Author Topic: OOC Chat  (Read 794575 times)

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #390 on: June 12, 2012, 06:18:55 PM »
Yes. This final mock is to get the rules concrete. It's supposed to run 12 days, ending on June 24th.

Currently the "Battle of Endor" is open for Intro SLs.

"Soft Launch" will be on June 25th (players can move around in-uni).

"Hard Launch" (and First Action Day) on July 1st.

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #391 on: June 12, 2012, 08:44:26 PM »
Put down cheap liquor. Choke on bag of dicks!

Aren't you on like, strict orders not to fight with me? Granted I'm just that hard to resist I know but surely you realize I'm probably one of the only females who would fight you to the death. I live purely to antagonize you. I wander around during my busy day of actually doing things secretly plotting your demise. Most of which barely involve me moving much less breaking a nail. And for the record, you scathing troglodyte, three serious boyfriends does not a slut make. So after all the slanderous yet highly entertaining crap you sling my way, now you expect me to what? Give you a play by play of your glorious actions on the holo?

As if.

Im sorry... please come SL with us?

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #392 on: June 13, 2012, 08:06:22 AM »
Republic Stock Units:
Corellian Corvette (CAP)
Z-95 Headhunter (SF)
Lambda-class Shuttle (AUX)
Republic Fleet Marine (GI)
Combat Landspeeder (GAV)

Imperial Stock Units:
IPV-1 Patrol Vessel (CAP)
TIE Fighter (SF)
Lambda-class Shuttle (AUX)
Imperial Fleet Trooper (GI)
Speeder Bike (GAV)

Stock units are produced entirely for FREE but with added production times to offset this bonus. Stock units cannot be "stockpiled" ad infinitum in a player's Reserve Force for unlimited units.


Bombing Run Capable Units:
Skipray Blastboat
TIE Bomber
XG-1 Assault Gunboat

You will notice that "Proton Bombs" have been removed entirely. In lieu of this, Bombing Runs are Proton Torpedo-only attacks that can penetrate the shielding of any unit and hit the Armor directly (no Hull damage). Bombing Runs can only be used on targets with equal or less UCR than the attacking unit, and cannot be used in a post-mortem attack.

Love the new modifications to the rules, lets see how they work out. For once I have no argument lol.

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #393 on: June 13, 2012, 09:39:24 AM »
The added benefit of the new stock unit rule is that players can now produce a ship and be unable to turn around and scrap the vessel + all of its onboard units. Since stock units are Free, their Salvage value = 0 KCs. I've gone through all the specs and listed generic units for everything, so there should be no more confusion.

MC80 with (8) B-Wings will run a player 1200 KCs.

A "Premium" ISD-II loadout would be:
(1) TIE Avenger ... 120 KCs
(1) Elite TIE/Int ... 120 KCs
(1) TIE Advanced ... 90 KCs
(3) TIE Bombers ... 240 KCs
(36) Skipray Blastboats ... 1440 KCs
(1500) Clonetroopers ... 3000 KCs
(90) AT-STs ... 1800 KCs

Grand Total: 6810 KCs.

You want the best? Pay for it.

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #394 on: June 13, 2012, 10:03:34 AM »
Beautiful! Good work Hale! And thank you for your time, not enough people say that to those who put the time and effort in to make a GOOD sim.

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #395 on: June 13, 2012, 11:25:17 AM »
GOOD rules only make the sim a fun game. What makes a sim GREAT is the players.

I've been doing some more mulling over the Hero Units. With recent changes, players are probably going to be spending nearly all their money every month on premium units, leaving nothing to upgrade the Hero Unit.

To get back to the basic principles of easiness and simplicity, I was thinking about having the Heroes be more like the Freelancer: you can pick what skill you want to add to the Hero buy purchasing it. Here's what I had in mind..

Republic Officer
Unit Cost: 2000 KCs
UCR: 10
Armor: 200
Health: 300
Attack: 200
Capabilities: These units begin as either an Army (Colonel) or Navy (Commodore). Additional abilities can be purchased for 1000 KCs each. No more than 1 ability can be learned each Action Day.
1. COMMODORE: Your Fleet Flagship has +10% Attack Damage, +10% Shields, +10% Armor, and +10% Hull.
2. COLONEL: Ground units in your same grid have +1 UCR, +10% Attack (round down), and +10% Armor (round down). This unit's Armor is increased to 400, Health to 500, and Attack to 400.
3. ADMIRAL: +1 Command Points. (Prerequisite: Commodore)
4. GENERAL: Your ground units can move from G-grid to G-grid without penalty during a planetary battle. This unit's Armor is increased to 500, Health to 600, and Attack to 500. You may add (1) NSBC to your Fleet without Command Point penalty. (Prerequisite: Colonel)
5. EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT: This hero gains an Industrial Output of 100 KCs/Action Day. All infantry units you purchase cost -1 KC less. GAVs are -10 KCs. Starfighters cost -10% KCs less. (Prerequisite: Admiral/General)
6. FLEET ADMIRAL: All ships in your fleet receive the Flagship bonus.  (Prerequisite: Admiral)
7. LORD GENERAL: All ground units on the same planet receive the same Colonel bonus. Your ground units on same planet are immune to the Logistics limitation. This unit's Armor is increased to 700, Health to 700, and Attack to 700. You may add an additional (+1) NSBC to your Fleet without Command Point penalty. (Prerequisite: General)
8. STRATEGIC LEADERSHIP: Industrial Output is increased to 200 KCs/Action Day. (Prerequisite: Fleet Admiral/Lord General)
9. GRAND ADMIRAL: +1 Command Points. (Prerequsite: Fleet Admiral)
10. SUPREME COMMANDER: Prestige Rank. Industrial Output is increased to 300 KCs/Action Day. If this Hero's Fleet is attacking Coruscant, he may bring his Stronghold PDF Fleet along with him for the battle (up to 23 CPs). (Prerequsite: Leadership)

These abilities streamline the Hero and make the Prestige Rank accessible through either the Navy or Army skill trees. The cool thing is that the Hero can cross-train and learn opposing abilities as well, so it adds a little more customization to the Hero. With the extra income and manufacturing discounts, this should help players out tremendously when it'll be time to purchase premium replacement units.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2012, 12:03:00 PM by GCW Hale »

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #396 on: June 13, 2012, 11:44:46 AM »
I dont understand the prestige rank, how do you achieve this? It says prereq: leadership, but there is no such skill listed?

And yes, the players make a sim great, but without good rules, there are no players. ;)

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #397 on: June 13, 2012, 12:01:56 PM »
Prereq: Leadership was shorthand for "Strategic Leadership".

Basically, your progress tree could be:

Commodore --> Admiral --> Fleet Admiral --> Strategic Leadership --> Supreme Commander

I changed the abilities slightly...
Executive Management is now the standalone manufacturing ability that gets you all the discounts + added income. Given the above progress tree, a Hero could have skipped Management altogether, so I wanted to make it more attractive.

Grand Admiral for Navy players is simply an optional CP boost, and not required for Supreme Commander.

It is conceivable to have a 25 CP Fleet + (2) NSBCs. Not too shabby.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2012, 12:06:06 PM by GCW Hale »

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #398 on: June 18, 2012, 02:03:36 PM »
The revised Leader specs.  It'll be the same capabilities for the Imperial and Independent equivalents, just different names for ranks/abilities. I wanted to make the Leader on-par with the Military Officer in terms of utility, so many of the abilities are the same. Below the unit is the first of many "Missions" to be available to each Hero. These missions will allow players to make galaxy-shaping actions related to the Hero's profession.

Unit Cost: 2000 KCs
UCR: 10
Armor: 200
Health: 300
Attack: 200
Capabilities: These units begins as a Consular or an Ambassador in the New Republic Diplomatic Corps. Additional abilities can be purchased for 1000 KCs each. No more than 1 ability can be learned each Action Day.
1. CONSULAR: Your Fleet Flagship is hereby designated as the "Consular Flagship of the New Republic" and has +20% Shields, +10% Armor, and +10% Hull.
2. AMBASSADOR: Your Fleet Flagship is hereby designated as a "Consular Ship". Ground units in your same grid (operating as your "Military Escort") have +1 UCR and +20% Armor (round down). This unit's Armor is increased to 500, and Health to 500.
3. GOVERNOR: +1 Command Points. Your stock units take -3 Days to build. This hero gains an Industrial Output of 100 KCs/Action Day.  (Prerequisite: Consular or Ambassador)
4. SENATOR: Your ground units can move from G-grid to G-grid without penalty during a planetary battle. This unit's Armor is increased to 600, Health to 600, and Attack to 400. You may add (1) NSBC to your Fleet without Command Point penalty. (Prerequisite: Governor)
5. SECRETARY OF DEFENSE: This hero's Industrial Output is increased to 200 KCs/Action Day. All infantry units you purchase cost -1 KC less. GAVs are -10 KCs. Starfighters cost -10% KCs less. (Prerequisite: Governor)
6. CONSULAR ADMIRAL: Your character can be referred to as "Lord". All ships in your fleet receive the Consular Flagship bonus.  (Prerequisite: Governor)
7. CONSULAR GENERAL:  Your character can be referred to as "Lord". All ground units on the same planet receive the same Senator bonus. Your ground units on same planet are immune to the Logistics limitation. This unit's Armor is increased to 700, Health to 700, and Attack to 700. You may add an additional (+1) NSBC to your Fleet without Command Point penalty. (Prerequisite: Senator)
8. SECRETARY OF STATE: Industrial Output is increased to 300 KCs/Action Day. (Prerequisite: Secretary of Defense)
9. CHANCELLOR: +1 Command Points. (Prerequisite: Consular Admiral)
10. PRESIDENT OF THE NEW REPUBLIC: Prestige Rank. Industrial Output is increased to 400 KCs/Action Day. If this Hero's Fleet is attacking Coruscant, he may bring his Stronghold PDF Fleet (up to 23 CPs) along with him for the battle. (Prerequisite: Secretary of State or Consular Admiral)

Mission Requirements: Republic Leader (Consular/Ambassador)
1. Take the Consular Flagship to a neutral, non-Stronghold world. Once you exit hyperspace and move into the C-Ring, you can declare neutrality and consular status in order to move about the system freely without getting fired upon by the PDF.
2. Move your ship to the A-Ring, and then take your Hero to the surface via shuttle in order to engage in "Diplomatic Relations" between the host system and the New Republic.
3. Once Diplomacy has begun, refer to the following time-table below for mission results. Players are required to write a storyline post in addition to fulfilling the time and action requirements in order to achieve each Mission Milestone:
Milestone #1 [7 Days]: Host System temporarily joins the New Republic Galactic Free Trade Association (GAFTA). On your next Action Day, this system will render a one-time credit of 100 KCs to your Account.
Milestone #2 [14 Days]: Host System permanent joints the NR GAFTA; on your next Action Day and every one after that, this system will credit 100 KCs to your Account.
Milestone #3 [21 Days]: Host System agrees to become a conditional Municipality System and Protectorate of the New Republic. Required Actions: Build a New Republic Embassy on the system in an open G-grid. Also, replace their Space PDF Fleet with 23 CPs worth of units (this can be done with stock units); once the Embassy and Replacement PDF is completed, this Milestone will be done.
Milestone #4 [28 Days]: Host System agrees to become a Member System of the New Republic. All Space and Ground facilities on the planet are immediately scrapped and the System transfers 1000 KCs to your Account. Required Actions: Build a New Republic Sector Operations Base to replace the Host System's Alpha-class Command Operations Center. Once the RASOB is completed, the Host System is officially under your control as a player, and you can build new facilities at your leisure.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2012, 04:24:04 PM by GCW Hale »

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #399 on: June 18, 2012, 04:28:54 PM »
Mission Requirements: Imperial Officer
1. Take your Fleet Flagship to a neutral, non-Stronghold world. Once you exit hyperspace in a Deep Space Zone, perform an Active Scan of the System. Please post locations for the System's units once your scan is completed (24 hours).
2. Once you move your ship to the C-Ring, the System will be fully alerted to your presence and give you a warning. If you move to the B-Ring, the System will consider your presence hostile and send out a galaxy-wide distress call (x1 hyperspace). You are now free to move about the System and engage neutral units at your leisure. As the "Mission GM" you will now take direct control of the PDF forces and post for them as you would defend your own world.
3. Once combat has begun, refer to the following time-table below for mission results. Players are required to write storyline post in addition to fulfilling the other requirements of each Milestone in order to complete this mission fully.
Milestone #1 [7 Days]: Disable all units making up Space PDF. For each platform, capital ship, starfighter squadron, or auxiliary craft destroyed, add 10 KCs to your Account.
Milestone #2 [14 Days]: Destroy all ground units making up the Ground PDF. For each Infantry Squad and GAV you destroy, add 1 KC to your Account.
Milestone #3 [21 Days]: The system can now be declared under control of the GE or IR; Immediately add a "spoils of war" victory prize of 1000 KCs to your Account. You can now start building facilities on the System.
Milestone #4 [28 Days]: Build an Imperial Sector Palace on the System. Once you complete this Milestone, your character gets a free ability upgrade (if fully upgraded, transfer 1000 KCs to your Account) due to the experience gained from battle.
« Last Edit: June 19, 2012, 08:45:54 AM by GCW Hale »

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #400 on: June 18, 2012, 10:15:07 PM »
Ok, making a last proof read of the rules, few things quick.

Changing Compliments
Unless otherwise specifically noted, players cannot change a ship's onboard unit compliments.  For simplicity, a ship's crew is equal to 1 person per meter of length.  Ship's Crew are considered Fleet Troopers for boarding actions. Most capital ships come with non-designated units (i.e. "Rebel Starfighter Squadron"), so in these cases compliments can be added accordingly. (You said you were going to remove that from this rule. Just saying something cause I dont want it to come back and bite me in the ass later)

Strongholds and NPC Worlds
1 PDF Fleet consisting of 23 Command Points worth of: HHFs, NEBs, AVIGs, IPVs, CGUNs, and CORVs
1 Omega-class Command Operations Platform
1 Gamma-class Space Defense Platforms
2 Sigma-class Starfighter Platforms
1 Alpha-class Command Operations Center
3 Beta-class Military Industrial Complexes (Seriously, this is more powerful then my starting base, and thats saying a lot. This should be about half of that, from PDF down the list unless it is a main stronghold world. I mean seriously, what the fuck is a place like Dagobah or Rothana doing with a defense like that. And please excuse my bluntness I do not mean to offend, but im looking at some of these planets, and the defenses they will be carrying with this set up and im like, no fucking way. And lets be realistic, this isnt some complex multi-million $ computer game, not every planet not owned by someone is going to have a set up uber pirate base on it. So im gunna go through, make a PDF for all of the planets in the map based on size, importance to overall SW cannon storyline, population, and industrialization and if you like it you can use it, if not you can throw my hard work away, but at least then I cant say I didnt try to strive for realism. And do remember, you can always throw a pirate base or 2 in at your leisure and augment the defenses as you see fit, your the GM, its your job. But this way the PDFs will match the planet we are fighting for. For game purposes say I wanted to set up a small secret outpost on say Dagobah, should I really have to fight all that for an uninhabited swamp? Come on now.)

Space PDF Fleets
While PDF Fleets are limited to 23 Command Points, up to 10 capital ships can be in a PDF Fleet as opposed to a normal player-controlled 7. (Ok, I know I know, how unpopular can I be but im gunna suggest it anyway. Perhaps we could remove the CP limit from this rule. Not even making a real argument, I just think with a 10 ship limit, and no "rogue" fighters/aux allowed, why limit it. Especially considering that the end-game ability for the hero's is the ability to use your PDF fleet in the final battle. I dont know about you but for such epicness, do we want to be limited to just patrol craft to be our extra's?)

When a commander has more than 4,999 troops of 29 GAVs deployed on the surface as an aggressor, their forces must take into account a penalty. This penalty states that no force may remain operational for more than 7 days (or 7 turns). At this point they *must* withdraw to their mother ship to be resupplied and treated. After 24 hours (1 turn) onboard the mothership, they may be re-deployed. Ships that may land on the surface need no leave the surface. If you deploy 4,999 troops / 29 GAVs or less from any one vessel, this rule does not apply.  You can't wage war on an empty stomach. (This is fucking stupid. I will leave it at that. I understand the logic behind it, but keep in mind, some of these bases can carry a quarter million troops or more. This is not feasable for said system, especially with a minimum of 24hrs between posts. Just added math to keep track of.)

And thats all there is to say about that. - Forrest Gump

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #401 on: June 18, 2012, 10:59:07 PM »
You bring up some valid points. I'm using the Episode II Rules Update thread to post all the big changes. I need to comb through the old rules so that everything is up to spec.

1. Changing Compliments will get removed in favor of Stock Unit Default with Replacement Option as discussed.
2. In order for this game to be "automated", there has to be a default PDF template for every planet, but I'll change it to this:

1 PDF Fleet consisting of: 1 DREAD (PDF Flagship) + 3 HFFs + 2 AVIGs .. (12 SF Squads between them all)
1 Omega (6 SF Squads, 10 AUX)
1 Sigma (3 SF Squads)
1 Alpha (500 Infantry, 50 GAVs)
1 Beta (300 Infantry, 30 GAVs)

In all, you're going to have to gun through 21 SF Squads to break Space. Ground is no joke too with 800 Infantry and 80 GAVs. This should be sufficient. I really would like to have planet-specific PDF templates, but I just don't have time for that. If you wanna do that, awesome. Try to keep it it simple: Class A, Class B, Class C kinda set up, that way players can reference a Master Planet List with a simple class by it..


Coruscant (GE Stronghold)
Dagobah (Class C)
Naboo (Class B)


Offline Ramano

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« Reply #402 on: June 18, 2012, 11:49:01 PM »
Well before you just regurgitate some standard PDF thing for all planets like this was Galaxy at War, give my PDF list a chance, I should have it finished by wednesday.

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #403 on: June 20, 2012, 09:07:03 AM »
Alright, finished with the PDF list. I think this works as a better system as every planet becomes unique to itself making them a specific planet and not just a blip of computer code floating around. It also shows how not all planets are equal to another. Some planets are better, some worse. Few things of note: First, can not be conquered does NOT mean can not be attacked. It just means certain players cant control it, you are still free to kill everything. Next, the planets are all in line with were they were at the start of the Alliance of Free Planets era, or the time period directly after the battle of Endor. So in case you look at a planet and go "Where is everything?!" keep in mind, the planet may have been destroyed and at this time period hasnt been rebuilt yet. Yavin IV for example, shortly after the battle of Yavin the imps cleared it out then abandoned it, the rebels didnt come back to it until 7ABY, which is about 3 years in the future of where we are now. Also, after the battle of Endor and the death of the emperor the galaxy was in complete chaos. Just because a planet has rebel/imperial PDF DOES NOT MEAN that planet is friendly to said faction. You will still have to SL or destroy the PDF to capture it. Planets that are friendly to your faction are listed in their known features section, denoted by "Faction may interact with this planet at will".

The long and short of it, I think this list works better for the PDF keeping it cannon to the storyline we exist in. You can find the list in the developers corner section, and should you choose to use it, will need a home in the rules thread.

Oh yeah, and if you notice, some of the planets have more then 1 of a facility they can only have 1 of. As I stated, not every planet is equal in value and stature, and to express the magnitude of some planets, they needed more then 1.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2012, 11:15:22 AM by Ramano »

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #404 on: June 20, 2012, 01:41:22 PM »
Outstanding work with the Planet List. I'm taking my first glance at it now and like it a lot. I like the fact that each planet has some character to it as well. I'll post my edits when I finish them... it wont be a lot though.