Most of what we have as players will be pretty generic to start based on the unit access.
R&D furthers your access, but we will get one or a small amt of access at startup. This mostly applies to the better/higher fighters, aux, gavs, troops though handful of caps as well, esp prob any supers..
Unless you are spending your start up R&D on fighters as an Imp you mostly stuck w TF TB. If Reb X Y. Troops will feature heavy in need to control worlds, so wont be simple obvious choices for which step up to take first or next.
Also ship loadouts are calculated from a value. AUX/SF is Docking Bay. TROOP/GAV is Cargo Hold. 1 troop squad is 1 CU. A CU is Cargo Unit. Ex: ISD has 1040 CU cargo hold and 160 CU docking bay. A light sf squad is 12. A heavy is 24. A light gav is 1-3, a heavy is 4. A super hvy troop may be 2. Lt Aux is 3, Hvy 4.
So you could commit a ships total docking bay space to whatev you want that fits.