Author Topic: OOC Chat  (Read 793894 times)

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #960 on: July 24, 2012, 11:35:15 PM »
Also, take my SL for instance, for all intents and purposes, my characters actions are decidedly imperial. He uses the tactics of his enemy to beat his enemy, Bel Ibis style. The thing that differentiates me from an imperial though, is the intentions behind those actions. Where as an imperial would attack a planet with absolutely no concern for its population and only intention of subjugating the planet, my character most assuredly does care about civilian casualties, and has no intention of subjugating anything. He just wants to take over their defenses to make sure they can fight off an invasion and truly be a sovereign entity. Free from both Republic and Imperial control, free to write their own destinies. But he also understands that glory can not be achieved without sacrifice, and unfortunately at times, collateral damage can not be avoided, such as bothawui.

This is what im saying all along, when it comes to in game actions, we should not be limited by systems and "rules". Just storyline as simming intended, and leave the rules for combat and economy.

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #961 on: July 24, 2012, 11:40:01 PM »
Thats the thing hale, you dont have to. You just need to read them as you already seem to do. If you see something wholly unbelievable, THEN you step in. Or as I said, you see someone doing something wholly exceptional, you can choose to step in. But as far as actually doing the SLs, thats what the players are for. The same way we do PDF for one another, we can SL with one another as well. And if you think someone is out to get you and will sabotage your SL, then just respectfully ask them to let someone else do it. I mean, Id like to think as childish as some of us act (-coughs me and syren coughs-) we are all adults and can respectfully game together without the pettiness we had as teenagers. (Holy shit did I really say that?)

So I guess maybe im missing a few parts of the equation involving you having to "lord" over all the SLs?

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #962 on: July 24, 2012, 11:50:45 PM »
And this also goes without saying, but should we go this route, we need to all step up and make a community agreement like civilized beings and agree that, if Hale is going to be GM, he is going to be THE GM. What he says goes, so if he says no, and tells you to fuck off, thats where it sits. Im not saying you shouldnt be allowed to make a point in favor of your position, but Hale has final say. And if he says no, its no and we get on with our game, if he says yes, its yes and we get on with our game. Do it kinda like a court room, hale says blah, if you disagree, you state your case (RESPECTFULLY, yes this applies to me too), then hale says blah, CASE CLOSED.

If we all agree to this now, theres no complaining about it later, and it greatly expedites the job hale has to do and assuring him of no 2 week long arguments such as flashpoint and galactic rhelms had. And if you dont like his ruling, tough shit, thats part of the game.

Edit: And no whining and crying about how the GM is cheating and needs to be replaced. Grow up and realize, sometimes even if your right your still not gunna get your way. As I stated, we arnt teenagers anymore. -whistles innocently-
« Last Edit: July 25, 2012, 12:01:33 AM by Ramano »

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #963 on: July 25, 2012, 12:34:13 AM »
Well as GM, then I order you to spell "Galactic Rhelms" as Galactic Realms. Fucker. =)

Your post does go without saying. Greg and I made GCW happen in the first place. I've brought it back to life. Just because I took creative initiative though and wrote most of the rules doesn't make me the King. I've demonstrated on more than one occasion that I've been willing to entertain different viewpoints and opinions to see them to their logical conclusion and if that involves reversing a decision, repealing some rules, or writing new ones, I'm all for it. If there's a question to answer, I'll answer it. If a system surrenders when it shouldn't have, I'll void it. Other than that, I'd really like to keep my hands as clean as possible. Consider me a Jeffersonian GM. =)

Now fuck off and go play.

Offline Dementat

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« Reply #964 on: July 25, 2012, 04:42:17 AM »
I'm drunk and confused. I see post after post of arguments about god knows what when people should be playing. It is simple. Follow a mission, get bonus. Don't follow a mission, no bonus. Bring your creativity to life. If you want to conquest a world but fear the NR wouldn't do that, pick a world that at this time, canon, would still have Imperial rule and conquest the damn thing.
(\/)ighty RE

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #965 on: July 25, 2012, 05:56:34 AM »
If you say so, but we spelled it Galactic Rhelms, why I dont know. I distinctly remember there being an H in there somewhere though.

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #966 on: July 25, 2012, 08:56:34 AM »
The rules even keep me accountable.


So Hale, your final stance is MISSIONS are purely for the bonuses, any other means of annexation is open including SLed Fast Track Diplomacy?

I'm drunk and confused. I see post after post of arguments about god knows what when people should be playing. It is simple. Follow a mission, get bonus. Don't follow a mission, no bonus. Bring your creativity to life. If you want to conquest a world but fear the NR wouldn't do that, pick a world that at this time, canon, would still have Imperial rule and conquest the damn thing.

 Cool but don't be surprised when an entire Alpha base of "Imps" surrenders to me cause I don't feel like doing the number crunching and want to save myself some time.

If you say so, but we spelled it Galactic Rhelms, why I dont know. I distinctly remember there being an H in there somewhere though.

 If you're talking about GR Galactic Realms in terms of Dwalkerx, it was Galactic Realms, I made the original Help File for him.

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Offline SWSF Hoppus

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« Reply #967 on: July 25, 2012, 10:01:00 AM »
I dont know. I see the spirit in leaving the door open and not stiffling "creativity". As long as we are able to use creativity to get shit done quickly too I have no problem. Though I will warn you now, this is the beginning of the end. "creativity" in spanish is "finding ways to get away with shit that following other rules or guidlines wont let you".

Also if this is the case I think everyone owes Ram a huge apology for Bespin - it should have surrendered immediately, event hough Dem was going to fight and forced Ram tobring more troops to the fight. Unneccessary, his SL is plausible - shooting out the stabilizers and killing everyone ... him that gives me an idea - since he is RA and playing that way, I guess NR can be brutes to. Its our CHOICE TO PLAY THE RP HOW WE WANT, right? Great. I'm sure all you players will be happy that we are leaving things wide open so we can be creative, and in the process totally disfigure the true spirit of SW...

And Ram, that bit about troops you posted - where does it say a planet only surrenders if you have more troops or more anything? It's all open to creative game play, isn't it? You can't have it both ways. You either have written rules that must be followed, or you have guidelines and no unwritten rules can be enforced.

This isn't just a waste of time either. If we are going to invest hours of our lives in the game, Jay and I are justified in being a little worried about what we saw as an accidental oversight on the part of Hale (that these worlds were being surrendered in a day, while we could never keep up with that pace and in the long term), as this would bite us in the ass and ruin the game we had invested hours and hours into as it hit the breaking point. But apparently it isnt an oversight, its how Hale and the rest of the players here (the other 3 our of 5) want to do things.

Just no one get in our way when we play under the open door policy please, thank you. I anticipate near instant diplomatic victories at many world shortly, since in "reality" they were strong allies of the RA and later member worlds of NR.
« Last Edit: July 25, 2012, 10:04:32 AM by GCW Hoppus »

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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« Reply #968 on: July 25, 2012, 10:06:25 AM »
Also from an RPG stand point in the books there were some damn creative ways that Star Destroyers were destroyed and stuff, so I guess I could SL my way on to the Avenger, plant a charge, and destroy it and that would be cool too right? Creative, right? :D

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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« Reply #969 on: July 25, 2012, 10:12:49 AM »
Oh i just got some other great ideas... solar flares and other space anomalies that I could use in a storyline if I were ever to be attacked at Mon Cal. I'd imagine that would raise hell on a ship's electronic systems, disable an entire ISD even.

Creative is the tits!

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #970 on: July 25, 2012, 10:13:12 AM »
I anticipate near instant diplomatic victories at many world shortly

Oh I'm just going to have other worlds send delegates to me/us.  I got more free time than anyone else would ever know what to do with.  Plenty of time to will us all sorts of shit through the virtue of the written word.  There will be a congested space lane of diplomatic traffic stretching all the way from Mon Cal to the Core.

Hey Greg, did you spend those KCs Corellia secretly transferred to us yet?  If so I'll just PM you another secret Corellia money transfer.
« Last Edit: July 25, 2012, 10:18:01 AM by Eidolon »
SWSF 'til Death

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« Reply #971 on: July 25, 2012, 10:15:34 AM »
Dude that is brilliant. The NR is the shining beacon of justice and light in the universe now, that seems reasonable to me. :D

And actually to be fair i do recall lots of worlds sending reps to the new NR to discuss shit and some joined some didnt etc..

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #972 on: July 25, 2012, 10:20:22 AM »
exactly, I mean based on my creative instincts, the position of everything in COruscant should always be known to us.  How many NR sympathetic people are on that planet anyways? 10 billion?

I hope you guys enjoy eating worms as much as me and greg will! =)
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Offline SWSF Hoppus

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« Reply #973 on: July 25, 2012, 10:22:26 AM »
Thats a very valid point, I would assume a world that populated and trafficked, its defenses should be public knowledge. Seriously. Dem can we get that posted please? At least for the platforms and ground installations. Ships can remain hidden since they move in and out of the system. Just to be realistic.

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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« Reply #974 on: July 25, 2012, 10:25:21 AM »
Oh shit I just realized for the first time since... NHU was it? We are so going to have cloaked star destroyers again, what with Mount Tantiss and Wayland, its realistic. Go for it Hale. If the Avenger is cloaked, I'll have to put my creativity thinking cap back on to figure out how to sneak my wampa rat-suicide-bomber onboard... damn... maybe with the foodstuffs when you take on supplies ... yes.!!!!

Unsanitary foodstuffs will be your downfall!