Author Topic: DAC (MON CALAMARI)  (Read 40150 times)

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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« Reply #15 on: July 21, 2012, 09:10:07 AM »
New Republic

Previous Balance: 130 KCs


+200 KCs Omega Platform (Action Day 1)
+200 KCs Omega Platform (Action Day 2)


New Balance: 630 KCs

* Thanks j

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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« Reply #16 on: October 11, 2012, 03:06:40 PM »
* As discussed with Hale, 2 Action Days at previous levels of income and 15 days to build. These posts will come in parts. Thanks *

Starting Balance: 630 KC

+ 1000 KC (paycheck)
+ 200 KC (Omega @ Dac)
+ 550 KC (2 Embassy, 2 Factory, 1 NR Ops Base @ Dac)
+ 1,750 KC total

+ 1000 KC (paycheck)
+ 200 KC (Omega @ Dac)
+ 550 KC (2 Embassy, 2 Factory, 1 NR Ops Base @ Dac)
+ 1,750 KC total

New Balance: 4,130 KCs

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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« Reply #17 on: October 11, 2012, 03:42:09 PM »
NEW Hero Unit Jedi Officer > Jedi Padawan > Jedi Knight Upgrades.

Hero Unit now a Jedi Knight.

Old Hero Unit is retired/dismissed.

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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« Reply #18 on: October 11, 2012, 03:59:55 PM »
Starting Balance: 4,130 KC

(1,200 KC) 2 RAF  
(1,200 KC) 4 Neb B
(700 KC) 7 X-Wing Squadrons
(1,000 KC) Jedi Knight > Guardian Upgrade
(4,100) total

New Balance: 30 KCs

All constructions complete! Units join defensive fleet over Dac.

Hero Unit now a Jedi Guardian.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2012, 06:34:34 PM by GCW Hoppus »

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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« Reply #19 on: October 14, 2012, 08:01:51 AM »
Starting Balance: 30 KC

(20 KC) 1 Recon Y-Wing
(20 KC) total

New Balance: 10 KCs

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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« Reply #20 on: October 14, 2012, 09:18:35 AM »


The watery voice was insisting. Brandt Wessiri stopped amid the unfamiliar desert landscape, the high plains oddly distorted, and turned to look.

Squinting into the distance, he could just see the man in black, remembering now that he had followed him here, to this place. He walked towards the dark figure, too far away to see him clearly, the image distorted by the blinding heat that rose up from  baked desert floor.

He followed the voice until his legs were to weak to carry him. His frustration at the man boiled. Why won't he stop and wait for me? He fought to control the anger and frustration that followed that simple question, and the landscape trembled; suddenly, in some part of his mind Brandt remembered that he was dreaming, asleep in his suite on the Mon Calamari world of Dac.

"I won't follow you any further," he called out. "You hear me!"

The figure seemed to turn and face him, the face a pale blur amongst its dark and heavy robes.

"Brandt." The voice was quiet, calm, yet so far away.

The colors and heat of the dreamworld began to dissolve around him... and Brandt woke up.

For a moment he lay there, twisted in his sheets. He stared at the blue moonlight that glinted through his suite's windows and fought back the emotions that always followed his familiar dream: dread and shame. They flowed through him, spreading like ink in water, threatening to overwhelm him if he let them. He focused his mind on his Jedi training, shining light and peace on his worried thoughts, calming them until, some time later, he could open his eyes and not feel that bizarre anguish. The emotions had grown stronger in the last week, he knew, and the meditation took nearly twice as long to calm him.

With a deep sigh, he pushed the fear from his mind and slid out of his damp sheets, pulling on his robe. His suite in the Osseani Hotel in Coral City contained a small kitchenette, and in a few minutes he had prepared himself a spicy mug of sunblossom tea. Carrying the hot mug in both his hands he went out onto the large balcony, breathing in its exotic and spicy smells while he waited for the tea to cool.

Hesitantly he turned his mind back to the dream, the recurring dream that had haunted him now for nearly six months. It had begun soon after his training with Luke Skywalker. They had held long conversations about the dream, once it became apparent it would not go away. But Luke could not say what it might mean. Or would not say, if that were the case. Luke told him that he would need to meditate on it, and listen to the Force. When the time was right, the insistent dream would open to him, and then he could seek out his answers.

Meanwhile, he would just have to put up with it.

Brandt took a sip of the hot spicy tea and leaned on the edge of the balcony. His suite was thirty floors above the city, the view majestic: moonlight sparkling on miles of sea water that stretched over an entire surface of a planet. The breeze blew steadily and even with a hot and densely lived in city beneath him, all he could smell was the clean salt of the ocean around him. He closed his eyes, focusing on the purifying sensations of that breeze, and sipped calmly at his tea, waiting for the sun to rise.
« Last Edit: October 14, 2012, 09:38:00 AM by GCW Hoppus »

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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« Reply #21 on: October 14, 2012, 01:04:21 PM »

"It's good to see you again, Colonel," Admiral Ackbar took his seat at the conference table beside Mon Mothma.

"Thank you, Admiral," Brandt said. For Ackbar things were simple: once a military man, always a military man. When Brandt had resigned his rank almost a year ago Ackbar had been furious. Apparently, he was getting over it if he was willing to sit at the same table and speak pleasantries, though Brandt sensed a good deal of turmoil in the Mon Calamari. Whether that had to do with the resignation or the purpose of the meeting, Bandt would have to wait to find out.

"I suppose you're interested to know why we've asked you here," Mon Mothma's glacially cool and modulated voice always hit the perfect diplomatic tone. Brandt nodded, asking her to go on. "Firstly, we wish to express our apologies at drawing you away from your work with Luke Skywalker. We are both aware of the importance of restoring the Jedi Order in the galaxy, and the important work the two of you have begun. But the New Republic, as young as it is, has already weathered many storms, but now they have seemed to gather force and return to us."

Ackbar continued for her. "Over the past months the New Republic has had to handle not one, but two Empires. One in the galactic north calling itself the Remnants, the other still based out of Coruscant. Our campaign towards the Galactic seat has come to a complete standstill militarily, and our supply lines have been under significant stress."

"That," Mon Mothma said. "Has a great deal to do with our lack of success on the diplomatic front. While many systems have left the Empire, very few have been convinced to form any sort of serious alliance with the Republic. At several worlds our emissaries have been flatly refused, or chased out by Imperial patrols lurking in the region. So far we've had very little contact with the self-styled 'Lord Commander' Hale in the north, but the Sith Lord who has replaced Palpatine is a more menacing threat."

Luke Skywalker had mentioned the man. Much greater in the force, Luke had felt the swelling disturbance in the force, the darkness that gathered in the core. On his way to Dac he had heard many rumors, among them that the Dark Jedi was actually a Sith, and was now as powerful as Vader had ever been. If it were true, the New Republic was right. They could not sit idle, and they would need his help, and Luke's help, if they were going to stand a chance.

Brandt sighed. "It all feels so familiar, doesn't it?"

"We cut off the head of the snake so the body could sprout two more," Mon Mothma agreed.

"We are in need of a diplomat and a warrior, Colonel," Ackbar said. "Someone who can grow the good will with the people of the galaxy, convince them to join in our righteous cause, and to protect them from the Imperial menace that persists throughout the core and rim worlds. Just today we've received confirmed reports of Imperial raids on neutral rim worlds that had refused the Empire's emissaries, yet with so little resources at hand, our battle fleets have been unable to respond to any of these distress calls."

"And what would you both have me do about it? I'm not nearly as powerful as Master Luke. I am no grand strategist in war."

"You are Jedi of the New Order. You're name is known, your valor in battle proven, and your dedication to the Republic undoubted," Mon Mothma said. "With your Jedi training, you could prove to be our most powerful weapon in converting the planetary governments in the rim to our cause."

"And you'll have help with the strategy. You will be attached to Captain Dorn's battle fleet. We've assigned him our best fighter pilots along with several frigates to support his flagship. Together you'll be able to safely press into the enemy's territory, whether to negotiate with the neutrals or bring the war back to this new Emperor. Preferably, both."

"You are needed, Brandt," Mon Mothma finished.

Brandt looked down at his hands, considered the request. The decision was not difficult. It was clear that his training must be postponed, that his presence was needed her, in the Republic once again.

"I am yours to command Admiral, Madame President."


Offline Ramano

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« Reply #22 on: October 14, 2012, 01:47:08 PM »
OOC Note: First note, if this SL is a problem, or you dont want to deal with me, or you simply do not want me posting on your threads, just say so and I will happily delete it and it will be like it never happened. Im just trying to kick start what we are going to need to do anyway if we want any hope of beating these 2. As I said, if its a problem ill delete it and it will never happened again.

The lowly secretary stood outside the conference room, nervous beads of sweat beginning to show on her forehead as she listened to the conversation. Her next move could very well lead to her death but the good of the republic had overridden her better judgement. All she could do is hoped they liked what they heard and had the mercy to see it for the good intent it carried. As the officers had nearly finished they're meeting she entered through the door, a datapad in hand.

"Madam President, Admirals, I deeply apologize for my unwarranted interruption. I stand here now with information pertinent to your current meeting and feel it necessary that this information be taken into account before any actions are undertaken."

She quickly offered the datapad to any who would take it.

"No one here seems to remember the republic still maintains an asset in the far southern reaches of the outer core worlds. The one known as Ramano, who as intel reports would have it, should have a great deal of data concerning your Lord Commander Hale problem, as the 2 of them recently had an engagement over Thyferra. An engagement in which Ramano all but exterminated the Imperial Remnant's main battle fleet. All details of the engagement are also on that datapad."

She stood infront of the group, the fear beginning to show through on her face for the inevitable question that would follow, where would she come by such information.

TBC... depends on how Hop wants to deal with it.

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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« Reply #23 on: October 15, 2012, 12:51:26 PM »
Dac System, Seat of the New Republic

Senate Hall, Conference Room

As guards rushed in behind the woman Mon Mothma ordered them to stop and leave her be. Brandt watched silently, trying to get a read of the young woman. He did not sense duplicity, only nervousness and fear at what consequences her brash interruption would bring.

With a look from Mon Mothma Ackbar grudgingly took the datapad from the woman in his web hand. In a few moments, he had the pad linked with the rooms displays, and a holo appeared above the table - video of a space engagement, a listing Imperial Star Destroyer, numbers and statistics. Ackbar flipped through them rather rapidly, before Brandt could get a full understanding.

Mon Mothma asked the first question.

"Who are you?"


Captain Dorn was a short, barrel chested commander with a mustache much larger than what might be considered fashionable. Or tasteful, Brandt thought wryly. But the man was full of fight, leading him through the flight decks, barracks and finally the bridge of his pride and joy, the Mon Calamari designed cruiser Brigade.

"She may not have the raw firepower of those Star Destroyers the Imps love so much, but she can take a beating and carry almost three full wings of our best starfighters into and back out of any fight."

The man's confidence radiated around him, and seemed to infect his crew. The small bridge was manned mostly by Calamarian officers, a few humanoid species and humans scattered amongst them. Brandt didn't need to use the Force to know that this crew trusted their commander, and more than that, fought for him.

"I commend you on your crew, and the orderliness of your ship, Captain. I'm afraid we haven't much time to waste, however. Were the shipyards able to complete your resupply?"
"Not hardly. We took a bit of a sting from an Imperial raiding force out at Sluis Van, if you haven't heard. But maybe you knew that. The Admirality enjoys keeping me in the dark about most everything, it seems, but maybe they make an exception with you, being an Jedi and all. Out there we were caught with our pants down, as ashamed as I am to say it."

Brandt had been fully informed, and knew that it wasn't the Captains fault. The diplomatic corps he had escorted had been poorly prepared for their task, and responsible for the bit of chaos that had seen them forced from the system, much to Mon Mothma's embarrassment and disappointment. It pleased Brandt that the Captain did not mention the diplomat, or even attempt to deflect responsibility. Every minute with him, Brandt found himself respecting the Captain more.

"I'm afraid we'll have to take on supplies later."

Brandt lead the Captain towards a corner of the bridge where their conversation could be private, and conveyed as much of the orders as necessary for the Captain to take them into hyperspace. When he had finished, the Captain was grinning.

Captain Dorn turned to his bridge officers.

"Lieutenant, prepare our course and tell the Crab and Helix to do the same. The fleet boys will have to wait to count their boxes until next time. Once we're well underway I'll have all the officers together for a briefing. The boys in the office have finally decided to let us do what we do best: kill imps."

There was a small hoorah from the crew.

Ten minutes later, the three battle ships flashed into hyperspace.

1. An MC80 detaches from PDF duty and enters hyperspace.
2. In the shipyards above Mon Calamari, a new MC80 begins construction.
3. MC80 and 2 Nebs enter hyperspace, MC80 recharging shields. (at 1:04pm EST Oct-15, same time as placeholder post that follows)
« Last Edit: October 17, 2012, 08:20:51 PM by GCW Hoppus »

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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« Reply #24 on: October 15, 2012, 01:04:39 PM »
< Again, Placeholder >

MC80 and escorts exit hyperspace.

Several craft enter hyperspace.

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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« Reply #25 on: October 17, 2012, 11:53:47 AM »
More catching up...

Starting Balance: 10 KC

AD#5 - 15 Oct 12:
+ 1000 KC (paycheck)
+ 200 KC (Omega @ Dac)
+ 550 KC (2 Embassy, 2 Factory, 1 NR Ops Base @ Dac)
+ 1900 KC (RA Payment received)
+ 3,650 KC total

(1900 KC) MC80 Star Cruiser, Due: 11-03-2012

New Balance: 1,760 KCs
« Last Edit: November 02, 2012, 10:46:22 AM by GCW Hoppus »

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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« Reply #26 on: November 02, 2012, 10:46:37 AM »
Money... it's a gas...

Starting Balance: 1,760 KCs KC

AD#6 - 1 Nov 12:
+ 1000 KC (paycheck)
+ 200 KC (Omega @ Dac)
+ 550 KC (2 Embassy, 2 Factory, 1 NR Ops Base @ Dac)
+ 1,750 KC total

MC80 Star Cruiser, Due: 11-03-2012

New Balance: 3,510 KCs

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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« Reply #27 on: November 12, 2012, 01:14:10 PM »
Starting Balance: 3,510 KCs KC

Eriade - Milestone 2 Complete on Nov 8th:
+ 684 KC Units destroyed
+ 684 KC total

MC80 Star Cruiser, Due: Complete

New Balance: 4,190 KCs

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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« Reply #28 on: November 15, 2012, 09:32:44 PM »
Starting Balance: 4,190 KCs KC

AD#7 - 15 Nov 12:
+ 1000 KC (paycheck)
+ 200 KC (Omega @ Dac)
+ 550 KC (2 Embassy, 2 Factory, 1 NR Ops Base @ Dac)
+ 1,750 KC total


New Balance: 5,940 KCs

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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« Reply #29 on: November 28, 2012, 07:49:25 AM »
Starting Balance: 5,940 KCs KC

28 Nov 2012:
+ 1000 KC (Eriadu-Milestone #3 Complete)
+ 1,000 KC total

(1,000 KC) NRSOB at Eriadu, due 5 Dec 2012.
(1,600 KC) 2 Dreadnaughts, due 6 Dec 2012.
(500 KC) NSBC, due 3 Dec 2012.
(FREE) 2 Corvettes, due 5 Dec 2012.
(2,000 KC) 4 Golans, due 5 Dec 2012.
(1,000 KC) 4 SFSP, due 5 Dec 2012.
(6,100 KC) total

New Balance: 840 KCs
« Last Edit: November 28, 2012, 10:04:56 AM by GCW Hoppus »