Author Topic: DAC (MON CALAMARI)  (Read 40151 times)

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« on: July 02, 2012, 10:15:42 PM »

Mon Calamari

   Mon Calamari, or as the local sentients would affectionately call her, Dac.  A gleaming blue orb against the blank black backdrop of space.  Aside from the infrequent Low Tides when a few small masses of low lying land may temporarily present themselves just long enough to begin to dry, the surface is entirely covered by vibrant blue seas that can stretch dozens of kilometers in depth and host an incredible assembly of bio-diversity.  The planet is home to two intelligent and developed species, the Quarren and Mon Calamari.  Massive Calamari floating cities dot the oceans surface, sometimes several smaller municipalities joining together to form one mega urban sprawl, while the more xenophobic Quarren construct their settlements on the sea floor.  Nearly opposite in nature, the Calamari are incredibly inquisitive, outgoing, technological and interested in the wider Galaxy and their neighbors very reclusive, skeptical and highly mistrusting of off-worlders.  Though at times in their storied past they have been at odds, in more recent memory they have lived side by side in peace and mutual prosperity.

  The Mon Calamari have looked to the stars in wonder and longing since they first crawled out of the oceans.  One of few species to independently conceive and develop Hyperspace Travel, they had already been trailblazing nearby space when Galactic Republic Explorers first stumbled upon their Star System around 4,200 years before the Battle of Yavin.  This lineage of space-faring has led to the Mon Cals becoming justifiably revered expert starship builders.  By the time of the Clone Wars, their shipyards rivaled those of Fondor in prestige.  Because of their prominence in the Galactic community the Mon Calamari can arguably be perceived as the dominant species of Dac, hence it's more common namesake, Mon Calamari.

  The Mon Calamari eventually became loyal supporters of the Republic and in time at first even welcomed Imperial dignitaries to their world.  The Imperials however saw the planet and it's people as little more than resource, and sought to swiftly suppress the Mon Calamari and to seize their assets, essentially enslaving the planet's species and making their world a manufacturing hub for the Imperial War Machine.  An innately passive species, only after three entire Mon Cal cities were obliterated and sunk to the ocean floor did support and resolve for active resistance cement.  Together, in a rare display of triumph over The Empire for the time, the Quarren and Mon Calamari drove the oppressors from their planet.

   Dac remained free for the remainder of the Galactic Civil War, one of few worlds to ever succeed in evicting Imperial occupation.  As a result of their persecution, the Mon Calamari became ardent supporters and a pillar of the Rebel Alliance, devoting their master shipbuilding skills and enduring spirit to the cause.  Since then, the star system has been a bastion and refuge for the Alliance, and now, a stronghold for the fledgling New Republic.

« Last Edit: July 02, 2012, 11:48:07 PM by Eidolon »
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Offline SWSF Hoppus

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« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2012, 11:10:41 AM »
New Republic: Constructions

The following units begin construction around the Republic on JULY 2nd 2012.

  • 02 Rep. Embassy
  • 02 Rep. Factory
  • 01 Rep. Shipyard
  • 01 Rep. Academy
  • 02 Beta Complexes

Edit: Corrected # of Factories. :P
« Last Edit: July 03, 2012, 11:38:10 AM by GCW Hoppus »

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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« Reply #2 on: July 03, 2012, 03:02:08 PM »
New Republic: Constructions

The following units begin construction around the Republic on JULY 2nd 2012.

  • Upgrade! OFFICER Hero Unit (COLONEL -> GENERAL) for Eidolon

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #3 on: July 04, 2012, 06:56:06 PM »

   Jubilation sweeps across the liberty loving peoples of the galaxy.  A tyrant has been vanquished.  The tides of the Galactic Civil War have turned.  Reeling from the strategic and symbolic defeat at the Battle of Endor and the intertwined demise of both the herald and standard bearer of the New Order, Emperor Palpatine and Lord Vader, the forces of the Empire are fractured and vulnerable.  Dissidents whisper in the shadows on Coruscant, Corellia and much of the rest of the Core have already openly stressed their Independent Sovereignties.  Entire Sectors declared independence and shrugged off Imperial rule the moment the news of Endor broke.

  Dac had been free for a few years since about the time of the Battle of Hoth.  The local sentients did what most others in the galaxy could not, reclaim their planet from Imperial oppression.  Since then they have made their homeworld the defacto home of the Rebellion and subsequently, the Alliance of Free Planets and New Republic.  While a world of oceans, it was the rock of the Alliance.  The threat of reprisal constantly loomed over the people of Dac.  While their powerful homegrown star fleet could stand up to most any Regional Imperial Fleet, a full fledged invasion force could prove overwhelming.  The delicate balance of time and logistics however, inevitably proved to be on the Mon Cal's side.

   The Calamari were superior strategists and analysts.  A tedious and methodical bunch with innate technological comprehension and craftsmanship.  It reflected in the grand structure of their magnificent floating cities as much as it did in their beloved starcruisers.  Supported by a complex intricate series of incredibly scaled repulsorlifts, not unlike the massive engines that keep Cloud City on Bespin aloft, millions and millions of metric tons and cubic meters of architecture lay gracefully suspended either on or above the waves.  Entire sentient built land masses and settlements up to several square kilometers each.  One of significant size may have hundreds of repulsor drives.  Several of these hulking masses grouped together to form cities, dozens to form larger urban concentrations, and hundreds to form the capitol, Coral City.

  It's structures ranged in height from a few to dozens and some even hundreds of levels.  They tended to be streamline and mostly seem less, rounded, cylindrical or conical.  Largely enclosed and clustered together as interconnected buildings of varying size, usually only with odd numbers of them in one group.  Large garden or park areas keep comfortable distances between all clusters of structures.  They feature wide ranges of local and imported flora, and usually even naturally fed pools, ponds or lakes with their own entire constructed ecosystems.  Roads are laid out almost exclusively as either straight-aways or round-abouts and are always divided one-ways.  Giant causeways connect it's numerous platforms.  In rough seas, the city stays suspended safe distance above up to two hundred meters as one unit, while some sections can actually detach and levitate much higher.  When the ocean is relatively tame, it descends to a perceived state of floating, though actually heavily supported by repulsors.  Of the two hundred and thirty nine separate platforms or Districts that make up Coral City, one hundred and fifty one are residential and commercial, forty-nine are industrialized, twenty three are administrative and sixteen are military.

   The city was normally an orderly almost seemingly orchestrated affair, but the Alliance victory at Endor has brought all the expected fanfare.  A city-wide festival atmosphere has sprung up instantaneously. While it was declared to run initially for three days in honor of each of the cities sunk by the Empire, it has gone for the last seven days solid.  Around the Administrative Districts, representatives from many worlds have flocked to Dac by droves in the last few days.  An endless stream of diplomatic mission shuttle traffic proceeds in and out of the city's starports, bringing dignitaries with a range of purpose from outward pledges of allegiance and support to legitimate disputes looking for intervention accompanied by tepid commitment or even the occasional blatant handout request.  For the Calamari, their crowning achievement Coral City was proudly on display to the galaxy.  For the New Republic, it was a chance to show it's strength while still taking it's first slow trembling breaths.

  Days ago, Mon Mothma and the Alliance Council issued a proclamation.  It stated that the Rebellion had come to an end.  The Usurper of the Grand Republic had been defeated and his regime left crumbling.  The Alliance to Restore the Republic was dissolved and replaced by the transitional body, the Alliance of Free Planets, with Mon Calamari as it's Capitol until the inevitable recapture of Coruscant from the remnants of the Empire.  The transitional nature and purpose of this confederacy being confronting the bureaucracy between the idea of and the realization of The New Republic.  The new Alliance set to work to swiftly craft a new Galactic Government.  The Rebel Alliance military wing however, took to the task of organizing and endorsing it's new form immediately. . .


   The Military Districts were bustling and congested, overpopulated and bursting at the seems.   A state of celebration reigned, much like the rest of the City, but still driven by task, the business of conducting a new phase of the War persisted.  Smaller nearby residential districts were temporarily requisitioned to serve as barracks to house and process the tens of thousands of volunteers that flooded the planet and city in the last several days.  Foodstuffs had to be shipped in from as far away as Chandrila to feed the "Over Night Army".

   Slews of supply ships and transports careened in and out of numerous loading docks on the outskirts of the massive city-supporting platforms from dawn til dusk and well in to the evening.   The seas were rough today.  Accordingly, Coral City sat comfortably suspended several dozen meters above the surface, but as night slowly swept in over the floating urban swell and fledgling galactic capitol and the shimmering orange sun reluctantly slid behind the horizon, the waters calmed and the City descended, riding along the gently rolling currents of Dac in to the night.
   While the Residential and Commercial districts tended to be mostly Mon Calamari, the Military and Administrative areas catered much more to the vast array of tastes and sense of the many prominent galactic races.  A quaint little booth in the most remote corner of one of the many packed, loud, neon-light, conspicuous cantinas offered refuge for a tired veteran officer, down to his last trigger days, having fulfilled a pledge held sacred and contemplating life after service.

  The locale was a reputed low key establishment for relaxed sitting, catering exclusively to Officers and featuring high end drinks, entertainment, gambling, and unofficially, women.  Each consecutive empty glass had found it's way, top side down, to the table a bit sloppier than the last with an increasingly forceful clank and ring, but the Sullustan sputtering of his compatriot somehow got a little bit easier to understand, or so it seemed.

"Muuka Du Norolo?" the familiar and faithful Sullustan, Captain Geet Urura, asked Calgan, while merrily handling a third or fourth mug of his own preferred intoxicating brew and full of visible self-satisfaction.  Their history went back to the Battle of Hoth, since then Urura has served beneath Verose and risen through the ranks in tandem.

"What now?" Calgan rhetorically began as he leant back, kicking a leg up across the bench style seat and folding his arms and hands back behind his head.

   It all flashed through his mind in the span of a few moments- the emptiness and pain of the total loss of a life left behind on Alderaan, the  years of war that followed in search of something more personal, the comraderie, the brotherhood, the satisfaction of blood, the loss of more family, the Battles of Kalaan, Fresia, Yavin 4, Restuss, Turkana, Hoth, and ultimately the Vengeance of Endor, still fresh in the nostrils from just several days ago.  Yet now, still, amidst the atmosphere of victory and celebration, the emptiness remains.  The satisfaction is already fleeting.

"Nothing.  It's over for me Captain." he said plainly.

  The Sullustan deflected the seriousness of his tone with a jest and attempt at pronouncing Basic, "Mooba Mooba, ekolo shun. .'BEEFOORREE'"

  An ewok sized crab like Server Droid skittered up to the booth interrupting them, one of it's claw like appendages placing an overflowing frothy warm mixture in front of Calgan.  He shifted posture to reach forward and draw the drink closer for a sip.  The crab droid released a barrage of annoyed sounding clicks and ticks before he'd remembered to pull a small Electronic Fob from his lapel and allow the droid to scan it, charging his account.

  The Sullustan pursued the friendly taunt, physically struggling to sound out Basic syllables before bursting in to an almost snorting kind of laughter, "'HUUURD BEEFOORREE!, NYUK NYUK NYUK NYUK NYUK!"

  Calgan smirked and conceded the point while sharing in the laughter, as a third party approached the two friends, inviting himself for a seat. . .  To Be Continued!!!
« Last Edit: July 05, 2012, 09:50:40 PM by Eidolon »
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Offline SWSF Hoppus

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« Reply #4 on: July 05, 2012, 09:19:48 PM »
New Service, pt 1
Coral City, Dac. Days after Endor

"Tower, Arnock One. What do you mean there's no room? I've got Councilor Lorne Aquilani onboard. Councilor. You know, the kind that sits on the Provisional Council. You need to make room."

The Lambda class Shuttle circled the expanse of ferrocrete below, a careful dance through a swarm of air traffic and skiff traffic that seemed unreasonably energetic. Lorne Aquilani stared out the side viewport at the massive, floating city below. He had never been to Coral City before but something told him this wasn't going to be a pleasant first encounter.

"Arnock One, Tower. Have you tried Coral-Nine to the south? They might be able to take you."

Lorne unstrapped from his seat and walked carefully to the front of the shuttles cockpit, holding on to the gray bulkheads of the Arnock One for balance. The pilot, Garef Tenseno, was doing his best to control his rage, but the purple coloring of his face suggested that his best wasn't going to be good enough.

Lorne leaned forward and triggered the comm.

"Tower, Arnock One. All we need is a little corner. We're on official Council business and if you can't land us soon, we're going to be late."

"Look, Arnock One--"

"If you'd like I can give you Admiral Ackbar's private frequency and you can explain to him yourself why you weren't able to find us space down there. Come on, we both know you can squeeze us in."

Tower went quiet. He was thinking it over apparently.

"It's not regulation..."

"If your boss takes issue with it you can direct him to the Admiral."

"All right Arnock One. Come around bearing ten-nine-zero and drop to two thousand meters."

Tenseno took the shuttle off autopilot and let out a joyful whoop.

"Thanks, Commander."

The shuttle dipped suddenly and banked to port, nearly throwing Lorne to the floor in the process.

"Just get us down in one piece, would you Tenseno?"

As it turned out, Lorne's hunch was off by several orders of magnitude. The city was not only absolute chaos, the weather was intolerable. Hot, painful sun pounded down on the surface of the city, its heat trapped in the humid air. Lorne was sweating through his Councilor's robe and tunic by the time he and Tenseno reached the barracks headquarters to report to the Admiral.

"Thank god they've got the air on."

Tenseno escorted Lorne through the smoothed corridors of the base towards the conference room the guards had directed them to.

Inside, Admiral Ackbar was alone, seated at a large table with several datapads and cards around him. The walls were painted a soothing blue and the room, though cool, was even more humid than the air outdoors. Ackbar's domed, salmon colored head lifted from his work, and the incongruously large eyes swiveled in their sockets, a Mon Calamari gesture that Lorne had not yet come to understand.

"Wait outside, Tenseno," Lorne said out of the corner of his mouth, then saluted the Admiral smartly.

"No need for that, Councilor," Ackbar's gruff voice boomed. "You've handed in your Captain's commission. Civilians don't salute."

"Of course, sir."

One of Ackbar's large swivel eyes stared at him blankly.

"Now, 'sir' is just good manners... Sir."

After an awkward moment, Ackbar laughed and Lorne's spine unkinked. His handing in his commission had been a sore point. Ackbar himself served on the Provisional Council while also running the Republic's war machine - a task that seemed to be exhausting him at the moment. Lorne looked over the mess of data pads and cards on the table.

"Requisitions. Repairs. Enlisted men needing assignment. Shortages of just about every supply a modern war machine needs to operate." Ackbar huffed. "Administration."

"Don't you have assistants to help you with that, sir?"

"Of course I do. Only their buried up to their gills in it as well. We've taken over the entire floor's conference rooms to try to get some sort of handle on it."

"I see, sir."

"But that's no concern to you. Not yet, anyway. Did you just get in?"

"Yes. We had a little trouble finding a place to put down and had to go to Coral-Eight before they finally let us down."

Lorne decided not to mention he had use the Admiral's name to get permission. On another afternoon he might have laughed, but today he was obviously exhausted.

"It's a zoo out there. No order of any kind."

"The people are jubilant, sir. You know, with the Emperor being dead."

"That's only the beginning of new problems, I'm afraid, Capt--Councilor. We've already received reports that several Admirals have declared themselves Warlords in the Rim. At Coruscant there's a remassing of the remnants of the Imperial fleet. Ha!" Ackbar laughed sarcastically in a human fashion. "Remnants that include several thousand Star Destroyers and at least one Super Star Destroyer. I'm afraid this war is only beginning."

Lorne nodded seriously. The Emperor was dead, but the daunting task of rooting out the Empire from the galaxy and reestablishing the Republic was only beginning. Something told him that destroying two Death Stars had been the easy part.

"Which brings me to our business today."

Ackbar's webbed hand picked up one of the data pads.

"Mon Mothma has already told you your mission, yes?"

"Yes, getting planetary governors in the sector to sign on with the Repubilc, amongst other things."

"I've managed to consign you a small task force under the command of Captain Xed Bulon--I believe you two know each other?"

"Yes, sir."

Lorne and Xed were both from Commenor and had served together as Ensigns on the same blockade runner early in the rebellion. They had been fast friends ever since.

"Good. I've also reassigned Colonel Verose to one of of our remaining Battle Cruisers. Part of his duties will be to assist you when there is a need and he is able. And assuming I can lay my hands on him at some point."

Ackbar made a strange gesture with his eyes and mouth--more Mon Calamari body language that Lorne couldn't read, but he could guess at it. Verose had been rumored to be something of a wreck since the Death Star supernova'd over Endor. Lorne had spent some amount of time with Verose and his people in the past, but had lost touch in the last year. Frankly Lorne wasn't too excited about the partnership, either--or the assignment of a massive battle cruiser to an unstable warrior of Verose's temperament, for that matter. But he supposed Fleet Command new what they were doing. At least Admiral Ackbar did.

"Your task force should be in orbit. Unfortunately I don't have time today to go over any of the mission profiles you sent me. We'll have to do that via network."

"That's not a problem, Admiral."

"Good luck, Councilor. You'll need it."

Tenseno was waiting in the hall.

"One of the Admiral's aides passed me the information about the Task Force. Should I go prep the shuttle?"

"Not yet. I'd like to check on something before we go."

"Yes, sir."

Lorne considered the expectant look on Tenseno's face, and couldn't keep himself from grinning.

"Go ahead and take fo the night, Lieutenant. But be back at the hotel before dawn. We're leaving early."

"Yes, sir! Thank you sir!"

Tenseno was gone in a flash, leaving Lorne with his thoughts and worry. If he knew Verose at all, he knew where to start looking for him.

« Last Edit: July 07, 2012, 10:28:33 AM by GCW Hoppus »

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #5 on: July 06, 2012, 07:29:47 PM »

. . ."I hope I'm not interrupting?" the legendary General Jan Dodonna inquired to the duo as he slid in to the booth next to Calgan.   While at first confused to see him, Verose was too distracted by the pleasant surprise.  The last time he'd seen him had been shortly after escaping the slaughter on Kalaan, about a year before the Battle of Yavin.  Before serving under Dodonna in the Alliance, they knew of each other indirectly through family ties.  Regarded by friend and foe as a strategic genius, Verose had the benefit of serving close beneath him for several years, that is before his eventual capture by the Empire.

"Sir, N. ." the lesser and humbled Colonel began before Dodonna interjected,

"Please, Jan" he said.

   Calgan again tried formality,

"General," but was yet again cut off by Dodonna.

"Captain Urura, a thousand apologies but could you please spare a few moments for old friends?" the General kindly asked the Sullustan in a warm friendly tone.

   Urura was already inclined and in motion to oblige half way through the General's request.

   Approaching the realm of inebriation and encouraged by the liquid courage and stimulus of his dear friend's dismissal from their table, Calgan now found himself reckless, emboldened and also willing to oblige Dodonna's requests. .

"Jan, if you don't mind.  This was a private party," the lesser Colonel plainly addressed his superior in an extreme uncharacteristic lapse of composure.

   While most formalities were considered unnecessary in an Officer's Lounge in the New Republic armed forces, Colonel Verose's career was defined by consummate professionalism.  Dodonna knew he'd managed to rouse the rogue spirit in him.  He replied with a pleased chuckle and began. .

"Goood, we're speaking plainly now!" he said, leaning in to adopt a softer more concealed tone, "because this is private to," he continued while pulling a small coin sized object wrapped in an incredibly soft cloth from within his robes and gently placed it on the table, sliding it across to Calgan.

   As the Colonel began to slowly unwrap and investigate, Jan Dodonna continued while leaning back and crossing his leg. .

"I thought it would interest you. . ." he stated, pulling a small pipe and small metallic case from within another nook of his robes.  He casually pinched a small portion of the aromatic stringy substance from container and gently packed it in to the pipe, proceeding to light it and take a small taste before explaining further.

  Calgan produced a small holo-disk from within the cloth wrapping.  He keyed the only button on it and a small several inch detailed holographic image popped up.  Calgan's expression shifted to confusion.  It was of his young daughter,  Emilee, though some years older than he'd remembered her and his young wife Elise, slightly more aged, both of whom he'd left behind on Alderaan long ago, and another unfamiliar man standing between them.  The three clung to each other and their faces all beamed with joy.

"I reviewed your Commission Rejection Inquiry yesterday.  I read your statements." Jan Dodonna began,

"What is this? Why are you showing me this?" Calgan angrily demanded of the General while clenching his fists and starring at the miniature life like images.

"I wanted to remind you of something. . ."

"And that is?" Calgan asked in the same belligerent tone.

   Dodonna took another hefty pull from his pipe and replied,

"You walked away from your life on Alderaan.  Did you expect that everyone in it would put their lives on pause until you came back?  Did you expect your young family to wait, alone and vulnerable?  Did you expect Elise to tell Emilee that her father left willingly, to fight wars not his own?  Did you expect the monthly deposits would buy time?  Rent a space in her heart? Alderaan forgot about you Calgan.  Your life there was gone long before Alderaan was destroyed."

"Why now?" Calgan said, his demeanor shifting from outward anger to inward reflection and shame.  The shoulders of a man can bear no greater weight than that of self confrontation.  In that moment, the last thirty some years of his life seemed a sham.  Meaningless.  The very principles by which he conducted himself seemed a gross hypocrisy in the shadows of his own sins.  His eyes began to well up as he fought back the stinging emotion.

   Dodonna proceeded to unfold his point while intermittently tending to his pipe as if a narrator oblivious to his audience,

"My Niece, Elise.  She was always spontaneous and rash.  Perhaps that's why she was drawn to you.  I warned her of her involvement with you.  Of course, she didn't listen to me.  She ran away, with you.  Together, you were happy for awhile.  And then, you left for adventure.  You had your reasons, it's none of my business, but the point is, you fought for reasons of your own long before Alderaan changed you, and believe me, it changed all of us.  But so great was your desire to fight that it pulled you away from a life of commitment and love.  You walked away from that family, they're gone now and nothing can change that, but that same burning desire that led you away from them, brought you to a new family, a new life, separate from the one that ceased to exist when you turned your back on it.  Will you now turn your back on your new family to?"

   Calgan choked back the overwhelming tide of realization long enough to respond,

"The War's over General!" he exclaimed, occupants of other booths now taking notice of the trio and whispering fervently amongst themselves.

   Jan tapped the ashy remnants out of his pipe in to a nearby ash tray as he stood to take his leave and offered a few parting words,

"Come now Colonel.  You can say that, but we both know you don't believe it.  It's been going on for thousands of years by many different names, between many different groups, for many different superficial reasons.  But beneath the surface, it's always been the same fight. The war will never be over, and someone has to fight it.  You knew that years ago when you left Alderaan.  You know that now."

   Dodonna turned and left as abruptly as he'd appeared.  In his wake, Calgan sat alone in the booth.  Sunken, deflated and spaced out as the tiny holodisk continued to project it's miniature image.   His emotions were racing in all directions before being consumed by and boiling over with rage.

   He abruptly and aggressively jumped to his feet, sending the booth's table and everything on top of it turning over, grabbing one of empty glasses as it fell and giving it a hefty heave across the cantina.  It smashed against an innocent crab droid skittering about it's business, producing a massive unexpected explosion sending metallic shrapnel and glass shards flying every which way. .

   . .Calgan snapped awake, drenched in sweat and disoriented.  His quarters were darkened with a desk top chrono providing a soft blue glow gently illuminating a corner of the room.  By it's guidance he nervously scrambled for and rooted through a pair of trousers lying in a crumpled up pile on the floor with the rest of the previous day cycles attire.

   Pulling a tiny holodisk from one of the pockets, he held it close to his face and keyed it open.  The small blue holographic swirl that would form a detailed miniature three dimensional model in just a mere instant seemed to take a life time.

   A small several inch image of a young woman embracing a young girl appeared.  The life-likeness of the hologram managed to capture the hurt beneath their smiles as the two held each other.
   Calgan let out a sigh of relief while still separating and digesting reality from dream.  The irony of his relief set in immediately.

  'What difference does it make?  At least they'd have been happy. . .'  the thought echoed through his mind as he lay back and attempted to fall back asleep, the aching and nausea from the nights exploits becoming slowly apparent. . .TO BE CONTINUED
« Last Edit: July 07, 2012, 01:05:13 AM by Eidolon »
SWSF 'til Death

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #6 on: July 07, 2012, 02:51:50 PM »

   He awoke a few hours later, this time to the persistent chirping of the desk chrono, and in slightly improved condition.  Rolling over and sitting up naked on the edge of the bed while tangled in sheets, with the crack of a few weary bones and a groan he rose to shuffle towards the desk and silence the tiny beast, dragging the bedding with him and shedding it along the way.  Unable to locate a conventional means of quieting the alarm, he settled for placing it in a  drawer of the desk it had sat upon. Feeling his way in the now pitch black along a nearby wall to a control panel, he toggled a dimmer switch.  Fumbling at first to an uncomfortably high white brightness before settling on a lower gentle orange glow, casting comfortable illumination through his temporary abode.
   Proceeding in a hobbled strut to the washroom to freshen up, Calgan, began to consider the previous several days developments and their relationship to his dream. . .


   It had been ten days after the Battle of Endor, where as a highly experienced hardened veteran officer, Colonel Verose was selected to be part of the commando strike team ultimately led by General Solo and charged with disabling the Shield Projector on the forest moon.  Considered to be a High Risk mission with prospects of not returning, Calgan eagerly petitioned for inclusion.  In the immediate success of Endor, much of the Rebel Alliance forces regrouped at Mon Calamari.  Celebration reigned for days as Calgan rode the tide, neglecting to verbalize his intention to walk away from the Alliance to those around him, even his closest confidants.

   His Officer's Commission as a Colonel in the Alliance to Restore the Republic was automatically terminated with that body's dissolution to pave way for the formation of the New Republic.  He declined to authorize the necessary documentation to opt-in for the "mandatory" military roll-overs, forcing a Commission Rejection Inquiry to examine the matter.  The formal hearing of which had been held the previous day's morning.  While certainly not the only case of such a move through the ranks of the Alliance, it was the only case of such a high ranking officer to do so.  As such, the powers that be were especially interested in supressing the matter.
  While the Inquiry panel had no authority to punish beyond terminating pensions or other benefits that military retirees would enjoy under normal circumstance, it's purpose was to make official the matter through investigation and documentation while discouraging the behavior through calculated degradation and derision.  An official and publicized display of being "Dragged Through Mud".  Uncharacteristic of how most other cases were handled however, Calgan's was fast tracked and not publicized or made for display.    He'd stepped in to the panel chamber, escorted by a single unarmed guard, as the previous subject of the mock hearings was exiting.    The Ithorian recognized him and was taken aback before enthusiastically grabbing his hands and exclaiming thanks in it's native tongue.  The alien's own unarmed escort hurried him along as he continued praising Verose and the door slid shut between them.

   After the proceedings, Calgan emerged from the panel chamber resolute in his chosen path and set to the business of wrapping up his last days in the midst of the Alliance, on Dac and as a part of war.  Towards the end of the evening, he'd met up with his closest friend over the past few years at one of the many Officer's clubs in the Military Districts, a Sullustan Captain named Geet Urura who had served under Calgan since the Battle of Hoth and accompanied him through his ensuing rise in the ranks.  Calgan himself had yet to personally inform anyone of his decision and the finality of it.  When he told Geet, the Sullustan reacted with disgusted anger and stormed off.   Something Calgan had not anticipated, nor ever seen from his close ally.  After that, he proceeded to attach himself to a stool at the bar, stare at a series of local and galactic HoloNet displays without really observing the stories they told, and eventually blacked out.


    The casual civilian clothing had a funny feeling.  It'd been some time since Calgan had donned any.  They were much softer and accommodating, though for some reason he wasn't very comfortable in them.  Placing the last of his personal effects in a pair of sizable duffel bags and slinging them over his shoulder, Calgan glanced around the Quarter's he'd called home for but  a few days.  With a feeling of incompleteness but not seeming to be missing anything , he  dimmed the lighting to blackness and stepped out in to the hall way, the door sliding shut behind him with the typical hiss.

   Proceeding out of the building with his life packed in two bags, he stepped out to a bright cool morning in Coral City, the streets bustling with activity.  Small mobile cart-shops catered to the wants and vices of the throngs of service members of hundreds of species, making their way to and fro throughout the City.  Some sold food, some drink, some trinkets or apparel.  If you walked far and looked long enough you could probably find a vendor selling stormtrooper helmets or chunks of scrap metal claiming it to be a piece of the second Death Star.

   Calgan casually strolled along a walkway leading towards the nearest starport, a kilometer or so  away.  Taking the time to soak in his surroundings, things somehow seeming much different than usual.  He stopped while passing a small park area where in a pond a number of juvenile Mon Calamari rowdily played, splashing one another, pulling each other down and laughing.  Calgan watched them for a few moments as he reached in one of his pockets and stroked a small holodisk within, then continued on his course in a bit more of a meandering fashion as the sounds of the city all seemed to blend together in one intricate background track.

    Deep in thought as he approached the Starport's main entrance along the intersection of two major parkways, he was slightly startled as a sleek obisidian black speeder pulled up closely alongside of him quickly in an abrupt stop.  He paused his pace and took a few steps back as a suicide style door lifted open and a familiar face stepped out.

"Captain Lorne Aquilani," Calgan began.  "It's been some time, is there something I can do for you?" he asked as the other approached and greeted him with a feigned smile, chuckle and embrace.

"Well it's Councilor now actually, but yes as a matter of fact, could you come on a short ride with me?"  Aquilani responded while motioning for the retired Colonel to climb in to the back section of the speeder idling next to them.

"My flight leaves in an hour actually," Verose answered while motioning to the Starport entrance behind them.

"Oh that will be no problem at all.  This won't take long, and if by some chance it does, I'll have them hold your flight," the Councilor was quick to respond and repeat his hand motion with a smile.

   An aid, apparently, stepped from out of the front cab of the speeder and relieved Calgan of his bags, placing them in a side compartment and sealing it before climbing back in the driver's seat, as Calgan reluctantly ducked in to the back section followed by Aquilani. . . TO BE CONTINUED
« Last Edit: July 08, 2012, 12:43:44 AM by Eidolon »
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Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #7 on: July 07, 2012, 11:13:35 PM »

. . .the sleek obsidian black speeder pulled away from the promenade and out in to traffic, zipping off.

   Calgan shifted in his seat.  Bucket style, Corellian Leather.  An odor of newness about the whole interior.  It was loaded with media and communication equipment as well as being furnished with all the conceivable luxury amenities.  A HoloNet News cast beamed quietly on an overhead projector as Councilor Aquilani touched a small switch on his arm rest while speaking in to it,

"Driver, just circle main boulevard please," he asked of the chauffeur before turning his attention to Verose.

"I must confess, I wasn't expecting to find you here.  I spent most of the evening prowling the Strip looking for you before bumping in to a certain Sullustan with a tale to tell," he said.

Calgan smirked and retorted with a huff, "Hmmpffff, Well, Councilor, if it's any consolation.  I've been surprising myself a lot lately to,"

   The Councilor nodded in agreement, finding the statement ironic and answering with a laugh, "Yes, yes heh heh, actually that's why I've asked for a few minutes of your time.  You've surprised a lot of people," he said.

"To be frank, personally, I was coming to ask you to do what you've already done.  Professionally, I'm here to extend a final opportunity to un do. . ." he paused for a moment to carefully select a word and while gesturing to Calgan's civilian attire in an appraising manner and out the window towards the space port as they passed, finished, ". .This."

"Well, Councilor.  While I certainly appreciate yours, or the Fish's, or whomever's concern it is you're the mouth piece for but, Not, Interested," Calgan answered with a bit of contempt and force.

   The Councilor produced a small metallic holo vid device from within his tunic and opened it, "Yes, well, it's not my concern at all really, and I'm not here on behalf of Ackbar, but it's Madame Mothma who's taken particular interest," he said handing it over to Calgan.

   Calgan was caught off guard by the revelation.  With interest peeked, as Verose grasped the device it lit up, briefly casting a New Republic adaptation of the Alliance Starbird before a moment of static between switching over to a tiny live feed of Mothma. .

   "Calgan, I wanted thank you for your service to the Alliance, I can assure you I will speak with the Inquiry and see to it that you're accorded all the proper recognition of an Honorably Retired Colonel" she said, her tone gentle and warm as always, her gaze captivating, her words cleverly chosen and deliberate in purpose, her pronunciation eloquent and flowing.    "I hope I'm not being presumptuous or an inconvenience in taking up a few moments of your time?" she asked, sealing her appeal with a glowing smile.

   Calgan was humbled, "Ma'am, thank you but that's not necessary, and no presumption or inconvenience at all," he replied.

   "Good, I was afraid I'd be over stepping my bounds but perhaps I shouldn't speak too quickly.  I appreciate your audience and your time Calgan, so I'll be forward as we both have pressing business.  I have the utmost respect for your decision to take your leave, and I completely understand.  But I wouldn't be doing my job in securing the future of this Republic if I didn't make it my business to try and stop you.  The fight against the Empire is far from over," she said, settling in to her groove and appealing to the departing veteran soldier from a variety of angles.  The second thoughts and hesitation he'd managed to keep buried in his gut began slowly trickling out as she added to the already near buckling weight with her calculated pleas.

   "Already the fractured forces of Palpatine's sinister regime move to carry out their oppressive wills.  There are many hurdles between Endor and Coruscant and we must confront them one at a time.  We've come too far now to settle for simply deposing a monster and allow another to rise in his place, we must continue the struggle, taking the fight directly to the Empire and sweep away the vestiges of tyranny that still threaten the freedom loving souls of the Galaxy.  I cannot continue that fight with words and diplomacy alone Calgan.  I need leaders, strong intelligent seasoned officers to lead the willing ahead,"

   Calgan took advantage of a brief pause in her monologue to attempt and respond, "Ma'am I. ."  before she stopped him and delivered a summary in the form of a blunt request,

   "Whatever your personal demons, please, stay the course and together we will confront the darkness of the galaxy, both inside and around us.  You are an invaluable asset, I respect you and all you've done for us, whatever you decide.  Thank you for your time Colonel, I apologize but I must resume the duties of building a democracy to serve the people, but please, consider this personal plea, and May the Force be with you " she concluded, full of sincerity and expectation.

   The projection dimmed and cut out.  Calgan folded the small device closed and handed it back to Councilor Aquilani who had sat quietly listening and watching, who then offered an inquiring gesture.  Calgan sat back in his seat and let out a resigned sigh.

   The speeder passed the Spaceport one last time, before taking a turn off of the boulevard and making it's way towards the New Republic Military Command HQ complex, a towering cluster of buildings in the distance. . .TO BE CONTINUED
« Last Edit: July 07, 2012, 11:20:32 PM by Eidolon »
SWSF 'til Death

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #8 on: July 08, 2012, 02:10:49 AM »

   Following a lull in activity to regroup and restructure, the New Republic military resumed it's campaign, emboldened and high in spirit.  Amidst the scores of warships and various other forms of traffic expected around a blossoming Galactic Capitol, a small group of them peeled away from the rest and disappeared with a glint and flash in to hyperspace. . .

= Action Summary=
Expeditionary Fleet Entered HS for *********

=New Republic Expeditionary Star Fleet=
Mon Cal 90 Battlecruiser 'Praenuntium'
Shields/Armor/Hull/Systems - 2800/1400/1400/700
Location -
Hyperspace bound for ********
  Rep. Z95 Sq. Red - Hangar
  Rep. Z95 Sq. Green - Hangar
  Rep. Z95 Sq. Blue - Hangar
  Rep. Z95 Sq. Yellow - Hangar
  Rep. Z95 Sq. Gold - Hangar
  Rep. Z95 Sq. Black - Hangar
  Rep. Z95 Sq. White - Hangar
  Rep. Z95 Sq. Silver - Hangar
  Lambda Sq. (6) Alpha - Hangar
  Lambda Sq. (6) Beta - Hangar
  Lambda Sq. (6) Delta- Hangar
  Lambda Sq. (6) Gamma - Hangar
  Recon Y-W Sq. (12) Echo - Hangar

Nebulon B Frigate 'Tempest'
Shields/Armor/Hull/Systems - 300/300/150/150
Location -
Hyperspace bound for ********
  Rep. Z95 Sq. Orange - Hangar
  Rep. Z95 Sq. Brown - Hangar
  Lambda Sq. (2) Sigma - Hangar
YT-1300 Bandit - Hangar

 +1 NSBC per Hale's ruling!
SWSF 'til Death

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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« Reply #9 on: July 09, 2012, 07:03:17 PM »
New Republic: Constructions

The following units begin construction around the Republic on JULY 9th 2012.

  • 3 Z95 Squadrons
  • 5 X-Wing Squadrons

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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« Reply #10 on: July 10, 2012, 06:32:18 PM »
*temporary, when I have time I'll expand this!*

Compliments of ships altered.
MC80 and 2 Nebs enter HS for *
1 Neb enters HS for *

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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« Reply #11 on: July 15, 2012, 07:32:23 PM »
New Republic

Previous Balance: 1,000 KCs

Income: +2000 KCs

Republic Sector Ops (MonCal) .... +150 KCs
Republic Factory (MonCal) .... +100 KCs
Republic Factory (MonCal) .... +100 KCs
Republic Embassy (MonCal) .... +100 KCs
Republic Embassy (MonCal) .... +100 KCs

New Balance: 3,550 KCs

-1000 KCs [001] NR Sector Ops (Due: 7/21)

Final Balance: 2,550 KCs
« Last Edit: July 15, 2012, 07:36:23 PM by GCW Hoppus »

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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« Reply #12 on: July 17, 2012, 02:00:15 PM »
New Republic

Previous Balance: 2,550 KCs


+1000KC (refunded Ops Base at Yavin)
+100 KC (new Embassy from Beta transition)


-1,000 KCs to Eidolon (paycheck refund)
-800 KCs to Eidolon (refund starting money)

New Balance: 1,850 KCs


- 2 BETA facilities magically become 1 Embassy (poof!)

Final Balance: 1,850 KCs

Jay is splitting off so:
- Ops base expense is cancelled, and that money is refunded to him (a wash on my books).
- 800 KCs from his starting money is refunded (1000 spent on upgrade of hero, 200 spent on X/Ws).
- 2 BETA complexes became 1 EMBASSY as a result in change of rules about access to Indy facility tech. (does this mean we cant build space PDF either now?)
« Last Edit: July 17, 2012, 02:04:22 PM by GCW Hoppus »

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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« Reply #13 on: July 17, 2012, 02:11:59 PM »
New Republic

Previous Balance: 1,850 KCs



-720 KCs [006] E-Wing Squadrons (Due: 7/18)
-200 KCs [002] A-Wing Squadrons (Due: 7/18)
-800 KCs [010] YT1300 Freighters (Due: 7/18)

New Balance: 130 KCs

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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« Reply #14 on: July 19, 2012, 06:12:16 PM »
** A-wings, ** E-Wings and ** YT1300s enter hyperspace...