Author Topic: OOC Chat  (Read 793661 times)

Offline SWSF Hale

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  • "I find your lack of faith disturbing..."
« Reply #1485 on: November 14, 2012, 09:13:49 PM »

Offline Syren

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« Reply #1486 on: November 14, 2012, 09:14:31 PM »
The taxes fom the pot law we just passed will take care of the schools. Yaay kids and pot! America.

There are businesses that are in the business of helping people. Mine is not. And you speak of it like it's mine personally. It's not. I do not own it nor do I dictate how it is run. I'm a director of a division of that company. Everyone has a boss. Mine doesn't care. He's gay. And the devil. Those two facts are not related but should be mentioned. He has no family and no equal rights. So why should he care about school children or someone else's family? These are things he cannot have. Perhaps he, and by extension the community as a whole (who has, by far, the largest chunk of disposable income), would be more willing to give back if he/they were equal. They are not so it's profit, ho! And fuck everyone else in the process. Sad but true.

If I were to pitch some bleeding heart project like that, I'd be dragged into the street and shot. In the face. I got enough hell because of my engagement which, I might add I tried and failed to keep on the downlow to avoid the blowback of my inevitable legal union and benefits. One might say, Jesus Christ Karen, what a terrible working environment that is - why don't you leave? Two reasons. I love what I do and I want to retire at a reasonable age where I might be able to sit on a beach with IT-Guy and knock back percocet-colada's until I die. We all have our motives to do what we do.

And you have seen a face picture. Remember when Cardinal declared he was the most attracted of the forum so we revealed ourselves? Also I posted one of me and IT-Guy like, a year ago and you said something along the lines of, "is he wearing a bullet around his neck? what a douche!" He was. He's a vet.

I don't hate myself nor is there shame. Being a bitch just comes so...easily. Given my family history and all. And by saying I sold out would imply I had reservations about what I do or who I grew to be when, in actuality, this was the plan all along. I set goals. I achieved them. I don't expect you to understand that, despite our fights but we have two completely opposite perspectives and points of view. They clash. Hence the hissing and verbal clawing. We're still cool. Neither of us is going to let the other get away with anything.

Offline Dementat

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« Reply #1487 on: November 14, 2012, 09:19:12 PM »
Ah Ramano, poster child of the liberal cause lashing out at the successful while sitting comfortably in poverty and making no effort to be successful himself. Preach on from that pulpit my friend ;-)

Karen, where was I when these pictures were posted! I've only seen the ones you sent privately :-(
« Last Edit: November 14, 2012, 09:21:04 PM by Dementat »
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Offline Medivh

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« Reply #1488 on: November 14, 2012, 09:22:34 PM »
Ah Ramano, poster child of the liberal cause lashing out at the successful while sitting comfortably in poverty and making no effort to be successful himself. Preach on from that pulpit my friend ;-)

Ramano does NOT speak for the liberal cause!  I just want to make that very, very clear.

Isn't Karen a liberal?  and a successful one at that.

As for me ... well I hope to be a successful liberal someday soon.  I found out this week that I passed the bar exam, so in December, I'll be sworn in as an attorney at law.  Maybe that means I can finally get a permanent job!
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Offline Syren

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« Reply #1489 on: November 14, 2012, 09:23:49 PM »
Oh, snaps Dem!

You were here, I assume, when I posted them. The drunk one was to tease Med about not posting like, eons ago. The normal one was in competition with Cardinal. The couple one was just because it was cute. They were all taken down of course but they were, in fact, there.

Yes, Med. I am very liberal. CONGRATS on passing the exam! I knew you would!!

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #1490 on: November 14, 2012, 09:38:44 PM »
I've said it once, I'll say it again. Our political ideologies are manifested in the personalities we portray in-character and in the factions we align with. Judging by this, I'd say:

Ramano = Libertarian
Hoppus = Moderate-Republican
Dementat = Federalist
Eidolon = Conservative-Republican
Syren = Progressive-Democrat
Myself = Conservative-Democrat

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #1491 on: November 14, 2012, 09:53:27 PM »

If we're working on Nick Names, I'm partial to Provalone (sic)

Quote from: GCW Hale
Eidolon = Conservative-Republican

Couldn't be further off.  I'm a weed smoking atheist since age 14  (now 30).  The only subject I lean Cons/Republican on might be along the lines of Sentencing Guidelines for Criminals.  I think all Murderers, Rapists and Violent Criminals ought to simply be executed, provided a well defined difficult series of checks assures that they were not wrongly convincted.  Minimum REQs of DNA, Admissions, etc etc, something like that.  I'm opposed to all forms of Union Busting (my father was UAW, Unions built the middle class like it or not.  If the right to organize were to be taken away, in another generation we'd be fighting for it again a la Hoffa).

Although the concept of completely eliminating social programs/welfare etc is interesting, I think it'd be destined to inevitably back fire.  Can you imagine how the crime rates would blow out the ceiling if free money suddenly stopped for the Inner City?

But I'm closer to a godless communist than anything.  I renounced my citizenship in an e-mail to Senator Carl Levin when I was about 16.  I'm still getting taxed though, so I don't think that one made it through ;p
« Last Edit: November 14, 2012, 10:21:58 PM by Eidolon »
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Offline Ramano

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« Reply #1492 on: November 14, 2012, 09:54:56 PM »
Im am not a liberal. I hold my own views, and they dont hold particularly well with any current party. Democrat or Republican, liberal or conservative. Personally, I think an elected dictator would be a much better form of government. 1 single person with all the power, with the only rule being he cant change the election process. No more red tape, no more bickering back and forth, but if we dont like the job he's doing, next election we vote his ass out. This way we would know exactly who's fault it is if the country is shit, and exactly who to praise if its running well. If your company looses 300 billion $, that man can just walk in, take your shit away from you, and kick you in the balls for being a dumb shit too. And with no one to answer too, theres no more partisan politics. If you can find logical fault with that system, id love to debate it.

And for the record Dem, I do not live in poverty dick head, lol. I may not be rich but we are certainly not poor. My wife is a nurse for a private nursing home for fuck sake, lol. I can simply afford not to work, and it works out well as im here to run the kids around and do all that bit. However nearly all of my friends and family are poor, and unemployed, and its because of companies like Syren works for, that produce nothing but hatred, jealousy, and greed, and leave nothing but a destroyed polluted wasteland in their wake. So yes Dem, I do preach, for those who cant or wont do so for themselves.

And also, I think people who have to classify themselves (liberal/republican/etc) are simply looking for an excuse to say "Im better then you." Modern day politics has become very much like religion in that sense. Its simply nothing more then another tag to further segregate the nation, and humanity as a whole.

Edit: Oh yeah, and for the election process we make it illegal to receive donations or financial assistance of any form from a commercial entity. Had to add that.
« Last Edit: November 14, 2012, 10:04:18 PM by Ramano »

Offline Dementat

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« Reply #1493 on: November 14, 2012, 09:55:19 PM »
IRL I am no Federalist. I am a Moderate Libertarian.
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Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #1494 on: November 14, 2012, 10:04:01 PM »
And also, I think people who have to classify themselves (liberal/republican/etc) are simply looking for an excuse to say "Im better then you." Modern day politics has become very much like religion in that sense. Its simply nothing more then another tag to further segregate the nation, and humanity as a whole.

Right, but if you had to pick one, the only affiliation a sane person who did not have the oppression of another group of people on their agenda and who doesn't buy in to the concept of Trickle Down economics would be Liberal. ;)
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Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #1495 on: November 14, 2012, 10:25:29 PM »
Golden Showers Always Trickle Down.

Offline Medivh

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« Reply #1496 on: November 14, 2012, 10:28:16 PM »
Can't label me?
I've said it once, I'll say it again. Our political ideologies are manifested in the personalities we portray in-character and in the factions we align with. Judging by this, I'd say:

Ramano = Libertarian
Hoppus = Moderate-Republican
Dementat = Federalist
Eidolon = Conservative-Republican
Syren = Progressive-Democrat
Myself = Conservative-Democrat
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Offline Dementat

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« Reply #1497 on: November 14, 2012, 10:38:14 PM »
Oh Liberals oppress other groups without even realizing it. Who do you think created the ghettos. Blacks and hispanics are frogs in a pot of water that is being slowly heated and they won't know it until it has boiled and is too late. Democrats jingle shiny things at them and convince them the other side is against them, all the while laughing their way into every nook and cranny of their lives.
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Offline Ramano

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« Reply #1498 on: November 14, 2012, 10:41:22 PM »
I disagree, I dont feel conservatives are trying to oppress anyone. But I say that the same way as I say Oppenheimer wasnt trying to create a weapon either. And I also feel trickle down economics would work if we were allowed to hold business leaders accountable for their actions too. Thats the thing, if all the sides wernt so polarized against each other, they would realize that all of them have good idea's that need to be combined together. We need to expand the free market while also reigning in the bad business practices they are allowed to make. If you have to lie to sell your product, you should not be allowed to produce it. Likewise, if you are producing a quality product that people want, conducting business ethically, then yes, you should receive bonus's and incentives from the government your helping to keep afloat. We simply need to get to a system that rewards good behavior AND punishes bad decisions. Not just one or the other.

I do not feel taxes should be increased, on anyone, but I do feel that a multi-billion $ companies should be forced to pay their fair share. We do that not by increasing their tax liability, but closing down many of the loopholes they receive. Why should a company get to claim depreciation? Thats just part of owning things. No one else gets to claim such a thing. If I sell my car, do I get a tax write off for the difference in price from what I paid vs what I sold it for. Absolutely not, and business should not either. And I also feel that not-for-profit corporations should not be allowed to have paid employees either. If your not for profit, then people should not be making a profit from you either.

Then we take the defense department and scrap every nuke we have above what it would take to destroy the earth, which is like 90% of our arsenal. Why do you need more then it takes to destroy the planet? Wasted money. Then we take a quarter of the defense budget and give it to the educational budget and get back above china and japan for education. Fix that problem and many of the rest of them fix themselves because smart people will actually be around to deal with it.

Immigration: Closed border system. We have too many problems to deal with all of rest of the worlds welfare cases on top of it. Anyone here as of such and such date will be immediately nationalized no questions asked. After said date, all caught illegal aliens will be arrested and executed. It costs too much money to keep deporting them so they can turn around and come back next week. Stop sneaking in or we are going to start killing you. International problems... potentially. But we are the most powerful nation on the planet and its about time we quit acting like a beat dog on the international stage. You dont like our policies, well, you havnt been able to do anything about it for the last 250yrs, I dont see you being able to do anything about it now.

Middle East situation: Pull out and just let them kill each other and their Allah can sort it out. In fact, I dont feel we should have a single base in any country that hasnt officially asked for it, and in said situation helps field the cost of it.

Womens Rights: A womans body is her body, let her do with it as she pleases. And in my opinion, a fetus is not "alive" until it can survive outside of the womb. Meaning anything after 6 months is off limits. As far as discrimination, im not saying it doesnt happen, but I am saying its already covered under just about all of the other discrimination laws, so does it really need any more attention? You have the same rights as everyone else, anything else is special rights and your just not that entitled.

And I feel adequate health care is a right, not a privilege reserved only for those who can afford it. This is not a 3rd world nation and its about time we stopped acting like it in that regard. Do you understand the USA is the only modernized nation on earth without nationalized health care? Time to get with the program people.

There, you have my views on the various topics out there. If you can think of anymore, i'll be happy to give you my views on them as well.

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #1499 on: November 14, 2012, 11:12:44 PM »
Oh yeah, I also feel we need a wage ceiling. It should be large of course, how else do you encourage people to actually achieve something, but put a cap on it. Thats another major part of the problem, theres no limit to how much money a person can make, meaning there is no checks what so ever on greed. Now, if a single person could not make more then 50 million $ a year, which lets face it, is an absurd sum of money, but imagine how differently business would work. Things wouldnt cost so much because whats the point? More money could be put back into the business, back into the employees pockets, and things will still be cheaper. The current system just says there always has to be more. That is not a sustainable system, at some point you have to draw a line and say "that is enough." No single person needs to make a billion $ a year, and there is no possible way you could be doing that ethically. Its physically not possible. If you are making THAT much money, you are breaking the law somewhere. I challenge you to prove me wrong on that.