Author Topic: CC: The Crimson Covenant  (Read 167748 times)

Offline Syren

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CC: The Crimson Covenant
« on: December 26, 2011, 08:06:52 PM »
The Crimson Covenant

"No one escapes a bloodline."

Coming Soon.

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« Last Edit: October 19, 2013, 05:06:36 PM by Syren »

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Re: The Crimson Covenant
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2012, 01:28:54 PM »
The plan had hit a snag.

Some of the key figures had been compromised and Alexander Winton was left with no choice but to eliminate them. But they were one step ahead. In the Greyson Estate on Naboo, Master Corrin of the Jedi came to the aid of Queen Monica Greyson-Winton in the early stages of labor. They were soon joined by Doctor Henrick Masterton, who had discovered his closest friend and Monica's husband was deeply involved with the Galactic Empire and using a high school athlete named Reef Stratford to spy on their children in the capital.

The Queen explained everything she knew about the Persephonea Prophecy with the Jedi confirming that Winton was indeed using the parents of The Four in a plot far larger than any of them realized. The prophecy itself was merely a tool to align The Four in separate but equally precarious situations that would alter the worlds they knew. Their children's lives hung in the balance. A distressed Celeste Masterton arrived shortly thereafter to find her husband had delivered Monica's secret child, one she kept from everyone in her exile on Naboo. Their reunion was short-lived for the Queen sensed Alexander Winton angrily coming for them.

A choice was made out of a forged agreement between the jilted Queen and a revenge driven Rutherford Gellar.

The Force vaccine Henrick Masterton had recently completed was capable of rendering an individual Force-neutral, meaning they could not be sensed in any capacity. Knowing their time was running out, Henrick injected Celeste and the infant, Dahlia Winton and told them to flee with Master Corrin.

Celeste kissed her husband, said goodbye to Monica and cradled the infant then reluctantly escaped with the Jedi Master.

Alexander Winton arrived and exacted his punishment. He murdered both, entombing Henrick in a sarcophagus beneath the Greyson Estate before staging his own death and that of his wife in a speeder crash on Bakura. Although Celeste was never found, he knew the fear of the consequences would keep the wife of Masterton out of his way forever. Alexander was then free to focus on the prophecy and unleashed a powerful and highly unstable Alexia Winton on the unsuspecting schoolchildren of North Coruscant High to further his own goals.

Meanwhile, Master Corrin had safely transported Celeste and Dahlia to the Corporate Sector where they were formally introduced to Rutherford Gellar, Valerie's biological grandfather. Celeste was unaware that Valerie had any family outside that of her missing CorSec operative father but was soon told another side of the story kept from them by Alexander Winton.

Valerie Gellar had a real family - a mother, Rutherford's daughter Blair and a father, CorSec Major Kyri Patten. Blair had been a young mother, barely seventeen, and the affair with the Major was a scandal he had to keep buried for the sake of his company. Alexander Winton appeared and provided an ultimatum - hand over Valerie or he goes public with the affair, marring Rutherford's reputation to the Direx Board and potentially damaging relations with his lucrative corporate clientele. A father figure, really an Imperial operative, would be placed with the child and keep her close to her half-sister, Kimber Patten. This was the choice he made and when his granddaughter was taken, it broke his family. His wife, Abra, became gravely ill and perished soon after. A heartbroken Blair threw herself from the top of Rutherford's corporate tower. All he was left with was his work, his company, and for years that was enough to keep him going but things had grown dire. His pharmaceutical company, ChemiX, was working hard to find a new drug that would allow them to continue competing in the cut-throat CSA markets and put them back on the top of the game.

To his surprise, Rutherford was paid a visit by Master Corrin of the Jedi many years later with a message from Queen Monica Greyson-Winton. In it, she confessed the numerous sins of her husband and disastrous plans for their daughters which would shape the known galaxy. She also revealed herself to be pregnant and feared the child would also be manipulated and used by him. She conveyed her profound apologies for what Alexander had done to him and his family and begged that her child be sent to him for protection. It was a small but significant offering for all that he had lost. He agreed to help if it meant Winton would suffer.

A deal was made and the child was delivered with her guardian.

Meeting Celeste and baby Dahlia changed his life forever. Their brightness shone light through what seemed like an eternal darkness. Celeste turned to Rutherford in despair over the loss of her husband and estrangement from her daughter, Melanie. They shared in mutual grief. As a gift for his help, she presented him with the Force vaccine Henrick had engineered for Winton and told him of its extreme rarity and value. They would need to produce more to keep them hidden. Rutherford in turn presented this to his board and it was rushed into production by ChemiX. The announcement and initial release of the vaccine sent profits soaring through the stratosphere.

When the news of Alexander and Monica Winton's death reached the Corporate Sector, Celeste was both devastated and relieved. Alexander was gone but with him, her husband and dearest friend. Rutherford struggled with revealing himself to Valerie, claiming his role in her life but trying to explain how he had allowed her to be taken was more than he could stomach. Celeste was desperate to return to the Core for Melanie and Karen, confessing to them all she had kept hidden. She was convinced the prophecy was rendered meaningless without Winton's influence and their children were now in imminent danger from the Empire. Master Corrin persuaded her to stay, citing that her interference would jeopardize them further. They would only be spared if The Four remained together and fought through the challenges they faced. So Celeste and Rutherford waited and when The Event at 500 Republica appeared in the news, a fleeting mention in the aftermath of the destruction of the second Death Star over Endor, she pleaded with the Jedi. Still, he maintained that their survival hinged upon a destiny no one, not she or the Jedi, could change. Their friends may have perished but The Four survived just as the prophecy foretold. She was enraged but he managed to calm her with the truth that Melanie held the power to defeat the Empire. Her wisdom and guidance would see them through to the end.

Valerie Gellar's death at the hands of Phage broke Rutherford's heart and left Celeste disillusioned. They turned to each other once again and a relationship formed from the devastation. When Celeste learned she was pregnant, she was confused and shaken. Although she told herself she would have no more children, she decided to give Rutherford back the family that was taken from him and for all that he had done to help keep them safe.

The twins were born - a boy and a girl who would bear separate names to honor the families.

Gemma Masterton.
Dane Gellar.

For a time, everyone was content. Rutherford had a purpose, a family, and Celeste could care for them in a way she was denied by Alexander Winton and his prophecy.

Master Corrin was called away but promised to return.

The was the last time anyone saw him.

News broke of the war between the Empire and Corellian Confederation with familiar names attached to the headline. Faces of their past flashed before their eyes. The final battle had been fierce with massive losses on both sides and in the process, the Centerpoint Station was destroyed. With it, the Emperor Dementat, her daughter Melanie and their friends, Karen and Kimber.

It was finally over.

This was the fate the prophecy held for their children. Only now, at the end, did Celeste finally understand. There was no going back, no undoing what she had done to help make it happen. The sins of the parents consumed the children they bore and she would have to live with that. She swore this second chance would be different and married Rutherford in a private ceremony.

The only way to survive was to move forward.

The children were tested and it was discovered all three were sensitive to the Force. Without the knowledge of Master Corrin's fate, Celeste taught Dahlia, Gemma and Dane what little she knew of the ways of the Force. She helped show them compassion and patience within the hostile and greed driven Corporate Sector while Rutherford steered his company back to fame and fortune on the growing demand of the Force vaccine.

Dahlia and Dane were more brash and adventurous while Gemma was timid and curious. She would wake in the middle of the night from vivid and unsettling dreams where she spoke of the missing one. When asked what she meant, Gemma had whispered.

"The forth."


Unbeknownst to any of them, a group of religious fanatics hidden on Dathomir, known as the Voss-Ra, had watched in secret as the spectacularly horrific events unfolded and now focused on a new threat. Through a blood ritual, their oracles saw the past repeat itself, only this time with potential to unite the worlds in peace. They believe there are remnants of The Four scattered throughout the galaxy. These loose ends could not be allowed to give back what the Abominations they worship took away. Any and all associated with them must perish for their dark purpose. The Voss-Ra devote all their efforts to this sinister agenda.

As the fragile galaxy heals from the destruction of The Four, this is where our story begins...

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Re: The Crimson Covenant
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2012, 01:37:22 PM »
Crimson Covenant - Principle Locations

Etti IV

Capital of the Corporate Sector and base of Authority administration where the Direx Board meets monthly. The capital city of Mondder includes the Imperial Embassy and Mondder Spaceport.

The Gellar Corporate Tower is located in Mondder. Rutherford’s executive office is located at the point near the top below which lays a luxury residence used when he or the family stays over in the city.


D'ian System

In the sprawling township of Concordia (CT) there are several expansive estates and manor houses belonging to some of the Corporate Sector’s most prestigious families. Properties are separated by rolling meadows and sparse forests. The male head of each household is the Lord of their respective estates and prefer to raise their children in this quiet world of privilege and commute to Etti IV for business. These Lord’s are almost exclusively owners or high-level executives of Authority corporations.

The Gellar Estate has been in the family for over two centuries and is now ruled by Lord Rutherford Gellar. His wife, Lady Celeste Masterton-Gellar, cares for the children, Princess Dahlia, Lady Gemma and Baron Dane. The Baron is Rutherford’s heir to the title and corporate estate although, officially, outranked by Princess Dahlia. The Baron is the Lord's biological son where as the princess, last surviving heir of the Winton royal Queen, is not a biological relation.


The Valor Preparatory Academy (VPA) is an exclusive boarding school within the Concordia Township. The Academy is broken up into three large sections – primary, elementary, and high school – specializing in corporate law, policy, ethics and administration for the young men and etiquette and social graces for the young ladies.

While women are taught similar studies and hold certain positions within the CSA, they are often viewed as valuable mates. Matches can be made amongst families at a very young age which mainly prioritize corporate heirs and heiresses as the most lucrative potential’s offering the best position and company leverage. Financial status drives most forms of competition with only the most entrepreneurial youth scoring coveted spots in Universities and the CSA workforce.

Scandal, intrigue, and manipulation are frequently implemented by and against those within the Concordia Township as the politics of Etti IV infiltrate the insular world they live in.

Offline Syren

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Re: The Crimson Covenant
« Reply #3 on: April 01, 2012, 01:44:13 PM »
The Crimson Covenant

Corporate Sector Authority: D'ian System

The Cast:

Rutherford Gellar

CSA Direx Board Member, founder of pharmaceutical giant ChemiX and biological grandfather of Valerie Gellar. Biological father of Gemma Masterton and Dane Gellar. Adoptive father of Dahlia Winton.

Celeste Masterton

Force-sensitive psychologist and biological mother of Melanie Masterton, Gemma Masterton and Dane Gellar. Adoptive mother of Dahlia Winton.

Mara Tacofer/Mara Anna Gellar

Advance HRD created by PHAGE using Valerie Gellar's genetic material and Trade Federation technology.


The Four:

Dahlia Winton

Biological daughter of Alexander Winton and Queen Monica Greyson, sister of Karen and Alexia Winton.

Gemma Masterton

Biological daughter of Celeste Masterton and Rutherford Gellar.

Dane Gellar

Biological son of Celeste Masterton and Rutherford Gellar.

Riley Patten

Biological son of Kimber Patten and Mod Navris, "nephew" of Mara Anna Gellar.


Supporting Cast:

Alka Dawning

Daughter of the Direx Board Prex, D'Ken Dawning.

Roman Nash

Son of Chiss weapons manufacturer, Balthazar Nash.

Muriel Monroe

Daughter of cineplex superstar, LeVanya Monroe.

Preston Dyre

Son of Cybot Galactica CFO, Finnius Dyre.


Garron Prescott

Valet and confidant to Rutherford Gellar

Circe Prescott

Republic Counselor

Kylie Miranda

Aide and au pair to Lady Celeste Masterton

Janessa Kain

Republic liaison to the Corporate Sector

Kaytt Corinthos

Influential partner in Republic firm.

Vex Sienna

Imperial representative to the CSA Direx Board

Kier Kincaid

Valor Prep Chin-Bret Captain

Tobias Harkan

Valor Prep Drug Dealer

Trichelle Corinthos

Reigning Valor Prep Queen Bee


"In the Corporate Sector, profit justifies all means."

The legend continues...

Only on the Holo.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2013, 05:06:54 PM by Syren »

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Re: The Crimson Covenant
« Reply #4 on: April 02, 2012, 09:53:24 PM »

D'ian System

Concordia Township: Gellar Estate

The morning begins as it always does. Service droids sweep through the massive estate and ready the house for the day ahead. There are only two humans on staff that head up the Cybot Galactica service droid fleet. Lord Gellar's valet, Garron Prescott and Lady Masterton-Gellar's aid and au pair, Kylie Miranda.

Celeste turns over in the massive bed to find that her husband has already risen. Rutherford has an important shareholders meeting today and would most likely be with Prescott going over the details of his departure. She stretches and slides her legs from beneath the million thread count sheets. This is right about the time when Miranda enters, fussing over the days wardrobe.

Celeste smiles.

"Good morning, Kylie."

"Good morning, my lady," says Miranda. She is a petite woman who is both attractive and warm, something the children are drawn to. She is rather bookish in style, a bit too conservative but Celeste figures it is just as well.

"How are they this morning?"

Kylie pauses, holding a light blue dress in her hands.

"The wee babes were up early again. Second day in a row. You would think they know its spring by the bright eyes they have."

"And Dahlia?"

"She's eating breakfast as we speak. A bit feisty that one."

"No doubt," Celeste says knowingly, padding over to her. Kylie holds the dress up to ensure it is a flattering color then draws a steaming bath. Celeste soaks in silence in the cavernous bathroom, lost in her own thoughts. Despite the pretense and familial bliss, there is a sadness that tears a hole in her heart. She closes her eyes and lets her mind drift. There is a flash of Melanie's face followed by the destruction of Centerpoint. The photage had been rough and emotionless, taken from a shaky distance. The Star Destroyer plunging into the station is a visual that haunts her on the daily. She always wonders where Melanie was at that exact moment followed by a crushing guilt that where she should have been was here by her side.

The Holonet has been on fire with the news of the Imperial Emperor's death, spinning it in such a way that makes it seem as though he had followed his lover to her grave. The grand romance of it all. Celeste had heard of Karen Winton's involvement with Emperor Dementat and feared the worst. The news channels play it out like star crossed lovers who could not escape their fates. What puzzles her is how Melanie and Kimber happened to be on the station as well and how the reporters all seem to know this for certain. In fact, they have details about her daughter's life Celeste does not and that only serves to deepen the wound.

It's the things she cannot change that hurt the most.

She dry's off and allows Kylie to help her dress. The outfit is expensive but comfortable. Kylie fastens the clasp of the Carteris necklace around her neck and she gazes at herself in the large vanity mirror. Celeste is stunning for her age, defying it now that the pressure of her former life has dissipated. Rutherford's career is high stress but he leaves that on Etti IV. Their quiet and posh little life in D'ian took some getting used to. For so long she was held captive by the prophecy, never making a move in fear it would bring the wrath of Alexander Winton down upon them. They were prisoners and it was a nightmare she never thought she would wake up from. When she finally was able to breath, the reality set in. Her freedom cost her a best friend, a husband and the children they believed were destined to rule the galaxy. She never thought herself a fool but the truth is, she will never live down the deception.

Celeste follows Kylie to the nursery where Gemma and Dane are cooing in their cribs. They brighten at her presence, reaching their tiny hands upwards.

"Which one today?"

"I'll take Gemma this morning."

She bends forward and gently lifts Gemma from the crib. Kylie lifts Dane and together, they descend the grand staircase and enter the dining room. Dahlia is humming softly to herself as a service droid tries desperately to get her to finish her breakfast.


"Good morning, my little princess."

"Can we color?"

"After breakfast, sweetie. Your brother and sister are hungry."

"Can I help?"

She nods and Dahlia slips off the chair, bounding over to Celeste. She is striking for a child with emerald eyes and the crimson hair inherited by her biological father tempered with the exotic beauty of the Queen. Celeste lets her help hold the bottle up to Gemma's mouth as Kylie feeds Dane. None of the children are remarkably fussy which she attributes to the ease of their routine.

Rutherford breezes into the room followed by Garron.

"Good morning, darling."

He leans down for a kiss.


"Yes, Dahlia?"

"Where are you going?"

"To work, remember?"

She nods earnestly, "Be careful."


"When will you be home?" Celeste asks.

"Tomorrow. The meeting should take up most of the day. I'll stay at the tower."

"Good news, I hope."

"Yes, it's very exciting. The vaccine has created record demand and the rival companies are foaming at the mouth. You took your pill this morning?"

Through a series of trial's, ChemiX was able to develop the Force vaccine into both a powder and a pill. This alleviated the hassle of injections to keep them hidden.

"I did. The kids too but I am starting to wonder if perhaps we no longer need it."

"Why would you say that?"

"No one is looking for us anymore."

"We don't know that and the last thing I would want is for anyone to track you here. I promised to keep you safe and I have done that, no?"

Celeste nods, "Of course you have."

He touches the side of her face, "I would never forgive myself if anything happened to you."

"I know."

He kisses her again and waves to the children before heading out of the room. Celeste turns her attention back to the kids but wonders if what Rutherford says is true. Everyone who may have known anything about them is dead. Master Corrin already knows where they are so she has to ask herself...

...who out there would be looking for them?

« Last Edit: March 10, 2013, 03:18:58 PM by Syren »

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Re: The Crimson Covenant
« Reply #5 on: April 08, 2012, 07:08:56 PM »
Corporate Sector

As the ChemiX corporate shuttle hurls toward Etti IV, Rutherford Gellar muses over his life. His new wife and children fill the void left behind by his first which is still a great source of pain. There are so many things he wishes he would have done differently. Fighting for them and taking on Alexander Winton all those years ago may have provided a different outcome than the present reality and spared many people's lives and the heartache attached to such significant losses. He had spent many years twisted in guilt over his actions but now things had finally turned around. Celeste is beautiful and compassionate and Gemma and Dane are the jewles of his heart. But Dahlia, while adorable, fills him with a great dread.

What began as a plot for revenge now holds potential for dangerous repercussions. At the end of the day, Dahlia is still a Winton and the fact that Celeste had first been unwilling to change her name may have raised more questions than either of them were ready to answer. Luckily, they had been able to keep her stashed safely away in D'ian and when the media briefly covered Gemma and Dane's births and asked about Dahlia, Celeste reluctantly supplied the name Dahlia Greyson along with the adoption cover story. Rutherford had made this legal some time ago with he and Celeste named as Dahlia's adoptive parents. Thankfully, the media had not looked into it any further.

For now.

Rutherford has read the headlines and reviewed the photage of both Alexia and Karen Winton. The public files from Coruscant combined with his own investigative digging pulled up quite the colorful story. These glaring facts were shocking, spectacular and horrific. Maker only knows what kind of surprises await as Dahlia grows up but there is still a fondness for her. She is inquisitive and bright. There is potential there. What kind of potential is anyone's guess.

Garron Prescott eases up on the controls as they flare out of hyperspace over the CSA capital world. Massive lanes of traffic snake their way slowly toward the surface. Codes are entered, identities confirmed and they are cleared. His valet is so much more than just an employee. At times it feels like he is Rutherford's only true friend outside his family. So many of the people they know are related to work and appearances must be kept up. The whole thing is rather exhausting and leaves him feeling drained. With Garron, he can be himself and speak openly knowing that it will be held in the strictest of confidence. Garron has been with him for much longer than he has known Celeste. They have shared things they dare not tell another soul such as the fact that Garron has a sister who made it out of Centerpoint Station before the Imperial assault. Circe Prescott is a Republic Counselor who traveled extensively with the Jedi Melanie Masterton and her companions including the pregnant Kimber Patten. She also shared with him a story from the hand and mouth of disgraced Corellian reporter Kent Carlson that blew both their minds. She is considering releasing it to the public as a tribute to those that have fallen. Confessing this to Celeste right now would only deepen the pain she feels and he does not wish to cause her more suffering. The deaths of Melanie, Kimber and her unborn child serve as a framework for the Holonet's extensive coverage. The Sith, the Jedi and the innocent victims caught between the Confederation and Empire. There is even mention of his granddaughter, the first of The Four as they were called, to perish on Corellia.

It seems that sector would be the final resting place for them all.

The shuttle touches down on the platform atop the Gellar Corporate Tower and begins to power down. As Garron collects the baggage, Rutherford walks down the ramp and gazes out over the city of Mondder. Ornate towers and the constant traffic fill the sky. Today he would announce the production of the Force vaccine as a prescribed pill. Since the trials have cleared it will go public within the year. The vials for injection had been a massive hit and the stringent way in which he allowed its release sent the demand soaring even higher. He had listened to the cries for a more marketable and mainstream product. There are so many in the Corporate Sector who hold a deep mistrust for anyone with Force capabilities and wished to fight against these perceived unnatural abilities with a weapon of their own. Rutherford had never breathed a word about his own wife and children's connection to the Force and what that could mean. He and Celeste agreed to discretion and their vaccine regimen will continue to keep them off the radar. He is not in this industry for the politics but for the incredible capital gains it brings. People will always believe they are aging and dying much more quickly than they would like and clamor at an opportunity to live longer and look better. Some even believe they need medication, much like the Force vaccine, for protection against the unseen enemy. Greed and paranoia reign supreme here. People just need something to feel a bit more secure.

Rutherford is in the business of giving it to them. 


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Re: The Crimson Covenant
« Reply #6 on: April 14, 2012, 09:10:21 PM »

The galaxy is in ruin.

So much carnage caused by four very special girls.

In the caves deep within the desolate mountains, the ancient order of the Voss-Ra convene. They gather wearing their black ceremonial robes with large hoods that cover their faces. There are about twenty of them in total but only the five elders form a circle around the altar.

Elder A'kram

Elder Bashir

Elder Ni'jad

Elder Sati


Elder Tariq.

Upon the altar lies the sacrifice, a human boy no older than ten, who's central arteries have all been meticulously cut open. He is silent and weak as the blood pours from his body and into a finely carved trench that flows down into the center of the circle of elders.

The chanting is soft at first but grows louder and more intense as the sacrifice nears death. As the last of the life leaves the boy and the blood forms a thin crimson pool, the Voss-Ra raise their arms in praise. Through their dark magic, they can see the events of the past. The faces of The Four flicker in the blood, causing it to ripple. They had worshipped these Abominations and the destiny that foretold their rise to power. One of their own had seen a similar vision as Queen Greyson-Winton and knew of their value long before they were ever born. They had watched them grow from afar, never interfering with what would come to pass. Through the Voss-Ra's deductions, it was decided that Karen Winton would prove victorious over the others and rule at the Emperor's side. When this prediction was destroyed along with Centerpoint Station, there was outrage amongst the members. Some claimed they had believed in false prophets while others speculated that they were merely precursors to even greater saviors who would dismantle order within the galaxy.

Now they perform the same blood rituals which would tell them how to proceed.

None of them are prepared for what they find.

In the pool they see peace and prosperity, a galaxy united by things left behind. The blood separates and sprays outward to form four crescent shapes framed by a variety of symbols, ancient and alchemical, that allude to an omen which would undo the damage done by their bewitching martyrs.

The crescents merge to form a circle within a circle. As the larger of the two fades, the remaining circle expands until it nears the edge of the pool. The blood rises upward to form four figures - two male, two female - with distinctive features obscured. The dripping figures twirl slowly as the elders gaze upon them in wonder from behind their hooded robes. The figures pop like bubbles, blood falling and sloshing then flash burning a dark black before hardening and turning into a thick gray ash that swirls up and disappears into the darkness of the cave.

A tense moment of silence passes between them.

"It seems their bloodlines live on," says Elder A'kram.

Elder Tariq nods, "A legacy if left unchecked could heal the wounds inflicted by The Four."

"We cannot allow this," Elder Ni'jad roars.

Elder Sati interjects, "If they could be turned? Look at the originals. All held capacity for evil. Some more than others."

"There were environmental...factors which allowed these duplicities to flourish," Elder Bashir says. "This will not necessarily be the case now. There are no guarantees and we cannot risk a galaxy united in peace. War and unrest must remain pervasive and rampant. Uncertainty and fear must permeate through all beings. No one shall feel safe."

Elder A'kram agrees, "If they cannot be turned then they will be destroyed."

Elder Bashir's menacing laughter echoes through the caves.

"Hunt them down. Cut out their beating hearts. No legacy can exists outside the one they made. Any who hold ties to The Four must perish."

The elders rise and move to the altar, staring down at the boy before removing their robes and devouring him.


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Re: The Crimson Covenant
« Reply #7 on: April 21, 2012, 03:23:14 PM »
Ten years later...


Corporate Sector: D'ian System: Gellar Estate

The images comes in waves. Places she does not know and has never been. Then he is there, the boy, who has no name but somehow she knows him. He is not overly tall with broad shoulders, light brown hair, pale blue eyes and a button nose. His smile is a bit lopsided and cute as he gazes back at her as if amused. They are approximately close in age as far as she can tell, still children really. His clothes are simple, creased jumpsuit and work boots, in stark contrast to her expensive blouse and perfectly hemmed slacks. She moves toward him when the periphery darkens with shadows that  begin to close in all around them. The shadows take a more human form, large and foreboding, that reach out with fearfully sharp claws.
Gemma Masterton wakes up screaming.

Celeste bolts into the room quickly, falling beside her on the bed.

"Sweetie," she calls softly. "Sweetie, you are safe. You are alright."

Gemma shivers and clings to her mother, "They are going to get us!"
"Who? Who is going to get you?"

Celeste holds her, brushing the golden curls away from her flushed face. These nightmares have been happening for years. They started as infrequent unpleasant dreams which have become more of a regular occurrence. Gemma always wakes up terrified, usually screaming or calling out about being chased by hooded figures with claws. And it is not just her. For most of her life, Gemma has dreamed of a boy she claims to know. When Celeste would ask her who this boy is, Gemma would only say that he is "the forth."

Celeste had spent many nights discussing this with Rutherford. Neither could piece it together. They lived in such an insular community that everyone pretty much knew everyone else at least by name or reputation. If it was a boy at school, Gemma would know his name. This boy, it seems, was somewhat of a familiar stranger to their daughter. The term "forth" brought back jarring memories from the past. "The Four" is what they called Melanie and her friends both at school and in the media. What made sense back then now stirs up confusion. There are only three - Gemma, Dane and Dahlia.

As far as they know, there is no forth.

So, who is this boy and why is he haunting their daughter?

Gemma's breathing returns to normal and Celeste kisses her forehead.

"Come on, my darling. We have to get ready for school."

Kylie Miranda dutifully enters the room, opening the curtains and laying out Gemma's school uniform - pleated navy blue skirt, fitted white polo, blue cardigan with a golden V on the breast, white knee socks with a thick blue stripe on the top, and a white and navy ascot.

Valor Prep had one of the most stringent dress codes Celeste has ever seen, one which Dahlia consistently pushed the limits of. While Dane and Gemma are only eleven, Dahlia is officially a teenager at thirteen and prone to more of the typical rebellious behaviors. Dane is very much a Gellar, all swagger and innuendo. Gemma, heartbreakingly, reminds her so much of Melanie with the wide blue eyes and gentle ways. Dahlia is nearly an even mix of Karen and Alexia Winton - vain but aggressive yet still remarkably charismatic. Celeste has loved watching these qualities come out in all her children as they have grown. She finds the most exciting time for any mother is watching their children's personalities develop.

Once Kylie has finished dressing Gemma and styling her hair, they head downstairs to meet the rest of the family.

Dane is hunched over a large datapad, skimming the headlines just like his father. His uniform varies slightly from the girls - fitted white button up, navy and gold tie, navy slacks, optional navy sport coat - that he looks like a business man in training. It always makes Celeste smile to watch him emulate his father's morning routine.

Dahlia storms into the kitchen full of angst. Rutherford had vetoed the bared mid drift now exposed when she tricked one of the service droids into shrinking her polo. After changing into another set, she accentuated the basic colors with bright bangle bracelets, hoop earrings and a dab of darker lipstick. Strangely enough, the ensemble worked, proving Dahlia's natural inclination toward fashion. It must be genetic, Celeste thinks, and decides not to press the issue.

Breakfast is served by a series of droids - toast, fresh fruit, juice and cereal - and the kids eat in relative silence. Celeste enjoys a steaming cup of tea with citrus as she reviews the schedule for the day ahead. After school, Gemma has choir and Dane has Chin-Bret practice. Dahlia will be working on a project at her friend Muriel's house. The driver enters the kitchen, signaling that it is time to go. Celeste walks them out to the hoverlimo idling in the massive wraparound stone driveway. She kisses each of them goodbye and watches as they pile in. She waves as the limo pulls away then returns to the house feeling as though the morning went well. Usually there is at least a little protesting from the children but their routine has been in place from the get-go and by now, it has become almost a second nature.

Rutherford is in his study and she raps lightly on the doorframe. He glances up and smiles, still taken with her charm and beauty. She has made him a better person and after a decade of marriage, the passion still remains. He pulls her into his arms and kisses her softly.

"The children get off okay?"

She nods, "Without so much as a peep."
"I'm impressed."

"Well, Dahlia is in a bit of a mood."

He groans, "Valor Prep would have expelled her for exposing that much skin. You know how they feel about sexualizing the children."

"You don't have to tell me," she says. "I agree completely. She is just testing limits. Surely you remember this stage in development. Adolescence is a whole different game."

"It's been a while since I've been around teenagers but I catch on pretty quick for an old guy."

"Hey, that's my husband you are talking about."

Rutherford grins, "Indeed it is. I've got to get going. There are several client meetings this afternoon."

"How is that coming along?"

"I believe we can satisfy all our investors. This new painkiller, Capra, should continue the company's growth on the heels of the Force vaccine success. There is nothing else like it."

Celeste laughs.

"Timed release, easily adjusted dosage, massive success from the trials? I think you have another hit on your hands."
"Let's hope so. Do you have any clients today?"

"Two," she says. "I think the bi-weekly sessions are helping."

"Therapy usually does if you let it."

"I'm glad you think so."

"Are you going to be okay?"
"Of course, why wouldn't I be?"

He frowns sharply, pausing.
"You know what next week is."

"Yes, I do."

"If you want to talk about it-"

"I'll be fine, Rutherford. I promise."
He nods, kissing her again before heading back downstairs to his shuttle.

"You know where to find me."

Celeste pads down the hall to her own office and sits in the comfortable reclining chair. She reviews her client files for the upcoming sessions and the notes she made from previous conversations. She withdraws the thin stylus and writes herself a reminder to address certain topics to explore deeper issues hidden beneath the surface. It is then that her own begin to creep into the corners of her mind. She knows exactly what next week is.

It is the ten year anniversary of the Battle at Centerpoint Station.


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Re: The Crimson Covenant
« Reply #8 on: April 23, 2012, 08:13:44 PM »
Corporate Sector

Etti IV

Rutherford Gellar has enjoyed continual success in ChemIX, developing first the Force vaccine then the powerful new painkiller called Capra. The shareholders have all praised his strategies and this has given him certain bragging rights within the Direx Board, namely against the bastard Prex D'Ken Dawning. They share a long standing dislike for one another. Other members had not fared as well over the years. Those that failed to perform were bought out in hostile takeovers that often times grew violent. ChemiX has already swallowed two smaller pharmaceutical firms and is poised to acquire a third. There are no anti-trust laws preventing any particular company from dominating the marketplace. All that matters is the bottom line and presently, Rutherford Gellar is worth a fortune.

These strides in the corporate world have allowed him to maintain a healthy work-life balance and he has been present much more for his second family than he was for his first. He sees now how important this is and as a result, the children, especially Dane, have come to respect him. There was only one minor snag. After Kent Carlson's story was released by Circe Prescott a year after the destruction of Centerpoint, the media was in a frenzy. The story of The Four was turned into both a gritty documentary (Bound by Blood) then a major cineplex feature (Vogue Empire) which smashed box office records. Celeste's character was unknowingly played by LeVanya Monroe, now a family acquaintance and fellow Concordia resident, whose daughter, Muriel, is Dahlia's best friend. Thankfully, the story used aliases and was missing the aspects involving the fate of Celeste and any mention of Dahlia Winton. Clearly the author was unaware but despite everything, it made Carlson's work legendary and The Four more infamous than ever. Through these events, Rutherford was forced to admit what he knew and his valet Garron's connection to the Republic Counselor who leaked the story. This placed a temporary strain early on in their marriage. While Celeste was initially upset with him for withholding information, given her previous history with Alexander Winton and his wicked prophecy, she grew to understand his intentions of never wanting to cause her further pain.

As a gesture to signify he understood and wished to honor her past, Rutherford inquired about purchasing the Bolerathon Tower on Hesperidium when he discovered Celeste already owned it. Alexander Winton and Henrick Masterton had once been joint owners of the luxury tower and upon their deaths, the title and ownership transferred to the spouses. With the Queen also dead, Celeste is the sole inheritor. She had quietly dealt with the broker and arranged for the two penthouses atop the tower to be meticulously preserved in homage to those that had fallen. That floor was then sealed from the public. The considerable title fund also left to her served to keep up with maintenance and allowed the thousands of residents who owned seasonal shares to continue returning to Imperial beach summer after summer. He asked if she ever wanted to visit and one day, she claimed she would. Celeste has yet to venture outside of the Corporate Sector. In fact, she has not left it since she arrived almost a decade ago. Rutherford respects her hesitancy and cherishes the fact that she is so devoted to him and their family. He only hopes the anniversary does not reopen the wounds time has so miraculously managed to heal.

D'ian System: Concordia Township: Valor Preparatory Academy

In the massive auditorium, surrounded by members of the chorus, Gemma steps up to the microphone and begins to sing. Her voice has a range and gravity not usually seen in someone so young. When she sings, time seems to slow and all who hear cannot resist following the sounds. In the audience are her two best friends, Alka Dawning and Preston Dyre, silently mesmerized by Gemma's emotional undertones. They are her closest confidants and greatest supporters.

Outside on the adjacent field, the voice drifts and stops the Chin-Bret practice. The coach does not blow the whistle, captivated by the melody. Dane nudges his friend Roman Nash and smiles.

"That's my sister."

"Yeah," Roman says slyly. "I know."

The son of feared Chiss weapons manufacturer, Balthazar Nash, Roman and Dane became fast friends over a shared love of athletics and the dangerous nature of their father's work. He has always had a soft spot for Gemma.

Dahlia walks down the corridor with Muriel Monroe, a beautiful but lonely girl whose mother is a cineplex superstar and often away shooting on location. She and Dahlia met like most kids in Concordia do - at Valor Prep. The academy is ridiculously expensive and highly exclusive. Those that attend are thrown into a competitive social arena where the children of the Corporate Sector's rich and powerful come to learn and manipulate their way to the top. While Gemma's voice brings a smile to Dahlia's lips, she believes her younger sister is far too trusting and sweet. She is so unlike everyone around her that Dahlia feels she must protect her. The kids at school can be ruthless and cruel, qualities that ignite a reaction in Dahlia that has brought her the reputation of being spiteful yet aloof. Muriel envies these things and remains intrigued by the ease in which Dahlia navigates their peers.

They meet Muriel's driver at the front of the school and are taken to the Monroe Estate. Officially, they are supposed to work on a biology project but the afternoon is more entertaining when they dig through LeVanya Monroe's closet. There are many relics from the past they like to try on, staging elaborate scenes before the giant mirrors that line the superstars bedroom.

In the living room, they pour through LeVanya's movie catalog. Dahlia extends a hand a levitates the remote to them on the couch. Like her brother and sister, Dahlia was taught the ways of the Force by their mother. Most of it was dreadfully dull but Dahlia was fascinated by the telekinetic aspects of her power. She practiced extensively every afternoon, focusing on larger objects to move. She has honed and mastered these skills but only revealed it to Muriel. There was a time she would have pursued it further but a tantrum that resulted in an electrical fire when she was seven sufficiently scared Dahlia into reining in her power. There is a part of her that is frightened by the magnitude and implications and she had heard stories of those who had crossed a line they could never uncross with the Force. It is best to be mindful and so she treads lightly.

Muriel is endless delighted by her friends gifts and giggles as they scroll through the list of movies.

"What should we watch?"

"I don't know," Dahlia says, rummaging through the kitchen for a snack. "Pick one."

"Sunset Sky?"

"Too predictable and the male lead is gross!"

"Maker's Fury?"

"Too preachy."

"The Coruscant that Was?"

"Muriel! We already had history class today."

"Vogue Empire?"

"Ug," Dahlia sighs. "That Kimbra girl is sooo lame. Who in their right mind wears party clothes to a war when nine months pregnant? Clearly she's disturbed."

"I think she's adorable!" Muriel cries. "You are totally crazy!"

"Am not! Please, nobody that popular would ever be caught dead running around with a Mandalorian."

Muriel is suddenly very serious.

"But...they did die."

"It's a movie, Muriel. Relax."

"They say it was based on a true story."

"Producers say everything is based on a true story!"

"My mom says your family is related to some of those people."

"Like who?"

"Melania Masters, Valkyrie Gaston..."

"You mom says a lot of things, usually after a few drinks."

"So true!"

"Do you know how many people are in this galaxy?"


"Me either! Besides, don't you think my parents would have mentioned we were related to such fabulous people?"


Dahlia wanders back to the couch holding two soda's and a bag of crisps.

"That movie is pure fiction. I mean, where's the happy ending? Kiryn gets engaged to an Emperor then blows up on some station? What's the point?"

"It's a tragic romance!"

"More like an epic anticlimax! All that planning and no payoff? Stuff like that never happens in real life."

Muriel groans, "Roman said we don't live in real life."

"Roman Nash? Gag! Why are you even talking to him?"

"He was with your brother. I said hello."

"Of course you did."

"What does that mean?"

Dahlia flashes a wicked smile, "You are totally crushing on Dane!"


"He's a kid!"

"He won't be in a few years."

"That's revolting."

"Say what you will," Muriel laughs. "Your brother is going to be way hot."

"That's it! We've got a project to do."


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Re: The Crimson Covenant
« Reply #9 on: May 02, 2012, 09:31:11 PM »
Corporate Sector

D'ian System: Concordia Township: Gellar Estate

The children and their friends are returned to the Gellar Estate after their extracurricular activities. The afternoons are getting longer the deeper the season moves through spring. They decide to play a game of hide and seek. Dane volunteers to seek first and begins to count while the others hide. Gemma and Roman dash upstairs while Alka and Preston traverse the expansive first floor.

Alka slips into a room near the end of the corridor, backing away from the door slowly. She turns around and finds herself in a large drawing room. There are massive paintings on the walls in ornate rectangular frames of the Gellar-Masterton family. Lady Celeste's portrait hangs above the mantle, serenely gazing out over the room. Lord Gellar himself is beside her, looking rather stern. The children - Dahlia, Gemma, and Dane - are on the far wall. Other people she does not recognize, probably ancestors of the Gellar family, are hung sporadically throughout the rest of the room. She nears one of a beautiful, dark haired girl who appears sad and lost in thought. The plaque beneath the frame reads: Blair. Next to it is a picture of a girl with similar features but a far more sinister expression on her face.

Alka moves into the center of the room, staring up at them. They look almost familiar, as if she has seen them before. But where? Something her father was looking at? When was that? She must have been so little. She struggles through the fog of childhood memories but finds herself lost in the colorful puzzle.

Dane bursts into the room, "I found you!"

"Who cares?"

His excitement is extinguished by her nonchalance.

"I don't know. Nobody I guess. What are you doing?"


"Find anything cool?"

Alka points to the portrait, "Who is she?"

Dane crosses the room and stands nervously beside her. Alka Dawning is probably the most beautiful girl he's ever seen and he's unsure of how to deal with that. She has always regarded him coldly, something that has kept him in a constant state of anxiety and suspense. Dane glances at the plaque beneath the picture.

"It says her name is Valerie."

"I can read," Alka snaps. "What do you know about her?"

"She's...a Gellar. I'm not sure. Nothing much. She looks a little scary."

"Did you ask?"

"My father doesn't like to talk about the past."

Alka turns to him, hazel eyes focused on his face. It's the first interesting thing he's ever said to her and it deserves proper attention.

"I guess that's something we have in common."

"It is? I mean, that's awesome."

"My father will barely speak about things that happened last week let alone years ago. My mother says he's withholding. Whatever that means."

"Maybe it's too painful."

Alka arches a brow, "Why do you say that?"

Dane shrugs, trying to cover his nervousness with a certain charm not fully developed.

"I've heard my parents talking. They think I'm not listening. My mother has a lot of pain in her past, pain my father has tried to make better."

"What kind of pain?"

"I don't know."

She smiles now, watching him squirm.

"You don't know or you don't care? There is a difference."

"They are adults, Alka. They had lives before us. Maybe they weren't so great."

"Maybe you are right."

Their eyes linger on one another. Something passes between them.

Dahlia looms in the doorway.

"Aren't you supposed to be looking for everyone? They were relatively easy to find."

Dane steps away from Alka, "We were just talking."

"Uh huh," his sister says with a devious grin. "Perhaps you should tell Gemma that her bedroom is not the wisest choice for a hiding spot. Roman was in dad's study and Preston, for whatever reason, was helping himself to a snack in the kitchen. Seriously, Dane, your friends are no good at this."

"Who says they have to be?" Alka says, gaze narrowed. "It's just a game."

Dahlia holds up her arms in mock-surrender, "Easy there, trigger. No one asked you."

Alka rolls her eyes up.

"Don't you have an elsewhere to be? Like, say, your own home?"

Alka turns to Dane, "I'll see you later."

"Yeah," Dane says wearily. "Later."

Alka stalks past Dahlia and disappears down the hall. A tense moment of silence passes between them. Dane finally sighs.
"Why are you so mean to her?"

"Don't even get me started."

"No, Dahl, I want to know."

Dahlia shakes her head, "She's a spoiled brat and her father is like, dad's worst nightmare on the Direx Board."

"You're a spoiled brat!"

"True but I'm older so I wear it well. Actually, I wear everything well."

Dane is trembling with anger and he storms out of the room, "I'm telling mom!"

"Go ahead," Dahlia calls after him. "But be warned. Alka Dawning is trouble."


Offline Syren

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Re: The Crimson Covenant
« Reply #10 on: May 03, 2012, 09:40:11 PM »
Etti IV

Surface: Mondder

The emergency session of the Direx Board has been called by Prex D'Ken Dawning and while Rutherford is less than thrilled, he leaves the Gellar Corporate Tower and arrives promptly. When he enters the central chamber, several members are shouting at one another, a riotous din that grates on his nerves. Once he is seated, D'Ken calls the meeting to order. It takes several minutes for the voices of the outraged to fade but when it does, D'Ken speaks in a grave tone.

"As we have previously discussed, no one wishes the remnants of the Trade Federation to rise again but it seems our fears have been realized. Under new leadership and a decade of slow yet steady rebuilding, the Federation has requested trade permits with the New Republic which lies just outside the Corporate Sector borders. For years, we have been the sole source of trading with the Republic's emerging galactic presence as well as central ties to the Empire. Our ability to remain neutral yet profitable within their ridiculous skirmishes is absolutely essential."

He pauses, giving his statements a gravity Rutherford does not think they need. Everyone is well aware of how the Federation fell from one of their greatest trading rivals to a punch line he has never found amusing. A series of fateful decisions led to the demise of the Viceroy Medivh, the creation of the Baron Phage and, most poignantly, the death of his granddaughter Valerie at the hands of that mechanical monster. He needs no reminder of their soulless treachery.

Rutherford glances at his allies within the board to gauge the reactions.

Cybot Galactic CFO, Finnius Dyre meets his gaze with a questioning raise of an eyebrow. He need not be all that concerned what with the significant lack of droids within the rebuilt Federation ranks. His bottom line would not be affected. Balthazar Nash, the Chiss weapons manufacturer who supplies the entire Espos with artillery, shakes his head. He stands to lose more with the upcoming contracts to outfit the expanding Republic forces with weaponry.
D'Ken continues.

"We have relied on our reputations long enough. The Republic Senate floor is where these matters will be decided and that is where we shall send a delegation to represent us. I propose we organize a team of our most convincing corporate leaders to present our case on Chandaar and cut the Federation off at the pass."

The motion is put to a vote which is quickly seconded and passed by an overwhelming majority. No one wants to see quarterly losses due to anything, least of all the Trade Federation. As the board disbands, D'Ken emerges through the crowd and approaches him.

Rutherford smiles tightly, "Rousing speech, Dawning."

"Glad you thought so, Gellar. I have an even better idea."

The thinly veiled hostility has always been present in their interactions.

"I'm just dying to hear it."

D'Ken's grin becomes a sneer, "I nominate you to represent us on Chandaar."


Offline Syren

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Re: The Crimson Covenant
« Reply #11 on: May 07, 2012, 10:03:03 PM »
D'ian System

Surface: Concordia Township: Gellar Estate

Rutherford returns home late that evening to find Celeste curled up in bed reading. She smiles at him in the doorway, sitting upright.

"Welcome home."

He loosens his tie and crosses the room, bending down to kiss her.

"I missed you."

"Bad day?"

"That depends."


"On if I can face the Republic Senate on Chandaar."

Celeste sets the pad aside, now paying full attention.

"The Republic? What do they have to do with anything?"

Rutherford sighs as he undresses.

"The Trade Federation has reared their ugly heads to request permits from the Republic. Since we have mainly dealt with them up until this point, there was understandable tension within the Board."

"That's reasonable," Celeste says. "Why would the Republic even consider dealing with Federation after all the damage they have done?"

"Good question and they want me to go before the Senate to ask it."

She frowns, "I suppose your personal experience with the Federation could sway the Republic in your favor..."


"But will you draw from that experience as a business tool?"

He falls onto the bed beside her.

"Tough to say."

She touches the side of his face.

"Is it?"

"It's not a coincidence that D'Ken Dawning requested my presence. I am just not certain I can use Valerie's death and Corellia's troubles as means to a financial end."

"I'm not so sure his motives are quite that sinister."

"I do. He wants me distracted by the emotional undercurrents and if I fail to convince them he will use it to malign me to the Board. Why don't you join me?"

Celeste gasps, "Join you? On Chandaar? Oh, Rutherford. I don't know."

"Why not? You could bring the children and we'll make a proper holiday. With the kids on spring break, it would be both relaxing and educational."

She bites on her lower lip.

He smirks, leaning close.

"You've been in D'ian for over a decade, my dear. It's time to venture out."

"Has it really been that long? Time does fly."

"I know."

"I love our life here."

"As do I. You have done a wonderful job caring for me and our children but everyone deserves to get away. What are you afraid of?"

"Afraid?" she says, blue eyes shimmering in the half light of the room.

"Long ago, I was convinced it was not safe for us outside the sector. I cannot explain it. Everything that had happened consumed me with the need to protect you and our children. Whatever threat I imagined waiting for us in the rest of the galaxy was just that. Imagined. I want you to live your life to the fullest and I think this would be the perfect first start. Please, for me?"

Celeste nods, considering things. She too had been frightened by the lingering foes of Alexander Winton or enemies of The Four lurking in the shadows. She had thrown herself into the second chance at happiness that these fears had long since faded into the background. Yet still she hesitates. Why not take a chance with him? What is she waiting for? He is right. It's time.

"I'd love to join you."


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Re: The Crimson Covenant
« Reply #12 on: May 08, 2012, 07:43:56 PM »
D'ian System

Surface: Concordia Township: Gellar Estate

The morning brings a mixed bag.

Dane and Gemma are thrilled for the trip while Dahlia throws an epic fit, demanding that she be allowed to stay behind. Apparently, she and Muriel have serious plans. Celeste is moderately amused with the tantrum but Rutherford puts the kibosh on Dahlia's resistance and instructs her to pack. She accuses him of ruining her spring break and entire life but he counters with the fact that if she remained in D'ian, he'd have the security detail prevent her from leaving the house and execute Muriel on sight. Apparently, Rutherford can play up the theatrics too which only sends Dahlia into quite the state. There is shouting and the obligatory slamming of doors.

"Teenagers," Rutherford grumbles.

Celeste squeezes his hand, "You were young once too."

"Not that kind of young."

"She's testing the boundaries while trying to assert her independence."

Rutherford sighs, "Well, she can assert it on Chandaar in the company of her parents and the cadre of security officers. We're staying at the Ovallus for Maker's sake!"

"I'm not sure such luxuries register to her yet."

"That's because it doesn't involve an article of clothing."

"New clothing from a new place. That's one way to get her on board."

"Doesn't making deals go against your practices?"

"In relationships, yes. Children have to be handled differently."

They wander down the hall to where Dane and Gemma's bedrooms are located. Dane has clothes stuffed into a bag on his bed while Gemma, bless her little heart, has folded sets of things in a designer suitcase. Celeste and Rutherford share a stolen glance, smiling at the charming differences in their children.

"I've got this," he says and enters Dane's room. "Hey, buddy. Why don't you let me help you."

Celeste blows at kiss at Gemma as she braves her way toward Dahlia's room. There is no answer at the door so she enters. Dahlia has thrown herself across her bed weeping much the same way Karen would so many years ago. It's a scene fit for the stage and she finds it rather impressive how these genetic traits get passed along.

"Go away!"

"Such a difficult life you have," Celeste says. "All these people that care about you and want to spend time with you."

Dahlia raises her head, "Dad is being so unfair!"

"Oh? How so?"

"He won't let me stay here. I'm old enough take care of myself."

"That's debatable at best, darling."

Dahlia's emerald eyes flare.

"So you don't trust me either?"

Celeste shakes her head, "This is not about trust, Dahlia. We do trust you and happen to enjoy your company. This is why we wish for you to accompany us on this trip. It's something we can do together. You've never been to the Republic capital before."

"Neither have you."

"Which is why I am excited to go and why I want you there with us."

Dahlia sits up, pulling her long, slender legs beneath her.

"You really trust me?"

"Of course I do and I understand how it would seem unfair from your perspective. Try looking at it from ours. Your father does not often ask things of you. It's rare that we would be invited along on official sector business. That means this trip is so special, he wants us to share it with him."

"But why? What's so important about Chandaar?"

Celeste points to the ruffled dress hanging on the door of her closet.

"Where do you think that was imported from?"

"That's a Nalaa Grey original!"

"She's a Republic designer, right?"

"She's an institution! An icon!"

Celeste shrugs, "Then it will be a shame if you have to miss out. I hear her flagship store is beyond belief."

Dahlia scrambles off the bed and begins to assemble outfits, "I'm coming, I'm coming."

"See, there will be something for everyone. Even you."

"Alright mom," she says, faux-wearily. "I get it."

"Excellent. We leave in an hour."


Outside, Kylie Miranda sees them off. She would remain at the Gellar Estate to oversee the house while the family is away. Lord Gellar's valet, Garron Prescott, would be joining them to ensure the details of the trip are handled effortlessly.

The sleek black luxury class shuttle momentarily hovers above the landing pad before racing up into the stark afternoon sky. Once the nav computers have calculated the most secure route, the shuttle flares into hyperspace for Chandaar.


Offline Syren

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Re: The Crimson Covenant
« Reply #13 on: May 13, 2012, 01:24:00 PM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital

The shuttle is given clearance with Republic command and instructed to land in the spaceport on Ambaril. The capital city had grown exponentially since the Republic chose this world as their home. Careful construction retained the influences of Coruscanti architecture with a flare of modern design.

There is a steady bustle as the security detail exits the spaceport ahead of the Gellar-Masterton family. The Republic liaison, Janessa Kane, is waiting patiently for them. She is a petite young woman with jet back black hair pulled into a multi-tiered bun, clear brown oval eyes behind black rimmed glasses and sporting a fitted blazer, pencil skirt and heels.

"Lord Gellar," she says, smiling brightly. "We are honored to have you here representing the Corporate Sector. I trust you and your family had a pleasant trip?"

Rutherford nods, "Yes, thank you, miss Kane."

"We have a transport waiting to take you to the Hotel Ovallus. This way, please."

After a short distance, they pull up under the glitzy porte-cochere. Valet's and attendants swarm the transport, unloading baggage and welcoming them to the exclusive property. Garron Prescott heads inside to check the family in while Celeste tends to the children. Dane and Gemma are amazed by the lights and spectacle while Dahlia is busy tapping away on a datapad to Muriel. She reaches out and places a hand over the device, drawing her attention away.

"Pay attention, darling."

She rolls her eyes up and trudges along.

Janessa falls into step with Rutherford.

"The Senate will convene tomorrow morning. I have sent you the docket schedule for the day including the Corporate Sector's time slot to address the floor. If there is anything you need while you are here, do not hesitate to let me know."

"I appreciate it, miss Kane. For now, I intend to get the family settled."

"Understood. I'm available if you need me."

The hotel lobby is exquisite with vaulted ceilings, clean lines and a floating chandelier. Garron meets them near the lifts and distributes key cards. The security detail clears a lift and holds it open for the family.

Upstairs, they enter one of the multi-room penthouse suites. Garron and the detail enter smaller surrounding rooms designated for delegate entourage. Dane rushes to one of the windows and throws open the curtains, staring down into the glowing cityscape below.

"Dad, can we see the Senate hall?"

"I'm hungry, mommy."

"What time do the stores close?"

Celeste laughs softly, "We can see the Senate hall and shop tomorrow. Let's get ready for dinner. The restaurant is well reviewed and world class. So, freshen up and we'll leave in a half an hour."

The children disperse into separate rooms.

Rutherford meets Celeste in the center of the living room.

"You seem tense."

"I am still deciding on how to best approach the Senate. A personal appeal will certainly drive the point home but feels...wrong."

She takes his hand.

"It's not wrong if it's true. The Federation very blatantly deceived and used Corellia. Their underhanded tactics and questionable ethics cost Valerie her life. That coupled with the CSA's solid reputation with the Republic should be enough to put the issue to rest for good."

Rutherford touches the side of her face, "Maybe you should be the one to speak before the Senate. You have a way of putting things delicately."

"Sincerity goes a long way. Besides, ChemiX is one of the central suppliers of prescription medication in Republic hospitals and clinics. They provide life-saving material and have always dealt with the highest level of professionalism. I do not think you need to worry."

"No doubt the Federation will have delegates present as well."

"I'm certain you can handle them."

"I dread these sorts of things."

"You take on more powerful people during a typical work day."

Rutherford sighs, jaw tightening.

"I hate them, Celeste. Truly, I do. They are partly responsible for what happened to Abra and Blair. It destroyed them and nearly destroyed me. Valerie was murdered by that monstrous creation and I feel like the coward who was unable to step up and admit my part in it all. I could have saved them.."

"Shh," Celeste says. "Don't talk like that. We both could have done things differently, both made choices we wish we could take back. But we agreed  the past was just that. The past. Despite the regret and hurt we may feel, we cannot undo that which has been done. We have mourned our losses and moved forward. Look at all we have accomplished, everything there is to be thankful for. We have each other and the children and I could not be more grateful for that."

"I love you so much."

"Right back at you, handsome."

He pulls her close and kisses her passionately.

She pulls back and smiles, "Now get ready. I'm starving."


Offline Syren

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Re: The Crimson Covenant
« Reply #14 on: May 14, 2012, 01:58:47 PM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital

Surface: Ambaril: Hotel Ovallus

Sleep comes easily after the journey but cannot keep the complex feelings at bay. Rutherford finds himself awake early, padding across the quiet living room. He curses D'Ken Dawning and his incessant need to provoke him. He knew damn well this would be difficult for him. On the cusp of the Centerpoint anniversary, his personal feelings clash with the professional.
Rutherford showers and dresses in a tailored black suit with a crimson tie picked out  by Dahlia. She said something about always wanting to present a hint of color. He smiles, touched that through her teenage haze she was thinking of him. She may be feisty but he loves her like his own.

Celeste appears in the doorway, "Good morning, handsome."

"Morning, love."

"Sleep well?"

"Not exactly."

"It's not like you to be so nervous."

He turns around, "Something about this makes me uncomfortable."

"That's to be expected, given the nature of your relationship with them. I doubt it is a connection they are aware of so you need not worry. Focus on the task at hand and you will do just fine."

The door chime sounds.

Celeste tightens the light blue robe around her and answers it.

Janessa Kane is standing there fresh faced and ready for the day.

"Good morning, miss Kane."

"Lady Gellar," she says, nodding. "Is Lord Gellar available?"

"Certainly, come right in."

She moves inside and approaches Rutherford. It is difficult to decipher the exact expression on her face but the closest he can approximate is pained.

"Is something wrong?"

Janessa attempts a tight smile.

"It appears the delegate from the Trade Federation is requesting a private meeting with you before the Senate hearings."

Celeste joins them, "That's odd, isn't it?"

"It's...uncommon but not unheard of."

"Do you know who the delegate is?"

She glances down at her datapad, "Mara Tacofer."

Celeste shrugs.

Rutherford laughs, "I've heard the name, some kind of slick negotiator. Did she say what the meeting was about?"

"She did, Lord Gellar."

There is hesitancy on her part that Celeste finds disturbing.


Janessa regains her composure.

"Miss Tacofer specified that it was in regards to Valerie Gellar."

Rutherford's blood turns to ice, face falling. Celeste is stunned.
"She's a relation of yours, if I am not mistaken."

"Yes," he says with an edge to his voice. "She was my granddaughter."

Celeste takes her husband's arm, "Perhaps someone has done their homework."

"A little too well, I'm afraid."

Janessa tilts her head to the right, "Shall I confirm? Please know you are not obligated to meet with anyone from the Federation during your stay here."

"I'm aware," Rutherford says. "But it would be prudent to do so. Where is she staying?"

"At the Mermeia next door."

"Tell Ms. Tacofer I will meet her in the lounge."

Janessa nods, "Of course, Lord Gellar and I am sorry for the intrusion."

Celeste shows her out before turning back to Rutherford.
"You don't think..."

"They know about the deal with Alexander Winton? It's possible. Unlikely but possible. The only people who knew about that deal were me, Major Kyri Patten and Alexander Winton. Patten and Winton are dead. I've told no one but you. That's not an accusation, by the way."

"I know, darling. It just seems strange this woman would request a meeting to discuss Valerie. Maybe she knew her?"

He paces, musing.

"As Governess, Valerie most likely dealt with Federation executives including the Viceroy who succeeded Medivh. Knowing about the deal could cast a shadow on my reputation but it would also paint the Federation in a terrible light. Patten worked closely with the Federation and Winton blackmailed me on his behalf. It would not be a stretch to say the Federation had a hand in it as well."

"So, it wouldn't help their cause here?"

Rutherford straightens and kisses her softly before heading toward  the door.

"I suppose we will see."


Hotel Mermeia

Rutherford Gellar strides confidently through the front doors and into the lobby. He spots the lounge and does not break stride. Nodding to the bartender, he orders a robust coffee and waits.
