Author Topic: ENDOR  (Read 69969 times)

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #60 on: March 02, 2013, 01:37:41 AM »

As the Rebel Defenses began making their final stand in space, the last beacon of hope emerged from hyperspace... the infamous Rebel Alliance Fleet!! Meanwhile on the surface, General Garm Bel Iblis began entrenching his units in preparation for his final battle.

1. GOLAN Endor Shield II attacks GAS Group for 1000 x UCR 1/4 = 250 DMG (4 Destroyed, 1 Damaged)
2. GOLAN Endor Shield III attacks ISD-II Formidable for 1000 x UCR 1/3 = 334 DMG (Damaged)
3. (4) Z-95s [A-2] attack SF Group 2 for 288 x UCR 5/7 = 206 DMG (Damaged)
4. (4) Z-95s [A-3] attack CRK Vornskr for 288 x UCR 5/6 = 240 DMG (Damaged)
5. SFSP Rogue Sword II attacks Sith IPV 1 for 32 x UCR 1/6 = 6 DMG (Damaged)
6. (18) Rebel LSHUs [A-2] attack 18 Sith LSHUs for 324 x UCR 5/5 = 324 DMG (8 Destroyed, 1 Damaged)
7. MC90 Freedom attacks ISD-I Serpentor 1050 x UCR 3/3 = 1050 DMG (pre-Disabled damage must be resolved)
8. (1) Z-95 [A-3] attacks X TIE Adv for 72 x UCR 5/7 = 52 DMG (Damaged)
9. (3) Z-95s [A-2] attack X TIE Adv for 216 x UCR 5/7 = 156 DMG (Damaged)
10. (12) Rebel LSHU attack X LSHUs for 216 x UCR 5/5 = 216 DMG (5 Destroyed, 1 Damaged)
11. (1) X-Wing attacks Sith Elite TIE Int [B-3] for 120 x UCR 6/10 = 72 DMG
12. (1) X-Wing attacks Sith TIE Adv [B-3] for 120 x UCR 6/7 = 103 DMG
13. (2) X-Wing attacks (2) Sith TIE Avg [B-3] for 120 x UCR 6/8 = 90 DMG
14. (4) X-Wings attack ISD-II Formidable for 480 x UCR 6/3 = 480 DMG
15. MC80 Liberty attacks ISD-II Formidable for 676 x UCR 3/3 = 676 DMG
16. RHD Destiny Ascenion attacks ISD-I Punisher for 512 x UCR 4/3 = 512 DMG
17. (3) X-Wings attack ISD-I Punisher for 360 x UCR 6/3 = 360 DMG

ISD-II Formidable = 1490 DMG
ISD-I Serpentor = 1050 DMG
ISD-I Punisher = 872 DMG

RHD Destiny Ascension   | B-2 | DUR 2310/2310 | HULL 770/770
   >> (3/3) X-Wing Squadrons [B-1] DUR 468/468
   >> (20/20) LAAT Gunships [B-2/CSP] DUR 90/90
MC80 Liberty   | B-2 | DUR 3900/3900 | HULL 1300/1300
   >> (8/8) X-Wing Squadrons [B-3] DUR 468/468
   >> (24/24) LSHUs [B-3] DUR 40/40

RSOB Rebel HQ   | G-1
   >> (5/5) Z-95 Headhunter Squadrons [ATMO-1/CAP]
ACOC Endor Base   | G-1
RFAC Factory 1   | G-2
BMIC Rebel Complex Blue   | G-3
BMIC Rebel Complex Gold   | G-3
OMEGA Aegis   | A-1 | HULL 1138/2000 DISABLED
   >> (0/6) Z-95 Headhunter Squadrons [B-1] DESTROYED
   >> (00/24) LSHUs DESTROYED
GOLAN Endor Shield I  | A-1 | DUR 2000/2000
   >> (1/1) Z-95 Headhunter Squadron [B-1]
   >> (00/12) LSHUs DESTROYED
GOLAN Endor Shield II   | A-2 | HULL 996/1000 DISABLED
   >> (1/1) Z-95 Headhunter Squadron [CSP/A-2]
   >> (4/12) LSHUs [A-2/1 damaged]
GOLAN Endor Shield III   | A-3 | DESTROYED
   >> (1/1) Z-95 Headhunter Squadron DESTROYED
   >> (2/12) LSHUs [CSP/A-3]
MC-90 Freedom   | A-1 | DUR -604/3200 DISABLED
   >> (0/8) Elite Z-95 Headhunter Squadrons [B-1] DESTROYED
   >> (00/24) LSHUs DESTROYED
SIGMA Rogue Sword   | A-2 | DUR 800/800
   >> (0/3) Z-95 Headhunter Squadrons [CSP/A-2] DESTROYED
   >> (4/4) LSHUs [CSP/A-2]
SIGMA Rogue Sword II   | A-3 | DUR 120/800
   >> (0/3) Z-95 Headhunter Squadrons [CSP/A-3] DESTROYED
   >> (4/4) LSHUs [CSP/A-1]
SIGMA Rogue Sword III   | A-4 | DUR 800/800
   >> (3/3) Z-95 Headhunter Squadrons [CSP/A-4]
   >> (4/4) LSHUs [CSP/A-4]
« Last Edit: March 02, 2013, 01:40:15 AM by GCW Hale »

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #61 on: March 02, 2013, 01:45:37 AM »
1st Imperial Expeditionary Force
Primus Et Optimus | The First and the Finest
Commanding Officer: SUPREME EXECUTOR Lucidius Hale

   As soon as the space battle had reached a decisive turning point in favor of the joint Imperial forces, the Rebel Fleet arrived - the last remaining spec of what was once Ramano's forces. Despite under new leadership, the Rebel Fleet no less exhibited the same tactics has it had before - using the MC80 as the sword and the RHD as the shield. By now these simple tactics amounted to piss and shit, for Hale had been carefully studing every weakness of the RHD so that he could have vengeance for the destruction of the ISD-II Avenger. At last that day was now.

   "Commodore, align all targeting systems to attack these point on the Destiny Ascension," pointed out Hale, who had brought up a holo display of the vessel. After running dozens of post-battle holo analyses, Hale had determined several weak points in the ship's overall composite design, and now he would be exploiting those. The big guns of the Star Destroyers and the smaller ones of the support units immediately began engulfing the RHD Destiny Ascension, and within a few minutes the vessel was already buckling. After the main attack finished, Hale gave the order to move the fleet to lower orbit, where it would be well poised to finish the battle and provide orbital bombardment support if needed. Starfighters also poured into the atmosphere to secure the way for the Landing Barges which would surely follow.

   "Commodore, it's time to begin the ground assault. Transfer auxiliary power to shields and begin carrying out Phase two of our attack. Jana, you're with me..."

   Jana nodded and began walking with Hale towards the turbolift, which then shut. With the arrival of another Sith Lord in the system, she began exhibiting signs of mental weakness, as she was overwhelmed by the level of Dark Side power in the system. The hate, the wrath, the fury. All of it was beginning to erode Jana's sense of control over herself. The last thing she wanted to happen was to turn into a berserking soldier on the battlefield.

   "Jana, are you okay?" asked Hale, who pulled her close for a hug.
   "Yes, although slightly overwhelmed at the moment. I will be ready for battle," she replied confidently, returning the hug. "Let's do this."

   Once the turbolift came to a stop, Hale and Jana walked out to the launch bay, where ten thousand of the Imperial Remnant's finest boarded their respective Landing Barges, which then in turn began filing out of the launch bay...

1. ISD Punisher attacks RHD Destiny 1140 x 1.1 x UCR 3/4 = 941 DMG
2. VNSD Leviathan attacks RHD Destiny for 300 x 1.1 x UCR 3/4 = 248 DMG
3. IPV-1 Predator Group (7) attacks RHD Destiny for 700 x 1.1 x UCR 6/4 = 770 DMG
4. 54 LSHUs attack RHD Destiny for 972 x UCR 5/4 = 972 DMG
5. ESC Harpoon attacks RHD Destiny for 20 x 1.1 UCR 4/4 = 22 DMG
6. 6 TIE Advanced attack Z-95s [ATMO-1] for 432 x UCR 7/5 = 432 DMG
7. 14 TIE Interceptors attack X-Wings [B-2] for 1344 x UCR 10/6 = 1344 DMG
8. ISD Punisher engages Tractor Beams against RHD Destiny 1100m x UCR 3/4 = 825 Meters Held

... to RHD Destiny Ascension = 2931 DMG (DISABLED w/ 149 Hull remaining, 825 METERS HELD)
... to (3) X-Wings [B-1] = 1344 (2 DESTROYED, 1 DAMAGED w/60 DUR remaining)
... to (5) Z-95s [ATMO-1] = 432 (1 DESTROYED, 1 DAMAGED w/144 DUR remaining, ALL ENGAGED)

<> ISD-I Punisher
Location: A-1 | UCR: 3 | Shields: 800/1760 | Armor: 1647/1760 | Hull: 1320/1320 | Systems: 80/880 (-800 to shields)

>> Imperial Officer: SUPREME EXECUTOR Lucidius Hale
            Location: Onboard LB | Status: --- | UCR: 10 | Armor: 200/200 | Health: 200/200 | Attack: 200

>> TIE Advanced Squadron TX-01
            Location: ATMO-1 | Status: --- | UCR: 7 | Durability: 432/432

>> TIE Advanced Squadron TX-02
            Location: ATMO-1 | Status: --- | UCR: 7 | Durability: 432/432

>> TIE Advanced Squadron TX-03
            Location: ATMO-1 | Status: --- | UCR: 7 | Durability: 432/432

>> TIE Advanced Squadron TX-04
            Location: ATMO-1 | Status: --- | UCR: 7 | Durability: 432/432

>> TIE Advanced Squadron TX-05
            Location: ATMO-1 | Status: --- | UCR: 7 | Durability: 432/432

>> TIE Advanced Squadron TX-06
            Location: A-1 | Status: --- | UCR: 7 | Durability: 432/432

>> Lambda Shuttle Group LS-G1
            Location: B-2 | Status: --- | UCR: 5 | Shields: 20/20 | Armor: 20/20 | (12/12)

>> Lambda Shuttle Group LS-G2
            Location: B-2 | Status: --- | UCR: 5 | Shields: 20/20 | Armor: 20/20 | (12/12)

>> Lambda Shuttle Group LS-G3
            Location: B-2 | Status: --- | UCR: 5 | Shields: 20/20 | Armor: 20/20 | (12/12)

>> Elite Lambda Shuttle Aletheia
            Location: Hangar | Status: --- | UCR: 16 | Shields: 100/100 | Armor: 100/100

>> Imperial Landing Barge Group LB-01~10
       Location: ATMO-1 | Status: --- | UCR: 2 | Shields: 100/100 | Armor: 100/100

>> Imperial Army Troopers 1st Regiment           
       Location: Barge | Status: --- | UCR: 6 | HP: 7 | AR: 4 | Units: 1000/1000

>> Imperial AT-STs 1st Scout Division
       Location: Barge | Status: --- | UCR: 7 | HP: 60 | AR: 30 | Units: 60/60

>> Viper Probe Droids VX-PD-01~10
       Location: Hangar | Status: --- | UCR: 10 | HP: 20

<> ESC Harpoon
Commanding Officer: Captain Juan Johannesburg
Location: A-1 | Status: --- | UCR: 4 | Shields: 550/550 | Armor: 550/550 | Hull: 137/137 | Systems: 250/250

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-01
           Location: B-1 | Status: --- | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-02
           Location: B-1 | Status: --- | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-03
           Location: B-1 | Status: --- | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-04
           Location: B-1 | Status: --- | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-05
           Location: B-1 | Status: --- | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-06
           Location: B-1 | Status: --- | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> Lambda Shuttle LS-32 & LS-33
           Location: B-1 | Status: --- | UCR: 5 | Shields: 20/20 | Armor: 20/20

<> VNSD Leviathan
Location: A-1 | Status: --- | UCR: 3 | Shields: 1254/1254 | Armor: 1254/1254 | Hull: 1254/1254 | Systems: 640/640

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-07
            Location: B-1 | Status: --- | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-08
            Location: B-1 | Status: --- | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-09
            Location: B-1 | Status: --- | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-10
           Location: B-1 | Status: --- | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-11
           Location: B-1 | Status: --- | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-12
           Location: B-1 | Status: --- | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-13
           Location: B-1 | Status: --- | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-14
           Location: B-1 | Status: --- | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> Lambda Shuttle Group LS-G4
            Location: B-1 | Status: --- | UCR: 5 | Shields: 20/20 | Armor: 20/20 | (12/12)

>> Lambda Shuttle Group LS-G5
            Location: B-1 | Status: --- | UCR: 5 | Shields: 20/20 | Armor: 20/20 | (4/12) (8 DESTROYED)

>> Lambda Shuttle Group LS-G6
            Location: B-1 | Status: --- | UCR: 5 | Shields: 20/20 | Armor: 20/20 | (0/6) DESTROYED

>> Imperial Army Troopers 2nd Regiment
            Location: Hangar | Status: --- | UCR: 6 | HP: 7 | AR: 4 | Units: 500/500

<> IPV-1 Predator 1
Location: B-1 | UCR: 6 | Shields: 165/165 | Armor: 165/165 | Hull: 165/165 | Systems: 75/75 | Weapon Damage: 100

<> IPV-1 Predator 2
Location: B-1 | UCR: 6 | Shields: 165/165 | Armor: 165/165 | Hull: 165/165 | Systems: 75/75 | Weapon Damage: 100

<> IPV-1 Predator 3
Location: B-1 | UCR: 6 | Shields: 165/165 | Armor: 165/165 | Hull: 165/165 | Systems: 75/75 | Weapon Damage: 100

<> IPV-1 Predator 4
Location: B-1 | UCR: 6 | Shields: 165/165 | Armor: 165/165 | Hull: 165/165 | Systems: 75/75 | Weapon Damage: 100

<> IPV-1 Predator 5
Location: B-1 | UCR: 6 | Shields: 165/165 | Armor: 165/165 | Hull: 165/165 | Systems: 75/75 | Weapon Damage: 100

<> IPV-1 Predator 6
Location: B-1 | UCR: 6 | Shields: 165/165 | Armor: 165/165 | Hull: 165/165 | Systems: 75/75 | Weapon Damage: 100

<> IPV-1 Predator 7
Location: B-1 | UCR: 6 | Shields: 165/165 | Armor: 165/165 | Hull: 165/165 | Systems: 75/75 | Weapon Damage: 100
« Last Edit: March 03, 2013, 01:21:43 PM by GCW Hale »

Offline Dementat

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« Reply #62 on: March 02, 2013, 03:25:50 PM »

    The sudden arrival of additional ships was to be expected, as Darth Algoz was more than familiar with what ships he had faced in Ramano's fleet. The new arrivals through themselves at his task force, creating a chaos of light and fire throughout surrounding space. Immediately recognizing the tactics of the Battle of Yavin, his flight officers called up a tighter defensive formation. All light units would pull back to protect the capital ships, allowing the superior power of the larger guns to vanquish any pilots unfortunate enough to cross their beams. The shields of the enemy cruiser began to flicker before failing completely and were followed by the blistering explosions of super-heated plasma meeting armor. The rebels, having left their capital ships undefended, suffered the wrath for it.
    The arrival of Darth X as additional support would pay off at this point in the battle. Flight officers directed orders to the Tuk'ata to have her ships focus on the newly arrived snubfighters and auxiliary. Darth Algoz looked forward to seeing how a Sith of the Old Republic would handle combat once on the surface leading his troops.
    There was another presence on the battlefield. The Sith reached out with his anger, touching the mind of another force-sensitive. Detecting weakness, he pressed on the sole dark spot. He was intrigued by this small, insignificant being, who of all the thousands on and around Endor stood out to him like a blame in a dark room.

Took damage.
Dying ships return fire.
All fighters recalled to CSP.
All L/SHU recalled to CSP.
Craft move and attack.

ISD-II Formidable [B-3] vs. MC80 Liberty [B-2]
UCR: 3/3 = 1.0
    50 TLB = 600
    50 H/TLC = 500
    20 IB = 100
1,200 x 1.2 (bonus) = 1,440 MANDATORY
    10 TB = 1,000m
1,000m x 1.2 (bonus) = 1,200 METERS HELD

VSD-II Ruination [B-3] vs. MC80 Liberty [B-2]
UCR: 4/3 = 1.0
    20 TLB = 300
    20 D/TLC = 320
    20 IC = 60
680 x 1.2 (bonus) = 816 MANDATORY
    5 TB = 500m
500m x 1.2 (bonus) = 600 METERS HELD

TIE Bomber Group 1 (5 squads) vs. MC80 Liberty [B-2]
UCR: 8/3 = 1.0
    48 SFS-LC x 5 = 240
    72 PT x 5 = 360
600 x 1.0 = 600 MANDATORY

Auxiliary Group 2 (36 GAS) vs. MC80 Liberty [B-2]
UCR: 4/3 = 1.0
    4 TLC x 36 = 1,152
    2 L/IC x 36 = 72
    2 LC x 36 = 72
1,296 x 1.0 = 1,296 MANDATORY

Auxiliary Group 3 (6 LSHU) vs. GOLAN Endor Shield II [A-2]
UCR: 5/1 = 1.0
    6 LB x 6 = 108
108 x 1.0 = 108 MANDATORY

CRKs Vornskr, Phobos, Malady, Paroxysm [B-3] vs. LAAT (20) [B-2]
UCR: 6/5 = 1.0
40 H/TLC = 480
40 H/IC = 160
40 QLC = 160
800 x 1.2 (bonus) = 960 MANDATORY

IPV-I Group (7) [B-3] vs. LAAT (20) [B-2]
UCR: 6/6 = 672
42 D/TLC = 96
14 CM = 28
700 x 1.2 (bonus) = 840 MANDATORY

Auxiliary Return Fire (8 LSHU) vs. L/SHU [A-2, A-3]
UCR: 5/5 = 1.0
    6 LB x 8 = 144
108 x 1.0 = 144 MANDATORY

Damage Summary:
Vs. MC80 Liberty
    1,800 Meters Held (UCR REDUCED)
Vs. LAAT in B-2
Vs. L/SHU in A-2 / A-3

Fleet of the Sith Empire

Bomber Group 1
Location: B-2    Action: ATTACK    
TIE Bomber Squadron R-01
HP: 192/192    UCR: 6    
TIE Bomber Squadron R-02
HP: 192/192    UCR: 6  
TIE Bomber Squadron R-03
HP: 192/192    UCR: 6  
TIE Bomber Squadron M-01
HP: 192/192    UCR: 6
TIE Bomber Squadron P-01
HP: 192/192    UCR: 6    

Starfighter Group 1
Location: B-3    Action: CSP  
Elite TIE Interceptor Squadron F-01
HP: 288/360    UCR: 10    
TIE Advanced Squadron F-02
HP: 329/432    UCR: 7  
TIE Avenger Squadron X-02
HP: 390/480    UCR: 8  
TIE Avenger Squadron X-01
HP: 390/480    UCR: 8

Starfighter Group 2
Location: B-2    Action: CSP  
TIE Advanced Squadron F-03
HP: 226/432    UCR: 7
TIE Advanced Squadron F-04
HP: 432/432    UCR: 7  
TIE Advanced Squadron F-05
HP: 432/432    UCR: 7
TIE Advanced Squadron F-06
HP: 432/432    UCR: 7

Auxiliary Group 1  
Lambda Shuttles (10/18)
Location: B-2    Action: CSP    HP: 40/40 EACH (1 @ 36/40)    UCR: 5

Auxiliary Group 2
32/36 Gamma Assault Shuttles
Location: A-2    Action: ATTACK    HP: 60/60 EACH (1 @ 50/60)    UCR: 4  

Auxiliary Group 3  
Lambda Shuttles (6)
Location: B-2    Action: CSP    HP: 40/40 EACH    UCR: 5

Imperial Mk-II Star Destroyer Formidable
Location: B-3    Heading: A-3
Shields: 310/1,800    Armor: 2,160/2,160    Hull: 1,760/1,760     Systems: 900/900
Onboard Starfighters:
Onboard Auxiliary:
Elite Lambda Shuttle 1
Location: Hangar    Action: N/A    HP: 200/200    UCR: 10
15/15 Landing Barges
Location: Hangar    Action: N/A    HP: 200/200 EACH    UCR: 1
10/10 Viper Probe Droids
Location: Hangar    Action: N/A    HP: 20/20 EACH    UCR: 1
Onboard Facilities:
1/1 Prefabricated Fleet Depot
Location: Hangar    Action: N/A    HP: 300/300    UCR: 1
Onboard Troops:
Dark Lord of the Sith, Lider Algoz
Action: N/A    Armor: 500/500    Health: 600/600    UCR: 13
1,500/1,500 Imperial Army Trooper Squads
Location: Barracks    Action: N/A    HP: 7/7 EACH    UCR: 5  
Onboard Vehicles:
90/90 Speeder Bikes
Location: Barracks    Action: N/A    HP: 7/7 EACH    UCR: 5

Victory-II Star Destroyer Ruination
Location: B-3    Heading: A-3
Shields: 1000/1000    Armor: 1200/1200    Hull: 990/990     Systems: 500/500
Onboard Starfighters:
Onboard Auxiliary:
Landing Barges 1-5
Location: Hangar    Action: N/A    HP: 200/200 EACH    UCR: 1
Onboard Troops:
500/500 Imperial Army Trooper Squads
Location: Barracks    Action: N/A    HP: 7/7 EACH    UCR: 5  
Onboard GAVs:
30/30 Speeder Bikes
Location: Garage    Action: N/A    HP: 10/10 EACH    UCR: 10

Carrack Cruiser Vornskr
Location: B-3    Heading: A-3
Shields: 110/350    Armor: 420/420    Hull: 770/770     Systems: 350/350
Onboard Starfighters:
Onboard Troops:
100/100 Imperial Army Trooper Squads
Location: Barracks    Action: N/A    HP: 7/7 EACH    UCR: 5  

Carrack Cruiser Phobos
Location: B-3    Heading: A-3
Shields: 350/350    Armor: 420/420    Hull: 770/770     Systems: 350/350
Onboard Starfighters:
Onboard Troops:
100/100 Imperial Army Trooper Squads
Location: Barracks    Action: N/A    HP: 7/7 EACH    UCR: 5

Carrack Cruiser Malady
Location: B-3    Heading: A-3
Shields: 350/350    Armor: 420/420    Hull: 770/770     Systems: 350/350
Onboard Starfighters:
Onboard Troops:
100/100 Imperial Army Trooper Squads
Location: Barracks    Action: N/A    HP: 7/7 EACH    UCR: 5

Carrack Cruiser Paroxysm
Location: B-3    Heading: A-3
Shields: 350/350    Armor: 420/420    Hull: 770/770     Systems: 350/350
Onboard Starfighters:
Onboard Troops:
100/100 Imperial Army Trooper Squads
Location: Barracks    Action: N/A    HP: 7/7 EACH    UCR: 5

IPV-I Imperial Patrol Vessels 1-7
Location: B-3    Heading: A-3    HP: 495/495 EACH (1 @ 489/495)    UCR: 6

« Last Edit: March 03, 2013, 03:11:03 AM by Dementat »
(\/)ighty RE

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #63 on: March 03, 2013, 05:13:14 PM »

  Almost unnoticed in the ensuing rout and massacre, Admiral Ishfan Szymon's Star Destroyers returned to Endor, quickly moving in near the Forest Moon and unleashing their plethora of support ships.  The battle had raged on in their brief absence, and with the prize of the Freedom temporarily secure, Ishfan's forces were much more poised to resume aggression themselves.

  Approaching the lone remaining orbital defense platform, the Serpentor and Audacity pushed forward like hungry predators.  The Golan itself began depleting it's energy magazines first, aimlessly firing off in dissipation before even reaching the cruisers who'd patiently waited until closing in and began unleashing their relentless 'wedge' shaped full focus fury!

  The Golan was no match for the mobile warships, who's overpowering Imperial grade weaponry literally lit the platform up.  Smaller secondary interior explosions pocked the surface of the orbital beast as it's shields buckled and armor little match for the Star Destroyers might. . .

  Admiral Szymon and the ship's normal commander but now acting Executive Officer, Captain Alixondor Zesh stood admiring the carnage,

  "The orbital defenses appear completely broken sir, shall I inform General Cestiss to begin his deployment?"

  "Yes Captain, begin the landing.  Omicron and Alpha squads to escort.  Send the Interceptors to engage any threat.  Direct the General to give priority support to Lord Hale's forces when organized," Ishfan answered before turning to direct another approaching officer who hurriedly scampered away. . .

-=General Summary=-
ISDs Serpentor & Audacity Exit HS in B1
Reclaimed remaining IPV alottment, they move to B8, Gain Fleet Admiral Bonus
Deployed most support to CSP, some move to attack in ATMOS1 or A1
Attacked Golan Endor Shield I in A1
Attacked LSHTs in A1
Attacked Z95s in ATMOS1
Deployed Barges which moved to A1

-=Attack Summary=-
ISDI Serpentor attacked Golan Endor Shield I; ucr 3/1, 110% dmg, 1254pts dmg
ISDI Audacity attacked Golan Endor Shield I; ucr 3/1, 110% dmg, 1254pts dmg
LSHT Group Upsilon (23) attacked Rebel LSHTs in A1 (4); ucr 5/5, 100% dmg, 414pts dmg
4 TIE INTs attack Z95s in ATMOS1; ucr 10/5, 100% dmg, 96*4 = 384pts dmg

-=Damage Summary=-
Golan Endor Shield I dealt 2508pts dmg, DISABLED!
Rebel LSHTs in A1 (4) dealt 414pts dmg, DESTROYED!
Rebel Z95s in ATMOS1 (4 remaining, 1 dmged w/ 144 remaining) dealt 384pts dmg, 1 dmged FINISHED OFF!, 1 dmgd w/ 48HP remaining, 2 left unscathed

Admiral Ishfan Szymon (+10% Shield/Armor/Hull/Dmg all ships of fleet)

Warlords' IPV Squadron
IPV 3; B8, 115/165/165/75
IPV 4; B8, 165/165/165/75
IPV 6; B8, 165/150/150/75
IPV 7; B8, 165/150/150/75

 Fleet Escort TIE Avg sqd OMICRON; 480DUR, A1 CSP BRGs, UCR 9

Imperial Mark I Star Destroyer Serpentor
Shields/Armor/Hull/Systems - 710/1760/1760/800
Location/Activity; B1  UCR; 3

 TIE Avg sqd OMEGA; 480 DUR, B1 CSP, UCR 9
 TIE Int sqd BETA; 168 DUR, B1 CSP, UCR 10
 TIE Int sqd GAMMA; 168 DUR, ATMOS1 attacking, UCR 10
 TIE Int sqd SIGMA; 168 DUR, ATMOS1 attacking, UCR 10
 TIE Int sqd DELTA; 168 DUR, ATMOS1 attacking, UCR 10
 TIE Int sqd KAPPA; 168 DUR, ATMOS1 attacking, UCR 10
 LAMBDA Grp(23) UPSILON; 40ea DUR, A1 attacking, UCR 5
 IMP BARGE Grp(5) NU; 200ea DUR, A1 Landing, UCR 1

   IMP ARMY Brigade Anvil (400sqds); 7ea DUR, BRG, UCR 6
   IMP STORMTROOPER Battalion Hammer (200sqds); 8ea DUR, BRG, UCR 6
   IMP FLEET TROOPER Brigade Defender (400sqds); 6ea DUR, Barracks, UCR 5
   AT-TE SQUAD Dragon (6); 100ea DUR, BRG, UCR 6
   AT-ST Company Mantis (20); 60ea DUR, BRG, UCR 7
   IMP SPEEDER Company Lancer (28spdrs); 10ea DUR, BRG, UCR 10

Imperial Mark I Star Destroyer Audacity
Shields/Armor/Hull/Systems - 1760/1760/1760/800
Location/Activity; B1  UCR; 3

 TIE Avg sqd ALPHA; 480 DUR, A1 CSP BRGs, UCR 9
 TIE Int sqd THETA; 168 DUR, B1 CSP, UCR 10
 TIE Int sqd ETA; 168 DUR, B1 CSP, UCR 10
 TIE Int sqd ZETA; 168 DUR, B1 CSP, UCR 10
 TIE Int sqd IOTA; 240 DUR, B1 CSP, UCR 10
 TIE Int sqd CHI; 240 DUR, B1 CSP, UCR 10
 LAMBDA Grp(36) EPSILON; 40ea DUR, B1 CSP, UCR 5
 IMP BARGE Grp(5) MU; 200ea DUR, Hangar, UCR 1

   IMP FLEET TROOPER Division ? (1000sqds); 6ea DUR, Barracks, UCR 5
   IMP SPEEDER Company ? (60spdrs); 10ea DUR, Armory, UCR 10
« Last Edit: March 03, 2013, 09:47:24 PM by Eidolon »
SWSF 'til Death

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #64 on: March 03, 2013, 05:50:38 PM »

1. (36) Rebel LSHU attack X's LSHUs for 648 x UCR 5/5 = 648 DMG (16 Destroyed)
2. (1) X-Wing attacks Sith Elite TIE Int [B-3] for 120 x UCR 6/10 = 72 DMG
3. (1) X-Wing attacks Sith TIE Adv [B-3] for 120 x UCR 6/7 = 103 DMG
4. (2) X-Wing attacks (2) Sith TIE Avg [B-3] for 120 x UCR 6/8 = 90 DMG
5. (4) X-Wings attack ISD-II Formidable for 480 x UCR 6/3 = 480 DMG
6. MC80 Liberty attacks ISD-II Formidable for 676 x UCR 2/3 = 451 DMG
7. RHD Destiny Ascenion attacks ISD-I Punisher for 512 x UCR 2/3 = 342 DMG
8. (3) X-Wings attack ISD-I Punisher for 360 x UCR 6/3 = 360 DMG
9. (5) Z-95s [ATMO-1] attack Szymon TIE/Ints for 360 x UCR 5/10 = 180 DMG
10. LAATs don't return fire because all they would kill are free units!

ISD-II Formidable = 451 DMG
ISD-I Punisher = 702 DMG

RHD Destiny Ascension   | B-2 | DUR 0000/2310 | HULL 149/770 DISABLED
   >> (1/3) X-Wing Squadrons [B-1] DUR 60/468
   >> (20/20) LAAT Gunships [B-2/CSP] DUR 90/90 DESTROYED
MC80 Liberty   | B-2 | DUR 0000/3900 | HULL 1048/1300 DISABLED
   >> (1/8) X-Wing Squadrons [B-3] DUR 1909/3744 7/8 DESTROYED
   >> (24/24) LSHUs [B-3] DUR 40/40 DESTROYED

RSOB Rebel HQ   | G-1
   >> (2.17/5) Z-95 Headhunter Squadrons [ATMO-1]
ACOC Endor Base   | G-1
RFAC Factory 1   | G-2
BMIC Rebel Complex Blue   | G-3
BMIC Rebel Complex Gold   | G-3
OMEGA Aegis   | A-1 | HULL 1138/2000 DISABLED
GOLAN Endor Shield I  | A-1 | DUR 0000/2000 | HULL 492/1000 DISABLED
   >> (1/1) Z-95 Headhunter Squadron [B-1]
GOLAN Endor Shield II   | A-2 | HULL 996/1000 DISABLED
   >> (1/1) Z-95 Headhunter Squadron [CSP/A-2]
   >> (4/12) LSHUs [A-2] DESTROYED
   >> (2/12) LSHUs [A-3] DESTROYED
MC-90 Freedom   | A-1 | DUR -604/3200 DISABLED
   >> (00/24) LSHUs DESTROYED
SIGMA Rogue Sword   | A-2 | DUR 800/800
   >> (4/4) LSHUs [CSP/A-2]
SIGMA Rogue Sword II   | A-3 | DUR 120/800
   >> (4/4) LSHUs [CSP/A-1] DESTROYED
SIGMA Rogue Sword III   | A-4 | DUR 800/800
   >> (3/3) Z-95 Headhunter Squadrons [CSP/A-4]
   >> (4/4) LSHUs [CSP/A-4]
« Last Edit: March 04, 2013, 09:41:49 PM by GCW Hale »


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« Reply #65 on: March 04, 2013, 03:02:02 AM »
(((Eh.. so, yeah.  Didn't think the time stamp thing was such a huge deal.  Was waitin for the other posts to be compiled before I posted anything.  So... whatever.  This happens whenever.)))

Darth X watched with only mild interest as the space battle reached its final stages.  The enemy forces were simply no match for the staggering amount of raw firepower the assembled Imperials brought to the fray and were being summarily crushed.  The myriad explosions were beautiful, as always, but what awaited him on the surface would be truly great.  Nothing was more satisfying than personal combat.  Testing ones limits against a horde of beings intent on your destruction.  And a test this would truly be.  Darth X was confident his short time spent in meditation on Korriban before being summoned for this very assault had yielded results.  Though not completely recovered, his strength was greatly improved and connecting to the force no longer caused stabs of pain.  Wary and excited, Darth X clenched his fist and whirled towards the waiting turbolift.  "Blaxer, Captain Cole, Colonel Brams, let us depart."

Loading barges

ISD Tuk'ata vs 8 X-Wings (B-3) 1254 3:6 627
VSD Dominance vs 8 X-Wings (B-3) 680 4:6 448
7 IPVs vs 8 X-Wings (B-3) 700
2 ESCs vs 8 X-Wings (B-3) 40

9 TIE Adv vs 3 X-Wing(B-1) 648
1 Elite Interceptor + 2 Avengers vs 3 X-Wing(B-1)  480

59 LSHU vs 24 LSHU B-3 1062

TIE Swarm 1 CSP
5/5 TIE Fighters

TIE Swarm 2 CSP
4/4 TIE Fighters

ISD Tuk'ata
Sh1760/1760, A1760/1760, H1320/1320, Sy880/880
Elite TIE Interceptors*
TIE Avengers*
TIE Avengers*
TIE Adv*Sh60/216 A216/216
TIE Adv*
TIE Adv*
31/36LSHU* 1@Sh4/20 A20/20

VSD-II Dominance
Sh1000/1000, A1000/1000, H900/900, Sy500/500
TIE Fighters+
TIE Fighters+
TIE Fighters+

ESC Hive
Sh500/500, A500/500, H125/125, Sy250/250
TIE Adv* Sh164/216 A216/216
TIE Adv*
TIE Adv*
TIE Adv*
TIE Adv*
TIE Adv*

ESC Aerie
Sh500/500, A500/500, H125/125, Sy250/250
TIE Fighters+
TIE Fighters+
TIE Fighters+
TIE Fighters+
TIE Fighters+
TIE Fighters+
« Last Edit: March 04, 2013, 03:04:48 AM by XCALIBYR »

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #66 on: March 04, 2013, 06:31:04 PM »

   Barges caterpillared onward!

-=General Summary=-
Barges and their TAvg Escorts in A1 move to ATMOS1
IPVs move to B1
TIE Ints & ATMOS1 Z95s cont'd dancing

-=Attack Summary=-
4 TInt attack ATMOS1 Z95s (2.17); 10/5 ucr, 100% dmg, 96*4 = 384pts dmg

-=Damage Summary=-
Z95s in ATMOS1 (2.17sqds) dealt 384pts dmg, .17 & 1.0 DESTROYED!, 1 remain w/ 248pts DUR

Admiral Ishfan Szymon (+10% Shield/Armor/Hull/Dmg all ships of fleet)

Warlords' IPV Squadron
IPV 3; B1, 115/165/165/75
IPV 4; B1, 165/165/165/75
IPV 6; B1, 165/150/150/75
IPV 7; B1, 165/150/150/75

 Fleet Escort TIE Avg sqd OMICRON; 480DUR, ATMOS1 CSP BRGs, UCR 9

Imperial Mark I Star Destroyer Serpentor
Shields/Armor/Hull/Systems - 710/1760/1760/800
Location/Activity; B1  UCR; 3

 TIE Avg sqd OMEGA; 480 DUR, B1 CSP, UCR 9
 TIE Int sqd BETA; 168 DUR, B1 CSP, UCR 10
 TIE Int sqd GAMMA; 123 DUR, ATMOS1 attacking, UCR 10
 TIE Int sqd SIGMA; 123 DUR, ATMOS1 attacking, UCR 10
 TIE Int sqd DELTA; 123 DUR, ATMOS1 attacking, UCR 10
 TIE Int sqd KAPPA; 123 DUR, ATMOS1 attacking, UCR 10
 LAMBDA Grp(23) UPSILON; 40ea DUR, A1 attacking, UCR 5
 IMP BARGE Grp(5) NU; 200ea DUR, ATMOS1 Landing, UCR 1

   IMP ARMY Brigade Anvil (400sqds); 7ea DUR, BRG, UCR 6
   IMP STORMTROOPER Battalion Hammer (200sqds); 8ea DUR, BRG, UCR 6
   IMP FLEET TROOPER Brigade Defender (400sqds); 6ea DUR, Barracks, UCR 5
   AT-TE SQUAD Dragon (6); 100ea DUR, BRG, UCR 6
   AT-ST Company Mantis (20); 60ea DUR, BRG, UCR 7
   IMP SPEEDER Company Lancer (28spdrs); 10ea DUR, BRG, UCR 10

Imperial Mark I Star Destroyer Audacity
Shields/Armor/Hull/Systems - 1760/1760/1760/800
Location/Activity; B1  UCR; 3

 TIE Int sqd THETA; 168 DUR, B1 CSP, UCR 10
 TIE Int sqd ETA; 168 DUR, B1 CSP, UCR 10
 TIE Int sqd ZETA; 168 DUR, B1 CSP, UCR 10
 TIE Int sqd IOTA; 240 DUR, B1 CSP, UCR 10
 TIE Int sqd CHI; 240 DUR, B1 CSP, UCR 10
 LAMBDA Grp(36) EPSILON; 40ea DUR, B1 CSP, UCR 5
 IMP BARGE Grp(5) MU; 200ea DUR, Hangar, UCR 1

   IMP FLEET TROOPER Division ? (1000sqds); 6ea DUR, Barracks, UCR 5
   IMP SPEEDER Company ? (60spdrs); 10ea DUR, Armory, UCR 10
« Last Edit: March 05, 2013, 09:07:13 AM by Eidolon »
SWSF 'til Death

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #67 on: March 04, 2013, 10:05:36 PM »
1st Imperial Expeditionary Force
Primus Et Optimus | The First and the Finest
Commanding Officer: SUPREME EXECUTOR Lucidius Hale


   Main action items: Landing Barges drop in G-1. Units blow shit up. VNSD enters Atmosphere.
   Storyline points: Jana Sable succumbs to Dark Side influence of Darth Algoz, and Garm Bel Iblis is confronted... but not yet captured (he escapes to ACOC Endor Base).

1. (6) TIE/A Squads attack RSOB Rebel HQ for 432 x UCR (7-1)/10 = 260 DMG
2. SUPEXEC Hale attacks RSOB Rebel HQ for 200 x UCR 10/10 = 200 DMG
3. 60 AT-STs attack RSOB Rebel HQ for 1980 x UCR 8/10 = 1584 DMG (DISABLED)
4. 720 Imperial Army Troopers attack 600 Rebel Fleet Troopers for 3600 x UCR 7/5 = 3600 DMG (ALL DESTROYED)
5. 280 Imperial Army Troopers attack 30 Speeder Bikes for 1400 x UCR 7/10 = 980 DMG (ALL DESTROYED)

<> ISD-I Punisher
Location: A-1 | UCR: 3 | Shields: 800/1760 | Armor: 1647/1760 | Hull: 1320/1320 | Systems: 80/880 (-800 to shields)

>> Imperial Officer: SUPREME EXECUTOR Lucidius Hale
            Location: G-1 | Status: --- | UCR: 10 | Armor: 200/200 | Health: 200/200 | Attack: 200

>> TIE Advanced Squadron TX-01
            Location: G-1 | Status: --- | UCR: 7 | Durability: 432/432

>> TIE Advanced Squadron TX-02
            Location: G-1 | Status: --- | UCR: 7 | Durability: 432/432

>> TIE Advanced Squadron TX-03
            Location: G-1 | Status: --- | UCR: 7 | Durability: 432/432

>> TIE Advanced Squadron TX-04
            Location: G-1 | Status: --- | UCR: 7 | Durability: 432/432

>> TIE Advanced Squadron TX-05
            Location: G-1 | Status: --- | UCR: 7 | Durability: 432/432

>> TIE Advanced Squadron TX-06
            Location: G-1 | Status: --- | UCR: 7 | Durability: 432/432

>> Lambda Shuttle Group LS-G1
            Location: B-2 | Status: --- | UCR: 5 | Shields: 20/20 | Armor: 20/20 | (12/12)

>> Lambda Shuttle Group LS-G2
            Location: B-2 | Status: --- | UCR: 5 | Shields: 20/20 | Armor: 20/20 | (12/12)

>> Lambda Shuttle Group LS-G3
            Location: B-2 | Status: --- | UCR: 5 | Shields: 20/20 | Armor: 20/20 | (12/12)

>> Elite Lambda Shuttle Aletheia
            Location: Hangar | Status: --- | UCR: 16 | Shields: 100/100 | Armor: 100/100

>> Imperial Landing Barge Group LB-01~10
       Location: ATMO-1 | Status: --- | UCR: 2 | Shields: 100/100 | Armor: 100/100

>> Imperial Army Troopers 1st Regiment            
       Location: G-1 | Status: --- | UCR: 6(+1) | HP: 7(+1) | AR: 4(+1) | Units: 1000/1000

>> Imperial AT-STs 1st Scout Division
       Location: G-1 | Status: --- | UCR: 7(+1) | HP: 60(+6) | AR: 30(+3) | Units: 60/60

>> Viper Probe Droids VX-PD-01~10
       Location: Hangar | Status: --- | UCR: 10 | HP: 20

<> ESC Harpoon
Commanding Officer: Captain Juan Johannesburg
Location: A-1 | Status: --- | UCR: 4 | Shields: 550/550 | Armor: 550/550 | Hull: 137/137 | Systems: 250/250

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-01
           Location: B-1 | Status: CSP | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-02
           Location: B-1 | Status: CSP | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-03
           Location: B-1 | Status: CSP | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-04
           Location: B-1 | Status: CSP | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-05
           Location: B-1 | Status: CSP | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-06
           Location: B-1 | Status: CSP | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> Lambda Shuttle LS-32 & LS-33
           Location: A-1 | Status: --- | UCR: 5 | Shields: 20/20 | Armor: 20/20

<> VNSD Leviathan
Location: ATMO-1 | Status: --- | UCR: 3 | Shields: 1254/1254 | Armor: 1254/1254 | Hull: 1254/1254 | Systems: 640/640

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-07
            Location: B-1 | Status: CSP | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-08
            Location: B-1 | Status: CSP | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-09
            Location: B-1 | Status: CSP | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-10
           Location: B-1 | Status: CSP | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-11
           Location: B-1 | Status: CSP | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-12
           Location: B-1 | Status: CSP | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-13
           Location: B-1 | Status: CSP | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-14
           Location: B-1 | Status: CSP | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> Lambda Shuttle Group LS-G4
            Location: B-1 | Status: CSP | UCR: 5 | Shields: 20/20 | Armor: 20/20 | (12/12)

>> Lambda Shuttle Group LS-G5
            Location: B-1 | Status: CSP | UCR: 5 | Shields: 20/20 | Armor: 20/20 | (4/12) (8 DESTROYED)

>> Lambda Shuttle Group LS-G6
            Location: B-1 | Status: CSP | UCR: 5 | Shields: 20/20 | Armor: 20/20 | (0/6) DESTROYED

>> Imperial Army Troopers 2nd Regiment
            Location: Hangar | Status: --- | UCR: 6 | HP: 7 | AR: 4 | Units: 500/500

<> IPV-1 Predator 1
Location: B-1 | UCR: 6 | Shields: 165/165 | Armor: 165/165 | Hull: 165/165 | Systems: 75/75 | Weapon Damage: 100

<> IPV-1 Predator 2
Location: B-1 | UCR: 6 | Shields: 165/165 | Armor: 165/165 | Hull: 165/165 | Systems: 75/75 | Weapon Damage: 100

<> IPV-1 Predator 3
Location: B-1 | UCR: 6 | Shields: 165/165 | Armor: 165/165 | Hull: 165/165 | Systems: 75/75 | Weapon Damage: 100

<> IPV-1 Predator 4
Location: B-1 | UCR: 6 | Shields: 165/165 | Armor: 165/165 | Hull: 165/165 | Systems: 75/75 | Weapon Damage: 100

<> IPV-1 Predator 5
Location: B-1 | UCR: 6 | Shields: 165/165 | Armor: 165/165 | Hull: 165/165 | Systems: 75/75 | Weapon Damage: 100

<> IPV-1 Predator 6
Location: B-1 | UCR: 6 | Shields: 165/165 | Armor: 165/165 | Hull: 165/165 | Systems: 75/75 | Weapon Damage: 100

<> IPV-1 Predator 7
Location: B-1 | UCR: 6 | Shields: 165/165 | Armor: 165/165 | Hull: 165/165 | Systems: 75/75 | Weapon Damage: 100
« Last Edit: March 05, 2013, 05:38:48 AM by GCW Hale »

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #68 on: March 05, 2013, 08:01:13 PM »

    A few years ago, the tiny deciduous enveloped moon of Endor and surrounding space had served as host for Emperor Palpatine's Second Death Star, and his scheme to trap and destroy the Rebel Alliance once and for all.  It backfired.  The Alliance emerged victorious, the Death Star was destroyed and Lord Vader and Emperor Palpatine were killed by Rebel agents.  In the aftermath of that now legendary battle, the galactic landscape altered immensely.  The New Order crumbled, and the Empire it supported began to fall apart one swath at a time.  All sorts of independent factional entities that had succumb to either the might or influence of the Empire rose from it's ash.  As the Rebel Alliance transitioned to the New Republic, adopting a more legitimate visage and began rallying political allies now emboldened to take a public stand against the remnants of the Empire, a fragment of the greater Rebellion splintered off from the coalescing body and occupied the liberated Endor, building it in to their military stronghold.  For years after under the leadership of Admiral Ramano and General Garm Bel Iblis, the hold-out Rebel Alliance delivered the Galactic Civil War to the lingering puppet Empire's doorstep.  But a few months ago, Ramano disappeared, taking with him much of the momentum and morale of his men, and Iblis himself was left to carry on the torch.

  Now, the forces of Imperialism have capitalized on the window of weakness and returned to Endor delivering a vicious overwhelming offensive that for the last couple days has left the Rebel Alliance orbital defenses in ruin.  And so the ground invasion begins. . .

  The descent through the atmosphere was a rocky affair rich with high stratospheric winds that rocked the relatively cumbersome Imperial Landing Barges.  Lacking any aesthetic appeal, the almost boot looking vessels had a somewhat menacing appearance with their 'cleated' undersides and blackened hulls.  They dropped in a slightly arced fashion.  General Barl Cestiss stood in the cockpit as they punched through the elevated cloud cover, himself making it a cramped affair.  To one side in the distance, a larger towering structure stood slumped and smoking, the characteristic world spanning tree cover around it flattened.  To the other, a yet unscathed towering defensive structure stood.  Barl gave the rooms occupants a light hearted scolding, "Your trajectories are sloppy Lieutenant.  The Remnant has beat us to soil.  Back to the simulator with you when we mop up here!" he joked while slapping the ship's pilot on the back.

  The General then directed his craft's pilot crew to a choice landing zone, then strapped on his charcoal grey blast helmet and awkwardly maneuvered out of the enclosure.

  In the cargo hold of the lead dropship, a number of the familiar six-legged walkers bounced slightly, their feet fastened tightly with man sized link chains, in the final seconds of the decline.  A number of soldiers themselves clamped tightly in to specialized shock absorption saddle style seating.  Barl Cestiss himself was harnessed in amongst a random group of regular Army infantry, delivering a rallying boost of confidence,

  ". .Fear not 'Lads.  We are the professionals.  The Dragons.. take care of EVERYTHING! Heh heh!" he stressed referring to the large hexapede war machines with a confident cocky expression and chuckle.  "It is the game hunt after I look forward to most!" he then concluded while cocking back the action and inspecting the breech of his personal blaster rifle while troopers around him emulated his operation and exchanged jovial banter.

  The Landing Barges smacked the ground in a violent thud, the shockwave of their downward thrust first flattening the tall surrounding tree cover around and the following concussive burst of their actual impact doing the same out in larger circumference.  Their towering frontal cargo bay doors at first slowly began to creek open, gaining rapid momentum in a free fall and smacking the ground as immediately after squad sized groupings of infantry began scurrying out accompanied by a number of nervously pivoting and high stepping scout walkers.  The force seemed to disappear in to the forest as they surged forward.  From the middle two barges, bringing up the rear, a pack of six All Terrain Tactical Enforcers came methodically marching out.  As they lumbered forward, they flattened the smaller timbers and blasted away the larger.

  They marched on for half an hour as the smaller chicken walkers and infantry masses scurried about ahead of them, slowly approaching the looming defensive bastion ahead, the sole remaining symbol in the system of the Rebel Alliance.  Their fate had been sealed with Admiral Ramano's departure.  Had he even been present, the combined might of the Imperial Remnant, Sith Empire and Warlord Szymon's assembly would have surely proven overwhelming.  An example of the swift rebuilding possible should the fractured entities of the deceased Galactic Empire come together and resuscitate the domineering beast?

  The sun had just begun to set as the components of Dragon squad momentarily halted their slow march, the remaining towering Alliance base now within range of their main Mass Driver canons.  Their turrets turned each way slightly and barrels angled up and down slightly back and forth, finding range.  Satisfied, they held position.  A few hundred meters ahead still in the cover of trees, the swarm of scout walkers and Imperial infantry crouched patiently.  General Cestiss lay sprawled in the brush peeking through a set of macrobinoculars surrounded by crouched soldiers,

  An regular non-com officer with a bulky communications pack crawled near, "Sir! Lord Hale requests his forces be granted the honor of breech!"

  The General slightly scoffed, "Bah, this man would take all my glory should I allow him.." he let out in a short burst of discontent, followed by the usual concession, "Very well, we shall prepare the door for him! Heh heh!" he relented and proceeded to grab the receiver hanging from the subordinates pack and order the attack in to it, "Dragon, you may fire at will!   Mantis, Hammer,  CHAAARRGE!" he bellowed.

  The structure stood atop a small hill that'd been entirely cleared long ago.  It was defended by a handful of heavy Titan hover tanks and numerous other lighter mobile vehicles.  Only the heavy walkers large canons had range to attack from the cover of the forest-scape.  Their canons opened up the assault, barking loudly as the barrels recoiled and kicked out an empty shell casing, followed closely by another, and another as the semi-automatic heavy mass drive canon fire begun showering the towering structure itself with round after round from long range, slamming in to the base's shielding. The scout walker composed Mantis armor company and Stormtrooper Battalion Hammer rushed from the cover and up the gently sloped hill, pouring on the attack directly.  As the mob closed to range the scout walkers jealously rushed ahead of personnel to absorb the brunt of the defensive barrage, the entire collective surged ahead relentlessly as blaster rifle, heavy laser fire and grenade explosions rocked every meter of the battlefield. . .

-=General Summary=-
Landing Barge Group Nu Hits Dirt in G1 and Deploys Units
TIE Avg OMICRON & ALPHA begin air superiority patrols of G1
Ground Units attack ACOC
Remaining Space Units all HOLD POSITION

-=Attack Summary=-
ATTE squad DRAGON (6) attack ACOC Endor Base; ucr 6/10, 60% dmg, 300*0.6 = 180pts dmg
ATST company MATIS (20) attacks 10 (of 50 total ACOC GAVs) Titan Tanks; ucr 6/6, 100% dmg, 600pts dmg
STORMIE battalion HAMMER (200) attacks 10 (of 50 total ACOC GAVs) Titan Tanks; ucr 6/6, 100% dmg, 1000pts dmg

-=Damage Summary=-
ACOC dealt 180pts dmg to Shielding, SCATHED
REBEL TITAN TANK GRP (10) dealt 1600pts dmg, ALL DESTROYED (40 GAVs remain!)

Admiral Ishfan Szymon (+10% Shield/Armor/Hull/Dmg all ships of fleet)

Warlords' IPV Squadron
IPV 3; B1, 115/165/165/75
IPV 4; B1, 165/165/165/75
IPV 6; B1, 165/150/150/75
IPV 7; B1, 165/150/150/75

 Fleet Escort TIE Avg sqd OMICRON; 480DUR, ATMOS1 CSP BRGs, UCR 9

Imperial Mark I Star Destroyer Serpentor
Shields/Armor/Hull/Systems - 710/1760/1760/800
Location/Activity; B1  UCR; 3

 TIE Avg sqd OMEGA; 480 DUR, B1 CSP, UCR 9
 TIE Int sqd BETA; 168 DUR, B1 CSP, UCR 10
 TIE Int sqd GAMMA; 123 DUR, ATMOS1 patrolling, UCR 10
 TIE Int sqd SIGMA; 123 DUR, ATMOS1 patrolling, UCR 10
 TIE Int sqd DELTA; 123 DUR, ATMOS1 patrolling, UCR 10
 TIE Int sqd KAPPA; 123 DUR, ATMOS1 patrolling, UCR 10
 LAMBDA Grp(23) UPSILON; 40ea DUR, B1 patrolling, UCR 5
 IMP BARGE Grp(5) NU; 200ea DUR, G1 Landed, UCR 1

   IMP ARMY Brigade Anvil (400sqds); 7ea DUR, G1, UCR 6
   IMP STORMTROOPER Battalion Hammer (200sqds); 8ea DUR, G1, UCR 6
   IMP FLEET TROOPER Brigade Defender (400sqds); 6ea DUR, Barracks, UCR 5
   AT-TE SQUAD Dragon (6); 100ea DUR, G1, UCR 6
   AT-ST Company Mantis (20); 60ea DUR, G1, UCR 7
   IMP SPEEDER Company Lancer (28spdrs); 10ea DUR, G1, UCR 10

Imperial Mark I Star Destroyer Audacity
Shields/Armor/Hull/Systems - 1760/1760/1760/800
Location/Activity; B1  UCR; 3

 TIE Int sqd THETA; 168 DUR, B1 CSP, UCR 10
 TIE Int sqd ETA; 168 DUR, B1 CSP, UCR 10
 TIE Int sqd ZETA; 168 DUR, B1 CSP, UCR 10
 TIE Int sqd IOTA; 240 DUR, B1 CSP, UCR 10
 TIE Int sqd CHI; 240 DUR, B1 CSP, UCR 10
 LAMBDA Grp(36) EPSILON; 40ea DUR, B1 CSP, UCR 5
 IMP BARGE Grp(5) MU; 200ea DUR, Hangar, UCR 1

   IMP FLEET TROOPER Division ? (1000sqds); 6ea DUR, Barracks, UCR 5
   IMP SPEEDER Company ? (60spdrs); 10ea DUR, Armory, UCR 10
« Last Edit: March 05, 2013, 10:41:52 PM by Eidolon »
SWSF 'til Death

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #69 on: March 05, 2013, 10:21:32 PM »
GM Acceleration: The SPACE BATTLE portion of this Flashpoint has now been determined to be CONCLUDED for the Imperial Forces (if any units are Disabled & Tractor locked, please make a note of them for yourself). All remaining Rebel Alliance units in space have been swept away so that the Flashpoint can shift towards the Ground Battle and Final Storyline Conclusion. The Flashpoint will hereby END on Friday at midnight, with the decision for Endor's future to be decided over the weekend.


1. 600 RA Fleet Troopers attack 1000 IR Army Troopers for 1800 x UCR 5/7 = 1286 DMG (160 IRATs KILLED)
2. 30 Speeder Bikes attack 60 IR AT-STs for 300 x UCR 10/8 = 300 DMG (5 AT-STs DESTROYED)
3. 500 RAFTs attack 1000 IRATs for 1500 x UCR 5/7 = 1072 DMG (134 IRATs KILLED)
4. 50 T4-B Titan Tanks attack 60 IR AT-STs for 3000 x UCR 6/8 = 2250 DMG (34 AT-STs DESTROYED)

   >> 600/600 Rebel Fleet Troopers DESTROYED
   >> 30/30 Rebel Speeder Bikes DESTROYED
ACOC Endor Base   | G-1 | DUR 820/1000
   >> 500/500 Rebel Fleet Troopers
   >> 40/50 T4-B Titan Tanks
RFAC Factory 1   | G-2
   >> 300/300 Rebel Fleet Troopers
   >> 30/30 Rebel Speeder Bikes
BMIC Rebel Complex Blue   | G-3
BMIC Rebel Complex Gold   | G-3

« Last Edit: March 06, 2013, 05:49:37 PM by GCW Hale »

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #70 on: March 05, 2013, 10:22:16 PM »
1st Imperial Expeditionary Force
Primus Et Optimus | The First and the Finest
Commanding Officer: SUPREME EXECUTOR Lucidius Hale

   Long after the Imperial Remnant's landing barges had touched down and began their initial assault on the Rebel Headquarters, the battle was already turning to the favor of the Joint Imperial Forces. Wearing his customized battlesuit, modeled after the famed DarkTrooper designs, Hale was shredding down Rebel infantry left and right while Jana remained close by his side, cutting down the all who stood in their way. It was an incredible sight to see, for the mighty forests of Endor were raging in an inferno of blaster fire and small explosions.

   Remembering their embarassing defeat in the First Battle of Endor at the hands of the Ewoks, the AT-ST pilots were well trained to counter every and all Ewok trap and primitive war machines in a relentless pursuit against the Rebel defenses. The fact that the Imperial Army Troopers wore green plastoid armor as opposed to the white of the stormtrooper's was working in their favor, for the Ewoks had difficulty in pinpointing the Army Troopers until it was too late. This time, the well-equipped and well-trained, and technologically superior force had no difficulties in eliminating both Rebel and Ewok threats.

   Redemption was for the Empire, yet the battle was not without its darker moments. The impression of the Dark Side that Darth Algoz had dispatched againt Jana was beginning to wear her self-control down to the thinnest amounts. Hale had noticed she was beginning to cut down Rebel troopers more viciously than before, whereas previously she was seemingly getting joy out of it instead and letting the Dark Side flow through her seemlessly.

   "Jana, what are you doing?!" prompted Hale.

   Jana had Force lifted a Rebel trooper into the air and sent him flying into the sky out of sight. She also cut down a tall tree with one stroke of her saber and telekinetically controlled its fall so that it would crush multiple Ewoks. One of the surviving Ewoks that had managed to leap away from the tree fall soon met his demise, as Jana used the Force to twist its head - immediately breaking the Ewok's neck and spine.

   "JANA!" yelled Hale, who was now concerned about Jana's display of power on the battlefield.

   Jana clenched her fist and turned to Hale, with a mean look on her face. "What!?" she growled.

   "Focus on the mission... not the kill! We're here to capture Garm Bel Iblis, not slaughter Ewoks!"

   She deactivated her silver-beamed lightsaber and calmed herself. Immediately she felt a peace flow into her - the Light Side - and it was refreshing and soothing. The Light Side was foreign to Jana, but for her it was the only natural thing to seek in order to maintain control and dispel the Dark Side presence that was exuding from the pair of Sith Lords in the system.

   The lead AT-ST opened a comm line with Hale: < My lord, we have sighted General Iblis on a speeder bike, he is headed due west towards the Rebel's secondary command compound. >

   < Very well Scout 1. Proceed to Waypoint Whiskey-Sierra-Romeo and engage all targets. Leviathan will be coordinating bombardment from the atmosphere. >

   < Roger that, Lord Hale. Performing maneuvers now. >

   Although sustaining heavy casualties thus far, the 1st Scout Division was no less disciplined and professional in their pursuit of the enemy. The 1st Regiment had sustained less casualties in their engagement with the Rebel troops, but their fight was about to go in a new direction as the thousands of troops began rushing the Rebel Command Center... soon, General Garm Bel Iblis would be captured, and the war against the Rebel Alliance would come to a close...

1. (6) TIE/A Squads attack ACOC Endor Base for 432 x UCR (7-1)/10 = 260 DMG
2. SUPEXEC Hale attacks ACOC Endor Base for 200 x UCR 10/10 = 200 DMG
3. VNSD Leviathan attacks ACOC Endor Base for 330 x UCR (3-2)/10 = 33 DMG
4. 12 AT-STs attack ACOC Endor Base for 396 x UCR 8/10 = 317 DMG (ACOC DISABLED)
5. 48 AT-STs attack 500 Rebel Troopers for 1584 x UCR 8/5 = 1584 DMG (264 KILLED)
5. 1000 IRATs attack 50 T4-B Titan Tanks for 5000 x UCR 7/6 = 5000 DMG (42 DESTROYED)

39 AT-STs blow up. 294 IRATs die.

<> ISD-I Punisher
Location: A-1 | UCR: 3 | Shields: 800/1760 | Armor: 1647/1760 | Hull: 1320/1320 | Systems: 80/880 (-800 to shields)

>> Imperial Officer: SUPREME EXECUTOR Lucidius Hale
            Location: G-1 | Status: --- | UCR: 10 | Armor: 200/200 | Health: 200/200 | Attack: 200

>> TIE Advanced Squadron TX-01
            Location: G-1 | Status: --- | UCR: 7 | Durability: 432/432

>> TIE Advanced Squadron TX-02
            Location: G-1 | Status: --- | UCR: 7 | Durability: 432/432

>> TIE Advanced Squadron TX-03
            Location: G-1 | Status: --- | UCR: 7 | Durability: 432/432

>> TIE Advanced Squadron TX-04
            Location: G-1 | Status: --- | UCR: 7 | Durability: 432/432

>> TIE Advanced Squadron TX-05
            Location: G-1 | Status: --- | UCR: 7 | Durability: 432/432

>> TIE Advanced Squadron TX-06
            Location: G-1 | Status: --- | UCR: 7 | Durability: 432/432

>> Lambda Shuttle Group LS-G1
            Location: B-2 | Status: --- | UCR: 5 | Shields: 20/20 | Armor: 20/20 | (12/12)

>> Lambda Shuttle Group LS-G2
            Location: B-2 | Status: --- | UCR: 5 | Shields: 20/20 | Armor: 20/20 | (12/12)

>> Lambda Shuttle Group LS-G3
            Location: B-2 | Status: --- | UCR: 5 | Shields: 20/20 | Armor: 20/20 | (12/12)

>> Elite Lambda Shuttle Aletheia
            Location: Hangar | Status: --- | UCR: 16 | Shields: 100/100 | Armor: 100/100

>> Imperial Landing Barge Group LB-01~10
       Location: ATMO-1 | Status: --- | UCR: 2 | Shields: 100/100 | Armor: 100/100

>> Imperial Army Troopers 1st Regiment            
       Location: G-1 | Status: --- | UCR: 6(+1) | HP: 7(+1) | AR: 4(+1) | Units: 706/1000

>> Imperial AT-STs 1st Scout Division
       Location: G-1 | Status: --- | UCR: 7(+1) | HP: 60(+6) | AR: 30(+3) | Units: 21/60

>> Viper Probe Droids VX-PD-01~10
       Location: Hangar | Status: --- | UCR: 10 | HP: 20

<> ESC Harpoon
Commanding Officer: Captain Juan Johannesburg
Location: A-1 | Status: --- | UCR: 4 | Shields: 550/550 | Armor: 550/550 | Hull: 137/137 | Systems: 250/250

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-01
           Location: B-1 | Status: CSP | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-02
           Location: B-1 | Status: CSP | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-03
           Location: B-1 | Status: CSP | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-04
           Location: B-1 | Status: CSP | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-05
           Location: B-1 | Status: CSP | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-06
           Location: B-1 | Status: CSP | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> Lambda Shuttle LS-32 & LS-33
           Location: A-1 | Status: --- | UCR: 5 | Shields: 20/20 | Armor: 20/20

<> VNSD Leviathan
Location: ATMO-1 | Status: --- | UCR: 3 | Shields: 1254/1254 | Armor: 1254/1254 | Hull: 1254/1254 | Systems: 640/640

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-07
            Location: B-1 | Status: CSP | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-08
            Location: B-1 | Status: CSP | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-09
            Location: B-1 | Status: CSP | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-10
           Location: B-1 | Status: CSP | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-11
           Location: B-1 | Status: CSP | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-12
           Location: B-1 | Status: CSP | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-13
           Location: B-1 | Status: CSP | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-14
           Location: B-1 | Status: CSP | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> Lambda Shuttle Group LS-G4
            Location: B-1 | Status: CSP | UCR: 5 | Shields: 20/20 | Armor: 20/20 | (12/12)

>> Lambda Shuttle Group LS-G5
            Location: B-1 | Status: CSP | UCR: 5 | Shields: 20/20 | Armor: 20/20 | (4/12) (8 DESTROYED)

>> Lambda Shuttle Group LS-G6
            Location: B-1 | Status: CSP | UCR: 5 | Shields: 20/20 | Armor: 20/20 | (0/6) DESTROYED

>> Imperial Army Troopers 2nd Regiment
            Location: Hangar | Status: --- | UCR: 6 | HP: 7 | AR: 4 | Units: 500/500

<> IPV-1 Predator 1
Location: B-1 | UCR: 6 | Shields: 165/165 | Armor: 165/165 | Hull: 165/165 | Systems: 75/75 | Weapon Damage: 100

<> IPV-1 Predator 2
Location: B-1 | UCR: 6 | Shields: 165/165 | Armor: 165/165 | Hull: 165/165 | Systems: 75/75 | Weapon Damage: 100

<> IPV-1 Predator 3
Location: B-1 | UCR: 6 | Shields: 165/165 | Armor: 165/165 | Hull: 165/165 | Systems: 75/75 | Weapon Damage: 100

<> IPV-1 Predator 4
Location: B-1 | UCR: 6 | Shields: 165/165 | Armor: 165/165 | Hull: 165/165 | Systems: 75/75 | Weapon Damage: 100

<> IPV-1 Predator 5
Location: B-1 | UCR: 6 | Shields: 165/165 | Armor: 165/165 | Hull: 165/165 | Systems: 75/75 | Weapon Damage: 100

<> IPV-1 Predator 6
Location: B-1 | UCR: 6 | Shields: 165/165 | Armor: 165/165 | Hull: 165/165 | Systems: 75/75 | Weapon Damage: 100

<> IPV-1 Predator 7
Location: B-1 | UCR: 6 | Shields: 165/165 | Armor: 165/165 | Hull: 165/165 | Systems: 75/75 | Weapon Damage: 100
« Last Edit: March 06, 2013, 08:15:30 PM by GCW Hale »

Offline Dementat

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« Reply #71 on: March 05, 2013, 11:42:03 PM »

    With the space battle wrapped up, and ground combat under way, Darth Algoz pulled away from the boards to find his private communications station illuminated. A message had been sent by that woman, Shan Oradin, who he loathed. He tapped the screen and a holo-image of the woman from Brentaal IV materialized. "Darth Algoz, an interesting opportunity has revealed itself. I wish to speak with you privately about the Annihilator. She has nearly completed construction, and has been ordered by the Director to depart for Coruscant when completed. It is important that I speak with you immediately."
    Darth Algoz stepped away from the comm, eyes unfocused as he contemplated the meaning of this. Director Issard was commandeering the ship that he had worked hard to build for himself, and there seemed to be nothing he could do to stop it. Whatever information Shan had, she appeared to be unable to share it over Imperial channels. The Sith smelled a plot. It was imperative that he get the rest of the information. He turned to the captain of Formidable. "Captian, begin deploying our ground troops to the surface. Without my help, the fortifications of Endor would not have fallen. Instruct Darth X to secure this planet for the true Empire, my Empire!"
    Captain Kemp soluted, "It shall be done, my Lord. Any further orders?"
    "Yes," the Sith replied. "Prepare us for hyperspace. We must reach Brentaal IV very soon."
    "Yes, my Lord."
    The captain signaled a pair of officers, who stepped forward in unison. He gave them the orders to prepare the ground assault, to which they saluted and ran off the bridge. Down in the belly of the beast, thousands of men and machines prepared for the invasion. Unlike years earlier, they were fully prepared to deal with occupying and indigenous forces alike. Under the leadership of Darth X, Darth Algoz was sure they would do more than take out the enemy. They would secure the planet... as a whole. Captain Kemp opened a channel to the Tuk'ata. "Darth X, you are to lead the ground assault on Endor. The units of both task forces will be at your disposal. Our Master has business elsewhere that demands his attention."

Took damage.
Landing barges deploy.
Task Force recalls fighters.
Task Force enters HS with MC80 in tow.

Fleet of the Sith Empire

20/20 Landing Barges
Location: A-3    Action: N/A    HP: 200/200 EACH    UCR: 1
Onboard Troops:
2,000/2,000 Imperial Army Trooper Squads
Action: N/A    HP: 7/7 EACH    UCR: 5  
120/120 Speeder Bikes
Action: N/A    HP: 7/7 EACH    UCR: 5

Imperial Mk-II Star Destroyer Formidable
Location: HS    Heading: Brentaal IV
Shields: 0/1,800    Armor: 1,539/2,160    Hull: 1,760/1,760     Systems: 900/900
Onboard Starfighters:
Elite TIE Interceptor Squadron F-01
HP: 216/360    UCR: 10    
TIE Advanced Squadron F-02
HP: 226/432    UCR: 7  
TIE Avenger Squadron X-02
HP: 300/480    UCR: 8  
TIE Avenger Squadron X-01
HP: 300/480    UCR: 8
TIE Bomber Squadron M-01
HP: 192/192    UCR: 6
TIE Bomber Squadron P-01
HP: 192/192    UCR: 6    
Onboard Auxiliary:
32/36 Gamma Assault Shuttles
Location: Hangar    Action: N/A    HP: 60/60 EACH (1 @ 50/60)    UCR: 4
Elite Lambda Shuttle 1
Location: Hangar    Action: N/A    HP: 200/200    UCR: 10
10/10 Viper Probe Droids
Location: Hangar    Action: N/A    HP: 20/20 EACH    UCR: 1
Onboard Facilities:
1/1 Prefabricated Fleet Depot
Location: Hangar    Action: N/A    HP: 300/300    UCR: 1
Onboard Troops:
Dark Lord of the Sith, Lider Algoz
Action: N/A    Armor: 500/500    Health: 600/600    UCR: 13
Onboard Vehicles:

Victory-II Star Destroyer Ruination
Location: HS    Heading: Alderaan AF
Shields: 1000/1000    Armor: 1200/1200    Hull: 990/990     Systems: 500/500
Onboard Starfighters:
TIE Bomber Squadron R-01
HP: 192/192    UCR: 6    
TIE Bomber Squadron R-02
HP: 192/192    UCR: 6  
TIE Bomber Squadron R-03
HP: 192/192    UCR: 6  
Onboard Auxiliary:
Lambda Shuttles (16/24)
Location: B-2    Action: CSP    HP: 40/40 EACH (1 @ 36/40)    UCR: 5
Onboard Troops:
Onboard GAVs:

Carrack Cruiser Vornskr
Location: HS    Heading: Brentaal IV
Shields: 110/350    Armor: 420/420    Hull: 770/770     Systems: 350/350
Onboard Starfighters:
TIE Advanced Squadron F-05
HP: 432/432    UCR: 7
Onboard Troops:
100/100 Imperial Army Trooper Squads
Location: Barracks    Action: N/A    HP: 7/7 EACH    UCR: 5  

Carrack Cruiser Phobos
Location: HS    Heading: Brentaal IV
Shields: 350/350    Armor: 420/420    Hull: 770/770     Systems: 350/350
Onboard Starfighters:
TIE Advanced Squadron F-04
HP: 432/432    UCR: 7  
Onboard Troops:
100/100 Imperial Army Trooper Squads
Location: Barracks    Action: N/A    HP: 7/7 EACH    UCR: 5

Carrack Cruiser Malady
Location: HS    Heading: Alderaan AF
Shields: 350/350    Armor: 420/420    Hull: 770/770     Systems: 350/350
Onboard Starfighters:
TIE Advanced Squadron F-06
HP: 432/432    UCR: 7
Onboard Troops:
100/100 Imperial Army Trooper Squads
Location: Barracks    Action: N/A    HP: 7/7 EACH    UCR: 5

Carrack Cruiser Paroxysm
Location: HS    Heading: Alderaan AF
Shields: 350/350    Armor: 420/420    Hull: 770/770     Systems: 350/350
Onboard Starfighters:
TIE Advanced Squadron F-03
HP: 226/432    UCR: 7
Onboard Troops:
100/100 Imperial Army Trooper Squads
Location: Barracks    Action: N/A    HP: 7/7 EACH    UCR: 5

IPV-I Imperial Patrol Vessels 1-7
Location: B-3    Heading: A-3    HP: 495/495 EACH (1 @ 489/495)    UCR: 6

« Last Edit: March 05, 2013, 11:44:05 PM by Dementat »
(\/)ighty RE


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« Reply #72 on: March 06, 2013, 02:11:25 AM »
This is where my stuff goes!  I'll make it pretty later.  Nothing exciting happens anyway.

Fleet moves into A-2 and launches barges
All barges from combined forces enter atmosphere
« Last Edit: March 07, 2013, 02:08:24 AM by XCALIBYR »

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #73 on: March 07, 2013, 09:55:58 PM »
GM Notice

Flashpoint will be closed for combat in 26 hours. Make preparations for your final post and any Epilogue SLs for the weekend. Per the Flashpoint guidelines, Endor's fate must be decided by the Imperial forces to either:
A. Use biological weapons to destroy all sentient life on the planet
B. Convert Endor into a slave colony
C. Base Delta Zero

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #74 on: March 08, 2013, 01:51:45 PM »

    With a crowded agenda, the Imperial Star Destroyers Serpentor & Audacity recall most of their support units within range and enter hyperspace.  General Cestiss' ground contingent is left behind on Endor with a modest support contingent of his own. . .

-=General Summary=-
ISDs entered HS for *******, IPV Squadron disbanded
Already deployed Ground Units remain on surface
Some fighters remain, 2 TAvg in G1, 4 BRUISED TInts in ATMOS1
Lambda Group Epsilon remains behind and heads to the surface
ISD Complements slightly shuffled between each other to meet Burden of Command REQs. (All Left Behind Units from ISD Serpentor ONLY)

Admiral Ishfan Szymon (+10% Shield/Armor/Hull/Dmg all ships of fleet)

 Fleet Escort TIE Avg sqd OMICRON; 480DUR, G1 CSP, UCR 9

Imperial Mark I Star Destroyer Serpentor
Shields/Armor/Hull/Systems - 710/1760/1760/800
Location/Activity; HS  UCR; 3

 TIE Avg sqd ALPHA; 480 DUR, G1 CSP, UCR 9
 TIE Int sqd BETA; 168 DUR, Hangar, UCR 10
 TIE Int sqd GAMMA; 123 DUR, ATMOS1 CSP, UCR 10
 TIE Int sqd SIGMA; 123 DUR, ATMOS1 CSP, UCR 10
 TIE Int sqd DELTA; 123 DUR, ATMOS1 CSP, UCR 10
 TIE Int sqd KAPPA; 123 DUR, ATMOS1 CSP, UCR 10
 LAMBDA Grp(36) EPSILON; 40ea DUR, ATMOS1 Landing, UCR 5
 IMP BARGE Grp(5) NU; 200ea DUR, G1 Landed, UCR 1

   IMP ARMY Brigade Anvil (400sqds); 7ea DUR, G1, UCR 6
   IMP STORMTROOPER Battalion Hammer (200sqds); 8ea DUR, G1, UCR 6
   IMP FLEET TROOPER Brigade Defender (400sqds); 6ea DUR, Barracks, UCR 5
   AT-TE SQUAD Dragon (6); 100ea DUR, G1, UCR 6
   AT-ST Company Mantis (20); 60ea DUR, G1, UCR 7
   IMP SPEEDER Company Lancer (28spdrs); 10ea DUR, G1, UCR 10

Imperial Mark I Star Destroyer Audacity
Shields/Armor/Hull/Systems - 1760/1760/1760/800
Location/Activity; HS  UCR; 3

 TIE Avg sqd OMEGA; 480 DUR, Hangar, UCR 9
 TIE Int sqd THETA; 168 DUR, Hangar, UCR 10
 TIE Int sqd ETA; 168 DUR, Hangar, UCR 10
 TIE Int sqd ZETA; 168 DUR, Hangar, UCR 10
 TIE Int sqd IOTA; 240 DUR, Hangar, UCR 10
 TIE Int sqd CHI; 240 DUR, Hangar, UCR 10
 LAMBDA Grp(23) UPSILON; 40ea DUR, Hangar, UCR 5
 IMP BARGE Grp(5) MU; 200ea DUR, Hangar, UCR 1

   IMP FLEET TROOPER Division ? (1000sqds); 6ea DUR, Barracks, UCR 5
   IMP SPEEDER Company ? (60spdrs); 10ea DUR, Armory, UCR 10
SWSF 'til Death