Author Topic: VE: Vogue Empire  (Read 84785 times)

Offline Syren

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Re: Vogue Empire
« Reply #45 on: November 07, 2011, 09:25:34 PM »

Surface: Coronet City: Gellar Residence

The ambush happens quickly.

Melanie takes the lead while the others arrange for Kimber's escape. In the lifts, Denton is hit and kneeling. Rydan hovers close to a bewildered Kimber as Frank relays their situation to the CorSec agents. Suddenly, the lift grinds to a halt and shutters. The lights flicker and Frank's comlink goes dead. He taps on it then moves to the control panel. It is no longer lit. His eyes meet Rydan's. No one has to say anything. It's bad and they know it. Unwilling to be taken, Frank pulls open the panel and begins to tinker with the circuits.

Rydan looks to Denton, "How bad?"

"I'll live."


"This is ridiculous yet somehow so typical. Those were Imperial agents."

He nods, "I'm afraid so."

"On Corellia. Are you kidding? How does that Judec guy not know about this? You saw the streets, the heavy patrols. This place is on lockdown yet they magically appear? I'm not buying it."

Denton snickers, "Save the inquest for later."

"He's right," Rydan says, glancing at Frank. "We need to get out of here."

"Working on it."

Something thuds on top of the lift. Conversation evaporates. Rydan pulls Kimber behind him and Frank swings his blaster upright as someone crashes through the service panel on top of him. The assailant lands solidly and kicks outward, hooking Rydan's neck and smashing his head into the doors. Denton is scrambling to find his blaster but another swift kick and Kimber is the only one left standing.

The dust settles.

Marius Guile leers down at her, "My, my, miss Patten. You are a difficult girl to track down."

She glares at him hatefully.

"A girl does like to keep an air of mystery."

"Bold and sassy. I like it."

"Don't flatter yourself."

"But I am flattered," he says, waving a blaster at her. "It's quite an honor to be in the presence of someone so...special."

"You don't know anything about me."

"I know more than you think."

"So, what are you trying to do? Impress me to death?"

He smirks, "It won't be that gentle."

Despite her anger and hostility, Kimber Patten is terrified. She is pressed tightly into the corner, one hand over her stomach and the other behind her back clutching the weapon Agent Denton dropped.

"Yeah, well, you don't have to be such a jerk about it."

Marius brushes the blaster across her cheek, moving her hair away from her face.

"So sweet. It's a shame you don't make it in the end."

"I wouldn't count me out just yet."

"Frankly, I'm surprised you managed to stay alive this long. My handiwork didn't emotionally dismantle you as I had hoped."

Kimber narrows her eyes.

"You will pay for killing Mod Navris."

"It goes further back than that. He's not the first Imperial agent you have loved, is he?"

"No," she whispers.

"You certainly have a type, counselor."

"Don't call me that."

"That is what the Empire hired you on as, correct?"

"You tricked me."

"Or did you just not want to believe it? You aren't that smart but you are smarter than that. No one sugarcoated anything for you."

"They said they would help! They said they would save Valerie from Phage."

"Bet you are wondering why we didn't."

Kimber blinks, at a loss.
Marius smiles.

"We wanted Valerie Gellar to die. One less loose end to worry about. Of course, we were hoping to have taken care of you and Masterton by now but I suspect that's about to happen so, no one is entirely off schedule."

"What do you want?"

"Now there's a loaded question."

"One I'm betting you can't answer. You just follow orders, right? The steely enforcer. Nothing but a mercenary, a terrorist."

"You make it sound so tawdry. It's actually quite lucrative."

"Oh, yeah? And what's a soul go for these days?"

"Much more than you could afford."

"I doubt that which is why I have trouble understanding your motive. What's in it for you?"

"Who says there has to be anything?"

"There's always something."

"Funny, that's what Agent Venko said."

Kimber's jaw tightens.

"Actually, I didn't have the personal pleasure of that one so I can't really take the credit. That was my apprentice."

"Tenley Price?"

"Looks like the Jedi can piece a thing or two together after all."

"Why would she kill Venko? He didn't do anything wrong!"

"Not yet," Marius laughs. "He was twenty-two and you were, what? Sixteen? Seventeen?"


"So, Agent Venko was getting a little too close to the mark for the powers that be. He made certain...assumptions that were deemed inappropriate. He also discovered and failed to report that your little friend Melanie Masterton was consorting with one of the largest underground separatist factions on Coruscant. That's something the Empire considers a betrayal, miss Patten. Something you know all too well."

Kimber swallows hard, "I tried to atone for my mistake."

"By making an even bigger one."

"Subjective, Agent Guile. The Imperial Director was responsible for what happened to the Hapan Admiral as well as many personal atrocities committed against our friends and families. He deserved what he got."

"That's what I plan on saying about you."

She gulps.

"You know, I took great pleasure in killing agent Navris, the father of your unborn child. A child that will never live long enough to matter."

Kimber lunges, slamming into him with her shoulder. Marius is thrown against the wall and releases the hold on his blaster. She elbows him in the chin, step back and decks him squarely in the jaw. He stumbles but swings his arm around to backslap her away. Kimber crashes into the doors as he leaps forward to grab her by the throat. She screams, struggling as they stagger around the unconscious bodies littering the lift floor. She trips on Rydan's leg and goes down. The look in Marius' eyes is wild and predatory. This is what he has been waiting for. Kimber growls, positioning her heel against his abdomen and kicking with everything she has. Marius falls against the open control panel, slicing open his head on the way down. Kimber pounces on him, jamming her own weapon against his throat.

He laughs, "Now I'm impressed. Didn't think you had it in you."

"You'll find I'm full of surprises."

"Yet you are not a killer, miss Patten."

"No? Well," she hisses, gripping the trigger. "It's called taking one for the team."

Single shot.

Close range.

Marius Guile goes limp and finally it is silent.


Offline Syren

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Re: Vogue Empire
« Reply #46 on: November 08, 2011, 07:52:28 PM »

Surface: Coronet City: Gellar Residence

When the lift doors open, Melanie and the CorSec team find four men down, one dead, three unconscious, and Kimber Patten standing in the center of it all. She holds the blaster down, one knee bent inward, dress torn, hair disheveled with flushed, tear-streaked cheeks.

It takes Melanie several minutes to coax Kimber out where she surrenders the weapon to CorSec and the team moves in. Rydan Stratford has bruising on his neck and forehead and is being checked for signs of a concussion. Agent Denton has been shot and is rushed to Coronet General. As they load Frank Farmer onto a stretcher, Melanie glimpses something on his neck as they pass but she is cradling Kimber. The last to be brought of the lift is Marius Guile. The others leave on gurney's. Guile leaves in a body bag.

CorSec has the Gellar residence secured. A clean-up team is working on the glass and the windows. Bodies have been tagged and removed. After a check-up from a medic droid and a long shower, Melanie sits Kimber down on the bed in Valerie's room. It is quiet here and seems to comfort her.

"Can you tell me what happened?"

Kimber rubs her belly slowly, using tender, even strokes.

"He was going to hurt us. Me. My baby. Just like he hurt the others."

Melanie kneels in front of her, one hand softly on her arm.

"What did he say to you?"

Her voice is small, tired.

"He said he was surprised we made it. We were slated to be long gone by now. The Empire never intended on stopping Phage or saving Valerie. He told me what really happened to Venko. He told me Tenley killed him...."

She puts a hand over her mouth and sobs.

Melanie's heart is breaking for her.

"Did he tell you why?"

She nods, "Yes. We were getting too close."

"The Empire disapproved of your mutual attraction?"

"And he knew about you."

"I'm sorry?"

Kimber blinks and refocuses on Melanie's face.

"He told me Venko knew about you and Castin's group. He knew and never reported it."

It's a fact Melanie never thought would see the light of day. In an ally deep in the twilight place, Agent Nikoli Venko discovered her secret. He had been intent on busting them right then and there. No questions asked. But she gave him something he had been looking for. The vid documenting the magnitude of Alexia Winton's rage when she destroyed a floor of the Legacy Tower. He knew then what the Empire had been harboring and a weapon capable of that level of destruction so close to those he had been assigned to protect was his breaking point. He feared for Kimber and for her friends. That is why he never turned Melanie in.

Venko was going to get Kimber out and Melanie was going to help him.

That's what he was going to tell Kimber the night they were supposed to meet.

His punishment came sooner than their plans.

Melanie does not break eye contact.

"Yes, he did know. I can understand if you blame me for that."

"I'm too tired for blame," Kimber says, absently picking up a picture of their high school group off Valerie's nightstand. "We all have our reasons."

She runs a finger over their smiling faces.

"I am deeply sorry, Kimber."

"Don't be. It wasn't your fault."

"I brought you here."

"To protect me. They found out about Hapes. They came for us on Arbra. I mean, where are we supposed to go?"

"I do not know."

"I killed someone, Melanie. I took a life."

"It was self defense."

"As if that justifies anything."

"It does. No one believes this was your fault."

"We know whose fault it is and even though he's dead, we have yet to escape his wrath. Alexander Winton is the bastard that keeps on giving."

She shakes her head, setting the picture back on the nightstand.

"I didn't do it because of Nikoli or all the things he said about Mod. The pleasure he took in murdering him. The pleasure he was going to get from murdering me and my child. I did it because if someone doesn't stop these people we will be running forever."


Offline Medivh

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Re: Vogue Empire
« Reply #47 on: November 08, 2011, 11:28:30 PM »

Surface: Gellar Residence, CorSec Plaza

Captain Reebo had managed to trace Kimber Patten and her companions here.  It had not been that difficult.  She had been escorted by enough CorSec agents to make their location easy enough to know.  He wasn't sure if his team would be able to pick her up with that many people.

That is why he was quite surprised at the security once they had returned to Valerie Gellar's residence.  CorSec circled the building on the bottom, but at first glance at least, only Kimber Patten, the jedi with her, and a few other select companions had entered the building.  Several CorSec agents had been stationed on the roof, but Captain Reebo had neutralized them hours ago.  His entire team had stationed itself on the roof of the tour, patiently waiting for Kimber's return.

All the while, he mused at the odd hole that he had found in Corellian Security of the prized asset.  A small electronic device hooked into the turbolift told them that they had reached that luxurious home.

"Alright men.  We move in quick. Neutralize her companions, but Kimber Patten needs to be taken alive. Go!"

They had positioned themselves around the building perimeter, and moments later, they had repelled downward. The team was going to surround Patten and grab her before the guards on the ground floor could react.  Windows were shattered inward, and Captain Reebo's team began pouring in.

Weapons, set to stun, were free firing.  Kimber was surrounded by her very protective companions, and the jedi in front had already ignited her lightsaber

"Get Kimber out of here - NOW!"

Captain Reebo motioned his team to start closing in, warily watching as the saber danced about, deflecting the shots.  He watched in frustration as Kimber was pulled out of reach far too quickly, at which point, he noticed two things.  The Jedi was still there, holding off his team's advance.

And there was someone else.  Reebo blinked - was it possible?  Long missing traitor, the rogue agent Marius Guile was in the room, a grin on his face.  Before the Captain could react, Guile had lept into what looked like an air conditioning vent that disappeared into the wall and floor.

Reebo returned his attention to the jedi, watching as she deflected a shot into the door controls, watching as the door came between them.  Reebo cursed aloud, as his team began working to get the door open.

"Forget it - CorSec will be up here in a matter of minutes.  Let's clear out"

The Imperial agents began moving toward the windows, preparing to use the same ropes that helped them down back to the roof.  One commando stepped up to the captain, who was eyeing the open air vent.


"Call in for evac.  Once on ship, I want to pull up an imperial profile.  What is Marius Guile doing here"

He shook his head, pulling from his jumpsuit a small, device, reaching under a table, and sticking it unobtrusively to the underside. Who knows? they might hear something useful ...

"CorSec is beginning to make their way upstairs sir"

The captain nodded, grabbing at his rope and tugging. A moment later, he was pulled up.

By the time CorSec reached the Gellar residence, the imperial agents had left.

Surface: Undisclosed Location

The Imperial Infiltrator had managed to evacuate the imperial agents without too much fuss.  Even with tons of agents about, an invisible ship was just that.

Still, the light shimmer of distorted light caused by the stealth and cloak technology could occasionally be noticed, and so Captain Reebo let the ship hover nearby until dark, when he finally had it brought to a landing location.

An encrypted burst was sent offworld, back to Byss. Telling of the day's developments.  And the puzzle of what Marius Guile was doing here lingered.

And the target was still at large.

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Offline Medivh

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Re: Vogue Empire
« Reply #48 on: November 13, 2011, 05:12:03 PM »
Byss, Imperial Capital
Deep Core

His beloved was far away, on a quest hidden from him.  His most loyal servant was dead.  And after an eeked out victory, he lost an entire imperial fleet.

These were the thoughts that Dementat was brooding over.  Corellia had made a mockery of the Empire, and for that, they could not be forgiven.

He no longer dwelt in his palace on Byss.  Since the happenings at Duro, he had, almost as an act of defiance, made his home aboard the ships in space.

The entire Imperial fleet was gathered in all its strength.  The force sent to Duro had been large, but only a small portion of what Dementat had at his command.  And the shipyards were churning out new battle ships almost every day.  Conscripts and volunteers were filling the vessels.  The war machine was moving at full strength.

As a precaution against the possibility of another Duro like event, the fleet had been spread into different parts of Byss, always moving.

Today, a new weapon was being reintroduced into the imperial fleet.  From the shipyards, a sleek vessel, far dwarfing even the largest destroyers, slid out.  It had been almost a decade since the last Super Star Destroyer had been in service.  8 kilometers long, and with enough firepower to destroy most corellian ships with one or two volleys.

Dementat was given the appropriate honor guard as he came onboard, thousands of imperial soldiers, pilots, and officers, culled from the very best of the imperial fleet, stood in the ranks.  Dementat's eyes were intense with an only partially hidden fury as he walked past the lines, flanked on either side by imperial royal guards.  The new ship commander, an admiral with some distinction, stood at full attention at the emperor approached.

"It is ready?"

"Yes, Your Highness.  The ship is prepared for battle"

"Is it?  Is it really?  This ship has not a scar on its plating, and it will be going against the greatest threat the Empire has ever seen.  The Corellians have a weapon if fixed on this ship, it will crush it"

Dementat lifted his hand, closing it tight as if to demonstrate.  Malice. Hate. Anger.  All seethed from him.

"This ship - not even this ship, Admiral - will not be ready to face the Corellians in a drawn out war."

The Admiral, not sure what to respond simply nodded.

"Your Highness, I will follow whatever orders you give me.  I am not Admiral Saevia, but I will do what I can to bring honor and glory to the Empire.  Command me, and I will do"

Dementat blinked for a moment.  There was no good answer that would have satisfied him, and the admiral, realizing that, had spoken with humility.  Something Dementat had appreciated in the past.  And for a moment, his anger subsided. At least as directed to those in the room.

"You are a good man, admiral.  You have served me, faithfully in the past.  You will bring glory to the Empire. I foresee it.  Today, we show the Confederation that they have not defeated us, and they have not dispirited us."

Dementat turned to the crowd now, and in a loud booming voice, enhanced by his abilities, he spoke.

"Let it be known that none will attack the Empire, none will injure its people, and none will dishonor its soldiers, without facing our full retribution.  Today, we send a message that we will be victorious.  So all hail, as I christen this ship, and declare it for all time - Saevia's Revenge!"

The entire crowd, roused by the Emperor's passion, shouted and cheered

"For the Empire!"

More cheers, slowly turning into chants of "Hail Emperor Dementat."

The Emperor turned again to the admiral

"We will move to strike where Saga Judec dare not use his weapon against us.  We will take the planet Corellia itself.  Ready the fleet - the entire fleet.  Prepare plans to hit Corellia, and to strike against the Corellian weapon itself.  When we are ready, we will go"

"As you wish, your highness"

Dementat moved past the Admiral, out of the hangar and to the portion of the gargantuan ship that was his own - several levels devoted to him and his personal space and servants.  Once alone, he received a puzzling and disturbing message.

"We have a report from the special ops team at Corellia.  They were unsuccessful in capturing Patten.  And they saw someone there - a rogue imperial agent named Marius Guile"

Dementat sat down on his chair, back to brooding over this new information.  What was Marius Guile doing on Corellia, with Kimber Patten?

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Offline Syren

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Re: Vogue Empire
« Reply #49 on: November 20, 2011, 07:48:14 PM »

Surface: Coronet City: Gellar Residence

The hero's abode is now a fortress of CorSec activity and a curfew imposed upon the city by High Commander Judec in the wake of the attack. As night falls, the streets become devoid of the bustling life typical of the downtown area. Agent Denton is treated and released back into their custody where he rests in one of the spare bedrooms being cared for by Rydan. According to CorSec, there was concern of public backlash in the decision to harbor the Jedi, Imperial fugitives and Republic agents. Even though they are at war, the citizens of Corellia are not eager to further infuriate the Empire. Shortly before the curfew was imposed, there were calls to turn Kimber Patten over. Apparently, the celebrity light on her own home world has flickered out. The message takes an emotional toll.

Kimber turns from the window of Valerie's bedroom, the empty streets so far below, and sighs. Despite Melanie and Rydan's assurances to the contrary, she cannot help but feel this is in some way her fault. She was used and betrayed by the Empire and it destroyed her once adored and respected reputation. The daughter of Major Kyri Patten had always been held in such high regard. Looking back at the choices she has made, trusting the Empire to save Valerie from Phage was probably the worst. What was she thinking? Marius Guile's words resound in her head. They wanted Valerie to die. They want them all dead save for Karen. Now that she has had time to consider the assault, she does not recall him ever mentioning the Emperor or his Apprentice. Marius never answered her question about what was in it for him.

When Marius betrayed their team on Hesperidium, Karen was equally surprised and enraged. It would not make sense now that he was working for her or Dementat. She swore to take his life when she allowed Kimber and Rydan to transport Alexander Winton to Hapes. But if Marius Guile isn't working for Karen or Dementat, who is he working for?

Everyone has a boss.

Mercenaries like him and Tenley surely had to report to someone. It is possible, she muses, that they were working for Alexander Winton and this whole spectacularly bloody scene is being played out as some sort of revenge against what they did.

If so, then it's a good thing Marius and Tenley are as dead as Alexander.

Yet they are not entirely out of the woods.

Kimber read the decree from Emperor Dementat labeling her a traitor and demanding she be brought to justice. This perplexed her since Dementat was actually a cool guy and there is no way Karen ever would have gone along with something like that. Then she considers what Melanie has told her, what the prophecy states.

If that's true then Karen really isn't the person they knew. Maybe she is just as evil as Alexia was and therefore their previous years of loyal friendship would count for nothing if it meant keeping the power they have attained. People with power only want more power and now it seems there are only a few left who stand in the way.

Kimber moves to the dresser and picks up the picture of Reef Stratford. She stares at his perfectly chiseled jaw line, the irritating smirk, and the glint of smugness in his eyes. How could he have sold them out like that? A spy among them the whole time. She understands he came from very little and the promise and pull of a lucrative future would be almost impossible to resist. Still, he was not the greatest liar and his relationship with Valerie, however twisted, seemed genuine. They talked a good game and hurt each other an awful lot but beneath the vicious surface was undeniable love. Perhaps that is Kimber just being idealistic. She does like to believe the best in people. Poor Rydan. He never knew what his brother was up to on Coruscant. He never really knew about any of them until he returned to make arrangements after Reef and Lucas had been killed. It makes her wonder how well she knows anyone. If Rydan's own brother had been conspiring with Alexander Winton, who else in their lives had furthered the cause? She does not want to question all of her friendships or think ill of the dead but it does make her wonder.

She sets the picture down and turns to the portrait of The Four commissioned by the renowned expressionist Bastien McNeal.

They were so young then, barely sixteen.

It had been donated to be auctioned off at an Imperial charity but Valerie had loved it so Reef secretly won the bid and presented it as a gift. It had been a terribly romantic mystery at the time.

Now they know where he got the credits to pay for it.


In the living room, Melanie confers with Frank Farmer. He is badly bruised and bandaged but doing remarkably well. He, Rydan and Trace feel horrible about what happened in the turbolift. Kimber could have been killed and it would have been on them.

Thus he is more cautious than ever.

"It is not safe for you here."

Melanie gazes at him curiously, "Here as in the Gellar residence or here as in the surface of Corellia?"


"I see. You think we would be safer on the command platform under the High Commander's watchful eye?"

"I think we need to face the realities of the situation, Melanie. This was a near-miss and I don't know when or how the Empire will try again or what kind of psychological damage Kimber will suffer because of it. Coronet is densely populated and, despite the curfew which will aid our efforts, not nearly as secure as we need you to be."

"We need or you need?"

"I made a promise to Major Patten that I would look out for her when I could. So much of the time she was out of my reach of protection. She left Corellia as Valerie was recovering from her first encounter with Phage and never returned. I understand Valerie purposefully prevented it where as to spare her from suffering. But things are different now and she is here where she belongs. I feel I must honor that promise and protect her to the best of my ability."

"I am grateful for your concern and I am certain she is as well but there is something about this, a feeling I cannot shake."

Frank's features are pulled tight then relax.

"They tell you to trust your feelings but I am asking you to trust me."

There is a tense moment that passes between them, eyes locked firmly.

Melanie finally nods, "I do trust you, Frank. What do you suggest?"

"We relocate to Centerpoint."


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Re: Vogue Empire
« Reply #50 on: November 21, 2011, 06:39:14 PM »
Byss, Imperial Capital
Deep Core

Onboard the SSD Saevia's Revenge
The admiral made his way to the Emperor's suite, calling to enter, and being summoned inside.

"My Lord, The fleet is ready to move into phase 1 of the attack.  We will have simultaneous forces hitting at Tarkin's Fang, Ebaq, Ojom, and Eclipse, the outposts the Corellians took in their initial campaigns against us.  Intelligence reports that the Corellian fleets kept there are just large enough to hold off an attack until a large reinforcement fleet arrives from Corellia.  With the simultaneous attacks, we hope to force a divide in Corellian forces or force them to concede a location.  Either way, we have estimated each assault to take less than an hour once we exit hyperspace.  That should be a narrow enough time frame that the Corellians will not have time to notify Corellia, activate the weapon, and target one of the sites.  If we take out the Corellians in those locations, we will have a clean shot to attack Corellia itself"

Dementat nodded, looking over the plans that the Admiral had provided.

"Do we know the size of Judec's fleets?"

"We have estimates sir.  Various calculations based on the population of Corellia and its allied worlds, the percentage in the CDF, and the number of men required to man the ships. We assume he has the maximum number of ships in active status.  Thousands. Probably enough to do a good bit of damage to us, especially considering the losses already sustained.  But we still believe we have a larger fleet than Corellia by a significant amount."

"If Judec reduced the crew size in each ship, how might that play out with the calculation?"

"It would be hard to guess, sir.  Crews naturally require redundancy, especially for drawn out campaigns.  Most crew are on 1/3 rotations.  He could potentially reduce crew by a third, have 2 rotations instead of three, and then increase his fleet size.  But that would put a huge strain on his ship men. Certainly, cutting any more than that, and he would have men at the guns who aren't getting sleep or needed breaks."

Dementat nodded again

"and have we located the weapon yet?"

"We have ruled out the possibility of it coming from an actual world in the Corellian sector, but that means it could be anywhere in deep space"

"As I suspected.  Very well.  Have the four assault fleets launch, and make sure all attacks are coordinated to begin simultaneously.  Meanwhile, I need to go over my history.  Dismissed, Admiral"

The Admiral bowed and departed.  Dementat watched the door for a minute before standing from his throne and making his way to the computer.  Unlike leaders of the past, Palpatine included, Dementat was interested in doing the work himself. It kept him more informed and less reliant on others.  Mulling through his personal archives, he located a volume entitled "Centerpoint Station and the Formation of the Corellian Sector"


SWSF: Legacy of the Force
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Offline Medivh

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Re: Vogue Empire
« Reply #51 on: November 27, 2011, 04:57:03 PM »
Imperial-Corellian Border
Deep Core

"All fleets report in.  Set countdown to simultaneous attacks"
Admiral Schrag was sitting in the command chair on the bridge of the Imperial Mark II Star Destroyer.  The SSD was being kept a secret at Byss until the launch of the primary campaign.  In front of him, a series of displays appeared on monitors, showing the four imperial fleets doing final weapons and shield checks, running through fighter compliments, confirming nav-computer calculations.  One by one, colors changed until.

"Sir, the board is green.  All fleets ready for launch.  Countdown proceeding as planned."

"Is the net prepared as well?"

"Yes sir - we have five interdictor cruises already placed in strategic locations, waiting for the signal to raise gravity wells."

The interdictor cruisers were a last minute addition to the plan, in order to buy them more time.  Each interdictor had a skeleton crew designed to do just two things raise and lower the gravity well, and enter hyperspace.  The corellian fleet would reveal their destination, be tugged from hyperspace, and before they could hit the interdictor, it would shut down its g-well and disappear to safety.

And in case it didn't, all five interdictors were set with self-destruct explosives.  Just in case.

"Alright.  Put interdictors on standby to activate the gravity wells at the same time that we arrive at destinations."

"Yes sir"

The clock in front of them was ticking downward as final preparations were being made.

"All hands, prepare for hyperspace jump.  On my mark."

Admiral Schrag watched the clock land on zero.

"GO, NOW!"

The tide of the war was about to turn.  First stops:
Tarkin's Fang

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
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Offline Syren

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Re: Vogue Empire
« Reply #52 on: November 28, 2011, 09:47:09 PM »

Surface: Coronet City: Gellar Residence

Melanie tells Frank she will consider his suggestion and wanders past the multitude of CorSec Agents and down the hall. She checks in on Agent Denton who is recovering nicely. Then she moves to the room at the end of the hall.

Kimber slumbers peacefully in Valerie's bed as Rydan watches over her. He turns, catching sight of Melanie lingering in the doorway and rises to meet her. Out in the hall, they keep their voices at a whisper.

"How is she?"

"She finally drifted off but however guilty she feels, I feel worse."

"It wasn't your fault. No one knew Marius Guile would be here."

Rydan shakes his head, "Someone did."

"What do you mean?"

"That it isn't some sort of coincidence. Us being granted sanctuary by the Confederation. The Imperial death squad. Guile waiting for us here. And I'm not the only one. Kimber mentioned it in the lift and I'll bet that reporter has a juicy theory by now. I wonder what he has to say about it."

"Kent Carlson cannot leave the command station."

"And who's idea was that?" he says sarcastically.

"Carlson and the High Commander clashed long before we arrived. You are starting to sound paranoid."

"Do I? It seems people take pleasure in withholding information from you. In fact, up until recently, everyone you knew was living in a lie."
"That is not fair."

"We're past being fair, Melanie."

She holds her gaze steady.

"Most of the people you speak of no longer live. You think that is an easy burden for us to carry? We have all lost someone we loved, including you. No one that has survived has done so unscathed. And you are right, it is not fair, it has never been fair but this is the reality of our situation. We either run, fight or die. Those are the choices we face."

Rydan glances back through the door, at Kimber's still form, her soft breathing. Her due date is just weeks away according to the Republic doctor's on Arbra.

"I don't think we can run any further."

"I agree. We hold the line here, at Corellia."
"Align with the Confederation?"

"We have a common enemy, Rydan."
"What did Frank say?"
She pauses.


"He thinks we will be safer on the Centerpoint Station."
"I'm more interested in what you think."

"I think, if misappropriated, Centerpoint could be the next Death Star. It holds the power to bring systems to their knees. I have never been comfortable with that."

"And what do you think a man like Judec will do after he's saved the galaxy with it?"

Her hesitation confirms his suspicions.

"The same thing all military leaders would do. Use it."
"We do not know that for certain."
"Oh, come on."

"You assume too much."

"Maybe you don't assume enough."

"If we flee Corellia, they will find us and they will kill us. Like you said, no more running. It is time to fight."
Rydan moves closer and lowers his voice to a near growl.

"I will fight by your side against the Empire but there is something I must know."

Her wide eyes shimmer like the ocean's of Hesperidium. She knows he has doubt. Who wouldn't after the catastrophic way he'd been pulled into their dramatic lives? His brother viciously slain by the sister of the girl his boyfriend was assigned to protect. And it all went downhill from there. There was no way he could have known and from the feel of things, he had been a much needed confidante to Valerie and a loyal protector of Kimber.

"Ask it."

"Do you really believe that Kimber's child will destroy the prophecy? That this will all end when she brings him into the world?"


"Why? Why do you believe it?"
And she tells him, honestly.

"Because I have to."


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Re: Vogue Empire
« Reply #53 on: December 04, 2011, 05:30:13 PM »
Imperial-Corellian Border
Deep Core

"Commence attacks"

Tarkin's Fang
A small Corellian fleet - or rather, small for Corellian standards - was based at Tarkin's Fang, a storage depot and outpost.  Despite its strategic location, it's minimal intrinsic worth meant it was a waste of resources to keep anything more than a standard planetary defense force present.

The imperials appeared and moved in quickly, outnumbering the Corellians 10-1 in ships and gun power.  Communication relays were blasted with ion fire, shutting down the ability to send a distress signal, and even before the last ship was destroyed, assault shuttles were moving in to claim the outpost's assets.

"We have 2 hours before we need to clear out.  Begin dispersing the fleet and keep vessels ready for hyperspace travel at the slightest gravitational distortion"

Stormtroopers quickly claimed the comm relay for the imperials themselves, sending a message to fleet command indicating progress. Meanwhile, on the ground, imperial troops found minimal resistance gating the assets stored there.  With repulsorlifts, they began filling shuttles with supplies, weapons, and ammunition.  the process was time consuming, and soon, orders were coming in.

"Pack it in boys - anything we don't have, we're not going to.  Our time is almost up"

The barren planet was soon evacuated, leaving only probes and a detonation trigger behind. If the Corellians returned, the supplies that outpost was rigged to explode if they tried to enter.  The same was true of the Comm Relay - it was set to scan the system for Corellians and send regular bursts to Imperial space. Any attempt to board the relay - by friend or foe alike - would trigger it to explode.

Imperial ships had vanished by the time three hours had passed.

The gas giant and mining colony was producing huge amounts of metal ore and gas fuel for the Corellian war effort.  It had a decent defensive force, including several Corellian cruisers.

The imperials, upon exiting hyperspace, had to be more careful, navigating around the gas giant and the planet's moons, and making sure to avoid unnecessary casualties.  The Imperials had calculated well, outnumbering the Corellians by 4-1, massive star destroyers opening with barrages of fire as TIEs swarmed over the Corellians.

The battle was longer, harder, and costlier - the imperials did lose a few smaller frigates, and several destroyers had actually incurred hull damage.  It had taken almost two full hours for the assault to be completed, longer than hoped for.  And the Corellians still controlled the ground force.

"We have orders to be out of the system within another hour and a half.  Not enough time for a ground assault.  Move the fleet closer to the planet, and initiate ground bombardment."

"Yes sir"

While the comm relay was taken by force and setup much like it had been at Tarkin's Fang, the imperial fleet moved into orbit of Ebaq 9, targeting their weapons at the facilities on the ground and opening fire.  TIE Bombers and Fighters moved to make strafing runs and insure the bombardment targeted accurately.  And to make sure there were no survivors.  Quickly and efficiently, the mining facililty was transformed into molten metal, likely never to be used again.

An inhospitable world with a large population based in space stations - much like Duros - the Empire might have been most cautious about this battle.  Aside from many large destroyers, it included in this assault many smaller craft as well, that could easily navigate through the clusters of space-dwelling natives.

The Empire moved in as swiftly as at the other locations, overcoming a strong corellian fleet presence by outnumbering them 12-1. 
Shuttles did not wait for the battle to even truly start before they negotiated their way into docking bays and storm troopers poured out, taking control of the stations deck by deck.  Onboard the floating homes, the imperials found minimal resistance.  The locals tried staying out of the way, and corellian officers, though capable warriors, were not able to withstand the heavy handed onslaught of imperial fury.

One by one, the stations were taken under imperial control, and the system's comm relay was given the same treatment as the others.  The ship battle, however, had become more complicated.  Additional corellian fighters had appeared, swarming from the planet's frigid surface,and were causing complications in the battle.  The Corellian fleet here also was better utilizing the environment, using space stations and debris as cover.  Though the imperials were clearly winning this battle, it was time consuming.

The three hour mark had come and gone while the last corellian vessels were holding out, mostly moving as fast as they could to make distance between them and the larger imperial ships, while being chased by TIE interceptors.

"Captain, it appears our time is running out"

The captain glanced at the clock and frowned.  It was not clear how much time it would take for the Corellian weapon to be notified, activated, and target a location.  Certainly no less than three hours, considering they had disabled the comm relay.  But if Corellia knew they had attacked, it could happen any moment.

"Order the fleet to disperse.  Send the necessary shuttles down to the planet's surface to deal with the settlements.  No bombardment here"

"As you wish, Captain"

The Imperial fleet spread out as ordered, ships prepping hyperdrives to leaves at the first sign of trouble.  The last corellian ships were finally hunted down and destroyed.

Meanwhile, troops were deployed to the various glacier communities, securing whatever facilities existed down in the frigid world and dealing with what Corellians they found there. Not many.

It was four hours into the battle when the imperial fleet finally departed.


A small planet with a base carved out of it, amidst an asteroid field.  THe battle here was mostly starfighters, with capital ships battling mostly on the outskirts of the field.  The location had been almost destroyed when the Corellians had taken it just a few months ago, and even now, it still bore the scars of that battle.

The imperials quickly cleaned up the miniscule corellian force that surrounded the field, then moved to obliterate as many of the asteroids as possible, clearing the way to the base within.

Rather than send in troops, heavy fire from ships blasted open the plastiform that kept the base air-tight.  In moments, corellian troops could be seen being suctioned out into open space.

More shots fired, and the base-rock itself was split into two.  If the Empire couldn't hold it, no one could.

An hour and a half since the assault began, the imperials picked up and left, leaving the asteroid field with more battle scars.


Four hours after the initiation of the assaults ...

"Sir, we have failed to get a check in from a number of locations on our western border.  attempts to reach them have failed."

"how many?"

"Four sir.  Tarkin's Fang, Ebaq, Ojom, Eclipse.  Where should we send reinforcement fleets?"

Judec scratched his chin as he looked at the Lieutenant.  A part of him wanted to attack, to strike back at what was no doubt an imperial assault.  He well knew that the imperials were now well within striking distance of Corellia itself.  On the other hand, was this not all part of the plan?

"no reinforcement fleets.  Send a message to Centerpoint, classified.  Order activation of the weapon, and have the director choose the appropriate targets"

"We are conceding those locations, sir?"

Judec himself hated to think the answer was yes, but shook his head

"Not conceding. Using them.  Order Corellian defenses to be on full alert. I anticipate the attack will be coming here not long from now"

"Very well sir.  And your ship?"

"Make sure it is ready, but we aren't going anywhere yet.  The Empire will need to assess these attacks before they can move forward.  But bring the jedi to me.  We need to talk"

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Offline Syren

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Re: Vogue Empire
« Reply #54 on: December 05, 2011, 08:47:42 PM »

The following morning, they are well rested but remain wary. Melanie watches in amusement as Rydan helps cram Kimber's swollen feet into ankle boots she insists on wearing. Even Agent Denton has a laugh. She is enjoying them moment when Frank Farmer appears at her side.

"High Commander Judec would like to see you."

She nods, "Lead the way."

CorSec has the Gellar Residence on lockdown yet she still feels uneasy leaving Kimber alone. Rydan and Trace agree to stay by her side until she returns. On the shuttle ride to the command platform in low orbit, Melanie cannot help but wonder if this would be Judec's turn to pitch their relocation to Centerpoint. Frank does not mention it during the trip. In fact, he hardly says anything. Melanie is grateful for the silence and collects herself as she steps down onto the polished hangar bay floors. Judec's men fall into place around them. They are led to the High Commander's office but remain in the ante room as Frank and Melanie enter.

Judec is at his desk and glances up as they approach.

Melanie smiles warmly, "Good morning, High Commander. Director Farmer informs me you would like a word. How can I be of assistance?"


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Re: Vogue Empire
« Reply #55 on: December 06, 2011, 05:23:46 PM »

Melanie smiles warmly, "Good morning, High Commander. Director Farmer informs me you would like a word. How can I be of assistance?"

He does not return the smile.  Instead, he looks at her with a solemn silence.  For a man in a position of such power, he looks considerably worse off than when Melanie had seen him just days ago.  He had not slept that night, and his eyes were marked with worry.

Finally, after what seems like ages, he motions to Frank Farmer.

"Leave us"

Farmer gives a questioning look before nodding his head and stepping out.  Judec turns his attention now to Melanie.

"you'll forgive the abruptness of this visit ... but things have taken a turn.  Please, have a seat"

He motions to a chair and once Melanie is sitting, there is another awkward silence.  Then Judec stands, walking over to the viewport and looking out at the Corellian orbit as he spoke.

"The Empire has attacked our western border.  Four outposts that separated the Corellian sector from the imperial controlled deep core"

"Four worlds I imagine the Confederation first took from the Empire?"

Judec turned his head to face Melanie

"Well, yes. As a matter of fact.  There was a plan in place. A good plan, one that worked until now.  I had calculated the Empire's moves, every counter attack.  My information was ... infallible.  There was a plan to send the Empire to the brink, make them too weak to ever be a threat to anybody."

"So what happened?"

Judec looked away again

"The plan changed.  Things were reassessed. The Confederation could not defeat the Empire in its own territory, so the only way to destroy them -"

"would be to lure them into Corellian territory"

Melanie finished the sentence, realization coming to her.


Judec simply nodded

"You planned the imperial victory at Duro so you could use the weapon against them"

Again, just a nod

Melanie's voice turns to anger

"You let innocent people die so that you could hit the Empire!"

Now Judec turned, his voice stern, commanding

"Innocent people die all the time, Miss Masterton.  You, of all people should know that.  We kill and let be killed, we sacrifice and let die, so that whatever dream we have for the galaxy comes into play.  So that evil doesn't prevail, so that good triumphs.  Whatever your excuse.  The jedi are not so much purer than the rest of us, so don't act so self-righteous. Here is the truth: the Empire is evil. Dementat is the biggest threat to the entire galaxy.  He and his fiance make a team far too powerful."

He stepped toward her, leaning his hands on his desk and peering over the other side toward her.

"You know they are dangerous.  It's why you are here.  So don't be so quick to pass judgment.  I didn't ask you here to confess my sins"

"Then why?"

"Because the Empire is coming here. To Corellia.  This, our homeworld.  A place where our most powerful weapon cannot be used. Dementat knows this.  But the imperial assault is only one problem.  Corellia has a fleet that will make Dementat pay dearly for an attack here.  But it will be the focus of my attention.  I cannot be worrying about protecting fugitives when my sky is filled with star destroyers.

Dementat has his sights on you and those with you.  For reasons I don't entirely understand, he has decided that you and Ms. Patten are a key to his strategy of domination.  When he comes here, he won't smuggle in a small band of imperial operatives.  He will send an army after you.  And my men will not be able to protect you when they land. Not from that obsession."

"You want us to leave?"

"I want to know what you know, Ms. Masterton.  I've grown weary of being told half truths. I don't trust my own intelligence agents anymore. I don't trust CorSec.  I've embarked on a strategy that, if I'm wrong, will spell disaster for Corellia.  Why are Dementat and Karen Winton so set on taking you?  Why is it so important that you two be safe when the entire imperial armada arrives to take Corellia?"

Judec sighs, finally moving back to his seat, looking weighed down.

"And then I am going to insist that you and your companions are not here when the Empire arrives.  You can run away again, or I can have you put at a more secure location."

Melanie frowned, "Center Point"

Judec looked up at her, nodded

"Yes. Center Point"

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Re: Vogue Empire
« Reply #56 on: December 07, 2011, 09:57:14 PM »

Low Orbit: Command Platform

Melanie allows the pause in the room to grow as she considers the words of the High Commander. He looks distressed and feels even more so. The fact that he does not trust his own intelligence team tells her something. She wonders why and what half truths they have been telling him. The idea of running again is out of the question. Even if they managed to escape the sector, they would not remain undetected for long. Their numbers are dwindling and she does not believe she, Rydan and the Republic agents could adequately protect Kimber from the Empire. They need a formidable opponent between them and the Imperial forces. So she levels her gaze at Judec and speaks.

"We will not run and for what it's worth, I hope your strategy does not mean the end of Corellia. It is my wish that together, we can stop the Empire. I promised to help you and I will honor that promise. That requires us to stay. You want to know what I know so I will tell you because you have granted us sanctuary."

Melanie crosses her legs and exhales slowly.

"Once upon a time, there were four of us on Coruscant. Our lives there, dazzling and envious on the surface, were nothing more than a clever facade. Those around us, those we grew close to and cared for, were expendable. And as they began to die, gruesome and terrible ends, I often wondered how fate could be so cruel. To give us everything then dismantle and destroy it. To watch helplessly as it all slipped through our fingers. All we had were each other. Those bonds of friendship and loyalty kept us alive. We graduated, survived the horror, only to find more of it on a much grander scale waiting on the other side."

Her words hang there but her gaze never leave his face.

"As it turns out, our lives were not our own. The intricacies of our fates were dictated by a prophecy that foretold of our existence and struggle. Karen Winton was destined to rule by Dementat's side just as Valerie Gellar was slated to die by the hand of Phage. Even my own predicament, knowing I would have to face down my best friend, pales in comparison to the significance of Kimber Patten and her child."

She sighs, reflecting.

"The Winton family has brought suffering to the lives of many. These abominations and the new Empire spawned from Palpatine's ashes can only be undone and set right by the birth of Kimber's child. It is said this child will give back what was taken and destroy Dementat and Karen's tyranny. They know these things as I do which is why they have hunted us down, will continue to hunt us down until there is nothing left but them. If her child dies so does your hope of ever being free of the Imperial threat. A great number have perished to keep us alive, to keep her alive. Valerie most of all. That is why I seek refuge and safety. My life and those who have sacrificed everything will mean nothing if Kimber Patten is not kept safe."

Her blue eyes shimmer as the stare intensifies.

"And that is why, High Commander Judec, we must remain and fight."


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Re: Vogue Empire
« Reply #57 on: December 09, 2011, 01:55:34 PM »

Low Orbit: Command Platform

Melanie lets her words hit home then continues.

"While I am conflicted on Centerpoint's lethal application, it is the most secure location within the sector. Leaving Kimber and the others on the surface or even here on the platform is a risk I am unwilling to take. So, at your request, I will relocate them. I trust you will handle those arrangements."

She stands, gazing at him, trying to get a read on his motives.

"Carlson will have to accompany us to Centerpoint. He, like myself and Farmer, are targets. There is only one condition, I must send Counselor Prescott away. The agents can help us fight here but she will fare better in rejoining the Republic forces. If things begin to fall apart, it would not hurt to have reinforcements. The Jedi and the Republic want the Empire gone as much as the Confederation does. Let me know if I can be of further assistance but for now, I must prepare my team."

Melanie nods and sweeps from the room. She is feeling distraught over the plan to move to Centerpoint but she is rapidly running out of options. Once the Empire is destroyed and Karen has fallen, they would be free to continue their lives as they saw fit. They would be free of the prophecy and Kimber could raise her child in peace.

She checks in on the others and finds them restless. Kent is agitated and angry. He has been writing furiously for days, pouring over notes to compose a coherent timeline filled in by the information Melanie provided. The story of The Four nears completion.

Agent Cirque turns as she enters, "Jedi Masterton. How is everything on the surface?"

"Things have settled. Agent Denton's recovery has been swift. He and Rydan are with Kimber now. A curfew has been issued for Coronet and CorSec forces have secured the Gellar residence but we have larger issues to face. The Empire is coming to Corellia."

Counselor Prescott's face flickers with worry.

Kent scoffs, "I told you."

Seneca waves him away, "Here? How do you know?"

"They know we are here and they will come for us. The Confederation will have the home field advantage but they can't protect us in our current locations. Not from the fleets. Arrangements are being made to transfer us to the Centerpoint Station for the duration of the conflict. It is our best chance at surviving this."

Seneca nods, grasping the tactical rational behind the move. He knows Centerpoint is far more secure and would hold out better during the battle.

"Are you both insane?" Kent shouts. "Who knows what he's got on that station? We could be walking into a trap!"

Melanie's voice remains even, "The High Commander is taking a considerable risk harboring us. It could have dire consequences for Corellia but the Confederation forces have proved to be a formidable opponent. Emperor Dementat will be seeking revenge for what happened at Duro and come here looking to exact it. The Confederation will be ready."

"And if it's not enough?" Seneca says.

She turns to the Counselor, "That's where you come in, Circe."


"Yes," Melanie says softly. "You must leave Corellia and regroup with the Republic. Make them aware of our situation. The time could come where we need their help and I want you to be waiting for the call."

The Counselor's eyes are wide, "I...don't want to leave you."

"You've helped us tremendously, Circe. You were able to reach Kimber when many of us could not. Your wisdom fortified her for what is come. Now, I need you to help prepare the Republic if they are to have any chance of helping to restore peace to this galaxy."

She folds her hands and nods, "I'll do my best."

"Thank you and good luck," Melanie says, turning back to the others. "Agent Cirque, get ready to move out with Carlson when the time comes. I need to wrap up a few things on the surface but will meet you both there."

Seneca nods and beings to pack up their things. Melanie departs, leaving Kent staring at Counselor Prescott as she places items into her bags. He moves to his portable consol, taps a few keys and ejects the datacard. Then he moves to her side. She glances up, startled. They had grown closer in their time on the platform and while he could be irrational and prone to outlandish theories, Carlson was actually kind of charming. He takes her arm and places the datacard in the palm of her hand.

"Take the story. In case I don't make it. It needs to be told."

Circe frowns, "Kent..."

"Don't. Just go."

She blinks, stuffing the datacard in her bag. She nods to Agent Cirque, lets her eyes play across Kent's face one last time before leaving the room.


As a small shuttle containing Counselor Prescott zips out of the hangar bay heading away from Corellia, another with Melanie at the controls is on course for the surface. She would have to tell Rydan everything she and Judec spoke about on the platform. It could change things for him but in the end, she trusts he will do what is best for Kimber.

To be honest, Centerpoint frightens her but in war, there is no time for fear.


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Re: Vogue Empire
« Reply #58 on: December 11, 2011, 11:07:24 PM »


Captain Reebo had spent the last weeks with his team undercover beneath the watchful eyes of Corellia.  Every day, constant vigilance was all that stood between them and being caught by the enemy around them.

Corellian patrols had increased substantially since their failed attempt to apprehend Kimber Patten.  But now, it seemed to intensify even more.

It did not take long for word to reach them.  The Emperor had successfully retaken the border worlds, destroying the Confederation's outermost defenses, and clearing the path to Corellia itself.

This put Captain Reebo in a particularly useful position.  His team on the ground could provide the imperial fleet with data to aid in the impending imperial attack that he knew was coming.

So in the dark of the night, his team slipped into the shadows and maneuvered passed the sentries and patrols that enforced the curfew. The orbital defenses, as well as all of the Confederation's fleets, were commanded from High Commander Judec's platform, hovering overhead.  But the past had shown Corellia that battles did take place on the ground, and so they had a series of garrison bases located across the planet.  The largest stood on the outskirts Coronet itself, housing thousands of Confederation troops.  And status offices.

It was to this office that Captain Reebo's team made their way, and in the hushed silence of the night they found what they were looking for.  Ship manifolds for the entire Corellian fleet, millions of names for the thousands of ships in the Corellian fleets.  Of note, however, were the classified documents.  Reams of data that could not be accessed about some unknown fleet project.  No revelation as to how many ships or how many crew on this phantom fleet. Also, they could not find any information on the Corellian's secret weapon, that they had used at Duro.

What they did find, however, was a schematic and full read out of Corellian's orbital and ground defense locations.  And just as silently as they had slipped in, Captain Reebo's team vanished from the heart of Coronet's garrison.  And just a short time later, the key components of the information they had gleaned were sent in a heavily encrypted code, off into the darkness of space, headed for imperial territory.

It was now only a matter of time before the Emperor Dementat and the Imperial forces would reign down their might upon the Confederation capital.

Imperial Space, Deep Core

With the success of the initial campaign, and no sign of the Corellian's retaliating, Admiral Schrag was proceeding with the next phase of his attack plans.  Dozens of probe droids were deployed in hopes of learning more of Corellia's defenses. Even if they were discovered, it would only briefly postpone the inevitable.  He stood aboard the imperial star destroyer, smiling as he thought of the Emperor's flagship, the Super Star Destroyer Saevia's Revenge, waiting like a silent predator at Byss to be brought into action.  Here though, in an undisclosed region of deep space, six full-sized imperial fleets were making final preparations for the attack, A multi-prong force set to obliterate Corellia's defenses and establish a perimeter while the planet was either subjugated or blasted to oblivion. Either way would satisfy imperial wishes.  All it required was final readouts of the defenses they would face, and counter-assault possibilities from Corellian forces elsewhere.

He was looking over a series of plans when a lieutenant approached.

"Admiral - we have received an encrypted data burst from Corellia.  I think it may be just what we are looking for"

Byss, Imperial Capital World

Aboard the SSD Saevia's Revenge, Emperor Dementat sat in deep meditation, his own hatred fueling his strength as he pondered the next steps. Corellia would pay for its arrogant attacks on the Empire.  Not just another conquest, Corellia would not simply be defeated. It would be used to teach a lesson. One they would never forget.

As for the weapon, Centerpoint Station?  All in good time.

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Re: Vogue Empire
« Reply #59 on: December 26, 2011, 09:25:33 PM »

Surface: Coronet City

Melanie Masterton wades through security and enters the Gellar residence. Mouth-watering aroma's fill the air and as she nears, she spots Kimber bustling around the kitchen. She is about to call out when Rydan rounds the corner and smiles.
"Couldn't stop her. She wanted to make dinner. It's the happiest I've seen her in a while."

"Possible defense mechanism?"

"You mean, after what happened with Marius Guile?"

She nods.

"Could be but I'm not going to push it. Maybe Counselor Prescott should see her."

"Counselor Prescott is on her way to the Republic fleets."

Rydan arches a brow, "Come again?"

"We have much to discuss over dinner."

Melanie outlines the meeting with Judec over the meal, deailing the imminent Imperial threat to themselves on Corellia. The Empire will take on the Confederation in Corellian space. She tells them that Judec suggested they leave but that would leave them out in the open, exposed. The Empire or whoever followed them here would descend upon them without hesitation and despite her misgivings about its military application, the Centerpoint Station is the only place they can keep Kimber safe during the battle.

Kimber frowns, glancing carefully at something on her fork.

"Is it?"

"I am afraid so. Judec cannot protect us on the ground or even on one of the platforms."

Rydan does not like this plan at all, "So, now you're in favor of the station? What happened to it being the next Death Star?"

"That's not what she said," Trace interjects calmly.
"Whatever, that place is dangerous."

"Says who?"

"I do."

"Centerpoint is highly secure," Melanie continues. "It is not a place the Empire would expect us to be."

"And what about Seneca? What does he think? And Carlson? I'm sure he's got a thing or two to say."

"Agent Cirque is preparing to move Carlson there shortly. We will meet them as soon as we are ready. And true, the reporter does have his reservations as do I but we have little choice in the way of security during a full scale battle. A hit squad is one thing but the tactical might of Dementat's fleets? I cannot risk it. Kimber must be kept safe. Centerpoint is the only place we can do that."

"Don't I get a say in this?"

The table turns their eyes to Kimber.

"Look, I hate the fact that so much of this rests on my protection. It's completely lame but I'm not really in any shape to go traipsing around a war zone. I could pop at any minute. If that prophecy holds any weight, I need to have this baby safely. Rydan can stay with me the whole time if he feels unsure about things with a medi-droid nearby just in the case. I can't go into labor in the middle of a fire fight."

"Of course not," Rydan concedes, scowling at Melanie. "We don't want that."

"Then what's the prob? Sure, Centerpoint is like major scary weapon thing but it's not like they can use it on us while we're inside."

"Using it in this sector would destroy it."

"Judec would not take such a chance."

"Not even if the Empire was winning?"

Melanie shakes her head, "He is not going to destroy his entire home world to ensure victory."

"Ry, it's okay. It's not permanent or anything."

Trace nods, "We'll be with you every step of the way."

Melanie arches a brow at Rydan.

The Mandalorian considers things, displeased with where this is heading. True, Kimber must be kept safe but at what cost? There is no telling what this High Commander Judec could pull while they are all conveniently in one place. If he knows how valuable Kimber is, what's to stop him from using her as a bargaining chip if things fall out of his favor? He could easily convince the Empire to pull back in exchange for her and the child. Not even Melanie could stop him. Nor could she keep them all safe if they ran. There the Jedi has a point. The mysterious cloaked menace that attacked them at Arbra would find and kill them quickly. More so than if they remained behind the Confederations defenses.

Choices, choices.

Rydan does not like it but he acquiesces, "Fine."

"Excellent," Melanie says. "We leave first thing in the morning."


Everything is packed neatly and loaded into a secured CorSec shuttle. Kimber lingers on the ramp, glancing back over Valerie's massive residence, somehow feeling as though she may never see it again.

Behold, an Empire cometh for you.

She shivers and follows Rydan into the passenger hold. Agent Denton and Melanie sit nearby as the shuttle streaks into the amber morning sky. A squadron of security fighters join them in high orbit and escort them to the station. Melanie folds her hands in her lap, fighting back the dread looming in the back of her mind. She may not agree with Saga Judec's principles but at the moment, that is beside the point. Battles must be chosen carefully and them alone against the Empire is not one she believes they can win.

This is the only way, she tells herself.

The only way.
