Author Topic: ROTHANA  (Read 28553 times)

Offline SWSF Hale

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« on: July 24, 2012, 04:07:19 PM »
Planet Info and Content to be added later.

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2012, 04:13:37 PM »
Flagship of the 1st Imperial Expeditionary Force
Ultor Imperium | Avenger of the Empire
Commanding Officer: GENERAL Lucidius Hale

   The 1st Imperial Expeditionary Force exited hyperspace in the deep space around Rothana. All hands aboard each ship took up battlestations and preparations were made so that the Fleet could be ready for however the Rothana Defense Fleet would respond. Meanwhile, Hale met with his command staff and began discussion Mission plans and options while a single probe droid launched and moved into the system to perform active scans.

Action Summary
1. Exited hyperspace.
2. Conquest/Diplomacy undecided.
3. Probe Droid Viper 1  launched to C-1 and commenced active scanning of system.

<> ISD-II Avenger
Onboard Hero: Imperial Officer [Commodore-GENERAL] Lucidius Hale
Location: Deep Space | Status: --- | UCR: 3 | Shields: 1980/1980 | Armor: 1980/1980 | Hull: 1760/1760 | Systems: 990/990

>> TIE Advanced Squadron Black 1
       Location: Hangar | Status: N/A | UCR: 7 | Shields: 216/216 | Armor: 216/216

>> TIE Advanced Squadron Black 2
       Location: Hangar | Status: N/A | UCR: 7 | Shields: 216/216 | Armor: 216/216

>> TIE Advanced Squadron Black 3
       Location: Hangar | Status: N/A | UCR: 7 | Shields: 216/216 | Armor: 216/216

>> TIE Advanced Squadron Black 4
       Location: Hangar | Status: N/A | UCR: 7 | Shields: 216/216 | Armor: 216/216

>> TIE Advanced Squadron Black 5
       Location: Hangar | Status: N/A | UCR: 7 | Shields: 216/216 | Armor: 216/216

>> TIE Advanced Squadron Black 6
       Location: Hangar | Status: N/A | UCR: 7 | Shields: 216/216 | Armor: 216/216

>> Lambda Shuttle Tornado 1~36
       Location: Hangar | Status: N/A | UCR: 4 | Shields: 20/20 | Armor: 20/20 (each)

>> Imperial Landing Barge Typhoon 1~15
        Location: Hangar | Status: Loaded | UCR: 1 | Shields: 100/100 | Armor: 100/100 (each)
        Infantry: 1500/1500 Imperial Fleet Trooper Squads | Vehicles: 90/90 Speeder Bikes

>> Viper Probe Droid Viper 1
       Location: C-1 | Status: Active Scanning | UCR: 10 | Armor: 20/20

>> Viper Probe Droid Viper 2~10
       Location: Hangar | Status: --- | UCR: 10 | Armor: 20/20 (each)

>> Elite Lambda Shuttle Aletheia
       Location: Hangar | Status: Landed | UCR: 16 | Shields: 100/100 | Armor: 100/100

<> SGAF Espada
Commanding Officer: Commander Kyle Kraken
Location: Deep Space | Status: --- | UCR: 4 | Shields: 300/300 | Armor: 300/300 | Hull: 150/150 | Systems: 150/150

>> Lambda Shuttle Spatha 1~12
       Location: Hangar | Status: N/A | UCR: 7 | Shields: 20/20 | Armor: 20/20 (each)
       Infantry: 240/240 Stormtrooper Squads

OOC Note: I do not request other-player assistance for this mission. I will handle all NPC elements as GM, so if you see anything that I did that you don't like, send me a PM.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2012, 04:23:21 PM by GCW Hale »

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2012, 04:51:21 PM »

Captain Brant of the VSD-II Bane ordered the Defense Fleet to full alert after detecting the probe droid in C-1. Immediately, all ships raised shields and began active scanning the system. The Starfighter Platform launched its full compliment of TIE Fighters, which took up CSP formation.

Rothana PDF Status:
VSD-II Bane in A-2.
ACC Crusader in A-1.
Sigma-class Starfighter Platform Rothana Shield in A-1.
3 TIE Fighter Squadrons on CSP in A-1.
« Last Edit: July 25, 2012, 04:53:52 PM by GCW Hale »

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #3 on: July 25, 2012, 05:20:25 PM »
Flagship of the 1st Imperial Expeditionary Force
Ultor Imperium | Avenger of the Empire
Commanding Officer: GENERAL Lucidius Hale

   "General Hale, telemetry data received from the Probe Droid. One Victory-II and one Acclamator are presiding over the system," reported Lieutenant Winston. "They have raised shields and armed weapons."

   "Very well. Let's take the fleet in nice and slow, we don't want to appear as an unexpected guest, right? Recall the Probe Droid, its work is finished."

   "Yes sir," replied Winston.

   The Fleet began crawling towards the system, holding steady in sector C-3 where the probe droid was recalled.

   "Patch me a line to the Rotahana Defense Force, there's no reason we can't be civil about all of this..."

   "Aye captain..." Winston pushed a few buttons, opening up a hailing channel, "whenever you're ready, sir."

   Hale nodded then walked over to his command communications panel and unhinged his mic. < Attention Rothana Defense Force, this is General Hale of the Imperial Remnant speaking. For quite some time as I'm sure you've been aware, the galaxy is in turmoil. Our great Empire has fallen into a state of brokenness, but I, along with many others who took the oath of allegience to the New Order, have united under a banner of rationality and progress so that we can repair our Empire and restore it to the glory that it once knew. My presence in your fine system today is no coincidence, but be warned, the presence of the New Republic and Rebel Alliance in other systems are not coincidences either, as they come to bring war and chaos where order and justice once stood. Bear in mind that I have not come to bring peace, but the sword, for the sword is upon the entire galaxy and only a united Empire can stand a chance to wield its power. I look forward to hearing from your response, and I am willing to meet with a delegation personally to discuss the future this great system has with the Imperial Remnant... >

   Hale gave the signal to cut the channel. "Well, that should give them something to chew on for the meantime."

   "General, you do realize by all estimates the Rothana Fleet has us at near-tactical parity, they pose a substantial challenge if we were to attack them," reported the Tactical Officer.

   "Thank you, lieutenant. I'm more than aware of what a Victory-II can do head on. Let's hope they'll be reasonable, but raise shields and power up weapons in the meantime."

Action Summary
1. Moved to C-3.
2. Recalled Probe Droid.
3. Opened communications with Rothana Defense Force.

<> ISD-II Avenger
Onboard Hero: Imperial Officer [Commodore-GENERAL] Lucidius Hale
Location: C-3 | Status: --- | UCR: 3 | Shields: 1980/1980 | Armor: 1980/1980 | Hull: 1760/1760 | Systems: 990/990

>> TIE Advanced Squadron Black 1
       Location: Hangar | Status: N/A | UCR: 7 | Shields: 216/216 | Armor: 216/216

>> TIE Advanced Squadron Black 2
       Location: Hangar | Status: N/A | UCR: 7 | Shields: 216/216 | Armor: 216/216

>> TIE Advanced Squadron Black 3
       Location: Hangar | Status: N/A | UCR: 7 | Shields: 216/216 | Armor: 216/216

>> TIE Advanced Squadron Black 4
       Location: Hangar | Status: N/A | UCR: 7 | Shields: 216/216 | Armor: 216/216

>> TIE Advanced Squadron Black 5
       Location: Hangar | Status: N/A | UCR: 7 | Shields: 216/216 | Armor: 216/216

>> TIE Advanced Squadron Black 6
       Location: Hangar | Status: N/A | UCR: 7 | Shields: 216/216 | Armor: 216/216

>> Lambda Shuttle Tornado 1~36
       Location: Hangar | Status: N/A | UCR: 4 | Shields: 20/20 | Armor: 20/20 (each)

>> Imperial Landing Barge Typhoon 1~15
        Location: Hangar | Status: Loaded | UCR: 1 | Shields: 100/100 | Armor: 100/100 (each)
        Infantry: 1500/1500 Imperial Fleet Trooper Squads | Vehicles: 90/90 Speeder Bikes

>> Viper Probe Droid Viper 1~10
       Location: Hangar | Status: --- | UCR: 10 | Armor: 20/20 (each)

>> Elite Lambda Shuttle Aletheia
       Location: Hangar | Status: Landed | UCR: 16 | Shields: 100/100 | Armor: 100/100

<> SGAF Espada
Commanding Officer: Commander Kyle Kraken
Location: C-3 | Status: --- | UCR: 4 | Shields: 300/300 | Armor: 300/300 | Hull: 150/150 | Systems: 150/150

>> Lambda Shuttle Spatha 1~12
       Location: Hangar | Status: N/A | UCR: 7 | Shields: 20/20 | Armor: 20/20 (each)
       Infantry: 240/240 Stormtrooper Squads


Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #4 on: July 27, 2012, 11:13:04 AM »

Captain Brant looked out from the viewport of the Bane and saw the Avenger in the distance. He was a bitter captain, because his first tour of duty as a Junior Officer was onboard the Avenger, and he had a promising career to stay within Death Squadron on a fast-track for seniority, but he was given poor performance evaluations by the Avenger's commanding officer - which all but sealed his fate as a officer in the Imperial Reserve Force, which meant he'd never see frontline combat ever. After taking command of the Bane, he had hoped one day the Empire would call his ship into active service and fight the Rebels, but with the defeat of the Empire at the Battle of Endor, his chances of doing so would be nill.

In the days following the Battle of Endor, Rothana declared Imperial Amnesty and became a sovereign Imperial system, having broke its ties with the Council of Moffs and with Kuat Drive Yards - the parent company of Rothana Heavy Engineering. Rothana now operates as a war machine for private investors and Imperial warlords, supplying ships and units as it once did during the height of the Galactic Civil War, only this time all profits went to the betterment of Rothana itself. Captain Brant knew his role as protector of Rothana was critical in maintaining the sovereignty of the system as well as its neutrality, but he knew this day would come, when some hot shot Star Destroyer commander would knock on his door and force Rothana into joining him.

Brant walked over to his communications panel and signaled the Avenger:

< General Hale, with all due respect sir, Rothana is Imperial-friendly and our Amnesty policy has been quite effective in maintaining contracts with various Imperial clients. This planet is still subjected to Imperial Law, and so while I respect your intentions sir, I must ask you to either leave the system or arrange a meeting with delegates of Rothana Heavy Engineering if you wish to set up a manufacturing contract...>

"Lieutenant Weisz, take the ship to sector A-1 to reinforce our defenses there and deploy all starfighters to combat space patrol. If this General Hale is trying to rattle his saber, so shall we..."

Action Summary
1. Accepted communications with ISD-II Avenger.
2. VSD-II Bane Moved to A-1, deployed CSP.

Unit Status
VSD-II Bane | A-1 | 3 TIE Fighter Squadrons on CSP
ACC Crusader | A-1 | 2 TIE Fighter Squadrons on CSP
Sigma Rothana Shield | A-1 | 3 TIE Fighter Squadrons on CSP

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #5 on: July 27, 2012, 12:04:00 PM »
Flagship of the 1st Imperial Expeditionary Force
Ultor Imperium | Avenger of the Empire
Commanding Officer: GENERAL Lucidius Hale

   "Lt. Winston, can you access the service record of Captain Brant?"

   "One moment sir, we don't have a local file so I'll have to access HOLONET for the information," replied Elena Winston. "...done. Okay, Captain Brant. First tour was onboard this ship 10 years ago, received a 5.8 on his Officer Performance Evaluation and was assigned to the Imperial Reserves shortly after."

   "A 5.8? The Captain must not have liked him. Most junior officers get at least a 8.0 just for showing up, shutting up, and doing their job. So Brant probably wanted a shot at being on the frontlines but never got one, as every Imperial officers do. What a shame."

   "What are your orders sir?"

   "The VSD-II Bane has reinforced there defensive position. It appears they are attempting a turtle strategy by consolidating their forces to appear bigger than they actually are..." Hale paused to think for a moment, as this would be the moment of truth. "Chances are we'd be able to take them head on in space, but the ground battle would be relentless. Between the Bane and the Crusader, they have us matched 1:1 for number of troops. Needless to say, there's no military solution to this problem. I'm going to have to negotiate this one, Winston."

   "A wise decision sir, although if we hit the Crusader hard enough and fast enough, it's possible we could take her troops out of the fight before they'd have a chance to launch."

   "Either way the battle would get ugly very quickly, and our fighters and shuttles would have to go after those dropships because we'd be out of range by then. I'm not sure if I want to leave the ship open to the Bane like that, even if it would be worth it."

   "Perhaps a diplomatic solution is in order then..." replied Winston.

   "You may be right, Lieutenant. Call Commander Stark to the bridge and have him relieve me as Officer of the Deck, you'll be joining my away team for Diplomacy."

   "Aye, captain," replied Elena. She had a slight smile on her face. It was good that she was getting a lot of face time with Hale, as usually this resulted in high performance evaluations, and she would need a high one in order to be selected for Lt. Commander. "And of Captain Brant?"

   "Patch me a line." Hale walked to the comm-panel once again:

   < Captain Brant, we are entering middle orbit of your system to ensure the protection of our units. I will be launching shortly with my command staff to make preparations for Diplomatic negotiations with the Rothana High Council, please stanby and make all necessary arrangements. The StarGalleon Espada will be making its way to the surface as well to act as our mobile command center. General Hale out. >

   Hale and Winston departed the bridge after Commander Stark, who had temporarily been assigned from the Engineering Department to Operations so that a senior officer could stand bridge watch in absence of the CO or XO, who had not been replaced yet.

   After the Aletheia was prepped for launch, it departed with a TIE Advanced squadrons acting as escort. The remaining TIE Advanced squadrons deployed for full space patrol to keep the Rothana's fighters in check.

   Onboard the Espada, Commander Kraken was happy to hear that his new ship would be the mobile C&C vessel for the duration of the Diplomacy. While the number of troops onboard his ship didn't pose a threat to the Rothana Ground Forces, it was always beneficial to bring Stormtroopers to the negotiation table especially if things became sour...

Action Summary
1. Fleet moved to B-2.
2. Continued communications with Rothana Defense Force.
3. Elite Shuttle and 5 Lambda Shuttles deploy and move to A-1.
4. All squadrons deployed to CSP. One squadron moves to A-1.

<> ISD-II Avenger
Onboard Hero: Imperial Officer [Commodore-GENERAL] Lucidius Hale
Location: B-2 | Status: --- | UCR: 3 | Shields: 1980/1980 | Armor: 1980/1980 | Hull: 1760/1760 | Systems: 990/990

>> TIE Advanced Squadron Black 1
       Location: A-1 | Status: Escort | UCR: 7 | Shields: 216/216 | Armor: 216/216

>> TIE Advanced Squadron Black 2
       Location: B-2 | Status: CSP | UCR: 7 | Shields: 216/216 | Armor: 216/216

>> TIE Advanced Squadron Black 3
       Location: B-2 | Status: CSP | UCR: 7 | Shields: 216/216 | Armor: 216/216

>> TIE Advanced Squadron Black 4
       Location: B-2 | Status: CSP | UCR: 7 | Shields: 216/216 | Armor: 216/216

>> TIE Advanced Squadron Black 5
       Location: B-2 | Status: CSP | UCR: 7 | Shields: 216/216 | Armor: 216/216

>> TIE Advanced Squadron Black 6
       Location: B-2 | Status: CSP | UCR: 7 | Shields: 216/216 | Armor: 216/216

>> Lambda Shuttle Tornado 1~36
       Location: Hangar | Status: N/A | UCR: 4 | Shields: 20/20 | Armor: 20/20 (each)

>> Imperial Landing Barge Typhoon 1~15
        Location: Hangar | Status: Loaded | UCR: 1 | Shields: 100/100 | Armor: 100/100 (each)
        Infantry: 1500/1500 Imperial Fleet Trooper Squads | Vehicles: 90/90 Speeder Bikes

>> Viper Probe Droid Viper 1~10
       Location: Hangar | Status: --- | UCR: 10 | Armor: 20/20 (each)

>> Elite Lambda Shuttle Aletheia
       Location: A-1| Status: Landed | UCR: 16 | Shields: 100/100 | Armor: 100/100

<> SGAF Espada
Commanding Officer: Commander Kyle Kraken
Location: A-1 | Status: --- | UCR: 4 | Shields: 300/300 | Armor: 300/300 | Hull: 150/150 | Systems: 150/150

>> Lambda Shuttle Spatha 1~12
       Location: Hangar | Status: N/A | UCR: 7 | Shields: 20/20 | Armor: 20/20 (each)
       Infantry: 240/240 Stormtrooper Squads


Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #6 on: July 28, 2012, 10:03:38 AM »

< General Hale, we read you loud and clear. Please proceed to vector 011 mark 038 for atmospheric entry. A message has been sent to the Rothana High Council and the delegates of RHE regarding your stay. They will be ready to meet with you in 24 hours. >

"Captain, can't we deny them entry?"

"I'm afraid not Janis, per the agreement the Rothana High Council signed with Rothana Heavy Engineering by declaring neutrality and Imperial Amnesty, any Imperial officer can visit the surface to engage in negotiations - diplomatic or business related. We're here to protect the system, not make decisions for the Council. Unfortunately."

"I don't like it... and I don't like this General Hale either. I pulled up his service record. Apparently he was handpicked by Lord Vader to take part in a special Death Squadron initiative that gave him full Fleet command as a lieutenant. He was then made a Provisional Moff of Chandrila...until he was asked to join Death Squadron permanently," commented Commander Janis, the XO.

"Why is he so special? What did he do that anyone of us didn't?"

"Lord Vader had a way of picking them, didn't he. It never made sense, but it always worked out."

"Well, I won't question Lord Vader's judge of character, that much is for sure..." Brant paused and began walking around the bridge, thinking to himself. "But Vader is gone now..." Brant then walked over to Fire Control, "...get me a firing solution on the Espada."

The Fire Control Officer looked at the Captain with a bit of uncertainty, but followed his orders and pushed a few buttons. Within moments, all of the ships weapons were aimed at the Espada. The Captain walked over to the firing station and inserted his firing key, which primed the weapons, all that was needed now was his order to fire. "Patch me a line with the Aletheia."

< General Hale, I have the Espada locked on my fire control display. With one order I could have that ship blow in seconds... but you've done the math already, havn't you General? You know this fleet is more than capable of withstanding a direct assault from a Tier 1 Warship such as the Avenger. We may loose a ship perhaps, but at the end of the battle it would be you who would go home, while Rothana would march on. Know today that I have let you pass our defenses to engage in diplomacy because I, Captain Brant, have deemed it so. That is all. Carry on. >

After Captain Brant released the comm signal, he smirked with pride. "That'll teach the bastard a little humility..."


Action Summary
1. Allowed the SGAF Espada, ELSHU Aletheia and TIE/x1 Escort to pass.
2. Storylined.

Unit Status
VSD-II Bane | A-1 | 3 TIE Fighter Squadrons on CSP
ACC Crusader | A-1 | 2 TIE Fighter Squadrons on CSP
Sigma Rothana Shield | A-1 | 3 TIE Fighter Squadrons on CSP

Ground Units
Alpha Rothana One | G-1
Beta RHE Complex 1 | G-2
Beta RHE Complex 2 | G-3
« Last Edit: July 28, 2012, 03:29:51 PM by GCW Hale »

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #7 on: July 28, 2012, 03:35:52 PM »
Flagship of the 1st Imperial Expeditionary Force
Ultor Imperium | Avenger of the Empire
Commanding Officer: GENERAL Lucidius Hale

   Hale was piloting the Aletheia while it was flying past the port side of the Bane when Captain Brant's last communication hit, as if Brant timed it so he could wait until the shuttle was within eyesight of the Bane's bridge.

   "What an asshole..." Hale smirked to himself, almost admiring Brant's brashness and unprofessionalism. "That guy has a major chip on his shoulder. Whatever. We have our approach cleared, commence atmospheric entry."

Action Summary
1. Aletheia, Espada, and Black Squadron 1 enter atmosphere.

<> ISD-II Avenger
Onboard Hero: Imperial Officer [Commodore-GENERAL] Lucidius Hale
Location: B-2 | Status: --- | UCR: 3 | Shields: 1980/1980 | Armor: 1980/1980 | Hull: 1760/1760 | Systems: 990/990

>> TIE Advanced Squadron Black 1
       Location: ATMO-1 | Status: Escort | UCR: 7 | Shields: 216/216 | Armor: 216/216

>> TIE Advanced Squadron Black 2
       Location: B-2 | Status: CSP | UCR: 7 | Shields: 216/216 | Armor: 216/216

>> TIE Advanced Squadron Black 3
       Location: B-2 | Status: CSP | UCR: 7 | Shields: 216/216 | Armor: 216/216

>> TIE Advanced Squadron Black 4
       Location: B-2 | Status: CSP | UCR: 7 | Shields: 216/216 | Armor: 216/216

>> TIE Advanced Squadron Black 5
       Location: B-2 | Status: CSP | UCR: 7 | Shields: 216/216 | Armor: 216/216

>> TIE Advanced Squadron Black 6
       Location: B-2 | Status: CSP | UCR: 7 | Shields: 216/216 | Armor: 216/216

>> Lambda Shuttle Tornado 1~36
       Location: Hangar | Status: N/A | UCR: 4 | Shields: 20/20 | Armor: 20/20 (each)

>> Imperial Landing Barge Typhoon 1~15
        Location: Hangar | Status: Loaded | UCR: 1 | Shields: 100/100 | Armor: 100/100 (each)
        Infantry: 1500/1500 Imperial Fleet Trooper Squads | Vehicles: 90/90 Speeder Bikes

>> Viper Probe Droid Viper 1~10
       Location: Hangar | Status: --- | UCR: 10 | Armor: 20/20 (each)

>> Elite Lambda Shuttle Aletheia
       Location: ATMO-1 | Status: Landed | UCR: 16 | Shields: 100/100 | Armor: 100/100

<> SGAF Espada
Commanding Officer: Commander Kyle Kraken
Location: ATMO-1 | Status: --- | UCR: 4 | Shields: 300/300 | Armor: 300/300 | Hull: 150/150 | Systems: 150/150

>> Lambda Shuttle Spatha 1~12
       Location: Hangar | Status: N/A | UCR: 7 | Shields: 20/20 | Armor: 20/20 (each)
       Infantry: 240/240 Stormtrooper Squads


Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #8 on: July 30, 2012, 11:15:21 AM »
Flagship of the 1st Imperial Expeditionary Force
Ultor Imperium | Avenger of the Empire
Commanding Officer: GENERAL Lucidius Hale

   The Imperial Remnant delegation landed on Rothana and was greeted with much fanfare and hospitality. As Hale and his team got settled in, they were welcomed to the Rothana Administration Building, where the Rothana High Council and Board of Officers from Rothana Heavy Engineering were waiting. A small cocktail party was held, where Hale began making his rounds to introduce himself and the Imperial Remnant to the leaders of Rothana. The diplomacy had begun...

Action Summary
1. Aletheia and Espada land in G-1.
2. Diplomacy Milestone count begins.

<> ISD-II Avenger
Onboard Hero: Imperial Officer [Commodore-GENERAL] Lucidius Hale
Location: B-2 | Status: --- | UCR: 3 | Shields: 1980/1980 | Armor: 1980/1980 | Hull: 1760/1760 | Systems: 990/990

>> TIE Advanced Squadron Black 1
       Location: ATMO-1 | Status: CAP | UCR: 7 | Shields: 216/216 | Armor: 216/216

>> TIE Advanced Squadron Black 2
       Location: B-2 | Status: CSP | UCR: 7 | Shields: 216/216 | Armor: 216/216

>> TIE Advanced Squadron Black 3
       Location: B-2 | Status: CSP | UCR: 7 | Shields: 216/216 | Armor: 216/216

>> TIE Advanced Squadron Black 4
       Location: B-2 | Status: CSP | UCR: 7 | Shields: 216/216 | Armor: 216/216

>> TIE Advanced Squadron Black 5
       Location: B-2 | Status: CSP | UCR: 7 | Shields: 216/216 | Armor: 216/216

>> TIE Advanced Squadron Black 6
       Location: B-2 | Status: CSP | UCR: 7 | Shields: 216/216 | Armor: 216/216

>> Lambda Shuttle Tornado 1~36
       Location: Hangar | Status: N/A | UCR: 4 | Shields: 20/20 | Armor: 20/20 (each)

>> Imperial Landing Barge Typhoon 1~15
        Location: Hangar | Status: Loaded | UCR: 1 | Shields: 100/100 | Armor: 100/100 (each)
        Infantry: 1500/1500 Imperial Fleet Trooper Squads | Vehicles: 90/90 Speeder Bikes

>> Viper Probe Droid Viper 1~10
       Location: Hangar | Status: --- | UCR: 10 | Armor: 20/20 (each)

>> Elite Lambda Shuttle Aletheia
       Location: G-1 (Land) | Status: Landed | UCR: 16 | Shields: 100/100 | Armor: 100/100

<> SGAF Espada
Commanding Officer: Commander Kyle Kraken
Location: G-1 (Land) | Status: --- | UCR: 4 | Shields: 300/300 | Armor: 300/300 | Hull: 150/150 | Systems: 150/150

>> Lambda Shuttle Spatha 1~12
       Location: Hangar | Status: N/A | UCR: 7 | Shields: 20/20 | Armor: 20/20 (each)
       Infantry: 240/240 Stormtrooper Squads


Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #9 on: August 07, 2012, 04:42:13 PM »
Commanding Officer of the 1st Imperial Expeditionary Force
Loyal Servant of the Imperial Remnant and Avenger of the Empire

   There were many spheres of influence on Rothana. While predominantly an Imperial world, the system was home to Rothana Heavy Engineering, one of the galaxy's foremost military-industrial contractors...and formerly one of the most powerful. During the Clone Wars, Rothana Heavy Engineering, alongside the nearby Kamino cloning facilities single handedly created the first Grand Army of the Republic. As the war continued and other contractors were brought in, RHE fell out of prominance, but it's mark on the galaxy would never be forgotten as many of its All Terrain combat craft, aerospace auxiliaries, and other heavy ships have influenced the designs of countless other crafts and ships of the same type. If there was one group Hale had to parlay with, RHE would be it. At the head of the Board of Officers was CEO Darius Rowe, who by all accounts was a very stern man who enjoyed an extremely luxurious lifestyle thanks to the billions of credits RHE brought in every quarter.

   The second most powerful organization on Rothana was the High Council, who were the heads of state and political and government leaders of the system. Moff Hal Goroth was presiding over the council, and was very comfortable enjoying his stature in the system. Afterall, it was Moff Goroth who had evoked Imperial Order 1138-B, a lesser-known but skewed order that transfered all political authority from the Galactic Empire to his domain in a time of crisis. Citing the Battle of Endor as the crisis, Moff Goroth had created the sovereign, yet still Imperial state of Rothana. If Goroth's reputation as a stellar prosecutor in the Imperial Judge Advocate General Corps had anything to do with his appointment of Moff, it was his one strength that he knew Imperial policies, codes, and regulations
 like no one else. In the complexity of the Imperial bureaucracy, Goroth was a man who knew how and where to navigate. If Hale was to reason with him, he would have to become a quick study of Imperial Law.

   The third a final group that Hale needed to impress was the news media and entertainment industries. While these groups had little authority over the people, they played a significant role in influencing them nonetheless. Hale knew that all media was biased, and so if he could bias the Rothana News Network to his favor, the Holo Headlines woud literally be free advertising for his diplomatic campaign in the system.

   The cocktail party that Hale and his staff were invited to allowed him the perfect opportunity to mingle with each of these groups. While he did introduce himself to both Mr. Rowe and Moff Goroth, he spent more time attempting to cultivate influence with their own staffs and aides. If enough people in the inner circle began saying "Imperial Remnant", then even a suave and sophisticated leader would be unwise to not listen and obey accordingly. Lieutenant Elena Winston was given an alternate assignment, however. She was to use her Zeltron beauty and charm to give Moff Goroth some "warm feelings" about the Imperial Remnant. When Hale had first suggested the idea, Elena didn't even balk. Her loyalty to Hale was unquestionable, but her dream to see another system flying the banner of the Imperial Remnant was even more pressing. She agreed to use every single one of her assets to sway Moff Goroth and convince him that the reformed policies, doctrines, and politics of the Imperial Remnant would have many benefits...

   After an hour or so, Hale was invited to give his initial offering speech to the denizens of Rothana. Stepping up to a podium, Hale spoke with confidence.

   "Moff Goroth, Mr. Rowe, members, delegates, and staff belonging to the Rothana High Council and Rothana Heavy Engineering, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, my fellow Imperials...not a week ago you welcomed me into this system with open arms, but I dare say that it was not because I arrived in the Avenger, nor was it that I was flying the Imperial battle standard, was none of these. You welcome me into this system because you know, just as I, that the galaxy has been engulfed in chaos since the Battle of Endor. While countless systems such as Rothana are surviving - quite well - alone, we all know there will come a day when singularity must answer to solidarity, when sovereignty must answer to supremacy, and when defiance must answer to allegiance. My fellow Imperials, how much longer will you let Rothana set idly by and remain a shadow of its former glory during the Clone Wars? Will you not re-open your trade routes to the Imperial Network? Will you not consider uniting with the Imperial Remnant?"

   After Hale stopped, and turned away from the podium, he was met with thunderous applause. While both Moff Goroth and Mr. Rowe looked onto the crowd with skepticism, and onto Hale with slight disdain, they had no choice but to listen to the people. Within minutes after the speech, Hale met with Rowe and Goroth privately where many documents were signed and sealed... Rothaha was now back into the Imperial Network.

Diplomacy Summary
1. Milestone #1 Complete with Day 5 SL Above.
2. 100 KCs rendered to Hale's Account.
3. Milestone #2 in Progress. Total Day Count: [8]

« Last Edit: August 09, 2012, 12:59:37 PM by GCW Hale »

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #10 on: August 09, 2012, 01:00:31 PM »
Commanding Officer of the 1st Imperial Expeditionary Force
Loyal Servant of the Imperial Remnant and Avenger of the Empire

   By now it had been over a week on the surface of the planet. With all of the pleasantries and greetings taken care of from the system's VIPs, Hale now had a chance to get some personal time in with Moff Goroth and Mr. Rowe, only this time it would be onboard the Espada for a personal tour of the ship as well as a venue for making final business arrangements for Rothana's permanent entry into the Imperial Network. While there were many trade lanes and market centers in the galaxy, the Imperial Network - as dubious as it sounded - was at the height of the Galactic Civil War the most expansive trade alliance and stock exchange since the days of the Old Republic. While the New Republic had managed to create their own sect, the Galactic Free Trade Alliance, it's growing market capitalization was projected to increase as time went on, but growth was still sluggishly slow. After the Battle of Endor, many investors went into a state of panic and sold everything they had - which signalled a market crash everywhere in the civilized galaxy. As investors slowly trickled back into the markets, the message that was sent to boardmembers everywhere was obvious: regain political stability.

   Part of the role of the military-diplomat was to act equally as a businessman. Most of the people in the galaxy didn't really care about who was in power, or what the cause of the war was, or who was winning. Most people cared about their families, their small businesses, and being able to secure and provide for their own future...everything else was just filler. For most people, their core concerns ultimately came down to making a life for themselves and making money. Nobody wanted an unstable market or a government that didn't know how to balance a budget, but when either of those two things happen people start questioning their leadership. This was one of the most important cards Hale needed to play...

   "...As you can see gentlemen, the Espada represents some of the finest engineering the Empire has to offer," spoke Hale, who was nearing the end of his tour.

   "A fine ship, General," replied Rowe. "But technology does not concern me..."

   "Nor does the Imperial Remnant either," continued Moff Goroth.

   "Precisely my point, gentlemen! Who am I to showcase engineering to a Rothanian? And to discuss political stability with a Moff?" asked Hale, rhetorically, "My journey to Rothana was not made to discuss business contracts or political alliances... although those may come in time... the real purpose for my visit was to talk about this..." Hale pulled a silver Imperial credit coin from his chest pocket. His two guests were suddenly intrigued. "This my friends is real power, and there is one organization that deals and handles in this currency. You know what I speak of..."

   "The Imperial Network..." uttered Moff Goroth.

   "Trade routes, stock exchanges, intergalactic corporate development, business opportunities, strategic investments, hostile takeovers, soft acquisitions... it can all be yours. Mr. Rowe, imagine expanding Rothana Heavy Engineering's current contract base by threefold."


   "Really? Our studies show that Rothana Heavy Engineering is currently loosing value on the Intergalactic Exchange. Are you waiting around to be reacquired by Kuat Drive Yards? Imperial Intelligence also indicates that there is Rebel diplomacy currently in progress on Sluis Van as well. This would be another major manufacturing system in their favor. The Galactic Civil War is still afoot Mr. Rowe, and I can assure you personally that the slice of the Imperial Remnant I preside over is growing larger and larger every week."

   "He's bluffing Mr. Rowe, General Hale is just a Fleet Commander, nothing more..." tried Moff Goroth.

   "A fleet commander? Surely Moff, your intel reports are off. I currently preside over the defenses and infrastructure of Bastion, the capital of the Remnant. I also led the Avenger against Dantooine, and immediately began several construction projects there. I am not about brutal conquering as some of my other Imperial peers would be, but rather about development. Surely you can see the wisdom in the bigger picture."

   "I need some time to think this over, General," replied Mr. Rowe.

   "As do I," replied Moff Goroth.

   "As you wish. I shall be in the ceremonial hall in 30 minutes."

   As the three men departed from each other, Rowe and Goroth began speaking plainly about permanently joining not only the Imperial Network but also the Remnant itself. Rowe didn't disagree with Hale's analysis about RHE slowly failing, in fact, Rowe had received a personal call from one of Kuat's board members a month ago as a "friendly heads up" that talks of acquiring RHE were coming up on KDY's board agenda. How Hale knew this was one matter, but the fact that he could provide RHE with the bottom line boost it needed was another. Goroth on the other hand was still skeptical, but fully endorsed joining the Imperial Network for the sake of improving the cash flow of the system. This was an easy decision for him, because all planetary Moff's got a 1% cut of the total market capitalization of every system they presided over. Joining the Imperial Network would make Goroth a wealthy man.

   As the two went to their separate guest quarters for a quick stop, Goroth entered his to find an unexpected guest. Elena Winston.

   Walking up slowly to the Moff, Elena put her finger on his lips, "Shhhhh...." and then began slowly moving her hand down his crotch until a light squeeze became necessary at a certain location which was met with a soft grunt from Goroth. She then leaned close to Goroth, putting an arm around his back while she whispered in his ear, "...the General is a wise and powerful man, Moff Goroth, you should do what he says. Of course, if Rothana were to ever join the Imperial Remnant..." she said, laughing lightly, "...the pleasure would be all yours." Noticing by now a wet stain in Goroth's pants, Elena left him standing there as she walked out of his quarters. Smiling, she reported back to Hale and gave him a thumbs up. Hale smiled and nodded, then sent Elena back to her previous assignment.

   After the break was up, both Rowe and Goroth made their way to the ceremony hall ready to sign the necessary documents. Hale noticed that Goroth had changed his pants between the last time he saw him, and smirked to himself. After all three men signed the Declaration of Accession into the Imperial Trade and Market Network, their respective staffs took pictures and booze was spilt...

Action Summary
1. Milestone #2 Completed: Rothana joins the Imperial Network (+100 KCs every Action Day).
2. Diplomacy Day Count [10].
« Last Edit: August 12, 2012, 04:59:35 PM by GCW Hale »

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #11 on: August 17, 2012, 02:35:40 PM »
Commanding Officer of the 1st Imperial Expeditionary Force
Loyal Servant of the Imperial Remnant and Avenger of the Empire

   Hale's time at Rothana was nearing completion. The latest developments in the system were significant. Rothana's space defenses, commanded by Captain Brant, were ordered to stand down and depart the system - as the Imperial Remnant was now assuming command of the defenses. When Brant got his orders from none other than Hale himself, he cursed the man, but at the same time was finally relieved that he could have a chance getting assigned to another region of space or perhaps participate in an offensive operation. The Imperial Remnant High Council would determine the fate of the rest of his career. Of course, the defenses Hale had ordered into the system were temporary at best - a half a dozen Imperial Patrol Vessels - a joke in terms of defensive capability compared to the VSD-II and Acclamator that were previously there. It didn't matter really, because two Escort Carriers were on their way to replace the Patrol Vessels. In time Hale knew he needed to bolster the defenses a little more, but he figured a pair of carriers would provide a minimum standoff capability in the event of a Rebel attack.

   On the surface, a brand new Imperial Sector Palace had finally been completed. Moff Goroth's office and staff were transferred to his new site, and he was most pleased with the accomodations of an Imperial facility versus a conventional civilian one. All the latest Imperial technologies were in the Palace, to include a valuable HOLONET transceiver - which enabled near-instantaneous communications with every other HOLONET station in the Empire. This would provide an invaluable service to Hale and his fleet, for his hopes were to establish a robust HOLONET network across the galaxy so that rapid communications could pave the way for rapid response in the event of a crisis. The Rothana High Council and Rothana Heavy Engineering Board also moved their offices to the Imperial Sector Palace, as this was a momentous occasion.

   With everything on the diplomatic agenda completed, the only thing that remained was a formal welcoming of the system into the Imperial Remnant. Meanwhile, Moff Goroth was testing the HOLONET by communicating with the Imperial Remnant's High Council on Bastion...

   < Moff Goroth, it has been too long my old friend! > appeared Grand Moff Roberto Caliente in HOLO-form.

   < Yes, I'm afraid I must apologize for not keeping up with you and the rest of our peers. Long time no see. > replied Moff Goroth.

   < Well, let's put all that behind us, shall we? According to my reports General Hale has been in diplomatic negotiations with you and President Rowe regarding Rothana's future? >

   < Indeed. The General has proven himself most... persuasive. >

   < Excellent. The Remnant is in dire need of good men, Hal. Our reports indicate that many of our peers have gone rogue, as I'm sure you've been aware. We were beginning to think that you had gone rogue as well, especially after you declared Imperial Sovereignty and Amnesty over Rothana - but I'm glad to see that we were wrong... > said Roberto, who was still suspicious of Goroth anyway.

   < My loyalties have always been to the Galactic Empire, but yet for a time after the Battle of Endor, I no longer knew who to be loyal to. With his Emperorship gone, trust became a scarce commodity. But we know this all too well. General Hale has convinced me that if the Empire is to survive the likes of warlords and rogue tyrants, then we must appeal to reason, and we must find our identity in the Imperial Remnant... >

   < Yes. Exactly. We have reports that a new Sith has emerged from Imperial Center. We only have limited intelligence on the man. All we have on him is his Imperial service record, but there are unconfirmed reports that he has proven himself on the battlefield. >

   < Is he a threat? >

   < Not directly, thanks to General Hale's outstanding work expanding the First Expeditionary Fleet quickly, but this Sith Lord could gain considerable political momentum so long as he has power over Coruscant. We need to know where you stand Hal, just in case some of the bigger Imperial factions come knocking on your door like Hale did. >

   < There was only one Emperor, and he is dead now. There is only one Empire, and it is the Imperial Remnant. >

   On the other side of the HOLONET channel, Grand Moff Caliente conferred with the rest of the Council of Moffs, and decided it was time to invite Moff Goroth into the fold.

   < Moff Goroth, by order of Supreme Commander Gilad Pellaeon, you have been appointed a chair in the Imperial Remnant Council of Moffs. Welcome aboard, Moff Goroth. >

   < For the Empire! >

Diplomacy Summary
1. All time requirements have been met [20 days].
2. Milestone #3 Storyline completed.
3. Milestone #4 Storyline needed to finish Diplomacy.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2012, 12:16:12 PM by GCW Hale »

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« Reply #12 on: August 28, 2012, 10:18:42 PM »
Commanding Officer of the 1st Imperial Expeditionary Force
Loyal Servant of the Imperial Remnant and Avenger of the Empire

   At last the day had come...Rothana was now flying the standard of the Remnant, and the Imperial March could be heard in an official ceremony at the Imperial Sector Palace where all of the planet's leaders and celebrities alike came together to celebrate. Rothana's entrance into the Imperial Remnant was sure to send a signal to both friends and foes: Hale now possessed the manufacturing powerhouse of Rothana Heavy Engineering, which meant that the Imperial Remnant war machine was just about to become even stronger!

   Behind the presentation stage in the Imperial Sector Palace, Hale was busy chatting with several of his officers from Imperial Intelligence. Hale had a couple hours before he was scheduled to deliver his keynote speech to close the ceremonies, so in the meantime the conversation shifted to intergalactic politics...

   "...But General, we can't even be certain that the New Republic poses any real threat. Of course they are gaining momentum, yes, but some of their key leaders have fallen out of scope."

   "Are you saying we can't keep tabs on them anymore?"

   "No not at all. Imperial Intelligence is collecting some really great information. The issue is that it seems these New Republic officers have abandoned their missions. They've given up."

   "How can we be certain of this? What about their other task forces?" asked Hale.

   "Recently, the New Republic re-established a presence on Yavin IV with a full task force. After doing so, the task force disappeared - and went back to their sector defense fleet - and again at Sullust, a New Republic fleet shows up with the intent on performing diplomacy, but the diplomats have yet to begin negotiations..."

   "Something is up. Are they planning something big?"

   "We don't have any reason to believe anything, sir. We can only make rational decisions based on the facts, and the facts would suggest that the New Republic is weakening - from the inside. Yes, their key leaders are present and visible, their presence at Mon Calamari will remain strong, but it seems they are content letting the Rebel Alliance doing all the fighting while they preside over the bureaucrating..."

   "Ha! The Rebel Alliance... if there is any reason to believe the New Republic is weak it is because they cannot even unite under a single banner," replied Hale.

   "The same could be said about the Empire sir, we shouldn't be too presumptuous."

   "Indeed. That reminds me of my next question for you gentlemen. Battle plans... I need targets. Where do you guys think we should hit next?"

   The Intelligence Officers thought quietly amongst themselves before speaking up, "It's not really a question of where, General, but who. Who do we want to send a message to? Whose sphere of influence should we try to diminish?"

   "A good question. We just talked about the New Republic... why not put more pressure on them? Then there is the Rebel Alliance, which if they should be considered a real threat, then they should be higher on our priority list," analyzed Hale.

   "I think either way sir, we should do what's best for the Imperial Remnant by strengthening the First Expeditionary Force. The other factions - including the forces still flying the flag of the Galactic Empire mind you - have set their sights on systems that have given them a strategic advantage, either through resources or through location. We should do the same."

   "An interesting thought," remarked Hale, "given the resources we now command, we should have no reason to take a big risk."

   "How big of a risk are you willing to take, General?"

   "It's time to put our ship on the line. While I think pursuing Diplomacy here at Rothana was a wise decision - sooner or later we may face other planets that do not have Imperial Amnesty and who field an equally large defensive fleet as Rothana did. It was battle that forged the Empire originally, and it will be battle that will forge the Imperial Remnant..."

   Hale was interrupted by a personal assistant who told him he had 15 minutes to get ready for his speech.

   "Excuse me gentlemen," said Hale.

   "Yes sir," replied the officers, saluting.

   After Hale returned the salute, he walked to the side of the presentation stage and began sliding through his keynote outline on his ComPad. Lieutenant Elena Winston approached him from behind, with a drink in hand.

   "Lieutenant, I don't know if our Diplomacy could have went as smoothly if your special touch wasn't present. Thank you."

   "The pleasure was all mine, General," she smiled, then took a sip of wine from her glass, eying Hale in a particularly sensual manner.

   For the first time since reporting onboard the Avenger, Hale was wondering if Elena was attracted to him at all. While he preferred to keep all of his relationships with his command staff at a professional level, Elena's presence in the past two missions put her increasingly into a personal dynamic with him. What could Hale do, really? At 27, he was the youngest Flag Officer in the Imperial Remnant thanks to the fask-track that Lord Vader had put him on a few years ago. Elena was only two years his younger, and thanks to her Zeltron physiology was one of the most physically attractive women in the galaxy - though despite her looks, Hale also appreciated her sound judgement and intellectual capabilities and on-the-job knowledge. Surely, thoughts of romance would fly between the two, but Hale wrestled with entertaining the reality of these thoughts...

   "Elena..." began Hale.

   "Yes General?" replied Elena, taking another sip from her wine glass.

   If Hale did have anything personal to say to her, it got cut short, "General, you're on in 10 seconds," interjected a stage hand who came out of nowhere.

   "Thank you," replied Hale to the stage hand. Sliding his ComPad back into his pocket, he brushed off his uniform to make sure he was looking good. Looking back to Elena, he said "...when the party is over, meet me onboard the Aletheia."

   Elena smiled, and then turned around and walked away.

   Hale walked out from the side of the stage onto the main podium to once again address a crowd he had done so before when the diplomacy first began on the planet. Now he was addressing them not as an outsider, but as one of their new planetary leaders.

   "Today will be a day long remembered for the Imperial Remnant!"

   The audience applauded and cheered, and after Hale made his opening remarks, he began speaking to the Rothanians as friends and fellow Imperials. As his speech began hitting some highlights, Hale reminded himself that all the hard work was now finally over.

   "My fellow Imperials... it has only been months since the Battle of Endor, but you have convinced me that there is something to the Imperial Remnant that will prevail over the course of our lifetimes... no longer are we just a splinter faction of the Empire marching out of the depths of Bastion. Now... from one end of the galaxy to the other, the Imperial Remnant stands strong!"

   "Rothanians - we owe you our gratitude and respect. Without your leadership, Rothana would truly be lost. I for one am glad to see your system did not fall apart or fall into Rebel hands as many other systems did recently. Without your fidelity, we would not have been attracted to pursuing diplomacy here in the first place. Without your courage, I would have never know how strong Rothanians truly are! I for one am proud that Rothana has joined the Imperial Remnant, for everyone now benefits from this mutually advantageous relationship!"

   "In closing, I wish you all the very best. I will be remaining in system for a short time while construction projects are being tasked, but I assure you that I will always consider Rothana a true stronghold of the Imperial Remnant, and that I will serve and protect this planet as if it were Bastion itself!"

   As Hale finished, he waved his hands and smiled, being cheered on vibrantly by the audience. At last his time on Rothana's surface was coming to a close...

Action Summary
1. Milestone #4 Storyline completed.
2. Diplomacy Mission completed. 1000 KCs prize transferred to Account.

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #13 on: September 06, 2012, 04:55:54 AM »
Hale and company enter the atmosphere onboard the Shuttle Alethia and the SGAF Espada.

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« Reply #14 on: September 08, 2012, 01:12:41 AM »

Flagship of the 1st Imperial Expeditionary Force
Ultor Imperium | Avenger of the Empire
Commanding Officer: GENERAL Lucidius Hale

   Hale was pleased to see his ship again, although from a distance. While on the ground, he was able to catch glimpses of the Avenger in middle orbit, but it appeared only as a distant satellite, not the massive warship it truly was. The Shipyards of Rothana were also able to accomodate his fleet with their first production of another StarGalleon Assault Frigate, christened the Sturmgewehr to represent the role it would play on the battlefield. Now with a full sized battle fleet at his disposal, Hale pondered the next direction he would take. With nearly two full legions of ground troops, no target was safe. The only real challenge that faced Hale's new fleet would be to overcome a robust space defense force. The desire would be to minimize casualties, but sometimes in the game of chess, sacrificing a key piece would often be necessary to gain positional power. The same could be said about the game of war. Hale's successes on Rothana came with a full promotion to Lord General. Often such promotions during war came with a responsibility to earn the rank that had been given, and so Hale knew he would need to do more with the 1st IEF rather than pursue diplomacy.

   "We'll be docking with the Avenger soon, my Lord," prompted Lt. Winston, who was currently piloting the Aletheia.

   "Looks like we have some time to kill," replied Hale. Having sent his other staff onboard the Espada, it was just him and Elena onboard the Aletheia.

   "Lord General, I wanted to congratulate you on your promotion. In fact, I have orders from the Imperial High Council regarding your promotion... and I wanted to reveal something to you, nothing nobody else onboard the Avenger knows... I am an undercover ISB agent whose mission is to inform the High Council regarding anything about your emotional and cognitive abilities that would either endanger the ship, its mission, or your ability to command..."

   "ISB!? What the hell is going on..!?" replied Hale.

   "But there's more. You see, I can no longer continue my mission because it is I who have become emotionally compromised," continued Elena.

   Hale sat there and swiveled his chair to her direction, looking deeply into her eyes. "Elena..."

   She lurched forward and kissed him. After Hale reciprocated the kiss, he continued speaking, "...we can't do this. You're part of the Command Staff, and we can't complicate things with fraternization."

   Elena leaned back in her chair and looked down, "It doesn't have to be complicated," she said as she unzipped her uniform top down to her undershirt. "What you don't know my Lord, is that I will be reassigned soon by the High Council, as I've already submitted my report. So you see now that there's nothing to worry about. You just need to have me and get it over with..." she said with a seductive smile.

   Suddenly all of the repressed emotions Hale felt for Elena surfaced, and all of the tension gave way to what he had wanted to do to her a long time ago...

Action Summary
1. TIE/A Black 1, ELSHU Aletheia, and SGAF Espada move to A-1.
2. Lord Admiral bonus SGAF added since Shipyard is present.

<> ISD-II Avenger
Onboard Hero: Imperial Officer [Commodore-GENERAL] Lucidius Hale
Location: B-2 | Status: --- | UCR: 3 | Shields: 1980/1980 | Armor: 1980/1980 | Hull: 1760/1760 | Systems: 990/990

>> TIE Advanced Squadron Black 1
       Location: A-1 | Status: CSP | UCR: 7 | Shields: 216/216 | Armor: 216/216

>> TIE Advanced Squadron Black 2
       Location: B-2 | Status: CSP | UCR: 7 | Shields: 216/216 | Armor: 216/216

>> TIE Advanced Squadron Black 3
       Location: B-2 | Status: CSP | UCR: 7 | Shields: 216/216 | Armor: 216/216

>> TIE Advanced Squadron Black 4
       Location: B-2 | Status: CSP | UCR: 7 | Shields: 216/216 | Armor: 216/216

>> TIE Advanced Squadron Black 5
       Location: B-2 | Status: CSP | UCR: 7 | Shields: 216/216 | Armor: 216/216

>> TIE Advanced Squadron Black 6
       Location: B-2 | Status: CSP | UCR: 7 | Shields: 216/216 | Armor: 216/216

>> Lambda Shuttle Tornado 1~36
       Location: Hangar | Status: N/A | UCR: 4 | Shields: 20/20 | Armor: 20/20 (each)

>> Imperial Landing Barge Typhoon 1~15
        Location: Hangar | Status: Loaded | UCR: 1 | Shields: 100/100 | Armor: 100/100 (each)
        Infantry: 1500/1500 Imperial Fleet Trooper Squads | Vehicles: 30/30 AT-STs, 60/60 SBs

>> Viper Probe Droid Viper 1~10
       Location: Hangar | Status: --- | UCR: 10 | Armor: 20/20 (each)

>> Elite Lambda Shuttle Aletheia
       Location: A-1 | Status: --- | UCR: 16 | Shields: 100/100 | Armor: 100/100

<> SGAF Espada
Commanding Officer: Commander Kyle Kraken
Location: A-1 | Status: --- | UCR: 4 | Shields: 300/300 | Armor: 300/300 | Hull: 150/150 | Systems: 150/150

>> Lambda Shuttle Spatha 1~12
       Location: Hangar | Status: N/A | UCR: 7 | Shields: 20/20 | Armor: 20/20 (each)
       Infantry: 240/240 Stormtrooper Squads

<> SGAF Sturmgewehr
Commanding Officer: Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg
Location: A-1 | Status: --- | UCR: 4 | Shields: 300/300 | Armor: 300/300 | Hull: 150/150 | Systems: 150/150

>> Lambda Shuttle Spatha 13~24
       Location: Hangar | Status: N/A | UCR: 7 | Shields: 20/20 | Armor: 20/20 (each)
       Infantry: 240/240 Stormtrooper Squads