Author Topic: CC: The Crimson Covenant  (Read 170150 times)

Offline Syren

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Re: The Crimson Covenant
« Reply #75 on: November 28, 2012, 08:02:20 PM »

Dahlia floats in and out of consciousness. The pain she experiences is unlike any she had ever felt. Her life had been made easy until this point and she was pampered with the finest of everything. Now, in the cold, harsh, dim reality she knows that has come to an end. She had never known suffering but realizes that may become a frightening constant in this new and terrible place.

She curls up, pulling her knees tightly toward her chin in a fetal protective position as she tries to rationalize the words of the woman she has dubbed the bitch maniac. How dare she insult her like that? She was never formally trained and she believed she had done well with her powers to the best of her ability. Clearly this is not enough for the bitch maniac had batted down her attempt to rise up with a simple flick of the wrist. How had she been able to destroy the monster on Chandaar so ruthlessly yet somehow is not able to even hold her own against the bitch maniac? She had known of her plans to attack by reading her thoughts, something she had only be able to do in a fleeting and inconsistent way. Dahlia had read the feelings and intentions of the disciplinary board at Valor Prep and influenced them into ruling in her favor. At the time, she thought that was a marvelously clever trick. Now she sees it was only a slice in a much larger and more powerful pie.

The bitch maniac's words echo in her mind, merging with those of Alexia. She really was pathetic when it came to control of the Force. That stinging fact is not one she can easily escape. Had she done more to grow and hone her power, none of them would even be in this situation. She would have shredded the bitch maniac, freed Gemma, Dane and Riley and happily trotted off back into the arms of their loving guardians. Guardian. That word has now come to replace that of parent since it was confirmed she was never biologically related to Celeste or Rutherford. True, Celeste and her real mother had been the best of friends and it stands to reason, based on what Karen told her, that she and Celeste would both be dead had she not run. Fleeing for survival does not make one a coward. It makes them smart. Rutherford is a different story entirely. He did hand over Valerie and it only cost him everything he held dear. But that was orchestrated by her real father, Alexander Winton. How dare the bitch maniac say he would be disappointed in her. He doesn't even know her! Besides, from all the things she heard he's responsible for, Alexander doesn't exactly sound like a fitting role model for anyone. He sounds like a monster. He even turned Alexia into one. Karen was on the verge, pulled back by that Mara Tacofer woman. Funny how things connect the way they do, so many people tied to others. And the bitch maniac is right. She does not have the kind of hate in her heart to sustain that kind of power. Through the lies, she cannot bring herself to hate Celeste or Rutherford. After all, she grew up with everything anyone could ever ask for. She was cared for and loved. Only now do the things Garron Prescott said to her make sense.

Does it really matter that they aren't her real parents if they are the only parents she's ever known? And good ones, at that. Rutherford, the provider. Celeste, the protector and nurturer. She hasn't even heard them out but then again, she never expected to be abducted from her own front steps. Hate is not the only way. She remembers that very clearly from the things Celeste taught her about the Force. Hate is the way of the dark side and evil. The way of the Sith. Peace is the way of the Jedi who are just as powerful.

Unfortunately, she is not feeling very peaceful at the moment. She is angry at her own helplessness and that fury only builds the more she ponders the situation. Dahlia shivers on the slab, loathing the fact that she probably looks like a complete disaster. Her spacious bathroom, all those pretty clothes and array of designer make up back home. She growls lowly, determined not to die in her rumpled school uniform with bad hair. What she would do for a mirror right now. And a brush. She inhales deeply, stewing over the insults hurled at her by the bitch maniac in an attempt to make her react. These are the same tactics of social terrorism that, until recently, Trichelle Corinthos had lorded over the student body of Valor Prep to maintain her position. This would not be as smooth to manipulate, especially if the bitch maniac knows exactly what she is going to do. It's outrageously unfair on so many levels. Peace may be taking the high road but it sure as hell isn't going to get her out of this place. By now her friends back home know she's missing and she doesn't know what kind of side effects her mind games would have on them. Maybe just this once hate would have to do. It may be the only thing that will save them. But could she do it? Could she give in to the darkness if she knows where it could lead? Would someone be able to pull her back from the brink before it was too late or would she fall headlong into the abyss?

Dahlia's eyes snap open, pools of blackness blotting out the emerald shimmer, as a sly smile practically trademarked by her family begins to spread across her lips.

Only one way to find out.


Offline Syren

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Re: The Crimson Covenant
« Reply #76 on: November 29, 2012, 10:57:44 PM »
Corporate Sector

Surface: D'ian System: Valor Prep

Official statements issued from the Espos have confirmed that Dahlia, Dane and Gemma have been kidnapped which is carefully released by the Headmaster's office. This news sends shockwaves through the student body. Muriel falls into a state of despair while Tobias steps in to comfort her. Kier is furious there is not more they can do since most of the details surrounding the incident are kept confidential by the Espos. Dazed and frightened, the other students begin to go crazy, acting out in defiance of the rules, some bouncing between manic episodes and deep depressions without Dahlia their "leader" to guide them.  The side effects of the Force manipulations run deep and the upperclassmen stage protests against the school for not doing more to protect the Gellar-Masterton's. As unrest begins to grow, some turn against Alka and Preston, as if they could have done more to save their friends since it was reported they were taken in the limo moments after talking with them. There is no way they could have known something was wrong and Roman moves swiftly to protect them from the backlash out of respect for his best friend Dane. While Alka takes this all in stride, it is Preston who buckles under the emotional pressure, forcing Roman to save him from the middle of a growing riot between Valor Prep security and the upperclassmen. The Espos arrive and gas the scene with Roman and Preston barely making it out unharmed. This encounter not only deepens their tentative friendship but produces an underlying sense of longing neither boy can understand. A clever Alka spies this change from afar but says nothing.


Offline Syren

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Re: The Crimson Covenant
« Reply #77 on: December 02, 2012, 04:01:19 PM »
Corporate Sector

D'ian System: Gellar Estate

Kylie Miranda is working overtime to try and maintain normalcy within the household. Without the children around, the house is nearly drowning in silence. Classical music is piped lowly throughout the rooms as she helps Celeste get ready for the day. She seems to be doing better this morning but remains quiet which is not surprising given the circumstances.
As she fastens the necklace, Kylie glances at her in the mirror.

"There have been requests from the press outlets on Etti IV. They are wondering if you will issue a statement to the kidnappers, a public plea."

Celeste sighs, "No."


"Such a tactic would go galaxy wide through the Holo. It would bring unnecessary attention to the children, especially Dahlia if her picture were to be splashed across the news. It's too great a risk."

"I understand," Kylie says. "Garron did sound positive when he mentioned the Jedi were called in to assist them. I do hope they are faring better on their end."

"The Jedi have a knack for staying out of the limelight. Smart, considering what it has cost those we care for most."

"You trust in their abilities?"

"More so than the Empire."

Kylie winces, "I'm so sorry about that."

"I know you are just trying to help but given my past with the Imperial machine, I am rather surprised you would be so willing to believe them. You are an intelligent and capable young woman, Kylie but emotions can cloud us from the truth. All I ask is that you be careful."

"I will."

The consol bleeps and Kylie moves to it, reading the text scrolling across the small screen.

"It's the door. A guest is here to see you."


Kylie pauses, confused.

"Iver Aguilar."


Celeste descends the steps carefully, slightly woozy from the high doses of Capra she ingested after breakfast. The painkiller is the only thing neutralizing the anguish, a rising tide kept at bay if only temporarily. She needs to focus on getting her children back and a part of that begins with engaging the Direx Executive Officer who has dropped by for a visit. She had only met Aguilar a handful of times through various functions and from what she remembered, he was a bracing and direct man with little time for frivolities which makes his presence here all the more curious.

"Your Leadership," Celeste says warmly, closing the distance between them. "It is an honor to see you again."

Iver nods.

"You as well, Lady Masterton but I regret that is under such a dire situation. You have our deepest sympathies during this time."

"I appreciate that and forgive my candor but may I ask what brings you here today?"

"Certainly," he says. "Is there somewhere we can speak privately?"

Celeste shows him into one of the sitting rooms.

"I've been in contact with the Director of the Espos in regards to the abduction of your children. He had concerns that someone on the board may be using them to influence negotiations with the Federation in the Republic Senate."

Celeste crosses her arms, "Do you share these concerns?"

"Initially, I would have dismissed them outright. Our tactics may be considered ruthless to some but have never crossed such lines before. We are not in the habit of using children to further our corporate agenda's but the Director did make some compelling points which is why I have come before you today to assure you that I am working in full compliance with the Espos to ascertain if there is indeed a connection. I have personally ordered all fifty-five members, myself included, to submit to their questioning."

"Then you admit there is merit to these claims. Someone may have motive."

Iver locks eyes with her.

"To be honest, the Trade Federation has thrown a wrench into our plans. We had hoped their past mistakes would be enough for the Republic to forgo any attempt at issuing permits within their borders."

"Everyone has a past, your Leadership."

"No doubt," he says. "I was disappointed to hear they had used Rutherford's unfortunate encounter with Alexander Winton against him in front of the Senate. That was unexpected, to say the least. Valerie Gellar is widely considered a hero both among the Corellian people as well as here in the Sector from which she came. She was instrumental in stopping the Phage crisis from becoming a galactic issue. The threats made against him and by extension the Sector forced him into negotiating which did not sit well with some of our members."

Celeste nods, "Understandably so. I do not trust them either but know that my husband is working hard to forge a deal that would be both lucrative and beneficial for the Sector to continue business with the expanding Republic."

"While I am pleased to hear it, I cannot say with absolutely certainty that someone within our ranks would not take drastic action if they felt they had something significant to lose. That is why I have taken the liberty to assess possible outcomes of the negotiations to speculate who might lose market shares to a Federation deal. Those individuals have been noted and their names released to the Director. I wanted you to know we are working diligently to uncover a connection and find your children."

"All while clearing the board of any wrongdoing, of course. A loose cannon like that could tarnish your reputation and decrease mobility within the markets."

Iver arches a brow.

"I see you know your politics."

"I pay attention," Celeste says sternly. "And I would like to believe the Direx Board is smart enough to know better than to resort to kidnapping the children of a member who's task of dealing with the Federation is a formidable one. Rutherford knows what  he is doing but he cannot ensure your financial goals are met with our children missing. That kind of distraction may cause further damage for shareholders. I know that is not something anyone wants which is why I trust you will deal swiftly with anyone found to be involved."

"You have my word, Lady Masterton."

"Thank you, your Leadership. We will be in touch."

Celeste shows him out and finds a Kylie waiting patiently in the kitchen.

"I thought you said you didn't believe the Direx Board was involved in this."

"I don't."

"Then why...?"

Celeste's eyes are sharp and narrow.

"Because they and the Espos need to believe I do. The Direx Board will provide a public cover story while Rutherford, the Ambassador and the Jedi find out what is really going on. The media will be so consumed with corporate politics they will not have time to focus on the real implications of their disappearance. That buys us time."


Offline Medivh

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Re: The Crimson Covenant
« Reply #78 on: December 02, 2012, 04:46:07 PM »
Dahlia was awake when she was visited next.  And in her heightened state of hatred, tapped into the dark side of the force, she would feel a presence coming closer.  At this point, she would not be able to discern the being approaching, but it became apparent right away, it was the dark-haired sith.

Dahlia braced herself, letting anger fill her thoughts, eyes pooled in blackness, watching, waiting for the force field to drop, hands clenched at her sides.

There she was, the woman on the other side, eyeing her with a curious tilt of her head.  Any second, the force field would be down.

And then Dahlia would feel a strange sensation in her throat, like hands grasping around, closing in.  She knew what it was - the woman was choking her.  Dahlia's attention turned to block the assault, using that anger and indignation as if to pry her throat free of the vice grip of the woman.  Her body began to shudder, but she felt it, the push and pull.  She was struggling, but she felt like she was winning, slowly regaining the ability to breathe, a feeling of triumph coursing through her.

And then she was hit again by the lightning.  It always seemed to come back to that.  No matter what Dahlia did, she couldn't block that attack, and she never seemed to be able to strike hard enough back.  Her anger gave way to pain as electricity shot through her body.  No.  NO!  She had to fight it, had to hit back.

It was hard, no, impossible, but she turned her head toward the woman, who had now entered the cell.  Dahlia didn't remember the force field coming down, but then again, she had been so focused on protecting her air passageways, and the pain.  Oh the pain.  She closed her eyes, feeling it, virtually paralyzed by it, opening her eyes and trying to focus on the woman.

The woman had two hands up, crooked fingers inflicting their force lightning.  Dahlia pushed forward at her, using everything she had, every ounce of emotion she had into it.  The woman flinched for a moment, then one hand swung upward in a defensive motion.  The lightning stopped for a mere second before the hand pushed back, and Dahlia felt her own attack back on her as her body rolled into the wall.

"You use too much energy on one task.  You planned an attack on me, but weren't prepared to defend against me.  Then you turned all your energy on my one attack, and left yourself vulnerable to the countless other ways I could attack you.  If I wanted you dead, your flimsy attempts would be laughable.  As it is, you will never achieve greatness doing what you're doing.  Besides, your hatred isn't pure"

Dahlia's body felt sore all over but she turned and spat
"I hate you"
"Not enough - and if you ever manage to kill me, what then?  What power will you have then?  There are others you should hate far more than me"
"Like who?"

"isn't it obvious?  Your foster-family"
"they raised me"
"they are the reason you turned out so weak.  They have kept you down.  I don't need to tell you this.  You know it's true.  Think about it.  You were destined for starlight - they've kept you out of the public eye."
"That was to protect me!"

Even as Dahlia said it, she was wondering if she really believed herself.  She definitely resented her mother - she still considered Celeste her mother, after all - for not letting her model.  Hadn't her birth sister, Karen done it?  Become rich? successful? popular?

The woman smiled knowingly, Dahlia ashamed at herself.  She had forgotten for a minute that the woman was able to read her thoughts.

"You know better than that, Dahlia Winton.  Part of you already realizes that the so-called protection for you is also protection from you.  the Gellars don't want you achieving the influence your true family achieved"

"Alexander Winton was a murderer"
"So are you"
Dahlia rose from her seat, indignation fueling her voice despite the lingering pain
"I've never-"
"No?  How about that creature on the republic capital?"
"He was threatening my family"
"He could have been doing anything.  But you killed him. It makes you a murderer"
"I was defending myself"
"You enjoyed it.  Don't deny it.  You may have thought you were defending yourself, but you LIKE having that power, that influence.  Sometimes, it means killing. Sometimes, it means manipulating the thoughts of those who are weaker than you, like at school"
"I was -"
"yes, defending yourself there too.  But you loved it.  You love being the center of attention, the ruler of your class.  And the Gellars hate that.  Because it is a sign that you might become your father's daughter.  And they are afraid that you will one day come after them, for what they did"

"What they did?"
"They took you away from your father"
"they had to!"

"And they are the reason you have no family"
"what are you talking about?"

Dahlia knew some of this, but Rutherford and Celeste didn't kill anyone in her family.  did they?  They had lied about so much, did they lie about this to?  To protect her?  Or to hide things from her, so she wouldn't know the truth?

The woman had moved to the side of the cell, waving out, across the black darkness beyond to the cell lit across the cave.

"You see them?"
Dahlia turned her attention to the three children there - Dane, Gemma, Riley.
"Dane and Gemma Gellar.  Their sister was Melanie Masterton"
"Yes, I know that, but"
The woman turned her face back to Dahlia
"Melanie Masterton killed your sister Karen"

Dahlia blinked, looking up at the woman.

"She killed Karen?  How ... why... when?  That doesn't make any sense?"

The thought that Celeste had hidden that from her - that Celeste's own daughter had killed Dahlia's sister... it seemed almost too much to believe.  And yet, Dahlia wondered if it was true.

"Oh, it was on Centerpoint Station, about ten years ago.  Melanie believed Karen was an enemy.  She waited until Karen was defenseless.  Karen deactivated her weapon, to embrace Melanie - and then Melanie killed her in cold blood"

"No!  That's not true!  That's impossible!  How could you even know that!?"

"I was there, Dahlia.  I saw them. I saw Celeste's daughter kill your sister in cold blood.  I also saw Riley's aunt kill Alexander.  At least, she tried to"
"You couldn't have been on Centerpoint.... Nobody lived"

"Well as dramatic a statement as that is, FACTS are quite different.  Thousands of people survived, who got off of Centerpoint before it imploded.  Most were Corellians, soldiers who betrayed the Confederation and left before they suffered the fate destined for them.  But there were others.  I was one of them.  I was witness to it all.  And now, you know the truth."

Dahlia placed a hand down on the cold metal slab, trying to steady herself at this new information.

"Melanie Masterton ..."
"Celeste's daughter.  Sister to Gemma and Dane.  She killed your sister Karen.  And Riley?  his mother ordered the execution of Alexander, your father"

"I thought you said his aunt killed my fath- Alexander?"
"Alexander was brilliantly able to survive.  He found a key to immortality.  He could not be killed.  He was killed by Kimber Patten, Riley's birth mother.  and by the woman who calls herself Mara Tacofer, Riley's so-called aunt"

"Immortal?  But then is he?  still alive?"

The woman's smile slipped.
"No - Riley's aunt managed to prevent him from coming back.  But you see?  when you look across at those three children, remember, all three of them are loved, all three of them are protected.  And by whom?  The very people who left you an orphan, with no family.  The last and only Winton.  Their families will come for them, will save them from this place.  But not you.  Because your foster-family will be relieved when you are gone.  You are too much of a Winton for them.  And until you realize that, until you hate them for what they did.  You will never defeat me, and you will never achieve the greatness that your father believed you were destined for."

Dahlia was speechless as she thought back through her life - at every word that Celeste or Rutherford, her so-called parents had spoken to her.  How much of it was truth? How much was lies?  How much had they held her back from what she could be?  She could instantly think of a handful of times, but there were more - many, many times they prevented her from doing something she wanted, for reasons she never truly found adequate.

No - no, it wasn't true.  They were human, yes, and had made mistakes, but they would save her, just like her brother and sister.

"You are wrong.  They love me, and they will come for me"

"Soon, Dahlia Winton, you will be shown how wrong you are."

Dahlia rose from her seat, hating the woman more than ever.  Why had she told her this? She was feeding her these lies (if they were lies) and poison ... no no NO.  She could feel the hatred burning through her, eyes pooling to blackness again, fists clenched.

The woman watched her, the grin returning to her face.

"Celeste always loved you the least, because she never really loved you.  Gemma is the gifted child.  She's the favorite.  You were just the adopted liability"


Dahlia's hands lashed out, her muscles quivering as the Force pushed out from her.  the chair from the side of the room lifted off the ground and flew at the woman, hard and fast.

But again, the woman was in control, and the chair, instead of hitting her, began to circle around her, orbiting faster and faster and faster.

"Your outbursts are only mildly impressive, but not sustainable.  Here is the truth.  They will not save you, Dahlia.  They will see me torturing you, and do nothing to stop it."

Dahlia was trying to regain control of the chair, but a moment later, it came rushing at her , pinning her down against the floor.

"Until next time, Dahlia, you can think about what I said"

Dahlia tried getting up, her body bruised and sore.  But the chair seemed fused to the ground, pinning her in place, even as the woman walked away.  It was a good several minutes before she was able to push it off of her.

And then she broke out in tears.

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
May the Force be with you

Offline Syren

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Re: The Crimson Covenant
« Reply #79 on: December 14, 2012, 09:57:00 PM »
Corporate Sector

D'ian System: Surface: Monroe Estate

The beautiful raven haired reporter stares through her wire rimmed glasses as she speaks from the station on Etti IV.

"Selene Silvestri coming to you live with breaking news. The Espos have confirmed all three Gellar-Masterton children were abducted on the quiet planet of D'ian, home to many of the Sector's most prominent families. The younger two, Gemma and Dane, were reportedly taken first after the suspect murdered the Gellar's driver and dumped the body outside Valor Preparatory Academy, the children's exclusive private school. The eldest, Dahlia, was taken in front of the Gellar Estate. Reports from the Espos Headquarters on Etti IV have speculated the children were then taken off world. As of this report, no ransom demands have been made but there are rumors surrounding the possible involvement of members on the Direx Board displeased with the ongoing negotiations between Sector interests and Trade Federation permits on the Republic capital of Chandaar. The Espos are investigating these leads but have yet to release any conclusive findings. Lord Rutherford Gellar, founder and CEO of ChemiX pharmaceuticals and his wife, Lady Celeste Masterton have both declined to comment at this time..."

Muriel clicks the holoprojector off and falls back onto the couch.

"This is terrible....what are we going to do?"

Tobias withdraws a vial from his jacket and dumps the contents in a glass of water which he hands Muriel. She accepts with trembling hands.

Kier paces back and forth behind them, "What can we do? No one seems to know anything! The school is practically a riot zone locked down by the Espos."

"Oh, it's a madhouse all right. Probably the most excitement Valor Prep has seen in years."

Muriel sips from the glass, too shaken to speak.

Kier frowns, "What did you give her?"

"A mild sedative, mostly used to combat anxiety. She needs it."

"Where did you get it?"


"That sounds legit," Kier says sarcastically. "Do you really think it's wise to drug her when she's this upset?"

Tobias smiles, "Yes, I do. This whole ordeal has everyone worked into such a frenzy. People pointing fingers, throwing blame. It's tragic, certainly but no one could have prepared for it. We need to relax."

"No, what we need to do is find Dahlia and her siblings."

"And how do you propose we do that? The Espos don't even know who took them."

"Well, we can't just sit around waiting for something to happen."

"Look man, I know you have this thing for Dahlia and I get it. She's got that aloof appeal that drives guys like you insane but wigging the hell out isn't going to bring her back."

"I just don't understand. Why would someone on the Direx Board want to take them?"

Tobias motions toward the space where the images were just moments ago.

"You heard Selene. Not everyone is keen on cutting the Federation in on their profits. This is the Corporate Sector, Kier. Even the potential to lose market shares is enough to make people do crazy things. Someone probably just wants to send a message to Gellar so that Sector interests prevail."

Kier scoffs, "And just how do you know so much about Sector interests?"

"I watch the Holo. Not everyone has a sport to concentrate on."

Muriel sets the empty glass on the coffee table and sighs.

Kier continues to pace.

"If whoever took them is just trying to send a message, maybe that means they won't hurt them."

"If that's why they were really taken."

They both turn and look at her.

"You...think there could be another reason?"

Muriel nods, "You know who they are. Gellar, Masterton. Sound familiar?"

Kier and Tobias shrug, clueless.

Muriel slides off the couch and shuffles to one of the entertainment towers to the left side of the projector. She scans the cases of discs before pulling one off the shelf and handing it to Kier.

"This is why you should pay more attention in class."

Kier turns the case over, reading the bold letters etched in red.

Bound by Blood.

Below the title, the cover is broken into four sections, each with a girl's face framed in both a dramatic yet alluring expression. A name is printed below each picture.

Winton. Masterton. Gellar. Patten.

"What the....? What is this?"

"It's a documentary."

"Let me see," Tobias says.

Kier hands him the case. Tobias looks over it carefully, both brows shooting up in surprise.

"When did this come out?"

"Ten years ago," Muriel says, pulling another case from the shelf. "It was turned into a cineplex feature called Vogue Empire which my mother had a supporting role in."

"Really? Awesome. Who did she play?"

"Celeste Masterton."

Kier and Tobias visibly straighten up.

"Wait a minute," Tobias says, bringing the case closer to his face. "This girl, the redhead. That looks like Dahlia. And the blonde looks like Gemma."

"Yeah, yeah and the dark haired one like Dane. You boys are so slow."

"What? What are you saying? These girls are related to them?"

Kier pushes him aside and takes the case.

"Of course that's what she's saying, dummy"

Muriel takes the documentary and puts the disc in the projector.

"You really want to know? Watch."


Offline Syren

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Re: The Crimson Covenant
« Reply #80 on: December 16, 2012, 12:31:57 PM »

Dahlia continues to sob, curling up on the slab as her muscles throb. She is in physical agony as well as emotional. The bitch maniac had done more damage than she realized and still, Dahlia's mind resists. She pull her knees close, whispering.

"Karen...why didn't you tell me?"

She hates this place and wants nothing more than to escape. As she wipes her eyes, she can see Gemma, Dane and Riley standing together in their own cell. They seem so far away and although they may not be biological family, they are most certainly connected. She knows they cannot see her. They probably don't even know she's here. She imagines they are frightened but they do not appear harmed, even from such a distance. Relief is muddled by jealousy as she allows herself to consider the possibility of everything the bitch maniac said. Could it be true? Her "parents" had clearly been keeping secrets but through all of them, they never seemed scared of her. They had never been inattentive or cold. Even if she is the last Winton, they raised her as their own. She never knew Melanie and if she killed Karen, how would Celeste even know? She was already in the Corporate Sector long before the Centerpoint battle raising her, Gemma and Dane. Even that stupid Corellian reporters story doesn't cover those kinds of details and he was on the station before it imploded. If he didn't know, how could Celeste? Or even Rutherford for that matter? The bitch maniac is trying to turn her against them, to bring her hatred into the forefront. Right now, the only person she hates is her captor. Why would she believe someone who helped abduct them? Even with the secrets, the deck is still stacked in favor of the Gellar-Masterton's.

Dahlia begins to drift, the exhaustion and pain pulling her under.


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Re: The Crimson Covenant
« Reply #81 on: December 19, 2012, 08:21:18 PM »

Her eyes were closed as she moved in a rhythmic motion over the body of the male beneath her.  He may have been in bliss, his greatest wish may have been to bed her. But for her, he was just a body, and with her eyes closed, she could imagine that he was someone else.  Someone she missed dearly, who was stolen from her.  He had been brilliant in bed.  The man beneath her was just ... sufficient.  Barely.

She stood naked in the chamber, looking at herself in the mirror, inspecting the red streak that differed from her otherwise black hair.  The male stirred in the bed nearby, and his voice called out to her.

"Who's Alexander?"

She turned to face him a cold expression on her face.

"Excuse me?"

"You ... kept calling me Alexander ... you kept saying his name.  Who is he?"

"A man far more satisfying than you"

The male offered what he apparently felt was a sexy smile

"Oh, come on, you seemed to enjoy yourself.  I know I did.  And I know I'd like to do that again"

"Sorry dear. This was a one time deal"

The male was about to say something else, when suddenly his eyes went wide, his hands moving to his throat as he began to gasp for air.  Wheezing grew more and more labored as face turned from pathetic pale to red to blue to purple, until finally, he collapsed in a heap among the sheets.

"If you were him, you wouldn't need air.  You wouldn't die.  Not like that"

But of course, he had died - he had been defeated, though unlike the weakling corpse before her, he had not only put up a fight, but had taken down whole armies before falling to the enemy.  She could feel the hate coursing through her, fueling her, strengthening her.  How dare they take him away.  But she would avenge him.  And best of all, she would do it through his own flesh and blood, his own daughter.  She would be the culmination of all his work, the enemy they prevented him from becoming, the master of this whole pathetic galaxy of weaklings.  And Adubell would be the tool that transformed young Dahlia into that awesome being.

Black leather bodice and a flowing black skirt, high black boots, a flowing black cape, and belt clasped with lightsaber.  She marched confidently into the hangar, where the creatures stood about, waiting for her command.  Them and one other, a woman look alike of one of the four - as well as one who defeated Alexander.  But this one would not help the enemy.  In fact, the matching appearance would serve as another useful tool in the downfall of her enemies - of Alexander's enemies.

"Infiltrator, The time has come.  reactivate the homing beacon.  And make sure our humble home is ready for guests"

« Last Edit: December 20, 2012, 01:56:25 PM by Medivh »
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Re: The Crimson Covenant
« Reply #82 on: January 02, 2013, 03:18:42 PM »

As if the news of the truth wasn't enough, Dahlia was provided with visuals.  when the sith woman reappeared in her cell, Dahlia found herself pinned against the back wall, unable to move.  And the more she tried, the more she tried channeling the force, the stronger the hold seemed to be.

The woman smiled cruelly.

"Now now, Dahlia - you really must stop squirming, or you won't be able to watch the movie"

Dahlia continued to struggle, even as she watched.  The light fixture in the top of the cell slid sideways and a small projector descended.

The projection lens faced the wall opposite Dahlia, and soon bathed the cold durasteel in a bluish-gray light.  Then came the images.

It was no movie.  It was a security video.  Almost instantly, Dahlia would be able to guess what was going on.  Chaos of a battle.  Imperial white and black, corellian blue, and a variety of different battle droids.  This was Centerpoint.  Then she saw it, the flash of pink, and there was her sister, Karen, descending into the hangar.  There was no sound, but Dahlia could imagine what it was like.  Karen surveyed the scene, then turned her head abruptly, as if someone had called her name.  Karen looks like she is trying to talk to someone, her saber lowered in a disarming position.

And then there was the other one, appearing in the view, blonde hair and jedi robe.  Melanie. striking hard and Karen putting up her weapon in defense.

Dahlia didn't want to watch, knowing how it would end, but she couldn't look away.  Melanie had struck at Karen first.  The jedi had attacked, and the sith was defending.  The battle around them seemed to fade away as Melanie and Karen blocked, parried, struck at each other in an intricate dance.

"Notice that Karen never tried to kill Melanie.  Karen still thinks Melanie is a friend.  Her mistake"

Dahlia is about to respond when she sees Karen lower and deactivate her weapon.  Dahlia is shaking her head, whispering to the sister she never met, the past that could not be changed.

"No ... No, Karen, don't do it ... she'll kill you"

She watches as they talk and Melanie lowers her weapon, approaching Karen.  Karen smiles and runs as if to embrace Melanie and Melanie brings her saber up suddenly, piercing it through Karen, the blue light visible through her back.  Karen's body freezes with betrayal and disbelief before she collapses to the ground.

Dahlia is crying as the video stops there.  She knows Melanie dies, but doesn't care how.  Not at the moment.  Melanie hadn't just killed Karen, she had betrayed her.

The woman though seems unflinching.

"I'm not sure if you got the lesson the first time around.  Let's watch it again"

Dahlia is pleading as the video loops from Karen's arrival to her demise twice more.  On the fourth time though, her tears are suddenly drowned out by something else, A dark feeling. Hatred toward Melanie, hatred toward this dark woman.  She is shaking as her eyes pool into blackness - and then she is free from the hold held on her.  The projector overhead fizzles with sparks and deactivates as the metal is crushed, then pulled from its socket and hurled at the woman.

The woman responds by pulling out her weapon and slicing the metal before it strikes her, then turning the crimson blade on Dahlia, who was in the process of rushing her.

The blade halts her momentum, and she takes a step back, the surety she felt moments before disappearing before the dangerous blade.

"Very good, Dahlia.  You've learned an important lesson today.  Your hate can make you powerful.  now, you'd better get some rest.  Your foster parents are on their way, and I can't wait for them to see you - or for you to see them for what they really are"


For reference:
Centerpoint Station

Karen guides the shuttle through the tangled web of turbolaser fire, angling down toward the station ... they are struck hard by a blast from the nearest Corvette. The shields go down and the right wing damaged.


The shuttle rattles violently as it descends and she spots the only open hangar close enough and takes the chance. She grips the controls tightly, trying to keep it steady while slowing them down as much as she can. The shuttle protests but she manages to keep the nose up as it sails through the opening and crashes down, skidding along the polished floors into the middle of what looks like a fire fight. She smells smoke, checks her hair in the reflection of the viewport, and bounds out of the chair. The dark troopers are already unloading, rushing into the fray.


Flames begin to flicker in the passenger cabin so she ignites her saber and rushes down into the hangar. Upon entry, she takes a moment to assess the situation. Her eyes scan the length of the  massive room - the fallen soldiers, the mangled Magna-Guards and suddenly a voice she thought she might never hear again draws her attention.


She spots Melanie first, firmly planted holding her own saber with a look of sheer bewilderment on her face. Beyond her and behind some crates is a very pregnant Kimber looking so radiant it almost defies nature with Rydan Stratford beside her. Perhaps she should have figured he would be with her and added him to the no-kill list. She is about to call back but Melanie turns and shouts.

"Get her out of here!"

Concern creases Rydan's striking features but he does not hesitate. He turns, grabbing Kimber and pulling her away. Another man who she recognizes from Holo reports out of Corellia and a solider follow suit leaving Melanie to face her alone. The path Rydan takes is blocked by Magna-Guards so Karen reaches out and shoves them out of the way with the Force. This gesture, while helping Kimber to escape, is translated by Melanie as an apparently hostile gesture and she raises her saber.

Karen gasps as the blue blade connects with her own in an unexpected clash between two people who used to be the best of friends. Perhaps Melanie is not as happy to see her.

"What?" Karen says, smirking. "No hug?"

Melanie advances, bearing down more quickly and more aggressively than she ever thought possible. Karen counters, stepping back. Melanie clips the side of her blade, crouches and thrusts out her left arm creating a shockwave through the Force which sends Karen cart wheeling into the far wall. She slams against the flat surface then crumples to the ground, trying to catch her breath. She raises her eyes up as Melanie strides forward with white robes that flow freely around her. Dark troopers fan out around them, easily dispatching the soldiers but finding it far more difficult to tackle the droids. The look in Melanie's usually inviting blue eyes is now cold, distant and her voice is more hostile than she has ever heard it.

"I will never allow you to strike them down."

All the posturing and pretense evaporates in the moment. It is then she realizes Melanie is operating on outdated and incorrect information. Even now she is still being manipulated, still playing out the role she was cast in by Alexander Winton.

Karen shakes her head, "You have it all wrong! This is a mistake! Melanie listen to me!"

Melanie narrows her gaze, raising the saber high.

"No, my friend. It is you who are mistaken. Your reign of terror ends here."

Centerpoint Station

Melanie bears down as Karen raises her own saber to defend. The hissing sound the blades make upon contact is surprisingly loud but Karen stands and forces her friend back. The slash, parry, twirl, parry, strike is almost like a macabre dance as the women circle each other. The Magna-Guards have dispatched most of the dark troopers but the droids themselves can barely function with the damage they have sustained. For the most part, they are alone, surrounded by bodies, flaming shuttles and overturned crates. By now, the Empire has landed in other points of the station and pushed their way in. The droid presence would be an unexpected and dangerous adversary had Karen not alerted the fleets but she cannot think about that right now. This fight with Melanie is startling in its own bare reality, a confrontation she feels may have always been coming. They had been so close yet so different from one another. Karen was always the selfish one where as Melanie empathized with the human struggle. Funny how she had convinced her their powers were not necessary for them to be considered special yet here they are in full display. Both had received the training they had shunned in the past only in opposite fields of study.

Karen defends herself but does not go for the offensive strike nor does she unleash the telekinetic fury she has recently mastered. A part of her, foolishly or not, believes she can still reason with Melanie, make her understand how they had all been duped from the get-go. There is a way to be free of the prophecy if only she would hear her out. Mara had taught her that self-centered wanton destruction does not often bring about the results one hopes for.

And that is why she deactivates her saber.

At first, Melanie does not know how to react to this gesture, keeping her own glowing blade firmly in a defensive position.

Karen speaks slowly as she continues to circle.

"Melanie, listen to me. I know a lot has changed since we last saw one another. The galaxy is different now and a part of that is on me. It's on all of us. We helped shape what the worlds have become, the lives at stake and those that have been lost. The paths we have taken are not solely our own. They are the design of another. We have made choices based on tragic misdirection, purposefully placed before us to achieve a certain outcome. My father, still very much alive, has outdone himself yet again. Us, here, now - this is what he wants."

Melanie draws in a long breath, "Be that as it may, you are not guiltless. He is not the only reason we are here and I am in awe at your audacity to stand before me and claim otherwise."

"None of us are guiltless. We have all compromised ourselves in order to survive. While blame does lie in the choices we have made, the fault in our belief does not."

"You say that like you can simply brush aside what you came for."

Karen shakes her head, "You have no idea what I came for."

"Yes, I do. You came to murder the rest spoken of in the prophecy so that you and your Emperor can rule. So it is written, so shall it be."

"The prophecy is a lie!" Karen screams. "Melanie, don't you see that? It's always been a lie! My father took what my mother uncovered and Alexia dug up then twisted it to fit his own purpose."

Melanie blinks away the tears now stinging her eyes, emotions from the past and present boiling over and she verbally fires back.

"Your mother is the one who gave it to me in the first place. Do you know what that was like, Karen? Do you? Having our fates placed in my hands? The pressure to keep the secret in fear it would risk all our lives? All the times I wanted to tell you or Kimber or even Valerie but kept it in. I was only fifteen! I was so frightened and confused that I confided only in the Jedi who came for me."

"What Jedi?"

"The one your mother sold your father out to. She knew that his intentions for us were never pure. So did my mother. So did a lot of people. He lied to our parents, made them believe we were destined for great things when really all we ever did was leave a path of destruction and death in our wakes. All the friends we lost, the people who suffered and died simply because they knew us! How do you expect to atone for that? How can any of us expect to find solace in what we have done? It was my responsibility to protect the truth for as long as I did. I honored your mother's wishes at the expense of people's lives."

Karen arches a brow, keeping a comfortable distance between them.

"And you think it's just a coincidence it was you she turned to? We were all deceived, Melanie. Every single action taken was meticulously plotted out to set in motion the next pre-planned reaction. He filled my mother's head with notions that you would save us all from big bad Alexia then big bad me. She may have believed she was doing the right thing after so much time doing nothing that she never stopped to realize she was playing right into his hands. So were you, so was I. We are playing into them right now! Don't you think it's time we break those vicious cycles my father is so fond of?"

Melanie narrows her gaze.

"And how, pre-tell, do you suppose we do that? Let my guard down? Trust you after you and your Empire have hunted us across the galaxy?"

"Despite what you have  been led to believe, I am not here to kill you or Kimber. I came to save my friends after realizing the error in my judgment almost cost me everything. I came to finally destroy my father and that dreadful prophecy he's been lording over us our entire lives! I want us to be free from it all, to go our own ways, separately or together, but on our own terms. I can't even imagine what you must think of me after all the damage I've done and I don't blame you. I have to live with the mistakes I made along the way, the brash and irresponsible way I conducted myself. You have every right to hate me, hell, you even have the right to withhold forgiveness or mercy but I beseech you to stop and think carefully about who's agenda you are actually trying to accomplish. Yours or his?"

Melanie lowers the saber and steps closer. Karen does not back away.

"You are right."

Relief floods through her, propelling her forward.
"I'm so sorry, Melanie. For everything."

"You may not be the problem," Melanie replies softly, stepping forward and twirling the blade before plunging it all the way through Karen's stomach.

Karen gasps, hands outstretched, staring first at the blue saber then raising her eyes to Melanie's face. The speed and brutality of these actions is not how she saw this heartfelt moment ending. She had been deceived by someone whom she thought was never capable of such things, someone who always fared on the lighter side of life. In this moment, it dawns on Karen that there is darkness in everyone, even those who shine the brightest.

Melanie withdraws the weapon, "But you are not part of the solution either."

Karen drops to her knees.

"I never came hurt you."

She sags forward, one hand clamped over her stomach, feeling the rush of air pass through her entire body.

Melanie glares down at her coldly, "I am afraid that is not a risk I can afford to take."

Karen smirks, one last time, before falling forward and lying still on the hangar bay floor.

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
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Offline Syren

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Re: The Crimson Covenant
« Reply #83 on: January 06, 2013, 02:33:31 PM »

Dahlia silently seethes, clenching and unclenching her fists as she stares vacantly into the darkness.


As time passes so very slowly as a captive, the children keep themselves entertained with stories and games. Riley tells them all about growing up on the Wheel and the many worlds and adventures he had been on with his aunt Mara. Dane shares stories of visiting his father's corporate tower on Etti IV and taking a tour of the labs. Gemma sings them a song and the melody drifts into the cave beyond the cell, a sound so sweet that the Infiltrator's pause in their programmed routines to listen.


Corporate Sector

D'ian System: Monroe Estate

Kier and Tobias are stunned by the connections presented. After watching the documentary, they decided to see the cineplex feature as well. Where Bound by Blood was dark, gripping and overwhelmingly tragic, Vogue Empire was a cinematic fairy tale by comparison. Stunning visuals, impressive acting and rather liberal embellishments of the facts to make it all the more twisted. The truths they take away from both are simple...the history of the Gellar-Masterton's is messy and complicated. It also puts things in a different perspective and allows for others possibilities in the kidnapping of their friends. Muriel was right. If someone found out about who they are related to and what those people did, they may not want those things repeated in the present.

But where is the proof? The Espos have nothing to go on and for all they know, the Direx Board could be the ones behind it. As much as it kills him, Kier knows there is not much he can do for Dahlia. He would have to leave it up to the authorities to do their job. The one thing they had to do was quell the unrest at their school. The student body believes they are no longer safe and it was up to them to make things right. He stands and makes an impassioned speech at which point Tobias stifles a laugh. 

Muriel shrugs, glazed over, and glances out the window.


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Re: The Crimson Covenant
« Reply #84 on: January 23, 2013, 12:13:25 AM »

She knew they were coming - not just because the woman had told her.  Dahlia already was certain she lied more often than not.  But Dahlia FELT the presence of the rescuers.  A bright spark in the midst of an otherwise darkness.  And her adopted father.  Dahlia couldn't remember when she had decided to start making that distinction of Rutherford. For most of her life, he had been her father.  Even once she had discovered the truth, even when she was first a captive here, she still considered Rutherford her father.  And yet as she thought about him now, and about all that she had learned, she couldn't help but put in that qualifier.  Not her father.  Her adopted father.  Of course, that didn't matter - adopting her was just a sign that he and Celeste loved her as much as their biological children.  No matter what the woman told her.

And now they were coming.  Rutherford Gellar was coming to save Dahlia, and Gemma, and Dane - and probably that Riley boy as well.  Soon, she would be free of this place, and home, back where everything was right, where she ruled the school and had friends and was popular and was fashionable, where she had family and comfort.

"Don't fool yourself, Dahlia.  They aren't going to save you"

She felt a burst of anger as the sith woman made her entrance into Dahlia's dark cell.  With any luck, the rescue would be the end of this torturous woman who filled her with lies and with pain.

"They are only going to save the others, the good ones. The ones THEY care about"
"They care about me"
"You'll see"

Then she saw them, him, Rutherford Gellar, adopted father rushing into the light that was cast by her siblings' lit cell.  Watched as he practically lunged at them and was pushed back by the forcefield.

The sith woman laughed, Dahlia seethed.

She watched the reunion of parents and children.  Of course, the embrace was fine - but why weren't they looking for her?

"They don't care about finding you, Dahlia"

She didn't believe it, shaking her head.

"They'll come for me.  They don't see me yet.  They found them because the light was on, but we are sitting in darkness. When they find me, they'll rescue me"

"Time to prove you wrong"

As if on cue, Dahlia was blinded by the sudden light.  The cell had never been lit before, and now, as it's florescent lights were activated, she found she had to adjust.  But there was no time for it.  She felt herself lifted into the air, and then, the excrutiating pain as the sith began hitting her with the lightning.  Dahlia felt it through her body, through every inch, every nerve.

She turned her head, looking out, seeing her adopted father. Rutherford Gellar was standing there, staring.  Why wasn't he coming?

The pain was so much, so much, and she screamed.  Calling for help. Pleading for help.

"Daddy! DADDY!  HELP ME!"

But he just stood there.  He stood there, watching as his adopted daughter was being tortured.  And then, he turned, grabbing Gemma and Dane, Dahlia's siblings - adopted siblings - and ran in the other direction.

The pain of the lightning was horrible.  But Dahlia suddenly felt numb.  Her shouting had fallen to a mere whisper, tears streaming from her eyes until finally, she collapsed to the ground, the sith woman stepping out and leaving her in the lit cell.  Her voice was almost to herself

"Daddy ... daddy ... you left me ... you left your Dahlia ... how could you do that ..."

She felt fear, pain, anguish, and above all, betrayal, eyes sore and red as tears of pain became tears of anger.

"How could you do that to me"

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
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Offline Syren

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Re: The Crimson Covenant
« Reply #85 on: January 23, 2013, 05:33:25 PM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital

Surface: Ambaril: Senate Hall

Janessa Kain, Republic liaison to the Corporate Sector, listens as the Federation Ambassador unloads her lies with a growing horror. What the fuck is she doing up there? The traitorous bitch! She had facilitated and controlled the information regarding the kidnapping of the Gellar-Masterton children as Garron Prescott had requested. The Senate was busy with many other matters and it seemed unlikely they would press for a settlement when products were still being primarily purchased and shipped from the CSA.

This development is not a good one.

At all.

In fact, it was more than just unexpected as Janessa was under the impression that the once hostile relationship between Gellar and Tacofer had softened, becoming civil and amenable. Prescott had even implied that Tacofer had agreed to assist in the search for the children which makes her statements before the Senate as confusing as they are surprising. As the permits are easily granted by vote and a request made to suspend Sector trading, Janessa grips her com-link as she sweeps out of the room, trailing behind the reporters shouting questions at a smiling Mara Tacofer.

The Direx Board operator answers curtly but lightens when she identifies herself. They ask what they can do for her.

“Get me Iver Aguilar now.”

« Last Edit: January 24, 2013, 07:21:20 PM by Syren »

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Re: The Crimson Covenant
« Reply #86 on: January 25, 2013, 02:35:09 PM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital

Surface: Ambaril

Janessa Kain is shown to the Speaker’s office after insisting on a meeting. She is dressed in tight but conservative clothing – a white button up blouse, charcoal gray pencil skirt and black heels. Her black-rimmed glasses frame her lovely oval eyes and her dark hair is pulled back and woven into two circular buns at the base of her neck. Once the door closes behind her, the Speaker invites her to have seat which she does, demurely crossing one leg over the other. His eyes briefly glance over her form before he speaks.

“Miss Kain, how nice to see you again. I trust you have come to discuss the Federation presentation to the Senate?”

She nods.

“Speaker Apteen, I must protest to these unfounded allegations against the Corporate Sector. There is no debate over the request for Federation technology to defend our borders. Republic security should always be the highest priority. There is, however, grave concern over how and why the Federation Ambassador chose to undermine the ongoing negotiations – negotiations which I was assured were proceeding smoothly.”

“That is not the way the Ambassador sees it.”

“Admittedly, Ambassador’s Gellar and Tacofer got off to a rocky start in their opening statements to the Senate. Wisely, both parties agreed that in order to best serve the Republic’s needs, they would have to work together and have been doing so for months. In light of the reports that Ambassador Gellar’s children were abducted in the Corporate Sector, we were led to believe Ambassador Tacofer had agreed to suspend talks until the matter was resolved.”

Speaker Apteen tilts his head with curiosity, “Led to believe by whom?”

“The Ambassador herself.”

“In her presentation, Ambassador Tacofer stated that Ambassador Gellar has left Chandaar. Is this true?”

Janessa nods again.

“It is, Speaker Apteen. He received a lead on the possible whereabouts of his children and departed with small team that includes one of your most trusted Counselors, Circe Prescott, to assist with any diplomatic needs. Now the Federation Ambassador claims the Corporate Sector staged the kidnapping to stall negotiations when the Security Police Director cleared all members of any involvement. The photage Ambassador Tacofer showed to the Senate was already reviewed in their investigation of the Direx Board. There is no doubt that the carrier in question does have the markings of the Corporate Sector but it is strongly believed by the Security Police that it was purposefully used to make it appear they had a hand in the kidnapping to divert suspicion from any other faction or suspect.”

“And you believe the Federation is to blame for this?”

“It is unclear at this time,” Janessa says. “They are currently investigating the origin and ownership of the carrier but they have concluded it does not belong to anyone on the Direx Board. A formal inquiry into the matter has been made and the Corporate Sector will allow the Republic authorities to assist in the investigation to clear their name. They want to assure the Republic they had no intention of sabotaging the Federation and were close to a deal that would equally shoulder the demand for supplies which makes the timing of these allegations all the more suspicious. They also ask that the Republic Senate deny the Federation’s request to suspend trading with the Corporate Sector and allow time for the investigation to maintain their innocence.”


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Re: The Crimson Covenant
« Reply #87 on: February 04, 2013, 01:20:17 PM »

Dahlia was in a daze. Disbelief. Pain. Anger.  That was why it took her several minutes before she realized she was alone.

The lights in the outer chamber had dimmed to near the darkened state they were in before.  The lights from both her cell and that of the other children had turned off.  All of the creatures she saw crawling away, and the mysterious sith woman – they were nowhere in sight.

Reaching out with a hand, she realized that her cell was also left open.  No force field in place.

Weakly, she rose to her feat and unsteadily stepped out into the cave.  She looked around, seeing the surroundings in detail for the first time.  Still no one appeared.  She began moving forward, not quite sure where she was going, but in the same direction the rescuers – not HER rescuers, but those of the other children – had gone.  Even if Rutherford had abandoned her, that didn’t mean she couldn’t try to escape herself.

She moved slowly, not knowing where she was going, muscles aching from the torture she had gone through over the past few weeks and days.

The lights were behind her now, and she moved deeper into the darkness.  She could hear the sounds of scratching against stone, coming from one side or another, but still, no one appeared.

Her foot bumped against something and she glanced down, letting out a scream as she saw a body – or the shadow of a body.

“What, Dahlia.  It’s not as though you’ve never killed before.  Remember?”

Dahlia whirled around to find the sith woman standing there, a tiny lamp in her hand.  She glanced back at the figure, more visible in the light of the lamp.  He was middle-aged, or maybe a little older, dressed in jedi garb, with blood soaking the torso of his clothing.  She turned back to the sith woman, shaking her head.

“When have I ever done this before?”

“Oh don’t play coy, Dahlia.  You had murder in your heart when you destroyed your supposed attacker Chandaar.  Obliterated him, with barely a thought. Powerful, deadly. Unrefined, yes, but murder nonetheless.  And whether you realize it now, you got a rush out of that kill.  It’s only natural.  When an enemy dies, it makes you feel good.  When you are responsible for his death, it’s even better.”

Dahlia didn’t know how to respond.  What happened on Chandaar was different, but she couldn’t explain why.  She looked back down at the man, finally coming up with what she thought was a decent answer.

“This man was a jedi.  They’re the good guys”

“Only according to the jedi.  But what you will find, Dahlia, is that GOOD is all relative.  The only difference between the jedi and the sith is this:  The jedi, out of a sense of self-righteousness, curtail their emotions, and thus weaken themselves; The sith, out of a desire for power, use their emotions and strengthen themselves.  Neither is good or bad.  There is only what is good for me and what is bad for me.”

“So it was ok to torture me because it was good for you”

“No – it was ok to make you suffer because it was good for YOU.  You benefit from the truth, you grow harder and stronger with the anger and the pain.  I don’t lie, the way the Gellars do. I don’t say one thing and do another.  I don’t care if you like me.  I don’t care if you hate me. In fact, it would probably work better for you if you can use that hate.  I simply want to teach you. Use the truth, use your emotions. Then, you won’t be hurt by what others do or don’t do”

“No one has hurt me but you!”

Adubell let out a laugh.
“Oh really?  It wasn’t just pain that caused your tears.  Your adopted father abandoned you here.  Left you to die while saving his precious trueborns”

Dahlia had no response, because after all she had seen and heard – watching as Rutherford Gellar walked away from her after watching her suffer – she believed it.  But hearing Adubell say it out loud was the worst part of it.  For weeks, Dahlia had insisted that if Rutherford came, he would save her.  And now it turns out, Dahlia’s steadfast belief was wrong, while the sith woman’s was right.

And because losing that sense of what was true and what was false was too unsettling, Dahlia did not react with words, but with actions.  She blamed Adubell for causing the confrontation, for Rutherford running, whether she understood it or not, and with an almost animalistic yell, she lunged at her.

Adubell jumped aside and Dahlia stumbled past her.  But she felt something she hadn’t felt since her captivity – strength.  Rather than colliding into a rock, she SENSED the rock column, reaching out with a hand and running it along the smooth stone, breaking her momentum and whipping her around to face the sith again.  Adubell was standing there with amusement on her face as Dahlia ran at her again.  This time, Adubell spun, smacking Dahlia with the lamp.

Only Dahlia sensed the lamp, felt it coming, and she managed to turn, grabbing it as Adubell reached out, pulling it from the sith and whipping it back at her.

Adubell jumped back, defensively, as Dahlia swung the lamp back and forth.  The sith reached out with a hand, triggering the force and pulling at Dahlia and her makeshift weapon.

But Dahlia not only was in a fury- she felt how it made her stronger, and she began to USE it.  She wasn’t a slave to her emotions, they were a slave to her.  And she was going to use that raw power to kill this woman who had tortured her and caused her such pain.  The lamp stayed in her hands, until Dahlia released it, letting it fly through the air toward Adubell, who ducked sideways.  The lamp smashed into a rock, and the cavern became dark.

But Dahlia still felt Adubell’s presence preparing to run toward her, maybe grab her from behind, break her neck, strangle her – anything to make the sith end.

Just as she began to move though, the dark was pierced by a dim red glow, as Adubell’s lightsaber became lit.  The sith was smiling as she approached Dahlia, who backed away, a look of hatred in her eyes.

“If you’re going to kill me, just do it.  I don’t want any more of this pain”

“I’m not the one causing you the pain”

“You are – you and them”

“I can teach you, Dahlia.  You have such potential.  I can teach you how to turn your pain into power.  And seek revenge on those who have harmed you”

“Like you”

“And your so-called family”

Dahlia’s back pressed against a rock formation, her hand grazing against the smooth stone.  She wanted it all to be gone, but she wanted Adubell dead first.  She felt that strength, the anger and hatred rushing through her, and the next thing she knew, that solid piece of rock was hovering in the air above her.  A moment later, it rushed ahead, a pointed rock toward the sith’s body.

Adubell was surprised by the show of strength from one so untrained, and didn’t react in time.  Her saber swung in a blocking position, slicing the rock in two, but she found herself on her back, pinned by a portion of the rock, her saber knocking to the floor just outside of her reach.  As she tried to summon it to her, the saber floated into the air – into Dahlia’s hands as she now stood over Adubell, poised to strike, to kill.

Adubell looked up at Dahlia, first with curiosity, then with amusement, a smile again on her lips.

“So, Dahlia Winton, what will it be?”

Dahlia lowered the weapon, letting the tip rest just a few inches above Adubell’s neck.

But then she didn’t strike.  Seemingly forever, she stood there, ready to kill the sith woman.  But she didn’t.

“I want you to teach me … teach me how to use this power … I’m going to make sure no one can ever walk out on me ever again”

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
May the Force be with you

Offline Syren

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Re: The Crimson Covenant
« Reply #88 on: February 17, 2013, 06:16:09 PM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital

Surface: Ambaril

Janessa Kain dresses in her lavish apartment. She has dinner plans with a few friends from the Republic Executive Offices. There has been no word from Garron Prescott and she is beginning to worry. She wonders if her message even reached him as she fastens a chandelier earring in the mirror. Her mind is still spinning from the revelation about Circe Prescott. They were not close but they had worked in the same circles for years and she had a reputation of being ethically unmatched if not a bit uptight. Even if Circe had been framed, the smoking blaster was in the purchase order shown to her by Speaker Shale Apteen. That was something she could not easily explain away. All she could do is beseech him to investigate on behalf of the Corporate Sector which they reluctantly agreed to do. If Circe’s reputation had not been what it was, she doubts they would have even given her such a courtesy.

She dabs on some dark lipstick before stepping back and admiring herself. The tight patterned deep purple dress is perfect for such a high profile night on the town. Many of the Republic’s most prolific and influential dignitaries and policymakers dined in the Monaco District at the end of the week. Janessa grabs her purse and heads for the door only to find three Republic Security Agents standing on the other side.
“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t request a detail this evening.”

The senior officer steps forward.

“I’m afraid this is official business, Miss Kain.”

“Is there is a problem?”

“That has yet to be determined,” he says. “If you wouldn’t mind coming with us down to the precinct, we just need to ask you a few questions.”

Janessa arches a brow, “The precinct? Am I being accused of something?”

“We just need some information in regards to your professional relationship with Rutherford Gellar and Garron Prescott.”

“You think I’m in collusion with Gellar and Prescott? That’s ridiculous. I don’t work for Gellar; I work for the Republic representing the interests of the Corporate Sector.”

“Please, Miss Kain. Come with us.”

“Fine,” she says, pulling her com-link from her purse. “But I’m calling my lawyer.”


Offline Syren

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Re: The Crimson Covenant
« Reply #89 on: February 19, 2013, 10:08:23 PM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital

Surface: Ambaril: RSB Headquarters

The agents do not place her under arrest nor is she restrained. They simply led Janessa to their transport and take her to the main precinct. The Republic Security Bureau is the primary protective force within the Republic borders with branches that mirrored that of the old administration prior the Imperial takeover on the former capital of Coruscant. Ironically enough, they are all outfitted with weapons produced by the Sector's own, Palace Arms.

Her lawyer, Kaytt Corinthos, is already present when they arrive. She and Janessa had met many years before on Etti IV. Having grown up on D’ian with her wealthy family, Kaytt was accepted into a prestigious law academy in the Sector capital after graduating from Valor Prep. Janessa was new to her position and had gone to the Corporate Sector to meet the members of the Direx Board and familiarize herself with the politics and various agenda’s to better represent them in the Republic. Kaytt had been schmoozing a few executives at a soiree when she sought out Janessa as an ally. They were the youngest people present and together, they were able to slay through the crowd to win both rave reviews and lucrative connections alike. As Kaytt began clerking for one of the capital’s largest firms, Janessa made a point to visit periodically or host her for small holiday’s on Chandaar. After ascending the ranks quickly due to her razor sharp wit and tendency to reduce opposing counsel to tears, Kaytt accepted an offer from a Republic firm who mainly represented members of the Executive branch. She made partner in three years and offered any legal services to Janessa pro bono which, until now, she hadn’t needed.

Kaytt is also dressed to impress as she had intended on meeting Janessa and others for dinner. The look on her face indicates the diversion is not a welcome one. Janessa stops beside her.

“What’s going on?”

“They are grasping,” Kaytt says. “I was already here when you called. They stopped me outside my apartment.”

“What? Why?”

“Apparently, my connection to you and the Corporate Sector got their little minds whirling. They wanted to know when the last time I visited was, who I saw, what I did, the works. They somehow believe we were all privy to Counselor Prescott’s activity and suppressed it in collusion to the larger plot against the Trade Federation.”

“That’s ridiculous,” Janessa hisses.

“Oh, I’ve already made a stink about it when they told me they pulled my financials and card activity for the past two months. They found nothing but client lunches and boutique shops. I believe they have done the same for you. This is just a formality and an annoying one at that but I must ask if you knew anything I should be aware of prior to their questioning.”

“Of course not.”

An enervated yet striking man approaches, smiling broadly at both of them.

“Good evening, I’m Inspector Pike Erbon.”

“Kaytt Corinthos,” she says. “And this is my client, Janessa Kain.”

He nods before showing them into one of the conference rooms. It’s not used for formal interrogation and far more comfortable which they appreciate. Janessa takes a seat with Kaytt by her side. Inspector Erbon sits across the table from them, trying to appear more casual than he may actually feel. The investigation is complex and requires a delicate approach which most agents are not used to applying. They were instructed to leave no angle uncovered hence the scope of their questioning.

Kaytt wastes no time.

“Why don’t we start with why you’ve decided it prudent to drag me and my client before you this evening?”

“I apologize if it seems that way, counselor but I assure you-“

“Assurances only go so far, Inspector. Are you charging my client with something or not?”

He knows Corinthos by reputation and had been warned about her knack for going straight for the jugular.

“We were hoping for a simple conversation, if you don’t object. Miss Kain, you are the Republic liaison to the Corporate Sector, is that correct?”

Janessa levels her gaze, “You already know that I am.”

“And how long have you held that position?”

“Almost ten years.”

“In that time, how often have you met with Rutherford Gellar?”

“Not very,” Janessa says evenly. “I see him at the Direx Board functions when I visit Etti IV and, more specifically, here when I received his delegation on Chandaar.”

“So, you are not personally acquainted with him?”
“We are not friends, if that is what you mean.”

“Very good,” Inspector Erbon says. “Now, seeing as the most concentrated contact you’ve had with Gellar has been within the last several months, has he mentioned anything that would lead you to believe he was involved in the abduction of his own children?”
“The Republic liaison’s conversations in regards to the client are subject to the corporate confidentiality clause.” Kaytt interjects sharply.

“Not if it pertains to criminal action.”
“Alleged, Inspector and that is highly speculative. Much like with doctor-patient, criminal action is defined as harm to self or others.”
“Kidnapping falls in the latter category, counselor. Miss Kain?”
Janessa shakes her head, “No.”
“How well do you know Garron Prescott?”

That’s a loaded question. She had told Kaytt about her wild sexual adventures with Gellar’s valet but such an admission would cast her in an unflattering light. She can feel Kaytt’s eyes on her now, willing her to downplay the nature of their relationship.
“I know he’s an associate and have, at times, communicated through to him to relay messages when Gellar is otherwise unavailable.”

“So you do not know him personally either?”
Inspector Erbon seems activated by this and pulls a file from the chair beside him.
“Are you sure?”


“According to our reports, you were seen leaving Prescott’s room at the Hotel Ovallus two weeks ago.”

Janessa shrugs, “It is not uncommon to meet with him while Gellar and the Federation Ambassador are in negotiations.”

“At four in the morning?”

“Some things cannot wait.”
“Or be relayed by com-link, apparently.”
“Get to the point,” Kaytt snaps.

Inspector Erbon nods, “During these meetings with Garron Prescott, was Counselor Circe Prescott present during any of them?”


“Do you know Counselor Prescott?”
“We’ve met a few times here on Chandaar."
“Meaning what?”
“Meaning,” Janessa says, bristling. “We run in some of the same circles dealing with the Senate.”
“So you have no knowledge of any dealings she may have had in connection with the kidnapping?”
“You are aware it was discovered Counselor’s Prescott’s accounts were used to purchase the cruiser which transported the Gellar-Masterton children from D’ian?”

Janessa nods, “I was shown the purchase order from Speaker Apteen but I cannot attest to its validity.”
“You do not believe she purchased the cruiser?”

“I do not believe someone of her stature would conspire with her brother and his employer to use children in some political move against the Trade Federation. Not after all she’s been through.”

The Inspector smiles, “By that you are referring to the Counselor’s association with the daughter of Gellar’s wife, Celeste Masterton?”
“Yes, I read she was with Melanie shortly before the battle of Centerpoint. Such emotional ties would not typically drive someone to commit an act like this. Gellar’s history with the Federation notwithstanding, it seems terribly convenient this would all suddenly come out the moment the Republic needs something from the Federation with potential opportunities on the line.”

“You have a theory?”

Janessa and Kaytt exchanges glances, one that says tread carefully.

“I have an opinion based on what little I know. The Gellar delegation came to Chandaar first to persuade the Republic against granting permits to the Federation. In light of the bickering that resulted, another tactic was employed, one that would move past their differences to arrive at a deal that would work for all parties involved. To the best of my knowledge, the proceedings had been moving along smoothly. When the children were reported missing, I was told the Federation Ambassador was sympathetic and there was no indication at the time she believed it was a ploy to undermine them. When Gellar had received a lead and departed, the Ambassador capitalized on the opportunity before the Senate and records implicating Counselor Prescott in a larger conspiracy were suddenly produced. The timing, in my opinion, Inspector, seems rather suspicious.”

He regards her curiously.

“For a woman who is not personally acquainted with any of the aforementioned parties, you certainly have strong feelings toward the matter.”

“It’s my job to have strong feelings, Inspector.”
“Strong enough to conspire with them?”
“Careful,” Kaytt warns. “My client has been more than cooperative with your questioning.”
“And we appreciate it,” Erbon says. “I just need to ask.”
“The only conspiracy here is on the part of the Federation and to believe otherwise is ludicrous.”

“Is it? A wealthy and powerful corporate executive pressures his associate to influence his sister’s Republic connections to stage a kidnapping that would delay ongoing negotiations, possibly indefinitely while their products continue to sell at a record pace. While the conspirators flee the capital, those left behind to speak for them, say; a liaison and her lawyer are paid for their efforts to divert blame to the opposing faction.”

Kaytt’s eyes flare wide with anger but her voice is low and threatening.
“I resent that gross assumption by you and your department. You know damn well neither one of us has received such a payment of any kind nor we will continue to sit here and listen to your outrageous allegations. Had you any proof, you would have charged us by now.”

“I’m simply talking out loud.”
“Out of your ass, more like. We’ve come here as a professional courtesy and you have not only taken advantage of it but managed to insult us as well.”
Inspector Erbon folds his hands together on the table.

“It was not my intention to do so, counselor but there are too many coincidences to overlook. You, for instance. Your father, Alistair Corinthos, owns the largest utility in the Corporate Sector and sits on the Direx Board. You just happen to represent Janessa Kain, the sector liaison who works in proximity to Counselor Circe Prescott, sister of Rutherford Gellar’s associate, Garron Prescott and, from the looks of things, may have more than just a professional relationship with him.”
Kaytt narrows her eyes at him.

“Circumstantial, Inspector,” Kaytt quips, rising with Janessa from their seats. “I suggest you look it up the next time you feel like talking out loud. Until you can produce proof of these alleged connections, we have nothing more to say but I will tell you that you are looking in the wrong direction if you hope to solve this case.”
“I’ll take that under advisement.”
“See that you do.”

“I just have one more question.”
“This ought to be good.”
“Do you know where Rutherford Gellar, Garron Prescott or Circe Prescott are at this moment?”
His gaze lingers on Janessa’s face.
“We’re done here. Goodnight, Inspector.”
Janessa follows Kaytt from the conference room in silence, completely blown away by the conversation that just transpired. Perhaps this was the Federation’s plan all along; use the connections to twist the series of events in their favor. If it’s all some grand conspiracy, they look like the victim who can save the day with their precious gravity well technology that would ward off the random border attacks and paint the Corporate Sector as immoral villains who would use children to save their contracts.

If this was the avenue the RSB chose to pursue, Janessa is not sure what else she could do to convince them without presenting proof herself. Iver Aguilar had told her the Direx Board publicly denounced Gellar’s actions. Do they know something she does not? She had grown fond of Garron Prescott, more so than just a sexual conquest, and she did not want to believe he would purposefully deceive her but had she not done similar things in the past? Haven’t they all committed offenses in the name of corporate policy and business as usual?

Is she merely a piece in their game?
