Author Topic: CC: Refuge  (Read 119160 times)

Offline Medivh

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Re: Refuge
« Reply #60 on: January 27, 2013, 11:14:57 PM »

Surface: Valley of the Dark Lords

There was no time to think. There was barely time to breathe. There was only running.

Rutherford had been in the lead, pulling at the arms of his twin children, which caused him to slow enough for Garron and Circe to catch up and move ahead of them.  They moved quickly between columns of stone through the darkness, flashlights clipped to the tops of blasters allowing brief glimmers of light as they moved away from the lit passage.  Though moving faster, the frenzied pace and the fact they felt hunted made the return trip seem much longer.

They could hear footsteps behind them, the rest of the rescue party, but there was something else - a scratching noise, above and to the sides of them, as if nails grasped stone then released in quick succession.  It had barely been noticed at first in the din of the escape, but it was getting louder - and closer.

A shadow, darker than the space around them fell with a hiss in front of them, forcing them to stop briefly.  Garron's light barely registered the face of the creature as a blaster shot rang out.  The hiss became a wailing and then was silent.  Then the running continued.

Several more of the creatures jumped out at them as they made their way to the exit, one managing to slash at Rutherford, who pushed the children back to turn toward it - and find himself gashed across the chest.  He sucked in air in pain, the flashlight showing a fresh trickle of blood through the tear in his clothing.

But he shook his head

"We have to keep going"

And on they went, the vanguard.  They passed the limo that had stolen the children, continuing further toward the exit, hoping their ship was still there to take them away.

Mara didn't need a flashlight - her eyes adjusted to the darkness, and as she ran, she would fire randomly into the darkness - only it wasn't random, a hiss or wail confirming she hit her targets.  The Gellar clan had been ahead of them, and Mara heard a few shots from that direction.  But as long as THEY kept moving forward, she knew she could move forward.  Mara preyed Circe and Garron were good enough shots to take the vanguard as they ran through this perilous maze of darkness.

While holding the blaster in the one hand, she gripped Riley tightly in the other, and she could tell he was getting out of breathe.

"Come on, Riley. I know you can do it.  We have to get out of here"

He didn't speak - but he understood, and he nodded his head, redoubling his efforts to keep up with his inexhaustible aunt.
Mara never looked behind her. Two federation soldiers were within shouting distance, and the jedi were close behind.  She focused on what could leap out at her from the sides or the top - and making sure they kept moving.

The jedi were not just running.  They were practically dancing.  As they moved at great speed forward, they would constantly twirl around, waving a saber and striking down one of the minions that had gotten too close.  But even with their skill, they were falling behind the others, and the scratching sounds made by the creatures overhead had caught up to them.

They knew it as they were being surrounded, focusing their weaponry on destroying what blocked their way, striking the air even as enemies fell from above.

Nevylinn was the youngest of the jedi present - not so young anymore truthfully.  By contrast, Adin Corrin was the oldest of the jedi, and as this fight and flight continued, he found himself at the rear of the rear guard.

Something fell from above, but it wasn't one of the creatures.  In fact, it had with it a crimson glow.  The jedi in front of Corrin fell to the ground, his body split down the middle as the attacker landed on its feet ... her feet.

Corrin paused, raising his weapon, and the other jedi stopped and turned, sensing this was no ordinary attacker.  Nevylinn, a dozen or so paces ahead stopped as well, sensing something entirely different... familiarity.

The attacker turned her head, and Nevylinn's face transformed into surprise, As she recognized it.  A face like hers, but different in subtle ways.  An ever so slight difference in chin.  Color of hair. And eyes.  They had once been the same as hers, but time and the dark side had changed them into something colder, more evil.  Those red lips, the color of blood, and her saber, curled into a smile as the attacker looked at Nevylinn.

"Hello, sister.  Fancy meeting you here"


"Ah, so you remember me!  I'm touched"

Corrin's voice shouted out from behind Adubell

"Nevylinn - get out of here!  Now!  You need to go!"



Nevylinn nodded, glancing at her sister once more before continuing forward on the run, the other jedi also following as the creatures flowed toward them.

Adubell turned to face Corrin, whose blade was pointing toward her.

"What, I can't talk to my own sister?  Does family mean nothing here!"

"You don't care anything about family"

"Of course, spoken like the Master Corrin who pitted friends against each other"

"It was Alexander Winton who pitted friends - and family - against each other"

"Aren't you doing the same now? I noticed one daughter wasn't saved today"

"You didn't leave us a choice"

"There's always a choice, jedi.  And that choice - that was the once chance you had to beat me.  But now, Dahlia saw herself abandoned by her so-called father.  That's something people don't get over, Adin.  You just made Dahlia the greatest enemy of the jedi, and her adopted family."

Corrin's eyes went wide when he realized her plan - and how he had so easily helped her with it

"Yes, good, now too late you realize.  Jedi think so slowly.  But you'll never get the chance to correct THIS mistake.  Sorry, jedi"

A moment later, blades clashed, back and forth, and soon the two were dancing around in combat, shifting amongst the stones, sending rocks and pebbles crashing.

At first, the fight seemed even, the jedi almost having them upper hand.  But as the battle wore on, it was clear that Adubell's youth and Corrin's age were changing the tide against him.  He was starting to sweat, breathing harder, even as she seemed so at ease with her strikes.

"Tired yet, old man?"

He gritted his teeth, blocking another strike.  He knew he had to end this soon, or he would lose, and so he moved to make a more aggressive attack.

Adubell fell back, blocking each strike feebly, until she was pressed against a column of stone.  As she paried another strike, Corrin twisted, and the saber fell out of Adubell's hands.  She lifted her hands up, defensively, but a smirk was on her face as Corrin stepped forward, ready to finish her off.

"You forgot one thing, jedi"
"what's that?"

"I'm a sith.  I don't fight fair"

Corrin felt a sudden presence, turning and blocking as four of the creatures moved to attack him with stones.
Then he felt a jarring, sharp pain, his saber falling from his hands, and he glanced down, seeing a bloody vibro blade poking out of his torso.

"oh, and sith fight with other weapons too"

Adubell twisted the blade,, then yanked it out, watching as Corrin fell to his knees, grasping for something.  She stepped forward, grabbing him by the hair and yanking his head up.

"don't worry. I'll make sure Dahlia is taken care of."

With a final slice, the blade cut across his throat, and the jedi master was no more.

Adubell turned to the nearest of the creatures.

"You can let the rest go.  Kill the jedi if you can, but it doesn't matter anymore"

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
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Offline Medivh

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Re: Refuge
« Reply #61 on: January 31, 2013, 03:44:47 PM »

Surface: Valley of the Dark Lords

Rutherford was gasping hard from the pain as he kept running.  The light ahead was growing, and as they drew closer to the entrance to the cave, it seemed the attackers were diminishing.  Perhaps they didn’t like natural sunlight?

He didn’t have time to process that thought.  The two jedi who had remained behind had a pained expression on their faces, their lightsabers already ignited.

Rutherford passed them without comment, climbing the ship’s ramp and only then releasing his children’s hands, sitting in the galley and leaning back against the cushion, glancing down at the wound and wincing.

“Dane, grab the first aid kit”

Gemma stayed by her father’s side, watching with concern while Dane stepped to the other side of the room, pulling out the kit and running back to their father.

“Alright – let’s see how bad the damage is”

Meanwhile, Garron had run to the cockpit, turning to the pilot

“Get the ship ready for takeoff”
“Is everyone on board?”
“Not yet – but we need to be ready to go”

Circe had waited by the ship’s ramp, filling in the jedi there of what had happened.  They in turn, provided Circe with ill news.

“Master Corrin is dead”

They shook their heads- death of a jedi master was easy enough to detect, but cause of death was another trick altogether.  The ship began to rumble to life as Garron stepped back down the ramp, casually holding the blaster in his hand and gazing at the cave.

“Let’s hope the others make it out”

Circe glanced over at the jedi, about to tell Garron of the news, when more figures came into view – Mara was running with Riley in tow.  A few federation soldiers also appeared, though less than half the number that had first gone in.

Reaching the ramp, Mara motioned to Riley.

“Go to the cockpit – see if you can be helpful there.”

Riley was too exhausted to respond, simply nodding his head and trudging up.  Riley stopped inside only long enough to see Gemma and Dane tending to their father.  Gemma glanced over at Riley.

“he’s going to be alright”
But there was clear worry in her eyes.

Riley offered a reassuring smile, and nodded.

“I’m sure he’ll be fine with you helping him.  I have to head to the cockpit.”

Gemma nodded, turning back to her father as Riley made his way to assist the pilot.  This ship was a lot more complex than the things Aunt Mara had allowed him to pilot in the past, but if he could be of any assistance.

Outside the ship, Mara, Circe, Garron, the two jedi guards and the federation guards watched cautiously for sign of the remaining jedi.

They heard it before they saw it, the swiping of lightsabers.  In the darkness, they could see small specks of light whirling around. And then the jedi, still doing their defensive dance-and-run moves, emerging from the darkness.

“Order the ship to take off”
Those guarding the ship stepped up onto the ramp, a few heading all the way up, while Garron and Mara held onto the hydraulic lifts that supported the very bottom of the ramp.

The jedi drawing closer were tired, and many were wounded with what looked like scratch and bite marks, a few more noticeable bruises, but none, it seemed, were unharmed.

The ship lifted off the ground, hovering about a foot above the rocky floor, the jedi now sprinting forward, jumping onto the ship, and with the help of Mara and Garron, boarding.

Nevylinn was the last to board, stepping onto the ramp and glancing back behind her, her voice a whisper

“he’s gone …”

The cave entrance looked quiet, the enemy apparently not wishing to storm the ship in broad daylight. Mara helped Nevylinn up the ramp, Garron stepping up as the hydraulics lifted it closed.

The entryway was a disheartened mess of jedi, silently mourning the loss of the jedi master.

But their work was not done.  Nevylinn was escorted by Circe to where Rutherford was laying.  The adrenaline of the rescue fading, and the pain of the injury setting in.

Nevylinn smiled at Gemma and Dane, before bending beside Rutherford, and placing her hands on the wound.

“Let me see if I can take care of you”

Garron and Circe stood nearby, watching the Gellar family while Nevylinn worked.

Meanwhile, Mara made her way to the cockpit, to find her nephew sitting beside the pilot, an excited look in his eyes, as if the past ordeal was forgotten.

“He’s letting me help with the steering and lift!”

Mara smiled, a grateful, exhausted smile, and she stepped forward, leaning her head down and kissing Riley on the top of his head.  This experience, what she felt knowing Riley was safe, it was like nothing she had ever experienced before.

As the ship lifted higher and higher, out of the canyon, toward orbit, she felt content.

“What is our destination?”

It was a fair question.  Etti?  Or Chandaar?  Or maybe a different world, away from the press while the children, and Rutherford, and the jedi recovered?

“I think we need to get away from the news.  Set a course for the Wheel”
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Offline Syren

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Re: Refuge
« Reply #62 on: February 02, 2013, 02:51:45 PM »

As the shuttle races toward The Wheel, Nevylinn tends to the injured Rutherford Gellar. The laceration is not mortal but is deep enough to cause concern. She tries not to fall apart after the loss of Master Corrin, burying those emotions beneath the Jedi code to help those in need but the weariness threatens to overtake her.

Circe stays close to the children, cleaning them up as best she can until they reach their destination. Gemma excuses herself and moves toward Nevylinn, placing a small hand gently on her shoulder. The Jedi turns, falling into the calm of Gemma’s ocean blue eyes. She can sense the pain in Nevylinn and moves closer to put her arms around her neck in a warm embrace. Some would consider it strange, a child comforting an adult, but at that moment, it is exactly what Nevylinn needs.

Dane has said nothing since he was brought onboard but does not fight Circe’s nervous pestering. He stares over her shoulder at his sister hugging the Jedi and then at his father slumped back against the wall, shirt open and bandages across the wound. He wants to ask what no one else has bothered mentioning in all the commotion – where’s Dahlia? He thought he caught a glimpse of her during their escape. She was in another cell so close to them the whole time. There were so many of those monsters swarming the caves that getting to Dahlia may have risked them all which means they left her behind.

Garron steps away and pulls out his com-link. The message light is blinking. He had not even heard it ring during the escape and wonder how long ago it was left. He slides open the device and brings it to his ear. The message that plays sends shivers down his entire frame. Janessa’s voice is strained, bordering on frantic. His eyes first move to his sister, fussing over Dane then slowly over to Mara, who moves toward the cockpit to check on Riley. His jaw tightens as he clips the device back to his belt and follows.

Riley is at the controls, seemingly happy as Mara watches on relieved. Sensing him there, she turns.

“A word, Ambassador?”

She nods, stepping back out into the galley.

“Did you need something, Mister Prescott?”

“Something you want to tell me?”

His face is a stoic mask rivaling that of her own.

“I’m not sure what you want me to say.”

He activates his com-link and hands it to her.

“Then I suggest you listen.”


Offline Medivh

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Re: Refuge
« Reply #63 on: February 04, 2013, 03:01:49 PM »

Mara is standing a few feet behind Riley when she senses an approach behind her. ? Turning, she finds herself face to face with Garron Prescott

“A word, Ambassador?”

Mara nods, stepping back out into the galley.

“Did you need something, Mister Prescott?”

“Something you want to tell me?”

Mara assumes he is upset about her choice of destination. ? After all, while it was a place she herself could call home, the Gellars were not likely to receive the warmest welcome. ? She felt for certain that she could convince him of the merits of the decision – keeping away from where Rutherford and the children would be much bigger targets, both of the media and of enemies that might seek to recapture them. ? But as of yet, she wasn’t certain that was what he was asking about.

“I’m not sure what you want me to say.”

Instead of discussing their destination, Garron lifts his com-link, handing it to her.

“Then I suggest you listen.”

Curiously, Mara lifted the com-link so she could hear it clearly.

“Garron, its Janessa. We need to speak immediately. The Federation Ambassador has gone before the Senate to undermine the Corporate Sector and accused them of using the kidnapping as means to stall negotiations. Even more disturbing is that the Senate Speaker now has evidence that makes it appear as though the cruiser used to abduct the children off of D’ian was purchased by your sister.”

Mara held the com-link for several seconds after the short message ended, staring at Garron, and despite her usual ability to keep her facial features hidden, there was a look of disbelief on her face.

“Janessa … Janessa Kain – Republic liason for the Corporate Sector?”

Garron nods, his cold features never looking away from Mara.

“She said the Federation ambassador went before the senate …”

Mara looks away, her free hand grasping the wall. Speaking to herself more than to Garron, she closed her eyes

“Riley and the children saw at least one of them on Korriban … but how many … and the administrator …”

Mara looked back up at Garron, as if finally realizing he was still standing there.

“You ? remember what I said? ? About the look-alikes? ? The enemy must have … must have known that I left with Rutherford. ? And put someone in my place, who looks like me.”

“You didn’t know about this?”

“I’ve been with you for quite a few days now, Mr. Prescott, I think you would have noticed if I disappeared. ? Our enemy – they used the rescue to get us away from Chandaar, and then, in one fell swoop, destroyed what Rutherford and I have been working on for months.”

For a moment, Mara thought back, when Jedi Master Corrin discussed not saving the children at all, and she wondered if maybe he had been right. ? But then she glanced over where Gemma and Dane were by their father, and looked into the cockpit where Riley still sat, happily at the controls. ? No, it was right to save them. ? No question of that. ? But it was unclear what the cost was.

“Ms. Kain’s message leaves out a lot of details. ? When we get to the Wheel, we need to find out what else was done by the Federation in my absence, and the status of this investigation.”

Garron nods

“I’m going to inform Circe and Rutherford”
He was about to step away when Mara grabbed his arm

“No. ? you can’t”

Garron looked at her

“why not?”

“Rutherford is recuperating. ? And your sister …”

“we can trust her. ? The story can’t be true”

“Garron, SOMEONE found out about our rescue trip, and gave that information away. ? I know it wasn’t the children, and I know it wasn’t me. ? My men were never even told where we were going, so they couldn’t have given it away, and I think it’s safe to say it wasn’t the jedi who gave away our secret. ? So either it was Rutherford, or Circe, or you, or someone else in the Gellar office who has been spying on us. ? They’ll find out soon enough – news of this will be widespread – but I’d like to make sure we can find out as much as we can before our enemy learns more about us”

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Offline Medivh

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Re: Refuge
« Reply #64 on: February 19, 2013, 03:03:51 PM »
 The Wheel
There was tension in the air, that was to be sure.  While the children seemed focused on their small world of tasks – Riley at the cockpit, checking readings, Gemma and Dane assisting in the care of their father – the adults had their minds on things far beyond their shuttle.

Mara was standing in the cockpit entrance, looking out at the main galley chamber, looking first at Rutherford, then Circe, then Garron, then to the jedi, who were huddled in the back, mourning their loss.  Nevylinn had assisted in stabilizing Rutherford – for now at least – and had joined her jedi companions in their contemplations.

Garron Prescott was sitting stone faced in the chair, staring down at the floor.  He had agreed, reluctantly, to keep silent on their destination and the accusations against his sister, but he certainly did not approve of it.  Circe Prescott, meanwhile, gave off no indication that she had become the center of a huge scandal.  She was busy checking on the children, and Rutherford, who lay sleeping, eyes closed but moaning as one hand would clutch his wound, the other reaching out for someone or something.  Circe would gently take his hand and lower it, and he would quiet for a few minutes before again reaching out.

A soft chime indicated they were close to their destination, and a few moments later, they felt the deceleration of exiting hyperspace into real space.  Streaks of peaceful light outside gave way to millions of points of stars, far off in the blackness of space.

And much closer by, the massive circular-tubed structure of the Wheel, surrounded by hundreds of ingoing and outgoing craft.  In the distance, a handful of decommissioned craft, including an ancient droid-control-ship, which served as more of a museum nowadays than a ship of war.  After dealings with Phage and Centerpoint, even the exhibits of droids were either melted down or put into storage to appease the outcries of the galaxy.  Now, the history lesson came in the form of holograms.

Mara watched as Garron and Circe looked out the viewport, Garron’s face still stoic, but Circe bearing one of confusion as she turned to Mara.

“The Wheel?  I was under the impression we were headed to Etti, or Dian or Chandaar.  Why are we at the Wheel?”

Mara glanced at Garron, then back to Circe

“There is a firestorm of news coverage about the abduction of the Gellar children, both in the Republic capital and the Corporate Sector.  We may have rescued the children – most of the children – but we still don’t really understand who our enemy is, why the children were taken, or what is the next step to ensure the children are safe.  The Wheel is away from much of that press, and a place I know we can rest and recuperate with relative privacy”

Circe nodded her head briefly, before again asking

“What kind of coverage?”

Mara looked to Garron who nodded back to her.

“Circe – there are accusations that the kidnapping of the children … that it was orchestrated by you”

Circe shook her head, eyes wide in shock.

“Excuse me?  How could I have”

“The cruiser used to abduct the children. It was bought in your name; with your account.”

Circe again shook her head

“it’s not true!  How could I? When?  Who?”

Mara watched her, testing her reaction.  She could not rule out the possibility that Circe was indeed involved in this.  And still, she wasn’t about to waste time listening to the denial.

“There’s more.  Apparently, the accusation was made by me.  Or rather, a look-alike of me, who went before the senate while we were on the rescue mission.  She, that is the look alike, managed to get the Federation permits passed and undermined the Corporate Sector with accusations of using the abduction as a pretense to stall negotiations with the Federation.  The information we were given was minimal, from Janessa Kain, but, I’ve managed to obtain a few additional bits of information.  You, Circe Prescott, are under a formal investigation by the office of the speaker of the senate, are on paid administrative leave, and will be arrested if you set foot on any republic world.  All corporate holdings in the Republic are being temporarily frozen, and negotiations on new contracts are being held up as well.”

Circe placed a hand on the wall to steady herself as she fell to a sitting position on the bench.  Garron was approaching her when she glanced over at him, hurt in her eyes.

“You didn’t tell me.  You knew – and you didn’t tell me”

“I’m sorry, Circe.  It was just until we reached the Wheel”

“It was my suggestion, Ms. Prescott.”

Circe turned from Garron to Mara

“That doesn’t make my brother hiding it from me ok.  And who are you to be making these decisions anyway?”

“Someone had to”

At this point, the jedi were approaching, in hopes of discussing the next step once they landed, but the pilot called Mara into the cockpit, and the conversation grew stagnant, Circe looking at Garron with mistrust and hurt.

Mara for her part, smiled at Riley, as she entered in the passcode for entrance to the executive landing bay at the Wheel.

Just a few minutes later, the ship touched down.

Amir Faram was approaching as Mara descended from the ramp.

“Mara, this is quite unexpected.  I anticipated you would be on Chandaar, furthering the deals you negotiated”

“As I would be – if the deal in play is one I had in fact negotiated”

Faram looked confused, and then even more so as he saw behind Mara, descending from the ramp, Riley, Gemma, Dane, and a gurney carrying the injured Rutherford Gellar.

“Administrator, a lot has happened since I went to Chandaar, and there is not much time before we need to make a decision.  Can we – ALL of us – go somewhere where we can speak in private?”
SWSF: Legacy of the Force
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Offline Medivh

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Re: Refuge
« Reply #65 on: February 28, 2013, 10:09:22 AM »
The Wheel
“You are telling me it wasn’t you: it wasn’t you who finalized the deal with the Republic; it wasn’t you who accused Mr. Gellar and the Corporate Sector of playing politics with children; it wasn’t you who stood before the Republic senate”

“It wasn’t me, administrator”

“It was just someone who looks like you, talks like you, and in every way appears to be you”


Amir Faram glanced over Mara’s shoulder, through the window to the adjacent room where the rest of the rescue party remained.  A medical droid was looking over Rutherford, Circe and Garron were interacting with the children, but not each other, and the jedi were again seeking their own counsel.

“Do they know, Mara?  Do they know about you, what you are?”
“They know enough”
“And what precisely is ENOUGH, Mara.  I am not so keen on corporate-sector representatives, or republic counselors knowing that the chief negotiator of the Trade Federation is, in fact, a droid”
“They know that I am a clone of Valerie Gellar.  And they know there are other such clones”
“They don’t know that you are a machine?”
“They may have guessed, but it hasn’t been asked, and I haven’t told them”
“That could be even worse, if they find out.”
“Administrator …”

He held up a hand to cut her off

“That, right now, is actually the least of my concerns.  You say that there is a look-alike of you out there, also created as part of Alexander Winton’s GURI project?”

“At least one, though from what Riley tells me, there was one on Korriban at the same time that there was one on the Republic Capital.  There is no way of knowing for sure how many look-alikes there are”

“How do I know you are the real thing, and not an imposter?”

Mara might have felt hurt, but of course, it was a logical question, and one she could appreciate.  Jedi Master Corrin had made a similar statement when Mara first met him.  The answer was not all that reassuring.

“You don’t.  And even if you do now, you won’t know if it’s me in the future.  You didn’t know it wasn’t me when the look-alike sought your approval on the new contract with the republic”

“and no one in the entire Republic senate knew it wasn’t you making the accusations against Rutherford Gellar.”

“Exactly.  At the time the look-alike made that accusation, I was with Gellar and the Prescotts, going to save his children and Riley”

“You know that there is now an investigation against Circe Prescott?”

“I do – I have no reason to believe it’s true”

“Except that didn’t come from the imposter.  That came from an investigation by the Office of the Speaker of the Senate.”

“Hacking into a bank account and arranging for a purchase is not the hardest task for a droid.  I could have done it with relative ease”

“True – but they have uncovered some additional information against Ms. Prescott.  Documentation of her activities over the last several months and years- information that could not have been so easily hacked.”

“I thought they already found that she was otherwise clean”

“That was upon first inspection.  But Inspector Pike Erbon found a few inconsistencies which at first seemed like mere anomalies in the data file.  On closer look, they found small amounts of income from unaccounted sources appearing in her official republic account”

“someone was funneling money into her account?”

“Yes.  And that direct-deposit was approved by Circe Prescott, according to bank documents found”

“When did Prescott make that approval?”

“I don’t have all the details – what I’m hearing is a mix of what has been relayed to the media and a few of my internal sources”

Mara nodded, knowing full well what that meant.  She herself had used some of Faram’s internal sources to help negotiate deals in the past

“They say that the direct-deposit was approved almost ten years ago – just a few months after Centerpoint.  This second account has been accumulating for nearly ten years, and records are showing it has developed into quite a sum.  As you know, Republic Counselors are not the richest of folks.  But her account has substantially more than her pay-grade would allow.  Not only was the money put into her account, but it was also invested – not just wisely, but with extreme luck.  Almost every investment that the account made multiplied by 5 or 10 times within a few months of the purchase.  I actually became more involved in the investigation when Inspector Erbon contacted me for stock-market records.  It wasn’t until later, when the story broke, that I understood why he was asking for them.”

“So let me get this straight: Circe Prescott has been secretly accumulating funds since the Battle of Centerpoint?”

“Yes.  That’s what the report says.  She is quite rich.  And because each payment is below the threshold, she was not legally required to disclose them.”

“What is the source of these other funds?”

“A small corporate entity known as Korrb Security has been paying her weekly”

“I’ve never heard of them”

“That’s because they don’t really exist.  They are not registered. Anywhere.  They have no known press agents, representatives, employees. Nothing.”

“So who runs them?”
“Whoever it is, it isn’t sanctioned by the Republic.  Korrb Security apparently has been using Circe Prescott and her high-level clearance to make purchases that would not otherwise be approved.  Under Republic security rules, any ship above a certain size must be vouched for by an individual with Republic clearance.  The vessel that was used to abduct the children fell under that rule.  Korrb Security was not allowed to purchase the ship without that validation.  So instead, they had Celeste Prescott make the purchase, and because she has that republic clearance attached to all purchases, the vessel was bought without any clearance issues.”

Now Mara understood.  Korrb Security would have been unable to make the purchase of the vessel absent additional steps of identification.  Prescott could buy such a ship using her clearance, and sound no alarms.

“What else has Korrb Security used Prescott for?”

“Apparently, a host of different enterprises, including access to key Republic security infrastructure – including at the hotel where you were staying at and where the Gellars were staying at.  Reports are saying that Prescott was acting not only to sabotage the Federation, but Gellar as well.  The detainment order against her has, in the last day or so, become an official arrest warrant.”

This news would not bode well for her companions.  But Mara wondered if Celeste actually did know of anything.  Afterall, how could all that money be in her account for years without her knowing it?

“is anyone else under investigation”

“Her brother, Garron, as you can imagine, as well as Janessa Kain, Republic liason to the corporate sector and Kaytt Corinthos, who is apparently an attorney for Ms. Kain and the Prescotts”

Mara shook her head

“I don’t believe it’s true.  I already know there is deception going on, and it was used against Rutherford Gellar.  This could be part of the same game. Circe Prescott has been loyal …”

“For ten years? Longer?  Whoever started this plan, started it a long time ago.  Prescott has been making money to play her part.  Her so-called loyalty could be an act.  Remember, your rescue was compromised, was it not?”

“It was”

“Then someone in your party revealed that information to … well, whomever it was you were rescuing the children from”

“It doesn’t fit”

“I don’t really care if it does or doesn’t.  That’s their concern.  Mine is how to deal with the problem at hand – your look-alike.  We have someone unauthorized acting as the voice of the Trade Federation, and making politically heavy accusations.  I need to know whether I can trust your look-alike won’t go doing something to harm the Trade Federation”

“It’s all part of the same issue”
“Mara, I appreciate the gravity of the situation.  But right now, I’m housing a Republic counselor who is subject to immediate arrest and have an ambassador who is not really my ambassador. I have to look out for the Federation’s interests first.”

Mara looked away, back through the window at the others who were growing inpatient.  Rutherford was conscious, but groggy, and Garron was speaking with him softly, glancing over at his sister who was furiously ignoring him as she kept her eyes on the monitor hanging near the ceiling.

“I have a solution, Administrator.  One that I think is necessary.  I will go before the senate, indicate that I was mistaken in my accusations against Rutherford Gellar, and resign my post.  No other look alike will be speaking for the Federation again”

“I cannot let you do that”

“Why not?”

“Because there is an ongoing investigation involving Gellar and his close associates.  You cannot say that the accusation was wrong, especially if it turns out to be true”
“it won’t”
“It might.  Instead, I am going to issue a directive, recalling you back to the Wheel, and relinquishing your representative privileges.  People will speculate, of course, but our office will respond with ‘no comment’ or indicating that you completed your task, and future negotiations with the Republic will involve a more permanent representative”

“What if the look-alike says it’s something else?”
“Then she will be contradicting her boss.  That will take away the authorization to speak on the Federation’s behalf, without destroying the deal that we went there to make”
“And what about Gellar and Prescott?”
“I think now it is time that we bring them in and see what we can do”

Mara turned to open the door.  Garron was no longer speaking with Rutherford, and both of them were staring up at the monitor that Celeste had been watching intently.  As Mara stepped into the room, she turned and glanced up at the monitor.

“We are receiving reports from the Office of the Speaker of the Republic Senate indicating that Inspector Pike Erbon was found dead early this morning.  Inspector Erbon had been assigned to look into allegations against Counselor Circe Prescott and her associates, including Janessa Kain.  Erbon’s notes indicated he was suspicious of a relationship between Kain and Prescott’s brother, Garron.  Sources within the office of the Speaker, on condition of anonymity, are saying they believe Ms. Prescott may be involved in Inspector Erbon’s murder”


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Offline Syren

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Re: Refuge
« Reply #66 on: March 03, 2013, 09:24:41 PM »
The Wheel

After the report concludes, all eyes are on Circe Prescott.

She is gasping, heart pounding, as she glances around the room. There is suspicion in the expressions of some, disbelief in others. She shakes her head, arms out, trying to find the right words for how wrong this all is.
“This is insane,” Circe says. “Conspire to murder a Republic official? I would never.”

Rutherford nods, “Of course not. You’ve been here with us the whole time.”

“There are other inconsistencies,” Garron says.

“What? What are you talking about?”

Mara steps further into the room, voice steady as she summarizes what she and the Administrator had discussed just moments before. The accounts, Korb Security, Prescott’s access used to purchase the carrier, the compromised status of their rescue mission – all with one thing in common: Counselor Prescott.

These revelations send shockwaves through the group.
Rutherford’s face falls.

Garron crosses his arms, staring intensely at his sister.

Circe blinks back the burning tears.

“You honestly believe I have been working against you for nearly a decade? Why? To what end? Until recently, I had purposefully kept my distance from the Gellar’s out of the guilt I felt over what happened at Corellia. I’ve had to live with the fact that I left my friends to die there while I went on to survive, to have a life and a career. To tell their story. I cared very deeply for Melanie and to dishonor her memory by conspiring to harm her family is so outlandish it defies words.”

She tucks her hair behind her ears and shakes her head.

“I did not do this. Me, Garron, Janessa, Rutherford. We are being set up.”


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Re: Refuge
« Reply #67 on: March 14, 2013, 02:03:48 PM »
 The Wheel

The report of the murder turned everything on its head.  Circe Prescott was being investigated, and then her investigator ended up dead.

“You honestly believe I have been working against you for nearly a decade? Why? To what end? Until recently, I had purposefully kept my distance from the Gellar’s out of the guilt I felt over what happened at Corellia. I’ve had to live with the fact that I left my friends to die there while I went on to survive, to have a life and a career. To tell their story. I cared very deeply for Melanie and to dishonor her memory by conspiring to harm her family is so outlandish it defies words.”

She tucks her hair behind her ears and shakes her head.

“I did not do this. Me, Garron, Janessa, Rutherford. We are being set up.”
Circe is looking around the room.  Searching for a friend, an ally, someone who believes her.  Garron’s face shows a look of sadness, Rutherford of betrayal.  Mara’s unreadable.

The tension in the room is palpable – no one even seems to notice that the holonet has moved on from the serious business of a gruesome murder to some of the fluff that they always managed to put into their newscasts:

“… The famed socialite defied normal conventions and married her long-time love interest in a private ceremony, surrounded only by their very closest friends.  Nicknamed ‘Syren’, the socialite made headlines several years ago when she was first reported to be dating a Republic Slicer and programmer.  When asked how she ended up with a computer guy, the socialite pointed out that love, like herself, often defied conventions …” ((shout out and congrats,Karen!))

Truth be told, the ‘dream-come-true’ story would not have lightened their spirits any.

It was Mara who finally broke the tension.

“Circe, I think you need to lay low for a while.  And I think you need to do it away from the Gellar family”

Circe turned to face Mara, anger and hurt in her face, but before she could speak, Mara raised a hand.

“Right now, you being around them could hurt them, and could tie them into the investigation.  You cannot help them by staying close.  I’m not going to tell you where I think you should go – perhaps turn yourself in to Republic authorities, perhaps not.  But to stay with this group only endangers them”

“I have spent the last decade serving the Gellar family …”

“And if you truly care for them, you would understand this is what is best”

Circe was unconvinced [COLOR=#E36C09 ]“Do you really think I set this whole charade up?” [/color]

“It doesn’t really matter what I believe.  Right now, your presence around us, around them – it’s poison”

Circe was shaking, herself irrational now, shouting at Mara.

“Me?  I’M poision?  Who started this whole mess, hmm?  It wasn’t Circe Prescott – it was YOU.  YOU, and the one who looks just like you.  The kidnapping was by a Mara Tacofer look alike and the investigation  was prompted by a
Mara Tacofer look alike.  Why aren’t YOU the poisoned one?”

“It’s not Mara Tacofer they are duplicates of.  It’s Valerie Gellar.”

“That symantics doesn’t change anything”

“No, it doesn’t – which is why Mara Tacofer will be recalled back to the Wheel by the Trade Federation administrator.  Neither me – nor any other look alike – will have the authority to speak for the Trade Federation to the Republic again.  That is what I can do for the Gellars.  And leaving is what YOU can do for them”

Circe is breathing hard, still fuming, and she turns to her brother

“Garron, you don’t believe-”

He too cut her off

“It doesn’t matter – the ambassador is right.  You need to go.  I think the best thing would be to make a public statement, and then turn yourself in.  If you are innocent, you’ll be cleared, and all of this will go away.”

“You said if …”

Garron shook his head

“I didn’t mean-“

“Yes, you did.  My own brother doesn’t believe me.  Great.  Fine. Fine!”

She looked around the room, eyes stopping on administrator Faram, who was standing quietly by the doorway.

“You have a ship for me, that I can take back to Chandaar?”

Faram hesitated briefly, his mind contemplating offering a ship to a high profile, wanted individual, but then nodded.

“I have an unmarked transport, leaving with some cargo in a few hours. I believe they have room for a passenger, and won’t ask too many questions”


Circe’s voice dripped with sarcasm as she glanced around the room.  Her gaze stopped not on her brother, or any of the adults, but on the children.  Dane had a curious expression, Riley was paying attention to a circuit panel nearby, but Gemma was looking at her with tears.

That’s when Circe broke, tears flooding, and she ran from the room.

Again, the room was silent, broken only by the background noise of the monitor, still blabbing off about old actors being brought back for roles they are 30 years too old for.

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
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Offline Syren

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Re: Refuge
« Reply #68 on: March 29, 2013, 07:34:57 PM »
The Wheel

The haze, blurred colors and shapes, slowly come into focus. They are in a clearing in what appears to be the early stages of spring. The longer grasses are a deep green hue and glisten with dew. A thick mist hangs in the air, swirling silently in long, uninterrupted strands. Birds chirp in the distance, calling out to one another.

Gemma finds herself standing in a tight circle with Dane, Riley and Dahlia. They face each other but do not speak. As if on cue, they each begin to move backwards, through the grasses, growing older with each step they take, becoming teens then young adults in matter of steps. Through the fog, in the distance, four others appear.

Karen stands behind Dahlia.

Valerie stands behind Dane.

Melanie stands behind Gemma.

Kimber stands behind Riley.

The eight all appear the same age, the similarities between them now so very glaring and obvious. A long, sweeping shadow falls over half the clearing. Karen, Dahlia, Valerie and Dane are consumed by the darkness while Melanie, Gemma, Kimber and Riley remain in the shimmering light.

A voice, distinctly female yet lower and more menacing speaks.

“Winton. Masterton. Patten. Gellar.

The Royal Four of the Force.

Two blessed with the gift.

Two called to serve as Touchstones.

Equal parts of a sacred balance.

The gifted go in search of higher purpose.

One of light. One of dark.”

Karen and Dahlia’s eyes glow crimson, illuminating the knowing yet ominous smiles on Valerie and Dane’s faces. Kimber clings tightly to Riley while Melanie leans close to Gemma’s ear.

“You are armed with knowledge kept from us, a framework within which you can navigate the difficult choices ahead. The past will only repeat itself if you let it.”


Gemma’s eyes flutter open, breath caught in her throat. She sits upright and allows the thick blanket to fall off her shoulders. It is chilly on the station. The small bed is not quite like home but far more comfortable than the slab they were made to rest on when they were being held prisoner. Riley and Dane slumber deeply on two other beds along the far wall, completely crashed out after their ordeal. She can’t blame them. She had drifted off easily too after they were secretly stashed away from the prying eyes of the general public.

No one knows they are here.

They had not been able to contact her mother even though she had requested to do so. Instead, the Jedi Nevylinn had taken her aside to meditate, feeling out her mother’s signature through the Force to let her know they were safe without drawing attention to themselves. She said it would greatly ease her mother’s fears. This made Gemma very happy and she thanked the Jedi. It was Nevylinn who said she needed to thank Gemma. She was still devastated over the loss of Master Corrin but in their escape, on the shuttle, Gemma’s compassion and empathy was a considerable source of comfort.

Later, after they were allowed to shower and change into nondescript jumpsuits, Riley’s aunt Mara had shown them to a room where she instructed them to get some rest while the adults figured out their next move. Gemma missed her home; the sound of Kylie’s voice in the morning waking her up, the soft feel of the white towels after a bath, her friends Alka and Preston, a song she liked to sing when she was alone in her room.

The dream had frightened her but it was different from the others. It left her feeling unsettled, unsure of how she could stop something when she doesn’t know what is happening. The adults won’t tell them what is really going on. They never do. But she knows it’s something bad. She had seen the monsters during the rescue and it sickened her to wonder if they had been there, out in the darkness, the whole time. Even more horrifying was that Dahlia had been left behind. No one had mentioned it and she would feel bad bringing it up when her father is still recovering. She prays her sister is okay and would hold on until they can come back and get her.

Still, the allusions the dream had made were not entirely lost on her.

Gemma and Dahlia shared a deeper, more pronounced connection to the Force than Dane or Riley. At least from what she could tell. Did that mean she would end up good like Melanie and Dahlia bad like Karen? Was Riley bound to her and Dane bound to Dahlia the same way Kimber was to the Melanie and Valerie was to Karen? It makes little sense to her. She doesn’t quite understand what a touchstone is or what goes along with being one. Something about those words sounded familiar to her but she cannot place from where. She finally lies back down on the bed, pulling the blanket up to her chin as she stares out into the bluish glow in the room. She is left with a singular thought as she closes her eyes.

What difficult choices lay ahead?


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Re: Refuge
« Reply #69 on: April 05, 2013, 02:04:52 PM »
The Wheel

With Circe?s departure, the mood for the rescuers and children at the Wheel had grown somber, and quiet.  The children were tucked away ? to as secure a location as Mara could find for them on this, the closest place she had to a home ? while the adults decided what to do next.

?Adults?, meant Mara, Administrator Amir Faram, and Garron Prescott.  Rutherford Gellar, who was still recovering from the rescue (and from the assault against him that he continued to deny), had taken Circe?s apparent betrayal very badly.  That, coupled with his now growing guilt at leaving his daughter behind on Korriban, and his already weakened mental state.  He had started rambling on, talking nonsense, and ultimately sedated. Gellar was now in a drug-induced sleep in the executive medical ward.

There were also the jedi ? the surviving warriors were all young, Adin Corrin had been the only master on the rescue mission and he was gone.  The jedi had for the most part remained to themselves in these days of mourning and recuperating, save for Nevylinn?s interactions with Gemma.

Now, it was one of the jedi who approached the three other adults.

?We have been in contact with the Jedi Council.?

The Wheel seemed so insulated, that it almost came as a shock to the others that the jedi had actually been communicating with their superiors on Chandaar.

Mara nodded her head, anxious to hear some wisdom on their next step.

?Most of us have been ordered to return to Chandaar.  We performed the mission we were sent out to do ? to assist Master Corrin in the rescue of the Gellar children ? and now have to report back, and determine the next course of action?

Garron looked angrily at the jedi
?The mission wasn?t completed ? there is still one child left, and enough casualties nonetheless. Don?t you think so??
The jedi looked uncomfortable (a rarity for jedi) nodding his head
?The Council is aware of the results of the mission, and are deeply distressed at how things turned out?
?But they are calling you back anyways??

?Please, Mr. Prescott, you misunderstand.  The Council has ordered us back to make a full reporting of the events on Korriban.  The mere fact that it was that world that was involved brings concerns of Sith involvement.  The Council believes that this discussion should be held in the privacy of the council chamber, rather than over galactic communication.  Furthermore, The Council has assigned Jedi Nevylinn to remain with the recovered Gellar children, for purposes of protection, and training?

Garron did not like the sound of that at all ?training?  You mean as a jedi?  Don?t you think it would be prudent to get parental consent before doing that?

?At the moment, both of Gemma Masterton-Gellar?s parents are indisposed of. Regardless, it is believed by the council that she must be trained as a jedi?

?No!  I won?t let you go and treat Gemma the way you treated her older sister.  Yes, I know how THAT ended up?

?With all due respect, Mr. Prescott, you are not Gemma?s legal guardian. That decision is not up to you.?

Garron was fuming, already himself angry and hurt by the accusations against his sister (of which he wasn?t certain whether to believe or not), and now he was being excluded by the jedi from protecting the children.

?you mention Gemma. And what about Dane?  Is he not qualified to be a jedi??
?Dane Gellar-Masterton has not shown signs of being able to use the Force. Nor, for that matter, has Riley Tacofer, though Jedi Nevylinn is not charged to his protection?

The jedi, turned abruptly to Mara and Amir Faram who had been watching the exchange quietly.

?In fact, we believe it would be prudent for Riley to be separated from the Gellar family, at least temporarily.  Together, they form a more prominent target.  The Jedi Council believes that you should continue to serve as Riley?s guardian, and should stay away from Chandaar and the entire Corporate Sector.?

?How very thoughtful of you to tell us what to do, jedi, but I?m not exactly clear how what I do with Riley is your decision to make?

The jedi knight sighed

?It was you, Mara Tacofer, that came to the jedi for assistance, who invoked the Persephonea Prophesy, and the talk of the four children.  There are still four children, and their lives are in jeopardy ? as is, at least according to Master Corrin, the fate of the galaxy.  You are not required to obey us, Lady Tacofer, but please heed our advice?

Mara sighed, turning to the administrator, who offered a shrug.
?The Wheel might be the safest place for you and Riley, until whatever you are dealing with is ?dealt with.  Plus, I need you out of sight, in case your doppelganger starts showing up.  Here or anywhere.  She will have left Chandaar, but I don?t believe she will come back to the Wheel.  On the other hand, she is unpredictable.?

The jedi seemed pleased by the affirmation by the Federation administrator.
?Then hopefully it is settled.  Gemma and Dane will be escorted by Jedi Nevylinn, to a remote location.  Riley will remain here with Lady Tacofer, and?

He turned back to Garron Prescott
?I would REQUEST that you remain here to tend to Rutherford Gellar.  Until such time as he is recovered, he should be monitored, both for his safety and those around him?

Garron glared at the jedi, but said nothing, the jedi accepting that as an agreement, turning back to the administrator.

?The jedi will take their own vessel back to Chandaar ? I hope you will be able to arrange for nondescript passage for the Gellar children??

?I will make arrangements.  They can depart within three days?

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Offline Syren

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Re: Refuge
« Reply #70 on: April 11, 2013, 10:28:34 PM »
The Wheel

Mara and Garron return to the stateroom the following morning after the children have showered, changed and eaten breakfast. They, along with the Jedi Nevylinn, attempt to explain how and why they must go their separate ways.

This does not go over well.

Gemma has absently closed the space between her and Riley, clawing lightly at his sleeve as she protests. Riley agrees with her vehemently. Dane, however, regards his sister and Riley as if they were crazy but refuses to leave his ailing father.

Certain specifics are covered, offering only an obscure understanding of the truth in the eyes of the spirited children. Although almost teenagers themselves, they cannot yet grasp the severity of their situation or the sheer implications of just being who they are. Or do they? There are questions lobbed back at the adults. For their own part, Mara and Garron handle the screeching onslaught efficiently but it doesn?t dampen their fire.

?We are stronger together than apart,? Riley chirps boldly. His small fists are clenched, standing in front of Gemma as if someone were going to snatch her away. ?We need to stay together.?

Those words echo from the past. Words that bound friendship, romance and drama to death and destruction. Garron looks at Mara then back at Riley.

?Why would you think that??

?Because my mother told me.?

Mara blinks, focusing very intensely on her nephew. Had he seen Kimber? It is not as strange as it may sound. Mara had also been accosted by flashes of Phage. Karen had been haunted by visions of Alexia. Whispers from beyond the grave. Warnings sent from another place. The things that they all have in common. The place where everything begins to intersect in the present as it did so many years ago.

?So did Melanie. My father did warn you, didn?t he? That Riley was in danger? She told me that as well.?

Garron looks puzzled but Mara rolls with it.

?When did you see them??

?In our dreams,? Riley says.

Gemma nods, ?Dane saw Valerie too. She told him the enemy would have her face.?

?Just like Kimber said we need to stay together.?

?And Melanie told me we could save Riley if I warned him.?

?And if we had rescued Dahlia,? Dane says icily. ?She would probably be able to tell us what Karen told her. She is a Winton, right? She?s not a Gellar or a Masterton. She?s not even really our sister. That?s what nobody wants to say. We left her there because she?s a Winton. Dahlia?s sisters hunted down the others so now we have to split up.?

Conversation in the rooms evaporates.

He hadn?t said much since they were rescued but Dane Gellar?s words are the equivalent of a saber jab through the chest. Dane was far from stupid. He?d read those articles about The Four, poured over the news reports about their parents, listened to his sisters fears, Valerie?s creepy warnings, and Riley?s doting questions. He knows who they are and that the adults are scrambling to prevent a repeat performance. Their predecessors are a tough act to follow.

Mara responds without so much as flinching.

?It goes beyond you. Beyond them. There are concepts and consequences you do not understand which is why Riley will remain on the Wheel with me and you and your sister will go with the Jedi Nevylinn. It is not a request and I will not say it again.?

Dane?s face clouds over with a rage she has seen before in her own features. The features of her genetic template, Phage?s child, Medivh?s dream. As much as she sees his determination, Riley?s compassion and Gemma?s empathy, Mara must honor the promise made to Kimber Patten as she lay dying on a table in the Centerpoint Station.

First and foremost.

Garron takes Gemma?s hand and leads her away from Riley who stands still, staring at his aunt Mara, looking helpless. Defeated. Dane allows his glare to linger on Mara?s face a moment longer before following them silently out of the room. The Jedi Nevylinn nods and disappears. She returns her gaze to Riley.

?It is for the best.?


Offline Syren

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Re: Refuge
« Reply #71 on: April 21, 2013, 12:38:55 PM »

Dane Gellar holes up in one of the passenger cabins of the shuttle without so much as a word. He had been reluctant to leave his father behind but since they seem to be making it a habit of it, why not? The reaction to his outburst had gone over about as he expected save for one thing. Mara?s face. It never changed. Not even for a microsecond. Not even a flinch. She knows exactly who Dahlia is. Dane suspects Garron knew too and while Gemma and Riley had discussed it, they were still on the fence about the whole thing until the adults confirmed it. Now they are being sent away, separated from each other because it is safer. He is dragged further away from the things he misses ? Chin-Bret matches, staring at Alka in class, cracking jokes with Roman, a life of privilege without worry. Based on Gemma?s increasingly specific nightmares and their parent?s drama, he had a feeling the dream wouldn?t last forever.

In another cabin across the narrow corridor, Gemma Masterton leans against the far wall and lays her head on her knees. It?s always cold in space. Even with temperature controls, the room is just a few degrees cooler than anywhere else. She shivers and tries to fight back the tears. She?s cried enough already. Leaving Riley was more difficult than she thought it would be and she doesn?t know why. It?s like, she feels safer with him around. Not that she ever felt unsafe with her parents or Dane. It?s just that Riley, the once nameless boy from her mind, has been with her nearly her entire life. They had lived out many adventures together running away from the monsters. How many of the things they saw were symbols? How many were warnings?

She saw how pained Garron was escorting them to the shuttle. He did not appear to agree with the course of action but never questioned the Jedi Nevylinn as he helped load everything up. They had been smart enough to bring the bags the kids packed for the trip to Chandaar. At least they had these small items to remind them of home. Garron gave them the ?be brave? speech which she could tell he wasn?t exactly sure of himself. Gemma hugged him, told him not to worry and to take care of dad. Dane stormed past both of them like the big jerk he is. She knows the things Dane said about Dahlia really upset Garron and made Riley?s aunt very mad. It is just as she dreamt it.

Winton. Masterton. Patten. Gellar.

They are the new Four.

What that means is unclear but she knows it?s probably not good. Given that the originals all perished in fairly horrible ways, Gemma is not exactly filled with hope. Yet Melanie?s words echo within her, granting her a sense of peace.

The past will only repeat itself if you let it.

She tugs at a long, golden curl. That?s a tall order for just one person. In the end, Melanie was unable to save the others.

Would she?

« Last Edit: April 21, 2013, 12:41:38 PM by Syren »

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Re: Refuge
« Reply #72 on: April 23, 2013, 05:30:18 PM »
The Wheel

Mara and Riley made an effort to get back into a routine.  Or at least Mara tried.  Riley seemed determined to break any routine, his own way of showing his discontent with the new arrangement.  He misbehaved in classes for the Wheel's small student population, he was difficult at meals, and at dinner, and was always trying to contact Gemma Masterton.  Mara was forced to lock the holonet and comm connections in their entire suite.

Then there was Rutherford Gellar, who went in and out of consciousness, stuck in a madness that could not be cured, and so he was left sedated.  As the scandal in the Republic increasingly shifted focus away from Gellar and more toward Circe Prescott, it became increasingly important for Gellar to get healthier - if only he could stand up and in a confident voice, explain ... well, SOMETHING.  But in his current state, he would likely start blaming himself for the kidnapping of his children and for the continued absence of his eldest, adopted daughter.  THAT would not look good for any parties involved.

Mara would check on him, every day or so seeing how his health was.  Garron Prescott, to his credit, stayed by Rutherford's side, playing the role that had been cast for him by others.

It was during those short visits that Mara and Garron would speak - about the past, about the future, about all that was happening to them.

"How long will this go on, ambassador?"

Mara let out a laugh
"Please - call me Mara.  I'm not ambassador anymore.  I was recalled, remember?"
"Yes - but where are the others who look like you?  And better yet, how to Circe get mixed up with them all?  It's not like her?"

"It wasn't, no, but she was affected by what happened at Centerpoint.  Maybe that was when her allegiance changed.  Maybe she's been putting on a facade this whole time"

"Maybe - but even with all of the evidence I've seen, I just cannot believe she would do this. To anyone."

"Nothing is as it seems - nothing is the way it should be.  Even after everything, we have no idea who our enemy is.  We even saw our enemy, looked it in the face, stood in its open maw, and escaped - and still, I fear the threat is still closing in.  We could blame it on a few of my look-alikes, but there was something else.  There is someONE else, who is pulling the strings.  Do you remember, on Korriban?  There was a woman, standing in the darkness, just before we ran.  I've never seen her before, but I know, in my gut, she is the source of our trouble.  And I have spent countless hours trying to find out who she is.  She doesn't exist, anywhere, not on any database". 

Garron lifted his head to look at Mara, trying to offer a suggestion.

"Maybe she's in an imperial database somewhere?  Maybe it's imperials"

Mara shook her head "I've checked the imperial databases. She's not there."
"How can you possibly have access to the imperial databases?"

Mara glanced at him, then averted her eyes.  She had told them she was a clone, but had never revealed that she was, in fact, a machine.

"Let;s just say I'm a computer whiz - years of tapping into computers is part of my Federation credentials.  But she isn't there.  She isn't anywhere.  And until we find out who she is, we won't be able to stop her, or save Dahlia.  Or Circe."

Garron wasn't sure what Mara was talking about, but the idea of saving and redeeming his sister appealed to him.

"Whatever I can do to help, you tell me."

Mara smiled and nodded, taking a last glance at Rutherford's sleeping form before another quick glance at Garron.

"Thank you - when I figure it out, I will"

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
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Offline Medivh

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Re: Refuge
« Reply #73 on: May 21, 2013, 09:48:18 AM »
The Wheel

Close to a month had passed.

Riley remained in a state of rebellion, remarkably resilient for a ten year old.  But then again, he apparently had a connection to Gemma Masterton far deeper than their brief time together would normally generate, and Mara's refusal to let him get in contact left him angry in a way Mara had not seen before.

"Riley, your teacher has contacted me again today.  She said that you were late for class"

Riley stared silently at his plate, fork in hand as he gently shifted food from one side to the other.

"Riley, why were you late for class?"

He shrugged, but again didn't speak

"Riley, look at me"

Riley let out a sigh, finally glancing up at Mara.

"I know this has been hard for you, but believe me, it is for the best.  And no matter how you feel, that does not excuse your behavior."

Riley glared at her, finally breaking his silence.

"I'll do what I want."

"There are consequences that come with your actions"

"Oh?  Like what?  Preventing me from having access to the holonet? You already did that.  I've been grounded without doing anything wrong, so I might as well earn the punishment."

"You can't miss class, Riley.  The teachers and I need to know where you are, and what you are doing.  We need to make sure you are safe"

"You can't keep me safe, Aunt Mara.  I wasn't safe before, and I'm not now. Not here, on the Wheel.  I'd be safer with the Masterton's"

"You are a target when you are with them, Riley.  I cannot allow you to speak with them"

"You can't keep telling me what I can and cannot do.  It's not like your my mother."

Mara was stunned by the statement, and in her silence, Riley stormed out of the room, leaving her to her thoughts.  It was true, Mara was not Riley's mother - in fact, she was only his aunt through a rather tentative relationship.   I am the mechanical clone of your mother's sister

She stared down the hallway Riley had left through then rose, making her way out of the chambers, and down to the medical ward.  She hadn't visited Rutherford's sedated self that day, but there was another reason for her trek.  She wanted comfort, and in the weeks that had passed, it seemed that the only person who could provide her with that was Garron Prescott.  Sitting around Rutherford's bedside, Mara had found someone who matched her sense of duty and loyalty, and care for the young children.

When she arrived in the ward, Garron glanced up, first smiling at her presence, but then showing a look of concern.

"What's wrong?"
Mara found the question shocking in its own right.  She was usually superb at having a neutral face, hiding whatever was going on in her head from the outside world.  Was she truly that distraught?  Or had Garron somehow begun to be able to read even her unreadable features?

She sighed, taking a seat besides Garron, glancing away from him down at Rutherford's sleeping form.

"Riley - he's still acting up"

"Give it time"

"He's had time, but he's only gotten worse.  I think he's trying to use the holonet at school.  That's why he's been missing classes.  And tonight, we got into a fight over it.  Again"

Garron nodded his head.

"It was worse?"

"He yelled at me, said I shouldn't be telling him what to do because I'm not his mother.  And he's right, I'm not"

"Riley's mother isn't alive - he's never met her.  You are the closest thing he has.  You are his protector, his guardian, and his family."

Mara looked up at Garron, eyes meeting his own

"Am I really family?  I'm his 'aunt mara' but that's not true, is it?  Riley's Aunt was Valerie.  I'm just a copy of that.  I'm not even human"

Garron shook his head, lifting a hand and placing it on Mara's cheek.

"You're more than just a copy.  You might be a clone, but you are the same flesh and blood that Valerie was.  You are Riley's family, his blood.  And you most certainly are human"

Mara was about to say something, almost inclined to tell the truth - that she wasn't just a flesh and blood clone, but a machine, created by a machine.

But she didn't have the chance.  For at that moment, Garron leaned forward, and pressed his lips against Mara's.


SWSF: Legacy of the Force
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Offline Medivh

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Re: Refuge
« Reply #74 on: May 28, 2013, 03:46:45 PM »
The Wheel

Fifteen years ago, the Galactic Empire had destroyed the Wheel.  Or rather, one of the factions that called itself the Empire had destroyed it.

Back then, the Trade Federation was in its prime, controlling hundreds of planets, and the Wheel was just a diplomatic and minor trade center.

How the galaxy had changed.  The Wheel was rebuilt, not merely as an outpost, but as the new primary holding of the Trade Federation, while its control of worlds diminished to a scant few.

It became one of the most heavily fortified places in the galaxy, rivaling the capitals of galactic powers.  At the same time, it became the hub of economic activity along the Perlemian Trade route.  Through the rise, fall and rebirth of the Trade Federation, it had remained a constant.

Today, it was surrounded by vessels of trade as well as the hundreds of craft that had once been spread throughout the galaxy protecting Federation holdings.  Ships that rivaled, in size if not firepower, star destroyers - and the hulking mass of an old droid control ship.

It also served as a home and refuge for one highly advanced human replica droid, Mara Tacofer (aka Mara Anna Gellar) and her adopted nephew, Riley Patten (aka Riley Tacofer).  But of late, the nature of Mara's and Riley's relationship with the Wheel had evolved much as the station had over time.

Mara knew the kiss from Garron was different than so many before.  She, as a programmed infiltrator had been involved in seducing others, but this was more than that.  Because unlike with the others, who Mara interacted with merely as an aspect of completing her mission, this left her feeling (a word she still was not entirely comfortable with) confused, elated, scared - emotions from a droid who had learned emotion was reserved for humans.

it would have been easier if she never saw Garron again, if he left, and disappeared from her life, but as Rutherford was still comatose, Garron Prescott stayed on the Wheel, and Mara was forced to encounter him regularly.  She felt shy around him, reserved where a few days ago she had been open.  Suddenly, speaking with him, her words, and his, carried a new weight to them.

Garron, for his part, didn't make it easier.  He spoke more affectionately to her, and tried to get more time with her, in a way Mara found she both craved and loathed.  Suddenly, the idea of having a romantic involvement seemed overly burdensome.  How did humans deal with such conflicting emotions?

To avoid the issue, she stayed away from Rutherford's room for several days, but that left Mara isolated and without her new confidante, and right now, she needed advice on dealing with Riley, who remained stubborn and upset and defiant.

Just yesterday, she caught him trying to hack into the network, and it was possible he had succeeded in sending off a quick burst message to someone (presumably Gemma).  When Mara confronted him, he ran to his room and locked himself in.

Today was a new set of challenges - and Mara had other matters on her plate.  Riley had remained locked in his room, and Mara was headed to meet with Administrator Faram.

"You wished to see me, administrator?"

"Yes - please come in"

Mara made her way into the suite, moving to the chair opposite Faram's desk.

"We have completed the manufacture of the ordered gravity well nets for the Republic.  The last shipment is being sent out even as we speak"

"That is good news, isn't it?"

"It is both good and bad. I am concerned that with this product in the Republic hands, they may revoke the licenses they so graciously offered us to encourage the delivery of them.  They have been known to be a bit fickle about such things"

"I don't think I can go and lobby senators again, administrator.  Right now, the only thing keeping the look-alike from representing the Trade Federation is the fact that you publicly recalled me.  Send me out, and you'd be setting it free to act again"

"That is a risk I am considering will -"

But the administrator's sentence was cut off by a loud rumble.  Both he and Mara rose and moved to the viewport, where they saw a massive fireball dissipating outward.

"What was that"

It was hard to tell from this viewpoint what precisely was hit, but a chime over the intercomm indicated at least an answer to that question.

"Administrator - there has been an explosion at one of the manufacturing platforms"


"Unclear sir, we are ... wait ... sir, we are picking up a number of armed vessels, neutral class.  They appear to be pirates, sir"

"Scramble defense ships to meet them, and deploy several ships to defensive positions around the damaged platform vicinity"

"Yes, Administrator"

Faram turned from looking out the window at Mara who was still staring out.

"I'm afraid we will have to continue our discussion later.  It seems we are being attacked by pirates"

Mara shook her head, still staring out.

"I don't think it's pirates, sir - I think it's someone worse"


She finally turned toward him.

"i think it's imperials - and I think this is only the beginning"

The administrator shook his head

"That doesn't make any sense, Mara.  Why would the imperials attack ..."

The administrator trailed off, glancing down and looking back up at her.

"you think it's because of the gravity wells?"

"They threatened to make you sorry - and they need to prevent the Republic from getting those nets."

"But they must know they cannot disable our production capacity, not permanently.  Even if the platform is destroyed, we would be up and running in just a few months.  Plus, by this point, it's too late anyhow"

"Unless they have decided to target something more than the platforms"

"How could you possibly know this?"

Mara lifted her hand, pointing out the viewport.

"The pirates are not engaging any primary targets, and they aren't leaving either, even as our defense fleet is moving toward them.  They are either behaving stupidly, or"

"Or they are drawing us out"

"Precisely.  Not to mention those pirate vessels match the ones that have been hitting at Republic targets in recent months.  But more than that, they are using an imperial formation. It's designed to look informal, but it has been an effective imperial set up for, oh, the last three decades.  No one else plays pirate like the imperials do."

Faram frowned, pressing down a comm button and calling out.

"Order all defensive forces onto ready alert, and order a protective space patrol around the Wheel"


"Is there a problem soldier?"

"Well sir, some of the vessels have men on leave. We haven't used the entire defensive force in some years .. it might take"

"Get it done as quickly as possible"

Faram turned to Mara "you had better be right about this"

"I hope I'm wrong, sir - if the Empire has decided to target the Wheel with an attack, then we won't be able to repel them.  We have strong defenses, but they are out of date, and haven't been used in a long time.  If the Empire attacks, they could destroy the Wheel"

As if on cue, there was another rumbling sound, from the opposite side of the Wheel.  And this time, sirens went blazing.

"Sir!  Imperial star destroyers have exited hyperspace - they are firing weapons, sir!"

"Scramble all defenses, Now!"

Faram looked furious turning back to Mara.  Five minutes ago, everything had been calm, and now this.  But Mara wasn't looking at him anymore, she was moving to the door.

"Where are you going, Mara?"
"I have to find Riley"


Mara chose to ignore the administrator as she picked up her pace, running down the hall, and out of the executive level, never stopping as she finally reached the small apartment she and Riley called home.

"Riley!  Riley, we have to go?"

There was no response, and Mara moved to his door, pounding on it impatiently.

"Riley, there's no time for this now - we have to go"

Still no response, and Mara, frantically, took a step back and kicked down the door.

The room was empty.  Lying on the bed, a piece of paper that filled Mara with dread.

I'm sorry, Aunt Mara. I had to go


SWSF: Legacy of the Force
May the Force be with you