Author Topic: CC: Refuge  (Read 119164 times)

Offline Syren

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Re: Refuge
« Reply #45 on: November 25, 2012, 08:31:39 PM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital

Surface: Ambaril: Hotel Mermeia

Rutherford glowers at the Jedi Master, outraged that he has strolled so casually back into their lives after departing under such mysterious circumstances all those years ago. Corrin had delivered Celeste and the then-infant Dahlia safely to the Corporate Sector much to Rutherford's relief and eventual benefit. He had served as sort of spiritual guide to a disillusioned Celeste, keeping her calm while helping quell Rutherford's anger toward Winton. For a time, it had brought both of them peace but as the galactic events began to unfold, it was the Jedi who prevented either of them from intervening on the behalf of The Four. It was always one excuse after another, centered around a perceived Jedi notion that no one could stop what was coming. Celeste had been insistent, pleading with him to let her retrieve Melanie from the Core but Corrin had thwarted every effort.

Personally, he had been on the fence about intercepting Valerie in fear the backlash would be severe and produce an undesired result. She had done well for herself despite the ever growing horrors of her association with the others. He may have been uncertain of his role in her life but he did not want her to perish at the hands of that technological monstrosity known as Phage. If he had known that's where her fate was heading, he would have found a way to get her out.

Master Corrin's strict edicts pushed Celeste into Rutherford's arms after which they had two beautiful children. So, he supposes he has that to be thankful for. He also unexpectedly announced his departure shortly after and promised to return. No one saw him again. For the months that followed, Celeste had worried deeply about his fate and grew concerned over how to continue the teachings of the Force to their young children. They believed something happened to Corrin which prevented his return but were left with no choice but to carry on with their new lives in the Corporate Sector.

Rutherford wants nothing more than to strangle those answers out of him right now. However, through his rage, he understands the value of the Jedi in the search for their children which is why he acquiesces.

"As you wish, Jedi. We will help you if you help us deliver our children."


Offline Medivh

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Re: Refuge
« Reply #46 on: November 27, 2012, 06:55:48 PM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital

Surface: Ambaril: Hotel Mermeia

"As you wish, Jedi. We will help you if you help us deliver our children."

Jedi Master Adin Corrin could feel Rutherford's anger. Although to be honest, his seething was probably detectable, even without the Force.  There was hatred, resentment, betrayal in his eyes.  Corrin could appreciate that. Rutherford was human afterall.  But right now, intellect had to win out.

He nodded as he began to speak.

"Our first step is to try and get a sense of where they would have been taken.  Were there any tracking devices that might have followed the children?"

Rutherford nodded his head, voice still strained, but turning his focus back to the matter at hand.

"The limo that they - Dane, Gemma, Dahlia - were taken in.  It had a tracking device, but I have no way of knowing for certain if it is still functional.  The report from the Sector is that they were taken off-world, and the signal from the limo was never particularly strong."

"Nevertheless, that may be a start.  If the signal from the limo was not detected, it may still be enabled, and we may be able to detect it.  The jedi can send out probes to hunt down the signal"

"The galaxy is vast - that could take years before finding anything"

"The jedi have spent much of the last few years focusing on observing -"

Rutherford interrupted "and doing nothing"

Corrin chose to ignore the interruption, continuing "and we have developed highly sensitive probing devices.  Plus, there are vast areas that the children were probably not taken.  We can start our search in the most likely places.  Can you provide the signal to our probes?"

Rutherford sighed, then nodded. "Very well"

"Good - Nevylinn, please take Mr. Gellar to the jedi hangar, and have him assist you in calibrating our probes to seek out the tracking signal from the children's limo"

"Yes, Master Corrin.  If you'll come with me, Mr. Gellar"

Nevylinn offered a warm smile as she led Rutherford out, followed closely behind by Garron and Circe, Rutherford's two trusted associates, and leaving Mara alone with Master Corrin and the other Jedi male.  They all watched the door for several minutes in silence before Mara spoke.

"Do you really think it will work?"
"I have my concerns, of course"
"Such as?"
"The kidnappers are not foolish.  If they chose to keep the limo near the children, it's because they know the limo carries a homing beacon.  In which case, if we find them, it's because they want to be found.  The only question then, is what will we find when we follow?"


Riley, Gemma, and Dane had gotten into a steady routine.  Or as steady as it could be in a small cell with metallic slabs for beds and harsh florescent lighting, looking out onto darkness and occasionally receiving meals that obviously were more nourishing than they tasted.

Riley was grateful for the companionship - especially after days here alone - and he and Gemma were learning more and more about each other.  Dane, meanwhile, was trying to avoid jealousy at being ignored.

THe three of them made up games, imagined what lay in the darkness beyond, tried to figure out where they were and why they were kidnapped.

And they tried interpretting Gemma's dreams.  Recent events had clearly indicated they were not just nightmares.  But if they were prophesies of a kind, what did they foretell? Obviously, Riley was one of them, and their encounter was more fate than chance.  But what else was in store?

Each day, their meals would be brought by the Mara-look-alike, who said little if anything.  She made sure they ate, took away old trays, and made sure they didn't try passing the force-field during her brief stops.  It was one day after she had just left that Gemma was staring out, a determined look on her face.

"If we were jedi, we might be able to break past her"

Riley looked up from his unappetizing meal.

"Jedi? I didn't know they were still around"

"They are - they don't do very much, but my mom says they still do stuff.  She told me once that the jedi were a big part of our family history.  When I was younger, she would try to teach me some of their tricks"

"using the force?"

"Yeah - there was a lot of concentration involved, but, if you focus enough you could do all sorts of things, even move things with your mind or fight better.  I was just thinking how if we could fight like the jedi, the three of us would be strong enough to take her on"

"Don't you need to be connected to the Force in order to access that power? And doesn't it take years and years of training?"

Gemma shrugged.

"Well I don't know how long it takes, or who is able to do it, but the way I see it, we have nothing else to do here anyways, and if we can find a way to get out, then we might as well try it"

Riley frowned, glancing over at Dane who had an equal expression of skepticism, but Gemma just rolled her eyes.

"Fine - you sit around and do nothing.  I'm going to see what I can do"

She moved over to her bed, tucked her legs under her body, closed her eyes, and let her body and mind relax.

Riley watched her for a minute before glancing back out at across the darkness outside.  There had been another ray of blue lightning, far off in the distance, and he took it as a foreboding sign of danger.

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Offline Syren

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Re: Refuge
« Reply #47 on: November 29, 2012, 10:55:20 PM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital

Surface: Ambaril: Jedi Hangar

Rutherford Gellar follows the Jedi Nevylinn without so much as a word. Garron and Circe Prescott trail behind them, concerned that Rutherford may do something rash in his compromised emotional state. They watch his every action closely. Nevylinn brings them to the probes Master Corrin spoke of and she explains what must be done to track the hoverlimo's signal to find the children. Garron contacts Kylie on D'ian for the correct coding which is sent to his datapad. There is also word that Celeste is not doing well but Kylie is checking in on her regularly. The Espos have no new leads but the prevailing theory in the Sector seems to be that the abduction has something to do with the Direx Board and the ongoing negotiations with the Trade Federation. Garron only tells her that they would look into it promptly while avoiding the information they have all recently learned about the Ambassador and her nephew. There is no need to cause additional alarm just yet. He does inform her that the Jedi are now involved and they would be assisting in the search for the children which seems to relieve Kylie considerably, a sentiment he hopes would carry over to Lady Masterton. 

Once the process has been completed, they watch as the Jedi Nevylinn sets them to launch from the hangar. Rutherford clenches his jaw tightly as they vanish through the bay doors one by one, praying they would lead them to his children but at the same time terrified of what they might find.


Offline Syren

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Re: Refuge
« Reply #48 on: December 03, 2012, 09:01:04 PM »

Gemma knows very little of the Force but she does know it requires concentration. So, she focuses right there on the floor of the cell. She clears her mind and reaches out into the dark unknown beyond the field. There is only the silence and the still. Nothing stirs. She sighs, trying not to be frustrated. She knows the Force is strong in her family, that Melanie had been a Jedi. This does not mean she knows how to do much of anything but in light of the fact that they are trapped, it seems logical to try and help themselves. She takes a deep breath and reaches out again.

Earlier, as Dane had slept fitfully on the slab, Gemma told Riley about the dreams involving Melanie and Valerie and the warnings imparted by both. He listened as she explained how Melanie told her to alert Riley and that Valerie had revealed the enemy would bare her face. She told him she had warned her father which means he and the Ambassador would be looking for them and that Dahlia had finally remembered what happened on Chandaar and that she had somehow killed the monster which is why it was never found. She explained the research they had done on the schools computers that led them to The Four and mention of a prophecy that seemed to loom over their lives. Neither of them knows how it is possible for the woman who took them to look like Valerie or the Ambassador or what they could possibly want from them. It is then Gemma confessed her fears that their connections to The Four may make others want to hurt them. Hesitant of the subject matter but too curious to resist, Riley asks her why. She tells him how she believes Dahlia is a Winton and that he is a Patten. Dane is obviously a Gellar and she a Masterton. It seemed to repeat a pattern. The confession is reciprocated as Riley finally levels with a truth that had weighed on him for years. He is the son of Kimber Patten. He tells her that Kimber also appeared to him in a dream and confirmed that Dahlia is a Winton which makes them the new Four. This is a title neither is comfortable with since the originals are dead. Riley remembers that his mother told him they all possessed certain skills in order to help them survive and they would, if they stayed together. That means they had to find Dahlia.

After Dane had woken, he kept mostly to himself, jealous of the growing bond between Riley and his sister. He had never envied Gemma before but this was different. She and Riley seemed to be on a similar wavelength that Dane simply couldn't grasp. He was angry at himself for not being able to stop the woman from taking them away in the limo. He becomes even more furious when there is no way for them to even attempt an escape without risking the safety of the others. The woman brings their food and collects the trays in almost a practiced way, like she was expecting them to run. He had considered it the last time she was at the cell, rushing her and telling the others to go but he knows Gemma better than that. She wouldn't leave him behind even if he told her to. For now, he had to accept their situation although he had little faith in any Force tricks helping them, especially coming from an overly optimistic Gemma. Still, she was going to try and he paces in the cell as she kneels on the floor as he and Riley watch.

Gemma feels further into the darkness beyond on the cell. The darkness takes shape, jagged edges of a wall, a cave or a bunker. Perhaps they were underground or inside a mountain. She feels along the wall but cannot find another path, no alcove or junction to follow. Sighing, she focuses on pulling back, back toward the cell which seems to be the only lit area. Everything else is dark. As she nears the cell, light spills out from behind the field keeping them prisoner, revealing markings on the ground. She concentrates, reaching out to see them clearly. They are not markings. They are carvings. Symbols she has seen before.

Three of them.

Gasping, Gemma opens her eyes.

Riley and Dane are staring quizzically at her.

"Are you alright?"

She nods.

"Well," Dane says. "What did you see?"

Gemma frowns, suddenly very worried.

"We need to find Dahlia and get out of here."


Offline Medivh

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Re: Refuge
« Reply #49 on: December 03, 2012, 09:07:07 PM »
((OOC: Need a better color for Nevylinn - trying different light blues that don't glow so harshly))

Chandaar: Republic Capital

Surface: Ambaril: Jedi Hangar

The probes are remarkably small - about a third the size of a standard A-Wing Starfighter, with similar shape.  The wings expanded from a tip out front, and a two min-boosters allowed for thrust and stability at the back.  The center, instead of a cockpit, carried a round mechanical sphere, the brain of the probe.  The wings, in addition to flight stability, also acted as receivers, much like the dish of antenna.  Once in location, the ships could rotate slowly, to pick up signals from 360 degrees in three dimensions.

One by one, the small flyers lifted off the ground and sped out of the hangar, picking up altitude and disappearing into the sky above.  Nevylinn watched each one depart, the last finally leaving the hangar, before she again turned to Rutherford.

"Don't worry. We'll find them"

Rutherford's eyes flickered over to the young jedi female.  Rutherford didn't recognize her - he barely recognized any of the jedi, so rarely were they seen nowadays - but with her in the jedi garbs, Rutherford couldn't help to be reminded of Melanie.  He had seen Melanie last with Celeste, sometime before she ran off to save the galaxy.  Nevylinn looked to be about the same age Melanie would have been had she survived.  And though Melanie was not Rutherford's daughter, he felt connected to her - through Celeste, and through his own biological children, Gemma and Dane.  Especially Gemma.

"What did you say your name was?"

"I am Nevylinn"

"Did you know Melanie?"

Nevylinn nodded, her facial expression soft as she spoke.

"Melanie and I were in the same jedi class.  We trained together for some time, under Master Corrin and a few others at the jedi academy.  It was a short lived experiment - Corrin took Melanie off for special training.  But our time together was very special to me.  She is one of the first true friends I ever had."

"Melanie died fixing the mistakes we made.  They all did.  Melanie, Kimber, Karen ... Valerie.  The four of them, and countless others."

Nevylinn shook her head, taking a few steps toward Rutherford.

"The children did not die of your doing.  Valerie chose to sacrifice herself to save Corellia.  Kimber died in childbirth, not because of any monster.  Melanie died to protect the people and world she loved.  She sacrificed herself, willingly, to make sure that you were safe - you and Celeste, and Gemma and Dane and Riley and Dahlia."

"ANd look at where we are now!  Melanie died to save children, and they are all gone, taken again"

Rutherford looked to be near tears, his muscles tensed, Garron and Circe drawing closer in hopes of helping him.  But Nevylinn, with calm eyes, reached over and grasped his hand.

"The children will be alright"

Her hand was soft to the touch, and at the point of contact, a soft warmth spread up his arm, relaxing the tension in his muscles.

"I can't lose them again ... I promised I wouldn't lose them again."

"We won't lose them.  They will all be alright.  Trust me"

Still holding his hand, gently but firmly, Nevylinn kept a neutral pose as she spoke in soft words.

Rutherford finally nodded, calming down.

"Thank you."

Nevylinn smiled

"You are a good man, Rutherford Gellar.  Underneath the guilt of the past, the ambition for the future - you are a good man.  The jedi will do everything we can to help you, and your family"

She released his hand, turning to Garron and Circe, who had watched the whole interaction with a mix of trepidation and curiosity.  Rutherford had gone from the brink of a breakdown to a much more subdued, calm state.

"How did you do that?"

Nevylinn shrugged

"My mother was a healer - it was a skill I brought with me when I became a jedi.  No injury can be eliminated entirely, but wounds can be sewed, and pain - even emotional- can be dulled."

She turned back to Rutherford

"Come.  We will need to wait in the Sanctum, to learn if the probes find anything"

And with that, she led the three out of the hangar, and down to the Jedi's home.

« Last Edit: December 03, 2012, 09:15:05 PM by Medivh »
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Offline Syren

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Re: Refuge
« Reply #50 on: December 09, 2012, 02:06:35 PM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital

Surface: Ambaril

With Rutherford considerably calmer, they follow the Jedi back to the Sanctum below the cityscape. Circe considers the things the Jedi said to Rutherford. In the time they spent together, Circe and Melanie had grown close. They had become friends, someone to trust, an ally when most of those Melanie had ever known were dwindling to the single digits. Circe knew how deeply Melanie cared for people and while she hid it well, she knew Melanie feared for the lives of her friends. She had asked Circe to join them on Arbra as a sounding board for the Rebel agents living in uncertainty. There was alarm at the time over the expanding and evil Empire. Even more disturbing was the fact that her closest childhood friend, Karen Winton, was to become the future Empress.

Melanie and Circe had many conversations, which bordered on sessions of their own, about the past life of the Jedi and the friends placed in the galactic balance. Melanie told her about the fame and the glory, the addiction and the prophecy, the separatist faction and the Jedi. She spoke of those final days on Hesperidium shortly after Coruscant had been obliterated when she was arrested by the ISB. Karen, Valerie and Kimber helped her then-boyfriend, Castin, spring her from the precinct and played the perfect distractions as they were able to escape in Karen's Naboo Royal Cruiser to join the Jedi on Yavin IV. There she met a timid and sweet girl called Nevylinn who had been intimidated by Melanie's expensive worldly possessions and self-involved behaviors. These were things she had to give up during training, to learn to let go of the friends she was anchored to through a shared destiny. She said she and Nevylinn became closer during their training under Master Corrin and she had been a great source of comfort to her. Things changed and Corrin pulled her out of the Academy to focus on handling the delicate nature of the prophecy. It was in that time that Melanie came to accept her own fate as she would have to face down Karen if she wished to save Kimber.

Unfortunately, Circe reflects sadly, even that wasn't enough. The one bright spot in Melanie's sacrifice and Kimber's tragic demise is that her child, Riley, was spared by Mara. Now his safety and that of the Gellar children were threatened by an unknown enemy. Rutherford may have made some poor and selfish choices but raising a Winton alongside his own children was a significant gesture. Dahlia's biological father had taken so much from him and she is uncertain if she would have been able to raise her without constantly being reminded of all that had been lost. That shows remarkable fortitude and generosity on his part and that of Celeste and strengthens her resolve to assist the Sector and Federation in finding the children.

A  bleeping sound brings her out of her own head. Rutherford is walking several paces ahead with the Jedi Nevylinn.

Garron glances down at his com.

"It's Janessa."

Circe groans, talking lowly.

"That woman is a walking sexual revolution. I do not know why you even bother."

"She is...useful in her own way."

"I'll bet."

"Your disapproval does not change her position. Janessa is the official liaison between the Republic and the Corporate Sector. She says the Senate is growing concerned with the lack of progress in faction negotiations. It does involve a fair amount of supplies the Republic needs."

"I understand that," Circe says. "But that doesn't mean I have to like or trust her."

"It does, however, mean she must be informed."

"Oh, brother. She loves to gossip."

"Not if she's motivated to do otherwise."

Circe rolls her eyes up.

"You cannot tell her the truth."

Garron keeps his voice down.

"It doesn't have to be the whole truth but I've got to tell her something to thwart suspicion from the Senate. They are already skeptical about a positive outcome of the negotiations. Besides, Kylie informed me that the kidnapping has hit the Sector HoloNet. Luckily Celeste still had the clarity to point the Espos in the wrong direction while the Jedi help us investigate. That doesn't mean the story won't be picked up on Chandaar and broadcast throughout the Republic. We do not want the Senate to begin drawing their own conclusions, especially since no one else knows the Ambassador's nephew is also missing."

"What are you suggesting?"

"To allow Janessa to exert her influence in the local media outlets."

"And what makes you think she'll do that?"

Garron smiles, "She had the photage of Celeste and the children pulled from the Holo."

"Impressive. Why?"

"Because I asked her to."

Circe arches a brow, "Did you now? That seems generous."

"I'm a generous guy."

"I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that but point taken. The Senate is already wary. This kind of information will spark a wave of rumors, even some that might suggest the Federation is involved."

"Not if the Sector is reporting someone on the Direx Board may have taken issue with the negotiations and moved to strike."

"Clever but it still requires damage control."

Garron nods, "That is where Janessa comes in. She will use the information to our advantage, allowing us time to figure out who would have done this and bring the children back. She must delay any scheduled hearings and make assurances, two things she is quite capable of handling."

"Good. Do it. We have others things to worry about."

Circe and Garron follow Rutherford and the Jedi Nevylinn down through the passageways until they come to a large, carved blast door. They had reached the Jedi Sanctum.


Offline Medivh

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Re: Refuge
« Reply #51 on: December 16, 2012, 08:48:47 PM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital

Surface: Ambaril

Newvylinn listens passively to the conversation about  the Republic envoy between the Republic and the Corporate Sector.  Nevylinn preferred to stay out of the politics of everything.  The Corporate Sector hated the Trade Federation, and vice versa, and the Republic, despite its general ideals, had cynics and opportunists at every corner.  The hope, of course was that the organization of them all together would somehow mellow the more negative personalities for a common good.  An experiment long tried and only sometimes successful.  Bickering and dealing was so common now, it was practically the way things were run.
It was ironic that the Republic's greatest flaw was actually solved when Palpatine came to power - there was no more bickering.  There was only his word as law.  Nevylinn shuddered at the thought. Freedom and democracy were worth the price of a little politicking.  She just hoped the galaxy always preferred that democracy over the symplicity of imperialism.

Word had of course reached the jedi of imperial activity.  Rumors abounded about Emperor Schrag and his efforts to consolidate and rebuild the Empire that had been left shattered a decade ago.  Perhaps more troubling were the attacks from the unknown piracy groups, attacks that seemed to bring out the weaknesses of the Republic defensive forces.

And then, of course, on top of it all - and the matter that concerned Nevylinn and the other jedi most at the moment - was the ominous ticking-time-bomb that was the persephonea prophesy.  Nevylinn hated it - or would have, if a Jedi was allowed to hate.  The mere mention of the prophesy seemed to kill the brightest of moods, and it led to a slew of intrigue that targeted the young far more than the old.  As far as Nevylinn was concerned, the prophesy itself was the work of the sith.  And yet still, she, and the jedi, and everyone else involved were forced to play along.

They passed the walls of the subterranean tunnel that led to the jedi sanctum, the heavy blast doors of the entrance opening and allowing them to pass.

The Council was not in session at the moment, but Nevylinn escorted her guests down a narrower corridor to a waiting lounge with a series of computer systems along one corner.  Otherwise, the room had a number of comfortable couches and chairs, and a television, muted, but playing the main holo-news channels.

"The probes will be in position in just a few hours, and with any luck, they will pick up the signal soon after.  I think it would be best to wait here until then.  I'll get some refreshments for everyone.  I have to ask that you don't comm anyone while here."

Nevylinn stepped out of the room, leaving Rutherford, Circe, and Garron to themselves.  She was troubled, for a number of reasons, and had a bad feeling that they were walking into something greater than they knew.

Surface: Ambaril: Hotel Mermeia

Adin Corrin lifted the comm away from his head, nodding over to Mara.

"The probes have been dispatched, and we should hear the first results in just a few hours"
"And you expect we will -because you believe we are meant to find the trace"

Corrin again nodded his head

"I do.  Whatever the enemy has planned, it is a perfect step.  We send a rescue party, the trap is sprung, and you and Rutherford - the negotiators of a major negotiation at the moment- are destroyed.  No, it's too easy"

"So the question then, is what do we do when we find them?"

Corrin let out a sigh, looking away, leaning his arm against the wall as he thought.

"It seems to me our only option is to send a strong enough force to overcome whatever the enemy has planned"
"But we don't know what that could be - as far as we know, there could be an army"

"True. What we need is enough to be able to foresee the enemy's actions.  Sentries, that can warn of a trap"
"Speaking of foreseeing, jedi"

Corrin turned to face Mara now, his face frowned in annoyance.

"No, Mara.  I have no idea what is going to happen.  My powers - as well as that of the council - they cannot see the future ahead.  It is what worries us the most."

"This wouldn't be the first time the jedi were tricked"

"And not the last either.  We can only hope that we are able to outsmart the enemy"
"They have the upper hand.  They have planned not only their moves, but ours as well"

"Yes.  So we have to do what they won't expect"  Corrin came to the realization of what was necessary, that the original plan was the wrong way to go.  It seemed clear to him now the exact opposite was the only way to trick the tricksters.

Mara, for her part, looked annoyed at the answer, not yet realizing the implications that had reached Corrin.

"This conversation is going in circles.  What exactly is it that they expect?"

"They expect us to rescue the children ..."

That was when it dawned on Mara.  The enemy would never expect them to just leave the four children to their fate. Was Corrin really saying that was the course of action to take?  It seemed preposterous!

She felt herself growing hot, with dread, with anger.  The jedi thought in abstract, they didn't care about individuals.  Mara did.  She had promised Kimber she would look after Riley, she had raised the boy, protected him.  She wasn't going to abandon him for some jedi farce.  Her face grew hard, her voice rising.

"NOT rescuing them is NOT an option, jedi!"

There was a moment of silence as Corrin looked at Mara, startled by the outburst.  Mara's eyes were cold - but angry.

"Mara ..."
"I will not leave Riley for some part of the jedi game"

"I would never have thought a droid would care so much for a human"

Mara was debating ending the jedi right now

"I'm human enough, jedi.  Riley is my nephew - whether it's blood or not, he is my family, and he is my ward, and I love him.  Children are not going to be pawns in this game. Are we clear?"

Corrin looked at her, the anger, the sheer will.  And nodded

"We are clear"

There was a knock at the door, and a Federation aide appeared.

"Ambassador Tacofer, I have the Speaker of the Senate here to see you.  He says he has a question about certain technologies the Trade Federation has to offer"

Mara flashed a final look at Corrin before stepping out of the room, Corrin watching with a grim silence.


Gemma's visions had the ominous nature of telling just enough to cause them to have more questions than answers.  What were the symbols she saw?  Why did it matter who they were, or who their families were?  What did their captors have in mind for them?

So many questions, too many left unanswered.  They had no idea how long they had been gone, but the sense of foreboding, that evil lay in the darkness beyond their cell, kept growing.

They each felt it, in different ways to be sure, but they all knew that the evil would strike soon.

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
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Offline Syren

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Re: Refuge
« Reply #52 on: December 20, 2012, 11:40:41 PM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital

Sub-Surface: Ambaril: Jedi Sanctum

Rutherford, Circe and Garron make themselves comfortable on the couches in the surprisingly posh sanctum. While minimally decorated, it was rather comfortable. Rutherford leans back, allowing himself to relax for a mere moment. He feels considerably calmer and there is something about the Jedi Nevylinn that he suspects has a great deal to do with it. He is mistrustful of the Jedi's motives but she seems different than Corrin, kinder perhaps. Corrin is all cryptic hard edges and always has been but given the circumstances, he is not in a position to pass judgment.

Circe glances upward and freezes, clutching at Garron's arm.

A local reporter leads with the story about the missing Gellar-Masterton children and alludes to possible motive and opportunity from the Direx Board in response to ongoing negotiations between Sector and Federation. No pictures accompany the story and it vanishes into persisting pirate attacks at the Republic borders.

Garron smiles, "Good girl."

"What do you mean?" Rutherford says, frowning.

"Janessa got to her sources. Shorter piece, no pictures, fewer questions."

"Perhaps," Circe says. "But that will direct attention to Gellar and Tacofer."

"She's got that handled as well, stalling with the Senate."

"Wait," Rutherford says, holding up a hand. "You brought Janessa Kane into this?"

Garron nods.

"She's a necessary accessory, Lord Gellar. I did not divulge the truth in its entirety but simply gave her enough information to work with the direction Lady Masterton has sent the Sector Espos. Controlling how the story unfolds will keep things from spiraling out of our control."

"It may be a bit late for that," Rutherford sighs.

Circe sits beside him, "The Jedi seem confident they will find them."

"Yes, with the signal from the limo."

"You sound reluctant."

"Most would have long since disabled the capability for tracking them. If the probes do pick up that signal, it means their captors want to be found."

Garron crosses his arms, "Why would they want that?"

"The children may just be the bait for the real targets."

"Which are?"

"Me, Mara, Celeste, perhaps even you Circe. I cannot help but feel this is some sort of pattern, that the past is not at rest and never will be."

"The prophecy," Circe whispers. "You don't think...?"

Rutherford glances between them.

"I don't think. I know. The children are direct descendants of The Four and there are those of us still out there that also played a role in things. Carlson's story mentioned that Melanie and the Republic agents with her concluded that loose ends were being tied up. That Imperial doctor, the Corellian reporter, Melanie Masterton; they all stood in the way of Kimber Patten and her unborn child and were systematically eliminated."

"They were all killed, Lord Gellar. Most of them died on Centerpoint."

"Leaving survivors scattered on the sidelines. The ones who escaped all that happened, those that went unpunished for their crimes."

Circe gasps.

"Crimes? We were just as much victims as the others and we have all been punished in our own ways. We all lost people close to us, people we cared dearly for."

"Loss may just be the beginning."

"What do you mean?" Garron asks.

"Mara killed Alexander Winton. I am raising his daughter. Celeste is Melanie's mother. Circe escaped to tell the story. Anyone still loyal to Winton or with any belief in that damned prophecy would perceive us as targets. Loose ends. It is just as Celeste feared and I should have listened to her."

"You couldn't know how things would play out," Circe says. "No one knew you would cross paths with Mara or that Riley is Kimber's son. Children grow up and make their own choices. No one can protect them from everything and no one blames you for what happened to them. This isn't your fault."

"Isn't it?" Rutherford says, voice faltering. "I have made so many poor choices in the name of business. Dahlia, Gemma and Dane were finally something I did right. They are great kids but I cannot deny who they are or the things that are forever part of their history's. If whoever took them wants to lure us by our sheer desperation for their safety then it's a fair bet we will be walking to our deaths."

This last statement settles over them.

Rutherford raises his eyes.

"My life for theirs. I owe them that. But I cannot let you both follow me to the grave, if that is what is meant to be."

"I will not abandon you, Lord Gellar."

"Neither will I and I doubt the Ambassador or the Jedi will let you go either. We are in this together. We will get them back."

The sentiment touches him but he cannot shake the unease that has nestled itself in his mind. The forces through which the destiny's of The Four were brought to pass were seemingly insurmountable. Once it got rolling, there was no stopping it. He fears that the same will be true for the children, that everything will be so far out of their control it will threaten to overwhelm them all. The past cannot be changed. The future, however, is still undecided. He smiles in spite of himself.

"We will."

« Last Edit: December 21, 2012, 01:45:09 PM by Syren »

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Re: Refuge
« Reply #53 on: January 02, 2013, 02:52:55 PM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital

Surface: Ambaril

Hours and days had passed with no hint of anything, no sign of the missing hover limo and more importantly, the cargo it carried.  For many in the Republic Capital, little had changed.  The word of the disappearing children was sad, but it affected their individual lives so very little.  After all, rumor was it was part of corporate sector politics and little else.  People in and out of the Senate seemed to only focus on whether the kidnapping would affect the deal being made by the Corporate Sector Authority and the Trade Federation.

But for a few in the Republic, the kidnapping was more personal, and of far greater consequence.  Mara.  Rutherford. Circe and Garron. the jedi.  For them, everything hinged on finding the children.  And so, the days of silence went by slowly, tensely.

Mara tried keeping up appearances.  So far, her own nephew, Riley, had been kept out of the limelight, and his disappearance hadn't been noticed (Mara decided that was a good thing).  There were several huge deals being considered, both with the Republic and with the Empire, and Mara had to weed through the thorny issue of playing two enemies, even if they weren't fighting each other at the moment.  Bringing back old technology was no easy task either - the deal would have to be almost finalized before the Trade Federation would shift their resources to that endeavor.  But when alone, when no one else was looking, she could care less about the Trade Federation and is monetary goals.  She didn't care if the Corporate Sector monopolized everything.

Riley was missing.  And she had to find him, and bring him back to safety.  Take him far away from where anyone could hurt him.  That was her task, her responsibility.  And more, her nephew was the closest thing she had to a child of her own.  She would not rest until he was found.


Rutherford and his aides were spending their time in the safety and comfort of the jedi sanctum.  It had been decided that unlike Mara, he was more vulnerable to the public eye, especially since everyone knew that all three of his children were missing.  So while the press swarmed his hotel, he remained in the solemn sanctuary of the jedi.  Still, there was little solace.  His defiance had lasted for the first few hours, then began to be chipped away with the silence, despair slowly starting to set in.  It was the work of some sith demon to be sure - the children he bore, the children he raised, all made to suffer.  He blamed himself, feeling crushed by his guilt.  Circe and Garron did what they could to keep his spirits up, but it was only the jedi Nevylinn, with her healing touch, that seemed to ease his suffering.

The jedi did not spend her time with them.  She would visit every so often, offering food and words of comfort, before going off to her tasks, including redirecting and monitoring the probes.  With each visit, she would take Rutherford's hands in her own, or hold his face in her grasp, and he would again be whole, his spirits raised, his determination strong.  And when she left, that strength would linger for a short time before again fading into despair.  Nevylinn's own expression seemed to grow more concerned with each visit to Rutherford, noting how her power to heal his emotional wounds seemed to have a shorter and shorter shelf life, while Rutherford himself seemed almost desperate for her healing touch.  It was after one visit, when she began to move away, that Rutherford grasped her hand.

"Please -don't go"

Nevylinn looked at the desperation in his eyes, her own reflecting fear and concern.

"I will return soon, Rutherford.  Please, eat something, retain your strength"

Rutherford looked almost shaken by his behavior, nodding as he released his grip on her.  Nevylinn watched him for a moment before motioning for Garron and Circe to follow him into the hall.

"I am afraid that Mr. Gellar's suffering is something more than an emotional reaction to the current circumstances.  Something is making him weaker, making him despair.  I fear it is the work of the Sith.  And a powerful sith at that - to not only cause such reaction, but to counter the jedi arts, to have sway even in this home of the jedi.  I admit, I am not the most powerful jedi, but I fear that Mr. Gellar's condition will only worsen, unless we find a way to defeat the power that is molesting him.  What's more, it may not be safe for him to leave the jedi sanctum, and certainly it may be an issue whether he can participate in the rescue mission whenever it happens."

Garron and Circe both offered grim expression in response to the news.  Had they not seen Rutherford's suffering, the thought of him being attacked by some sort of sith curse would have seen incredulous.  But having seen his suffering, his weakening health, Nevylinn's words seemed to ring true.  Both of them were conflicted.  Rutherford would not sit back and let others rescue his children while he was forced to remain back as an invalid.

"There must be some other option.  He won't stay when we go.  If we ever find them"

"We will find them.  I know it, in my heart."

Nevylinn looked at their faces and nodded her head.

"I will see if some of the other jedi might be able to help him where I have failed.  But until we do, I don't think he can-"

Nevylinn was interrupted with the door slamming open.

Rutherford stood there, eyes wide but determined, with speckles of dry tears on his face.  He was almost shaking.

"There is a signal - the monitor has picked up the signal.  We found them.  We can save them!"

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
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Offline Syren

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Re: Refuge
« Reply #54 on: January 06, 2013, 07:29:57 PM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital

Surface: Ambaril: Jedi Sanctum

As elated as they are to hear the news, Garron and Circe exchange uneasy glances as Rutherford stands before them. The information relayed by the Jedi Nevylinn was most concerning, How could the Sith have grown so powerful as to adversely affect Rutherford like this? Garron was unfamiliar with these dark ways but Circe remembers all too well the extent of damage the Sith can do. Melanie had shown her how it had destroyed Alexia Winton then infected and turned Karen into unspeakable evil. Much like the Jedi had kept a low profile, it seems the Sith have as well. Perhaps it is time both sides get off the sidelines and into a battle that may only just be escalating.

"We must go," Rutherford says, trembling. "We must go now."

Circe turns to Nevylinn, "I think we should alert Master Corrin and Ambassador Tacofer. They would wish to know about this development."

Nevylinn nods, pulling her comlink from her belt.

Garron moves to Rutherford's side, considering how to best phrase what he has to say.

"Lord Gellar, perhaps you should allow the Jedi to investigate before we get our hopes up. As much as I want the children returned, the signal itself does not necessarily mean they are there. The kidnappers could have abandoned the limo."

"What? Not a chance, Prescott! We will go immediately!"

"Lord Gellar, please. We think you may be compromised."

The many emotions that pass across Rutherford's face are far too numerous to count but the most prevelant of them all is anger.

"I am most certainly not! How dare you speak to me in such a manner?"

Circe interjects softly.

"We mean no disrespect, Lord Gellar but your emotional state may be being controlled."

"Controlled? By whom?"

"The Sith."

"That's preposterous!" Rutherford roars, whirling to face Nevylinn. "Is this true?"

"I am afraid it may be so."

"Well, I would have to disagree. There is nothing controlling me. I am a father who had his children taken from him and my behaviors appropriately reflect that. Wouldn't you agree, Counselor?"

Circe sighs, "Yes, but..."

"But nothing. Tell Corrin we leave now."

With that, he storms from the room, leaving Circe, Garron and Nevylinn staring after him. He is nothing if not determined but this instability could endanger the rescue mission. Garron nods to Circe before following, vowing to keep Rutherford safe even if it's from himself.


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Re: Refuge
« Reply #55 on: January 10, 2013, 11:50:49 AM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital

Surface: Ambaril

Mara is pondering over the negotiations between the Republic, the Empire, and the Trade Federation - anything to get her mind off of the waiting.  Waiting was the worst, especially for someone so prone to act, as she was.  There was a knock at the door, and Mara looked up to find the jedi master Adin Corrin step in.

"We have picked up a trace signal."

Mara jumped up from her seat


"Korriban.  The signal is coming from Korriban"

"are you certain?"

"The signal has already been traced to the Horuset System, and Korriban is the only world in the system."

"It could be a decoy?"

Corrin nodded

"True. It could be.  But I think it is not.  I've told you my theory, and now that the signal goes back to Korriban, I am even more uneasy about this rescue mission.  And Nevylinn has given me a disturbing report of Rutherford Gellar's condition.  There is a concern he might have been compromised"

"Compromised how? By whom?"

"The enemy. The sith.  Whoever is responsible for kidnapping the children and setting this trap"

"I've told you that saving the children is nonnegotiable, Corrin"

"And I have agreed to that.  But we must take all caution.  If Gellar is indeed compromised, than it will make the rescue that much more difficult.  I have assembled a team of six jedi, including myself, to accompany you, Gellar, Circe and Garron.  What of your Federation personnel?"

"I can bring another half dozen security officers."

"Then do so.  And you should be armed as well"

"Of course"

The rescue team met in the jedi hangar a short while later.  Mara had discarded her ambassador robes for a more useful jumpsuit, utility belt around her waist holstering at least two blasters, hair in a tight pony-tail, eyes hard with determination.  It had been some time since she had been the warrior, a life she had hoped to leave behind.  But now, the skills she had, the training programmed into her, it was needed.  To save the children. To save Riley.

Rutherford Gellar was walking forward with Circe and Garron by his side.  He had a look in his eyes as well.  At first glance, it might appear as if it were determination, but there was a glint, a something that told of some other emotion.


The jedi had said he seemed compromised, somehow affected by the sith enemy.  But it could just as well have been a guilty father.  Neither option boded well.

"What are we waiting for?"

He was impatient, almost bully-like.

"We needed to make sure the team was assembled and prepared.  I believe we are all here now"
"Then let's get moving"

A total of sixteen individuals boarded the jedi transport - a modified assault shuttle with a sleeker design - and soon they were on their way.

Once aboard, Mara approached Rutherford.  He was sitting in his seat, gazing out the viewport at the nothingness, eyes misty.

"I heard you were not feeling well"

He turned to face Mara, a sad expression on his face, a complete turn around from the man who had been so demanding in the hangar.

"We could be too late ... it took so long to find them ... what if we are too late?"
"We won't be"

He glanced away

"I try being strong. I've learned it's the only way to move forward, to make progress, get things done.  But I feel crushed on the inside.  Hopeless.  I cannot let happen to my children what happened to Valerie and her friends.  Gemma. Dane.  Dahlia. your nephew.  They have to be alright.  They just have to be.  But I can't help thinking it's too late. We won't get there in time.  That we don't have the strength to free them.  It's all I can think about"

Mara nodded her head, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"It will be alright"

Rutherford turned to face her, eyes tearing.

"Would you do me a favor?  The jedi Nevylinn ... could you have her come by?  She is the only one who has been able to give me any sense of comfort.  I'm sure it will be better. Once the children are ... safe.  But for now, I just need her help. WOuld you do that?"

"I have something that might work better"

Mara pulled out a small syringe.  Rutherford shook his head.

"I don't believe in drugs"
"It will calm your nerves"

"No.  No drugs. Just ... just bring my Nevylinn."

Mara nodded, putting the syringe away in her utility belt, and going to seek out the jedi.

"He is definitely suffering.  It could just be guilt."

"No. It's more than that.  Someone is doing this too him.  It's why I cannot help"

"He asked for you. He won't take a sedative."

Nevylinn sighed, shaking her head

"I wish I could do more.  But I think I'm just making it worse.  My powers ... they aren't meant to work like this."

"Any help you give I'm sure would be useful.  We need him to be in better shape for the rescue"

"If that is what you are waiting for, Ambassador, than I'm afraid you will be disappointed.  He isn't going to be in any useful shape for the rescue."

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Offline Syren

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Re: Refuge
« Reply #56 on: January 13, 2013, 01:04:40 PM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital

Surface: Ambaril

Garron Prescott zips up the front of his black jumpsuit in front of the mirror. He clips the blaster firmly in the holster attached to his belt. The dread threatening to rise up within him is kept carefully at bay. There are more important things at stake here than his feelings. Behind him, Circe appears. She wears a soft grey tunic over a similar black jumpsuit provided by the Republic. She laughs.

"I thought you were a lawyer."

"I'm many things to Lord Gellar."

She smirks.

"Lawyer, valet, confidante, commando. It's nice to know you have a broad skill set."

Garron turns around.

"You don't have to do this, you know. It's not your..."

"My what?" She says, cutting him off. "My responsibility? Maybe not to Lord Gellar but I owe it to Lady Masterton."

"You didn't kill Melanie."

"Maybe not but I didn't save her either. We can save Gemma, Dane and Dahlia. We can reunite them as a family. They deserve that - to be together, to be happy. They have lost enough."

"Agreed," Garron says. "But this will be dangerous, Circe. I want you to think about this carefully. Korriban can be a very dark place. It once held great power with the Sith. You are my only sister and I do not want anything to happen to you."

"That's sweet but you are not talking me out of this."

"You're sure?"

She nods, "Absolutely."


In the Jedi hangar, they fall into step with a practically despondent Rutherford. Onboard the shuttle, as Garron confers with the Jedi and the Federation agents, the Ambassador speaks with Rutherford. She then finds the Jedi Nevylinn and Circe moves toward them both. She smiles, focusing on Mara.


"Rutherford is in bad shape. He refused medication, said he doesn't believe in drugs."

Circe blinks, "But...he's the CEO of a pharmaceutical company. His entire life revolves around drugs."

Nevylinn nods.

"Further proof he's being influenced by an outside force, one I am afraid I cannot fight against."

"So he may very well endanger the mission?"

"You're brother thinks so."

She glances back at Garron then to Mara and Nevylinn.

"We cannot have him interfering with the rescue. If there are hostile's present his instability may endanger the very lives we are there to save. You are certain there is nothing you can do to keep him calm?"

"I have tried my best but these forces are much stronger than I."

Circe swallows hard, taking her seat along with the others.
"Then we'll have to plan accordingly and hope for the best."

The shuttle roars out of the hangar and into the amber skies of Chandaar. Once they have reached orbit, the pilot asks the crew to strap in before the shuttle flares into hyperspace for Korriban.


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Re: Refuge
« Reply #57 on: January 17, 2013, 01:34:33 PM »

The shuttle exited hyperspace far from the planet, and as it came into view, the rescue team stared out the viewport at the ominous world.

The planet was a dry, rocky world, known for its inhospital environment - and being possessed by the past.  The jedi were all quiet, a somber mood falling on the ship as they felt the presence.  The dark side.  It was both massive and dormant, hiding any individual force signature that might be on the planet, and casting a gloom of forboding to the mission.

The ship approached the world slowly, the sphere growing larger in the viewscreen.  They entered the atmosphere through a haze of clouds, finally coming out in the brilliant, harsh sunlight that baked the rocks around them.  The melancholy that had surrounded them was broken by the sound of a beep.

Adin Corrin glanced down and offered a grim smile.

"We have picked up the signal - the beacon is coming from the Valley of the Dark Lords."

Soon, they were descending into the valley, the landscape broken up only by the huge monuments and tombs on either side, statues of the enemies of the jedi.  They passed the ruined remains of the Great Sith Temple, the signal still leading them on further.

The valley descended further down into a wide canyon, all the while guided by the beeping monitor.  Mara glanced behind her and saw that Rutherford, who had been sitting in his own despair and misery, joined the rest of the team in the cockpit.

"Are you alright?"

Rutherford glanced at her, eyes showing a silent determination.  He would not let his fear overcome him.  He would save his children. he nodded his head to Mara, then focused ahead.  Mara watched him for a moment longer before turning her own eyes back to the canyon.  Up ahead, the rocks rejoined at the top, forming a large cavern.

"Large enough for a ship to fly into"

"But is it large enough for a ship to turn and fly out as well?"

Apparently, Mara had said what everyone was thinking.  Korriban was not known for being hospital to visitors, and stories abounded of those who came but never returned.

Corrin agreed with the assessment.

"Turn the shuttle around here, and land at the mouth of the cave."

The pilot nodded, slowing the ship while making a wide turn, close to the rocks, circling and landing onto the craggy ground.

The rescue party made their descent into the hot, dry air of Korriban, relieved only by the shade cast by the massive cliff walls on either side.  The jedi were all armed with lightsabers, and what looked like a few other pieces of small equipment.  Mara was checking to make sure her weapons were secure, and Rutherford was grabbing for himself a heavy blaster rifle.

"Have you ever fired one of those?"
"aim, pull the trigger.  Kill the enemy."

Circe and Garron gave each other looks, but Mara just nodded.

"Basically.  Just watch out for the kickback"

Rutherford seemed more stable now, though of course, no one knew if that would last. His assistants were as much keeping an eye on him as protecting him.

Two jedi stayed behind with the pilot, and everyone was given a commlink.

"Let's go"

The cave seemed to swallow them whole as they disappeared beneath the rock, darkness beginning to envelope them much as that powerful sense of dread that came with being on haunted Korriban.  The light from the mouth moved further and further behind them, and soon, they were in need of artificial light.

Sabers were drawn and activated - a green glow from Master Corrin's, a light blue from Nevylinn's, an ocean, dark bluish-green hue from another jedi.  A yellow and two more greens, their different shades casting odd glows and shadows on them and around them.

The cave remained massive - a flat bottom, walls rounding up to the top.

"A star destroyer could fit inside here"

Mara's eyes had adjusted to the dim light, brain calculating the size of the cave they had entered- - while simultaneously, checking for bio signals.  No, not a star destroyer, but a decent sized ship would be able to fly in here - with a really good pilot.  Behind her, federation guards had pulled their blasters, prepared to fire at the first sign of trouble.  Rutherford was holding the tracker, no longer beeping, but offering a small screen with an arrow pointing in the right direction, and estimated distance.

"We're almost there ... just another hundred meters ahead!"
 Even with a whisper, his voice sounded excited.

The rescue party advanced, cautiously, eyes and bodies circling as they waited for danger to pop out.  Finally ahead, the dark was broken by an even deeper darkness - an object sitting dormant on the ground.

"The hoverlimo"

Rutherford quickened his pace, despite the insistent hisses of Circe, Mara, and Corrin.  But he reached the limo and stopped, staring at its tinted windows, turning his tracker so that its glow was cast inside.

he was breathing hard when the rest of the party reached him a moment later.

"It's empty.  They aren't here - we're too late"

Mara put a hand on his shoulder

"no - they are here.  Somewhere in this cave."

Rutherford turned to her, his face frightening in the dim light.

"Come on - we still have to rescue them"

He nodded his head, and everyone proceeded forward into the darkness.  The cave was not done.  The enemy, and the children were still beyond.


The three children were sleeping when Gemma awoke with a start.
"Dane!  Riley!  Wake up!"

The boys rubbed their eyes and glanced over at Gemma who was sitting up now, alert, and stiff.

'What's wrong, Gemma?"

"Someone's coming"
"It isn't time for the meal yet"
"No!  I mean someone is coming -for us.  They are coming to rescue us.  I can feel it - I dreamed it.  But it's not safe.  Not for them. Not for us.  They are walking into a trap"

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
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Offline Syren

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Re: Refuge
« Reply #58 on: January 17, 2013, 07:35:52 PM »

Surface: Valley of the Dark Lords

Upon finding the limo empty, Rutherford becomes visibly unhinged although he is making a considerable effort to keep it together. Mara's words only seem to deepen the grim expression on his face as they press further into the cave. Garron hovers nearby, blaster out and ready. Circe follows behind the Jedi Nevylinn who trails Master Corrin and Mara. She began to have a terrible feeling once they left the shuttle and it has not left her since. This place is pure evil and the stories she had heard scarcely do it justice. The darkness seems thicker than it would anywhere else but then again, it could just be her perception of the former Sith home world.

From the depths of hell, a terrible groan reverberates all around them followed by a distinct wet hiss. The group pauses, straining their other senses to try and get a feel for where the source of the noise came from. It sounds otherworldly and most certainly unfriendly. Perhaps they had wandered into something's lair.

There is movement to the right, an attack, as three of the Federation agents vanish into the darkness. Muffled cries can be heard, causing the group to band closer together. Something snares Circe's ankle and she screams, falling back. Garron fires twice as the Jedi move into an attack formation, sabers arcing and gliding through the air with careful precision. Then it is still and silent again. They convene over the fallen, shining what little light they have on the bodies. Rutherford emerges from between them, kneeling down for a closer look.

The tattered robes, charred flesh, dead black eyes and uneven rows of sharp fangs bring back flashes from the past. His daughter waking in sheer panic almost like clockwork, nightmares of the nameless boy and the monsters who mercilessly pursued them. She had been asked by a highly recommended sleep disorder therapist to draw the things she saw and Rutherford would never forget what lay on the pages Gemma showed them.

The monsters in her head now lie slain before them all.

Rutherford stands quickly, "They are here."


"The children."

"How can you be sure?"

"Because I know."

Master Corrin and Nevylinn exchange uneasy glances.

Mara grabs his arm before he takes off running, "What are those things, Rutherford?"

He grimaces, as if it is almost too painful to recall.

"They are the monsters from Gemma's mind, the ones who were after her..."

Mara's lips part in horror.

"..and Riley."

He nods.

Garron, familiar with Gemma's nightmares, has to ask.

"You are certain, Lord Gellar?"


Nevylinn takes in this information. Mara had briefed them on the trip over about the prior connection between Gemma Masterton and Riley Tacofer through a series of recurring dreams. It seems the daughter of Masterton had a certain sense of precognition to compliment what she is told is a lovely singing voice. Could she have somehow known this would happen?Would the girl's clues lead them to the children? She is about to speak when Rutherford pulls his arm free of Mara's grasp and disappears into the darkness, calling Gemma's name. Their fears had been realized and the instability of Gellar's condition now manifests in a way that could endanger them all. Garron reacts first, rushing after him with Mara, Circe and the Jedi in pursuit.


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Re: Refuge
« Reply #59 on: January 22, 2013, 08:34:20 PM »

Surface: Valley of the Dark Lords

They are running in the darkness, lit only by the light cast by lightsabers, colored shadows splashing across the ground and the walls of the massive cavern.  Rutherford is calling for his daughter, the others are following, desperate to silence him.  The jedi are certain now - everyone, except maybe Rutherford is certain - they are being watched.

As they speed ahead, Corrin moves alongside Mara.

"You know, don't you"

She nodded, keeping a swift pace.  Circe and Garron are a few meters ahead of them, and Rutherford, a few meters in front of that.  But that was not what the jedi was talking about.  On the periphery of her vision, optic sensors were reading slight movements, heat signatures, ever so slightly higher than the temperature of the cave -which itself was fairly warm.

"We're being watched.  And followed"

"I told you this was a trap"

"And I told you it didn't matter"

Rutherford, Circe, and Garron had disappeared from sight as they rounded a corner, a much narrower neck of the cave than the previous cavern - and much narrower than the chamber they now entered.  Vast in its darkness - except not entirely darkness.  Ahead and to their left, bright harsh florescent lighting was shooting out of a block-shaped cell.   The light allowed a small amount of detail of their surroundings to be more visible - the color of the cave floor was an orange-dusty shade, the ceiling was covered in crags, and stalagmites and stalagtites jutted out from top and bottom, creating a forest of rock.

Excellent for an ambush, Mara thought silently, and it was clear that almost everyone else had the same thought.  Rutherford did not slow as he began approaching the lighted chamber, almost running in a path between dozens of rock formations.

Shouting at him wouldn't help, but Mara and the others followed as cautiously - and as quickly - as they could, keeping eyes in all directions.


Rutherford had reached the cell, smiling at the sight of his daughter and his son.  He had found them.  He raced forward, arms outstretched - and a moment later found himself flat on his back,having run directly into the forcefield which shot him backward.  His hands ached, his whole body sore.


Gemma had been glad to see her father, but shouted as he fell backward.  SHe was also concerned - even with the rescue and the likelihood of danger, it was unlike her father to be so rash.

The fall had allowed the rest of the rescue party to catch up, Mara glancing over at Rutherford, who was being tended by Circe and Nevylinn before making his way toward the cage, looking over at Riley.  She couldn't help but smile, seeing that he was ok.

"Riley ... I missed you"

Riley however, offered Mara not a look of joy, but one of suspicion.  He did not return the happy greeting, and Mara noted the other children also gave her a wary look.

"Riley, I ..."

She didn't understand it - and then it came to her.

"You've seen my face on others, haven't you ..."

They remained skeptical, but Riley nodded.

Mara felt crushed, realizing they could not trust her - not if they were going to be careful.

"It's really me, Riley ... your aunt"

"How do I know that?"

It was a fair question - what could she say that would convince him.  But it wasn't her that gave the answer.  It was Gemma

"It's her, Riley - it's your aunt"

Mara turned to face Gemma, surprised.

"How do you know?"

"You feel ... different ... different from the others."

Mara shook her head.

"How can you feel me - I took the vaccine"

"It's not the force that I feel in you.  It's the life.  The other one - she didn't seem alive.  You do"

That was a revelation for Mara. It had never occurred to Mara that she actually could actually be different from her look-alikes.  After all, none of them were biological beings, so the signature that Gemma felt couldn't be that.  Was she more alive though, than her counterparts?

Mara could not think about that at the moment. Right now, there remained a force field between her and the children.  She simply nodded, and smiled.

"thank you ... but now, it's time to get you out of here.  Stand back"

Gemma, Riley, and Dane all moved to the far corner of the cell as Mara glanced around, finding a small tech box and moving to it.  The device was simple enough - just a switch.  Apparently, it wasn't meant to be difficult for outsiders to open the cell.  With a brief shimmer of light, the forcefield was down.

Rutherford was standing again now, and took a step forward as Gemma and Dane moved to embrace him. Riley was slower, more cautious as he approached Mara, who had a conciliatory frown, but bent down, watching him.

"Riley ..."

"I'm sorry Aunt Mara"

She felt crushed, for just a moment, the feeling that he wouldn't embrace her.  She needed to hold him and feel him, to make sure he was real, that this wasn't one of her strange dreams.  But then he did, breaking down in tears and running to her.  They grasped each other tightly, and Mara whispered into his ear.

"I missed you so much ... I don't ever want to lose you again"

Rutherford was also crying as he held his children.  It took a minute before anyone stated the obvious question.

"Where is Dahlia?"

As if in response to the question, a second light activated, halfway across the chamber.  There she was, Dahlia, in another cell, almost pressed against the opening.  But she was not alone.  Behind her, a woman in black, her features barely visible - but from her fingertips, blue lightning arcing out, hitting Dahlia, who was shaking and tremoring.  Then the heart-wrenching cry that echoed throughout the chamber.

"Daddy!  DADDY!  SAVE ME!"

Rutherford was standing now, taking a few steps forward, ready to go to his adopted daughter. That was when a few more lights went on.  Behind Dahlia's cell, more lights revealed the cave - and not just a handful, but dozens of the dark creatures that haunted their nightmares.  They were watching at first, and then slowly advancing.

Rutherford paused his forward motion, glancing up at them and then back down at Dahlia.  His body began to shake, and he shook his head.

"I can't ... I can't do it ... it's impossible ..."

The jedi took a few steps forward now, weapons raised as the creatures began to snarl at them.

Rutherford stood transfixed, watching his eldest, adopted daughter being tortured, and doing nothing.
And then he turned.

"We have to go ... I have to save them ... before it's too late"

He grabbed Gemma and Dane each in one hand, and began running in the opposite direction, back the way they had come.  Circe and Garron followed close behind, weapons brandished and ready to aid their boss in escaping.

Mara held Riley's arm in one hand, her blaster out in the other, glancing at the creatures crawling the cave, moving into the spikes of rock overhead.  They were not approaching from the ground, but from the top of the cave - in a matter of minutes, they would be able to simply jump down on them.

The trap was sprung.

"Mara - take Riley and go"

It was the jedi master, Adin Corrin, his eyes bright with righteous fury.  The other jedi looked equally poised.

"No time to question, Mara.  Go, NOW!"

"COme on Riley - run with me"

Mara turned and began following after Rutherford, Gemma, Dane, Circe, and Garron, flanked by the remaining federation guards, with the jedi taking the rear guard.

Corrin stared at the woman in the cell with Dahlia, her sneer unmistakable as she let Dahlia collapse to the ground, leaving the cell and motioning with a hand.  That was the signal, no doubt, for the creatures that had been moving slowly began advancing at a much faster pace, landing on the ground in front of them, climbing through the rock formations overhead and on either side.  The jedi turned and began to run, weapons ready for the assault.

A deadly race had begun.
SWSF: Legacy of the Force
May the Force be with you