
Who do you want to die during the Battle of Coruscant? (Pick 7)

Princess Leia
5 (11.6%)
Luke Skywalker
6 (14%)
Gilead Pellaeon
3 (7%)
Sate Pestage
4 (9.3%)
Ysanne Isard
3 (7%)
Han Solo
4 (9.3%)
3 (7%)
Boba Fett
3 (7%)
Mon Mothma
6 (14%)
Admiral Ackbar
4 (9.3%)
Lando Calrissian
1 (2.3%)
(Player Character)
1 (2.3%)

Total Members Voted: 8

Voting closed: May 08, 2013, 10:48:44 PM

Author Topic: OOC: Battle of Coruscant  (Read 37191 times)

Offline SWSF Hale

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OOC: Battle of Coruscant
« on: April 23, 2013, 10:48:44 PM »
Let us begin the Battle of Coruscant with the guillotine! Deciding who dies will help shape the storyline/climax.

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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Re: OOC: Battle of Coruscant
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2013, 11:37:21 PM »
I spared Lando for obvious reasons.

    I will be showing face (partially) as [Hutt] Mercenaries supporting NR, then depending on CP alottment maybe some traditional Alien NR world commitment in story as well!  (Oo, maybe Sluissi! didn't Greg get Sluis Van? they are quite the committed space farers!)  however the entire purpose of the little known Hutt involvement being to get a chance to kill Organa, presumably with the Scruffy Nerf Herder and Walking Carpet as well?, thus finally avenging Jabba!!!

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Offline SWSF Hoppus

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Re: OOC: Battle of Coruscant
« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2013, 01:10:40 PM »
Looks like we all want those bastard skywalkers wiped out ;)

Offline SWSF Hale

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Re: OOC: Battle of Coruscant
« Reply #3 on: April 24, 2013, 10:16:22 PM »
If this were a movie, the plot would revolve around getting Luke to face Darth Agloz, while Leia/Han/Chewie lead an assault team to capture Imperial Center. Mon Mothma and Ackbar would naturally be onboard Home One which would get destroyed.

Offline SWSF Hale

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Re: OOC: Battle of Coruscant
« Reply #4 on: April 28, 2013, 08:21:26 AM »
Okay, there's a few ways we can do the Battle of Coruscant:

Honor Simming -- I cringe every time I mention it, but given the fact that there will be 3 SSDs, plus 3~5 ISDs, 2~4 MC-80/90s, and half a dozen larger support craft... the space battle in and of itself is going to take forever. If we all can agree to a generalized progression of the BOC Plot, then perhaps an Honor Simming arrangement can be made, with provision that certain ships will get destroyed regardless once certain SL milestones are achieved.

Conventional Simming with GCW3's new Space-Ground Grid! -- This grid is in concept-prototype phase right now, but it essentially will remove many of the grids in favor of larger consolidated quadrants and other sections. It's as close as "show up and blow up" as we can get without going to a full-on "single grid" map.

Conventional Simming with GCW2's Space-Ground Grid -- Not advised, but just wanted to throw that out there in case anyone is die hard enough to try. Greg and I understand that the biggest time-consumer with the current Space Battle scheme is tracking unit locations and ranges, etc.


Now that brings us to the second phase: how the BOC will go down.

I. Sith Empire coup of Coruscant. People show up and try to stop it, or take power for themselves.
II. Imperial Remnant and New Republic invited Coruscant prior to the coup under the pretense of a new intergalactic treaty? All hell breaks loose afterwards once everyone realizes its part of the Sith Empire's gran design to destroy all its rivals whilst securing power for itself.
III. Luke Skywalker fights Darth Algoz.
IV. New Republic gets fucked up in the space battle and is forced to retreat, unless the Remnant steps in. Ackbar goes down in flames.
V. Han/Chewie/Leia/Team are on the surface doing something.
VI. Imperial Remnant moves into the system from Deep Space, takes over the fight, and begins landing troops. Pelleaon secures a landmark treaty with Mon Mothma before she blows up.
VII. ISD-II Chimaera blows up, in addition to at least one SSD by now, lol. Hale takes command of New Republic forces.
VIII. Luke and Algoz kill each other? (Up to you Dem).
IX. Sith Empire is forced to retreat. All that's left standing is a Joint NR-IR Fleet. The Pelleaon-Mothma Treaty becomes a precedent that sets the stage for GCW3.

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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Re: OOC: Battle of Coruscant
« Reply #5 on: April 28, 2013, 11:07:40 AM »
  Honor or break in new grid scheme for Regulation applications.

  I offer to control a chunk of NR force, including the Princess and wherever her and her companions may venture (Millenium, etc).  I will play with a kind of planted shadow attached to her, who will ultimately be a Bounty Hunter/Hutt Minion/Something like that trying to ensure her (and solo and Chewbacca who are also long time MOST WANTED of the Hutts!) demise.  This honestly would work best for my personal story development needs and in keeping with story, otherwise any commitment of actual units I personally possess makes little sense as it's in midst of breakdown/Hutt take over right now...

  Let me know if you guys are cool with this or if anyone objects.

  Re: the Story of the BoC

     I like a lot of points you listed save the NR attending an invite with a Sith Lord.  I think it should just be an all out Invasion that rages on while all other story points unfold.  The previous Sith Empire declaration at Endor (that IC and tangibly our forces did not abide by as I and I think you? still have actual forces deployed there, some of which IC I took liberty of having Darth X preying upon!) presented an example of the sort of treatment a fellow Imperialist tribe ought to expect out of Algoz and his dog!  ;)    IR (nor Szymon!) would ever trust him.  Syzmon IC had already committed to the NR side of helping their cause of taking Coruscant, and though IC I sent his boring ass off to Roon to enrich himself and his personal fiefdom crumbles, there is still the residual commitment of his forces in intent/whatever is already presumably committed at Mon Cal.  All this sets perfect precedence for NR invasion at Coruscant, IR can be tied in politically with the NR or simply know about it coming and join the fray for own gain/powerplay.

     I think if Skywalker and Algoz end up battling to death (of both or just Luke), it should be like an all angles tie-in climax type deal.  The most powerful dark and light jedi destroy each other, triggers the ultimate destruction of ackbar, mothma, leia and crew, and whomever else needs to be.  Just give NR fleet a shitload of MC90s to stack the deck in their favor, the entire leadership of the NR will be killed IC at the climax so you're left with a huge ass New Republic fleet with no defacto figurehead.  Storywise, you could tie Jana in closely to Luke, I presume maybe she plays final role in ultimate duel between he and Algoz???? maybe then it comes down to like Lucidius' SSD and the NR fleet (assume the Sith forces are pushed to a retreat [to Byss?] with Algoz alive or dead per Dem's desires), with Mothma, General Solo, Princess Organa, Admiral Ackbar, and Luke Skywalker the last of the Jedi dead within moments of one another, the NR force is basically stunned and on the verge of retreat, yet victorious for the moment. . .you then have Jana left with her further impressions from Skywalker (did she spend time with him before hand perhaps?) and Algoz, and Lucidius presumably with his SSD hovering over Coruscant!

    More or less whole same dynamic I guess just tied together at once with key character deaths? *shrug*
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Re: OOC: Battle of Coruscant
« Reply #6 on: May 03, 2013, 03:40:35 PM »
Woah, progress!  Back just in the nick of time I see.  Anyway.. I vote for Honor and the only thing Im looking for out of this.. well, not me, Darth X.. is to make sure Luke lives... so I can kill him and his Order later myself.  >.>

Offline SWSF Hale

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Re: OOC: Battle of Coruscant
« Reply #7 on: May 03, 2013, 04:57:15 PM »
Dem! We need you to chime in..

Current proposal: Skywalker kills Algoz, freeing up Darth X to kill Skywalker in GCW3.

The Jedi-Sith component of this battle is just as significant as the big naval battle.

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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Re: OOC: Battle of Coruscant
« Reply #8 on: May 03, 2013, 05:03:07 PM »

Offline SWSF Hale

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Re: OOC: Battle of Coruscant
« Reply #9 on: May 03, 2013, 07:26:17 PM »
All in favor of KILL 'EM ALL?

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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Re: OOC: Battle of Coruscant
« Reply #10 on: May 03, 2013, 08:56:20 PM »
Dem! We need you to chime in..

Current proposal: Skywalker kills Algoz, freeing up Darth X to kill Skywalker in GCW3.

The Jedi-Sith component of this battle is just as significant as the big naval battle.

Im cool with this for purposes of fitting everyones character progression and new directions, presuming Dem wants Algoz killed and X promises to make it ripe and juicy!

if we have to kill em all that works as well though, albeit a severely overrated initial offering by the pioneering powerhouse.  RIP Hanneman, Rot In Hell Ulrich! Ironically.
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Offline Dementat

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Re: OOC: Battle of Coruscant
« Reply #11 on: May 04, 2013, 01:58:04 AM »
My thought is far removed from the rest, so I haven't bothered saying it. Since you insist...

I've never much liked interfering with the canon storyline. If I had my choice, our factions would be a part of the larger canon factions, and canon characters would be reference only. I'd like to see planet ownership done differently, such as, the planet belonging to the larger factions but us controlling only facilities on any said planet for income and economy. Planets of lesser canon importance would be open to invasion and change allegiances, but the major ones would stay with their canon alignment until a point in the storyline where an actual canon event occurred, which would be treated as a flashpoint.

I could go on... but as I said, this isn't the direction that the majority have shown interest in. I will go with what the group decides, including character death as I'm not so attached to mine.
(\/)ighty RE

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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Re: OOC: Battle of Coruscant
« Reply #12 on: May 04, 2013, 01:48:01 PM »
Dem I predominantly agree with you, it is personally generally an undesirable mode of making things fit for me to wash away Canon characters, I agree to it here solely so that we can all have our characters doing what we want them to and placed where we want them.  Should whoever controls NR want to retain Mothma, Ackbar, Luke, Leia, Solo etc, and merely pen themselves in alongside ans use those characters as they desire (albeit within general anticipated traits of their character), this would make me most happy, however given that I not controlling NR in III, I am happy to allow Hale to do whatever he wants/needs with it/them.  My personal pref would be to see Canon Chars retained and hold posts, but it's well outside of my realm of justified story control so I leave it up to Hale to fulfill his desires/needs.

The Killing of Leia, Solo and Chewbacca for ME as a Faction/Character Story Angle are tied to their affronts against Jabba, especially Leia killing him.  To kill a Hutt is an absurd concept to a Hutt, and is never ever justified or deserving, so Hutts collectively want her head as an example.  You don't kill Hutts.  However, it's not necessity for me for her/them to Die, all I need is an encounter with them at Coruscant that occurs between the lines of the grander battle raging on.  Maybe the Falcon get's destroyed, Maybe Leia loses a leg or some shit.  They don't have to die for me, I just have to encoutner them with some hutt agents in the mix so to speak to bring that angle to a semi-climax.

If this is to be entirely reconsidered, I am entirely fine with Canon chars surviving. Whatever each player needs to allow for them to fill/occupy the space with their characters they want to in III I am in favor of.

RE: The other subject Dem touches.  It sounds like an advocation of the factions themselves existing as NPCs, and us as players merely occupying a space of influence/power within those factions, having only limited main line char influence, i.e. if you serve NR, your char occupies some space within NR and doesn't direct the NR direction as a whole.  I like it, but we somehwat use that in that a single player controls the whole faction so single player controls all potential chars in a faction, meaning that I may control Hutts in III which means the authority of the Grand Council of Elders, but if a char I'm using is more so a field commander, I'm still somewhat serving the dynamic you speak of, albeit with the wealth of posession at my disposal, though myself I try to generally dispatch things as covered in story premise and in line with a characters rank/post.  I think we sort of do that as close as possible without creating the problem of needing a GM to exclusively facilitate the larger NPC action.  It's almost a touching a subject that relates to purely how you envision and think about somethign in your head. . .i'm not sure there's a much better way of capturing the dynamic you speak of besides being cautious in how we execute, word and do things and are sure it's tied in to the realm of chars powers of manipulation.  I'm all open to hear further ideas on the topic, but off top of my head I think we're as close to doing that as we can.

  You could simply have the chars you mainly write about be lower level within the faction that you as a whole control.  Then you are only occassionally having to embody to will of the WHOLE FACTION with it's LEADERSHIP, and majority of time is spent executing action at the level of a lesser authority within said faction.  I'm just not sure it's possible to get any closer to that. . .it seems to me it's solely a perception thing.  I could be wrong though!
« Last Edit: May 04, 2013, 02:11:45 PM by Eidolon »
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Offline SWSF Hoppus

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Re: OOC: Battle of Coruscant
« Reply #13 on: May 04, 2013, 03:03:37 PM »
Dem, what you describe is exactly what GCWII was. Players are officers, canon characters run the larger sim, we focus on a few worlds. Look at the sim faction descs in the rule book when the game started. We fit in around the canon characters and realities.

As regards facilities and on world management, this was also what we tried in GCWII. The game goes in and out of activity, however, so that players just build on their worlds, rarely venture out, and when to do neutral worlds. I don't think there was more than 1 or 2 real engagements player vs player in the last 3 years on this forum. This is not a way forward, and I think excessive empire management (faciltiies, etc) is not best suited to a forum/text/story based game.

GCWIII will be putting forward a slightly different approach for how to handle everything.

As for Canon Characters, I prefer having them dead, and continuing off into the star wars reality with our own characters the stars and heroes, rather than playing second fiddle to canon. If this were a character RPG then I'd agree, but how our game works it makes it very difficult especially if you have multiple factions. There's a reason the canon characters exist: they are the heroes of the stories and inthe positions to make interesting decisions and do interesting things. It makes much harder on ourselves to allow them to continue in that capacity (albeit without hardly a mention) in our game and still have our characters being the one making the interesting decisions and in game actions. There's a difference in a story where you character is being ordered to attack a world, and your character making a decision to launch an attack or change allegiances, etc. The second is always going to be more interesting :)

That's my 2 cents on it anyway.

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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Re: OOC: Battle of Coruscant
« Reply #14 on: May 04, 2013, 06:22:39 PM »
  Greg, interesting decisions are made by plain people in mundane roles every day.  Don't make it sound like there aren't an infinitude of ways to tell an identical story when you consider the various perspectives of every possible character in a room.  If you want mundane, the classic EXISTING on a STARSHIP post is the definition of it but it's the majority of what we are prompted to do by necessity of action in the roles our characters occupy ;p

   To be honest I'd much rather read about the trooper taking a shit and running out of toilet paper so ends up having to wipe with ripped out pages of the alien porn he's looking at.  Imagine how the microscopic butt parasite feels about this when he's minding his business trolling along the Great Divide and sees a massive static trollop of a eager to please twi'lek upon the ripped out page rushing towards him!  Scary stuff.  Far more interesting than reading about the problems of deciding where to send him to die ;p
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