Author Topic: CC: The Crimson Covenant  (Read 169646 times)

Offline Syren

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Re: The Crimson Covenant
« Reply #45 on: September 08, 2012, 03:27:10 PM »
Corporate Sector

D'ian System

Kylie Miranda is waiting on the steps of the Gellar Estate when they arrive. Dane and Gemma bound into her outstretched arms, not realizing how much they actually missed her. Kylie had been a powerfully stable presence in their lives and they looked upon her as sort of a big sister.

Celeste approaches with Dahlia trailing behind.

Kylie ushers the children into the house and smiles, "Welcome home, Lady Masterton."

"Thank you, Kylie. It's so good to see you. How has everything been here?"

Droids swoop in to gather the luggage as they walk through the grand foyer.

"Good but better now that you have returned. The house feels so empty without the family in it."

"I couldn't agree more," Celeste says. "It's too big for just one person. I hope you haven't been dreadfully lonely."

"Oh, I've been keeping myself busy. How was the capital?"

"It was...interesting, to say the least. Lord Gellar stayed on to conclude his business. I had to get the children back."

Kylie nods, "For school. I have gathered the required reading lists and revised class schedules. They are in your office to review at your leisure. Shall I get us some tea?"

Celeste smiles, "I'd love some."


Upstairs, Dahlia showers and changes into a simple grey top and short black pleated skirt. She flips her crimson hair over her shoulder and steps into a pair of platform sandals. The ruined dress hangs on the closet door, taunting her. She glowers, struggling with the pieces of her memory that appear to be missing. Her mother sure wanted them out of there quickly. Curious, yes but not conclusive. She has other suspicions, ones she needs desperately to share with someone she trusts.

She asks her mother if she can go to Muriel's. Celeste allows it as long as she's back at a reasonable hour. Dahlia instructs the driver where to take her and sits silently in the back of the hoverlimo, staring at the outlines of the trees as they whiz by.

When she arrives at the Monroe Estate, Dahlia steps out of the limo and strides toward the massive carved doors.

A protocol droid answers, recognizing her immediately and granting her access.

Dahlia finds Muriel in the living room, curled up on the couch. She springs up when she sees her.


"Hey, friend!"

Muriel throws her arms around her, "Oh my Maker, I've been soooo bored! You have no idea how good it is to see you."

"Ditto, darling. The Republic capital is lame in major way."


"Barely! And I managed to ruin my favorite dress."

Muriel gasps, "Not the green halter!"


"So tragic. How?"

Dahlia shrugs, "I can't remember."

"Now, that's the sort of thing I'd think you'd recollect."

"Normally, yes but it was a strange trip all around."

They falls onto the couch.

Muriel frowns, "How so?"

"You remember what you told me a couple of months ago....about that movie your mother did?"

"Vogue Empire?"


"What about it?"

"You said you had heard we were related to those people."

Muriel nods, "I remember and I saw the reports out of Chandaar. Terrible thing about what happened with Valerie Gellar."

"It's not just her. It's the others too."

Dahlia clutches her best friends hands, staring intensely into her face.

"Dahlia, what's wrong? You are scaring me."

Dahlia's lip trembles as she finally says it aloud.

"I think you were right. Valerie is Rutherford's granddaughter. Melanie is Celeste's daughter and technically the half sister of Dane and Gemma. And me?"

A tear slides down her cheek.

"I think...I'm a Winton."


Offline Syren

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Re: The Crimson Covenant
« Reply #46 on: September 13, 2012, 09:55:26 PM »
Corporate Sector

D'ian System: Surface: Monroe Estate

There is a powerful silence that passes between them as the statement hangs in the air, growing, bloated and confusing. Muriel clutches Dahlia's hands tightly, wearing an expression of pained sympathy. When the reports first broke out of Chandaar, tying members of certain families together as if on a lurid string, Muriel had been curious. The photage of Karen Winton in all her celebrity glory had struck the same chord. Dahlia did share an uncanny resemblance to the Sith royal but she had dismissed it from her mind just as quickly. There was no proof to speak of, either presented by the Gellar-Masterton's or even alluded to in the documentary on The Four or the cineplex movie that followed it. But by the look on Dahlia's face, Muriel can sense that she believes it and tries to tread carefully.

"Why would you think that?"

Dahlia swallows hard, "You saw the photage. Her face. It's my face."
"That's...circumstantial or something."

"Is it?"

Muriel shrugs, "I don't know. Maybe."

"There's more. I ran a search on the parents while I was on Chandaar. Alexander Winton and Queen Monica Greyson. I share the features of one and the surname of the other."

"That's crazy!"

Dahlia breaks their hold and turns to the mini-projector in the center of the coffee table. After accessing the Holonet, she keys in the same search terms but scans for images. Holograms of their faces fill the space above the table. Dahlia leans back and turns to Muriel.

"Tell me about it."

Muriel inhales sharply, instantly noticing the similarities. Alexander's crimson hair and emerald eyes. Monica's high cheek bones and supple, pouty lips. It is not something she can dispute outright, especially with the connection to the Greyson name.


"No, I know. It sounds completely insane but think about it carefully, Muriel. Our intensely secluded upbringing, the vaccine..."

"I thought you guys stopped taking that."

"We did," Dahlia says. "Until now. We were given doses on the shuttle before we left the Republic capital."


"Good question."

Muriel shutters, "What does the vaccine do anyway?"

"It disrupts the mid-chlorians in our systems. You know, those symbiotic whatever's that connect everything? Well, on the vaccine no one can feel you through the Force. It's like, you simply aren't there."
"But it doesn't harm you, does it?"


"And it doesn't affect your ability to like, levitate stuff."

"True but why is it so important for us to be invisible? I don't see your mother cramming it down your throat on the daily."

Muriel laughs.

"That's kind of a poor example of parental protectiveness. Your parents are just cautious because they care. It's not uncommon for most parents to want to protect their children from potential harm."

Dahlia crosses her arms, "There's a fine line between protection and a cover up."

"Are you listening to yourself? You sound paranoid! Why would you even think such a thing?"

"Something happened on Chandaar."


"I don't know."

Muriel frowns, "Then what was it?"

"I can't remember! There are like, holes in my memory. My parents and this Ambassador were working and they sent us down to an arcade."


"Seriously. Well, things were going fine when Gemma disappeared. Dane, Riley and I went to find her and that's the last thing I remember before waking up on a table in a security office."

Muriel tilts her head, "Who's Riley?"
"Oh, the Ambassador's nephew. I was basically the chaperone to a play-date. And here's the kicker - Riley is the boy in Gemma's nightmare's."

"The one's about the monsters?"


"So, this kid who you met on Chandaar has been in your little sisters dreams since she was a toddler? How is that even possible?"

Dahlia throws her hands up, "Beats me!"

"And you don't remember anything that happened after you went to look for Gemma?"

"Not a thing. Apparently, I fainted and somehow ruined my dress. I hadn't eaten very much and I was going to take everyone to lunch when it happened."

Muriel sighs, "Have you asked Dane or Gemma?"
"About what?"

"Duh, the fainting thing! Do they remember what happened?"

"If they do, they aren't spilling. They just get all weird and evasive."

"That's...probably not a good thing."

Dahlia groans, "You've got a point."

"Listen," Muriel says. "If you are really concerned about it, just ask your mother."

"And say what? I think I'm related to an insanely popular Sith maniac? Muriel, the Queen was my mother's best friend back in the day. I can't just bring it up without sounding like I'm accusing her of stealing the Queen's child. It's a touchy subject."

"Then handle it delicately."

"There is something else...something Garron said."
"Your father's valet? He's way dreamy."

"And completely uptight. I tried to leave the hotel to confront my father after I saw the reports. I was going to ask him right then and there. Of course, the security agents wouldn't let me go and Garron brought me to his suite to calm me down. I brought up the Winton name and he got all philosophical on me. He asked me if they raised, cared for and loved me then should it really matter?"

Muriel frowns, "That doesn't exactly sound like a denial."

"No but it wasn't confirmation of anything either. He knows something."

"Let me guess, he's not coughing up answers either."

"Bingo. I just get this feeling everyone around me is keeping secrets. I hate that."

"Who wouldn't? That's a terribly uncomfortable position to be in. So, I'm urging you to sit down with your mother and have a conversation. Otherwise this is going to drive you crazy."

"You think I'm being ridiculous?"

She shakes her head, "Of course not. You've made some valid points but a lot of it is just speculation. You won't know for sure unless you ask."

Dahlia sighs, "You may be right."


"I'm going to start with Dane and Gemma first."


Offline Syren

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Re: The Crimson Covenant
« Reply #47 on: September 15, 2012, 05:59:24 PM »
Corporate Sector

D'ian System

Dahlia returns to the Gellar Estate a little after nine. She knows she's pushing it but rationalizes the time away requires some catching up with friends. The security agents at the front door watch her step out of the hoverlimo and stride past them without so much as a word. The conversation with Muriel had put things in a badly needed perspective and she feels considerably calmer than she has in weeks.

Inside, Celeste is curled up on a couch in the sitting room reading. She is trying not to look like she's waiting up but Dahlia knows that's exactly what she was doing. She smiles at the thought and crosses through the foyer.

"You're home."

She nods.

"How is Muriel doing? Is her mother still on location?"

Dahlia sighs, "She's fine if not a bit lonely. Her mother has been on location on Tatooine for the new feature. Something about a moisture farmer and his wife with dreams of escaping to a better life."

"I imagine that's not entirely a stretch in reality. You know, darling, Muriel is more than welcome to stay here if she wants. I can arrange things with LeVanya. The last thing I want is for that poor girl to be left all alone for so long."


"Yes, really. She's very sweet and deserves to be around others who care about her."

Dahlia considers this, "I'll talk to her about it. Where's Dane and Gemma?"

Celeste sets the book down, "Already asleep. They were tuckered out from the trip home. I'm surprised you aren't exhausted as well."

"Oh, I am but I had to catch up on all the gossip. Apparently, some boy at school was asking about me while we were gone."

"Which boy?"

"Kier Kincaid."

"He's nice, isn't he?"

Dahlia shrugs, "I suppose so, if you like boys who are barely a step above a primitive."

"That's rather harsh, don't you think?"

"He's a jock, mom."

Celeste stifles a laugh.

"Well, everyone has to be good at something. There is nothing wrong with athletics. Your brother is quite skilled at it."

"Good for him."

Celeste takes a more neutral tone.

"Dane has athletics. Gemma has her voice. You can put together a spectacular outfit from practically nothing. You all have wonderful strengths and we are proud of you for them."

"Yet you won't even consider letting me show them off. I want to be the face of a brand like Melanie was for Raga'Ana."

"Dahlia, sit with me for a moment."

She hesitantly crosses the room and lowers herself on the couch. Celeste folds her hands in her lap and stares into Dahlia's emerald eyes.

"We are not trying to be overbearing or controlling. I think we encourage the gifts you all possess but there is something to be said about learning from past experiences."

She pauses, aiming for levity.

"When Melanie and her friends were offered those contracts, they were so young and the company made all sorts of promises. I had a very different life back then and I couldn't always be there to regulate the fine print. Long days, late nights, obligations to appear at a variety of questionable functions for girls of that age. They were forced into a spotlight they weren't ready for. People hounded them constantly. The press followed them everywhere. They could barely breath without it being documented in the media. Their friends were adversely affected as well, pulled into a whirlwind they had no power to control or stop. They became more isolated because of the attention instead of being included and engaged in the traditional activities of a teenager. Celebrity has a considerable price, one I could not protect  them from. I do not want you to end up like Melanie or her friends."

The conversation had taken a sharp turn. They were no longer just talking about Nalaa Grey or the potential to represent the brand. Dahlia does not interrupt because Celeste so seldom speaks about Melanie or her life before she came to the Corporate Sector. It had always seemed she walled that part of herself off from everyone else, as if it pained her to even contemplate who she was before.

Dahlia instinctively places her hand over Celeste's.

"I don't want to be them, mother. I just want to be me."

Celeste blinks away tears.

"I know, my darling. We have tried very hard to keep you safe so that you, your brother and sister would not grow up so quickly. Perhaps there is a part of me that wishes you could stay my babies forever. It's silly, I know. One day, in the very, very distant future, you will understand what I mean. So, do me a favor in the meanwhile?"


"Humor me."

Dahlia groans, "Alright. I'll be the typical teenager."

Celeste hugs her tightly, "Thank you."

"I'm going to get some sleep."

"Sleep tight. Always know how much I love you."

Dahlia pauses in the arched doorway of the sitting room.

"I love you too."

On the way up the giant staircase, she reflects on what Garron had said. She knows her parents adore her and have given her everything. Her life, on the whole, was perfect. Maybe her speculation was just a reaction to the angst and budding rebellion all children feel toward their parents when they reach a certain age. Her mother was always going on about the adolescent struggle with identity. She could simply be finding her own.

Still, something tugs at the corners of Dahlia's mind. A nagging sense that something is amiss. The careful veneer of their structured lives seems forced at times and that leads her to wonder if both her mother and father are overcompensating for something. They had lost much in the past, their entire immediate families, and Dahlia cannot even begin to imagine how that must feel. Perhaps they cling to those closest to them out of guilt or anguish and they cannot be faulted for that. She fathoms it must have been incredibly difficult to start over, to climb out of the darkness of grief and rebuild. In a way, that touches something in Dahlia, endearing them to her.

Maybe she would lay off them for a while and just enjoy the life she has instead of dreaming of what could be. There is plenty of time to be anything she wants to be. In her room, she switches on the bedside lamp and slips out of her platforms. It has been a long day. What is it about space travel and fatigue? Lightspeed seems to really wear a girl down. She smiles as she gazes at herself in the mirror, running a finger along her flawless skin.

"It could be worse," she whispers.

The light behind her dims as another crimson haired girl enters the reflection, a sinister smirk pulling at her perfectly full and polished lips.

"Oh, it will be."

Dahlia gasps, whirling around. The bedroom is empty yet she clutches  the vanity for dear life. Her heart pounds as she tries to reason with her own mind. No one is here. She is just seeing things because she is tired. Yes, blame it on the exhaustion. It's easier that way. Tell yourself lies to dull the roar of questions you may already have answers to. Convince yourself that everything is going to be fine.

She climbs into bed and pulls the covers up around her face. Her eyelids are so heavy now and as she drifts away, the voice calls softly.

"Those who keep you closest are the ones that will deceive you the most."


Offline Syren

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Re: The Crimson Covenant
« Reply #48 on: September 16, 2012, 06:36:07 PM »
Corporate Sector

D'ian System: Valor Preparatory Academy

The day begins like any other. Shower, freshly pressed uniforms, breakfast and the morning send off Celeste gives as they shuffle past and into the hoverlimo which delivers them to school. Classes resume with ferocity, as if there had never been a holiday in between semesters.   

The final bell sounds and Dahlia meets Muriel in the main quad where they wait for Dane and Gemma to join them. As they linger, giggling amongst themselves, other classmates appear from the crowd.

"Say, Dahlia. Heard your dad is making friends with the Trade Federation. He might as well kiss his career goodbye."

Trichelle Corinthos emerges from the pack, arms crossed and fired up.

Muriel shrinks back but Dahlia narrows her eyes.

"Thank you for that unsolicited outburst, Trichelle but do us all a favor and drop dead."

The crowd reacts but the queen bee is having none of it.

"Good one but you're delusional if you think the Direx Board will stand for it. I wonder where you'll go when you can't afford Valor Prep. The slums of Etti IV perhaps? Daddy dearest disgraceful indeed."

Kier Kincaid steps up behind her, "Just leave her alone, Trich."

"No, someone needs to say what everyone is thinking."

Dahlia rolls her eyes, "Why don't you just tell me what your problem is so I can get on with not caring."

Trichelle smirks.

"Everyone knows what he did. Selling off his granddaughter to a psychopath. Better start packing. It's only a matter of time before your on the auction block. And, if you can't fetch the right price, I'll bet your little sister just might-"

Dahlia's fist connects with her face so quickly it cuts her off in mid-sentence. Trichelle is thrown back against Kier's chest before crumpling to the ground. The crowd is caught between gasping and cheering when the Valor Prep security swoop in to break it all up. Dahlia is hauled into the office with Muriel and Kier trailing behind. Trichelle is carried to the nurses office.

The principle takes statements from Muriel and Kier while Dahlia sits in front of the Headmaster in his cavernous office.

"Have anything to say for yourself, young lady?"

Dahlia crosses her legs and smiles.

"Believe me when I tell you, she had it coming."

The Headmaster's expression is dour. He is not amused.

"That is exactly what your friends and other witnesses are saying as well. Miss Corinthos instigated the altercation but it was you, miss Gellar, who threw the first punch."

"That's Greyson."

The Headmaster glances at his screen.

"Your records indicate otherwise, miss Gellar."

Dahlia is stunned and confused but right now, that is the least of her worries.

"Am I going to need a lawyer? My counsel is currently on Chandaar with my father."

"I don't think that will be necessary but one can never be too careful. This is, however, not the type of behavior we expect from the student body at Valor Preparatory. I am very disappointed in you, miss Gellar."

"I assume you will be calling my mother?"

"Lady Masterton is already on her way and you will be suspended while we review your behavior with the conduct board."
"But we just started the semester! I'll fall behind!"

The Headmaster's face tightens.

"Then I suppose you should have thought about that when you were assaulting miss Corinthos. You may go."
Dahlia sighs as she stands and walks out of the office. In the hall, Muriel, Kier and Tobias are waiting for her.

"Nice moves," Tobias says. "Want some ice?"

She looks at her swollen hand, gingerly moving the fingers.

"Thanks but I'll be needing more than that..starting with a manicure."

Muriel frowns.

"Oh, Dahlia, I'm so sorry. We tried to tell them Trichelle started everything."

"It's okay. I reacted poorly."

Kier stares at her, "No, you reacted appropriately. She was way out of line."

Dahlia regards him curiously.

"Won't you be banished for associating with the likes of us?"

"Doubtful," Kier says smugly. "You'll be a hero by morning."

"How wonderful for me."

"Forgive me if I don't share your enthusiasm." Celeste Masterton says sternly.
Tobias, Muriel and Kier disperse quickly, leaving Dahlia alone to face her mother.
"So, this is what you call being a typical teenager? I must be behind the times."


"Spare me," Celeste sighs. "This is not the venue for such a discussion. Your brother and sister are waiting."

She turns on her expensive white heels and stalks away from the office. Dahlia fortifies herself for the inevitable lecture and follows.


Offline Syren

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Re: The Crimson Covenant
« Reply #49 on: September 17, 2012, 10:38:54 PM »
Corporate Sector

D'ian System: Gellar Estate

Dane creeps down the hall and raps on Gemma's bedroom door. She answers and ushers him inside quietly. They know things are tense in the house. It permeates everything so they stay safely out of sight.

"Dahlia is in so much trouble."

Gemma does circles around him, "We might be too."

"What? How? We didn't get suspended."

"Riley's not answering his com."


"So, what if he told?"

Dane sighs, "He promised he wouldn't, Gem."

"I dunno, Dane. I've had this feeling all day like something is wrong."

"Something is wrong! Dahlia punched out the most popular girl in school."

"Besides that. Riley's aunt seems kind of scary. She was looking at me funny before I left."

Dane laughs, "That's because you too couldn't keep your hands off each other. You totally like him."

"I do not!"

"Do too!"

"Okay, so maybe I do. A little. He's important. I don't know how but he is. There has got to be a reason I've been dreaming about him for years and that the monster called him the forth."

Dane shutters.

"Can we not talk about that right now?"

"Why not? It happened. You saw it."

"A part of me wishes I didn't."

"You didn't tell anyone, did you?"


"Not even Alka? Or Roman?"

"No, what about you? Did you tell Preston?"

Gemma gasps.

"Of course not. No one would believe me anyway. If Riley tells the Ambassador she will tell dad and then he will tell mom and we will both be in for it."

"Maybe his aunt wouldn't believe him either. Besides, we don't know what happened after we left."

"Dahlia did something."

"Like what? She's not exactly a fighter. Maybe the monster just left."

"Then why doesn't she remember? She hasn't asked about it once."

Dane shrugs, "She probably doesn't want to think about it either. That thing was pretty gross. Why would you even go with it anyway?"

"I told you," Gemma says. "It didn't look like that before. It...changed."

"That sounds crazy."

"I know! I'm scared."

"It can't get you here," Dane says. "We're safe."

"It knew us, Dane. It called Riley the forth."

"I don't know what that means."

"Me either."

Dane brightens, moving toward her consol.

"We could find out."

Gemma leaps forward, grabbing his wrist before he can turn it on.

"No, dad monitors everything we do. They will know we are looking."

"Then what do you want to do?"

Gemma bites her lower lip and thinks.

"We could search at school tomorrow. If anyone asks, we can say it's for research. That's not a lie."

"This is really bothering you, isn't it?"


He pulls her into a hug, "Okay, we'll look into it."


Downstairs, things are not going well. Kylie Miranda had gotten through dinner as swiftly as possible, ordering the fleet of droids into action. Celeste is fuming, trying to find the right way to approach her daughter about her inexcusable behavior. The actions bring back memories of another student who lost control at North Coruscant High and the repercussions that cost many people their lives.

Surprisingly, it is Dahlia who breaks the ice.

"I'm not some maniac, you know. It's not like I attacked her without provocation."

"While I am certainly impressed by your vocabulary, it doesn't change facts. You assaulted another student. I don't think you realize how serious an offense this is."

"Trichelle said associating with the Trade Federation would cost dad his job."

"You shouldn't be discussing business at school, Dahlia. What your father does should not concern you or anyone else."

"The things their parents do is what most of those kids talk about!"

Celeste senses something deeper.

"Is that all she said to you?"

Dahlia shakes her head, "No. That wasn't what pushed me over the edge."

"What was it?"

Dahlia lowers her eyes.

"It's okay, you can talk to me."

Their eyes connect.

"She said dad sold Valerie and that he would sell us too."

Celeste goes to her, putting an arm around her shoulder.

"Oh, darling, you know that's not true at all. Your father adores all three of you more than anything else in the worlds."

"But he did sell Valerie, didn't he?"

"No, he didn't. Your father was blackmailed by a very dangerous man."

"Alexander Winton."

"That is not a name I want to hear pass through your lips again. He was extremely manipulative with allies throughout the known galaxy who put your father and I in considerable peril on more than one occasion."

Dahlia seizes the opportunity.

"Is that why my school file was changed?"

"What do you mean?"

"The Headmaster said my record lists me as Dahlia Gellar. Not Greyson. You still think this man poses a danger to us, don't you? It's the reason we are taking the vaccine again."

Celeste's jaw tightens.

"Winton murdered my husband and my best friend and he would have murdered me if it were not for Rutherford and the vaccine."

"He can't hurt you if he's dead."

"That's not entirely true. We don't know how many are still loyal to him or if they will make an attempt to finish what he started."

"Which is what exactly?"

Celeste swallows, "There is much you do not understand."

"I could if you told me."

"It's not something I want you to worry about."

Dahlia scoffs, "There could be people out there who want you and dad dead. That worries me."

"That's the last thing we want."

"Wait," she says, narrowing her emerald eyes. "You think these people would hurt us too? Me, Dane and Gemma?"

"We don't know, darling. That is why we take precautions."

"So, you would have us live our lives in the shadow of a giant question mark? We can't run around hiding from a ghost! There has to be more to the story than that."

Celeste takes a step back.

"Perhaps but it is not one you are going to hear tonight. Right now, we need to focus on the present. The conduct board will hold a hearing to decide your fate at Valor Prep. If you make a sympathetic plea, they may not expel you."

"You expect me to apologize to Trichelle?!"

"If you value your education and standing within the community, yes. You will find there are many times in life we must put aside our own feelings for the greater good. I'm not saying she was right. I'm saying that violence solves nothing. You are better than that and you will apologize to have the suspension lifted."

"That's all?"

"No," Celeste says, moving away. "Then you are grounded."


Offline Syren

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Re: The Crimson Covenant
« Reply #50 on: September 20, 2012, 10:55:39 PM »
Corporate Sector

D'ian Sector: Surface: Valor Prep

The excitement radiating throughout the campus is palpable. Rumors that the social hierarchy is in a state of upheaval begin to swirl. Dahlia is the name on the tip of everyone's tongues. Trichelle Corinthos refused to return to school due to a bruise no amount of foundation would conceal. With Dahlia suspended, Muriel Monroe becomes the most sought after coed overnight. As the student body clamors for information, Tobias Harkan and Kier Kincaid step in to shield Muriel from their advances.

The winds of change are blowing.

Meanwhile, Gemma and Dane steal away to the computer lab after school. They had to cleverly untangle themselves from their friends. Neither wished to involve anyone until they knew more. Gemma has not mentioned to Dane that when she tried calling Riley again at lunch, his com channel was out of service.

They sit side by side at terminals, accessing the schools network and search portal. Dane starts simple, typing in: the forth.

Did you mean: "The Four?"

The Four...the was worth a shot. With a double click, Dane is treated to thousands of articles and pictures with names he recognizes.

"Gemma, look."

She swivels in the chair, sliding closer to him. Dane opens the main article that displays a bold headline below which are promotional stills of four very beautiful girls.

"Oh my..."

The Four

Also known as The Fearsome Four, The Royal Four of the Force

Title used to collectively reference four socialites and models for the Imperial fashion label Raga'Ana who's lives and deaths played a significant role in galactic events.

Karen Elizabeth Winton
(Born 13BBY Naboo/Died 7ABY Centerpoint Station)

Melanie Ann Masterton
(Born 13BBY Naboo/Died 7ABY Centerpoint Station)

Valerie Victoria Gellar
(Born 13BBY CSA/Died 6ABY Corellia)

Kimber Elise Patten
(Born 13BBY Corellia/Died 7ABY Centerpoint Station)

The article generalizes their rise to fame before breaking down into sections detailing the glamorous and tragic lives of each girl. At the bottom of the page, just above the sources used to site this information, there is a list of other topics.

See also:

Prophesy Persephonea
North Coruscant Senior High School
Event @ 500 Republica
Bolerathon Tower
Emperor Dementat
Phage Crisis
Battle @ Centerpoint Station
Kent Carlson
Bound by Blood
Vogue Empire

Dane and Gemma read through the passages with a rising dread that stems from a connection they somehow always knew was there. It was no secret they shared biological relations to both Melanie and Valerie. Their parents seldom spoke of them but kept tangible evidence around the Gellar Estate. The portrait of Valerie in Rutherford's study. Framed pictures of Melanie in Celeste's office. Neither Dane or Gemma had asked for details about them because they knew it was painful and made their parents very sad.

The other two names are not familiar to them at all.

"This makes no sense," Dane says. "If the monster called Riley the forth, that would mean we are all related to these girls."

"But we are."

"You and I? Yes. Dahlia and Riley? No. Dahlia isn't a Winton and Riley's last name is Tacofer, not Patten. Maybe it made a mistake. Maybe it thinks they are someone else."

"Why would it think that?"

"Because we were all together. There were four of us. Maybe it just assumed..."

Gemma clutches the bottom of the chair.

"Assumed what? It sounded pretty sure to me."

Dane sighs, tapping down the screen.

"It's impossible, Gem. Dahlia is our sister which means she is both a Gellar and a Masterton. The article says Patten was pregnant but they died on the station along with Winton, Masterton, the reporter, the Mandalorian and the Imperial Emperor. No one survived."

"That's dreadful."

"I know."

"How do they know everyone died if they all supposedly died together? If no one got off that station, how does anyone know what happened on it?"

Dane scans through more of the article.

"The reporter, Kent Carlson, sent his story to a contact in the Republic before he died. It says he was working on it since the Phage Crisis but never got anything good until he was saved by the Jedi Melanie Masterton on Tatooine."

"We have a Jedi half-sister? That's so neat!"

Dane smirks, "Guess that explains the Force stuff."

"Mom said it runs strong in our family."


"What is it?"

Dane clicks on the article about Kent Carlson, skimming through his upbringing, life and early career and into his final months as a rogue reporter wanted by the Confederation High Commander.

"It says that after he was rescued by Melanie and taken back to Arbra, the Empire discovered the secret Republic base and chased them back to Corellia. He was detained on the High Commander's orbital platform with two Republic agents, Cirque and Denton, and a Republic Counselor Circe...Prescott."

Dane and Gemma turn to each other, a knowing look passing between them.

"That's Garron's sister."

He nods, reading on.

"With the threat of Imperial attack imminent, the Jedi Masterton relocated the team to Centerpoint Station to protect Kimber Patten, the Empire's primary target, but sent Circe Prescott back to the Republic as a fail-safe were the Confederation forces to falter. Carlson sent with her his nearly complete story to release if he were to perish in the battle. His final transmission was beamed shortly before the Station exploded. A year later, the Republic Counselor released the story in its entirety which spawned the documentary Bound by Blood and the holoplex feature, Vogue Empire."

"So, the Counselor told the reporters story after he died. Creepy."


Dane clicks back to the main article and it redirects to the top of the page. The headline in bold above the faces staring out at them. They sit in silence for a while, digesting what they just read when Dane focuses on Valerie's stare and wonders what she was like. The article paints her in two very different lights. One of the wild and promiscuous party girl and the other, a governess and hero that united a sector against a grave danger. Either way, she must have been a hoot.

It is then he notices her dark green eyes and defined jaw line, features he shares. Gemma and Melanie look almost identical, courtesy of Celeste. The closer he focuses on the pictures, the more similarities he sees. Dane sits upright and enlarges the images so they fill the screen.

"What are you doing?"

Dane is staring at Karen Winton's face, the smile that borders on a sneer, the sparkling emerald eyes and fiery crimson hair. Based on how intensely he is staring at the picture, Gemma focuses on it as well and gasps.

"That...looks like Dahlia."

"Exactly like Dahlia."

They both glance over at Kimber Patten's adorable, smiling face. The round violet eyes and button nose - the same violet eyes and button nose Riley Tacofer has. Gemma grabs his arm tightly, rapidly coming to the same conclusions that simply cannot be. Dane temple's are throbbing as he tries to regulate his breath that is now coming out in pants. Gemma's dreams, the boy with no name, the monster's hiss. 

The Forth.

"The monster thought we were them because...we are them."


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Re: The Crimson Covenant
« Reply #51 on: September 23, 2012, 02:27:42 PM »

Sub-Surface: Shattered Ridge

The elders convene in the caves, chanting softly in the darkness beneath their tattered robes. The event their oracles had foreseen had come to pass. They had felt the explosive ripple from the third Winton Abomination, revealing her position on Chandaar like a powerful beacon. The intent was not to find her as they already knew where she was from the coverage in the media. The Voss-Ra needed a display of power that would bring the attention of others connected to the Force in the Empire, Hapan Consortium and Republic.

This tactic, however, is not one they can take sole credit for. From their contact with the Nightsisters, they were told that the former Dark Queen of Hapes had sent minions to Contruum to invoke such a reaction from the second Winton Abomination. This display had been catastrophic but none the less effective. It had establish her as a player and potential galactic threat, a reaction they pray repeats itself.

As brightly as the Abomination had shined, it had been extinguished just as quickly. They know it may not have been enough to pin down her location but more than enough to worry both the Jedi and the Sith. The wheels of thought would begin to turn, followed by the inevitable panic bred by the notion that a danger that had lied dormant for over a decade could now be on the precipice of reemerging.

The disruption of the third Winton Abomination's Force signature could only be caused by one thing - Gellar's vaccine. It had kept them all hidden for so many years and was a great source of contention among the Voss-Ra's disciples. They were ready to make a move.

Elder Bashir addresses the others.

"Perhaps it is time to take away from them the ability to hide in plain sight."


Chandaar: Republic Capital

Surface: Ambaril: Hotel Ovallus

Rutherford Gellar paces across the living room. It feels so much more empty now that Celeste and the children are gone. Perhaps his wife had been right all along. Perhaps they never should have joined him here but it is not something he can dwell upon.

The door chime sounds and Garron Prescott joins him.

"You asked for me, sir?"

"Yes," Rutherford says. "Has there been on progress on the tasks I assigned?"

"There has, Lord Gellar. Dahlia's records have been updated accordingly and I have Janessa Kain working on concealing the photage in question. Doses of the vaccine will be administered daily by miss Miranda. May I asked how the Federation discussions are going?"

He sighs, "Slow but steady."

"That doesn't exactly sound reassuring."

"There's a problem. The Ambassador knows who Dahlia is."

Garron's face tightens, "How is that even possible, sir? The information is classified to only six individuals - you, me, Lady Masterton, Circe, Kylie and the children's primary physician."

"Mara Tacofer had a close personal relationship with both Valerie Gellar and Karen Winton. It seems, however unlikely, she was able to make this connection on sight alone."

"Dahlia does share a resemblance."

"More than shares," Rutherford says gravely. "They are damn near identical, the way Gemma mirrors Celeste and Dane mirrors Valerie. Genetics alone should allow for variations but it is almost as if the traits that made The Four who they were are the ones that were passed down through the bloodline. They are also the ones that will make them targets."

"Targets? You think the Federation Ambassador would try to exploit this? Use it to their advantage with the Senate?"

"No but she is hiding something."

"Such as?"

Rutherford crosses his arms.

"Mara Tacofer killed Alexander Winton and obtained his files, files that extensively document interactions and leverage against all those he dealt with. This includes me."

"What about Lady Masterton?"

"I assume she, along with Queen Greyson-Winton, Major Kyri Patten, Lilandra Patten and Henrick Masterton were all referenced in the material. The Ambassador admitted that these reports did not include the whereabouts of Celeste after she escaped Naboo. Either Winton didn't know where she went or chose not to pursue her."

"Do these reports also reference Dahlia?"

He shakes his head.

"Not that Tacofer revealed. I believe Celeste was correct in stating that the Queen was able to conceal the pregnancy from her husband while in exile on Naboo. Henrick and Celeste were only made aware of it when they arrived and the Queen was in labor."

"So, the Ambassador has no proof Dahlia is a Winton."

"Unclear but she did make a comment regarding a shared genetic link."

"She has a sample from Dahlia?"

"No, but she may have one from Karen. The files in her possession may actually include genetic markers on everyone involved, including one with an anomaly from Valerie. One she has never seen before."

Garron arches a brow, "Has it been verified?"

"The techs at ChemiX are running Valerie's sample now. Until the results are conclusive, we need to focus on the present. The Ambassador will never trust me but she has agreed to help uncover if Winton's plans linger in the shadows."

"You think that's possible after all this time?"

Rutherford focuses on Garron's face.

"If there is one thing I have learned over the years is that, dead or alive, Alexander Winton is never to be underestimated."


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Re: The Crimson Covenant
« Reply #52 on: September 25, 2012, 09:32:15 PM »
Corporate Sector

Etti IV: Surface: Mondder

Vex Sienna has been making headway.

His methods have allowed him insight into how the Direx Board works and what the motives of some of its members actually are. The bottom line reigns supreme, no surprises there. After all, this the Corporate Sector. Profits and public standing rank just above mergers and acquisitions. The members of the board are driven by the wealth they have amassed and fund lobbyists to ensure they can hold onto as much of it as they possibly can.

Greed is favored. Casualties are expected. Monopoly is the endgame.

It is not unlike the Empire which is why his presence has not been met with the hostility Vex had anticipated. The Emperor had purchasing power and Vex was simply there to broker the deals and oversee Imperial interests. He had joined Balthazar Nash at a private Palace Arms firing range to test some of the modified weaponry before the shipment left for Byss. Vex was more than impressed. The new IX-8 blaster rifle packed enough power to blow entire sections out of any would-be sentient enemy and completely destroy a droid in a single shot. The secondary version, the IX-9, more of a prototype really, utilized an acid based compound that could melt body armor and peel flesh down to the bone. He signed off on both over drinks that afternoon. Vex hoped the Emperor would be pleased by their tactical efficiency and lethal military application.

His contact with Kylie was mostly relegated to com-links and holoprojectors. He had been concerned by the warning from Burke Pallus regarding the Emperor's temperament after the murder of the Moff Council. Vex did not want to inadvertently place her in danger, especially when he had yet to formally introduce himself to Rutherford Gellar. Kylie, on the other hand, had been busy prepping for the return of Lady Celeste Masterton and the children who were set to begin the new term at school. She told him Lord Gellar had remained behind on Chandaar to continue negotiations. He suppressed his desire to pry for details as he knew this would seem suspicious.

During the last session with the Direx Board, Gellar's progress had been called out by several members. Some accused him of conspiring with the Trade Federation. To dispel these rumors, Iver Aguilar stated that he had spoken with Gellar and that there would be no way to retain Republic contracts without conceding to a Federation presence in the markets. Both factions had pasts to use against one another but such bickering would fall flat with the Senate, making them less receptive to future business opportunities. The clearest and most lucrative path was to deal carefully but Gellar had assured Aguilar that the Sector's interests were his top priority. This had been met with grumbling from some and disbelief from others. Vex was interested to see how Gellar would play it in the end, given the history revealed between them.

Surprisingly, D'Ken Dawning came out in favor of Gellar's assessment of the situation which visibly quelled some of the outrage. Vex knows that since Dawning had pushed for Gellar as the sole Sector representative, it would benefit him if Gellar succeeded.

The politics and personal grievances were most amusing to behold.

Vex returns to his apartment and opens a bottle of ale as he steps out onto the patio. The cityscape pulses with commerce and consumerism. It brings him back to the Coruscant days of his past where the rampant materialism and status seemed to be all that mattered. His life had shaped up pretty much the way he wanted it to, plus or minus a few details. In high school, he had been the star Chin-Bretier coupled with the grades to earn him a coveted spot in the Carida Academy after graduation. He had done well there and been assigned a significant and envious position aboard Emperor Dementat's flagship. A part of him thought this was due to his to past with the socialite-turned-Sith, Darth Kyja, who had personally requested it. Those who made it out of NCH during Alexia Winton's reign of terror and, on a larger scale, off of Coruscant before it was destroyed, had a bond thicker than blood. The other part came to believe the Emperor knew of their tryst and kept him close, despite it taking place before their relationship began. Either way, Vex held a deep respect for the fallen Emperor. Dementat was brilliant in so many ways. A visionary with plans for galactic domination on a scale the universe had never seen. He was proud to have been a part of it, regardless of how it ended so tragically at Centerpoint.

His only hope is that what Emperor Scrag has planned will fulfill the whispers of an Empire everlasting.


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Re: The Crimson Covenant
« Reply #53 on: September 27, 2012, 11:25:57 PM »
Corporate Sector

D'ian System

Gemma finds herself in a clearing, staring out over the rubble of what was once a beautiful mansion. This is not her home but she moves toward it as if drawn by a force unknown to her. Insects sing in the distant foliage and a brilliant night sky the color of a bruise is dotted with millions of white stars. As she weaves carefully through the broken stone, she comes upon a figure sitting on half of a broken stone pillar.

Riley looks older now, hair longer and swept across his face. She realizes she is older now too, her golden curls much longer and spilling off her shoulders. His smile is lopsided, crinkling his button nose. She blushes, even in the darkness.

"Come," he says. "We haven't got much time."

Even though they cannot yet be seen, they both know they are out there.

He extends a hand and she takes it.

Together, they make their way to an opening in a tower of rubble where soft orange-yellow light emanates through the spaces between. Inside there is a circular stone staircase, narrow at first but that grows wider the farther they descend. Torches attached to the walls reveal the way. As they continue, Gemma notices the glyphs burnt into the pillars and walls, familiar somehow. They are almost to the bottom of the stairs which opens up into a vaulted room in the center of which sit four sarcophagus'. They are large and ornate, carved meticulously in different styles. Riley hesitates but Gemma is curious, stepping forward without letting go of his hand. Before her heel touches the floor, it begins to rotate and sink with a loud grinding sound echoing throughout the room. Another circular stone floor extends over the first and slams together with a thunderous roar. And on the floor, four symbols burn themselves into the stone. They are each different and spaced equally apart.

Riley and Gemma walks toward them. She kneels, running her fingers along the still warm grooves of the symbols.

"What are they?"

She recalls something, staring at them intensely.

"Ancient symbols. Ones that pre-date the written word."

Riley squints at them, frowning.
"What do they mean?"

Gemma pushes strands of hair behind her ear, touching the first.

"Destruction or fire."

She moves to the second.

"Light or to see. Seer, perhaps."

The third.

"Power or greed."

And finally, the forth.

"Balance, hope."

He smirks, "That's somewhat promising if not intentionally vague."

"They can be interpreted in different ways depending on which direction the symbols are facing. But these aren't in any particular order. They do not seem to form a coherent thought or sentence."

"Maybe they aren't meant to."

The earth above them rumbles. Gemma stands quickly, both of their eyes trained on the stairs.

"It doesn't matter," she says. "They are coming."

"They always come."

Gemma sits upright screaming, thrashing out of the covers and up against the upholstered headboard. Kylie Miranda is in the doorway in an instant, light on and rushing to the bed.

"Gem! Gemma, it's okay. It's alright. You are safe."

Gemma shutters, blinking rapidly. Kylie's face comes into focus. She burst into tears, throwing her arms around her shoulders. Kylie holds her tightly as she has so many times before. After several moments have passes, Gemma begins to settle down and Kylie eases her back under the covers.

"Sleep now, sweet Gem. It was just a dream."

"No," Gemma says, voice cracking. "It's not."


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Re: The Crimson Covenant
« Reply #54 on: October 02, 2012, 09:01:16 PM »
Corporate Sector

D'ian System

The morning light brings a new sense of purpose.

Dahlia chooses a conservative outfit for her hearing before the disciplinary board at Valor Prep. She prepares herself for the schmooze-fest required to save her from expulsion. Celeste had coached her well and she realizes the importance of this hearing. Surprisingly, Dahlia loves the learning process. School has always been important to their family and she does well in almost every subject with the exception of a slight struggle with math. Number have never really been her thing unless its attached to a price tag...hanging on an a store.

She meets Celeste at the bottom of the stairs and are quickly joined by Dane and Gemma. Kylie sees them out to their transport which takes them to Valor Prep. The ride is mostly silent and uncomfortable. Gemma tries to make eye contact with Dane but he stares listlessly through the window. Since their search turned up unexpected results, Dane has barely spoken to Gemma. Despite his initial assessment, he remains in denial that they are all connected to such a colorful past. He refuses to believe their parents would have kept something so important from them even though Gemma had made the argument about their age and a need for protection. Just because they haven't mentioned it yet doesn't necessarily mean they wouldn't discuss it with them at some point. Dahlia remains the point of contention between them. Dane cannot bring himself to believe their sister isn't actually their sister but a descendant of the Sith royals responsible for horror and destruction on a level they can barely fathom. Gemma can't blame him. She doesn't want to believe it either but she is clever enough to know it makes sense, given her dreams and the vast secrecy of their parents past lives.

There is a reason why she was introduced to Riley before she actually met him in person. The dreams were a warning that the monsters lurking in her mind are real and they have everything to do with the four of them. What she doesn't know is the exact nature of their involvement nor is it something she can really process on her own. She had tried to reach Riley multiple times all with the same result. His com was disconnected, sending waves of dread through her. Either he told the Ambassador or she pieced together the truth from the agents that responded.

Both Gemma and Dane have been very careful around Dahlia. A part of Gemma wishes to ask her about what happened in that corridor on Chandaar but she carries on as if nothing had happened. Dahlia isn't usually one to keep things to herself, especially if it upsets her which is why this is all so strange. Gemma thought by now she would have approached them about it and tried to figure out more about the monster and why it was there.

They arrive at Valor Prep with little fanfare. Celeste sends Dane and Gemma off to classes and escorts Dahlia to the administrative offices. Since they have different instructors, they separate without so much as a glance. Gemma begins to worry that Dane will crumble under the questions and go to their mother with the truth. She is not normally one to keep things like this from her parents. Lying was never looked upon favorably in their household and they shared a certain dynamic that made it easy to communicate with each other. She cherished this because most of her classmates had parents who barely spoke to them at all and others who were seldom even present. She pitied those children and the things they would miss out on which is why this is so difficult for her. She wants to be able to tell her mother and father about the monsters, about Riley and ask them questions about their Jedi half-sister and her famous fallen friends. She wants to but she cannot seem to find the words. She doesn't even know where to begin.

The most nagging detail, the one that has her in the most emotional turmoil is about Riley. If he really is the forth, as her dreams have told her and the monster confirmed, does he know who he is? All the reports they viewed state that while Kimber Patten was pregnant, neither made it out of Centerpoint. The pregnancy itself was a source of much speculation tied to a prophecy that astounds Gemma. Apparently, the child was viewed as a savior of sorts which is why Melanie was protecting it and the Empire wanted it dead. So while it appeared that the rest of The Four were by far more famous for other reasons, Kimber Patten and her unborn child were the most vital pieces of the prophecy. And if Riley is who she thinks he is, how did he escape Centerpoint?

If Kimber is his mother and the Ambassador is his aunt, that would make the Ambassador Kimber's sister. The articles said that Valerie Gellar was Kimber's half-sister but outside of that, there were no other siblings.

Gemma frets as she sits at her desk, trying to follow along with the lesson.

Either there were other unknown children of Patten or, even more frightening, Ambassafor Tacofer is not who she claims to be.


Offline Syren

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Re: The Crimson Covenant
« Reply #55 on: October 04, 2012, 10:26:28 PM »
Corporate Sector

D'ian System

It would seem the persuasive gene's run in the family. Celeste is unsure how, as she was not permitted in the actual hearing, but Dahlia had won over the entire board. The suspension has been lifted and she would return to Valor Prep the following day. While Celeste is pleased, she does not feel this is something to celebrate given the violent outburst that got Dahlia in this situation in the first place.

On the ride home, Dahlia checks her reflection in a small compact.

"That was easy."

"I do not appreciate such a cavalier attitude. You were very fortunate today."

"No," Dahlia says. "I was convincing. That's what matters most, isn't it? Saving face and maintaining reputations?"

Celeste narrows her gaze.

"Only if you wish to capitalize on the opportunities afforded to those who do."

"Is that the conventional Concordia wisdom?"

"Dahlia, you still have much to learn about the way life works but I can understand your a point. It seems trite to you now but it is the tone we set as adolescents that paves the way to a successful adulthood. I do not expect you to think it's fair or even reasonable but those are the facts. Your father and I want the best for you and it would bring me considerable joy to see you at least attempt to make an effort."

Dahlia sighs, "I suppose you still want me to apologize to Trichelle."

"It would be the mature thing to do."

She settles back into the seat, trying not to pout. There is a part of her that knows her mother is right. The Concordia Township is built upon pretentious posturing and cleverly made matches. It's been that way for generations or so she had heard. The Gellar's were one of the most affluent families in Concordia and throughout the Corporate Sector. As such, she and her siblings were worth billions. A lot was riding on their reputation. Her father could be shrewd in business but her mother was beloved by all who knew her. She softened his image in a way that made him seem less abrasive, less hostile to the community. The intricacies amuse Dahlia but she will do as she is asked because, as much as she hate to admit it, it is the right thing to do.

At least on the surface.

Dahlia smiles deviously to herself, considering a way to use the information Muriel spilled about the social state of Valor Prep since the incident with Trichelle. You are so right, mother.

Capitalize on the opportunities indeed.


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Re: The Crimson Covenant
« Reply #56 on: October 09, 2012, 10:19:39 PM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital

Surface: Ambaril: Hotel Ovallus

The door chime echoes through Garron Prescott's suite. He finds Janessa Kain leaning precariously in the doorway, breezing past him into the living room. He taps the door closed and turns around.

"I take it you succeeded in your mission?"

She nods, opening her purse and handing him two data cards.

"The original station copy along with the prerequisite duplicate. The vid upload was permanently deleted from their network and the photage pulled from the news site. While it only aired once in the initial Holo broadcast, it has been available for viewing until this evening."

Garron frowns, "How many times was it viewed?"

"Accordingly to the tracker? Over three thousand plays," Janessa says. "However, the photage was not available for download so no one was able to make a copy of their own. The channels are quite strict about copyright to their material so at least we have that on our side."

"I appreciate your assistance."

She smiles slyly.

"It's the least I could do. After all, you were so hospitable and I can certainly understand that Lord Gellar would not want his children exploited in the press."

"You are too kind. May I ask that-"

"This be kept confidential? Consider it done. My sources are very discreet."

"Thank you."

"Is there anything else I can do for you?"

Garron grins.

"Not at the moment but if I think of anything, I'll let you know."

Janessa runs a finger down his chest as she passes, pausing at the door.

"I'm sure you will."


Rutherford Gellar pours himself a stiff drink as his beautiful wife's hologram appears above the projector on the table.

"My love."

Celeste smiles warmly.

"I miss you, darling. When are you coming home?"

"Not until the negotiations are complete, I'm afraid. The Ambassador is finalizing our presentation to the Senate."

"I don't trust her, Rutherford."

"Hardly surprising given that she doesn't trust us either. But she has information, Cel. Information that is vital to protecting our children and ourselves. Speaking of, how are they doing?"

"Dane and Gemma are very well."

"And Dahlia?"

Celeste sighs, "I'm afraid that's another story. A student approached her at school and made some unflattering comments regarding what happened with Valerie. The student went on to imply you would do the same to her."

"I would never!"

"I told her as much but that was after she assaulted the student and was subsequently suspended."

"Good girl."

"I'm sorry, what was that?"

Rutherford clears his throat, "Nothing, static in the holo. Is she alright?"

"She is now," Celeste says. "Apparently, she managed to convince the entire Valor Prep disciplinary board of her innocence and was reinstated. She'll be back in classes tomorrow."

"The entire board? I don't remember them ever reaching a unanimous decision in their history."

"They haven't."

"You find this suspicious?"

"Don't you?"

"It is unprecedented but I am unsure as to what you are getting at."

Celeste crosses her arms, "I'm concerned, Rutherford. This is not the first violent tendency in that particular bloodline There are patterns I do not wish to repeat."

"And you are worried she will turn into Karen?"

"It's Alexia's path I am more worried about. She was dangerous, unstable and completely unpredictable. Violence was always the answer with her. Many had attempted it but none could control her, not even the Emperor Dementat."

Rutherford nods, "I see your point but much of how both Alexia and Karen turned out was based on environment and circumstance. They were chided and manipulated into who they became by their treacherous father. Dahlia was raised in a completely different environment, one that is filled with love and support - two things the others lacked."

"You pose a question of nature over nurture. Environmental factors aside, they all share the same connection to the Force, one that is far more vast than most. She is capable of feats she does not yet realize."

"We've been careful," he says. "You taught her well."

Celeste's face crumbles.

"Not well enough. I'm no Jedi, Rutherford. I didn't have nearly the experience or control as Master Corrin but he left before he could teach them. I worry Dahlia is on the verge."

"On the verge of what?"

She hesitates.


"I don't think she just fainted on Chandaar. I believe there is more to it than that. The last time she lost consciousness, she did so after using her abilities."

"You think she revealed herself here? Why would she do that?"

"Unclear," Celeste says. "Much the initial incidents for both Alexia and Karen were raw and unbridled displays of their powers. As you know, each display carries with it a signature unique to the Force user. This can be used to identify and track them."

"Not if she had the vaccine in her system."

"Dahlia wasn't taking it until we left Chandaar. If she did display, she may have appeared to others in the galaxy."

Rutherford touches his chin in thought.

"Only if someone was looking."

"Do you really want to take that chance?"

"No but once the vaccine dispersed, her signature would have vanished just as quickly. I suppose I was wrong to wean them off it in the first place."

"No," Celeste says sadly. "You did not want to believe there would still be those out there who wished to bring them harm. I certainly didn't want to believe it either but as far as this Mara Tacofer is concerned, we were all wrong."

"She can help us, Celeste."

"That has yet to be seen. She could still pull something before the Senate."

"Doubtful," Rutherford says. "The deal will be structured to benefit both Federation and Sector to ultimately secure valuable Republic contracts. If Winton's plans, even fringes of it, still exist somewhere in the galaxy, Mara would also be a target. She did, after all, murder him and in turn, do us all a favor. His allies would be furious and want revenge."

Celeste seems unconvinced.

"One of how many deaths? The speeder crash could have been faked but the reports from the Consortium indicating his execution were fairly convincing. Then he mysteriously appears a year or so later so that Mara can take him out? How many lives does one man have? How is it even possible?"

"I agree it's troubling."

"More than troubling, Rutherford. He murdered my husband and dearest friend and set up our children and their companions to perish so horribly. If he rose before, what's to say he will not do so again? I will not stand by and watch the malevolence of Alexander Winton come for our family again."

"I will never allow it, my love. Never."

"I want to believe you," she says, glancing down. "But there are forces more powerful than us, darling and that terrifies me."

"Fear not, dear Celeste. We will find a way."

Her blue eyes shimmer as she blows a kiss and the hologram disappears.

Rutherford finds himself clutching his empty glass too tightly. Her words have infected him, spinning dark thoughts across the corners of his mind. Dahlia's burgeoning powers coupled with the growing threat from the past cast a long and complex shadow across the evening. The most wrenching, perhaps, is Winton's ability to resurface throughout various points of time. He knows Winton was devious and clever but never to that extent. It defies explanation and reason and he wonders how he could pull it off and just how much of that had to do with the Gellar gene.

Once the gene was isolated, Dane and Gemma would be tested for it. He was unaware of it in Valerie, further amplifying the mistake in releasing her to Winton in the first place. This vital piece of Winton's game must never again fall into the wrong hands.


Offline Syren

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Re: The Crimson Covenant
« Reply #57 on: October 10, 2012, 07:39:45 PM »
Corporate Sector

D'ian System

The auditorium stage is dark save for the circle of light following Gemma to the center. The smooth mixed beats pour from the speakers as she begins to sing from an emotional well she does not fully grasp.

The song is its only escape.

"Traveling somewhere, could be anywhere. There's coldness in the air but I don't care. We drift deeper. Life goes on. We drift deeper...into the sound."

She raises her eyes to the blinding light as the music rolls on.

"Traveling somewhere, could be anywhere. There's a coldness in the air but I don't care. We drift deeper into the sound and life goes on. We drift deeper into the sound feeling strong. So bring it on. Bring it on."

She belts it out, voice solid and hypnotic.

"We drift deeper. Drift deeper. We drift deeper into the sound and life goes on. We drift deeper into the sound feeling strong. So bring it on. So bring it on. We drift deeper into the sound life goes on. We drift deeper into the sound feeling strong. So bring it on. Bring it on."

Tears sting her blue eyes, clutching a fist to her chest.

"Embrace me, surround me as the rush comes. Embrace me, surround me as the rush comes. Embrace me, surround me as the rush comes. As the rush comes. As the rush comes. As the rush comes..."

And from the corners of the room, her two best friends watch in quiet amazement. There has been a palpable tension since Gemma and Dane returned from the Republic capital. Alka Dawning was going to press for details, given her father's recent temperament but Preston Dyre advised against it. So they listen to her sing and are humbled by the gravity of her voice. They are all so young but perceptive beyond their numbered years.

Something troubles the lovely Gemma.

Alka had been watching the Holo closely since her friend was gone. Her parents were too preoccupied to notice. She had seen the photage outside the boutique, witnessed Gemma's surprise and fear at the presence of the camera's and questions, felt angry they had made her cry.  The public announcement about Valerie Gellar is something that required backup and so she went to consult Preston about it. The name was one they had only heard  in whispers about Gemma and Dane. They were related to a famous hero of Corellia, a former model turned politician and leader. These are not the things most schoolchildren discuss anywhere else besides Valor Prep. The students are groomed to be corporate titans and captains of industry and they often eavesdropped on their wealthy and spiteful parents for leverage against others. They were taught from the earliest ages that information equals power.

Alka was gravely concerned that this revelation would be used against Gemma and Dane when they returned to school. And it was, just not against them. It was aimed at the dreadful Dahlia who made a scene the whole school was talking about. Preston rationalized that it was better that way. Dahlia's actions would make everyone think twice about even mentioning it therefore sparing Gemma's feelings. Alka was worried what Dane would do. He was fiercely protective of Gemma. They were twins, after all. That kind of bond is normal, or so she had read. They shared a womb and some even say they could share feelings or thoughts. Alka thinks such things are preposterous as Dane is brash and outgoing and Gemma is timid and sensitive. They could not be more different from one another but there was something striking about them both. Something special they possessed that set them apart from everyone else.

As Gemma continues to sing, Alka glances to the left. Dane is standing in one of the doorways with Roman Nash. To the right, Dahlia stands with Muriel Monroe, Kier Kincaid and Tobias Harkan. They had all been drawn by her song. To this unlikely group, separated by class and social standing, Gemma is their siren.

Alka consider this as she rests her head on Preston's bony shoulder.

So, these are the players.

Gemma finishes strong, the last words echoing throughout the space.

"We drift deeper into the sound feeling strong. So bring it on."


((OOC Note: Song by Motorcycle "As the Rush Comes." Throughout Gemma's storyline, the songs and lyrics she sings will be pulled from those IRL as they relate to certain situations and proper credit and copyright will always be provided. Her Force ability allows her to feel more strongly than most, feelings she cannot understand or convey through conversation - her voice is her gift, one at times that can be very telling. The song is a personal fav, check it out below.

Offline Syren

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Re: The Crimson Covenant
« Reply #58 on: October 14, 2012, 02:44:46 PM »
Corporate Sector

D'ian System

The students move aside as Dahlia strides through the hall, closing in on her target. Trichelle closes her locker and turns around, gasping.

Dahlia beams.

"Nice welt. Want to borrow my concealer?"

"You stay away from me."

"Or what? You'll run to the dean? Cry to your parents? None of it will save your reputation, Trichelle. Your reign of terror is over."

Trichelle's eyes widen, "How dare you speak to me in such a way!"

"Funny because you had no problem condescending to me. Only I shut you the hell up. You had no right to throw the things my father had done in my face. You don't know the whole story, just what you heard from the media. So before you go shooting your mouth off you may want to consider the people you could hurt if you do. Dis on me, that's fine. I can take it. But my brother and sister do not deserve to be treated like that. They did nothing to you."

Trichelle scoffs.

"Your father is making a lot of people very anxious. Those people all have children who go to this school. The more anxious they get, the more they take it out on those children. Do you see where I'm going with this?"

"Those children take it out on other children. In this case, my siblings and I."


"Cycle of abuse. How cliché."

"Yeah, well, don't hate the game."

"Then perhaps it is time we play a new one."

"What? What are you talking about?"

"Look at me," Dahlia says, bringing two fingers up in front of her eyes. "Look at my eyes."

Trichelle stares into the glowing emeralds that seem to grow brighter. Dahlia's voice drops several octaves, maintaining an even tone.

"There will be no retaliation. In fact, you will forget all about it and leave Dane and Gemma alone."

"No retaliation..."
She nods.

"That's right. The social ground you have lost you will willingly cede to me. I am now the one you all answer to."
"We answer to you."

"Yes," Dahlia says soothingly. "You do."

The weak minded are so easily manipulated. It had earned her victory over the Valor Prep disciplinary board. She targeted those she sensed doubt from through the Force, using her subtle ability to push them in the right direction. If she had not, she would have been expelled. She felt their feelings, heard their thoughts. They wanted to punish the daughter of Gellar for the same reason Trichelle had mentioned. They have a stake in Sector profits and Rutherford's negotiations with the Trade Federation may threaten that. She would not allow herself or her siblings to suffer for the sake of her father's business dealings. So, she reached deep into the teachings of her past. They were brief but poignant. Her mother had broached the subject of control in a negative sense, stating that these powers were only to be used for the greater good. In this instance Dahlia believes that is the case. Their powers gave them an advantage denied to most others. Moving objects with her mind was one thing but swaying opponents in their favor was quite another. The idea had come upon her in a dream where her reflection told her she held the power to make anyone do as she pleased.

Trichelle blinks, glancing around until she focuses on Dahlia's face.


"Hello, Trichelle. Feeling alright?"

"I think so. Is there anything you would like me to do?"

Dahlia smiles, "As a matter of fact, there is."


Offline Syren

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Re: The Crimson Covenant
« Reply #59 on: October 15, 2012, 05:31:37 PM »
Corporate Sector

D’ian System

The Gellar Estate is peaceful and silent as Kylie Miranda performs her last cursory inspection of the house before retiring to bed. Gemma slumbers soundly in her room, the soft pink glow of a swirling nightlight casting small sphere’s that move slowly across the far wall.

In her dream, Gemma is standing in meadow filled with tiny white flowers that sway in the gentle breeze. For the first time in as long as she can remember, she feels perfectly relaxed and stoops down to pick a flower. There is no dread or fear. She brings the flower to her nose, inhaling the sweet intoxicating scent while basking in the warmth of the sunlight. The sky is a brilliant blue that turns suddenly into a blinding white. She shields her eyes, backing away when she sees a dark form in the brightness. The light dims, returning the sky to a stark blue. There is a woman standing not far from her, wearing flowing white robes. Her long blond hair curls near the tips, blue eyes the same color as the sky. She smiles as she moves forward with arms outstretched. Gemma does not run but instead begins to recognize the woman as she nears. The pictures in her mother’s office scarcely do her justice as she kneels in the meadow, taking Gemma’s hands.

“Sweet Gemma,” she says. “Do you know who I am?”

She nods, “You are my sister, the Jedi Melanie Masterton.”

“Lovely and smart. Our mother taught you well.”

“But how can that be? I thought you died many years ago. It made our mother very sad.”

Melanie smiles warmly.

“I understand your confusion but do not be frightened. There are ways to impart knowledge to those you love when you are connected to the Force in the way that we are. Oh, how I so wish I could have met you, my darling sister but you must listen. We do not have much time.”

Gemma kneels beside her, “What’s wrong?”

“The boy you love is in grave danger.”

Her heart is pounding now, only one name appearing in bold letters within her thoughts.


“Yes,” Melanie says. “You must warn him, Gemma. Then you must warn your brother. Those with the face of a fallen friend will come for you.”

“What about my sister? What about Dahlia?”

Melanie’s face changes, the smile disappearing. She brushes away the blond curls that have blown across Gemma’s eyes, softly caressing the side of her face.

“Be wary, sweet Gemma. She is not who you think she is.”

“What does that-“

“All that matters now is that you warn the boy. Warn him, Gemma and you can save him.”

Gemma nods, “Okay.”

Melanie’s smile returns, “Tell our mother I understand now and that I forgive her.”

“For what?”

“She will know.”

“There is so much I want to ask you…”

“And you will but now it is time to wake up. Wake up, Gemma. Wake up.”

Gemma sits upright in bed, breathing heavily. She shoves the covers aside and rushes to the consol on her desk. Picking up the com, she keys up the channel and listens to it ring.


Chandaar: Republic Capital

Surface: Ambaril: Hotel Ovallus

The com is bleeping in the living room, rousing him from the notes he was working on. There are a lot of specifics in the dealings with the Federation. Before they proceed, he wants to ensure there is no detail left uncovered, lest the Senate not believe either of them. It is only late-afternoon on Chandaar and he grabs the unit to answer it.

“Gellar here.”


“Gemma?” he asks, glancing down at the expensive chronometer on his wrist. “I think it’s past someone’s bed time.”

“Daddy, listen! Riley’s in trouble!”

This stops him cold for some reason. Her dreams had always been vivid and her imagination wild but the tone of her voice is frantic, almost pained.

“In trouble how, sweetie?”

“They are coming for him. They will take him!”

Rutherford frowns, “Who, Gemma? Who is coming for him?”

“Those with the face of a fallen friend.”

He sits back down at the table, trying to temper her level of panic with facts.

“Did you have a nightmare again? Where’s your mother? Or Kylie?”

“Daddy, please! His com-link isn’t working. You have to warn him!”

“Okay, okay, sweetie. Calm down. Who told you this?"

She hesitates then mumbles softly, "Melanie did."

Something unravels and he finds himself clutching the side of the table. He cannot explain where the feeling comes from but Gemma has never mentioned Melanie, let alone sited her as a source.

"I'll take care of it, sweetie."


“I promise.”

She clicks off abruptly, something she has never done before. Rutherford sits there for a minute, completely puzzled before keying up the personal channel the Ambassador had given him before he left the Hotel Mermeia. After several rings, it hits her voicemail. He is about to hang up when he reconsiders.

“Ambassafor Tacofer, this is Rutherford Gellar. I know this is going to sound very strange but my daughter Gemma believes Riley in somehow in danger. She said - and I am not entirely clear on this - that those with the face of a fallen friend were coming for him. Does that mean anything to you? Please let me know when you receive this and if I can be of any assistance. Thank you.”

He sets the com unit back on the charger and leans back into the chair, feeling unsettled.
