, will be obsolete.  let them hide in their basement.  They'll continue to do nothing and say nothing for the Republic. If they want to prove themselves, neither of these laws will prevent that.  We'll know who they are, and what they can do, and they can try defending us like that.  Was there anything else, Senator?"

Artemis was speechless, almost out of surprise at the hostile town the Speaker had toward the jedi - what had happened in the months he was gone.

But Apteen wasn't waiting for an answer, already moving toward the door.

"Then you had best head to the floor for your vote.  It will be your first in months, so I hope you remember what to do"
"I had responsibilities on Corellia"
"Your job is to represent Corellia here.  You weren't doing your job. Corellia has enough capable hands that they don't need you.  Go vote, senator, or run back to your world, but either way, get out of my office"

Soldys spent the next hour trying to speak with as many senators as he could, trying to garner enough support to halt the vote, just a little bit, just for a short while, to buy himself some time.  The Speaker was right - he had been away too long, and his sudden return didn't carry with it the political capital sticking around would have had.  The vote on both the registration bill and the crime bill passed.

Implementation of the registration system was complex, and the registration requirement would not be completely imposed for another year.  Artemis had failed to stop the bill from passing, but he would spend the next year fighting with all his strength to make sure it was never implemented.  He was heading back to his office, head hung in defeat when someone approached from behind him.

"We could have used you a bit earlier, senator"

Artemis stopped and turned to face Donavan Atrii.

"It seems everyone has that opinion.  The speaker, you.  There were issues at Corellia that-"

Donavan held up his hand. "I was not blaming you.  You need to do what is best for Corellia.  But your voice is one of the strongest in the Senate, and we needed strong voices to stop these laws.  Something dangerous is coming.  We cannot place it for sure, but we know it's there, slowly but surely, and one day, we won't be here to stop it."

"there is still time, Master Donavan.  A year before the law is implemented"
"It will be hard to fight a popular law saying we need to keep less secrets.  But our concern is that this is just the first step in a larger plot against the jedi and the Republic."

"Ingrat might be a selfish, egotistical politician, but he isn't trying to undermine the Republic. It's his source of power"
"Ingrat might have proposed the bill - but we don't think he thought of it himself.  It's too calculated, even for him"
"Then who?  Who drafted this bill, knowing what it would do?"

Donavan frowned.
"We don't know - but we don't have that much time to figure it out"
"I'll help you any way I can."

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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #53 on: December 19, 2013, 02:15:22 PM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital
Surface: Ambaril: Senate Building

The Jedi High Council stood in the ante-chamber of Speaker Apteen's office.  In the past, meetings like this had been friendly, although serious in nature.  But at the moment, they all felt betrayed by Apteen's support of the new laws, and his recent behavior toward the jedi.  No one was quite sure what to expect.

A secretary ushered them in, offering little hint of the meeting ahead.

As they entered, they found the Speaker sitting at his desk, perusing a series of datapads.  They waited in silence for a minute - a rather uncomfortable minute - before he looked up.

"Thank you for coming"

The Council leader, Jedi Master Ven Agnant, took a step forward.

"We are always honored to be called before the speaker.  I imagine this is to discuss the recently passed laws in the senate?"

Apteen offered a smirk and shook his head.

"Incorrect, Master Agnant.  I called you here because of the war with the Empire"

There was some fluster among the jedi, Apteen's cool eyes scanning the council before returning to Agnant.

"I was under the assumption that protecting the Republic was more important to the jedi than politics in the capital ... unless I was mistaken?"

Agnant's face hardened, though his words remained polite.

"Protecting the people of the Republic is the jedi's primary concern, however the Council-"

Apteen cut him off.

"I am sure the jedi has many opinions about a great many things, Master Agnant.  But like with everyone else, there is a process.  Be they citizens or servants of the Republic, there are responsibilities and processes that need to be followed.  If you want to address a law that lawfully passed, there is a process to be followed.  And I called you here to fulfill your responsibilities to the Republic."

Apteen took the silence as assent, and  lifted a small clicker and pressed the button, illuminating a small 2-dimensional galaxy map, showing the Republic's territories as well as bordering imperial worlds.

"The Empire was thrown back from the Wheel, where our scouts report they had been trying to set up a forward base of operations inside the gravity well nets, to increase their flexibility with attacks.  We managed to dislodge them from there - and now have a regular patrol in the Besh Gorgon system to ensure the void there isn't filled by enemies - and the Empire has proceeded to a more conventional war plan.  The nets successfully have reduced the number of targets for them, but they are hitting a series of border worlds on our northern border.  Bandomeer in particular is under heavy pressure, due to its proximity to the Braxant run, a major corridor to imperial territory.  A large Republic force was sent there to hold back the Empire, but more strikes are occurring all along the Hydian Way.  The Empire has managed to besiege the Hydian Way, preventing the speedy delivery of supplies to our forces, and hurting commerce.  I've heard reports that even the Corporate Sector is feeling some of the sting of the seiged trade routes."

"And how will you be dealing with it?"

"I will be sending the jedi to lead a series of military teams to attack each of the imperial choke points.  With the Hydian Way clear, I intend on taking the battle on the offensive, pushing the Empire out of the north and suring up our defenses"

"Why the jedi?"

"Because, Master Agnant, that is your job.  In the days of the Old Republic, the Jedi were the leaders of the military.  The Jedi's organizational skills and ability to unite as a strong force made the efforts more effective.  I know the Empire has sith fighting for them.  We all know it.  And the recent debacle certainly puts to rest any belief the sith are gone.  We need jedi to combat those forces."

Agnant nodded. "the jedi, of course, can and will serve, but we feel as though our hands were tied by this new legislation.  We are to be trusted to lead the military, but not to walk on the streets of Chandaar?"

Apteen's face showed clear annoyance, even contempt as he spoke

"I would have thought you would see this as an opportunity to do your duty to the Republic - and show the Republic that the jedi can be trusted.  If you show the people the good you can do, the law might very well change.  I will be submitting assignments for the jedi within a few days time, and expect all jedi to be deployed within two weeks.  Any questions?"

The jedi glanced at each other, in silence, and Apteen nodded.

"Excellent.  You are dismissed."

The jedi seemed surprised at the sudden dismissal, or perhaps, noted how unsurprised they were, based on the Speaker's flippant attitude.  They turned and began filing out, just as the Speaker said.

"Oh, and I expect the jedi to be fully registered under the new law before you all depart."

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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #54 on: December 24, 2013, 09:39:12 AM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital
Surface: Ambaril: Jedi Chamber

The jedi had reassembled in their basement home beneath the senate building, hushed by the weight of change that had come over them.  It had occurred to them that in a room full of jedi that the Speaker was unperturbed by the possibility that they might do what so many seemed afraid of them doing - manipulating his mind.

Maybe he didn't fear them. Maybe this was about something else for him.

But for all of them, the reality was clear - the Speaker was effectively taking the jedi out of the scene during the months when the new laws would be in the most precarious state.  They couldn't fight against the law if they weren't there.  it also put them - most of them anyways - in harms way, and in a place where they could be blamed if the war went badly.
The room carried not only the jedi masters, but many of the lower ranked jedi as well.

The conversation was started by a younger jedi.  "Master Agnant, are we expected to obey these orders?"

The oldest of the jedi took his seat, silent for several minutes, and in doing so, hushing the other jedi from their murmuring.  Finally, he spoke.

"We must obey these orders.  For all of our concerns of the current reality, the Speaker did speak the truth - if we are to protect the Republic and its people, we must do so.  Maybe we have been keeping a low profile for too long, preparing to fight an existential threat, without responding to the actual threats.  The galaxy used to see us as guardians of peace and justice, now they see us as a secret society.  We not only will obey these orders, but we will use it to portray ourselves in a new light."

The other jedi in the room whispered for a minute before one again spoke up

"And what about the registration?"

It was a trickier issue.  Marking jedi as targets in a way others would not be.  And yet, Master Agnant just nodded his head.

"We have nothing to hide.  All jedi are known to be jedi.  The law won't change that"
"But it will put all of our names in a book somewhere"

"The book already exists, Master Yin-Go.  We will obey the law, as citizens of the Republic, as guardians of the laws that are passed.  This is how we fight without fighting."

Agnant had a commanding presence, even among his colleagues and they deferred to his voice, consenting with nods or small whispers.  Finally, he nodded his head.

"Very well, as to these assignments.  Each master will take two younger jedi to support their assignments at the following locations:
Master Yin-Go, you  will be assigned to the fleet at Ruuria.
Master Waring, you will be assigned to the fleet at Telos.
Master Bolden, you will be assigned to the fleet at Toprawa.
Master Chinyani, you will be assigned to the fleet at Taris.
I will lead a contingent of six jedi to bolster us at Bandomeer and assist with pushing back the Empire.
Master Manoth, you will be assigned to the fleet at Junction, and will also be responsible for tasks at the Besh Gorgon system.
I will also be assigning a jedi to liason with the Corporate Sector, and I believe Jedi Nevylinn is most suited to that task.

As to matters here, I am leaving Master Donavan in charge of the academy, and for responding to the current political situation.  He has indicated we may have a stalwart ally from Corellia.  They will be working together on how to incorporate the Corellian western and northwestern fleets with the rest of the Republic's north fleets, and will also develop a strategy for combating the new registration laws.

Your orders are given - everyone is to do as required.  fill out the registration information, and take a jedi transport device to your assigned location, within one week of today. Dismissed."

The jedi bowed and began filing out, when Master Agnant spoke out.

"Nevylinn - come here"

Nevylinn turned, waiting for the rest to leave until she was alone with Agnant.

"Yes, Master?"

"In the Corporate Sector, you will be required to liason with the Direx Board.  They are not unfriendly with the Empire, and in fact, the Empire, I understand has partial ownership of some of their corporate entities.  But the Sector doesn't like some of the trade barriers the Empire has established."

"I understand Master"

"You must be careful - you should consider it like any other enemy territory.  There will be those there who would like nothing better than to stab you behind the back."

Nevylinn nodded solemnly, again responding.

"Yet that is not why you assigned me there."

"No, Nevylinn.  I want you to also keep an eye on the young Gellar-Mastertons.  They have gone through quite an ordeal, to be sure.  But each of them no doubt took something different out of it.  You trained Gemma as a jedi.  Dane, I've heard, has hardened his shell.  And none of us are certain about young Dahlia."

Nevylinn thought back to face of her dead sister in the shuttle.

"She escaped the sith"
"The council has worried that perhaps she was meant to escape.  We just don't know why.  Keep an eye on her. On all of them.  I trust you with this assignment"

"I will not let you down, Master Agnant"

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
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Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #55 on: February 13, 2014, 10:22:37 PM »
"who is gonna break the ice
no room for shallow alibis
who will be the first to bite
or do we keep on playing nice
until the next time…"

-Silversun Pickups "Cannibal"

Chandaar: Republic Capital

Surface: Ambaril

The clash between civil rights activists and the ruling government body has been intense yet done little to repeal the Force User Registration Act. Counselor Circe Prescott was introduced to a handful of Senator's, including Senator Artemis Soldys of Corellia, opposed to the law. They had been given floor time within the Senate chamber but despite their most convincing arguments, Speaker Apteen remained unconvinced. With other Senator's backing his play, it seems the law was in place to stay at least for now.

The citizens of Chandaar and other Republic worlds have been deeply divided on the issue. On one hand, it speaks to the safety and greater public good. On the other, it treads along a fine line between government control and the personal right to privacy. Protests had cropped up throughout the capital. Some had remained peaceful and others, not as much. The Republic Security Bureau have since increased their forces around the Senate building and surrounding downtown area. Director Drakos and his agents do their best to keep the peace.

Counselor Prescott and Senator Soldys meet privately with Speaker Apteen but getting the meeting had been a challenge in and of itself. Artemis was cautious yet skeptical of Apteen's insistence this was the best course of action for the Republic as a whole. Apteen himself seemed surprised Circe, a victim of Force manipulation for many years, would be so quick to protest. She argues that one user does not poison the entire population and should not create a new generation of Force sensitives afraid to come forward with their identities. Artemis also brings up a solid point – fear of registration may dissuade some from seeking out the Jedi and their peaceful teachings and turn directly to the dark side as a form of retribution. Circe concurs, citing the law could be construed as persecution. Speaker Apteen, with a cold and unwavering stare, cares not for such things and sends them both away.


Elsewhere in Ambaril, Janessa Kain now grapples with a market flooded with internal vendors. The CEC acquisition of Federation holdings caused quite the ripple of surprise. She had been broadsided by the sudden unforeseen turn and the call from Iver Aguilar made things very clear with just how displeased everyone is.

Janessa has to course correct quickly, given the Corporate Sector's quest for market dominance. She evaluates the most prominent CSA vendors operating within the Republic and attempts to calculate how each would be affected. Some look fairly grim, given the proximity and political standing Corellia has. Others would not be threatened. Considering Corellia and the Federation's history with droids, it is unlikely Cybot Galactica's shares would change dramatically. This also rings true of ChemiX as a central supplier of medication. Ships and weapons, however, would have to alter marketing strategy in order to remain even remotely competitive. It is not a conversation she is looking forward to having but compiles the report and copies Aguilar.

She returns home to shower and change just in time to meet Kaytt Corinthos and Kinsa Cavanaugh for dinner. Kinsa is a socialite from an extremely wealthy family who founded and operates Cavanaugh Hotels Galactic, a string of luxury properties on many key worlds. The Hotel Ovallus is their signature property in downtown Ambaril. The trial had significantly raised Kaytt's profile and thrust her into the public spotlight, especially in connection to the mysterious appearance of the lost Winton royal. Her firm has done very well for themselves, increasing business almost three hundred percent since the trial ended. Janessa was the subject of much debate in the press and on the Holo commentary channels. She was viewed as a vicious killer who got off scot free or a seductive victim of a much larger conspiracy. This reputation seems to wield considerable clout and instill fear with the Republic vendors. It certainly makes them easier to handle.

They dine at the newly opened restaurant The Populist which lies adjacent to Inverness Park West. People stare as they are seated at a prominent table. There are perks of being local celebrities even for infamous antics or coerced brutality. They discuss the hot button topics over cocktails. It all feels so strangely familiar to the night Janessa murdered Inspector Erbon and she pauses, martini glass in hand, and wonders if others may be thinking the same thing. The details of the events leading up to the slaying were recounted in court, not that Kinsa had been much help. She was an unreliable witness at best. Janessa suddenly feels very exposed as the weight of her actions back up on her. She excuses herself and weaves through the restaurant to the ladies room.

In front of the mirror, she takes several deep breathes and tries to collect herself. Get it together, Janessa. You are tougher than this. She had navigated sexual trysts with some of the Republic's most powerful politicians and captains of industry. Surely a pesky murder she fully committed while her mind was hijacked by some kid-stealing Sith sociopath wouldn't slow her stride. Yet it has. Perhaps Circe was right. Her cavalier attitude toward the events is detached and devoid of emotional involvement. She hasn't really dealt with it at all and the cracks are beginning to show. Janessa ignores the whispers of the women who stare at her as they pass.

How does one cope with something so heinous?

She swallows hard, straightens up and walks back into the restaurant.


Offline Medivh

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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #56 on: February 28, 2014, 12:53:13 PM »
Bandomeer: War Front, Southern End of Braxant Run

With the jedi now leading the Republic forces against the imperial assaults - mostly from the north, the war had become a heavy back and forth. The Republic currently held every world along the Hydian Way's northern corridor, but they continued to struggle to hold it.  Imperial attacks came often, and strong.  The Republic had been forced to retreat from Bandomeer and Junction, and in retaking those holdings from the Empire, had suffered significant casualties facing imperial fortified positions.

Even after retaking Bandomeer, the easiest point of entry and exit with imperial territory, the planet was hard to hold.  Residents did not provide support for either entity, which hurt the Republic's democratic ways far more than the imperials brutal control.  With limited support from the ground, the fleet was forced to have it's reinforcements, supplies, and troops ferried from other worlds.

Master Agnant, to help relieve some of the supply issues, had ordered constructed in orbit a dozen supply platforms, and to strengthen the republic hold on the world, two golan platforms and four starfighter platforms.  That was in addition to sector fleet that was stationed there, with dozens of mon calimari cruisers and corellian dreadnaughts, plus support craft.

As expected, Bandomeer was serving both as the first line of defense against the Empire, while simultaneously being a launching point to take the war on the offensive.

The Empire, rather than engaging fleet-on-fleet with the Republic, and potentially incurring severe losses of their own, had been attacking outlying ships, sending in mini-fleets to engage with smaller portions of the Republic fleet, dishing out as much damage as possible, and then slipping away before reinforcements could get close enough to join in.  Battles occurred on a near daily basis, never in the same place twice, and the Republic fleet, while not suffering any significant casualties of its own, was having morale plummet.

This of course, led to infighting and second guessing, especially between the mon calimari cruiser groups, led primarily by the mon calimari themselves, or captains from the northern parts of the Republic, and the corellian cruiser groups, mostly commanded by corellians and southern Republicans.

The Empire had just completed a raid, destroying corellian corvette, and causing minor hull damage on a corellian dreadnaught, and Master Agnant was refereeing an argument between two captains.

"If Captain Nerys had responded faster, I wouldn't have lost my ship"

The wide-eyed calimari made a snorting noise.

"Captain Fletcher's gun firing patterns made it impossible for us to move in any faster.  he didn't even send out the proper request for reinforcements, he ..."

Interruption.  Yelling, shouting.  Agnant sighed then bellowed out in as commanding a voice as he could.

"Gentlemen, STOP!  This is unacceptable!  I am tired of us fighting each other.  We lost a ship today - we lost PEOPLE today, and the attrition we suffer every day of this war makes it all the more important that we work together, not against each other.  If you cannot work together, I will be having my jedi take command of your ships, and your fleets.  Do I make myself clear?"

Both captains begrudingly agreed.

"Good - now we took back Bandomeer nearly a month ago, and yet we are still on the defensive.  This is our problem. The Empire knows we are here, knows we cannot leave, and by continuing to make these raids, prevents us from going on the offensive with any coherence.  We need to break free of those expectations, and we need to strike the Empire soon.

Our scouts are reporting the imperial fleet is currently stationed at Garqi, in the middle of the Braxant run, and we have found smaller ship groups, matching those raiding us, at Dathomir and Ithor, on either side of the run.

I am ordering the Junction fleet to take control of Dathomir and set up a permanent outpost there and at Vinsoth.  The Taris fleet is moving on Ithor, and we will be sending our fleet to Garqui.  Timing is crucial.  Once the defensive platforms are done being constructed here, we will be able to move forward, but we cannot let the Empire keep hitting us as they have.  I need you two to reorganize your fleets - integrated if necessary - to better be able to respond to imperial raids and to be ready to depart from Bandomeer at a moment's notice. the imperial raids not only hit us, they guarantee the empire knows our positioning every day.

Let's surprise them."

"Yes sir"

"Yes sir"

The two captains saluted and departed, leaving the jedi master to his thoughts.

He hated war, and this one seemed destined to go on forever.  The Empire was not taking its usual full strength approaches, but Master Agnant wasn't sure whether that meant Emperor Schrag was becoming more tactful in his attacks, of if for some reason, the Empire didn't want to be advancing in this war.

And if that was the case, why?

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
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Offline Medivh

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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #57 on: March 21, 2014, 02:15:08 PM »
Bandomeer: War Front, Southern End of Braxant Run

It was a welcomed level of cooperation.  In the last few weeks, the republic fleet at Bandomeer had been, as ordered, more responsive to imperial raids.  Attrition and casualties were down, and the number of raids had diminished as well.

All but one of the defensive platforms were now operational.

Even better, the Republic fleets had managed to take and hold Dathomir and Ithor, relieving pressure further.  Scouts reported imperial ships had fallen back to Phaeda and  Agamar, with the largest showing of force still based at Garqui.  The relieved pressure and defenses at Bandomeer allowed Jedi Master Agnant to prepare for an assault onto an imperial centralized world, which, if successful, could cripple the imperial offensive.

Scouts had already been reporting regularly the whereabouts of Garqui's ships, as well as those now at Phaeda and Agamar. 

it was time to put the attack plan into action.

Sitting at the table was Master Agnant, and a dozen higher-level captains stationed with him.  Disagreement between northern and southern Republic captains had abated, but there was still distrust, and disagreement as to how to proceed forward.  Agnant himself had heard both sides of the argument.  On the one hand, a straight forward, direct attack with massive forces, surprise in nature, could work. On the other, a more subtle, drawn out, seige-like campaign seemed more reliable.  The Republic, after all, had a stronger force.

It was after listening to both sides that Agnant decided the course of action was a mix of the two.

"We know the imperials have been using surprise raids against us, and it has been effective in the past.  I believe it's time we try utilizing some of those same tactics to distract them. If we deploy a sizable enough force to attack other targets, the imperials may be drawn to reinforce them"

"What other target?  Garqui is clearly the next line of attack"

"What if instead of hitting Garqui as our main target, we make that the distraction?  Devote enough of a force there to make it look serious, but hit something else instead.  A bigger target."

The room quieted down as the map projection appeared, zooming in

"You want to hit Bastion?"

Agnant glanced over the map.

"Bastion is , as you all know, the capital world of the northern portion of the Empire.  Taking Bastion would mean the war ends in the north, and efforts could shift to hitting the empire in the west"

"But Bastion is one of the most secure planets in the galaxy.  Plus, getting that deep into imperial territory would be impossible. One interdictor cruiser, and the entire assault is blown."

"The Empire would not expect the attack.  And that's been the problem with us in the past. We've been predictable.  If we hit Bastion from a different direction, not taking the Braxant Run, but hitting from a deep space location, we could bypass most of the imperial territory"

"But Bastion itself has superior defenses, and probably interdiction set up in its deep space?"
"True - that's why this attack has to be planned, step by step, with no room for error.  I've already sent scouts ahead, to over a dozen imperial worlds, including Bastion and the surrounding worlds.

The plan of attack would be in several stages.

One - begin the assault on Garqui, with enough of a fleet to show a true threat. the Imperials will be forced to respond, and if all goes right, it will appear to be our main front.
Two - we have the mass of our fleet waiting in deep space, near Bastion itself
Three - a smaller surgical strike is made, taking out any interdiction between the main fleet and Bastion
Four - we move in, hit the world hard.  Disable or destroy anything we can, most importantly ship building and communication equipment.  Keeping the world is unlikely, but the success of the raid would set back the Empire potentially years or decades.  By the time reinforcements come to Bastion, it will be too late.

This plan requires the utmost level of confidentiality. The plan fails of the imperials learn about it, and I trust your discretion.  Your datapads include your particular assignments.  We meet again in 48 hours to review. Dismissed"

Agnant was already going over the maps again as the captains filed out.


Captain Fletcher was back on his own ship, reviewing his orders, when he was struck by a sudden urge.  Moving to his bed, he pulled from beneath his pillow a small cylindrical comm unit, activating it.

"Lord Erinbol, there have been developments you should be aware of"

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
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Offline Medivh

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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #58 on: June 11, 2014, 01:26:54 PM »
Braxant Run: Grid L-3, Deep Space: Staging Area

The plan had been proceeding well.  With defenses strengthened, the republic had begun a sizeable assault on the imperial world of Garqui, enough to force the Empire to respond with the threat.  that assault, already a few days old, was extending out, and resulting in more and more imperial ships being present.  The battle was looking to be drawn out.
Which of course, was exactly the plan.

The rest of the Republic assault fleet was stationed in the Deep Space of Grid L-3, north of Dantooine, east of Bastion.  It was an empty, empty space, with little but star dust there.

Here, the fleet ran regular systems checks, making sure everything was totally functionally, preparing for the battle ahead.

Meanwhile, republic scout ships were providing consistent flows of information of Bastion, Bastion's deep space, and the surrounding systems.  As the attack at Garqui progressed, reports showed that the imperials were pulling defenses from Bastion to sure up Garqui.

The fleet also had its own counter-intelligence, making sure no imperial vessels appeared to reveal their location.  Not that the empire had any reason to look for them here.

Jedi  Master Agnant watched anxiously as the final report came in - an interdiction cruiser in Bastion's Deep Space had been there for about two months now, and had to be destroyed.  A handful of ships were moving away from the fleet, and a few minutes later, flashed into hyperspace.

Agnant nodded his head, glancing at the comm sequence.

"Proceed with the countdown.  The next phase of the attack will begin in 30 minutes"

Bastion Deep Space

The Republic vessels exited hyperspace just outside of the known location of the imperial interdictor cruiser, protected by a swarm of TIE fighters.  The ships moved into the field, opening heavy fire on the interdictor, while sending out their own X-Wings and A-Wings to counter the imperial defenses.  B-Wings and Y-Wings were deployed as well, sneaking past the combat space patrol and letting loose hundreds of torpedoes and concussion missiles.

Their target - the interdictor's communications array, and its gravity well cones.

The interdictor and its defense fought back, but they were heavily out-gunned.  Captain Fletcher, in charge of the assault, glancing at his own clock, called the comm.

"We are at 28 minutes.  We need that gravity well down in the next two minutes"
"Yes sir"

As the seconds ticked by, the fighting seemed to grow more intense, but in a flashy ball of fire, the gravity cones burst, sending debris every which way, and just in time.

"Contact the main fleet - tell them they are clear for Bastion"

As the message was sent out, Captain Fletcher pulled from his pocket a comm unit, tapping it several times before again returning it to his pocket.  He blinked his eyes, shook his head, as it was confirmed the fleet received his communication.

"Alright, finish off the interdictor, and then we can join the fleet"

But at that moment, the sensor officer yelled out.

"Sir - we are picking up gravity distortions - from all over deep space.  small gravity wells forming a perimeter around this area"

Fletcher ran over to the sensor officer, looking at the data.

"It looks like - they have federation gravity-well nets.  And they have just been activated"
"No - that's ... contact the fleet!  Warn them!"

The officer tapped a few buttons.

"I cannot sir. Something is wrong with the comm. We cannot reach the fleet"

Fletcher took a breath, then moved to the local comm unit.

"All hands - the battle is not over. It has just begun.  We need to do everything we can to help the fleet. They don't know what's coming"

"Sir - imperial ships have just exited hyperspace"
"How many?"
"dozens sir - more coming"

Fletcher grasped his chair, watching the viewport as star destroyers and their support craft appeared.

"We're done for"

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
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Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #59 on: June 15, 2014, 12:19:23 PM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital

Surface: Ambaril

Selene Silvestri doesn't know how close she is.

She had broken into the journalism scene just out of university and was scooped up by the largest Holo network in the Republic. Her personality and inquisitive nature made her easily likeable but she had the look that somehow made the public connect with her on another level entirely. She had become the most recognizable face in journalism and her nightly round-up broadcast was watched by millions. She had won acclaim for her coverage of the Prescott-Kain trial and was in the courtroom when a battered young girl revealed herself to be a Winton. Interviews with Kaytt Corinthos following the trial were raw and powerful as she spoke from the heart about truth prevailing over a system who wished to condemn her clients despite reasonable doubt. The recent shift in public focus had pushed Selene out into the field as opposed to simply reporting from behind a desk.

Speaker Apteen's introduction of the Force User Registration Act had deeply divided the citizens with strong opinions on both sides. Protests for and against the law had cropped up in and around the capital in the months that followed the landmark decision by the Senate. She reviews photage in the editing room of a protest last week that turned violent. She was interviewing Counselor Circe Prescott, an outspoken critic of the law and a civil rights advocate when the RSB began gassing the crowds. Protestors fought back and the demonstration descended into chaos in the middle of downtown Ambaril. Selene's crew had captured it all as she and the Counselor only managed to escape with the help of Corellian Senator Artemis Soldys. The story quickly evolved from violation of a Force sensitive's civil rights to the increasing militant nature in which the RSB has been conducting themselves. Inspector Laird Drakos could not be reached for comment.

Selene withdraws the data card and slips in another. It is photage from after the Prescott-Kain trial and the Counselor was escorting Dahlia Winton down the steps for the courthouse. She skips forward then pauses as Dahlia glances over her shoulder and seems to stare right at the cam. The gaze is unnerving yet full of mystery and allure. She is no stranger to the appeal.

Selene had grown up on Chandaar and, like most girls her age, had taken their fashion cues from The Four throughout their teenager years. The Republic wasn't what it is today and the Imperial marketing campaign graced the billboards of their city as it had in cities across the galaxy. Stories tall images of Karen and Valerie leered and pouted out over the population, driving boys wild and girls into fits of jealousy. Everyone wanted to wear Raga'Ana but few could afford it. She clamored to find out more about them and stumbled on the musing of Corellian reporter Kent Carlson as she began attending university for broadcast journalism. His death and the release of his story by Counselor Prescott the following year only served to fuel her interest. Carlson's reputation during the Confederation year's aside, he was a brilliant writer and managed to dispel quite a few mysteries about the origins of The Four. Reporters and commentators had ripped these apart over the years and without Carlson or the others around to dispute them, it had largely been viewed as an embellished piece of fan fiction that spawned both a documentary and the Cineplex shattering movie.

The reformation of the New Republic in the ensuing decade or so pushed those spectacular stories into the background until Rutherford Gellar appeared before the Senate on the ten year anniversary of the Centerpoint Battle and brought those names back into the collective public consciousness. From the ashes of the past came a very much alive Celeste Masterton with her twins and the stunning redhead who turned out to be the last Winton royal. She glances up at the image frozen on the screen. Dahlia stares out with those emerald eyes, the same eyes that once gazed down from a skyscraper when Selene was just a girl.

As Carlson knew there was a story there, she knows there is a story here.

She flips off the screen, gathers the data cards and heads back to her office. There is a package lying on her desk. She adjusts her glasses and picks it up, finding it unmarked. Not a single thing to indicate its origin or destination. She holds it for a moment of consideration but her curiosity is greater than her concern. And so she opens it and withdraws three sheets.

The first contains three pictures with numbers above each.

Number one above the image of Dahlia Winton. Number two above Gemma Masterton. Three above Dane Gellar.

Selene's brow furrows in confusion as she moves to the next.

The number four is above a picture of a boy she doesn't immediately recognize but the name below it sends shivers down her spine.

Riley Patten.

The third sheet contains the results of a blood test.
