Author Topic: ERIADU  (Read 67025 times)

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #60 on: December 12, 2012, 10:09:15 AM »

   A fleet of mixed warships exited hyperspace on the edge of the star system and begin's taking up battle formation.  A transmission is dispatched openly throughout the system from the aggressing fleet's command ship, the Star Destroyer Devorantum. . .

  "Attention Loyal subjects of the Empire, relief has arrived!  The Occupation is hereby ended, rise up in the streets against your oppressors and join your Imperial brethren! The integrity of Over-Sector Outer will be restored and his majesty's gracious appointee Grand Moff Kaine returned to his rightful post in service of the People of Eriadu.

    To all Rebel forces.  This is a Free Imperialist world, you have no business meddling here.  Surrender or flee if you value your lives.  Prepare to be engaged. ."

Fleet Exits Hyperspace in DS-1
Initiates Active Scanning
Deploys Support Craft
Addresses Eriadu

Fleet Status
Victory Class II Star Destroyer Devorantum
Shield/Armor/Hull/System - 1100/1100/990/500
Location; DS1 - UCR; 4
  Imperial FLEET ADMIRAL ISHFAN SZYMON (+10% Hull, Armor, Shield, Attack Dmg ALL ships of fleet)
   Armor/Health - 100/100
   Location; Ship Bridge - UCR; 10
  TIE Avenger Squad OMEGA
   Armor/Shields - 240/240
   Location; CSP - UCR; 9
  Elite TIE Interceptor Squad GAMMA
   Armor - 360
   Location; CSP - UCR; 10
  TIE Interceptor Squad BETA
   Armor - 360
   Location; CSP - UCR; 10
  Assault Gunboat (XG-1) Squad EPSILON
   Shield/Armor - 270/270
   Location;  CSP - UCR; 5
  Gamma Shuttle Group ALPHA (6)
   Shield/Armor - 30/30ea
   Location; CSP - UCR; 4
  Lambda Shuttle Group ALPHA (6)
   Shield/Armor - 20/20ea
   Location; CSP - UCR; 5
  Landing Barge Group ALPHA (5)
   Shield/Armor/System - 100/100/100
   Location; Hangar - UCR; 1
  Imperial Army Brigade Hammer (200 squads)
   HP - 7 ea
   Location; Shipboard Barracks - UCR; 6
  Imperial Stormtrooper Brigade Anvil (200squads)
   HP - 8ea
   Location; Shipboard Barracks - UCR; 6
  Imperial ARC Battalion Ghost (100squads)
   HP - 8ea
   Location; Shipboard Barracks - UCR; 9
  AT-TE Squadron Dragon (6 vehicles)
  HP - 100ea
  Location; Shipboard Armory - UCR; 6
  AT-ST Squadron Mantis (10 vehicles)
  HP - 60ea
  Location; Shipboard Armory - UCR; 7

Marauder Corvette Hussar 1
Shield/Armor/Hull/System - 214/214/110/100
Location: DS1 - UCR; 5
   StarViper Squad Hussar ECHO
   Shield/Armor - 252/252
   Location; CSP - UCR; 6
   PMC Platoon Hussar ALPHA (2 squads)
   HP - 10ea sqd
   Location; Ship - UCR; 6

Marauder Corvette Hussar 2
Shield/Armor/Hull/System - 214/214/110/100
Location; DS1 - UCR; 5
  StarViper Squad Hussar ZULU
   Shield/Armor - 252/252
   Location; CSP - UCR; 6
  PMC Platoon Hussar BETA (2 squads)
   HP - 10ea sqd
   Location; Ship - UCR; 6

Marauder Corvette Hussar 3
Shield/Armor/Hull/System - 214/214/110/100
Location; DS1 - UCR; 5
  StarViper Squad Hussar RHO
   Shield/Armor - 252/252
   Location; CSP - UCR; 6
  PMC Platoon Hussar DELTA (2 squads)
   HP - 10ea sqd
   Location; Ship - UCR; 6

Marauder Corvette Hussar 4
Shield/Armor/Hull/System - 214/214/110/100
Location; DS1 - UCR; 5
  StarViper Squad Hussar TAU
   Shield/Armor - 252/252
   Location; CSP - UCR; 6
  PMC Platoon Hussar KAPPA (2 squads)
   HP - 10ea sqd
   Location; Ship - UCR; 6

Marauder Corvette Hussar 5
Shield/Armor/Hull/System - 214/214/110/100
Location; DS1 - UCR; 5
  Veteran Y-Wing Squad BASILISK
   Shield/Armor - 384/384
   Location; CSP - UCR; 5
  PMC Platoon Hussar GAMMA (2 squads)
   HP - 10ea sqd
   Location; Ship - UCR; 6

Marauder Corvette Hussar 6
Shield/Armor/Hull/System - 214/214/110/100
Location; DS1 - UCR; 5
  Elite Z-95 Squad TEMPEST
   Shield/Armor - 288/144
   Location; CSP - UCR; 6
  PMC Platoon Hussar ECHO (2 squads)
   HP - 10ea sqd
   Location; Ship - UCR; 6

SWSF 'til Death

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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« Reply #61 on: December 12, 2012, 04:47:15 PM »
Eriadu, New Republic Contested Space


Action Summary
1. Units deploy, prepare for combat.
2. Medium Transports drop into atmosphere.

OOC> Please leave me a few minutes to rest and look this over again ;)

 >> Z95 Headhunter Squadron OP-1
        Location: Atmo | Status: --- | HP: 288/288 | UCR: 5+1(Atmo)
 >> Z95 Headhunter Squadron OP-2
        Location: Atmo | Status: --- | HP: 288/288 | UCR: 5+1(Atmo)
 >> Z95 Headhunter Squadron OP-3
        Location: Atmo | Status: --- | HP: 288/288 | UCR: 5+1(Atmo)
 >> Z95 Headhunter Squadron OP-4
        Location: Atmo | Status: --- | HP: 288/288 | UCR: 5+1(Atmo)
 >> Z95 Headhunter Squadron OP-5
        Location: Atmo | Status: --- | HP: 288/288 | UCR: 5+1(Atmo)

 >> Medium Transports Group Chicha (6/6)
        Location: Atmo | Status: --- | HP: 180/180 | UCR: 4
        -- Marine Troopers | 6/6 HP | UCR: 5 | AR: 3 (600/600 Squads)
        -- Speeder Bikes | 10/10 HP | UCR: 10 | AR: 10 (30/30 Bikes)

 >> Z95 Headhunter Squadron G-1
        Location: A1 | Status: CSP | HP: 288/288 | UCR: 5
 >> Z95 Headhunter Squadron G-2
        Location: A1 | Status: CSP | HP: 288/288 | UCR: 5
 >> Z95 Headhunter Squadron G-3
        Location: A1 | Status: CSP | HP: 288/288 | UCR: 5
 >> Z95 Headhunter Squadron G-4
        Location: A1 | Status: CSP | HP: 288/288 | UCR: 5

 >> Z95 Headhunter Squadron SP-1
        Location: A2 | Status: CSP | HP: 288/288 | UCR: 5
 >> Z95 Headhunter Squadron SP-2
        Location: A2 | Status: CSP | HP: 288/288 | UCR: 5
 >> Z95 Headhunter Squadron SP-3
        Location: A2 | Status: CSP | HP: 288/288 | UCR: 5
 >> Z95 Headhunter Squadron SP-4
        Location: A2 | Status: CSP | HP: 288/288 | UCR: 5
 >> X-Wing Squadron Red 1
        Location: A2 | Status: CSP | HP: 468/468 | UCR: 6
 >> X-Wing Squadron Red 2
        Location: A2 | Status: CSP | HP: 468/468 | UCR: 6
 >> X-Wing Squadron Red 3
        Location: A2 | Status: CSP | HP: 468/468 | UCR: 6
 >> X-Wing Squadron Red 4
        Location: A2 | Status: CSP | HP: 468/468 | UCR: 6
 >> X-Wing Squadron Red 5
        Location: A2 | Status: CSP | HP: 468/468 | UCR: 6
 >> A-Wing Squadron Green 1
        Location: A2 | Status: CSP | HP: 360/360 | UCR: 10
 >> A-Wing Squadron Green 2
        Location: A2 | Status: CSP | HP: 360/360 | UCR: 10

 >> Lambda Shuttle Group LS-1 (24/24)
        Location: A2 | Status: CSP | HP: 40/40 | UCR: 5
 >> Lambda Shuttle Group Samba (18/18)
        Location: A2 | Status: CSP | HP: 40/40 | UCR: 5
 >> YT1300 Group Cumbia (12/12)
        Location: A2 | Status: CSP | HP: 70/70 | UCR: 8

 >> Z95 Headhunter Squadron SP-5
        Location: A3 | Status: CSP | HP: 288/288 | UCR: 5
 >> Z95 Headhunter Squadron SP-6
        Location: A3 | Status: CSP | HP: 288/288 | UCR: 5
 >> Z95 Headhunter Squadron SP-7
        Location: A3 | Status: CSP | HP: 288/288 | UCR: 5
 >> Z95 Headhunter Squadron SP-8
        Location: A3 | Status: CSP | HP: 288/288 | UCR: 5
 >> E-Wing Squadron Blue 1
        Location: A3 | Status: CSP | HP: 528/528 | UCR: 7
 >> E-Wing Squadron Blue 2
        Location: A3 | Status: CSP | HP: 528/528 | UCR: 7
 >> E-Wing Squadron Blue 3
        Location: A3 | Status: CSP | HP: 528/528 | UCR: 7
 >> E-Wing Squadron Blue 4
        Location: A3 | Status: CSP | HP: 528/528 | UCR: 7
 >> E-Wing Squadron Blue 5
        Location: A3 | Status: CSP | HP: 528/528 | UCR: 7

 >> Lambda Shuttle Group LS-2 (24/24)
        Location: A3 | Status: CSP | HP: 40/40 | UCR: 5

 >> Z95 Headhunter Squadron SP-9
        Location: A4 | Status: CSP | HP: 288/288 | UCR: 5
 >> Z95 Headhunter Squadron SP-10
        Location: A4 | Status: CSP | HP: 288/288 | UCR: 5
 >> Z95 Headhunter Squadron SP-11
        Location: A4 | Status: CSP | HP: 288/288 | UCR: 5
 >> Z95 Headhunter Squadron SP-12
        Location: A4 | Status: CSP | HP: 288/288 | UCR: 5

-=- Golan ERD-1
Location: A1 | UCR: 1 | Weapons: 1000
Shields: 1000/1000 | Armor: 1000/1000 |  Systems: 1000/1000 | Hull: 1000/1000

-=- Sigma SIG-1
Location: A1 | UCR: 1 | Weapons: 32
Shields: 400/400 | Armor: 400/400 |  Systems: 400/400 | Hull: 400/400

-=- Golan ERD-2
Location: A2 | UCR: 1 | Weapons: 1000
Shields: 1000/1000 | Armor: 1000/1000 |  Systems: 1000/1000 | Hull: 1000/1000

-=- Sigma SIG-2
Location: A2 | UCR: 1 | Weapons: 32
Shields: 400/400 | Armor: 400/400 |  Systems: 400/400 | Hull: 400/400

-=- Golan ERD-3
Location: A3 | UCR: 1 | Weapons: 1000
Shields: 1000/1000 | Armor: 1000/1000 |  Systems: 1000/1000 | Hull: 1000/1000

-=- Sigma SIG-3
Location: A3 | UCR: 1 | Weapons: 32
Shields: 400/400 | Armor: 400/400 |  Systems: 400/400 | Hull: 400/400

-=- Golan ERD-4
Location: A4 | UCR: 1 | Weapons: 1000
Shields: 1000/1000 | Armor: 1000/1000 |  Systems: 1000/1000 | Hull: 1000/1000

-=- Sigma SIG-4
Location: A4 | UCR: 1 | Weapons: 32
Shields: 400/400 | Armor: 400/400 |  Systems: 400/400 | Hull: 400/400

-=- MC80 Brigade
Location: A2 | UCR: 3 | Weapons: 744+
Shields: 2600/2600 | Armor: 1560/1560+ |  Systems: 1300/1300 | Hull: 715/715+

 >> Jedi Guardian Brandt
        Location: Onboard | Status: Command | HP: 1600/1600 | UCR: 13 | Attack: 1000 (800)

-=- NEB Crab
Location: A3 | UCR: 5 | Weapons: 174
Shields: 300/300 | Armor: 300/300 |  Systems: 150/150 | Hull: 150/150

-=- NEB Helix
Location: A3 | UCR: 5 | Weapons: 174
Shields: 300/300 | Armor: 300/300 |  Systems: 150/150 | Hull: 150/150
« Last Edit: December 12, 2012, 04:49:06 PM by GCW Hoppus »

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #62 on: December 13, 2012, 12:57:46 AM »
GM Clearance

Wow, awful active for a character that quit... Like I said in my message Hale, im challenging him being allowed to do anything other then character building here as Eid quit, extremely rudely, and thus should not be allowed to return until we restart, as now he has both the unfair advantage of having a fully built character as if he started from the beginning, was given full retro pay for all months of the game, and had no opportunity to be attacked while he was generating that "back pay", and the fact that he flat out stated he could not participate in a game I was involved with, so I now hold him too it. We tried to make things right with you, but like I have so many times in the past, you choose instead to be a dick, now you should be forced to deal with the consequences of said action.

Eidolon's Fleet at Eriadu, as well as any presence overall in GCW Episode II is completely legal.

1. He does not have a fully developed character as if he started from the beginning. As you can see for yourself, all of us are maxed out pretty much, that is - the players who actually started from the beginning.

2. In fairness, Hoppus was given the exact same deal Eidolon was given regarding his comeback. When or if GallPizi decides to return, he'd be given the same deal too. This isn't to make things fair or unfair, it is to make them reasonable so that each player can relatively be competitive with every other player.

3. Last time I checked, Eidolon and Hoppus rage-quitted over the rules and my attitudes, not yours. I apologized for my mistakes, but the consequences still had to be dealt with, so don't give yourself all the "credit" here. I'd say it's pretty mature of Eidolon to come back knowing full well this sort of thing was going to happen. Let it be known now that this entire incident didn't have to happen. You could have graciously accepted Eidolon's return to GCW and never said a damn thing about it.

4. It's just a game. I thought we settled this via PM back in October, but I guess I was wrong. Fortunately for all of us Ramano, you do not get to decide who stays and who plays. GCW is open to anybody and everybody who's willing to play fairly, maturely, and like a respectful community member while OOC. If it's an apology you want from Eidolon regarding his comeback, then ask him for it via PM.

5. Live and let play. If you have beef with Eidolon, again, for the millionth time - take it up with him via PM. I will not have GCW's boards clouded and fouled up over this sort of thing. If there is anything else to say, keep it to PM, because I will delete it - AND not respond to it - if you post it on these threads.
« Last Edit: December 13, 2012, 11:37:02 AM by GCW Hale »

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #63 on: December 13, 2012, 11:16:59 PM »

  *Battlestations!* *Battlestations!* the comm speakers buzzed, accenting the symphony of blaring whooping sirens across the Victory Star Destroyer.

  "Sir, reports look unfavorable for a direct push.  Hundreds of contacts detected in Low Orbit.  Heavy Defense platforms ring the planet while a fleet concentration hovers in sector A-2!," an aged and weathered officer informed Admiral Szymon, from his post huddled in the sensor station gulf.

   Szymon cursed his luck.  The New Republic had wasted no time in fortifying Eriadu.  With subversive dissent boiling from the culturally Imperial citizenry on the surface the Republic had made a wise choice, but no matter.  The mission here served another more valuable purpose than the hope of liberation as announced.

   Ishfan threw back his half length crimson cape as he sprung from the command chair and strode down the bridge's main catwalk, his finely pressed Imperial greys barely crinkled as he marched barking various commands and morale boosts to the pit operators beneath on either side as he passed.  An Aide followed him in a hasty shuffle while intently managing a data-pad and updating Szymon on a wide arrayed influx of information until coming to perhaps the most interesting,

   "Admiral, Admiral, the large contact is the Calamari Warship Brigade! Our intelligence suggests the Jedi Guardian Brandt is onboard!" he informed the superior with a slight squeak in his tone and obvious sense of anxiety.

  Szymon halted his confident commanding stride instantly and paused before turning with intrigued inquiry, "A JEDI you say?? . .fascinating," he finished quietly, turning to resume a slow saunter while stroking his face framing beard in consideration. . .

Fleet Maneuvers to DS2
Active Scanning Continues

Fleet Status
Victory Class II Star Destroyer Devorantum
Shield/Armor/Hull/System - 1100/1100/990/500
Location; DS2 - UCR; 4
  Imperial FLEET ADMIRAL ISHFAN SZYMON (+10% Hull, Armor, Shield, Attack Dmg ALL ships of fleet)
   Armor/Health - 100/100
   Location; Ship Bridge - UCR; 10
  TIE Avenger Squad OMEGA
   Armor/Shields - 240/240
   Location; CSP - UCR; 9
  Elite TIE Interceptor Squad GAMMA
   Armor - 360
   Location; CSP - UCR; 10
  TIE Interceptor Squad BETA
   Armor - 360
   Location; CSP - UCR; 10
  Assault Gunboat (XG-1) Squad EPSILON
   Shield/Armor - 270/270
   Location;  CSP - UCR; 5
  Gamma Shuttle Group ALPHA (6)
   Shield/Armor - 30/30ea
   Location; CSP - UCR; 4
  Lambda Shuttle Group ALPHA (6)
   Shield/Armor - 20/20ea
   Location; CSP - UCR; 5
  Landing Barge Group ALPHA (5)
   Shield/Armor/System - 100/100/100
   Location; Hangar - UCR; 1
  Imperial Army Brigade Hammer (200 squads)
   HP - 7 ea
   Location; Shipboard Barracks - UCR; 6
  Imperial Stormtrooper Brigade Anvil (200squads)
   HP - 8ea
   Location; Shipboard Barracks - UCR; 6
  Imperial ARC Battalion Ghost (100squads)
   HP - 8ea
   Location; Shipboard Barracks - UCR; 9
  AT-TE Squadron Dragon (6 vehicles)
  HP - 100ea
  Location; Shipboard Armory - UCR; 6
  AT-ST Squadron Mantis (10 vehicles)
  HP - 60ea
  Location; Shipboard Armory - UCR; 7

Marauder Corvette Hussar 1
Shield/Armor/Hull/System - 214/214/110/100
Location: DS2 - UCR; 5
   StarViper Squad Hussar ECHO
   Shield/Armor - 252/252
   Location; CSP - UCR; 6
   PMC Platoon Hussar ALPHA (2 squads)
   HP - 10ea sqd
   Location; Ship - UCR; 6

Marauder Corvette Hussar 2
Shield/Armor/Hull/System - 214/214/110/100
Location; DS2 - UCR; 5
  StarViper Squad Hussar ZULU
   Shield/Armor - 252/252
   Location; CSP - UCR; 6
  PMC Platoon Hussar BETA (2 squads)
   HP - 10ea sqd
   Location; Ship - UCR; 6

Marauder Corvette Hussar 3
Shield/Armor/Hull/System - 214/214/110/100
Location; DS2 - UCR; 5
  StarViper Squad Hussar RHO
   Shield/Armor - 252/252
   Location; CSP - UCR; 6
  PMC Platoon Hussar DELTA (2 squads)
   HP - 10ea sqd
   Location; Ship - UCR; 6

Marauder Corvette Hussar 4
Shield/Armor/Hull/System - 214/214/110/100
Location; DS2 - UCR; 5
  StarViper Squad Hussar TAU
   Shield/Armor - 252/252
   Location; CSP - UCR; 6
  PMC Platoon Hussar KAPPA (2 squads)
   HP - 10ea sqd
   Location; Ship - UCR; 6

Marauder Corvette Hussar 5
Shield/Armor/Hull/System - 214/214/110/100
Location; DS2 - UCR; 5
  Veteran Y-Wing Squad BASILISK
   Shield/Armor - 384/384
   Location; CSP - UCR; 5
  PMC Platoon Hussar GAMMA (2 squads)
   HP - 10ea sqd
   Location; Ship - UCR; 6

Marauder Corvette Hussar 6
Shield/Armor/Hull/System - 214/214/110/100
Location; DS2 - UCR; 5
  Elite Z-95 Squad TEMPEST
   Shield/Armor - 288/144
   Location; CSP - UCR; 6
  PMC Platoon Hussar ECHO (2 squads)
   HP - 10ea sqd
   Location; Ship - UCR; 6
« Last Edit: December 13, 2012, 11:24:44 PM by Eidolon »
SWSF 'til Death

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #64 on: December 14, 2012, 11:16:00 AM »
GM Pause

Activity will resume on this thread, as well as at Bakura and Rendili when "Final Mediation" is resolved.

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #65 on: December 16, 2012, 02:08:29 PM »
GM Decree

ERIADU -- Order of Battle will resume when Hoppus posts his PDF response to Eidolon's fleet. After that, normal posting rules apply. Hoppus, you will have 24 hours to post your PDF Response or I will/can post it for you (since it's just Eidolon scanning right now) so the order of battle can resume in a timely manner.

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #66 on: December 19, 2012, 09:06:34 PM »

  The would be aggressing fleet that had been holding position on the edge of the star system disappeared in to hyperspace with little to no fanfare.

Fleet Recalls Support Units and Enters Hyperspace for *********.

Actions at Eriadu abandoned due primarily to overwhelming odds (3:1 SF and Aux craft ratio). And due to Hop's impending vacation beginning on Dec. 21st (Friday).

SWSF 'til Death

Offline RanesDsane

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« Reply #67 on: February 15, 2013, 03:43:15 AM »
OOC Note:  Per discussions between GCW Hale and myself, I am taking over the Trade Federation (how this happens and it's transformation will be the subject of a storyline to come, the background to which is being laid out in other threads already) which now has Eriadu as its stronghold.  The "head" of the TF IC will be unnamed for now, but as the storyline progresses a new character that will be mine (not Ranes) will be in charge.

Beginning Balance: 2,000KC (Start-up Funds)

Feb 15 Action Day:
Base Income:  +1,000KC
Facilities Income (Eriadu):  +200KC
Income Total:  +1,200KC

Balance After Income:  3,200KC

New Constructions:
   Starting Facilities (Ground and Space) Construction - 2000KC  (02/15/2013 - 02/21/13)
   (1) Trade Federation Action VI Transport    -0KC    (02/15/2013 - 02/21/13)
Continued Constructions:
Completed Constructions:
Ending Balance: 1,200KC

Notes:  Due to "starting up," there is now a player controlled PDF present at this planet.  Details of this PDF will be finalized with GCW Hale within the next couple of days.

This post was modified on 2/16 after rules clarification.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2013, 07:44:04 AM by RanesDsane »
- Ranes

Offline RanesDsane

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« Reply #68 on: February 22, 2013, 07:45:27 AM »
Beginning Balance: 1,200KC

New Constructions:
   (1) Trade Federation Action VI Transport    -0KC    (02/22/2012 - 02/28/13)
Continued Constructions:
Completed Constructions:
    Starting Facilities (Space and Ground)
    Trade Federation Action VI Transport

Ending Balance: 1,200KC

edited for formatting
« Last Edit: March 01, 2013, 08:39:37 AM by RanesDsane »
- Ranes

Offline RanesDsane

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« Reply #69 on: March 01, 2013, 08:38:23 AM »
Beginning Balance: 1,200KC

March 1 Action Day:
Base Income:  +1,000KC
Facilities Income (Eriadu):  +350KC
Income Total:  +1,350KC

Balance After Income:  2,550KC

New Constructions:
   (1) Trade Federation Action VI Transport    -0KC    (03/1/2013 - 02/6/13)
Continued Constructions:
Completed Constructions:
   (1) Trade Federation Action VI Transport    -0KC    (02/22/2012 - 02/28/13)

Ending Balance: 2,550KC
- Ranes

Offline RanesDsane

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« Reply #70 on: March 20, 2013, 03:52:17 PM »
Beginning Balance: 2,550KC

March 15 Action Day:
Base Income:  +1,000KC
Facilities Income (Eriadu):  +350KC
Income Total:  +1,350KC

Balance After Income:  3,900KC

New Constructions:
   (1) Trade Federation Action VI Transport    -0KC    (03/15/2013 - 03/20/13)
Continued Constructions:
Completed Constructions:
   (1) Trade Federation Action VI Transport    -0KC    (03/1/2013 - 03/6/13)

Character Upgrade: -1,000 KC - Illegal Networks

Ending Balance: 2,900KC

Edit: Corrected copy/paste errors.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2013, 11:21:27 AM by RanesDsane »
- Ranes

Offline RanesDsane

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« Reply #71 on: April 02, 2013, 11:30:39 AM »
Beginning Balance: 2,900KC

April 1 Action Day:
Base Income:  +1,000KC
Hero Income: +500KC
Facilities Income (Eriadu):  +900KC
Fleet Income: +60KC
Income Total:  +2,460KC

Balance After Income:  5,360KC

New Constructions:
   (1) Trade Federation Action VI Transport    -0KC    (04/1/2013 - 04/7/13)
Continued Constructions:
Completed Constructions:
   (1) Trade Federation Action VI Transport    -0KC    (03/15/2013 - 03/20/13)

Character Upgrade: -1,000 KC - Pirate Fleet

Ending Balance: 4,360KC

Edit: Corrected "reply" error. doh
- Ranes

Offline RanesDsane

  • SWSF Member
  • Posts: 243
« Reply #72 on: April 16, 2013, 04:06:54 AM »
Beginning Balance: 4,360KC

Correction From April 1: -20KC Correction For Fleet Income

April 15 Action Day:
Base Income:  +1,000KC
Hero Income: +500KC
Facilities Income (Eriadu):  +900KC
Fleet Income: +50KC
Income Total:  +2,450KC

Balance After Income:  6,810KC

New Constructions:
   (1) Trade Federation Action VI Transport    -0KC    (04/16/2013 - 04/22/13)
   DREAD Undergoes Upgrades    -500KC    (04/16/13  - 04/18/13)
   AVIT Undergoes Upgrades    -500KC     (04/16/13 - 04/18/13)
Continued Constructions:
Completed Constructions:
   (1) Trade Federation Action VI Transport    -0KC    (04/1/2013 - 04/7/13)

Character Upgrade: -1,000 KC - Sneaky Bugger

Ending Balance: 4,810KC
- Ranes

Offline RanesDsane

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  • Posts: 243
« Reply #73 on: April 27, 2013, 06:05:37 AM »
Beginning Balance: 4,810KC

New Constructions:
   (1) Trade Federation Action VI Transport    -0KC    (04/27/2013 - 05/02/13)
Continued Constructions:
Completed Constructions:
   (1) Trade Federation Action VI Transport    -0KC    (04/16/2013 - 04/22/13)

Ending Balance: 4,810KC
- Ranes

Offline RanesDsane

  • SWSF Member
  • Posts: 243
« Reply #74 on: May 14, 2013, 05:33:49 AM »
Among the normal trade traffic, a convoy of ten AVITs form up and enter hyperspace, their passage barely noticed.

- Summary -
10x AVITs with complement enter hyperspace for a nearby deep space location.
- Ranes