how about we play it like we're already deep in to a game? it's been going on for nearly an entire day. This plays in to how we write obviously. There will already be tension between characters then, and as far as actual values of bets go, I was of opinion it'd probably work out good and better for story if we weren't concerned with actual values of betting, but we still use actual face value cards and have winners etc to affect the turn/direction of story?
Just pick who is going to be players and a dealer (provided enough players). I know Greg had some ideas for his back story for some of his Hapan characters in III that one was a slave. Maybe my Hutt Char owns her, and uses her as part of one of his bets. At some point near climax, maybe the whole thing gets broke up by some violent shenanigans , Greg's Hapan Hussie slave get's to escape, and then have a nice tie in to some existing characters, because I'll def be using the Hutt in III as well to modest degree.
just more thoughts to brew on, however we go with it, let's make it damn cool and focus more on just writing and tying characters together, imo anyways, i realize it still II right now, but was figuring with the continuity, it can be as much part of some lead up to III as well.