There are a few rules that need clarification. A few specs that have yet to be added. But we are just about there. I'm also almost done with the grid app!
I will say: soft launch on Monday, July 17.
Please Remember:
You'll get a 20,000 30,000 MC purse, with AT LEAST 15,000 MC earmarked for ground defenses (hangars, garrisons, emplacements).
I encourage you to revisit rules and specs as little changes have been taking place. Ground installations have 50%-off maintenance fees and let you have troops on the ground. Without them, you'll lose systems if you lose the space battle. Invest in them!
Please keep in mind that Capital Ships of any type do not count as 'defenses'. These are part of your fleet, which you can choose to distribute around your worlds however you wish.
The first month has no maintenance fees.
You won't get charged maintenance until August 1st (which is what we'll call the 'official' launch date). Keep in mind what the bill is going to look like when you pick your units, if you spend all your purse you should pay about 1,500 MC a month on maintenance - that leaves you 1,500 MC a month to save or put into new constructions.
I will probably be putting down the cost of defenses. Keep your eyes peeled.