Author Topic: CC: The Crimson Covenant  (Read 169648 times)

Offline Syren

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Re: CC: The Crimson Covenant
« Reply #135 on: April 06, 2014, 01:30:16 PM »
Corporate Sector

D'ian: Surface: Viiperi Lake: Gellar Manor

The saber's clash against each other as Gemma and Nevylinn square off. Clearly, Gemma has been honing her skills as the maneuvers and attacks are much more precise now than they were on Naboo. The location of Viiperi Lake was chosen for several reasons but the primary being that it was mainly a summer retreat and therefore scarcely inhabited this time of year. Rutherford Gellar had granted Nevylinn access to their manor house after she concluded her business on Mondder.

She would emerge to serve the Republic interest but remain out of the spotlight for the most part. The Direx Board was far too busy to bother with her anyway, the initial shock of a Jed's presence long since having worn off. Novelty fades quickly in the Corporate Sector. Proper business channels in the Republic go through Janessa Kain and she seems to be handling things just fine. Coincidentally, Miss Kain is the first topic her young apprentice touches upon.

"How was the Sith able to control her?"

Nevylinn deflects another of Gemma's offensive moves.

"The Force can influence the weak-minded. That does not mean to say Janessa is dense or stupid but, at that particular point in time, she was vulnerable. She was intoxicated which made her open to suggestion."

"And the Counselor?"

The sabers screech as they touch and separate.

"Circe had suffered a great loss. She was the sole survivor of a team that never made it out of Centerpoint. Grief made her an easy target which is why we must be mindful of our emotions. We must always control them. They must never control us."

Gemma nods as they spin apart, deactivate their sabers and bow. The lesson is complete. Nevylinn is impressed with how refined Gemma's reflexes have become. Both her offensive and defensive posturing indicates a great deal of forethought and skill. The girl may be young but she is wise where it counts.

"Emotions are tricky."

"They can be."

"You said my father was manipulated through his."

Nevylinn nods.

"A calculated move on the part of the Sith. Taking you away from your parents put them in an unusually heightened state of emotional stress."

"Leaving them vulnerable."

"Fear is a natural response to such stimuli. It is not their fault they felt these things as they would not have had the inclination to be mindful of the Sith's exploitation. Your father was pulled into a despair I could not help him out of. He was lost at the thought of losing you."

"He loves us a lot," Gemma says with a cute smile. "He just doesn't let on in such an obvious way."

"Many people aren't so obvious with their intentions."

"Like Dahlia or Dane."

Nevylinn turns to her, "How so?"

"You heard what Kylie said. Dahlia is incredibly secretive and Dane has been insufferable since he returned."

"I thought you said he has changed his ways."

"After a conversation with Dahlia."

Nevylinn is curious as to where she believes this leads.


"Dahlia is a lot of things but she's hardly convincing when it comes to caring about people other than herself. If she really was taught the ways of the Sith then she is either manipulating Dane or using him."

"For what?"

Gemma shrugs.

"I'm not sure but whatever it is, it has our parents fooled. They seem so happy and I don’t want to deny them that after all they have been through."

They walk through the dense foliage toward the shore of the lake.

"And what of your friend, Demaris?"

"Safe for now," Gemma says. "I threw Dahlia off her scent by dropping some hints about Trichelle's social plans for spring. It derailed her completely. I also asked for a friends help, someone who can keep an eye out."


"Ples Aguilar."

"The ExO's son?"

"Clever, right? I told him that Dahlia and Trichelle's scheming shouldn't involve someone as sweet as Demaris. His crush on her makes him think this is helpful so he said he would make sure to steer clear of their games."

"Now who is being manipulative?" Nevylinn teases.

"I didn't use the Force, I just asked. You said I couldn't tell anyone about what I can do so I improvised…"

She trails off, frowning.

"What is it?"

"Kylie knows what I am, what I can do."

"Does that bother you?"

"Not exactly. I know she will keep the secret so long as no one gets hurt. She has been around us our whole lives, closer than even our parents. She could tell there was something different about us when we got back. I hate lying but I completely get why we have to. I also get why Kylie is so worried. I am worried too."

"You are strong, Gemma. We will figure this out. Together."

They stop along the riverbank; a thin fog coils up over the surface of the water. The air is crisp but not cold and the buds on the trees indicate that in a few weeks, spring will arrive in full force.

"I have something to show you."

"What is it?"

"You told me you had seen your sister in your dreams. What if I told you there was a way to commune with her while you were awake?"

There is?"

Nevylinn nods.

"The soul and essence of a Force-sensitive that has passed on is, on some occasions, able to communicate with the living. They can manifest in many forms and in various realms. The Four are a unique exception. Only two, Karen Winton and Melanie Masterton, were Force-sensitive while Valerie Gellar and Kimber Patten were known as Touchstones. Gellar to Winton and Patten to Masterton. Collectively, the prophecy refers to them as the Royal Four of the Force. Even without the inherent connection or abilities, Valerie and Kimber are still able to manifest to their respective counterparts. They are, in some respects, spiritual guides. This explains how Riley is able to communicate with his mother and Dane told you he saw Valerie."

"Does that mean Dahlia can communicate with Karen?"

"Or Alexia. Or both. You are tied to them and them to you in a ways that transcend the physical realm. Your connection to the Force will facilitate these interactions."

Nevylinn leaves her and returns to the manor house. Gemma closes her eyes and draws deep on the Force, feeling it pulse through her. A breeze whips through the trees, rustling her blonde curls. Then she hears her voice, faint yet distinctive, like a gentle whisper.



"I will always be with you."

Gemma opens her eyes to see her form emerge from the fog over the lake, a white-blue glow outlining her every movement. She glides toward her with open arms. Gemma smiles.



Offline Medivh

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Re: CC: The Crimson Covenant
« Reply #136 on: April 07, 2014, 02:42:17 PM »
Corporate Sector

D'ian: Surface: Gellar Estate

Darth D'Cera mader her way, as usual, to the hollowed out tree on the family estate. Only this time, upon her arrival, on of the Voss Ra servants was waiting there for her.

It bowed low as it hissed out.
"Lady D'Cera - Lord Erinbol sends his regards"

D'Cera had only met the darth briefly, during her time with Emperor Schrag, but Adubell had indicated he was an ally.

"Can I speak with him?"
"He left a message"

The Voss Ra pulled out a comm unit, and activated it, a small blue holo image of the old sith standing.

"Darth D'Cera - I hope you are doing well.  The jedi are in a precarious position now, and I have the plan that will crush whatever support they still have in the Republic.  I will be contacting our associates at D.W. Inc. to arrange for the necessary movement of goods.  But Emperor Schrag would be most pleased to hear of this himself.  Review the documents I've sent with this message."

The message ended abruptly and Dahlia glanced down at the comm, which now was scrolling information.

"i'll deal with this later. Leave me, servant"

"Yes, Lady D'Cera"

The Voss Ra disappeared into the night, and Dahlia was left with her holocron

300 years ago ...

When Darryl Winton did not return home, Persephone grew worried, more so as the hours passed.  He had told her he was going to confront the Jedi Imri, to find out what was going on.

No word.  No answer on the comm. Nothing.

It was the next day when she received word - her husband was found dead near the jedi clinic, his neck had been snapped.

Persephone's response was a wide mix of emotions.  Utter sadness. Fear. Shock. Hatred.  She knew who caused this - the same jedi who had claimed to be helping her this whole time.  She wanted to confront him herself, but knew, knew it would be too dangerous.  She knew that she too was in danger - he could come at any time, maybe kill her, maybe something else, part of his experiment.

So she knew she had to find help.

Taking the fastest route possible, she went not to the jedi clinic, but the main jedi temple.  By this point, she was quite cumbersome, with four babies growing inside her.
At the gate of the temple, she banged on the door, and screamed.

"Help!  HELP!!!"

Before again breaking down in tears.

Two young jedi approached, helped Persephone stand, and walked her inside the temple.

Then she told her story.  First to a low ranking jedi supervisor.
Then to one member of the council.

And then, D'Cera watched as Persephone stood in the middle of the circle at the top of the tower, surrounded by the Jedi Council, as they questioned her, and heard what she had to say.

"You say he helped you get pregnant?"
"Yes - Darryl and me - we were trying for so long.  He told us he could help us.  Imri said he could use a new technique to help us"
"Do you know what he did?"
"No - I'm not sure.  But it worked. We know it worked.  I am having not one child - I'm having four.  But then ... then the nightmares started.  Not so much visions as words. Every night, I sleep."

"Tell us"

And she repeated those words, the words she wanted to forget, that she heard every night.  And the council grew more solemn.

"Darryl went to confront Imri, to find out what exactly he did.  And now Darryl is dead.  My husband is dead, and I don't know what to do.  I don't have any family.  I can't do this alone. I ... I just can't"

As if to punctuate her predicament, she grabbed her abdomen as two of the children began kicking.

The council members looked at her and at each other.

"Miss Winton - would you excuse us for a few minutes.  We think we may be able to help you. Protect you"

Persephone stepped out, and Dahlia watched as the jedi council remained.

"Have a team of jedi go to the clinic and find Imri.  He has gone too far, in too many ways."
"What of the Winton woman?"
"While Imri is at large, she is to stay here, under our protection."
"And when the children are born?"

Silence showed the answer was still uncertain.

Imri was uncertain what to do, standing over Darryl Winton's body.

"What have I done"
"What was necessary to be done, of course"

Imri turned to find the voice that spoke to him, but none was there.

"Who said that?"
"I am an admirer of yours, young jedi.  But your time is short now.  I can help you unlock the secrets you have been seeking, but you must come away, and I will teach you a path to abilities the closed minded council would not approve of.  Darryl Winton was in the way, but the offspring of Persephone - they are still available."
"What are you"

A shadow appeared with just barely a face.
"I am sith.  And if you follow me, you will be too.  Beside you lies the body of a mortal, but also here lies the jedi Imri.  Let him die here too, and come with me as the Darth Immortus, whose legacy shall change the course of the galaxy"
Imri was gone by the time the jedi arrived.  Their thoughts now turned to the young woman in her last trimester, and to the four offspring she was to give birth to.


SWSF: Legacy of the Force
May the Force be with you

Offline Syren

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Re: CC: The Crimson Covenant
« Reply #137 on: April 13, 2014, 01:58:46 PM »
"I know we're dying
And there's no sign of a parachute
We scream in catherdrals
Why can't it be beautiful
Why does there
Gotta be a sacrifice?"

-Tori Amos "Iieee"

Corporate Sector

D'ian: Surface: Viiperi Lake: Gellar Manor

Gemma walks along the edge of the water, moving in and out of the tree line as Melanie keeps pace. Even incorporeal, she moves as she once did and appears in the same white robes she had seen before. Her long blonde curls have a silvery glow as the outline of her form hums in a blue haze.

"You have done well, sister. I am proud of all you have accomplished at such a young age. It took me quite a bit longer to embrace my own abilities."

"How come?"

"I suppose I was frightened. Karen and I had always been told we were special. No one ever elaborated on what that meant. We knew we were different, that we had…powers. She could move things with her mind and I could feel things, things others could not perceive…even from great distances."

Melanie smiles wistfully.

"Back then, we had to tread lightly. We grew up on Coruscant, in the epicenter of the Imperial machine. Palpatine feared people like us and he executed the order many years before that purged the galaxy of most Jedi. Those born and confirmed to be Force sensitive were either isolated or exterminated."

Gemma frowns, pausing by on an overturned trunk.

"Did the Emperor know about you?"

"Yes and the only reason we were allowed to survive is because Alexander Winton leveraged Alexia's potential in exchange for our safety. She was handed over to the Empire to be used as they saw fit or so they thought. Palpatine was distracted and Alexander had his own agenda and all the while, my friends and I spun through the glitter and lights of Galactic City believing we were happy and safe. We could not have been more wrong."

"I don't want that."

Melanie turns.

"The lie is always more attractive. Even with the prophecy weighing on me, I still had the spotlight, the celebrity. You will be tempted with it as well – all four of you in different ways. The trick is to see through the façade without losing yourself in it."

"I thought you said the prophecy was also a lie."

"It's origin and references were not but the way Alexander used it against everyone certainly was. There are some who would use the truth against others to gain an unfair advantage not that it did him a lot of good in the end."

"It cost him his life?"


Gemma makes a face, "I don't understand."

"It's complicated but he met his final end on the Centerpoint Station like the rest of us."

"In the explosion?"

"Implosion, actually but no. We were already dead."


Melanie hesitates, gazing at her sister's inquisitive stare.

"Are you certain you want to know? The details are unsavory."

"Tell me."

"Dementat stopped Alexander…right after he killed me…right after I killed Karen."

Gemma's mouth opens, allowing a gasp to escape.

"You killed her?"


"And he killed you?"

She nods, "Took my head clean off. I slew his lover and he was angry regardless of the agonizing road it took to come to that decision. I thought I was so smart. I thought I could save them all if I just rid the galaxy of Karen and Dementat. While the Empire itself certainly suffered greatly with their collective demise, it has not eliminated the threat entirely."

"Who killed Kimber?"

"No one did," Melanie says, glancing away. "She died during childbirth as the woman known to you as Mara Tacofer helped bring Riley into this world."

"Why didn't she save her?"

"There was no time. Mara had to get off the station with Riley or risk losing him as well. She had already lost Valerie and Karen. She lost Kimber before she even got to know her. Riley was her salvation just as Mara was Karen's."


"Mara helped Karen see the lies of her father. I can say this now, in the clarity of death, but I was not aware that Karen had faced down her own demons and won. I believed she was still a threat; that she would stop at nothing to kill Kimber and her child in order for her and Dementat to rule. Those were the lies I believed. That is why we are connected to the four of you. We can help you succeed where we failed."

"You mean…with Dahlia, Dane and Riley?"

"You are destined for different paths that remain connected. Dane will follow in his father's footsteps and Riley in his grandfather's. There is danger in that kind of greatness as only the pure of heart will keep their soul."

"And Dahlia?"

Melanie's face becomes somber.

"Dahlia has been corrupted but will grow conflicted. She is more like Karen than she cares to admit but there are elements of Alexia's madness within her as well. Karen wanted power and fame but not if it cost her everyone she loved. She never wanted that kind of sacrifice. Alexia would have murdered anyone who stood in her path due mostly to her father's manipulations. He promised her everything and reveled in taking that away from her as it only served to drive her over the edge. Alexander Winton was willing to risk everything and everyone in order to get what he wanted and in the end that meant letting them all go. No one was able to live up to his expectations of perfection."

"But he didn't know about Dahlia…"

"Your parents believed that but someone did and that someone lied in wait for many years. There is no other explanation as to why you were targeted so specifically, why you, Dane and Riley were meant to be rescued and Dahlia left behind. Someone knew exactly who she was and how she could be turned against the Gellar's, Masterton's and Patten's."


"Our pasts are colorful and carefully interconnected. We are all guilty of something that could be used to distort the truth."

"How will I know the difference?"

Melanie hovers out over the water, mist following behind and curling upwards around her.

"Learning from the past will save you in the future."

Then she is gone.

Gemma's heart is pounding in her chest. There is so much to ask and know but not enough time. She had yet to touch on her dreams or the monsters but is left with much to consider. She turns back and heads toward the manor house with the intention of arming herself with knowledge. History has a way of repeating itself only because people tend to forget it. She would not make that mistake. Gemma already knows more than her parents think she does. She could use that knowledge to shield herself from Dahlia and protect Dane and Riley, even if it's from themselves.


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: The Crimson Covenant
« Reply #138 on: April 14, 2014, 05:10:05 PM »
"I'm always swimming
Against the flow of the tide
Kissing the life into something
That's already died.

I've been drowning forever
I'll let go, I'll dive
Into the river and flow."

-Transister "Flow"

Corporate Sector

D'ian: Surface: Concordia Township

Muriel Monroe stares at the shimmering waters of the pool behind the Monroe estate. She is curled into a chaise lounge, tilted against the perfect row of other chairs that line the smooth beige duracrete deck. She cradles a mixed berry wine cooler that someone should have taken from her by now. She never should have had it in the first place, never should have been able to retrieve it from the fridge without so much as a raised eye brow. Then again, it's difficult to get a response from machines. She tries to remember when she last spoke to her mother who was on location for her new film. It could have been weeks ago, maybe even months. No one can ever really be sure. Muriel is essentially being raised by a fleet of droids. Her mother hadn't even had the good sense or forethought to hire an actual sentient being to watch over her only daughter.

Some would find this arrangement particularly exciting but Muriel is left with an emotional void. Sure, she is popular and beautiful but those things do not make up for a fundamental lack of parental oversight and attention. Some people's parents hardly ever let them out of their sight much less abandon them for months on end. If only. Maybe it would be easier if she wasn't around when her mother came back. If she no longer existed, would it even make a difference?

The pills Tobias gives her help dull the roar inside her own head just enough to make it through a day at a time. It is more difficult when she is alone, after she gets home to find metallic faces that lack any of the concern or alarm as they inquire about where she has been. She wanders the giant empty house like a ghost.

So she swallows a few more pills.

Muriel sits upright, knocking over the bottle as she stands and sluggishly moves toward the steps and into the pool. She finishes off the rest of the drink and clumsily tosses the bottle aside. It shatters as it hits the deck but she doesn't flinch. She just wades deeper into the warm, clear water until she is completely submerged.

Dahlia Winton presses on the intercom again without an answer. Where the hell is the help? LeVanya Monroe should really look into actual staff. She taps in the door code she's had for years and enters the foyer. The instant she is inside, she feels something very wrong. She had felt it earlier as if someone was crying out without a voice. Knowing she hadn't spent as much time with Muriel as she probably should be since she returned, she snuck out with the help of her Voss-Ra servant and jacked one of the Gellar speeders to visit. Muriel never goes to bed early and Dahlia could use a little girl time. She moves deeper into the house, finding one then two deactivated protocol droids slumped against the walls. This causes an immediate panic as she knows Muriel has been acting strangely lately. Dating a known drug-dealer, taking pills and drinking were not part of their modus operandi before the kidnapping. People change, sure, but she's pretty sure she can spot a downward spiral when she sees one.

Dahlia finds several more deactivated droids in the kitchen and living room. It is almost as if they had been switched off and posed. The whole thing is creepy but Dahlia weaves through the house in a quickening pace.


Her voice echoes in the house. She shivers then catches sight of a blue light coming through Muriel's open bedroom door. The bed is made up and undisturbed, the light coming from the pool beyond the sliding door. She pulls it open and steps out into the cool early spring night. Her eyes are immediately drawn to the overturned chair, something small, round and white scattered around and a wet spot on the deck with broken glass. She follows that to the pool where a body is floating face down in the water.

She leaps in without thinking, grabbing her friend's limp body and dragging it toward the steps. She pulls her head above the water's surface and pushes the thick blonde hair away from her face. Dahlia is sobbing as she hauls Muriel up onto the deck and lays her on her side, pressing her wet fingers against her throat to check for a pulse. She rolls her onto her back and looks around wildly for something that would help. She considers calling Doctor Daaé but that would only lead to more questions. There are pills everywhere and an orange bottle near the overturned chaise lounge. Dahlia wipes her face and kneels over Muriel, pulling open her mouth to start CPR which all Valor Prep students are required to certify as soon as they enter high school. She begins chest compressions but it's sloppy and she's not sure if she's pressing hard enough. She alternates between the compressions and blowing, sobbing harder at the helplessness of it all, but then Muriel coughs and a geyser of water spews from her mouth. Dahlia turns her onto her side, falling back against the deck.

For a moment, she sobers and watches Muriel lie there. There are myriad of thoughts that now cross her mind, some darker than others. She has obviously taken a lot of pills and even though she has been revived from nearly drowning she may still die from an overdose.

Adubell's lessons now appear boldly in her mind, her gravelly voice full of malice speaking of how friends are useless. They are liabilities. If she lets Muriel die, she will be free of that burden. She will no longer have to worry about their friendship or her feelings and insecurities. Muriel would be the victim, a senseless tragedy, and Dahlia would be the hero who got there too late. She tried to save her but couldn't and people would respect her for that. It would solidify her image, endear her to them all. All she has to do is let her best friend slip away, Muriel wet and fading on the expensive deck of her neglectful mother's home.

Dahlia swallows hard, convictions wavering.

Be strong. Be a Sith. Let them all go. You don't need them. They stand in the way of greatness. You are the rage, the deception and the darkness.

You need no one.

Her lip quivers as the tears burn her eyes.

Do nothing.

She sobs, crying out loud.

Let her die.

Dahlia shakes her head, grabbing Muriel's arms and pulling her off the deck and onto the surrounding grass. Keeping her on her side, Dahlia pushes open her mouth again and shoves her fingers toward the back of her throat. Muriel jerks and struggles in her arms but Dahlia keeps them firmly in place until she heaves. Muriel vomits explosively into the grass, coughing and shaking. Dahlia sighs, holding her close and holding back her hair. They lie there together, soaking wet and shivering as Muriel continues to vomit. Once it has subsided, she turns, eyes opening to stare up at her.


"It's me, Mur. I'm here. You're okay."

"Am I…?" she croaks.

She rocks her back and forth.

"Everything is going to be okay."

Later, as Muriel rests in her bed, Dahlia begins to cry. She wanders into the living room and sinks to the floor. There is a snicker from above. She inhales and glances up. Alexia's face is staring down from within the massive mirror mounted above the mantle.


"Don't even start with me."

"Karen had friends too, you know. She let people in. She trusted them."

"Shut up."

"Look how far that got her."

"Look how far your obsession got you," Dahlia counters venomously.

Alexia's face darkens.

"Do not confuse nobility with gullibility. They are all expendable. Opening your heart to them will only risk your own life. Faith in friends is a weakness you cannot afford. Not now. Not ever. Cut yourself off, dear Dahlia, or you will follow them straight into the grave."

Dahlia stands, grabbing a small sculpture from the coffee table and hurls it at the mirror. It shatters loudly, glass pouring down and bouncing off the mantle until there are shards and specks all over the rug. She backs away; distraught and shaken then shrugs it off and goes to check on Muriel.


Offline Medivh

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Re: CC: The Crimson Covenant
« Reply #139 on: May 02, 2014, 12:26:50 PM »
Corporate Sector

D'ian: Surface: Gellar Estate

"You have been gone too long, young sith"

The image of her guide from the holocron looked on at her reproachfully.  Dahlia, was not so easily cowed.

"I had other matters to attend to"
"your friend"
Dahlia's eyes narrowed.   She didn't know how the holocron knew, but right now, she wasn't interested in his contemptive tone.
"I am my own master.  I don't care what you think.  Muriel is worth saving"
"your problem, D'Cera, is not that you do not care - it is that you care too much.  Have you already forgotten the lessons you've learned, that have been forged within you?  A sith does not have friends.  She has servants. She has allies. and she has enemies.  Is Muriel one of those?  Is she an ally? a servant?  No. Clearly not.  You CARE about her.  You SAVE her.  But what you do not realize is that saving her.  By having compassion - it will be your undoing.  This is a fact.  Before your destiny is complete, Muriel will die. Muriel MUST die.  There will be a time when you must choose yourself over. When you must choose Darth D'Cera, Daughter of Darkness over Muriel, or choose Muriel over Dahlia, the weak."
"That is not how it will be. I don't have to let her die"
"Then you are wasting your time.  And ours.  The sith have waited for one to bring about its destiny.  If it isn't you, we will proceed without you"
"You have nothing without me"

Dahlia turned and began walking away from the sith.

"You still don't know, do you ...  come, young fool.  Come see the origin"

Dahlia debated storming out, but then she heard the screaming behind her, and she turned, watching the scene unfold before her, as if on a viewscreen.

Persephone Winton, surrounded by doctors, prone with her legs spread, several jedi standing in the background.  One by one, she gave birth.

The first child, a boy.
"Darryl - his name is Darryl Winton, like his father"

The second, a girl.
"Melanie  - named after my grandmother"

The third, a girl.
"Valerie - named after my great-aunt"

The fourth, a girl.
"Kimber - named after Darryl's grandmother"

The four children were cleaned and wrapped, and escorted to a small room nearby, Persephone offering a weak smile.

"I did it"

The jedi Rand approached, smiling back at her.

"Yes you did"

Dahlia watched the scene unfold, shaking her head.

"the three girls are named Melanie, Valerie, and Kimber?"
"but they are Winton's."
"conventions at the time show that women would take on their husband's last name, as is still the case today"
"So Melanie Winton married a Masterton, Valerie a Gellar, and Kimber a Patten?"
"And Darryl Winton?"
"Darryl Winton, as you will see, was quite the cleverest of the four children, and passed on the cleverness to his children.  If you watch, you will see how the four were divided - and how, whenever brought back together, they have reshaped the galaxy.  How you can reshape the galaxy too.  But of course, for that, you will need to learn how to let go of your caring.  Friendship is a weakness, D'Cera. When you learn that, embrace that, you will be unstoppable."

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
May the Force be with you

Offline Medivh

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Re: CC: The Crimson Covenant
« Reply #140 on: May 16, 2014, 02:16:23 PM »
Corporate Sector

D'ian: Surface: Gellar Estate

Dhalia made her way to the hiding place, and again summoned the sith from the holocron

"Quite a superficial career you have chosen for yourself"

"society is superficial. Become an icon that everyone loves, and you can control that society.  The position will give me contacts around the galaxy, and give me the opportunity to influence not only social drama, but politics as well. Chandaar will accept me as the celebrity turned activist, turned focal point of their existence"
"if it works. Otherwise, you are just a washed up celebrity with nothing"

"That won't happen. i know how to work with what I have.  And I'm not here for your lecture. I want more of the tale."
"Testy testy. Already behaving like a model ..."

Dahlia was annoyed at the holocron's judgmental behavior.  But he, and the holocron, were a means to the end, and so she would endure it. She knew the potential of her career, the paths it would open.

But for now, she turned her attention to the image now starting to surround her.

300 years ago ...

Persephone was walking along the southern side of the jedi temple, toward the small apartment that had been given to her, to help her raise and protect her four infants.  They were only about a month old, and Persephone was still weak from the pregnancy.  The jedi and her were undecided how to proceed, what to do to protect the four from the machinations of the renegade jedi Imri.  She herself was uncertain, having almost no family to speak of, and now no husband to help raise the children.

It was as she was walking, she heard a voice.


She turned and saw Imri, her eyes going wide with fear.

"Stay away from me"

Imri took a few steps forward, shaking his head.

"It's alright.  I just wanted to know how the children are"

"They are fine .. get away from me"

He took another step forward

"Can I see them?"

"No - stop where you are - get away from me!"

Persephone took a step backwards, and watched as Imri also drew closer. Then she noticed his eyes, not a normal hue, almost orange in tint.

"I just need to see them. It will be ok"

"No. Stop!!  HELP!!!"

She turned and began running, but a moment later, felt a hand clasp around her, whizzing her around that she was face to face with Imri, who's face now showed his malice and anger.

"Where are the children, Persephone?  Tell me where they are!"

He lifted her in the air, holding her by the neck.

"You'll never get the children.  I'll never tell you. The jedi will protect them"

"let her go, Imri"

Imri turned his head and offered a contemptuous snarl as Rand approached.

"Little worm, always interfering with me"

Rand raised his lightsaber, already ignited

"Let her go"

Imri grinned "ok"

With a push of his hand, He flung Persephone up, watching her sail across the pavement until she slammed into the stone base of one of the many statues.

"What happened to you Imri"

"I am not Imri any longer, Rand.  I am someone stronger, wiser, more powerful.  I am Darth Immortus"

Immortus raised his hand to Rand, fingers curling as lightning escaped his fingers.  Rand blocked the first few, but several went through, and he went sailing backward in pain.

Immortus motioned his hand toward another of the statues, and with a wave of his wrist, it went careening off its base, falling over Rand as he was trying to stand. The newly forged sith moved toward Rand, who was trying to maneuver his saber to cut the statue away.

"You always were weak.  never should have been a jedi"

And Immortus ignited his own saber and sliced it through Rand's face.  Then he turned to where Persephone lay, whimpering.  That's when shouts were heard. He turned and looked as several jedi were approaching, and with a snarl, he ran, disappearing into Coruscant's busy streets.

As the jedi approached, they found Rand dead, and Persephone bleeding profusely from the head, neck and shoulders.

"Persephone is dead"

The ill news came to the jedi council only hours later, and they all sat in silence of grief for a moment.

"Any sign of Imri?"

"No trace of him"

"very well.  We shall give the girl a proper burial. And then we must decide how to deal with the children."

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
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Offline Syren

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Re: CC: The Crimson Covenant
« Reply #141 on: May 28, 2014, 03:13:07 PM »

"When you are in it for yourself, you always end up on the winning team."

Corporate Sector

D'ian: Surface

The dawn of summer in the Concordia Township is a time of transition.

The boys left for Etti IV a few days ago to begin or continue their corporate internships which leaves the girls to their own devices. Before a lady can be debuted to the Sector Society, she must undergo a training of her own. Most of these skills are learned throughout childhood but they are honed in adolescence. Beauty, cunning, charm, poise, and reputation are all passed down through the elite families. Some, like the Atrii's, Gellar's, Aguilar's and Corinthos', have produced the finest matches within the Sector which in turn furthers their lineage and secures their legacy.

Dahlia Winton thinks this is ridiculous as she has enough legacy to last several lifetimes but plays the part well. The other mother's are quite wary of her presence and regard her with extreme caution. She can read their thoughts plainly enough to know no one really trusts her and believe she is dangerous. This, like most things, can be exploited to her advantage.

She had received word from her Voss-Ra servant that the Patten sample had been obtained. It was Dahlia who had alerted the Elders to Riley's locations after Dane had casually supplied the information about his true identity. He, Riley and Gemma had been imprisoned together although they escaped the more grueling aspects of their incarceration reserved for her. In their time together, Riley confided in Gemma and Dane, revealing him to be the last descendant of The Four. Gemma had dreamt of Riley her entire life and called him the forth but up until a year ago, no one really knew what that meant. Dahlia wonders what Gemma would do when the lid is blown off Riley's cover.

All those lies will make fantastic headlines.

Outside her lessons with the Sith holocron, Dahlia has done plenty of her own homework. She knows that despite her pedigree, Kimber Patten's reputation within the Corellian Sector had been marred by her brief stint as a diplomat for the Empire. It was during that time she met the ISB agent and father of her child, Mod Navris. From what she can gleam, Navris was a soft-touch who fell for Kimber's plight and may have saved her in the short term but not himself. These facts were corroborated by the Jedi Masterton herself after she rescued Carlson on Tatooine.

There are also the alarming facts about her mother. Lilandra Patten had been committed to Coronet General shortly after PHAHE's first siege of Corellia where she remained until she died under mysterious circumstances. The chapter of Kent Carlson's story regarding the Patten's, specifically Lilandra, seemed to indicate he believed she was murdered in an attempt to silence her. He alludes further that it had something to do with the Winton's but since he was the last person to see her alive, he isn't exactly what some would call a reliable narrator. Quite a few of his assertions could not be verified as the parties involved all perished by the time the story was released by Counselor Circe Prescott.

Ah, the good Counselor - Dahlia's champion in the face of public scrutiny. She would make sure to return the favor one day.

Dahlia also digs for dirt on Melanie as leverage over Gemma but finds nothing but glowing reports of her good-nature and kind spirit. It's enough to make her want to puke. No one is that good. Unfortunately, after the Empire accused Melanie of treason by supplying information to a separatist group, she escaped and disappeared for several years. No trial, no conviction. All they had were allegations in the wake of Coruscant's destruction which made the Empire look paranoid and desperate and turned Melanie into the victim. No records exist of her during the time she fled Hesperidium and when she appeared again on Corellia months before the Battle of Centerpoint Station.


Surely there is gossip out there which she can and will find once she busts into the fashion world on Chandaar. With the contract signed, Dahlia is slated to travel to the Republic capital for some preliminary shoots. VMG wants her image to premiere in the fall which should make that term interesting at school. However her thoughts are disturbed by their origins and the fact that The Four are all distantly related. It explains some of her inquiries but not all. Strange how everything had transpired over three generations until her father brought them all back together to spectacular results. What a fabulous mess they made.

With Celeste swamped with clients, Kylie busy coordinating morning tea's and dinner parties, and Gemma in the studio, Dahlia is free to roam through the vapid world they live in. She spends her nights deep in the woods, practicing her dark arts and keeping her mind sharp. There is no law that says you can't be pretty and deadly.

Then there is her social life.

Muriel is doing much better now that she has attentive friends around and there is word her mother may even return to the Sector after principle photage is finished filming. That should be a lovely reunion, Dahlia thinks grimly. Demaris seems happy to help and has struck a fast friendship with Muriel. Anything to keep her out of the despair that nearly claimed her life. Trichelle takes the parties very seriously and pays close attention to the instruction of the mother's who host them. She is determined to be the belle of the ball when the time comes. Dahlia finds it deeply disturbing that all someone could hope to be is someone's trophy wife. Thankfully, she doesn't have to worry about it too much. She doubts any of the parents in the Sector would approve of their son courting a Winton, princess or not.

Why settle for the status quo when you could have everything?


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Re: CC: The Crimson Covenant
« Reply #142 on: June 09, 2014, 01:01:56 PM »
Corporate Sector

D'ian: Surface: Gellar Estate

Dhalia's social life, even as the summer was getting underway, didn't leave her much time to herself. In fact, with the added preparation for her upcoming contracts, and the travel to go along with it, her days were busier than ever.

She found it necessary to tap into her less-public skill set to remain balanced.  Sitting within the hollowed out tree, she let the dark side wash over her, feeling the fears, the hatred, the suspicion that permeated Corporate Sector society. There was so much of it here. So much utter distrust and selfishness.  It was like a breath of fresh air. Achy muscles became relaxed, sleepy eyes healed, energy restored.

Here eyes flashed opened, still pools of darkness from invoking her power, and without moving, she summoned the holocron to her, activating it, and summoning her sith guide.

"Tell me the rest of the story"

Intriguing as the introduction was, it was time to finish the taleDarth D'Cera's voice was commanding, and the sith guide nodded his head.
"It is time"

with a flash of smoke, D'Cera found herself in the center of the jedi council chamber.

"Darth Immortus has tried kidnapping the children, not once, but five times now.  Each time, he has been fought back, but by numbers alone.  His use of the dark side appears strong enough to overcome most of our younger jedi - and guarding these children cannot be the priority of the masters."

"Then what are we to do?  The prophesy- if the children fall into his hands, it speaks of disaster..."

It was Master Yoda who called the discussion to an end "So certain, are you?  Rehear the prophesy, we must. In it, the answer lies. Only together are the children a danger, so separate them we must"

"To where?"

The image of the jedi council swished away, and in its stead, a different room in the jedi temple, with a hovering galaxy all around.  Five jedi masters stood looking it over.

"There is a family on Thyferra interested in taking one of the girls.  We will send Melanie there"
"Kimber can be sent to an adoptive family on Corellia"
"Valerie should be taken to the Corporate Sector. There is a family there looking for a girl they can use for leverage"
"Should we be subjecting an infant to that?"
"There is no reason to believe she will be cared for any less than the other children.  The family that wants her is well to do, and have failed to have a child. This will improve the standing of them and her. And it will further separate the children, which is my bigger concern at the moment."
"What about Darryl junior?"
"He is going to be the key.  A number of records have shown that Persephone Winton was pregnant and successfully gave birth.  Despite our efforts, those records remain existent.  Darryl will be sent to an orphanage on Coruscant. He will keep his name, but we will take steps to make sure he is safe there, and that no one finds out he's there.  With luck, he'll disappear into the crowds, and then when he's an adult, he can worry about making  a family of his own."

The other jedi nodded.
"Very well then. Coruscant, Corellia, Thyferra, and Etti IV.  The children will be scattered.  What of the prophesy?"

"The council wants the prophesy itself to be as remote as the children.  We are therefore transferring all knowledge of this prophesy to a jedi prophet, and otherwise erasing it from the archives. No one should ever learn about the children, their descendants, and the risks associating with them"

"Where are we sending the prophet?"
"An outer-rim world, Naboo.  Jedi Olindae will go there to try and mediate between the Naboo and the Gunguns that live there.  Once there, she will stay there, indefinitely"

The image of the room began to fade again, D'Cera watching as it grayed out as if behind a thickening fog.  But instead of disappearing entirely, she found herself alone now, among the constellations, five systems glowing brighter than the rest.

"Now you know the origins - On Thyferra, Melanie Winton married a doctor named Masterton.  Their great great grandchildren included Henrick Masterton, and Celeste Masterton - cousins, without knowing it.
On Corellia, Kimber Winton married a corellian security officer named Patten, and their descendants included Kyrie Patten.
On Etti IV, Valerie Winton, at the age of 16 was noticed at a debutant ball - much like the one you are participating in soon - by a strapping Gellar, heir to a huge fortune and legacy. Their descendants included Rutherford Gellar.
Darryl Winton, sent to an orphanage on Coruscant, turned out to be the most charismatic of the four. He made many friends at that orphanage, individuals who helped him once he was an adult, and helped found the Winton fortune, which would come in to play generations later.  He married for status, as did his children, and his children's children.  By the time his descendant, Alexander Winton was born, the family was well renown, respected, and envied.

Another descendant, though unknown to most, was the Trade Federation Viceroy, Medivh Guldon.  He was the first recorded combination of two of the four.  His mother was a Winton daughter who ran away from home, his father a poor mechanic.  Their match was destined to result in a disaster, a poor, homeless child.  But Medivh had a drive unexpected, a power unrealized, and rose through the ranks quickly, finally taking control - and seeking his own destiny.  The jedi should have known, should have seen the warning signs, but the jedi are foolish, blind.

Which is why it is the fifth of the exiles that is perhaps the most interesting.  Jedi Knight Neade Olindae was poor as a fighter, but was known as a jedi consular, serving as an archivist in the jedi temple - and as a seer.  The jedi council placed a heavy burden on her with this prophesy.  By funneling it into her thoughts, the words of this prophesy haunted Jedi Olindae for years.  Even on Naboo, away from the temple on Coruscant, she still could see it.  And so after completing her mediation tasks, she was left feeling isolated, abandoned by the jedi order.  She became angry, and did everything she could to forget the prophesy.  But the more she tried, the more it would dominate her thoughts.  Olindae would black out for hours at a time, and find that she had formed words of the prophesy - not always in the same order - and carved them into stone or wood, or steel, in hyroglyphs, and other languages.  The only place she found solace, was by breaking her sacred vows, in the arms of a Nubian aristrocrat, Lord Allec Greyson. Together, they had one child, extremely strong in the force, but Olindae spent her entire life suppressing the child's abilities.  The prophesy, and all the words of nonsense associated with it, were locked away in the Greyson line, until generations later, A Greyson wed into the family Winton, triggering those old words again."

The stars around her faded into blackness, and the dim light of the hollow tree returned.

"Now Darth D'Cera, you understand - the family had been dispersed, into four corners of the galaxy.  When brought together, they ignite power.  You are the product of one of the four, and the prophesy keeper.  You and your sisters before you.  The Greyson line was small, and there are no children left of them.  The prophesies of Persephone are therefore now only available to you.  The ultimate reach of the power of the four - is only there for you."

D'Cera nodded her head, smiling at the thought that she really did have a leg up on Gemma and the others.

"But how do you know all this?"

"Lady D'Cera, is it not clear?  I am Darth Immortus - I am the jedi Imri who created the legacy gene. I spent my life seeking out the children.  I found the prophesy keeper on Naboo, and in her weakened state, was able to convince her to seek out the comfort of Lord Greyson, guaranteeing the prophesy would not die.  And now I have succeeded.  All you need to do is combine the genes together, and make yourself immortal, a goddess among the insects that fill this galaxy."

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
May the Force be with you

Offline Syren

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Re: CC: The Crimson Covenant
« Reply #143 on: June 11, 2014, 10:37:54 PM »
Corporate Sector

D'ian: Surface: Concordia Township

The associations are enough to induce marvel and awe, connections so inextricably woven through time that the sheer scope and magnitude humbles her. Everything that has happened had done so because of them – the four families. Separated, they were oblivious with ridiculous notions they were masters of their own fates. Together, they were a neutron bomb that poisoned everyone they ever met. Dahlia needs some time to process what she has learned. Her mind is spiraling with the implications and potential. Immortus had shown her something no one else had one except perhaps her father. Even as an aristocrat on Bakura, heir to the RepulsorCorp fortune, how could he have known what would happen when he met Queen Monica Greyson of Naboo? How could he know she was the key to unlocking the very secrets of his own lineage and legacy?

To the Holy Vessel a vision is sent.

Her mother, a Greyson descendant of the Jedi Olindae, revealed the words of the prophecy Persephonea due to her proximity to a Winton. His cunning use of this knowledge sharply steered the course of history in another direction entirely. Alexander capitalized on his friendship with the Masterton's then sought out Patten then Gellar (themselves in an equally fateful junction) to introduce The Four into a singular controlled environment. Dahlia has flashes of the past, a seemingly innocuous introduction the day the first Death Star exploded in the Yavin system.

Stratford stands with Winton and Masterton in a courtyard of a very exclusive private school. He calls out, operating under the instructions of his benefactor, and Maxwell, Gellar and Patten approach. They converge in a circle. It is his task to provide a spark that, unknown to him, will grow into a blaze so large it will consume them all.

"Do you guys know each other?"

"No," Gellar says coolly.

He motions toward them, "Ladies, this is Lucas Maxwell, Valerie Gellar and Kimber Patten."

They mumble a greeting.

"This is Karen Winton and Melanie Masterton."

Their eyes meet for the first time.

They had no idea.

They had no idea how deep the hole went. They would never know, not even after it was too late to turn back. To undo all the damage that had been done. The lives lost, bodies piling up, victim upon victim. All the screams of those who aided them become the chorus in a choir of collateral damage.

The flashes pulse and quicken.

Blair's decisions. Rutherford's cowardice. Abra's murder. Kyri's duplicity. Lilandra's insanity. Alexia's meltdown. Dementat's lust. The Queen's confliction. Melanie's misdirection. Henrick's doubt. Dahlia's birth. Celeste's escape. Medivh's vision. Karen's calling. Valerie's paranoia. Kimber's hope. PHAGE's obsession. Alexander's quest. Centerpoint's implosion. Riley's rescue. Dane & Gemma's existence. The Voss-Ra's abominations.

Four names, bound by blood, poured across symbols written on the walls deep within a cave on Korriban.

The Crimson Covenant.


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: The Crimson Covenant
« Reply #144 on: June 22, 2014, 01:07:53 PM »
"I wear my sword at my side."
Leftfield "Swords"

Corporate Sector

D'ian: Surface: Concordia Township

Gemma Masterton returns to the Gellar Estate to find Kylie Miranda waiting with a growing list of social events to attend. She had missed several in the short time she was on the capital and her absence had not gone unnoticed. She sighs and heads upstairs, dreading the coming evening of forced smiling and empty conversation.

Kylie helps her get ready for the Corinthos dinner party. She chooses a lovely pale blue dress and silver necklace. Gemma stares at herself in the mirror as Kylie tousles her blonde hair.

"Must I?"

"Yes," Kylie says. "All society girls must put on a show if they are to be matched with a good family."

"My family is good enough already."

"Alliances are formed through these unions."

"Everything is a business deal."

Kylie begins a series of small braids that circle around the side of Gemma's head which is held in place by one of her mother's sparkling clasps.

"You know it is."

"I don't need a mate to be powerful," Gemma says, glancing up to meet Kylie's gaze. "My strength flows through the Force."

"I do not doubt you, Lady Gemma but it would behoove you to play the role for the time being. If secrecy is the goal, as your Master insists, then you must perform. You know I do not put much stock in these ridiculous matches but I do not come from such a prestigious lineage. The Masterton's were revered on Bakura and throughout the Outer Rim. Even here in the Sector, Lady Celeste commands the deepest respect and loyalty."

"Unlike some families."

Kylie smirks.

"You don't wear distain well, Lady Gemma. The noble houses of D'ian are as close to royalty as the Corporate Sector has and those families control almost the entire Direx Board along with the most prominent and profitable companies."

Gemma nods.

"The Atrii's, the Aguilar's, the Corinthos', the Nash's, the Dyre's, the Gellar's – they rule the worlds."

"These worlds, anyway."

Kylie finishes her hair and fastens the necklace.

"There we go. What do you think?"

Gemma finds the reflection somewhat disturbing yet she is vaugely aware of her beauty. The Masterton's have always been attractive - blonde, usually with a symmetrical oval face, fair skin, wide, blue eyes and a full mouth. Her mother always jested their ancestors looked more like pouting mythological figures than scholars and physicians.

"It will do."

Kylie laughs.

"Oh, you wait and see just how much power you can yield with that face in just a few years time. You won't need the Force to bend the wills of lesser men. Beautiful women have a magic about them and throughout galactic history men have fought and died to win their affections. Not all battles can be fought with mindfulness or by twirling a lightsaber. Sometimes cunning and wit can see you through the darkest of times and the greatest challenges."

She turns, "You sound like you are speaking from experience."

"Do I?"

"You are beautiful as well," Gemma says. "Have you not bent the wills of men?"

"Not all men can be swayed. At least, not the one I was most hoping for."

"The Imperial?"

Kylie brushes a finger along her face.

"We will not speak of the Imperial. Gather your things, Lady Gemma. The limo will be here shortly."

She dabs perfume on her neck and wrists before heading downstairs. Dahlia is waiting in the foyer wearing a black corset and flowing black and green layered gown. Her crimson hair is piled up with dark makeup surrounding her emerald eyes. She attempts a smile when she sees her.



"That dress is rather quaint."

"Thank you," Gemma replies, folding her hands. "You look…terrifying."

"Excellent. That is exactly the look I was going for."


Dahlia sighs like it should be obvious.

"Because these people are tiresome and in desperate need of some shock value."

"That doesn't seem practical."

"Most of the best things aren't. Tradition is only the pretense for the profits everyone in the Sector is really after. They use each other to secure corporate contracts and extend their legacy through carefully controlled breeding."

Gemma makes a face.

"Don't play coy. This is the world we live in."

"You live in it too."

"For now."

The limo pulls up in front of the Estate and the girls are seen to it by Garron. A security detail is dispatched in speeders alongside them. Once on their way, Gemma turns to Dahlia.

"What did you mean by that?"

"It means I'm going to buy my way out of it. Wealth speaks louder than a surname or the dowry that accompanies it. Besides, do you really think any of these families are going to let their precious wasp of a son marry a Winton? Come now, Gem. Even you are not that naïve."

"I guess that means mother signed your modeling contract."

"She sure did," Dahlia beams. "And before you know it I'm going to be traveling the galaxy making tons of credits while being showered with clothing and attention. As far as perks go, those are pretty nice. Speaking of fame and fortune, how was recording with Sur-Maaj?"

"I think it went well…he was nice."

"They liked your vocals?"

Gemma blushes, glancing out the window at the trees that pass.

"If the single does well, the producers want to move forward on a solo project. They want to sign me."

"Now that's something," Dahlia says genuinely. "We were meant to be celebrities, not just married off to future Lord's and captains of industry."


The limo stops outside the Corinthos Estate.

"Confliction is overrated. You don't have to be the tortured soul Melanie was if you embrace what's right in front of you. Do yourself a favor and roll with it."

Dahlia steps out and Gemma follows. They are escorted into the foyer and through the cavernous mansion to the formal dining room where the other ladies are waiting. They are announced before joining them.

"Princess Dahlia and Lady Gemma."

Lady Corinthos smiles at Gemma and tries not to have a stroke when she sees how severe Dahlia looks. They are instructed to take their places. Gemma sits between Demaris and Alka and Dahlia between Trichelle and Muriel. The first course is served and the mother's presiding over the event reminds everyone how important these graces are for confidence. The debutante ball is brought up and discussed with heavy emphasis placed on the honor of the right partner. Many suitors may ask but a lady must decide which would most benefit her at her debut.

Pick your partner and play the game.

Trichelle leans toward Dahlia, "My mother doesn't want me to go with Kier."

"Why not?"

"He's just an athlete. She doesn't like his legacy."

"So? It's not like you are marrying the guy. You are just taking him to a party."

"Not just any party."

Dahlia smirks, "I'll remember you said that when you are a pregnant housewife."

"Fine then," Trichelle laughs softly. "Who are you planning to take?"

"I haven't decided yet. Maybe I'll go stag."

Trichelle's eyes bug out.

"You have to take someone. No one goes it alone."

Dahlia brings the glass to her lips with a practiced smile.

"First time for everything."

"So evil."

"You have no idea."

"You may meet someone between now and then. Don't write it off just yet."

"I wouldn't worry. Don't tell me you are going to spend the next few years obsessing over it."

"If I don't," Trichelle says. "My mother will. She's hellbent on finding the perfect match after Kaytt blew off the ball, got into law school then fled to the Republic."

"Siblings. This is the first time I've ever seen your mother."

"First time I've seen her in months. No wonder Muriel was so down. Our parents are terrible. I wish mine were more like yours, Dahlia."

"Do you?"

She nods.

"My parents just make appearances simply to disapprove or judge then fade back into their own lives. Yours take an active interest. At least they care."

Care to lie, deceive and cover their own asses.

"Yes," Dahlia says. "They certainly do."


Offline Medivh

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Re: CC: The Crimson Covenant
« Reply #145 on: July 10, 2014, 01:13:10 PM »
Corporate Sector

D'ian: Surface: Gellar Estate

Sometimes, when something of importance appears in your range of vision, you focus on that, and forget everything else that is going on around you.

That was how Dahlia felt, at the moment.  The day had been spent with her friends, the mindless, idle chatter that came with teenaged girls in the heart of the summer, the holonet playing background noise in the background as they discussed fashion, boys, and everything in between.

Trichelle was saying something about a new line coming out, when Dahlia's ears picked up what was coming from the  screen.

"A massive defeat for the New Republic after a failed attempt at attacking the imperial world of Bastion.  The attack was being led by the jedi, and blame appears to quickly be falling on them for the defeat.  On Chandaar, where anti-jedi, and anti-force-user sentiment has been growing for months now, there have been calls for legislation that would curtail the jedi's privileged status within the Republic"

Dahlia was staring at the screen now, when Trichelle's voice finally broke through.


She blinked as she turned back to her friend.

"DId you hear what I was saying?  I was saying wouldn't it be great if you could model the new line?"

She had helped orchestrate the defeat, she and her secret allies.  The possible legislation in the New Republic was the exact thing she had been hoping for.  And Trichelle gave her the perfect excuse to go to Chandaar, and make sure things happened the way she wanted. Getting approval from her 'mother' would be easy enough, and the agency reps loved her enough that they would jump at the chance to see her again so soon.

A smile crept onto Dahlia's face, her eyes glancing back up at the screen.

"Yes .. It absolutely would"

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
May the Force be with you

Offline Syren

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Re: CC: The Crimson Covenant
« Reply #146 on: July 10, 2014, 10:10:31 PM »
Corporate Sector

D'ian: Surface: Gellar Estate

Trichelle can be pretty brilliant when she doesn't think too hard.

The executive assistant patches Dahlia through to Escara Wu at the VMG Corporate Offices. Wu is thrilled she wanted to begin so quickly and said she would arrange for some fittings before coordinating with the designers. Not surprisingly, almost every major fashion house in the Republic wants Dahlia in their clothing. The Winton name moves product. The defunct Imperial fashion house Raga'Ana, swallowed in the destruction of Coruscant, has vintage gowns Karen modeled that can fetch up to a million credits.

Escara gives her landing coordinates for the secure residences their models use in the Republic capital. She would also like to introduce her around and says she will have another model her age, a girl named Quinn, be her point of contact. Dahlia thanks her for this opportunity and says she will see her soon.

The next step is convincing Celeste to let her go. It's more of a casual statement she delivers over dinner.
"I have to go to Chandaar tomorrow."

Celeste stops, "What, darling?"

Gemma frowns and puts her fork down.

"You know how it is," Dahlia says evenly. "I have to go in for fittings and stuff. Surely Melanie had to do the same things. Oh, right. You weren't there."

Celeste clears her throat.

"I thought they said they would send for you at the end of the summer."

"Change of plan."

"Won't you miss many social events?"

"Probably but its part of the contract. You wouldn't want me to go back on my word. That's poor form."

"Of course not….I just thought you had more time."

"I'm afraid not."

"Well, I think you should at least take a security detail."

"They have ample security," Dahlia sighs. "But I'm taking Georgie."

Georgie is what they call the Voss-Ra disciple posing as a Gellar security agent. Dahlia told him to choose a name and he chose Georgie. Dahlia thinks it stupid but sure, she guesses it's better than Tvo'rask or whatever his people call him.

"Georgie…" Celeste says, trying to place him in the myriad of beefcake.

"The hulking silent scary one."

"Right," she says. "Georgie."

"Yes, he will keep me safe."

"Safe from what?" Gemma finally says.

They both turn to her.

"From, like, whatever. Chandaar is locked down pretty tight these days. I'm sure everything will be fine. I'll be back in a few weeks tops."

"What about the debutant ball?"

"Mom, it's almost two years away from actually happening. You think it's going to take me that long to find a date? There are plenty of nice, dull boys to drag to that thing. And I already know how to walk in heels which is a step ahead of the other girls."

Celeste smiles, "It wouldn't kill you to take it a bit more seriously. This is an important part of your adolescent experience, a rite of passage. I am looking forward to seeing you introduced to society."

"You will."

"Alright then," Celeste demurs. "I'll need regular updates from you, darling. No excuses. I want you to be safe and act appropriately."

"Thanks. I will. Kylie is packing now. We leave in the morning."

Gemma gives her a cursory glance, unsettled by the abrupt nature of her departure. She supposes it's just as well. She could use the time to spend with Nevylinn who maintains a distance when Dahlia is around. The Jedi checks in with the Direx Board on Etti IV every two weeks to keep up appearances and Celeste likes having the Jedi nearby as a secondary line of defense. Just in case. Things are not looking so hot for the Jedi on Chandaar at the moment and Gemma can feel that Nevylinn suffers because of it. She would go to Viperii Lake at the end of the week to make sure she is okay.

The following morning, Dahlia showers and dresses before heading downstairs to say goodbye. Celeste is waiting in the foyer.

"I thought about what you said."

"What…did I say?"

"Keeping you safe. You know that's more important to me than anything. Especially after...after...well, you know."

"It's fine. I'll be fine."

"I know you said they have security and you are taking Geoff…"


"Right but I would sleep so much better if I had someone there I knew which is why I am sending Garron with you."

Dahlia tries not to choke.

"That's really not necessary."

"I disagree," Celeste says, kissing her forehead. "Garron goes and that's final. Be well, my darling and have fun."

Dahlia grumbles as she walks out and around the mansion to her Naboo royal cruiser idling on the landing pad. Garron Prescott stands near the ramp with a slight smirk on his face.

"Morning, your Highness."

"Don't be like that. Don't mock the situation."

"Overruled by mommy," Garron says, shrugging. "Tough breaks, kiddo. Ready to go?"

"I guess."

"Save the sullen routine for the shoot. Your sentry has already loaded your bags so relax and let's move."

She heads up the ramp to find Georgie loading the suitcases into storage. He gives her a knowing stare and she rolls her eyes up. Garron brings the ramp up and heads to the main controls. Once everyone is properly fastened in, he eases the shuttle up and away from the Gellar Estate. They streak through the bright blue morning sky until they hit orbit. With the coordinates set, Garron pulls back on the controls and the silver and pink cruiser flares into hyperspace for the Republic.


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: The Crimson Covenant
« Reply #147 on: July 20, 2014, 02:14:24 PM »
"We're all fucked up in some or other way.
Some of us collect but most of us pay."

-Junior Prom


An orange and blue sky comes into focus. It is a hazy afternoon, after school, on the student landing pads reserved for seniors. A girl and boy walk hand in hand toward a brand new shuttle. It is small but very expensive. The girl leans in and kisses the boy before heading away. He lingers, hand outstretched, their fingers breaking away slowly. She looks back with her brown hair caught in the breeze. He smiles. She is a simple kind of beautiful, not in the smoldering or conventional way her friends are. Most would be jealous but she has her sights set on the future, beyond this place, with him.

She keys in the code that unlocks the shuttle and she offers one final glance back as the boy waves. He is young and in love and does not realize how fleeting these feelings really are. The ramp closes behind her as she moves through the vessel to the controls only to find a box wrapped in silver wrapping paper strung with black ribbon. There is a card with her name on it.


She grins, thinking it is from him, and pulls at the ribbon and tears back the silver paper. The box beneath is black with a lid. She withdraws it quickly; breathless with anticipation but what lies within the box is not what she expected. It is dark and mechanical with small, flashing lights. Confusion gives way to a grave realization that comes far too late. The shuttle explodes causing a small shockwave that sends the boy to the ground. That is when his wailing begins. He calls for her even though somewhere he knows she is gone. The flames dance high as alarms sound across the campus. Security personnel come running through the dark, acrid smoke.

The boy continues to scream.

The shot pulls back and Alexia Winton turns with her eyes pooled with an oily blackness and a knowing smirk. Her thumb covers a remote detonator.

"As Karen always says, if there's not a scene...make one."


Dahlia awakes with a start.

Where is she? Oh, right. On her way to the Republic for a bit of modeling and some subtle sabotage. Her dreams are vivid and terrifying. Some might say she is crazy. Dahlia wonders if the others are visited by the bitches of spirits past. She knows Dane saw Valerie. What a treat that must have been. She can't tell if these are warnings or symbols but they leave her feeling shaken to the core. The conflicting perspectives of Alexia, Karen and her father will do that.

Even in death, everyone has an agenda.

She rises from the posh sleeping cabin and pads around the ship. Georgie is quietly cleaning a cache of blasters she was unaware they had. The royal armory? Sure, okay. She imagines what Karen would pair with the weaponry as she rummages through the closets full of designer gowns and outfits. She is sure to make a splash on Chandaar when she arrives.

"Anything I can help you with?"

She whirls around to find Garron leaning against the doorway.
"You scared me."

"I lurk. Sorry. It's kind of my job."

"Is it?

"Mostly. You look dazed. Couldn't sleep?"

"Bad dream," Dahlia says evasively.

"Want to talk about it?"

"Not with you."

"Figured as much," Garron replies with a shrug. "I am curious as to why you are so resistant to me being here. As far as you are concerned, I've always been around."

"Lurking, yes I know. And I'm not resisting, I'm just super annoyed by you lately."

"Why is that?"

"You are essentially a spy for my parents."

"Except they aren't your parents, remember? You came to me the last time we were on Chandaar asking for information. You wanted to know who you really are and who they are to you. Do you remember what I told you?"

"You said it didn't matter."

"Well, now that you know for sure, does it?"

Dahlia closes the closet and falls back against it. It's not that she doesn't like Garron. In fact, she likes him a hell of a lot better than she likes Kylie. He's always been there, watching over them but it's different now. She is older and knows more. A lot more, actually. Garron seemingly stands in the way of her upward mobility with his earnest sense of nobility. She has become morally ambiguous which clashes with his sense of right and wrong. If anything happened to him it would be ultra suspicious which is why he must be worked around. Cheap pandering should do the trick.

"No," she says. "It doesn't. Biological or not, they are my parents and despite everyone's questionable pasts, they only want to see us safe and happy."

"I'm glad you see it that way. You better start getting ready. We'll be on Chandaar soon."

She nods and walks past him back to her room. He glances after her, face falling slack. He is no fool. Her attempts to placate him ring false to his ears. While Celeste did ask him to accompany Dahlia to Chandaar, it was actually Rutherford who issued a warning that she is to be watched carefully. He isn't the only one with suspicions. The last Winton royal may have a few tricks up her sleeve and Garron isn't about to let a debutante teenager pull one over on anyone.

He returns to the cabin and scrolls through the latest headlines to occupy his mind. The Republic losses against the Empire are alarming to the say the least but it looks like the Federation merger with the CEC has Corellia flush. The last headline grabs his attention with a sinking feeling awash in dread. Patten child discovered alive. His mind races and he absently reaches for his com to call Mara. It doesn't even ring, just disconnects. This is less than encouraging. His eyes are drawn to a singularly disturbing phrase.

The New Four.



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Re: CC: The Crimson Covenant
« Reply #148 on: August 20, 2014, 03:59:55 PM »

Adubell stared at her face in the mirror.  Since being killed by Dahlia and returned to life by the machinations of demented geniuses before her - Medivh, Phage, Alexander - she had been a new version of herself.  Whereas Alexander had been reborn in a body identical to his own, Adubell had adjusted the parameters of the new form, making her stronger, faster - but also, less human.  Her skin was tinted gray, a sharp contrast to the bright hue her weak jedi sister had.  It had taken time to get used to the new body and the enhancements she made.  But a sith always carries on, cares little for discomfort and solitude, and she had adapted.

Then she grew smug.  While working to hack into the infiltrator's memory and programming files, she let her loose, expecting, like in the past, she would overcome her.  But her over-confidence got the best of her, and the battle turned.  Mara had managed to use Adubell's own lightsaber to hit an active gas-pipe, and Adubell had been caught in the initial explosion.

Now, she was a more grotesque version of herself.  She had not died - and by that, of course, it meant her new body had not been destroyed, sending her to yet another bio-genetic replacement.  But the damage from the fire was obvious.  Her skin bore burn marks, her face almost appeared melted, and whereas before there was a uniform grayness, there were now streaks of darker gray that ran down the sides of her face.  She could have fixed it - killing this body to go into another in store.  But as she stared at her appearance, she realized she was even more of the sith, full of power, devoid of useless emotion, able to create fear, more than ever before.

She had already been punished for her mistakes - the time in the Sith Spirit Room had been torturous, and even in this body, she had felt them, the ancients, pressing down on her.

That was when she felt the presence, someone watching, resembling the infiltrator.  it was not impossible - if Adubell had the power of the Force, why not Mara?  That was what the spirits meant by she was stronger - Mara would be able to fight back next time.  Adubell was not concerned. she was more highly trained than the droid, more ferocious. And next time, she would not make the same mistakes that allowed the infiltrator to escape.

Adubell's lip curled into smile, the reflection in the mirror looking even more grotesque.  In its own way, the melted face was more beautiful.

Later ...

Adubell stood in front of the monitors, watching the protests.

Adubell's role thus far was passive - watch and wait.  And possibly, frustrate the jedi along the way.  She had been keeping close tabs of the degeneration of public support in the Republic for the jedi, the rallies for and against legislation penalizing them and their brethren.  At the lead of the "pro-civil rights" group was none other than Circe Prescott, the very same woman she had used and manipulated to instigate the last years of success.  Darth D'Cera had played her part perfectly, and Prescott was acquitted of conspiracy and fraud and other charges - simply because the court found she had been controlled by another - a 'dark jedi' as it were - when she committed those acts.

Circe herself had apparently met with the jedi often since her release, and had steeled herself against further influence by Adubell or other force users.  But that didn't mean she wouldn't still be useful. In her own way.

Adubell moved away from the monitors to the long-range comm unit, tapping in a frequency, and waiting for the answer.

"RNN - Republic News Network, how can I direct your call?"

"I have a piece of information I'd like to share who can I send it to?"

Adubell was redirected to the 'tip' line, where she was again asked for information.

"Circe Prescott - it seems odd that she is so helpful to the force-using jedi after being acquitted on the grounds of being under the influence of a force user.  Perhaps she is still under their influence"

Adubell's ability to influence an unknown individual across a comm-signal, great distances away was diminished, but she did let the Force enhance her words, giving them greater weight, as much as the listener would accept.
Then she added in the best part - a copy of surveillance video, showing Circe Prescott letting at least one jedi into her apartment late at night.

"thank you for diligently looking into this"

Before they could ask for her name, Adubell deactivated the comm, preparing and activating the next connection

"HNO - Holo News Organization, how can I direct your call"

Adubell smiled.  By tomorrow, news of Circe harboring a jedi - and speculation that she was STILL under the influence of force users - would destroy her credibility, and likely end her career.

All in a days work.

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
May the Force be with you

Offline Syren

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Re: CC: The Crimson Covenant
« Reply #149 on: September 15, 2014, 05:36:53 PM »

Open on a hazy afternoon over the former capital with a burnt orange glow across the Coruscant skyline. Close in on an apartment in Galactic City, sparsely furnished and somewhat messy. Two teenage boys sit across from each other with a coffee table between them. The table is piled in ale bottles, a mirror with neatly arranged white lines, a straw, razor blades, vials of liquid and powder, two vibroblades, several pipes, a blaster and a half-empty bottle of expensive liquor.

The furniture is all black and there are no pictures on the wall. The only qualifying piece of decoration is a small, black frame with Valerie Gellar's picture in it. She is turned, seemingly nude and staring over her shoulder.

The first boy is blonde with longer hair that is straight and parted in the middle. The second has dark hair that is freshly cut and expertly styled. Both are extremely athletic, well-built and muscular. The blonde uses the straw to inhale a rather wide line up his nose then sits back, sniffing loudly.

"You know who'd I really like to fuck?"

"Who?" says the dark haired boy while rubbing white residue against his gums.

"Kimber. I want to fuck Kimber Patten."

The other boy laughs.

"In your dreams, bro! You know she's all moist for Venko. Besides, you never even got close to fucking Melanie so what makes you think Kimber would put out?"

"Hey, I'm a nice guy. I'm…you know…nice…and shit. I'm good-looking, popular; my dad owns a considerable portion of Galactic City. I'm a total package. Why wouldn't she want to fuck me?"

"Probably because I fucked you, dude. Remember? To get back at Valerie's whore ass for sleeping with you?"

"Right, right. That. We're progressive."

"That's what Karen said," the dark haired boy replies, taking a swig from the bottle. "But something tells me she wasn't impressed."

"Man, Valerie totally tricked me. She's the sexual equivalent of a proton bomb. Slick and deadly. It was entrapment, I swear to the Maker!"

"You won't hear any objections from me, dude. She's wicked good in the sack."

"I know. Amazing. I came like four times."

"Just four? Must have been a slow night for her."

He laughs, going down for another line.

"You are sick, you know that, Reef? Completely sick."

"You have no idea."

"I have a pretty good idea and I know why you wanted to get fucked up today."

"Why's that?"

"You feel shitty about what happened to D'Arcy and Billy. It's cool though, I feel bad too. We all do."

"Man," Reef says. "Why'd you have to go and bring them up? I don't want to talk about that shit or the fact that everyone is freaking the hell out about Karen's deranged sister lurking around trying to off us or something."

"I dunno, man. Melanie seemed pretty sure."

"Lucas, come on. Why would Karen's sister want to kill us?"

Lucas shrugs, taking a hit off a pipe before handing it to Reef.

"Maybe…because she's fucking insane. Who else would put a bomb in D'Arcy's shuttle? Why would Billy blow his brains out? You heard them talking about it. Alexia was sent to some military school after she flipped a shit at NCH. Rumor has it she's the one who put a hole in the side of the Legacy tower two years ago."

Reef exhales, blowing out a huge plume of purple and gray smoke into the center of the room.

"That's completely ridiculous."

"Is it? I heard she has, like, powers and shit."

"What kind of powers?"

That is when Lucas reaches for the vibroblade and grabs Reef's hand.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

Lucas slashes across the hand, taking off four fingers. Reef doesn't scream, he just stares at the blood streaming down his arm. He grabs the other blade and begins to saw Lucas' hand off at the wrist. It takes ten minutes to get through the bone but once it is done, Lucas is laughing as he waves the stump around, splashing blood across the floor and against the walls. Lucas slashes Reef across the neck and chest. Reef slashes back, taking off most of Lucas' left ear and cutting deep into his shoulder. They continue cutting and stabbing into each other, laughing maniacally as blood continues to flow. They stand, wobbling around the table as the blades dance through the air to take chunks out of their flesh. The room is drenched in crimson but they do not stop, not even after their jugulars are slashed open and vital organ punctured. They keep slashing, keep stabbing until they collapse against each other and fall forward onto the table to shatter the mirror and bottles. They make gurgling noises as their arms flail, clutching the blades, bringing them down on each other until both are still. One is protruding out of Reef's right eye socket, vibrating in place. The other is lodged in what is left of Lucas' throat. 

Everything is spatters of red.

Alexia Winton leans against the balcony railing outside, detaching herself from both their cloudy minds.

There is nothing quite like destroying pretty things.


Dahlia bolts upright in bed, gasping for air. It takes several minutes to collect herself and remember where she is – on her cruiser, heading back to the Corporate Sector. She slides out of bed and drinks from the glass of water on the bedside table. The dreams have gotten worse, more gruesome. She would dismiss them as simple nightmares except there is something familiar about them. She knows these things happened.

But how?

Then something clicks.

Dahlia knows Alexia murdered all of Karen's friends. It was widely reported until the second Death Star exploded. The story vanished from the headlines almost as quickly as it appeared. The galaxies attention was elsewhere, a form of clever distraction used to set the stage for Dementat's rise to the Imperial throne. The Holo called these murders something….what was it? The Event at 500 Republica. That's where her family had a residence. It is where the last murder took place. Could these be the kids who met those grisly fates?

She shutters, wondering why these images are being sent to her now, at this point in time. These are things that happened in the past. They have no relevance to the present.

Or do they?
