Author Topic: VE: Vogue Empire  (Read 85885 times)

Offline Medivh

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Re: Vogue Empire
« Reply #60 on: December 28, 2011, 05:53:19 PM »

High Orbit

bleep ... bleep ... bleep ... bleep ...

A young ensign rubbed his eyes, stretching his arms before blinking and looking back at the monitor.

bleep ... bleep ... bleep ... bleep ...

The low beep every few seconds barely registered anymore, an indication that everything was where it should be.  The only armed vessels in orbit were Corellian.

bleep ... bleep ... bleep ... bleep ...

He glanced down at his chronometer.  Almost done with his shift.  Some rest, maybe a few hours of sabaac with his fellow ensigns.  Watching the latest holo-entertainment.  It was a routine of waiting for something to happen, while many ships of war went off to actual battle fronts

bleep ... bleep ... bleep ... bleep ...

Afterall, was the Empire really crazy enough to attack CORELLIA?

bleep ... bleep ... bleeeeeeeeeep

The sudden change in pitch awoke the ensign from his thoughts. He blinked again as he looked over at his monitor. Suddenly, there were a lot of flashing red marks.  Maybe someone should have told him to be careful what he wished for.  Taking a deep breathe, he pressed down on the comm controls.

"This is Ensign Briggs, I'm picking up multiple bogies.  Sectors one, two, three and four, all outer ring.  Signatures appear imperial"

Sirens began blaring, one platform after another.  With the planet already on alert and waiting, it was taking mere seconds for the news to trigger full activation.  Guns were rotated, facing outward toward the oncoming threat, shields brought fully online, fighters running to hangar bays.

Meanwhile, the Corellian Defensive Fleet, a wide variety of ships were taking up positions.  It was hard to anticipate the imperials move.  Thousands of imperial ships had arrived, but rather than taking an aggressive attacking approach, they created a massive ring around the planet.  Too far out for Corellian turbolasers to reach, but close enough to effectively surround the planet.

Onboard Imperial Command Vessel, ISD-II "The Demise"

Admiral Schrag stood at the bridge, staring out the viewport at Corellia, its defenses, its shipyards, its commerce.  Even as the imperial ships were still arriving, trade vessels were coming and going from Corellia at their usual frantic pace.

"Order ships to open fire on any vessel - civilian or military - that is within our range"
"Yes admiral"

Those ships that were arriving, unaware of the dangers at their destination, Corellia, would find themselves under attack immediately upon exiting hyperspace.  Many small freighters were incinerated within the first few seconds.  Other, larger vessels suffered severe structural damage before their trajectory took them out of capital range.  Few were able to make it to the safety of the planet.

Even as they fired though, the imperial ships held their ground, as more imperial ships completed the ring around Corellia.

"Admiral, all vessels are in position."

"What of the Corellians?"

"They are scrambling, Admiral, but taking on a defensive posture."

"What percentage of their fleet is present?"

"We anticipate about 50%, scattered throughout orbit.  We are keeping an analysis, lest they try concentrating the ships in one sector"

Admiral Schrag smiled and nodded.

"Very well, begin powering up the interdictor cruisers.  Time to make sure that no one gets in or out."

Corellian Orbital Command Platform

High Commander Saga Judec had a determined look on his face as he stepped out of his office to the main command room.


"Imperial vessels, all sectors sir.  They have surrounded the planet.  They are attempting to jam any signals coming out of us sir, but otherwise, are holding steady.  Our scanners show several high-energy fields beginning to be activated"


"Interdictor-class cruisers, commander.  We think they are powering up gravity well projectors"

Judec let out a sigh, nodding his head

"So they are setting up a blockade.  Very well.  Get a signal out, strongest frequency possible to avoid jamming.  Alert all corellian fleets, and make sure we are ready for when they move in with the attack."

"Understood sir. what of our - guests?"

"Have them go directly to the Corellian Corvette Vigilance, and order that ship, along with a contingent of fighters and corvettes break out before gravity wells are activated."

"Yes, Commander"
Aboard Shuttle

Even as Melanie, Kimber, Rydan and the others were rising into orbit aboard the shuttle, the imperials arrived. Their first notice was from the pilot.

"Jedi Masterton - there has been a change of plans.  I have orders to take you directly to the ship that will take you to Center Point"

"What? Why? What's happened"

"The imperials have arrived, and have surrounded Corellia.  Scans indicate they are powering up gravity wells aboard several interdictors.  We have to break past the blockade before the gravity wells are up and running. We don't have much time"

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Offline Syren

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Re: Vogue Empire
« Reply #61 on: December 30, 2011, 11:32:01 PM »


Ominous is an understatement.

"The imperials have arrived, and have surrounded Corellia. Scans indicate they are powering up gravity wells aboard several interdictors. We have to break past the blockade before the gravity wells are up and running. We don't have much time."

So, this is it.

They have finally come for their revenge.

Melanie's blue eyes harden, "Do it."

As the shuttle veers away toward the Corellian Corvette, she dares to glance behind her. Agent Denton grips his restraints as Rydan comforts a sobbing Kimber while glaring at Melanie. The expression says, I knew this would happen. It says, we're too late. The sentiment echoes across his mind. The High Commander warned her. He told them to run. Now they must deal with the consequences of staying. Every step they grow closer to extinction, every choice becomes a sacrifice.

The Jedi pushes these feelings away as they reach the Vigilance, focusing on the present moment. The microsecond they touch down, the pilot is on the com.

"We're clear. Go. Go now!"

The Corvette is lurching forward, fighters fanning out around it as they face down the blockade. The Imperials open fire almost immediately but the gravity wells are not yet fully functioning. The fighters draw the turbolasers away and the Corvette returns defensive volley's of its own. There is a terrible trembling as they pass through, taking damage, shields dropping rapidly but soon they are free. The fighters are dwindling, stamped out by the mighty red lances of Imperial fire. Within seconds, the Vigilance vanishes.

Melanie evokes Valerie Gellar's name in a silent prayer to save Corellia.


Offline Medivh

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Re: Vogue Empire
« Reply #62 on: January 03, 2012, 08:48:08 AM »

High Orbit, Imperial Blockade

Onboard the ISD-II "The Demise," Admiral Schrag is watching the Corellians scamper about, like scared insects.  He would have smiled, were it not for the difficult tasks ahead.  Corellia was not some backwater world with an easy assault. Corellia was, arguably, the best defended world in the galaxy, save for Byss itself.  Even the imperial fleet would have to fight hard to win this battle. And there was no room for error either.  Reports were coming in every few seconds, confirming the location of Corellian capital ships, planetary and orbital defenses, starfighter squadrons.  A few bursts of bright light did escape from the planet or from some orbital platforms, firepower testing to see if they could hit any imperials. The energy beams fizzled out well before the imperial blockade.

A few missiles were fired as well, but they were shot down before they could reach a target, spectacular explosions that ended anti-climactically. Nothing was destroyed. It would take a huge wave of missiles to effectively target any one part of the imperial line.  Just as well, it would take a huge number of ships to effectively fight any part of the imperial line, and with the Corellians stuck in a defensive posture - afterall, moving ships away from any area to strengthen another would leave the first vulnerable - they had little hope to break the imperial line, unless reinforcements came.  Which of course, is what Admiral Schrag hoped for.

The admiral's thoughts were interrupted by a report.

"Admiral, we are picking up a contingent of Corellian Corvettes picking up speed and moving our way"

Blockade runners. of course.

"What is the status of our gravity wells?"

"Almost powered up sir, but the corvettes are moving fast"

"Order fighters to intercept, have destroyers open fire as soon as they are in range.  Otherwise, maintain positions"

"Yes sir"

Admiral Schrag watched on the monitor as the small but sturdy corellian vessels moved forward.  Red lances of turbolasers began shooting out at them, as TIEs swarmed about, engaging the corvettes' fighter escort.  Scores of Corellian fighters were wiped out quickly, while the corvettes themselves suffered severe damage, even before they got close to the blockade line.

"Captain, do you see that formation?  What do you make of it?"

"It's not just individual blockade runners sir.  I think they are trying to protect one of the ships in particular.  That one there, the one in the middle"

"I agree.  Order fighters to focus on that one corvette, and have capital ships try to reach in to the convoy and disable that ship."

"Yes sir"

Suddenly, the Vigilance was the focal point of imperial fire. The other corvettes and fighters did the best they could to intercept, and it became clear that this one corvette was the prize.

"Do not let that ship escape"

"Yes Admiral"

Several of the corvette escorts were destroyed under the imperial blockade, leaving the Vigilance exposed.  It's shields flickered and flashed and then died altogether as it passed the imperial ships, firing back in return to splash energy against the imperials shields in return.  A direct hit by the nearest star destroyer slammed into the corvette, shaking it to its core, and knocking out three of its thrusters.  The ship however, seemed determined to escape and on its remaining thrusters - and the momentum it had from its high speed - it managed to slip out of the planet's gravity well, and disappeared into hyperspace just as the star destroyers fired what would have been the disabling shots to its stern.

"Sir, the corvette has gotten away."

Admiral Schrag grimaced, even as reports came in as each of the interdictor cruisers reported in that gravity wells were now online.

That would be the last one to get away.

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Offline Medivh

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Re: Vogue Empire
« Reply #63 on: January 11, 2012, 01:25:02 PM »

High Orbit, Imperial Blockade

With the interdictors up and running, the imperial blockade was in full swing.  Vessels bound to Corellia - and there were many of them - were pulled out of hyperspace seconds earlier than they planned, within the waiting grasp of the imperial fleet.  Some were destroyed. Others were not so lucky.  Assault craft would engage and disable incoming vessels, then board them.  Crews would be killed, and the ships and their goods would be confiscated.  Hundreds of ships that still hadn't known about the blockade had provided the imperial forces with fresh food, weapons, and supplies of every shape and kind, enhancing the blockade's already sizeable stores.

Meanwhile, no new ships were able to leave either.  A few bold - for Corellians were famous for being bold - had tried running, using highly modified corellian vessels, perfect for smugglers.  But The imperial line was well thought out, the TIE pilots who ran the chase well trained, and the interdictors placed just right, that timing and luck were not in their favor.

Onboard the ISD-II "The Demise," Admiral Schrag was walking from his quarters to the bridge, flanked on either side by an officer.  It had been roughly a day since they had raised the interdictors and firmly established their grip on the planet.  Still, subjugation would take more than just surrounding a world.

"Transmit the hail"
"Yes sir."

In open frequency, a hail was sent out from the imperial command ship to the Corellian fleet, their orbital platforms, the shipyards, and the planet below.

People of Corellia.  This is Imperial Grand Admiral Schrag.  The Galactic Empire has found cause against your world and against your leaders.  The Corellians have violated imperial space, attacked imperial ships, and occupied imperial territory.  Under the leadership of Saga Judec, your people have spilled innocent blood.  The Empire is here to pay in kind.

Let us be clear.  Our fleet is stronger than yours.  We have completely and totally cut you off from the rest of the galaxy. No one is getting in, and no one will be allowed to escape.  Your world will succumb to the imperial fleet, and your entire populace will suffer.

That is, unless, you offer total and complete surrender.  If the leaders of Corellia, if Saga Judec and his forces, care at all about the citizens of this world, he will surrender immediately.  But in case he is to callous to do so, we will also accept the citizens of this world surrendering for themselves, and handing the war criminal Judec to us.  Surrender, and your lives will be spared.  You have twenty-four standard hours to comply.

The message would be played once every hour, each time indicating the time left shortening. 23. 22. 21 ...

Admiral Schrag meanwhile turned to his XO with a smile.

"We still have a small strike team on the ground, don't we?  Let's see what we can use them for"


Low Orbit, Corellian Command Platform
High Commander Saga Judec stared out the viewport at the empty void between him and the ships.  Thousands of imperial ships encircling the world.

He had heard the imperial's message, call for surrender.  But he was hoping for more.  The Corellian defenses had signaled the need for more ships at Corellia, and though they were engaged elsewhere, it was only a matter of time before they arrived.  Judec was relieved that the jedi and her companions had gotten away. Just in the nick of time.  And what was he to do in the meantime?  His ships were all on full alert, and he had pilots, gunners, engineers and other staff from the surface coming up from the surface to relieve those on duty.  But otherwise, it was a waiting game. He had his fleet spread out to counter any sudden imperial attack, but if they were bent on the move, if they got more ships before he did, it was going to be a bloody mess for Corellia.

How had he let himself get into this situation?  How had he let that man talk him into this?  Where was HE now, when the plan was coming to fruition?  Maybe it was all some imperial plot, maybe a miscalculation.  Either way, Saga Judec feared he would be dead before he had the chance to confront him.

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
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Offline Medivh

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Re: Vogue Empire
« Reply #64 on: January 17, 2012, 09:40:01 AM »

High Orbit, Imperial Blockade

Admiral Schrag signals the final hail, a warning, indicating that time was up

"Open fire and order the ground team to be prepared"

The imperial star destroyer turned, focusing its turbolaser batteries on the planet, and letting loose a strong barrage of fire.

The imperial ships were far off, and at first, it looked as if their weaponry would dissipate before hitting a target.  But just as the blur of energy faded away, an explosion struck on the planet itself, right in the line of fire of the attack.  A planetary turbolaser cannon burst into flames, killing hundreds of operatives and rocking the surface nearby.  Admiral Schrag smiled.

"Order the ground team to acquire a new target, and set us up for the shot."


Low Orbit, Corellian Command Platform

High Commander Schrag watched as the burst of fire dissipated in the space between the enemy and his defenses.  And then saw the explosion on the ground.  How had that happened?  He was furious, watching.  There was no way the Empire had a weapon that could reach that far.

"Officers!  Find out what the hell just happened!  And let's make sure it doesn't happen again"

As reports of the attack went through the Corellian fleet, a panic spread as well - the Empire's weapons were stronger and had a longer range than them.  They could win this fight without ever coming into Corellia's range.

Even as speculation of sabotage on the surface began to spread, it didn't entirely quell fears.  And Saga Judec was not happy. Not at all.

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
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Offline Medivh

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Re: Vogue Empire
« Reply #65 on: January 25, 2012, 09:07:07 AM »

Over several days, the imperial fleet made choice attacks, utilizing the sabeteurs on the ground combined with a display of firepower from the sky to cause stunning displays of destruction, disheartening locals with the appearance of the Empire being even stronger than they actually were.

No reinforcement fleets had arrived to save Corellia. High Commander Judec was restless.  Had his calls to Centerpoint not reached their destination?  Or was that director of his just ignoring them?  He cursed his name (or the name he knew, rather), knowing at some point, the imperials would strike.

They had succeeded in hitting multiple military targets.  Shield generators.  Planetary weapons.  Even a few barracks.  Whatever team was on the surface was in high form. They still hadn't been caught.

But the time for parlor tricks was over.  THe blockade had, in the short period it had been up, successfully blocked various provisions that Corellia was unable to provide itself.  The planet was suffering, and it was time to strike.

Leaving the interdictors successfully surrounding the planet, and preventing escape, Star Destroyers, flanked by hundreds of TIE fighters began moving into position, picking up speed and then pushing forward, opening up massive barrages of fire.  Their target was a group of Corellian defensive platforms along the planet's equator.

Corellian capital ships were faster, and began to coalesce to respond to the threat, fighting back with their own weaponry, and soon the sky was blazing with red and green lights.

"Deploy the shuttles"

Even before any significant progress was made in the firefight, Assault shuttles  began moving out, staying just to the periphery of the main battle, and protected by their own escorts, moving to the nearest platform.  As soon as it had lost shields, the craft made hard landings against the hulls, bursting in and invading, Stormtroopers overtaking the halls and forcing an internal fight as well as external.  This aggressive move would cost many troopers lives - but stormtroopers were trained to die for the Empire, and their numbers exceed those Corellians defending the world.

Everyone was wondering - where were those mighty corellian fleets, that had caused so much trouble before? That everyone acknowledged were in existence?

Saga Judec himself was in the war room in the Command Platform, furiously barking orders to defend and respond as best as possible.  The rumbles of explosions outside were followed by a distinctly louder and closer boom, a lieutenant rushing into the room, panic on his face.

"Sir - imperial troops are boarding the command platform."
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Offline Medivh

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Re: Vogue Empire
« Reply #66 on: January 31, 2012, 03:02:36 PM »

Saga Judec was a warrior.  There was no question of that.  Whatever one thought of his politics, he was a fighter, and not afraid of a fight. When he learned the imperials were trying to take the command platform, his first response was to pull out his blaster.

"Order all teams to secure locations, and seal off compromised levels.  Secure the armory, and the bridge, and make sure everyone is armed"

He began heading out into the hallway.

"Sir?  Where are you going?"

"I am going to defend this platform. Carry on defenses, commander"

He disappeared, with a team of four commandos following, his XO grimacing as he turned to take over command of the orbital defenses.  Chances are, he wouldn't be able to hold out much longer.

Meanwhile, Judec was moving quickly and stealthily until he reached one of the front lines of battle. Stormtroopers were on the opposite end of the cooridor, and Corellian troops were sheltered behind rows of crates.  Shots fired back and forth, and the occasional explosion rocked the crates, but never reached over their lines.

Judec ducked down, grabbing a heavy rifle from a fallen soldier, grabbing his limp body, and lifting it up with one hand, using it as a shield as he fired repeatedly at the imperials.  The poor soul's body was bloodied up, but between his armour and Judec's own, the high commander was still standing.  He dropped the blaster, pulled a thermal detonator and advanced, just far enough to toss it at the imperials.  Explosion impacted, and the path ahead was clear. For now.  He tossed aside the soldier, no time for ceremony.

"Move, now!"

The High Commander rallied those troops closest to him, all spirited by his bravery, and they began moving forward, picking up dead stormtrooper weapons and ammunition.

It was rough work, moving ahead, fighting, moving ahead, but they made it pretty far, before they found themselves too far.  They were in another cooridor, when shots began firing from behind them.

"Sir, they've flanked us"

"Take cover!"

They ducked into the nearest room, a mess hall of sorts, and barricaded themselves inside, sealing off all three entrances.  Judec motioned to the ceiling panels, and they made their way into the ventwork, taking what arms they could carry.

Through that maze, they headed toward the most vulnerable of locations, a docking bay that the Corellians were fighting desperately to hold onto.  It was several minutes before they popped out, adding manpower to the commandos in place.  Judec ordered the injured back, those more capable to the forefront of the makeshift battlement, dozens of supply crates, and two or three shuttles acted as barriers.  One Corellian soldier, clever, had powered up one of the shuttles, firing a few more powerful laser shots at imperials trying to break into the docking bay.

"We won't hold much longer sir"

"We;ll hold it as long as we can, soldier.  We defend until we die."

As if on cue, a massive explosion rocked the defenses, throwing the high commander to the ground, pain racing through him.  The explosion had destroyed much of that makeshift barricade, and it would be only a few minutes before the imperials overran their primitive defenses.


"I said fight!"

He winced in pain

"COmmander, we need to get you out of here.  The men won't be able to fight if your caught, dead or alive"

Against Judec's protests, he was dragged into the shuttle, powering up in an effort to make an escape.

Far in the distance, in the abyss of space, far from the battle itself, Emperor Dementat stood aboard the bridge of the SSD "Saevia's Revenge," keeping track of the progress of the attack, waiting with the second imperial fleet - waiting for the corellian reinforcements to arrive, wondering why it was taking them so long.  Were they waiting for all of Corellia to be destroyed, and then move in to attack a wearied imperial fleet?

It didn't matter. He could be patient.

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Offline Syren

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Re: Vogue Empire
« Reply #67 on: February 01, 2012, 09:14:10 PM »

As soon as Karen exits hyperspace, Tie-Fighters swarm the shuttle. They assume formation and escort her toward the ominous Imperial capital ship, Saevia's Revenge. The name turns her stomach. As much as she hates anyone who takes the life of a comrade, she hated Saevia more. The feeling was most definitely mutual. The slain Grand Admiral had been in love with her fiancé and made no attempt to conceal it from Karen. Yet, she knows what Saevia meant to Dementat which is why she never shamelessly slandered her to his face.

The things we do for the ones we love. 

The Imperial blockade is impressive from this vantage point and the Star Destroyers looming above Corellia sends shivers down her spine. She eases the shuttle into the hangar bay and begins to power down.

Emperor Dementat waits for her at the bottom of the ramp, rows of Stormtroopers and Crimson Guard behind him who bow in unison as she appears. It's a nice touch. She takes his hand as they turn to face their subjects together. It had been too long since she has seen him and the swell of feeling beneath her breasts brings a flush to her cheeks. They sweep from the room as if on a cloud and disappear up into his inner sanctum.

His lips are on hers as they stagger backwards, falling onto the bed. There are no words for the degree of lust that overtakes them. It is primal, pure instinct and passion, a force greater than fear. She cries out as he enters her, thrashing across the expensive sheets, one leg slipping effortlessly over his shoulder. His hands caress her face, kissing her hungrily, and she responds, ignited by his voracity, clawing at his back. They climax together, like music, a perfect harmony, before collapsing in a tangled heap of flesh.

Then they go at it again.


Hours later, Karen gazes at herself in a gigantic mirror. She has showered and changed into a jet black form-fitting combat jumpsuit complete with knee-high heeled boots and a charcoal tunic draped over her shoulders. The saber is clipped to a thick belt with a silver buckle bearing the Imperial wheel. Her dark crimson hair has been blown dry and flat ironed, make-up sultry yet subtle. She smiles at her reflection as she dabs on a coat of lipstick.

Dementat moves beside her, staring down at the woman he loves.

"Dressed to kill?"

She smiles, adjusting the ring on her finger.

"Is there any other way?"

"I suppose not," he says, debating his approach. "I caught your press release. Nice work. Capital support is at a record high."

"I thought you might like that. My endorsement does carry some weight."

"That it does, my love but do you believe it?"

She stands, turning to face him, "Is that doubt I hear creeping in your sexy voice?"

"You've been missing for months, Karen. No one knows where you have been."

"You could just ask me."

"Is that why you are here? To confess?"

Karen wraps her arms around his waist, emerald eyes looking deep into his electric baby blues.

"No. I'm here to warn you, lover mine. You and our Empire are in grave danger."


Offline Syren

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Re: Vogue Empire
« Reply #68 on: February 06, 2012, 01:04:41 PM »

Saevia's Revenge

A certain chill passes between them. He gazes now at her curiously, almost amused as if the mention of a threat is beneath him in the wake of their imminent victory over the Confederation.

"Warn me? About what?"

Karen's line delivery is flawless.

"This siege is a set-up, designed to draw the fleets over Corellia so that they can be destroyed like those at Duro."

Dementat recoils, taking several steps back.

"How dare you speak lightly of the Confederations cowardice! They will pay for what they have taken from us."

Her eyes glow with a fiery conviction.

"Then we will lose it all. Is that what you want Dem, darling? To be stripped of everything we have worked so hard to build? I have gone to great lengths to protect us, our Empire, from a traitor within it. This figure has sought to undermine us every step of the way and has done so long before you seized control. Palpatine's obsession with Skywalker clouded his vision from a threat far greater than the Alliance, a threat that has single-handedly played us like fools."

He closes the distance between them, "Who? Who is this person you feel threatens all we have?"

"You know who."

As much as he loves her, this obsession with family ties must stop here.

"Alexia has been defeated. You're father is dead, Karen. Our agents confirmed that your so-called friend, Kimber Patten, captured and turned him over to the Hapan Consortium for execution. You are the sole survivor and victor of that war, my love."

Her face becomes a mask of rage.

"He was killed by the Consortium. That much is true. But he, like Medivh and Phage, live on."

Dementat gasps in disbelief, "That's ludicrous!"

"Is it?" she snarls. "Who do you think orchestrated your rise to power? Who pointed me out on a planet of billions? Who sabotaged my life, murdered my friends, pulled our strings, broke the rules, pushed our buttons, foisted a prophecy upon us, goaded everyone in just the right directions, convinced all the right people, created a foe so irresistible to your fury, set it all up so that in the end he could take it all for himself?"

He gapes at her.

Karen's lips curl into a smile.

"Alexander Winton lives, my love and I have spent the last several months destroying his droid and clone facilities around the galaxy. He is using the Confederation, using Saga Judec as he has used so many others, to lure you here so that he can destroy you. He set you up just to knock you down the same way he does with everyone else in his game."

Dementat's eyes glow in the half-light of the room.
"How do you know this for certain?"

"Several months ago, the Corellian traitor known as Mara Anna Gellar came to Byss looking for answers. She found me and together, we discovered much more than we bargained for."

"You consort with them!" he roars.

"Mara is not one of them," she says evenly. "She despises Judec as much as we do and has helped me considerably in stopping my father from raising a droid army large enough to take down our Empire. You can check these sites out yourself if you so desire. She wants the Confederation gone but Corellia free and I promised to do that for her in exchange for eradicating the galaxy of my father's malevolent hold over all of us."

She inhales, pausing.

"While Kimber may not fall in line with our vision, she is not by any means a traitor to the Empire. Your agents convinced her they would intercede on Valerie's behalf when Phage invaded Corellia. Instead, they stood by and did nothing and she lost her life as a result. The Hapan Consortium wanted justice and we provided it by turning my father over to them."

Something in her statement catches.

"We? You conspired with Patten?"

"Yes, lover," she says. "I gladly rid myself of his lies. Then I pinned it on Phage shortly before Mara killed him but it was too late. Valerie was already dead."

"So, you blame me for Gellar's death and this betrayal is your revenge?"

Her voice quakes with anger.

"How can you speak of betrayal?! You knew my father was alive and acting as Imperial Director! You knew and you kept it from me! I had to find out after Marius Guile murdered my ground team and my father took Kimber hostage. He revealed himself to me, revealed all the sickening ways he had toyed with those closest to me for his own pleasure. You think you are immune to his games but you couldn't be more wrong! He uses you as he uses everyone else in his plot to overthrow us and claim the Empire for himself. I have seen it, Dem! I have witnessed his technology, the droid facilities full of battle ready monsters, the cloning plant on Kamino manufacturing the friends I lost as a teenager, the tanks growing my own flesh and blood hoping to create the perfect family that serves only him!! I have seen Phage resurrected in the ruins of Coruscant, even a droid under the impression he is more clever than my father. He, like all of us, are just players being moved across a board. I don't know about you but I am sick of playing these games!!"

She is screaming, shaking. He has never seen her this unhinged before. The walls around them vibrate and shutter, her eyes growing dark.

"Things I may have kept I did so for your protection. Alexander said the prophecy-"

"The prophecy is a lie! A lie orchestrated by my father as means of control! He used it to convince our parents we were special, meant to shape the galaxy for the better. Then he used it to convince you that you were meant to seize what Palpatine left behind. He lorded it over Alexia, making her believe she was to rule at your side then, at the just the right time, revealed the truth about how it was meant for me. Everyone we have ever known have been puppets and pawns and now he has brought you here, to Corellia, to finish you off."

Dementat finds himself holding her tightly, mouth close to her ear.

"If you are so convinced, how does he plan to do it?"

She folds into him, gasping.

"By using the Centerpoint Station to wipe out the fleets."

"He wouldn't..."

"He will and he will take all of Corellia with it. You have to get the fleets out of range."

They part, staring into each other's faces as if this is the first time they are really seeing each other. The admissions, infuriating as they may be, fall into place. Her rationale is not unfounded and he does not believe she would lie about something so critical. To signal for a retreat would send a message of weakness.

"There has to be another way."

Karen clings to him, "There may be."


And now she softens, raising her eyes to his.

"Mara is headed for Centerpoint to disarm the station and I intend to help her succeed."

Dementat gasps, "You risk your life for her?"

"I would! And not just for her, for us. The last of my father's facilities lie within Centerpoint. It must be destroyed."

"Then what?"

Karen levels her gaze.

"Then you defeat the Confederation and turn over Corellia to the people as a sign of faith, a shred of humanity the galaxy at large must witness if we have any hope in uniting it. Search your feelings, Dementat. You know this to be true."

Dementat holds her close, considering if this was something he could bring himself to do. He had kept critical information from her, blocked her access so that she would not be hurt further. While he convinced himself it was for her own good, he now sees the mistake in not trusting her completely. Her path, once thought to be so different from his own, is really about the fates and futures of both of them.

"You can't do this alone."

"I don't plan on it,"

Her anger gives way to acceptance and understanding.

After all, Karen Winton is not blameless.

"You know, despite what you might think, Kimber and Melanie are not the enemy here. Neither is Mara or even Judec for that matter. My father is solely responsible. He must perish and never rise again. The Confederation defenses are nearly obliterated. Right now they pose no threat to us. Centerpoint however, does. Either you believe me and restructure the fleets accordingly or wait here and find out too late."


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Re: Vogue Empire
« Reply #69 on: February 07, 2012, 11:06:28 PM »

Karen and Dementat stare at each other for several tense moments, deciding the best course of action. In these moments she feels something that ripples across her skin, causing her to inhale sharply.


At long last, her oldest friend reveals herself. Reaching out, she knows where the signature is coming from. Things fall into place now in a way they never had before. All signs point to one location. 

The final target.

But has she convinced her lover?

The Emperor is not one to give up this valuable opportunity. The sector would prove more than just a strategic victory. Her request for the Confederation's demise and Corellia's freedom seems out of character and the attachment he feels from her toward this Mara Gellar is unsettling to say the least. But he does heed her words, giving considerable pause to one glaring fact.

Alexander Winton.

If he does indeed live and had been conspiring against them behind Dementat's back, he must pay. He would pay. Karen's absence and explanation strike him deeply and it does not take much to look inside her and see that she is not lying. She has discovered things unknown to both of them, things that had potential to destroy them if not for her decisive actions. For that, he is grateful but he fears the enlightenment has softened the edges of her lust for galactic domination.

What exactly changed in her?

What did she see?

He does not have time to inquire when the ship alarms begin to sound. He moves to the consol, "Report!"

Captain Vex Sienna's voice comes through the com.

Karen was not aware he was assigned to this vessel and groans inwardly.

Sienna reports calmly.

"Heavy gravitational activity coming from deep space, your Highness."

"Deep space?" he muses, turning briefly.

Karen says nothing, only returns a knowing stare.

Dementat leans over the consol, "Take evasive action, get those ships out of range!"



The Saevia's Revenge was clear of the blockade but as he moves in front of the massive viewport, he could see the unthinkable. As the fleets began to break apart, moving away from the gravitational disturbance, some slipped away while others seem frozen in space before being dragged backward, toward each other. Interdictor's collide, bright silent bursts of flames igniting the blackness as the ships began to simply fold, like paper, into themselves.

His rage flares, eyes sparking an electric blue.

Karen floats toward him, gazing over his shoulder at the destruction beyond. Her voice is low and free of judgment or scorn.

She only needed him to bear witness.

"We must take the fight to Centerpoint."


Offline Syren

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Re: Vogue Empire
« Reply #70 on: February 09, 2012, 09:43:46 PM »

The damage is catastrophic.

Corellia's orbit has been transformed into flaming wreckage and debris. Confederation platforms and Imperial ships lay smashed and shattered together across the star filled sky. Some are barely recognizable in the wake of the blast from Centerpoint, folded and wrapped around themselves in garish hunks of scrap. The death toll continues to rise, numbers conflicting on which side suffered the most casualties. One thing is absolutely certain - this attack was executed without regard for anything in its path.

Aboard the Saevia's Revenge, Dementat's fury can be felt in the void of silence expanding within the massive room. Calls have been placed to all Imperial strongholds for reinforcements with a new designated target. At this distance, they were vulnerable to Centerpoint's power but up close it would be a different story. The Emperor fumes darkly, enraged but determined. Once the station was destroyed, they would claim Corellia despite the surprisingly altruistic protests of his beloved.

Karen does not goad him with trivialities over who was right or wrong. It doesn't matter now. She knows he would not be able to separate this attack from her father, the Confederation and by extension, Corellia itself. Could she temper his rage with reason? Was their love stronger than his hatred? Her eyes fall to the ring on her finger glinting in the soft light, a sacred symbol suddenly called into question by an unexpected division of endgames.

All he sees is red. All he wants is revenge.

And he would have it.

So would she.

Wandering back toward the vanity, away from him, Karen runs her fingers along the expensive items on the counter. A small black box lies unopened, drawing her attention. She pulls off the top to reveal a set of sparkling earrings, a special gift from a special friend. Her name echoes across the expanse of her mind.


Karen turns, watching the hum of dark energy radiate from Dementat. The fates of everyone they have ever known spiral toward a singular conclusion. An epic battle. A final showdown. Was this her father's plan? Had he somehow known all their lines would intersect here?

Does it all end tonight?


Several decks below, Captain Vex Sienna confirms with the remaining fleets before setting the course. The full wrath of the Galactic Empire is now trained on one target. The stars beyond the viewport streaks into a solid mass as everything they have makes the jump to lightspeed.

Mighty Centerpoint, be admonished.

It's last call.


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Re: Vogue Empire
« Reply #71 on: February 15, 2012, 01:31:31 PM »

Imperial Star Destroyer Mark II"The Demise"

There had been very little in the way of warning.
Admiral Schrag was standing at the bridge, monitoring the progress of his assault on Corellia. Everything was going well.  Then reports began coming in.  The interdictors that kept Corellians from escaping, were picking up readings, massive gravitational readings, off the charts.  And then they were hit by them.  The forces of gravity colliding them into each other, forcing them to collapse on each other.

At the first sign of trouble, Grand Admiral Schrag knew something was amiss.  He knew what had happened at Duros, and though he would never have thought Judec would fire the weapon at Corellia, apparently the man was more desperate than he expected.

"Pull 'The Demise' out of the battle, as far toward the planet's north pole as possible"
"Do it now, Lieutenant"
"Yes, Admiral"

The ship, having been engaged with a large Corellian Cruiser, suddenly broke off the attack, fighters guarding its rear against Corellian fire.  But not for long.

"Sir, our systems appear to be failing.  We're being pulled backward by ..."
"I know what it is, lieutenant.  Full power to engines.  Divert power, if necessary from weapons and hyperdrive.  Order All imperial ships to do the same - aim for the planet poles"

The ship rocked and quaked as its engines fought against the tidal wave of gravitational energy that was hitting it.
Lights flickered off, then back on.

"Sir, Engines are at maximum thrust, but we are getting reports of compromised hull integrity on almost all aft portions of the ship."
"Seal those areas off, immediately"
"The crew"
"Already dead, lieutenant. Let's keep our casualties to a minimum.  Seal them now"

It was a tense several minutes as the ship fought against the unseen enemy.  The shield generators, and several other vulnerable exterior emplacements collapsed in on the ship with the force of a falling meteor.  The hull itself inward, causing denting and bubbling.  Crews were evacuated to inner portions of the ship, landing bays were sealed off.  And still, the ship fought on, making slow progress toward the pole.

Reports were coming in of other casualties.  Literally hundreds of ships that had been in the battle were nothing but wreckage now.  Corellian and imperial alike.  The planet too was showing signs of the weapon.  Not the massive upheavals like on Duros, but it was bad.  Tidal waves had destroyed entire coastal plains, and even Coronet was suffering from flooding.  Sulfer from the ground also was making an appearance, and everyone was ordered to higher ground.

It was almost a half hour before that gravitational force had finally ended, the ship, in shambles, but remarkably intact.

"Damage Report"
"Admiral, it looks like we've lost most of our fighting capabilities."
"THe Corellians?"
"Them too, sir"
"What of the Emperor's fleet?"
"Scanners are not working that well sir, but it appears that his fleet was far enough away to avoid the blast"
"Good.  Order all functional ships to file damage reports, and get a message to the emperor, asking for instructions."
"Are we not continuing the attack sir?"
"Corellia isn't a battle ground anymore. It's a graveyard."

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Offline Syren

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Re: Vogue Empire
« Reply #72 on: February 15, 2012, 11:42:42 PM »

The Emperor had given his orders: Disable Centerpoint then destroy it.

Karen fixes the clasps on the back of each earring, hoping Mara was alive to receive the signal of their arrival. She had been able to convince Dementat to allow her a closure that was always just out of their reach until now. She would help Mara take down her father and save her friends from his evil clutches. A reunion, an understanding, a new vision of a future outside the designs of the prophecy. Then the Empire would destroy Centerpoint and with it, the Confederation. This victory, she hopes, would be enough to satiate her lover's lust for vengeance. Perhaps then he could be convinced to let Corellia go.


Karen takes a deep breath, gazing at the reflection of her flawless face, a face she hardly recognizes now. It seems different in this light, changed by the weight of the truth.

Dementat moves behind her. She turns, staring up into those endless blue eyes. They both know what they must do, battles that must be fought. There is much at stake. A careful balance that can tip either way. Their lips touch, lightly at first, then becomes something deeper. They pull each other close. Energy passes between them.

Finality, acceptance.

They break, taking a step back. She stops him as he makes his way toward the door.

"Just get me close enough, darling."

Dementat reaches out and brushes the side of her cheek.

"If he cannot be stopped..."

Her emerald eyes are wide and knowing, "Blow it all to hell."


Offline Syren

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Re: Vogue Empire
« Reply #73 on: March 12, 2012, 08:04:51 PM »
Centerpoint Station

Karen guides the shuttle through the tangled web of turbolaser fire, angling down toward the station. She feels the rush pulse through her and a sense that she might actually be able to pull this off. In the back, the dark troopers have very specific orders - kill everyone save for those in the photage. They memorize the faces of Melanie, Kimber and Mara. And just when she thinks she is actually as good a pilot as Mara believed she may be, they are struck hard by a blast from the nearest Corvette. The shields go down and the right wing damaged.

"Shit!" she screams, using her free hand to open the com into the back.

"Hold tight, my darlings. It's going to be a rough landing."

The shuttle rattles violently as it descends and she spots the only open hangar close enough and takes the chance. She grips the controls tightly, trying to keep it steady while slowing them down as much as she can. The shuttle protests but she manages to keep the nose up as it sails through the opening and crashes down, skidding along the polished floors into the middle of what looks like a fire fight. She smells smoke, checks her hair in the reflection of the viewport, and bounds out of the chair. The dark troopers are already unloading, rushing into the fray.

"Highness,"  a voice crackles through her com. "Are the droids targets?"

"What part of 'everyone' did you not understand? Droids. Confederation soldiers. The whole lot of them. Everyone except the three I showed you. Maker Almighty, it's like talking to a child."

"Yes, your Highness."

Flames begin to flicker in the passenger cabin so she ignites her saber and rushes down into the hangar. Upon entry, she takes a moment to assess the situation. Her eyes scan the length of the  massive room - the fallen soldiers, the mangled Magna-Guards and suddenly a voice she thought she might never hear again draws her attention.


She spots Melanie first, firmly planted holding her own saber with a look of sheer bewilderment on her face. Beyond her and behind some crates is a very pregnant Kimber looking so radiant it almost defies nature with Rydan Stratford beside her. Perhaps she should have figured he would be with her and added him to the no-kill list. She is about to call back but Melanie turns and shouts.

"Get her out of here!"

Concern creases Rydan's striking features but he does not hesitate. He turns, grabbing Kimber and pulling her away. Another man who she recognizes from Holo reports out of Corellia and a solider follow suit leaving Melanie to face her alone. The path Rydan takes is blocked by Magna-Guards so Karen reaches out and shoves them out of the way with the Force. This gesture, while helping Kimber to escape, is translated by Melanie as an apparently hostile gesture and she raises her saber.

Karen gasps as the blue blade connects with her own in an unexpected clash between two people who used to be the best of friends. Perhaps Melanie is not as happy to see her.

"What?" Karen says, smirking. "No hug?"

Melanie advances, bearing down more quickly and more aggressively than she ever thought possible. Karen counters, stepping back. Melanie clips the side of her blade, crouches and thrusts out her left arm creating a shockwave through the Force which sends Karen cart wheeling into the far wall. She slams against the flat surface then crumples to the ground, trying to catch her breath. She raises her eyes up as Melanie strides forward with white robes that flow freely around her. Dark troopers fan out around them, easily dispatching the soldiers but finding it far more difficult to tackle the droids. The look in Melanie's usually inviting blue eyes is now cold, distant and her voice is more hostile than she has ever heard it.

"I will never allow you to strike them down."

All the posturing and pretense evaporates in the moment. It is then she realizes Melanie is operating on outdated and incorrect information. Even now she is still being manipulated, still playing out the role she was cast in by Alexander Winton.

Karen shakes her head, "You have it all wrong! This is a mistake! Melanie listen to me!"

Melanie narrows her gaze, raising the saber high.

"No, my friend. It is you who are mistaken. Your reign of terror ends here."


Offline Syren

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Re: Vogue Empire
« Reply #74 on: March 20, 2012, 11:51:34 PM »
Centerpoint Station

Aboard the SSD-Saevia's Revenge, Emperor Dementat can feel her panic and alarm. The battle rages on, bloody, merciless, with heavy Imperial losses that grow exponentially each time the weapon fires. Beyond the viewport, a Corellian Corvette is somehow fused with a Imperial Star Destroyer, spinning slowly as if in a dance, bursts of flames spurting from different sections of each ship as jagged pieces begin to break off and fall away. The crew is shouting, so many alerts, reports, and all he can think of is Karen. For all that has happened, he could not lose her in this. They could be stripped of every resource but still come out of it ahead if they just had one another.

That is why he must save her and destroy the son of a bitch responsible for all of this.

Turning, he strides from the command center, ignoring Captain Sienna's calls after him. The fury within him is indescribable yet coexists with the overwhelming love he feels. He would not be stopped nor would he be swayed. He would leave his ship and go to her. Together, they could rule the galaxy forever.

Into the nightmare Dementat goes, drawn to her Force signature, the allure of her presence within the station.

I'm coming, my love.

I'm coming.
