Author Topic: OOC Chat  (Read 794593 times)

Offline Medivh

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« Reply #375 on: June 10, 2012, 11:23:21 PM »
I'm less than 20 minutes out of DC.  It's no LA, NY, or Chicago.

Not really a Boston, Philly type either

Or a Las Vegas, Houston, Miami

Or Baltimore, or Seattle

OK, well DC is probably the only place where the building permit height is artificially lowered to keep a seat of government as the highest building nearby.  So HA!  that makes us ... um .. unique?
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Offline Ramano

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« Reply #376 on: June 11, 2012, 12:04:35 AM »
Hey, this isnt New York or Tokyo, we dont have that much to do, if we arnt killing each other we get bored and start killing people from other cities. Best if we keep it located in house. And if your back Dem you need to post in the mock, we have new rules to test out, then I need to test a theory on the SSD in a mock, so you will at least get to use it once, lol.

And Med, you need to come snag the TF in the new sim so we have another player and can assault the SSD at some point without me having to do a bunch of bullshit SLing to get NPCs for it.

Syren, your from L.A.? I'd say you should go back an die in an earthquake, but alas, im sure like me, you dont want to see me smile. And just so you know, if you died, I would smile. Please put it in your will so im invited to your funeral so your loved ones can see me do it. It would make for an epic day! Being able to insult you, and flower-bomb your rich ass family, I would feel truly loved. Hell that might make me believe in god, lmao.

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #377 on: June 11, 2012, 03:16:42 AM »
Back on game topic here, just throwing this out there, but due to how bad they suck, do we just wanna list Tie Fighters as free. Basically for Dem if he wants to use T/F's he can just have what he needs with in statistical allotments. Lets face it, if your using them its either because you have to or for them to simply get into the way of attackers. Even if he were to field 14 squads of them thats only 336 damage per post and they can pretty much be wiped out at will.

Dont get me wrong, im not saying there should be a boost to them, they are supposed to suck. Im just saying it seems pathetic to make someone pay for them on top of it. Not to mention it might encourage their use a little more.

Offline Dementat

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« Reply #378 on: June 11, 2012, 09:24:22 AM »
I like the idea of TIE Fighters turning out of the shipyards for free. As Ramano said, their only use is to keep you off my capital ships for a round.
(\/)ighty RE

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #379 on: June 11, 2012, 10:09:22 AM »
I mean, I understand its not very realistic, how are you building anything for free, but in the essence of balance against the rebel fighters firepower... Yes, its not a total fix for the situation, especially IF im gunna be running 20+ squads of rebel fighters on my fleet, but that is a huge advantage as regardless he will always be able to field a full compliment of fighters. First time I have to replace 16 squadrons of Y-Wings im gunna cry lol.

And when I said free, I meant he shouldnt even have to build them. Basically anyone that wants to use tie fighters, you just have as many as you want up to your fleet allotments. The abuse is a non-issue as with no hyperdrive, he cant carry them without a ship so even at free, he will be limited by how many fighters his fleet can carry. And as we've seen, they are so weak and so easily destroyed, it should effectively encourage their use without making them abstractly over-powered.

However I draw the line at the Tie Fighter on that. I dont care if the T/Is suck too, you only get 1 instantaneous and free fighter. Although, it should be noted you have to go back to your base to restock lost fighters. No spontaneous fighter spawning mid battle because you get them free and dont have to build them lol. However, that could be an idea for a custom flagship for you. Something like Palleon had that acted as a mobile fighter factory. Imagine a ship that can produce a swarm of tie fighters every post. You would never be without CSP.

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #380 on: June 11, 2012, 10:11:33 AM »
And yes, if you havnt figured it out yet im desperately searching for a way to get the focus off of nuking any more power out of MY fighters lmao!

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #381 on: June 11, 2012, 11:51:39 AM »
Nevermind the fact that TIE Fighters are the cheapest starfighter in the galaxy... a full wing replacement costs 240 KCs, not to mention that stock starfighters come free with purchase of capital ships. Using my pricing formula, I already gave TIE Fighters a 10% discount by virtue of them being "mass-production starfighters", so their price is already weighed appropriately. Combining this with the new TIE Swarm rules, and you can have one beast of a TIE Fighter Wing. Observe the following battle scenario:

(6) X-Wing Squadrons attack TIE Swarm (6) with 288 LCs + 144 PTs x UCR (6/8) = 540 Damage.

TIE Swarm takes 540 damage and has 324 Armor remaining, then fights back with 144 SLCs for 288 Damage.

(6) X-Wing Squadrons attack TIE Swarm again, finishing it off. TIE Swarm gets death attack and nukes 1 X-Wing Squad.

So you actually get 2 full rounds of defense, and you get to knock off a squadron. But here's what I would consider doing: lowering the TIE Fighter price to 20 KCs. At that level a full wing replacement costs 120 KCs whereas a single X-Wing Squadron costs 100 KCs...


The idea is that TIE Fighters suck and will always suck going man-to-man against Rebel Starfighters. You might be paying more but in the end they give your capital ship some damage insurance by virtue of CSP. If you want a badass CSP that can spit in the X-Wing's face, then upgrade your SFs and go with TIE Interceptors. Observe:

1. (6) X-Wing Squadrons attack TIE Swarm (6 TIE/Int) with 288 LCs + 144 PTs x UCR (6/10) = 432 Damage.

TIE Swarm shrugs the damage off as a flesh wound and stands strong at 1008 Armor remaining, then fights back with 288 SLCs for 576 Damage, killing one X-Wing squad outright and damaging Squad #6 with 108 points.

2. (6-1) X-Wing Squads continue with same attack of 432 Damage, bringing the TIE Swarm down to 576 Armor.

TIE Swarm pushes back and does 576 more damage, killing a second squadron outright and punishing Squad #6 with 108 more damage.

3. (5-1) X-Wing Squads try to break the CSP again with 240 LCs + 120 PTs x UCR (6/10) = 360 Damage, taking the Swarm down to 216 Armor. Victory is near... sort of.

TIE Swarm kills another squad outright, Squad #6 gets 108 damage again (it's now down to 144 HP).

4. (4-1) X-Wing Squadrons continue with 360 Damage, finally killing the TIE Swarm.

TIE Swarm makes its last counterattack by stinging the X-Wings one last time with another squad kill and wounding Squad #6 (now it's at 36 Armor).

5. (3-1) X-Wings attack the ISD.

Final Damages =
4 X-Wing Squadrons killed ... cost: 400 KCs.
6 TIE Interceptor Squadrons killed ... cost: 360 KCs. 4 Rounds of CSP against 6 X-Wing Squadrons... cost: priceless.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2012, 12:11:23 PM by GCW Hale »

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #382 on: June 11, 2012, 11:39:18 PM »
Ok, so I have a question about some things. First off, syren, why are you such a snotty slut?! No im just kidding, but seriously (alcohol might be involved here bare with me)

First off: How do we officially determine the CP cost of a ship, cause I know last go around it was the production time, but now you seem to be using the price /100. So how many CP does an MC-80 cost to field, 19 or 14, cause if its 19, I can tell you right now why I never considered using it, lmao! Even with 8 squads of B-Wings, cause being CSPless and not having enough CP to have any other ships in my fleet, id get wiped out by the first bombing run that was done to my ship... which brings up my 2nd point which im now drunk enough to not care if you dont like my opinion on it.

Point #2: Wtf with the bombing runs?! Armor and hull, with shield bypass... NON-SENSE!! This system makes a Y-Wing the most powerful unit in the game. Are you mad?! How about shield bypass only? Anything less would be uncivilized. Remember, "history like our king, judges us not only on the outcome of the war, but by the manner in which it is fought." - General Cornwallis 1774 (Haha, im drunk im still smarter then you syren! And they let you run major businesses... this is why the economy sucks, lmao!)

Question 3: Why is Cherry Schnopps so good? Yes I understand it is elvish water, but its so smooth and tasty. And much like vodka, it mixes with almost everything, trust me, ive been testing this out tonight, lol! Also amazingly, at only 37 proof, you can most certainly get drunk on this shit. Its the nectar of the gods! And unlike vodka, I dont get violent on it, goofy yes, but calm, I love this shit!

4: Why does using a custom ship automatically cause a +1CP cost to a ship because its not stock? So? I cant let it ever get destroyed, which makes it an auto-target for Dem's ship eating ass. Hes a fucking Mog I swear to god. Not to mention, there is no law that says everyone else cant have one, and what does not being a stock ship have to do with anything? Your simply saying, fuck you, its a custom ship so it has to suck more then a stock ship because... well im GM and I say custom ships have to suck. I mean, I dont mean the ship sucks, I just mean pound for pound its not as good as a stock ship, which isnt the point that its supposed to be better? Personally I think custom ships should have no CP cost and you have to pay 1/4 or 1/2 of its KC cost every month in maintenance to field one. I mean, I want this thing so bad im willing to hamstring my fleet to get it, but thats the point, I shouldnt have too. Im sure Dem wouldnt be completely opposed to having a Palleon class Factory Ship but im completely certain he isnt going to spend half his CPs for it. If you want to have any chance at PVP combat you just cant do it. I mean, if your gunna shit on it cause its a custom ship, then why not just say piss off no custom ships? Would I whine and cry about it, probably as i've already gone a quarter way through the SL on it, but will I get over it, aint got much choice do I?

And for my last point: You do realize you fighter explanation completely re-enforced my point to why Tie Fighters should be free, lol. They are worthless outside of CSP. Without being able to change fighter compliments, and half of his ships fighter compliments are listed Tie Fighters, are we seriously going to be assholish enough to charge him for them? I mean, you are the GM, its your call, and you actually hold power over me this go around as I really do want to play, but frankly... thats a bitch move santa.

I think thats all I have for now. Thank you for your time. Except Syren, your rich, you owe me 9,716.71$ per second of my time. And yes, there is actually a equation behind that too.

Offline Syren

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« Reply #383 on: June 12, 2012, 12:07:58 AM »
Put down cheap liquor. Choke on bag of dicks!

Aren't you on like, strict orders not to fight with me? Granted I'm just that hard to resist I know but surely you realize I'm probably one of the only females who would fight you to the death. I live purely to antagonize you. I wander around during my busy day of actually doing things secretly plotting your demise. Most of which barely involve me moving much less breaking a nail. And for the record, you scathing troglodyte, three serious boyfriends does not a slut make. So after all the slanderous yet highly entertaining crap you sling my way, now you expect me to what? Give you a play by play of your glorious actions on the holo?

As if.


Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #384 on: June 12, 2012, 12:42:47 AM »

#1 -- I used a different formula for Mon Cal cruisers when calculating cost and another one for CP. It's a 14 CP ship that costs 1900 KCs because Mon Cal ships are special, and that's all you need to know.

#2 -- If Proton Bombs do 5 damage a pop to armor only, it's less damage than attacking with other weapons. Given the choice, most players would probably opt to do more damage to the shields than half damage to Armor/Hull. Yes, it makes Y-Wings/TIE Bombers dangerous - but that's the point.

#3 -- Cherry Schnapps is good because a Russian pissed into every bottle destined just for your mouth.

#4 -- Only ships that say "you can't change the compliment due to special launch bay/rack configurations" apply. For most ships, listed starfighters do come as "stock", but you can certainly replace them after they blow up with whatever you want.

#5 -- Next time you're drunk, stick the bottle that you drank up your ass and don't stop until you spit that bottle out your mouth.

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #385 on: June 12, 2012, 08:14:59 AM »
Well not so much orders as a respectful request, which I would say I have done quite well with exception of a little playful jabbing now and again.

Hale, you are incorrect, it was a canadian that pissed in every bottle, not russians, and taking alcohol anally is high discouraged and the chances of alcohol poisoning rise exponentially as your large intestine will absorb the liquor too fast. And besides, if I could do that, I would have a party trick and thus wouldnt need to be here with you guys for entertainment, lmao!!

Also hale, if we can change fighter compliments you should go in and fix the rule that states:
Changing Compliments
Unless otherwise specifically noted, players cannot change a ship's onboard unit compliments.

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #386 on: June 12, 2012, 09:12:35 AM »
The intent behind the "changing compliments" rule was to prevent Imperial ships from dumping all their GAVs and reloading them with all AT-ATs, so I'll go in and make the changes.

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #387 on: June 12, 2012, 09:30:44 AM »
Well my thing is I dont so much care about that as I do VECs and ISDs loading up 100% with avengers and bombers. The whole point behind the imp ships having so much firepower is that they dont carry squat for fighters. Once you start messing with that you remove all the balance in the game and the imps have the best of all worlds. All strength and no weaknesses to speak of, especially seeing as we dont use fire-arcs here thus getting behind the ship does nothing. We dont have shield towers to target, now with all Tie Avengers and Bombers, how are you supposed to fight against that?


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« Reply #388 on: June 12, 2012, 04:49:03 PM »
When is the firm start date for this? I finally have moved out of my house and am on my own and am still following the stuff here just not posting. I am in as Imps! I believe remnant I had said. Don't forget me!  BTW. I drive in and out of NYC on a daily basis practically. So BOOYA KASHA!

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #389 on: June 12, 2012, 04:52:32 PM »
Ok, I bow to far superior knowledge of big city living with gall being in NYC, lol. Unless you live in Tokyo your not beating that. But yeah, fear not, we are waiting for you if your still interested. =)

As far as the start date, I believe unless any major problems erupt, we are going to run 1 more small mock to make a last test of the rule set and then we will be good to go, Hale by all means correct me if im wrong?