Author Topic: OOC Chat  (Read 793841 times)

Offline Syren

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« Reply #1335 on: October 22, 2012, 11:41:21 AM »
My completely unsolicited opinion - I loved the way AE was set up. When I first joined the original SWSF years ago and started posting in Freestyle, it was Ramano that goaded me into joining the main sim. I was hesitant at first but the freestyle feeling of AE really allowed me to explore my own storyline within the larger framework of what everyone else was doing. This led to the massive collective storyline with Medivh. The reason the GCW is unappealing to me (and this is by no means a dig, Hale darling as I know how hard you worked at this and am very proud of you for doing so) is that the uni is set against an actual timeline and canon which makes me feel all restricted. Clearly I'm not a battle post kind of gal and in the AE when it was claim your faction, set up your tech, etc, I used that information to create my own storylines that was influenced by the battles everyone else had with one another. So, in the future, if there is a return to that kind of format as in a GCW:AE that moves away from the canon, I would be open to slutting up that sim with drama and scandal.


Offline Ramano

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« Reply #1336 on: October 22, 2012, 12:01:27 PM »
Oh no no no Syren, you are misinformed on this. Yes, the uni is set according to canon events, but thats where it ends. I assure you the rebellion was never in command of an officer capable of engaging the imperials as I am currently. The canon events are only to set the stage, our characters are what will progress the storyline. Which is why I was so interested in getting you to join, cause you have the SL ability to aim the game into new directions that people havnt seen before. Thats half the joy of simming, taking the backdrop of events how they happened, and putting you own different spin on them.

Its kind of like Assassins Creed III coming out. The backdrop of the story is the revolutionary war, but they changed it up as Washington is some maniacal dictator trying to become King of America. Same concept here. The story starts off as canon yes, but where it goes from there is where our SLs direct it. There is no rule or law that says things must be maintained to full SW canon timeline of events. Not that im aware of anyway.

Edit: And if we were keeping to canon events as you assume, then we have until the end of Nov to complete the battle of Coruscant. As it has been described to me, 1 month = 1 year in our game, so as of Nov we are in 10ABY, far after the battle itself. I assure you, no one in this game combined is ready to make a run at Coruscant. The SSD alone would take my entire fleet to deal with, and even then I would have nothing left to take on any of the other PDF, let alone when Dem comes out.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2012, 12:07:45 PM by Ramano »

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #1337 on: October 22, 2012, 03:29:07 PM »
Also Hale, we have a list of questions adding up that havnt been addressed yet due to distraction and IRL.

1: Can 2 Hero's operate out of the same character, kind of like a split personality disorder?

I'm not sure what you mean. If Hoppus trained another Jedi Hero, and ran two Jedi's (one master, one apprentice), as the controlling player he could post for both... but otherwise you're going to need to clarify that question.

2: Can PDF withdraw from a battle?

I'm going to go with "it depends if you have room at another system to take the PDF Fleet in", otherwise it will have to stay. Currently all my systems have their PDF Fleets maxed out, so I would not be able to withdraw the PDF, since technically this would be a "unit transfer" according to The Burden of Command.

3: If 2 or more players work together for the same conquest mission, how do payment rewards work?

What you reap is what you sow. Your kills = your cash. Shared kills/milestones = shared cash.

4: Do multiple hero's allow multiple hero bonus's. For example if I have 2 hero's on the same fleet, do I get all associated bonus's of both heros. IE: Added ships, extra shield/hull/damage, double KC bonus's where applicable?

No. Only 1 Hero is the "commanding officer" of the fleet, so you only get 1 "buffer" bonus and must pick between who. If you split your fleet and your Heroes, then their respective halves would get their respective bonuses. Bonus ships can be added to either Hero's command.

5: Where exactly is chapter 3 supposed to take place in the timeline?

Episode I was After Yavin. Episode II is After Endor. Episode III is After Coruscant. This is why right now everyone is gunning for Coruscant. According to the canon timeline, the New Republic invades Coruscant and liberates it:

Technically, Episode III will be 9 ABY, which is when Thrawn showed up. So if we went to Episode III right now and also went into an alternate reality of some sorts where one of us took the mantle of Thrawn, then that's where we'd be at. Default Strongholds would be Coruscant (New Republic) and Bastion (Imperial Remnant)... but I'd let people pick their own Strongholds and factions if they wanted to play a different faction or even an off-shoot Imp/Reb faction.

And yes Syren, Ramano is correct in his description of current affairs. This game is more of a "sandbox" than anything else. The stage has been set, actual canon characters exist (Pellaeon, Mon Mothma, Ackbar, Sate Pestage, and Ysanne Isard), etc. but we the players functionally and actually determine the course of history. Theoretically, Erasmar playing as the Hapans could have taken over Coruscant and established the Hapan Star Cluster as the ruling power of the galaxy... wouldn't that have been something.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2012, 03:35:31 PM by GCW Hale »

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #1338 on: October 22, 2012, 03:58:52 PM »
Ok, specifically what im asking with the Hero's is: Can I operate 2 hero's out of the same character? Something along the line of Ramano's personality splits, he is mysteriously endowed with some power, and becomes both a Republic Officer, and a Republic Jedi, yet treated as 2 seperate hero's in terms of costs and gaining abilities.

Which is why I bring up the point can I get 4 NSBCs tagging along with my fleet with appropriate hero's?

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #1339 on: October 22, 2012, 04:04:30 PM »
Split Personality Disorder. That explains a lot.

No. =)

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #1340 on: October 22, 2012, 04:13:33 PM »
Hey, I am not officially perscribed any meds! Its not that bad, lol.

And you suck, that could have been awesome to SL.

Edit: Or did not not give me an answer to the dual classed character and mean no 4 NSBCs?

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #1341 on: October 22, 2012, 05:09:00 PM »
Oh you want to multi-class? Hmmm.... I'd be okay with it. You will have to pick which bonuses you want though categorically for your Fleet. Basically you want to be some Supreme Jedi General? lol

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #1342 on: October 23, 2012, 01:12:42 AM »
I want to be god, but I guess we can settle for something in the middle. =)

And please bare with any typo's, im kinda drunk throwing this together. We turned the debate into a drinking game, rules as follows: Every time Romney stutters, drink (That rule lasted for 12 minutes as it about killed us, we were using 94 proof Wopatui), every time Obama says the word "Uhh..." drink, and every time one of them interrupts the other, drink. As you can tell, this was an interesting debate that im not sure what they were talking about lmao!!! But im doing my best through the dizziness, and this is taking an exceedingly long time to type without all the typo's. Anyway, as I was saying, here goes.

Now keep in mind, all associated pre-reqs would need to be purchased before the next ability can be taken, but I have to choose which one im going to use for each level 1-10. Basically, its giving me only one ability for each level, but allowing me my choice from either the Officer, or the Jedi tree, at a great credit expenditure I might add. With great power comes great cost. And gaining abilities is still limited to 1 per action cycle as per rules. Yes I understand what thats saying, but as everyone just made their point clear, the game is in no danger of ending any time soon. As an example of what im talking about, I will diagram exactly where I would go with my character hero wise with the abilities, then I guess you can decide if you want to allow it due to balance and rules issues.

Republic Officer/Republic Jedi: Ramano
UCR: 14 (15)
Armor: 900
Health: 900
Attack: 5100 (1700 x3)
CP: 25
Jedi Speed (may move to another G-grid while on a planet or make a 2nd Lightsaber attack during your combat post)
Jedi Healing (can be used once per combat post to restore all Health.)
Jedi Defense (can be used once per combat post to deflect up to 1000 points of incoming damage)
Jedi Combat (can make a 3rd Lightsaber attack for each combat post)
Jedi Control (+1 UCR when defending against an Imperial Sith)
1. COMMODORE: Your Fleet Flagship has +10% Attack Damage, +10% Shields, +10% Armor, and +10% Hull.
2. 2. JEDI PADAWAN: This unit is now equipped with a Lightsaber (+800 Attack) and can attack any number of targets until all damage has been dealt. Due to Jedi Training, UCR is increased to 11.
3. JEDI KNIGHT: UCR +1, Armor +300, Health +300, Attack +300. +1 Command Points. Gains (1) new Force Power: Jedi Speed (may move to another G-grid while on a planet or make a 2nd Lightsaber attack during your combat post).
4. GENERAL: Your ground units can move from G-grid to G-grid without penalty during a planetary battle. This unit's Armor, Health, and Attack is increased to 300. You may add (1) NSBC to your Fleet without Command Point penalty.
5. JEDI SENTINEL: UCR +1, Armor +200, Health +200, Attack +200. Gains (3) new Force Powers: Jedi Healing (can be used once per combat post to restore all Health), Jedi Knowledge (Industrial Output +100 KCs/Action Day), and Jedi Control (+1 UCR when defending against an Imperial Sith)
6. JEDI GUARDIAN: UCR +1, Armor +300, Health +300, Attack +300. Gains (3) new Force Powers: Jedi Defense (can be used once per combat post to deflect up to 1000 points of incoming damage), Jedi Combat (can make a 3rd Lightsaber attack for each combat post), and Jedi Stealth (this unit may use the Force to cloak himself or any shuttle/AUX he is onboard to make invisible movements; if any actions are taken, the Stealth is voided). (Prerequisite: Jedi Knight)
7. LORD GENERAL: All ground units on the same planet receive the same Colonel bonus. Your ground units on same planet are immune to the Logistics limitation. This unit's Armor, Health, and Attack is increased to 400. You may add an additional (+1) NSBC to your Fleet without Command Point penalty.
8. JEDI GENERAL: All Infantry cost -1 KC less to produce, GAVs cost -10 KCs less. All units deployed to the same planet as the Jedi General are immune to the Logistics Penalty, and have +1 UCR, +10% Attack Rating and +10% Armor
9. JEDI ADMIRAL: +1 Command Point. All Starfighters and auxiliaries cost -10% KCs less to produce. Your Fleet is hereby designated as the "New Republic Fleet of the Jedi Order" and each ship gets the same Flagship bonus.
10. JEDI GRANDMASTER: (Prerequisite: Jedi General/Admiral) Pick (2) new Force Powers from any previous class that were not learned and add them to your list. Industrial Output +100 KCs/Action Day. May rally your Stronghold's PDF Fleet (23 CPs) and combine it with your Jedi Fleet when invading Coruscant. Mission Milestones take -3 Days less each to complete for this unit.

Now yes, like I said, this is basically a demi-god as pertaining to the current rules, but you must also understand how long, and how much this will cost to actually achieve all that. I basically have to gain 16 abilities to get the use of 10 of them, not to mention how much SL'ing im going to have to do to justify it. However Dem, my current idea has you being portrayed stronger then Naga Sadow. Dont know why, just thought I'd throw that in there. I guess I just assume you know something about the most powerful DLoS that ever lived according to SW canon. (Opinion yes, but piss off, that man could use the force to bring people back from the dead! Even Jaina Ramano couldnt do that.)

Edit: The idea I have for the SL is basically Ram flips after this battle, and after a rage fit session on his bridge he's going to fall unconscious. Maybe he hits his head, maybe someone stuns him, maybe he just passes out, havnt sorted out details, not important unless you allow it. During his unconscious session, various members of the galaxy from one time period or the other are going to visit him and explain how Algoz is so powerful in the force it has created an imbalance, that can only be rectified by creating an equal imbalance for the other side of the spectrum. With no one else in the galaxy possessing the power, the will, or the ambition to do so, Ramano is gifted with force sensitivity.

Think KotOR II, a person who has lived their entire life learning to operate without the force, now suddenly given the knowledge of the universe. From a storyline perspective, all the Jedi force users that ever lived endow their power to Ram to combat Darth Algoz before he can assume total control over the galaxy, and from there the entire universe. In essence, tying in his own storyline with the darkness on the horizon, only he doesnt understand, or doesnt care that he himself is the darkness he's seeing. Kinda like Darth Nihlius but on a far more grand scale. How do you combat the ultimate evil, you create a vessel of ultimate good.
« Last Edit: October 23, 2012, 02:10:28 AM by Ramano »

Offline Syren

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« Reply #1343 on: October 23, 2012, 12:07:00 PM »
Slow down there, drunkie. That's some heavy shit. Potential problem - if your character and Dem's character become the Force god's of the GCW, where does that leave everyone else? No one else's hero, regardless of rank, would be a match for either of you.

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #1344 on: October 23, 2012, 01:51:18 PM »
ROFL Ramano.... well when you put it that way, NO you can't multi-class all the way to Jedi Grandmaster. The highest I'd let you go is Jedi Knight, so if you want to use your 2nd Hero Unit slot to do that, I'd be cool... otherwise no demi-godmoding will be allowed =)

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #1345 on: October 23, 2012, 02:39:44 PM »
Slow down there, drunkie. That's some heavy shit. Potential problem - if your character and Dem's character become the Force god's of the GCW, where does that leave everyone else? No one else's hero, regardless of rank, would be a match for either of you.

Yeah, how many people do you know would be a match 1 on 1 with a DLoS to begin with? Show me a character who would survive even a single assault from Dem's character right now? So in essence, being a force user in the first place puts you at nearly untouchable rank to all basic characters in the game. I guess I dont understand how that would change anything?

And Hale, its nothing more then an idea currently, specifics of allowance are still to be determined. So lets hash something out with this. =)

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #1346 on: October 23, 2012, 03:59:11 PM »
An overwhelming ground force is enough to stop any Hero. So far everyone's been up against Speeder Bikes and shit. Imagine if on Onderon I went up against some AT-ATs? Even if I was a Sith Lord I'd be a goner.


Offline SWSF Hoppus

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« Reply #1347 on: October 23, 2012, 04:13:54 PM »
From what i understand high level jedi/sith deflect all damage... so i dont see how they could be stopped. i need to look at the specs again to see though.

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #1348 on: October 23, 2012, 04:56:17 PM »
No, once per battle they are allowed to ignore 1000pts of damage, and once per battle they can heal all damage, with said abilities, but nothing that just lets them deflect everything.

And even the guy I had listed could be wiped out by an overwhelming ground assault...

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #1349 on: October 23, 2012, 07:16:28 PM »
On another note I just thought of something... what would it matter what hand to hand combat power my Hero has unless me and say Dem were to go at it? Are you insane? Do you honestly think im stupid enough to use my character in a ground operation and risk a game over!? My hero isn't just some unit like the rest of yours. When I designed him from the start I said I was going to make my character the hero unit im using. I lose if he dies, im not putting him into ground combat unless im allowed to SL out battles, which is not allowed outside of special circumstances. Alright, ill give you it would probably make it a really bad idea to board my ship, but with that being said, would any character here currently board a vessel with Algoz on it?

I mean, I understand what your saying, but isnt this entire argument already happening with Dem's character? The only thing about that "god" that Dem doesnt already have is the use of 2 NSBCs in my fleet. I didnt add anything, I just went though the 10 level list, and showed you exactly what I was talking about with my character. He would be a Fleet Commander with jedi powers, Jedi powers that any other jedi character in the game can already gain making him equally as powerful. Hand to Hand at Level 10 Dem's character will have the exact same stats. The only difference between our characters would be the fact that I have to pay twice as much for my character and he gets 2 NSBCs that Dem doesnt, but would simply by purchasing a 2nd hero and locating him on his fleet.

We are the exact same thing, just mine is operated out of a single character where as Dem would have to use 2. It still doesnt offer me anything I wouldnt already get by purchasing a 2nd Jedi hero, I just feel this is far more interesting and worthy of my time then just smashing out a bunch of units in a text based computer RTS. Adds a bit more of the RPG aspect back to the game, but he would be no more of a god then Dem, or Hop after leveling a bunch.

Edit: Please, dont let the idea for the SL overwhelm the idea, stat-wise the only thing thats being done is im going to have a jedi character with the fleet officer flagship bonus (instead of jedi flagship bonus, which I would have, but you said I had to pick one or the other to be in effect) and 2 NSBCs for my fleet instead of 2 extra powers for hand to hand. Everything I talked about as far as force gods is just storyline and has no basis on the actual effect of the game. Its just supposed to be entertaining. Im just trying to buy a 2nd hero, but instead of having to SL for 2 different characters, I would only have the 1. That list I showed is simply the abilities that would be in effect, I would technically have just about everything from both tree's. 1 ability is in effect, the other doesnt exist outside of pre-requisites for other abilities. The one not chosen would have no in game effect.
« Last Edit: October 23, 2012, 07:36:27 PM by Ramano »