Author Topic: ERIADU  (Read 66486 times)

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #30 on: October 28, 2012, 10:22:42 AM »
Craft in the atmosphere stay in the atmosphere
MC-80 Mon Remonda exits HS in B-5 and moves to A-3

Attack Summary:
NSBCs Nefrane, Cybean vs BMIC GA-3
60HQLs = 528
UCR = 3/15 = 0.2 * 528 = 106pts

Total Damage BMIC GA-3: 106pts

Ramano's Heavy Dreadnaught (RHD) Destiny Ascension *Flagship*
Location: A-3
Cost: 1500 KCs (Unique)
Production Time: 15 Days (Unique)
Command Points: 10
Length: 700 meters
Hyperdrive: x0.75 (Fast Hyperdrive)
Shields: 1540 (Mon Calamari Shields)
Armor: 770
Hull: 770
Systems: 770 (Boosted Systems)
Speed: Fast (2)
Maneuver: (2)
15 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries (248)
30 Heavy Quad Laser Cannons (264)
2 Tractor Beam Projectors (200m)
Onboard Units:
(3 Starfighter Squadrons)
1 Veteran Y-Wing Squadron *dead*
1 Elite X-Wing Squadron *dead*
1 Elite Z-95 Squadron *dead*
(Ground units and Aux may not be modified)
80 Republic Assault Troopers (LOST Division) *hanger*
20 Republic Vanguard Troopers (LOST Division) *hanger*
20 LAAT/c Gunships *dead*
20 AT-TEs *hanger*
Notes: Ramano belonged to a splinter squadron in the Rebel Alliance that used Old Republic technology that was funded and improved up by the Rebel Alliance to perform high-impact surgical strikes as part of a rapid response force commanded only by Ramano, who the Rebel High Command preferred to "unleash" rather than "control". Assigned 1000 Republic Heavy Troopers, Ramano created the Low Orbit Shock Trooper (LOST) Division, which enables these troopers to deploy without dropship support from the A-Ring and immediately into the Atmsophere, where they can land anywhere on a planet to strike. The Dreadnaught also features externally rack mounted LAAT/c Gunships, modified for space travel, as Auxiliary support. Used to transport AT-TE walkers during the Clone Wars, these
LAAT/c Gunships do just that, enabling Ramano's team to insert even some powerful GAVs into any battlefield. Due to advanced technology the ship carries a 350KC maintenance cost every action day or is immediately scrapped for no gain. May never be rebuilt.

MC80 Mon Calamari Star Cruiser (MC80) Mon Remonda
Location: A-3
Cost: 1900 KCs
Production Time: 14 Days
Length: 1300 meters
Hyperdrive: x1
Shields: 2860
Armor: 1430
Hull: 1430
Systems: 715
Speed: Slow (1)
Maneuver: (2)
48 Turbolaser Batteries (634)
20 Ion Batteries (110)
6 Tractor Beams (660m)
Onboard Units:
(8 Starfighter Squadrons)
4 L/SHUs *launched*
6 Medium Transports *launched*
(600 Infantry Squads)
600 Republic Fleet Marine Squads *launched*
(30 GAVs)
30 Speeder Bikes *launched*
Notes: Must be manufactured at MON CALAMARI SHIPYARDS.

NeutronStar Battle Cruiser (NSBC) Nefrane
Location: At-3
Cost: 500 KCs
Production Time: 5 Days
Length: 600 meters
Hyperdrive: x2
Shields: 660
Armor: 660
Hull: 660
Systems: 300
Speed: Fast (2)
Maneuver: (2)
30 Heavy Quad Laser Cannons (264)
2 Tractor Beam Projectors (200m)
Onboard Units:
(1 Starfighter Squadron)
1 StarViper Squadron *launched*
(500 Infantry Squads)
500/500 Republic Fleet Marines *hanger*
(50 GAVs)
50/50 Combat Landspeeders *hanger*
Notes: This ship can enter the atmosphere and make planetary landings.

NeutronStar Battle Cruiser (NSBC) Cybean
Location: At-3
Cost: 500 KCs
Production Time: 5 Days
Length: 600 meters
Hyperdrive: x2
Shields: 660
Armor: 660
Hull: 660
Systems: 300
Speed: Fast (2)
Maneuver: (2)
30 Heavy Quad Laser Cannons (264)
2 Tractor Beam Projectors (200m)
Onboard Units:
(1 Starfighter Squadron)
1 StarViper Squadron *launched*
(500 Infantry Squads)
500/500 Republic Fleet Marines *hanger*
(50 GAVs)
50/50 Combat Landspeeders *hanger*
Notes: This ship can enter the atmosphere and make planetary landings.

Fighter Group 1: At-3
1/4 A-Wing Squadrons     Shields: 96/240, Armor: 120/120, UCR: 10
2/2 StarViper Squadrons     Shields: 252/252, Armor: 252/252, UCR: 6

Aux Group 1: A-3 CSP
4/4 L/SHUs     Shields: 20/20, Armor: 20/20, Systems: 20/20, UCR 5

Aux Group 2: At-3
12/20 ATRs     Shields: 45/45, Armor: 45/45, Systems: 45/45, UCR: 4

Aux Group 2: At-3
6/6 GR-75s     Shields: 90/90, Armor: 90/90, Systems: 90/90, UCR: 4
Onboard Units: 600 Republic Fleet Marine Squads, 30 Speeder Bikes (100 and 5 each)

Offline Dementat

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  • Posts: 966
« Reply #31 on: October 28, 2012, 10:33:34 PM »

Fire continued to rain down from above, but the ill prepared Rebels could not yet set foot on the surface.

Took damage.


IPV-1 Imperial Patrol Vessel Eriadu
Location: B-5    Heading: B-6    Status: DISABLED
Shields: 0/150    Armor: 0/150    Hull: 106/150     Systems: 75/75

500/500 Army Trooper Squads
Location: G-1    Action: N/A    HP: 5/5 EACH    UCR: 4

700/700 Imperial Fleet Trooper Squads
Location: G-1    Action: N/A    HP: 6/6 EACH    UCR: 4 (-1 Penalty)

30/30 Speeder Bikes
Location: G-1    Action: N/A    HP: 10/10 EACH    UCR: 10

30/30 Speeder Bikes
Location: G-1    Action: N/A    HP: 10/10 EACH    UCR: 9 (-1 Penalty)

Alpha-class Command Operations Center (ALPHA)
Location: G-1
Shields: 500/500    Armor: 500/500    Hull: 500/500    UCR: 10
Onboard Units:
400/400 Imperial Stormtrooper Squads
Location: Garrisoned    Action: N/A    HP: 8/8 EACH    UCR: 6
100/100 Imperial Fleet Trooper Squads
Location: Garrisoned    Action: N/A    HP: 6/6 EACH    UCR: 5
30/30 AT-ST
Location: Garrisoned    Action: N/A    HP: 60/60 EACH    UCR: 7
20/20 Speeder Bikes
Location: Garrisoned    Action: N/A    HP: 10/10 EACH    UCR: 10

Beta-class Military Industrial Complex (BETA)
Location: G-2
Shields: 200/200    Armor: 200/200    Hull: 200/200    UCR: 15
Onboard Units:
300/300 Army Trooper Squads
Location: Garrisoned    Action: N/A    HP: 5/5 EACH    UCR: 4
30/30 Speeder Bikes
Location: Garrisoned    Action: N/A    HP: 10/10 EACH    UCR: 10

Beta-class Military Industrial Complex (BETA)
Location: G-3
Shields: 0/200    Armor: 88/200    Hull: 200/200    UCR: 15
Onboard Units:
300/300 Army Trooper Squads
Location: Garrisoned    Action: N/A    HP: 5/5 EACH    UCR: 4
30/30 Speeder Bikes
Location: Garrisoned    Action: N/A    HP: 10/10 EACH    UCR: 10

Beta-class Military Industrial Complex (BETA)
Location: G-4
Shields: 200/200    Armor: 200/200    Hull: 200/200    UCR: 15
Onboard Units:
300/300 Army Trooper Squads
Location: Garrisoned    Action: N/A    HP: 5/5 EACH    UCR: 4
30/30 Speeder Bikes
Location: Garrisoned    Action: N/A    HP: 10/10 EACH    UCR: 10
(\/)ighty RE

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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« Reply #32 on: October 29, 2012, 11:50:49 AM »
< The rebel fleet exits HS in B5. Shields raised. >

Full post coming tonight...

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #33 on: October 30, 2012, 10:01:10 AM »
Craft in the atmosphere stay in the atmosphere
MC-80 Mon Remonda moves to A-3
MC-80 begins orbital bombardment of GA-3

Attack Summary:
NSBCs Nefrane, Cybean vs BMIC GA-3
60HQLs = 528
UCR = 3/14 = 0.22 * 528 = 117pts

Total Damage BMIC GA-3: 117pts

Ramano's Heavy Dreadnaught (RHD) Destiny Ascension *Flagship*
Location: A-3
Cost: 1500 KCs (Unique)
Production Time: 15 Days (Unique)
Command Points: 10
Length: 700 meters
Hyperdrive: x0.75 (Fast Hyperdrive)
Shields: 1540 (Mon Calamari Shields)
Armor: 770
Hull: 770
Systems: 770 (Boosted Systems)
Speed: Fast (2)
Maneuver: (2)
15 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries (248)
30 Heavy Quad Laser Cannons (264)
2 Tractor Beam Projectors (200m)
Onboard Units:
(3 Starfighter Squadrons)
1 Veteran Y-Wing Squadron *dead*
1 Elite X-Wing Squadron *dead*
1 Elite Z-95 Squadron *dead*
(Ground units and Aux may not be modified)
80 Republic Assault Troopers (LOST Division) *hanger*
20 Republic Vanguard Troopers (LOST Division) *hanger*
20 LAAT/c Gunships *dead*
20 AT-TEs *hanger*
Notes: Ramano belonged to a splinter squadron in the Rebel Alliance that used Old Republic technology that was funded and improved up by the Rebel Alliance to perform high-impact surgical strikes as part of a rapid response force commanded only by Ramano, who the Rebel High Command preferred to "unleash" rather than "control". Assigned 1000 Republic Heavy Troopers, Ramano created the Low Orbit Shock Trooper (LOST) Division, which enables these troopers to deploy without dropship support from the A-Ring and immediately into the Atmsophere, where they can land anywhere on a planet to strike. The Dreadnaught also features externally rack mounted LAAT/c Gunships, modified for space travel, as Auxiliary support. Used to transport AT-TE walkers during the Clone Wars, these
LAAT/c Gunships do just that, enabling Ramano's team to insert even some powerful GAVs into any battlefield. Due to advanced technology the ship carries a 350KC maintenance cost every action day or is immediately scrapped for no gain. May never be rebuilt.

MC80 Mon Calamari Star Cruiser (MC80) Mon Remonda
Location: A-3
Cost: 1900 KCs
Production Time: 14 Days
Length: 1300 meters
Hyperdrive: x1
Shields: 2860
Armor: 1430
Hull: 1430
Systems: 715
Speed: Slow (1)
Maneuver: (2)
48 Turbolaser Batteries (634)
20 Ion Batteries (110)
6 Tractor Beams (660m)
Onboard Units:
(8 Starfighter Squadrons)
4 L/SHUs *launched*
6 Medium Transports *launched*
(600 Infantry Squads)
600 Republic Fleet Marine Squads *launched*
(30 GAVs)
30 Speeder Bikes *launched*
Notes: Must be manufactured at MON CALAMARI SHIPYARDS.

NeutronStar Battle Cruiser (NSBC) Nefrane
Location: At-3
Cost: 500 KCs
Production Time: 5 Days
Length: 600 meters
Hyperdrive: x2
Shields: 660
Armor: 660
Hull: 660
Systems: 300
Speed: Fast (2)
Maneuver: (2)
30 Heavy Quad Laser Cannons (264)
2 Tractor Beam Projectors (200m)
Onboard Units:
(1 Starfighter Squadron)
1 StarViper Squadron *launched*
(500 Infantry Squads)
500/500 Republic Fleet Marines *hanger*
(50 GAVs)
50/50 Combat Landspeeders *hanger*
Notes: This ship can enter the atmosphere and make planetary landings.

NeutronStar Battle Cruiser (NSBC) Cybean
Location: At-3
Cost: 500 KCs
Production Time: 5 Days
Length: 600 meters
Hyperdrive: x2
Shields: 660
Armor: 660
Hull: 660
Systems: 300
Speed: Fast (2)
Maneuver: (2)
30 Heavy Quad Laser Cannons (264)
2 Tractor Beam Projectors (200m)
Onboard Units:
(1 Starfighter Squadron)
1 StarViper Squadron *launched*
(500 Infantry Squads)
500/500 Republic Fleet Marines *hanger*
(50 GAVs)
50/50 Combat Landspeeders *hanger*
Notes: This ship can enter the atmosphere and make planetary landings.

Fighter Group 1: At-3
1/4 A-Wing Squadrons     Shields: 96/240, Armor: 120/120, UCR: 10
2/2 StarViper Squadrons     Shields: 252/252, Armor: 252/252, UCR: 6

Aux Group 1: A-3 CSP
4/4 L/SHUs     Shields: 20/20, Armor: 20/20, Systems: 20/20, UCR 5

Aux Group 2: At-3
12/20 ATRs     Shields: 45/45, Armor: 45/45, Systems: 45/45, UCR: 4

Aux Group 2: At-3
6/6 GR-75s     Shields: 90/90, Armor: 90/90, Systems: 90/90, UCR: 4
Onboard Units: 600 Republic Fleet Marine Squads, 30 Speeder Bikes (100 and 5 each)

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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« Reply #34 on: October 30, 2012, 05:57:37 PM »
Eriadu System, Imperial Outpost

The Brigade and her escorts moved into orbit of Eriadu, releasing a swarm of drop ships and transports, escorted by an even larger swarm of starfighters into the atmosphere and towards the surface.

The war had returned to Eriadu.

1. MC80 BRIGADE; moves to A3, launches 6 MTRANs, 2 A/W Squads, 4 X/W Squads, 2 E/W Squads, 10 YT1300s, 14 LSHUs.
2. Neb CRAB; moves to A3, launches 1 X/W Squad, 1 E/W Squad, 2 LSHUs, 1 YT1300.
3. Neb HELIX; moves to A3, launches 2 E/W Squads, 2 LSHUs, 1 YT1300.
4. 6 MTRANs, 5 X/W Squads, 2 E/W Squads, 18 LSHUs, 12 YT1300s enter Atmo-3.

1. 5 X/W Squads (Atmo-3) fire 120 PTs @ BMIC in G3 = 360 * (6/14 UCR) = 155 Damage.

Unit Statuses
Note: Squads/Groups only display the status of the last unit in the group (the damaged unit, in other words).

Fighter Group A
Location: A3
Mission: CSP
(2) A-Wing Squads
(3) E-Wing Squads
Fighter Group B
Location: Atmo-3
Mission: See units
(5) X-Wing Squads - Atmospheric Bombing    
(2) E-Wing Squads - CAP
Auxiliary Group C
Location: Atmo-3
Mission: Invasion
 >> [ 600 Fleet Marines, 30 Speeder Bikes ]
(18) LSHUs
(12) YT1300s

MC80 Star Cruiser BRIGADE  
Location: A3
Shields: 2600(2600)
Armor: 1430(1430)
Hull: 1430(1430)
Systems: 650(650)
(1) E/SHU
Nebulon B Frigate CRAB    
Location: A3
Shields: 300(300)
Armor: 300(300)
Hull: 150(150)
Systems: 150(150)
Nebulon B Frigate HELIX    
Location: A3
Shields: 300(300)
Armor: 300(300)
Hull: 150(150)
Systems: 150(150)
« Last Edit: October 30, 2012, 06:42:58 PM by GCW Hoppus »

Offline Dementat

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« Reply #35 on: October 30, 2012, 09:28:32 PM »

The cowardly Rebels continued to bombard without putting boots on the ground, setting communities ablaze with their indiscriminate fire. If the population of Eriadu had felt moderately about the Rebellion, they were completely sour to it now.

Took damage.


IPV-1 Imperial Patrol Vessel Eriadu
Location: B-5    Heading: B-6    Status: DISABLED
Shields: 0/150    Armor: 0/150    Hull: 106/150     Systems: 75/75

500/500 Army Trooper Squads
Location: G-1    Action: N/A    HP: 5/5 EACH    UCR: 4

700/700 Imperial Fleet Trooper Squads
Location: G-1    Action: N/A    HP: 6/6 EACH    UCR: 4 (-1 Penalty)

30/30 Speeder Bikes
Location: G-1    Action: N/A    HP: 10/10 EACH    UCR: 10

30/30 Speeder Bikes
Location: G-1    Action: N/A    HP: 10/10 EACH    UCR: 9 (-1 Penalty)

Alpha-class Command Operations Center (ALPHA)
Location: G-1
Shields: 500/500    Armor: 500/500    Hull: 500/500    UCR: 10
Onboard Units:
400/400 Imperial Stormtrooper Squads
Location: Garrisoned    Action: N/A    HP: 8/8 EACH    UCR: 6
100/100 Imperial Fleet Trooper Squads
Location: Garrisoned    Action: N/A    HP: 6/6 EACH    UCR: 5
30/30 AT-ST
Location: Garrisoned    Action: N/A    HP: 60/60 EACH    UCR: 7
20/20 Speeder Bikes
Location: Garrisoned    Action: N/A    HP: 10/10 EACH    UCR: 10

Beta-class Military Industrial Complex (BETA)
Location: G-2
Shields: 200/200    Armor: 200/200    Hull: 200/200    UCR: 15
Onboard Units:
300/300 Army Trooper Squads
Location: Garrisoned    Action: N/A    HP: 5/5 EACH    UCR: 4
30/30 Speeder Bikes
Location: Garrisoned    Action: N/A    HP: 10/10 EACH    UCR: 10

300/300 Army Trooper Squads
Location: G-3    Action: N/A    HP: 5/5 EACH    UCR: 3 (-1 Penalty)

30/30 Speeder Bikes
Location: G-3    Action: N/A    HP: 10/10 EACH    UCR: 9 (-1 Penalty)

Beta-class Military Industrial Complex (BETA)
Location: G-4
Shields: 200/200    Armor: 200/200    Hull: 200/200    UCR: 15
Onboard Units:
300/300 Army Trooper Squads
Location: Garrisoned    Action: N/A    HP: 5/5 EACH    UCR: 4
30/30 Speeder Bikes
Location: Garrisoned    Action: N/A    HP: 10/10 EACH    UCR: 10
(\/)ighty RE

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #36 on: November 02, 2012, 11:57:09 AM »
Jason looked over and nodded to his XO as the bombardment of the surface ended. Almost as suddenly the many craft which had been flying around in the atmosphere finally found their opening. They streaked towards the ground and small dots of flame erupted past them as L.O.S.T. battalion was launched from the belly of the Destiny, hundreds of flaming points hurtling toward the ground like a meteor shower. As the various troops touched down, the hellfire commenced.

1 A-Wing, 2 StarViper squads, 12 ATRs and 6 GR-75s enter ground
2 NSBCs enter the ground
6 GR-75s and 2 NSBCs Land
Offloaded Troops

Attack Summary:
500 Republic Fleet Marines vs 300 Army Trooper Squads GA-3
500 = 1650
UCR = 6/4 = full damage = 1650pts

150 Republic Fleet Marines vs 30 Speeder Bikes GA-3
150 = 495
UCR = 6/10 = 0.6 * 450 = 270pts

90 Speeder Bikes vs BMIC GA-2
90 = 990
UCR = 11/15 = 0.74 * 990 = 733pts

40 Speeder Bikes vs BMIC GA-4
40 = 440
UCR = 11/15 = 0.74 * 440 = 326 pts

NSBCs Nefrane, Cybean vs BMIC GA-4
60HQLs = 528
UCR = 3/15 = 0.2 * 528 = 106pts

1 A-Wing Squad vs BMIC GA-4
24HLs = 48
24ACMs = 72
UCR = 10/15 = 0.67 * 120 = 81pts

2 StarViper Squads vs BMIC GA-4
48DHLs = 192
48ATPs = 192
UCR = 6/15 = 0.4 * 384 = 154pts

12 ATRs vs 30 Speeder Bikes GA-4
48TLs = 384
24PTs = 72
UCR = 4/10 = 0.4 * 456 = 183pts

500 Republic Fleet Marine Squads vs 300 Army Trooper Squads GA-4
500 = 1650
UCR = 6/4 = full damage = 1650pts

450 Republic Fleet Marine Squads vs 300 Army Trooper Squads GA-2
450 = 1485
UCR = 6/4 = full damage = 1485pts

20 Republic Vanguard Squads vs 30 Speeder Bikes GA-4
20 = 160
UCR = 7/10 = 0.7 * 160 = 112pts

80 Republic Assault Trooper Squads vs 30 Speeder Bikes GA-2
80 = 480
UCR = 7/10 = 0.7 * 480 = 336pts

Total damage BMIC GA-2 = 733pts. (Suggested Status: Destroyed)
Total damage BMIC GA-4 = 650pts (Suggested Status: Destroyed)
Total damage 300 Army Trooper Squads GA-3: 1650pts (Suggested Status: Dead)
Total damage 300 Army Trooper Squads GA-4: 1650pts (Suggested Status: Dead)
Total damage 300 Army Trooper Squads GA-2: 1485pts (Suggested Status: 297/300 Dead)
Total damage 30 Speeder Bikes GA-3: 270pts (Suggested Status: 27/30 Destroyed)
Total damage 30 Speeder Bikes GA-4: 295pts (Suggested Status: 29/30 Destroyed)
Total damage to 30 Speeder Bikes GA-2: 336pts (Suggested Status: Destroyed)

Ramano's Heavy Dreadnaught (RHD) Destiny Ascension *Flagship*
Location: A-3
Cost: 1500 KCs (Unique)
Production Time: 15 Days (Unique)
Command Points: 10
Length: 700 meters
Hyperdrive: x0.75 (Fast Hyperdrive)
Shields: 1540 (Mon Calamari Shields)
Armor: 770
Hull: 770
Systems: 770 (Boosted Systems)
Speed: Fast (2)
Maneuver: (2)
15 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries (248)
30 Heavy Quad Laser Cannons (264)
2 Tractor Beam Projectors (200m)
Onboard Units:
(3 Starfighter Squadrons)
1 Veteran Y-Wing Squadron *dead*
1 Elite X-Wing Squadron *dead*
1 Elite Z-95 Squadron *dead*
(Ground units and Aux may not be modified)
80 Republic Assault Troopers (LOST Division) *hanger*
20 Republic Vanguard Troopers (LOST Division) *hanger*
20 LAAT/c Gunships *dead*
20 AT-TEs *hanger*
Notes: Ramano belonged to a splinter squadron in the Rebel Alliance that used Old Republic technology that was funded and improved up by the Rebel Alliance to perform high-impact surgical strikes as part of a rapid response force commanded only by Ramano, who the Rebel High Command preferred to "unleash" rather than "control". Assigned 1000 Republic Heavy Troopers, Ramano created the Low Orbit Shock Trooper (LOST) Division, which enables these troopers to deploy without dropship support from the A-Ring and immediately into the Atmsophere, where they can land anywhere on a planet to strike. The Dreadnaught also features externally rack mounted LAAT/c Gunships, modified for space travel, as Auxiliary support. Used to transport AT-TE walkers during the Clone Wars, these
LAAT/c Gunships do just that, enabling Ramano's team to insert even some powerful GAVs into any battlefield. Due to advanced technology the ship carries a 350KC maintenance cost every action day or is immediately scrapped for no gain. May never be rebuilt.

MC80 Mon Calamari Star Cruiser (MC80) Mon Remonda
Location: A-3
Cost: 1900 KCs
Production Time: 14 Days
Length: 1300 meters
Hyperdrive: x1
Shields: 2860
Armor: 1430
Hull: 1430
Systems: 715
Speed: Slow (1)
Maneuver: (2)
48 Turbolaser Batteries (634)
20 Ion Batteries (110)
6 Tractor Beams (660m)
Onboard Units:
(8 Starfighter Squadrons)
4 L/SHUs *launched*
6 Medium Transports *launched*
(600 Infantry Squads)
600 Republic Fleet Marine Squads *launched*
(30 GAVs)
30 Speeder Bikes *launched*
Notes: Must be manufactured at MON CALAMARI SHIPYARDS.

NeutronStar Battle Cruiser (NSBC) Nefrane
Location: GA-3 Landed
Cost: 500 KCs
Production Time: 5 Days
Length: 600 meters
Hyperdrive: x2
Shields: 660
Armor: 660
Hull: 660
Systems: 300
Speed: Fast (2)
Maneuver: (2)
30 Heavy Quad Laser Cannons (264)
2 Tractor Beam Projectors (200m)
Onboard Units:
(1 Starfighter Squadron)
1 StarViper Squadron *launched*
(500 Infantry Squads)
500/500 Republic Fleet Marines *hanger*
(50 GAVs)
50/50 Combat Landspeeders *hanger*
Notes: This ship can enter the atmosphere and make planetary landings.

NeutronStar Battle Cruiser (NSBC) Cybean
Location: GA-3 Landed
Cost: 500 KCs
Production Time: 5 Days
Length: 600 meters
Hyperdrive: x2
Shields: 660
Armor: 660
Hull: 660
Systems: 300
Speed: Fast (2)
Maneuver: (2)
30 Heavy Quad Laser Cannons (264)
2 Tractor Beam Projectors (200m)
Onboard Units:
(1 Starfighter Squadron)
1 StarViper Squadron *launched*
(500 Infantry Squads)
500/500 Republic Fleet Marines *hanger*
(50 GAVs)
50/50 Combat Landspeeders *hanger*
Notes: This ship can enter the atmosphere and make planetary landings.

Fighter Group 1: GA-4 Attacking
1/4 A-Wing Squadrons     Shields: 96/240, Armor: 120/120, UCR: 10
2/2 StarViper Squadrons     Shields: 252/252, Armor: 252/252, UCR: 6

Aux Group 1: A-3 CSP
4/4 L/SHUs     Shields: 20/20, Armor: 20/20, Systems: 20/20, UCR 5

Aux Group 2: GA-4 Attacking
12/20 ATRs     Shields: 45/45, Armor: 45/45, Systems: 45/45, UCR: 4

Aux Group 2: GA-3 Landed
6/6 GR-75s     Shields: 90/90, Armor: 90/90, Systems: 90/90, UCR: 4

Ground Group 1: GA-3
650/650 Republic Fleet Marines     HP: 7, AR: 3.1, UCR: 6

Ground Group 2: GA-2
550/550 Republic Fleet Marines     HP: 7, AR: 3.3, UCR: 6
80/80 Republic Assault Troopers     HP: 11, AR: 6.6, UCR: 7
90/90 Speeder Bikes     HP: 11, AR: 11, UCR: 11

Ground Group 3: GA-4
500/500 Republic Fleet Marines     HP: 7, AR: 3.3, UCR: 6
20/20 Republic Vangaurds     HP: 10, AR: 4.4 (8.8 vs Vehicles), UCR: 7
40/40 Speeder Bikes     HP: 11, AR: 11, UCR: 11
« Last Edit: November 02, 2012, 12:00:28 PM by Ramano »

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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« Reply #37 on: November 02, 2012, 12:17:21 PM »
Eriadu System, Imperial Outpost

The brown glow of Eriadu filled the viewports on the Mon Calamari star cruiser's bridge. Invisible at this distance, rebel starfighters were bombarding Imperial strongholds, making way for armor and troops to hit the surface. Thinking of all those lives...

Brandt cringed. Eriadu had been fanatically loyal to the Emperor's New Order. It was on the verge of reaffirming its allegiance to this new Sith Lord and his Emperor. While the people of Eriadu may choose dictator, the New Republic could simply not stand idle while a significant capacity was added to the Empire's war machine. Eriadu may choose to join the Empire, but it would do so without any of its capacity to make war.

"Our units have reached the target zone, Captain."

Brandt turned towards the tactical officer... and bit his lip. He was not the Captain of this ship today.

Captain Dorn grinned at Brandt, understanding the instinct no doubt, then turned his attention to his Lieutenant.

"Continue with strafing runs. Lets rattle their heads a little longer before we put our boys down."

"Yes, sir."

Our boys... Brandt turned back towards the viewports. So many lives would be lost today. But perhaps he could save some of their own. There was no point of him remaining on the bridge, in any case. It was not his place at the moment.

"What is it?" Captain Dorn stood at his shoulder, staring down into the viewports.

"I would like to lead the assault," Brandt said.

Dorn grinned. "Lieutenant," he shouted into the pit of officers working beneath them. "Prepare a shuttle."

The shuttle rocked gently from the turbulence as it dropped deeper into the planet's atmosphere. The white clouds that of obfuscated the viewports clearing, the flashes of laser fire and black of smoke, thin wisps from this altitude, drifted below them.

"We'll be touching down on the third continent, with General Kosov's armor brigade," the pilot reported. "Hold tight, might need to make some quick moves here in a minute, sir."

The shuttle rocked and swung wildly as the pilot drifted through flak clouds towards the surface, where Brandt would join his army and lead the soldiers in much the same was as the Jedi had once led the forces of the Old Republic...

1. 6 MTRANs, 5 X/W Squads, 2 E/W Squads, 18 LSHUs, 12 YT1300s enter move to Atmo-1.
2. 3 E/W Squads move to A1, Enter Atmo-1.
3. E/LSHU deploys and moves to A1, enters Atmo-1.
4. Attacks

 5 X/W Squads vs ALPHA (G1)
  120 PTs (360) * (6/10 UCR) = 216 Damage
 5 E/W Squads vs ALPHA (G1)
  120 APTs (480) * (7/10 UCR) = 336 Damage

Damage Totals...
  vs ALPHA (G1) = 462 552 Damage
(edit: fixed math)

Unit Statuses
Note: Squads/Groups only display the status of the last unit in the group (the damaged unit, in other words).

Fighter Group A
Location: A3
Mission: CSP
(2) A-Wing Squads
Fighter Group B
Location: Atmo-1
Mission: See units
(5) X-Wing Squads - Atmospheric Bombing    
(5) E-Wing Squads - Atmospheric Bombing
Auxiliary Group C
Location: Atmo-1
Mission: Invasion
(6) MTRANS  
 600 Fleet Marines, 30 Speeder Bikes Onboard
(18) LSHUs
(12) YT1300s
(1) E/LSHU (Jedi Guardian Hero Unit onboard)

MC80 Star Cruiser BRIGADE  
Location: A3
Shields: 2600(2600)
Armor: 1430(1430)
Hull: 1430(1430)
Systems: 650(650)
Nebulon B Frigate CRAB    
Location: A3
Shields: 300(300)
Armor: 300(300)
Hull: 150(150)
Systems: 150(150)
Nebulon B Frigate HELIX    
Location: A3
Shields: 300(300)
Armor: 300(300)
Hull: 150(150)
Systems: 150(150)
« Last Edit: November 02, 2012, 02:23:35 PM by GCW Hoppus »

Offline Dementat

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« Reply #38 on: November 02, 2012, 10:54:33 PM »

Finally the enemy began to land on the surface of the planet. With the assistance of all the ships in the sky, they advanced and overwhelmed the Eriaduan lines. The brave hometeam returned the favor with what casualties they could, but it would not be near enough. The enemy would continue to advance on the cities.

Took damage.
Returned fire.

300 Army Trooper Squads (G-2) vs. Republic Assault Troopers (G-2)
UCR: 4/7 = .57
300 x 3 AR = 900 x .57 UCR = 513 Infantry Damage

30 Speeder Bikes (G-2) vs. Republic Assault Troopers (G-2)
UCR: 10/7 = 1.0
30 x 10 AR = 300 x 1.0 UCR = 300 Infantry Damage

300 Army Trooper Squads (G-3) vs. Republic Fleet Marines (G-3)
UCR: 4/6 = .67
300 x 3 AR = 900 x .67 UCR = 603 Infantry Damage

30 Speeder Bikes (G-3) vs. Republic Fleet Marines (G-3)
UCR: 10/6 = 1.0
30 x 10 AR = 300 x 1.0 UCR = 300 Infantry Damage

300 Army Trooper Squads (G-4) vs. Speeder Bikes (G-4)
UCR: 4/11 = .36
300 x 3 AR = 900 x .36 UCR = 108 Infantry Damage

20 Speeder Bikes (G-4) vs. Republic Vangaurds (G-4)
UCR: 10/7 = 1.0
20 x 10 AR = 200 x 1.0 UCR = 200 Infantry Damage

10 Speeder Bikes (G-4) vs. Speeder Bikes (G-4)
UCR: 10/11 = .91
10 x 10 AR = 100 x .91 UCR = 91 Vehicle Damage


IPV-1 Imperial Patrol Vessel Eriadu
Location: B-5    Heading: B-6    Status: DISABLED
Shields: 0/150    Armor: 0/150    Hull: 106/150     Systems: 75/75

500/500 Army Trooper Squads
Location: G-1    Action: N/A    HP: 5/5 EACH    UCR: 4

700/700 Imperial Fleet Trooper Squads
Location: G-1    Action: N/A    HP: 6/6 EACH    UCR: 4 (-1 Penalty)

30/30 Speeder Bikes
Location: G-1    Action: N/A    HP: 10/10 EACH    UCR: 10
30/30 Speeder Bikes
Location: G-1    Action: N/A    HP: 10/10 EACH    UCR: 9 (-1 Penalty)

Alpha-class Command Operations Center (ALPHA)
Location: G-1
Shields: 0/500    Armor: 448/500    Hull: 500/500    UCR: 10
Onboard Units:
400/400 Imperial Stormtrooper Squads
Location: Garrisoned    Action: N/A    HP: 8/8 EACH    UCR: 6
100/100 Imperial Fleet Trooper Squads
Location: Garrisoned    Action: N/A    HP: 6/6 EACH    UCR: 5
30/30 AT-ST
Location: Garrisoned    Action: N/A    HP: 60/60 EACH    UCR: 7
20/20 Speeder Bikes
Location: Garrisoned    Action: N/A    HP: 10/10 EACH    UCR: 10

3/300 Army Trooper Squads
Location: G-2    Action: N/A    HP: 5/5 EACH    UCR: 4

3/30 Speeder Bikes
Location: G-3    Action: N/A    HP: 10/10 EACH    UCR: 9

1/30 Speeder Bikes
Location: G-4    Action: N/A    HP: 10/10 EACH    UCR: 10
(\/)ighty RE

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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« Reply #39 on: November 03, 2012, 04:11:24 PM »
Eriadu System, Imperial Outpost

Sorry this is rushed on my way to a wedding!!

1. 18 LSHUs, 12 YT1300s enter GROUND space.
2. Attacks

 5 X/W Squads vs ALPHA (G1)
  120 PTs (360) * (6/10 UCR) = 216 Damage
 5 E/W Squads vs ALPHA (G1)
  120 APTs (480) * (7/10 UCR) = 336 Damage

-- alpha disabled i believe, if not, this damage goes to army troopers please.

 12 YT1300s vs 400 Imperial Stormtroopers (G1)
   24 HQLCs (192) + 24 ACMs (72) * (6/6 UCR) = 264 Damage

 18 LSHUs vs 400 Imperial Stormtroopers  (G1)
   108 LBs (324) * 3/6 UCR = 162 Damage

Damage Totals...
  vs ALPHA (G1) = 552 Damage
  vs Stromies = 426 Damage

Unit Statuses
Note: Squads/Groups only display the status of the last unit in the group (the damaged unit, in other words).

Fighter Group A
Location: A3
Mission: CSP
(2) A-Wing Squads
Fighter Group B
Location: Atmo-1
Mission: See units
(5) X-Wing Squads - Atmospheric Bombing   
(5) E-Wing Squads - Atmospheric Bombing
Auxiliary Group C
Location: Atmo-1
Mission: Invasion
 600 Fleet Marines, 30 Speeder Bikes Onboard
(18) LSHUs -- GROUND attack
(12) YT1300s -- GROUND attack
(1) E/LSHU (Jedi Guardian Hero Unit onboard)

MC80 Star Cruiser BRIGADE   
Location: A3
Shields: 2600(2600)
Armor: 1430(1430)
Hull: 1430(1430)
Systems: 650(650)
Nebulon B Frigate CRAB   
Location: A3
Shields: 300(300)
Armor: 300(300)
Hull: 150(150)
Systems: 150(150)
Nebulon B Frigate HELIX   
Location: A3
Shields: 300(300)
Armor: 300(300)
Hull: 150(150)
Systems: 150(150)

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #40 on: November 03, 2012, 11:31:39 PM »
OOC Note: There will be some minor edits for appearance and adding an SL today. I was in a hurry last night to save a small mistake Hop made on the building so I could make sure his full attack went through, and my wife was naked behind me in bed. That is WAAAYYYY more important then you lmao.

NSBCs lift off in ground air

Attack Summary:
NSBCs Nefrane, Cybean vs ACOC GA-1
60HQLs = 528
UCR = 3/10 = 0.3 * 528 = 159pts

1 A-Wing Squad vs ACOC GA-1
24HLs = 48
24ACMs = 72
UCR = 10/10 = full damage = 120pts

2 StarViper Squads vs ACOC GA-1
48DHLs = 192
48ATPs = 192
UCR = 6/10 = 0.6 * 384 = 231pts

1050 Republic Fleet Marines vs 800 Imperial Fleet Troopers GA-1
1050 = 3465
UCR = 6/5 = full damage = 3465pts

130 Speeder Bikes vs 30 AT-STs GA-1
130 = 1430
UCR = 11/7 = full damage = 1430pts

80 Republic Assault Trooper Squads vs 400 Imperial Stormtroopers GA-1
80 = 480
UCR = 7/6 = full damage = 480pts

20 Republic Vanguard Squads vs 400 Imperial Stormtroopers GA-1
20 = 160
UCR = 7/6 = full damage = 160pts

12 ATRs vs 400 Imperial Stormtroopers GA-1
48TLs = 384
24PTs = 72
UCR = 4/6 = 0.67 * 456 = 306pts

650 Republic Fleet Marines vs 500 Army Troopers GA-1
650 = 2145
UCR = 6/4 = full damage = 2145pts

Total damage to ACOC GA-1: 510pts (Suggested Status: Destroyed)
Total damage to 800 Imperial Fleet Troopers GA-1: 3465pts (Suggested Status: 578 dead)
Total damage to 500 Army Troopers GA-1: 2145pts (Suggested Status: 429 dead)
Total damage to 400 Stormtroopers GA-1: 946pts (Suggested Status: 119 dead)
Total damage to 30 AT-STs GA-1: 1430pts (Suggested Status: 23 dead, 1 more damaged)

Ramano's Heavy Dreadnaught (m/RHD) Destiny Ascension *Flagship*
Location: A-3
Cost: 1500 KCs (Unique)
Production Time: 15 Days (Unique)
Command Points: 10
Length: 700 meters
Hyperdrive: x0.75 (Fast Hyperdrive)
Shields: 1540 (Mon Calamari Shields)
Armor: 770
Hull: 770
Systems: 770 (Boosted Systems)
Speed: Fast (2)
Maneuver: (2)
15 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries (248)
30 Heavy Quad Laser Cannons (264)
2 Tractor Beam Projectors (200m)
Onboard Units:
(3 Starfighter Squadrons)
1 Veteran Y-Wing Squadron *dead*
1 Elite X-Wing Squadron *dead*
1 Elite Z-95 Squadron *dead*
(Ground units and Aux may not be modified)
80 Republic Assault Troopers (LOST Division) *hanger*
20 Republic Vanguard Troopers (LOST Division) *hanger*
20 LAAT/c Gunships *dead*
20 AT-TEs *hanger*
Notes: Ramano belonged to a splinter squadron in the Rebel Alliance that used Old Republic technology that was funded and improved up by the Rebel Alliance to perform high-impact surgical strikes as part of a rapid response force commanded only by Ramano, who the Rebel High Command preferred to "unleash" rather than "control". Assigned 1000 Republic Heavy Troopers, Ramano created the Low Orbit Shock Trooper (LOST) Division, which enables these troopers to deploy without dropship support from the A-Ring and immediately into the Atmsophere, where they can land anywhere on a planet to strike. The Dreadnaught also features externally rack mounted LAAT/c Gunships, modified for space travel, as Auxiliary support. Used to transport AT-TE walkers during the Clone Wars, these
LAAT/c Gunships do just that, enabling Ramano's team to insert even some powerful GAVs into any battlefield. Due to advanced technology the ship carries a 350KC maintenance cost every action day or is immediately scrapped for no gain. May never be rebuilt.

MC80 Mon Calamari Star Cruiser (MC80) Mon Remonda
Location: A-3
Cost: 1900 KCs
Production Time: 14 Days
Length: 1300 meters
Hyperdrive: x1
Shields: 2860
Armor: 1430
Hull: 1430
Systems: 715
Speed: Slow (1)
Maneuver: (2)
48 Turbolaser Batteries (634)
20 Ion Batteries (110)
6 Tractor Beams (660m)
Onboard Units:
(8 Starfighter Squadrons)
4 L/SHUs *launched*
6 Medium Transports *launched*
(600 Infantry Squads)
600 Republic Fleet Marine Squads *launched*
(30 GAVs)
30 Speeder Bikes *launched*
Notes: Must be manufactured at MON CALAMARI SHIPYARDS.

NeutronStar Battle Cruiser (NSBC) Nefrane
Location: GA-1 Air
Cost: 500 KCs
Production Time: 5 Days
Length: 600 meters
Hyperdrive: x2
Shields: 660
Armor: 660
Hull: 660
Systems: 300
Speed: Fast (2)
Maneuver: (2)
30 Heavy Quad Laser Cannons (264)
2 Tractor Beam Projectors (200m)
Onboard Units:
(1 Starfighter Squadron)
1 StarViper Squadron *launched*
(500 Infantry Squads)
500/500 Republic Fleet Marines *hanger*
(50 GAVs)
50/50 Combat Landspeeders *hanger*
Notes: This ship can enter the atmosphere and make planetary landings.

NeutronStar Battle Cruiser (NSBC) Cybean
Location: GA-1 Air
Cost: 500 KCs
Production Time: 5 Days
Length: 600 meters
Hyperdrive: x2
Shields: 660
Armor: 660
Hull: 660
Systems: 300
Speed: Fast (2)
Maneuver: (2)
30 Heavy Quad Laser Cannons (264)
2 Tractor Beam Projectors (200m)
Onboard Units:
(1 Starfighter Squadron)
1 StarViper Squadron *launched*
(500 Infantry Squads)
500/500 Republic Fleet Marines *hanger*
(50 GAVs)
50/50 Combat Landspeeders *hanger*
Notes: This ship can enter the atmosphere and make planetary landings.

Fighter Group 1: GA-1 Attacking
1/4 A-Wing Squadrons     Shields: 96/240, Armor: 120/120, UCR: 10
2/2 StarViper Squadrons     Shields: 252/252, Armor: 252/252, UCR: 6

Aux Group 1: A-3 CSP
4/4 L/SHUs     Shields: 20/20, Armor: 20/20, Systems: 20/20, UCR 5

Aux Group 2: GA-1 Attacking
12/20 ATRs     Shields: 45/45, Armor: 45/45, Systems: 45/45, UCR: 4

Aux Group 2: GA-3 Landed
6/6 GR-75s     Shields: 90/90, Armor: 90/90, Systems: 90/90, UCR: 4

Ground Group 1: GA-1
1571/1650 Republic Fleet Marines     HP: 7, AR: 3.3, UCR: 6
20/20 Republic Vangaurds     HP: 10, AR: 4.4 (8.8 vs Vehicles), UCR: 7
6/80 Republic Assault Troopers     HP: 11, AR: 6.6, UCR: 7
94/130 Speeder Bikes     HP: 11, AR: 11, UCR: 11
« Last Edit: November 04, 2012, 08:24:40 AM by Ramano »

Offline Dementat

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« Reply #41 on: November 04, 2012, 04:07:56 PM »

And it continued!

Took damage.
Returned fire.

500 Army Trooper Squads (G-1) vs. Republic Fleet Marines (G-1)
UCR: 4/6 = .67
500 x 3 AR = 1500 x .67 UCR = 1,005 Infantry Damage

800 Imperial Fleet Trooper Squads (G-1) vs. Republic Fleet Marines (G-1)
UCR: 4/6 = .67
800 x 3 AR = 2400 x .67 UCR = 1,608 Infantry Damage

400 Imperial Stormtrooper Squads (G-1) vs. Republic Fleet Marines (G-1)
UCR: 6/6 = 1.0
400 x 5 AR = 2000 x 1.0 UCR = 2,000 Infantry Damage

30 AT-ST (G-1) vs. Republic Fleet Marines (G-1)
UCR: 7/6 = 1.0
30 x 30 AR = 900 x 1.0 UCR = 900 Infantry Damage

50 Speeder Bikes (G-1) vs. Republic Fleet Marines (G-1)
UCR: 10/6 = 1.0
50 x 10 AR = 500 x 1.0 UCR = 500 Infantry Damage

30 Speeder Bikes (G-1) vs. Republic Fleet Marines (G-1)
UCR: 9/6 = 1.0
30 x 10 AR = 300 x 1.0 UCR = 300 Infantry Damage


IPV-1 Imperial Patrol Vessel Eriadu
Location: B-5    Heading: B-6    Status: DISABLED
Shields: 0/150    Armor: 0/150    Hull: 106/150     Systems: 75/75

71/500 Army Trooper Squads
Location: G-1    Action: N/A    HP: 5/5 EACH    UCR: 4

223/800 Imperial Fleet Trooper Squads
Location: G-1    Action: N/A    HP: 6/6 EACH    UCR: 4 (-1 Penalty)

50/50 Speeder Bikes
Location: G-1    Action: N/A    HP: 10/10 EACH    UCR: 10

30/30 Speeder Bikes
Location: G-1    Action: N/A    HP: 10/10 EACH    UCR: 9 (-1 Penalty)

229/400 Imperial Stormtrooper Squads
Location: G-1    Action: N/A    HP: 8/8 EACH    UCR: 6

7/30 AT-ST
Location: G-1    Action: N/A    HP: 60/60 EACH (1 @ 11HP)    UCR: 7

3/300 Army Trooper Squads
Location: G-2    Action: N/A    HP: 5/5 EACH    UCR: 4

3/30 Speeder Bikes
Location: G-3    Action: N/A    HP: 10/10 EACH    UCR: 9

1/30 Speeder Bikes
Location: G-4    Action: N/A    HP: 10/10 EACH    UCR: 10
(\/)ighty RE

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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« Reply #42 on: November 04, 2012, 05:36:34 PM »
Eriadu System, Imperial Outpost

SL will come later.

1. 6 MTRANs and 1 E/LSHU touch down in G1, unload troops/GAVs, then re-enter atmosphere.
2. Attacks

 5 X/W Squads vs 229 Stormtroopers (G1)
  120 PTs (360) * (6/6 UCR) = 360 Damage
 5 E/W Squads vs 229 Stromtroopers (G1)
  120 APTs (480) * (7/10 UCR) = 360 Damage

 12 YT1300s vs 229  Imperial Stormtroopers (G1)
   24 HQLCs (192) + 24 ACMs (72) * (6/6 UCR) = 264 Damage

 18 LSHUs vs 229  Imperial Stormtroopers  (G1)
   108 LBs (324) * 3/6 UCR = 162 Damage

 450 Fleet Marines vs 223 Imperial Fleet Troopers
   450 x 3 x (5/4 UCR) = 1350 Dmg

 150 Fleet Marines vs 71 Army Troopers
  150 x 3 x (5/4 UCR) = 450 Dmg

 30 Speeder Bikes vs 84 Speederbikes
   300 x 10 x (10/10 UCR) = 3000 Dmg

 Jedi Guardian vs 229 Stormtroopers
   Attack = 800 Dmg

 Jedi Guardian vs 84 Speederbikes
  Lightsaber = 800 Dmg
3. Guardian moves to G2
4. Attacks
 Jedi Guardian vs 3 Speederbikes G2
  Lightsaber (3rd) = 800 Dmg

Unit Statuses
Note: Squads/Groups only display the status of the last unit in the group (the damaged unit, in other words).

Fighter Group A
Location: A3
Mission: CSP
(2) A-Wing Squads
Fighter Group B
Location: Atmo-1
Mission: See units
(5) X-Wing Squads - Atmospheric Bombing   
(5) E-Wing Squads - Atmospheric Bombing
Auxiliary Group C
Location: Atmo-1
Mission: Invasion
(18) LSHUs -- GROUND attack
(12) YT1300s -- GROUND attack
(1) E/LSHU

600 Marine Troopers (5 UCR, 6/6 HP)
30 Speederbikes (10 UCR, 10/10 HP)
Jedi Guardian (13 UCR, 1400/1400 HP)

MC80 Star Cruiser BRIGADE   
Location: A3
Shields: 2600(2600)
Armor: 1430(1430)
Hull: 1430(1430)
Systems: 650(650)
Nebulon B Frigate CRAB   
Location: A3
Shields: 300(300)
Armor: 300(300)
Hull: 150(150)
Systems: 150(150)
Nebulon B Frigate HELIX   
Location: A3
Shields: 300(300)
Armor: 300(300)
Hull: 150(150)
Systems: 150(150)

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #43 on: November 05, 2012, 09:31:45 AM »
This is kind of an IC/OOC post, but by my count you got 7 AT-ST, 3 Army Trooper Squads, and 4 Speeder bikes left total at the planet, all in different grids. You wanna just go ahead and call this so our fleets can go restock? And do keep in mind, as per the ruling that was made on me with the MC-80, you still have stuff at the planet, you cant restock with it there. Refer to Thyferra ruling #3 on the Thyferra thread from about a week ago.

I vow safe passage to any remaining troops and vehicles left should you choose to abandon the planet. This was supposed to go in my last SL but I just been too lazy this weekend to get it done. lol

And tomorrow I will not be around most of the day as its election day and I have much shit to do making sure Obama takes Wisconsin.

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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« Reply #44 on: November 05, 2012, 08:22:46 PM »
Eriadu System, Imperial Outpost

Note: My last attack in previous post with my guardian should have been vs army troopers, sorry. Also not waiting on ya dem, just want to wrap this one up -- anyway you would have only killed free units with return fire :)  If it bothers you, however, I'll be happy to void this post and let you get one in. Just wanted to move on here...

SL will come later.

1. 6 MTRANs touch down in G1 and load all troops/GAVs, then re-enter atmosphere, then move to Atmo-3.
2. LSHUs and YT1300s enter Atmo-1 move to Atmo-3.
3. Guardian moves to G1.
4. Attacks

 5 X/W Squads vs 1 Speederbike (G4)
  120 PTs (360) * (6/10 UCR) = 216 Damage
 5 E/W Squads vs 3 Speederbikes (G3)
  120 APTs (480) * (7/10 UCR) = 336 Damage

 Jedi Guardian vs 7 AT-ST (G1)
   Attack = 800 Dmg

Unit Statuses
Note: Squads/Groups only display the status of the last unit in the group (the damaged unit, in other words).

Fighter Group A
Location: A3
Mission: CSP
(2) A-Wing Squads
Fighter Group B
Location: See Stats
Mission: See units
(5) X-Wing Squads - G4    
(5) E-Wing Squads - G3
Auxiliary Group C
Location: Atmo-3
Mission: Invasion
 - 600 Marine Troopers (5 UCR, 6/6 HP)
 - 30 Speederbikes (10 UCR, 10/10 HP)
(18) LSHUs
(12) YT1300s
(1) E/LSHU - Atmo1

(1) Jedi Guardian - G1 (13 UCR, 1400/1400 HP)
MC80 Star Cruiser BRIGADE  
Location: A3
Shields: 2600(2600)
Armor: 1430(1430)
Hull: 1430(1430)
Systems: 650(650)
Nebulon B Frigate CRAB    
Location: A3
Shields: 300(300)
Armor: 300(300)
Hull: 150(150)
Systems: 150(150)
Nebulon B Frigate HELIX    
Location: A3
Shields: 300(300)
Armor: 300(300)
Hull: 150(150)
Systems: 150(150)