Author Topic: CC: Circle of Freedom  (Read 136809 times)

Offline Medivh

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Re: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #30 on: June 28, 2013, 08:13:41 AM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital

Senate Building

For all the press that the upcoming murder/conspiracy/fraud trial was generating - especially with the newest twist that the prosecutor had motioned for the famous attorney, Kaytt Corinthos to be disqualified - it was still something that had been going on for months now.  A much newer story had broken, taking the attention of most inside (and outside) of the Republic capital.

And this story, unlike much of the gossip, was one that actually mattered.

The Empire, long believed to be struggling back to a position of power, had attacked the Trade Federation at the Federation's primary real estate, the Wheel.  This was troubling on several levels.  First, the Federation had recently become a major supplier of Republic goods, including military products (among them, the gravity well nets), to pharmaceutical products (part of the reason for Corporate Sector ChemiX's stock plunge).

Secondly, the Wheel, despite being under Federation jurisdiction, sat within territory that was controlled by the Republic (Junction, the other Federation holding, by contrast, sat outside the Republic border).  When the Republic would activate those gravity well nets around their primary borders, the Wheel was within that perimeter.  The Wheel was also just two sectors away from Chandaar itself, and while the capital was heavily protected, and an attack on any core republic world would probably be devastating for the Empire, the closeness made many uneasy.  If they could strike the Wheel, couldn't they strike anywhere?

The attack provided justification for the gravity well nets, and the speedy deployment of the last of them.  Those who had opposed them were silenced, save for the Corellian delegation, which maintained their vocal opposition, much to others' annoyance.

The question, of course, was considering the relationship between the Federation and the Republic, and the proximity of the attack, should the Republic become involved?

This is the matter that stood before Senate Speaker Shale Apteen, and it was the focal point of all of his attention.  In the past months, he found his worries were growing, and with the attack, it was clear he was working longer hours than ever before, circles under his eyes were seen as he met with senators on all sides of the issue, as well as military leaders.

He would seek solace in his office, sitting and activating that marvelous galaxy map given to him by the Federation ambassador.  He wondered where she was - was Mara Tacofer safe, or was she caught up in the attacks at the Wheel?  Something about that gift was both soothing and haunting to him, though he couldn't place his finger on it.  He was sitting, meditating over the floating stars in his office when his receptionist chimed in.

"Kyatt Corinthos is asking to see you"

The trial seemed so inconsequential in light of the battle at hand.  Unless, of course, it had other implications.  But guns always outweighed political and legal maneuvering.  It was not something he wanted to deal with at the moment.

"Tell her I'm unavailable"

The comm clicks off and he returns to watch his stars, seeking solace among the hologram floating around him.

Later, he is sitting in a meeting, listening as one of the less reputable senators was speaking.

"Why help them?  We already have what we wanted from them - the gravity well nets.  The last shipment was delivered already.  Once they are in place, we won't have to worry about these attacks, and we can be rid of the Federation"

Another senator chimed in.

"What about a moral obligation?  We are their partners"

"They work for the highest bidder."

"They are being attacked because they chose us"

"I don't really care - let the Empire destroy the Trade Federation.  It makes no difference to me"

"Unless it means more expensive goods.  The Corporate Sector will sweep in with higher costs and monopolize the markets again"

The debate raged on, and Shale Apteen wanted none of it.  Standing, he silenced the room.

"My concern, at the moment, is not whether we should go to defend the Federation.  They haven't asked for assistance, and never indicated they expected it either.  My concern is for the imperial fleet that is sitting a short hyperspace jump from us.  What is to prevent them from attacking us next?  News reports are showing the majority of the imperial fleet is involved in the attack.  That is a lot of weaponry to be floating around Republic space.  We need to protect our own borders - get them out.  Does anyone disagree?"

No one spoke, and Apteen nodded.  Agreement.  For once.

"Good - I am ordering Republic Intelligence Corp (RIC) to deploy agents to the Wheel - find out what they have, and how the attack is going.  I am assembling the Admirals' Council later this afternoon to discuss military options and how best to respond.  While I would invite you to the meeting, I would require that it be in a passive role.  That meeting is not for senate quarrelings."

he held up a hand to stymie any vocal protests.

"If we want to survive in this galaxy, we need to start getting our house in order.  I am calling an emergency session of the senate in two days to address this issue, and for an up or down vote on the recommendations of RIC and the Admirals' Council.  Good day, senators"

The meeting adjourned abruptly, and Shale Apteen hurried out of the room before he was accosted by senators.  Returning to his office, his receptionist caught his attention.

"Speaker - Kyatt Corinthos called again"

He sighed, glancing sideways toward his door before looking to his receptionist.

"When is the motion's hearing on her disqualification for the trial scheduled for?"
"Four days, sir"

He nodded.

"Contact Ms. Corinthos and tell her to come to the senate for the vote in two days, and I will meet with her afterward.  With the approval by the senate for military action, I can afford to give her some attention before the hearing"

"Yes, Speaker."

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
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Offline Syren

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Re: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #31 on: June 30, 2013, 02:07:34 PM »

Surface: Lake Country: Greyson Estate

The darkness beyond the opening in the rubble is almost total, clinging to Nevylinn as she descends the stone steps. Gemma follows closely behind, adjusting her eyes to the surroundings lit through the dim haze of the saber. There are markings on the wall and Gemma reaches out to touch one that looks like two wavy lines. She whispers.

"What are these?"

"Symbols," Nevylinn says. "Glyph's."

"Someone carved them?"

Nevylinn reaches out to run her fingers over another symbol, this one upright with two slashes across the center.

"No, these were burned into the stone."


"I don't know."

Gemma pauses, touching a particular string of symbols.

"I've...seen these before. In the dark place where we were kept."

"I suspected as much," she replies. "They are glyph's used by the ancient Sith Order most notably on Korriban. According to the Jedi Master's, the prophecy in which your counterparts fell victim too was discovered following these symbols. They say Alexia Winton sought them out in a desolate cave on Korriban where she told her father's cohorts to dig. I am not surprised to see them in use here."


"Because we are beneath what used to be the Winton's summer home."

A chill spikes up Gemma's back. She had dreamed of this place although, at the time, she did not know where it was or who it belonged to. Now it makes a strange sort of sense. She is here with Nevylinn when in her mind, a teenage version of herself had been here with a teenage version of Riley. Were they meant to discover this together? Nevylinn stops at the bottom of the spiral stairs, finding two mounts used to secure torches. Only one is present. Using her free hand, she pulls it loose and touches the tip of her saber against the dry kindling which ignites into flame. She deactivates the saber and clips it to her belt, moving through the archway and into a larger ante room. The torch casts an eerily light and pulls the glyph's into elongated and vaguely ominous shadows. Their eyes find it simultaneously, drawn immediately to the center of the floor.

It is just as she had seen it, as Melanie had reminded her.

Two circles, one within the other, in the center of the stone floor. Gemma kneels carefully, gasping when she gets close enough to read what has been inscribed.

"What is it?"

"Our names."

"First or last?"

"Last. Both circles have the same names."

Nevylinn moves closer and lowers the torch.

"In a different order," Nevylinn says, noting the subtle difference. "The larger circle is in sequence of Winton, Masterton, Gellar, Patten. That is the way they were most frequently referenced in the media and reports. It is also the order used in the prophecy. They are grouped Winton/Masterton, Gellar/Patten. The smaller circle has a variation of Winton, Gellar, Patten, Masterton."

Gemma frowns but follows the logic.

"Paired as Winton/Gellar and Patten/Masterton."


"But, if we represent the interior circle that would mean Dahlia and Dane and Riley and I."

"True but both circles say essentially the same thing. In the prophecy, it foretells of two with the gift and two called to serve as touchstones. Past and present, Winton and Masterton are Force sensitive while Gellar and Patten are not."

"Dane has some, our mother told us."

"He might have elevated midi-chlorian levels but not like you and Dahlia. You are the ones with the gifts."

"And Riley is my touchstone?"

"If we're basing our conclusions off the prophecy alone, yes but it was fulfilled over a decade ago at Centerpoint Station."

"How did it end?"

Nevylinn gazes at her.

"With their death's, unfortunately. The prophecy stated that of The Four, only one could survive."

"I thought none of them survived."

"They didn't and therein lies the loophole. It seems as though even something ancient and foreseen by the Sith was not without a sense of cruel drama. Kimber Patten's son, known to you as Riley Tacofer, did survive and in doing so brought to an end of the Empire's quest for galactic domination under Dementat and Darth Kyja's rule."

"Will the same thing happen to us?"

It's a pointed question and certainly one that deserves to be asked. Children are much more clever than they are given credit for by adults. In this instance, it is not a question Nevylinn has a definitive answer to.

"We're cannot be sure but the prophecy does not speak of you, Dane or Dahlia. It only references Riley as a figure, not by name. So I wouldn't worry just yet."

Gemma nods, turning to a much larger but partially collapsed archway. It appears that whatever caused this destruction did most of its damage above ground, leaving swaths of open space for them to explore. It would have taken a crew weeks to discover this place unless someone knew it was here. Nevylinn takes the lead, curious since she knows Gemma had seen this long before she ever came to Naboo. She wonders what other surprises could be down here waiting to be found and hopes it is something that would assist the Jedi in their preparations if and when the prophecy continues beyond what they know. That is a sobering thought in and of itself. No one said there wasn't a second act. Most commercial productions have no less than three which is part of why the Jedi are so very nervous about the new Four and their potential.

This chamber was, at one time, much more vast but is now littered with debris and structurally unstable. They weave carefully between smashed slabs of symbol marked stone. There is a rumbling from above of the rubble settling further. Gemma moves away from the Jedi, excited by the exploratory nature of their trip but shaken by implications she cannot fully grasp. She does not know why they are here or even what they are searching for. She just feels she needed to come. In his lapse in focus, she catches her boot on something and stumbles, falling against an overturned crate. A strong stench of decay causes her to gag as she regains her balance and backs away. The crate is just outside the sphere of light from Nevylinn's torch but she moves closer, squinting to get a better look. The lid lies on the floor near her feet and looks meticulously carved. She bends down to inspect it when Nevylinn moves closer, the light from the torch exposing the crate entirely. Except its not a crate. It is something she had only seen pictures of in history class from societies who had believed in afterlives and appeasing their multiple deities. Gemma gasps as she moves away, bumping into a stunned Nevylinn who is focused on the same thing.

It is a sarcophagus and there is someone inside.


Offline Syren

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Re: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #32 on: June 30, 2013, 07:57:13 PM »

Surface: Lake Country: Greyson Estate

"Who is that?"

The question lingers, seemingly still attached to Gemma's lips like a cartoon bubble. There is no doubt the body is human and significantly decayed. More than likely it had been down here for many years undisturbed except, of course, by whomever opened the lid. That could be chalked up to shifting rubble or damage from whatever happened here.

"I don't know but I have an idea of who it might be."

Gemma seems disturbed, shaking her head.

"You do? How?"

"Process of elimination. The parents of The Four were punished for their involvement. Blair Gellar was the first, having committed suicide by leaping off the top of the Gellar Tower in the Corporate Sector. The children were just infants at the time and the plot had yet to be fully exposed. The others, we suspect, were all targeted in different ways to silence their objections to the increasingly perilous threats against their children. Although we knew it was part of the larger plan, the bodies of Alexander Winton and Queen Monica Greyson-Winton were recovered from a speeder wreckage on Bakura. Major Kyri Patten was slain by the menace droid Phage on Corellia. His wife, Lilandra, had been institutionalized for some time before she was silenced, most likely by one of Winton's agents. The Masterton's were the key."

Gemma is now focused intently on the Jedi's words.

"Your mother, Celeste, was present in this house with her first husband when they discovered the Queen was in labor. It was a secret she had kept from everyone when she had been exiled here for defying Alexander. Henrick Masterton was a brilliant doctor who helped deliver the baby, a girl the Queen named Dahlia."

"Dahlia's...a princess?"


"What happened to them?"

Nevylinn swallows hard as she recounts the tale told by Master Corrin.

"My Master, the one we lost on Korriban, was also present and knew that Alexander Winton would come for them. If he were to discover he had another offspring, he would use that child the same way he had used all the others. Henrick had developed a serum, the one you know as the Force vaccine. He injected Celeste and the infant and they fled with the Jedi Master to the Corporate Sector for protection and sanctuary granted by your father, Rutherford Gellar. We believe Alexander found the Queen and Henrick and murdered them both. The Queen's body was identified in the speeder crash on Naboo, something Alexander used to cover his own tracks. Celeste escaped and lives but no one knows what happened to Henrick Masterton. If this is where he was last seen then it is a fair bet to say he never left."

Gemma turns, staring at the skeletal remains, flesh dried and cracked, falling away in pieces. Everything turned to dust. She kneels beside the lid, reaching out to find several grooves along the inside. She gets a flash in her mind, a struggle, screaming, panic, darkness, and she pulls away, panting for breath. Nevylinn moves beside her.

"What is it? What happened?"

"He wasn't dead when they put him in there," Gemma says, near tears. "They buried him alive."

"The price for his betrayal."

Gemma whips her head around, "How could you say? That was Melanie's father!"

Nevylinn knows it will sound harsh. Truth often does. But it is a fundamental piece of her training.

"The individuals are inconsequential to the lesson here, Gemma. This is the darkness you were supposed to see. The Winton legacy, their thirst for power and revenge. The lengths they would go to keep it. No one, no matter how close, is safe from their treachery. You must remember that, Gemma. Do not be fooled as Melanie was. Not everyone can be saved."

Gemma blinks away the tears.

"Why didn't anyone tell me? Tell us? We knew something was wrong as soon as we got back from Chandaar but no one said anything."

"Celeste Masterton and Rutherford Gellar tried to give you the lives they were not able to give to the others. They raised you, Dane and Dahlia is a safe environment, surrounded by an unconditional love. They prayed, as the Jedi did, that the past would remain in the past but there are forces in these worlds that recognize how special the four of you are. Some see it for good and others for evil. We need you to be ready for either. Let us pray for Henrick and set his soul free."

Nevylinn kneels in front of Gemma as they join hands, bowing their heads forward. As they pray, Gemma's body begins to glow a stark white that grows in intensity and expands outwards through the chambers, up the stairs, out through the opening and up over the rubble. It is a symbol of purity, a healing white light, triggered by her essence and connection to the Force that cleanses the darkness away from this place, restoring its balance within the natural surroundings.

They leave the Greyson Estate behind with a feeling of peace residing over it all. The evil that had lingered here has been vanquished. Gemma walks ahead of Nevylinn in silence, contemplating all she had learned. The Jedi knows it is a lot to process but has every faith her young pupil will overcome the challenges she faces. She needs to be strong for the coming storm, especially if she and her brother are the new players in someone else's game. Once they reach the Masterton Villa, Gemma heads inside but Nevylinn is drawn to the landing platform which used to contain their shuttle.

Now it sits empty.

An indescribable feeling of dread washes over her and she walks calmly into the villa.

"Gemma," she says carefully. "Where is your brother?"

She is in the kitchen, filling two glasses of water. It's thoughtful but irrelevant at the moment.

"I don't know. Probably in his room, why?"

"Are you certain?"

"I haven't checked yet."

"You are twins. You share a connection. Remember what you learned about our individual signatures  through the Force, unique to each of us? With practice you can learn to identify the being through their signature. Do you feel him now? In this house? On these grounds?"

Gemma pauses, stepping back away from the counter.


"The shuttle is gone."

"He wouldn't....he wouldn't just leave us!"

"He is angry, Gemma. Anger clouds rational judgement."

Gemma storms off into the house, screaming her brother's name while Nevylinn pulls the com-link from her belt. The Jedi Counsel must know about this. Once the secure connection is established, she is patched through. They ask for a report. She moves into the other room where she can have more privacy.

"The Masterton girl's training is progressing. She is adaptable and wise, open to the Jedi teachings. She has come far in a short amount of time which is impressive given she is much older than most when she began. Her mother taught them the basic tenants of the Force when they were younger so our methods were not entirely unfamiliar to her and she has been able to follow instruction to the letter. Given the extensive visions that have plagued her over the course of her life, I am inclined to believe she is a potential Seer. Many of the things she has seen, both actual and symbolic, have come to pass."

"And the boy?"

"The Gellar boy wants nothing to do with us or the Force. He has been resistant and hostile throughout and it is my regret to inform you that he is currently missing."


"It appears he fled in our shuttle while we were completing an exercise. I am formulating a plan to track him-"

"You will not."

"I'm sorry?"

"You will not track the Gellar boy. We will see to it he is found but your priority is the training of the Masterton girl. You know how important she is and it is her mastery of the Force that may play a vital role in things to come."

Nevylinn is thrown but compliant.

"I understand."

She stands in the center of her room for several minutes, pondering. She had been given a specific set of instructions yet feels responsible for Dane's safety as well as Gemma's. He had rebuffed every attempt at connection and inclusion but that does not lessen the sting of his abandonment. She may not be able to go after him but she knows someone else who might. The com rings and rings but does not connect, switching to a general voice mail with automated instructions.

"Garron, it's Nevylinn. Dane has escaped with our shuttle and I thought you would know where he might be headed. I will forward the identification and serial information for the transport. I am very sorry and hope he can be found."

Nevylinn clicks off and sets the com down before leaving the room to find Gemma.


Offline Syren

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Re: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #33 on: July 04, 2013, 01:48:26 PM »
"And I'll fall on my knees.
Tell me how's the way to be.
Tell me how's the way to go.
Tell me all that I should know.

Angels will follow me now
Everywhere I go.
Angels will call on me
And take me to my home."




Surface: Lake Country: Masterton Villa

Nevylinn has worked tirelessly training Gemma (concurrent to Adubell training Dahlia) with the days melting into weeks which steadily crosses a month. They sparred using bows on the patio, having long since moved the furniture out of the way. At first, Nev had to keep Gemma's mind in the present and off of Dane. She knows the fact that her brother fled upsets her greatly since they had seldom been apart their entire lives. Nevylinn turns the heartache into a lesson through which the young Masterton can draw strength and learn to stand on her own. Her siblings, her parents may not always be there to save the day. There will come a time when she must save herself.

And others, she thinks to herself with a cold shiver.

Gemma is not fond of fighting but Nevylinn insists that while combat is not the primary form of resolution, there may come a time when diplomacy fails and defense becomes necessary. With mastery of the bow and lesser weapons behind her, Nevylinn begins to teach her the delicacy and danger of the lightsaber. Each is unique to the user having built it at the end of her own training on Yavin IV. She explains how the weapon is made and the care with which it must be used. With Gemma's creative nature, Nevylinn has her draw up her own designs if materials were no object. What she is presented with makes her smile. It is so very reflective of the Masterton name; sleek with an understated elegance. The hilt is slender and slightly curved at the base colored in silver with a deep blue jewel fastened to the activation switch. The blade is a pale shade of blue. She stores it away for future reference and continues with the training.

On a rainy Sunday afternoon, the Jedi Council contacts Nevylinn regarding the Imperial attack at The Wheel. There has been no word from Ambassador Tacofer, Garron Prescott or Rutherford Gellar and their statuses, at present, remain unknown. There was grave concern about Dane Gellar since initial efforts to track him had failed. They believe he had been taking the vaccine which, as Nevylinn recalls, was packed along with their things before leaving The Wheel. This made him impossible to trace through the Force and Nevylinn was stunned by the cunning actions of an eleven year old boy. Calculation is one of the defining Gellar traits as they had studied in their analysis of the prophecy but the Jedi assured her they know where he went and that he is quite safe before inquiring about Gemma's progress. Nevylinn is pleased to report all that has transpired and asks about the next move in the wake of the Wheel attack.

This is met with a cryptic silence followed by instruction to stay the course and prepare the Masterton girl.

"May I ask for what?"

"For anything."


Offline Medivh

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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #34 on: July 05, 2013, 09:18:34 AM »
((I am thinking of opening up a new thread to cover Corellia/Dane/Riley.  Right now, we've got a lot going on in all of our threads.  I'm thinking something like this (for now):
Circle of Freedom = Republic/Chandaar/jedi/Gemma/Nevylinn
Refuge = Garron/Mara/Trade Federation (remnants)
Imperial March = Empire (Rutherford, temporarily)
Crimson Covenant = Dahlia/Adubell
*Birthright* = Corellia/Riley/Dane
Other CSA activity could be under 'Birthright' or 'Crimson Covenant,' depending on what makes the most sense
Let me know what you think))

Chandaar: Republic Capital

Senate Building

The Admirals' Council had recommended a major uptick in in military production and drills.  If the Empire was ready for war, the Republic had to be as well.  Already the anti-piracy forces established months ago had strengthened some of the weaker points of the Republic military, but now, they were asking for a more comprehensive, and much more drastic increase.

It was clear to them that was was coming.

It also meant that more and broad reaching changes had to be made.  First of all, military recruitment had to increase to man the new fleets, and if that failed, mandatory enlistment might be necessary (Shale Apteen prayed that would never be the case).  New training, and of course, production lines, especially from Corellia, were necessary.

And finally, they recommended a formal declaration of war, granting the military authority to engage imperials preemptively.

Apteen accepted most of their ideas, having come up with a similar plan of action while meditating in his office, staring into the holographic galaxy he so often turned to for comfort these days.

The one issue that seemed the most contentious among the admirals was the role of the jedi.  A generation ago, they had been the generals and leaders of the military in the Clone Wars.  But their role today was different, because their size and configuration was different (fewer of them, more secretive) and because there was a remarkable level of distrust about the jedi.  It had been decided they would be consulted, but would play a minor, if any role in the upcoming war.

It would be a war without the mystic force controlling everything.  if that were possible.

Now though, the harder sell.  Shale Apteen called the session of the senate to order.

"You know why we are here.  It is for the sole purpose of setting a course of action in response to recent imperial attacks against our trading partner, the Trade Federation - and perhaps more importantly, within Republic borders.  You have all seen the report of recommendations from the Admirals' Council.  I am now presenting to you some of the photage that we've received from the battle at the Wheel"

Lights went dim, and in splendid holographic display, the battle of the Wheel (or a snipit of it) was shown.  The photage paused, and a laserbeam circled around the imperial fleet.

"Our intelligence reports that the attacking force of the Empire is stronger than we thought they were currently capable of, and it is fair to assume they have a significant fleet that wasn't utilized in this attack.  They are a threat to us, and the Council has asked that we not wait until they obliterate our defenses before responding.  I am asking each of you to vote yes on the Admirals' Council's proposal, and declare war against the Galactic Empire."

There was noise, and shouts in favor and against.  The vote was not the overwhelming support he had hoped, but in the senate, a declaration of war required 55% of the vote, a number it barely reached.  The opposition varied from anti-war senators, to those who had various other motivations.  But Apteen didn't care. He got what he needed, and he didn't have to play a months long game of politicking to get it done.

A flurry of activity came next, even before he got off the senate floor.  A series of admirals from the council approached, and he spoke to them about implementing the declaration of war and initiating the ramp up.  More intelligence were being ordered to the Wheel to keep tabs on the imperial fleet.

Reports of activity also came to him, even as he was just reaching the turbolift - something about the Wheel disappearing midbattle?

A message from Corellia indicating one of the missing Gellar children, Dane, had just apparently landed there.  he took note of the message, wondering if he would mention it to Kyatt Corinthos when they met in just a few minutes.  He wondered if she had actually shown up to watch the debate and vote, even though it wasn't one of her concerns as an attorney.

Aides were moving back and forth, like a swarm of bees as he made his way to the executive suite, finally reaching his office.  It was a good hour after he left the floor that the last of the aides and senators and others who wished to see him left him alone.

Then a beep.  Shale let out a sigh, suppressing a laugh of frustration at the never ending chaos.


"Speaker, I have Kyatt Corinthos here to see you"

"Very well.  Send her in"
« Last Edit: July 08, 2013, 12:30:43 PM by Medivh »
SWSF: Legacy of the Force
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Offline Medivh

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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #35 on: July 15, 2013, 02:37:06 PM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital

Senate Building

Kyatt Corinthos entered the room looking worse for the wear - rumor had it she had been traveling in the Corporate Sector in hopes of collecting evidence for the defense of her clients.  But of course, that task was not what put her in such a bad mood, or why she stormed into the office now.

"I cannot believe that prosecutors are doing this"

Speaker Shale Apteen had just arranged for the Republic to declare war on Empire, and his mind had been focused on that for much of the past few weeks.  With Corinthos present in his office again, he knew he had to focus on this more personal, local issue.

Once fully inside, with the door closed, she turned to the Speaker.

"You have to do something about this"

"I can't"

"You can't?"

"Miss Corinthos, you are a highly competent legal mind - one of the best in the galaxy today.  Do I really need to tell you that prosecutors have authority utterly independent of the legislative body?  Or that my meddling could be seen as a personal ethics violation?"

Kyatt visibly deflated.  She wasn't stupid - she knew that the Speaker couldn't interfere with the investigation, or the prosecution.

"How could they do this?"

"It's not entirely unexpected.  There has been a conflicts of interest issue present since you took on both Miss Prescott and Miss Kain as clients"

"The conflict was resolved by both clients"

"it has resurfaced now, and the reasoning is not totally absurd.  You cannot tell one client to take the plea offer, because it hurts your other client.  You also cannot tell a client not to take a plea offer, which hurts her, just to protect your other client.  The conflict exists."

"Unless both are innocent"
"Rules of professional ethics don't consider that possibility"
"It should"

"What do you want, Miss Corinthos?"

"I want to be able to represent my clients - both of them - effectively, completely"

"Miss Corinthos, if you make that argument to the judge, the judge won't care.  You need something else to protect both of your clients"

"She doesn't want to take the plea offer!  What does it matter?"

Now Speaker Apteen had grown annoyed, and it showed in his voice.

"It matters because they could say you didn't advise Miss Kain effectively, looking out for Miss Prescott.  With a proper lawyer, one with only one client in a case, the opportunity - and of course, the consequences of either option - are better laid out.  Miss Corinthos, you cannot defend them both on your own"

"So what would you suggest I do?"

"The only thing you can do - find them new attorneys.  Separate attorneys"

Corinthos looked at Apteen with shock.

"You want me to quit the case?  I've flown halfway across the galaxy to protect these two, and now you want me to call it quits?"

"No, Miss Corinthos - I want you to stay on the case.  I want you to lead the defense of the case. For both defendants.  But, they each need their own, independent attorney, whose job it will be to make sure you are defending each to the best of your abilities"

"Attorneys to protect my own clients from me ..."
"Or at least to show the court that each has their own individual counsel to rely on.  That should be enough for the judge to let you stay on the case.  And you must.  I have found something you will want to see."

Kyatt was still in shock about the whole arrangement, but was listening and watching as the Speaker pressed a button, activating a small screen nearby.

"As part of the investigation into Counselor Prescott, we pulled her records from her entire period of service in the Counselor's Corp.  About ten years ago - just before some of the alleged conduct involving her began - she took an extended leave of absence"

"How does that help"

"Rumor has it that she was feeling some type of post-traumatic stress, after being on the Centerpoint Station shortly before it was destroyed.  Also, a type of survivor's guilt.  She took the leave of absence, and came back seemingly good as new"

"Only not"

"Well, it's hard to say.  As a general rule, we keep tabs on our counselors who are on extended leave - in case we need to reach them for whatever reason.  Counselor Prescott went to visit Hesperidium, a neutral world near Coruscant."

"I know of it"

"Apparently, she went to visit the Masterton-Winton residence, an isolated luxury tower.  I've managed to get a copy of the security video photage"

The Speaker pressed the play button, and the screen showed the entranceway of the tower.  Speed of the video was increased, until a person appeared, and then the Speaker slowed it down, and they watched a red-eyed Circe Prescott make her way inside.

"She was inside for just a short while, when someone else appeared"

He fast-forwarded again, until someone else approached.  It was clearly a woman, cloaked in black, her hand moving upward - and then the camera went black.  The speaker rewound the video to the last few seconds, and there she was, a woman, her hand outstretched but several feet from the camera, her face mostly hidden from view.

"Do you know who that is?"

Kyatt leaned forward toward the monitor, looking over the features of the woman.

"She never touched the camera"

"It does not appear so"

"How did she shut the camera off?"

"I don't know"

Kyatt's mind was whirling.  Could this woman be a force user?  Could it be the same person who had made contact with Janessa just before the murder?

"Mr. Speaker - I think this might be the most helpful piece of information I've gotten so far"


She turned to face him

"I have a theory - it's hard to prove, but this might help. I think the crimes may have been committed while under the influence of the Force"

Speaker Apteen now had the shocked look on his face.

"How ... how is that possible?"

"I don't understand it all myself.  But if my theory is correct, I need more information.  I need you to arrange for me to meet with the Jedi Council"

Speaker Apteen looked worried about something, glancing back at the video before turning and nodding at Kyatt.

"I'll do what I can"

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
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Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #36 on: July 28, 2013, 12:47:17 PM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital

Surface: Ambaril

Kaytt's mind is reeling from her conversation with the Speaker. Not only is the situation growing beyond containment but the photage of the mysterious figure approaching Circe on Hesperidium served to solidify her theory that both she and Janessa were being used for something far more sinister. She first swings by the prison to personally inform each client of the upcoming game changes. They are, at first, alarmed but once she explains their chances of being freed increase exponentially with their very own defense counsel, they understand and agree. She then heads to her firm at the center of Ambaril.

The offices of Solem, Lancing, Wray and Corinthos are some of those most impressive in the Republic capital. She is the youngest of the four partners but earned her place among them. She has had numerous high profile wins and generates a significant amount of income for the firm. Together, they are consistently ranked at the top of the annual best-of and financial lists. Pulling another partner on the case would be unwise and each has their own pool of groomed legal associates specialized in their own brand of court brawling. She has two in mind who would serve them well and calls them into her office.

Avery Olomos and Brennen Shaw sit in front of Kaytt's desk as she outlines the case and the needs of the clients. Both are young but experienced, having been part of several of her own cases in the past. They are sharp and eager which makes her think this could work. Once they have agreed, they put together a statement which is then released to the courts and the prosecution regarding the change in counsel with Kaytt Corinthos overseeing their actions. This takes the wind right out of their sails and stands to serve Circe and Janessa well. She leaves Avery and Brennen to pour through the details of the case while she pulls herself together and prepares to meet with the Jedi about her theories.

Kaytt hopes they can shed some light on a dire situation.


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #37 on: July 28, 2013, 06:45:21 PM »
"Cuz it feels like I've been here before.
You're not my savior but I still don't go.
Feels like something that I've done before.
I could fake it but I still want more."

-Massive Attack



Surface: Lake Country: Masterton Villa

The long days are spent in tireless training. Exercise after exercise, testing strength, agility, and stamina. They spar in the afternoons followed by evening meditations that clear the mind and heal the body. Gemma has grown fond of the routines, despite faltering with the fighting scenario's at first. She is not naturally inclined to battle but Nevylinn insists she be ready for anything.

"Diplomacy, while preferred, does not always prevail upon an enemy."

Hand-to-hand combat is followed by light weaponry and builds to using Nevylinn's lightsaber. It is a raw and extremely dangerous weapon if in the hands of an untrained individual. The Jedi prepares her pupil for the honor of wielding such a grand weapon and when the time comes, Gemma grasps it firmly and carefully. She is able to flourish without Dane's negative interference and responds to Nevylinn's commands without hesitation. The Force grows stronger with each passing day and soon Gemma has control over her own powers but the saber as well. Nevylinn watches with pride as she flawlessly dispatches the targets outlined in the training exercise.

Constructing ones own lightsaber is one of the most fulfilling experiences in a Jedi's training and Nevylinn tasks Gemma with beginning this project with the resources they have available to them. A few hours each day are spent on this with Nevylinn teaching her how each carefully constructed piece works together. These lessons are often followed by stories of her past as she was trained with Melanie under Master Corrin. Gemma would listen raptly and often ask questions that only led to more questions. Nevylinn would never reveal more than she felt the girl was ready to handle. Some of things she simply did not know, details of Melanie's life that went beyond what she was told or read later on. The curiosity seemed somewhat hesitant, as if she was gauging her own level of awareness. Gemma is disappointed to learn there is much about her own life and those in it she remains largely unaware of. 

"If I don't know, I will never learn from the past."

"In time," Nevylinn says. "All will be revealed to you."


Colorful lights give way to music, something electronic yet not abrasive, drawing her closer. Gemma finds herself at the fringes of a party. Well-dressed people a few years older than she mingle and dance beneath a white tent. Soft white lights are strung across the room, reflected in a giant mirror ball that spins slowly over the moving bodies. It is not a place that is familiar to her. She recognizes none of the people present until her eyes reach the front of the room where, at an elevated table, sits Melanie, Karen, Kimber and Valerie.

Gemma gasps.

Melanie and Kimber step down and head out of the room. Gemma follows, trailing at a distance as they deal with the waiting paparazzi and cross back into an exquisitely decorated corridor. Then she is suddenly somewhere else. Gemma glances around, startled to realize she's standing outside a massive master bathroom. Melanie and Kimber enter from the right, flipping on the light to rummage through the cabinets. Not finding what they are looking for, Melanie turns around and sighs.

"I need...something. My head is killing me."

Kimber holds up a finger, "Wait here."

Once she is gone, Gemma thinks about speaking up but never gets the chance when another, older woman enters the room. She is dressed in a style she recognizes and it takes her several seconds to realize there is a picture of this woman on her mother's desk in the Gellar Estate. She was royalty, a Queen long ago on Naboo who was also Celeste Masterton's best friend.

As greatly unsettled as she is, Gemma can do nothing but watch.

Melanie bows, "Your Highness."

"There is no time so you must listen to me carefully. The life we live is just a series of lies told across more people than I care to count. Somewhere, deep down, you know this too. The things you see in your mind I have also seen. I have felt that fear but you cannot let it control you the way it controls us. You will be the one they turn to in the darkest of hours. You alone can save them. But you must first let them go."

The woman withdraws a glowing cube and presents it to Melanie.

"This Holocron contains information pertinent to your survival. You must take it to the Jedi and follow their instruction. The others must never know or you risk everyone. Heed the prophecy and stay alive."


"Search your feelings, Melanie. You feel there is more beyond this facade but you cannot see it. Not yet. The prophecy will show you the way."

And then she is gone. As quickly as she appeared. Gemma turns, spotting Kimber pressed against the wall clutching a pill bottle. She reenters the bathroom slowly, staring at the glowing object in Melanie's hands.

" that? Some kind of cube?"

"Not a cube, a Holocron but you will never repeat that."

Kimber shrugs, "I forget already."

Melanie drops the Holocron into her purse, takes the bottle from Kimber and together they leave the room. The lights above her wink out and she is thrown into darkness.


Gemma bolts upright in bed, panting, clawing at the sheets. Nevylinn appears in the doorway and rushes toward her, kneeling onto the bed beside her. 

"Gemma, are you alright? I heard you calling out."

"I had a dream...."

"Another vision?"

"No," Gemma says, voice suddenly very low. "Not a vision."

"A nightmare? Was it the monsters again?"

"Not the monsters, not a nightmare."

"What did you see?"

Her blue eyes are wide.

"I think it was....a memory."



Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #38 on: August 07, 2013, 08:10:08 PM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital

Surface: Ambaril

Kaytt Corinthos is nearly done getting ready when her personal com bleeps from the nightstand. It is the Speakers office requesting her presence in the Senate Hall. She confirms and turns toward the mirror. With the case in the hands of two very capable associates at her firm, she had finally been able to get a few hours of sleep. Now she appears more rested and confident than she had when she first returned to the capital. She is clad in a fitted gray blazer, pressed slacks and simple black heels. Her dark hair is lightly tousled and falls just off her shoulders. She opts for a more natural approach in terms of makeup, considering the Jedi's lack of value in such things. So she aims for strictly professional for this particular meeting.

The ride over is somewhat melancholy as she is left with her own vivid thoughts. There is no doubt about a connection between the figure with Janessa and the woman with Circe, despite the considerable variance in the time frame. The Force is very much at play here and she needs the Jedi to confirm it.

Speaker Apteen walks with her down a sloping causeway with vaulted ceilings and no windows where he shows his ID to the Republic guards. The Senate building was far behind them now as they crossed into the Jedi Chambers via an underground tunnel.

"I must admit, I am surprised they agreed to see you."

"And why is that?"

"Lawyers are not often granted meeting with the council."

She smiles wanly, "First time for everything."

"Perhaps but when they explained the situation and your connection, it became more clear."

"What connection?"

Speaker Apteen stops near a set of blast doors and swipes his card.

"You will see."

Through the doors, a man slightly older than Kaytt is there to greet them. He wears traditional Jedi robes in brown and beige. He is tall with broad shoulders and an angular, defined jawline that is covered in a short beard. He nods first to the Speaker before fixing his gaze on her.

"Counselor Corinthos," the Jedi says. "Thank you for coming."

"I appreciate you taking the time to see me."

Speaker Apteen steps back, "I'll leave you to it then. There is quite a bit to focus on presently."

"Of course. Thank you, Speaker."

Kaytt watches him go and the doors close behind him before turning to the Jedi. She stares at his face. There is something about his features that are familiar to her but she cannot place from where. He appears to be following her train of thought.

"Do I appear so much different to you now?"

"We...know each other?"

"Not directly," he says with a bit of a smile. "But we once traveled in similar circles. My name is Donovan Atrii."

Kaytt gasps then cannot help but laugh. She stops herself and clears her throat.

"I'm sorry, it's just...Donovan Atrii, a Jedi. It threw me."

The Atrii family was one of the most prominent families in the Corporate Sector, second only to their relatives the Viiperi's who originally discovered and helped colonize then industrialize the Sector. They dealt mostly in mineral refinement and and land development but had expanded into a variety of commodities over the years. The Atrii Estate in Concordia is one of the oldest and most grand but had become something of local legend in how it was haunted. Donovan graduated two years before Kaytt and had a younger sister, Demaris Atrii, who is in a year younger than her own sister, Trichelle. Kaytt remembers hearing about his decision to abandon his acceptance into university on Mondder and the family business. There were rumors he traveled the galaxy experiencing new cultures and customs in an effort to find his true self. She assumes he found it in the Jedi Order.

"Personal advertisement and fame are not things we seek. I was curious when I heard the council bring up your name and request for a meeting. It was not something they were considering granting had I not spoken up."

"Then I suppose I owe you for that. It's important."

"Walk with me."

They travel the ornately designed corridors with artificial lighting illuminating a historic record of the Jedi past. She finds her eyes wandering over the scenes, wondering if any of them made it out alive. She always thought the Jedi ways would be a lonely life and, judging by the fact that she's heard nothing about Donovan in years nor has he appeared in any headlines or Sector gossip, she's right about that.

"You represent Counselor Prescott and Miss Kain, is that correct? We have been watching the developments with great concern."

"Up until about six hours ago, yes. The prosecution was threatening to have me thrown off the case and I now see their concerns over conflict of interest so I assigned two of my best associates to over see their separate defenses. The entire situation has struck me as highly improbable from the start and I believe I may have evidence that could prove that but I need your help."

Jedi Atrii turns to her, "What kind of evidence?"

"Photage of each client being approached by a mysterious figure. Prescott was intercepted by a woman almost ten years ago on Hesperidium. Kain was approached shortly before Inspector Erbon was murdered."

"Do you mean-"

"This is not about guilt," she says sharply. "It's about intent. I don't believe either woman had motive to commit the crimes they are being accused of. There is something beneath the surface here that I think may have a far greater scope than anyone realizes. Something that involves the Force, the past and survivors of unspeakable horrors."

"What kind of scope?"

Kaytt locks eyes with the Jedi.

"One that may involve The Four."


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #39 on: August 11, 2013, 10:19:29 PM »

Surface: Lake Country: Masterton Estate

Gemma meditates quietly on the open air patio as rain falls in streaming waves beyond. She has grown immensely strong in such a short time but with each level she masters, more questions reveal themselves. The last vision she had was determined to be a memory of Melanie's but how this is possible remains unknown. From what Melanie disclosed to both Nevylinn and the late Master Corrin, she was approached with the prophecy on the eve of her sixteenth birthday by Queen Monica Greyson. The holocron had been entrusted to Melanie and was given to the Jedi. Nevylinn had seen the object with her own eyes. To hear Gemma describe it in vivid detail is unnerving and perplexing. She knows the weight of knowledge upon Melanie drove her to the brink of addiction and depression. It is not something she relays to Gemma.

In the privacy of her room, Nevylinn contacts the Jedi council on Chandaar, reporting the completion of Gemma's training save for the construction of her own saber. She has grown skillful using her teacher's weapon and is excited to complete her own.

"The young Masterton will be returned to her family by the start of the school term."

"That leaves us but a few weeks."

"Her reintegration is imperative and discretion regarding her whereabouts even more so."

Nevylinn consider this.

"A simple cover story can be fabricated while the vaccine conceals her abilities."

"It is not enough. There may come a time when she will not have access to the medication. She must learn to conceal it on her own. Her recently acquired skills are only part of the role she will play in the Corporate Sector and beyond. As she grows, she will be allowed access to people and places we are not."

"How can you be certain?"

"Her gifts extend beyond the Force. You have heard them for yourself. These will garner attention which will grant access. In time, she will serve as the liaison to the Council. You will be her guide throughout, aiding her in deciphering the visions which may help us uncover the greater threat."

The specific phrasing makes her skin tingle but she does not press it.

"What of Dane Gellar?"

"Young Gellar has been located. He fled for Corellia and is safely in the custody of Senator Soldys. He will also be returned to the Corporate Sector shortly. We hear he is curious about his family, the past connections the Gellar's have there. It serves to keep him occupied and out of trouble. We do not believe he is in danger on Corellia as they have the resources and defenses to adequately protect him."

"That is comforting," she says softly. "We have learned about the Imperial attack on The Wheel."

"A very troubling matter indeed, one Speaker Apteen is currently deliberating upon a course of action. If the Empire intends to strike at the Republic we will be ready. Even more troubling is the trial against the CSA liaison, Janessa Kain and Republic Counselor Circe Prescott. We were approached with disturbing photage."

"What kind of photage?"

This question is glazed over with another inquiry.

"When you aided in rescuing the Gellar-Masterton children, your report indicated the assailant who murdered Master Corrin was Sith. Is this correct?"

Her heart is suddenly racing as she relives coming face to face with her own sister, a fact she had omitted from that report out of some sick familial bond. She could not bring herself to believe Adubell had fallen so far.


"This assailant was female?"


"We are sending you a still from the photage provided by Counselor Corinthos. It is the clearest we could retrieve. We are interested in your theories into the possible identity of the second figure. The first has been identified as Circe Prescott."

"I will do my best."

Nevylinn clicks off and takes a deep breath. She does not allow her mind to spiral as she sits in front of the consol and keys up the system and accesses their secure network. The message is waiting for her. She hesitates momentarily but curiosity overwhelms every other sense. In boldface type:

Hesperidium. Bolerathon Tower. 7ABY.

She clicks on the attachment and an image fills the screen. There is a large corridor, sparsely decorated but expensively designed. Frozen in place is a barely twenty-two year old Circe Prescott with a blank expression on her face. Behind her, coming out of a door marked with a cursive M is another woman. Dark hair, tight black jumpsuit and a saber clipped to a thick black belt. The face is unmistakable and her reaction is the same as it had been in the darkness of the caves on Korriban.

Staring back at her through the screen is her sister, Adubell.


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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #40 on: August 20, 2013, 03:25:24 PM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital

Surface: Ambaril

Photage of the imperial fleet massed where the Wheel had once been hovered in the center of the senate chamber.  Already authorization had been given for force, but the senate could be fickle, and Speaker Apteen wanted to make sure they continued to be aware of the threat.

Some of the initial photage had been from news outlets that had watched the Federation getting slaughtered, later photage had been provided thanks to recon units sent out.  Apteen had, however, learned just before the current senate session that the recon team had failed to send their last transmission, and it was feared they had been discovered.

After the report, some of the objectors quieted down (not necessarily because they had given up on stopping the war, but because watching the imperial machine doing its work was not the right time to try the argument).  A variety of measures were passed, providing additional funds and logistical support.

Apteen had been very successful thus far, but thus far hadn't involved an actual battle.  That was the next step.

With the meeting over, he didn't return to his office, though he wanted the comfort of his floating hologram of the galaxy.  Instead, he made his way to the senate landing platform, where a shuttle and two admirals were waiting for him.

"Is everything ready?"

"As ready as it is going to be, Mr. Speaker.  We are prepared to depart for engagement on your say so."

"I trust all ships have checked out?  I don't want some explosion or-"

"Mr. Speaker, we are ready.  Ships are cleared for battle"

The speaker was silent nodding his head.

"I will expect a full report once you've engaged.  I know that it won't end quickly, but I want to make sure this war that has started will lean in our favor"

"We will do our best sir"

With a salute, the admirals departed aboard the shuttle, and Shale Apteen watched the vessel rise into orbit.

Less than an hour later, Admiral Nugent stood on the bridge of the Corellian Dreadnaught "Liberty", looking out the viewport at the dozens of ships waiting there.  The Chandaar fleet was just one of four that were involved in this initial salvo, Republic fleets to converge in hopes of keeping the imperials off guard.

"Proceed with the countdown"

The ships of the fleet, from large to small realigned, preparing to enter hyperspace as a clock began to tick downward in the 'Liberty's' bridge.

When it hit zero, the admiral motioned, his lieutenant sending the signal, and in a blaze of light and glory, the Republic fleet disappeared into hyperspace to face off against the imperial threat.
Surface: Ambaril

The jedi have seen the photage Corinthos provided, and have returned now to discuss their findings with her

"You know of the prophesy?"

Kyatt is almost insulted by the question.
"of course."

The jedi shook his head

"No - I mean the entire prophesy.  You know who the four were. You know of their families, of the intrigue.  You know that Alexander Winton, and his successors seek to dominate, and those associated with 'the four' are either the instruments to be used and abused, or the enemy to be destroyed.  But our concern is that all that has occurred is more than just vengance.  Alexander Winton never truly believed in the prophesy, he just wanted it to meet his needs.  The enemy now though has a far grander and more dangerous scheme.  The four are not just tools.  They are the epitome of the prophesy itself.  The sith are lurking, trying to use this opportunity to make themselves stronger"

"Then we cannot let them do that!  I need your help!  I need you to help me save two innocent people who were being controlled by the sith!"

"We cannot"

"But it's true!"

"We believe it is - this photage does prove that.  But we cannot testify on your behalf."

"Why ca-"

"And furthermore, we must beseech you not to use this photage in your defense"

Kyatt had been interrupted, but now she is speechless, staring at the faces of the jedi, calmly staring back at her.

"I have to.  I have a duty, a professional and ethical and moral responsibility to present this documentation to defend my clients.  Why can't I have your help?"

"Because, Miss Corinthos, if your clients are found to have been coerced by the power of the force, it will hurt us significantly.  The jedi will be seen like the sith - the evil ones, who creep into individuals' minds and control their actions.  We will be shunned, feared, and harassed"

Kyatt can hardly believe what she is hearing.

"So I am supposed to let two innocent people be locked up forever, so that the jedi will be seen favorably"

"So that we can work to defend the galaxy.  It is imperative!  If we are to stop the sith, we need to be able to-"

"No.  I won't have it.  I am going to defend my clients.  If you won't help me, then damn you all, but I am going to defend my clients with every fiber of my being."

Kyatt, enraged, storms out of the council chamber, making her way back to the surface.  Without the jedi, she has no idea how she can use the photage to prove some sort of sith mind-control.  The photage, in fact, is fairly damning without the evidence of the true cause of her clients' actions.

Damn the jedi.

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
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Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #41 on: August 25, 2013, 04:46:14 PM »

Surface: Lake Country: Masterton Villa

Gemma stands staring out over the calm waters beyond the villa patio. She has finished packing and awaits the Jedi's instructions. The time together on Naboo has been life changing for the young girl. She arrived a frightened child and prepares to leave, for all intensive purposes, a Jedi. She has learned the lessons, trained and meditated, and found great comfort in her powerful connection to the Force. The intensive purpose part lies in her inability to completely utilize her visions to the greater advantage. Some are easier to interpret than others. And she does not yet understand why she is being sent memories from her fallen sister. Nevylinn suspects they are pieces of a larger puzzle, perspective through which to frame the present circumstances. Gemma just finds it unsettling.

Nevylinn appears on the patio, "Our transport should be here shortly."


"You are nervous about returning."

"A little," Gemma admits. "I'll be fine. It's just..."

"Your mind drifts toward your brother, Riley, and Dahlia."

She nods.

"Not everyone has the same path, Gemma. Remember that misplaced concern can distract you from being present in the moment. Concern leads to fear."

"And fear to the dark side. I won't forget."


"We're all ready then?"

"There is just one more thing," Nevylinn says, crossing the patio. "While your father's vaccine is handy, it may not always be available to protect you from others. Remember everyone has a unique signature through the Force, one that can identify you as a Jedi and a Masterton. You must learn to conceal these traits about yourself from those around you."

"Conceal them? Why would I need to hide?"

"The greater threat has not yet been identified and the Jedi do not wish to make you a larger target than you already are. The cover story of your return is only the beginning. You must make no mention of the Jedi's involvement or your training."

Gemma blinks those wide, blue eyes.

"You...want me to lie?"

"We are asking that you omit portions of your rescue."

"Omission is lying."

Nevylinn heart aches. The girl is bright and pure. She does not like asking this of her but she has her orders. The Jedi were very clear in their instructions. There must be no attention drawn to them and their activities.

"Some lies are meant to spare harm from coming to you or others. It is not ideal, certainly, but you will find that life is seldom skewed in favor or fairness or good. We must fight for those things. But right now I need you to appear as a normal girl with a beautiful voice who has been returned to her family after a terrifying ordeal."

Gemma looks into herself, finding that light that shines brightly within. Focusing intensely, she can dampen the glow, surrounding it in a telekinetic shroud. She brings her gaze up to meet Nevylinn who nods.

"Very good. Now, we will practice your tale to perfection on the journey."


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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #42 on: August 27, 2013, 08:23:28 AM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital
Surface: Ambaril: Halls of Justice, Court of General Jurisdiction in the Republic

"Calling now case number 20013-CF2-7083, Republic versus Janessa Kain, and case number 20013-CF2-7084, Republic versus Circe Prescott"

Today, the first day of 'trial' was going to be mostly procedural - addressing outstanding motions, and picking the jury.

It was the jury pool that were filling the benches of the audience.  The judge, in order to accommodate the vast needs had installed a series of cameras so the press could watch the trial from two large auditoriums across the street, while the jury would remain undisturbed until selection.  The judge had also asked for a significantly larger pool of jurors to select from, due to the publicity of the case - it would be hard enough finding one untainted jurors, and they needed at least fifteen (12 jurors, 3 alternates).  That's not even counting the preemptive strikes available to the prosecution and the defense.

The prosecution table had three attorneys, all neatly pressed, and the defense table had Kyatt Corinthos, with her two 'substitute' attorneys at her sides.  The judge was sitting on the bench, and two clerks were shuffling paperwork back and forth between the groups.

The jurors were the most important thing at the moment, and the two hundred individuals who had been pulled into the courtroom were busy themselves, filling out preliminary questionaires.  Attorneys on both sides had argued about the language of the voir dire procedure, the process of what to ask jurors for purposes of determining bias, and to make the selection.

Needless to say, anyone who was or worked for a republic counselor, or had been a liason with the corporate sector were excluded, as were anyone who knew of the defendants personally.  But not all questions were so black and white, or undisputed.
Kyatt had asked for a question added DO YOU BELIEVE IN THE POWERS OF THE JEDI AND THE FORCE? but had refused to explain her reasoning.  At the prosecutor's objection, the judge deemed the question irrelevant and excluded it.  It wasn't a major loss, but it was one in a series that would make her job that much harder.  What if she got skeptics on the jury who didn't believe the jedi could do what she was going to claim?

Other questions involved how much exposure the jurors had gotten to the story already - had they read any of news?  What did they think of it?  Did they have any opinions?  How did they feel about the death penalty, an option open in this case?

Other questions addressed the political atmosphere of the Republic senate (where the accusations had originated) and the Corporate Sector, and opinions about corporate warfare, the Trade Federation, and a host of other factors.

Finally, there was the generic question IS THERE ANY REASON YOU CAN'T SERVE AS A JUROR?  The trial was expected to last a week or two, at the smallest, and the answers to that question could vary between jobs, or personal feelings, or inability to sit still for long periods of time.  The jury, once selected, would be sequestered for the length of the trial, adding to the burden on their civic duty.

The full list of questions that each juror was filling out now was over one hundred long, and the answers would have to be sifted through before moving on to the next phase of voir dire, questioning individual jurors, which would also take hours.

Notably absent from this vast process were the two defendants.  All parties had agreed they needn't be brought out during jury selection, and Kyatt was grateful for their absence - jurors could learn to hate a face just by being stuck in the same room with it too long.  No doubt the selected jurors would hate her, and the prosecutor, and the judge, by the time the trial was over.

But as long as it wasn't her clients, she was ok with that.

Hours - yes, hours - later, Kyatt Corinthos was leaning against a podium, asking juror number 83 to elaborate on one of her answers.  They had managed to get 7 of the jurors they needed thus far, and each one was a strategic move.  First, if one side didn't want them, they had to try to get them disqualified by the judge.  Otherwise, they had to choose whether to use one of their limited number of strikes on THIS juror, or whether to save it for the potentially worse juror down the road.  This particular juror had answered that she had been following the story in the news, but hadn't stated any opinions.  Kyatt wanted to make sure she hadn't developed any of her own.  Or, more specifically, Kyatt wanted her to admit to her opinions, so the judge would exclude her, otherwise, Kyatt would be forced to use one of her strikes, of which she currently only had three left.

"You say you've been following this story?"
"I found it interesting"

Kyatt was already annoyed by the juror.

"What was so interesting about it?"
"Well, it seems like such a waste - I mean, Prescott had a bright future ahead of her, and years of service behind her.  This ruined her"

Kyatt was now debating.  This juror had opinions - it didn't make sense - and that was the type of juror Kyatt would have the easiest time convincing that none of this made sense without the whole force manipulation.

But before Kyatt could continue, the judge spoke from behind the bench.

"I've determined this juror is tainted.  Thank you for your time. you are released"

The juror, a bit confused by the sudden dismissal stepped off the stand and made her way out of the courtroom.

Kyatt sighed as the clerk called the next juror, number 84.

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
May the Force be with you

Offline Medivh

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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #43 on: August 30, 2013, 02:44:53 PM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital
Surface: Ambaril: Halls of Justice, Court of General Jurisdiction in the Republic

Coming Soon...

Opening Statements ...

(I'll try posting on Monday or Tuesday the start of the trial.  Get set for the case of the millenia, or at least the year)
SWSF: Legacy of the Force
May the Force be with you

Offline Medivh

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Re: CC: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #44 on: September 04, 2013, 11:03:49 AM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital
Surface: Ambaril: Halls of Justice, Court of General Jurisdiction in the Republic

The prosecutor stood before the jury, eyes glancing over their faces, one at a time, as he spoke.

"Ladies and gentlemen of the jury.  Today, you have been brought here to defend our laws, and our way of life, from two individuals who have conspired to unravel and corrupt society for their own nefarious purposes.  We don't know how deep or dark the conspiracy goes, or how many have been hurt by their acts.  But we do know some things for sure.

We know that Janessa Kain and Circe Prescott conspired together.  Together, they conspired to commit fraud, embezzle funds from corporate and government entities, obstruct justice, kidnap, and finally, and worst of all, they conspired to commit murder of an investigator who had discovered what they were doing, and was preparing to prosecute them.

Over the course of the trial, you will see indisputable evidence of each of these crimes, and we are confident that at the close, it will be clear to you that these despicable people are guilty of every one of them.  Thank you."

The prosecutor took a seat, and the judge turned toward the defense table.  Three defense attorneys, and the two defendants sat there quietly, tense but patient.

"Opening for the defense?"

Kyatt Corinthos let out a sigh before standing.

"Thank you your honor"

She made her way around the table, walking across the well of the courtroom until she stood in front of the jury box, filled with its 12 jurors and 3 alternates.

"Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury.  The prosecution will no doubt present evidence of crimes committed.  They will even show evidence that these crimes were committed by the hands of my clients.  But though their hands might have blood on them, these crimes were not their fault.  Indeed, the defense will prove to you that Janessa Kain and Circe Prescott had no control of their actions - and didn't even know they were happening - when these crimes were committed.

You will hear testimony from friends, family, and colleauges of both.  You will hear about their stellar reputations within the Corporate Sector, and the Republic.  How they have been loyal, unflinchingly loyal through years and years of service.  They love the Republic, what it stands for, and its leadership.  They are law abiding to their very cores.  So why?  Why would they commit such awful crimes?

Because they were controlled by others.  You will also hear testimony about the barely believable powers of the Force.  Now I know what you are thinking.  The Force is a myth, the powers of the jedi, of the sith, used to scare or intimidate.  I used to be a skeptic myself.  But I've seen what these powers can do.  The Force can have a strong influence on those who are vulnerable, susceptible to them.  And you will hear how at times that Janessa and Circe were most susceptible, they were taken advantage of.

My clients are not criminals.  They are themselves victims of a power and an enemy that is barely understood.  But real. Very real.

I ask you - suspend your disbelief.  The Force, and its influence are both real.  And the damage the Force can cause in the wrong hands is equally real.  My clients were victims to that dark power.  They cannot be found liable for their actions, and so I beg that you see the truth, and find them not guilty.

Thank you"

Kyatt took two steps backward, before turning and heading back to her table.

There was a brief silence before the judge again spoke.

"Prosecutor, present your first witness"

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
May the Force be with you