Author Topic: SPACE BATTLE SIMULATOR  (Read 137001 times)

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #15 on: June 03, 2012, 12:17:32 AM »
OOC Note: And my first victim of the 24hr rule is... -drum roll- Hale! Next yes I know this is a few minutes early, really... I know how you post, and if need be, I can sit here and wait, but I dont see a need for that cause there is no way you would get another post up in the next hour without being signed on now. So I guess if you respond to this post before 1:04am est I will go ahead and delete it. But if you dont even see it until tomorrow morning, I dont see why it shouldnt stick, your 24hrs is up and you wernt here, I was. I mean, with all due respect, as you are the GM, you could tell me to just go to hell, but being a GM myself for many pen&paper RPGs, thats being a bad GM sir! With that being said, I am just a player so it be to your call. But im gunna go ahead and gamble on it anyway, as its my only opportunity arising to take out you and Tat and still have enough left to capture that DHC lmao!! Also, as always, let me know if im doing something wrong, and please bare in mind, im a bit rusty.

"Sir, we have a fleet multiple fleets in system. 1 behind us moving in, another in front of us holding position in B-2. They seem to be taking an observation status."
"Lets not give them a chance to get the upper hand. All craft, move in and engage. We will deal with the other fleet as they reach us."

With that many craft are launched and the ships move into an attack position in C-1 and B-1, with multiple fighter squadrons moving into B-2. (Movement specified VNSD from C-16 to C-1, 2 HHF from C-16 to C-1 to B-1 *2 move*, Fighters/Aux from C-1 *launched there* to B-1 to B-2 *2 move*)

Attack Summary: (Happens in order of posting below for CSP engagement purposes)
34 A-Tran vs Adv Z-95 squads
136TLCs * 8 = 1088
68ICs * 3 = 204
68torps * 3 = 204
UCR = 4/5 = 0.8 x 1496 = 1197 total damage

2 HHF vs Adv Z-95 squads
24HTLs * 10 = 240
24LBs * 3 = 72
4CMs * 2 = 8
UCR = 4/5 = 0.8 x 320 = 256 total damage

4 X-Wing and 4 Y-Wing squads vs remaining Adv Z-95s
192Lasers * 1 = 192
96torps * 3 = 288
UCR = 6/5 = full damage = 480 total damage

96Lasers * 1 = 96
96LICs * 1 = 96
96torps * 3 = 288
48PBs * 5 = 240
UCR = 4/5 = 0.8 x 720 = 576 total damage

4 Y-Wing squads vs HHF Dragon
96LICs * 1 = 96 sys damage
UCR = 4/4 = full damage = 96 system damage

3 Y-Wing squads vs HHF Phoenix
72Lasers * 1 = 72
72LICs * 1 = 72sys
72torps * 3 = 216
36PBs * 5 = 180
UCR = 4/4 = full damage = 468 damage 72 system damage

Total damage to 12 Adv Z-95 squads: 2509pts all squads engaged/destroyed (7.8 squads should be destroyed, 4 from the combined aux + 2HHF attack, and the other 8 engaged by fighters, engaging or destroying all 12 squads)
Total damage to HHF Dragon: 96 system damage (stunned)
Total damage to HHF Phoenix: 468 damage, 72 system damage

Venator-class Star Destroyer (VNSD) in *C-1*
Cost: 1400 KCs
Production Time: 14 Days
Length: 1140 meters
Hyperdrive: x1
Shields: 1140
Armor: 1140
Hull: 640
Systems: 340
Speed: Slow (1)
Maneuver: (2)
10 Dual Heavy Turbolaser Cannons (200)
50 Heavy Laser Cannons (100)
Onboard Units:
(8 Starfighter Squads)
2 X-Wing Squadrons (engaged)
6 Y-Wing Squadrons (engaged)
30 A-Tran (engaged)
(500 Infantry Squads)
500 Republic Commando Squads
Notes: Capable of entering the atmosphere and making planetary landings.

Hammerhead-class Frigate (HHF) x2 *in B-1*
Cost: 400 KCs
Production Time: 4 Days
Length: 315 meters
Hyperdrive: x2
Shields: 315
Armor: 315
Hull: 180
Systems: 96
Speed: Fast (2)
Maneuver: (2)
12 Heavy Turbolasers (120)
12 Laser Batteries (36)
2 Concussion Missile Launchers (4)
1 Tractor Beam Projector (100m)
Onboard Craft:
(3 Starfighter Squadrons)
1 X-Wing Squadron (Engaged)
2 Y-Wing Squadrons (Engaged)
2 A-Tran (Engaged)
(40 Infantry Squads)
40 Republic Commando Squads
Notes: Capable of entering the atmosphere and performing planetary landings.

Fighter Group 1: B-2 Attacking
4/4 X-Wing Squads
4/4 Y-Wing Squads

Fighter Group 2: B-2 Attacking
4/4 Y-Wing Squads

Fighter Group 3: B-2 Attacking
3/3 Y-Wing Squads

Aux Group 1: B-2 Attacking
34/34 A-Trans

Offline Dementat

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« Reply #16 on: June 03, 2012, 03:02:10 AM »
Commander Parrault's Brigade

The enemy had revealed their tactics to Commander Parrault, and his threat assessment was computed to all commands. The enemy transports had proven a vital component of the nearest fleet's battle plan. It had also reduced the effectiveness of the other enemy fleet by nearly half. Almost half his fighters and all his auxiliary were ordered to engage the enemy transports. It would be a costly endeavor, but would buy him some time before those guns were turned on him. Moving the fleet as far as the engines would carry them brought the enemy frigates within range. All batteries oriented in the direction of the two aging frigates and opened fire, effectively removing them from combat. The fight was down to a single destroyer, three frigates, and a shit-ton of bombers and snubfighters. In this match, Parrault thought to himself, we will all be losers.

Moved from B-6 to B-8 heading B-1.
Some fighters/aux move to B-2 and attack.
Fleet fires on B-1.

SWORMs 4 & 5 vs. Ramano's A-TRANs
192 SFS-LCs (384 dmg)
UCR = 8/4 = 100% = 384 Total Damage

2 TIE Bomber vs. Ramano's A-TRANs
48 SFS-LCs (96 dmg)
48 PTs (144 dmg)
24 PBs (120 dmg)
UCR = 6/4 = 100% = 360 Total Damage

16 LSHU vs. Ramano's A-TRANs
96 SFS-LC (192 dmg)
UCR = 5/4 = 100% = 192 Total Damage

12 STORM vs. Ramano's A-TRANs
96 LC (96 dmg)
48 LIC (48 SYSTEMS dmg)
24 PT (72 dmg)
UCR = 4/4 = 100% = 163 Damage + 48 Systems

3 GAS vs. Ramano's A-TRANs
12 TLC (96 dmg)
6 IC (6 SYSTEMS dmg)
6 LC (6 dmg)
UCR = 4/4 = 100% = 102 Damage + 6 Systems

1201 MANDATORY *13 Disabled, 1 Damaged*
54 SYSTEMS *1 Stunned*

VSD-II Maleficent (B-8) vs. Ramano's HHF 1 (B-1)
20 TLB (300 dmg)
20 DTLC (320 dmg)
20 IC (60 SYSTEMS dmg)
5 TB (500 meters held)
UCR = 4/4 = 100% = 620 Damage, 60 Systems, 500 Meters Held

ESC Aurora (B-8) vs. Ramano's HHF 1 (B-1)
10 DLC (20 dmg)
UCR = 4/4 = 100% = 20 Total Damage

640 MANDATORY *Disabled*

NEBs Flora, Fauna, Merryweather (B-8) vs. Ramano's HHF 2 (B-1)
36 TLB (432 dmg)
36 QLC (144 dmg)
6 ACM (18 dmg)
UCR = 5/4 = 100% = 594 Total Damage

TIE Starfighter (B-1) vs. Ramano's HHF 2 (B-1)
24 SFS-LC (48 dmg)
UCR = 8/4 = 100% = 48 Total Damage

642 MANDATORY *Disabled*

Starfighter Group
    Location: B-8    Action: CSP    Armor: 432/432
TIE Starfighter Squadron MT-01
TIE Starfighter Squadron MT-02
TIE Starfighter Squadron MT-03
    Location: B-8    Action: CSP    Armor: 432/432
TIE Starfighter Squadron FL-01
TIE Starfighter Squadron FL-02
TIE Starfighter Squadron FL-03
    Location: B-8    Action: CSP    Armor: 432/432
TIE Starfighter Squadron FA-01
TIE Starfighter Squadron FA-02
TIE Starfighter Squadron FA-03
    Location: B-2    Action: ATTACK    Armor: 432/432
TIE Starfighter Squadron MW-01
TIE Starfighter Squadron MW-02
TIE Starfighter Squadron MW-03
    Location: B-2    Action: ATTACK    Armor: 624/624
TIE Starfighter Squadron AA-02
TIE Interceptor Squadron AA-05
TIE Interceptor Squadron AA-06
TIE Bomber Squadron AA-03
    Location: B-2    Action: ATTACK    Armor: 192/192
TIE Bomber Squadron AA-04
    Location: B-2    Action: ATTACK    Armor: 192/192
TIE Starfighter Squadron AA-01
    Location: B-1    Action: ATTACK    Armor: 144/144

Auxiliary Group
Stormtrooper Transports
    Location: B-2    Action: ATTACK    Units: 12    Armor/Shields: 60/60 each
Lambda-Class Shuttles
    Location: B-2    Action: ATTACK    Units: 16    Armor/Shields: 20/20 each
Gamma-class Assault Shuttles
    Location: B-2    Action: ATTACK    Units: 3    Armor/Shields: 90/90 each

Victory-II Star Destroyer Maleficent
Location: B-8    Heading: B-1
Shields: 1000/1000    Armor: 1000/1000    Hull: 900/900    Systems: 540/540

Nebulon-B Imperial Frigate Flora
Location: B-8    Heading: B-1
Shields: 300/300    Armor: 300/300    Hull: 300/300    Systems: 150/150

Nebulon-B Imperial Frigate Fauna
Location: B-8    Heading: B-1
Shields: 300/300    Armor: 300/300    Hull: 300/300    Systems: 150/150

Nebulon-B Imperial Frigate Merryweather
Location: B-8    Heading: B-1
Shields: 300/300    Armor: 300/300    Hull: 300/300    Systems: 150/150

Imperial Escort Carrier Aurora
Location: B-8    Heading: B-1
Shields: 500/500    Armor: 500/500    Hull: 300/300    Systems: 300/300

« Last Edit: June 03, 2012, 12:35:52 PM by Dementat »
(\/)ighty RE

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #17 on: June 03, 2012, 09:01:02 AM »
OOC: Looks good. I figured you would draw first blood due to my position either way, so I took a calculated risk in not posting yesterday/enjoying a cookout. No worries there. Honestly, I could have outrunned your fleet the whole time, but that would've got boring OR I would've ran into Dem. || GM: I know the concern is out there for the Proton Bombs.. that they make the Y-Wing too powerful. Just keep in mind they can only be used against capital ships or ground targets while on a bombing run. This is why the Empire has TIE Bombers too. And why the Y-Wing is UCR 4 and can get blow away by capital ships if need be. || GM Note 2: Remember, defender bats last in this game, so even if you kill/disable/stun/capture/hand job a unit in your post the defender can make a full action in his next post before resolving your action. || That is all.


of the Galactic Liberation Force
Commanding Officer: CAPT Colton Smith


Onboard the DRAGON...

"Captain! The Venator fleet has engaged us, Hammerheads have moved to middle orbit and are firing weapons!"

"First blood.... Hold position and return fire! We'll make our stand here."

"Aye, Captain!" replied the Executive Officer..

The task force's combined weapons erupted in a concerted defense, mainly targeting the incoming Y-Wings. The beauty of the Venator-class was that is was an effective modern space carrier, but after it ran out of units, it's combat abilities were somewhat limited after that. The main priority would be to take down those fighters.

The Advanced Z-95 Pilots responded first since they were running there Combat Space Patrol. Engaging in a full on melee dogfight with the Assault Transports, X-Wings, and Y-Wings, they fought back... with a vengeance. However, the combined attack on the two full wings resulted in many deaths in the following moments. After the Dragon got off its shots, its systems went black. "Dammit, we've been ionized!" Though the remaining ships directed their fire appropriately. The Rothana Assault Transports also bounced back, joining the fray with full weapons fire.


(12) Adv/Z-95 Squads NOVA 1~12 fires 288 HLCs (576) + 288 CMs (576) at FG1 Y-Wings
| UCR 5>4 = Full Damage --> 1152 Pts = Y-Wing Squads #1 and #2 DESTROYED!

(8) RATs TIGER 1~8 fires 16 TLCs (128) + 16 LBs (48) + 16 PTs (48) at FG1 Y-Wings
| UCR 4:4 = Full Damage --> 224 pts against Y-Wing Squad #3

(4) HHFs DRAGON, PHOENIX, MASTICORE, and GRIFFIN fires 48 HTLs (480) + 48 LCs (48) + 8 CMs (16) at FG1 Y-Wings
| UCR 4:4 = Full Damage --> 576 pts = Y-Wing Squad #4 DESTROYED!

CCC DODGE fires 5 DTLs (80) + 2 QLCs (8) at FG1 Y-Wing Squad #3
| UCR 5>4 = Full Damage --> 88 pts against Y-Wing Squad #3

AVIG SLAYER fires 6 TLCs (48) + 6 PTs (18) + 6 QLCs (24) at Y-Wings | UCR 5>4 = Full Damage --> 90 pts against FG1 Y-Wing Squad #3

to Y-Wing Squad #1 (576 pts)
to Y-Wing Squad #2 (576 pts)
to Y-Wing Squad #3 (402 pts)
to Y-Wing Squad #4 (576 pts)
(all from Fighter Group 1)


Location: B-2 | Status: ION STUNNED! | UCR: 4
Shields: 315/315 | Armor: 315/315 | Hull: 180/180 | Systems: 00/96
Weapons: 12 HTLs + 12 LBs + 2 CMs = 160 Damage
Support Craft:
Adv/Z-95 Squadron NOVA 1 DESTROYED
Adv/Z-95 Squadron NOVA 2 DESTROYED
Adv/Z-95 Squadron NOVA 3 DESTROYED
Rothana Assault Transport TIGER 1 [Shields: 40/40 | Armor: 40/40 | Systems: 40/40] Status: B-2
Rothana Assault Transport TIGER 2 [Shields: 40/40 | Armor: 40/40 | Systems: 40/40] Status: B-2

Location: B-2 | Status: CRITICAL | UCR: 4
Shields: 000/315 | Armor: 162/315 | Hull: 180/180 | Systems: 24/96
Weapons: 12 HTLs + 12 LBs + 2 CMs = 160 Damage
Support Craft:
Adv/Z-95 Squadron NOVA 4 DESTROYED
Adv/Z-95 Squadron NOVA 5 DESTROYED
Adv/Z-95 Squadron NOVA 6 DESTROYED
Rothana Assault Transport TIGER 3 [Shields: 40/40 | Armor: 40/40 | Systems: 40/40] Status: B-2
Rothana Assault Transport TIGER 4 [Shields: 40/40 | Armor: 40/40 | Systems: 40/40] Status: B-2

Location: B-2 | Status: COMBAT | UCR: 4
Shields: 315/315 | Armor: 315/315 | Hull: 180/180 | Systems: 96/96
Weapons: 12 HTLs + 12 LBs + 2 CMs = 160 Damage
Support Craft:
Adv/Z-95 Squadron NOVA 7 [Shields: 000/216 | Armor: 11/144] Status: COMBAT (B-2)
Adv/Z-95 Squadron NOVA 8 [Shields: 216/216 | Armor: 144/144] Status: COMBAT (B-2)
Adv/Z-95 Squadron NOVA 9 [Shields: 216/216 | Armor: 144/144] Status: COMBAT (B-2)
Rothana Assault Transport TIGER 5 [Shields: 40/40 | Armor: 40/40 | Systems: 40/40] Status: B-2 COMBAT
Rothana Assault Transport TIGER 6 [Shields: 40/40 | Armor: 40/40 | Systems: 40/40] Status: B-2 COMBAT

Location: B-2 | Status: COMBAT | UCR: 4
Shields: 315/315 | Armor: 315/315 | Hull: 180/180 | Systems: 96/96
Weapons: 12 HTLs + 12 LBs + 2 CMs = 160 Damage
Support Craft:
Adv/Z-95 Squadron NOVA 10 [Shields: 216/216 | Armor: 144/144] Status: COMBAT (B-2)
Adv/Z-95 Squadron NOVA 11 [Shields: 216/216 | Armor: 144/144] Status: COMBAT (B-2)
Adv/Z-95 Squadron NOVA 12 [Shields: 216/216 | Armor: 144/144] Status: COMBAT (B-2)
Rothana Assault Transport TIGER 7 [Shields: 40/40 | Armor: 40/40 | Systems: 40/40] Status: B-2 COMBAT
Rothana Assault Transport TIGER 8 [Shields: 40/40 | Armor: 40/40 | Systems: 40/40] Status: B-2 COMBAT

Location: B-2 | Status: COMBAT | UCR: 6
Shields: 115/115 | Armor: 115/115 | Hull: 70/70 | Systems: 36/36
Weapons: 5 DTLCs + 2 QLCs = 88 Damage

Location: B-2 | Status: COMBAT | UCR: 5
Shields: 150/150 | Armor: 150/150 | Hull: 150/150 | Systems: 75/75
Weapons: 6 TLCs + 6 PTs + 6 QLCs = 90 Damage | 6 ICs = 12 Ion Damage


Offline Ramano

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« Reply #18 on: June 03, 2012, 09:06:57 AM »
Wait... I dont get it, you did hardly any system damage, and technically the only thing that took enough to be disabled was 1 A-Tran, which will be a secondary question here in a minute but, how is everything disabled? Shouldnt that stuff be dead? I guess I dont understand how all these ships are just floating around in space though. (That was a nice hit btw, I miscalculated how far away you were. Make sure you bring that level of game for the real show now! Told you I was rusty.)

2nd, are fighters/aux effected by ion damage? I could be thinking of a different sim but didnt you guys make it that fighters/aux take everything as mandatory and thus cant be disabled, they just die? Just curious on this cause if this stuff can all be disabled like capships... I may need to look at a change of game plan here and take a more vong approach lol!

And just checking as I look over your post so I dont need to make more of these cluttering the boards, although this is what the mocks are for! Fighters get a death post too?! Uhh... that seems a bit... wow, lol. Bah, whatever, lets see how it works then we can discuss it again after, but keep in mind if im running around with 14 squads of b-wings that will still get another attack even after you kill them all...

Also I was wondering about the proton bombs, I read and read through the rules and it didnt say anything about them not being usable for fighter combat, I figured it must simply work like jango fetts bomb thing he launched out of his IPV against obiwan. We should add that into their stats that proton bombs are not usable on fighters.

And lastly as a request, I was wondering if we could make an addendum to the posting limitations? Perhaps you have to wait 12hrs between posts unless all other parties have already responded. I mean, say we only had me and Dem out here fighting, we are both here and want to post, i've made my post, he's made his post... should we really be forced to wait to make another post if we are both here trying to post?
« Last Edit: June 03, 2012, 09:12:59 AM by Ramano »

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #19 on: June 03, 2012, 07:34:05 PM »
GM Clarifications:

1. ION DAMAGE... the rules pertaining to this affect capital ships mainly, so I see there needs to be some clarification regarding ion damage and starfighters. I do believe that Greg and I decided that AUX can be stunned, ionized, captured, etc... because AUX are "mini capitals", regarding starfighters though, ion damage hits SHIELDS first and then ARMOR as if it were mandatory damage. I realize some of the Rebel fighters have a spec listing for Systems. Hopefully by the time you read this post I'll have deleted those ratings so there isn't any confusion.

2. "Defender Bats Last" ensures that "He Who Posts First, Wins" is no gaurantee of victory. I recognize this is a radical departure from traditional simming, but the glory days of AOL simming when we literally loitered online waiting for the clock to tick down so we could post our attack just isn't feasible with our mutually adult lives. The traditional setup to me also doesn't make any sense, because if a ship exited hyperspace with weapons hot, and then another enemy exited hyperspace right behind it and blew it up... would the first ship not get even a single shot off?  The GCW model is much like tabletop Battletech, which treated each round as happening all at once (regardless of who goes first, second, or third). Naturally, as in this game, damage eventually is accounted for in the end, so I think it all works out in the end... such that "he who posts first, wins a tactical position".

3. Proton Bombs can only be used against capital ships and ground targets. Y-Wings and TIE Bombers by that virtue become High Priority targets because they can take on capital ships big time. I thought we wrote this into the rules a long time ago but I guess I'm mistaken. Greg and I tended to have way more conversations about rules theory than bothering to write the rules... but that's neither here nor there. Then again I also thought that is was common sense that a freefall bomb could in no way hit a starfighter you were dogfighting with...but I suppose we need rules to cover every detail so that the rules don't get abused.

4. No addendums to posting limitations. Sorry, but the line has to hold somewhere. Maybe an exception could be made if it's just two players battling each other themselves on a case by case basis, but with a third or fourth thrown in the mix... there needs to be a standard.

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #20 on: June 03, 2012, 09:23:42 PM »
You need 6 attackers to engage 1 TIE Swarm. They can be a mix of capital ships or starfighter squadrons, but you still need 6. Please revise your post. Dealing enough damage to kill a TIE Swarm satisfies the CSP engagement irregardless of ratios.

You posted today at 00:17:32. So don't even bother revising your post since this one is VOID! You would have to wait until June 4th 00:18 AM to post again.

ONE POST PER DAY, NO EXCEPTIONS!! The "12 hour minimum between posts" rule is there to prevent people (like you) from posting at 11:59 PM and immediately follow up with a 0:01 AM post the next day. But to throw you a little bone here, let's cut back the Order of Battle Skipping Rule to 0 hours. Keep track of your own post times.

Since I assume you're not sleeping tonight, go ahead and redraft your post. =) My 12 hour minimum expired today at 9PM , Dem's expired at 3PM today... so technically we can post before you can (with a VERY tiny 18-minute window)! If either of us misses this window, you can skip us in the order of battle. Please keep in mind though that if you post on June 4th at 00:18, then that will be your 1 post for the day. ONE AND DONE!
« Last Edit: June 03, 2012, 09:25:36 PM by GCW Hale »

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #21 on: June 03, 2012, 09:29:26 PM »
Err... that is totally my bad, I forgot completely about the 1 post per day limit!! Like I said, kinda excited to be simming again and getting ahead of the game. I saw Dem posted, then you posted, so its technically my turn and I jumped the gun. And I thought the 1 draw back to using your ties in a swarm was that it acts as a single unit and thus could be engaged by a single capship? I mean im not arguing it as the whole post is void to begin with, not a big deal, I just dont understand how swarms work I guess then.

But one thing I dont understand, if we only get 1 post per day, and you have to have 12hrs in between posts, how can Dem get 2 posts in to my 1? If he has any opportunity to post again before I can, somehow he is getting 2 posts on me without me being able to respond. Im wondering if you can explain how this worked out? I just dont see how it could happen with me posting at the absolute maximum.

Edit: Post removed, all better! Again, sorry about that. I need to slow down a bit.
« Last Edit: June 03, 2012, 09:34:12 PM by Ramano »

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #22 on: June 03, 2012, 09:51:50 PM »
Yeah, see, Dem cant post again until 3am june 4th, you cant post until 9am june 4th, I can post at 12:30am june 4th, theres no window for either of you to make a post before me. And with this being said, seeing as we basically have to wait 24hrs between posts, maybe we should bump it to 36hrs to skip a person, that way the 12hr and 24hr rules with the 1 post per day dont conflict?
« Last Edit: June 03, 2012, 09:53:54 PM by Ramano »

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #23 on: June 03, 2012, 09:52:52 PM »
Hypothetical Scenario:

You posted on June 3rd, 00:17.
Dem posted on June 3rd, 03:02.

Dem posts again on June 4th, 00:15.
You post again on June 4th, 00:18.

A shitty scenario for you, since you'd have x2 damage coming your way, but it's legit according to the rules. You'll still have the chance to bat last though. That counts for something. But I see your point.

I think the solution here is to implement a 24 hour minimum rule, because that will regulate the pace of the battle a little better. That way the above scenario will look like this:

Ramano posted on June 3rd, 00:17.
Dem posted on June 3rd, 03:02.
Hale posted on June 3rd, 09:01.

You are cleared on June 4th 00:18 AM to post. Dem is cleared on 03:03 AM. I'm cleared at 09:02 AM.

Sometimes it's not always best to go first though, so I'll leave that up to you.

My vote is for the 24 Minimum Between, since that keeps the Order of Battle organized. What's your vote? Dem, what do you think?

...Good thing we're mocking this shit out!!

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #24 on: June 03, 2012, 10:06:00 PM »
This was my point when I was screaming about inactivity all along. This is how you hash out problems, with mock battles. And it helps when every participates to their full abilities. Remember, when flashpoint started, we spent almost 8 months mock battling and mock storylining testing and retesting just to make sure we didnt have problems like this when the game was running.

But yes, I think just saying 24hrs between posts works out much better for an OoB that way things like this dont happen.

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #25 on: June 03, 2012, 10:50:43 PM »
And this is your chance to use my own tactic against me as I wont be able to stay awake tonight. My children have school in the morning still and I have to be up for that, so I wont be able to post until 6am at the earliest. Bah, fucking responsibilities strike down another fleet!

Offline Dementat

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« Reply #26 on: June 04, 2012, 09:20:46 AM »
The whole thing confuses me. I just wait for Ramano to post, knowing I follow him in the order of battle. I'm not one to skip out of courtesy.
(\/)ighty RE

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #27 on: June 04, 2012, 09:47:20 AM »
Yeah, I was doing the same thing and it didnt work very well for me lmao!

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #28 on: June 04, 2012, 10:05:09 AM »

of the Galactic Liberation Force
Commanding Officer: CAPT Colton Smith


Onboard the DRAGON...

Captain Colton "Colt" Smith paced around the bridge impatiently. The ion attack his ship suffered in the first rounds of battle took him out of the fight far too soon. The ship was currently undergoing a full-systems reboot, and so basic systems such as lighting, life support, and communications were coming back - the engine and weapons needed a full-power reactor to get going, but luckily shields remained online due to redudant power supplies.

"What's the status of the reboot?" asked the Captain.

"We're at 50% sir, it's going slow..." replied the Executive Officer.

"Send out a message to the rest of the fleet, tell them to move to low orbit and press the attack against that Star Destroyer!"

"Yes sir!"

"There will be no mercy..."

Within minutes, the fleet and various support ships mobilized. The capital ships moved to A-1, leaving the Dragon behind in B-2, while the starfighters and auxiliaries moved to B-1 to engage the enemy VNSD directly. As the whole fleet opened up on the Venator, it's lack of combat space patrol created a large gaping hole in its defenses, and so the repeated salvo of green, red, and blue energy bolts combined with concussion missile impacts began breaking through the Venator's shields until they collapsed, whereupon the vengeance continued...


(6) Adv/Z-95 Squads NOVA 7~12 fires 144 HLCs (288) + 144 CMs (288) at VNSD | UCR 5>3 = 576

(8) RATs TIGER 1~8 fires 16 TLCs (128) + 16 LBs (48) + 16 PTs (48) at VNSD | UCR 4>3 = 224

(3) HHFs PHOENIX, MASTICORE, and GRIFFIN fires 36 HTLs (360) + 36 LCs (36) + 6 CMs (12) at VNSD | UCR 4>3 = 408

CCC DODGE fires 5 DTLs (80) + 2 QLCs (8) at VNSD | UCR 5>3 = 88

AVIG SLAYER fires 6 TLCs (48) + 6 PTs (18) + 6 QLCs (24) + 6 ICs (12i) at VNSD | UCR 5>4 = 90 + 12 Systems

to VNSD ... 1386 Mandatory + 12 Systems (Shields = 0 / Armor = 894 / Systems = 328)


Location: B-2 | Status: RECHARGING SYSTEMS | UCR: 4
Shields: 315/315 | Armor: 315/315 | Hull: 180/180 | Systems: XX/96
Weapons: 12 HTLs + 12 LBs + 2 CMs = 160 Damage
Available Support Craft:
Rothana Assault Transport TIGER 1 [Shields: 40/40 | Armor: 40/40 | Systems: 40/40] Status: COMBAT (B-1)
Rothana Assault Transport TIGER 2 [Shields: 40/40 | Armor: 40/40 | Systems: 40/40] Status: COMBAT (B-1)

Location: A-1 | Status: CRITICAL | UCR: 4
Shields: 000/315 | Armor: 162/315 | Hull: 180/180 | Systems: 24/96
Weapons: 12 HTLs + 12 LBs + 2 CMs = 160 Damage
Available Support Craft:

Rothana Assault Transport TIGER 3 [Shields: 40/40 | Armor: 40/40 | Systems: 40/40] Status: COMBAT (B-1)
Rothana Assault Transport TIGER 4 [Shields: 40/40 | Armor: 40/40 | Systems: 40/40] Status: COMBAT (B-1)

Location: A-1 | Status: COMBAT | UCR: 4
Shields: 315/315 | Armor: 315/315 | Hull: 180/180 | Systems: 96/96
Weapons: 12 HTLs + 12 LBs + 2 CMs = 160 Damage
Support Craft:
Adv/Z-95 Squadron NOVA 7 [Shields: 000/216 | Armor: 011/144] Status: COMBAT (B-1)
Adv/Z-95 Squadron NOVA 8 [Shields: 216/216 | Armor: 144/144] Status: COMBAT (B-1)
Adv/Z-95 Squadron NOVA 9 [Shields: 216/216 | Armor: 144/144] Status: COMBAT (B-1)
Rothana Assault Transport TIGER 5 [Shields: 40/40 | Armor: 40/40 | Systems: 40/40] Status: COMBAT (B-1)
Rothana Assault Transport TIGER 6 [Shields: 40/40 | Armor: 40/40 | Systems: 40/40] Status: COMBAT (B-1)

Location: A-1 | Status: COMBAT | UCR: 4
Shields: 315/315 | Armor: 315/315 | Hull: 180/180 | Systems: 96/96
Weapons: 12 HTLs + 12 LBs + 2 CMs = 160 Damage
Support Craft:
Adv/Z-95 Squadron NOVA 10 [Shields: 216/216 | Armor: 144/144] Status: COMBAT (B-1)
Adv/Z-95 Squadron NOVA 11 [Shields: 216/216 | Armor: 144/144] Status: COMBAT (B-1)
Adv/Z-95 Squadron NOVA 12 [Shields: 216/216 | Armor: 144/144] Status: COMBAT (B-1)
Rothana Assault Transport TIGER 7 [Shields: 40/40 | Armor: 40/40 | Systems: 40/40] Status: COMBAT (B-1)
Rothana Assault Transport TIGER 8 [Shields: 40/40 | Armor: 40/40 | Systems: 40/40] Status: COMBAT (B-1)

Location: A-1 | Status: COMBAT | UCR: 6
Shields: 115/115 | Armor: 115/115 | Hull: 70/70 | Systems: 36/36
Weapons: 5 DTLCs + 2 QLCs = 88 Damage

Location: A-1 | Status: COMBAT | UCR: 5
Shields: 150/150 | Armor: 150/150 | Hull: 150/150 | Systems: 75/75
Weapons: 6 TLCs + 6 PTs + 6 QLCs = 90 Damage | 6 ICs = 12 Ion Damage



Offline Ramano

  • SWSF Member
  • Posts: 1,385
« Reply #29 on: June 04, 2012, 10:22:07 AM »
OOC Note: Ok essentially, my post itself wont change, whether the stuff died or not, everything I have will still get to fire this shot, so I will just have to update the status.

"Sir, attacks coming in from all sectors!"
"Damnit! A miscalculation on my part, and a costly one. Have the remaining A-Trans pull back to engage the Ties, move the Destiny Ascension into position and let them know we're here. This attack will not go without response."
"Orders are sent, this will be interesting sir."

VNSD moves to B-1
All craft attack
HHF 1 tractors disabled A-Tran into hanger

Attack Summary:
33 A-Trans vs Tie Swarms 4 & 5.
132TLCs * 8 = 1056
66ICs * 3 = 198
68torps * 3 = 198
UCR = 4/8 = 0.5 x 1452 = 726 total damage

VNSD Destiny Ascension vs Neb-b Flora (B-8)
10DHTLCs * 20 = 200
50HLs * 2 = 100
UCR = 3/5 = 0.6 x 300 = 180 total damage

3 X-Wing squadrons vs 16 L/SHUs (Dems)
144Lasers * 1 = 144
72torps * 3 = 216
UCR = 6/5 = full damage = 360 total damage

4 Y-Wing squadrons vs HHF Masticore (B-2)
96Lasers * 1 = 96
96LICs * 1 = 96
96torps * 3 = 288
48PBs * 5 = 240
UCR = 4/4 = full damage = 624 and 96 sys total damage

4 Y-Wing squadrons vs HHF Griffin (B-2)
96Lasers * 1 = 96
96LICs * 1 = 96
96torps * 3 = 288
48PBs * 5 = 240
UCR = 4/4 = full damage = 624 and 96 sys total damage

1 Y-Wing squadron vs HHF Dragon
24Lasers * 1 = 24
24LICs * 1 = 24
24torps * 3 = 72
12PBs * 5 = 60
UCR = 4/4 = full damage = 156 and 24 sys total damage

1 Y-Wing squadron vs HHF Phoenix
24Lasers * 1 = 24
24LICs * 1 = 24
24torps * 3 = 72
12PBs * 5 = 60
UCR = 4/4 = full damage = 156 and 24 sys total damage

1 Y-Wing squadron vs CCC Dodge
24Lasers * 1 = 24
24LICs * 1 = 24
24torps * 3 = 72
12PBs * 5 = 60
UCR = 4/6 = 0.67 x 156(24) = 104 and 17 sys total damage

Total damage to Tie Swarm 4, 432pts. *destroyed*
Total damage to Tie Swarm 5, 294pts.
Total damage to 16 L/SHUs, 360pts *9 destroyed*
Total damage to Neb-b Flora, 180pts

Total damage to HHF Dragon, 156 and 24 sys *Stunned x2*
Total damage HHF Masticore, 624 and 96 sys *Stunned*
Total damage HHF Griffin, 624 and 96 sys *Stunned*
Total damage HHF Phoenix, 156 and 24 sys *Stunned*
Total damage CCC Dodge, 104 and 17 sys

Venator-class Star Destroyer (VNSD) in *B-1*
Cost: 1400 KCs
Production Time: 14 Days
Length: 1140 meters
Hyperdrive: x1
Shields: 0/1140
Armor: 894/1140
Hull: 640/640
Systems: 328/340
Speed: Slow (1)
Maneuver: (2)
10 Dual Heavy Turbolaser Cannons (200)
50 Heavy Laser Cannons (100)
Onboard Units:
(8 Starfighter Squads)
2 X-Wing Squadrons (engaged)
6 Y-Wing Squadrons (engaged)
30 A-Tran (engaged)
(500 Infantry Squads)
500 Republic Commando Squads
Notes: Capable of entering the atmosphere and making planetary landings.

Hammerhead-class Frigate (HHF) x2 *in B-1*
Cost: 400 KCs
Production Time: 4 Days
Length: 315 meters
Hyperdrive: x2
Shields: HHF 1: 0/315 / HHF 2: 0/315
Armor: HHF 1: 0/315 / HHF 2: 0/315
Hull: HHF 1: 170/180 / HHF 2: 168/180
Systems: HHF 1: 36/96 / HHF 2: 96/96
Speed: Fast (2)
Maneuver: (2)
12 Heavy Turbolasers (120)
12 Laser Batteries (36)
2 Concussion Missile Launchers (4)
1 Tractor Beam Projector (100m)
Onboard Craft:
(3 Starfighter Squadrons)
1 X-Wing Squadron (Engaged)
2 Y-Wing Squadrons (destroyed)
2 A-Tran (Engaged)
(40 Infantry Squads)
40 Republic Commando Squads
Notes: Capable of entering the atmosphere and performing planetary landings.

Fighter Group 1: B-1 CSP
1/1 X-Wing Squad

Fighter Group 2: A-1 Attacking
3/3 X-Wing Squads

Fighter Group 3: A-1 (Attacking)
7/11 Y-Wing Squads

Aux Group 1: B-2 Attacking
21/33 A-Trans
1/1 A-Tran *stunned* (In HHF 1 Hanger repairing systems)
« Last Edit: June 04, 2012, 02:57:52 PM by Ramano »