Author Topic: KESSEL  (Read 58762 times)

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #30 on: January 10, 2013, 11:58:02 PM »
  A squadron of corvettes are joined by a heavy gunship squadron and hit the road. . .

Some Ships Enter Hyperspace foooooor. . .
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Assault Gunboat Squadron Lancea Longini
Shield/Armor - 270/270
Location; HS - UCR; 5

Marauder Corvette Hussar 1
Shield/Armor/Hull/System - 195/195/100/100
Location: HS - UCR; 5
   StarViper Squad Hussar ECHO
   Shield/Armor - 252/252
   Location; Hangar - UCR; 6
   PMC Platoon Hussar ALPHA (2 squads)
   HP - 10ea sqd
   Location; Ship - UCR; 6

Marauder Corvette Hussar 2
Shield/Armor/Hull/System - 195/195/100/100
Location; HS - UCR; 5
  StarViper Squad Hussar ZULU
   Shield/Armor - 252/252
   Location; Hangar - UCR; 6
  PMC Platoon Hussar BETA (2 squads)
   HP - 10ea sqd
   Location; Ship - UCR; 6

Marauder Corvette Hussar 3
Shield/Armor/Hull/System - 195/195/100/100
Location; HS - UCR; 5
  StarViper Squad Hussar RHO
   Shield/Armor - 252/252
   Location; Hangar - UCR; 6
  PMC Platoon Hussar DELTA (2 squads)
   HP - 10ea sqd
   Location; Ship - UCR; 6

Marauder Corvette Hussar 4
Shield/Armor/Hull/System - 195/195/100/100
Location; HS - UCR; 5
  StarViper Squad Hussar TAU
   Shield/Armor - 252/252
   Location; Hangar - UCR; 6
  PMC Platoon Hussar KAPPA (2 squads)
   HP - 10ea sqd
   Location; Ship - UCR; 6

Marauder Corvette Hussar 5
Shield/Armor/Hull/System - 195/195/100/100
Location; HS - UCR; 5
  Veteran Y-Wing Squad BASILISK
   Shield/Armor - 384/384
   Location; Hangar - UCR; 5
  PMC Platoon Hussar GAMMA (2 squads)
   HP - 10ea sqd
   Location; Ship - UCR; 6

Marauder Corvette Hussar 6
Shield/Armor/Hull/System - 195/195/100/100
Location; HS - UCR; 5
  Elite Z-95 Squad TEMPEST
   Shield/Armor - 288/144
   Location; Hangar - UCR; 6
  PMC Platoon Hussar ECHO (2 squads)
   HP - 10ea sqd
   Location; Ship - UCR; 6
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Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #31 on: January 15, 2013, 07:21:32 AM »
Faction Income/Expense Log

Start Balance; 171KC, 5000KC Spec. Proj. Purse

1/15 AD Income; +1850KC (1000 player, 650 facilities, 100 hero abil, 100 Hutta Diplo Mile#1), +1250KC Spec. Proj. Purse

Balance; 2021KC, 6250KC Spec. Proj. Purse

  -600KC in facility constructions begins
  -500KC in Vergesso Bribe Payout

End Balance; 921KC, 6250KC Spec. Proj. Purse
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Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #32 on: January 20, 2013, 06:02:38 PM »
Faction Income/Expense Log

Start Balance; 921KC, 6250KC Spec. Proj. Purse

  -500KC in facility constructions @ Nal Hutta begins per Mile#3 Req
  -360KC in starfighter constructions begin

End Balance; 61KC, 6250KC Spec. Proj. Purse
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Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #33 on: January 25, 2013, 06:09:33 PM »

  The VSDII Devorantum exits hyperspace near the Kessel system and makes way for the Maw shipyards for repairs.  Some of it's support units are reassigned to other warships while it's own berths are refilled with new units and it is posted to PDF. . .

Victory Class II Star Destroyer Devorantum
Shield/Armor/Hull/System - 0/48/900/500
Location; ?? - UCR; 4

  TIE Avenger Squad OMEGA
   Shields/Armor - 240/240
   Location; Hangar - UCR; 9
  TIE Interceptor Squad BETA
   Armor - 360
   Location; Hangar - UCR; 10
  TIE Interceptor Squad GAMMA
   Armor - 360
   Location; Hangar - UCR; 10
  Lambda Shuttle Group BETA (24)
   Shield/Armor - 20/20ea
   Location; Hangar- UCR; 5
  Landing Barge Group ALPHA (5)
   Shield/Armor/System - 100/100/100
   Location; Hangar - UCR; 1
  Imperial Fleet Trooper Brigade ALPHA (500 squads)
   HP - 6 ea
   Location; Shipboard Barracks - UCR; 5

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Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #34 on: January 27, 2013, 04:01:41 PM »
note: effective 7PMish EST

   The remnants of the initial Vergesso strike force returned to their nest and sought much needed rest and reconciliation, mingling in with the vast fleet loyal to Admiral Szymon that hovered near Kessel.  A new fearsome warship emerged from the lot and chugged relentlessly outward from the large misshapen planetoid and it's moon base.  The massive Imperial Star Destroyer Serpentor, newly recommissioned in the wake of Admiral Daala's defeat, the ship was the pride of the Admiral's assets.  With a distinct hull paint scheme in various shades of green and gold, made to resemble a scaled pattern and shield generator towers done up as a pair of peering reptilian eyes, with all recessed areas of the superstructure in pitch black, it was sure to stand out wherever it appeared.  Half of any battle is fought in the heart and mind, the imposing look of the Serpentor conveyed initial terror, backed up and sustained by the weight of it's projected power.

   Aboard the Serpentor's Bridge, the ship's standing commanding officer, Captain Zesh Alixondor and the recently returned from failed mission at Vergesso, Commander Illith Valk exchanged contemptuous barrages back and forth,

  "It seems as though we'll be cleaning up your unfinished business Commander, do thank the rest of the squadron for me.  It's not as though we have better things to do than mop up a gang bust.  I'll be sure the next mission we dispatch you on is of much simpler task," Alixondor lectured the wing leader who objected aggressively,

   "Sir, we were outnumbered three to one, the Hussars proved little help and I'm sure you noticed, but the Devorantum herself came crawling back bleeding!  It doesn't help that you're sending us out there in ships that ranked state of the art five years ago or that intelligence underestimated ORC defenses by about one hundred percent bu. ." Commander Valk countered before being cut off,

   "You don't like the Gunboats?  That's fine, you've got one more chance to prove your ineptitude.  We've been assigned a handful of StarVipers and a few Tenloss squadrons, the filthy alien rats. . ., Szymon has mandated our distancing from standard Imperial protocols and practices, as such eventually TIEs are going to be a thing of the past for us, as apparently the traditional Humanocentric upholdings we've strived for will be. . ., but mark my words, if you screw this one up, I promise to see that you're crammed in the last Eyeball or Squint piece of canon fodder we deploy Commander.  Don't derail my conquest," the Captain retorted apparently full of poorly masked discontent.

   Illith Valk bit his lip and snapped a reluctant salute before taking his leave of the superior and offering a final thought while trudging away, unable to contain himself, "The conquest part is over Captain, you're cleaning up our mess, remember?" he finished with a wide eyed cocked smirk as the turbolift door slid shut, whisking him off to the behemoth battleship's innards to prepare for the next dance. . .

-=NonCom Summary=-
All Previous Player Fleet assets are returned to Kessel and shuffled in to PDF or storage
Imperial-Star Destroyer Serpentor [start up ship] transitions to an ACTIVE Player Fleet asset
ISD Serpentor is assigned new support craft
ISD Serpentor w/ Escort enters HS for **********

 StarViper Squadron Hussar Zulu (FLEET ESCORT)
   Shields/Armor - 252/252     Location; HS     UCR; 6

Imperial Star Destroyer Serpentor
Shields/Armor/Hull/Systems - 1600/1600/1600/800
Location; HS - UCR; 3

 StarViper Squadron Wyvern
   Shields/Armor - 252/252     Location; Hangar     UCR; 6
 StarViper Squadron Ophidian
   Shields/Armor - 252/252     Location; Hangar     UCR; 6
 Vet. Y-Wing Squadron Basilisk
   Shields/Armor - 384/384     Location; Hangar     UCR; 5
 TIE Avenger Squadron OMEGA
   Shields/Armor - 240/240     Location; Hangar     UCR; 9
 TIE Interceptor Squadron ALPHA
   Armor - 360     Location; Hangar     UCR; 10
 TIE Interceptor Squadron BETA
   Armor - 360     Location; Hangar     UCR; 10
 Gamma Shuttle Group RHINO (6)
  Shields/Armor - 30/30ea     Location; Hangar     UCR; 4
 Lambda Shuttle Group EPSILON (15)
  Shields/Armor - 20/20ea     Location; Hangar      UCR; 5
 Lambda Shuttle Group SIGMA (15)
  Shields/Armor - 20/20ea     Location; Hangar      UCR; 5
 Imperial Landing Barge Group INVADER (10)
  Shields/Armor/Systems - 100/100/100ea     Location; Hangar     UCR; 1

   Imperial ARC Trooper Battalion (100 sqds)
     HP - 8ea     Location; Barracks     UCR; 9
   Imperial Stormtrooper Brigade (200 sqds)
     HP - 8ea     Location; Barracks     UCR; 6
   Imperial Army Trooper Brigade (200 sqds)
     HP - 7ea     Location; Barracks     UCR; 6
   Imperial Fleet Trooper Brigade (500 sqds)
     HP - 5ea     Location; Barracks     UCR; 5
   AT-TE Squadron Dragon (6 vehicles)
     HP - 100ea     Location; Armory     UCR; 6
   AT-ST Company Mantis (20 vehicles)
     HP - 60ea     Location; Armory     UCR; 7
   Speeder Bike Squadron Mercury (28 vehicles)
     HP - 10ea     Location; Armory     UCR; 10
« Last Edit: January 27, 2013, 05:07:46 PM by Eidolon »
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Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #35 on: February 01, 2013, 09:59:58 AM »
Faction Income/Expense Log

Start Balance; 61KC, 6250KC Spec. Proj. Purse

INCOME; +1000KC player, +100KC exec. man, +450KC PDF IO, +450KC FACIL IO, +100 (IMPNET) HUTTA< +1250KCsSPP MAW/RESEARCH = 2100KCs, 1250KCs Spe. Proj. Purse

Balance; 2161KC, 7500KC Spec. Proj. Purse

  -1000KC in defensive facilities
  -324KC in starfighters
End Balance; 837KC, 7500KC Spec. Proj. Purse
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Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #36 on: February 04, 2013, 09:20:36 PM »
Faction Income/Expense Log

Start Balance; 837KC, 7500KC Spec. Proj. Purse

Income; +1000 Conquest Mile 3 Vergesso*
              +550 Kill Cash Vergesso* (22 ORCFAS, 18 ORCYT2400, 3 CLK, 3 R41, 3 TW, 2 SV, 3 Z95, 1 EZ95, 1 VYW)
              +525 Salvage Vergesso* (7 Captured ORCCRVs)

* = Wrap Up Info/Activity to be included in forthcoming Lybeya post.

New Balance; 2912KC

  XXX Lambda Class Shuttles FREE
  XXX TIE Fighters FREE
  XXX Imp Fleet Troopers FREE

  -1400KC Capital Ship Constructions
  -600 Infantry Training Initiated


End Balance; 912KC, 7500KC Spec. Proj. Purse
« Last Edit: February 04, 2013, 09:25:34 PM by Eidolon »
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Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #37 on: February 06, 2013, 10:04:14 PM »

   The newly repaired and outfitted Victory Star Destroyer Devorantum emerges from the Maw Shipyards and eventually leaps in to hyperspace for ***********.
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Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #38 on: February 08, 2013, 06:12:44 PM »

  The battered but victorious Serpentor arrived at it's home port of Kessel, power base of the scheming Imperial Admiral Ishfan Szymon who's ties and influence were slowly beginning to spread throughout the Outer Rim.  Fresh from backing-up the Victory Star Destroyer Devorantum's and Tenloss Hussar Squadron's initial calamitous attempt to rout the squatting ORC's forces from their haven at the Vergesso Asteroids, the ship had seen it's first action since falling in to Szymon's hands with the defeat of Admiral Natasi Daala, a confrontation securing both control of Kessel and the Maw Installation for Ishfan and his loyal forces.

  In tow slightly beneath itself, the massive beleaguered cruiser drug a much smaller frigate along, carrying it off in to the shipworks as it was gingerly taken load of by numerous tiny tugs. . .

-= General Summary=-
ISD Serpentor exited HS at Kessel (effect @ 11PM EST)
ISD Serpentor entered Maw Shipyards for repairs
Support Craft Shuffled (POST Status report)
HAF Beautiful Queen entered Maw Shipyards and Adv Research Facil for Repair & Study/Reverse Engineering [15 Days per GM Ruling]

Imperial Star Destroyer Serpentor
Shields/Armor/Hull/Systems - 0/468/1600/800
Location; ?? - UCR; 3

 StarViper Squadron Wyvern
   Shields/Armor - 252/252     Location; Hangar     UCR; 6
 StarViper Squadron Ophidian
   Shields/Armor - 252/252     Location; Hangar     UCR; 6
 TIE Avenger Squadron OMEGA
   Shields/Armor - 240/240     Location; Hangar     UCR; 9
 TIE Interceptor Squadron ALPHA
   Armor - 240     Location; Hangar     UCR; 10
 TIE Interceptor Squadron BETA
   Armor - 240     Location; Hangar     UCR; 10
 Gamma Shuttle Group RHINO (6)
  Shields/Armor - 30/30ea     Location; Hangar     UCR; 4
 Imperial Landing Barge Group INVADER (10)
  Shields/Armor/Systems - 100/100/100ea     Location; Hangar     UCR; 1

   Imperial ARC Trooper Battalion 'stimulus (100 sqds)
     HP - 8ea     Location; Barracks     UCR; 9
   Imperial Stormtrooper Brigade Hammer (200 sqds)
     HP - 8ea     Location; Barracks     UCR; 6
   Imperial Army Trooper Brigade Anvil (200 sqds)
     HP - 7ea     Location; Barracks     UCR; 6
   Imperial Fleet Trooper Brigade Defender (500 sqds)
     HP - 5ea     Location; Barracks     UCR; 5
   AT-TE Squadron Dragon (6 vehicles)
     HP - 100ea     Location; Armory     UCR; 6
   AT-ST Company Mantis (20 vehicles)
     HP - 60ea     Location; Armory     UCR; 7
   Speeder Bike Squadron Mercury (28 vehicles)
     HP - 10ea     Location; Armory   UCR; 10
« Last Edit: February 08, 2013, 06:29:35 PM by Eidolon »
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Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #39 on: February 09, 2013, 01:18:18 PM »
Faction Income/Expense Log

Start Balance; 912KC, 7500KC Spec. Proj. Purse

Income; +1000 Hutta Diplomacy Mile 4 Reqs Complete

New Balance; 1912KC

New Constructions
  -1200KC Capital Ship Constructions Initiated
  -180KC Starfighter Construction Initiated (530pm EST)

End Balance; 532KC, 7500KC Spec. Proj. Purse

General Faction Updates
Numerous Traveling PDFs arrive at their destinations!
« Last Edit: February 09, 2013, 05:30:35 PM by Eidolon »
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Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #40 on: February 12, 2013, 11:08:31 PM »

Reining In The Dog

Adjunct Sephi Norokos       Lord Ishfan Szymon

   The return to Kessel had not been the relief he'd hoped, indeed quite the opposite.  Upon the shuttle's descent in to the Garrison Moon base's main hangar, a large streamlined Surronian attack ship of gleaming obsidian hull stood distinctly out of place.  The lack of markings made no matter, Szymon knew exactly of the vessel's origins.  Observably tense as he strode down the boarding plank, he made formalities with the greeting Commander Elliss, Warden of the Kessel facility,

  "Admiral!" the weathered, grey and seasoned Commander addressed his superior while snapping to attention.

  Szymon returned the formality while quietly questioning, "Our friend, when did he arrive?" he inquired while removing a pair of pilot's gloves one finger at a time and tucking them in to a rear buttock pocket.

  "Not more than an hour ago Sir.  He awaits in your personal quarters.  I insisted otherwise, but he's invoked the Trinity. ." the aged Commander Elliss answered in his raspy voice and trailing off in an unfinished and bated manner.

  Szymon grew irritated with the revelation, momentarily taking the frustration out on the subordinate, "NEVER mention them by name!" he quietly scolded the other while standing over him and bearing down with a phalange extended nearly in to his face.

   The elder corrected himself, "Yes Admiral, apologies my Lord!" he promptly responded while bowing his head and keeping his gaze pointed downward.

   A group of several of the Base's personnel standing nearby and tending to a pile of cargo containers with a pair of heavy loader droids shot peripheral glances at the muted conference while busily hurrying about their duties and pretending not to notice.

  Szymon turned his attention to the accompanying Inspector Niks and directed him to tend to some other benign matters, after which he himself took a brief moment to gather himself while taking in the bustling surroundings of Sky Bogey's hangar operations before hastily making his way to a small bright yellow highlighted turbolift.  

  The door hissed shut behind and the platform ascended the railed shaft rapidly, rising up past the subterranean levels, shooting past the surface and the hangar bay ceiling as the tube guided the compartment in to and through the towering base's superstructure, carrying the Admiral directly to his personal suite, the upper observatory deck of the Spire, the Moon's only prominent architecture- a large defensive obelisk fortress, the only visibly exposed portion of the base's body.

   A journey of only several seconds, Ishfan took the opportunity to consider the possible motive of the unexpected visitor, be it the folly and near total destruction of the Tenloss Hussars at Lybeya or exposure of his recent cozying to the Hutts.  Regardless the cause, it was sure to be an unpleasant encounter.

  The turbolift slowed to a cushioned halt as the built up pressure proceeded through an intechange and pneumatically powered the door to glide open.  Szymon stepped out in to the lavish and luxurious comforts of what normally served as his personal nest, though now shadowed by the pungent presence of the Tenloss Adjunct Sephi Norokos, a rotund pale yellow skinned and brown speckled Twi'lek of ornate jewelled dress who was slowly strolling about the quarters, admiring the over head star scape transparisteel ceiling.

  The portly head-tailed alien turned about to face the newly arrived Szymon and donned a sly pointy smile while he let out a slow deep gluttoral groan while twisting his fingers around one of his own cranial appendages,

 "Sssszzzyyymoonnn!  Greeeeeetingggssssss!" he boisterously declared in feigned friendly demeanor.

  Ishfan cracked only the side of his mouth in a deliberate dismissal of his authenticity, "By all means, make yourself at home Sephi," he began while motioning to a server droid that eagerly awaited paging in a corner.

  The small droid scurried over and Szymon helped himself to several elements atop a tray bore in one of it's many arms, producing a fuming beverage concotion in moments as he continued, addressing the other over his shoulder, "is there a particular vice I might offer to quench?"

  The Twi'lek narrowed his devious smile and answered bluntly, ignoring the offer, "The Trivium is dissatisfied."

  Szymon placed his concotion back on the droid's tray without getting a chance to sample it and turned back to face and took several steps up to the guest, "By what offense?" he inquired intently, softening his previous sarcastic tone and severely raising his pitch in prepared defense.

  "More than one are there?  Perhaps I should look?" the Twi'lek countered smartly while raising his brows in rhetorical inquisition and motioning an upheld hand slightly outward towards Ishfan's forehead and wiggling his fingers.

  Szymon smacked his slowly encroaching hand away and turned, marching back to the server droid and fetching his drink.  The Twi'lek snickered in a hissing fashion and began to pace while toying with his head-tail again, unfolding the purpose of his visit,

   "Vergesso.  THEY have conferred and I, to deliver judgementttt," he began to speak.

  Ishfan interrupted, "Vergesso was a success.  The squatters were flushed and it was delivered as promised.  The Hussar's loss was their own blame.  Yanosh was a brash fool, it's by luck alone he survived as long as he di," until he himself was cut off, his vocal chords and tongue experiencing a sudden sharp pinch, followed abruptly by what felt like a boot upon his throat and a fist in his mouth as he grasped at the intangible cause in the empty air in front of him and distressingly was forced to panicked breaths through his nostrils. . .(TBC)

-=General Summary=-
E/LSHT Sigma exited HS at Kessel, returned to Garrison Moon
« Last Edit: February 12, 2013, 11:30:51 PM by Eidolon »
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Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #41 on: February 15, 2013, 11:50:15 AM »
Faction Income/Expense Log

Start Balance; 532KC, 7500KC Spec. Proj. Purse

Income; 3000KCs (1000 base, 100 exec man, 800 kessel facils, 450 hutta traits/impnet, 250 hutt facils, 400 vergesso facils)

New Balance;  3532KCs

New Constructions
      -2000KCs in Facility Construction Begins
      -779KC in Starfighter Constructions (posted 2/15 9:20PM EST)
      -626 in additional Starfighter Constructions (posted 2/17 9:40AM EST)

      XXX Z95 Headhunters begin acquirement (posted 2/17 9:40AM EST)
      XXX Tenloss Mercenaries [ImpFleetTrps] begin training (posted 2/17 9:40AM EST)
      XXX Hopper Shuttles [Lambdas] begin acquirement (posted 2/17 9:40AM EST)

End Balance; 127KC, 8750KC Spec. Proj. Purse
« Last Edit: February 17, 2013, 09:55:23 AM by Eidolon »
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Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #42 on: February 15, 2013, 11:52:32 PM »

Reining In The Dog (concluded)

Adjunct Sephi Norokos       Lord Ishfan Szymon

  . . .the portly stout Twi'lek stood sternly a few yards in front of the subdued and dwindling Szymon with one hand extend out in tight upright grasp and the other in a broad wide punching fist.  The color and pupil of his eyes had drained, replaced by empty blackness as a smug fang bearing over bitten grin displayed his peek pleasure in finally unleashing the dark power upon the always insubordinate human.

  He hissed angrily as his voice took a possessed deep echoing reverberated tone, "Forget not, Princep you and Adjunct I, I deliver the word and will of the Trivium!" he angrily bellowed while heavily huffing and continuing,  "Certaaaaaaain. .skills I wield.  And now, you know, a rumor? heh. ." he paused and dropped his arms to his side, releasing the defenseless Ishfan from his Force Grasp as he collapsed to the finely carpeted floor with a muffled thud, finally gasping full breaths of air.

  The roundly head-tailed alien slowly wobbled upon the knelt over Szymon and lifted his head up with his claw like finger tips, now speaking in his normal voice and a soft yet threatening manner,

  "So for now, I leave our personal matters apart.  This. . ." he stopped to consider his terms while now crouched on his haunches and raised his other hand with two of his short pudgy digits curved, tips separated by a few inches that was then filled with an intense sustained crackling and snapping purple and blue hued lightening that lit up one side of his face leaving the other seeming shadowed and cast glimmers across his golden adornments, ". .Demonstration, a command of my Masters.  Along with the seizure of your ship, the Devorantum, to satisfy our needs the Hussars can no longer fill.  The Three have spoken and consider the matter resolved.  Unless. . of course, you'd like to dispute?" he finished sarcastically in a cynically chipper demeanor.

  Szymon nearly choked at the mentioned requisition but unnoticeable in his still lain over recuperative state.  Already humiliated in privacy, against the mysterious Tenloss Triad, as an entrenched associate himself, defiance assured death.  Gathering himself he mustered to a single knee and still breathing heavy bowed his head before the Twi'lek,

  "Express my gratitude for this lesson to them," he replied quietly in stress and in between long breaths, "in thanks I bid you return to them with offerings" he finished his adulation, referring to a cargo hold stuffed full of Glitterstim as the general customary offering expected any time the Three dispatched an address.

  The now known apparently Force adept Twi'lek Adjunct stood and dusted his hands off, smirking in satisfaction.  He began to casually stroll towards the still open express turbolift the Admiral had arrived on and turned to share a final thought,

  "Perhaps you should watch the stones you step upon to reach higher.  Some of them may be pillars driven deep," he closed and took a step backwards, the door smoothly gliding closed and carrying the messenger back to his ship to return to his keepers, the Tenloss Triad, the most mysterious upper branch of the most mysterious underworld enterprise unknown of.

  Szymon was left to consider the various angles and relationships he'd brought in to play, and the myriad of pinches it now placed him in.  At least for now, the wheels of friendship and support in the neighborhood remained greased, but distant relations to must be stroked. . .

-=General Summary=-
Finished a little Interlude
VSDII Devorantum SEIZED by the Tenloss Syndicate! (previous movement)
HERO moves to newly organized PLAYER FLEET*

* = 2nd Battle of Endor FP Regulations. Max 40 CP.  Fleet to be revealed upon exit at Rally Point.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2013, 12:22:38 AM by Eidolon »
SWSF 'til Death

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #43 on: February 22, 2013, 02:18:23 PM »

  A newly acquired cruiser emerged from the Maw Shipyards and entered Hyperspace for it's new home port.  Various newly acquired Stock units head to their new homes as well. (Exit @ PDF destinations will go unannounced). . .
« Last Edit: February 22, 2013, 02:22:04 PM by Eidolon »
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Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #44 on: March 01, 2013, 11:14:41 AM »
Faction Income/Expense Log

Start Balance; 127KC, 8750KC Spec. Proj. Purse

Income; 3200KCs (1000 base, 100 exec man, 2100 facils/planet traits), 1250 Spec. Proj. Purse.

New Balance;  3327KCs, 9000KC Spec. Proj. Purse.

New Constructions
      -9000KC Spec. Proj. Purse, Super Star Destroyer begins outfitting @ The Maw Installation!

      -2000KC in Capital Ship Constructions begins
      -1164KC in Starfighter Consutrctions begins
      -100KC in Troop Training begins

      XXX Z95 Headhunters begin acquirement
      XXX Tenloss Mercenaries [ImpFleetTrps] begin training
      XXX Hopper Shuttles [Lambdas] begin acquirement

End Balance; 63KC, 0KC Spec. Proj. Purse
« Last Edit: March 01, 2013, 03:09:11 PM by Eidolon »
SWSF 'til Death