Author Topic: ERIADU  (Read 67023 times)

Offline Dementat

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« Reply #45 on: November 05, 2012, 09:36:37 PM »
I was waiting for Ramano to post. Please respect the Order of Battle and remove your latest post.
(\/)ighty RE

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #46 on: November 05, 2012, 11:34:50 PM »
Oh im sorry, that last bit was my post. Im not running around the planet for 11 scattered units, so I mean... yeah, lol. Sorry for the confusion. Basically I was offering you a cease fire to recover those last few men, lol.

Offline Dementat

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« Reply #47 on: November 06, 2012, 12:48:15 AM »
OOC: Still waiting on scans from Bespin. This wouldn't be some stall tactic so you can restock before going on the defense would it? Starting to smell like it.


Note: Condensed posts to get my return fire between Hop's two posts, as I believed Ramano would be posting and did not.

Took damage.
Returned fire.

71 Army Trooper Squads (G-1) vs. Republic Fleet Marines (G-1)
UCR: 4/6 = .67
71 x 3 AR = 143 x .67 UCR = 143 Infantry Damage

223 Imperial Fleet Trooper Squads (G-1) vs. Republic Fleet Marines (G-1)
UCR: 4/6 = .67
223 x 3 AR = 448 x .67 UCR = 448 Infantry Damage

229 Imperial Stormtrooper Squads (G-1) vs. Republic Fleet Marines (G-1)
UCR: 6/6 = 1.0
229 x 5 AR = 1,145 x 1.0 UCR = 1,145 Infantry Damage

7 AT-ST (G-1) vs. Republic Fleet Marines (G-1)
UCR: 7/6 = 1.0
7 x 30 AR = 210 x 1.0 UCR = 210 Infantry Damage

50 Speeder Bikes (G-1) vs. Republic Fleet Marines (G-1)
UCR: 10/6 = 1.0
50 x 10 AR = 500 x 1.0 UCR = 500 Infantry Damage

30 Speeder Bikes (G-1) vs. Republic Fleet Marines (G-1)
UCR: 9/6 = 1.0
30 x 10 AR = 300 x 1.0 UCR = 300 Infantry Damage


IPV-1 Imperial Patrol Vessel Eriadu
Location: B-5    Heading: B-6    Status: DISABLED
Shields: 0/150    Armor: 0/150    Hull: 106/150     Systems: 75/75

(\/)ighty RE

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #48 on: November 06, 2012, 09:48:40 AM »
They were targeting mine.

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #49 on: November 07, 2012, 08:05:53 AM »
With the cessation of hostilities and the final deaths of the remaining imperial troopers, the Rebellion fleet begins to collect its remaining units and proceeds into the atmosphere.

Collected troops
Entered the Atmosphere.

Ramano's Heavy Dreadnaught (m/RHD) Destiny Ascension *Flagship*
Location: A-3
Cost: 1500 KCs (Unique)
Production Time: 15 Days (Unique)
Command Points: 10
Length: 700 meters
Hyperdrive: x0.75 (Fast Hyperdrive)
Shields: 1540 (Mon Calamari Shields)
Armor: 770
Hull: 770
Systems: 770 (Boosted Systems)
Speed: Fast (2)
Maneuver: (2)
15 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries (248)
30 Heavy Quad Laser Cannons (264)
2 Tractor Beam Projectors (200m)
Onboard Units:
(3 Starfighter Squadrons)
1 Veteran Y-Wing Squadron *dead*
1 Elite X-Wing Squadron *dead*
1 Elite Z-95 Squadron *dead*
(Ground units and Aux may not be modified)
6/80 Republic Assault Troopers (LOST Division) *hanger*
20 Republic Vanguard Troopers (LOST Division) *hanger*
20 LAAT/c Gunships *dead*
20 AT-TEs *hanger*
Notes: Ramano belonged to a splinter squadron in the Rebel Alliance that used Old Republic technology that was funded and improved up by the Rebel Alliance to perform high-impact surgical strikes as part of a rapid response force commanded only by Ramano, who the Rebel High Command preferred to "unleash" rather than "control". Assigned 1000 Republic Heavy Troopers, Ramano created the Low Orbit Shock Trooper (LOST) Division, which enables these troopers to deploy without dropship support from the A-Ring and immediately into the Atmsophere, where they can land anywhere on a planet to strike. The Dreadnaught also features externally rack mounted LAAT/c Gunships, modified for space travel, as Auxiliary support. Used to transport AT-TE walkers during the Clone Wars, these
LAAT/c Gunships do just that, enabling Ramano's team to insert even some powerful GAVs into any battlefield. Due to advanced technology the ship carries a 350KC maintenance cost every action day or is immediately scrapped for no gain. May never be rebuilt.

MC80 Mon Calamari Star Cruiser (MC80) Mon Remonda
Location: A-3
Cost: 1900 KCs
Production Time: 14 Days
Length: 1300 meters
Hyperdrive: x1
Shields: 2860
Armor: 1430
Hull: 1430
Systems: 715
Speed: Slow (1)
Maneuver: (2)
48 Turbolaser Batteries (634)
20 Ion Batteries (110)
6 Tractor Beams (660m)
Onboard Units:
(8 Starfighter Squadrons)
4 L/SHUs *launched*
6 Medium Transports *launched*
(600 Infantry Squads)
113/600 Republic Fleet Marine Squads *launched*
(30 GAVs)
0/30 Speeder Bikes *dead*
Notes: Must be manufactured at MON CALAMARI SHIPYARDS.

NeutronStar Battle Cruiser (NSBC) Nefrane
Location: At-3
Cost: 500 KCs
Production Time: 5 Days
Length: 600 meters
Hyperdrive: x2
Shields: 660
Armor: 660
Hull: 660
Systems: 300
Speed: Fast (2)
Maneuver: (2)
30 Heavy Quad Laser Cannons (264)
2 Tractor Beam Projectors (200m)
Onboard Units:
(1 Starfighter Squadron)
1 StarViper Squadron *launched*
(500 Infantry Squads)
500/500 Republic Fleet Marines *hanger*
(50 GAVs)
44/50 Combat Landspeeders *hanger*
Notes: This ship can enter the atmosphere and make planetary landings.

NeutronStar Battle Cruiser (NSBC) Cybean
Location: At-3
Cost: 500 KCs
Production Time: 5 Days
Length: 600 meters
Hyperdrive: x2
Shields: 660
Armor: 660
Hull: 660
Systems: 300
Speed: Fast (2)
Maneuver: (2)
30 Heavy Quad Laser Cannons (264)
2 Tractor Beam Projectors (200m)
Onboard Units:
(1 Starfighter Squadron)
1 StarViper Squadron *launched*
(500 Infantry Squads)
500/500 Republic Fleet Marines *hanger*
(50 GAVs)
50/50 Speeder Bikes *hanger*
Notes: This ship can enter the atmosphere and make planetary landings.

Fighter Group 1: At-3
1/4 A-Wing Squadrons     Shields: 96/240, Armor: 120/120, UCR: 10
2/2 StarViper Squadrons     Shields: 252/252, Armor: 252/252, UCR: 6

Aux Group 1: A-3 CSP
4/4 L/SHUs     Shields: 20/20, Armor: 20/20, Systems: 20/20, UCR 5

Aux Group 2: At-3
12/20 ATRs     Shields: 45/45, Armor: 45/45, Systems: 45/45, UCR: 4

Aux Group 2: At-3
6/6 GR-75s     Shields: 90/90, Armor: 90/90, Systems: 90/90, UCR: 4
Onboar Units:
113/1650 Republic Fleet Marines     HP: 7, AR: 3.3, UCR: 6
20/20 Republic Vangaurds     HP: 10, AR: 4.4 (8.8 vs Vehicles), UCR: 7
6/80 Republic Assault Troopers     HP: 11, AR: 6.6, UCR: 7

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #50 on: November 08, 2012, 11:22:11 AM »
Fleet continues its trek out of the system.


Ramano's Heavy Dreadnaught (m/RHD) Destiny Ascension *Flagship*
Location: A-3
Cost: 1500 KCs (Unique)
Production Time: 15 Days (Unique)
Command Points: 10
Length: 700 meters
Hyperdrive: x0.75 (Fast Hyperdrive)
Shields: 1540 (Mon Calamari Shields)
Armor: 770
Hull: 770
Systems: 770 (Boosted Systems)
Speed: Fast (2)
Maneuver: (2)
15 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries (248)
30 Heavy Quad Laser Cannons (264)
2 Tractor Beam Projectors (200m)
Onboard Units:
(3 Starfighter Squadrons)
1 Veteran Y-Wing Squadron *dead*
1 Elite X-Wing Squadron *dead*
1 Elite Z-95 Squadron *dead*
(Ground units and Aux may not be modified)
6/80 Republic Assault Troopers (LOST Division) *hanger*
20 Republic Vanguard Troopers (LOST Division) *hanger*
20 LAAT/c Gunships *dead*
20 AT-TEs *hanger*
Notes: Ramano belonged to a splinter squadron in the Rebel Alliance that used Old Republic technology that was funded and improved up by the Rebel Alliance to perform high-impact surgical strikes as part of a rapid response force commanded only by Ramano, who the Rebel High Command preferred to "unleash" rather than "control". Assigned 1000 Republic Heavy Troopers, Ramano created the Low Orbit Shock Trooper (LOST) Division, which enables these troopers to deploy without dropship support from the A-Ring and immediately into the Atmsophere, where they can land anywhere on a planet to strike. The Dreadnaught also features externally rack mounted LAAT/c Gunships, modified for space travel, as Auxiliary support. Used to transport AT-TE walkers during the Clone Wars, these
LAAT/c Gunships do just that, enabling Ramano's team to insert even some powerful GAVs into any battlefield. Due to advanced technology the ship carries a 350KC maintenance cost every action day or is immediately scrapped for no gain. May never be rebuilt.

MC80 Mon Calamari Star Cruiser (MC80) Mon Remonda
Location: A-3
Cost: 1900 KCs
Production Time: 14 Days
Length: 1300 meters
Hyperdrive: x1
Shields: 2860
Armor: 1430
Hull: 1430
Systems: 715
Speed: Slow (1)
Maneuver: (2)
48 Turbolaser Batteries (634)
20 Ion Batteries (110)
6 Tractor Beams (660m)
Onboard Units:
(8 Starfighter Squadrons)
4 L/SHUs *launched*
6 Medium Transports *launched*
(600 Infantry Squads)
113/600 Republic Fleet Marine Squads *launched*
(30 GAVs)
0/30 Speeder Bikes *dead*
Notes: Must be manufactured at MON CALAMARI SHIPYARDS.

NeutronStar Battle Cruiser (NSBC) Nefrane
Location: A-3
Cost: 500 KCs
Production Time: 5 Days
Length: 600 meters
Hyperdrive: x2
Shields: 660
Armor: 660
Hull: 660
Systems: 300
Speed: Fast (2)
Maneuver: (2)
30 Heavy Quad Laser Cannons (264)
2 Tractor Beam Projectors (200m)
Onboard Units:
(1 Starfighter Squadron)
1 StarViper Squadron *launched*
(500 Infantry Squads)
500/500 Republic Fleet Marines *hanger*
(50 GAVs)
44/50 Combat Landspeeders *hanger*
Notes: This ship can enter the atmosphere and make planetary landings.

NeutronStar Battle Cruiser (NSBC) Cybean
Location: A-3
Cost: 500 KCs
Production Time: 5 Days
Length: 600 meters
Hyperdrive: x2
Shields: 660
Armor: 660
Hull: 660
Systems: 300
Speed: Fast (2)
Maneuver: (2)
30 Heavy Quad Laser Cannons (264)
2 Tractor Beam Projectors (200m)
Onboard Units:
(1 Starfighter Squadron)
1 StarViper Squadron *launched*
(500 Infantry Squads)
500/500 Republic Fleet Marines *hanger*
(50 GAVs)
50/50 Speeder Bikes *hanger*
Notes: This ship can enter the atmosphere and make planetary landings.

Fighter Group 1: A-3
1/4 A-Wing Squadrons     Shields: 96/240, Armor: 120/120, UCR: 10
2/2 StarViper Squadrons     Shields: 252/252, Armor: 252/252, UCR: 6

Aux Group 1: A-3 CSP
4/4 L/SHUs     Shields: 20/20, Armor: 20/20, Systems: 20/20, UCR 5

Aux Group 2: A-3
12/20 ATRs     Shields: 45/45, Armor: 45/45, Systems: 45/45, UCR: 4

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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« Reply #51 on: November 08, 2012, 04:41:39 PM »
Eriadu System, Imperial Outpost

The last of the Imperial units were vanquished from the system...

1. Guardian moves to G3.
2. E/LSHU touches down in G3, Guardian boards, E/LSHU lifts off to ATMO-3.
3. All units in atmo-3 move to A3, load onto ships.
4. Attacks

Neb B Helix fires 12 TLB @ IPV-1 (B5), 144 dmg

Unit Statuses
Note: Squads/Groups only display the status of the last unit in the group (the damaged unit, in other words).

Fighter Group A
Location: A3
Mission: CSP
(2) A-Wing Squads
(5) X-Wing Squads    
(5) E-Wing Squads
Auxiliary Group C
Location: See units
Mission: CSP
(18) LSHUs - A3
(12) YT1300s - A3
(1) E/LSHU - Atmo3
   onboard: (1) Jedi Guardian
MC80 Star Cruiser BRIGADE  
Location: A3
Shields: 2600(2600)
Armor: 1430(1430)
Hull: 1430(1430)
Systems: 650(650)
 - 600 Marine Troopers (5 UCR, 6/6 HP)
 - 30 Speederbikes (10 UCR, 10/10 HP)
Nebulon B Frigate CRAB    
Location: A3
Shields: 300(300)
Armor: 300(300)
Hull: 150(150)
Systems: 150(150)
Nebulon B Frigate HELIX    
Location: A3
Shields: 300(300)
Armor: 300(300)
Hull: 150(150)
Systems: 150(150)
« Last Edit: November 08, 2012, 04:43:10 PM by GCW Hoppus »

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #52 on: November 08, 2012, 06:37:49 PM »
Err... What am I doing? We are in SL territory, I dont have to follow movement rules lmao!

RHD and MC-80 enter HS for Thyferra. The NSBCs Nefrane and Cybean hold in A-3 to provide cover support for the Republic fleet.

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #53 on: November 10, 2012, 12:35:21 AM »
A message was received via Holonet from Thyferra and a message sent to the Republic fleet about the current situation and after a brief farewell and continued hope of good relations the 2 NSBCs move to the B-ring and enter HS for Thyferra.

Entered HS Eta: x2 (1:30pm 11/11/12)

NeutronStar Battle Cruiser (NSBC) Nefrane
Location: HS
Cost: 500 KCs
Production Time: 5 Days
Length: 600 meters
Hyperdrive: x2
Shields: 660
Armor: 660
Hull: 660
Systems: 300
Speed: Fast (2)
Maneuver: (2)
30 Heavy Quad Laser Cannons (264)
2 Tractor Beam Projectors (200m)
Onboard Units:
(1 Starfighter Squadron)
1 StarViper Squadron *hanger*
(500 Infantry Squads)
500/500 Republic Fleet Marines *hanger*
(50 GAVs)
44/50 Speeder Bikes *hanger*
Notes: This ship can enter the atmosphere and make planetary landings.

NeutronStar Battle Cruiser (NSBC) Cybean
Location: HS
Cost: 500 KCs
Production Time: 5 Days
Length: 600 meters
Hyperdrive: x2
Shields: 660
Armor: 660
Hull: 660
Systems: 300
Speed: Fast (2)
Maneuver: (2)
30 Heavy Quad Laser Cannons (264)
2 Tractor Beam Projectors (200m)
Onboard Units:
(1 Starfighter Squadron)
1 StarViper Squadron *hanger*
(500 Infantry Squads)
500/500 Republic Fleet Marines *hanger*
(50 GAVs)
50/50 Speeder Bikes *hanger*
Notes: This ship can enter the atmosphere and make planetary landings.

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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« Reply #54 on: November 12, 2012, 01:17:34 PM »
Eriadu System, Imperial Outpost

...SL forthcoming...

1. Craft move and dock. Ships move.
2. Milestone #2 complete. (possibly actually on milestone 3, asked Hale, will clarify later).

Unit Statuses
Note: Squads/Groups only display the status of the last unit in the group (the damaged unit, in other words).

Fighter Group A
Location: **
Mission: CSP
(2) A-Wing Squads
(5) X-Wing Squads    
(5) E-Wing Squads

MC80 Star Cruiser BRIGADE  
Location: **
Shields: 2600(2600)
Armor: 1430(1430)
Hull: 1430(1430)
Systems: 650(650)
 - 600 Marine Troopers (5 UCR, 6/6 HP)
 - 30 Speederbikes (10 UCR, 10/10 HP)
Nebulon B Frigate CRAB    
Location: **
Shields: 300(300)
Armor: 300(300)
Hull: 150(150)
Systems: 150(150)
Nebulon B Frigate HELIX    
Location: **
Shields: 300(300)
Armor: 300(300)
Hull: 150(150)
Systems: 150(150)

Offline Dementat

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« Reply #55 on: November 16, 2012, 01:18:39 AM »
Imperial Reconnaissance Forces

A couple of probe droids arrived in the system and began ACTIVE scanning of Eriadu.

Viper Probe Droid 8
Location: C-14
Armor: 20/20

Viper Probe Droid 9
Location: C-3
Armor: 20/20

Viper Probe Droid 10
Location: C-8
Armor: 20/20
(\/)ighty RE

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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« Reply #56 on: November 16, 2012, 07:42:20 AM »
(Those probes should be in DSZ's as it takes all movement points when you exit HS)

All units in A2.

- 1 AW Squad to C3, fires on Droid: 120 dmg
- 1 AW Squad to B7.
- 1 EW Squad to C8, fires on Droid: 120 dmg

All units in A2.
1 AW in C3
1 AW in B7
1 EW in C8
« Last Edit: November 16, 2012, 07:46:45 AM by GCW Hoppus »

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #57 on: November 17, 2012, 08:49:24 AM »
GM Notice The probes presence in the C-Ring is legal because the system was previously scanned.

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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« Reply #58 on: November 20, 2012, 06:42:26 AM »
The A-Wing interceptors swooped in and neutralized the last of the Imperial probes...

- 1 AW Squad from B7 to C14, attacks Probe (120 dmg)
- Units move.

100%, No Longer Scanned! :P

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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« Reply #59 on: November 28, 2012, 07:40:05 AM »
Eriadu System, New Republic Outpost

     The cities where the fighting had been most intense were quiet now, blanketed beneath plumes of black smoke. Every so often the quiet was broken by the screech of starfighters shooting by overhead, or debris crumbling on buildings left jagged and broken by the retreating Imperial's destructive charges. Brandt took everything in from one of the many auxiliary bridges on the Brigade as General Gentke's droll voice narrated the streaming images of wreckage.
     "Every stronghold we've come across looks like this," the General said. "We've come across very few survivors. It looks like they were under orders to fight to the death."
     "Or possessed to do so," Brandt suggested.
     "Or possessed," the General agreed tentatively. "In any case, they've left a mess. Most of their garrisons and barracks were in the middle of densely populated industrial areas and there have been no shortage of civilian deaths. Their second largest city is fighting a sprawling fire set off by the sabotage of an entire factory park. Our men have already fallen victim to sabotage and hidden explosives while patrolling and inspecting. Again in densely populated industrial and civilian areas. I don't have the man power to check an entire planet for traps, but the intel boys assure me the Imperials couldn't have planeted to many of these damned traps."
     Brandt stared at the new scenes of wreckage - footage from the aftermath of one of the booby traps the General had just described. A chill went down Brandt's spine, a memory of the shadow the Dark Jedi in command of the Imperial forces had cast in his mind.
     "Thank you, General," Captain Dorn's voice broke Brandts trance. He cleared his mind, drawing strength from the force.
     "Yes, thank you, General. I'll be back down again in a few hours with more men to assist you in the clean up," Brandt said.
     The channel went dead and the images faded from the display.
     "You need to rest, Brandt. Take a few hours. Get some sleep."
     Brandt's Jedi robes were burnt, stained with dirt and blood. The hundreds of deaths that had come at his hands staining deeper than the terse brown fabric. Perhaps Dorn was right.
     "Have them come for me in an hour," Brandt said. "A little time to clean up and meditate may not be a bad idea."

1. Craft move
2. Milestone #3 complete; Eriadu is now under NR control!

Unit Statuses
Note: Squads/Groups only display the status of the last unit in the group (the damaged unit, in other words).

Fighter Group A
Location: **
Mission: CSP
(2) A-Wing Squads
(5) X-Wing Squads    
(5) E-Wing Squads

MC80 Star Cruiser BRIGADE  
Location: **
Shields: 2600(2600)
Armor: 1430(1430)
Hull: 1430(1430)
Systems: 650(650)
 - 600 Marine Troopers (5 UCR, 6/6 HP)
 - 30 Speederbikes (10 UCR, 10/10 HP)
Nebulon B Frigate CRAB    
Location: **
Shields: 300(300)
Armor: 300(300)
Hull: 150(150)
Systems: 150(150)
Nebulon B Frigate HELIX    
Location: **
Shields: 300(300)
Armor: 300(300)
Hull: 150(150)
Systems: 150(150)
« Last Edit: November 29, 2012, 06:06:05 AM by GCW Hoppus »