Author Topic: CC: The Crimson Covenant  (Read 170158 times)

Offline Medivh

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Re: The Crimson Covenant
« Reply #105 on: May 30, 2013, 10:33:03 AM »
Present Day ...

"Sometimes anger and hatred are deserved and right. Sometimes things change because of it."
―Yuthura Ban


It was Dahlia's turn to spend hours amidst the flames.  And the heat was consuming, stronger - because Dahlia was not just melting metal.  She was creating a weapon, tailored specifically to herself.

The raw carbon was sitting in the furnace-compressor machine, but Dahlia could not leave it be.  For a lightsaber crystal, especially a synthetic crystal, to be effective, the wielder had to tend to it, meditate on it, shape it and mold it through the Force as it compressed and formed its shape.  The result was that such a crystal, if prepared properly, was strongly connected to the wielder, and a more powerful weapon in their hands.

Sweat dripped from her body, but Dahlia didn't feel it.  She was standing, still as a statue, eyes closed, hands stretched out at her sides.  She didn't feel the heat, the weight of her arms, her body.  In her mind, the only thing she felt, was the crystal.  In her mind's eye, she could see it, deep in the heart of the hearth. From a lump, it was slowly transforming, shrinking down, becoming more and more transluscent.  She would shift her thoughts this way and that, changing its shape, slimming it down here, increasing the compression there.

And she filled it with her thoughts.  Her desire for revenge, and for power.  She fed the crystal from her anger and hate - of Adubell, of the jedi, of the Gellars and Mastertons.

It was a slow process, days long, and she had not stepped out, not for food or drink.  Her body should be dehydrated, or burned, but she felt nothing.  She was a channel of the Force, inseparable from its power, or from her crystal.  They were one.

And it was in this deep state of meditation, so closely connected with her power, that she felt it, distant but strong.  She had learned to tune her senses to feel angst, fear, aggression in the galaxy, and when focused on a location, she could sense something as minute as a crime - murder, rape, theft, assault.  These things fueled her.  But now, there was something stronger.  It was not just a single act - it was thousands.

There was a war.  An epic battle that would change the course of the galaxy, and even in her meditation, she knew she was a part of that war.  Or rather, that the battle going on right now was the precurser to HER war.  It was a part of her, the first step in her rise.  And so she grabbed at it, grabbed at the battle, taking the feelings and actions from it and channeling that, amplifying it, and sending it deep into the heart of her lightsaber crystal.

The Wheel - home of the Trade Federation - and apparently, of the boy, Riley, grown so close to Gemma in their brief time together.  Dahlia hated him in the same way that she now hated her adopted sister.  The Wheel residents were filled with shock, dismay, fear, anger at the attackers - the imperials, her so-called allies.  Yes, Adubell had mentioned that to her - she would 'present' herself to the Emperor soon, though he was, as she knew, just another enemy, an obstacle in the way of power.  But here, he was acting to her benefit, for the emotions caused by the attack strengthened her, and through her, the crystal, the heart of her weapon.

The crystal's shape perfected, imbued with the Force - it glowed brightly in the hearth, a deep crimson shade, the color of the blood being spilled at this very moment.

But Dahlia heard whispers, not from the present, but from the past.

"Sister - make it your own. It is for the battles you will fight, not the ones being fought for you"

Dahlia was not certain which sister was reaching out to her, but it mattered not.  She had strengthened the crystal with the Dark Side, stronger still through the effects of the battle.  But the voice was right - it had to be HER blade, and none others, and she turned back in on herself, forcing the Force through her to the crystal, teaching it who its master truly was.

An unexpected act occurred - something that worried her.  As she pushed her thoughts into the crystal, the rock suddenly cracked and then split, into three separate parts.  Was it ruined? Would she need to start the task over again?  Dahlia momentarily began to despair, knowing how draining it was, worried she had now wasted this opportunity.  But then she heard the voice again - only now it was clear it was not one sister or the other.

"It is no mistake, sister - your power is strong, your concentration is good.  You have allowed your weapon to transcend what it was before"

Another voice

"It is no mistake, sister - you have crafted a heart for your weapon that will be stronger than any enemy"

And then another voice - this one a man

"It is no mistake, daughter - you are the legacy.  You will bring darkness to the enemy, and order to the galaxy"

Karen.  Alexia.  Alexander.  Dahlia could see their faces now in her thoughts - and then each of those faces faded as the crystal - or crystals - returned to her focus.

Where before there had been one crystal of crimson color, the three crystals now were changing.  One remained red, but grew redder still.  The second had lightened, changing from red to pink.  And the third had darkened completely, transforming into a black color, like an onyx or black diamond.  The three stones rotated in the heat of the furnace, closing together - until they seemed to weld together, forming a single stone of three tones.  crimson, pink, and black.

And she knew.  It was her legacy, the power in her blood, the cunning and intelligence in her mind.  Alexia's blade was red, Karen's was pink, and her father's powers were a dark variety of their own, the black.

Dahlia's weapon, like her, was infused with the strongest qualities of each.  It was imbued with the power of the Force, stronger still from the war and strife happening at this very moment, and attached to her through blood, sweat and tears.

Dahlia's eyes opened, eyes pools of blackness, her feet hovering just slightly off the ground, fingers crackling as the Force coursed through her.  One hand reaching out toward the furnace, reaching into the heat, yet not feeling the flames, and taking the completed crystal in her palm.

She could feel its throbbing power, feel it connecting to her own abilities.  She and the crystal were one, and soon, her weapon would be complete.

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
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Offline Medivh

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Re: The Crimson Covenant
« Reply #106 on: June 10, 2013, 02:31:12 PM »
"You are the channel, the tool of the dark side.  For decades, your blood has been waiting to see it's full potential - and failed.  But you will succeed where others of your blood did not - you carry within you, and within your weapon, the most potent aspects of your forerunners.  It is you, Lady Winton, that are the daughter of the darkness, and heir of the sith"
―Sith Ghost to Sith Apprentice Dahlia Winton

Corporate Sector

Etti IV: Surface: Mondder

Kaytt Corinthos had hoped it would be helpful.  But it most definitely wasn't.  There, on the screen in front of her, was the hidden chunk of evidence she had gotten her slicer to find.  Only, it made matters worse.

The surveillance videos were remarkably clear, watching Janessa Kain as she, seemingly drunk, parted ways from Kaytt, marching down the street.

Then, a figure approached her - the person, whoever it was, was cloaked, and had their back to the camera.  What could be seen is the person stopping Janessa, leaning forward and whispering something into her ear, and then handing her an object.  The person just as quickly walked passed Janessa, whose demeanor had entirely changed.  Instead of looking drunk and stumbling, she was standing upright, her posture strong and purposeful as she continued walking.  The object handed to her briefly visible, glinted in the dim light.  It was a weapon

As she walked off camera, her image was picked up by another camera, then another, all the way until they reached Inspector Erbon's home.  Janessa Kain stepped up to the door, knocked - repeatedly - until the door finally opened.

Kyatt had seen the final result, but watching the murder take place was another matter, and she glanced away, greatful the surveillance video did not have any sound.


Dahlia had never been one for electronics, but her training, and the connection she bore to the piece of equipment in front of her, made the task far more manageable than even she could have anticipated.  It was now a matter of utilizing everything she had to coalesce the items into a single, perfect weapon.

The lightsaber.

The central piece of the saber was the crystal she had forged, and unlike most, it was tri-color.  Pink, crimson, and black.  The crystal, on its own, pulsed with the energy of the darkside -but not just any energy.  It was her own, infused with her very soul.  And the stone itself bore the characteristics of the Winton's that came before her.

The second piece was the power source - a diatium power cell.  A series of focusing lenses diverted the power into the crystal and then it shot out of the weapon through cycling field energizers in the form of plasma.  The blade would extend out, about a meter, before forming a very tight arc that returned into the weapon, completing the circuit, and establishing the electrical current necessary for the weapon to be sustaining (The tight nature of the loop made a lightsaber appear to be a single straight beam, but explained why it was rounded at the tip).

Dahlia's hilt was one of her own making - a metal base from a very light metal, with a rubberized grip.  Inside, all of the circuitry to make the weapon run properly, and on the outside, an on/off switch, and three other tiny buttons: pink, crimson, and black.

It was a labor of love as she connected each wire and circuit and element of the saber together, using the force as her primary tool of construction.  There was beauty in the deadliness of the device she was building, her attention focused on it, even as the crystal and her communicated, the dark side flowing back and forth between her and the core of her weapon.

And then it was done.  The smooth handle, the grip.  Seemed innocuous, sitting there in front of her.  Not for long.

Dahlia took the weapon in hand, feeling it's weight, then activated the blade.

Pink - the blade that appeared was pink, a soft glow.  The blade was slender - only about two-thirds as thick as a standard saber blade.  Dahlia smiled as she swung the blade around, almost like dancing with it, testing it on a series of remotes and targets.  It was a duelist's weapon, with the dexterity necessary for it.  Karen's style of fighting. 

Then she pressed the crimson button.

Crimson - The elegance of the blade was replaced by something more ferocious.  While the center of the blade retained it's pink color, an outer layer seemed to wrap around it, a glowing color of blood.  A more powerful, larger blade, where graceful fighting had to give way to who was stronger. The crimson matched Alexia's aggressive use of the Force, and Dahlia slammed the weapon through thicker targets.  It wasn't slicing - it was destroying, and rubble lay at her feet.

Black - With the pressing of the black button, the pink and crimson disappeared, and in their stead, a small blade, only about a foot long, extended from the handle.  The blade had a very slight glow, and was black, appearing almost like a thin but heavy stream of smoke emitting from the weapon.  Smaller, harder to see, and rare in it's color, it perfectly reflected her father, Alexander's combat - secretive, hidden, and strike unseen.

Three different weapons in one, and yet, it was a part of her.  Dahlia knew the weapon would never betray her, never obey any other.  It was she and she was it.  She was the sword that would destroy the enemies, and it would lead her to greatness.

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
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Offline Medivh

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Re: The Crimson Covenant
« Reply #107 on: June 20, 2013, 02:06:34 PM »

Dahlia had become agile with her new weapon, and indeed, it became as much a part of her as her own hand.  It's force connection so strong with her, that the weapon could not be activated by another, including her sith mentor.

Adubell had watched Dahlia grow and transform over the past months.  She had been beaten, tempered, and hardened into a new being, a weapon of the sith, and destined to greatness.  Soon, Dahlia would be strong enough, wise enough, clever enough to destroy anyone she deemed enemy - which included Adubell herself.

Adubell, however, was prepared to take the next step herself.  Making her way to the locked laboratory room, away from Dahlia's prying eyes, she pressed the key code to enter, stepping in and assessing the room as the door locked behind her.

The huge tank in the center of the room, still filled with a yellowish-transluscent liquid, inside which stood a metallic skeletal form, similar in shape to that of a human.  She made her way over to a gurney, briefly surveying the equipment.  Clothing was shed, meticulously folded and placed on a small cart beside the gurney, Naked form shifting to sit on the cold foam padding.  On either side of her, as if waiting to strike, hundreds of needles like fangs were aimed at her, She lay down quietly, buckling her body into the gurney, and pulling the harness as tight as she could.

Her arms and legs were lowered, ankles and wrists in grooves that locked closed.  Adubell took one more look before closing her eyes, reaching out with the force, she connected to the activation button on the far side of the room.

The machine came to life, whirring with sound.  Adubell briefly opened her eyes, with just enough time to see the needles plunging downward into her flesh, from head to toe.  She felt the pain of what seemed like hundreds of incissions, from the balls of her feet up to her skull.  Eyes closed as the pain became unbearable, the whirring of the machines not just around her now, but in her head.

It was torture, the worst kind of torture, until her body could take no more, and she passed out.

Nearby, the tank had come to life, extending metallic hands from the base to various points along the skeleton, slowly adding a new coating to the mechanical being.

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
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Offline Medivh

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Re: The Crimson Covenant
« Reply #108 on: July 01, 2013, 03:07:29 PM »
"Nw?l tash.Dzwol sh?sotkun.
Sh?sotjont? ch?tsatul nu ty?k.
Ty?kjont? ch?tsatul nu midwan.
Midwanjont? ch?tsatul nu asha.
Ashajont? kotswinot itsu nuyak.
Wonoksh Qy?sik nun."
"Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.
The Force shall free me."
-Sith Code


Like a graceful yet aggressive dancer, Dahlia moved, her weapon slicing through the darkness at the targets, some immobile, some mere drones, some the deadly droids bent on destroying her.  With each battle, her skill and her connection to her weapon sharpened.

As part of the task, every time she fought, her future opponents would incorporate her actions, learn by watching her.  They could attack at any time and in any numbers.  In response, Dahlia learned to vary her attacks and not rely on what had worked in the past.  She would sweep a dozen enemies with her saber, then turn and visciously assault the enemy with a blast of lightning, incinerating it.

In between battles, she would meditate, peering out into the galaxy, feeding on the growing fear, anxiety, anger, hatred.  The war was coming, and she reveled in the emotions that were so collective and strong, she could feel them.  She never reached out to those she knew, or to her true enemies, the jedi.  If they sensed her, they would know what she had become, and that must be avoided.  Instead, she would conceal herself, and look at the happenings by reflection of outsiders.  The upcoming hearing and trial of Circe Prescott, the battle at the Wheel, and Garron Prescott, the happenings in and around Etti and D'ian.  She felt a twinge of something from Naboo, the place of her real father and mother, but stayed away, sensing it would be risky in revealing herself.

In all of this, she was alone - Adubell had seemingly disappeared, for days now.  And Dahlia was growing inpatient to finally be free of this place, and grasp her destiny.

It was mid battle, facing a trio of magnaguards, that Adubell reappeared.

"It is time, Apprentice"

Quite against Dahlia's will, the three droids deactivated, and Dahlia, mid motion, continued and sliced off their heads before turning to face her tutor.

Adubell's demeanor was changed.  She still had that cunning look in her eyes, but she looked in severe pain, her face was marked with healing incisor wounds, her hair was matted in places.

'What happened to you?"

"It is of no concern, apprentice.  It's time for you to be cast out into this galaxy, and rebuild the Sith Empire"

Adubell's walk also had changed - she looked in pain.  Dahlia followed, fingering her saber. as she stared at the Adubell's black hair and neck.

"Do not think from my appearance that I would be so easy a target, apprentice"

"I wouldn't want you to be an easy target.  That would take the fun out of killing you"

Adubell turned, offering a smirk between her pained face

"I'm afraid you may have more difficulty killing me that you ever thought possible.  Besides, I have been tasked to guide you"

"I don't need you"

"Nevertheless, the ancients have required it of me, and will require you to tolerate me a bit longer before you can make attempts on my life"

Adubell turned and again led Dahlia to the hall of siths, the place most saturated with the Dark Side, still living within, a malevolent force.

The torches were ignited and their shadows were already coalescing with the smoke, forming not one figure as before, but dozens, filling the room with shadows of the past.  Dahlia could recognize their faces, see in each shadow the sith who it represented.

"Daughter of Darkness, you again stand before us, possessed with the power we have endowed within you, with the knowledge we have saturated you with.  And more, you have forged your weapon, a blade reflective of yourself.  Bring it to bear, now, child and sister of Winton - ignite your saber"

Dahlia stood firm in the center of the room, lifting her weapon and igniting it.  The closest shadow approached her, its ethereal hand wrapping around the blade.

"The power of three made into one - you are the product of those who came before you in your bloodline.  You have the powers and strengths of each.  You, like your weapon, was forged from three into one.  Recite your blood name, oh Daughter of Darkness"

Blood name?  For months now, she was no one, or apprentice, but there was the name that connected her by blood to her past.

"Dahlia Winton"

"Yes - so it was, and so it shall be.  To  the galaxy, to your enemies, you shall wear the mask of your past, your blood.  They will call you Dahlia Winton.  But there is yet another name.  A truer name.  A sith name"

Dahlia nodded her head, still holding the saber high, the shadow seeming closer than ever.

"Say the words Dahlia, and be christened and birthed anew"

Again she nodded, her own eyes pooling in blackness as she spoke

"Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory.Through victory, my chains are broken. The Force shall free me.  Such is the code of the sith, and such is my code"

She heard her words, in her voice echo through the chamber, and then echoed back by the chorus of shadows, in the ancient tongue of the sith, and she felt the dark side flowing through her, pulsing through her veins

"Kneel, blood child of Winton"

Dahlia lowered herself to her knees, still holding her blade high.  But a moment later, the shadow, holding the weapon by the blade, plucked it from her hands.  In the past, the blade would deactivate, but in the sith shadow's hand, it stayed lit, the blade turning from upward, downward over her head.

"Extend your hand"

Without flinching, Dahlia took out her sword hand, opened it, palm upward.  The blade slowly lowered, and then she felt the heat of the blade touch the center of her palm.

She didn't scream, though her muscle tensed reflexively.  The blade was lifted again, and there, in the center of her palm, was a mark, a scar left by the touch of the weapon.

"You are bound in blood to this weapon, and have given to the sith."

The weapon was again turned upright and lowered to her still extended palm.

"Take your weapon, sith.  For today, you are a true sith.  No longer Dahlia Winton, your true name represents all that you are and all that you shall become.

Today, you are the Daughter of Darkness.  Rise, Darth D'Cera, and conquer the galaxy for the sith"

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
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Offline Medivh

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Re: CC: The Crimson Covenant
« Reply #109 on: July 05, 2013, 11:38:28 AM »
((A new name ...))


The water steamed as it splashed down on her skin, and Darth D'Cera closed her eyes, meditating on the sensations as the hot water hit the fading scars and bruises of her training and transformation.  The pain was exhilarating.  One mark would not fade, not forever.  She opened her eyes and looked at the small but permanent mark in the center of hand - caused by her own lightsaber, and the only time the blade would ever work against her, a part of her transformation from a girl to a sith.

The shower itself was novel, the first real bathing she had done since being taken captive, and while she luxuriated in the waters, it was not in the same way she had done before.  Back when she was weak, it was to be pampered. Now, it was part of her act, part of the sith that needed to present herself as the socialite and celebrity that would be Dahlia Winton.  Appearances would be everything, and for a long time before her destiny was fulfilled.

She let herself drip as she stepped out of shower, into the new quarters that were hers.  Sparse, small, but better than the cell, the bed had a thin foam mattress rather than a slab of metal, she had her own refresher unit, and a new set of clothes.  Adubell had provided her with a variety of clothing that would suit her needs in the coming months - ceremonial but tasteful garb, for presentations before dignitaries, and fashionable school clothes for her return to society.  Each outfit had a purpose, to assist in returning to the galaxy, establishing known and unknown contacts.

She was still naked when Adubell barged into the quarters.  Darth D'Cera turned and glowered at the woman, not bothering to cover herself - modesty and shame, like all other emotions and characteristics, were merely tools, to be used when necessary and avoided when a hinderance.

"You should knock"

"I don't care enough to."

Adubell was looking better than she had a few days ago, the marks on her face fading more, and her walk stronger.  D'Cera cursed herself for not killing the woman when the chance was ripe - or trying to.

"what do you want?"

"I have a gift for you"

That was not the answer D'Cera expected, and to cover her surprise, she turned to sarcasm.

"I never knew you had those kind of feelings for me?"

"A bit cheeky for a teenager, don't you think?  No - this gift is one that will aide you in your quest.  When you are ready, come, and I will show it to you"

Adubell stepped out, and D'Cera finished drying off, putting on a black jumpsuit and strapping her lightsaber to her belt before stepping out.

Two minions - D'Cera wasn't quite sure what their species was - escorted her to a shuttle, where Adubell was powering systems.

"We're going out?"

"Time to see the galaxy, Apprentice"

D'Cera boarded and the ramp closed behind her.  She was fingering her weapon, even as she took a seat in the cockpit beside Adubell.

"itchy fingers ..."

"Only around you"

"I'm touched"

The vessel lifted off the ground and accelerated, Adubell navigating through the cavern at a near reckless speed, the Force guiding her travel as she lightly tapped the controls.

Ahead of them, a blinding light, growing brighter and brighter.  D'Cera had to shield her eyes as the mouth of the cave opened up around her - and she was out in daylight.

It was painful, the late afternoon sunlight, shining on her pale skin and in her sensitive eyes, the results of months and months underground.

Adubell laughed, and D'Cera added it to her list of reasons to kill the mentor.

They did not spend long traveling along the landscape - up and out of the cavern, they rose, flying through the clouds, and D'Cera knew they were headed into orbit, turning her face away from the blinding sun, toward the darkening sky, she saw a large object reflecting light.

"What is it?"

"The biggest of all gifts, Lady D'Cera.  The prize possession of the Trade Federation"

Drawing closer, D'Cera could see what it was - the spherical shape, spokes, circular pathways.

"The Wheel ..."

D'Cera knew it had been under attack just days before from the Empire.  How had it ended up here.

A comm signal was active.

"Approaching vessel, identify yourselves"

It seemed absurd - there were no spacecraft in orbit aside from the Wheel and themselves.  Who was aboard the station?  who was talking to them?

"Infiltrator, this is Adubell, clearance code 7-8-4-D, carrying principle-one"

"Acknowledged, Lady Adubell.  Approach executive sector docking bay"

D'Cera noticed damage along huge swaths of the Wheel, but that the structure itself was basically sound.  Slowly, they made their way up to the central axis, and the docking bay there.

Upon landing, D'Cera was the first out of her seat, hurrying down the gangway - and seeing just how the Wheel came to her.

The docking bay was covered in the remains of crew, dry blood scattered about.  She continued walking toward the doorframe when it opened, and out appeared Mara Tacofer.  Or, as D'Cera now knew, a look alike.

The HRD glanced over D'Cera once or twice, as if confirming it was her, before turning to Adubell who had approached from behind.

"What is the status of the station?"
"90% containment.  System controls have been deactivated in most tiers, and rerouted to the command suite.  Every sector is on lockdown - no one is able to get out of their rooms or sections.  The imperials who boarded the station were forced to discard their weapons, or they would have been vented out into space.  They too have been secured."
"Anyone in the hallways?"
"They have been dealt with"
"Are the key assets intact?"

The HRD nodded

"The archive system is fully functional, and currently still secured, as per your orders.  The stock exchange is also functional"
Adubell smiled, turning to D'Cera

"How would you like to redirect some of the most potent of the galaxy's technologies and a third of the galaxy's income to your own private uses?"

D'Cera could not help but smile.

"show me"

« Last Edit: July 08, 2013, 12:30:18 PM by Medivh »
SWSF: Legacy of the Force
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Offline Medivh

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Re: CC: The Crimson Covenant
« Reply #110 on: July 16, 2013, 02:35:58 PM »
Previously ...

Hyperspace / Korriban

The imperial force that had boarded the Wheel did not realize at first that they had moved.  Even the acceleration into hyperspace had been barely noticed, and attributed to the ongoing battle.  Without windows in the cooridors, they assumed everything had proceeded as planned.

Already, under the leadership of General Kwotes, they had secured much of sector 5, including a main service turbolift, the easiest way to bypass some of the roadblocks that were in place.

They also faced growing but inadequate resistance from Federation security.  Kwotes smiled - without its droid armies, the Trade Federation had become, mostly, toothless when it came to ground combat.  Sector 5 was almost entirely secured, with a clear path to more central areas of the Wheel, when the first sign of a problem appeared.

The turbolift that General Kwotes was on deactivated - and then went in the opposite direction, returning him and the squad to cooridor they had come from.  Stepping out of the turbolift, they noticed that power had been deactivated, and emergency lights were on.

Then even those went out.

The imperial troops activated their own personal lamps as they proceeded through the now dark cooridor, coming to a heavy blast door.

Kwotes was not to be deterred.

"Blow it"

"I wouldn't do that, General"

The voice was a female one, coming from over an intercomm, the speaker over their heads.

"In fact, General, if I were you, I would order your troops to lay down your weapons"

Kwotes stared up at the speaker, his troops keeping watchful eyes of the walls and doors.  Even in an ambush, his force onboard was sizeable and would probably be able to succeed.


"Because you have no reinforcements, General - you aren't in the Besh-Gorgon system anymore.  The Wheel is ... well, somewhere else.  And without reinforcements, you don't have the army you need to take a massive space station.  More importantly, if you do not lay down your weapons, I will deactivate artificial gravity, open the purging vents, and send your forces out into space"

The idea that they were no longer being reinforced was unsettling, but Kwotes had a large enough force to take the station. he wasn't about to be manipulated so easily

"If you could do that, you would have done it already"

"Incorrect, general.  I have no desire to kill you - unless I must.  But I need to make it clear to you that your conquest of the Wheel is over.  This station has been commandeered for an alternate purpose.  Please order your troops to lay down their weapons. Once that is done, I will have an escort accompany you - and only you, General - to the executive suite.  Failure to comply will result in your termination, as well as that of your troops"

"You are bluffing" Kwotes wasn't ready to concede yet, not with his success thus far.

There was a pause, as if the voice was considering for a moment, before it spoke again.

"I would apologize now to your troops, General."

The comm went dead, and a moment later, Kwotes felt his stomach floating up into his throat - and his feet lifted off the ground.

"She's deactivated the artificial gravity - magnetize boots!"

A rushing sound could be heard far off, small at first, but growing louder and louder.  Kwotes felt the air pushing, pulling him backward.  Even as his boots electromagnets activated, he felt the pull growing stronger, his feet hitting against the metal floor, and then scraping it as the pull of the vacuum of space fought against the magnets.  The vacuum was winning.  Most of his troops had followed his lead, and were trying to grab hold of something to help fight against the vacuum.  A sensor on his belt gave Kwotes warning that air was depressurizing.


The shout was drowned out by the roar of the air, and he activated the internal oxygen within his white armor mask.

He managed to grab onto a handlebar, securing himself in place and watching as his troops struggled against the force of the wind tunnel.

Weapons and equipment had already been lost, and a few of his men could be heard screaming as they were sucked away.

And then, after another minute, the vacuum stopped, though there was still that floating feeling - the gravity had not been reinstated.

"Have I made my point, general?  or must it continue?"

Kwotes glanced around, assessing his now far less ordered troops, then glanced up at the intercomm with anger.

"very well.  My troops will disarm"

"Excellent - be ready for the escort.  We'll be around - when we get to you"

Gravity returned to the room, suddenly, and the imperial troops that had been anywhere but the floor fell hard to the ground, Kwotes himself suffering a minor bruise at the sudden change in gravity.

He reformed his line of troops, then ordered weapons - those still salvaged after the vacuum - placed in a pile near the blast door.

Then he waited.

Federation troops had been heading toward Sector Five, to help sure up resistance to the boarded imperials.  That was when they got the message from the comm unit.

"Federation Security, you are to head directly to docking bay Alpha-15, and wait there for orders.  With our hyperspace jump, the imperials have been successfully contained.  ALL Federation troops are to head to docking bay Alpha-15, immediately"

Alpha-15 was the largest commercial docking bay on the Wheel, and upon arrival, the Federation troops found it was filled with a variety of small and medium freighter craft.

Again, the comm unit.

"This is Mara Tacofer.  Due to the recent battle, we need to complete the evacuation of the Wheel.  Civilians are currently under lock down in all quarters.  They will be escorted to Alpha-15, board ships, and be diverted to friendly worlds.  Security will be escorting civilians and making sure they do not cause trouble during the evacuation.  Once evacuation is complete, all security are to return to Alpha-15 for further orders."

There were many questions going around - where were they?  where were they headed?  what was going on? But orders were orders, and the troops moved in small squads through the Wheel, using clearance to unlock and evacuate one area at a time, ferrying frightened civilians to the docking bay.

Executive Docking Bay had a team of about 18 security, stationed there in case the imperials tried landing close to the Wheel's control center.  They were effectively part of the the administrator's primary security personnel.  His shuttle was the only one left in the bay, when Mara Tacofer stepped inside.

As per training, they lowered their weapons, and raised a salute.  Tacofer smiled - then pulled out a repeater blaster, firing at the line of soldiers.  She had hit six before the rest had a chance to respond, and another 4 before there was any return fire.  A blaster struck her in the torso, but she didn't flinch, continuing to fire at the soldiers.  Three surviving soldiers had taken cover behind the ship, watching as Mara inspected the dead troops before approaching.

They aimed, targeting her scalp, and she again turned to face them - and then broke into a run, circling around the ship as they fired on her, shots at her fast-moving heals beneath the ship's wings, circling around.

The next second, she had come around the vessel, slamming a fist into one's throat, his weapon dropped as he began coughing up blood.  She caught the blaster, aimed and fired her weapon and the officer's at the two survivors, firing without hesitation.

The officer coughing blood was clutching his throat at her knees, and she aimed the blaster down, firing it and silencing him.

Infilitrator-02 glanced down at the scorch mark in her clothing, frowning as she ran a quick diagnostic, heading to the control panel and awaiting the arrival of the guest of honor.

Present ...


The halls were deserted as D'Cera, Adubell, and the Mara look-alike made their way through.  Aside from the docking bay itself, there was little in the way of signs of a struggle.  Lights were dim, and seemed set on emergency power, and their footsteps echoed off the walls.

They came to a door, and the look-alike keyed in a code on the door lock.  Doors opened with a hiss, revealing a massive chamber, riddled with monitors.  Though the lighting was out, the monitors were mostly lit, casting blue and greenish glows throughout the room.

In the center of the ceiling, a huge spherical machine, covered in monitors as well.

"Welcome to the Federation Stock Exchange"

D'Cera stepped forward, onto the catwalk, looking over some of the machines nearby.

"I have secured the necessary codes to authorize transfer of shares, and to conduct trades on behalf of the Trade Federation, and, in a brokerage capacity, for countless other individual and corporate entities."

"Anyone who used the exchange ..."

D'Cera smiled at the thought.  Her more social studies based lessons had taught her that the Federation acted as broker to millions.

"Correct.  Approximately a third of public galactic trading processed through the Federation exchange.  The most notable alternatives include, of course, rival exchanges, such as the Corporate Sector, and more localized exchanges, that focus mostly on commodities."

"How has the Imperial attack affected trading authority?"

"Many entities suspended trading, but only a few successfully took away trading authority permanently.  Attempts are ongoing, of course, to prevent the assets in the exchange from being accessed without proper authority from owners."

"Will that prevent access to the assets?"

"Not for most - so long as we work quickly"

"Very well - begin the transfers"

The look-alike simply nodded, moving to a console and began typing at a furious rate.  D'Cera watched this with amazement and curiosity.

"how will it work?"

"The Infiltrator will, on behalf of the many, many owners, sell millions of shares to a series of shell companies at a significantly reduced price"

"Paid for how?"
"assets already available.  The company will be buying shares at less than one-hundredth their actual value.  Those shells will gain controlling shares in hundreds of companies that will grant you the ability to utilize those resources.  Others will be sold back to the individuals at inflated prices.  By the time anyone realizes what happened, you will have made a fortune off of doing nothing, and will be a major shareholder in some of the most influential companies in the galaxy"

"Such as"

"The Trade Federation itself, not that it will be worth much once the empire is through with it.  The shell company will own it in your name.  Others that sold stock include Kuat Drive Yards and Corellian Engineering Corp, though those are not controlling - controlling shares of each of those is owned by their respective government.  Siennar Fleet Systems traded through the Fed Exchange, The Techno Union, the Commerce Guild, The Banking Guild, and the Hyper-Communications Cartel - which is responsible for much of the commercial holonet activity.  You will have a say in all of these, and when the time is right, you will use them to further your goals."

D'Cera nodded, taking in the information and the possibilities as she looked around the room. Normally crowded, it looked empty with just the three of them there, but she could see this facility becoming very useful.

"Once the trades are done, and the Trade Federation extinct, what will happen to the exchange?"
"Whatever you wish - it will not be useful as a stock exchange in the future.  At least, unless you manage to convince investors the exchange is secure"

There was a series of pings and the look-alike glanced over to them.

"The transfers are complete"

Adubell nodded her head, turning to D'Cera.

"This station also has aboard the entire federation specification archives, and a variety of production facilities that have been dormant for the last decade"

"They don't make droids anymore"

"Not unless we want them to.  As per my instructions, the infiltrator has pulled about one hundred battle droids from storage.  They will be assisting us in controlling some of our guests"

General Kwotes troops were restless, looking at their weapons nearby with longing and fear.  Unable to go forward, many were resting against the walls of the sector 5 hallway, waiting for something to happen.

They heard the clang of foot steps approaching from the far side of the heavy blast doors.  Only it did not sound like boots - it sounded like metal.

The imperials rose to their feet, just as the blast-door began to hiss and open.

On the other side, illuminated only by the the emergency lights, were not federation security.

It was several dozen battle droids.  And once the door was opened, blasters opened fire, blue stun fire raining down on the imperial forces, leaving them unconscious, General Kwotes, standing and watching speechless.

The lead droid, a classic B1 battle droid with a yellow strip on his mechanical shoulder turned to the general, and in his mechanical voice, spoke.

"Please come with us, General"

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
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Offline Medivh

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Re: CC: The Crimson Covenant
« Reply #111 on: August 08, 2013, 11:14:05 AM »

Ship by ship, docking bay Alpha-15 filled with civilians, and emptied, the many frightened individuals still aboard slowly being sent off to various worlds, mostly neutral in nature.  The system was fairly organized - those on board could decide destinations from a list of a handful of options, and were sent to the respective ship headed in that direction.  Federation security were professional, even if they were unable to answer questions about the details of what happened.

Shuttle windows were blacked out, and only the pilots could see the damage to the Wheel - Sector 5 a real mess of mesh and metal, but otherwise, the station seemed intact.  The evacuation seemed somewhat unnecessary.  Those same pilots were ordered not to report back to the Wheel until given specific orders.

All of the Federation troops were wondering what happened with the imperials that had boarded the base, but the occasional communication from the boss, Mara Tacofer, indicated they were no longer a threat, and to proceed with the evacuation.

Two federation security, however, were curious enough to break with their orders, and decided to head toward the center of the Wheel, where the stock exchange was located.

Upon arrival, they found the room was deserted.  As they continued through, hoping to see someone or something that explained what was going on, they heard the sound of metal clanging on metal to the beat of a march.  curious, they walked around the catwalk to the opposite cooridor, peering out the window and shocked to see a squad of battle droids marching past.

"battle droids?  aboard the Wheel?  It doesn't make any sense"

"Neither does disobeying orders, but you seem to have done that anyways"

The two soldiers turned, surprised to see a teenager standing there.

"who are you?"

"I am the end"

the teenager lifted her hands, and the two federation soldiers found themselves pinned against the wall, suddenly unable to breathe.

D'Cera watched with cold, black eyes as they grabbed at their throats, gagging and hissing in attempts to breathe.

"D'Cera, enough of this"

The voice came from behind the teenager, and the soldiers, already seeing spots, could make out the fuzzy image of another woman.

The teenager's face darkened, and she squeezed her hands tight, the soldiers' necks making a snapping noise and twisting at an odd angle.

As D'Cera turned to walk back toward the other woman, the two soldiers' dead bodies slumped to the ground.


General Kwotes had been escorted through the deserted halls of the Wheel, surrounded by the yellow-metalled battle droids common some five decades earlier, and brought back at the height of Trade Federation power in the post-Empire era, before Phage led to an almost absolute halt on the use of battle droids.  These droids looked as though they had never seen combat, metal shiny as they day they were created.  Kwotes would not, however, underestimate their ability to shoot him should he choose to resist.

He was, however, quite shocked at the atmosphere, and was curious as to the use of droids.  Was the Trade Federation so under staffed, and worried about his boarding that they had brought out of storage battle droids to reinforce their ranks?  Something didn't seem right about that.  And he recalled that in conversation with the woman he assumed to be Mara Tacofer (it was just a voice afterall), she had said the station was comandeered.  That at least indicated that it did not seem to be under Federation control at all.  Which also puzzled him.

Kwotes was brought to a turbolift, marked off for executive use only, and taken up to the executive suite, where he finally encountered the first human on the station.

There was Mara Tacofer, garbed in a standard Federation jumpsuit that had a series of notable blaster marks in it, though she seemed no worse for ware.

Tacofer smiled.

"General, I'm glad you could make it"

Still surrounded by the droids, Kwotes frowned

"What is it you want from me"

"We need you to set up a meeting with the Emperor"


"Yes, we"

Kwotes turned his head as two more women stepped into the dim lighting.  One was a teenager, and looked oddly familiar to Kwotes, the other, a black haired, tall woman.  Both had pale skin, dressed in black, and each had a metallic cylinder hanging from around their waists.

"Who are you?"

"We are sith, general, and allies of the Emperor.  We want him to join us aboard our station here, so we can discuss how we can work together to bring down the Republic.  A goal i believe you share.  We insist you contact him - right now"

"And if I don't?"

The response, he could hear the click of blasters being raised and pointed at him.

"it's not really a hard decision, general"

With a frown, Kwotes nodded his head. "Where is the transmitter?"

"I will be there in three days time.  I assure you, if I come to regret this meeting, so will you"

"We look forward to it, your excellency"

Adubell pressed the button to deactivate the signal, smiling and turning to the general, still standing there amidst the sith and the battle droid forces.

"Thank you for your assistance, General"

"I didn't have much choice"

She offered a mocking smile in return

"oh don't be so glum.  You will be back to serving the Emperor very shortly.  In the meantime, however, I am afraid we will have to detain you - we don't want you running around our station, making any trouble."

With a nod from the adult sith woman, the battle droids began marching again, leading Kwotes away.  He would find himself detained in a small but comfortable living area in the executive suite.

Meanwhile, Adubell turned to D'Cera, who had been silent throughout the exchange.

"Are you ready to make an appearance before the Emperor?"

The younger sith looked to Adubell with contempt.

"It's all for show - what does it really matter"
"Show?  SHOW makes a great deal of matter - it is how we present ourselves that will allow us to succeed.  The Emperor will provide us with much needed - in terms of diversions, cause for the Republic to act, additional supplies.  We want him to be an ally"

"You once told me there are only two categories of people - servants, and enemies.  There is no such thing as an ally"

Adubell smiled.

"True - to an extent. An ally is someone who has the potential to be both. It depends on him, and you.  Schrag is useful, and he is smart.  If you are smarter, he will end up serving you.  If you fail, he will be on a growing list of enemies.  Now go on, and get yourself ready.  We have guests coming"


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Re: CC: The Crimson Covenant
« Reply #112 on: August 20, 2013, 01:34:34 PM »

The Imperial Star Destroyer 'Vengence' slipped out of hyperspace in orbit over the planet Korriban.  Though Korriban itself was outside the Republic, the particular area north of Republic space had only a limited number of active gravity well nets, thanks primarily to trade with the Corporate Sector, so close by.  Quite advantageous to Schrag - and the supposed allies he was preparing to meet.

Korriban was known to be devoid of most activity, due primarily to its history and reputation.  The space around him was not cluttered with ships or platforms.

Instead, aside from the planet itself, the only other thing amidst the darkness was the Wheel itself.

the star destroyer moved forward on sublight engines, keeping shields and weapons raised, until it was within firing distance, at which point, he got the expected hail.

"Now Emperor, I believe that is quite close enough."

Schrag's face was ice cold.

"I don't even have a name for my so called allies, and I will move my ship where I want to"

"I'm hurt by your lack of trust, your eminence. This is a meeting of like minded individuals"

"You'll forgive me for my lack of trust then, and I will keep my ship close enough to fire on you.  I am here, as you requested, and now I have some demands.  I want my general and my men released, immediately"

"They will escort you out, Emperor"

"No, they will be released, and I will choose my own escort"

There was a pause, before the sith woman again could be heard on the comm unit.

"Very well, the emperor can have his way.  We will release all of your troops, and the General will depart with you.  Please send over shuttles, and we will make the necessary arrangements"

The comm went dead before Schrag could respond, and he fumed at the way he was being manipulated.  Turning to his aide, he practically growled the next order.

"Order two dozen shuttles, with an appropriate escort to head to the Wheel to pick up our troops.  Order the ship's imperial guards to my chambers"

"Yes sir"


The imperial troops had been stripped of their weapons and armor, leaving them vulnerable in the dark, cold corridor where they were imprisoned.  At regular intervals, a squad of battle droids appeared, delivered food, and departed, locking them inside again.  No one had heard from the general in days.

Now the blast door opened, and there stood the droids, without the meal.

"What's happening?"  One troop demanded, before being shot in the chest, the blue stun bolt dispersing through his body as he crumpled to the ground.

The other imperials began to protest, before being quickly subdued - there was nowhere to go, afterall.  It was the second or third time they had enmassed been stunned, apparently deemed brutal but efficient method of control, without resorting to deadly force.

The battle droids advanced, hefting the uncoscious imperials and carrying them to the docking bay to be transported, like cargo, back to the imperial ship.

The last of the civilians had evacuated some hours before the arrival of the star destroyer, and now the federation officers were impatiently waiting for orders in docking bay Alpha-15.

All heads raised as the blast doors opened and Mara Tacofer stepped into the room.


They stood, out of respect, but slowly, lazily even

"You have done well with the evacuation.  Thanks to your efforts, the Wheel is now almost entirely secure"

"What of the imperials onboard?"

"They have been detained"

"And what's happening now?"

"Now, we are negotiating the next move.  I want to thank your for your service.  I will be arranging for your departure to a designated location shortly"

Before any of the officers could respond, the ambassador stepped out of the room, leaving them to their thoughts.  The last ship had departed already, and no one was coming back.  How were they going to leave?  And WHY, if the station was secured?

A few minutes later, the blast doors opened again - only this time, it was not the ambassador who entered.  Instead, row after row of B1 Battle droids appeared.

The Federation soldiers got to their feet, pulling out blasters.

As the first set of droids appeared, they raised their rifles and began to fire on the troops.  The Federation soldiers began to return fire, while seeking cover behind whatever crates or barrels were still there - the room was sparsely populated afterall.

dozens of droids fell, but the numbers kept coming, and soon, the federation soldiers were overwhelmed.  The last handful tried to surrender but were, like the rest, shot on sight.


Admiral Schrag was surrounded by the red robed guards he had hand selected as his own, most trusted, most loyal.  Despite the word 'ally' being thrown around, he was walking into enemy territory, and he wanted to be prepared.

As he finished speaking with them, the other individual Schrag was weary of stepped into the room.

"Darth Erinbol"

"At your service, your lordship"

Schrag excused the guards, leaving him with the sith.

"Are you really?"

"You continue to doubt my loyalty"

"it would be imprudent not to."

"This meeting will be good for you.  The sith will help destroy the Republic from within, while you destroy it from without."

"I've heard this before"

"It's always been true.  If the Republic is destroyed, the Empire will reign supreme, be able to conquer entire regions of space unchecked.  Winton will be the subtle knife, the greatest most powerful tool in your arsenal.  Use her properly, and I assure you, you will admire what she has become.  Together, your alliance will shake the very foundations of this galaxy"

"And when it's over, and the Empire is as vast and powerful as you say - who will it be in charge.  Me?  or the girl?"

"That is up to you, of course, Emperor."

"What do you mean"

"You may find that through her, you can control more than on your own.  I have learned she can be quite charasmatic, persuasive.  It might be that with her by your side, your empire won't even realize how completely you rule over them.  The possibilities are endless"

"So you've said"

"you will be accompanying me aboard the Wheel."

"As you wish, your eminence"

Erinbol bowed and departed, leaving Schrag all the more suspicious
SWSF: Legacy of the Force
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Re: CC: The Crimson Covenant
« Reply #113 on: September 04, 2013, 10:48:22 AM »

Flanked by two squads of TIE fighters, the imperial shuttle crossed the void of space to the executive docking bay, making a smooth landing without incident.  Six of the TIE fighters streamed inside as well, landing beside the shuttle, while the rest diverted back toward the ISD Vengence.

Ramp lowered, and eight red-robed imperial guardsmen, each carrying their famed pike weapon, slipped out, forming an honor-guard perimeter around the ramp.

Then came the Emperor.  Palpatine and Dementat, though both brilliant tacticians in their own right, were not military men, and had chosen garbs of royalty.  Schrag, however, was military born and bred, and though he was now the Emperor, he still dressed as military - A fresh pressed, class-A uniform of a grand admiral, with only a change of lapels and pins to indicate he was even higher than the military itself.  Behind him, two lieutenant aids followed to the docking bay, and in the rear, Darth Erinbol slinking softly down the ramp.

As they disembarked, Schrag looked suspiciously at the ones who came to greet them.

A half dozen battle droids stood at attention, each baring a white stripe on its shoulder, weapons shouldered but clearly accessible.  Standing in the middle of them were three women.

The first was the most recognizable - Mara Tacofer, the ambassador to the Trade Federation - though conversations had indicated she was someone else, or at least, no longer had allegiance to the Trade Federation.  Next to her, the woman Schrag had first viewed on the hologram days earlier, the sith woman, dressed in black form-fitting sith robes, pale skin, raven hair, and the noted saber hanging from her hip.

Between them, an individual the Emperor had never seen, but knew instantly.  Younger.  Red hair, green eyes.  She was the younger image of her two famous sisters.  Unlike the sith woman, the Winton girl was in an actual dress, black but gorgeous.  The outfit allowed her to look older without the impression of trying too hard.

It was the sith woman who approached first, her face with a smirk, though she bowed her head low.

"Your Eminence, it is an honor to have you aboard"

Without waiting for a reply, she raised her head, smiling behind the Emperor.

"And Darth Erinbol, as always, a pleasure."

Schrag's face was stone cold as the sith woman turned back to face him.

"I am Adubell, Lady of the Sith.  And this ..."  she turned her hand to indicate Winton "This is the newest member of our order.  You would know her by her birth name, Dahlia Winton, child of Alexander and Monica-Greyson Winton, and youngest sibling of Alexia and Karen Winton"

At this point, D'Cera stepped forward and fell to one knee, lowering her head in a deep kneel.

"Your Highness, I am honored to stand before you"

There was a notable contrast between Adubell and D'Cera's demeanor toward Schrag, one the two of them had discussed at length.  Whereas Adubell had been sarcastic, even mocking of the Emperor, D'Cera needed to show herself subservient to him, inferior to him.  Thus the display of humility.

Schrag, for his part, was skeptical, watching Winton with caution.  Nevertheless, he was here to meet her, and understood his role as Emperor, to hers as servant.

"Dahlia Winton.  I have heard a great deal about you.  Apparently you will be the cause of the Republic's destruction and the rise of the Empire as the sole galactic power."

D'Cera kept her head bowed, but nodding.

"If the Emperor would allow it, of course"

"I was told your role was destiny"

"My lord, destiny is only what we make of it"

Schrag couldn't help but smirk.  There was certainly truth to that, and Schrag was often skeptical of foregone conclusions like prophesies.  But obviously, that wasn't quite what she meant.  Many galactic philosophers had discussed the the outcomes of prophesies, and what they could be, and how to affect them.  General consensus, even among those who believed in foresight, was that outcomes could be changed, at least to a degree.  The child before him - yes, she was still a child in his eyes - was clever in her response, and for that, he was willing to extend the conversation, to see what she knew and believed, and what she really could offer him.

"True.  Rise, Dahlia Winton.  I think it is time we had a conversation about how to bring about the destiny that we desire."

Dahlia again nodded her head humbly before rising from her kneeling position, now lifting her head to face the Emperor, who stood taller than her.  Schrag looked down at her as he spoke.

"I am very curious about you, child.  How you came to be with the sith, and how you know of your past"

"With all due respect, your eminence, I am no longer a child.  I am a lady of the sith, reborn in the fire of Korriban's desert.  I was brought here against my will, a pampered child of adopted but neglectful stewards"

"The Gellars"

D'Cera nodded "they kept me close, but in truth, they always feared me.  Always feared I would become what my sisters had been, what my father was.  They hid the truth from me for all my life, and in my naivety, I believed it.  I was soft, weak.  No longer.  Now I am a weapon.  And it is they who will be fooled."

"You sound quite sure of this new life of yours, all based on your time with an ancient and often defeated cult"

Adubell had warned D'Cera of Schrag's likelihood to test her - her anger, and her abilities.  Calling the sith a cult, and questioning her abilities indeed did cause D'Cera's blood to burn with anger.  But she didn't let the emotion show.  SHOWING emotion was like wasting energy.  Instead, she let it fill her, fueling her.  She allowed herself a brief smirk as she lifted a hand toward one of the imperial guards.  An instant later, the pike in his hand flew through the air and was in her hands.

"If it is a cult, it is one that has made me strong.  I have learned to use the power of the Force to bend the galaxy to my will.  I have learned how to influence politicians and peons, subtly steering them to my ends.  If it is a cult, than it is a strong cult."

"And those you have learned to influence - one of them is me, isn't it"

D'Cera shook her head

"Your caution is prudent, but unnecessary.  We have the same goals"

"For now, perhaps.  What about in the future.  Why should I believe that the Empire you plan to dominate the galaxy with is MY Empire, and not YOURS?"

D'Cera stared at the Emperor for a moment.  Adubell had led her to believe the Emperor could be manipulated, tricked.  And maybe after time that would be possible.  But he was strong willed, and clever, and prudent, and was not going to be so trusting today.

"You shouldn't, your eminence."

Schrag was a bit taken back by the answer.  He had been expecting something else, but not an admission that Winton was not to be trusted - from Winton herself.  But D'Cera continued.

"If you trusted me so easily, you wouldn't be meant to rule the Empire.  Even if over time, you learned to trust me, it would show you had softened, and it would make you weak.  And then you would be unfit to rule.  If you always question me, and my motives, treating me as a potential thief to your throne - you will find our mutual interests keep us as close allies.  We will build greater respect for each other, perhaps even rely on each other.  But never truly trust each other.  Trust is unnecessary for us to be allies."

"Do you consider yourself a servant to the Empire?  Or an ally?"

"Both, my lord.  I am a servant to the Empire - to YOUR empire - as long as the Empire is worth serving.  I don't foresee that changing any time soon.  I am your loyal servant, and today, I tell you that I have a plan to help bring down the Republic from within, to aid you in conquering the galaxy.  What the future holds is entirely up to you"

Schrag, ever skeptical, was at least more comfortable now.  Winton was proving to be an eloquent speaker, despite her youth, and Schrag respected her candid, yet respectful nature.

"Tell me more about this plan of yours"

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Re: CC: The Crimson Covenant
« Reply #114 on: September 11, 2013, 02:08:10 PM »

Emperor Schrag and the Lady D'Cera walked side by side through the empty cooridor of the Wheel.  Behind them, 8 crimson-robed imperial guards, and General Kwotes, who had been released.  Behind them, Adubell and Darth Erinbol, who watched the Emperor and the young sith interacting.

The plan that D'Cera had given to the Emperor was appealing, despite its requirement for patience.  As they walked, he was demanding greater explanation.

"Emperor Schrag, your role in this war is extremely crucial, despite what might seem to be minimalist.  You simply need to keep the war going without over engaging"

"Fight a war to lose?"

D'Cera shook her head

"No, Emperor - fight a war to keep the Republic fighting.  You don't have the strength to destroy the Republic - not yet, and not with their current might.  If you try, you will lose, your fleets decimated, and the Empire could very well be destroyed.  Give up, and the Republic will strengthen its borders and then come to realize the Empire is no threat at all."

She paused for a minute, turning to him and smiling

"But if the fight keeps going - enough, just enough that the Republic keeps worried about what you will do next ... the tension will be the perfect atmosphere, ripe to take advantage of growing and constant fear, suspicion.  That's how the Republic will fall.  That's how EVERY republic has fallen.  They turn on each other.  It's torn apart.  When the time is ripe, the order of the Empire will be preferred over the chaos of the Republic.  And then, you will swoop in, benevolent ruler, saving the republic from their true worst enemy - themselves"

"Fear and suspicion aren't caused by a mere war, Dahlia Winton.  Wars bring political foes together"

"True - sometimes.  but not when coupled with more subtle strategies.  You are aware of the trial of Circe Prescott and Janessa Kain?"

"Of course - you are a part of that story, as I understand it"

"Indeed.  the trial is going full speed ahead.  And I intend to make an appearance that will beat any prior headlines - and will lead to the greatest anti-jedi sentiment the galaxy has ever seen.  And if the jedi cannot be trusted ... well, who can be?"

Schrag stopped walking now, turning and looking down at the young sith.

"How did you come to be like this?  So cunning, ruthless?  Was it her?" he nodded his head toward Adubell.

D'Cera, in response, scoffed and shook her head.

"Her?  She was just a tutor.  Taught me how to utilize my abilities.  But I've been bred for this kind of play on the galaxy.  I was raised by Rutherford Gellar, a ruthless businessman who sold his own daughter and grand daughter to save face.  But more importantly, it is in my blood.  I am Alexander Winton's child, and I carry his legacy, his brains, his cunning.  I embody everything he tried, and will be everything he failed to be."

"he tried to rule the galaxy"
"he tried to conquer the galaxy - there is a difference.  I don't need to rule an empire, so long as I can help create one"
"If you don't want to rule, then what is your motivation in all of this?"

D'Cera's eyes darkened, her mouth curved up slightly in a cruel looking smile.


SWSF: Legacy of the Force
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Offline Medivh

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Re: CC: The Crimson Covenant
« Reply #115 on: October 02, 2013, 01:40:13 PM »

"It was an honor to meet you, Emperor Schrag"
D'Cera made a low bow, as Schrag eyed her coolly

"And it was ... enlightening meeting you, Dahlia Winton.  You definitely resemble your father - your real father"

D'Cera stood upright, smiling

"I'll take that as a compliment"

"And what of the Wheel?  it was to be my conquest?"
"With your leave, Emperor, I would like to hold onto the Wheel.  I have something special planned"
"What's that?"

She smiled again.

"Trust me, you won't be disappointed"

Schrag watched her a moment longer, before he turned to Adubell.

"I trust my general can be released?"
"Of course, your eminence."
"Good - I have a war to win"

He glanced back at D'Cera a moment, nodding his head before turning and heading back to his ship.

Darth Erinbol turned to face Adubell and D'Cera

"Lady Adubell - Lady D'Cera.  Your company has been most wonderful.  We shall be in touch"

Adubell and Erinbol glanced at each other knowingly before he too turned and followed the Emperor's entourage to the shuttle.

Minutes later, Adubell and D'Cera watched as the Emperor's shuttle hurried off into space, back toward his command ship.

"That went perfectly"
"A bit too honest, weren't you, apprentice"
"It got his attention, and it worked.  Unlike you, me and my family have learned how to deal with the rich and powerful all our lives.  We know diplomacy."

D'Cera turned to Adubell
"That's part of why I'm the chosen one, and you are not"

Adubell glared back at D'Cera, her lips pursed tightly, anger fuming from her eyes.  It was a tense moment before she finally spoke.

"It's time, D'Cera.  Time for you to return to the world.  We will prepare at once."

D'Cera stood at the edge of the shuttle being fueled and prepped by a half dozen droids as a small vessel made it's landing just a few feet away.

Out of the second ship, two Voss-Ra exited, moving toward where Adubell and D'Cera were waiting.

"What have you come here for?"

The creature looked at Adubell, shaking its head

"We did not come for you.  We came for her"

D'Cera turned to face the creatures, who approached her - and bowed at her feet.

"Oh Daughter of Darkness, our One Abomination, we are here to serve you.  Use us or destroy us as you please."
D'Cera smirked down at the retched creatures.

"You wish to come with me?"
"Yes, my lady.  We have the gift of disguise that can be most useful to you.  Us and our entire people live and die to serve you. We were chosen with the honor to serve you."

D'Cera nodded her head

"So be it - you will come with me.  Rise now"

They did, and motioned behind them.

"We have brought with us from the caverns a gift - not from us, for no gift of ours would be worthy of the great Abomination, the Daughter of Darkness.  It is a gift from the spirits"
"The spirits?"

A third Voss-Ra stepped out of the ship, carrying in its arms a small, polished wooden box, a series of inscriptions carved on the side, and a hand print on its surface.

The creature bowed down before D'Cera, raising the box and offering it to her.
D'Cera looked over the box curiously, before reaching out.  But rather than taking the box, she placed her hand, palm open over the print at the top.
She felt the rush, the power, the dark side flowing from the box to her, and back again to the box.  The lid, sealed shut, opened, and D'Cera withdrew her hand.
Inside, amidst dark velvet cushioning, two orbs sat.

"They are holocron's, My Lady.  Of the Spirits of the Caves"

D'Cera examined them briefly before nodding her head, approvingly, closing and locking the box.

"Place it aboard the ship, for my perusal later"

"Yes, My Lady"

The creature bowed again, and slipped away.

By this point, Adubell had been silent, and D'Cera turned to her.

"Fuming much, are we?"
"Remember what I told you - you must control the power.  Otherwise, it becomes a weakness. Don't grow soft.  You were a pathetic thing with all that celebrity"
"I think perhaps you might be jealous of the attention I'm getting.  The Emperor, the Voss-Ra.  I'm their leader now, and you are just nothing"
"How little you know, apprentice"
It was hours later, aboard the ship, heading to Chandaar, the vessel piloted by one of the Voss-Ra.

D'Cera was examining the holocrons when Adubell broke the silence.

"Your cover story?"
"I was kidnapped, tortured, escaped"
"It won't work"

D'Cera looked up, closing the box.

"Why not?"
"You don't look like you've been tortured.  You are too healed"

D'Cera glanced down at herself.  Indeed, in the months of training, she had gone from a weak, tortured, bloody mess, to a fit, healthy, beautiful, strong woman.  No one would believe she had been a prisoner.

"I know how to remedy that"

Adubell's eyes were filled with malice as they locked with D'Cera's.

"Don't take too much pleasure in it, Adubell"

D'Cera placed the box down in a secure location before standing up, placing her hands at her sides.

Adubell's lips curved upward in dark smile as her hand reached out. D'Cera could feel it coming, but refrained from blocking as she was trained to do.  Her body was lifted up and sent sailing into the wall.  She crumbled to the floor, feeling the pain coursing through her.

But Adubell was not done.  She lifted D'Cera up with a clenched fist and the power of the Force, dropping her hard against the floor, then smashing her against a bench.  D'Cera felt blood on her lip, but forced a smile.

"Is that the best you can do?  I thought I was supposed to be tortured?"

Egged on, Adubell's smile turned into a sneer, both hands raised as the hatred heated her blood, the dark side traveling to her finger tips and extending out in lightning, attacking D'Cera who refused to block.

"Don't worry - the scars won't be permanent"

D'Cera couldn't help but let out a small cry of pain, and Adubelll moved in closer, releasing the lightning with a last jerk and kicking D'Cera who was crumpled on the floor. Once. Twice.  Again.

D'Cera let out a croaked voice
"Enjoying this, aren't we?"

"Admittedly, a little bit"
Adubell lifted up an arm and brought it down across D'Cera's face, giving her a black eye.  Arm up again, coming down.

And then she stopped, frozen in place, a look of shock on her face.

For with the downward swipe of her arm, D'Cera had plunged her lightsaber, the small black blade, deep into Adubell's torso.

D'Cera turned her head up to Adubell, the pain gone from her voice, a smile crossing her now swollen lip.
"You taught me to use my anger - not to let it control me.  I guess you don't heed your own advice, tutor"

In another moment, Adubell collapsed to the floor, as D'Cera pulled her weapon from her teacher.  Adubell glanced down at the fatal wound, then back up at D'Cera, her voice hoarse now.

"I'm impressed ..."

D'Cera stared down at Adubell, contempt, loathing in her eyes and voice.

"You said I had to kill you to be free.  I'm just following your own words. This is goodbye, teacher."

Adubell shook her head, a faint smile crossing her lips.

"Not entirely correct ..."

Her eyes closed, her head slumped, and Adubell's body lay dead.

D'Cera stared after her for a moment, curious as to the last statement.  Her thoughts were interrupted as the Voss-Ra approached her.

"My Lady, we are approaching Chandaar"

D'Cera nodded



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Offline Medivh

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Re: CC: The Crimson Covenant
« Reply #116 on: October 24, 2013, 01:36:37 PM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital
Surface: Ambaril: Halls of Justice, Court of General Jurisdiction in the Republic

D'Cera had made her way outside of the courthouse, instantly finding herself surrounded by the press.  Behind her, Circe Prescott, only just freed looked on at her with admiration - and at the press with revulsion.  She had made it clear as they were walking out that she would make sure the child would be returned to her parents as quickly as possible.

But the young sith had a few more things to do before leaving Chandaar.  With the press around her, she made her statement.

"I think it's dangerous - the power of the Force.  The kind of control they can wield on anyone.  They can read thoughts, control actions. Anyone is vulnerable.  From a teenager, to heads of state.  I'm afraid. Afraid I'll be taken again. Afraid I'll be used, beaten, or worse, again."

"Dahlia, you say you fear the sith-"

She kept her mirth to herself at the irony of being asked if she FEARED the Sith.  Her voice was stoic and firm, her face set in a serious expression.

"Not just the sith.  I think anyone who has that kind of power over the force - I worry about how it might be used."

"Even the jedi?"

The press was making this too easy for her.

"I'm not going to stand here talking about the jedi right now.  All I know is I want to get far away from them.  I want to go home"


D'Cera had said her piece, and with the help of the willing Circe Prescott, and a handful of republic security, she was escorted away.

D'Cera allowed herself to be examined by the medical staff at Ambaril General Hospital, Circe refusing to leave her side.  It was actually quite annoying.

The doctor glanced up at Circe and her.

"Well, it looks like most of these wounds will heal.  Despite the obvious trauma, it appears that, at least physically, Miss Gellar-Masterton will"

"It's Winton.  My last name is Winton"

The doctor gave her a curious look, but then nodded.

"Very well.  Miss Winton will make a full recovery"

"Thank you doctor"

The doctor stepped out, leaving D'Cera with Circe, who now turned to her.

"I've arranged for a ship to take us both back to the Corporate Sector, and bring you home to your family.  Dahlia, I ... I can't thank you enough.  For standing up for me.  I know it must have been hard, telling what happened.  But you saved my life"

D'Cera smiled softly.

"It was the right thing to do.  You didn't deserve the fate that was coming to you."

Circe nodded

"well, thank you.  Are you ready to go home?"

"Not quite yet.  I was wondering if I could visit the senate building first?"

"The senate building?  Dahlia, why would you want to stop there"

"I was hoping I could speak to the Speaker.  Miss Corinthos told me during the break that he had helped with the investigation, and I just wanted to ask him a few questions."

"Well, I don't know if we -"

"And I want to go alone."

Circe was about to protest, but D'Cera held up a hand.

"I promise it will be ok - I'll be surrounded by tons of Republic security. I'll be completely safe"

Even as she said the words her fingers flickered back and forth ever so slightly.  Circe blinked, but then nodded.

"Your right.  you'll be surrounded by tons of Republic security.  You'll be completely safe."

D'Cera smiled
"Thanks, Circe.  I'll meet you at the spaceport"

Surface: Ambaril: Senate Building
D'Cera separated from Circe at the entrance of the senate building, making her way inside.  Those who saw her and recognized stared, but no one approached her.  She had a look of determination on her, and easily made her way past security to the turbolift.

It was not, however, to Speaker Shale Apteen's office she went. Not at first.  It was to Senator Ingrat's, of Metalorn.  Stepping into his office, she boldly walked up to his receptionist.

"Can I help you?"

"Dahlia Winton, to see senator Ingrat"

The name carried enough weight that the call was made.

"Yes Senator ... well she claims to be ... very well sir"

The receptionist hung up the comm and looked up at D'Cera.

"The senator said he will see you right now"

D'Cera nodded as she turned to make her way into the private office.  Ingrat was one of the most influential members of the Republic Senate.  He was responsible for the long hold up of bringing Corellia into the Republic as voting members, and was now responsible for the ongoing research at Centerpoint Station.  He was also key to establishing the next phase of her plan.

When she entered, he rose from his seat.

"So, you are the famous Dahlia Winton"

D'Cera shook her head

"Hardly famous"

"If not before, than certainly now.  You single handedly saved Circe Prescott and Janessa Kain"
"I only told the truth"

He shrugged, and motioned to a seat.

"Please, what can i do for you?"

"You heard my testimony, didn't you, senator?"

He nodded
"Excerpts of it"

"I wanted you to do something about it.  I think it's time that Force users not be allowed to do the things they have in the past.  Walking around freely, using their abilities at a whim.  It's dangerous.  We don't know what they know, or how much affect they are having on us.  They could be destroying the Republic from the inside, and we would never know."

The patriotic ramifications hit a nerve, giving her credibility, but the senator was still skeptical.

"Do you have any proof it's happening at such a wide scale?"

"All I know, senator, is that after ten years at bay, the Corellian delegation joined the Republic with an overwhelmingly strong vote"

The Senator's voice hardened slightly

"I recommended it"

D'Cera countered

"You were forced to recommend it.  The pressure was building in the senate, and something happened during that fact-finding mission"

The senator's eyes widened both in surprise and he almost glared at her, his voice dropping a decible

"What do you know?"

"I know that the Corellians have long been allies of the jedi, and vice-versa.  If one is weakened, the other is.  You can make the republic stronger, and weaken the Corellian delegation all at the same time."

D'Cera stood now, offering Senator Ingrat a brief, small smile.

"Think about it senator - you could save the Republic. And Artemis Soldys would spend the rest of his career as a fringe element."

And with that, she made her way out of the chamber.
Getting in to see Shale Apteen, despite his status as Speaker of the Senate, was even easier than getting in to senator Ingrat.

D'Cera walked into his office just as he was placing the small galaxy-projector back on his desk.

"Dahlia Winton - what brings you here?"

She made her way over to the desk, taking a seat near where the projector was put down, as the Speaker took a seat.  Her eyes flickered over to the projector before returning back to the Speaker.

"I wanted to thank you for your help - with Miss Corinthos.  No one would have believed my testimony if she didn't have your resources to back it up"

He frowned

"I wish she hadn't told you"
"I promised I would keep it a secret. It gave me the courage to say what needed to be said"

"Well, in that case, your welcome. I'm glad I was able to help"

She nodded, again eyeing the projector.

"What's that?"

"It was a gift - from the Trade Federation ambassador, before she left."

D'Cera nodded her head, quickly thinking about the timing.  It wasn't Mara Tacofer who had delivered it - she had already come to rescue the children.  No, it was one of the look alikes

"May I see it?"

"Go ahead"

D'Cera reached out and grabbed the sphere in her hands.  Immediately, she felt it.  A rush, like adrenaline, coursing through her, the power of the dark side expanding, growing.  It was like a pulse, beating softly, and sending waves through the room.  While holding it, she could see the Speaker, sitting there.

He had an aura around him, a kind of black-lighting, pulsing in time with the sphere in her hands.  She smiled at him.

"It's beautiful"

He nodded

"I find when I'm stressed, pulling it out and using it to look at the stars - at the entire galaxy - it's quite soothing"

She nodded, rubbing the sphere with one hand. Now was her chance

"Mr. Speaker, you heard my testimony, did you not?"
"I did"

"You understand what the problem is.  It's the Force users.  They are destroying the Republic"

The Speaker sighed.

"Dahlia, I know you went through a lot.  It must have been awful.  But the Force is not one sided.  There are good users, the jedi are good."

D'Cera rose from the seat, still holding that sphere in her hand, her other reaching out toward the Speaker.  He seemed confused at first, then a moment of fear crept into his eyes, and then his gaze slowly began to blank out. D'Cera smiled.  She had not planned this, not like this.  Her manipulations of the Speaker were meant to be more subtle.

He was a strong-minded individual, and the Force would not so easily influence him.  But the sphere carried in it the power of the dark side, and it had affected him, slowly, day by day for the last several months.  Poisoning the strength that protected him from the Force's influence.

And now, he was all hers.

"Shale Apteen - hear me.  When the senate brings up a bill, any bill, against Force users, including the jedi, you will whole heartedly support it.  The jedi are dangerous.  They cannot be trusted.  They will destroy the Republic if they are not stopped."

D'Cera's eyes went black as she pressed her will against the Speaker, watching his eyes flicker, his body slumping back in his seat. Using the power hidden within the sphere to magnify her own, she ingrained her words into his thoughts.

It was several minutes late when she placed the projector back on his desk, Shale Apteen blinking, a confused look on his face as he tried collecting his thoughts.

"Well, anyways, thank you for meeting with me, Mr. Speaker.  I appreciate it"

She smiled at him and he smiled back.

"Any time, Dahlia. I hope to see you again soon.  A girl as brave as you - I bet you could really do some amazing things for the Republic"

You have no idea

"Thank you, Mr. Speaker"


She walked back to the hangar bay, where Circe was waiting for her.

"I'm ready to go home now"

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
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Offline Syren

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Re: CC: The Crimson Covenant
« Reply #117 on: October 27, 2013, 12:30:59 PM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital

Surface: Ambaril: Spaceport

"I'm ready to go home now."

Circe smiles, "Good but first I have a surprise for you."

"A surprise?" Dahlia says, fighting the urge to Force strangle her. The Counselor, for all her good intentions, is quite annoying. And she was aligned with Melanie Masterton who slew her sister aboard the Centerpoint Station.

In time, dear Counselor.

"I love surprises."

Circe motions behind her to the shiny Naboo royal cruiser.

"It's more of a present, really. A token of our appreciation for helping us."

"What is it?"

"The cruiser belonged to your sister, Karen. It was given to her as a birthday present from your biological parents but was used in Melanie's escape years later. She kept it in pristine condition out of respect and now I am returning it to the family in the spirit in which it was given."

Dahlia's eyes grow wide, "It's beautiful."

"You have no idea," Circe says. "Wait until you see inside. The wardrobe alone will blow your mind."

"Hold up."

Janessa stops in front of them, holding a large bag.

"I'm coming with you."

"You are?"

"I was just cleared of murder charges because some Force wielding maniac hacked my brain. The Direx Board must be convinced of my continued ability to negotiate for them within the Republic. I'm not going to lose my job over something I had no control over."

She winks at Dahlia.

"You're a Winton. You know how important reputations can be."

Dahlia smiles slyly. She likes Janessa.

"Shall we?"

"Yes," Dahlia says. "Let's go."

Aboard the exquisitely designed spacecraft, they settle in as Circe takes the control. She plots the fastest route back to the Corporate Sector and obtains clearance to leave. She is so grateful to be able to help given what Dahlia has done for them. She is, however, anxious to see her brother and Lord Gellar again. After their last conversation, things had gotten tense and there were hints of blame. They did not believe her and a part of that still hurts. Given the factual evidence presented to the public, she cannot hold it against them too much. She was about to be convicted on that evidence. The entire ordeal has yet to set in and she wants to get away before it does. She needs time to clear her head and think.

The cruiser reaches orbit and veers away from the traffic pouring in and out of the capital. Circe pulls back on the controls and the ship flares into hyperspace.


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Re: CC: The Crimson Covenant
« Reply #118 on: November 12, 2013, 04:18:19 PM »
Corporate Sector

D'ian: Surface: Gellar Estate

D'Cera is sleeping when the voices come to her.

"sister.. you have grown powerful"
"A masterful step, what you did on Chandaar"

She could see them in her thoughts - Karen and Alexia.  Karen, the weaker but more graceful of the two, Alexia, the less stable but more brutal.  Neither of them could compete with the combined ruthlessness and cunning that the youngest Winton possessed.  They were guides to her.  As was the third individual, stepping out of the shadows.

"Hello father"

Alexander Winton's face was stone cold as he spoke.

"You have started weaving the web - but you do not yet grasp the capabilities you possess"
"I have already been trained in the Force, father"
"Yes - but the Force is but one element of your attack.  There is another - the very link that binds you with your adopted siblings"

D'Cera rolls her eyes
"Of course - 'the four' - bound by blood.  It was all nonsense, part of the act"
"It isn't nonsense, daughter.  What brought the four families together wasn't me.  It was an act done over a hundred years ago.  And it is the commonality of the four that will make you invincible"
D'Cera tilted her head, smirking as she spoke, sarcasm oozing.
"Just like you were invincible, father?"

Alexander's lips curved into a brief smile.
"I didn't know what you will know. If I had, I would have succeeded."

"So tell me now" D'Cera's patience was growing thin, but instead of responding, the three beings began to fade back into the shadows.

"Wake up, daughter"
"Wake up, sister"
"Wake up, sister"

D'Cera's eyes blinked open and she was out of bed with a start.  Her window was opened just a crack where it had not been before - but on first glance, the room was empty.  Then she stared into the shadows and saw the eyes staring back at her.  The moment of being startled passed, D'Cera stepped out of bed, her face growing cold.

"Show yourself"

The creature stepped forward, bowing down on the ground before her.
"I apologize for startling, Lady D'Cera.  We have followed your instructions"
"You brought my possessions?"
The voss-ra nodded, before lifting in offering to her two objects that D'Cera had been forced to do without for her performance on Chandaar - the first, her own lightsaber, self crafted; the second, the box holding the gift of the sith, the holocrons.

D'Cera carefully took both, feeling the weight of the lightsaber hilt in her hand, activating the pink blade and staring at it as she spoke.

"Were you seen?"
"No, Lady D'Cera - this home was easy to infiltrate, even with its security measures"

She deactivated the blade, turning to face the creature.

"When I am here, you are to make sure no unwanted being is able to infiltrate the property. Am I clear?"
"Yes, My Lady"
"Now, go.  I will summon you when I need you"

The creature bowed low before moving to the window, a moment later, gone.

She moved to the window, closing it and pulling the curtains over it, then made sure the door to her room was locked, then moved to her bed, carefully opening the box and pulling out the holocron.

The moment her fingers touched it, she could already feel it's energy pulsing through her, could see the shadows of her room flowing, congealing, to form a figure, not unlike the one that had been in the cave.  But this one formed further, until there was a distinct face, pale, with yellowish eyes.

D'Cera was not frightened, but fascinated, and she stood away from her bed, walking toward the being.

"Who are you?"

The being smiled "I am your guide, Lady D'Cera.  I am called Darth Immortus"

"I already have a guide - three of them in fact"
The being shook it's head.
"They led you to me.  I will teach you the secret to unlock the power of the four families."
"So tell me"
"first, you must see how it all began"
The figure began to dissipate back into shadow, but instead of disappearing, it wrapped itself around D'Cera, until the view of her room was obstructed.
Instead, there was a new vision, appearing out of the smoke.
"Watch, oh daughter of darkness.  This is your story"

300 years ago ...

It was a classroom of jedi, teenagers not much older than the young Dahlia Winton herself.  She could see herself, sitting at a desk in the back, the light from the Coruscant sun and city pouring through the wide windows as the jedi master taught the lesson.

"Now class, true or false - a living being can live forever"
Most of the class declared it, save for one boy
The teacher turned to face him.
"Imri, you disagee?"
"Of course - a person can do anything with the force.  Even overpower death"
"But death is a part of the life cycle of the force"

Imri shook his head, insistently
"That wasn't your question.  Your question was CAN a living being live forever, not SHOULD"
The jedi master stared at Imri for a moment, lifting a hand to scratch his beard.
"Neither is true, Imri.  We should not try to defeat death - it's not where our power should go.  Nor is it possible.  No being, jedi, sith, whoever, has ever succeeded, though many, many have tried"
"But people can be cloned - why is this so different?"
"A clone is a different person. Identical, but with different thoughts, memories, even personality"
"What if a person's mind can be transferred to the new being? Then it's the same as the old person?"
"Minds cannot be copied"
"A machine's memory can be copied. Why can't a mind's?"
"If we copied a person's memory like a machine, the clone would be a memory box - it would have the memories, perhaps, but you cannot transfer a personality like a computer.  In that case, the clone is just a machine with flesh skin. It's a robot, not really alive"
"Unless there were a way to infuse a person's actual mind - not just his memory, but everything about his mind - into the new clone.  The clone could even be made of machinery and biology, to help the incorporation"

The jedi master shook his head.
"The technology doesn't exist for that, Imri.  And even if it did, it wouldn't be right. Living forever isn't meant to be.  jedi should not pursue such paths, nor should anyone else.  Now, we've talked about this long enough.  The point of the original question was ..."

The jedi master trailed off on some philosophical thought, but D'Cera was ignoring him, focusing on Imri, who was equally ignoring the jedi master.  Instead, he was jotting down a note.
The paper flew off his desk, in front of her, and on it, she saw a single line.

Enzyme in humans allows cells to talk to electronics = immortality


At that moment, D'Cera heard a loud knocking, and the images around her faded away into shadows, leaving her in her room.

"Dahlia?  Dahlia, are you alright"

Celeste Masterton was banging on the locked door, and D'Cera ran to the box, placed the holocron away, and shoved the box under her sheets before coming to the door, unlocking it, and there was her mother, face strewn with worry.

Dahlia's face shown with the required pitiful look, a mix of shame and sadness.

"I'm sorry mom - I just ... I felt safer with the door locked"
Celeste's face relaxed slightly and she drew, Dahlia in for a hug.  D'Cera obliged, hugging back, but her mind was on the holocron sitting a few feet away.

The rest for another night.

« Last Edit: November 18, 2013, 02:11:36 PM by Medivh »
SWSF: Legacy of the Force
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Offline Medivh

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Re: CC: The Crimson Covenant
« Reply #119 on: November 26, 2013, 08:15:42 AM »
Corporate Sector

D'ian: Surface: Gellar Estate

Celeste Masterton gently cracks the door open, peeking in to Dahlia's bedroom.  Her trepidation, as irrational as it was, always made her fear the child wouldn't be here when she checked in, and she let out a relieved sigh seeing her lying in bed sleeping, feeling herself foolish for needing the reassurance.

Some fears just never went away.

As quietly as she could, she eased the door open further, slipping her way in to the room and making her way over to Dahlia's bed.  A hand reached down to brush a stray hair away from her child's face, and Celeste bent down and kissed Dahlia's forehead, whispering into her ear.

"goodnight, sweetheart"

Celeste eased her way out of the room, closing the door behind her.

Dahlia Winton's eyes blinked open, staring at the door for about a minute, before her skin began to melt away.

The grayish skin of the Voss-Ra servant took its place, watching the door lest Celeste Masterton needed more reassurances that her daughter was home and safe in bed.

Dahlia Winton was not in bed, though she was not altogether that far away.  Across the Gellar-Masterton property, she had found a secluded area hidden between tightly packed trees.  A fat,  older tree, slowly dying from age and rot, had hollowed out in the center, and it was in here that the young sith stood.

Her appearance did not match tonight's task - pink silk pajamas, and a pair of slippers.  Not at all imposing or regal, like the powerful being she was, but it was all part of the appearance.  If she were ever seen by anyone in the family, it had to be as though she had just gotten out of bed.

Reaching down into the dirt, she pulled out the wooden box, carrying the sith holocrons, gingerly opening the box and placing her hand on the sphere, her voice whispering softly.

"Darth Immortus, Lord of the Sith, I summon thee"

She could feel the strength of the emotions - fear, anger, hate - pulsing from the holocron, and she pressed further, contemplating her disdain for so many around her, and letting that contempt mix with the power of the holocron.  The visage of the sith lord appeared before her, and D'Cera nodded her head.

"Show me more"

The sith lord nodded, and the world around D'Cera began to spin away to show her a world from long ago.

300 years ago ...

Like last time, the setting was Coruscant, in the massive Jedi Temple, but instead of a classroom, She found herself with the young Imri (now a year or so older than he last appeared) in what looked like a biology lab.

It was also nighttime, and she and Imri were alone with a single other individual, who clearly was nervous.

"Imri - I'm not sure we should be doing this.  If we get caught -"
"How about, Rand, we don't get caught then.  They aren't letting me do this during class, so this is the only time I can do it."

D'Cera watched at what the two were doing now.  Several petri dishes with small amounts of solution, and two or three microscopes.  Imri had a dropper and tweezers in his hands, while Rand was fiddling with a larger machine with a laser pointed at one of the dishes.

"Why do you have to do this? Why is it so important, Imri?"
"Because if we can use machines to extend life, we are doing the galaxy a favor.  More importantly, because I want to prove those old bafoons they were wrong when they said it wasn't possible"
"I wish you wouldn't talk about the masters that way"
"They deserve it - so close minded.  They could accomplish so much, but NO, it's all about 'preserving' this and 'balance' that."

Rand sighed as he continued fiddling with the machine, and D'Cera watched as the laser changed ever so slightly.  Silence ensued for several minutes.

"So, I hear you are going to be assigned to work in the clinic?"
"Yeah - apparently, not withstanding my feelings about biology, they think my background from Thyferra and skills with biology make me a good candidate to help with those who need some jedi healing powers."
"It's not a bad gig"
Imri sounded annoyed
"You're welcome to it."

Again silence as they worked, and then Imri became more animated.

"Alright - I think we've got it.  Look, see?  here is that single celled organism., and here are the microscopic pieces of iron.  It's producing an electro magnet, all on it's own, just like I said.  Is the machine ready?"

Rand made a final adjustment, then nodded.
"alright. Let's see if we can isolate the enzyme that allows this thing to work"

D'Cera watched as Imri moved to the giant contraption, taking over from Rand and peeking in to the viewfinder.

"here we go"

He pressed down on the button, and the laser's glow grew more intense, a small amount of smoke rising from the dish underneath.

"Imri!  your killing the samples!  That won't work!"

Imri shook his head, too concentrated on the task at hand, and about a minute later, he lifted his head from the eye piece, a satisfied smile as he turned to Rand.

"Take a look, buddy.  Enzyme isolated"

Rand glanced in then back at Imri.

"Ok, so now, how do we take that enzyme and put it into a human being?"

"It needs to be injected into the genome, of course.  This was only the first step.  Now the real work begins"

Present ...

D'Cera blinked as the images faded, Darth Immortus floating in front of her.

"So what happened?  Did it work?"

"There is more to the story, of course, and the answer, when explained is far more helpful than a simple yes or no.  But the hour is late - you must return to your bed"

"I have a decoy there"

"I know of this, young Winton, but the visions are taxing, and you need to be awake in a few hours.  Return to me again soon, and I will show you more"

Darth Immortus faded away, to D'Cera's discontent, but she buried the holocrons and made the trek back to her home, pink pajamas and all.

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
May the Force be with you